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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 211 KB, 540x788, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2499244 No.2499244 [Reply] [Original]

Grand Prize
>You drew everyday for a long time, longer than anyone else. Congratulations. You are the best

>Update every day at: http://www.lavaflake.com/draw/
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:59 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you lose a token, FAQ is the first post.
>Miss another day within a month and you're eliminated.
>Progress updates are ok but they will be policed like other submissions
>Please wait until page 9 to start a new thread
>Please link to past thread
>Have fun.
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with under age humans ;^)

Last thread >>2494987

>> No.2499247

This is a list of anons who regularly stream, this list will be updated as we move forward, if you wish to be included please post you name/stream profile.

twitch: professorsugoi
twitch: kiaraskuro
twitch: sketchonk

Las_streams@twitch (multistream for twitch)

Streamers, please let the thread know when you're streaming so people can join the "fun".

>> No.2499249

Something's broken, what do I do?

>The site is currently in the alpha phase of development and is being built around us as we compete so sometimes things go wrong. If you ever need any help send me a tweet @LavaFlake or shoot me an email lava@lavaflake.com.

What do we draw?

>Whatever you want. At this point there's no required topic so draw your heart out. Make sure you submit at least a half hour of work or you may get a low effort warning.

What's a low effort warning?

>The goal is to get people to draw every day by turning it into a competition. The low effort warning system is to prevent people from posting last minute, quick sketches when they're feeling lazy. If you receive a warning and it happens again within a month you'll be eliminated.

>This rule has been the cause of a lot of concern amongst newer artists so let me reiterate: this system is to police low effort content and has nothing to do with the quality of the work. New artists are more than welcome.

What happens if I'm eliminated?

>A new Last Artist Standing challenge starts every week. If you get eliminated then get it together and rejoin next week.

How can there be a new Last Artist Standing challenge every week?

>This is a way to let new artists join in and to allow re-entry for the eliminated. Every week a new challenge is started. If you joined on week 1 and make it to week 2 then your daily submission counts for both the first and second Last Artist Standing. If you get eliminated then you're eliminated from both challenges and you'll be able to rejoin next week.

Will I have an advantage if I join later in the week?

>The winner of a Last Artist Standing will be the artist with the longest streak. If you join on day 1 and last until day 85 then you'll have a streak of 85. If there's only one person left in the challenge when you're eliminated but they joined on Day 7 then they'll need to continue on for another week. If they're eliminated before then, you win.

>> No.2499252

OP pic is by CRT

>> No.2499255

I'm a masochist.

Good bye sanity.

>> No.2499257

reddit might be more your pace then
killing yourself is of course another option and actually more preferable

>> No.2499263
File: 1.33 MB, 1280x720, 1460054672789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this what happens when you don't study proper facial anatomy?

>> No.2499269

this image makes me physically ill

>> No.2499272

>Call of Cthulhu PC

>> No.2499280

theres been worse, he/she is just having trouble with style, gotta make mistakes anon

>> No.2499284

I'm never gonna be professional level

>> No.2499291

you can do it, we all can!

>> No.2499292


>> No.2499295

>we all can!
But if we are all pros doesn't that mean none of us are?

>> No.2499298

we can all get there doesn't mean all of us will

>> No.2499306
File: 205 KB, 900x675, 1460314916628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off. I don't need you cunts taking jobs from me.

>> No.2499308


Not really.
Relatively speaking, it is true that none of us would be better than one another in a meaningful way.

However, professional is more defined as a threshold of skill, which can, in a few ways, be objectively ascertained either qualitatively or quantitatively.

>> No.2499311

okay, so 2 of fuckyoumang's submissions were punished, does that mean immediate elimination? (low effort for 1, elimination for a 2nd)

>> No.2499312

Good riddance

>> No.2499313



>> No.2499317

ActinFutility is the new fuckyoumang xDDD

>> No.2499319

he's a tryhard. Atleast fuckyoumang didn't shit up the threads. He posted early but that was it.

>> No.2499339

Arigato S-class Autist

>> No.2499356

thumbnail view in galleries when?

>> No.2499381


Why am I a tryhard? Do people honestly think I'm a shitposter or something?

I believe we got on the wrong track here. Or is it because I have a trip? I don't get it.

>> No.2499385


you're tripfagging, attention whoring and you clearly dont put any effort into your drawings

>> No.2499404

It was a joke. And, It's not that I don't put effort, it's just that I'm shit. Simple.

>> No.2499407
File: 58 KB, 600x402, 1424050734997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think anyone gave Rad a critique but regardless, today's roastee is


>> No.2499409
File: 40 KB, 349x642, only pretending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2499417

Did rad get skipped? We should make sure everyone gets atleast one crit. It's not fair otherwise

>> No.2499422


>> No.2499424


where are these critiques

>> No.2499429

new poll


>> No.2499434
File: 246 KB, 500x379, did you look under the tray.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2499439

This was yesterday's alert post for Rad, guess no one noticed with all the rabid shitposting


>> No.2499442

crit for rad

I think it's great that you frequently work in color, but a lot of it tends to the same desaturated palette. Maybe do some color studies with exaggerated lighting? Also your heads look warped/big, and your human females have a very strong jaw/masculine face. It's okay to overlay your references just to check that you have landmarks down correctly.

Keep it up rad, you can only get better.

>> No.2499452

crit for rozzle

You have a lot of great sketches and draw a lot of busts and heads. I think it would be a great benefit to you if you were to put more work into a bigger finished piece, or even just complete one of the sketches you have already. Lots of floating bodies, how about putting those bodies in a scene? Don't focus so much on the face and forget everything else.

Leave your comfort zone rozzle, it will pay off.

>> No.2499473

crit for eldrick

Do you just draw on the back of your class notes every day? Not knocking you for it, i did it a lot too. I see you've been trying to up your animu skill, but don't forget that fundies will help you. A lot of the people you draw are facing towards the viewer, or are just a bust/head. Use your big brain and think of some crazy poses. Draw people in class or whatever. Try to do more than just floating figures once in a while.

Good luck and have fun, eldrick.

>> No.2499477

Good shit

>> No.2499478

Here's a fun question that definitely WON'T tear this thread apart.

Who has improved significantly since they've started, in your opinion?

> inb4 "me"

>> No.2499481


>> No.2499484
File: 45 KB, 235x243, 1459612772282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not me

>> No.2499488

Lava. His imagination stuff is getting pretty good.

>> No.2499489

Every single submission so far is in grayscale. What's up with that?

>> No.2499490

Spazkid, but only marginally.

>> No.2499492

Is there anyone who you think has regressed?

>> No.2499493

Rad, like someone else said check out some colour theory and do some colour exercises as the colour in your pieces is often quite muddy. You could try deciding a palette before you start painting, and see how that goes.

When you are painting facial features try constructing them in 3d before you jump into the colouring so that they don't appear plastered on to the face. You're not afraid of the sharp value changes like a lot of beginners are.

Good work on doing frequent finished imagination pieces.

>> No.2499494
File: 24 KB, 165x192, thanks anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2499495


>> No.2499497

me :^(

>> No.2499500


>> No.2499514

Fuckyoumang, and I'm not trying to start shit. If you look at his first 2 submissions and his 2 most recent ones, he has definitely improved.

>> No.2499517

Those are some cute castles, bean.

>> No.2499519

compare them with his first submissions. he got worse and worse until people started calling him out for it. i don't know how good he is but he's trolling

>> No.2499520

>sawarahh submitted once and already quit

>> No.2499554

FUCK ALL OF YOU FAGGOTS FOR DRIVING EVAL GUY AWAY! I wanted to get reviewed so bad but you douches couldn't even let me have that could you?

>> No.2499558

u mad

>> No.2499566

I thik he is sherlok

>> No.2499568

this desu, his evaluations were always spot on and correct, only those that he marked low (rightfully so) attacked him.

>> No.2499571

I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt for the first two times like I did with fuckyoumang, so I'll tell you what's wrong with you.
Your drawings are shit, but you don't chickenscratch at all like a beginner would.
You draw digitally, but you don't seem to erase any of your fuckups.
You upload as the first person although there's still 23 more hours left to improve your picture.
Your submission only contains ONE person, so it looks like you're not even trying to get any better.

They probably didn't appreciate being attacked like this

>> No.2499576

I've been drawing purely from imagination for the past 2 months now. Because of academic pressure, and depression, I can't do one study. Im supposed to to practice the figure book by loomis but I can't. im 2 weeks away from ending the semester , so hopefully i can do som studies.

>> No.2499584


>> No.2499585

>LASevaluations will never be back
>now we just do little critiques in the thread, and that's if we don't forget about it
Fuck you guys

>> No.2499586

Thanks guys.

>> No.2499587

>im 2 weeks away from ending the semester
Same here man and the stress is getting to me. I've been drawing too much and not paying enough attention during lectures. I am almost surely fucked, hopefully it works out for me. Good luck on your finals or w/e tests you have

>> No.2499591

>his evaluations were always spot on and correct
I wouldn't go that far. He did make mistakes but I still liked his reviews because it was nice to see someone go through all your submissions and try to help you out. He made a couple of errors but he also made some good suggestions.

>> No.2499592

why did he go away anyway? It was basically the only constructive thing this thread had going!

>> No.2499595
File: 36 KB, 398x339, smugbob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the critic can't handle a critique
this is the stuff irony is made of

>> No.2499600

Didn't take long for the nostalgia to kick in. The numbers he assigned aside from skill were useless and he was only ok at pointing out what people needed to work on. He wasn't a shining beacon of hope all he did was maintain a blog for a week and a half

>> No.2499612

>It was basically the only constructive thing this thread had going!
You answered yourself

>> No.2499620
File: 9 KB, 189x159, oh no3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw my lines confidence are improving but my figure and overall drawing are getting worse

>> No.2499622

Why did he stop anyways?

>> No.2499624

>>2499595 sums it up quite nicely

>> No.2499628

which reminds me, is it actually possible to improve your skill in every sections?

or is art (just like every branch of study ever) needs specialization and you can only excel at few things at best? (e.g enviro specialist, figure specialist, etc)

>> No.2499646

You need to especialize if you want to go pro. It is impossible to get good at more than one thing.

>> No.2499648
File: 2 KB, 256x148, (◡ ‿ ◡ ).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2499651

I love you

>> No.2499653

streamers please save us

>> No.2499655

From what?

>> No.2499656
File: 116 KB, 237x272, 1451597876521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2499658

you're mom

>> No.2499659


>> No.2499661

from the darkness I've become

>> No.2499669

those dubs

>> No.2499670


>> No.2499671



>> No.2499673
File: 395 KB, 300x168, (◡ ‿ ◡ ).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lases were lurking

>> No.2499676

who /wagecuck/ here?
I hate mondays

>> No.2499677
File: 12 KB, 251x242, kek pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2499681

>yfw I give LAS more priority than my studies
Help me

>> No.2499686


>> No.2499688


>> No.2499693
File: 375 KB, 840x700, empty eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there there anon
actually, me too

>> No.2499694

are you me? I feel like I'm gonna be a fuck up but hey, atleast I'm weekone. ;_;

>> No.2499695
File: 121 KB, 258x245, HAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2499698

You're suppose to use LAS to supplement your gitting gud, not sacrifice your gitting gud to win LAS

>> No.2499702

Where did all these normies come from?

>> No.2499704

but anon what if my studies aren't related to drawing at all?

>> No.2499709

I'm not studying art in college.
How does going to school make you a normie?

>> No.2499720

Anyone who isn't a neet is a normie/chad/wagecuck

>> No.2499727

low quality b8 m80

>> No.2499745
File: 38 KB, 219x200, 1461473044708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2499756
File: 75 KB, 480x410, 1452516120018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are gonna make it
but at what cost

>> No.2499768

Our life

>> No.2499780
File: 11 KB, 80x80, Community03_80.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your ideas for achievements:
-100 days flawless
-Drawing used as OP image in the threads
-Week number

>> No.2499783


>> No.2499785

we don't have enough challenges for achievements desu

>> No.2499788

I don't have a fitting reaction image, but imagine there was one with a person rolling her eyes in disgust

>> No.2499791

where are the ultra strems recently?

>> No.2499795

simple ones would do. besides the big ones, you need to have some small ones that are more achievable.
nobody wants to wait a year for just one achievement. there are a few that should be easily achievable.

>1 month flawless streak (no tokens)
>1 month last artist stands (tokens used)
>1 month topic challenger streak
>topic challenged x-times (no streak)
>x-times of being the first (or first 5) submission of the day (call it "s-class autist")
>x-times of being the last (or last 5) submission of the day (call it "living on the edge")
>x-times of posting in x-timeframe? ("afternoonposter", "nightcrawler", "morning person") though timeszones may make this difficult

special ones
>x times dropped out and rejoining (call it "tenatious" or the "nile is an autist")
>making the tribunal x-times
>surviving the tribunal x-times

btw just kidding with the names. give them proper names pls lava.
also i'd say don't add achievements related to critique or comments or even follows. it's bad incentive. maybe just a little if at all

>> No.2499802

These are alright, with achievements we are treading a fine line between fun and cancer

>> No.2499807

>do X thing Y times
no! Stop this!

if anything only the person holding the highest streak for X thing should have something like a badge that gets reassigned to another person as soon as he's not the best at X anymore.

>> No.2499812

again, those are just the "small" achievements. the x-times things are just personal milestones.
there can be seperate achievements for the ones you're talking about.

>> No.2499832
File: 3 KB, 345x110, Sin título.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lava will never make the achievements
>you'll never have the dragon dick badge

>> No.2499842

At picarto, but they don't happen that often anymore.

>> No.2499844

a shame
UBF was pretty cute :c

>> No.2499848

The OP image thing is bad, and this is coming from someone who already his submissions chosen for the OP. If it's implemented then we'll get people complaining about now having been chosen even more, etc.

>> No.2499850
File: 8 KB, 358x282, 1396665989071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>100 days flawless

Sure if it counts the people who didn't start day one.

>Drawing used as OP image in the threads

Sounds a bit silly.

>Week number

It's like you're the best because you signed up for the race first.

>> No.2499854

We all still stream pretty much every day tho.

>> No.2499870

>Sure if it counts the people who didn't start day one.
Of course, the achievement would be to upload 100 submissions in a row, no tokens used.

>> No.2499873

Pardoned Convict- Get 10 pictures into tribunal and have them all be pardoned

>> No.2499903

>Sounds a bit silly.

It definitely is silly, once getting the OP image is an achievement, people will try to make new threads using their own drawing.

>> No.2499907

But you don't understand. I want ubf

>> No.2499913

The santibadge: failing to submit due to a technical problem

>> No.2499914


>> No.2499923

Saucy's apprentice: draw Sonic porn
JMGN's pride: draw a highly detailed anus

>> No.2499930

Redeemed: Be elliminated and resurrected by lava

>> No.2499938

Adrenaline rush - start drawing 35 minutes before deadline and survive

>> No.2499943

why would you think I made that post?

>> No.2499944

>Absolute madman: Submit within the last 5 seconds

>> No.2499946

Did you? I am investigating the flawless.

>> No.2499949


>> No.2499960

These are pretty good

>> No.2499962

Standing on the edge: submit on 23:59:59
23:30 club president: have the most last submissions in the entire competition (after 23:30)

And forza versions:
Gotta go fast: submit on 00:00:00
Forza Team Leader: have the most first submissions in the entire competition (before 00:30)

>> No.2499965

I just want weekly challenges and the crit system implemented, badges are cringetown territory familia

>> No.2499967

your face is cringetown territory boy

>> No.2499969

you're mom is cringetown territory laddy

>> No.2499971

it is, but my point still stands

>> No.2499973

No points could withstand such a burn

>> No.2499974

its charred remains stand

>> No.2500031


Due to the way the time system works you cannot do 00:00:00 but 00:00:01 is possible, a few people have done so

>> No.2500038

you degenerate, stay secluded in your cesspool

>> No.2500066

(⌐◪‿◪)ケ put the memes in the back, onii-chantachi.

>> No.2500075

She streams more than any of us. Gotta let her rest sometimes too.

>> No.2500078


>> No.2500084

Yeah I got a list of every laser girl, want me to unleash it?

>> No.2500087

not again, you nigger
we established almost all of them are guys

>> No.2500089

Afraid of being called out, laser girl?
I know you, every last one of you. I've stalked every profile that has ever submitted in LAS. I have information you'd think I'm unable to obtain. I can identify posting patterns and timezones to know who each post belongs to.

>> No.2500090
File: 37 KB, 512x384, 1441478129742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2500091

Not very hard with the graphs on post times posted for everyone, huh >>2495577

>> No.2500092

That's just a factor. I've also monitored every thread and double checked with the geolocation from the poll I posted in the first days.

>> No.2500093
File: 363 KB, 300x225, jaa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2500094

ubf, you better stop posting that shit, or I will post proof of every shitpost you have done so far. You are one of the reasons these threads suck.

>> No.2500100

stop threatening and start doing you little shit

>> No.2500106
File: 1.07 MB, 1141x1141, I_SWEAR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I... I wasn't threatening! I have a list, I swear!


>> No.2500109
File: 25 KB, 383x320, tumblr_ml61i7ycb21s6ci9bo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah. I'm susipari, I just think you're being quite a silly little girl.

>> No.2500115

I know it's you, ubf, and two or three bandwagoners.

>> No.2500117

It's probably sissy if he says so, that meme loving fuck.

>> No.2500119

what the fuck is going on

is this an art thread or namedropping and meme spouting thread

>> No.2500120

Namedropping and meme spouting thread.

>> No.2500121


>> No.2500145

This is what I've been saying. The streams have basically split the community and now those attention whores can't even keep their bullshit in their streams.

>> No.2500148

wew I don't know if I can bother drawing today

108 days is a lot of days.. 107 was a good run, right?

>> No.2500151

yeah sure, you did good friend :^)

>> No.2500152

not gonna make it :^)

>> No.2500155

You have five hours left you lazy fuck
you can draw a lot of things in that time

>> No.2500160

it's only 30 minutes man. do gestures at least

>> No.2500162

just trace a random anime frame, no one will tell the difference

>> No.2500165


>> No.2500170

Thank's for the (you)'s I was only joking I'm drawing right now ;)

>> No.2500175

drat, tricked again :(

>> No.2500191
File: 51 KB, 576x416, 1264430474071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2500198

i forgot to draw for 2 days woops... fresh start friendos

>> No.2500208

gonna start streaming @picarto.tv/mimsish in about 5 minutes

>> No.2500215
File: 42 KB, 317x274, 1460671932637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2500218

Remember to report jerrybroom for shitting up submissions with meme thumbnail

>> No.2500221


>> No.2500227


>> No.2500233

>fuckyoumang hasn't submitted yet
A-what have we done?

>> No.2500236
File: 238 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-04-25-16-00-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nooooooooo look i even found stella. Kek i literally drew on the train today.

>> No.2500244

That's fair, thanks for the crit anon

>> No.2500245

Just when I think you can't get anymore autistic you go and post something like this. Stop posting for your own good friend

>> No.2500257

we've made LAS great again

>> No.2500262

but at what cost

>> No.2500264

mexico paid for it

>> No.2500269

>just realized my window's open but I'm the only one that's been in my house for weeks
holy fucking shit have I been robbed?

>> No.2500270

see if you can find a card that says "Loomis was here"

>> No.2500272
File: 7 KB, 195x195, ha7parbF[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

punished loomis has returned

>> No.2500277
File: 586 KB, 443x672, the walll man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2500278

I was always autistic.

>> No.2500295
File: 359 KB, 800x800, 1NAE5QY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Senpai took my request!.

>> No.2500297


>> No.2500298

One of us! One of us!

>> No.2500299


>> No.2500314

>jerry breem was the last review
Jerry was the hater all along.

>> No.2500316

of course!

>> No.2500317

Hey fairy how do you study? Do you have a schedule or is it just fun for you? Man you stream so much.

>> No.2500320

What happened to Eval guy?

>> No.2500322

Shut the fuck upo about her

>> No.2500323

he gave up
he couldn't make it

>> No.2500326
File: 102 KB, 450x450, 1457239658799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This question is probably better suited for the beginner thread, but considering that:
1) this thread is more active
2) this thread is almost entirely shitposting
I figure we could use some quality discussion.

So anyways. does drawing from the arm/shoulder mean not resting your wrist on the desk? How can anyone do that for me than an hour without exhausting themselves? Furthermore, is it really necessary to learn?

>> No.2500327

You guys shitposted the evalguy so much that they stopped. What's the point if you take your time to look through everyone's submissions and make a detailed crit and then everyone just replies saying that they're an idiot and post ur work, etc?

>> No.2500335

welcome to /ic/

>> No.2500340

This. Never seen the 'post your work' meme shitposted so flagrantly. Whether he was better than you or not was irrelevant, the guy was willing to take the time to look through everyone's submissions individually and make (for the most part) sound observations. It's no surprise he couldn't be fucked with it anymore once the /ic/ babbies' egos started getting in the way of legitimate criticism. I have no idea why people wouldn't appreciate free critique, especially as most people who did get evaluations genuinely seemed pleased with them

It's a shame cause mine was coming up relatively soon and i was looking forward to an in depth analysis of my submissions so far

>> No.2500343

drawing from the arm/shoulder is much better but its had to pull out with a tablet. and yes, your whole arm is in the air.
art schools tend to force you to draw from your shoulder, its good when painting or working on a big format.
It is really up to you, I guess its good to learn it proper at the beginning, but it is not by any means necessary, especially when you'll probably end doing mostly digital art.

>> No.2500345

Post your name

>> No.2500353

post you'Re mom's tits

>> No.2500354

Because I didnt fucking ask for one.

>> No.2500358

>evalguy gets shitposted by one person, maybe two, out of 100+ people
>has no backbone and lets the shitposters win despite thankful feedback from the people getting the evaluations
>still constantly makes whiny posts like this every day in 3rd person about how upset they are
It's getting pretty pathetic, and if you're not the eval guy you're just making them look worse

>> No.2500359

There was an email on the tumblr to ask to be skipped

>> No.2500361

then why are you even here lel

>> No.2500362

I'm not evalguy, I'm Choob. I know a few guys after me who were disappointed/pissed that they never got theirs either because of all the shitposting.

>> No.2500365

No senpai

>> No.2500368

>I'm Choob.
Prove it

>> No.2500369

>people were pissed
tough shit
if you so desperately need someone else's input and recognition of your shit, you might want to go to tumblr altogether

>> No.2500372
File: 31 KB, 720x540, 1454387173270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you so desperately need someone else's input
he says on the art critique board of 4chan

>> No.2500373

pretty sure nothing besides dick sucking happens on tumblr

>> No.2500375

You're a fucking idiot. It's ignoring other people's inputs (read: evaluations/critiques) that leads to the same hugbox mentality that plagues tumblr

Oh well enjoy stagnating :^)

>> No.2500376

Alright I've had it! Should I be the new eval guy?

>> No.2500378


>> No.2500380

>inb4 'post your work'

>> No.2500382

hit too close to home I see?
I have for myself made quite the progress, I don't sit and wait my turn to be critiqued by someone who spends more time on their blog than on their art, so fuck that noise

>> No.2500385

you can literally tell him to skip you
no need to be a dick anon, just because you're too high for a critique doesn't mean the other anons are like that too

>> No.2500388

at this point i think you're just baiting kek

>> No.2500389

That's rich coming from someone that spends more time shit posting on a niche corner of an anonymous art critique message board than on his art.

post your progress.

>> No.2500392

hey guys let's all just relax, yeah? ok?



>> No.2500394

Nobody even misses me ;__;

>> No.2500396

I couldn't care less, but when you fuckers start circle jerking each other off like that, just make your own thread then

it's working, isn't it

here's the deal, cockmuncher, I don't crave for your input, so go work on your own shit

>> No.2500397


>> No.2500398

week one?

>> No.2500399

how deleted is it?
deleted from the trash bin?

>> No.2500405

Trash bin. I thought I had already submitted and noticed just now.


>> No.2500406

friendly reminder that nosebro posts on these threads for shitposting purposes.

>> No.2500409


>> No.2500410


>> No.2500411


>> No.2500412

goodnight /las/ses

>> No.2500413


>> No.2500418

sleep tite

>> No.2500422 [DELETED] 

I am not nosebro ¢π, please stop this stupid meme

>> No.2500423


nah, lets make it worse

>> No.2500425


>> No.2500431


>> No.2500436

How am I supposed to do that and why, I post in these threads all the time.

We don't "desperately need" recognition and shit, or we'd all have trips and namefag this thread up. The board is called Artwork/Critique for a reason. People post to get crits, and these crits hopefully help them spot things they've been doing wrong etc.
I don't get why you're so outraged over the whole evalguy thing unless you are the evalguy, or you could have got a crit but dropped out or something? Or maybe you just got a low/bad crit? The guy's stopped now either way, if you're desperate for crit then go to the draw thread, if you're desperate for (you)s then go pretend to be a girl on r9k, I don't get what your problem is.

May comfy sleeps come to you

>> No.2500438

quit sperging out senpai

>> No.2500441
File: 24 KB, 240x170, 1445502314595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H-hang in there, CandyCone...

>> No.2500444

>if you're desperate for crit then go to the draw thread
funny, maybe you want to visit it, you fucking sperg, being this thirsty for someone else to look at your shit, christ man

>> No.2500447

Post my work.

>> No.2500452

Is Choob the new jerrybreem? Will he make it up the ranks with other living memes like santi and rover?

>> No.2500453

Dude I made a post saying about what happened to evalguy and then that nah I'm not them, then I get asked to prove who I am and I ask how, and that's sperging out? You realise that all the bitching about tumblr vs /ic/ and shit is other posters right.

>> No.2500456
File: 197 KB, 3000x1688, tipitfgt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please show us a carefully selected sample of your best artwork.
also, just go ahead.

>> No.2500457

It doesn't matter what he said. Take it easy and stop arguing with him. This is just making you look like an autist because you're getting so riled up.

>> No.2500458

prove it :^)

>> No.2500459


>> No.2500465

is anyone streaming?

>> No.2500476

>s-class autist eliminated

Forza is finished

>> No.2500478

oh hey the autist is dead

>> No.2500479

rip suzuki ;w;7

>> No.2500481

oh shit, forza really is over

>> No.2500482
File: 712 KB, 1200x630, Eldrick-tf064d6b1be0a83e3c5361fc48d9dad64f2140065767be548f7c496d51b9c281bk-hq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is today's roastee eldrick or lokki, considering eldrick's been critiqued a couple of times over the past couple of threads

decide amongst yourselves

>> No.2500483


>> No.2500486

I vote you kill yourself

>> No.2500487
File: 159 KB, 800x540, 99 submissions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His name was suzukacircuit

>> No.2500490


>> No.2500497
File: 30 KB, 300x396, feng-zhu010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Eval Guy doesnt know how to draw.

>> No.2500503

>he almost reached 100
First Andrea, now suzukacircuit. Who else do I follow who will choke next.

>> No.2500506

good link

>> No.2500508


>> No.2500510

Ok I'm not coming to these threads anymore.

>> No.2500511
File: 597 KB, 2052x1532, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2500513


>> No.2500514

i miss you already

>> No.2500516


>> No.2500519
File: 75 KB, 500x340, word.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu 99 is a pretty cool number

>> No.2500520
File: 629 KB, 1191x1684, these arent my glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I'm not arguing or riled up, that's why I'm confused, literally none of the angry "fuk u go tumblr fag" posts are mine, I've barely posted at all. I don't want to take credit for someone's autistic rage and deprive them of their chance to become the next Jerrybreem.

Maybe it's just the page 1 effect though, guess a few people hate having the LAS threads high up on the catalog. At least all the shitposting helps hit the bump limit faster.

>> No.2500522
File: 103 KB, 400x565, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a couple of dogs

>> No.2500523
File: 148 KB, 500x883, toppi20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, this actually makes sense. EvalGuy dont critique me until you post examples of your work, thanks.

>> No.2500525

This is why I asked him to post his work

>> No.2500527

page 1 effect is a myth

LAS threads have always been the worst thing on /ic/, any form of critique and art discussion is actually discouraged here and shiposted

we're a containment thread for the little kids on this board

>> No.2500529

typical front page post

>> No.2500530
File: 568 KB, 757x1000, cxtguu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FmMood you're still the best come back and rid us of the pre-teen filth

>> No.2500534

He guys, eval guy here. I decided that it would take too long to crit you guys one by one so I'm just gonna crit you all together.

All of LAS

Work Ethic - (1) - For aspiring proffessionals, you guys don't really draw much. A great many of you take pride in being some of the last people to submit, quite often putting off working on your art. The vast majority of you spend more time shitposting in these threads or talking to your "friends" in the stream chat then you do at actually making art. Please draw more for your own sake.

Technical Skill (3) - The majority of your art looks like it was drawn by an autistic donkey who was held back 3 grades. There are a few diamonds in the rough who I wont mention (don't want to stroke egos) but the majority of you are at a third grade level in terms of art.

Creativity/Vision - (1) - I would have to say that this is the area I find weakest across the board. It has been over a hundred days and I don't think I've seen a single unique piece come out of LAS. You guys are creatively bankrupt, evidinced by your tendency to resort to drawing cartoon frogs or hedgehogs. You try to put your own spin on it by making it lewd or edgy but it's not unique at all. Those of you who are most technically skilled are not exempt, you draw generic shit that stands out in no way at all. As of now it seems that even if some of you do manage to git gud, you'll have nothing of note to share with the world.

Improvement - 5 - Although all of you possess a very low level of technical skill, I do see improvement, thus proving that even the lowest of society can be not complete shit at something. Many of you have realized that if you bash your head against a wall repeatedly, you'll get better at it. So hey, at least you guys are getting better.

>> No.2500536

jesus christ

>> No.2500541

Hey guys, eval guy here, please for the love of god and all that is holy pay attention to me

>> No.2500543


>> No.2500544

you first

>> No.2500556


As bait as this is, it's not completely incorrect.

>> No.2500561

post art

>> No.2500566

i know this is bait but the dude is not wrong

>> No.2500609

This x100 desu familly.

>> No.2500610

suzukacircuit what happened man?

andrae and then you? It's like almost half the artists I follow dropping out of LAS, damn.

>> No.2500611

and he was about to draw his 100th.

Why are you doing this.

>> No.2500627


>> No.2500633

nice blog, now get back to work ;^)

>> No.2500634

>drop out of school because depressed about not making with art
>give up on art because depressed about dropping out of school
good luck fampai

>> No.2500642

don't be so extremist
you have your whole life
work hard, but don't overwork yourself

>> No.2500650
File: 16 KB, 480x360, itneverends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Streaming for a bit, forget those salty tears, come chill and work in your art in the meantime.


Tonight's playlist.
-Frog and Toad Are Friends (1985)
-Son Of The Lion King (Phoenix Games / Dingo Pictures) or a random nature doc.

>> No.2500670

week one?

>> No.2500688

Yeah thankfully my sucking is not confined to my school years

>> No.2500700

funny because i i can outdraw everyone he has critted (apart from anon313 so far) and in my opinion his critts were always spot on. even his observations on anon313's work.

if you are shit talking him its because you did not get the score you wanted, dont be angry at him to the point in where you shitpost about him and go do research showing some other artifacts opinion on the subject, just focus on yourself getting better.

>> No.2500702


> funny because i i can outdraw everyone he has critted (apart from anon313 so far)

I don't normally advocate the whole "post your work" stuff but you're really going to have to substantiate this claim.

>> No.2500703

this is the part in where i do not have to satisfy your hunger for "Validification" as im firmly on the side of believing that eval does not have to validate himself in his opinions.

>> No.2500705
File: 82 KB, 450x332, 1452829541504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone wrote it on the internet so it has to be true

>> No.2500706

>and in my opinion his critts were always spot on
he told someone that they didn't need to learn how to draw straight lines because they could use a ruler or photoshop. His reviews were definitely helpful but don't spout bullshit like that.

>> No.2500708

Nice article

>> No.2500711

go onto a building site "you need not use your ruler or a straight line string to mark shit out noob, you should be able to draw a straight line using nothing but your fucking skillzzz noob l33t nugguh"

its just stupid if you bring that thought process outside of the "art" arena.

have a ruler, use a ruler.

in a straight line contest, the man with the ruler wins everytime.

>> No.2500714

Sneaking in tidbits of bad advice is a good idea tbvh I don't get why you're so against evalguy :^)

>> No.2500717

are you retarded? You can use a ruler if you need precise lines but you still need to be able to make decent lines freehand.

>> No.2500718

>No true Scotsman

>> No.2500719

>he needs a ruler to draw straight lines

>> No.2500722


You might want to read up on that fallacy. That isn't a No True Scotsman.

>> No.2500723

I'm really liking this meme phrase

YNGMI - You're Not Gonna Make It

>> No.2500724

>no true artist would use a ruler.
>but you can use a ruler to make precise lines, but you should be able to make nearly straight lines without it.


>> No.2500727

Say what you like about feng shen, the dude knows his stuff

>> No.2500731

holy crap that cow is kinda cute with those fluffy legs

>> No.2500735

good article

>> No.2500738

>people shitting on evalguy instead of the blatantly baiting ActinFutility
it's only going downhill from here

Also why the fuck is there verizon advertisement on bean's image?

>> No.2500739

This is just basic logic.
The reason some people disagree is because they confuse being able to tell something is wrong or bad with being able to tell why it's wrong, and how to fix it. It's hard to really give a good account on how to improve on something specific when you haven't gone through those mistakes yourself.

>> No.2500740

ActinFutility is just a beginner brah :P

Have you never been a beginner??!?

All beginners are like this ;P

>> No.2500743

>Also why the fuck is there verizon advertisement on bean's image?
He's sponsed by them in this competition

>> No.2500749

>there are people within LAS right now that don't have sponsors
top fucking kek

>> No.2500759

I sponsor your mom with my dick every night fuckboi. Ayyy

>> No.2500763

Is this some type of forced meme or something?

Is everyone who's a beginner supposed to be baiting, I mean come on.

>> No.2500764

Still makes you sponsor-less, loser.

>> No.2500765


>> No.2500772
File: 213 KB, 442x341, 1455289835162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lassies get sponsored by commercial businesses

forced to draw ads every day

>> No.2500773


Explain yourself.

>> No.2500774
File: 92 KB, 645x344, 1461327859361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight LAS/es, take it easy on the shitposting please.

>> No.2500778

Hey guys, have you tried the new Wacom™ Intuos©? I heard it's pretty good!

I'm not shilling, just being sponsored!

>> No.2500835

Maybe shut the fuck up then.

>> No.2500839

Im sorry noone draws masterpieces for a competition which is meant to hone your craft. Most people draw for 30 minutes a day. Which is the point of the site. You giant fucking nutsack. If you were drawing extremely successful pieces, I bet you wouldnt be here trying to evaluate someone else.

>> No.2500851

>he bit the bait the absolute madman!

>> No.2500875
File: 8 KB, 452x116, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What have i done to deserve this ubf?

>> No.2500884

The last piece maybe

>> No.2500889

nah brah, pro from the start brah.

I just noticed that it's a paper with verizon stuff on it, and not a digital canvas where he pasted verizon stuff. look like I'm blind

he's not trying like a beginner would. No effort.
see >>2499571

>> No.2500894

Sorry anon, streaming for a friend, not an art stream.

>> No.2500899

someone's got a boyfriend

>> No.2500900


>> No.2500901

>ubf doesn't see us as the innermost circle of friends he would even share his creditcard information with without a second thought
I feel insulted

>> No.2500908

Talking about streams. When the fuck is Lava finally going to stream his leet skills

>> No.2500909

i wonder who's that lucky bastard

>> No.2500917

I hope it's kinky

>> No.2500920

ubf let me in
you wouldn't even believe

>> No.2500922


Ubf confirmed for token girl

>> No.2500925

Imagine laseval or whoever else critiques you, you want to know who they are, so you ask them to post their work, and they do. Who would you accept crit from? Whose critique you would consider at least partially useful and worth reading? Is anyone from las good enough? I know it's probably different for different people, but maybe someone you'd like a crit from would actually start critting under their las name if you gave them some encouragement.

>> No.2500927

You don't have to be the best artist technique-wise to be able to judge it and critique it.

>> No.2500929


>everyone circlejerks and mention the same wk1ers we've already talked about to death

>> No.2500930

anyone aside from those two fucks who entered recently

>> No.2500952

Crits from anyone are fine, then the person receiving those crits take whatever they wish from it, the end.

There was no reason to be butthurt over LASeval, after all that was that guy's freetime, if in the end you think what he wrote about you is stupid then whatever man, shrug it off, or ask others their opinion. Everyone is different so I believe everyone's opinion can be valuable in a certain way. Even someone less good than me could manage to give me a good advice at times, or at the very least, tell me something that might end up making me think or see something I wouldn't have otherwise. Seriously, it's that easy. I see you guys constantly talking about "making it" and such, do you realize all these big artists you're looking up are often getting trashed on by random people? Just open any threads on /ic/, X might like Z but Y will think Z is thrash; if you can't handle random critiques when you're still more or less a beginner then you have no future.

On the other hand I'm not going to defend LASeval for having quit, that guy was seriously ridiculous for dropping over people disagreeing with him. Like some anon said last thread, a guy handing critiques getting triggered over critiques, how stupid is that? And on 4chan out of all places.

>> No.2501001

talking about fuckyoumang and ActinFutility?

>> No.2501039

I'd accept crit only from santi. He'd find a way to fuck it up in a hilarious way.

>> No.2501041

This. Anyone should be able to critique, but the guy receiving the crits should try to discern which crit is worth it.

And also remember, do not rely on crits to improve. You must develop a problem solving attitude to "crit yourself".

>> No.2501057

who else

>> No.2501083
File: 18 KB, 612x300, classy shitposting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's "What else?", not "Who else?"

>> No.2501094
File: 38 KB, 432x172, fengzhu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2501098

streaming to 80's classics.

>> No.2501115

I like this new meme. All fresh and dank.

>> No.2501141

The one and only. The spark of my heart, the motivator, the true las, fmmood.

>> No.2501143

why did he suddenly disappear? he was doing so well and he was one of the flawless

>> No.2501149

he is dead, someone else was posting his work in his memory, he just run out of stuff to post

>> No.2501157

RIP in peace

>> No.2501161

Thats not true lol

>> No.2501164

what a sad tale ;_; i shall pass it on to my children, the tale of the man named "fmmood"

>> No.2501169

fmmood, the only true flawless, drew everyday till he died

>> No.2501181

He's mf doom and had to start working on his new album

>> No.2501249


>> No.2501253

Are you this fucking dense?

>> No.2501254

Proof is how come fmmood managed to stay on topic despite being "dead".

>> No.2501259

he was that good

>> No.2501296

>not being able to predict what the topic will be years before it comes up
NOT gonna make it

>> No.2501316
File: 19 KB, 639x620, 11392981_580533592050342_7102670120961525885_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw I only now realised what his name was a reference to, even though I listen to doom all the time

>> No.2501317

ActinFutility here, how do I improve and etc.

Seems I'm not putting enough effort or something, so how should I go about my 30 minute practices? Usually I just draw from memory or use a reference in some cases.

Anything I should do then?

>> No.2501324

The greats were never recognized before they were gone afterall.

>> No.2501327

Study gestures, study basic forms and then study how to simplify basic anatomy / major muscle groups.

Check out hampton's figure drawing course and the various videos on gesture drawing on the youtubes

>> No.2501329

alright, will do then. Thanks for the help.

>> No.2501339
File: 19 KB, 472x472, hG8knEH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol how can you not see this is a troll?

>> No.2501352

On the off chance people are just absolute beginners, because there's a lot of them on this board. Writing a sentence giving him something to look around for takes me 10 seconds. Probably less than you used to go find one of his drawings to post. Why don't you try using your time for something productive for one time in your life

>> No.2501366

Is Pihori the master clickbaiter of LAS?

>> No.2501369

maybe if you're new, he literally draws the same thing every day

>> No.2501396

You're right, I unfollowed him days ago, I like to follow people that do different things now and then.

>> No.2501398

https://picarto.tv/CraniumOverLord fucking around

>> No.2501400
File: 88 KB, 638x664, 1408917183495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people like him could upload a submission twice and nobody would notice

>> No.2501404

to all of you guys whining about how the artists you followed keep dropping out, follow me. I promise you I will never drop out, I promise you I will be the LAS.

>> No.2501434
File: 630 KB, 245x244, come here bois.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Streaming Bambi (possibly Cinderella after) as a starting point for Milt Kahl worship ie we're gonna watch it and skip frames on movements that are particularly great.

+ gonna draw for vehicle but that's secondary.

>> No.2501442

Too bad, I will be the LAS.

>> No.2501458

im too bored to draw today bye bye cruel world ;;

>> No.2501468


>> No.2501469

sorry to disappoint, im only week 1 :(

>> No.2501498

>Tfw week 16 master race

>> No.2501500 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 450x320, champan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am 18

>> No.2501502

And I begin my adulthood with dubs.


>> No.2501513

m-mo....mo.... D:

>> No.2501514

can we get a last ban?
just for the nostalgia :^)

>> No.2501516

sure, why not, for all those ban evasions

>> No.2501519
File: 197 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2501527

now get banned for ban evading

>> No.2501530

Is it ban evading if the offense is no longer punishable? :)

>> No.2501534

Sigues siendo un crío, relax.

>> No.2501538

how do we know you're not still underage anyway
let's better be safe than sorry and just ban him :^)

>> No.2501541


>> No.2501548

Legalmente soy adulto



>> No.2501550

Kek, post your birth certificate.

>> No.2501552

Tú lo has dicho, legalmente.

>> No.2501559

>file no longer exists
Damn, did anyone catch it before it was deleted?

>> No.2501561 [DELETED] 
File: 429 KB, 2247x997, IMG_20160427_003126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2501566

the absolute madman
a time stamp would be nice tho :^)

>> No.2501568

Eso es lo que importa. Mentalmente seguiré siendo un manchildren hasta que me dé de cara contra la vida real

>> No.2501569

im gonna stream at picarto.tv/mimsish
drawing some sailor moon monsters

>> No.2501574
File: 1.09 MB, 1440x2560, IMG_20160427_243548444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2501586
File: 1.01 MB, 300x300, Apetecn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2501588
File: 137 KB, 350x390, cheeky nip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll need you to post your moms tits just to be sure
trust me, I'm a lawyer

>> No.2501590
File: 131 KB, 1366x768, tits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly I don't have a photo, but here's a drawing I made. Sorry for the slight symbol drawing

>> No.2501593

SantiChasca strikes again!

>> No.2501596

Drawing them from life would help to abolish the symbol in your mind.

>> No.2501601

Yes, ban evasion is ban evasion no matter what.

>> No.2501603

Still ban evading. MOOOOOOOODS

>> No.2501607

santichasca is one of my favorite living memes

>> No.2501614

HAHAHAHAHA I don't care how old you are Santiago. Look at that fuckin noodle finger, looks slimey as fuck. You reptilian fucker, you are CONFIRMED not gonna make it.

>> No.2501617

Highondopamine, is that commissioned work, for yourself/a friend, or just for fun and to practice design?

>> No.2501624

Reptiles aren't slimy. But it is quite a little sausage. Let your nails grow a bit longer, nub fingers are disgusting.

>> No.2501626


>> No.2501628

SantiChasca, answer their call.

>> No.2501648

im streaming @mimsish on picarto, idk if there's another stream

>> No.2501654

Is Ionku's submission to day based on John Henry vs that tunnel drilling machine?

>> No.2501663
File: 8 KB, 300x303, feels so good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for the submissions to start flooding in lads

>> No.2501664
File: 98 KB, 482x543, ngmi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, all three of today artworks are done for fun, the artwork with the reaper is part of an art trade. Splatoon stuff is mostly commission related, except the degenerate stuff, that's all on me being horny.

>> No.2501666

>reptiles aren't slimey
Some of them are. Santichasca, AKA Santiago for example.

>> No.2501670

I thought Santiago was a place, trips Satan. Is that like the Spanish equivalent of being called Brooklyn or something?

>> No.2501671

why are americans so stupid

>> No.2501675

Beats me family, but since I'm not American I couldn't tell you. I was just curious if it's seen as one of those names where the place is more known than the name or vice versa. Like people being named Brooklyn, or places being called Jackson and such. I'm not Spanish, so I don't know if Santiago is known more widely as the place or the name.

>> No.2501677
File: 44 KB, 839x574, 1428979342564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have made a grave mistake.


>> No.2501678

>107 days
Still shit

>> No.2501680

>dat shitty signature
Also how fucking retarded are you you dumb fuck? Don't post shit like that in here.

>> No.2501683

Gonna need to add a 0 to the end of that, senpai.

>> No.2501685

>Over 80 days of insults.
Could be worse.study things you dont know. Shadows, landmarks of the face, emotions and maybe if you doing digital one value and one color study of things in your room. Carefull of confort zones dude.

>> No.2501688

>107.0 days
Still shit

>> No.2501705

I had to use the token. I was busy trying to get a job.

>> No.2501706

streamers save us

>> No.2501707
File: 50 KB, 214x181, likely story.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2501708

>0 submissions after 10 minutes
Is Forza dead?

>> No.2501709


>> No.2501711

So bad

>> No.2501715

anon313 is forza, he just posts a bit later than the other forzas

>> No.2501717

what happened waxnova?

also, holy shit echo on the edge

>> No.2501719

>mfw im job searching.
>mfw still flawless.
No try again.

>> No.2501723

Is it just me, or have a lot of new people been joining lately?

>> No.2501724

actinfutility, here, I really hope this is okay for now.

Figure Drawing is pretty new to me.

>> No.2501726

old legends die, new legends begin

>> No.2501729

During the first days lad was spread over many draw threads from different boards and since it reached tumblr many new people dont even know this is conected to 4chan.

>> No.2501730

>new people join, only to quit because week one hogs all the memes

>> No.2501731

I'm here cuz I used to watch Lava's stream on twitch and he recently told me aboot it

>> No.2501732

That's good that you're here, I was just about to drop some advice for you. Watch Vilppu's videos on gesture drawing and basic shapes. They'll help a lot with constructing 3D forms, without overwhelming you too much with detailed proportions/anatomy for now.

Also bean, it's spelled flyer. And is the entryway supposed to be tilted differently than the rest of the house, or did you fuck up?

>> No.2501734

>it reached tumblr
Did this actually happen?

>> No.2501740

Yes. But dont over react its a small tumbrl group. Mostly we are /ic/ /pol/ and /a/

>> No.2501747
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>mimsish and Varya didn't even make it a week before fucking up

>> No.2501748

alright, sure.

>> No.2501749

plsgo & stay go

>> No.2501750

>don't overreact
nigguh, you gotta kill the cancer by the roots before it spreads and kills everything you love

>> No.2501753

I thought choob was /pol/ kek

>> No.2501755

Everything i love is already dead.

>> No.2501756
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never :^)

>> No.2501757
File: 658 KB, 699x406, WOW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone can be part of the victory celebrations family

>> No.2501760

I'm going to finish up the last of the tribunal stuff tonight then fix the topic challenge over the next couple days. It's possible I'll need to restart the whole cooldown system so there may be some duplicates but I'm going to add a bunch more topics so hopefully that'll help. Should I add a longer cooldown if a topic wins?


>> No.2501763

What's the current cooldown?

>> No.2501764
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>> No.2501765
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Plz no.

>> No.2501767

30 days. longer cooldown would be 60

>> No.2501768

Why can't you just remove all topics that have already come up completely. Why are they even still in there?

>> No.2501771

Coming up with 3 topics/day kill me now

>> No.2501774

Ease up m80s, /pol/ is a containment board for a reason.
Victory stream is this way tho: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tG1mt2t8zCE

>> No.2501777

Why wouldn't they still be valid? The majority of them are broad enough that you can draw something different each time, and with the cooldown it's really not so bad if you have to draw a vehicle once per month. Do you really want to have to come up with new topics forever? The same themes would repeat anyways. With a large enough pool, the cooldown, and new topics added every once in a while (and maybe pruning of more restrictive topics once we have a lot), there isn't a problem.

>> No.2501788

The ones that don't win can go to the back of the pile sure, it's just the one we actually had to draw that need to disappear forever.

Because it's not fun? People suggested hundreds of topics already, and linked loads of similar sites to take entire lists from.

>> No.2501790
File: 112 KB, 323x326, 1461349090600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you saying I cant support the new god emperor on a art board, what is this fascism!?!?

>> No.2501794

I was travelling for two weeks and managed to submit every day. Find a better excuse.

>> No.2501795

>Supporting someone who still thinks climate change isn't caused by people despite the overwhelming amount of data that supports it
Have fun with your ignorant president who doesn't give a shit about educating himself on important issues, USA. I'm sure this doesn't reflect a lack of willingness to learn in areas that are more immediately relevant to citizens' well-being. I'm sure he won't send the country tumbling down.

>> No.2501797

That would be the case if anybody gave a shit about week 2+.

>> No.2501799

Not that family, but this board's meant to be for art. Typically if you post /pol/ shit outside of /pol/ you can get banned.

>> No.2501801

what if i draw a trump every time i praise him then :^)

>> No.2501804

In time they will

>> No.2501806

Now we're talking

>> No.2501812

You have to learn how to draw first stupid.

>> No.2501821

He's a memer. The fucker doesn't even live in the US

>> No.2501822

Dude, Santiago is the name of an apostle. It comes from hebrew (Jacob)

>> No.2501828

Yeah what are you gonna do? Hack my nonexistant bank account? Post in a minecraft forum impersonating me? Cmon

>> No.2501829

you don't need to be in the US to appreciate the god emperor

>> No.2501841

Memers pls go and stay go

>> No.2501852

there's a helicopter flying around above my house, been there for several hours and it's the middle of the freaking night, I can't sleep, wonder what's going on

>> No.2501856

Florida shooter? Ohio manhunt? Tornado alley rescue?

>> No.2501869


>> No.2501870
File: 884 KB, 375x304, pol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I lurk /pol/ a lot, don't bring any of it here though. Not my fault that whenever I paint something Trump related people spam up the thread, it's why I've stopped painting MAGA related things even though I really want to. The 5 state sweep tonight is pretty special, but don't want to give shitposters an excuse.

It's not a meme either btw, out of the remaining candidates he's legit the best chance you guys have. But I agree with this >>2501774, this isn't a thread or board for politics.

>> No.2501873

If you legit support him you're retarded. You don't live on the US and you have no clue about the political climate here. Nigga contradicts everything he says and when asked for specifics he blurts out bullshit. Mexican government said no to the wall? It just got 10 feet higher. What's that gonna solve? Fuck off with that trump shit m80.

>> No.2501876

You done good son, you done good

>> No.2501879
File: 201 KB, 190x152, OH YEAH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bernie cuck detected


>> No.2501883

Didn't even mention Bernie tho. One of these days those memes are gonna bite you in the ass senpai.

>> No.2501892
File: 23 KB, 472x600, po.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

act in futility here.

Before we go into meme territory again. Can someone help me out with anatomy or something. I can't seem to quite understand it.

>> No.2501894
File: 378 KB, 450x442, miles gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> this isn't a thread or board for politics.
Don't think I'm retarded though. Scottish politics are so retarded and utterly onesided towards the SNP because of dumb people voting because muh freedoms, fuck the english, etc. So I take more interest in global politics, mainly the US at the moment but also everything going on in Europe, China and Japan.
And for the record he says Mexico will pay for the wall, that could mean also mean indirectly. Raising the tariffs over the border like he's also said already, or just writing off some of the huge debts and deficits to Mexico. The wall isn't the reason he's the better candidate though, everyone was going to make a better border anyway, he just made it into a huge issue.

Thanks family

Not me, and I don't have a problem with the Bern victims, even my brother likes Bernie for some reason.

Can we get back onto doing the daily crits instead? Think it's rad or rozzle today, though someone has gave them both quick crits already.

>> No.2501909
File: 73 KB, 822x960, 1441401_755945667775571_5654273523944963299_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should all be in the sticky amigo. And things like Loomis aren't really memes if you're a beginner, they can be pretty helpful at the start. Then move onto the other classics like Bridgman, Hampton, etc. Anatomy is important eventually, but first you want to get your proportions right, your forms, and moving them in space (perspective, foreshortening). Don't get too bogged down in the specific muscles and such too early.

>> No.2501914

lost a lot of respect for Choob desu. Was one of my favorite artists too. Never meet your heroes guise

>> No.2501916

I looked at the first two Loomis books. Figure drawing and the one with the faces.

I think it alright, though a bit confusing.

>> No.2501925

Do keys to drawing first.

>> No.2501927

He has some pretty specific chapters, same with Bridgman, focusing on heads, noses, hands, whatever, but it's all good practice when it comes to forms and learning to memorize them. Be sure to do like 50/50 observation and imagination though, helps you get things into your head more firmly.

If Choob was your hero you needed to aim higher anyway.

>> No.2501931

I'll look into it, thanks for the help.

>> No.2501939
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isn't someone supposed to say whose turn for critique is it today?

>> No.2501946
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>it's rad or rozzle today

I think it's Rozzle's turn

>> No.2501949

it's time you killed yourself
critiques are rover

>> No.2501997
File: 145 KB, 640x360, asdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually, >>2500482
fuck it guys, the critiques are the only good thing to come out of these threads so I won't let them die. Let's just continue from Eldrick, from today I will keep up with whose turn it is, or else you faggots will let the flame die.


>> No.2502011

whatever gets ur pussy wet bro.

>> No.2502014

There's an obvious improvement in the anatomy and especially head construction from your first few submissions to your most recent few. Keep studying it, but I think you can safely spend time studying other things for now. No use getting to a high level in anatomy if you still can't shade, you know? Try more challenging perspectives and start learning how to use values, most of your images are unshaded or only minimally shaded. Build up your image library, your submissions are almost all human figures, with some robots, but it's worth having at least a basic idea of things like landscapes and common animals. And stop hiding feet. Nearly all of your figures are either torsos or stop at the ankles. It looks like you have a clear comfort zone and don't often stray beyond it.

>> No.2502015

You skipped both Rad and Rozzle you goofs. Do Rad first. Then Rozzle. Then Eldrick.

Here's the order http://lavaflake.com/draw/challenge/?id=1

>> No.2502021
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>> No.2502024

Is this the new way of saying "post your work"?

>> No.2502027


Not Rad >>2499439, but it does seem like we skipped Rozzle, so it will be his turn tomorrow, let's just stick with Eldrick for today.

>> No.2502036
File: 22 KB, 350x233, I suggest suicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2502039

I give up. The shitposting has reached critical mass, the community has branched off into splinter groups because of the streams. And LAS has lost it's initial wow factor. I'll go back to drawing on my own and I'll probably be better off for it, waste too much time in these threads as it is.

>> No.2502040


I don't know, I just have a Google drive folder of references I saved from the references thread and other places.

https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0BzwcGVa1apPVWlpCRW1wWk9oQU0 feel free to share

>> No.2502045

For an anonymous critique board, we sure do hate anonymous critique :^)

>> No.2502049

this is great, thanks

you're half right

it's been this bad since pretty much the start

>> No.2502057

Critique me please. I'm Dickbutt.

>> No.2502063

what do
when you
cant even get a simple study right

>> No.2502065

what is there to get "right" in a study? i think you are studying wrong f4m

>> No.2502066

I can't critique someone better than me, but I just want to say that I really like your stuff.

Read about the necessary concepts behind it (construction/lighting/etc).

>> No.2502068

>can't think of anything to draw
What's the easiest way to kill myself?

>> No.2502069

exhaustion from drawing too much

>> No.2502085

heroin OD.
not that easy to find good quality heroin.
but once found, its very easy death.

>> No.2502125

I give up too, nobody critiques or talk about interesting content, just shitposting, also reading the threads takes time that you could better spend on other things. We should submit to LAS without even go in here.

>> No.2502136

>nobody critiques
I am a total scrub, I can only receive them, not give them at this stage.
>talk about interesting content
Like what?

>> No.2502141

art goals, study routines, art inspirations, favorite artists, new techniques, learning resources, progress, etc.

Kinda gives me an idea, would it be cool if we had like a "topic of the thread" type thing? We could make a strawpoll or something and vote on what the topic would be. So if something like art goals wins then aside from the usual stuff, everyone also posts what their goals are. That would add a new layer of discussion and keep the threads from being complete shit.

>> No.2502145

or a show your influences day

>> No.2502153

I think if you're an absolute beginner you should do Keys to Drawing as suggested here >>2501925 indeed.

There is a bookthread on the catalog, people are friendly there and the OP has all plenty of resource for you.

>> No.2502157

No need to autism it up with polls and rules, just go ahead and ask.

Looked through your stuff but you're miles ahead of me, I don't even know where to start. Did you ever get those test results back? How'd it go man?

>> No.2502160

>No need to autism it up with polls and rules
but then there's no direction. It'll just be a clusterfuck

>> No.2502168

Pretty good, colours and edges need more work. Also try to render things as a whole painting, not just piece rendering

>> No.2502172

It doesn't even have to be an organized thing, just start posting.

My art goals are rather uninspiring to be honest. I started drawing because I wanted a creative hobby and I'm a very visual person. I have no intention of making a living off of art, but I love learning new skills and tend to take it very seriously. Reaching a level where people would want to pay me to draw for them would be a nice milestone, but my real motivation is just to keep pushing myself to create better and better things.

>> No.2502193

Yeah I'm meeting with people this week to decide whether I want to start chemo or radiation therapy.

>> No.2502209

Wish you the best man.

>> No.2502215


>> No.2502235

Remember how the whole evaluation stuff started out because of the rankings?

Can we just go back to that since we can't make or take criticism?

>> No.2502236

I can take criticism, but yours is not constructive. You fucks can go back to criticising, noone will care unless you post your work.

>> No.2502238

Neither are necessary. If you want a critique just ask in this thread like others have done in the past. It's not hard

>> No.2502305

i can give you my thoughts if you like?

>> No.2502355
File: 396 KB, 700x1050, 1436383187981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>criticism cannot be constructive if you don't post drawings

>> No.2502362
File: 362 KB, 800x497, 20160427_120209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Critique, please? and of course you don't have to post a drawing to do it.

>> No.2502372


I hate this mentality so much, le "you cant criticize if you can't do better yourself". Yes, of course you can. You don't have to be a chef to tell that food tastes disgusting, you don't have to be an architect to see that a building looks like shit.

Sure, a person who knows how to draw can give you tips on technique, but that's not a critique, that's a private lesson in art. You fags want too much.

Especially if you want to get big, a critique from a non-artist will do you much more than from an artist, because he will tell you what non-artists (read: paying customers) see. Sure, he won't see that you've done figure studies for the last 2 months and praise you about that, but he will tell you what he likes and dislikes about the drawing as a whole.

You fucktards just want free lessons from an artist that's better than you. There are schools for that, enroll in one.

>> No.2502378
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>> No.2502380


>> No.2502384

If I am grading an assignment, I could just put a big red X on the wrong answers or I could figure out where in the problem the student messed up and point that out. The former only requires an answer key and basic pattern matching, and it can be helpful especially if the student thought they were right. However, that isn't constructive criticism. The latter is, and it requires the grader to be able to do the problem themselves. It is a much more demanding thing to ask especially from anonymous strangers on the internet.

>> No.2502387

>finally get into habit of drawing everyday and no longer need LAS
>can't drop out without people memeing about me losing

>> No.2502390

week one?

>> No.2502393

why would you even drop out when you draw every day? just submit what you drew and everything will be daijoubu

>> No.2502395

To extend the analogy, drawing is a multi-faceted skill. A person may be capable of diagnosing someone's perspective, anatomy, or lighting errors even if overall the second person is the better artist.

>> No.2502413

Too busy getting lezzy with her gf

>> No.2502424

I wouldn't object to a stream like that

>> No.2502430

Gimme tips on drawing reflections

>> No.2502436

Protip: don't come to this thread or this board for that matter if you want to make it

>> No.2502437


>> No.2502453

I came here, I made it. I can support myself just by drawing. I would not want to be associated with this place though.

>> No.2502457
File: 84 KB, 422x336, idontwantthat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fucking seagull shat on me today.

Thanks Lokki.

>> No.2502463


>> No.2502479

that's not how reflections work

>> No.2502482

How do you know? You're not god.

>> No.2502491

This man speaks the truth

>> No.2502500

bc he has eyeballs

>> No.2502516

Ok Chef, let me tell you what you should've done to make this taste better, mind you my expertise doesnt go past making Ramen Noodles from the dollar store.

>> No.2502520

maybe tomorrow

>> No.2502528

>let me tell you what you should've done to make this taste better

>> No.2502529

>let me tell you what you should've done to make this taste better
You don't need to be a chef to tell that a steak is burned. Experience would let you identify why something went wrong and how to remedy that in the future.

The 'what is wrong' is sufficient for a critique. The artist should be critical enough to delve deeper into the 'why' on their own. Another experienced artist can provide feedback on the 'why', but again we're talking about critique and not private tutoring.

You're falsely assuming that because one is a chef, they're now no longer human and don't make mistakes. You also falsely assume that a mistake isn't real unless another, more powerful chef voices it.

>> No.2502538

What you faggots are trying to achieve is essentially killing critique here, because most of us are not so experienced. If you expect the most experienced people from LAS to be always there giving you critique you are gonna get none. The nature of this board is that anyone can give critique anonymously, if you don't like that you can go somewhere else but it's the same everywhere, except in other places you don't get the brutal honesty you get here.

>> No.2502541

>tfw you dropped out, so not a day1er anymore
>it will take an eternity to get a critique now
Why even live, fampai?

>> No.2502547

Just ask in the thread. Someone might give you the ol' lookaroo

>> No.2502559

A critique for 99% of you on LAS.


>> No.2502561

>Tfw I was sleep deprived and decided to draw Anyway
I thought it was a masterpiece but now it looks like shit

>> No.2502562


>> No.2502564
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>> No.2502568

Quick critiques of the two first rows:

SpasticTastic: I guess you're a begginer, that's nothing, you are not gonna do very much it if you only do two little figures ON A DAY, draw more.

Mathias: that's nice but draw the fucking hands, feet, nipples and vulva, it seems like you are scared of something, it doesn't matter if they look like shit, you'll do better.

Louse: you keep doing quick gestures, and these ones are pretty rough. Get out of your comfort zone already, you can do it.

Namefag: what the fuck is that? are you inside a car or something? there's no way of knowing for sure, draw more details and learn to draw perspective.

Aimai: I don't really know what to say since these seems to be just doodles. If you did them from imagination they are fine.

Lokki: got a lazy day? you can do more than these doodles

Eddcer: not sure of what you are trying to do here, a bearded skeleton? too vague

Lampblack: that torso in the third figure It's fucked up, the rest are fine.

Sasori: Hum, I guess you still have imagination.

Cath: Nice, but that bottle is bent and I'm pretty sure the real one wasn't. The box is also crooked.

>> No.2502572

I haven't played vidya in months, but I'm still only drawing for 3 hours a day :^(

>> No.2502573

m8 i swear
what webcam are you using btw?

>> No.2502574

>stopped playing after I joined LAS
>still found other ways to procrastinate

>> No.2502577

the last video game I played was Thief 1 a week ago. And I stopped at the second level because my heart couldn't take the zombies.

>> No.2502583

Some 5 or 6 year old Logitech one.
I want to get a new one that I can manually focus, but I'll need to make sure that whatever one I get I can angle down enough to see my desk, which isn't easy.

>> No.2502584

I brought ds3 two weeks ago and only have 5 hours clocked in. Still shit af senpai.

>> No.2502589

tell me when you find one, I'll buy the same if it's not too expensive

>> No.2502592


Thats my critique, and its the best one in this thread.

>> No.2502602

get a logitech c920, it's pretty much the one to get right now

can do everything you want

>> No.2502614

>80 krautcoupons
it may be good, but it's definitely not humble about it...
I'm looking more at a pricerange of 20 to 30 euros.

>> No.2502617

I find that even when not playing videogames I still will waste time with something else, so I may as well just play.

>> No.2502621

lies. Be specific, what do you replace playing Video Games 4+ hours a day with?

you're in denial like a meth addict.

I gave up gaming and in 6 months I made huge gains.

>> No.2502630
File: 24 KB, 273x366, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I gave up gaming and in 6 months I made huge gains.

>> No.2502635

half price on amazon UK if that helps

>> No.2502637

>what do you replace playing Video Games 4+ hours a day with?
>he asks on 4chin

>> No.2502639

not really, since pounds are pretty expensive. Maybe some other time.

>> No.2502640
File: 1.68 MB, 1920x2013, 1459572453865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconded. After posting my submission and seeing who gets eliminated each day I then play games for an hour, and then get back to work. If I don't play a game then I spend the time on the internet or reading or doing whatever else and end up spending 2+ hours being unproductive.

An hour of deliberate time wasting is more efficient than 2+ hours of accidental time wasting.

>> No.2502655

I've always treated the time after the deadline as relax time, I fuck around catching up with chats or playing a game until I go to sleep.

Yesterday I managed to keep drawing after I submit, I'm pretty proud and it was fun even. Hopefully I can make a habit of it.

Wish I could start seeing drawing as the fun thing to waste time on. Some people seem like they could just draw 24/7 if they had the chance.

>> No.2502668


>> No.2502674

Nope, nope...
Taking into account a possible lack of motor skills with the tablet and understanding of the software, you are not "an above average artist" with pen, pencil, crayons, markers, paint, dirt&stick, or whatever the fuck you choose.

There are so many issues with proportions, perspective, lighting, etc. that can't be chalked up to "derp it's a different medium der".

You're like some dipshit 4th grader that is better at multiplication than the other kids in class deciding he's better than the average mathematician even though not a single kid in the class, nor the teacher, qualify for use of the term. Oh, well, I know CPR, and I bet 90+ percent of the population doesn't because they have 0 interest. So, that makes me a better M.D. than the average person, right? No. It means you know CPR... 1 thing, and compared to actual doctors you would be tied for worst alongside everyone else that knows CPR and nothing else that pertains to the field... and you must see how silly that would be fore some asshat to say they're a better than average doctor because they count everyone in the population as a doctor. That's you. That is what you're doing right now.

You compare your work to people that don't draw and think it's better, and that's how your fucking dunning-kruger outlook on your garbage artwork has formed... how about you compare it to actual artists for a fucking change. It may humble your stupid ass enough to realize you're a below-average-shit at art, and a gay retard. Then you might recognize some of your mistakes and actually put forth an effort to improve rather than resting on laurels you don't have.

Here's a tip! Fuck you, you suck, your parents know you suck, your art teachers sucked, and you should probably enroll in trade school to be an underwater welder or some shit while you have the chance.

>> No.2502683

her butt shaped like a spoon

>> No.2502686

I'm g-gonna make it, right guys? Laba said we would all m-make it.

>> No.2502690

we're all gonna make it

everyone is

except for you

>> No.2502693
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>> No.2502702
File: 102 KB, 500x375, 1456103088118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't even come to this thread anymore, or at least he doesn't bother posting in it.

He knows.

>> No.2502710
File: 496 KB, 800x619, 28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2502717

how's it going friends and family?

>> No.2502724
File: 1.88 MB, 1746x860, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was cleaning out my room, and I found this glass fountain pen, that I bought in Italy in 2008 but never used. How would go about using it, I don't know how to fill it with ink? Do I just dip the tip into the ink bottle?

>> No.2502728

handle looks like something you stick up your ass

>> No.2502730

tipping into the bottle works. any way to disassemble the pen though?

>> No.2502734

I'm out

>> No.2502736


>> No.2502738

Nope, I also saw a couple yt vids and it looks like the only way to use it is to dip it.

Nah man stick the other end up your butt. You wouldn't want the glass to break inside

>> No.2502741

So so amigo. How about you.

Legit that does look like a sex toy. Doesn't have a reservoir or anything from looking at it though so I'd suggest just try dipping.

>> No.2502744

Nile and I have designed a fun exercise:
1. Choose five random reference images, try not to look at them
2. Open a blank canvas or grab a piece of paper
3. Look at each ref in quick sucession, five seconds each, trying to absorb the main elements
4. Draw from imagination, without looking at the refs, a picture that includes elements from all refs.

>> No.2502750


> Nile and I
Who are you?

>> No.2502752


>> No.2502755
File: 73 KB, 423x638, banneposting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter who we are
What matters is our plan

>> No.2502762

That's cool, I might try it when I draw later.

>> No.2502764
File: 29 KB, 128x150, BEHN.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2502766

Katiesmafuu, what's that language in the comics on your Facebook?

>> No.2502803

I limit myself to 1 hour of gaming a day and can still do 8-10 hours of drawing, get some discipline senpai

>> No.2502814
File: 163 KB, 242x271, just another shitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't use my trip unless it's to say something about the site

>> No.2502822

we both know you play more than that. Most cut-scenes last longer than an hour.

>> No.2502835

I only play rhythm games anymore, great stress relief after a long grinding session and perfect in short bursts

>> No.2502848

I play pretty much exclusively rhythm games. Definitely a good stress reliever. What games do you play anon?

>> No.2502856

Currently project diva X because it's new but usually SDVX, i used to play osu a lot and plan to get into IIDX one day

>> No.2502860
File: 230 KB, 241x241, sad penguin icon png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW LASes talking about videa and I remember I can't play them that much more anymore because of my wrist.

>> No.2502864

maybe if you had the ligameme your wrist wouldn't have such shit base stats.

>> No.2502870

this tbvh

>> No.2502877
File: 33 KB, 700x467, 1461151535181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also fuck TSM

>> No.2502879

Post your stats

Double ligameme
ST 18
CON 12
INT 13
DEX 18
WIS 12
CHA 10

Proficiency when drawing furry porn
Can reroll failed submit saves

>> No.2502881

Make sure to stretch your hands and forearms a lot. I've been into k-shoot since I got this controller and sometimes I can really feel the burn.
The last thing you want is to not be able to art because vidya.

>> No.2502883

i... just can't gather the will to draw today... ;___;

>> No.2502885

week 16?

>> No.2502888

unfortunately i am just a mere week 1er ;___;

>> No.2502919

Who are all the lassies that use binary/one pixel brushes? Who do you think pulls it off the best or top three or whatever since you guys like making lists so much. I think its interesting looking at how all the artists tackle the problems that the tool creats. Personally I find the grach does it very appealing

>> No.2502921

so grach, slump and naf? i like them all for different reasons.

>> No.2502923

pihori and aimai too, more I'm sure plus a buncha fallens like andrea.
Care to elaborate?

>> No.2502926
File: 449 KB, 600x759, 1457155580986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Andrae you fucking dyslexic

>> No.2502927

grach and naf have very controlled and deliberate lines, slump has more of a freeflow style that kind of reminds me of a lot of old oekaki japanese dudes.

>> No.2502933

What is a binary/one pixel brush?

>> No.2502934

The bambi one is so freaking cute

>> No.2502935

hi grach :^)

>> No.2502937

just a super small, fine brush. Binary is just the name of a brush, idk if Naf uses it but I think that guy just means super tiny brushes that let you do detailed line work.

>> No.2502939

I meant a brush that has no pen pressure

>> No.2502942

>fuckyoumang hasn't submitted yet
Is this the death of a meme?

>> No.2502944

he should've died they day when he was punished twice

>> No.2502945

it never was one to begin with

>> No.2502946

don't die on me asleepy

>> No.2502947


>> No.2502948

mintkat already dropped out of topic 1 in the past, REEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.2502949
File: 2.69 MB, 500x500, 1433472948889.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>week 1 topic'er dies
>get excited
>15 remain

>> No.2502950

forever just us 15 remain ;_;

>> No.2502951

Only way to solve this is for him to code in two buttons so that both of them make it seem like it submits your artwork but only one of them actually does while the other one doesn't leading to people droppiung out

>> No.2502954

oh shit, fuckyoumang got 00:00:00

>> No.2502956

Merio, what happened? Looks like you had some trouble.

>> No.2502957

>all these people trying to do a last second submit but got eliminated instead

laughing tbqh

>> No.2502963

>Asleepy lost a token
Please don't do what Andrae and S class autist did to me.

>> No.2502964

I think it may have been a delay with the site it looks like he submitted on time but the site reported it as being submitted after 00:00:00. Same thing happened to Merio (sent me a screenshot of the site stuck submitting at 23:59:00.) I'll reinstate them since it wasn't their fault.

By the way I made it so that once you've been punished by the tribunal I made it so for the next couple days it takes more votes to have one of your submissions end up in the tribunal. I figured a tribunal cooldown could be abused but I wanted a way for someone to have time to adjust. When it goes back to normal and they're still getting the same number of submissions (or if they get a flood of reports during the grace period) then they'll go right back into the tribunal.

>> No.2502965

He has ascended. With suzaka gone, fuckyoumang will take the reins of forza.

>> No.2502966

forgot my trip I'm so good at this

>> No.2502967

>reinstating fuckyoumang
smhsmhsmhsmhsmhsmh tbqvfbh senpai

>> No.2502970

I miss Suzaka ;_;

>> No.2502978

who's the most boring artist out of the weekoners?

>> No.2502980


>> No.2502981

You because you're not a week oner

>> No.2502982


>> No.2502983

I can still dream

>> No.2502985

you're mom

>> No.2502986

I'm a mom?

>> No.2502987

my mom

>> No.2502989 [DELETED] 


>> No.2502990

i miss my mommy ;_;

>> No.2502992
File: 470 KB, 1024x1021, 1454181466474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure I am dear.

>> No.2502995

I used to be

>> No.2502996

Thanks for your contribution to this thread.

Bean: Nice cocks.

Merio: Keep up the fundamentals work. Make sure you're applying what you learn from drawing forms into your regular drawing.

>> No.2502997


>> No.2502998

Probably me. I'm really not very good and I'm just posting WIPs right now. I SWEAR I will finish this one.

>> No.2503003


>> No.2503025

Only 22 and a half hours left to submit.
Clocks ticking /las/ses.

>> No.2503027

>tfw still not enough time to make my work look like it took 30 minutes

>> No.2503060

I don't think I'm gonna make it guise. My normal art is already shit but for the past 3 days it's been getting worse and worse. To top it all off I have a bunch of finals in a few days and I'm not prepared for any of them.This is the end for me, pls git gud for me anons.

>> No.2503068
File: 1.65 MB, 3264x1836, reference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

namefag here. had to move the truck up, so I didn't get to draw everything I saw. Tried to add some more stuff from memory, but it was too obvious it was an afterthought. decided to leave it as is. This is the same place, but further back, and in a different rig.

>> No.2503070

please be week 2!

>> No.2503075

>tfw a better artist than you joins and he has a similar username

>> No.2503088

that was my situation, except I was the one joining after, and the one that joined before me eventually quit

>> No.2503090


>> No.2503092


>> No.2503096

>I have a bunch of finals in a few days

Oh shit, no wonder so many people have been dropping lately. Man I'm glad I didn't go to college.

>> No.2503099

act in futility here, am I making any improvement so far?

>> No.2503102

You should ask again in a couple months. Also do keys to drawing before you do any loomis or anything else. That book will help you build a good base and actually understand some of the basics of what you're doing. Then do fun with a pencil and also do Norlings perspective book. Keys to drawing first tho.

>> No.2503104

>tfw no college
Feels good

>> No.2503106


>> No.2503129

sure, sure.

anyone have a link?

>> No.2503130


>> No.2503140

Are any Picarto users around?

>> No.2503171

It's in the sticky, yo.

>> No.2503185

What about you pay attention to what anon told you earlier this thread?

ctrl+f (You)

>> No.2503231

Choob, when I first saw your thumbnail I thought it was jmgn's submission.

>> No.2503261

Frog, your character is freaking adorable.

>> No.2503264

People actually like blatant beginner shit like this as long as you draw small girls?

>> No.2503267

>as long as you draw small girls
yes? how is this a real question

>> No.2503268

Doing that thing I haven't done for a while:

new webcam thanks to suggestion from >>2502602

>> No.2503273


>> No.2503301


>> No.2503315
File: 145 KB, 640x360, roz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I should post this earlier.


>> No.2503323

>R O Z Z
>L E
is triggering me hard so here's a (You) to fix that.

>> No.2503324

>R O
>Z Z L E
Fuck I made it worse.

>> No.2503399

Good moening fruends and famihy!

>> No.2503462

Santi, stop posting.

>> No.2503508
File: 216 KB, 345x445, yw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2503515

4 hours when

>> No.2503523

1st of May and onwards.

>> No.2503527

4 hours is just to post everything you've done in 4 hours right?

>> No.2503534


You are pretty good, your anatomy is good and your value studies also seems good, nothing very remarkable, so...
Why don't you do more? afraid of getting out of your comfort zone? I'm sure you can do a complete illustration, or nice color studies. That's all I can say: draw finished pieces.

>> No.2503536

Fisher, you are a coward, why do you stop? you're good.

>> No.2503543
File: 54 KB, 1056x563, sce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat empty day

>> No.2503547

only 1 day 3er left

humanbeans are a rare species

we should keep him in a zoo

>> No.2503548
File: 273 KB, 1912x1072, 20160409212332_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're all dead.

>> No.2503573

there was only one person in that day, that's what make it more tragic

>> No.2503574

does anyone remember their name?

>> No.2503578


>> No.2503579

the las meme zoo is full

>> No.2503581



>> No.2503582

I think it was Lolicare.

>> No.2503584

I understand... in death, a member of LAS has a name, his name is Rover Paulson

>> No.2503588

lean mean meme machine

>> No.2503613


The day 6 clan are like the hipster obscure group that we rarely hear about

>> No.2503624


Lolicare was a day 2...

As a day 2er aka the cosy team we miss him :(

>> No.2503627
File: 13 KB, 146x241, c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is the best of cosy team and why is it me?

>> No.2503630

Day 1: the circlejerking flawless
Day 2: cosy team
Day 3: the lone wolf
Day 4: JMGN and his groupies
Day 5: the dead wasteland
Day 6: the hipster obscure group
Day 7: the almost week 2ers

>> No.2503635


Can I be cosy with you my cosy friend (*˘︶˘*)

>> No.2503638

holy shit fibinochi still hasn't been eliminated

>> No.2503641








>> No.2503649

Is this just for the number of submissions or by quality?

>> No.2503675

can we find someone to report today, we need to test lava's new tribunal system and 24 hours notice thing

>> No.2503686

fisher, he didn't draw anything, just submitted that he dies today.

>> No.2503701

if you click it leads to a sketch. he seems to do that every time he doesn't have motivation

>> No.2503703

lol never mind.

>> No.2503705

>Posting before clicking
baka senpai desu

>> No.2503724


>> No.2503746

good night /las/ses

>> No.2503756


>> No.2503839


Not me

>> No.2503896


Thank you. Wasn't sure what direction to go towards. More fundamentals work it is then.