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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 22 KB, 460x276, QUESTION-TIME-007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2524558 No.2524558 [Reply] [Original]

Questions that don't deserve their own thread.

does anyone have that image the breaks down the colours underneath the skin of the face both simply (forehead=yellow, cheeks/nose=red, chin=blue) and more complexly? i believe the explanation was illustrated on a male bust

>> No.2524903

I want to get into graffiti, not tagging on walls and Shit I mean drawing/spraying inside, I did a bit of it in HS and really enjoyed it what are some good books to learn?

>> No.2525571

the book thread is gone. where can I download Vanderpoel?

>> No.2525593


How do you call this style in general? The one with many lines? Any examples of early inspirations.? Thanks.

>> No.2525595


A lot of that style is inspired by old etchings and engravings. Various pen and ink artists like Franklin Booth have imitated it at various points as well.

>> No.2525596

>scroll down the page
>shitty signup ui eventually takes up the whole screen

fuck pintrest

>> No.2525737

I have 100usd to spend. What should I buy (something art-related)?

>> No.2525859

Art lessons

>> No.2525888
File: 121 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one draw from imagination?

I've been training at drawing from reference or a real model for years now and I'm getting good at it, but if you ask me to draw a girl's face or a fully clothed figure just from imagination I'll do the shittiest drawing ever.

You can say "just imagine boxes in perspective", but how do you design/place the folds of the clothing properly/ keep proportions and perspective correct/everything ?? It's fucking impossible I swear, and getting it correct on the first try is even harder

>> No.2525890

All of those things like folds, perspective and proportions follow some rules which you can learn. It's difficult to get them down all at once, just like it's difficult to know world's history well after a few hours of studying, but if you're dedicated, you can digest it bit by bit and improve slowly but surely. Each little piece of information will make your imaginative drawings look better.

>> No.2525971
File: 86 KB, 826x1169, krenz-cushart-7 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get brushstrokes like this? So simple yet so perfect dammnnnnnn

>> No.2526011


Speking of Jung Gi, anyone know how he manages to create gradients and value with brush pens?

>> No.2526012


Uses finger to smudge quickly after a stroke, check the videos

>> No.2526663

How do I take payments anonymously? I don't really want to associate my smutty stuff with my real name.

>> No.2526669

The brushstrokes themselves aren't fancy or special, they are just skillfully done and economical. Looks like it's painted fairly transparently and carefully built up from larger shapes to smaller ones. He is using texture brushes but also manually hatching in textures.

In addition to >>2526012 he also uses slightly dried out brush pens so there is less ink that comes out and it comes out over the texture of the paper more.

>> No.2526680

Anybody have any hand exercises to stop your hand from cramping? I've lately been feeling a cramp on my hand whenever I draw for a long period of time.

>> No.2526683

1. Use tripod grip.
2. Use your shoulder muscles for everything except fine details. Do the Peter Han exercises to learn this if you don't already know how.
3. Grip as lightly as possible. Use pens/pencils with knurled metal or rubber grips so they won't slip even with light pressure.

>> No.2526735

how do you come to terms with being an absolute mediocre loser

>> No.2526737

I wanna find reprints/reproductions of some famous works. Is ebay the best site or are there hidden gems for cheaper/higher quality stuff?

>> No.2526759

Does anybody draw without dragging their hand on the page? I think you are supposed to drag your hand for stability, but this has some problems:
1. change in friction when you get to the edge of the page messes up the line
2. if you contact with skin, friction is inconsistent and hard to control (also smudging)
3. if you contact with fingernails, hand is painfully contorted (I have short fingers, maybe it's less painful with normal fingers). Additionally it becomes very difficult to do finger drawing for details.

If it's possible to git gud with no hand on paper contact at all, I would like to do that. Is it possible?

>> No.2526762
File: 157 KB, 275x220, 1456741097650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I force myself to draw more?

>> No.2526770

you are only allowed to masturbate for every two hours of drawings

>> No.2526779

When blocking out a flat color under your drawing to work in cells, is there a fast technique in Ps other than painting by hand every border of your drawing?

I can't be friends with selection tools :/

>> No.2526781
File: 59 KB, 564x660, e18bec5d987cf9a9aa958061619e4259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2526786

I'm sure there are books out there, but I don't know what they are. I will say a couple things, though. As far as design goes there's tons of books to look at or just go online. As for application to wall surfaces, it's best to learn from someone who is experienced, much like learning from a tattoo artist how to tattoo. Also, a lot of graffiti nerds will tell you you're a scrub for trying to learn out of a book. Go hang where people usually do graffiti and see if you can cop some tips. It's not super hard to learn the basics, man. I used to do it.

>> No.2526791

How do you take excellent digital pictures of your non-digital art for use in a blog?

I am so fucking bad at this it's pathetic. I see other images and it's like, fucking flawless like a picture in a glossy text book. Mine just look like foggy poop.

>> No.2526792

Use a normal to long focal length lens with even lighting while the art is pressed or pulled against a flat surface.

Do not use flash. Adjust your white balance, chroma, and values with a properly calibrated monitor.

>> No.2526803
File: 114 KB, 368x298, 1410398907676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, that's pretty smart.

I'll try it.

>> No.2526825

What if I don't have the camera equipment ? Is it worth tracking down someone who does ? Can it be done with a iPhone camera ?

>> No.2526834

Iphones have a tiny little shitty sensors and a super wide angle lens that ends up being still a wide-ish angle equivalent. You will get distortion but can probably correct for color.

It really just depends on how much you care.

>> No.2526848
File: 90 KB, 400x400, cansonxl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is a good paper to use with alcohol-based markers? Currently using pic related but I'm worried about it draining all of my ink.

>> No.2526862

My goal is to create a nice blog to show my art off to galleries. Gallery directors often ask if I have a website or blog, so I'm thinking I'll create one. I have the whole blog thing down, I just suck ass at pictures.

So, I care a lot ?

>> No.2526865

Any sites that give good lessons on coloring and values?

>> No.2526877

Is there any way to imply words in a painting? I mean, I know there are mouth shapes you can emulate and all, but I don't feel it's enough.

>> No.2527002


>> No.2527005


>> No.2527056

> Questions that don't deserve their own threads
Where did this shitty meme start? Just call it the "Question thread" and be done with it.

>> No.2527066
File: 206 KB, 658x562, 1461894314872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heading to the army for a year and I know that my painting is gonna degrade no avoiding it but I'd like to at least keep my drawing skills at maintenance, what exercises should I do other than fundamentals and studying whats around me?

>> No.2527096

Composition helped me with drawing from imagination, sycras videos on this especially the first and last lesson are the most instructive but composition helps a lot

>> No.2527107

I need myself a tablet, got 200 cad to spend. what do?

>> No.2527108

Read Art and Fear

Selection tools or the pen tool or do it manually or close the linework and select the inner shape

Pretty sure it's a thread that appears across different boards on 4chan, not just /ic/

Just draw when you can. A year won't ruin you, and if anything you will gain new experiences in the army. Take mental notes of design and whatnot if you want. Kim Jung Gi's army time taught him a lot about drawing guns and military subjects.

>> No.2527150

>Pretty sure it's a thread that appears across different boards on 4chan, not just /ic/
It's only started appearing recently (first spotted it on /fit/) and has been trying to force it's way into /g/ to try and take the place of the /sqt/ (stupid questions thread)

>> No.2527237

Am I right to assume if I just do tons of stuff in the style I'm interested in I'll eventually get better, does practice really make perfect or will I have to do courses at college and stuff like that?

>> No.2527264

learn the fundamentals. get everything looking to a near professional standard and don't think too hard about style, especially in the beginning or it WILL halt your progress.

>will I have to do courses at college

lol no, all the information you need to get good is online. go through the books in the sticky and don't skip a single step until you are 100% comfortable with it no matter how boring it is or you will just damage your progress. also try and get yourself on a schedule. 5+ hours of focused work a day seems to be an ideal amount for getting good as fast as possible, but don't overwork yourself or force yourself to work long hours if you don't feel like you're learning anything. always analyse you're work etc.

>> No.2527374
File: 132 KB, 1024x1572, reykat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What brushes and brushtrokes should I use to achieve something like this?

>> No.2527966

How do I achieve solid brush marker coloring? My coloring is very "strokey" and "streaky."

Also what is a good drawing book / pad for this sort of medium? (Brush pen, gel pen, brush marker)

>> No.2528008

it looks like they used the chalk brush, or a custom textured chalk brush for most/the whole thing

>> No.2528032

Do you guys know any good and simple exercises to develop motor skills and muscle memory for drawing with a pencil? I'm pretty much a beginner and my lines are really shaky.

>> No.2528034

get a sketch book and draw lines as much as possible, as your confidence goes up so will the quality of your lines

>> No.2528035

Does it matter much whether I draw from the wrist, elbow, or shoulder?

>> No.2528038

try and keep wrist and and still and move your arm IIRC the faster you do it the neater it is

>> No.2528041

Is an A/4 too small?

>> No.2528042

no it's fine

>> No.2528044

Thanks for the help!

Also, do you know any good books on construction besides Loomis? I couldn't find any and I find it hard to believe that only Loomis would write about the subject.

>> No.2528182

>IIRC the faster you do it the neater it is
False. There's a sweet spot of speed when neatest is maximum. Both very fast and very slow are bad.

>> No.2528221

Draw from the shoulder (and in practice always some elbow too) to get long lines without chicken scratch. Not as precise as drawing with fingers+wrist, but peak signal to noise ratio is higher. This means if you shoulder draw on big paper and scale it down to finger drawing size it will look better than a finger drawing. And you can still finger draw for small details. It's the same argument as for playing low sensitivity in FPSs (actually a stronger argument because timing isn't critical in drawing).

Also, if you think learning shoulder drawing is impossible, consider how you move you mouse in games. Maybe you already shoulder mouse, which means you definitely can learn to shoulder draw.

>> No.2528474

So now that I've gotten to the point that I've started throwing a portfolio together, I realize I pretty much know jack shit about graphic design.

Where do I start? I've studied actual composition, so I know about rule of thirds/golden ratio etc. But are there any sources for specifically non-comic page layout?

>> No.2528547

Two questions:

Should I use Sakura Koi brush markers on watercolor paper? If not, what kind of paper can I use them on?

What are the best stores to buy materials from?

>> No.2528851
File: 55 KB, 736x585, 1459273012127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone here ever gotten shadowbanned on social media and how did you deal with it

if you're just gonna chimp out at me don't bother replying, i wanna know what you did or how it got better if it ever did.

>> No.2528890

Since they are water based, hot press watercolor paper or general mixed media paper should work fine.
Printer paper is also okay for practice.

>> No.2528949

How do I draw sexy poses?

>> No.2528956
File: 340 KB, 1022x637, shoulderbox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I figure out the depth of the shoulder plane here in Hampton's book?

I understand how to grasp the purple and and green line, but the red line (depth) I can't seem to figure out how to determined the right angle. I mean, of course they connect from the purple and green line, but how do you figure out what angle they go in?

>> No.2529311
File: 16 KB, 290x288, ss+(2016-05-20+at+03.07.21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do many color wheels use the triangle over the square, when the triangle is clearly inferior in every aspect. Changing saturation and brightness is un-intuitive as fuck, not to mention some colors literally do not fit on the triangle and are omitted instead.

>> No.2529322


> not to mention some colors literally do not fit on the triangle and are omitted instead.

The fuck are you talking about? Show me an omitted color and I'll find it on a triangle. It has all the same damn colors, the square just has more redundancy.

>> No.2529325

is there any site that lists various art contests? or do you know of any interesting art contests going on now?
but not cartoon, more like illustration or fanart.

>> No.2529327
File: 66 KB, 671x499, ss+(2016-05-20+at+03.30.47).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2529329


I opened it and color picked both greens. They're on the triangle, both in the same region as your second example.

If you take a color square on your canvas and move the color picker around with the triangle set for your palette, you'll see how it works.

>> No.2529366

When you guys send your drawings do you just send the drawing? Will adding a frame make me seem more professional?

>> No.2529368

how do I sketch?
I've been going through draw a box and scott robertson for a month now and I still don't really understand the 'true way' of sketching or putting lines on paper.

So far how I sketch: Think hard on what line I will put on paper, then motion the line, then put it down on paper.

Is this too slow? Or will I get faster on this overtime?

>> No.2529371

Anyone? ;_;

>> No.2529373

Take your time but draw from life that really helps. I used to do doodles amd draw for fun but i started taking drawing more seriously around a year ago i have plenty more to improve on but just drawing from life really helps. Also try watching videos of people drawing not those 5 minute videos but the ones that are at least 1 to 2 hours long. Watch their technique and try to apply it to yourself.
I watch:

Steve Carpenter
Davy Lim
Drawing tutorials online
Fine art Academy
Jeff Watts

>> No.2529441

How do comic artists can really clean white background pencils and inks?

>> No.2529461

*How do comic artists SCAN

>> No.2529482

You can adjust the levels in photoshop

>> No.2529592

It's a box. Think of it like a plane and get it to the view you want. If it looks right, then it's probably right.

>> No.2529853

should the outside of a line ever be used to describe the contour of a shape or should you only use the inside of the line?

>> No.2530022

How do I tell the difference between things taking time and just plain not improving?

>> No.2530041

You're actually struggling or you understand what needs to be done.

>> No.2530500
File: 335 KB, 1144x958, glennfabry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How glenn fabry this smooth shading tradicionally?

>> No.2530506


Looks like he's using a smudge stick

>> No.2530656

Is it a good thing to see everything as shapes or a bad thing to do?

>> No.2530686

>Scribble the idea you have, poses, positions, perspectives.
>Go back and draw details over it
>Go back again and do fine details. Look up a refrence if needed.
At least that's how I do it, but then again I'm a digital slut so layers are my best friend.

>> No.2530691
File: 205 KB, 283x400, kopfstoff_roadside_ballpen_5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone recommend me any good art books on pen drawing so I can draw something like pic related

>> No.2530700

So I started drawing/painting in photoshop recently and I'm having a problem where if I try to paint a light/desaturated color on what, nothing shows up at all and I have to start a new layer to get the color to appear. Has anyone encountered this problem before? I couldn't find anything through google that dealt with this. Let me know if my explanation of the problem is unclear. Thank you

>> No.2531179

Seconding. I would love a book teaching me ballpoint techniques and shading methods.

>> No.2531181

Do you guys ever go through long periods where you just don't feel like drawing (out of frustration, boredom, etc)? How do you rekindle the flame?

>> No.2531189

Rewatch FZD's before and after

>> No.2531190

>How do you rekindle the flame?

You work through it.
The worst thing you can do is just wait for inspiration, sometimes it doesn't come, or at least takes a while. If necessary just do some comfort zone stuff to try and get your confidence up. I always find that when I've got a decent amount of confidence I experiment better, when I'm feeling demotivated I quite pretty fast when trying new things.

>> No.2531215


For some reason, drawing on other people's time requires so much less motivation than when I have nothing else to do. I fill up like 7 pages a day while I'm at work but when I get home it's such a struggle sometimes. Try drawing at work or in class or at church or whatever you do that you don't want to do.

>> No.2531227 [DELETED] 

Why do some artists take way too long to do art? They'd rather do their own work then backlog.


>> No.2531472

How do you paint like this? Is there any definitive books teaching you painting? Gurney's books didn't help much since it's pretty advanced?

How do you read and capture subtle values like that? Most tutorials I've gone through have much more clearly defined light and dark separation and doesn't teach you when the lightning is more subtle like this

>> No.2531552

Anyone have any tips on how to shake the amateur look from a drawing?

>> No.2531666


It's more about local value in this case, the guys face is very dark by default, I guess these subtleties come only with practice, study similar pictures and try to do it like he did

>> No.2532290

Does anyone else have crippling anxiety when they sit down to draw that they might be practicing the wrong thing? Or that you might not be doing deliberate practice? If so, how do you get over this?

>> No.2532311

I know I suck and that it doesn't matter anyways.

>> No.2532318


All the time but I go back and look at what I've done and I am getting better so I must be doing something right.

>> No.2532437

is hampton /ic/ approved?

>> No.2532545


Yes, very much. Loomis, Vilppu, Hampton, Bridgman, Scott Robertson, Burne Hogarth is controversial because of how his stuff looks...

>> No.2532555
File: 614 KB, 2372x1189, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to draw dragons and other mythological beasts
>have no idea how to go about doing it
>loomis only seems to be for drawing humans
How the heck do I go about practicing this stuff?

>> No.2532570

Should I stick with pencils or should I switch to lead holders?

I just use the stuff to draw the general outlines and some important details on a drawing and it's when I'm inking that I bother to think about line variety and all that jazz. Tone isn't something usually I bother much at all with either since I just smother those areas in with lots of black.

>> No.2532577

Advantage of pencils:
Available in 10H, 9B, and 10B grades.
Possible to use at a slightly shallower angle if you sharpen them with a knife.

Advantage of leadholders:
Balance stays much more consistent.
Metal grip.
Has a pocket clip, and point is retractable, so easy to carry.
Spare leads take less space than spare pencils.

Leadholders are better IMO.

>> No.2532580

Thanks man. What brand though? Staedtler and Rotring are the most common in my country, but I might be able to find others with some searching or by ordering from Amazon.

>> No.2532582

I'm happy with my Staedtler 780. Pick whatever looks comfortable. They all draw the same.

>> No.2532615
File: 214 KB, 889x901, asdad213123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you get the circle on the ground plane? Everything else is explained well, but it's never explained how to figure out the width of the circle on the ground plane.

>> No.2532622

what do you guys think of playing osu to improve hand eye coordination (besides actually just drawing).

>> No.2532631

It doesn't work and you should feel bad for thinking that's drawing. If you want to get better at drawing, draw.

>> No.2532635

Use both. Lead holders will get you a more precise, sharper look, pencils will allow you to work looser. You also have a much wider variety of grades and selection of actual good brands when it comes to pencils than you do with 2mm lead. Staedtler is definitely top quality, though. The lead holder itself doesn't really matter, just get whatever is well built and feels good to you.

>> No.2532637

It's an ellipse in a box.

>> No.2532641

So is the width just an arbitrary mark?

>> No.2532645
File: 13 KB, 380x500, perspec6k.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can project points from the ellipse to the bottom of the square using vertical lines, then trace those back to the vanishing point to get their position on the square in the ground plane. Kind of confusing to explain in text form and I couldn't find a good enough image online. I recommend watching Marshall Vandruff's chalkboard perspective series.

>> No.2532654

How do I get regular/repeat clients? I'd like to find a client that's regular and can fill in my queue in a down month? Also, the Monoprice tablet I've used the last 2 years is already dying. What's s good tablet for around or under $500

>> No.2532657

does anyone have that "fresh prince of baudelaire" pic?
it's baudelaire's face pasted over will smith's if I remember correctly, a good shoop too

>> No.2532738

What's the best way to learn how to draw? I watched https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rI6q6bv7do and it seemed like the best way to learn but I can't really afford to go to school. Is there any way I can learn my fundamentals that well on my own?

>> No.2532746
File: 986 KB, 2779x1297, fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry if this is a stupid question, but I'm a beginner in perspective and I'm confused by this part.

I don't understand the exceptions, why do lines that are parallel to the horizon not have a vanishing point? why does he say the telephone poles and fence posts don’t have a vanishing point either?

>> No.2532750

They go on forever and never converge.

>> No.2532752

oh, thanks.

>> No.2532754

The only person who knows the best way is yourself.

Yes, you can learn the fundamentals by yourself to that level. The sticky goes over them. If you're still lost, come back and ask.

>> No.2532782


Fantasy creatures are always based on culminations of traits of real life animals. Study creatures in real life which share traits similar to dragons (reptiles, winged creatures, creatures with snouts)

When constructing them, just remember construction is the same for any subject ever: they're all comprised of some sort of grouping and connecting of shapes. Take a look at a dragon's head: Sphere with a rectangular prism attached to it.

>> No.2532857

Help me /ic/ I'm having trouble getting followers on Tumblr even though I got a large number of notes per upload (around 20 followers per 1000 notes)

am I missing something? Is there some etiquette I'm missing since I'm quite new to Tumblr. and no I won't post my blog here

>> No.2533064
File: 274 KB, 1302x1114, fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

confused here, help?

>> No.2533077

What do you not understand?

>> No.2533085

How reliable is >>2532499 as a starting point?

It definitely feels less intimidating than aguri.

>> No.2533088

>so that the distance from the tack to the line is the same along the two edges of the paper.

>> No.2533099

Pic related is the distance he is talking about
Its the same on both sides of the tack

>> No.2533154

I don't know what I'm supposed to be drawing. the books are so daunting and videos aren't helpful. I just want to know what to do.

>> No.2533163
File: 210 KB, 2000x2000, bad circle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I trace a circular object, it comes out as an oval. How do I fix this? Know next to nothing about computers.

>> No.2533168

>how do I fix this

Get a Huion Giano. You have an old or small tablet with dimensions that don't mesh with the resolution of your monitor.

>> No.2533171

Can't I change the dimensions? I'm kinda poor so I can't afford to buy a new tablet.

>> No.2533180

what tablet you got
You should just be able to go into the drivers

>> No.2533188

Genius Easypen i405x. Got it mainly cause it was cheap. I know this is asking too much but can you tell me what to do to solve my problem?

>> No.2533221

>Genius Easypen i405x
Not gonna lie, never even heard of this model before, however i'm going to assume that the tablet has a driver, if there's not one installed google it to find your driver, once there there should be a resolution/aspect ratio setting.

However before you do that make sure its actually the aspect ratio, I had the same problem with my wacom pro, it was only slightly off but i could feel it. Get something round like a coin place it on the pad and draw round it. If the circle on screen is not round then its the pads fault, if it is round then that is a drawing issue.

>> No.2533334

What would an N look like in a minimal style i.e a = triangle so far I can only think of maybe a \ but I'm not sure

>> No.2533351

What do you believe is the most useful traditional technique to learn for a beginner? The one that can help me be good at others ? Maybe watercolour like master loomis says ?(?????)

>> No.2533377

uhh.. lines?

>> No.2533380
File: 21 KB, 622x432, Screen Shot 2016-05-23 at 21.21.01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something like this?

>> No.2533382

Any good tutorials on how to draw a Circle in perspective?

>> No.2533386


>> No.2533389


>> No.2533410

i meant watercolor, ecoline etc
thanks anyway

>> No.2533419

draw a square in perpective ,then draw an x into it from the corners then use the x to make a cross then use that as thee base for the circle in perpective .

>> No.2533421

Thtat's how to draw an ellipses.
Sure an ellipses is a circle in perspective, but scott rob has another way of explaining it when it comes to later chapters.

>draw a square in perpective

Scott has you drawing the ellpise/circle first. Trying to figure out what scott is trying to do.

>> No.2533423

ah in that case probably acrylics/gouache if you want skills in colour that are transferable to digital and oils. watercolours are pretty niche and usually only done for the sake of it being a watercolour piece. either that or it's convenient

>> No.2533428

there's a chapter that explains how to check ellipses with squares. you're going to have to read up on how to make squares in perspective first, i think it's in the chapter about making grids using 45 degree lines from the station point.

>> No.2533434

i just checked, read through chapter 4, then chapter 5. i'm not sure what you're missing, it seems to be all there. the exercises at the beginning are just getting you used to drawing ellipses regardless of perspective

>> No.2533640
File: 399 KB, 1334x755, asdsad213123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'm more confused as to how you figure out if the minor axis is correct. Do you just guesstimate with the lines provided?

the perspective grid method doesn't display much how to figure out other perspective lines with more verticals

>> No.2533642

What is this book and why is it teaching how to use ellipses to draw a box?

>> No.2533670

the minor axis always points to the vanishing point and the degree . it's all in page 72 and 73

>> No.2533672

scott robertson - how to draw

>> No.2533691

Is there a good resource for high resolution, close-up images of various body parts with good lighting for studying anatomy?

>> No.2533700 [DELETED] 

is it enough to understand proportional relationships, angles etc or do you have to first hone the skills of a photocopier if you want to git gud at imagination stuff

>> No.2533702

Asking how do I make sure the perspective is correct on the minor axis.

>> No.2533703

Try it and see. You should know how to self critique

>> No.2533705

is it enough to understand proportional relationships, angles etc or do you have to first hone the skills of a photocopier if you want to git gud at imagination stuff?

for example, i can pretty easily draw a likeness in a face, but i'm hopeless at drawing anything that would line up with a photograph even closely

>> No.2533708

That demonstrates you might be lacking in skill, but really it's up to you. There are no set rules.

>> No.2533714

read. the. book.

>> No.2533747

What do I do if I have the drive to draw but just cannot draw at all? My sketches are not coming out how I want at all, and it is becoming very frustrating. I feel like I am pushing myself far too hard or something.

>> No.2533765
File: 131 KB, 715x943, art_cycle_by_shattered_earth-d5g8bt8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this might be helpful to know. apart from that, just know that the way to get through it is just keep drawing and trying to figure out what looks wrong

>> No.2533861

im looking for an art quote to the effect of:
Knowing someone doesnt help you paint them
its all about the knowledge
i think there may have been something about how to render a speck of light on an eye as well

Please help.

>> No.2533872

>tfw will never experience being too good for my own eye

>> No.2533882

Probably not exactly what you are looking for, but Sargent discouraged people from painting friends because you get caught up in trying to capture likeness instead of solid technique.

And in the Mullins pdf he talks about the structures of the eye and how the light interacts with it in some detail. He uses it as an example of how knowledge supports your art and you need to know a great deal to paint things, and he goes on to say that this isn't to discourage or overwhelm people--just learn things gradually over time and make sure to never forget.

>> No.2533886

That graph is not all that accurate in terms of how people progress. I would take the entire thing with a grain of salt.

>> No.2533928

i know that feel. before i got serious i used to always get the feeling like i was improving but for the past year i haven't felt like my skills are better than my eye once, it always feels way far behind. at least looking back through the months i can still see a lot of improvement so i'm not stagnating

>> No.2533959

How do I draw the gesture and not the contour?

>> No.2533961

Feel the form

>> No.2533971

That's way too vague for me.

>> No.2534047

How the FUCK do you color with brush markers?

I feel like I'm totally lost on this and it is very difficult to understand or discover resources or help on it and it's very frustrating.

>> No.2534448

is it worth changing your pen grip if it's something other than a tripod grip? i'm not having any wrist/arm pains and can draw for 5 hours without getting tired, draw with arm etc.

>> No.2534451

What was the old saying?
Oh yeah~
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

>> No.2534454

I'm no good yet, but I've gotten better since I started, so I think it's just a matter of getting used to the medium. No amount of theory can help you understand how much pressure to apply to get a clean block, it just kind of... Happens.

>> No.2534909
File: 9 KB, 300x300, 22854-1020-2ww-m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have this lead holder. You have a case of 2b lead.

If you had to choose one other lead hardness, which would you select?

>> No.2534931

Any methods for getting faster at drawing?

>> No.2534932


>> No.2534933

Git gud

>> No.2534939

It depends on what you're using, and your drawing surface. You won't be making proper use of a well-sharpened charcoal pencil with a tripod grip, except for drawing very fine details, just like you probably don't want to use an overhand grip all the time for drawing with graphite or a fine tip pen, especially on a flat horizontal surface.

>> No.2534942

What was your yearly schedule to getting good? Did you start with the fundies? Which one first? Or did you just jump in because you understood what you needed already?

>> No.2534943

Does anyone elses frontal lobe feel weird when you're drawing the reference in the opposite direction?

>> No.2534947

That's called struggling, anon, glad to hear you're finally out of your comfort zone.

>> No.2534950

Amateur comic artist that doesn't use blue led, a lightbox, or even digital. Tried all and didn't like them. Always told that tools dont make the artist but I follow a lot of pros and they all use at least 2 of these things. Am I a fool?

>> No.2534955

Yeah, you are a fool. Do whatever the fuck you want. No one cares about the process. Only the end result. Some do use lightbox for tracing or whatever. Some just use digital to reproduce the effects.

>> No.2534962

first comes pen skills, then perspective/form building and figures can be learned at the same time. after getting competent at those anything goes

>> No.2535841

Will marker pen go through 165 GSM?

>> No.2536223
File: 29 KB, 400x623, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if this is the right board but it's to do with mixing colors so here goes.

I'm trying to mix the exact color of pic related with makeup. I need it to cover an ugly red birthmark on my neck.

I have a bunch of shades to use, but never the perfect one. One is nice but dries too red and dark, the other too orange, and I have pure white to mix too. They're special brands made to last long since it's my neck not face, and I can find any perfect shades. Whatever mix I try it's either too light, dark, or completely off my skin color.

Pls halp /ic/

>> No.2536226

I have been drawing traditionally for around 20 years (yes I'm old old fag), mostly for fun. I think about trying digital. What can I expect? Will my level drop and do I need to build up again?

>> No.2536232


>> No.2536236

Thanks anon will ask there

>> No.2536293

I want to make a few paintings to sell in an upcoming art show in my area. What sorts of things do people like physical paintings of? Landscapes? Wildlife? Women?

>> No.2536309

Flowers / still life
Women, but not so much portraits

>> No.2536540
File: 204 KB, 181x921, aa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know the name of this pencil?

>> No.2536545

Depends so much on the audience. Is it an old person venue? If so, paint landscapes and animals and shit. If its a place younger people frequent, paint what you're good at. Make it bold, stand out apart from the rest, and ideally portraits. I used to sell at exhibitions with an organization, and its quite easy to see which paintings will sell and which won't.
Remember, if it would look great on a wall, people will be more likely to buy it.

>> No.2536603

Looks very similar to a Rotring 500 or Rotring 600, but the tip is slightly different and the knurling is coarser. Maybe some Chinese knockoff, or maybe some old version of the design.

>> No.2536611
File: 54 KB, 383x499, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe this book?

>> No.2536637
File: 491 KB, 504x379, Hq1SBQs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2536932
File: 290 KB, 641x566, 1464213875997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok homies
I've finally figured out my main problem
The problem that has been keeping me from making my own original illustrations and actually progressing in my career.

What are some ways to train my inner story teller?
I can draw (almost) anything that comes to mind, but they fall short because there's no emotional connection to them.
How do I keep my characters/environments from being lifeless? Maybe not in terms of the gesture or the quality of line, but in terms of the actual impact it has on the audience. How do I give my creations weight so they actually feel like fleshed out characters, rather than drawing a seemingly endless supply of knights or space marines?

>> No.2536935

That's what composition is, anon. Look it up in the sticky.

>> No.2537191

I completely understand compostion.

I guess what I'm asking is how to be a better storyteller? How do I get my audience to have an emotional connection with my pieces rather than the audience looking and not feeling anything.
With a lot of concept artwork, usually the artist gets a prompt (however vague or specific) and draws based from that. Mtg does that, ILM, DnD, Games Workshop, any illustration job that has a world based around it to pull characters and stories from.
But since I'm by myself I don't really have an art director or producer to tell me what to draw, I assume those roles instead. Which brings me back to my question as to how to make an engaging story for me to springboard into creating a design to fit the story?

Maybe I just have to read and write more.

>> No.2537222
File: 11 KB, 278x368, Screenshot_9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your tablet probably isn't using the same proportions as your screen. If you're using a wacom tablet there's a "force proportions" button that ensures your tablet's drawing area aligns with the resolution of your monitor.

Funny enough if anyone is having trouble with circles I suggest they look and see if this is the problem. I remember this came up in an earlier thread and it's more common than you'd think. Try tracing around a coin to see how it looks.

>> No.2537233

is the problem that you don't have satisfactory prompts to base illustrations on? or that even when given an engaging story, your illustrations seem lifeless?

>> No.2537241

>is the problem that you don't have satisfactory prompts to base illustrations on?
You were able to put into a sentence what took me 2 paragraphs worth of replies...
Yes that is my problem. Since I have to make the prompt myself, i end up spending more time thinking about the prompt instead of drawing.

>> No.2537262

Just grab a random story from a mythology you like. There's countless stories with interesting characters and interactions and scenes that have already been created and are just begging for an artist to paint out. Hell, even just reading a synopsis of one should be enough to give ideas.

>> No.2537265

ahh i see. well in that case you have to make a choice. either (a) commit to becoming a good storyteller yourself or (b) accept that this isn't your forte and bring someone else on board to write stories for you.

(a) become a storyteller: read/watch/listen more, study and analyze stories, hang out with other creators irl or online, write A LOT and i mean A LOT (writing is just like drawing, it takes practice and it starts at level 0)

(b) someone else writes for you: find a friend who's good at writing stories and bounce ideas off them. ask a stranger on the internet. befriend a stranger on the internet and ask them to write for you. hire someone idk. alternately, you can use story prompt generators online, but good luck finding results you would seriously work with

(c) obscure fanart

>> No.2537348

Thanks guys for the quick responses! I seriously appreciate it.

Is it usually common for an illustrator/designer to give themselves their own prompts? Or is it more common to find an interesting story and make illustrations from that?

I guess it depends from artist to artist, but I guess being purely "everything I make must come from me" is more isolating and restrictive than being more open minded.

>> No.2537519

I've been looking for a while, does anyone have traditional or digital drawing/painting processes of Seung Eun Kim? I looked so long and haven't found anything I don't even think they exist. Anyone have any idea where to find them or if he even made any?

>> No.2537929

How much technical skill and formal training do contemporary artists have?

>> No.2537934

Highly varies. There is no one answer since "contemporary artists" is a term that literally covers everybody alive today. You have people who have almost zero technical skill and no formal training who are successful, and you have people who are approaching the old masters in skill level and then everything in between.

>> No.2537935


I use clipping masks a lot in photoshop. When I try to duplicate a layer in the clipping mask, the layers above fall out of the clipping mask. This is extremely annoying, anyone know how to fix?

>> No.2537941

How do you animate longer segments in clip studio?

>> No.2537951

Who are the successful people without formal training and almost zero technical skill?

>> No.2538652

i want to start plein air painting, but i'm completely new to painting. should i practice with digital first or go straight into learning acrylics?

>> No.2538657

Plein air is very difficult as it is, so trying digital plein air is asking for more things to go wrong. Practice with acrylics indoors (master copies or still life), then try acrylics outdoors.

>> No.2538686

would digital not make learning to paint easier?

>> No.2538893

I dissect cadavers every week and study anatomy from a clinical perspective, so my knowledge of muscle placement, function, origin and insertion are pretty good. Is it still worth buying and watching viluppu's anatomy lectures do you think?

>> No.2538897

The fact you even ask tells me yes, because you probably wouldn't ask if you were good.

>> No.2538951

Thanks anon, was just wondering because weird as it sounds I thought having a different perspective of anatomy would be more helpful for drawing figures and forms accurately

>> No.2538970
File: 224 KB, 1367x441, ss+(2016-05-27+at+07.34.07).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you go about painting enviornments with many complex object scattered throughout, like in pic related

i really struggle once theres so many things i have to take into account

>> No.2539002

think of the larger forms first, paint those in, then break them down


>> No.2539549

Is there a way in photoshop to get a list of ALL the colors used in a file (in a simple grid format preferrably)? I'm trying using histogram but I don't think it allows for that.

Second question: is there a limit to how many times you can paint on top of paint, in traditional, where it maybe becomes too thick/extruded from the surface and it looks like shit or something? I am amazed by very complex paintings with small details, and with my current knowledge, I feel that you can only achieve some of those with tons and tons of layers of paint on top of each other.


>> No.2539570

Vellum or smooth Bristol
Vellum is better for blending and smooth is better for solid color

>> No.2539656
File: 3.43 MB, 426x426, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok a little primer
During the school semesters,I am extremely work efficient and I get my shit done on time. The part that sucks is once I get into break or summer hits, that intensity of a work ethic stops completely. I think my mind switches into "break mode" and I start to just relax and spend time with family and friends. It's not like I stop drawing, but it's nowhere near the intensity during school.

Does this idea of keeping a constant work ethic come with maturity and experience? How can I slowly condition myself to kind of create a way for me to put myself into these high-intensity bursts of picture making or concept art?

>> No.2539730

danish ic bros where do you buy your art supplies online?

>> No.2539738

That's for you to figure out, just do it.

>> No.2540076
File: 211 KB, 972x546, gitgud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I even fucking try to learn how to draw decently? There's so much that I want - that I NEED - to do with drawing but it feels like it's something that I just wasn't born for. What the fuck /ic/, how do I gitgud? No amount of sheer, deliberate practice feels like progress and it seems that with each passing days my sketches are coming far worse than the last one than I did.

What can I do? What steps I must take? Should I give up?

>> No.2540090
File: 84 KB, 800x516, 1-rzGkyE2Vhx954cvj8pIgZA (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it good? I just did it to ilustrate a poem I wrote.

>> No.2540097

Yes. Give up. The fact that you're even asking says that you aren't ready. You have greater problems than drawing. You need to fix yourself first then come back when you've done so. It's not quick either, might take you years before you come back, but it's required. You won't make it at this rate. Too negative, too many excuses, and just simply too many wants. Everyone wants something, but without a will, it's not going to be done. You have to be willing to put in the work and you're not going to make it unless you can resolve your own issues before tackling drawing.

>> No.2540114

Hah, thank you, it's like you've could read my mind. I'll just throw those supplies out of the window or give them to some friends, 'dunno.

>> No.2540126


If you're this eager to quit then yeah, just quit. You say you want (and even go so far as to say you need) to draw, but all it takes is one guy to say "give it up" and you're ready to ditch.

Sleep on it, though. It's easy to say "fuck it" when you've just had a frustrating session. How long have you been trying for? How many hours a day? Have you been watching/reading any instructional material?

>> No.2540138

I'll be honest with you, I don't invest too much time on it because of that reason. That's why I'm asking. We're talking about half or an hour per week and I know this is far from the recommended amount of practice.

I do take a look on tutorials every now and then, and since, my sketchbook are shock full of badly, chicken-scratched stuff like the pic I posted.

Yet, no matter how frustrated I get, I always feel this "urge" to comeback and dive straight into practice, just because I need to draw my thoughts on paper. It's vicious cycle of frustration and determination.

... Maybe I need a psychiatrist rather than deliberate practice.

>> No.2540146

Completely brand new to drawing, i'd like to get into drawing cartoony stuff either for animated shorts or webcomics. I've noticed a few problems that I have.

1. I can't seem to draw a line or a circle or any shape well on command. My handwriting is awful but I never thought about this much until now, do I just have bad wrist mobility?

2. When I observe an object and attempt to transfer it to paper it seems to always come out really wrong, especially if i'm copying something real (not a cartoon). What I generally mean by wrong is that the basic shapes seem to come out wrong (see problem 1) and various parts of the drawing end up larger in scale than others. I feel like either my eyes or my minds eye doesn't work properly...

3. When I try to draw from imagination, the quality of the drawing goes into a nose dive. I understand I am "symbol drawing" but I seem unable to create a solid image in my head that freezes as one thing, and if I do the transference to paper doesn't work out.

How should I get started, we are talking bare basics can't even write legibly.

>> No.2540147

>inb4 wastes all of his day playing games

>> No.2540151

Another question: How to make drawing >fun like vidya? Heh. I don't want to be stuck forever as the "guy that plays a lotta games".

>> No.2540152

Cool, you've got a goal. Mind posting some influences so we really know what you're talking about?
1. Nah, you just have terrible muscle memory. It's too accustomed to bad habits and has to be overriden. A lot of artists go through this so don't worry. Drawabox lesson 1 really helps with this and drawing with the shoulder. It takes time though.

2. Yeah, you just lack experience. You need to train your eye and hand. Sticky has a lot of resources on that. Keys to drawing apparently, never used it myself, but supposedly it's good. You have to understand what you're seeing basically and it requires looking at specific things. The book tells you those. The scale issue is covered in the book too. It's called proportions and a lot of artists struggle with that and have to draw a lot before understanding it completely.

3. That's because you don't know how. Sticky covers that under construction. Basically, you have to set up your image with things such as perspective, composition, all the fundamentals listed in the sticky. They are essential to being good at art.

Get started with Keys to Drawing and Drawabox. Learn how to do confident fine lines and how to see. That should leave you on a good road for a few weeks. If you don't get it, take time to understand and ask yourself all the whys before asking here. We don't want to hold your hand. It'll be hard, boring and long, but you have to put up with the frustration. It's a friend and tells you that you need to improve.

>> No.2540168
File: 362 KB, 1200x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not entirely sure what my "influences" are, considering I have no artistic skill or style of my own.

If you are asking me about artists that I like, I'm a huge fan of Toshihiro Kawamoto's character design (especially his work on Golden Boy), I also really like Kenichi Sonoda and his work on Gunsmith Cats, Bubblegum Crisis and Riding Bean.

My guess would be that I would end up drawing something western-style as my skill improves though, unless I want to spend 5 years animating a short to get my glorious hand painted 80's designed sakuga.

For western animation I love Pinnochio and Fantasia, as well as classic looney tunes shorts of course, but that is less for character design and more for the animation itself (timing, facial expressions)

>> No.2540178

Enjoy it.

>> No.2540594

I know art schools are a scam and all that, but is it worth it to go to Art Center if I can go for free?

>> No.2540763

when i take a picture of what im drawing and open it on computer i can easily spot my mistakes but when i look at the original piece i just dont see them i have to put the paper next to my display to be able to fix it
what the fuck is this

>> No.2540830


Our brains are designed to filter out seemingly redundant information for efficiency. So after looking at the same picture the same way for an extended period of time, your eyes just get used to it and filter out anything that would otherwise seem incorrect. You're only able to see it when the image is given a new novelty (in your case, looking at it on a screen rather than a page), suddenly giving you 'fresh eyes'. Happens to us all.

Try periodically looking at it in a mirror (or if it's just a pencil drawing, you can also flip the page over and holding it up to light), as well as upside down and such. This is a quick way to induce that same novelty, so you can catch those sort of errors before they're too difficult to correct. And the more you get into the habit of checking yourself like this, the more you'll train your eye to correct or outright avoid these sort of errors during the process itself.

>> No.2540872

oh yea a mirror thats a good idea and faster than taking pictures with my phone

>> No.2540910

Is it worth finishing a drawing (for practice) if it's not fundamentally correct?

That is to say, is it worth practicing the details before getting down the basics?

>> No.2540918

That's for you to decide. Not others. If you enjoy details, it might be. Just know you still lack the fundies.

>> No.2541040

as long as you still work on both it's fine

>> No.2541129


I just started using Clip Studio for inking my line based commissions, and so far it seems vastly superior to Photoshop for linework. I haven't really looked into the painting aspects of the software yet and I wonder how it compares. Could you in theory replicate every custom brush for Photoshop in CSP? I like how the brushes look and feel in PS when I paint realistic stuff with lots of texture. It's mostly just how the engine handles long flowing strokes where I feel PS falls sort.

>> No.2541146


Don't be too much of a perfectionist. Don't be the guy with a stash of anatomy studies and no finished work. I used to be that guy and it sucked. I felt like I was drawing all the time yet when strangers asked to see my art I didn't have anything to show them except pages of floating heads and limbs. I had this dumb idea that I didn't "deserve" to make finished work before my fundamentals were perfect. Well, guess what. As your skill improves you only set the bar higher - you'll never be good enough to make something finished if you are anything like me.

There is a lot of of problem solving you won't run into if you only do studies and will only be apparent when you try to make finished work aswell. When I look back at my old work, I don't look at my Loomis studies with the most affection but rather the pieces where I attempted to create something with a narrative. Flawed as they are, they show so much more creativity than my endles anatomy studies.

>> No.2541215

Can someone give me a short answer (if there is one) to what are some good hard drive back up strategies. Obviously I've tried to consult google and youtube but I'm overwhelmed with all the information. I'm pretty bad with the technical stuff and I don't know where to begin. I've lost hard drives before and it sucks shit.

>> No.2541253
File: 1.42 MB, 848x1276, my pen grip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been struggling with draftsmanship for a while, and also learning my fundamentals, but i'm starting to think the problem comes from how i hold my pencil. what is the proper way to hold a pencil for drawing? am i doing it right?

>> No.2541405

how do i transition from painting digitally in grayscale to color. i am so overwhlemed, the quality of my paintings drops very significantly when i add color

>> No.2541766


>> No.2541778

Take your time. It shouldn't be a fast process. Hours. Days. Use a number of different layer modes instead of relying on one. Try multiply, darken, soft light, overlay, hardlight, and also try color balance and hue&sat adjustment layers masked to specific parts of your image. Vary the color you're applying between light and shadow, don't just go "coloring book" mode- ALWAYS BE DRAWING. ALWAYS BE PAINTING. If your color is still not looking right, your value and/or range of value on a form is off. You can dump as much fully saturated red over a 10% grey as you want on a "color" layer, but it will always look pink. You need to get that base value to 50%- this is the value where red achieves its full saturation. Look up "chroma point" for more info. Each hue has one. Best of luck.

>> No.2541812

just going to quote george leonard cause he's got a good answer to this already

>Learning any new skill involves relatively brief spurts of progress, each of which is followed by a slight decline to a plateau somewhat higher in most cases than that which preceded it…the upward spurts vary; the plateaus have their own dips and rises along the way…To take the master’s journey, you have to practice diligently, striving to hone your skills, to attain new levels of competence. But while doing so–and this is the inexorable–fact of the journey–you also have to be willing to spend most of your time on a plateau, to keep practicing even when you seem to be getting nowhere.

>> No.2541824

how do I pirate PS?

>> No.2541861

search on youtube, you know it works if there's a good thumbs up to down ratio. i use mac and it was really easy to do in a couple of minutes, not sure about a PC though

>> No.2542013

What happened to that website where anons submit practice drawings every day? I think it was made by a guy named volcano. It was doing well the last time I was here.

>> No.2542045
File: 286 KB, 960x540, winter-campfire-art-1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably a dumb question, but does anyone have any tutorials/books on drawing fire? If not, I'll learn through trial and error, but it would help a lot.

>> No.2542082

Those of you that put paper over your tablet - how often do you replace the paper?

I've found it's a fucking hassle to replace it every couple of days, because no matter how tight I pull it, it just wrinkles up after a little use. It doesn't help that I have sweaty palms.

>> No.2542090
File: 2.41 MB, 4592x2460, comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so, on the left is a drawing I did on paper. On the right is one I did on my new Wacom Intuous. Obviously they are of vastly different things, but what I'm concerned about is the jitteriness of my lines on the tablet. The pencil and pen drawing I think has much straighter and more confident lines, whereas the tablet one's lines are much less straight and they also took far longer for me to draw.

Is this just part of getting used to the tablet or is there some foible to tablet drawing that is supposed to be worked around?

P.S. yes I'm aware that I'm bad at art.

>> No.2542100


>> No.2542229
File: 882 KB, 3000x1768, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get that skin isn't the most reflective surface, but why does it almost always look better when I severely limit the values? Am I just constructing the form wrong?

>> No.2542238

Yeah the forms are a bit wrong. If the highlights were placed more strategically and with better handling it would look fine.

>> No.2542242

You just don't know how to use a tablet man.

>> No.2542258

will drawing get me gf if im socially retarded?
ive been drawing for a few months now but its still not impressive

>> No.2542310

How the hell do I draw big with a stylus? Do I have to keep any part of my hand from resting on my tablet so my hand doesn't drag across it? It's really frustrating when I can get all right shapes and lines on paper, and then they all look extremely squiggly and misshapen on a tablet.

>> No.2542312

>will drawing get me gf if im socially retarded?
I wouldn't count on it. You've got to work on an entirely different skillset to get a girlfriend. One that involves talking to a lot of people you don't know, approaching girls you afraid to talk to, and improving your ability small talk and shoot the shit.

>> No.2542323
File: 264 KB, 1920x800, fight-club-movie-screencaps.com-1239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why am I so shit at making things symmetrical? I've been drawing for a while and it's gotten better with time but I'm pretty sick of spending ages just fixing the other side of a face.

>> No.2542325


No, and if that's the reason you're drawing I recommend you invest your time into getting /fit/ instead, it's better for you and you can get away with a bit of social retardation.

For the most part, being an artist is only an attractive trait if you're already attractive.

>> No.2542338
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Are gel-rollerball pens supposed to be able to make light lines too?

I bought a couple of pens from the link from "How to Draw", this link

But i cant make light lines like Scott Robertson talks about in the book, and also shows on his videos. Is the pen different?

When i try to be light on my pressure the pen doesn't make any line at all, or the line breaks up like crazy. Its either no line, or full black.

>> No.2542342

>a /fit/ with a bad attitude
At least as an artist, he can be a deviant like all other artists

>> No.2542496

I'm a complete beginner, if I want to draw anime stuff should I still follow the guide?

>> No.2542497

Yes. Do continue to draw anime along your studies so your morale doesn't go down.

>> No.2542507

I have one more question, when I start should I focus on learning one thing like drawing figures or try a bit of everything?

>> No.2542518

Ideally, you just do everything. But since anime is generally characters. You can focus on that first and do other things when you feel you need them. You will be weak in those aspects and have an imbalance skillset so it might be frustrating to see that you struggle a lot because you didn't do them all at once. Just know you never practiced them so of course they would be of lower level. Therefore, go ahead with figures since that's probably what you want. Perspective and form are requirements in being good at figures so learn those too. Drawabox really teaches you these well with lesson 1 and 2. The anatomy section is good too. The other sections are for drawing life and mechanical objects which you can always come back to when you feel you need it. Also, never hide hands or body parts. It shows and means you struggle and need to work on those. The only way to work on them is to do them.

>> No.2542520

you can do figures, perspective and form building in whatever order, switching them through the hours/days. but first it's best to get your hand skills up, doing lines, ellipses, curves and basic clean perspective environments. also don't skip things you think you already know, because the most basic things are the most important to get down perfectly

>> No.2542529

What do you guys do to start your day of drawing/painting? Gestures? General draughtsmanship exercises? I don't have a problem drawing for hours a day, but I always feel a lot of resistance just trying to start making my mornings feel like a giant waste of time. It'd be nice if I could start my days early in the morning instead of sometime around 1-2 pm.

>> No.2542537

I drink a cup of coffee. But if you meant actuak drawing, I do that line bullshit and draw boxes to warm up. Two pages each or so. that's at like 6 in the morning though so you can't be me. Anyways, it's alright to start later in the day. The brain just doesn't wake up until certain times for some people. Just don't use it as an excuse and waste time though. You can read up on art or something or just doodle.

>> No.2542807

I was confused by this too. Zebra used to make a Jimnie ballpoint pen, but they've been discontinued. The link on his site is incorrect. From chapter 1 of How to Draw:

> When you find your favorite pen, make sure to buy several! Sometimes that beloved pen goes out of production way too fast.

I'm sure he has a stockpile of them (although ballpoint pens do have a shelf life). Most 0.7mm ballpoint pens behave the same, though, and I imagine any Zebra pen that takes one of their 0.7mm refills performs just as well. They change their ink formulation from year to year too; all the F refills I have from 2010/11 are noticeably more purple than 2014/15 ones.

>> No.2542924

Cool, thought so.

I'll keep going then.

>> No.2543340
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Steve Huston once told me

A highlight is just a corner between two planes in light.

>> No.2543358


Fuck, that's a good tip.

What's that book?

>> No.2543362

What are good introductory books on watercolors?

>> No.2543364


Concave or convex corner?

>> No.2543384
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highlight is actually a direct reflexion of the light.
In the case of pic that corner being highlight is right; but if it were a ball for examlpe, itd be between the viewing point and lightsource.
Illustrated in picture quickly

>> No.2543385
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Whenever i paint with my brush in CS5 it leaves white highlights, no matter what color i choose. What is happening?

>> No.2543393

Steve Huston's new figure drawing book

It's ok, he brings a lot of good concepts and ideas to the table and the way he explains stuff is really nice. But I wish I got the book when I was more of a beginner since I've learned pretty much all that he talks about in the book. Unfortunately, the book stays relatively shallow. While the book is aimed at beginners, I feel that the book is too shallow. It goes into construction "just enough"....it goes into rendering "just enough" there's not enough for me to justify recommending this book to someone who has experience in drawing.
I mean it's STEVE HUSTON and I want to hear all that he wants to say, but this book doesn't cut it for me. I just hope he releases a painting book.
But hey don't listen to some random anon on 4chan. Do what you want homie.

I will say:
This book paired with hampton and then an anatomy book from bridgman hogarth peck or winslow is the best setup to start as a beginner.

>> No.2543398

Any guide to draw hair while its moving?

>> No.2543413

Maybe you accidentally changed the brush mode (you can have brushes working the same as layers, like overlay, multiply or screen mode).

>> No.2543459

I just got some aspects of my life together as well as deciding to take medication for my ADHD. Feelin pretty good lately and I think I can actually stick with drawing finally.

Should I focus more on scenery first? Or figures? Like what is better to start with fundamentally?

>> No.2543811
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Are there any instances where chromatic aberration can be properly used in a painter's workflow? I know Kr0n uses it as an edgy tumblr-esque attempt at hiding drawing mistakes, but I could see someone (that actually knows what they're doing) using it as an alternative to blur filters;

Like instead of using a Gaussian blur preset to blur your edges you could just take the red channel and shift it by 0.25% or something creative like that.

Or is it safer to just avoid it altogether?

>> No.2543812

Tom Scholes uses it and recommends it, but he's pretty clear that it needs to be subtle to look good.

>> No.2543817


>> No.2543822

I've seen this guys work before, he definitely knows how to use it subtly because I hadn't noticed he used it at all, I just thought he knew some weird color technique to make his paintings look like that

>> No.2544483

ssinix talks about it in his newest video, starts at 13:00


>> No.2544580

Do I read Bridgman's Constructive Anatomy first or The Human Machine?

>> No.2544632

Everyone always talk about the fundamentals, but what exactly ARE the fundamentals? Is it an objective list? Is there a mnemonic?

And even more elusive, what AREN'T the fundaments? Because whenever I do see a list, I can't really think of anything that exists outside of it (except maybe muh style). Or is that the point, that the fundamentals are the building blocks of everything else, just broken down into terms that are easier to efficiently focus on?

>> No.2544669

>what exactly ARE the fundamentals?
Sphere, cube, cone, pyramid, cylinder, torus, all their affine transformations, all their CSG combinations, with arbitrary textures, with arbitrary lighting, at arbitrary position in 3D space, drawn freehand.

Basically, be a human 3DCG renderer.

>> No.2544776

ever since I started my drawing regimen my wrist cracks and pops every time I rotate it. is this something to worry about?

>> No.2544834

Basic shapes
Anatomy and construction
Light and value

There anon, I got that from the sticky for you.

Muh style is built from fundies too. It's just a stylization of the building blocks you've learnt.

>> No.2544874

I was wondering what the main reason for drawing/painting on gray(or not white) backgrounds is. I know it's about values and stuff but can someone explain it better in a detailed way?

>> No.2544895

Staring at a bright white background can be quite painful. Starting with grey can also help you avoid pushing your values too light.

>> No.2544948

If you start on a mid-grey when doing greyscale values, it allows you to easily see which values are light and which are dark and allows you to easily differentiate between them. when you work on a white canvas, this isn't immediately obvious.

>> No.2545308

How is the purple in the shadow casted by yellow light formed? In what situation will it occur? Is it just there to emphasise the yellow?

>> No.2545363

Does anyone else get really discouraged when they see people posting bad art? By "bad" it can be terrible deviantart shit, crappily renderer amateur concept art, idk.

do people here just laugh it off? or are you unphased and keep on scrolling?

maybe its just those drawings in particular that you can tell that the artist practiced a lot beforehand and studied a lot, but with all his experience and knowledge he still didnt develop any sense for a good and strong picture. i feel like this is what depresses me.

>> No.2545369

to add on, I guess it is the very plain truth that despite your effort, theres no real telling it will do anything for you.

that's terrifying, no?

>> No.2545450

What I've found is when I improve most is when I go through profound frustrations and continue drawing in spite of a strong feeling of helplessness. When I feel this way, I know I'm traversing out of my comfort zone, and I'm most likely making more progress.

Looking at people who put tons of effort into a picture and get terrible results, I can usually see a lack of fundamental skills. I think as long as someone puts their effort and the hours into practicing the necessities and building on them, they will definitely improve. Even if the finish line is far out of sight, as long as the person keeps heading towards it they will eventually make it there.

>> No.2545451

You sound successful desu senpai

>> No.2545496

That was comforting. I am too quick to think "Oh no..." rather than see the remedy, like fundamentals. Thanks for your input.

>> No.2545507

Why does it feel like I haven't improved for the last two years?I can't seem to figure out anything new. My art is stuck in this shitty spot where my anatomy is decent, my forms feel like they're good, and my composition is alright, but it all looks like amateur shit once it's all put together. Every picture feels like it's the same thing.

Even character artists who draw their characters interacting in blank white space have work that looks and feels different. Mine just feels like the same shit over and over.

>> No.2545533


So is anything not a fundamental?

>> No.2545654

yeah. looking at art station is the most depressing thing for me. like there's so many people with way better fundamentals and ideas than me but their art is so shit and blends in with the crowd. like i aspire to be better than that but i'm really afraid that i'll get caught in it

>> No.2546241
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whats wrong with the perspective in this picture? (not my work)

>> No.2546531

Whenever I look at an artist's writing, their linework usually takes on the same quality as their hand writing. If I try and improve my sloppy hand writing, would my linework also improve?

>> No.2547012

Do es anybody know what kind of paper would be the best if you are drawing with pen and ink?

>> No.2547385

There's tons, but Loomis is the most well-known. Micheal Hampton's Figure Drawing: Design and Invention is pretty good as well.

>> No.2547387

A perfect circle fits into a perfect square while touching each side. This way, a perfect square in perspective can fit a perfect circle in perspective (ie ellipse)

>> No.2547400

which anatomy book should I read?

>> No.2547425
File: 57 KB, 650x492, vilppu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you didn't read the sticky, did you?