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2500374 No.2500374 [Reply] [Original]

is the secret to having a popular art blog on tumblr not actually as much the quality of your work but rather how much you reblog and consume other peoples dashboard?

>> No.2500386

I only fuck around with instagram, but if the tumblr normie art community is ANYTHING like it is on IG, then yes yes fuck yes its way more about how much you interact/reblog/consume etc

>> No.2500400
File: 19 KB, 409x409, 1323222240001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post carefully crafted, meaningful, highly technical work for 1 year and half, no response, sometimes I get one or two likes weeks/months later, reblogs literally never happen.
>Post Splatoon lewds and sfw fanart, sketchy, not refined, wathever, get a few notes and reweets right away.

K, its ok, I understand now.


>> No.2500401
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I like to have a tight little blog with my art and a few really cool things that ive reblogged or posted

but now im just going to rebogg everything I vaguely like but assume other will

I wish there was a way to keep reblogs from showing up on your main page

>> No.2500402
File: 14 KB, 316x202, tumblr_nsbssdDPds1uyvel4o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep confusing reblogs with retweets, I hate this, I hate social media, I hate everything.

>> No.2500432
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>tfw every third thing you draw is a well know anime character just to garner followers

I dont even watch anime

>> No.2500451

I never reblog things, but I also don't use Tumblr so I just follow as many blogs as I can that reblogged something I drew (you know they likw your stuff, and you know they post things that youre interested in. Following "likes" can be a bit more suspicious). About one in three follow back, and one in five reblog some of my other art they hadn't seen. I wouldn't advise it if you actually want to use your Tumblr, but it's how I get tens of thousands of reblogs.

>> No.2500455

what does it mean when someone likes all your posts but then doesnt follow you

>> No.2500568
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it usually means, "Your stuff is ok, follow for follow, ok?"
or hey, why not?, perhaps they just forget to or are already keeping track of too many blogs.

>> No.2500571
File: 45 KB, 625x540, 1450289448667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw all I ever wanted to do with my life was to draw fanart of cute anime characters

The only person I'm pandering to is myself

>> No.2500576

It's a satisfying feel

>> No.2500582

dont get me wrong, I like lewd and I like cute, and I like working in those themes as much as I love drawing pretty much everything, I just wish my
more thought out stuff got more aknowledgement which is only understandable.

>> No.2502523

Nah, the problem is what you draw, you could draw a fucking amazing scene of beatrix kiddo butchering a teletubby but no one would see it because it's not what they look for, in order to gain a following you'd need to upload loads of fandom shit which you probably hate, homestuck, stupidly designed ocs, a metric fuck tonne of furry porn with a light sprinkle of fan requests. Problem here is that your huge following would be socially retarded fangirls and the like. You'd literally be serving these people.

First thing that comes to mind is, why can't i just upload normal shit and get a normal fanbase? Because people who like these normal things are a minority on the internet as they don't spend hours of every day on it you'd need to be like fengzhu tier huge.

Frankly, the way i see it is. Sure you can build this big ass fanbase, but it would only be detrimental to you. If you want to get into art as a profession your chances are low, you could be a god of illustration and your chances would be low. I'd imagine your best bet internet-wise would be to utilise everything at your disposal, youtube, twitter, fucking tumblr god forbid. But not just them, utilise the users, offer some thumbnail art to semi popular youtubers, get some cred from shoutouts and links in descriptions, to be successful you've got to attack, most people will just say "ah yeah i'll make a tumblr, post my art and wait" But no, you have to get into some sneaky shit, make it look like you're not actively trying to get attention when you're really spreading your seed all over the internet and thus, in everyone's face.

>> No.2502758

You just have to find a niche, be social and have luck. Doesnt have to be anime or vidya, anything with a decent amount of fans will do. I sometimes like to draw dinosaurs and thought no one would care about that, but turns out there's actually quite a big fanbase on tumblr if you look for it.

If you draw hugely popular stuff that gets 100s of fanart pieces posted every day, then yours is more likely to stay hidden

>> No.2503037

I've a fair amount of followers, and honestly just post art as often as possible. Doesn't necessarily matter what kind or what quality, just push quantity.

>> No.2503054

Post something new everyday.

>> No.2503308

This too. 90% of the people who say they dont have enough followers happen to post very rarely. It's a blog, not a portfolio, post anything that isn't complete shit.

>> No.2503780

Don't go wild with reblogs, that can be annoying too! But it's smart to put something new on your blog every day, so if you haven't produced an art your self one day, reblog someone else's art you like.

>> No.2503869

Re blogs are cancer. If I'm on your page it's to see your shit. Unless you're a page that just reblogs a bunch of shit from a single niche.

>> No.2503978 [DELETED] 

Looks like you shouldn't be usinng Tumblr then buddy.

>> No.2503980

Don't use Tumblr then.

>> No.2504255

I don't. I follow like 3 Tumblrs that reblplo decent art.

>> No.2504492

Ugh I haaaaate rebloggers. If you reblog more than 50% I don't follow, especially if it is unrelated to art.

>post everyday
Definitely this. Also, use the queue system in tumblr to spread out your posts if you have a backlog. I always queue every night to auto post in the morning.