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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 235 KB, 800x952, The_Riddler_(BF).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2471049 No.2471049 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for questions that don't need their own thread.

>> No.2471057

Will a woman ever love me?

>> No.2471065

Will a man ever love the woman I love in front of me?

>> No.2471067

Not unless you git gud.

>> No.2471079
File: 42 KB, 740x738, 1 wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starter paq

>> No.2471081

I'm getting a full set of pigma microns to get into ink drawing. I still have some budget left so which thicknesses are the most used so I can buy more of them?

>> No.2471082

Is it ethical to copy poses from references to make your drawings or am I getting arrested by the art police?

>> No.2471127

I got asked to do a commission earlier and I have no idea what to charge, having never done them before.

What's an average commission price for someone who's not terribly good? I don't have any real need for money but I don't want to over charge or totally undersell myself either. The person wants two characters drawn.

I'm not trying to set a standard price get more clients, just to know a reasonable price to ask for someone who's interested.

>> No.2471130

Why did you pick worst riddler from the 2nd shittiest batman movie?

>> No.2471153
File: 1.28 MB, 960x1280, Untitledz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does drawing ever become 'engaging' after a certain skill level?

I've drawn on and off for a while now, started from square zero (Copying from life), and studied/practiced books as I felt I could actually absorb the information.

I've programmed a lot, and I find it to be more engaging, and time flies by without me noticing. Can I reach this state in art too, through grit?

>> No.2471156

What beginner books does /ic/ recommend?

>> No.2471159

look at the sticky.

>> No.2471164
File: 271 KB, 440x1740, ilya is so great.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why ilya is so great?

>> No.2471166

What is as light as a feather but even the world’s strongest man cannot hold it for more than a minute?

>> No.2471171

because I like jim carrey. fuck you

>> No.2471175

There are a lot of books, what books are good for absolute beginners?

>> No.2471182

look at the sticky, senpai.
>Keys to Drawing by Bert Dodson

>> No.2471192
File: 804 KB, 700x525, pepe in the rain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

easy: this feel

>> No.2471205



For the first while it's incredibly mentally straining because there's so much to consider and learn.
Eventually you internalize the basics. Ideally you're still thinking as you work (much as you no doubt do in programming) but all of your thinking is informed by an existing understanding and logic. Your brain goes 'how do I get x result?' like, say how light hits an object. You consults your own knowledge and experience, and you act accordingly. When you're starting, your brain goes 'How do I get x result?' and returns with 'I don't fucking know you figure it out' and it makes it harder to get into a flow state.

I think more than any of my other hobbies art can get me in that mood where I zone out everything else. I've had tons of times where I'm listening to music and the playlist stops and I don't even notice for a good fifteen twenty minutes.

>> No.2471210

to piss you off

>> No.2471218

Alright, so once I reach a larger array of subconscious knowing (like with programming) I can just as easily zone and, and just produce an immense amount?
Because my flow in programming is amazing, I've done it since I was 12. If I could get that in art too I would be so happy.

>> No.2471242

When practising portrait drawing is it better to first do an outline of the overall shape and do the construction from that or should I draw a circle first and construct the face like that

>> No.2471525

I have been learning to paint with acrylics and have enjoyed it ("self taught" dabbler")

I am noticing improvements, but I also notice I want to use mediums to extend working time of paint, and I also find that I wish the paint would stay wet longer,

so should I just switch over to oils?

I am told oils have what I am looking for by their intrinsic qualities.

what say you all?

>> No.2471774

I just stared using oil paints. Do I have to buy mediums? Or can I just paint without all that bullshit. Also people say I can just use dish soap to clean the brushes is that good enough? I have a canvas a brush and oil paint. I feel that's all I need. Is that good enough?

>> No.2471778

Honesty some people just started drawing from anywhere. It really depends on what is easier for you.

>> No.2471869


If you're bad at feature placement do the actual construction from a circle. Once it's intuitive, do it however you like. After a while all you'll need to place features is a center line, if that.

>> No.2471882

Is Windows Ink better than WinTab?

>> No.2471909

The last time I used acrylics was for finger painting in pre-school.

>> No.2472022
File: 222 KB, 1047x1047, You-Can-T-Hide-Your-Love-Forever-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does it seem like /ic/ is so narrow minded when it comes to art?

pic unrelated

>> No.2472030

In what sort of way?

>> No.2472205

How can the nose of a female cartoon character be drawn with more detail than just a dot and still look feminine?

>> No.2472240
File: 768 KB, 945x1204, 0459394534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good pencil sharpener, price/performance wise.

>> No.2472244

thats a big puppers

>> No.2472246


>> No.2472380

I wondered before sleeping, I can visualize some things like head angles, little details, movements (for animation) in a detailed enough manner that I should be able to draw from them like if they were a reference, but I can't really reproduce them on paper. Is it normal?

>> No.2472382

look at real women? or as a general rule, softer and smaller.

>> No.2472386

you should also look into drawabox.com. it's excellent for introducing you to 3d thinking. i recommend perspective made easy before it though.

>> No.2472388

u just make it small and reddish.

>> No.2472391


You are experience what is called a hypnagogic state. This a topic that has interested me for years. I found that the better got at drawing from imagination in general and better at copying from life or reference, the better I became at interpreting and solidify my mental images. It's all about being able to sinplify and break down shapes and colors in general masses. I also think that my meditation practice has helped focusing. Mental images are extremely volatile but with the right focus they become slightly less so. It helps if you can get the image out of your head as quickly as possible, just like you write down a dream just after you wake up.

>> No.2472394


A razor blade works better than any regular sharpener and is the cheapest of the cheap. Just be careful so you don't end up cutting yourself.

>> No.2472395
File: 42 KB, 662x509, 1445494834607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i have a lot of ideas but i can't draw

Am I reading this correctly

>> No.2472398

you have the symptoms of idea guy
seek help immediately

>> No.2472477

I'm not talking about ideas but visualizations (nothing spectacular enough to be an idea guy) of something, and putting it into paper. Following logic, it should be about the same as drawing from reference, no? If the picture in your head is clear enough.

Or is it a known "phenomenon" that you can't draw things because you can see them? Or do I just no try hard enough at it?

>> No.2472479

I didn't see your answer. Thanks, it is interesting. I'll try exploiting this, I usually just put down lines without thinking nor visualizing it too much.

>> No.2472522

Any advice for studying and reading? I can discipline myself to draw quite well, but when it comes to studying and reading, I can't focus worth a damn.

>> No.2472535

How do you study for school? same thing.

>> No.2472541


I'm not in school. And to be frank, I didn't study effectively when I was there either.

>> No.2472543

Set aside a fixed place for studying and nothing but studying. This area needs to be shaped in such a way that it becomes the best environment for studying. It should be reasonably quiet and relatively free of distractions like radio, TV, and people.

Having a place that you can designate for studying and nothing else will help create an environment of habit where your instincts will focus on review. Then, whenever you sit down in that particular niche in the world, you'll feel like going right to work. Look at it this way; when you come into a classroom, you sit down and go to work by paying attention to the instructor. Your attitude and attention and behavior are automatic because in the past, the room has been associated with attentive listening and not much else. If you can arrange the same kind of situation for the place where you study, you will find it easier to sit down and start studying.

If your mind wanders, stand up and face away from your books. Don't sit at your desk staring into a book and mumbling about your poor will power. If you do, your book will soon become associated with daydreaming and guilt. If you must daydream, which we all occasionally do, get up and turn around. Don't leave the room, just stand by your desk and daydream while you face away from your assignment. The physical act of standing up helps bring your thinking back to the job. Try it! You'll find that soon just telling yourself, "I should stand up now," will be enough to get you back on the track.

Stop at the end of each page and slowly count to 10 when you are reading. This is an idea that may increase your study time, and it will be quite useful you if you find you can't concentrate and your mind is wandering. If someone were to ask you, "What have you read about?" and the only answer you could give is, "About thirty minutes," then you need to apply this technique. But remember, it is only useful if you can't concentrate as a sort of emergency procedure.

>> No.2472544

Create a work area that is free from distractions and commit to staying there for at least one to two hours. If you get side-tracked, remind yourself how this activity will help you to meet your goals.

>> No.2472546


Hey thanks a ton. I'll be sure to try this out. You've been very helpful friend

>> No.2472981

Anyone else feel like they have a drawing switch in their brain that's either on or off? I've been drawing for quite some time, and I'm the most unstable artist that I know of.

I can either draw at the peak of my skill level, where I can almost see where to put the lines, and drawing is just a complete joy. Everything flows naturally, I'm flooded with so many ideas that I often end up working on several pictures at once and I can just project depth and volume onto the canvas. I'm not saying I'm a fantastic artist, but in these moments I believe I'm drawing at my current maximum potential.
Most of the time, though, I can't draw. And I genuinely mean that. I can't draw even the most simple figure or pose. Proportions are off, I have no sense of depth and my anatomy looks completely mangled, almost like a complete beginner. When I look at my old art, I notice the same problem. Pictures drawn days or weeks apart, can look like they're years apart.

I'm beginning to wonder if I have some kind of brain damage, because I've never seen or heard about this from other artists.

>> No.2473000



Happens to me too, and I think it happens to everyone. Difference is you usually don't see the myriad shitty drawings they scrap, while you see every drawing you'll ever do.

Also is it just me or is captcha getting seriously fucking retarded?
First you had to answer one, then they introduced multiple solutions required, now they're asking for these "click to verify until there's none left" and making me redo it literally dozens of times.

>> No.2473010

I get those occasionally captchas occasionally. They've been around for some time.

Anyway, while I get that people have bad days, it's entirely binary for me. Either I can draw, or I can't draw. There's no inbetween. The problem is that I spend about 80% of my time in the "can't draw" mode, which is incredibly demotivating. It doesn't really matter how many hours I force myself to draw when I'm like this, because I just can't produce anything worth while.

>> No.2473156

Who /filthy hobbyist/ here?

>> No.2473279


Most people would give you shit if it was nearly an exact copy of the pose. There's a comic book artist who gets shit for copying poses from magazines and just drawing it as the character instead of the model. Ideally you come up with the pose yourself and use references to make sure the anatomy is correct, or you use the pose as inspiration, and don't exactly duplicate it to the point where parts of it may as well have been traced.

As a rule of thumb, never do anything that could be construed as 'copying', unless you took the photo yourself.

>> No.2473284


I should add that it's perfectly fine to copy if you're just doing a study

>> No.2473298


Sounds like you're just in a funk. What kind of expectations do you go into drawing with? Maybe you're just setting the bar too high for yourself. I expect absolute dog shit every time I sit down to draw, and I'm always happy with my results. As long as you're putting the time in you should let yourself be happy about what you're doing, your results right now don't matter, just that you're putting the work as an investment towards the future. That's how I approach exercise too and it helps a lot. Every six months you just look in the mirror and notice you're looking a lot better. Same thing applies with art. You should only expect results in the long term, it's absurd to expect your work to satisfy you often. Just need a bit of positive thinking and realistic expectations.

>> No.2473878

You should probably read my posts properly before replying.

>Sounds like you're just in a funk.
No. As I said in my post, this has been a problem for a long time, probably about 8 years.

>As long as you're putting the time in you should let yourself be happy about what you're doing, your results right now don't matter, just that you're putting the work as an investment towards the future
I've been drawing longer than most people on this board. The progress is obvious when I'm having a good day, but in my bad periods I literally can't draw.

>Maybe you're just setting the bar too high for yourself.
No, not at all. As I specifically pointed out, the difference is massive.
Imagine being a weight lifter. Some days you can bench 120kg, but other days you drop to 50kg. Obviously there's something very wrong with you if your strength drops by that much.

>> No.2473881

is there an archive for this board ?

>> No.2473882

Hello there, Ive been struggling with this thing for the longest time.
Basicly my question boils down to this: how does one shift the hue, while keeping the same values?

>> No.2473884


>> No.2473889

L-link p-please ?

>> No.2473891

use 4chanX, itll link the archve directly do the dead posts/threads, making this into an infinite board.

>> No.2473893

If I go to an animation or directors school in South Africa, what are the chances I'll get to be part of a team writing a show for Disney, CN or even Nickalodeon

>> No.2473900

well I knew a south african who's working for dreamworks, so you should stand a good chance

>> No.2473902

Hue slider or CMYK/rgb color slider windows. Value is his much or how little black, so just don't touch the K value

>> No.2473905

But if you slap a grayscale filter layer on a pic, then go back to the pic under it, then mess with the hue CTRL+U then you see the grayscale values jump all over the place.
Mind that this is just an example, im trying to understand color theory in general. It kust didnt click with me yet.

>> No.2473916


I read your post perfectly fine

I am a weightlifter and that's not a great analogy because it doesn't happen unless you've hurt yourself, and I'm sure you're perfectly fine. I've also played guitar for over a decade and I'm entirely aware of how debilitating a mental block can be to your performance.

I gave you good advice on how to deal with rough periods of practice and fix your mindset towards it, but if you want to be a melodramatic faggot, go ahead and continue feeling sorry for yourself. All you're doing is building up your problem and making it worse. Unless you've left out some sort of medical information, there's nothing fucking wrong with you but your attitude.

>> No.2473919

How do I exaggerate poses in a gesturing phase? I feel like I finally got down the idea of gesturing, but I do not know how to reach the next step. Poses feel very stiff.

>> No.2473921

You didnt reach shit, unless you prove us wrong by posting your work.

>> No.2473930


If your gesture drawings are stiff, you're missing the entire point of gesture drawing. You probably have weak construction and anatomical knowledge and this causes a lack of confidence which comes out in your drawing.

A lot of people make the mistake of recommending gesture to beginners because they think 'any drawing is good for you', but it's just not true for every subject if you don't have the prerequisite knowledge to effectively practice.

Just focus on doing figure studies at your own pace. Study construction from Loomis, Hampton, Vilppu, and Bridgman. Once you can draw figures with confidence, then you should move on to quick sketch and gesture.

>> No.2473983

>I gave you good advice on how to deal with rough periods of practice and fix your mindset towards it,
No, you didn't. You gave generic advice that you would give to a beginner. This isn't about motivation. It's about an occasional, debilitating inability to draw that's persisted for many years.

>but if you want to be a melodramatic faggot, go ahead and continue feeling sorry for yourself.
You probably shouldn't talk about being a melodramatic faggot, when you're being this much of a crybaby over your inability to understand a simple question. I didn't ask for generic advice or motivation. I asked if someone else had a similar experience, or if they've heard about other artists who have similar problems.

>I am a weightlifter and that's not a great analogy because it doesn't happen unless you've hurt yourself, and I'm sure you're perfectly fine.
That was the point, you fucking moron. I'm also a weightlifter and play a variety of instruments. A mental block while playing an instrument has little impact on me. It may be boring or frustrating to play, but I don't actually lose my ability. The same with weights. I don't suddenly lose all my strength in one day. At most, I might feel a bit lethargic.
However, the entire point I was trying to make about drawing was that it was a huge, drastic, unnatural drop in skill that I've never seen referenced by other artists.

>> No.2474066
File: 163 KB, 464x601, Gibson_Girl_by_Charles_Dana_Gibson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a big difference between expensive nibs and some cheaper ones? Do I need to order name brand ones or can I just roll with what they sell at my local art store?

How about brushes for inking? What kinds are the best?

>> No.2474131

How does deliberate/effective practice look like?

>> No.2474141

Should I be able to draw really well first before concerning myself with asthetics and composition?

>> No.2474186

Any recommendations on stuff I should get on cgpeers?

>> No.2474318

Dang, how many skills do you guys have? Are you also successful in your professional life? I know this is really off-topic, but how come you picked up so many hobbies so early? Are you still learning new things? Do you do other stuff?

>> No.2474358

How do I design a character that is easily recognizable and unique while still being simple (i.e. Mickey Mouse)?

I'm trying to stick to mostly blue and oranges for the colour scheme of the character, but I could deviate a bit.

>> No.2474364

just add a notable special element. micky mouse has the ears, einstein has the hair, john lennon has the glasses, mojo jojo has the tower hat, etc

>> No.2474371

What are you trying to do? What are your current studies?

>> No.2474373


Well, I thought about a bandana around the neck but I don't feel like it's big enough.

I want it to be somewhat mundane. My other current ideas were a pompadour or aviator glasses. The character is a cartoon rabbit that doesn't wear pants ala Donald Duck, and wears a Hawaiian shirt.

I'm just not sure that the shirt is notable enough. It worked for Donald Duck and Chip from Rescue Rangers but I feel unsatisfied. Of course, it might just be me being a perfectionist.

>> No.2474394


This entire fucking thing is just you spinning a problem you have into some special butterfly bullshit, and acting like a pretentious ego-tripping cunt about it.

Here's a thought, have you considered that you're inconsistent because you're a shit fucking artist? You're adamant that's it's not motivation or attitude, it's some super special butterfly problem you have, so you're not leaving any possibilities aside from you just being fucking shit at art and not being able to maintain any form of consistency.

I've never seen anyone go so far up their own ass just from getting a bit of polite advice from a stranger, good fucking lord.

>> No.2474440

I'd say I'm an average artist to be honest, and I mainly want to improve my values and anatomy. I did download Aaron Blaise's anatomy videos and they're incredible, really helpful. But I'm not comfortable with my anatomy knowledge yet.

>> No.2474613

What the hell is "the spark" and why don't I have it?

>> No.2474685
File: 426 KB, 1215x717, 1459026589325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every tutorial i encounter shows the drawing process starting with basic shapes and building up from there, but then i see both professionals and amateurs draw without any measuring or sketch, they don't block in and calculate the light source, they simply draw the subject.

am i being rused by the tutorials? how will i learn how to draw without guidelines if thats the only thing i practice?

>> No.2474696

They do it. After tons of practice, they have already internalized some parts of the process and they skip steps that they can do in their mind or automatically. But they definitely do it even if it's just in their mind.

>> No.2474703

After you draw a metric fuckton of studies with guidelines, you won't need to draw them all because you will know them by heart.

>> No.2474945


Aw hell. Gesture drawing has been something I've been massively struggling with, so it's a little daunting and frustrating that I've actually not been understanding it as much as I thought I did, but at least I know I have to work harder.

I'll review my books though.

>> No.2475120

Anyone know anything about this Copic marker shortage? They're out of stock everywhere I usually buy them and I've been looking to buy a 72 piece set but I'm hesitant to buy on eBay. Have any of you heard anything about any stores (online or brick and mortar, I usually get mine at Blick) are supposed to restock? The Copic website says "Early 2016" but that's pretty vague.

>> No.2475147

breath haha

>> No.2475216

Having a tablet issue: periodically it stops working or I can no longer use pressure sensitivity or the eraser.
I tried:
- restore settings. Most of the time, it will give me an error.
- unplug and replug. Does nothing.
Anyone know what the problem is because rebooting every time it happens is annoying.

>> No.2475277

Are you using CS6 or CC? There's a fix for that somewhere I can't remember

>> No.2475396

Yes, but I don't think it matters if it stops working.

>> No.2475398

How do you give critique or what do you look for when giving critique?

>> No.2475420
File: 66 KB, 1766x587, Wacom problems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, wouldn't hurt to try this one out.

>> No.2476149

Is it wrong if I'm doing a simple skeleton before I draw the human figure like a sphere for head with two rectangles connected by a line. I'm getting thoughts that it's that for why my figures look off and not my actual skill and I need to know if what I'm doing is okay

>> No.2476173

Try restarting the driver in Services > Wacom Consumer Service

It's a common problem, the driver is buggy

>> No.2476198
File: 233 KB, 924x568, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please explain how every artist I watch is able to draw perfectly stabilized lines while mine are crooked as fuck. Is it experience? Genetics? A better tablet?

>> No.2476204
File: 125 KB, 610x307, legally purchased drawing tutorials.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2476416

Thanks mang

>> No.2476423

Some people get the trick with practice, not all. The rest, use stabilizers, stuff like SAI has them added already. If you use PS I recommend lazy nezumi, good shit.

>> No.2476486

The left version is with LN. I can't get it to work in PS CC, unfortunately. Why is that, anyway?

>> No.2476505
File: 301 KB, 1024x768, arcadiainspo08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a question. I currently have a concept artist for a website. I need to find a website designer. I've googled for freelance website designers, but couldn't seem to find a particular database for them.

Does anyone have recommendations for particular designers, or a website that will help me find designers? And yes, this is obviously paid work.

On another note, is this more /ic/-related or /g/-related? I used to know a lot of people that were in that weird graphic design/website design grey area, so I'm unsure where exactly I should ask.

Thanks. Have a cool picture of a forest.

>> No.2476695

Anyone know any good guides on working with wax pastels?

>> No.2477083

lol do drawabox tutorial m8

>> No.2477151
File: 95 KB, 736x894, 476f6b56ee6550f9b92658d7f335c9ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the best reference for designing monsters, mythical creatures and weird characters? I'm making Silent Hill-ish type monsters and running into trouble.

>> No.2479486

Where have the answers all gone

>> No.2479523

is it ok to use loomis construction when sketching from life, or is it generally more for drawing from imagination?

>> No.2479532

Depends. If it's on a model who will stand still for quite some time, I think it would be a pretty good exercise.

>> No.2479540

Do you guys enjoy doing studies? If not, how do you put up with it, especially those of you who don't have the kind of patience (there HAS to be someone right)? Every time I try to do studies I get bored the hell out of my mind and either just wing it and continue to be upset at the quality of my work or just do something that I would actually enjoy. Bad attitude, I know, but I'm still curious what people do.

>> No.2479558


>> No.2479564

I enjoy it. I enjoy learning and figuring things out, so it's fun for me. I don't burn out because it's not the only thing I draw. I pursue my passions at the same time, and everything I learn from studies, I immediately brainstorm into how it can work into my passions. The moment there's a connection to how you can use it and you're analyzing it properly, it might be more interesting for you. Then again, it might also not be, I don't know.

>> No.2479690

How do I stop my paintings from looking so sterile?
I try my hardest to create a palette and stick to said palette. But all of my local colors seem so separate from each other as if I went outside of the palette.

I guess on top of the many struggles I encounter with painting, the hardest one for me is making the piece look "unified"

How do I make my paintings look more unified?

>> No.2479712

i bought this set for about 4 dollars and it seems too good for the price
the box says its not poisonous but it does smell funny
not that i plan to eat them but i was wondering if its not actually aniline

>> No.2479729
File: 26 KB, 330x248, Otto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you recommend a newfag to use the stabilizer in Paint SAI or no?

>> No.2480740

I used to do linear drawing only, recently started shading and using values (pencil only for now). I want to get to painting portraits, figures and still life in colour. Would you recommend me a medium to learn painting first? Is gouache a good idea? I like the feel, and looks not so far from oils and watercolour which are my favourites.

>> No.2480742


>> No.2480778

Does anyone know a good place online for painting tutorials like Bob Ross/painting with a twist? I just like to follow along/have no originality

>> No.2481058
File: 26 KB, 432x357, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's from Loomis book and thing is when he had 2 lines he just divided the sphere with 2 lines in the middle, but is there a method to make THIS one be correct without using perspective grids and shit or is it just "guessing"? If I check his elipses by drawing a line in the middle of them they dont even meet at the middle, so is he just guessing rather than drawing it with some kind of method?

I know theres a lot of guessing in drawing, but im wondering if you can do it with some method or not

>> No.2481130

bump, this shit is bugging me so much

>> No.2481770
File: 162 KB, 887x900, 1458844923857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do people mean by "pushing the values"?

>> No.2481775
File: 7 KB, 600x156, value-scale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Generally it means make it a little higher contrast.

If you look at a value scale in black and white, and your work is sitting almost entirely between 3 and 6, someone telling you to push your values is telling you to have more stuff in the 1/2 8/9 region generally. Or you might just be all 1 to 4 and you need some lighter values/vice versa.
0 and 10 are generally reserved for points you really want to draw attention to.

>> No.2481823
File: 203 KB, 1347x1256, 1459422825839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh alright I see, thank you.

How do I make values darker in my drawing without altering how the form looks like?

I've tried doing that, but many times some areas seem deeper thank they are because I push my darks and make them too dark (?)

>> No.2481839

might have something to do with cast shadow and foreshadow. proko has some videos about this topic. practice shading on simpler forms.

>> No.2481916
File: 42 KB, 1000x758, s-l1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's better for a beginner?

A drafting board or a drafting table?

>> No.2481917

How does one draw hands? I've sketched and tried to copy hand after hand with reference photos and my own hand, but I can never nail it down.

>> No.2481926

hands are not a subject often talked about round these parts anon

>> No.2481929

Understandable, do any of the books in the sticky mention them or provide tips of any sort?

>> No.2481931
File: 36 KB, 1080x1080, 12496342_10153255746656090_6656581181509371400_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is it when i do the stuff from keys to drawing and drawing from life of shit like my left hand and basic stuff, i can do alright. you can see it and it looks like a hand.

When i try to draw the first blooks in Fun with a Pencil, it doesn't even fucking come close and i get discouraged HARD. this is supposed to be basic and fun. Neither of which i feel is true at this point.

Here is the best day i had when drawing my left hand. I can't do a blook for shit.

>> No.2482722
File: 30 KB, 480x640, tmp_12603-download_20160411_110400526545056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My uncle wants this sand "fine as sugar" most importantly the last one that glows in the dark for his craft. Can anyone help find it?

>> No.2484227
File: 526 KB, 3053x2035, CIAO PENS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's the difference between copic sketch and ciao? Is it just the shape?

Also what would be a good starting set of between 2 to 4 grey markers? I don't feel like spending a ton of cash on a big set tight away.

>> No.2484256

Those are disposable pens, so just replace the ones that die first. I use 08s (0.5mm) the most, but that's personal preference. Get a permanent marker to fill in large spaces of black to save your pen nibs.

(hours it will take you, rounded up) X (what your time is worth, no less than minimum wage) + the cost of materials

Vocal idiots and people being facetious. Most people here don't give a fuck enough to post decent opinions when a thread is filled with 20 shitty ones.

I got a $15 X-Acto Mighy Mite at Wal-Mart intending to replace it eventually, but it works perfectly. It even sharpens charcoal pencils without issue. A knife and sandpaper paddle is useful, but if you just want a sharp point there's no reason not to use an electric. If you need a manual the Kum Automatic Long Point is fantastic, but only works with average sized pencils with 2mm cores.

The right nib to use is the one that makes marks you like and find comfortable to use. Pentel brush pens are a pretty great way to try out inking with a brush.

There's no set order to do these things in. If you're curious about something, learn about it. Keeping an inquisitive mind is more important than doing things in some proper order.

Stop with this. It's getting old.

Nothing wrong with drawing as many guidelines as you need if they help you put other lines in the right spot.

Sorry, I have them all. I'll give them back.

I'd recommend you stick with paper.

Personal preference, although I wouldn't spend a lot on a table as a beginner.

A ball mill is what you're looking for. You can find rock tumblers pretty cheap that can accomplish this.

The Ciaos hold less ink and are shaped differently. The Copic Sketching Grey set comes with 5 markers and a 0.5mm Multiliner SP, which is one of the best 0.5mm plastic tipped pens you can get.

>> No.2484282

thing is you dont actually see them clear enough. think of a tiger face. you sure know how a tiger face looks. but where does its jaw start? where do its eyes are? how apart are they? what about its whiskers? what about its lines. how are those lines distributed around its face? ears? how close are they to its forehead? what are the proportions of its teeth and its fangs?
you probably cant really see what you are thinking of.

>> No.2484290

Cool or us compensates for value change when working with different hues. Maybe you can try that

>> No.2484299
File: 29 KB, 755x195, loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did he meant by this?

>> No.2484358

I've been thinking about learning to draw, and I want to go digital. I'm going to be building a new desktop, and I want your input.

- What kind of hardware do you recommend?
- Screen size?
- Manga Studio or Krita for a complete beginner?
- Is New Masters Academy appropriate for beginners?

>> No.2484443

Once you start understanding anatomy to the point you can draw from imagination isn't that just symbrol drawing?

>> No.2484529

How do I go from value to color?

>> No.2484568
File: 91 KB, 425x256, 425.wallace.grommit.082508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How well does sculpting translate into drawing? Can playing with molding clay significantly help you into thinking in 3d shapes and effectively applying them into your drawings?

Also what 3d modeling software do you use for referencing poses?

>> No.2484597

get some color, put it on drawing, repeat until it's not shit.

>> No.2484603


>> No.2484720

should i go to sleep or draw? I have work tomorrow and I was really tired today.

I feel like if I sleep a lot tonight, I will have enough energy to draw after work tomorrow, but i also fear that I may just be even more tired tomorrow so I should draw now...

>> No.2484732

how long do you think it'll take until you get notice specifically for your work alone because I rarely/never do fan art and lewd art is out of the question.
Is popularity meaningless and I should just focus on my art skills alone, what if you build up the skills you were looking for but still no one is there or interested in it, how do you go handling a situation like that? Living in the shadows obscure for years with little to no fanbase/recognition.

>> No.2485192

when drawing studies of architecture, like buildings, houses etc. does everyone always use rulers and guidelines?

>> No.2485209

>I've been thinking about learning to draw, and I want to go digital
>learning to draw

you are not gonna make it

>> No.2485226
File: 59 KB, 500x500, 1458718554298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

riddle me this - what is the right way to make money off furries fast? i´m trying to shill

>> No.2485230

-medium sized wacom or huion
-w/e just use a normal monitor
-krita is free. try it and if you don't like then switch

Digital is not that great for drawing. You need to be able to draw big to learn properly and tablets are too small. You have to do traditional alongside digital and study from life(lifedrawing with a nude model would be optimal but anything works as long as it's from life) not just from photos. Also study the old masters and use books by hampton, bridgman and loomis.

>> No.2485233

I stayed up till 5am drawing, made it to work at 7am and I'm not sleepy yet.

i have been rewarded for my efforts

>> No.2485263


If you aren't one they will know. You literally have to create an entire art persona around being a furry. You also have to be in the community a long time and contribute. To me it just wasn't worth the money for my credibility if I were doxxed.

>> No.2485266

kill them and sell their pelts

>> No.2485307

Can books or payed services make me a better artist quicker?

>> No.2485339

If you value money and don't want to see it pissed away, then because you paid for something, you may be more inclined to try harder

>> No.2485363


>> No.2485455

Why do I have to do these upside-down drawing lessons can't I just learn to draw things regularly if I try my damn hardest to learn how things work?

>> No.2485458
File: 8 KB, 281x59, Screenshot_32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any Manga Studio users here?
Is there a hotkey to change brushes within a sub-category? IE not B or P for brush or pen, but a sort of "next in the list" option? IE if I wanted to go from the watercolor to the brush without having to go click it.

>> No.2485462

I have certain pens mapped to 1 2 3 4 5 ... 9 so when creating a draft I minimize everything and switch with hotkeys.

I had to do that manually in the settings though

>> No.2485473

I'm not happy with my brushwork, specifically. How can I make it more confident and clearer?

>> No.2485482
File: 2.41 MB, 3872x2592, Gallery_10_1_Plein-Air-Exhibit-2013_Anton-Pavlenko-JB-road_Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wanted to try doing plein air paintings but I have a couple questions. I do digital, so I need to buy colors, which colors are good as a "starting set" for this kind of painting and what medium would be best for someone who never did any non-digital painting?

Also, why the fuck are the tripod stand thingies so fucking expensive? I mean I'm considering building one myself, I have a drill and a saw only need to buy some fucking wood, hinges and screws and I can do it in a couple of hours.

>> No.2485506

If you've only done digital before then you need to learn how to mix colors accurately. Buy red, yellow, blue, white and black. Then eventually you can buy orange purple brown etc to make life easier. But don't be one of those people that have a tube of paint for every color imaginable

>> No.2485519

If someone else is struggling with that, I've since increased sensitivity on my tablet which forces me to be more deliberate and opaque with my brush strokes, which seems to help.

>> No.2485539

>Is popularity meaningless and I should just focus on my art skills alone, what if you build up the skills you were looking for but still no one is there or interested in it, how do you go handling a situation like that?

Focus on getting generally good, perspective form anatomy composition ect from there you can make a portfolio for any industry.

Popularity exposes you to more people, if your work is good those people might want to hire you, but you could just as easily email these people directly or catch them at a convention.

If you want to make a patreon/webcomic or something like that a following is necessary but if all you want is a job in the industry you can apply out of nowhere and if your work is good and your professional you will get a job.

>Living in the shadows obscure for years with little to no fanbase/recognition.

Get some art friends either online or irl, show them your art and improvement.

Alternatively find a small community your interested in do some art of it and show it to forums that are for it. self promotion is as much about finding the right place to show your art as much as what your art is.

>> No.2485690

thank you for answering my questions,
Wanting to do things related to animation

>> No.2485710

how do i stop my neck hurting after drawing? what stretches should I do?

>> No.2485805



Although I did start doing gestures while simultaneously learning other fundamentals and i think I'm doing ok. I know this may seem silly or look funny in certain settings but try to emulate the pose you are studying/ trying to exaggerate. It really helped me get a way deeper feel for the pose if I know what it feels like physically, if that makes sense.

>> No.2485814

How do I get over the feelings of panic and impotence that come up whenever I try to start a drawing? I'm shit, I know whatever I draw is going to be shit, and I can't help but cringe when I move my hand to the page.

>> No.2485818

What you make is only good or bad if you believe that it is so. You just need confidence brother. What you feel about your work isn't really about your work. It's about you.

>> No.2485819

Keep doing it and accept you'll always feel some of it, it gets weaker eventually.

>> No.2485821

What you make is only good if you have the spark. You just need the ligameme brother. What you feel about your work isn't really about your work. It's about whether you will make it.

>> No.2485823

I have been getting into photography over the past couple years. I really enjoy it and do it strictly for the love. I have no interest in getting paid. I've gotten good with the basics but I don't know how to proceed. I don't know any other photographers and I feel like I'm kinda stuck. How do you develop a style? Can anyone recommend a way to really hone my skills?

>> No.2485825

You know there's a board for that right ?

>> No.2486450

Bought a fancy Intuos Pro and am using it with Photoshop on a good PC. I get minor input lag when drawing and it's throwing me off. Is this just the nature of tablet technology?

>> No.2486490

No input lag in Paint, nor in Krita on my Linux laptop.

Windows 10. Low PPI and Brush Spacing in Photoshop. What gives?

>> No.2486591

get turpentine and galkyd oil and ur gucci. u cant break down the oil paints w just water.

>> No.2487052
File: 77 KB, 900x900, 316751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pencil lead is getting really small, I just shipped some new ones, but how the hell am I supposed to remove it?

>> No.2487054

You just pull with a tweezers or pliers my man

>> No.2487056

I tried with some I have, but the pen lead is too small to catch it, it keeps slipping.

>> No.2487062

Have you tried clamping harder

>> No.2487219

how do I angles?

>> No.2487220

Just use your teeth.

>> No.2487684
File: 367 KB, 1920x1080, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain this action/inaction line idea to me? I feel dumb as a post but I just don't get it. This is from George Bridgman's Constructive Anatomy book

>> No.2487696


It's talking about the hand being spread, either from the thumb or the little finger.

Action is a crunching that occurs when the body is pulled, inaction is the opposite stretch/straight that occurs due to the pull. There should be diagrams in that book that show examples of it.

>> No.2487702

Okay, I think that makes a little more sense. Thank you. I feel like I'm getting an intuitive sense of what he means from copying the pictures in the book but I'm having trouble grasping it logically. I will continue trying

>> No.2487705

How do I into skin tones with acrylic paints?

I was hoping to do a flat graphic style of a couple portrait and environment paintings but I'm struggling like hell to get it to work with acrylics (Golden, if the brand matters at all)

Currently mixing a cad light red and a cad dark yellow and then desaturating it until I get a cream-ish colour that's leaning a bit into the yellow more than red. It just looks so... boring? Should I just say fuck it to the flat graphic style and just blend other colours into it to build up form?

What hues should I be using for shadows for a pink-ish skin tone that's got a yellow under tone?

If you can suggest any artists that work in a flat graphic style in a traditional medium that would be pretty nice too.

>> No.2487762
File: 77 KB, 591x767, handconstruction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the text again while looking at the drawings on the next page.
It's simply a construction method to help place the fingers and, as Bridgman puts it, indicates the action and proportion of the hand.
A simplified hand base shape.

>> No.2487982

Much more clear, thank you very much

>> No.2488002

Experiencing pain is most likely due to poor posture, not a lack of stretching. Keep your spine straight and get up and take a break every 20 minutes.

Think about each drawing you do as being a step towards not being shit. Value the process over the finished result. Those shit drawings are telling you how to improve.

Newer Wacoms have a little metal hole that fits the nib; you stick the nib in and bend it sideways so it catches the edge of the hole and then pull it out.

>> No.2488205
File: 112 KB, 558x320, n052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking finally did it, feels so good.

The nib was like 1mm long on the top, and it kept coming down so it was almost to take it "normallly, so tried with a pin which I inserted horizontally in the nib and it came out easily.

>> No.2488213


I'm not sure about the style, you decided. However, I recently completed a portrait of a young woman in acrylics and I used yellow ochre with a touch of cadmium red or phtalo red medium plus white. For shadows I used a grey purplish made of alazarin crimson with a hint of lamp black plus white, and added a touch of ultramarine if i needed it a bit more saturated. Granted I paint in a naturalistic and not graphic way. Hope it helps.

>> No.2488214

the fuck is a blook?

Do you mean drawing the faces in fun w/ pencils? Skip that and go to the cutting the ball method.

>> No.2488216


Also I forgot, in areas where i wanted saturated darks i used vandyke brown with a bit of yellow ochre and maybe a bit of ultramarine or lamp black to get them really dark.

In painting skin my experience is that yellow ochre is a key part. Other yellows are too yellow, cold, or saturated.

>> No.2488219

I saw an image a while back here that had links to where to get art jobs, did anyone save it?

>> No.2488252
File: 3 KB, 540x270, k37.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question to Aussies

Where did you get your tablet if you have one? Buying international is a a bit expensive, I was wondering if there was an Australian store that sells tablets at a reasonable price. Officeworks has Wacoms but theyre overpriced and are either the really small ones or full blown ones with the screen and cost thousands,

I'm looking for the Huinon H610 Pro specifically

>> No.2488271

I use an ancient version of PhotoShop,5.5,and I would like to know how to color a scanned black n white drawing without disturbing the black linework,like I was using watercolors on a traditional comic page. The pens have Normal,Overlay,Hard Light,Soft Light, and a dozen others that confuse me,so which f them will do the job?

>> No.2488414

How do I make backgrounds look like they have depth? Even when I use perspective lines, they don't look like I'm drawing an expansive scene, just a really shitty tiny room.


>> No.2488496

is there anything wrong with doing 90% studies and 10% your own stuff?

>> No.2488518

At what age have you guys started actually studying properly and regularly?

Is 22 too late?

>> No.2488542

With art it's never too late.

>> No.2488561

If your image is inked/pure black-and-white, copy your whole lineart image. (if it's not, either darken the lines like hell using Image>Adjustments>Levels or ink it first). Then go to the Channels window and create a new channel with the button at the bottom-right. Paste your art into that new alpha channel.

deselect with control D/command D, then hit alt or option as you click the little thumbnail image on your new alpha channel. This should automatically select all your black lines.

Make a new layer, hit D to get solid black, then fill. Sometimes it screws up and the whole pic goes negative, if so undo, hit Control/Command+I, then fill.

Congrats, you've got a layer with literally just your line-art that's transparent underneath. Make a layer beneath that and you'll be coloring beneath your lines.

>> No.2488582

This helps a lot, thanks! I'll pick up some yellow ochre today.

>> No.2488587

I started drawing more seriously when I was 14 and started pumping out around 3-6 portraits a week + oodles of character sketches by the time I was 16. After graduating I drew less and less until I hit 24 and barely even looked a pencil anymore. Opted to go back to school for art and design at 26. I lost a lot of ability I used to have but having learned a lot of about the fundamentals of design even this late in the game has been fine. Keeping at it more constantly again has put me back on track and I'm almost at a point where I'm not constantly frustrated with what I do anymore.
It's not too late. Just takes time and dedication.

>> No.2488591

22 is WAY too late. All great artists started in their early teens or earlier. Sorry mate, i hope you can learn to photobash at least .

>> No.2488650

Looking to replace my Wacom Bamboo Touch Fun since it's broken. Mine was a medium but I never used it all that much so I'm not sure if I need such a big one for what I do (I mainly draw on paper).
Any model (Wacom or Huion) I should look into for smaller sizes?

>> No.2488672

>Not drawing since birth

Sorry anon. Only those who've been drawing since a kid will make it. Oh, and you need spark.

>> No.2488715
File: 161 KB, 648x432, space case.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I draw digitally, the pictures always seem to come out skewed. They look good initially, but when I flip them around (you're supposed to do that, right?) they always look skewed as shit. I've taken to making sketches, flipping them, using the skewing tool to put them right, then drawing lineart over that.

Is there anything I can do about that? The middle image here is the original - does it look skewed to you? Left and right I've skewed in different ways to compensate.

I know I'm a chickenscratching heretic. I'm trying to repent and relearn, but the devil is sometimes stronger than a man.

>> No.2488824

Err, that was meant for everyone, not just the person I accidentally responded to.

>> No.2488850

Are there any good exercises for drawing from imagination, specifically, human anatomy? I am doing 5 minute poses for an hour everyday and as long as I got reference it turns out okay, but as soon as I start drawing from imagination my drawings get kinda wonky. Do you just focus on a certain body part and draw it again and again until you get the hang of it without reference or should you stick with copying and studying poses of a whole figure until everything 'falls into place'? Or maybe both?

>> No.2488862

How do you guys get your measurements right?
My hand is a little fucked up and shaky and my measurements are different with each try.
Is there a way to be more precise besides cheating with rulers?

>> No.2488887

Well, I don't have that much free time now, sadly, so I'd like to know if drawing 1~2 hours a day will help me learn how to draw(I'll be using books that teach, of course), no matter how long it takes or it's waste of time unless I spend more hours a day drawing?

>> No.2488902

>Cheating by using a ruler
A ruler is a tool. That's like saying it's cheating to use a hammer to put nails into a board of wood. Sure, you could use something else, but you have a tool for that exact purpose. Use it.

>> No.2488905


>> No.2488977

A prof showed my class about 18 sketchbooks a student did over 3 years at the school. He's put about 2 hours of work in the book everyday. He finished, cover to cover, 18 sketchbooks in that time. Watching the improvement from book to book was really interesting and was gradual. You'd see the studies, the experimenting, the increase in detail, playing with more dynamic poses, ect.
So, with studying, an hour a day could be enough. It needs to be complimented with completed works as well.
(The guy now works at a video game studio as a lead designer and he got that job within a year out of school)

>> No.2488980

that is some damn good construction

>> No.2489244
File: 34 KB, 400x300, denko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls respond >>2489217

>> No.2489552

dumb fun

razorblade. I use an exacto knife, and just trued with my box cutter, the fucking thing cut me with the blunt side of the knife... so if you do this, box cutter without a body pinching the blade, a 50 pack of these costs less then 10$ and will last you a lifetime/till they rust.

pros do it by muscle memory, and being able to keep damn near all the construction in their head, amature youtubers with shitty cameras or blown out setups do it by erasing all the construction so you don't see it more often then not if its really complex.

be a good artist is really it, if you arent good, then you need to to the furry persona shit.
the more you are willing to niche, the more in demand you would be.

just know laws, despite what people say, obscenity is an easy one to get handed to you, and anything under age gets banned yearly but is usually repealed.

can women even love?


i honestly recomend a brush tip, they are fun and VERY versital when you dont need a specific width...

you may want to look into rapidographs when you know you are serious though.

if you own the rights/have the rights, anyone bitching at you can get fucked, but its best not to copy but use.

minimum wage x hours + materials = cost to get you do do it up front
whatever you think you are worth is what you add to that for the final price.

its a grind till you get good, and by good i mean not hating what you make.

you can thin the paints... for airbrushing i'm a cheap cunt and bought tube acrylic for 1/15th the cost of airbrush paint, and i add a bit of glycerin to it as this extends how long it stays wet for, in airbrush, this means the needle stays wet longer before it requires cleaning.
you can likely thin the acrylics quite a bit before you run into a pigment lacking problem... probably something like a 1 part paint 2 part whatever ratio.

>> No.2489561

start with something that is the same no mater what, i prefer cranium because in almost all cases its a sphere and can easily be built off of.

if by narrow minded you mean focused on realism apposed to conceptual/abstract, its because you can evaluate skill in realism, you cant in anything else due to mah stile.

so yea. of coarse a board devoted to getting good will be bias one way or another.

personally, modern/conceptual art is complete bullshit and you either share that opinion or your definition of art is different and there's no way to change your mind.

it all comes down to how much detail is in the art itself, if i remember comics right, 5 lines is another decade older for female characters.

its a bitch aint it.

yo, but just because its a hobby doesn't mean you don't want to be the best you can be.

its more about getting good then where you got good.

i would recommend finding out the nibs you like, then ordering from a japanese company, likely going to be cheaper and higher quality as i think you can only get packs of 6/12 in america.

yes, there are comic artist who only use brushes, look up gnomen comic book thing, you will see that guy use it allit as anywhere that you want to fill with black is easy to do and then you can go back to the finest line possible. watts also has an inking 3 hour long video up on the youtube.

it looks the same, how you do it id different

It's a combination of a shortage of supply from the holidays as well as issues with a new factory coming up due to their own quality control.

am i able to help by telling them what to do?
if not, am i able to tell them what looks off?

if yes to either i help, otherwise...

the bigger the tablet the less stabilization is needed, but due to how tablets work, some stabilization is always required to smooth the small hiccups.

>> No.2489568
File: 109 KB, 444x444, 1448740632420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel miserable about everything art related now.

Please give me something to make myself feel better.

>> No.2489569
File: 3.46 MB, 1600x1200, 5 finish foe pic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone draw this oc as a anthro?

>> No.2489574

computer issues and a few friends came back into my life mixed with stardew valley and parkitect and everquest progression server.

you always use construction of some kind, what you put on paper and use is up to you though.

find a topic you like and study from it... god knows if i studied from something i hated i would hate what im doing also.

fuck yes, just don't go overboard, remember tablets all have jitter in them by the way they are designed, a stabilizer just smooths out the input a bit. make a 2000x2000 image and zoom out to 10-25% and then with a 20 pixel brush go slow diagonally and do this till you have the stabilizer set so it is more or less a straight line, that should give you a good not to much not to little amount of stabilization.

get a clipboard, 24x26

by the time you should worry about hands, you should already have a system for most of the rest of the body, and its about applying that to the hand.

the difference is price, and seeing as they are all refillable, initial price is the biggest concern.

personally i would say get good at watercolor instead of marker, it's more useful, versatile, and cheaper, but also a fair bit harder.

ok, you are learning... so

huion/monoprice for tablet
what the fuck ever for monitor, once you start to make money, get a 10 bit monitor or something that is as close to 100% adobe rgb as you can get.
manga studio for 15$, if you have linux krita as its kind of shit on windows.

symbol drawing is such a shit term.

there is some cross over, you will draw the subject well because you understand it, but without the motor skills in drawing it will look worse then it should, you will improve rapidly though.

alone<books<video<in person (all assuming books and beyond are good ones) from a desire ability and time management perspective, a good teacher could shave off years.

>> No.2489577

photoshop sucks for drawing, there are far better alternatives especially if you don't work in a studio/pro environment.

huion/monoprice and no

use it or lose it

>> No.2489605
File: 192 KB, 658x987, 7bf8e7a09427cc6cc8204d28cb727b9e34c4a96d37d2a-qIP3FJ_fw658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is a very vague problem, so I can only give vague pointers, but here goes anyways.

Feeling frustrated and intimidated is normal, evryone has those feelings.

It's not going to get better by procrastination.

Do what you actually like, that doesn't mean to avoid challenges and staying in your comfort zone forever, but ask yourself what do you aspire to do and then work on that thing.
Meaning don't do something because someone else tells you to, but do what is neccessary to reach YOUR goal.

Chill the fuck out.
This is not sport or anything where you have to make quick decisions under stress.
It's good to take your time and concentrate on one task at a time, no need to stress.
Don't feel bad for not feeling like you just ran marathon after learning something.

Don't compare yourself to others all the time.
Everyone out there has different standards for everything and stands in a different place of their life or career.
Focus on your own progress and goals.

Fun is allowed.

Make good habits, don't wait until you can suddenly see or feel the progress, might as well watch trees grow.
It's going to take a long ass time.

It's all about balance man, mistakes are neccessary for growth and nothing to get hung up about, yada yada.

And now enjoy this pic.

>> No.2489633

that was spot on actually
thank you anon

>> No.2489685

So whats a good book on learning how to draw / construct figures in perspective?

>> No.2489714
File: 12 KB, 155x92, x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know if this work on latest version of PS? I only using PS CC. Btw, I asked this 10 months ago with no answer :( https://feedback.photoshop.com/photoshop_family/topics/how-can-i-fill-the-pen-tool-with-pixels-not-vectors-there-is-an-option-but-its-grayed-out

>> No.2489719



with the pen tool you make a path, when done right click somewhere and select stroke, then select brush and tadaah. this is very very basic bruh, you might want to brush up on your basic knowledge of PS.

>> No.2489725

I don't want to stroke it, I want to autofill shapes I make, without creating a vector. Can you just tell me why the 'Pixels' option is greyed out?

>> No.2489903

who was phone?

>> No.2490407

Is the winsor and newton ink good? And what's the difference between water ink and regular ink?

>> No.2490436
File: 620 KB, 2480x3508, Miku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I get better at light sources?

I must stop drawing shadows at random but I'm not sure how to practice this.

Pic related and a lot more.

>> No.2490452
File: 11 KB, 440x360, shopping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my first drawing tablet and I wanted to know if theres a way to transition into properly using it faster, it's not a fancy one with a screen so looking away from the pad is a bit of a hassle while Im drawing, lines often times dont meet up and make the pictures look kinda janky. Im currently practicing with it for 3 or 4 hours a day

>> No.2490456

You fucked up dude, you will never get used to drawing on that baby tablet.


>> No.2490508
File: 100 KB, 700x471, gesture-drawings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A while back New Master's Academy had demo videos of people like Vilppu showing off 1, 2 and 5 minute gesture drawings.

Wondering if those are anywhere to be downloaded? They used to be free.

>> No.2490932
File: 67 KB, 800x480, 8284024001PL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone here used this?
only review i could find was on some czech blog
it just seems like super soft watercolor pencil

>> No.2490941

They look fucking huge and the one amazon listing is $48 for a set of 12 pencils. For that kind of money I'd just get some Supracolors instead.

>> No.2490949

Is painting easier than linework and lineart?

I've been doing linework for a long time with many failures, and am deciding to just go into painterly style. Since that's why I want the end result to be anyway.

>> No.2490952

yeah koh i noor is pretty overpriced on amazon, the 12 set in paper box is only 16 euros in their stores
i think ill just get like 3 of them and see for myself

>> No.2490953

I'm not sure, but I was doing line work for a couple years, and I just started painting digitally. It is much harder (for me) because you have to use your knowledge of forms to apply shadows. Also, I have to battle color picking.

>> No.2490954
File: 22 KB, 236x382, b6c998d5a92e694493f93f6f2a265e97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I've painted little before, so I get the basic light rules. And sometimes I add lines over the forms to help me.

I'm just thinking, maybe I'll have an easier time with linework and form through painting, if I felt the form more through painting with light and shadows.

>> No.2490965

With my drawings - my imaginary stuff tends to look better than my photo referenced stuff (photo portraits specifically) - usually bad measuring etc. What I'm asking, is whether other people are experiencing this, and what's the best method of improving my observation skills?

>> No.2490967
File: 157 KB, 555x573, Coolorus-PS-Free-Download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is Coolorus?

Does it help organize your use of color better and is it worth it?

Of course you can do without it but how exactly does it help you out?

>> No.2490971

>form more through painting with light and shadows.
This is definitely true, painting forces you to understand form through values. Just give it a go, there is no reason not to try new things

>> No.2490976

Is this thing any good?
I went through it quickly and it seems legit and good. Should I commit to the course fully or only do some parts?

>> No.2490980

well you could always open your photo reference in photoshop in a document with the same size as your paper and put some rulers in key parts and do the same on the paper

>> No.2490986

Me personally, yes. It's simply much more intuitive and easier to use than the default. I think it's worth the money

>> No.2490988
File: 156 KB, 851x1280, noraneko-03-kinakoiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, I guess we all go through the same struggle.
Np anon, just hang in there.

Also don't neglect being a human and use art as an excuse to not take care of anything else in your life, having crippling social anxiety years later will not be helpful for anything.

And don't give too much about the advice of just one person, mine included, always see what works for you.

>> No.2490995
File: 3 KB, 93x134, de8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is it so important to not draw with your wrist

>> No.2490996

thanks anon that makes me feel more confident in buying it

>> No.2491004

np. It's generally not a lot of money for a great little tool, that you can keep for 4evur

>> No.2491006

you limit yourself to that range of motion so learning to get used to drawing with the elbow/shoulder allows you to make more accurate sweeping curves and elipses

plus if you always draw with your wrist youll fuck it up quicker

>> No.2491061
File: 346 KB, 773x1403, sai-foo-floatgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like any resource, it isn't going to make you good instantly, but Drawabox is an effective starting point for any beginner imo. It lets any beginner start to sort of understand what they're getting into and sort of understand what other teachers try to teach.

Personally I would only do the Basics section and the Human Figure sections and maybe doing some of the challenges if you're confident (but don't ignore all of the other courses, they may be useful in the future). However, after the course you're understanding of form and stuff probably won't be 100% solid. You then supplement this by starting to referring to the more specific fields (perspective, figure drawing, etc).

Personal opinion, the first thing you want to learn properly after drawabox would be basic perspective from another source ('Perspective made Easy' - Norling is good and if you want to get more technical Scott Robertson's 'How to Draw is good'). After that is more stuff but you'll eventually figure it out if you decide to keep scanning art forum.

>> No.2491132
File: 60 KB, 550x700, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A friend sent me this pic, it's not his.
Now, I have to say I'm a complete noob, I started drawing "seriously" with the determination to get good only 5 months ago.
But, I feel like there's something wrong with this.
Especially the arm? It feels flat?
Can you guys help me out with this?
Something feels wrong about the way it's drawn

>> No.2491138

Non-existent anatomy. There you go I bashed your personal DA enemy. Now go back to draw and post your own stuff.

>> No.2491150

Stomach area is too long.

>> No.2491179
File: 46 KB, 1200x1000, 1442460973921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I draw faster?

>> No.2491199

I had this same question, but I drew more and eventually just got faster.

>> No.2491225

>personal DA enemy
I have no such thing, I was sincere with being a noob, I have nothing worthwhile to share so I don't have a DA or tumblr or whatever, nothing.
I'm just learning the basics

But thank you for the input.

>> No.2491228

Should I feel bad that I only want to start drawing because I want to draw porn? I find drawing difficult and stressful, but I'm really horny and there's not enough porn of my niche interests so I'm trying to stick with it.

>> No.2491248

Practice alone will make you faster eventually, but there are things you can do to make you faster sooner. To do so, you have to make an intentional effort to pick up the pace, this means not getting hung up on small insignificant details; spending to much time on adjusting and redrawing them. Just get it over with an move on, you don't need to draw every detail as well as you possibly can. Also take note of all the time you spend when you idle and contemplate your drawing, maybe you waste too much time on that. Keep in mind though that you should only concern yourself with getting faster once you start getting somewhat comfortable with your skill and your lack of speed actually becomes a nuisance.

One more thing I want to mention is that one of the biggest thing I think that makes learners slow is the lack of pressure to get something done. I work in 3d vfx and when I was originally learning it I was pretty slow over all, and yet the moment I got a regular job doing it I got faster immediately. There's something about the person writing your paycheck paying attention to how long you take to finish something that makes you way faster than you thought you could ever be. And it's not fear that does it, it's just a change in attitude, I realize now that even though I really wanted to learn a quickly as I could, I was still mentally approaching it like a hobby, but as soon as I started treating it like a job that needs to be finished, I got faster. There's still a balancing act there though, the stuff I do at work is rarely good as the the stuff I personally make at home.

I'm still a noob though so take this advice with a grain of salt

>> No.2491251

The lighting is really bad and is making it flat. The arm feels like it's pressed against her breast because of how utterly fucked the lighting is.

>> No.2491329
File: 80 KB, 500x737, 1436704316401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this thread is an appropiate place to ask, is Matte Painting very hard compared to regular painting? I have a job interview tomorrow to do matte painting for a TV ad, but I don't know if it will be too hard for me, I can paint properly, usually get praised a lot in draw threads, any advice?

>> No.2491335

well, Ive shown some progress and Ive been saving up all month, I suppose getting a better one wouldnt hurt, if the digital screen makes that much of a difference, thanks m8

>> No.2491338

i want to learn form. Keys to Drawing doesnt focus on that. Is Fun with a pencil a book to learn form? i have a copy but yet to dive into it. I can't get my humans skulls to look right and im.not.sure if i start with form there and draw from reference or am i a step ahead

>> No.2491376

tyvm for the advice!
I have both of these perspective books and also anatomy for sculptors, gurney and Hampton's figure drawing.
Think I'm gonna do the courses parallel with the books. At least for fun or nothing
I'm thinking going as you suggest Perspective made easy (can I skip Robertson and come back to it later to strengthen my knowledge or dive in now?) then anatomy-->figure drawing-->color and light
What do you think? is it a good plan?

>> No.2491530

What does 'no rules just tools' exactly mean?

>> No.2491578
File: 57 KB, 441x441, tumblr_o3t2j85r9z1ui8eemo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never done commissions, so i was wondering, do you ask for the money up front, or do you send them the finished image first? How can you trust them to send the money, and how can they trust you not to just take the money run?

I'm not sure how the process of making the transaction is supposed to work

>> No.2491592

Any tips on drawing buildings/landscapes in proportion? Whenever I draw from life everything comes out too fat.

>> No.2491598


If you want to take the risk in exchange for more people possibly looking into you for commissions, half the agreed payment before starting, then the other half after you finish. If the guy runs off w/o paying the last payment, you didn't lose completely, as you still have the first half.

In the same vein, has any artist here have to deal with scammers issuing a chargeback on the payment after you've finished?

>> No.2491933

Yeah skipping Robertson's a little early might be a good idea, come back later to strengthen your knowledge on perspective.

With figure drawing and stuff, you should do them in parallel with each other, with figure drawing taking priority. You'll want to learn how to construct and move the human form before you can think about detailing it with anatomy.

>> No.2492100
File: 21 KB, 300x300, readImage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I bought a one year subscription to NMA
>All I did with it was download the entire image library to which I probably won't even use and watch a few videos
>mfw I do nothing but vidya and browse the internet all day inbetween college classes
>mfw I could have git good with the resources I had at my disposal
Why am I such a sham /ic/? I've effectively wasted about 200 USD and I have nothing to show for it. How do I stop being an undisciplined fuck?

>> No.2492117

you are not afraid enough of not making it, or just dont want to make it enough. do you have nightmares of not making it? i bet you don't.
step it up.

>> No.2492123

Maybe it is because I don't want to make it enough. The idea of making art for money is nice, but it just seems so far away compared to just getting a regular job.

>> No.2492166

Is Aguri's guide a meme or is the sticky just that shitty?

>> No.2492169

Does anyone know? Im curious as well.

>> No.2492262
File: 142 KB, 317x475, 477054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know a good way or method to learn from this book?

Books a bit hard to decipher.

>> No.2492267

i have a zip file that has about 20 pics of an asaro head from different angles. am i just supposed to copy the pics or something?

>> No.2492270

Copy his drawings to the best of your ability then do some very basic rendering, make the forms make sense to you.

>> No.2492285
File: 57 KB, 825x1190, Naranjas_y_limones_by_Julio_Romero_de_Torres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im painting a girl that has more or less this pose (upper body at least), but i just dont get the foreshortening of the shoulder and i dont have a model available. Whats the best way to construct that upper body?

>> No.2492291

Got it!
Tyvm really appreciated <333

>> No.2492302
File: 834 KB, 1674x1200, 1459708448572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you know tha name of this manga, please tell me.

>> No.2492617

I think that's Mysterious Girlfriend X?

>> No.2492638

can someone tellme what theme is used in this blog?


>> No.2492659

I was like this when I was in college, dropping out fixed that. I have way more discipline when I work on my own stuff on my own schedule.

>> No.2492696

It absolutely is.

Try Sundome btw, it's for those who liked Kanojo X, i think.

>> No.2492736

sure, thanks

>> No.2492764

Nah mane dropping out is not an option for me. 4 year UC school and I'm studying something worthwhile.

>> No.2492786

i have it all!

>> No.2493114
File: 80 KB, 736x1108, 1460947008063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buying a gift for my sister who's graduating soon, she's an artist and a GD.
>Cintiq 13HD or
>Cintque 22" alternative (Huion, XP-PEN, MP) or
>Surface Pro 4 or
>something else

My budget is exactly $1300 since she's my sister and graduated from the dean's list. Narrowed it down to these, help guide me/ic/

>> No.2493120

If she already has a decent computer and doesn't need anything portable, then scratch the surface pro.

If she's comfortable drawing small, get the 13HD.

If she's only ever drawing and painting on large canvases, possibly a 22" cintiq alternative. Do your research on which ones are good.

>/2 cents

>> No.2493127

I would go with a cintiq.
The 13HD is pretty small, but you can find a used 22 for around $1,300.

A cintiq companion would also make a good gift if you can find a good deal and your sister likes to travel around to draw/do stuff.

>> No.2493437
File: 352 KB, 667x943, sketchfullbody_3_by_REYKAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there any photoshop brushes /ic/ likes?

ive always wanted to get textures like pic related but i always only end up using the standard round photoshop brushes.

>> No.2493524
File: 84 KB, 259x272, 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the reference pic anon. ive always wanted to draw a female baseball player.

>> No.2493542

13HD is good overall and somewhat portable.
22HD is the shit if she has space and draws a lot and on big canvases. But really hard to move.
22 is an upgrade over 13 so she'll probably want a bigger one one day.
22 is basically it. It doesn't get better than that currently.

>> No.2493546
File: 769 KB, 1300x1600, Synthwave_wall_art_08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is a good design for a portfolio?
Do any of you have a portfolio?

>> No.2493551

Episodes 19 and 87

>> No.2493601
File: 22 KB, 249x213, 1354319133723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you get past 'mental blockage'?

Like it takes me like 3 weeks to make a super basic sketch since I'm a horrific perfectionist, then I end up just dumping it because I end up hating it.

But for some reason when I'm just bored sketching at work with a pen I don't have this problem.

I almost want to give up art because it's just so goddamn frustrating.

>> No.2493603

post your super basic sketch

>> No.2493605

desu I'm hesitant since it's furry shit and the proportions are all fucked.

>> No.2493608

What the hell is this word filter?

I meant to say "to be honest".

>> No.2493627

>I'm a horrific perfectionist
I've heard that excuse being used a million times by now. The problem is that you don't get the concept of 'draw more'. If you can't make a drawing in one time, which you evidently can't, draw the thing you want to draw multiple times. That's why people have thousands of figure drawings, the more they draw, the closer they get to the good stuff. Fuck up all those times and eventually you get to a product you like or even multiple ones. Unless you have some serious diagnosed mental shit where you don't have control over yourself, "I'm a perfectionist" just creates a lot of eye-rolling and sighing. If you're scared of the paper, buy cheaper paper and make an autistic scribble on it before you start actually drawing.

>> No.2493661

I know what you mean (although I do have legit OCD but I'm not gonna use that as some kind of crutch).

I've been slacking as far as actual studies go so maybe that's the way to go.

>> No.2493673
File: 26 KB, 650x450, 03742.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, deleted the dumbass thread I made for this.
Does anyone know the technique Andrew Hussie uses to draw hair? I'm trying to imitate his artstyle. I'm struggling on how smoothly he gets the strokes.

Is this just a matter of turning the stabilizer all the way up on sai?

>> No.2493803

is gesture drawing just a study technique?

would you ever use it if you were trying to copy a photo or use a photo for reference?

>> No.2493821

>If she already has a decent compute
not that anon, but I'm someone on the edge of a SP4 because my laptop is almost dead. Considering that, would it be worth?

>> No.2493828

Is there any english subs for the vilppu studio drawing manual videos? I really can't tell what he's saying and not being an english speaker makes it even more complicated.

>> No.2493969
File: 60 KB, 500x500, 14611069270286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Very useful link. Considering hopping onto the SP train too but the price is a bit steep for me to jump without thinking it through, it's got good specs for the price but what's the opportunity cost here?

>> No.2494278

I want to select several layers and free transform them at the same time in Krita, but it doesn't seem possible. Any tips? Thanks.

>> No.2495721

anyone know how to remove those ripples tablet pc makes?

>> No.2496225
File: 66 KB, 900x900, proko1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this guy trustworthy?

>> No.2496256

turn off the tablet service

>> No.2496957

Is this thread already autosaging?

That's my question

>> No.2497666

Is it useful to study/copy a drawing/painting? or do you risk bad habits or whatever?

>> No.2498080
File: 2.27 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I lake fine lines with spraypaint? I am working with some large ass vinyl posters I picked up from the mall(basically free canvases)and want to make some paintings on them. So far the process has been very tedious. I tried masking off areas and even though it works it is taking too long. My first painting already taking me four months going on since I have to work crazy 12/hr shifts. I just want to get this one done. But the problem is stalling since now I have to detail the foreground character.

Should I just get an airbrush kit to do the details? I dunno.