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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 31 KB, 900x490, light_and_exposure_by_artsammich-d46vwqb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2492721 No.2492721 [Reply] [Original]

should I make a tumblr and post studies daily and the original piece once a month? I'm by not means good or anything, but I'm starting to grasp the fundamentals
Permanoobs is a shit SHIT place to upload because it takes AGES to upload a single image, tumblr is much more fast?

does anybody does this? or is it better to just not tell anyone about it until I am decent enough to showcase online. I mean, I don't want to lose my progress and all that


>> No.2492723

upload completed works that are at your skill level/ability and track your progress that way. don't upload studies senpai

>> No.2492725

Participate in /ic/'s last artist standing deal. Do your work daily, ignore the shitposting that is every single thread, and stay productive. Nobody is going to find you on Tumblr unless you draw fanart/porn/fetish porn.

>> No.2492728

the fuck is last artist standing

>> No.2492731

well desu, isn't the whole "upload once a day" deal something to get you motivated? If I didn't need auto motivation I wouldn't be asking this. but thank you I will just open a shitty garbage can tumblr. this is for me anyway

>> No.2492733
File: 18 KB, 600x600, REEEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

secret club and you're NOT invited

>> No.2492735

for me when I'm uploading for the sake of getting feedback it stifles my creativity and motivation. 4chan anons good for it but even then the trolling is kind of distracting. idunno what the answer is tho

>> No.2492737

ok man. not one single ic circlejerk would be good anyway, I've been in 2 skypegroups and they were pure trash. but hey, It's ok. I just want to improve m8

>> No.2492739

well I don't really care for feedback? I have teachers and friends irl, I just wanna save progress you know?an easy place, fast. not like permanoobs because their site is really slow.

>> No.2492740
File: 131 KB, 1032x621, asdas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here are some imagination sketches btw, anyone? I just want a sketchbook site that's not garbage and isn't empty. I cry every single time

>> No.2492742

>I have friends irl
get out

>> No.2492746

why shouldn't you upload studies?

>> No.2492750

when you apply for a job, do you show them your homework?

>> No.2492756

yeah, because I will def show my client a fucking tumblr m8

>> No.2492765

I just don't understand why you wouldn't just make a folder on your desktop if you want to reference your studies.

>> No.2492769

No one cares about your studies, senpai. If you're in a community of artists then sure, but don't bother showing that to the general public, which is what most of tumblr is.

If there's some little circlejerk of artists trying to improve in tumblr then sure get with those guys and show them your studies I guess.

>> No.2492771

because I did that once and then my computer exploded. srsly it broke. you know, I think I'm just going to go for tumblr

>> No.2492774

yeah well I'm asking for something like that? It would be nice to have feedback like in permanoobs but the site is shit. I need something where you can upload things easily and still have the casual feedback but since there is none it seems I will be on my own I guess

>> No.2492783


Use google drive...

Don't upload studies.

>> No.2492806

If you post a study, just tag it with #study

I like following tumblrs with anons who draw everyday. You get to know them a bit. I also try to post everyday. Not every drawing is going to be a gem, so if you only post finished pieces then your tumblr might be empty if your standards for yourself are too high.

I enjoy scrolling through my archive and viewing all my past drawings - it's a form of mental masturbation

>> No.2492815

Ignore this faggot.

People love look at studies and reference and shit. Even clients know that Tumblr is the equivalent of your sketchbook, not your full on portfolio. If they want to see only your best work, they won't go to Tumblr, they'll ask for your website.

There are people who make their Tumblr their portfolio and only include their best work sure, but those are for people who can't afford a domain name or host. Tumblr is meant to get all your work out there and gain a following and show clients how often you draw, what you like to draw, and that you're learning.

Unfortunately, it's still hard to get followers on Tumblr even if you do dailies unless you're top tier or a fanartists. Or get lucky with reblogs.

>> No.2492826

ok, will do 2 tumblrs then, one for sketchdumps and another one for real work
thank you

>> No.2492828


Do your favorite chink artists upload a grayscale copy and a bunch of noodle gestures for the day to their tumbby just to show everyone that they did something today? Yeah that's what I thought. It's quality sketches always. The drawings show the technicality of all the artists hard work. There is the sketchbook full of your mess you DONT show to anyone and then there is the ''''''''''sketchbook''''''''' you show to everyone.

>> No.2492830

Don't be retarded. there's no reason to NOT upload studies to a personal blog. That's not what you're sending the client when applying for jobs and an art director isn't going to go snooping looking for bad 'homework', even if they found your personal blog it wouldn't make a difference as long as they saw your portfolio and know what you consider to be your best work.
The only thing you should worry about posting to a personal art blog is pornography, always keep that under a separate alias unless you want to applying to jobs relating to that.

Its motivating and helps showcase progress, I use a tumblr for that purpose, pretty much all websites like permanoobs or conceptart.org with an actual sketchbook forum are dead or not worth posting on, a blog has been the next best thing imo.
it's also building a following with other artists, never had an issue with a client finding it and suddenly deciding they didn't want to hire me.

>> No.2492832

but the discord though.

>> No.2492837

post your work

>> No.2492838

>Its motivating and helps showcase progress
Why do you need to feel the need to show people garbage? Maybe with IRL art friends but not internet strangers.
>pretty much all websites like permanoobs or conceptart.org
Forums are places to suck dick to get connections into the industry. Let's not even go there.
>it's also building a following
there are other ways to build a following...
>with other artists
Wait what? Wouldn't that be rivals? If an artist follows you they probably envy your skills and want to surpass you.
>The only thing you should worry about posting to a personal art blog is pornography
In this day and age I don't think people give a fuck unless you draw loli/furry porn.

The whole posting studies to your blog thing is disgusting. It puts on the facade that you're 'working hard' but then you end up tailing your hard work to make it look good on display while your personal work sufferes because you don't know how to apply the knowledge you were so attempting to learn because you were too busy making your studies look ''''''''showcaseable'''''''''.

Studies=no, don't be gay

>> No.2492849

>If an artist follows you they probably envy your skills and want to surpass you.

HAHAHAHA as the OP I will give you the name of "never maker, destroyer of loomis"

I swear this is my last OP for the fucking year, ic is full of shit


>> No.2492850

good. go draw

>> No.2492851

See you in a few weeks.

>> No.2492854


You said you can leave this place? You're stuck here. Forever.

>> No.2493137

You're an idiot.

>> No.2493393

I just came to point out that frog's throat is a total ball sack.

>> No.2493541


I know you are but what am I?

>> No.2493550
File: 164 KB, 579x748, 1288976034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do your favorite chink artists upload a grayscale copy and a bunch of noodle gestures

Yes actually, at least they used to.

>> No.2493556


If what you want is storage rather than interaction, Tumblr kinda sucks. Very limited image sizes, and I'm guessing much more complicated copyright policies than storage-geared services.

>> No.2493558

>being trapped in /ic/
fucking lol
Not OP but I drift in and out of this shithole constantly. What's there to get stuck on?

(But 4chan in general, yeah, I'll be here until one of us dies).

>> No.2493566

>like kr0n, guweiz, nadar
>plagiarism is ok now. Just call it a study
>like sakimichan, loish, tsuaii
>copyright infringement is ok now just call it fanart

I mean... it's not like any of them make money from their studies or fanart so it's totally morally and legally ok, right? I mean, it's not like those type of things couldn't have any sort of monetary worth and use as advertisement right?


>> No.2493589

right of fair use you fucking cockgobbling corporate asslicker degenerate faggot.

>> No.2493594


Maybe actually read what OP is asking for, instead of just making a baseless, very specific assumption and then shoving an opinion based on that false premise down is throat as if it's a fact?

>> No.2493602

Fuck off nobody is talking to you.

>> No.2493612


>I mean... it's not like any of them make money from their studies or fanart so it's totally morally and legally ok, right?

Well, it most certainly is morally ok. As far as legally goes, it doesn't really matter, because companies only benefit from fanart of their IPs so they will never do anything against it.

>> No.2493615

How stupid you are

>> No.2493624

>morally ok
if that's your honest opinion then you're a morally bankrupt person, because that's equivalent to stealing. OR you are an immigrant from other boards and not an artist yourself. Imagine you created something original and you are proud of it. Then some nigga makes a replica and sells it behind your back. Not only that, they get full credit for creation of YOUR original idea.

takes one to know one

>> No.2493634

that's a lie!

OP don't be a gullible idiot and fall for this

search the catalog

>> No.2493636

Strong contender for "Today's Most Retarded /ic/ Post", we've got a long day ahead of us.

>> No.2493644

>Imagine you created something original and you are proud of it. Then some nigga makes a replica and sells it behind your back. Not only that, they get full credit for creation of YOUR original idea.

What the fuck are you even talking about? That's not at all what fanart is. As I alreadyI told you, content creators WANT fanart as it is free marketing of their product. If I had say a webcomic and Sakimichan did fanart of it, I'd be fucking ecstatic. That's why when you look at the social media accounts of content creators, especially smaller ones like webcomic artists, independent animators, indie video game devs etc, you see them retweeting fanart all the time to encourage more fanart of their work.

>> No.2493650

That's not how fair use works dumbass
It's morally ok to paint your favorite characters because you love them. It's morally bankrupt to steal other people's IPs so you can get more traffic to your site so you can sell more shit.

As for legally, no, you can't. It's simply illegal. One of my good friends makes a lot of collectors movie posters for different companies. Sometimes they aren't allowed to sell them but are commissioned to make them. Sometimes they are allowed to sell them. Pacific Rim had a made huge deal about people making posters when it first came out. Thing is, most people don't see their fanart(still doesn't make it legall) or if they do they are small enough not to get noticed.

I'm sure you're going to say the opposite but I'm just not going to reply to that.

Fucking /ic/ What a fucking shithole.

>supporting kr0n and nadar
>I'm the retarded one

Literally kill yourself.

Fucking /ic/

>> No.2493712

You are talking about very different things here. One is simply creating fanart and maybe selling a few prints online and at conventions, and another is creating something that uses someone elses IP for the sole purpose of selling it. If Sakimichan were to start her own merchandize line featuring Disney princesses, you can be sure she'd be sued, because then she'd be directly stealing profit from already existing official Disney merch. That's not what any of these artists do though. What they do does not compete with the content creators business wise at all. It is nothing more but free marketing for them.

You can throw a tantrum as much as you like, but there will never be any actions taken against these artists, because what they do is benefits the content creators., especially smaller ones who can really use the exposure.

>> No.2493741

No, you"re not seeing things in perspective of the audience. No one knows who you are, but everyone knows who Sakimi is. Without giving you credit (scumbag artists often dont), people can only naively assume that it's her original work. And who can blame the audience? The result is they are selling a copy of YOUR work in a shop and you dont make a cent.

>> No.2493751

>Without giving you credit (scumbag artists often dont),
>The result is they are selling a copy of YOUR work in a shop and you dont make a cent.

Well, that has nothing to do with what artists like Sakimichan are doing and isn't even considered fanart. You're talking about a completely different thing here which is plagiarism and art theft.

>> No.2493874

kr0n and Nadar do that
I didn't bring up sakimi until you did, since i don't know what her deal is i just assumed she's like the other two

>> No.2493920

you have literally no idea how trademarks and copyright work. You don't have to sell shit to still infringe on either. Just creating it or using their properties in any way is breaking the law. Unless it's fair use, which fanart is not.
>oh no someone who said something about a topic I don't have any understanding of is having a tantrum!
God you're a faggot. Why do you idiots always think anyone cares about what you think that much.

>benefits the content creators
>citation required
That's a far fetched retarded idea that no amount of googling will turn up anything.

At least you can look up how copyright and trademarks work.

But you won't. Because you would rather remain an uneducated idiot like most people here.

>> No.2493943
File: 1.17 MB, 2048x1536, stock-photo-101730167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>created something original (an IP) and you are proud of it. nigga makes a replica and sells it. Not only that, they get full credit for creation of YOUR original idea.

What that guy said could still apply to fanart numbnuts. Not every subject of fanart is from a giant corpration. Say shit like understale or minecraft.

Now it get's popular, huge. The designs are good and people like them. Someone makes a copy or replicates the pixel style and art of a spider drinking tea and puts it on a shirt and then starts selling it. Not fucking everyone knows every little piece of fiction that comes out. All they see is a cute spider girl with the title "MUFFET DRINKS COW MOM LATTE" with no mention of undertale or fucking anything by the creature.

I have seen that shit a lot. Even if they just post it and share it for free because they know it's huge right now. Again, not everyone knows what a fuckin Muffet is. They just think "Wow that guy created an awesome design!"

>social media accounts of content creators
>indie fags that don't care how their content is handled
>but but but if some people do it that means everyone is ok with it!

You are the dumbest motherfucker on /ic/ and that's saying a lot.

But then again you are probably one of those faggots that makes a lot of fanart and "studies". Wait, are you kr0nr?

Here faggot, here's a new photo for you to steal.

>> No.2493986

You are really too stupid for me to continue this discussion. I have told you numerous times by now, it does not matter if they infringe copyright or not, the point is that content creators WANT fanart. THEY ENCOURAGE FANART you goddamn moron. Just look at any tumblr or twitter of any small indie dev, animation studio, webcomic artist etc and it is full of retweets of fanart of their product. Your impotent rage at successful fanartists is utterly pointless. No one will ever get sued over it because both parties profit from it, deal with it.

If you were actually an artist yourself, you'd understand this. If you had a webcomic or were developing a video game and a popular artist was giving you exposure through fanart, you'd be fucking thrilled about it. I honestly don't understand what is wrong with your brain that you cannot grasp this very simple concept.

>> No.2493989

Are you legitimately retarded? You are once again confusing fanart with art theft. I'm sorry, but could you please stop replying to me? You are too dumb to have an argument with.

>> No.2493999

>It's illegal guys, I swear!

Yeah, call me when one (1!) person has been successfully sued over fanart. Until then, kindly fuck off with your whiny tantrums.

>> No.2494040
File: 503 KB, 500x333, 1460516587402.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>creators WANT fanart. ENCOURAGE FANART
>citation still required

Just because you keep repeating yourself doesn't make you any more correct. You're saying "These few people want it, therefore, everyone does!"

Which is not the case at all Not everyone want's their shit stolen and then shared. Not everyone want's hardcore porn of their property.

>If you were actually an artist yourself,

You have no idea. Not even the littlest of bit. I know of at least 23 people that have my work tattooed on their bodies. I have people copy my work for contests. I have had people use my character designs to create 3d models and in their own art. Not only am I an artist, I have a larger following, I'm better, and I'm more educated than you. Youre just a fucking idiot thats barking into the wind with yourdumbretarded ideas and ignorance.

People have gotten sued over fanart and copyright infringement. it takes 5 seconds to google it. Why don't you go ahead and do that next time before you start shooting off your "facts".

Most people don't get sued. What they do get is a cease and desist though Guess what? They cease and desist their shit since its illegal.

You have a hard time reading don't you? Good reading comprehension is a skill you should have learned by middle school.

Fanart is "art theft" (which is a broad as term)

You realize people can create fanart that looks very similar to the original right? In fact, most fanart is that way. Artist's trying to copy the style. They are "replicating" the style and character.

Then they sell prints of it. A shit ton of "fanart" gets sold. Or in the case of kr0n and Sakimi, they sell the art directly to their patreon subscribers.

I don't even know why I am here doing this. You are just so beneath me it isn't even funny. You will literally never be as good as an artists as I am and you will never have as many followers. You're just a noisy brat.

>> No.2494049

>In 2002, artist Jeff Supon sued DC for copyright infringement of his “Black Bat” comic. In 1984, Mr. Supon sent DC some original sketches of his ideas of where he thought Batman should go next, apparently hoping to become a new artist for the company. DC never replied to Mr. Supon, and he relabeled the work “Black Bat.” In 1999, after the release of “Batman Beyond,” he brought suit for copyright infringement, claiming the new series incorporated the designs he submitted 15 years earlier. He got creamed. DC won its defence against his claim and won its counterclaim that his designs infringed their intellectual property. Bottom line, don’t wake the dragon.

Literally 5 seconds of googling.

I believe, the saying goes, you just got schooled.

>> No.2494062

Are you have to do is google it you stupid fuck. Just because you choose to remain an idiot doesn't mean it hasn't happened.

There are just a countless amount of examples of people selling fanart and getting sued over it.

and the greentext before was of a guy not selling his fanart and still losing a counter lawsuit for copyright infringement. Just making fanart of something is breaking the law. Again, just because you have never actually bothered to learn anything at all in your entire life doesn't make laws go away.

peace faggots I'm out. example of a person getting sued for just making fanart and if you google tailor swift pullin out the lawyers to shut down etsy sellers got the "selling" fanart thing covered.

You have nothing to stand on at this point. To continue arguing your points just proves you're too dumb to learn new things.

>> No.2494079

i remember when someone got sued over mickey mouse fanart

>> No.2494086

If this isn't copypasta it will be

>> No.2494088


Not that guy but there's a pretty fucking significant difference between art plagiarism and fan art.

>> No.2494116

no, there isn't. Both of them break both copyright and trademark laws.

you faggots want everything to be copy pasta. Every good artist that comes here leaves because you idiots are the dumbest mother fuckers on a chan.

You're all incredibly ignorant, envious, and petty. No one gives a shit if you mock or >meme a good artist. Everyone know's /ic/ is fucking terrible and filled with artists that will never go beyond highschool skill level.

The only dipshits that care about your stupid copy pasta idiocy are other retarded /ic/ fags.

Seriously just read this thread. You morons don't even know how to fucking google something. Your arguments are "I don't know I haven't seen it happen" and "It's ok because notch shared it on his twitter!"

Literally kill yourself. Throw an /ic/ party dedicated to shitting on merc_wip and collectively drink the cool aid.

>> No.2494869

>Everyone know's /ic/ is fucking terrible and filled with artists that will never go beyond highschool skill level.

glad you feel at home then.

>> No.2494875

And yet you're still here. Face it, you love /ic/ no matter bow shitty it gets because deep down you're a shitposer at heart.

>> No.2494884

This has nothing to do with fanart you colossal retard.

>> No.2494889


>hurr durr google it

Of course if you group fanart and plagiarism / art theft as one and the same, you will find cases where someone got sued over plagiarism and art theft. But they are NOT the same and there has never been an artist who was successfully sued over fanart. Google it.

I mean, you can cry about this all you want, but fanart will never go away and fanartists will never be sued over it. So you might just want to get over it already.

>> No.2494893

I guess everyone on DeviantArt must be getting sued then. There is not one modern artist that hasn't drawn fanart at least once as practice. Better sue all them kids for drawing shitty versions of their favorite superhero.

>> No.2495420

>guy gets sued for drawing someone elses propert

You're super missing the fucking thing here. It's clearly 100% illegal and people have lost in court. A lot of people get away with it because no one knows who they fucking are dumbass.

But every now and then someone get's the hammer to be maid an example of. You do know that companies must actively defend their trademarks or they lose them right? For fuck's sake they also have to defend their copyrights because if they don't it can be used in court against them to devalue the copyrighted work.

Are you fucking retarded? I just posted an example of it. You fucking idiots are so god damn retarded it's amazing.

>> No.2495483

>everyone is a retard but me!!!!
Listen here, Fan art is just that, fan art. At the very worst of it, it is just a minor annoyance not worth suing or throwing a huge fit over unless the artist claims it is theirs. At best it is free marketing so people look into your product more. Even if a company did have a dox of everyone that ever did fan art of their product, it would be more bankrupting and career suicide to go after them than it would be to forget it. You are treating jaywalking as grand theft.