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File: 256 KB, 606x349, MediBang Paint Pro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2489879 No.2489879 [Reply] [Original]

How do you feel about MediBang Paint Pro?

>> No.2489881

its free so it must be shit, also looks like a copy manga studio

>> No.2489882

The line quality is not on par with other designing software. but they provide a wide variety of resources(tones), and the tools are on par with programs such as Photoshop or Illiustrator.

>> No.2490165

I don't know yet, and it might seem completely useless to me since I already on Manga Studio EX 5

But I guess I'll try it out.

>> No.2490215

Just found out the program I've been using (sketchbook pro) requires a recurring monthly/yearly fee and the free version has no way of changing the page size. It also has no stabilizer options so I'll be monitoring this in hopes of finding a program that can utilize gesture on a screen tablet and is rather user friendly.

>> No.2490288


>> No.2490349

It has no support for pen pressure on Android (S pen). And their cloud sign in doesn't even with if you registered using aG+ account on their website, and you can't use that email again for a normal sign up.

So fuck it.

>> No.2490455

I have a physical copy of Sketchbook Pro 6 before they introduced subscriptions. Last time I looked at upgrading they offered perpetual licenses and discounts if you owned an older copy, but I can't find any information about that on their website without logging in, their login page isn't working for me. Try contacting them and ask if you can still get a perpetual license. I've come to prefer Clip Studio Paint, but Sketchbook Pro has a damned nifty UI. Pity if they switched to a bullshit business model.

>> No.2490490

what's their bussiness model? ads?

i won't even try the software without knowing

>> No.2490588

clip studio paint.

>> No.2490669

But other people can create their own brushes right?

>> No.2492130

Is Krita any good?

>> No.2492133

Nothing should stop you from finding out yourself, since krita is both free and open source. Personally I think it's great and that it can only get better.

>> No.2494250

I played around with it, and I like it; a lot. First program to acknowledge finger contact as only for gestures, and not drawing that I've played with. How often does this go on sale? I remember it was on sale when I very first got my surface and I didn't want to commit to money spending quite yet, but between smithmicro, and the official clip studio who should I be buying from? If I get the pro version from smith, and a week later there's an upgrade to the ex from clip studio, can I bounce between the two, or will i have to pay for the whole package?

>> No.2494284

>How often does this go on sale?
No idea, I bought Clip Studio Paint from Celsys a couple Black Fridays ago for $15. I just checked their websites and they both have newsletters that should tell you when they're on sale.

>between smithmicro, and the official clip studio who should I be buying from?
I bought mine from Celsys because (at the time) they had more frequent updates. Looking at their sites they both seem to be at the same version, and SmithMicro stopped calling it "Manga Studio", so maybe this has changed. I'd still lean towards Celsys because they're the ones who actually write the software and SmithMicro just rebrands it. Just looking at Celsys's site (http://www.clipstudio.net/en/dl)) I can find release notes and useful shit, while SmithMicro's (http://my.smithmicro.com/manga-studio-5.html)) makes things a pain in the ass to find. I'd buy from Celsys for that reason alone.

>If I get the pro version from smith, and a week later there's an upgrade to the ex from clip studio, can I bounce between the two, or will i have to pay for the whole package?
I'm not dealing with SmithMicro's bullshit site anymore but I doubt you can use anything you buy from Celsys with them.

>> No.2494299
File: 119 KB, 939x1004, Screenshot (9).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted this on /u/ a couple days back and now after playing with clip studio some more, I'm really pissed I haven't been using this the whole time. I had to fight sketchbook every step of the way to make a line. everything was pixelated and I couldn't do anything to smooth it out. I know the issue is because it's the trial version, but omitting key portions of your program isn't a great way to showcase how great the full version is. I had a better time just filling everthing as shitty as possible, then erasing out to make my lines...for some reason the eraser is much cleaner than the pens on fine work.

>> No.2494306

The way Sketchbook handles anti-aliasing is really fucking weird and there's no way to adjust it (at least in version 6). I usually use a 3x-4x screen size canvas when I'm using it to get around that. Its drawing tools (like the ruler and ellipse guides) and UI make it great to sketch in, but it's missing a lot of common sense features.

>> No.2494406

It's a perfect replacement for Photoshop on linux. On win it has perfomance issues, or so I've heard.

>> No.2494438
File: 245 KB, 1440x870, gimp_UI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer GIMP when I'm using Linux. It doesn't have as good a brush engine as Krita, but I can't stand Krita's UI. Using Windows at the moment, but my Linux install looks about the same. This just makes a lot more sense to me than how things are set up in Krita, and it's a lot more stable. Then again I've been using it for over 10 years so I am a little biased.

>> No.2494470

It's p good if you want to draw on your phone, I use it for line skteches and it works well enough. Wouldn't use it on my PC/laptop though.

>> No.2495114

Anybody know an infinite canvas (like you not having to even click to expand it in any direction, it hasd no borders), but with better brushes than Mischief?

Any good brush presets and valid tutorials for Krita? Those on their page are all super old.

>> No.2495339

Shilling for Manga Studio.

It's the best program I've used.

>> No.2497264

Autodesk Sketchbook has a few cracked versions running around the internet. Just google it up. I really like how not cluttered it is in comparison to other graphics software.

>> No.2497271

upsaged your post.
Clip studio has everything you need.

>> No.2497286
File: 1.37 MB, 1366x853, Tsugu gym 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clip Paint is pretty good
PS CS5 is free, it has the best re-sizing options too, doesn't even ruin ruin detailed screen tones (pic related was resized from a much higher res)

How have you found it? I've seen SP4s' flying around at some really reasonable prices here so I've been considering one to replace my laptop

>> No.2497290

I kinda wrote up a review of it here >>2495777

The only other thing I'd add, is the stylus doesn't register side force on the tip, so you have more down weight to it, than side pressure to make the pen work. Pen hover is pretty good, and everything else feels pretty well put together.

>> No.2497295
File: 181 KB, 528x158, 1455199945794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is the stylus doesn't register side force on the tip, so you have more down weight to it, than side pressure to make the pen work
I have no idea what you're trying to say there but anyway thanks for the review

>> No.2497320

CSP bandwagoner reporting. I use it for painting and it's pretty sweet. UI and workspace is incredibly customizable. My only gripe is that you can't 'lock' windows in the UI. Sometimes while painting, you'll accidentally resize a tool window. No biggie, worth it for the customization.

>> No.2497679

I just stick with SAI since im comfortable with that and no matter what software I use its not like its going to make me a better artist.

>> No.2497688

What's the selling point of SAI ?

Because CSP does a much better job at art than Photoshop.

>> No.2497694
File: 240 KB, 887x516, krita-screenshot-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys I just downloaded Krita and I'm going through some tutorials getting a feel for it. Is it work investing more time into it? I kinda like it so far, just seems smother than Photoshop to me.

>> No.2497883

SAI is very lightweight and has a "natural feeling" brush engine. Mainly used for anime style art, if that's what you're into. Also has tons of custom brushes and always getting more.

Now that I use Clipstudio for most things, I sometimes use SAI for sketching or thumbnailing a painting because I like how it handles colors and mixing.

>> No.2497890

>SAI is very lightweight and has a "natural feeling" brush engine.

I call bullshit. SAI/Manga/Clip studio whatever has only one function and one appeal and that's to pander to weebs and fool them into thinking they can draw their animus with superior Japanese software it is the same gimmick like those anime markers.

>> No.2497930

lighting fast rotate this is a must for finding a sweet spot on your lines
a clone of corel Painter digital watercolors who is halfassed but still works amazing for animu CGI artists

>> No.2497942

CSP and SAI are made for the Japanese market, not the US market. Your comment is idiotic in the simplest of ways.

And have you even used CSP ?
It's UI is by far the easiest to use with the widest range of customization and default tools.

>> No.2497953

>CSP and SAI are made for the Japanese market

Nice try Mr. Chang but you're not going to damage control your way out of the obvious target audience for Manga Studio which is the same exact software. You could draw whatever you want regardless of medium or software hell I am bold enough to say you could use MS Paint and get the same job done it is skill not the brand name or software that gets things done.

Just because you buy an overpriced "anime" marker doesn't magically give you some kind of zen power that allows you to draw like a real "anime artist"

>> No.2498698
File: 1.14 MB, 1280x905, ovopack tumblr_o4744pMdmV1qcsc7lo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what software and brush Ovopack use?

>> No.2498777

kek, in 2016?
Either way no one said that the tools make the artist, that's why "Hard Round Brush" has wisdom.
>MS Paint
has it's niche uses but things like CSP, Sai and PS have what's called a brush engine in case you've never used a tablet, it's meant to emulate brush strokes with pressure sensitivity in the pen. I consider it like picking up a new medium, like with charcoals or watercolour or oils, takes some getting used to

>> No.2498970

I use Clip Studio Paint Pro for freelance game illustration.

>> No.2498985

He's a troll.
And are you really so poor you can't spend 200$ on software ?

>> No.2498991

Shlomo pls go.

>> No.2498999

You can't live a fulfilling life on handouts hippy.