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2518361 No.2518361 [Reply] [Original]

ever fall in love with the life model?

any life drawing stories

>> No.2518371

Only once. Usually I am too busy drawing to think of anything other than art.

If you talk to them usually they turn out to be pretty weird.

>> No.2518373

yep, I came in my pants. She was my type.

>> No.2518376

After all these years I've come to the realization that nudists are the darnest people.

>> No.2518384

i talked to one, she was a yoga instructor but after 5min i knew she couldnt hold a conversation as long as a pose so let it go.

another one i liked , she wasnt a usaual life model so she felt violated so talking to her made me feel like i raped her before hand so i let that go as well. . . ..

>> No.2518532

Samefag. I bet u bot rejected.

>> No.2518557

not smafagging thankss

>> No.2518561


I've seen a lot of QTs. I keep a professional appreciation for most of them. There's onlyone that makes me uncomfortable, and that's because she keeps looking right at me.

>> No.2518563

she wants to help you to draw straight on faces obv.

>> No.2518583

it happens and then all the rest of the poses are away from my direction?!!

like i sinned against the model by looking at her...

>> No.2518749
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Not directly related but reminded me of this:
Went to art class, befriend a guy pretty quickly as we were on a similar skill level and equally ambitious.
Meet outside classes for urban sketching or whatever topic was in class.
Become close friends.
Do clothed life drawing of eachother, get drunk one night. I jokingly suggest we should do some naked life drawing. He agrees. Neither of us want to be first, so we flip a coin. Of course i lose. Agreed on 30 mins and every five minutes pose change. After 3rd pose he says he's going out for a smoke, comes back few minutes later, finishes all poses.
We switch, everything goes fine.
I meet him some weeks later at a party, already pretty wasted. He confesses to me, instead of going out for a smoke he went to the guest bathroom to jerk off "or else i probably would have raped you"

>> No.2518761


>> No.2518771

what an autist he must have been

>> No.2518773

Holy shit that's creepy but funny to hear about. I mean, the whole situation is strange. What guys pose nude for each other?

>> No.2518775

did he?

>> No.2518778

One of our models was really handsome and funny but he had a bf. He was middle-aged and muscular with a little bit of stomach pudge but looked like a character straight out of a Mentaiko doujin.

>> No.2518783
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>> No.2518798

Come on anon, it's 2016.

>> No.2518827

now, that's a true gentleman.

>> No.2518851

I really can't tell if he was joking. I asked him if he was serious when he was sober again but he couldn't (or pretended that he couldn't) remember saying anything.

>> No.2518855

>I asked him if he was serious when he was sober again but he couldn't (or pretended that he couldn't) remember saying anything.
Well no shit he pretended he didn't remember it. Imagine getting drunk and confessing to your friend you wanted to rape them. When you sober up the next day you would definitely have an "oh fuck what have I done" moment and deny everything.

Also you never answered your gender and sexual orientation.

>> No.2518865

Also you never answered your gender and sexual orientation.

Pretty sure regarding where he is he is a faggot.

>> No.2518872

>Also you never answered your gender and sexual orientation.
Sorry. Female and straight.

>> No.2518889


>> No.2518916

thread has potential. more creepy art school stories

>> No.2518918

Damn. Must be a super uncomfortable situation then. What's the fallout from it? Did you cut off contact?

>> No.2518982

If he hadn't been so weird about it and instead let's say... What if posed first as his own choice to make you less uncomfortable, and then maybe after you switch stayed naked while drawing you and then one leads to the other and after a while of flirty conversation in a convenient moment he slightly brushes with his hand over your naked body and before you realise you find youself lying under him, panting, grabbing his ass while he fucks you beneath canvas and paints - would that have been an option?

>> No.2518987

>not being able to have a professional relationship
Only autists can't handle drawing a model without wanting to be with them.
>be in gesture drawing class
>first time in class having a muscular male model
>autistic weeb girl in class outrightly tells her (and the whole class) that he is attractive
>entire class goes silent

>> No.2519007

Thought you were a dude. Now the story isn't funny anymore but "meh, expected it" instead.
Well, good story I guess. So would you have fucked him if given a chance? Was he hot?

>> No.2519016

>"meh, expected it"
I mean the sexual attraction part becomes more expected, but the rape part is still pretty fucked up and not normal.

>> No.2519023
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One time, op

>> No.2519027
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>it's a girl so it's not funny.

rape is always funny if it's doesn't relate to you.

>> No.2519030

Careful not to cut yourself on all that edge

>> No.2519053


Don't worry, here we are masters of edging.

>> No.2519063

Right? A straight guy got super horny because there was a naked girl posing for him alone at his house hurp durp. How is this surprising at all? Girls like to pretend they have the same sex drive as men, but only a girl wouldn't understand how this story is not surprising at all.
They also don't understand that the rape part was hyperbole, he obviously wouldn't rape you, because he didn't rape you.

>> No.2519067

i met a girl on DA of all places, we began talking regularly on that site back in the day for about 2 years, i ended up moving citys and found a life drawing class that was close by to where i live, after 2 sessions i realized that the girl i talked to on DA was one of the models (through her dp's etc) this was purely a small world kinda thing, but when i told her who i was it got kinda awkward that day, but after i explained that i in no way aimed to track her down in a stalker kinda way and was in the city for its art school, things were all good, we ended up getting coffee together a few times, but we never clicked on more than an art loving kinda way. she was too russian for my love of capitalism.

>> No.2519080

Run-on sentence of the year right here

>> No.2519083

>Come on anon, it's 2016.

>> No.2519087
File: 43 KB, 620x501, 345354334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Careful not to cut yourself on all that edge
our skin isnt paper thin so theres no need to worry

>> No.2519101

Protip: You can use full-stops in place of some of those commas buddy.

>> No.2519116

>whoops. my pun.ctuation is not up. to 4cha.ns .standards..

>> No.2519161

maybe artists cant be life drawing models

since we see them naked first, (in some instances)

imagine seeing your future partner naked first before the first date, it sort of kills it...

>> No.2519329

Fingered the same model on many occasions, great wet and tight pussy. We are attracted to each other, but just friends.

>> No.2519337
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that's what she tried to say

>> No.2519341

What? I would have no problem dating a model.

>> No.2519357

Not a love story but here we go

> Went to that life drawing class that was being offered for free in college
> Being the new guy
> Lots of girls and me and other couple of guys
> Model enters
> Nerdish guy, younger Bill gates come to mind, around 25 yo
> Girls start smirking to each other
> Guy goes behind screen and start undressing
> Biggest grampa underpants over screen
> I wonder why he is modelling
> Guy comes out and start 60 second poses
> ohmygodbeckylookathiscock
> Biggest pair of balls and thickest soft dick I ever saw in my life
> More smirks
> Hip indulcing poses
> Motherfucker knows he balling

A girl in class says he is always volunteering for posing. I went abroad and when I came back he was gone.

>> No.2519367

I once had a model that was the opposite. He was a bit older and slightly overweight and his penis was basically inside of him. Like it shriveled up and only the tip of his foreskin showed, maybe the size of a fingernail. It was weird.

>> No.2519369

She was only in any real danger if the dude wasn't white.

>> No.2519383

kills what lol
you will see your partner a 1000 times naked

>> No.2519397


>> No.2519590

I was a bit unsettled after what he told me so we only saw eachother in classes or for group projects. He got a girlfriend some months later and contact broke off completly.

He was pretty handsome, yes. Quite fit too, it was fun drawing him because i could see the muscle structure under the skin. However, a heavy smoker wich is a major turn- off. I wouldn't have wanted face or hands (or penis for that matter) anywhere near me.

(it was at my house if that actually matters though)
You're somewhat right there of course.
And afterwards i felt quite foolish desu.
I never understood how guys could get so worked up about a pretty model and why they couldn't just be professional about it.
>the rape part was hyperbole
i thought so too, his reaction on me calling him out was just weird

>> No.2519601

>a heavy smoker
>heavy smoker

you just went from ''silly little girl'' to ''you took the right option''

>I never understood how guys could get so worked up about a pretty model and why they couldn't just be professional about it.
a sex has to do the chasing, otherwise it would go extinct, see pandas

>> No.2519615

Guys can be professional in the sense that they can pretend they are not horny... Imagine how much harassment lawsuits there would be in any workplace if guys acted naturally (considering any type of flirting can be considered harassment). But the fact is that the thing that keeps guys from having sex all the time is that girls don't want to. Gladly, feminists are working hard to convince women that they are as horny and promiscuous as men so everybody wins, right?

>> No.2519689

>rape comments are serious guys!
reddit pls

>> No.2519710

kek he had built-in censorship

>> No.2519716

>you just went from ''silly little girl'' to ''you took the right option''

What's wrong with smokers if they're handsome and fit?

>> No.2519718

bad breath, skin and teeth

>> No.2519844

what a great thread

>> No.2519856

>4chan must be edgy
>every board is /b/

>> No.2519862

You're going to die faster.

>> No.2520133

When I'll tell people this story you're both going to be guys because male on male sexual tension is hilarious.

>> No.2520138

if you dont know that meme its clearly you who needs to go

>> No.2520417

I'm pretty sure this dude got some pussay out of curiosity of seeing it hard, or at least lazy blowjobs.

>> No.2520466

Persian-looking model bro here. I can re-tell some stories from last time if anyone remembers/cares.

>> No.2520473

why is it im getting the feeling that telling your friends you feel like raping them isn;t okay in this thread?

>> No.2520514

I haven't heard, so yeah do tell.

>> No.2520989

okay I'm really busy today, but I'll try to find some time to post some stories this weekend or early next week. Keep an eye on the thread.

>> No.2521027

an offhanded hyperbole isn't edgy

>> No.2522586

Okay apparently I didn’t save the ones I typed up last time, so it’s gonna be slow going as I re-write this stuff.

Background: I've done lots of figure drawing and modeling at various sessions. I'm male. Most of my stories are from 10 years ago when I was in college. Once while modeling someone pointedly said I looked very persian. My ancestry is german and slavic so I don't know what the fuck, but persian-model-looking guy is what stuck in the last thread.

Anyway, first story: I'd been regularly drawing at this one group for about 3 months. That's long enough that I was loosely acquainted with the regulars, but I didn’t really know anyone that well. Many were still practically strangers.

//had begun to pick up on by that point

I should note at this point that most of the regulars were working art professionals or people who had been involved with visual arts most of their lives. This made the session different in a lot of ways than the more commonly found ones filled with students or middle-aged hobbyists. One particular difference I had picked up on by that point was that these people had a clear understanding that colored discussion: “if you’re gonna commit to art stuff, you better be ready to deal with whatever comes along with it.”

The lady who ran the session (from here on referred to as Felicia) was amazingly talented, so I'd listen closely to as much of what she said as my attention would allow, even if it was just offhand conversations in the group. During one such conversation Felicia made a comment that if someone were serious about figurative work, they should model at least a couple of times so they understand what the model goes through: models are human, it's strenuous, you're vulnerable, etc.

>> No.2522589


I thought that sounded like a pretty good idea because, hey, I’m serious about figurative art; I wanna GIT GUD. So the next time I show up to the session I mention to Felicia that I overheard her and I’d be game sometime if she thinks the group could use a young male model (this session was almost always young-middle aged females). More-or-less dismissively (Felicia never seemed to like me too much), she said she’d keep it in mind, but we already had [GirlModel] booked for that night. I said thanks or something and Felicia waited by the building’s entrance while I headed into the studio to start getting my materials ready.

Usually after doors open everyone is ready to go about 20 minutes in and the model shows up no later than 25 minutes. So, naturally, the room of 12-15 people started to get antsy when we started pushing 40 minutes and there was still no model. Finally, Felicia kind of slinks into the room so as not to attract too much attention and approaches me. Under her breath: “Okay, Persianmodelbro, I usually try not to pressure people in this space, but [GirlModel] cancelled and I can’t get a replacement. There’s no obligation, but there are 15 people here and you did *just* say that you wanted to try modeling…”

So I shrugged my shoulders, dropped trou, and got on the platform. Felicia was very helpful in keeping time and guiding poses. For those of you who have never been to a figure drawing session, usually there’s a few 3 minute gesture poses, then some 10-20 minute standing poses, and it ends with a 30-45 minute relaxed, long pose. The gesture poses went well enough. Of course I was nervous about a million things including: “Jesus, the last time I showered was yesterday morning”, “What did I eat for dinner, fuck, am I gonna fart?”, “It’s cold in here and I’ve got some serious shrinky-dick, I really fucking hope no one here talks to any of the girls I do.”

>> No.2522592

I’d like to introduce you now to Smokey. One of the regulars, Smokey was always very good natured, but a little odd. Seemed like maybe he did a lot of acid in the 60s. Maybe he still did. Conversation with Smokey was often interesting and unusual.

I was almost starting to get comfortable with being buck naked in front of 12 strangers when I start the first 10 minute pose and Smokey walks up near the edge of the model platform and starts drawing my groin area. Of course I can’t really see because I’m looking into the distance and I can’t adjust since I’m supposed to be made of marble. “Okay maybe he’s just trying to get a good rendition of the hip-box area. Doing a pelvis study. I’ll rotate around for the next pose and that way he can get a different view.”

So I turn 180 and no sooner does Felicia start the timer than does Smokey walk around the platform and start a new drawing of my groin. I’m talking this guy’s head is like 4 feet from my crotch and as best I can tell he’s intensely recording every crease and shrivel of my penis. At this point I start to think “Well, I guess this is Smokey trying to teach me a lesson. I chose to take my clothes off and now I need to accept that other people are going to look at my body and I need to accept the parts of me I’m uncomfortable with. This is a consequence of my decision.” Each pose until break, I continue to rotate, and Smokey continues to follow.

>> No.2522593


Finally, during break, I walk up to smokey and ask If I can see his work “Oh Yeah, man! Great poses, man!” Every drawing is a hand. I didn’t realize one of my hands was resting on my hip in each pose and that Smokey could have been focusing in on that. Still, the drawings were pretty loose- they looked like drawings of hands you could make without looking at hands. Part of me is still convinced he was staring at my dick just to say “Lol if you’re gonna get paid just for being naked, you better be ready for some old hippie to stare at your dick the WHOLE TIME.” Not in a mean way, more of a “grandpa makes uncomfortable jokes” way. That’s just the kind of guy Smokey was.

>> No.2522611

What would you have done if he had actually been drawing your junk? Would it have been better if his penis drawings were good or if they were bad?

Have you modelled since? Any other stories?

Do you agree with Felicia that it's a good idea for an artist to model? If so, what did you learn from it?

>> No.2522661

>What would you have done if he had actually been drawing your junk?
Probably nothing. I mean it depends on him, if he just drew it because he honestly needed to do penis studies then fuck it, that's the point I guess. If he drew it because he was trying to flirt with me or something (that has happened elsewhere), I have no idea how I would have handled it. Probably would have just dodged a bunch and found a way to politely let him know I'm not into him.

>better if...good or if they were bad?
Again, depends on the situation. Better if they're good I guess, because then he's talented so good for him. I just hope he doesn't show them to anyone.

>Have you modelled since? Any other stories?
Yeah that was the first time. It's been a long while since the last time, but I've got plenty of stories. I'll wait to see if there's some more interest because I'm so fucking long winded and this isn't a blog. I'm happy to share experience, but I'm not tryina hijack the whole thread. If it's still up next weekend or something I'll post some more, hopefully I can prune the stories a little.

>Do you agree with Felicia... what did you learn from it?
Oh definitely. I learned a ton. Some stuff you would expect:
>how to talk your friends or gf into modeling
>how to make sure a model is comfortable
>body image/confidence stuff (cheesy i know, but yeah)
>keeping still for 20 minutes is fucking hard

But there's other stuff, like dealing with uncomfortable situations and unusual social stuff. I mean, everyone's supposed to be really professional at figure drawing sessions, but that's not always how it goes. I can get into that with other stories/posts

Also, it's fucking amazing for public speaking. Seriously before I started being the center of attention for a group would make me so nervous I'd shake and sweat buckets and could barely talk. After a couple years of modeling I'm super comfortable with giving presentations.

>> No.2522681

With the presentations thing, think about the stereotypical advice: If you feel nervous, picture them in their underwear. This is supposed to be a reversal of the 'nightmare situation' where you're in your underwear in front of a crowd. But if you're used to actually being naked, then fuck it.

That kinda goes in with the body confidence thing I mentioned. A lot of the time if I mention that I did this to a girl at a party they'd be all like "Oh my god that's so cool, I've always wanted to/been meaning to do that forever! It must make you so confident with your body."

And it does, but not in the way they think. People have this perception that modeling will make you confident like "I'm just as hot as Beyonce or I'm just as ripped and sexy as Brad Pitt" or some bullshit. They think it'll make them believe they're perfect and that people will catch on to that confidence and because confidence is sexy they are then *actually* just as hot as a model. This is a bullshit perception.

Insecurity is because you don't really know how people will react to your saggy tits/small dick/hairy stomach/scars etc. You know it's probably not good, but you don't know how bad it is. The people with the delusional perception think showing off these flaws will make people think they're attractive. It wont.

The reality is that even though people try to hide it in figure drawing sessions, they have opinions on your positive and negative body aspects. If you model enough, you'll eventually see people slip and let you know, one way or the other, what they think. You'll learn that they DEFINITELY don't think you're just as hot as those celebs. It'll boil down to "People think your [body part] is ugly. That's not gonna kill you though. At least not in a first-world country."

So once you have that knowledge, doing group interviews or giving a toast or something are a joke in terms of stress.

>> No.2522683

Thanks for telling that first story and answering questions. I can understand that you might wait because you don't want to type it all out, but don't hold back for fear of hogging the thread. Your stories are interesting and relevant.

>how to talk your friends or gf into modeling
Interested in hearing what you have to say on this.

>how to make sure a model is comfortable
Interested in this too.

>everyone's supposed to be really professional at figure drawing sessions, but that's not always how it goes. I can get into that with other stories/posts
Would be nice to hear this as well.

>> No.2522688

Oh cool you expanded more on this while I was typing my post here >>2522683

It makes sense what you say.