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2473080 No.2473080 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you have used recreational drugs for creative inspiration? Do you have drawings you've made while under the influence?

>> No.2473095

my strong creative brain doesn't need weak drugs to git gud.

>> No.2473101
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>to git gud.
>creative brain

>> No.2473112

Never, drugs are for degenerates.

>> No.2473121

I tried drawing high once. I thought it was amazing, until I looked at it again the next day sober and thought it was mediocre at best.

>> No.2473123

I make an effort to vote against pro recreational drug use legislation in my state.

If a man has no discipline, he's nothing more than an animal and deserves nothing less than prison.

>> No.2473126

*tips fedora*

>> No.2473128
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Fuck off retard

>> No.2473130

You're not even memeing right. A real fedora would be in favor of drug legalization, that guy was clearly from /pol/.

>> No.2473134

What does recreational drug use have to do with discipline?

>> No.2473137

Bad, bad idea.
It will look shit.

>> No.2473138

It's morally corrupt, unhealthy, and unproductive. Ideal citizens don't abuse substances.

>> No.2473142

only thugs do drugs

>> No.2473148

Don't really care about the drug comments. But there is no such thing as the ideal citizen, and if there is one it's your garbage man or other blue collar worker.

>> No.2473154

regardless a person who isn't a drug abuser, pays taxes, has a happy family and keeps to his own is more ideal.

>> No.2473157

What if they do all those things and still use drugs?

>> No.2473158

fuck off degenerate

>> No.2473175

It almost always ends up like shit.

>> No.2473663

Shrooms got me into drawing in the first place. I took it a couple of times in my teens and it changed my life forever. I also played through FF8 in one sitting because of it, which taught me a lot about preseverence and disciprine.

>> No.2473692

Drugs are cool, but it doesnt help me; as much.

>> No.2473699
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I live in the Netherlands, so it's not a big issue here.
I've used LSD a couple times, that was the only one that really inspired me to any degree. The colours and patterns you start to see are not something you can really see outside using the drug, making it a truly unique experience.
It also poses no health dangers unless you have a mental condition to begin with.

Cocaine and speed certainly make it easier to focus on a drawing better and for a longer time, but are not exactly inspirational outside that. Weed and alcohol just make me lazy. I guess weed does influence lateral thinking, but not to a degree that I find helpful.

Weird to see people buying into the whole war on drugs thing in this day and age. Especially funny with the whole prescription drug craze going on... that's the US for ya.

>> No.2473709

No, my art is pure. Fuck off druggie plebs. I don't need drugs and my art is still better than what you will ever make with drugs.

>> No.2473716
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>> No.2473735

kek. thats no possible. everybody tells us, right?

>> No.2473741

People have a hard time separating drug use from drug abuse. Mostly because anti-drug campaigns paint drugs as far more addictive than they really are. Most people drink alcohol, while it's one of the most addictive drugs there is.

I've used most of the mainstream ones, I have no desire to do them more than once in a while. I have a decent job, I have a great relationship, my family loves me, I'm not a hippy or a lefty, and I have no criminal record.

>> No.2473783

There is a difference between impossible and improbable.

>> No.2473792

Improbable because drugs are criminalized and because of that mostly used by people who don't care too much about the law. In countries where drugs are legal, perfectly upstanding people use them in moderation, and nobody cares.

>> No.2473805

I agree, but we can't deny that drugs have an affinity for disaster. They're like shit magnets cause most drugs have two ugly sides that go hand in hand, which are addiction and negative effects.

If you have the strength and stability in your life at any given moment to struggle against the attraction of drugs, which is to always do more, you can use them. But, they'll try to corrupt your stability over time and since everyone has more or less stability and strength at any given time, sooner or later there is a good chance they'll get the upper hand, which makes them stronger.

Also, the good sides of drugs diminish as they are used more often and the bad sides, addiciton and negative effects, increase.

My point is that drugs have an inherent trait, which is to fuck your life up.

>> No.2473808

>worked for a triple-A game studio as concept artist

Theres a difference between using, and abusing a substance.

Try dexamfetamine, its like ritalin, but with an euphoric feeling. Microdosing LSD also works great for a temporary intelligence boost, while staying sane.

- Fellow dutchy

>> No.2473811

first of all, some drugs make people more addicted than others, some even tend to be make not addicted at all. in this case, nicotine and alcohol are even further up the ladder than many illegal drugs.

second, it's not the drug itself that is addictive, things are not addictive! the weakness is the person itself.
and people get addicted to almost everything, food, shopping, television, videogames, drugs, money, gambling. It's these things, in the wrong doses, which destroy lifes. But to abolish any of them, just to make the world a less addicted place, is just ridiculously naiive.

third, and this should be obvious in this day and age of information sharing: raging war against drugs is what brings most pain to societies.

>> No.2473818


>> No.2473825
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Mostly true, but I think you're grossly overestimating how many people will become addicted.

Look at the one drug that has been legal through all of this. Alcohol. It's one of the most addictive, one of the most toxic, and the behaviour that comes from it (taking away inhibitions and ruining reaction time/motor skills) is one of the most dangerous.
Yes, some people abuse it and destroy themselves or those around them, but that's only a small percentage of users. Most people use it once in a while as social lubrication or relaxation, and that's it.

Legalizing other drugs will not mean a huge increase in drug abusers, because drug abuse is a personality trait. The people that will end up abusing these drugs, are mostly the same people that are addicted to alcohol now.
But, and this is an important but.. most drugs are not as dangerous as alcohol. With a little luck, legalizing other drugs will probably save people by giving them alternatives that are less destructive than alcohol.

I don't want you to think this is coming from a stoner or something, I barely use anything. Drugs aren't edgy enough in the Netherlands to form much of a subculture around them.

Yeah, I've thought about trying to microdose LSD, I did notice its performance enhancing qualities.

I definitely recommend any artist to try it on a low dose once, that first time will definitely inspire at least a little.

>> No.2473828

>some drugs more addictive than others
>nicotine and alcohol are worse than many illegal drugs
So, since two evils are allowed, the rest of the evils should also be allowed? that doesn't make sense!! drop that argument forever, please.
>it's not the drug itself that is addictive, things are not addictive! the weakness is the person itself.
Drugs aren't addictive, yeah okay... you need to get back on track my friend.
>war on drugs is bad
I agree, but you need to re-evaluate a lot of your points in this discussion, cause right now nobody will listen to you seriously except your fellow stoner friends with the same biased logic.

>> No.2473830
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>> No.2473836

watch the video someone else posted above. explains it perfectly.

>> No.2473842

>benzodiazepines relative lack of all social harm

Top kek. This chart is obviously skewed as fuck.

>> No.2473843
File: 509 KB, 579x840, tumblr_o45coaWgAV1rs1maio1_1280 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick guide:

-Alcohol is good for quick sketching and drawing a lot of different ideas for a future painting

-Weed is good for when the painting is already advanced and you only have to render slowly

-Shrooms (less than 1.5 grams of dried shrooms, more is way too crazy to paint) are really good for composition and starting a new painting, you kinda feel like the painting is painting itself and your only duty is to stand there, very focused on it

-Coffee is good if you want to draw a bit more focused and faster

That being said, don't do drugs too often or you will only want to paint when high, but a joint a week or so is perfectly fine.


What an idiot, you probably don't really think that.

>> No.2473904

What's the huge social harm in them that I'm missing?

>> No.2473943

What if you'd get all the jobs while arting on drugs... then what?

>> No.2473945

is what i was just thinking, drawing my graduation portfolio on a microdosis lsd

>> No.2473948

Your question makes no sense. Less thinking more drawing is probably a good idea if you're on acid.

>> No.2473949

you cant simply be on acid all day in some office right? and if you dont, the art they hired you for wont come out of your fingers

>> No.2473952

unless you can, then i'd love to work in that studio :D

>> No.2473967

>thinks drugs have traits like people do


>> No.2474005

The experience inspired me, I don't have to be on the stuff to perform. The only thing a microdose would do is help with concentration, which helps with speed. It doesn't change your artwork.

>> No.2474026

I just ran out of Dr. Pepper. I'm not going to buy a new case. I'm cleaning myself up. For real this time. For real for real.

>> No.2474046

Drugs are addictive, I don't give two shits about a vid that claims otherwise.

>> No.2474049

Hurpdurp, learning is a nuisance.

>> No.2474072

Alright Mr Johnson you keep paying your taxes and eating your tofu

>> No.2474317

sometimes learning makes you dumber. but I'll watch the vid and get back to what's wrong with it.

>> No.2474351

So, I just watched the vid and sure enough it's crap.

It's essentially saying that if everyone could live like a big happy family, there would be no drugs, cause the rats in rat park don't do drugs and they're happy. Also, vietnam veterans stopped doing heroin when they came back from the war (because they were happy again) and people under hospital care don't get addicted to the drugs they're given, which is supposed to prove that drugs aren't addictive.

Yeah, that's a load of bullshit. I don't argue the facts, but the conclusions are as biased as most other social theories.

The facts tell us there are a lot of things we don't know about addiction, but NOTHING implies that drugs aren't addictive. It's just a question of how and why we get addicted. The author of the vid takes a few interesting phenomenon in addiction and spins it into this disgusting utopian, I-blame-society garbage pile that serves only to confuse the weak minded idealists.

Drugs are addictive, and so is A LOT of other stuff, but that was never relevant. If you want freedom you take it, I dare anyone to that don't think heroin is addictive to go out and try some. Sure enough, if you are 100% content with the life you're living you might be able to refrain from doing it again, but that is the problem with people compared to rats, we're miserable and we'll be miserable in human-park, too.

Deluded idealists trigger me.

>> No.2474377

I thought the video was also very simplistic. The rat park did help with my addiction, although I still crave it after a year.

>> No.2474386

Yeah, I liked the rat park too. But let me tell you, cravings disappear!

The brain forgets previous pleasure patterns with time! But you can get reminded by certain settings and especially if there's drinking involved. Alcohol always brings back memories of previous pleasure-patterns for me... Which makes a craving return. But if you avoid drinking, you're brain is bound to forget both the pleasure and the craving associated with the drug as time goes by. In the mean time, stay strong and have faith in your decisions!

>> No.2474391
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>> No.2474401

Me, nor the video are claiming drugs are not addictive. The question is, what makes us cave to that addiction.
The evidence is quite clear, the number of alcohol addicts is tiny compared to its number of users, even though it's a very addictive substance. Even what is pretty much the most addictive drug known, will not cause addiction in people who are not in a social situation that facilitates it, as seen in people who return from surgery.

Yes, the video oversimplifies things, it's like 5 minutes long. That doesn't mean there's no truth to it.

>> No.2474406

The cravings don't disappear. I just accept that this rat park is actually not that great but it's the best there is.

>> No.2474407


I've never understood why heroin is so reviled. Every single "problem" heroin and opiates cause is a direct result of them being illegal. If they were available like cigarettes are nobody would ever need to die over them again (unlike cigarettes).

>> No.2474420

The whole point is that drugs are addictive and destructive. They are also a lot of other positive things, and the question of addiction probably has a lot of elements to it, but we're talking present day here. Drugs get people addicted and destroy their lives, that's a fact we have to face if we want to discuss the role of drugs in society today.

If earth was a paradise, maybe people wouldn't get addicted to drugs, but that isn't the current situation.

>> No.2474456

>go out and do heroin
Im better off growing poppy and making my own opium. Its cheaper to grow your own drugs imho senpai

>> No.2474513

Oh, I'm positive people would get addicted to them, but I'm also positive those would be the same people that are already addicted to alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, gambling, etc. today. Some of which are clearly more destructive than some of the drugs are are illegal right now. Especially in those cases, I find current US policies an arbitrary invasion of people's liberties.

>> No.2474544

>If they were available like cigarettes are nobody would ever need to die over them again (unlike cigarettes).

Nice doublethink

>> No.2474774

As long as it isn't the hedonistic drugs that offer nothing more than pleasure then it's fine (weed, opiates, etc)

>> No.2475244

No fun allowed?

>> No.2475275

I like doing small lines of ketamine and painting. It's not something I do often but it's always pretty fun.

>> No.2475292

>US policies an arbitrary invasion of people's liberties

this. can anybody explain to me why so many americans put up with this, but get in total rage when someone talks about gun regulation?

>> No.2476342

I don't find worth in blind and shallow pleasure any more.

>> No.2476597

So other people shouldn't be allowed to either? That's some authoritarianism if I've ever seen it.

>> No.2477674

How can someone be this retarded?

He's not arguing against the legality of drugs you stupid stoner. He's saying that, if you want to seriously improve at art, or anything, don't injest mind-altering substances that do nothing but impair your ability to study and fill you with artificial tier-1 physical pleasure. Art takes a lot of motivation, and if you kill it, say goodbye to your competitive edge.

>> No.2477803

Kills motivation? Weed and heroine maybe. Are you really gonna sit there and claim coke makes you less motivated? That shit's competitive edge in powdered form.

>> No.2477846

Gun lobbyists. Poor people culture. Football culture of American politics; Guns tied to part of being on "team red". Gun restriction being tied to "team blue".

>> No.2477969

Yeah man try taking coke every day before studies. See how motivated you become.

>> No.2477972

Because heroine isn't necessary to maintain a free state and prevent tyranny. The fuck is wrong with you.

>> No.2478105
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Pleb Americans are programmed to hate drugs that aren't caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, and pharmaceuticals. Everybody else either doesn't give a shit and minds their own business and/or does drugs anyway because they didn't take DARE to heart

>> No.2478113

I heard they're taking Marijuana off of their "Gateway Drugs" list. With the success with Colorado and Washington, I think Marijuana will become less demonized with the years to come. Soon PCP will become legal, im hyped

Are there any good artist who take drugs? Im talking about Old master level art?

>> No.2478267
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In general, I think up most of my art projects while high, but I prefer to work on them sober. I made these sober, no way I would have the patience while high

>> No.2479446

>4chan and drugs

why do i do this to myself.

Hey op, if you knew how to lurk you could easily get access to the 200+ image thread of AUI + the art from the different boards.

>> No.2479454

Most commercial art is conventional and conservative as all fuck and barely requires any actual creativity to make. No one's going to hire some drug addled anti-conformist surrealist to make art for them in an office, that's for sure.

>> No.2479503

I've drawn while high on weed, acid, & coke. All just made my drawings more loose and intuitive. I guess you could say I was more "creative" but ultimately drugs make me easily distracted and lazy.

>> No.2480406

Human beings have used mind altering substances for thousands of years dude, the only societies that didn't were the ones that couldn't find anything to do. I understand that if someone doesn't want to do drugs then that's fine but stop with that "morally corrupting" bullcrap, Reagan isn't president anymore dude.