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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.37 MB, 1125x1575, 1462868838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2519024 No.2519024 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2519025
File: 22 KB, 418x271, WTF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2519028

It's well executed but not really to my taste. I'm not as excited by this one as some of his other work.

>> No.2519033

>that music
What the fuck was this guy smoking that he thought that would be a good idea?

Ruan Jia is a hack with poor tastes.

>> No.2519034
File: 40 KB, 535x577, 1404536865917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw when ruan decided to go full kr0n

>> No.2519035

He's already painted sexual cat-girls and stuff, and half of his personal work is just beautiful faces with saturated colours. It's hardly a surprise and not really a shift from what his normal tastes are.

>> No.2519037

meh, just one new image. And here OP had me hyped for a big site update.

>> No.2519044


>> No.2519045

If Ruanjia started a patreon and started doing fanart I'd be happily grinning like an idiot for the rest of my life, just knowing how mad it'd make faggots like you.

>> No.2519046

I'd love to see that. Every fanboy would be caught in the dilemma of whether to support their favorite artist or to not support it because it's filthy fanart.

>> No.2519049

How do I into those colors and textures? How big do you think the canvas should be in pixels for that kind of details?

>> No.2519050


10k tall

>> No.2519062
File: 535 KB, 700x980, RUANJIA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2519064
File: 32 KB, 623x610, 1452972862866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I would fucking Patronize him he would be the only and I mean the only Artist that I would drop my self inflated ego and spend money.

>> No.2519070

Ruanjia could get like half the industry to pledge to his patreon if he offered rendering / painting tutorials and process videos.

>> No.2519077

You do realize there are already multiple process vids of his online, right? His rendering basically comes down to a shit ton of patience and trial and error. He will repaint a face for like 4 hours just mushing shapes about over and over until the structure finally will look solid, then he spends even longer tightening it up. It's honestly nice to see that someone of his level still needs to brute force their way to a nice result. The early stages of his stuff are usually wonky and look pretty bad.

>> No.2519086


Yeah, someone like kyle or bbc chan have better drawing skills.

>> No.2519089

Yeah, but those are just him doodling and rambling in chinese with really shit audio. I mean videos where he explains his process, talks about how he thinks about color and light etc. And yeah, obviously it's not like those would have secret insight that has never been shared before that would instantly make you paint like him, but he IS a teacher and many of his students do have a fairly similar style. So if he were to actually express his thoughts and lay out his approach in english, I for one would definitely pay for that.

>> No.2519090

Should have moved some saturation and contrast sliders up a notch and added some subtle chromatic aberration for max jimmy rustling.

I don't really know their work so can't say. But draftsmanship is definitely one of Ruan's biggest weaknesses. It's gotten a lot better in the past couple years though.

>> No.2519093

I don't know how good his english is to be honest. I know he speaks a bit, but I don't think he is fully fluent.

Also, is he actually a teacher? He's done some demos and stuff but I don't think he teaches any courses or has specific students under him. There are a ton of people copying his style, sure, but I think they just look at his art and take things rather than actually take classes with him. Or they take classes from people like HJG who have similar styles but teach full courses.

>> No.2519099

site isn't working now, just errors

>> No.2519100

New works also here https://www.artstation.com/artist/ruanjia, he will also come to THU this year but 700 $ or how much is the ticket there is to much for me, starving artists my ass.

>> No.2519136

RuanJia needs to take a class on webdesign

>> No.2519175


no 12k by 16k res file no care

>> No.2519225

>There was a war, lasted for a long period of time in the border of Pyrestone. It was located between the north part of Grandpun
kingdom and the Orax tribe. At that time, the natives lived in fear .The king decided to appoint his second daughter , princess YanxWana, to take guard of the northern territory,Princess had brilliant talent in fighting since she was young . She loved to go exploring world no like other girl with her age. After she had grown up, the king did not arrange a marriage for her. With her amazing skills and talent in fighting, she was recognize by the royal family and parliament. She requested the king to send her to the northern territory to help out protecting the kingdom.

Does anyone get more excited for his badly translated descriptions than the pictures themselves?

>> No.2519237

Nice, but not his best

>> No.2519260

Holy shit he comes up with stories like this for a portrait? topkek

>> No.2519269

If he spent as much time designing the armor/clothing/jewelry/backgrounds/props in his paintings as that description I might not be bored to tears by his work. The subject matter is pretty generic looking.

The level of his technique is amazing but I don't get the mass appeal on IC.

>> No.2519273

>I don't get the mass appeal on IC
Really? On a board where good art = technique, you don't see why a guy who has insanely good technique is held in high regard?

I agree with you that the subject matter and design is often a bit boring in his work, but even in the most generic pieces of his he makes them interesting to look at because of his crazy use of edges and saturation.

Also he tends to post more art online than other people like Jaime or Mullins who are also considered god-tier, so he gets a bit more attention. Oh, and his work looks good to both western art lovers and weebs.

>> No.2519277
File: 119 KB, 384x313, I dont know.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the big deal? it just looks like this guy draws nothing but final fantasy fanart.

>> No.2519278

go to all the images in the "story illustrations" section of the site, they all have these descriptions lmao

>> No.2519308

>The early stages of his stuff are usually wonky and look pretty bad.

that's total bs yo. it might not look amazing but you can see he handles values and saturation and edges extremely well and is very thoughtful about them from the very early sketching phase. i've read anons claim his work looks terrible early a lot on /ic/ and i have no idea where that idea comes from. is it because he doesn't do a clean underdrawing before painting?

>> No.2519312

Yeah he's concerned with value and edges and stuff early on, more than proper drawing. There's videos of him where he has some major proportion errors or like an eye completely misplaced that he doesn't notice and fix until surprisingly late in the process.

>> No.2519321

In my time on /ic/ my biggest qualm with it is nobody here knows how to critique wips. Hardly anyone here can look at a gesture drawing and see either where the artist is going with the picture or where they're struggling and need the most help. Most wips get ignored or advice that sums up to 'finish it'. Ironic since so many here ask how to get to Ruan Jia looking pictures but never take time to analyze and appreciate the process.

>> No.2519324

i agree but his dragons literally make me cum

>> No.2519508
File: 269 KB, 1146x1536, T03904_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still the best rendering machine at the moment
Wanna see his future works in 2040-2050

>> No.2519532
File: 214 KB, 1920x1031, ruan-jia-guild-wars-2-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is his process anyway? The software shouldn't really matter, but the details of his painting tools I mean. His renders always looks so unique.

>> No.2519544


He and other Chinese artists have painting videos on youtube.

They're all the point where they just drop blobs of color and it becomes a painting an hour later. You wont learn shit from watching them.

>> No.2519545

>They're all the point where they just drop blobs of color and it becomes a painting an hour later. You wont learn shit from watching them.

Everyone has a process. Just because you can't replicate it doesn't mean you can't learn from it or find something to take out of it.

>> No.2519546

i swear to god you could post fucking singer sargent and people here would call him a hack (im not even implying that this guy is as good as him before anyone asks). at what point can people here admit that someone is talented? fucking hell.
it pure contrarianism. "you like this artist? WELL THAT MEANS HES SHIT" basically.

>> No.2519568

Not sure if this was posted before but whatever


>> No.2519574
File: 68 KB, 728x455, Nasenaffe-728x455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2519576

she's got some weird lip herpes

kinda gross

>> No.2519583

You're doing God's work, anon

Interesting how he works in greyscale, and kinda replaces sections with color when he feels like it.

>> No.2519626

>this video is unlisted only those with a link can see it

Why would ImagineFX do this? How many more secret gems like this do they have hidden underneath how to paint Tank Girl and Sakimichan paints a female manga character?

>> No.2519630

What are you talking about? Apart from the occasional troll, /ic/ very unanimously thinks Ruanjia is an absolute beast and easily one of the top 3 digital painters in the world right now.

>> No.2519637

that's because you have to buy their mags for the links.

>> No.2519664
File: 71 KB, 603x106, Screenshot 2016-05-12 13.51.23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You actually dont just download it and it has a recource page with the link its not secured in any way found that out by accident.
pic related

>> No.2519665

This is /ic/

Either animu, high fantasy, porn or a combination of the three is seen as the top

>> No.2519666

Wouldn't it take a fuck load of time for him to make just one pic? Plus his process is messy to be helpful if you've seen his those videos.

>> No.2519667

>he doesn't realize it's a huge clue to understand that Ruan Jia uses the same methods as traditional painters

>> No.2519669

Except traditional painting is wet paint. There's no active blending in PS.

>> No.2519707

I bet you also think traditional painters blend the color in the canvas too

>> No.2519709

>Ruan Jia uses the same methods as traditional painters

So does Jaime Jones and his work looks nothing whatsoever like that of Ruanjia.

Also, Ruanjia's workflow is digital as fuck. Traditional painters can't just start with blobs of color and value and then refine and warp it into a good drawing later on. They have to start with a good drawing and procedurally block in shadows, midtones, light etc. Ruanjia doesn't work like that. His end results LOOK like that of some traditional painters due to his handling of color and light, but his method to get there is completely different.

>> No.2519711

Of course thy blend color on the canvas. Where else could they blend it you moron? Did you mean MIXING colors?

>> No.2519712

>Traditional painters can't just start with blobs of color and value and then refine and warp it into a good drawing later on

Traditional painters have several methods. The block in is actually the most popular

>> No.2519726
File: 99 KB, 546x553, animu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ruan is a weeb

>> No.2519728
File: 1.67 MB, 1186x1206, Screen Shot 2016-05-12 at 3.17.38 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2519732

That is not even remotely the same though. You can clearly see Lipking measuring and drawing. When I say drawing I don't mean it in terms of lineart. Have you ever done a traditional painting before in your life? You can't just select and warp an eye around when you misplaced it, you can fix mistakes depending on the medium, but you can't sculpt something out of blobs of color like some digital artists do. The video you posted is a perfect example of the difference in approach. Lipkings markmaking is carefully measured and highly accurate.

>> No.2519736
File: 251 KB, 1080x1080, VOu20jCjY2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can everything
even photobash

>> No.2519776

>you can't sculpt something out of blobs of color like some digital artists do

>> No.2519781

What is this image?

>> No.2519810
File: 32 KB, 300x431, elongated-skull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2519816

what a waste of time

>> No.2519822

>Rick Berry
>waste of time

>> No.2519890


>> No.2519894

Topkek, except he doesnt at all. His process is basically endless mashing paint onto canvas until it looks good, try doing that with actual paint.

>> No.2519932
File: 234 KB, 500x622, ruan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2519943
File: 933 KB, 768x1280, Screenshot_2016-05-12-19-32-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What?!??!? HOW

>> No.2519945

>golden bunny tail above a dirty asscrack

>> No.2519946

>Traditional painters can't just start with blobs of color and value and then refine and warp it into a good drawing later on.
Ever heard of George Pratt, anon? That is literally his process.

>> No.2519950

He works at a massive resolution, and glazes in detail and colour. He also probably used some layer modes to get the shine on the metal. Oh, and he's just really good.

>> No.2519995


>> No.2520019

is this where we pretend to care about draftsmanship in a painting thread?

>> No.2520020

... you are

>> No.2520216



>> No.2520263

A bit of a honker on a woman can really turn me on sometimes.

>> No.2520275

from a random porn game

>> No.2520311
File: 77 KB, 655x545, butt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2520376

This is his process, yes.

>> No.2520400
File: 3 KB, 125x98, 1462044880082s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit

>> No.2520652


>> No.2521084

It seems to me you're the one who's never done anything besides digital

>> No.2521086

Are you seriously implying that people who produce this quality of work do a significant part of their work aimlessly?

>> No.2521101

one time i mushed shapes around for like an hour and accidentally a ruan jia

>> No.2521114


It's kind of like those people who find Jesus in their coffee filter

>> No.2521120

Post it.

>> No.2521141

Ruanjia must be very lucky because he has found dozens of his paintings

>> No.2521151


No, he's implying the guy's workflow isn't that of a traditional painting, because that's what the statement he's replying to is saying.

You can mash stuff on a canvas and make it look aimless even if you've got a plan, but it's definitely a different process than the more deliberate one necessary in most traditional mediums where, if nothing else, it's fucking expensive to be slapping layer over layer over layer.

That said I agree with the guy that some of his techniques replicate traditional ones. I've seen a few videos though and his lay-in is still a pretty digital approach.

>> No.2521155

>breaking news
>a digital artist uses digital techniques
>he's not actually painting in oils

>> No.2521193

Top Kek

>> No.2521199

Well, I work mostly in guache and watercolor traditionally, where you absolutely have to plan what you are doing before you do it. But please educate me. What traditional medium do you use where you can infinitely mush around blobs of color on canvas and sculpt something out of it the way Ruanjia does it? I dabbled a bit into oils, which supposedly is the most forgiving traditional medium and even there, when you make a mistake, you have to fucking paint over it. When you draw a face that's too big for the body, you can't just select it and resize it like Ruanjia does all the time, you have to paint the whole face again.

I honestly don't know why I'm even arguing over something like that. Is that seriously a controversial statement to make on /ic/? That traditional painters do not have the luxury of easily correcting their mistakes, thus they USUALLY have a much more deliberate and structured workflow? Wherei's Ruanjia's workflow is the exact opposite of that?

Sometimes I seriously don't know why I even bother arguing with you people. It's like telling someone who says the earth is flat that it is round and then you get 10+ (you)s telling you "AAAKSCHUALLY the earth is oval, here are some youtube videos!"

>> No.2521222

People were talking about oils you retard. You can remove the oil with the knife, and I was talking about the methods, the block in, starting with big shapes of color and working details from there. Obviously you can't work the details the same way as in digital, but the workflow is the same

lmao of course painting in watercolor is completely different to digital, holy shit aren't you dense

>> No.2521544

How old is Ruan Jia now? It's so hard to find ages when these artists don't have proper exposure or social media.

>> No.2521547

It matters?

>> No.2521550

I want to see the age progress from his older works prior to 2010.

>> No.2521552

He was born in 1983.

>> No.2521557

So he's around 33? I thought he was younger by the photos I saw of him; this puts me at ease since I thought he achieved such mastery being only like 20-something.

>> No.2521561

Well he's asian and seems to care about his appearance a fair bit, so yeah he looks young.

And who cares about mastery at different ages. There are plenty of people who became masters in their late teens and early 20's, and plenty who became masters in their 30's or 40's. Not everyone improves at the same rate and not everyone starts at the same age.

>> No.2521564

Yeah, it shouldn't bother me but I've become so self absorbed at seeing other artists strive at young ages. It's really becoming a problem for me.

>> No.2521575


asian genetics

>> No.2521580

Do Asians also have good studying genetics, or maybe its just good hand coordination genetics..

>> No.2521615


They don't waste time going on internet message boards asking if certain races have good genetics for studying.

He studies and works constantly, end of story. Anyone who works as hard as he does for a long can reach a comparable skill level. No one on IC has because no one on here works that hard.

>> No.2521631
File: 67 KB, 550x734, af04e48878d94c127b117d6759e28777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he only looks gud cus of ctrl+z!!
Are you seriously gonna sit there and pretend to be retarded or are you really just retarded? He paints in traditional media too for one and secondly digital isn't some magic wand that miraculously allows a shit artist to look like Michelangelo by throwing time and liquify at their turds or else every digital artist's work would look great when the vast majority in reality look like shit. The technical details of how he works in either medium might be different but his knowledge and approach to things like color, stylizing, rendering and how he wants to make them show through consistently. If you have nothing better than "this medium doesn't work like this medium so you can't learn anything from this artist" and "he's only good because he's cheating with transform tool" you need to sit the fuck down.

>> No.2521635

i c

>> No.2521750
File: 70 KB, 517x863, BOY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>月底回国啦(˶‾᷄ -̫ ‾᷅˵),这次回来最少呆2年会保持和343的合作其他时间画自己的,不开班但是会到处游走做分享去年大大小小的分享30多场在游戏公司和学校,今年的分享有月底的腾讯和美院的论坛,还有9月会参与THU在葡萄牙的盛典,作为第一个在THU做讲座的中国人感受到了压力不过我会全力以赴的

translate please ˶‾᷄ -̫ ‾᷅˵

>> No.2521773

>Returning home at the end of it (˶~᷄ -̫ ~᷅˵), this time back to stay a minimum of 2 years and the cooperation will remain 343 other paint their time, not classes but will roam large and small, do share last year to share 30 more than in the game companies and schools, and this year's share of Tencent Academy've had at the end of September, there will be participation THU festival in Portugal, as the first in a lecture THU Chinese people felt the pressure but I will go all out

That's about the best I can get out of Google translate.

>> No.2521781
File: 141 KB, 680x952, ruan-jia-white-night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does he like weirdly long noses?

>> No.2521787

I think he was literally just saying that you don't have to be as careful with planning out proportions when you paint digitally because you can easily fix it later on anyway whereas traditional you're forced to plan out and structure your drawing as accurate as possible because it's much harder to recover from if you fuck up, not necessarily that Ruan Jia can't do construction.

>> No.2521797
File: 641 KB, 1920x960, zhengyi-wang-loading-screen-stronghold-copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it his work or a half/ruanjia's work? lol

>> No.2521801

this is too good for that chink from Arena

>> No.2521807
File: 50 KB, 718x494, vampirehunterd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's how asians view white people.

>> No.2521808

Not really long, just small and hooked. It looks kind of oriental, which is probably what he was brought up thinking looked more normal, or even aesthetic.

>> No.2521810

That makes no sense at all though. It doesn't matter that it's easier to fix things in digital, if you don't know how to draw all those tools won't help you. And traditional mediums aren't all that insanely unforgiving that you can't wing it and make a nice piece or make corrections. The fact that you may have to do a little more prep doesn't make it a completely different process, certainly not enough for him to say there's nothing someone working in traditional media could learn from his overall process and especially not when he's shown he can produce the same results in physical media himself.

>> No.2521813
File: 208 KB, 290x400, embedded_2013_brond_hair_color.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you ever looked at a real person?

>> No.2521845

THAT'S HIM? is he even old enough to drink?

>> No.2521852
File: 59 KB, 500x671, 876467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ruanjia is a a girl

>> No.2521859
File: 121 KB, 960x1280, BOI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2521888

>It doesn't matter that it's easier to fix things in digital, if you don't know how to draw all those tools won't help you.

Ruan Jia knows how to draw though.

>The fact that you may have to do a little more prep doesn't make it a completely different process

Didn't say that.

>> No.2521890

Yeah and that guy said the opposite of both of those things.

>> No.2521903

No, I didn't, learn to read

>> No.2521906

how to make that square color circle always visible?

>> No.2522032
File: 309 KB, 1124x1574, 5e475b33gw1f3v13fuz7cj20v817qgtx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He tossed this version because he didn't like how it came out. How does it make you feel?

>> No.2522036

>armor protects even less
makes sense

>> No.2522037


I enjoy this version a lot more, except on first glance it looks like she's not even wearing the armor.

>> No.2522038

better actually

>> No.2522039

Makes me feel like he made the right decision. Obviously it's good in general, but for Ruan Jia it's terrible.

>> No.2522054

Take the armor off, make her nekkid, put her in a pond with some lilly pads n shit. Would make a good mischievous water nymph.

>> No.2522077
File: 1.02 MB, 1875x1092, 1462956150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2522089
File: 309 KB, 380x3516, 5e475b33gw1f3v13rp1baj20ak2po7cl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2522111
File: 25 KB, 391x380, tmp_13503-tumblr_o6f1xigz681uedk7wo1_400-1092901245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real talk, is Ruan gay? Something about his work sets off my gaydar.

>> No.2522116

Back that fucking statement up, only ignore the red cancer on the lip on the scrapped piece.

>> No.2522123

He's had at least one girlfriend in the past. He used her as reference for those portrait paintings he did back in like 2007 or whatever that were some of the first things to get him a ton of fame.

He also paints sexualized cat girls for fun, so probably he is straight.

>> No.2522124

i don't think so

>> No.2522125
File: 32 KB, 512x512, gayross,.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2522133

"sexualized cat girls"
he can be submissive like ross tran

>> No.2522533

bad composition, too symmetrical and everyone is spaced out too evenly

>> No.2522538

I prefer this version actually, but it does have a very different feel and personality to it, so it makes sense that he changed it to be closer to his vision.

>> No.2522563

tripfag why are the feet highlighted if they're in shadow

>> No.2523494

You should see jojos bizarre adventure. Now is Hirohiko Araki gay?

>> No.2523503
File: 2.68 MB, 1125x1575, fixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2523606

Where did you find this?

>> No.2523613

i like it

>> No.2523614
File: 75 KB, 1023x659, CXD1ND8UwAAvbAV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Real talk, is Ruan gay?
He's just Chinese. Probably a single child and never talked to girls and spent most of his time drawing.

>> No.2523619

I'm guessing his blog. He has a weibo blog where he posts a lot of sketches and selfies. You need to sign up to be able to see it though, which is tough to do without speaking chinese. It's also hard to find the blog without speaking chinese. Someone linked it here a couple years ago and I signed up with the help of google translate and they needed my phone number to text me a verification code, it was a pain in the ass to deal with. I've since forgotten my username and password though.

>> No.2524087

i'd love to see his sketches if anyone can access that

>> No.2524092

They're mostly pen or pencil sketches. Studies of hands, figures, portraits, environments etc. Usually done pretty direct without much underdrawing. If no one else posts them I can try posting some up if I have saved on another computer, but you'll have to wait a day or something.

>> No.2524180

cool, i'd appreciate that. you could just throw them into an imgur album so it's less work for you.

>> No.2524377

Can you even read? All the things you are saying have nothing to do with the post.