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File: 92 KB, 650x919, 1461782242687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2502679 No.2502679[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

can someone upload krenz cushart's tutorials to cgp? the ones from patreon/gumroad

>> No.2502681

Start being a good goy and pay for your content or else.

>> No.2502685

nah.. I've given a lot of classes too. just wanna know If anyone wants to share with the comunity

>> No.2502695

Fuck you this is 4chan lmfao leave your morals at the door.

I second this, if anyone has any kind of patreon reward tutorials please share. I'm interested in a few different.

>> No.2502703


I would love to get my mitts on these also.

>> No.2502707

Its not worth in my opinion. Some of the jpg. files are on pinterest

>> No.2502708

yeah, sorry for that anon and call me a commie or whatever but I believe education should be free even if teachers deserve all the money in the world and It's not even for people themselves but for humanity advancing as a whole.

I believe cgp is founded on a similar philosophy.

>> No.2502712

Kill yourself to be honest family

>> No.2502715

I'd love to see those too, any links?

>> No.2502719

yeah because you've never torrented something yourself right?

>> No.2502746

Torrenting an independent artist's dinky little tutorials is like stealing the pocket change out of a street musician's instrument case. The only real solace I find in the fact that so many wannabe artists feel entitled to the fruits of their peers' labor is that these piratespergs will never get good enough for their own work to be valued by anybody. They'll just hoard thousands and thousands of videos from some camelfucker site that loads their computer up with Trojans as a form of procrastination and never progress themselves

>> No.2502753

Most of the people torrenting stuff wouldn't have bought it in the first place, so it's not really like the artist is losing out that much. Also I can guarantee that any of these popular guys are making a killing off these tutorials and patreon. Many of them make more than they do off their full time studio jobs. The people making these tutorials are much better off financially than any of the people either buying or torrenting.

>> No.2502759

sent ;)

>> No.2502761

I've got my drean job working at a studio making 3d and some 2d stuff thanks to cgp, I now teach and share what I know so go fuck yourself.

>> No.2502767

What a load of shit lol

>> No.2502772

It's called making props and you are not going to make me post my work mate

>> No.2502777

You don't do shit basement dweller, and if you did that's even worse anyway. At least NEET spergs have an excuse for why they're such pathetic penny pinching Jews.

>> No.2502786

your envy is strong and my penis grows each time. sorry you are so angry I have a great job without formal education anon.

>> No.2502806

Again, you're lying, but two, if you weren't lying you're saying that this education that you built a career on (lol) wasn't worth the breakfast you ate this morning in real terms. You're a perfect example of why nobody should 'share' jack shit either way. You're at best a greasy NEET thief and at worst a hypocrite that expects to be paid for his work while shamelessly stealing from actual artists.

>> No.2502813

no, I mean. the stuff you pirate doesn't magically give you super powers, you have to sweat like most who try to earn a living. just keep in mind that a lot of great architects of the past never studied.
great luck most studios don't need you to have a fucking paper, they just need you to do great work and so.
sorry to break your dreams anon.
but you gotta work hard for what you want in life.
And you are right, I correct myself, I don't owe my living to cgp but to my willpower.

>> No.2502829

I don't even know what you're getting at right now about 'breaking my dreams' and so on, but let me just say this because maybe I haven't gotten across what I'm trying to.

I still think you're full of shit but, assuming you do have a career and all that shit, that's fine, on some level I'm happy for you, even. What I'm saying is that the fact you can supposedly make a career out of the knowledge you learned through some of the tutorials and software stuff on cgp and not even flip the motherfuckers (not cgp, but the artists that helped you most) a couple bucks for what they've done for your life is bogus. This is why artists at all but the absolute highest levels don't get any respect from their peers and are often paid terribly, artists don't even respect each other.

>> No.2502840
File: 124 KB, 1166x824, krenz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can download shit for free and I will keep doing it if it helps me get good, no fucks given, but at least you made me laugh with the camelfucker thing so your post wasn't completely worthless.


>> No.2502882

I give so much more now anon. you are just bitter

>> No.2502892

yo can we get a link here for the tuts. i could never get a cgp account. waited for the 1sts and 15ths and never got the option to register.

>> No.2502913

Fuck off to twitter or tumblr, wherever the fuck you came from.