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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 721 KB, 1440x900, Screen Shot 2016-04-09 at 11.44.28 PM (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2480364 No.2480364 [Reply] [Original]

how the fuck do people paint.

im starting a "what i suck at/good at" thread cause ive never seen one.

>> No.2480365

suck at: starting threads baka. anything involving color, in theory and practice. it just doesnt click with me, even when using pre selected color palettes i find a way to mess it up. also shading.

skillful at: pencil, sketching, and line work. learning charcoal and ive taken a liking to it. i feel like ive got an eye for composition and layout, at least relative to my art skills in general.

>> No.2480375

post ur work

>> No.2480379

>suck at
digital linework, charcoal, architecture
>good at
rendering/brushwork, values, perspective

>> No.2480383
File: 968 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_2490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


im actually drawing now so not gonna dig too deep. heres the latest shit that i actually turned it for class. this goes under figures that i feel im good at.

>> No.2480384

digital linework is such a pain man, it's its own medium. like obviously so , but i underestimated the learning curve of it.

can you post your "good at" work?

>> No.2480385

Not bad senpai keep it up.

>> No.2480386

What's the big difference between digital and pencil/paper linework? The only thing I can think of is getting used to a pen on the screen.

>> No.2480388
File: 161 KB, 545x872, gothgil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the last 'finished' thing i posted on here this one really doesn't have perspective tho

>> No.2480392
File: 2.37 MB, 2832x3600, Page12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

digital lines just come across as too "clean". not that i necessarily want grimy looking lines, but they look as if i drew them on a drawing monitor and thats not what i go for. ive been experimenting with different brushes so its gotten better but it all comes down to expectations. at least for me, as everyone's different.

hence the comic here. it looks great sketched out, but i forget that drawing digitally takes time to learn.

>> No.2480395

the subtlety of the facial features is so cool, im jealous. im struggling with making features come to life without using line.

>> No.2480417

I need to learn to paint too. I'm good at drawing things in lineart and sketches but every time I try to put rendering or color on something I get stuck.

>> No.2480429

>it looks great sketched out

>> No.2480439

Good at: drawing
Bad at: working on a single piece for an extended period of time

>> No.2480455
File: 1.45 MB, 2448x2790, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*sweating nervously* i-it does i swear

idk man. im ok with my drawing skills but going digital..not so much.

>> No.2480456


>> No.2480459

Good at: linework, perspective, horses and humans

Bad at: everything else.

>> No.2480467

Good at: Taking time to render pieces, Making things look good even if it doesn't. My pre /ic/ days and clutches that I'm trying to get rid of. Animu face(urgh you don't have to tell me), Furries-style animalz(before I discovered animu and mango at 12)
Medium at: Perspective(getting there...!)
Bad at: Anatomy, Figure Drawings, Gestures.... FUNDAMENTALS.

At least I've getting rid of my Dunning Kruger ever since I came here. For one I am grateful for it.

>> No.2480510
File: 333 KB, 857x1143, 20160410_003955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like we're doing something quite similar, I'd much rather be drawing anime tiddies though

>> No.2480526

yeah except your's is a deformed mess

>> No.2480534

yo thats cool you in school too? this exercise helped a ton.

and same switch drawing for watching and anime with irl gf

>> No.2480551

its kind of torturous in my case though, it certainly helps but the way I'm expected to execute the drawing is really bizzare and counter intuitive to everything i've learned else where

>have to look at a live model
>somehow expected to know how their bones look like
>not allowed to draw exterior until very end
>no details, no shading
>can't be "diagramic" but expected to be "planer"
>foreshortening gets all fucked since I don't know how the bones look inside the body

can you at least be a little constructive? the last thing anyone needs is for some anonymous to shit on their studies without useful feedback

>> No.2480630

Probably what anon meant is either the angle of the shot looks 'squished'. Or perhaps you don't sketch lightly, making your construction lines messed up with the actual figure.

>> No.2480642
File: 132 KB, 700x326, tomatohatesloomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Further explained by these tomatoes that needs loomis/peter han/vilppu

>> No.2480649 [DELETED] 
File: 252 KB, 766x546, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my painting /ic/

>> No.2480651
File: 252 KB, 766x546, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ealier version of a painting I made
Rate me /ic/

>> No.2480670
File: 2.73 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20160410_141713_190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good at texturing, dotwork, composition (I guess?) and details.

Suck at anatomy/perspective and coloration
R8 what qi'm working on pls

>> No.2480676

Good at: color, faces, bodies, character design
Bad at: creating anything without a ton of reference, environments, and textures
Holy shit I'm really bad at objects and textures and it's so frustrating. Everything I draw looks like skin

>> No.2480677

Trash read the sticky

>> No.2480708
File: 247 KB, 733x597, Rembrandt.fallhut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it seems you concentrated too much on drawing the skelton- her posture, espescially the left, looks very skoliosis to me.
you need to learn how to don't give a shit about good looking lines, and concentrate on getting the shapes and balances right..
pic related

>> No.2480745

You call that good rendering? Maybe a decent value painting, so how about you clean up your edges faggot.

>> No.2480755

Different anon, but post your work.

>> No.2480947

what do people mean by this?

>> No.2480955

They mean you should look up books on Loomis so you can improve. Most of the time it means you're so shit that you need Loomis.

>> No.2480959


Loomis was a guy who draw original animu waifus aka American pinup in its golden era. He also made a bunch of books with absolute garbage that "Fun with pencil" is that are virtually unreadable by modern reader. Still, lots of artists (really, A LOT) learned from him and other instructors like, say, Proko, preach the same, maybe a bit less and in more friendly manner.

>> No.2480961
File: 229 KB, 1451x571, Blook Butt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He also made a bunch of books with absolute garbage that "Fun with pencil" is that are virtually unreadable by modern reader

Don't project your own failure to understand a very simple and intuitive book onto others.

>> No.2480966


He is all over in that book, it really is awful for beginners. It's best to watch Proko first and then jump right into "Drawing Heads" instead of frustrating yourself over that badly written pulp.

>> No.2480975
File: 19 KB, 299x200, loomis1295296253490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They're suggesting you're bad at handling money.

>> No.2480977
File: 225 KB, 1263x660, 笑butthurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2480984


Cutie Honey seems to enjoy it though. And I'm just speaking how it is. Loomis is seriously dated.

>> No.2480985

Well my teacher values the construction process more than anything

i do have a horrible habit of drawing way too dark though

>> No.2480995

Get a cheap scanner or if you can't afford it, get an app that auto corrects the perspective for you.

>> No.2481015
File: 515 KB, 630x646, tumblr_n6a4h4hfuL1s3pcrzo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your dotwork, do you have any pen recommendation? Pic not by me, just related.

>> No.2481024
File: 152 KB, 736x1000, 9-3-2016_smaller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suck at
All of it

>> No.2481073

Good at: Photo copying
Bad at: Drawing without a photo

>> No.2481084

Good at: Telling people to read Loomis
Bad at: Reading Loomis

>> No.2481108


keep it up tho

>> No.2481203

read that and pictured someone going to school to master handling a photocopier

>> No.2481253

You should Check out Rotring pens. A bit pricey but definitely worth it. But really, there are a shitton of fine drawing pens available, just try them all and go for your favourite. I still think pigma micron pens are entry level to dotwork. They're "medium" on all aspects. Practical, sure but not the best available in term of comfort/precision/durability.

>> No.2481269


>> No.2481284

wrong board, friend.

>> No.2482231

Wow, keep up the good work. Please share some more. Also any tips?

>> No.2482302
File: 153 KB, 1000x768, CCI04112016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ain't no rembrandt, but made this for you to explain it better. hope it helps

>> No.2482829
File: 2.28 MB, 1210x1192, Screen Shot 2016-04-11 at 2.50.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont say that. that piece looks cool. if youre goanna be self deprecating, at least be specific so you can see what you want to improve on

i can agree with that. this was an assignment where we had to draw the skeleton first (based on a skeleton model) and sort of match it with a nude model standing next to it. kind of weird but it was cool. if i was doing this on my own, id follow your approach more closely.

thank you! but tips on what exactly? im not sure im qualified to give anyone here to much advice loll

>> No.2482914


Basically >>2481108 >>2482829

Remember what Dodson said in "Keys for Drawing" - be analytical, not critical. Don't think what is wrong but what can be changed and improved.

Say - you could say her right hand sucks. But you can also say "her pointing finger doesn't really show, maybe lowering it a bit and showing at least 2 sections of it will make the hand look better".

I like your ideas and volume shows quite nicely in your work. Just work on it, learn more, re-check anatomy (see: shoulders) and experiment. If you want to have more fun with it and get some feeling of accomplishment, you can even try some rendering after you'll get sick with repairing the sketch.

You aren't Scott Robertson and you don't have as solid construction, but see, even he likes to render some of his quick sketches and ideas:


Of course I am total n00b though, so I might just be easily impressed with your drawing. Purely subjectively though, I like it.

>> No.2484043

>if youre goanna be self deprecating, at least be specific so you can see what you want to improve on
I had just recently flipped the scanned sketch and it fell completely apart for me. So I guess for one, being able to do proper "symmetry". Ya know, not unnaturally perfect but symmetrical enough that a face would look correct. I'm gonna need a portable mirror.

Those skeleton assignments are fun. Incidentally, that's how I constructed my sketch. I loosely built the skeleton then put flesh on it following the shape of the bones. Can't really see it anymore since I sketched it loosely then erased.

I didn't even think about that finger being a problem but now I see it, so that goes into the stuff I should reflect and work on. Thanks for the advice on moving forward. May rework this when I get time between school projects, because I am fond of the subject at least.

>> No.2487185
File: 210 KB, 1280x555, porl and ameithystth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i spent all my time practicing painting over line art in draw threads and never learned how to draw myself. it feels like i can never make my hands do what i want, even when i write my name it looks like a 1st grader did it and no amount of effort makes it any better. i thought a tablet would help but it doesnt have a screen and it gave me cancer trying to use it. cmon man i just want to draw mai waifu in lewd positions

>> No.2487292

Buddy, if your inks are flat and shitty, you need line confidence and cleaner sketches. You think your sketches are reading because of all the lines on the paper your brain picks the best one.