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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.90 MB, 2095x2785, 28_plate_I_1_eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2464350 No.2464350 [Reply] [Original]

Because we should not have to make new threads or post in draw threads with our fundamental exercises.
Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up, make your mom proud.

AVOID asking unrelated questions, There is a question thread for that.

Visit the usual "Art book Thread" to find your desired books.

Do not forget to PLEASE RESIZE and crop your images before uploading them. 1kpx is fine.
Before asking "what should I read/view/study/learn," Read the f*cking sticky, it's there for a reason: >>1579290 (Cross-thread) → →
There's a new sticky in town! You can see it at https://www.reddit.com/comments/46sb9k/

>Thread study: Try to draw/paint the opening or any other following images.
Feel free to post your original works as well if you're trash.

TRY TO BE MORE ACTIVE AND GIVE PEOPLE SOME FEEDBACK - many studies are left unreplied, which is a bit sad and can be quite demotivating for the people that try their best to improve, but are left directionless.

Old thread: >>2457974

>> No.2464417

Why is it so hard to draw from imagination?

I've been drawing heads from reference for about a month now and made really solid progress. Tonight I tried to draw a friend's face from memory, it took me like 15 minutes and it came out horrible.

>> No.2464424

We process faces both separately and differently than other objects anon. Try drawing your friend several times over a couple of weeks with reference and try again from imagination shortly after each time.

>> No.2464432

Makes sense. Thanks.!

>> No.2464462

Where to get more high quality plates?

Don't want to pay millions of dollaridoos and Google is pretty variable.

>> No.2464893
File: 195 KB, 1893x927, itsshits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best I can do in 1 minute.

What should I work on the most?

>> No.2464905


>> No.2464914

The good thing about 1 minute gestures is the fact that you'll see whether or not you can capture the pose within 60 seconds.
I look at your drawings and I don't have to think about the pose each figure is in, which is where you want to be in 1 minute.

So, what I would do next, is to raise the time to about 2 - 3 minutes, and start focusing on really getting the proportion down. This is easily the hardest part, so it'll take a while to understand completely. If it's too hard, or you're taking too much time doing comparative measure, move up to 5 minutes. You'll get faster and faster regardless.

Ultimately, you want to be able to nail the proportions, gesture, important landmarks within 3-5 minutes within a pose. Then spend the next 5 - 10 minutes blocking in shadow shapes and actually working on creating a focus for the viewers to look at.

It'll take time, so don't rush. You're off to a good start.

>> No.2464928

Thanks for the input. I'll try to add the 2 minute poses to my routine then.

Another concept I think I have not fully understood by now is when Vilppu talks about going 'over and around' the figure, I never seem to really get the lines so that they truly indicate as to where the shape is going in space. They always look so stiff and are actually taking flow and dynamic out of the pose in my gesture drawings.

>> No.2464932


>> No.2464945
File: 577 KB, 770x1000, just look at your hand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2464970

try doing the over and around shit with simple forms first, as he suggests in his drawing manual.

that helps you understand what he's talking about.

you want to visualize your pencil tip moving on top of a 3d form on the 2d paper.

when you apply this to a figure drawing it really comes down to a knowledge of anatomy to know where the flesh rises or falls, but that'll come with experience.

>> No.2464984
File: 1.43 MB, 1600x1108, ballet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I haven't been improving lately, so I've signed up for a beginners art class.
How beginner are these things usually?
I don't want to be the shit one

Syllabus for reference

>> No.2465011

I can't answer that, but I think you should do some negative space practices.

>> No.2465018

>negative space practices

read what that is
immediately notice hundreds of things wrong with it


>> No.2465054


>> No.2465069
File: 208 KB, 700x900, a-magu 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone help me with this? I don't know if it's the color or the tone, but something is really messed up, specially with the skin but I can't figure what's exactly.

Thanks in advance

>> No.2465100

So I'm trying to get better. I'm practicing drawing from reference, mostly photos (from life when I get the chance). I'm having a very hard time drawing what I see. I've done some research/reading on drawing what I see vs symbol drawing (which I think is what I'm doing) but I can't seem to convince my brain it's wrong.

I did some blind contour drawings, which supposedly help make a connection between what I see and what I'm drawing. I've done the upside-down drawing exercises. I've focused on drawing the negative space around the subject. I've tried drawing the light/dark value shapes instead of the features of the subject. I'm still not getting it, it still feels as frustrating as ever. Does it get easier? Should I just keep doing these exercises until I have some breakthrough? Am I missing something? I understand it will take a lot of work, I'm just wondering if I'm on the right path.

I've been drawing a long time now, but I've never been good at accurately drawing from reference and I feel it's hurting my progress, so I've decided to buckle down and learn. It's tough. I've read/watched everything I can. Any advice? Is it just a matter of doing it a lot?

>> No.2465105

When drawing from reference, am I still supposed to build up what I'm drawing with 3D shapes, Loomis style, or just draw what I'm looking at? Or personal preference?

>> No.2465115

are you doing blind contours of photographs?

if so, do it from life. draw the shit in your room. then draw other shit in your house. then go in your backyard. then outside your home.

>> No.2465168
File: 90 KB, 1000x1000, 68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is constructing a female face the same as a male face?

>> No.2465201


I think so in terms of basic proportion but there are still a lot of idiosyncracies to look out for when going beyond that, such as the shape of the jaw and the eyebrows.

>> No.2465221

I'd like to know this as well.

>> No.2465225

Understanding that everything is literally just shapes makes drawing easier. Once you get that through your head and understand it you can use other styles to draw and it should come out how you intend it to be.

>> No.2465236

Loomis is building with 3d shapes just in Loomis's way, just try to simplify everything into 3d shapes in your way or someone else's way, this is what helps draw from imagination. Your brain cant comprehend shit like 53232 divided by 323 unless you simplify it first. Drawing what youre looking at is something fundamental you should learn and develop over time

>> No.2465237

Not samefag but sameproblem, so, just keep trying from life till i get better results right?

>> No.2465238

why are you drawing form life? What results are you trying to get exactly?

>> No.2465241
File: 35 KB, 528x960, TRYING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on cartoonish features and expressions without the use of a reference. Advice?

>> No.2465242

Ok, to what end though? Is this something that will make drawing what I see easier over time? I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be learning from this, or if it's just training I should be doing for the brain to interpret things. THanks

>> No.2465248

The idea is that your hand does what you want it to do, so better hand-eye coordination. That way you can also look more at your subject than your paper. Your subject might be temporary, the paper stays for a longer.

>> No.2465264

Ok, I'll do some of those.

Anything else? I'm not sure hand-eye coordination is my biggest problem at the moment. I feel like I keep drawing what I think my subject should look like, instead of what I see in front of me, and I can't seem to get around that. I can't shut my brain off and just draw what's in front of me, if that makes any sense.

>> No.2465265
File: 2.78 MB, 5312x2988, 20160330_145050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flip it yourself ;)

>> No.2465270
File: 12 KB, 325x244, 12439550_1548760208776905_5540798023260501490_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

flip this dick

>> No.2465292

does anyone have any idiot proof guides/tutorials for bargue plates

i know i'm supposed to replicate them but i'm confused at the details

>> No.2465296

I want to draw what i see in front of me and get better at drawing in general.

>> No.2465418
File: 293 KB, 1333x1427, 20160330_191454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any critique?

>> No.2465424

yo fukkin thighs 2 skinny chicken leg

>> No.2465429

Maybe anatomically incorrect, but the legs have a charm

>> No.2465438

tfw bought 6 golden acrylic paint tubes, palette, medium, brushes, and canvas but dont know how to paint at all... and really bad with colors.. point me in the right direction /ic thanks

>> No.2465448


>> No.2465469
File: 119 KB, 500x378, 865423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know where to start, what do i work on first? Do you do one thing at a time like work on anatomy for so long, then do heads, then do perspective etc how long do you even spend on each one? Or is it a matter of trying to do all of them at once? I know i need to just be drawing more and as much as i possibly can each day to git gud but i just can't get myself to start and i have no idea what i should even be drawing in order to improve. Not knowing EXACTLY what i should be doing doesn't help, like i need actual step by step instruction and planning or something.

>> No.2465472

Wasn't there a guide to git gud in 1 year to show how to approach drawing? You can tackle that and go on from there.

>> No.2465481

I am in the same boat. I am on two weeks now and I feel like I have done nothing at all. I've dabbled in anatomy, gesture drawing and slightly perspective. My gesture drawings look like ass. I think the thing I understood most was the anatomy and framing. But honestly I don't know where to start. I just want to hurry and get good so I can draw my own hentai.

>> No.2465484

>What do I need to draw to improve

Draw whatever the fuck you want to draw and use fundamentals to improve as you go on

>Want to draw anime characters
Draw fucking anime characters while constantly improving with studying anatomy, good anime, color, poses, etc...

>want to draw animals well
study form and shapes of animals

>Want to draw environments
study environments and again improving on fundamentals, value, color, form, perspective etc....

just use your common sense while drawing what you want to draw, 99.999% of people won't go anywhere just grinding random fundamentals, draw what you fucking want

>> No.2465499

Written all the way to "mastery" by someone who isn't a master. It has a good guideline but I feel is very biased, although not a bad place to get a ballpark estimate. Grain of salt, always.

>> No.2465546

Got a link for that?

>> No.2465649

You're not going to convince your brain, hardwired by evolution to see symbolically, that it's wrong. You just need to turn it into habit so it comes a little easier every time you draw. Concentrating on small areas might help, so you don't see the full face or bodypart or whatever.

>> No.2465673

youre symbol drawing your eyelashes.

>> No.2465706

Just do draw a box or ctrl paint and actually DRAW all the assignments
They are both very well structured.

>> No.2465789
File: 58 KB, 528x960, study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My class ended early today so I decided to go to a figure drawing session. Ten minutes, ballpoint pen. I have so much trouble with hands.

>> No.2465806

Best response

>> No.2465817

I haven't drawn anything since february and now it feels like shitting rusty nails.
How do i get back in shape faster?

>> No.2465879

keep drawing

>> No.2465885

How do you bridge the gap between traditional, and digital?

>> No.2465952
File: 97 KB, 949x1280, IMG_20160330_175010_1459353029200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking the habit of always having a notebook and a pencil with me so I can sketch anywhere. This is someone I drew on the train yesterday. Oh these trains and all their shaking...

>> No.2465969

Going through this myself. Experiment, practice, find whatever works for you. Go watch some tutorial videos to get the idea of the techniques of digital drawing.
Also don't let your mind trick you into painting fast or lazy because it's the computer and you can undo. Take it slowly and think while you practice even if you're getting used to the pen tablet.

>> No.2465996
File: 338 KB, 768x1024, asadsadadadsa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Begingen tells me to go to Stylegen
>Stylegen tells me to go back
can't win.

>> No.2465999

use reference for the pose

>> No.2466000

Fucking thank you, at least you give critique/tips.
I've never used a reference for anything other than studying life, I I used that phrase correctly.
Do I use the art school modelling site for that, or should I just google?

>> No.2466022
File: 244 KB, 462x692, a4f4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe something like this idk anatomy is hard

>> No.2466023

whatever pose resource you can find and is useful...

>> No.2466050
File: 57 KB, 500x375, 1445645979988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which is the most useful book for seeing/thinking in 3D?

>> No.2466058
File: 260 KB, 600x889, fs1 small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too many muscles

>> No.2466061
File: 229 KB, 1451x571, Blook Butt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun With a Pencil

>> No.2466089
File: 32 KB, 465x386, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick sketch at work during break. I've been drawing feet for a few weeks now and it's so much fun.

>> No.2466101
File: 134 KB, 900x675, IMG_2120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day one of gesture study. Any glaring issues?

>> No.2466104

How long have you been drawing?

>> No.2466122

Loosen up, draw bigger. If you want to draw gesture, focus on the gesture.

>> No.2466194

What did you learn from these gestures?

Also they all have some really glaring proportion issues, most obviously the legs. To be honest at this level gestures don't help too much, what exactly did you learn from them? Are you blindly just doing gestures because ic told you?

>> No.2466200


>> No.2466230

probably a stupid question but i dld a color wheel for cs6 and have it saved in my workspace but it wont fucking 'snap' to the inside of the window. how do i get it to go that? its annoying cause it thinks it can just sit right the fuck where it wants and not have to move anywhere

>> No.2466237


I'm not sure where your light source is supposed to be... the highlighting on the red uniform that colour is not consistent.

>> No.2466239


No calf muscles.

>> No.2466257

4 weeks. At first I was grinding drawing the shape of a wedge and then the footprint. But the form is starting to slowly getting together.

>> No.2466324

Can someone help me to sum up the fundamentals to master before trying something else?

- Perspective
- Anatomy
- Gesture/figure drawing
- Light & shadows (values)
- Colors ?

What else?

>> No.2466366


>> No.2466392


i love it when people lie on anonymous image boards. just lie to your friends you nigger people here at least are sometimes trying to help you

>> No.2466411


>> No.2466424

maybe he meant that hes drawing feet for 4 weeks?
would be hard to belive that he would draw that smoth after just one month of practise

>> No.2466427
File: 291 KB, 1790x1110, Untitled-1wef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2466429

>start with body
>head ends up too small
>start with head
>body ends up WAY too goddamn small
How to keep proportions in check? Is there a recommended place to start?

Also, all I do are front-facing people. Should I focus on that until I have it down or practice with other perspectives at the same time? I've tried a couple profile views and they looks like shit.

>> No.2466437


>> No.2466443

What do you mean by that? Proportions?

>> No.2466456

Yes, this guy helped me a lot.

>> No.2466472

Thanks, I knew that intuitively but I didn't think of applying it, I'll try I guess.

And thank you too

>> No.2466486

Welcome to skill learning.
You'll experience that a lot.

>> No.2466497

I mean it's totally unrelated but I just dislike that coloring and painting style in general for digital art, like unless this is in a semi-final stage I just think that blurry brush look is a little offputting

>> No.2466509
File: 122 KB, 960x1280, photo_2016-03-22_01-58-49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is metroid from metroid I drew in class while a guest speaker was talking about comics. I know there's some issues just in general perspective and it's way too messy and wonky lines but it's probably the only thing I've drawn where I'm like "that looks like something should look like"

>> No.2466532

looks a hella of a lot better than my day ones but then again i think I think too much when trying to draw mine.

>> No.2466636


Read the sticky

>> No.2466641

I've read the sticky, I know what I need to work on, I'm not gonna be good right away, and I'm not gonna spend ALL my drawing time doing conceptual figure drawings and exercises

>> No.2466659

Just keep drawing whatever makes you happy, eventually you will see your own shortcomings and you will be self motivated to do studies to improve. It's better to develop daily habits of getting your pen on paper

>> No.2466688
File: 153 KB, 1275x1650, 1mingesture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do my gestures look like ass?

>> No.2466715

Cuz you don't know what the fuck you're doing?

>> No.2466770

I was studying heads for a month and wanted to start learning the body alongside it.

As for learning, I think I understand a little better how weight is distributed on the body and how limbs need to flow into eachother instead of a sticklike drawing.

>> No.2466798

Where the hell is her tail supposed to be coming from?

>> No.2466800

Stop petting your lines, get some paper and charcoal and study line weight.

>> No.2466802

How much is my shoulder supposed to hurt?

>> No.2466806

Grab a pencil and do it by hand. If you're trying to draw gesture, draw gesture. You don't need the cross contours at this point. Draw larger and practice line economy, ghost the lines in if you're unsure of your strokes, but don't draw the same line over and over if you make a mistake, it'll only draw attention to it.

>> No.2466807
File: 88 KB, 789x1300, 15835558-Back-view-of-walking-business-team-Going-young-couple-man-and-woman-with-books-beautiful-friendly-gi-Stock-Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how presentable the picture is though, the colors are nicely picked but, your "coloring/shading" leaves a lot to left to be desired. Also, it's ok to exaggerate, just try to make it look like you know what you're doing.. Don't forget to check your faces when you draw styled stuff, it's easy to get off track sometimes, here : https://i.ytimg.com/vi/cGkS6Lor8kY/maxresdefault.jpg

>> No.2466808


>> No.2466821

get a teeny bit more detail. i think that should force you to work with more balance. particular the hands and feet

>> No.2466822

it's not supposed to hurt

>> No.2466862

>Paris hilton the mermaid offers you a "fetch deal" on some crystal meth

>> No.2466865

Love this

>> No.2466872


b-but if I flip it the bottle will slip out of his hand as he is not holding it.

>> No.2466884

What do you guys think of this comment?


>I agree. I took art classes for a long time. This included life drawing, where we'd draw nude models with charcoal for six hours a week, for three years.
>At the end, I was still awful. I definitely improved, learned some techniques, and I'd occasionally get a drawing that I was proud of, but my drawings were nothing special by any means.

>> No.2466887

Wrong thread.

>> No.2466891

He just didn't (have the spark) work had enough.

>> No.2466937
File: 193 KB, 400x663, 12472323_1095268817162397_3330103038799737813_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've posted a few times before, but when I post, I dunno if I should be posting in some threads.
Am I still beginner?
I've been drawing for a while, but last 3 years I've tried to take it more seriously.
I did this drawing in 20 minutes, I dunno if that's any indicative of anything.

>> No.2466953

Where do you think you are? logic and critical thought have no place here.

>> No.2466959
File: 112 KB, 734x1282, 1mingesturecharcoal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been doing that for hours. If you want to see it, here it is.

>> No.2466963

It sort of looks like her eye is a horses eye.

>> No.2466972

Well, it's a little stylized.
I can see what you mean tho.
Thanks for the crit

>> No.2466976

you definitely have a better idea of drawing than most beginners in this thread

but for /ic/ standards you should still stay here

>> No.2466983
File: 122 KB, 277x325, 1453491426279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the input

>> No.2466988
File: 227 KB, 896x672, rdt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

latest scribbles.

>> No.2466991
File: 114 KB, 896x672, wrt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this just happened with dots, I'm not impressed.

>> No.2466992

So, I'm noticing that there's a clear divide between drawing from observation and drawing from imagination(constructing.)

I suppose a beginner should focus on observational drawing when starting out?

>> No.2466995

Once you have a good grasp of observational drawing and build up your mental library, drawing from imagination gets a lot easier. But it takes a while to do it well.

>> No.2466997

Can I ask what your routine was for three years? What books did you study from?

>> No.2467009


visual library takes a lot longer than that to build

>> No.2467016
File: 17 KB, 180x200, 1453421416887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- I would draw sparingly in my free time. Let's say 1-3 sketches every 3 times a week.
- No real book study until I discovered /ic/.
I have some trouble with perspective, so I bought the recommended perspective book in the sticky.

I didn't start doing fundamentals (construction, and such) until maybe halfway through those 3 years.

Most of what I drew was from things and people I would watch and observe, and my basic understanding of how other artists work, and learning shortcuts for how to draw things.

I'd recommend to pick up a life drawing class, and doing that. I feel like that polished my skills the most. Speed-wise and gave me a better understanding of anatomy.

Then again, I'm a "beginner", so take everything I say with a grain of salt.

>> No.2467079
File: 3.39 MB, 5312x2988, 20160331_204529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get some criticism or pointers? I'm trying to draw someone screaming and it all looks awkward and unnatural

>> No.2467080

Thank you friend for the help.

>> No.2467099
File: 40 KB, 550x289, idontknow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2467104
File: 438 KB, 756x950, 1445125119777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is drawing so hit-and-miss for beginners?

I can take two random heads, draw one of them fairly well in 5 minutes, and have the other one take me 20-30 minutes covering every idiosyncrasy and still come out nothing like how it should.

>> No.2467108

>Do not forget to PLEASE RESIZE and crop your images before uploading them. 1kpx is fine.

>> No.2467111

Because you don't know what the fuck you're doing and relying on getting lucky.

>> No.2467113

Because we beginners dont actually know how to do stuff, we are stumpling forward, sometimes it leads us somewhere, but often it is just repeated hittinng the ground. Learn how to do stuff and you dont have to hope for happy accidents anymore.

>> No.2467125

Sorry. I will be more careful next time. Any tips on improving, though?

>> No.2467126

What are good books for beginners? I rather slowly work my way up rather than just plunge myself in.

>> No.2467139

For really beginning I've had more luck with videos, specifically Peter Han's Dynamic sketching and ctrlpaint.com They go slow and really focus on the most basic basics which is extremely helpful for a beginner

>> No.2467142

1.Art & Fear: Observations on the Perils (and Rewards) of Artmaking
Gives you the whole unglamoured view what artmaking is about, what you can expect and what you should look out for.
2.Perspective Made Easy by Ernest Norling
Some basics. Greatly helps with any further stuff, also recommended http://drawabox.com/
Basically you learn how to draw lines, etc... all the stuff you dont want to fight with while you are busy learning the other stuff.
3.Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain
or alternativly
Keys to Drawing by Bert Dodson
Good recommended beginner books. While you are working with them, read: "Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told Me About the Creative Life"

Should you keep busy for some month.

>> No.2467143

What level of stabilization do those of you with tablets use ?

>> No.2467144

I can tell that you are copying the image but not fully "understanding" what you are drawing. Analyze and be aware of the three dimensional form of the figure

>> No.2467211
File: 286 KB, 1658x1001, Zps_2016-03-31_22-38-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably because you dont do construction and your margin of error/per stroke is higher. A nice part of being a beg is that when you make a stroke longer accidentally it can teach you a ton. Kinda like when i accidentally squared off the top of the head on a profile view and it permanently stayed in my style.

>> No.2467228
File: 236 KB, 936x318, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learning the construction of the skull

the horizontal line isn't supposed to be the browline since it goes through the eyes right? in all previous examples Loomis' horizontal line is the browline

>> No.2467233

Anyone try the Watts Atelier online classes? I hear a lot of people recommending ateliers in general and Watts especially, but nobody really has talked about the online class. If it's desired, I can do a before/after in a month since I feel there's not enough comparison pictures for different courses and study methods.

>> No.2467249

What kind of art do you want to create? Do you want to do academic atelier style drawings/paintings?

>> No.2467254

I just want to get good enough at fundamentals that I can later branch out into whatever I find interesting. I feel like it's too early for me to decide specifically what I want to do since I'm nowhere near the level where I can make money yet.

>> No.2467259

I just chalk that up to Loomis fucking up honestly, but it does prove that the concept isn't necessarily set in stone and how you can really morph this shit however you want.

>> No.2467269


I've taken the online classes just do the drawing part for one month and try it out , its only 100$ which is honestly not that much.

they teach fundamentals, he starts out literally telling you how to hold and use the pencil, move son to still lives than heads/figures.

only thing I would say is its more geared toward figurative work than perspective/environments. There are those parts of the program but there the minority.

as far as jobs you have the right idea try a little of everything then specialize. be a jack of all trades master of one.Its honestly hard to even say what you like until you get to a high level in it.

>> No.2467321

It's not even close to be finished but I just don't know what is wrong with it/how to correct it.


Thanks, I will try using only one lightsource to get the colors right.

>> No.2467376
File: 1020 KB, 1520x2447, lines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel like i cheated on some of these lines cause it made an indent on the paper and my pen just followed that

>> No.2467407

This is hilarious to me. Like, this random dude never knew, all those years ago, that his cheeky 50's art would be used for a budding generation of people drawing sexy ladies online.

>> No.2467413


Loomis was pretty big on drawing sexy ladies himself, so I don't think he would be too surprised, perhaps pleasantly so.

>> No.2467416

Does anyone have some tips for drawing hair? I can at least get the rest of the basics down, but hair just eludes me for some horrible reason.

>> No.2467500
File: 298 KB, 1224x920, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just some sketches and studies from the ref thread. Can't find a good thread to post in. I forgot I can block in shadows with digi, need to try again later.

>> No.2467501
File: 142 KB, 1275x1650, 1mingesture1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this at least an improvement? I'm trying to use as few lines as possible but old habits keep resurfacing.

>> No.2467509

ive seen that fuckin thing in a dream

>> No.2467510

what the fuck do you learn by drawing lines?

>> No.2467511
File: 100 KB, 802x1426, 1mingesturechar1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the most recent charcoal version I did beforehand. I think I clocked over 3 hours total.

>> No.2467513
File: 375 KB, 591x505, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what the fuck do you learn by drawing lines?
How to draw a line?

>> No.2467514
File: 1.56 MB, 2448x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figure drawing 15min. Crit?

>> No.2467515

It's practice for people who can't draw lines well. The entire first lesson of drawabox is about just lines.

>> No.2467563
File: 2.92 MB, 1400x6521, 1455608869434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This senpai?

>> No.2467574

Compose your drawing and then use your pencil to measure the proportions, comparing it to other shapes you've already drawn. Try using a grid or w/e it is called (picture plane?).

>> No.2467578

I've been looking to try out New Masters Academy. How far should I be in my drawing in terms of read and analyzed books? Is Keys to Drawing good enough or are there good fundamental courses on NMA?

>> No.2467586
File: 1.26 MB, 677x7195, Aguri's One Year.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, I think this is what you're looking for. Couldn't find the link so I made it into an image so that it can be passed around more.

>> No.2467587
File: 972 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot (8437).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the right way to start? I feel like method is wrong and im uncertaiun about the next step.

For figure drawing that is

>> No.2467588


Thanks anon. Will take a closer look later.

>> No.2467591

Way too stiff. It's ok to put joint locations but don't play connect the dots. Give longer more fluent lines you'll see that you actually start to learn from the gestures

>> No.2467593
File: 3.60 MB, 1855x2695, 20160329_121716-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still at the very basics. Decided to try value on a small chair. Why is charcoal so hard to use?

>> No.2467594

Figure drawing naked is a good way to start.

Also you should study gesture drawing.

>> No.2467596

Thanks Christian, I think I should focus more on mude to begin with since Im having troubles mapping out legs under clothing.

>> No.2467599

Start at a more fundamental level. U don't want to jump into gesture drawing if u aren't even comfortable with body proportions yet, or they will always feel off. Watch videos of gesture drawing and see how artists keep fluent lines instead of just connecting the dots

>> No.2467611

what's with the namefag?

>> No.2467615

fuck off, dora

>> No.2467617

i hate this m8 !!
i miss moot and i don't even like this it's to bright !!

>> No.2467618

beats making everything yellow

>> No.2467620

what you exploring today, fucker

>> No.2467622

did they sold 4chan to google ??

>> No.2467624

i hate this name .. please someone stop this madness ... UNIX DO SOME THING !!

>> No.2467627

When should I start gesture drawing? Like I've read that it's not something beginners should attempt until they have some understanding of 3D thinking; well, I've been on drawabox for a while and can draw boxes pretty decently from imagination, along with other forms, but I still have a ways to go. I don't want to keep holding off practicing gesture any longer.

>> No.2467630

I would recommend starting gesture when you start learning body landmarks and proportions. You don't have to be doing anatomy studies, just make sure you somewhat understand what you're doing or else you could mess yourself up and have to go back and relearn. Or just watch the Proko gesture videos and follow that way.

>> No.2467632

well they added g+ intergration which is nice. I havent F5'd this page yet so its quite possibly the last relic from old four chan

>> No.2467635

>unix c++ here

the problem right now is ... do not refresh !!!
and the name fag right now is part of an april fools
for some reason the MODS is playing with us

i been lurking around
soo everything i see is the same
>you cannot change the name
>The new dubs is having a a first name and last name that starts with the same letter.
Checkem lads
that is all i know so far ..wish that help DORA !!

>> No.2467639

Getting Jessica

>> No.2467659


>> No.2467661
File: 649 KB, 2200x1700, 4-1-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still kicking.

I don't know about ya'll but I think I got a decent enough value scale and gradation chart that I can use to move on to new exercises.

>> No.2467687

How important is drawing on the right side of the brain? 500 pages in and so far all shes talked about is a disproven theory and how shit American education is, which isn't relevant to me at all

>> No.2467688

For either of these, should I start with traditional paper and pencil, then move on to digital? Or just go straight to digital?

>> No.2467691

Honestly just go with whatever you feel most comfortable with. I would recommend doing a lot of traditional and then transition over to digital later because I think that learning traditional first helps you out a lot more, but really it's whatever gives you the most mileage. If you'll draw more going digital because you worry about using up sketchbook pages whenever you use a pencil, stick with digital and get that mileage.

>> No.2467706

I think I'll do traditional then transition. With traditional, I can at least learn how to place lines and not worry so much about fucking up. I don't even know how to draw a straight line so there's that.

>> No.2467725
File: 76 KB, 251x425, full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been doing this for Art I, about to finish it up with copics (the red shit) not the full picture, my scanner isn't big enough to do that, sadly. Anyways, what do y'all think about it? I guess it's okay, but this was my first time using pen and ink, so I used some white out.

>> No.2467747

m8 pls

>> No.2467773

I know, way too much symbol drawing, but I kind of gave up on the hands (need moar practice). Still working on my fundamentals, actually getting annoyed at how long it's been (a year and 1/4). Sadly, I've devoted too much time and energy into art to give up now, m9, so I just have to barrel through.

>> No.2467780
File: 974 KB, 500x281, tumblr_ndjwad45gc1taeqnfo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you sometimes have days when you just forget how to draw? Everything I have done today looks like absolute fucking shit, I can't even draw a straight line at this point so I just called it quits for the day. This happens like once a month to me. Is this normal?

>> No.2467790
File: 775 KB, 1000x1238, some figures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big choppy disgusting brushes are fun.

>> No.2467793
File: 69 KB, 768x1024, resized_JPEG_1456724951533_572568108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2467802

I think this is because you may have learned how to draw faces in general, but not a specific type of face(your friend's). I suggest focusing on minor details of faces from now on.

>> No.2467817

This really needs shaper edges along the outside of the figures.

>> No.2467820


I love these.

>> No.2467826

april folls

>> No.2467852
File: 2.05 MB, 6453x2481, img034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi /ic guys, i don't know where to post, but i need some help with those characters. what am i doing wrong?
and i think i have some problems to maintain the same style for each character...

>> No.2467853

I'm trying to stop chicken-scratching and I have the urge to draw on top of the line that I already drew

I just need one line right?

>> No.2467924
File: 69 KB, 1368x829, squares & shadows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first "real" drawing. Spent about 30 minutes working on it. How do you blend shadows better? Critique welcome, but I know it's bad enough to warrant none.

>> No.2467958

Is this from imagination? If so don't do that there are plenty of still life references, if it isn't its pretty bad, spend more time on construction.

For blending what software are you using? Generally use a brush with opacity or that picks blends pixels and do a stroke between the two values to make a new value and pick that new value up with the eyedropper and repeat that

>> No.2468010

Yea, from imagination. I was on the shitter and wanted to multitask.

I'm using autodesk sketchbook as it seems fairly intuitive and supports gestures the best. I started with the box shadows first, then realized I needed to make an actual light source in order to make more sense of it. Afterwards, I realized how crude it all looked, so I used the airbrush to make the table shadows. Finally, I decided to try my hand at blending and used a tool called 'smear'. Well, it worked as advertised, which made a mess of everything. Just undid, and called it good enough for who it's for.

>> No.2468035

One smooth, confident line. You'll be able to do this and perfect it through a lot of drawing so it's ok. Make sure to consciously do it though.

>> No.2468079
File: 1.75 MB, 3264x2448, 20160401_142247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how am I doing on these?

>> No.2468099
File: 111 KB, 1500x666, KhRW86f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it normal to be this tragic when beginning the "drawabox" lessons?

i can't get a line straight to save my life. how long does it usually take to get a good grasp on this? my current idea is to just redo this exercise once every day until it starts to suck less so

>> No.2468108


Isn't that the restating Dodson advocates? Or is it ok in some contexts but not others?

>> No.2468138

I swear it was straight up and down on my phone and on my desktop.

>> No.2468195
File: 1.33 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20140606_225321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think these boxes are getting me anywhere.

>> No.2468199
File: 8 KB, 150x142, 1444476442408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2468200
File: 197 KB, 727x945, reilly-heads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /reillymethod/ here?

I'm more of a structured learner and I think the exaggeration and preciseness of the extra lines helped me way more than Loomis does.

>> No.2468202

obviously not if youre using a ruler.

>> No.2468209
File: 363 KB, 1200x900, d (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not using a ruler...

>> No.2468216
File: 82 KB, 446x451, 1444291312468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forest fire

eh, close enough

>> No.2468221

You shouldn't be, the point of drawabox is to get line control.

>> No.2468222
File: 1.93 MB, 300x275, deal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

progress is slow, it helps you think of your drawings in 3d space and you will need boxes & cylinders for the rest of your life if you keep drawing

>yfw you finish 250 boxes & take a look at the first few vs the last few

>> No.2468224

Oh shit, that's a nifty website. I was doing those exercises from Peter Han's videos. Thanks.

>> No.2468226

Do the organic perspective exercise, imagining the vanishing points and doing a complex composition helps you see things in 3d

>> No.2468237

And while we're at it

I've been noticing that there's a divide between 2 learning styles. On one hand, there's the more 'traditional' approach, think 'Keys To Drawing', 'Drawing Lessons from the Great Masters', and then there's the 'new' concept art way with Peter Han, Drawabox, Feng Zhu and Loomis being in-between that.

Which one is better for you? Which one do you prefer? Or maybe you should learn using both?

What do you guys think.

>> No.2468238
File: 554 KB, 1613x1210, boxes2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Box life

>> No.2468262
File: 195 KB, 793x428, 06b37091ddec8ce466abd3d51bb52ac0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

making some exercise on drawing "pinched" and "pushed" cheeks

not really happy with the pinched one, any suggestion helps

>> No.2468274

Aside from the typical >needs more Loomis bullshit I'd say actually mold the face's shape a bit rather than putting a tumor on the side of it.

Seriously though, drop the anime and start thinking in 3d space.

>> No.2468294

I realised I've mostly been drawing nude figures, even skipping most of the occasional clothed models on pixellovely/sketchdaily. Because my short-term goal is to be able to draw during my commute without feeling shamed, I need to add drapery to my box of skills.
Can (/should) I study drapery before shading/values? Does it make sense to sketch drapery exclusively in line with minimal crosshatching and mapping?
Who do I want to learn drapery from? I'm going for quick but somewhat accurate instead of mastery, so an approach that's practical for sketching is favorable.

>> No.2468302
File: 47 KB, 1000x1000, 51eROvllggL._SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you go about memorizing a scimitar and adding it to a visual library.

>> No.2468310

get a 3d model (sketchfab is a great website for model viewing) and draw it from every thinkable tangle

>> No.2468311


>> No.2468313

why would you do that when you can just make your own? Or if you want a SPECIFIC scimitar just use a reference.

>> No.2468315


>> No.2468316

I get it, sweet prank bro

>> No.2468317


Just think of the shapes.

Internalize basic facts - "the blade is curved, and gets wider as you go out. There's a sharper curve near the tip that makes it close to a hook, which gives it a point at the tip."
Understand how the weapon was used. If it's a one handed sword, you know generally that the hilt will fit into one hand. Though there are two handed ones with two handed grips, consider which one you want. Details beyond that are up to artistic interpretation - there are tons of different scimitars that look different (different hits, different blades, different pomels, etc) you just need the fundamental idea of what makes a scimitar a scimitar. Think of designing one as first considering the practical implicantions - it needs to be usable. The liberties from there, as long as its practical (unless your use for it is super stylized and the viewer can suspend disbelief) you can detail it as you like.

If you understand basic shapes and perspectives, you can already add that information to your existing knowledge and create a shape that's like the sword.

>> No.2468318

It's nothing new or modern m8. One is called observational drawing the other is constructive drawing and both have been around for quite a fucking while. You need a good balance of both to git gud.

>> No.2468319
File: 37 KB, 500x334, 1433202644759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also sorry for the spelling mistakes, I'm drunk.

>> No.2468321

Nah it's good, thanks Harvey.

>> No.2468322

To add to this, this process applies to everything. It's supposed to be what FZD teaches their students. Realizing that everything is basic shapes helps out drawing a lot.

>> No.2468361

When a dude tells you "Looks traced" as feedback when you didn't say anything, they're clearly mad right?

>> No.2468379

Haven't seen the work commented on.

Generally, I don't think one liner comments like that have any weight unless said by a professional. In which case they're poorly explaining a real problem.
People of roughly equal level have to use details before I'd acknowledge them.

>> No.2468415


Can't say not having seen your art, but consider this:
Good lineart considers lighting and perspective when doing line-weight.If you do just a flat line of the same width along the contour, it can easily 'look traced' even if you didn't trace.
A drawing that was actually well traced doesn't look traced unless you know the source image.

>> No.2468435
File: 8 KB, 298x71, greatadviceorgreatestadvice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>This is metroid from metroid...

No that's fucking Samus you philistine

>> No.2468441

Fuck you Hilda, you're not my mom.

>> No.2468450


Yeah, that page is kinda confusing, for now just take the horizontal line as the brow, be it for faces or skulls, later you can come up with your own way of constructing the head. Poor loomis made a mistake there but we can forgive him

>> No.2468464
File: 268 KB, 896x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My art is always hard to read, IMO

>> No.2468505
File: 65 KB, 795x805, curly hair girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please critique

>> No.2468520

So are we always gonna keep these names? When do they change?

>> No.2468521

Wtf it just changed and i dont remember my last name

>> No.2468522
File: 257 KB, 1920x1080, MM2full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beginner here
need feedback on anything but the tank as for now

I had some guy saying this has "horrible anatomy"
I guess I just have some really bad sense of anatomy, can I have some sense on how can I fix it on the characters?

>> No.2468523

Omg im amber now?!?!

>> No.2468533


>> No.2468545

It probably reminds them of How to Draw Manga books for beginners which has really shit art and anatomy.

Using real people as reference is the way to go.

>> No.2468548

Do you see anything really bad that I need to urgently work on though?

>> No.2468556

Lots, it looks really pleb tier Deviant Art.

It seems like you just want to rush this off without concern for quality so I don't think it's worthwhile encouraging a bad habit.

But I'll say two. The guys arm, the girls eyes.

>> No.2468558

Don't draw anime from your imagination until you can draw humans regularly with reference.

>> No.2468559

which girl, which guy?

>rush this off
damn, I have been working on this for awhile

>> No.2468560

If you can't tell you need to study human beings more. It's glaringly obvious.

forefront right and center

>> No.2468563

Yeah I really don't understand, as far as the girl holding the weapon's eyes I thought I actually had it good.
As far as the guy close to the tank, yeah I drew from my imagination so I don't know how that pose would look like better than it is.

Maybe I should get a reference from people doing spray paintings

>> No.2468565

Since you said you've been working on it for a while.

Dogs legs too. They look like they're on a ball socket. Dogs legs can't spread apart like human arms.
Dress girl's breasts look like voleyballs. They wouldn't be like that in that kind of outfit.
Left forefront's's arm looks like a snake.
Right back's guy looks like he's missing a leg. Probably can be fixed with shading, but I don't think that's a natural way to put your knee on an object.

>> No.2468567

Right forefron't eye's are too high by maybe 40 px
Center guy's arm looks like it's not attatched to his body. Needs to be lower

>> No.2468576

you'd think you'd first practice anime drawing before going to humans

i mean, as far as faces goes you can get away with a lot and just claim its the art style or something

>> No.2468583
File: 238 KB, 1920x1080, redline assist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

K, I marked the glaringly obvious ones.

Guy working on tank might as well be removed completely: too many errors, and pose doesn't work for perspective. He'd have to be in a pothole to pull that off. His arms are wonky, his tag is layered over his hands/head, and it looks like he's wearing bell bottom pants.

The female/male holding the rifle needs the chest area sorted out. If it's a guy, the pecks need to be broadened out, and if it's a female they'd be popping out. The armpits continue up way too high, and the shoulders don't match the clothing line. Not sure what's up with the neck area, but it's wrong.

The lady on the tank needs her torso and clothing reworked to make her look like she's sitting. Her arms also need to be angled further out for her pose, or she needs to have more bend in her elbows. She currently has very short arms and legs. Her cape and hair are poorly done for showing wind.

Goggle man needs to have his wrist thinned a tiny bit, or needs to be made chubbier for the rest of his body. His ear is tiny, and his gun has no dimensions. The dog's head is too square and his jaw is too human. If he was properly depicted, his jaw would continue back behind his ears and would be noticeable from his neckline. His arms look he's resting them on something that doesn't exist.

I only started drawing today, so take it with a grain of salt.

>> No.2468588

Cna someone explain to me how there can be different numbers of vanishing points? I don't even understand the concept of a vanishing point.

>> No.2468589
File: 1.15 MB, 1520x2302, planes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these planes dont feel very 3d

>> No.2468590


It doesn't work like that, to stylize something you have to understand its form in order to simplify it. Simplification means you're reducing it to a more basic indication of the real form. If you try to do that without understanding of the real form, your stylized indication will not display the information required to convey the form it's derived from.

>> No.2468591
File: 39 KB, 470x366, 1109191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girl holding a rifle is based on pic related, see if it helps you sort out the feedback

Thanks for it by the way, I'll see what I'll do about it tomorrow

>> No.2468592

You want to draw shitty anime characters. Go ahead and do that.

What you just said is akin to: "Sushi is easy, all you need to do is prepare rice and fish" Which would obviously show you've never made sushi

>> No.2468595

Use a ruler on some of the ones that you don't think are 3D and see if all those lines end up at the vanishing point.

>> No.2468596

weeb detected

>> No.2468599
File: 2 KB, 61x124, Spin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2468601

I'm thinking about buying every book linked in the sticky post. I haven't drawn in almost a year but I really want to be an artist. I've never committed to learning because I never knew where to start. I have a question though. When I'm done studying all these books, where do I go from there?

>> No.2468602

Is drawing on a tablet much easier than drawing on paper?

>> No.2468603


For single point perspective, things which are parallel to the view, will recede into a single point in the distance

Objects which are not parallel, but viewed from straight on, will have their two visible sides recede to different points

If the viewer is looking up or down, another point of perspective is introduced because of the distortion this causes. Looking up at a tall building, it recedes upwards along with it's sides receding towards their points.

I'm drinking so I'm sorry if that's not clear. There's more too, you can have a point of view go 360 degrees with 6 points or something like that. Think about cameras.

>> No.2468604

yeah, photoshop has a lot of shit that makes a lot easier the life of an artist

>> No.2468605
File: 1.32 MB, 494x998, Maware.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That means spin in Japanese by the way.
Want to see my Katana collections ?

>> No.2468606
File: 32 KB, 1268x233, reiteration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure if this is already covered here because i have been diagnosed with lazy asshole disease

>> No.2468607


>> No.2468608

Thanks, wanted to learn a bit of drawing

>> No.2468610
File: 215 KB, 750x1123, ross-tran-astro2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know there to ask, so ill just write it here. Does anyone supported Ross Tran on Patreon and (AHAHAH) willing to share?

>> No.2468611


It's much better to learn traditionally first

>> No.2468616
File: 12 KB, 990x461, 112 one pt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A vanishing point is a point upon the eye level (where the viewers eyes are in relation to everything) in which parallel lines converge to. Obviously buildings aren't infinite in length, width, or height, but if you were to draw some lines off a building into the distance you will find that their parallel lines will converge to a point on the horizon.

This is a simple image to illustrate one point perspective with some buildings and the red lines going off of them into the vanishing point.

>> No.2468617

A set of parallel lines -- if allowed to extend infinitely -- will appear to intersect at a point called the vanishing point (assuming you're viewing the lines at a non-perpendicular angle). If you're drawing a cube, there's 3 sets of parallel lines, and so there's 3 vanishing points where each set of parallel lines appear to intersect (again, assuming each set of lines is views at a non-perpendicular angle).

>> No.2468618


This thread is for beginner critique, not requests

>> No.2468619

i been practicing traditionally since a long time.
But i don't like the results

>> No.2468620

what are the advantages exactly

>> No.2468621

Can you draw a straight line with pencil/pen and paper? How do you draw the line, with your wrist or an arm motion? If you draw with your wrist your wrist will always naturally curve, if you use one broad and quick arm motion without moving your wrist you have a better chance to draw a straight line.

>> No.2468624

Vanishing points are not necessarily eye level, such as for a set of parallel lines that are vertical or are sloping.

>> No.2468625

You can brag about doing traditional on /ic/

>> No.2468626

The people in this thread seems to have some pretty high standards for drawing

What are some artists you consider good?

>> No.2468628
File: 115 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok... what does it mean to call someone a donhiki-chan ?

>> No.2468629

then it will be harder to learn on tablet. took me long time to get used to tablet after switching to digital. to poor to get display tablets

>> No.2468632


Having the tactile dexterity which comes with a physical medium

Not forming bad habits due to abuse of program functions

Not having to deal with an abstract digital medium when you barely understand the concepts involved with drawing in the first place


Then you're not practicing, you're wasting your time and calling it 'practice'. Learn properly and you get results. You'll be just as shit with digital because you still won't understand why you don't draw well. There's no magic tool in photoshop that makes you understand form or value, just more ways to fuck up and confuse yourself.

A beginner should have nothing more to concern them than simply putting tone on paper. A pencil and a sheet of paper are all you need to draw an entirely believable, realistic figure. Once you wrap your head around how that works, you understand how to draw.

>> No.2468633
File: 219 KB, 800x1154, 1459103462899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2468637


This is a board dedicated entirely to the critique of art, why would you expect low standards? If you want meaningless, empty complements from strangers on the internet, go to deviantart.

>> No.2468638
File: 213 KB, 1299x916, Screenshot (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can i make this pose look better? im not good at making my own poses.

>> No.2468644
File: 47 KB, 990x461, 1459578144469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this may seem dumb but I just don't understand... why can't there be 3 vanishing points for instance?

>> No.2468645
File: 154 KB, 600x800, IMG_1006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skull study

>> No.2468647


It applies to an object's position relative to the viewer, not the scene as a whole

You can have a scene with objects in various perspectives

Those buildings are parallel to the viewer, so they can only recede directly into his point of focus, a single point.

>> No.2468648

also why doesn't every object in a picture have to be drawn into the one vanishing point (or two) vanishing point.

>> No.2468656


Spend longer on the next one. Keep your lines clean, map your shadows, and put in a middle tone. Draw larger maybe too, that one looks a bit crowded.

>> No.2468660

How do I improve line control? I'm doing these exercises but my hand is still wobbly.

>> No.2468663

practice figure 8's C lines and S lines.

>> No.2468665


>> No.2468681

Not him, but what do you mean by "middle tone"?

>> No.2468685

So if i'm looking at an object is it one vanishing point or two or more?

>> No.2468708

Depends on the amount of planes leading into the horizon. One point perspective is called that because the typical example is you look down a road with buildings on either side. Assuming the road goes on infinitely, the point where it meets the horizon and where you can't see it anymore is the direction that all planes of buildings parallel to it will converge. In one point you typically only see two sides to a building, the side that converges and the side that runs perpendicular and so never converges, thus never needing a vanishing point.

Two point perspective is when you have objects with two planes that converge to similar points on the horizon. Naturally not everything in reality actually converges on to two vanishing points. The idea is that those points exist for a specific box or other object and also can be used for everything that runs parallel to it. Objects shifted even one degree will have a different vanishing point, so realistically you naturally have an infinite amount of vanishing points. Artistically you just want to express only a few because it's more aesthetically pleasing. Just because you're using two point doesn't mean everything has to match up to the same two points.

But to answer your question, when you look at an object it depends on how complex it is and how many planes lead in to the distance. That determines how many vanishing points you have. You can just simplify everything into a box and that makes things easier though.

>> No.2468729
File: 189 KB, 600x800, IMG_1007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's this? I don't want to spend too long on them because I'm trying to hit a huge quantity but at the same time if the quality is too low then there's no point and I'm not getting anything out of it. Any big issues you see?

>> No.2468756
File: 1.29 MB, 1080x1920, 20160402_185904_318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Struggling with hogarth day 1
Even copying is good study i'm gonna try to draw everything in this book first

>> No.2468808


>> No.2468815

Do drapery with shading. You get a better sense of volume of some of the folds when you shade it in rather than just line art unless you are planning to do contour lines to show the deformation caused by the folds.

>> No.2468827
File: 1.19 MB, 967x1181, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 min(each pose) gestures, since i'm diving into anatomy right now, what areas of these gestures seem to be lacking more than the others? (arms/legs/torso/pelvis etc)?

>> No.2468841


>> No.2468865
File: 250 KB, 1000x1000, ship.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been trying to draw a caravel, but everything about the boat (besides general shape) is off. Also, how do you draw sea water, with crests and waves and stuff?

>> No.2468880

Not sure your point. this is image is for ants, so how am I supposed to compare this image to yours? Also: just because someone else drew it, doesn't make it perfect. The bosom is still gravity defying, but it appears to be shaded better to give depth of the the garb, and it looks like she's wearing something underneath which might be keeping them in check. Can't really tell about the shoulders and armpits, but they do seem mildly off as well. Very stylized.

>> No.2468885

If I simplify the a human figure that is striking a pose into shapes and boxes, each of those limbs and bodyparts will have a different vanishing point and horizontal lines, right? Does the figure as a whole only have 2-3 vanishing point at most?

>> No.2469040


You're not ready for anatomy or gesture, spend more time with construction, copy mannequin figures out of instructional books like Loomis, Hampton, Vilppu, Bridgman, or Watt's online stuff, anything you can find. Box form, ovoid, and skeleton mannequins.

You should probably just stay away from the figure until you have better control of the pencil though desu. Figure drawing is not supposed to be a beginner thing, but everyone rushes straight into it while they can barely draw a straight line. You should be sight drawing simple objects you find around your home and studying out of Bert Dodson's Keys to Drawing, trying to train your eye to measure accurately.

>> No.2469044


Use reference, draw what you see

>> No.2469047


It's hard to read because you're bad at drawing, do more studies

>> No.2469048

K so the only piece of advice you gave me was to copy drawings from books other than models? Great stuff dude, the only thing even more funny would be if you posted your work

>> No.2469072


Drawing from imagination is a different skill to drawing from observation.
Being good at one will help the other (drawing from observation will build your visual library) but your first time doing one after mostly doing the other will obviously be bad. The more you draw from memory the more you'll think about what features are worth remembering.

>> No.2469077


Do everyone a big favour and leave. You don't know what you're doing and you're talking down to people taking the time to give you genuine advice. Your parents should be embarrassed that they raised such an obnoxious, pretentious idiot.

>> No.2469087

>you don't know what you're doing
Bingo, why else would I be in the beginner thread?
>talking down to people who give you genuine advice
I hate it when people who don't know what they're doing pretend like they do.

>> No.2469129

He's obviously a child since he got mad enough to talk down like that, but it's not completely unwarranted. The guy doesn't give good advice, period. Probably some of the worst advice i've seen, people like that shouldn't be "giving genuine advice"

>> No.2469153


How was it bad advice?

>> No.2469160

Assuming the yellow lines you drew are parallel,you """can""" actually draw like that, or something to that effect, it's called fisheye, where a set of parallel lines have two vanishing points.

Otherwise, your drawing doesn't work, because a set of parallel lines can either have 1 vanishing points, or none at all.

>> No.2469194


Use ref

>> No.2469206

gestures and anatomy studies are two complete seperate things, focus on one of the two for now. I would certainly continue with doing gestures, but do some more studies about what exactly a good gesture is, watch some video's about them on youtube. I would recommend villpu but it might be too early for you to delve into that. As for the other anon, he was actually pointing out very good stuff. Right now the thing that you lack most in my eyes is controlling your tools/pencil and Bert Dodson's book is pretty good if you take your time and please don't be a dick to people who try to help

>> No.2469209
File: 95 KB, 1536x1097, Ghoul copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Especially shading, but any critique/improvements very welcome

>> No.2469213


That wasn't bad advice, that's exactly what you would hear from any art teacher, and it's what I was taught when I started. If you're that new to drawing why would you start with the most complex subject? Any art school they'll have you doing still life for fucking months before they even let you go near a cast. The first thing recommended in the sticky is Keys to Drawing, which has you learning to draw from sight. He can draw figures if he wants, I'm not stopping him, but that's a bad way to learn how to draw when you're just starting out.


How am I 'pretending' to know things? You don't know shit, so how are you suddenly so knowledgeable that you can judge whether the advice I gave you was legitimate? What context was given to show you how knowledgeable I am, other than your hurt fucking feelings?

>> No.2469219


That's good stuff man, keep at it

>> No.2469231

Hmm, I'm also still a beginner, Although I'm slowly approaching amateur level I guess and although I'm with you on the fact that he would progress faster by doing exercises that address fundamentals, I do think that beginning early with gestures certainly isn't something that is terrible, especially sinds it has helped me to get faster and more efficient in drawing the essence of something. Then again I was always a bit too much focused on contour. But what I'm trying to say is that drawing gestures is atleast better than drawing nothing and can still be pretty helpful even for beginners right?

>> No.2469248

I picked up a pencil for the first time yesterday but all my drawings suck. They look like the work of a 4 year old. How can I rapidly improve without putting in any effort?

>> No.2469252

I had initially thought that your advice was bad, and that you didn't know shit because of that. After I've cooled down a bit I realize that it's not so bad, though I don't agree with it. You're telling me to stay away from the figure entirely and do still lifes, not do both simultaneously? I have an awful habit of petting my lines and going over multiple times, I'm working on it. You tell me i'm not ready for anatomy or gesture(?), then tell me to go draw anatomy and gesture pictures from respective books? I've already went through drawing of the right side of the brain (KtD alternative), though apparently it could do me well to reiterate. I'm going to keep doing my gestures this way, while i improve and continue to do my still lifes and exercises that I already do, but if you could tell me what my gestures in the picture i posted need the most, I'd be very appreciative, besides working on controlling my pencil as that's something i'm actively working on.

>> No.2469267


>> No.2469281

It's not that bad. If you do one page of that as warmup before drawing other things, it doesn't get too tedious. The entire course is pretty chill and it's uploaded on cgpeers.

>> No.2469552


Underrated post

>> No.2469725


what site do you use to give you random poses every minute?

>> No.2469760
File: 449 KB, 1911x2257, _20160402_202300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've recently had a renewed interest in drawing with the ultimate goal of animation but haven't drawn in a while. This is from October 2014 for my high school art class. I've obviously got a long way to go. Where do you guys think I should start? What do I most need to improve on? I also have a few animoo grills in this sketchbook if you want me to post those, but this is the best page in the book.

>> No.2469823
File: 559 KB, 3918x3000, gestures1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the hardest part is getting kind of attached to the pose you drew but having to go on to the next one immediately

>> No.2469828


your first order of business is to stop drawing zim shit, it will only hold you back

geiger is a good one to copy, but you should examine more the ideas he puts into his art, he spends a lot more time detailing and blocking in surfaces than you have, it's like you just pushed down on the paper to smudge everything and left it at that.

>> No.2469831
File: 31 KB, 530x681, ear7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the cranium is way to small and deformed even for a goblin

the ear is too high, ears are always level with the eyes

>> No.2469837
File: 153 KB, 1400x958, sample-fe686faa060e1f87360e2b41ad98466a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


do you think you'd be able to paint this kind of cloud?

think of it as a mass of bubbles and try copying these

>> No.2469868

The Zim thing was a one time thing so I'm done with that. But Geiger? Who is Geiger? Should I know?

>> No.2470086
File: 152 KB, 990x715, enhanced-buzz-wide-21530-1400241488-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i made a typo but i meant this guy

>> No.2470088
File: 150 KB, 630x420, Untitled-134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2470147
File: 1.47 MB, 799x799, 1402341356351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Read the sticky, and then learn how to draw.

>> No.2470164

copy that

>> No.2470185

Ah, Hokay. Maybe I'll try to draw from one of his pictures first thing tomorrow. It'll obviously be shit compared to his, but ill do my best. Thanks.

>> No.2471151

I'm noticing that my hand keeps getting stuck to whatever surface I'm writing on (tablet and paper) which causes my lines to get botched. Am I the only one, or is there a trick I'm missing?

>> No.2471163

not that guy but
Quickposes, Pixelovely and Sketchdaily

>> No.2473048

Where do I start? I want to start drawing but what are the fundamentals I need down first? I mostly wanna know how to draw people

>> No.2473071

Do the head and measure ~ 7.5 heads down. Body should be about that long

>> No.2473571

is drawing a pretty unrewarding hobby in general?

at first you start and everything looks like shit
several months later and you could still have almost everything you draw look like shit despite having practiced