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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 832 KB, 960x1717, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2520743 No.2520743[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can someone please tell me how Shadman does this? He keeps pumping out quality comic page after quality comic page often just days apart while still having the picture look amazing. The guy is a fucking workhorse and beautiful artist.

>> No.2520744

obviously tracing, no one can draw this good and fast in a short amount of time.

>> No.2520745

Oh stop it, he clearly doesn't trace. Watch his streams sometime they are really great.

>> No.2520748

>He keeps pumping out quality comic page after quality comic page often just days apart while still having the picture look amazing
>He keeps pumping out quality comic page after quality comic page often just days apart
>quality comic page after quality comic page
>quality comic page

I don't know about his speed, but that word clearly doesn't have what to do there

>> No.2520754

his streams are pre-recorded, he trace them beforehand.

>> No.2520756

Wow, you are this upset about someone having success?

>> No.2520758

what's upsetting about telling the truth?

>> No.2520763


>> No.2520773

Is that really him? He sounds like an asshole.

>> No.2520799


What exactly is he "tracing"? All his work is stylized

>> No.2520810

He doesn't. These people are jealous.

>> No.2520812

no one can draw this good and fast in a short amount of time.

Comic page every few days is absolutely normal. Shaman is a professional, and that's what they do.

>> No.2520813

Nope. That's Lyle he is making a parody of Shadman.

>> No.2520819
File: 25 KB, 259x383, 2sOJldj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but that word clearly doesn't have what to do there

>> No.2520820

> Bait thread
You know what you did and you should die OP.
The tits in the right panel are nice though.

>> No.2520821

his stuff isn't very detailed and realistic. especially the coloring is very flat. plus he streamlined his process. he manages to pump out so much content because of that
frankly, nothing special if you do something like this for a living.

>> No.2520832
File: 218 KB, 400x200, 1435448085466.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quality comic page after quality comic page
>picture look amazing.
>beautiful artist

>> No.2520840

Post your work.

>> No.2520845

Shadman please leave

>> No.2520846

>complaining about artists who are better than 90% of /ic/

I hate this board, I really do.

>> No.2520847

This might be a bait thread, but whatever.

There are 2 kinds of fast artists:

1. The artist that has been at their craft for years.
2. The artist who is ignorant of how unskilled they are.

A combination of the two equals a very fast artist that knows no bounds & can pump out work at a mindblowing rate. Their work improves not because of studying to get better, but rather their style maturing.

An example of this is Rob Liefeld.

>> No.2520851
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>> No.2520859

Cory plz leave

>> No.2520912
File: 123 KB, 973x295, 62e9d1749a3163586ab3fbcd3f6824a8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people responding to an obvious malaysia thread

>> No.2520932

What the fuck are you smoking? What does this have to do with that at all?

>> No.2520949
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>> No.2520952

>thread you don't like

>> No.2521158

"Quality art" what the fuck all I see is cartoon tits

>> No.2521167

shadman is not good.

>> No.2521206

Go away shadman

>> No.2521228

You realize this is Shadman, right?

He does this shit on /v/; he posts a topic with his pictures that are vaguely related to the topic at hand and the same shitstorm ensues.

>> No.2521247

This thread is fucking hilarious

>> No.2521263

when are we getting a new sleepycabin episode? you lazy fucks

>> No.2521275

>artist makes art better than you
>huurrrrrr he sucks

You're all a waste of space in this board.

>> No.2521337

No, we're tired of you and your ilk constantly posting shit like this. We all know you love peeling your carrot at everyone saying Shadman is bad.

Seriously, fuck off.

>> No.2521346
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>peeling your carrot

I'm using this.

>> No.2521348

stealth marketing, hide the thread and don't forget your complementary sage in all fields.

>> No.2521352

And yet you bump the thread, nice try Shad.

>> No.2521356

porn is dumb

>> No.2521385

no I fucking didn't you idiot

>> No.2521388
File: 182 KB, 1384x371, sage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here again

>> No.2521394

Hmm...this thread seems...familiar

>> No.2521412


>> No.2521677

Grammatically makes sense desu

his form is still poor but his rendering looks pretty swish which is impressive, I agree

>> No.2521685

What is it about Shad's style that's so repulsive?

Is it arrogance? Presenting middling eyesores with a confident, self-satisfied flourish?

Memes aside, I'm legitimately curious about this. No art style irks me like Shad's does, it's an anomaly.

>> No.2521730

I admit I like the way he draws dicks.

>> No.2521753
File: 589 KB, 1280x1808, ee6d130f-66e6-45f8-8b57-183cf3831c62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are better and more competent artists than him. stop thinking with your tiny dick.

>> No.2521760

Posting Rieq made me laugh, you know he's a real bad tracer right?

>> No.2521761

reference and tracing are different things little child.

>> No.2521763


Really, do you have proof? The only thing I can confirm about him that he is really a douchebag.

>> No.2521779

Because the anatomy is fucked up and not in an appealing way.

>> No.2521806

It's just plain bad. He just lacks drawing skill. That's all it is. That being said, I do like his rendering.

>> No.2522050
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>> No.2522052


>> No.2522055

Good. I hear Reiq is a real asshole. To my eyes he really is a one note artist. He's not a bad artist but he can only draw 1 face and 1 body style on women, all his men look the same.

>> No.2522263


>> No.2522369
File: 180 KB, 517x768, 1451571657199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As i said, referencing and tracing are different things you dummy.

>> No.2522384
File: 797 KB, 1920x1984, thmbnl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow...so all I have to do to get all my shit art to look good is stick a futa dick on it? 2 years of wasting my time trying to learn anatomy

>> No.2522386

if he was going to do that he could of at least flipped his final image

>> No.2522394

You could do this with literally any hentai picture ever.

>> No.2522437

He doesn't exist, just one persons paranoia.

>> No.2522455
File: 17 KB, 285x279, 1458335221478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And casual plebs will still not care and salty artists will. End of story.
I do think dudes good at rendering, but if he does this (relies on references) too much, then that's the real problem. If you all really are this anal about someone using a real life pose to get their point across for a certain character to share said pose? Then you're all fucking retarded, every fucking pose is done in some way by someone else, and no way in Hell can no one not do something someone else has done or even, done better. Just learn from your pass works when you reference, and there, fucking solved.

>> No.2522473

His art isn't bad, needs some work but it's pretty good.

>> No.2523014

He shills himself and is overly aggressive, even to people who are nice to him. Calls everyone a nigger lover.

>> No.2523016


>> No.2523103

It's not even the same picture.

>> No.2523200

Dear lord the bruises on that woman's legs. Take off the heels already!

>> No.2523203

when even the shield has abs

>> No.2523204


I met Reiq at a figure drawing workshop I used to attend in Pasadena. He was always kind and very helpful to some of the less experienced artists there.

>> No.2524670

check out Sleepycast to hear The Shad speak wisdom

>> No.2524721

WTF is Sleepycast?

>> No.2524733

its from a podcast called sleepycabin, its funny.

>> No.2524735

Who is Sleepycabin? I assume it's like a comedy group?

>> No.2524736

It's referenced. You can tell by looking at her right feet.

>> No.2524739

Podcast, its on youtube or you can search it up on itunes

>> No.2525177

A group of YouTube animators. Pretty funny podcast stuff.

>> No.2527820
File: 18 KB, 600x600, 1438733110825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only quality he pumps out are these bait threads

>> No.2527850
File: 858 KB, 734x804, 1457630859199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The art part of my brain says "No" but my dick says yes. /thread.

>> No.2527854

How can you get an erection from that shit? /trash/ makes better porn than him.

>> No.2527860
File: 651 KB, 984x1500, 1862278 - Dark_Souls Dark_Souls_3 Rosaria_Mother_of_Rebirth Shadman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably because I'm a filthy degenerate. They probably do.

However his work is quite passable for porn IMO. He doesn't win artist of the year, but he gets the job done. Plus Fetishes.

>> No.2527894
File: 2.54 MB, 3000x2483, How to trigger ic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair enough

>> No.2527976

He most likely only uses refs, if he traced, his art would look decent, I mean just look at OP, some of those errors are amateur tier shit.

>> No.2527984

Dayum that's hot.

>> No.2527987

Why are you bumping this thread 3 days later asshole?

>> No.2527992

He's better than 98% of the artists of this boards.

>> No.2528024

not even traced you blind fuck. look at the ass cheeks, the tits, the hands, the calf.

>> No.2528125

>all these salty and jealous fucks over Shad

>> No.2528139 [DELETED] 

> All these faggot cocksuckers of shitty Shad :^)

>> No.2528140

> All these faggot cocksuckers of shitty Shad :^)

>> No.2528154

Fuck off Malasyia.

>> No.2528180
File: 681 KB, 1000x1307, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This makes me want to play Doom...

>> No.2530480


i am new to this parts and i have noticed this myself
it kinds remind what they say - if you have time to complain then you have time to do whatever you want to do. shadman draws and ic complains

>> No.2530486

Seriously. I think he's pretty good, better than most people here.

>> No.2530489

I don't think the guy is very good in terms of quality for the amount of shit he draws and for the time he have been drawing. (but I admit I fapped to some of his stuff)
any progress and fanbase he got is because that fucker draws 24/7 as opposed of /ic/ fags who only do studies, read books, watch youtube and shitpost on 4chan.
so I give him that. his speed and hardwork are his strenghts.

>> No.2530870
File: 597 KB, 2250x1400, impse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game itself is more fappable than that.

>> No.2530874
File: 27 KB, 429x410, 8347928374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2530899


He just a guy that draws porn everyday. Anyone in the drawthreads could do it, on any board. Even /b/ Thats a bet.

>> No.2530922
File: 966 KB, 381x216, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another 2 mouths to fuck..

>> No.2531056
File: 2.30 MB, 480x266, 1456309307666.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grew some respect for him listening to his ramblings on Sleepycast. He's definitely an intelligent man, and he had a pretty rough upbringing being a Swede. His school literally tried to get him to turn himself in to the law for his drawings.

>> No.2531094

Link to podcast?

>> No.2531106


>> No.2531109

I advise everyone to give a listen, the guy is a really intelligent guy. He's honestly maybe the smartest "mainstream porn" artists.

>> No.2531133

You have a very loose definition of "quality"

>> No.2531144

why does that women have a penis

>> No.2531157

Holy fuck he is not smart, he is just pretentious. He's edgy as fuck and thinks that just because he is "fringe" he is better than "the sheep".

He ran off to the US because he can't keep his autism to himself.

>> No.2531223

I'd like to see you try better, seriously. You may not like this work but you can't deny it's not good.
This posts reeks of jealously. He's got a big fanbase and you don't. Get over it kid.

>> No.2531358

Different anon, it's "Jealousy". And while I don't have much care about Shad for most of his work, "intelligence" means jack shit if your work is fundamentally flawed. A teacher that's drawn for decades would detest the execution of his work, let alone any Japanese artist in general.

>> No.2531917
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>> No.2533220
File: 410 KB, 909x1286, ShameItGoesDownhillFromHere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets play a little game where we look for the 5 good art pieces made by shadfag

I'll start off

>> No.2533236
File: 3 KB, 178x90, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found one.

>> No.2533262

what the fuck is that shit

it's trolling, right? there's no way these people are actually serious