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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 99 KB, 496x357, colorare-disegni-con-Photoshop-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2469402 No.2469402 [Reply] [Original]

How do people draw anime? It looks so clean. Anytime I try drawing it, my work looks like chicken scratch and takes hours cleaning up. And it still looks like deviant art tier garbage.

>> No.2469404

>How do people draw anime?
They have the spark.
>Anytime I try drawing it, my work looks like chicken scratch and takes hours cleaning up.
Either you don't have the spark or you're not from Japan.

>> No.2469407

>chicken scratch and takes hours cleaning up.
as you gain experience and your wrist become agile it take less and less time to clean

>> No.2469410
File: 80 KB, 500x421, fSSh7df.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'll never be able to draw it good.

Are there any good guides for drawing anime, or do most people here rely on self teaching and practice?

>> No.2469413

>do most people here rely on self teaching and practice?

If you don't have the spark you're not going to make it.

>> No.2469415

for me it's motor skills from doing the same thing over and over again until it became a "comfort zone"

>> No.2469496

they use paint tool sai for crisp outlines, i think theres some tool that is specifically for making clean line art

>> No.2469499

In Photoshop?

>> No.2469503

nigga read my post again

>> No.2469505

Paint Tool Sai has vector lines; however, the auto select tool is a little glitchy and you still have to repaint close to the lines.

In Manga Studio, I'll do a careful paint around the lines, then amp up my brush size and fill the rest in.

A lot of it is just fine motor skills.

>> No.2469506

On a serious note Japanese manga artists probably have some of the best line art in the world.

>> No.2469507

use SAI or Clip Studio Paint (both have an amazing stablizier). also draw on huge a canvas (it helps to make the linkes look more clean) and: practice, practice, practice. Clean lineart is hard, but not impossible.

>> No.2469547

How big of a canvas? Like 2000x2000?

>> No.2469727

As big as your computer can handle. I do 6000 by 6000

>> No.2470167

Watch and read more anime/manga. Draw something more simple than the OP image. Have some kind of understanding of line weight. Draw more. Don't follow shitty "how to draw anime" tutorials. Draw a lot.

>> No.2470171

That has nothing to do with anime, mate. That's just your lack of technical ability.

>> No.2470172

Become a cheating faggot and try Lazy Nezumi if you're using PS

>> No.2470203

You're gonna have to learn and practice some traditional art. If you don't then it will be 10x harder to learn to draw anime/manga style, and even then you will still suffer. I'll guarantee you that the best manga/anime artists are also very skilled in traditional art.

>> No.2470242


Ruri-chan. Jesus there's an old anime.

>> No.2470328


>> No.2470331

you could use pen tool for super clean lines.

>> No.2470376

Keyframe on one sheet, doesn't need to be clean, just final
put a blank sheet over the old one, draw the clean version there
scan in -> software does all the small shit instead of photoshop
bucket fill

And all of this is basically written in any book about animation on page 1. Actually read some books about how animations are done in a studio as opposed to creating animations.

>> No.2470401

Try more free hand copying other pictures that you like. You can also trace over an image with inking so you will always have the image there if you mess up while continually trying to practice more consistent lines. With something like anime chances are they pencil the drawing in before they go ahead and ink over their drawing. This can obviously be transferred digitally as well since you can have your sketch and inking on different layers.

>> No.2470441


>> No.2470444
File: 64 KB, 640x640, inking pencil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes inking.

>> No.2470469

I hope I am being stupid and you didn't mix up anime and manga because you think it is all the same shit.

>> No.2471207

What does your nitpicking have to do with practicing line quality?

>> No.2471255

Your advice suggests the wrong tools.

cleaned outlines, when done on paper:
Anime -> always pencil
Illustrations -> mostly pencil
Manga -> mostly ink

>> No.2471632

>Anime -> always pencil
Literally kill yourselrf

>> No.2471684

Everyone starts out looking shitty, the ones with the desire or spark to spend the hours to improve will make it.

>> No.2472171

>Anime -> always pencil
Fucking idiot.

>> No.2472174

Man I don't know. Been trying for the longest time to get clean lines and I always fuck it up. I can paint and render pretty damn clean with decent edge control but lineart is damn near impossible.

>> No.2472203

>Anime -> always pencil
are u trolling or are you retarded?

>> No.2472208

tutorial here

>> No.2472308 [DELETED] 

take your own advice

>> No.2472327

teach me your tricks, senpai

>> No.2472333

Truthfully if you want to nitpick what anime is it is animation and the more iconic way you did animation was through cels and that would be painted.

Though since we are not in Japan other regions just call Japanese animation and often its stylistic approach as anime.

>> No.2472364

They sketch first then they create another layer and go over it zoomed in x1000 using lineart techniques which they manually adjust the thickness of the lines afterwards.

Or if it's not lineart they keep pressing ctrl z and doing the line in one swift motion until they get it right.

Rememver, they sketch the basic anatomy and features first. No one can make clean lines like that zoomed out and correctly.

>> No.2472369

Generally, you are totally right about that it doesn't matter if you call the style anime or manga.

But when it comes to what exactly you want to draw, not being exact ends up with people thinking they need to ink illustrations, because they mix up tools used for comics with tools used for illustration or animation. Which doesn't help with good lineart in any way.

>> No.2472378

I am suggesting inking because there is no going back from it, you don't chicken scratch it, there is a finality to it. When you ink something you are deliberately making a line there.

By putting another paper over an image and tracing it you are working on trying to get consistent lines while putting you in the mindset that your stroke does count thus it has to be clean while not worrying about messing up a piece because you can just get another sheet of paper and do another tracing rather than start the piece from scratch.

What he wants is nice clean lines so what he should focus on is getting consistent lines. Learning broad confident strokes from inking does translate to pencil.

>> No.2472393

Right back at you. Please kill yourself, fucking retards. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEeUXPDstC8

>> No.2472409
File: 37 KB, 633x758, 1446130506330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make a sketch, looks pretty good
>time to ink it
>scale down the opacity and trace on a new layer
>switch sketch layer off
>all sense of form lost, drawing looks like a trace made by 12 year olds on DA
Anyone else know this feel?

>> No.2472442

thats why u dont do a sketch and go straight for inks

>> No.2472444

>Not just mentally hammering an image onto your medium of choice through willpower alone

>> No.2472446

Fucking this. Why does this happen? I've watched countless of videos/streams and they successfully do it (Artgerm has the best I've seen).

>> No.2472458

because you guys think that the initial drawing is the hard bit. its not.
you must maintain focus throughout the entire process.
inking does not mean "autopilot line machine"
you have to really pay attention to your line weight and still pay the most attention to the form.
inking is merely refining the form and controlling your edges better.

>> No.2472464
File: 70 KB, 248x252, 1458887952827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because you guys think that the initial drawing is the hard bit. its not.
>you must maintain focus throughout the entire process.
>inking does not mean "autopilot line machine"
>you have to really pay attention to your line weight and still pay the most attention to the form.
No shit, Sherlock.

You can't pay attention to the whole thing when you're zoomed in 1000%.

>> No.2472468

You actually didn't suggest inking in >>2470401
, you claimed inking was normally done. Your intentions and words differ.

I am not convinced with what you say about using ink. And I doubt OP even knew about the tracing step as he complained about cleaning up and that he makes such a mess (which is completely normal and the right way.)

Or maybe he didn't know about electric erasers and mechanical drafting pencils. With wooden pencils and a normal eraser it would take me hours to clean, too, and I would get nowhere.

>> No.2472471

Lolno, your lineart in pencil should be exactly your final outlines, or you have to make shit up while going over with ink or when tracing on a separate sheet of paper, which will obviously fail.

Or rather, that is why you fail. People often assume pencil is preparation for the ink drawing, not that ink is just blackening of the pencil lines. And the books you got that from are wrong.

>> No.2472472

The only time when you don't need to make the final outlines in pencil, is when you actually draw from life. Here pencil can be limited to construction and composition, and you can continue with using ink right there. If all else fails, you got what you want to draw right in front of you.

>> No.2472475

>chances are they pencil the drawing in before they go ahead and ink over their drawing
Now stop nitpicking. You are picking fights over the most frivolous things.
> And I doubt OP even knew about the tracing step
Which is why I suggested it.

>> No.2472483

Please, does anyone know any good inking tutorials from say pixiv?

>> No.2472484

>Now stop nitpicking. You are picking fights over the most frivolous things.
OP never talked about ink, that is all yours. Call it nitpicking as much as you want.

>> No.2472492

Are you bad at drawing everything or just anime? Can you show us your non-anime drawings?

>> No.2472498

>OP never talked about ink
And what of it? What I gave was a suggestion and my reasons for it.
>Call it nitpicking as much as you want.
As the saying goes I call it as I see it.

>> No.2472504

You're a moron. Just because you have somewhere heard to do something one way doesn't mean it's the only way or that it's in any way a more legitimate way of doing things.

If you look at actual comic book artists or mangaka, the kind of artists who actually know their shit about inking, they rarely have perfect pencil outlines that they just trace with ink. If you have a strong, confident inking style, it's a given that your lines will not be exactly the same as your pencil drawing. Following your pencil lines too closely without making any bold strokes makes your inking timid, weak and amateur looking.

>> No.2472525

Great, now look in the mirror and point at that great professional comic artist who can draw bold, confident lines after a decade of daily practice and who trained under the guidance of other professional artists.

Professional artists may have that choice, you don't.

>Following your pencil lines too closely without making any bold strokes makes your inking timid, weak and amateur looking.
You are fucking idiot if you draw only thin lines with pencil and then are surprised if blackening out with ink produces a turd. All these expressive lines you try to draw with ink can already be done in pencil.

And if you think this is too much work to do in pencil, then you don't understand yet how much work you have to put into a single drawing right from the pencil stage.

>Just because you have somewhere heard to do something one way doesn't mean it's the only way or that it's in any way a more legitimate way of doing things.
Except what you do isn't even legitimate, you just suck. There are multiple ways for professionals, there aren't for beginners, and making shit up and hoping for the cool ink art fairy to come is clearly not one of them. Except you think your bold lines won't be seen for the bullshit they are.

>> No.2472559

I've spent years puzzling it out but my best guess is those few Tumblr/Deviantart artists and many pixiv artists running around are art students with expensive quality wacoms with stabiliser turned up to s7 potentially using an inking layer or pentooling in lines and have steady hands an spend days relining.

>> No.2472561


How bout it's just practice? This whole thread is full of retards.

>> No.2472574

Maybe it's just patience. I get clean lineart if I can be fucked but it takes ridiculous amounts of time. Would rather colour and shade and by the time I've finished the lineart, only laying down two colours seems like a waste of effort.

>> No.2472625

Why do you guys think that everyone makes a pencil sketch before drawing? KJG and many other real artists dont.

>> No.2472634

They probably practice for a decade

>> No.2474128

>Not having the spark 2016

>> No.2474215

A combination of screen tablet, stabilizer, lineart tools such as found in Sai, lining at a high DPI and Medibang, and lots of practice.

Screen tablet helps a fuckton, no disconnect of eye and hand and they have more pressure sensitivity which is awesome for people who draw with a light hand. Its a great investment.

>> No.2474252

>not drawing anime traditionally

>> No.2474268

>Lolno, your lineart in pencil should be exactly your final outlines, or you have to make shit up while going over with ink or when tracing on a separate sheet of paper, which will obviously fail.
that's just wrong
inking is not tracing.

>> No.2474646

Why is inking not just tracing?

>> No.2475065

Because good inking denotes value and volume through the lines thickness. It is more than just simple tracing over the guide lines, there is more skill involved, even if it is just average lines with the same weight but have a consistent clean look to them.

>> No.2475172

Do you mean that it is harder to draw lines in ink for beginners because they can't erase mistakes and making smooth ink outlines takes time to learn? Yeah, using ink is harder than pencil. But that just means ink is harder to use. It has nothing to do with if you can trace in ink.

If you mean hatching/shade, then you could also be right. But most beginners who suck hard at outlines won't get there anyway.

>> No.2475224

>lines thickness
So what happens in anime keyframes where line weight is generally non-existent?