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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 518 KB, 715x900, 1459800337364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2493853 No.2493853 [Reply] [Original]

What is a good way to make a living doing commissions?

>> No.2493860


Why does all art degrade and dehumanize women to sex objects?

>> No.2493861

Git gud and market yourself without being a total autist?

>> No.2493864

men too!?

>> No.2493865

art reflects reality

>> No.2493869


Art reflects the artist.

>> No.2493870

This place is to discuss art and improve our skills, not a place to view fake and sexualised bodies that give men a false impression of what womens bodies should look like.

>> No.2493871

Because they are

>> No.2493872



>> No.2493873

sex objects are quite a big improvement from worthless.

>> No.2493876


women are literally only on this earth to receive dick in their vagina so baby is formed

That is why they are sex objects

and must be portrayed as such

>> No.2493878


Thats a disgusting thing to say.

Was your mother useless?

I guess she was, to give birth to a scumbag like you.

I bet you're bitter virgin too.

>> No.2493880

10 replies, so far none on OP subject

>> No.2493881

>fake and sexualised bodies that give men a false impression of what womens bodies should look like
fake and sexualised bodies that give women a false impression of what mens bodies should look like

>> No.2493882
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>> No.2493883
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>> No.2493884


Women dont get aroused or care about anime porn you fucking retard.

They only care about money and social status

>> No.2493885

Fight the patriarchy !
Join the tumblr resistance !

How about....
you just get the fuck out ?

>> No.2493886

I know plenty of women that get off to hentai, lmao, go outside niggah.

>> No.2493887

i feel sad for you

>> No.2493888


Valid concern but there are other places to discuss that.

>> No.2493889
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>> No.2493891


haha maybe in your dreams. Girls dont get off to nerd anime shit, they just dream of nigger rapper or whatever jew propoganda they were brainwashed with that month.

>> No.2493892

Listen to what this permavirgin has to say.

>> No.2493893

It sure smells fishy in here

>> No.2493894

that's a meme and you know it
men are just as much "victims" here as women are
and i put it in quotes because i don't really think it's a problem, since both sexes should be encouraged to look their best
going on a diet and learning to apply makeup is not impossible
there are even more and bigger hurdles for men, some even impossible like being a certain height or certain race

>> No.2493895
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>> No.2493896
File: 35 KB, 625x626, Teke Bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On /ic/ we take the bait even if we know it's bait.

>> No.2493897
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>> No.2493901
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> these fucking retards ACTUALLY believe there are women getting off to hentai

girls just use tinder to actually get fucked by any of the 30 rich male model alpha males currently courting them..

you virgins are clueless. i bet no "girl" ITT will timestamp to prove me wrong.

Not a chance my friend.

>> No.2493904

>I don't believe you because you won't time stamp for me
>Implying /ic/ isn't 90% grills

>> No.2493905


Nope. Not really m8. Money and social status is the ultimate trump card.

Even the ugliest most undesirable manlet can land 10/10 bitches if he's a billionaire.
Men fetishize women

Women fetishize money

>> No.2493907
File: 246 KB, 320x240, 1455310328315.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Expecting someone to actually go through the effort of taking a photo just to prove they watch hentai.

>> No.2493909

we >>>/r9k/ now?

>> No.2493910

wew lads

>> No.2493912


point proven

girls aren't on here, and if they are its to attention whore or to post their little faggot tumblr "toons"

No girl can into sexy anime grills

no girl masturbates to anime.

Women dont need to. One click away and they are taken off on a free date, free food, free money, free drugs and a free fuck.

They live in a different world. They dont need stuff like anime to keep sane.

deal with it.

>> No.2493914
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>> No.2493915

For Free ?

>> No.2493916

You're pretty bitter, anon.

Get rejected by your fat land whale cousin?

>> No.2493919

not a grill, but i will happy have intercourse with the opposite sex to get anything i want

>> No.2493921
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>> No.2493923
File: 168 KB, 1333x601, ic-patreon-advice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you hide the first post, and all replies, there are only 7 replies visible itt, counting this one, 6 of which are still responding to the bait, and another one just saying "git gud"

This thread is fucking shit. 4chan needs a "request thread nuke" button under the report function.

Also, for the OP, the best I can put out there is that
1. Learn to draw. If you can't draw, people won't pay for your shit. Well, that's not really true, there's plenty of shitty artists that do get comissions but it's just not sustainable. Shouldn't be surprise you have to be good at what you do to make money with it
2. Put your art work up everywhere, and I do mean everywhere, pic related. Maximize your exposure as much as possible. Sign your images and leave an appealing URL at the bottom (deviant art, tumblr, whatever) so that no matter where they're shared, tumblr, 4chan, wherever, people can find you
3. Find a niche and fill it, just like every other business. Don't know if you have any weird fetishes but if you do, well, the weirder the better, because that means your art for that fetish is in high demand and your commissioners will be loyal. It is a good idea to cast a wider net though, so if you can manage drawing multiple styles at once it's good to get normal commissions from normal people, of which there are many but can be fickle, and more loyal commissioners for niche work. Best way to make money as a restaurant owner? Own multiple restaurants.
4. Be nice, be the bigger man, don't start drama. You're on the internet, people can be mean to you without consequence, and being mean to them back does not help. Money changes hands online moors as a matter of charity than exchange these days, so be worth their charity The best way to lose costumers is to be a dick, so don't be one.
5. Always take cash upfront, drop commissioners who are too needy and whose commissions aren't worth the time, and use paypal invoices instead of just asking them to send you money directly.

>> No.2493926

>Get rejected by your fat land whale cousin?

i wish i had one senpai

>> No.2493927
File: 94 KB, 1318x323, Get_The_Comishes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another pic that may be of use, sorry for Quick Reply bar in the middle, but it doesn't cover up anything important.

>> No.2493928

You dirty filthy rotten man slut.

>> No.2493930

How about when you get nothing in return but half-assed sexual pleasure of someone you're not actually attracted to who will go after you afterwards for more and spreads around the news.
Or you would you then rather pick hentai instead.

>> No.2493932
File: 7 KB, 130x160, Back-To-Reddit-reddit-33692032-130-160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


keep crying newfag

>> No.2493933
File: 39 KB, 600x615, carlcuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a place to view fake and sexualised bodies that give men a false impression of what womens bodies should look like.

>> No.2493935


girls dont find men attractive, only the status and money of a man.

A man would fuck any woman.

>> No.2493937

Just report any posts which don't fall under "da ruru's".
Mods clean threads which get too many reports.

>> No.2493939
File: 195 KB, 369x354, feodra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2493944


Haha mods wont do SHIT, I own the mods around here.

mods = fags

>> No.2493945

Thank you for the (you) donations

>> No.2493946

>implying InCase is not a modern master

>> No.2493947

OR... Maybe female sexuality isn't a bad thing, and you're "slutshaming" every time you say something this retarded.

>> No.2493951


women arent meant to be sluts

they should have 1 loving marriage and passionate intimate loving sex

and then raise happy healthy children

>> No.2493953

The idealization of beauty has always been a big topic in art. Also, there are plenty of women who do have stunning bodies, so I'm not sure what you mean with how women bodies "should" look like.

>> No.2493964
File: 54 KB, 637x638, 1461007175145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2493965

OP here/
Thanks. These are somewhat useful infos.


Here is my Instagram. I know I'm not the most skilled but I'm better than the average cut and I hope I can get more anatomy knowledge under my belt.

I think I did some of the things you mentioned already by studying how other artists do it (get their patreon going, getting commissions etc), though I'm not big on drawing porn or other shit for neckbeards. What I want to try instead is to draw Nintendo Fanart to get attention since this is something I can get genuienly excited about.

>> No.2493966

I hate each and every one of you.

>> No.2493971

I think you're pretty good and well within the range of getting people to pay you but not sure how well you can just do Nintendo fan-art. There's already literal tonnes of it, so getting people to pay you for something they can just get for free, eh, I dunno man. Wish I could help more, I mostly just care about porn.

>> No.2493972

jesus fuck I just read op and came into help. I think hes long fucking gone by now. Why the hell is this place like this?

>> No.2493976

It's usually not like this, but the girls here sometimes go pretty crazy.
Maybe periods sync via the web too.

>> No.2493977

>haha I'm better than the problem
>I am the problem

I'm pretty sure it's just guys shitposting to each other.

>> No.2493981


Safe to say that
was deliberate bait and people fell for it.

>> No.2493983

talk about unrealistic lmao

>> No.2493985


It's full of trolls pretending to be SJW's and actual SJW's. It has been getting worse and it will continue to decline.

>> No.2493990

I can drive 10 minutes to the beach right now and find literally dozens of women who look like that.

>> No.2493993

you mean those poor slim suffering womyn who starve themselves and have to work out in the gym? somebody SAVE THEM!

>> No.2493994

There's at least one or two actual SJWs on /ic/ who derail threads at every opportunity. Let's just stop giving them attention.

>> No.2493998


I've given up on this board desu. I check in once in a while and there's always a fresh batch of tripfags shitting the place up.

>> No.2494006
File: 77 KB, 625x626, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire thread

One of you teach me how to (You) like you do.

>> No.2494016

not really, I just wanted to help op. Thread got derailed so hard that it ran off the tracks and leveled a small town in its wake. The problem is how to make a living doing commissions, not improper portrayal of any gender in any media

but since you called me out on not voicing my opinion? (i think thats what your getting at) I think its outlandish for a woman who has a sword thats at least 2 times as long as her body (or who is carrying a mace that would weigh more than her and the woman beside her)
I mean, only men should be using weapons like that, a girl so small and fragile would hurt herself

the real problem is your reading into issues with art made by someone in south korea who is an ecci artist. meaning he likes drawing scantily clad woman, usually having relations with eachother. Not only is there a massive cultural gap, but nothing we do to alter societal perception of females here will impact the artist in the op and others like him. There will always be ecci artist and there will always be barra artist. the moment you start dictating what a person enjoys creating, you become that, a dictator

is there an issue, yes. I'm not blind the portrayal of sexulized woman. But the removal of it would be stupid. Learn how to draw, and create Armour that you feel fitting for them. You will attract like minded people, and start a movment

>> No.2494039


You're trolling so softly and gently, I barely even noticed my jimmies getting rustled.


>> No.2494045

My gf and I watching hentai together?

>> No.2494050
File: 272 KB, 593x381, tarnsman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't Gor.

>> No.2494081

my gf Is into futa. Caught my completely offgaurd

>> No.2494092

congrats on having both the biggest troll reply but most accurate reply in this thread. I don't know what to say, or who's side your on, or if I respect your opinion or not. good work

>> No.2494093


> my gf

pics or it didnt happen

>> No.2494127

Having posted...
you are now part of the problem

>> No.2494155


why are you all so incapable, autistic and stupid??? why do you have to shit this thread up with your stupid bullshit instead of talking about commissions or whatever?

here's my input:
- disregard everything else

follow this one simple trick and you don't have to worry about finetuning all the other variables. it really is like people say, work magically finds you once you break past a certain point.

>> No.2494159

i fucking hate this thread so much oh my god. shut up and draw

>> No.2494200

Because the redditors took the bait, you can tell who never lurks enough and shits up the place by responding to obvious trolling attempts.

>> No.2494207

But, you've also posted.

>> No.2494208
File: 17 KB, 192x220, 1366828309798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying the first post is the problem
no you idiots. the replies are the problem. the fact that people react as sensitively as they did is the problem.
the problem are kids who use words like "SJW"

/pol/ burned this site to the ground.
i for one really dont give a flying fuck about all this american left/right bullshit.
political memes are the fucking worst. give me back my 4chan you goddamn imbeciles.

>> No.2494251

>the problem
Spoken like a true SJW there buddy.

>> No.2494310

>curious about commission
>click thread

/ic/ has changed.

>> No.2494313

I was part of the problem long before then

>> No.2498182

>Why does all art degrade and dehumanize women to sex objects?
Because women desire it. In art as in life. With exceptions of crazy ones.

>> No.2498199
File: 52 KB, 538x627, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the problem are kids who use words like "SJW"
I wonder who is behind this post.

So you can voice your annoyance by some group of the posters, but others cannot? You have right to whine about me, but I cannot critique some stg bbq rsts?

>> No.2498249

>What is a good way to make a living doing commissions?
if you paint like in pic related you shouldnot be asking this question
so probably you should be good for a starter
my recomendation is more loomis

>> No.2498280

You know what? I'm going to try it. I'll try the method in the picture. Wish me luck. All I need is a name now, any suggestions?

>> No.2498293



>> No.2498329


This bait fills me with glee.

>> No.2498401
File: 44 KB, 520x538, 1429303664953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2498544

>"wow those look like some good cosplayers"
>"uh wait, someone drew that.."

Id say just find a good price and market for your works.

>> No.2498570

Get good. Post your shit. Keep getting good. Post your shit. Gain followers. Keep getting good. Gain more followers. Rinse repeat. Clients will find you.

Source: That's what I do

>> No.2498571

I bet they have dicks.

>> No.2498620

the problem is you shouldn't get baited so easily. but apparently you just can't help it if you see a so called "SJW".
you've been brainwashedby a bunch of idiots. you really should care way less about this than you do.

>> No.2498902
File: 869 KB, 1728x2304, painted pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because art mirrors life.

>> No.2498904

They have little boy dicks

>> No.2498953
File: 23 KB, 400x300, 1340155143876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sexualization It's the same that male power fantasy
of course, anon!

>> No.2498957

Female power fantasy and oversexualized male person decreasing young boys self esteem.

>> No.2498958

I-I guess I should visit a shrink, then.

>> No.2498961

Is this the worst thread to ever be on /ic/?


>> No.2498968
File: 10 KB, 319x316, 1357086610425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, yes, everyday.

>> No.2498973

were you about to say something?

>> No.2499009

why do people say there is a difference here?

hate to tell you this but a lot of women find hunky men sexual. Like extremely so. It doesn't matter if Geralt is a badass, he also has a perfect figure and chiseled face. Nathan drake is your stereotypical badass but he's also a ladies wet dream.

What's the difference between Jacob and He-man? Why is He-Man a power fantasy and Jacob a sexual object for women? They both are incredibly strong and fight fantasy creatures. What about Edward or Blade? Edward a power fantasy or sex object?

Women find buff strong men attractive. The made up "power fantasy" bullshit is completely retarded. It's just some stupid mental gymnastics used to justify "mah oppression"

>> No.2499015

Common sense and reasoning are constructs of patriarchi and need to be torn down

>> No.2499039

Why do you think less of someone who is a sex object?

>> No.2499058


Whether something is sexualization or a power fantasy seems to depend entirely on how the individual perceives it though. There is no objective difference between the 2 if you think about it.

A woman looks at, say, Red Sonja and becomes insecure about her own body, thus considers her an oversexualized trope. A man looks at Conan and considers him to be badass, manly and his body something to aspire to achieve, thus it's a power fantasy. Both are half naked warriors with very idealized bodies.

>> No.2499115

The same is said for men. Humans exist just to breed anon, just like any animal
Difference is our societies are so advanced that we get to focus on more than just survival and breeding rights during our lifetimes

>> No.2499116

It sucks, my life is meaningless and the only reason I don't sudoku is because of my family.

>> No.2499122

Meh, I don't mind life being meaningless. It means I get to do whatever I want with it. Main reason I'm learning art is just because I can and have the capability to
You're gonna die anyway so why not do the most with it before you do?

>> No.2499125

Same here, don't want to do that to my brother

>> No.2499138

I can't do anything wild like go hunting terrorists in Molenbeek or start a revolution or something because I have obligations to my family and I'm a slave to comfort and safety. I don't even know what I want to do. Go to uni, graduate, get a job and live by the countryside alone until I die? What's the point? I like art, but there's no point to it in the long run. Nothing has, and it's hard for me to deal with that.

Actually, I have recently developed a dream. I want to get out of civilization, go innawoods and never look back, but I'm so fucking lonely and I don't want to go alone. If only I had a friend or a love interest, someone to go with, I'd do so in a heartbeat.

Sorry for blogging, had to get it out of me.

>> No.2499148

It's ok, this thread went to shit anyway after the feminist bs post
Seems like you're having some kind of existential crisis. Maybe it's a little difficult for you to swallow but there is no point in anything we do. If you decided to commit suicide, it would have achieved nothing just like fighting terrorists achieves nothing in the long run
The only thing that is certain is that your life is your own, no one can just possess your brain and delete your consciousness as of our knowledge till now
Other than the existential crisis, you have the issue of not being in any kind of deep relationship with anyone. Not being able to share is making you feel uneasy and is allowing you to be too introspective
You definitely need time away from your own thoughts so you can gain some clarity and calm down
Hope this helps, hate to see fellow anons in your type of situation since we've all been there at one point or another

>> No.2499174

I wasn't expecting such a long post, t-thank you.

>existential crisis
Maybe. One night the solution that consoled me was "that's just how it is, it can't be helped". It's very simple, but it put me to sleep. I understand nihilism and anti-natalism, but on the other hand I have a pretty strong biological urge to create a family. To be completely honest with you, I think I might just like suffering. Living alone and crying regularly is the most miserable fantasy I have, but it's very desirable for some reason. Wakarimasen lol

>Not being able to share is making you feel uneasy and is allowing you to be too introspective
I've never though about that. Maybe something like that is why I'm scared of talking with people. When I'm with others, I succumb to social pressure and/or get caught up in the moment. After the moment is over and I'm alone, I notice that I feel like I disappeared during the conversation. When I'm alone again, I am myself again and usually regret what I said. It's hard to explain.

I'm finishing high school and going to uni this autumn, perhaps I'll acquire a friend then. Until then, it's just me and you, anon.

Thanks again, mate.

>> No.2499229

Your welcome friendo. I'm just procrastinating like crazy because fuck finals. I'm more convinced now that you're suffering from not having any close friends you can spill your heart out to
I mean the fact you're doing it to a total stranger says a lot about that. I guess that's the reason sites like 4chan are so popular though, it's where us losers can say whatever the fuck we want and have almost no repercussions for it
You'll do ok in uni, high school is known to suck ass. Not saying just being in uni will fix your problems but you're more likely to find people that share your mindset and value you in the group
Also I understand feeling like you've disappeared during a convo. I have this happen to me plenty which is why I don't bother fully speaking my mind anymore
I'm hoping that when I get married I can be completely open with my spouse because I think going on like this forever will make me go insane

>> No.2499260

nice pic

>> No.2499270

>I'm just procrastinating like crazy because fuck finals.

Nice, same here. Out of curiosity, I require your nationality.

And I hope you find yourself a qt spouse, anon!

>> No.2499287

Thanks! Same to you. I'm ethnically Arab but in nationality I'm Dutch. Arabs have a bad rep these days but thankfully I look pretty Eastern European
Hardly anyone looks at me and guesses that I'm Arab other than my eagle nose lel. I'm also an atheist if you're wondering on religion
You'll do fine anon. Having lived in a war torn country in the Middle East before (not Syria), I have a different view on life than most people
I'm thankful for the simple things and if I can live with a roof over my head and plenty of food without too much effort then I'm happy
I want to have as much free time as possible to git gud at a creative pursuit. Art has always been dear to my heart so I chose that to focus my efforts on

>> No.2499299


>> No.2499513


you sound like an awesome dude.

>> No.2499551

>several hours later after completing studies and some drawing
>about to go to sleep and decide to browse /ic/ some more
>check this thread and see your reply
You're too kind. If /ic/ will teach me anything is that if I can't attain a waifu, I might aswell draw my own

>> No.2499797

i once found Naruto hentai on my sister PC, so unless my sister is some kind of special only girl in the world who gets of hentai, i doubt your statement very much :)

>> No.2499814
File: 47 KB, 460x464, 2155983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I came looking for helpful discussion
>Janitors let this whole thread happen

>> No.2500055

>just poured my heart out to a filthy sandnigger

Nah, just kidding. I do feel sorry for you, though. The few assimilated non-muslim Arabs there are, are victims of the crisis together with Europeans. But dude, you can go and kill some terrorists in Molenbeek for me, you're pretty close to it.

>> No.2500072

The difference is that the average man are actually stable enough to understand fantasy from reality, so they don't get asshurt when they see that shit.

>> No.2500074

Well, one other thing...
Make sure other people can see your really good work.
If it's not online, nobody'll know.
It sounds obvious, but a lot of dumbasses think they'll somehow get noticed without ever putting themselves out there.

>> No.2500077

Rather not waste my time on such a fruitless endeavor. I'm not fit for combat and my contributions would be almost nigh since I'm such a weakling
I feel like I deserve to be selfish and live the good life of having a wife and kids if that ever happens
It's difficult as fuck to achieve this since everyone would rather climb the corporate ladder than have a family

>> No.2500081
File: 21 KB, 268x300, 1407509763593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2500082

have you talked to a single gay man in your life?
What am I talking about you're you