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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 44 KB, 354x347, youre dead yet, dumbfuck bitch aspie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2468855 No.2468855 [Reply] [Original]

Im doing this for the sake of tradition.

Post your nsfw, critique work and so on.
Do not start flame wars.
Do not reply to funposters.
Stay on topic.
Please stay on topic.
Reminder that if you do not want to view this thread, please hide it by pressing the minus button or by right-clicking the thumbnail on the catalog and selecting "hide this thread."
Questions about references for drawing porn will be answered

>> No.2468868

Answering from other thread, I'd say so, since that's one of the first things you're attracted to by human instinct.

>> No.2469196

if nobody is going to post im going to draw loli and who cares anymore i hate this place

>> No.2469202


>> No.2469203
File: 246 KB, 320x240, 1455310328315.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then leave kiddo

>> No.2469205

>Trippe posting
Video didn't jump start to 3:25.

>> No.2469211
File: 568 KB, 1698x2192, Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi-Oi-Oi!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My take on your pose.

>> No.2469237
File: 510 KB, 459x488, 1363839120662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck

>> No.2469240

i hate this place

>> No.2469417

what is the best way to make money drawing porn? wich site is good for comission? i'm interested in doing some side cash that way, any advice?

>> No.2469428 [DELETED] 
File: 258 KB, 1240x1753, Baseballgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>2468047 #
>Mostly good. The feet could be better. Hands
>might be more appealing if smaller and daintier.
>The face has a lot of sharp angles in it and sharp
>transitions of value, that often tends to take away
>some appeal. The shading on her body is nice but
>the color's a little dull. I'm not sure what color
>would best spice it up but maybe something like >a mahogany/dark honey color on the undersides
>that should be in shadow or a light pink like the
>large sections of the shoe soles along the upper
>areas that are supposed to be in light. It also
>looks like you missed a spot filling the
>background between her buttock and shoe.
>Overall nice, though.

Thank you!! That was really helpful! This was a test piece, the original sketch isn't colored yet but I'll be sure to use your tips.

>>2468047 #
>Your boyfriend will be happy.

Haha thanks. And yes he is, he really liked her

>> No.2469441
File: 258 KB, 1240x1753, Baseballgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you!! That was really helpful! This was a test piece, the original sketch isn't colored yet but I'll be sure to use your tips.

Haha thanks. And yes he is, he really liked her

>> No.2469448

im gonna steal it, trace it too and change the baseball bat for a dick. i gonna get millions.

>> No.2469453

lmao I doubt that

>> No.2469458

Just post it and let normies and sjw's stay buttmad.

>> No.2469467

I'm only trolling when someone draws loli lol. I don't really care.

>> No.2469474
File: 48 KB, 223x253, nigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literally never improve. I bet you're the type of dude who faps to his own material lmao

>> No.2469482
File: 113 KB, 998x766, Clip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, Im posting here for the first time.
Its been five days since I bought my tablet and Ive been trying it, here is a Ramona inspired by Brian's style.
I wanted to practice in making straight lines from a sketch instead of the usual pencil sketches.

>> No.2469483

what flag is that

>> No.2469485

Malaysia, our local shitposter

>> No.2469487

Post your work.

>> No.2469501

how can an entire country be a shitposter
thats like calling rinfag singapore and firez honduras

>> No.2469549

He doesn't have a name or a handle. He's just that one faggot shitposter from Malaysia.

>> No.2469576

Maybe study anatomy some more, or study thats dude's style a little more.

Hands are ugly. Vagina is out of place imo. But there is a lack of ass. Like there is no ass, as far as I can see. She lacks and glute muscles

>> No.2469578

are you talking about the asskissing malaysia namefag in the alt thread?
how is that guy a shitposter nobody cares about him.

>> No.2469579

It looks like you meant to draw Hilda, fucked it up along the way and just said "lemme add a baseball bat."

>> No.2469581

We know it's your Malaysia stop pretending.

>> No.2469669

Who did this one from the last thread? Are the girls OC?

>> No.2469671
File: 234 KB, 676x597, 1459359261658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the image......

>> No.2469684

reimu and superwoman

>> No.2469701
File: 110 KB, 475x717, aileen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just sketching shit.

>> No.2469706


The anatomy is pretty lazy. She has no elbow and her neck and head are too small. Just look at the ribcage and ask yourself, "does this look right?"

Apply yourself more.

>> No.2469715

i know is lazy, that why i put "sketching shit". and thanks for the tips.

>> No.2469717

who the fuck is Hilda??? Nah m8, that's not what's happening here

>> No.2469719
File: 35 KB, 600x846, b767772cc43e208d13d4d6f864162a77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You don't know who Hilda is? Never appear before me again and kys.

>> No.2469726
File: 92 KB, 445x660, aileen2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about now

>> No.2469742
File: 192 KB, 1285x755, ps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A couple of pussy selfies I did trying new brushes, they are quick sketches.

>> No.2469754
File: 8 KB, 56x117, vaginajew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of a very abstract happy merchant.

>> No.2469945
File: 992 KB, 3072x4096, IMG_20160403_040718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried drawing a trap as practice after a friend suggested it.
Only had a mechanical pencil available so it's not as good as it could be.

I really don't know what I was going for here.

>> No.2469969

muh fetish
>no dicc
might as well be a grill

>> No.2470005
File: 703 KB, 788x1400, tumblr_o50snbyIxt1spcpdgo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the feels when I know I'll never be as good as senpai

>> No.2470043

>blatantly trying to copy senpai's signature style

And you will be as good just draw more

>> No.2470070

It's a porn set I'm doing based off of Electra Woman and Dyna Girl

>> No.2470150
File: 16 KB, 500x500, New canvas (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you use my rin face

>> No.2470154

whose style is anyone trying to copy here? this is BBC's latest pic.

>> No.2470249

make more rin face pls

>> No.2470256 [DELETED] 

how about you find an actual good artist and ask him if he wants to draw more good art, instead of those shitty abominations that should be cute, but instead look horrendous?

>> No.2470257

what about you find an actual good artist and ask him if he wants to draw more, instead of those shitty abominations that should be cute, and not hideous like they do?

>> No.2470260

how about if you stop being autistic

>> No.2470262

how about you get some taste, faggot?

>> No.2470263


>> No.2470267

tasteless scrub that probably can't even draw, kek.

>> No.2470268

kleinfelter's is a hell of a disease

>> No.2470277

better than autism

>> No.2470282

I'm so sowy for breaking it to ya, tasteless little bitch, but not being autistic and having taste is the only solution here.
so yeah, do the world an /ic/ a favor and either get some taste and maybe even learn to draw, or just kill yourself.

>> No.2470298

My God, stop sucking cock and fucking draw.

>> No.2470335

>Implying I can't draw and put tasteless dickbrains in their place at the same time.
Try harder.

>> No.2470398

Is bbc finally drawing gay porn?

>> No.2470416

You can't just imagine that he tucked his deck in between his legs and you're all set.

>> No.2470671
File: 31 KB, 1000x1000, butty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im pretty new to art

>> No.2470732

>...and then she farts!

>> No.2470756

Did I miss something? Did the porn threads finally die?

>> No.2470757

Best one in this thread desu senpai

>> No.2470766

Look guys, a creationist.

>> No.2470775


People realized porn is the lowest form of skill and moved on to greener pastures.

>> No.2470865

In a month? Damn.
>Look guys, a creationist.
I was just expecting it

>> No.2470931

Then BBC is trying to rip off incase.

>> No.2471138

I was in his stream when he was drawing. He made this as a request based on a character of incase.
Senpai really doesn't need to rip off anybody kek.

>> No.2471188

I was just being sarcastic about you being glad the porn threads might die.
Are you autistic, or what other problems do you have with the porn threads?

>> No.2471194
File: 126 KB, 595x506, dfes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2471208

These threads having been going downhill since about July of last year. It was inevitable. Also, I just have an irrational grudge, is all.

>> No.2471256

For a start, that dick looks like it's growing out of her thigh.the centreline places her breasts and neck out of alignment with each other, the back of the head is bulging and her stomach seemed disconnected from her hips.

Eilieen (not Aileen gawsh) is a short and kind of stubby character with big breasts, she doesn't look anything like how you've tried to portray her.
She also has a tail, and her hair isn't up in such a thick pony tail, it's only a small section that should be.
Just fucking stop. Leave Eileen alone.

>> No.2471277
File: 899 KB, 1563x1563, nice boat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sketched this recently so here

>> No.2471763

i love you please make a blog

>> No.2471859
File: 108 KB, 458x816, caroline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First concept for the female lead in a hentai I'm planning. She's supposed to be a hot virgin librarian who's a bit awkward.
Probably gonna be grinding anatomy and shit for a few weeks before I actually start.

pls rate mates.

>> No.2471860

This was done kinda quickly too jus' saiyan. I didn't bother finishing the other arm. sry.

>> No.2471941
File: 1.09 MB, 2897x1800, example2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im trying to draw some lewd lizard (luellen) and I need some vision
I've really never done this before so I need someone to confirm that what I'm doing with this body shape (with the features) is correct. the head I would assume is going to be smaller on a realistic scale but this isn't realistic, its just anthro. cartoon anthro.

I know that these pose sketches are suffering from sameface and samepose, so all I need is anyone to tell me that I'm ready to experiment from this point on

>> No.2472010


Hello /co/-mrade (webcomic). Try angling the head in different ways a little more, maybe to the side a smidgen, kinda like, you wanna come over feel, (question mark, exclamation)? Try bedroom eyes too, it looks too, friend-zone cartoon friendly, no lewd-idity in it at all. The head too, it is WAY to stiff. Be loose, try some gesture lines and work from there outwards, experiment.

>> No.2472019

would you say that the body parts look alright? because I'm about to do just what you said right about now.

>> No.2472028
File: 363 KB, 1366x768, Nippls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The structure of the head does not match that of the body. The head makes it seem as though there should be a lot more weight on the figure. It might help even things out, but look at some references of lizard women.

To be blunt, it looks like a lizard head on an anime body. But, I should mention that I'm no expert.. Or even beyond beginner when it comes to this stuff. Did a little sketch so you could see what I mean-ish.

>> No.2472029


For a quick fix, the torso should be a little more full, and pronounced, not her gazoongas, but her actual chest cavity, rib cage, etc. You can get away barely with the lower torso/hips atm as is, but go ahead and try the other poses anyways.

>> No.2472040
File: 2.15 MB, 1304x1495, 1459622278872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, I see.
yes, the principle of design relation. big heads = big bodies. I get what you mean. however I was just using the reference sheet given to me by another person to look at and use. honestly, I'd alter the design if I didn't like it so much. thank you for your response though, I'll keep that in mind when designing my own characters.

thank you. I'll try and give her a bigger torso. I'd thought that I would have trouble with some more of the basic arm and leg shaping/sizing, since I don't usually draw humans in general.

>> No.2472506
File: 102 KB, 695x709, sk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im working on this, but Im not feeling confortable with any of the PS brushes. I already tried most of them. At first they look nice, but when I disable the sketch layer it looks SO bad, like bad inking.

What would you recommend? Any tips? Im not coloring any of these yet, I want to practice my lines first.

>> No.2472528

incase + bbc = this?

>> No.2472624
File: 325 KB, 1000x750, chun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to be loose with mark making. Still very rough, but changes are easier to make when still sketching. Any major issues?

>> No.2472709

did i do good squid? have i been a good boy?
im a really bad boy am i squid? i wanna fug
ive too much power oh baby

>> No.2472728
File: 1.78 MB, 1500x2000, marie nsfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always been nervous about drawing anything nsfw, first attempt

>> No.2472743

I am going to draw smut. I have gotten sick of trying to grasp realism, so I consider this change as a rebellion unto my own aspirations. Now I am studying women and scratching around the figures.

>> No.2472745

Looks like it could maybe be good... eventually.
Would like to see a full character sheet of her with turn arounds and different angles and shit.

>> No.2472747

Where do you post your stuff? I want to see the rest.

>> No.2472750

>so I consider this change as a rebellion unto my own aspirations


>> No.2472751

her face is really well done, i like how the lips came out and the shading around the nose

>> No.2472757

Honestly, a quick way is to draw on /h/, /e/ or /d/. If your art is actually good, people will quickly ask if you do commissions and for how much. Less quick (in most cases) is to use Tumblr but again, if it looks good and you use your tags well, the commissions will come in. And then of course deviantart and whatever that porn site everyone likes using.

>> No.2472792

>you will never have mikufag make a shitpost about you with dickgirls
Why live.

>> No.2472855

Face looks too wonky, all the features are too close scrunched up together. Spread em out and ur good.

>> No.2472883

Thanks. Looks like the eyes were to close together.

>> No.2472918

this is bbc's illustration of an incase oc.

>> No.2473042
File: 167 KB, 800x802, goblin girl2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what i have so far...

>> No.2473090

can't really tell whats going on with that pink shadow, character looks good though, great shading of the muscles

>> No.2473401

/ic/ may shit on it but just know I fapped to it you glorious sonovva bitch ;_;7

>> No.2473450
File: 428 KB, 1800x1200, Totally not Vanessa lewds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lineart commission

>> No.2473463

You're one of the reasons everyone should stop coming here.

>> No.2473509
File: 2.87 MB, 352x198, 1429157168127.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek I am flattered.

>> No.2473529

Her right arm bends asll funny. The mouth is too wide maybe.

>> No.2473568

Mouth is the stranger part.
Joker a la "Why so Serious"

>> No.2473604

can anyone give me some feedback on the head? hitting the middle ground between realistic and animish/cartoony baffles me

>> No.2473605

omg kof girls <3
agreed on the mouth thing

>> No.2473612
File: 2.42 MB, 2900x3900, r mika fuck alternate4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to do actual lineart but i just erased stray lines from the sketch and figured it looked pretty ok to my penis

>> No.2473614

Anything even slightly resembling sexual intercourse looks ok to the penis. That's why obscure fetishists are alright with settling.

>> No.2473666

If you want to stylize in an anime way put the mouth lower. You have to exaggerate this if you want to go for cute. Because your mouth is too high, her smile looks like that of a psycho.
Also, her hand is messed up. The palm bends in that direction only at the fingers joints. I think you tried to do a palm in perspective, but instead you made it look like she has obese hands or something.

>> No.2473671

just because there are people wthout taste that think with their dicks, you really shouldn't feel flattered. from an artistic standpoint your shit is still only that. shit.

>> No.2473678

oh, look, another dickbrain. that's the reason you guys will never make it. stop thinking with your dicks and start looking at your porn from an artistic standpoint. that is with your actual brains.

and no, this doesn't look very okay.
the lineart is stiff and the perspective is bent to accommodate your lack of construction knowledge.
if your dick allows it and you really want to get somewhere, study gesture and construction in perspective.

>> No.2473874

omg make a blog already i want to commish you

>> No.2473910

either samefagging or just a dickbrain without taste.

>> No.2473911

oh right, it could also just be a troll.

>> No.2473915 [DELETED] 

see >>2473612

I'm not really picky about linework in erodrawings, but it looks like a man tbqh.

Do you even know how to color ?

>> No.2473918

see >>2473678

I'm not really picky about linework in erodrawings, but it looks like a man tbqh.

Do you even know how to color ?

>> No.2474050

>just because there are people wthout taste that think with their dicks
In the porn thread? *gasp*

>> No.2474134

it doesn't matter who you cater to. you have to have your own standards if you consider yourself a good artist.

>> No.2474139

The person you're replying to isn't mikufag, just so you know

>> No.2474142

Do anyone here have some clue where I can find some in depth knowledge about the vagina?

I know about doxy's tutorial but I want to build my own groundwork as well.

>> No.2474147

Knowledge is a poor word choice.
What about it

>> No.2474163

Mostly placement and muscles that affects the fatty tissue of the vulva. I've almost conquered the inner thigh but Hamstring and bottom of the glutes is behaving like a little bitch towards me currently and at the same time trying to figure out at what angles the Ischium affects the ass. I need to know the genital structure for that and figured I ask here if you guys have more sources to draw from so I can complement my stuff better.

>> No.2474195

Seems like you want info a gynecologist would know about.
Not sure how much help I can be in source finding.


>> No.2474222

Thanks for help, I've found that medical studies, illustrations and books are great when you pair it up with 1080p porn.

I mean, when you have no gf or don't want to get caught hiring a prostitute to find this stuff out you kind of have to go to the closest alternative.

>> No.2474269
File: 45 KB, 437x800, gwen-4-7373b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to strike a nice balance between realism and cartoon proportions, look at the works of artists you admire who have done so. I'd personally recommend sticking to realistic proportions for now, but simplify certain features as needed to preserve a cartoon-ish attractiveness.

As it is, Marie's nose and mouth are too great a distance apart. Her nose looks wrong due in part to the line definition, in part to it being too short for her face, and in part to it being shaped like Squidward's.

I can see that you've got a basic understanding of anatomy, but not too much experience in drawing the naked figure--evidenced by certain mistakes, such as the absurd width of her right arm, the tentative shading and nervous short strokes, which make her look less like a fresh young pop-star and more like a 65-year-old woman.

Anatomy aside, try experimenting with the weight of your lines. As long as you're drawing traditionally, you can use the side of your pencil yo indicate heavily shadowed areas, such as the undersides of her breasts. Don't rely on small detail lines, because if you want Marie to look young and sexy, you're gonna have to embrace youthful simplicity.

Lastly, and most importantly, grab a reference. Even if you don't want to rely on reference, you absolutely need it when you're first starting out drawing anything new. Draw from reference, try again without. Draw from reference again, try without. Repeat until you're comfortable, and then move on.

Pic related is pretty close to the pose you're going for, I think. Reference the shit out of it, or any other picture you choose. Don't let that porn folder go to waste!

>> No.2474421

I didn't think I was replaying to mikufag. I was replaying to that anon and was speaking in general.

get laid

>> No.2474451

>get laid
Too hard.

>> No.2474454

If it remains for more than 4 hours, contact your doctor.

>> No.2474468
File: 17 KB, 604x438, 1430794237274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If it remains for more than 4 hours, contact your doctor.

Not him but is this true because I know I get hard while I sleep but I don't know for how long it's erect for maybe it's over 4 hours please tell me you're just bullshitting.

>> No.2474472

if you think getting laid is hard, wait to see what it means to get good at art kek

>> No.2474475

you're not casanova, don't worry

>> No.2474482

While you're sleeping doesn't count and it's only a problem if it doesn't go back down. I forget what it is exactly but I think it's a warning sign of either potential heartattack or stroke.

>> No.2474805

How do you get good at art if you have an obsession with getting laid ?

>> No.2474860
File: 217 KB, 1000x752, Shiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Into my 3rd week of learning to draw.
This is something I've been working on.
I can see that the hatching and hands are pretty poor. This is just a draft.

Tell me what I'm desperately lacking.

>> No.2474877
File: 71 KB, 250x252, tumblr_npg2rnht8S1qztogwo1_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2474878

I suggests you hold back with the "hatching" there really just scribbles. it's pointless if you don't understand form or value. train your eye aka get used to observe. try to do some still life. not the sake of getting a finished piece but just to get used to observe.

>> No.2474905

They're mental notes of where clothing is and off putting I guess.
Of course.

>> No.2474934
File: 242 KB, 640x480, 1458692623083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Contours, blind contours, gesture and life (figure) drawing, LOTS and LOTS of LIFE DRAWING, easiest way to god-tier, draw an actual naked live model, it helps a shit ton. Experiment with line thickness. Draw from life, stay the hell away from drawing from photos, only use photos or images for reference material, NOT study material. Imagine, visualize the 2-D image as a 3-D image, it sounds easy, but in application it is, in the beginning, seemingly an impossible task.





Buy, study and read this book, you don't need classes for the most part if you actually DO all the work inside this book. But, that's what most artists lack, if not people in general, self-discipline to see the task through.

>Drawing on the Right Side of your Brain


Pro tips:

Look up some old artists, I mean old, the old masters, look them up, study, experiment, understand and make a copy of their work to understand their techniques and level of mastery of their craft/art. See what it means to have a work truly complete and what it takes.


Understand the color wheel and color theory.


Understand proper shading, shadows, how light affects an object, start with the stupid simple stuff, then SLOWLY work your way up. Understand the 10 shading value scale.

PS: At the bottom of the page in the link it also describes the hardness and softness of pencils, I suggest you buy all of them, along with a fancy asf German metal pencil sharpener, a kneaded eraser and a good solid poly eraser.


Work, practice, have fun, and live life free.

>> No.2474943

Thanks for the info.

>> No.2474946

This is why people usually just say read the sticky.

>> No.2474951
File: 24 KB, 271x128, 1453628306586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sticky is shit, gotta flip through too much bullshit to find anything, but yes, you are right.

>> No.2474954

Looks like you are using the damn pencil tool. You using some low dpi shit?

>> No.2474966


Would you say the book is a "use once then toss" kind of thing or do you ever find yourself going back ?

Are the wiki's are fundamentals that need to be drilled in every day until mastery ?

>> No.2475004

wow, you guys are right.
i need loomis.
also yea im kinda shitty at coloring and shading so im just trying to practice on complex pieces because im a complete idiot

>> No.2475034

getting laid =/= obsession with getting laid

does everyone in here have reading comprehension?

>> No.2475035

1st thing you should do is stop trying to draw porn. it's way too difficult for your current level.
2nd thing is to get some art books for beginners. google Loomis books
3rd thing follow those books as they're your bible

your problem is the same as with any other young beginner who is too eager to get good. you're not going to get good by skipping the STEEP learning curve of art. That curve is very STEEP and it should be taken step by step in a specific order (if you skip training of fundamentals you haven't accomplished anything). if you don't you are just going to make it eve STEEPER.

>> No.2475043

>>that super-long upper arm that would be on the POV dude out of frame

should be re-done with the subs arm downwards, rather than raised up....it's WAY out of reach of the POV character based on where their chest and lower arm are framed in the picture (no matter how warped the perspective could possibly be).

>> No.2475046

Your priorities should be on anatomy and gesture
Even if the pose was good her (ass? vagina?) looks like an open wound

>> No.2475053

you are talking to thin air. BBC isn't here anymore.

>> No.2475187

yeah i know i know

>> No.2475258
File: 118 KB, 608x960, 1453602709111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes and yes, practice daily, also, incorporate timed contour drawings, it helps to speed up your actual drawing speed, 5 to 15 contours, blind contours, gesture and figure drawing. Start for the timed practice with 30 secs to draw a simple mug (cup) with both contour and blind contour, then move onto 60 secs. then onto 5 mins. You'll notice yourself getting faster each time, move onto larger items. Turn a chair over on the ground and draw from the top down, repeat same timed steps above. Then have the chair normally as it should stand and begin drawing from the BOTTOM up, literally start at the legs to draw.

In the book, a good amount of what I am saying will be in there, though I learned my information from college and personal studies. Some of the beginning practice and self study work in the book will seem baby-ish, too easy in fact, but do it, they are fundamental to learning to draw properly. Training your "mind" to draw what the "eye" really sees and relaying that information to the "hand" to properly draw and replicate it through physical motion.

Drawing is the most basic of the basic fundamental fine arts. If you have an amazing foundation in drawing, everything else will be that much easier if not to an extent a breeze vs. others.

Another good practice is to draw the area that is around you, a bedroom is "okay", but get out there, find a nice park, library maybe, maybe somewhere scenic that you enjoy and draw the environment around you.

Also, I forgot to mention, composition, but that comes on a little later after the basics, atm, do not worry about that. But, in creating a exceptionally good piece of art or "smut" the "eye" must follow and read the flow of the image or drawing, it will both stimulate the eye and brain, which keeps the people's attention and peaks their interest. But as I said, focus on the basic stuff, composition will come later.

>> No.2475259
File: 205 KB, 900x504, 1451266729637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry, for the book, I should clarify, no it is not a toss away book, yes I go back to it and use and repeat many of the practices in there to maintain and sharpen my skills further.

>> No.2475640

>liking loli

>> No.2475791
File: 352 KB, 876x1232, IMG_20160406_221404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again heavily stylized, patchiness is due to acrylics being used (hair and background)

>> No.2476242


gone for months and come back to this

so we banning art we don't agree with now

>> No.2476251

>furry guro shota loli


>> No.2476272

Art is subjective, anonymous user.

>> No.2476281

But sfw boards don't really let slide ideals of animal fucking, children fucking, and manslaughter.

>> No.2476294

That would be cool if this board were sfw

>> No.2476306

>so we banning art we don't agree with now
What is Global Rule #3, for $500

>> No.2476311

Who gives a shit what the rules are.

>> No.2476312

An outdated set of rules since >>>/trash/ is the furry hideout on 4ch

>> No.2476317
File: 50 KB, 500x475, lan is flabbergasted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Titties are outlawed depending on what the head looks like
Man... Hiroshima, please.

>> No.2476318 [DELETED] 

Rules for /Trash/
>You can still post normally on /trash/ just like any other board. Global rules 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 14 are enforced. The posting of loli or shota pornography is not permitted.

They can post furry there.

>> No.2476320

Rules for /Trash/
>You can still post normally on /trash/ just like any other board. Global rules 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 14 are enforced. The posting of loli or shota pornography is not permitted.

They can post furry there.

>> No.2476328

Well, while we're at it, why don't I state the rules for /ic/

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique
Only constructive criticism will be accepted.
Rude or offensive comments will result in a ban.
Discussion of drawing tablets belongs in /g/.

seems like the Janitors have some cleaning to do.

>> No.2476335
File: 215 KB, 377x428, duck is confused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember someone saying something along the lines of "We can say whatever we want" when that is clearly not the case. I'm all for constructive criticism, no buts about it. All I ask is that it's just that. Constructive and not "LOOMIS".

>> No.2476336

Dont be that anon who complains and whines. Make sure to report people that dont follow the rules.

As far as Loli is concerned, I think there are some states in the US that can land you some jail time. Apparently in these states, where loli and shota is illegal, you can get hit with child pornography charges.

So in a way global rule 3 is sort of justified

>> No.2476354

State laws on this matter don't really matter. Fucking loli onaholes are made and shipped around in america itself.

>> No.2476376

Some canadian was forced to enroll in therapy for getting a loli onahole. I think it was on the news.

>> No.2476389


My face when

>> No.2476437
File: 552 KB, 1024x769, Dickbutt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2476454

what is even going on

>> No.2476467

kinda confusing yee

>> No.2476485


It was suppose to be an under the dick shot of a girl getting fucked up the ass.

>> No.2476495


Man perhaps needs more specific muscle anatomy since it's a close up.

The guy's supporting his entire body on his quads and is probably using them to go up and down.
They wouldn't look like the woman's who's lying on her back.

>> No.2476523

Heavily stiff and heavily out of perspective too.

>> No.2476534

Try asking the Splatoon General on /vg/, they know their stuff. Give some very good feedback to their artists too.

>> No.2476547
File: 216 KB, 876x845, Screen Shot 2016-04-07 at 3.21.14 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying guys.

>> No.2476554

Great composition.

>> No.2476577

trying to get banned or just getting your post deleted?


>> No.2476578
File: 487 KB, 3200x2300, Honker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nother lineart commission

>> No.2476579

don't troll them. they obviously don't know what they're doing.

>> No.2476582

I'm not trolling. It's not perfect, but there's a great composition in there. I think shaving a little canvas off the bottom would do the trick.

>> No.2476648
File: 1.01 MB, 2622x1117, redline-cumshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your lines are getting better and better. Maybe I can give you just some pointers about anatomy and style.
Style wise you could make her face look a bit more appealing. Try to show the nostrils even if the head is bent forward and the tip and bridge of the nose might cover them. A perky upward nose symbolizes youth and cuteness. Unless your character has prominent features you don't want to lose, then that's the way you want to go.
Another thing you want to address here is her mouth. I'm not sure what kind of expression were you going for (I guess a happy content face), but maybe try to either stylize or push the expression a bit more. In your case you are somewhere in the middle, where you want to be subtle, but you're not managing to achieve that. Remember not to underestimate your audience. A lot of the times stylization means YOU WANT TO DO LESS TO SHOW MORE. Leave some stuff to the imagination by not drawing everything. Let the audience fill the gaps with their own representations. That's what will make the image more appealing to them. They will create their favorite features in their minds.

Next, the overall anatomy.
You have some holes in your knowledge here. Some structural shapes are wrong. Bent tendons and muscle masses that should be straight and firm, bones that connect to nothing instead of muscles and vice versa, fat tissue you put way too much detail into which results in making it unappealing instead of soft and healthy, and so on. Expecially work on your hand anatomy.
I'm not going to point out every single thing in words, so check out the redline instead.

Lineart. You should incorporate more line economy in your strokes. The same way as I explained it for the mouth, you can go way more subtle on certain areas and leave the gap filling to the audience. This way you can make rounded soft object pop out much more (cleavage section!).

Other than that I can only say to keep doing what you are doing. You are definitely on the right track.

>> No.2476698

calling this abortion a good composition is bullshit.

>> No.2476719


>> No.2476723

Not my problem if you can't see its potential.

>> No.2476787
File: 556 KB, 1024x769, 1460003053480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some fixed ur pick

>> No.2476867

oooh, now you started using buzzwords like potential, eh?
literally any composition, as shitty as it can get, can have some potential.
you are literally talking 1st class bullshit.
this thing can't be called good composition, because it breaks flow in so many spots and in so many ways, that it almost hurts to look at it.
do you even fucking know what a good composition is?

>> No.2476870

Buzzword is more of a buzzword than potential.

A few minor tweaks can fix it right up, mainly the angle of the arm and the negative space at the bottom. Side note, you okay? Sounds like you're having a bad time.

>> No.2477031

i'm totally fine. I love to uncover idiots that don't understand art. keep going, sir hackintosh of scrubville.

>> No.2477044

I'm sorry lord of artistry, I didn't recognize you right away because you're posting on an anonymous imageboard and you forgot to attach an example of your superior understanding of art.

>> No.2477047

are you that good at drawing? can you post a drawing of yours for making our critic?

>> No.2477051

That guy is being an uppity faggot about it but I have to agree with him. The composition is probably the worst part of the picture. He's got *okay* anatomy but I am almost certain he used a reference

>> No.2477053

no reply mate

>> No.2477059

>but I am almost certain he used a reference
You say that like it's a bad thing.

I'll admit the composition isn't done yet, but like I said, I see some great potential in there. It has a nice atmosphere of subjection and security, and I think a few minor tweaks to the composition can easily maximize that atmosphere.

You're allowed to disagree, I'm just having fun watching this angry teen make himself look bad at this point.

>> No.2477060

sorry for being an uppity faggot, you are right about that, but I really don't stand idiots that speak about art when they don't have a clue what they're talking about.
his understanding of anatomy and perspecitve is really bad. he almost certainly used a ref, and he used it badly. look at how bad that foreshortened arm is. also the composition is really bad. it makes the entire scene look claustrophobic and the points of interest keep breaking the flow. this guy doesn't have a clue what composition is and so doesn't that tardo who just asked me to post my art. fucking keks haha.

>> No.2477063

>angry teen make himself look bad
not just a tardo that has no clue about art
also a major in assuming

please indulge me a bit more and do a redline of the composition, so I can see the awesomeness you are talking about.
if you do it, I can guarantee you that I'll do the same and prove you fucking wrong.

c'mon scrubby, let's do this.

>> No.2477065

It's not a bad thing to use a reference at all, but the lack of confidence in his lines (IE chicken scratch) kind of makes it less impressive. I wish he would have done more than "sketch" out his shit before posting it here but that's just me.

>> No.2477070

That's a different issue, and I never claimed the piece was good.

>it makes the entire scene look claustrophobic
That's exactly the part I like about it.

>c'mon scrubby, let's do this.
Maybe later if I feel like it, I'm at work right now. I have nothing to prove, you're the one tooting your own horn here.

>> No.2477077

Good thing is none of those things, senpai

>> No.2477079

well we'll agree to disagree. I wish he'd post his reference

>> No.2477088

whats wrong in using a reference??

>> No.2477096

nothing, but with lewd art, it shouldn't be super obvious that you used a reference if that makes sense.

>> No.2477108

Not sure I get that logic. If you're really good, wouldn't it always look like you used a reference?

>> No.2477120
File: 265 KB, 900x675, surf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

easy rendering, fun to do.

>> No.2477153


>> No.2477173

>That's exactly the part I like about it.
No matter how much you like this, that's not the point and what he said about the points of interest being placed too chaotically without a previous plan and thus breaking the flow of the picture, is completely true. This composition is nowhere near being a good one.

Well, if that's the case, then you simply don't know how to draw adult bodies.

Nothing, if you know how to do it. This person does not.

In this case it is not super obvious. It's just very poorly done.

>> No.2477176

>Maybe later if I feel like it
why am I not surprised you'd be unable to comply kek.

stop trying to sound smart if you don't have enough brain matter to back up your bullshit.

>> No.2477188

Yeah, 'cause I'm gonna let my actions be dictated by the judgement of some angry anon on 4chan, who has zero impact on my life.

Your level of buttfluster over something so trivial is frankly amazing.

>> No.2477251

I called you an obvious troll last thread and I call you a troll again. You lay out these aggressive ass insults that you call critiques but you weren't even critiquing the picture just the fact that someone liked the picture in a way you didn't and now you're telling them why they need to do a redline to prove why they like what they like about the picture? That's not how redlines work and throughout all of this you still keep saying you're so much more advanced an knowledgeable like anybody's going to just take your word for it. I'm not even gonna give you the benefit of doubt that you might just be stupid, you're blatantly trolling.

>> No.2477256

hm, well that's something to think about


>> No.2477426
File: 313 KB, 614x956, mi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna try doing daily pin-ups
I think the legs are pretty good if simple but the upper body lacks construction and appealing shapes
the apron is probably my favorite part. the japanese are always good at doing flowing clothes with nice shapes that responds to the body
the hair was a crap shoot but it could be worse
ultimately I think the silhouette and positioning is what separates the good from the bad so it's going to be interesting pushing stuff in that direction
suggestions are always appreciated

>> No.2477494

Kyle are you around? What is your e-mail? How can I get in touch with you for commissions?

>> No.2477502

So Kawaii desu~

>> No.2477586
File: 319 KB, 900x1200, FxNativegravityblushWIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lookin' for crits before I do any rendering. Thanks!

>> No.2477815

you just proved you are a scrub. case closed. stop being butthurt over it by not replying anymore scrubson.
great composition with potential. hahahaha. what a fucking joke.

>> No.2477818

it's not a matter of liking a pic or not. I am talking about art technique. composition isn't something you can just dismiss as being a matter of opinion or taste. please stop being fucking butthurt about me not being a fucking spoonfeeding hugging teddy bear and go study drawing instead of posting here, you frustrated excuse for an artist.
if you're so easily triggered by critique and the way people express it (even if it's fucking true!), either stop posting here, or deal with the fact that you're never gonna make it.

>> No.2477820

Bottom girl has a tiny torso and a huge head, not sure how you missed that.

>> No.2477822

All this fucking posturing. Post a drawing, I dare you.

>> No.2477832

Just report the guy for Rule 6.
He needs a 30 day ban to cool his head.

>> No.2477851

I'm pretty well known and I don't want to have 4chan idiots trying to ruin my reputation.

>> No.2477855

You didn't even critique the drawing. YOU DIDN'T EVEN CRITIQUE THE DRAWING. All you fucking did was come at some guy for saying he could see potential in the drawing like this whole board isn't about helping people get better not expecting them to already be amazing. Then you told them to somehow prove that they saw potential with a redline like wtf??? Now you're just calling people butthurt for pointing out that none of this makes sense? Troll is fucking troll.

>> No.2477867

No you're not. You're just some asswipe venting random frustration, and you don't want people to be able to trace your shitty behaviour back to you.

There's plenty of work you could show that wouldn't out you. You could redline the shitty anatomy in the drawing or whatever. But you won't, because you're all bark.

>> No.2477868

I don't think he's venting or worried about anyone recognizing him. I don't think he draws at all and is purely here to troll. Nobody could be this obstinately stupid for real. To say grass is red and everyone says wtf no it's green and then just respond with lol ur just butthurt cuz u too much of a pleb to see it's red. There's no way there's any legitimacy to any of that.

>> No.2477921

You know, I'm really glad people are seeing this guy out on his bullshit, 9/10 of people with a fucking brain and common sense would not act how this asshole is, being "right" or wrong doesn't matter. You don't have to be an ass to be right. Not being an ass does NOT make you a hugboxing "spoonfeeding hugging teddy bear", fucking trust me I've BEEN in that situation to know what TRUE hugboxing is and no one above giving >>2476437 their critique is hugboxing.
No matter who it is that's not fucking Kyle/ BBC-Chan or whoever's level of skill, this anon goes on a spurging spree spouting "you suck anon, go away and "study"" without giving them full advice on how to "git gud", thinking talking without proof means fucking anything. You don't just get a job being a doctor by going "I know what I'm talking about", you need a damn certificate to PROVE yourself, so a damn redline, drawing of your skill, anything to back up your words would make you less of a spurging asshat, even still your attitude at addressing "critique" is unnecessarily aggressive, I'm really honestly convinced he never had good parenting cause no one with good parents would teach their child to act like a autistic spurg when you try to "give advice".

>> No.2477925

He's only pretending to be retarded, anon. He knows full well what he's saying isn't real critique and doesn't make sense and he's purposefully being obtuse and aggressive to get people to waste time arguing with him. I agree he must have shit upbringing to have parents who let their spawn just aspie out all day on the internet instead of getting a job or doing anything meaningful with their life but that's as far as it goes as an excuse for these shitposts.

>> No.2477930

I'm not talking about that, YOU FUCKING MORON. I'm talking about the times "you called me out" (fucking kek) for being a big bad meanie boohoo.
here I critiqued an idiot who doesn't know what a good composition is. and in the process I critiqued the drawing. yeah I did, multiple times.

>this thing can't be called good composition, because it breaks flow in so many spots and in so many ways, that it almost hurts to look at it.

and here
>his understanding of anatomy and perspecitve is really bad. he almost certainly used a ref, and he used it badly. look at how bad that foreshortened arm is. also the composition is really bad. it makes the entire scene look claustrophobic and the points of interest keep breaking the flow. this guy doesn't have a clue what composition is

quit being a butthurt little bitch. i live off my art. you could literally just lick my fucking shoes, you fucking scrub. i know who you are. i've seen your art. you are a beginner tier dipshit without an ounce of talent.

keep assuming and baiting faggot.
not gonna fall for your desperate attempts at feeling better about yourself kek.

again. get back to your drawings and stop posting. you really don't have a word here, scrub. get good and then come back if you want to be taken seriously.

you need the help of other anons to feel better kiddo? are you going to post that composition breakdown or not? I'm still waiting.

>> No.2477935

>keep assuming and baiting faggot.
You're projecting pretty hard there.

>are you going to post that composition breakdown or not? I'm still waiting.
That's not me. By the looks of it, there's like 4 different people calling you out on your bullshit at this point.

>> No.2477936

kek loser.

>> No.2477949

Lets do some real critiques shall we...

the right side of her face seems to be drooping slightly in comparison to the rest if you mean to make it stylized thats fine but rather than moving the actual pieces if the face downwards you should change the shape itself example. if you draw a straight line from the inside of both of her eyes you can see missmatched height that usually wont happen unless a very large amount of strain is put on the face from a crazy expression so try to draw horizontal lines across from the original eye that you have drawn then using that as a guideline set 3-4 marks around the eye where the eye anchors to the face then change the form in order to make it seem more natural

same as above for the nose mouth and ears
in most cases symettry creates beauty so measure before doing final linework. your line density isnt the best but once again that could eb stylization i dont know however do try to keep the outer edges larger than the inner lines that add details even if you sylize the thickness of the lines whilst doing this it will help

when people are telling you to work on anatomy you dont need to grab a book and memorize every muscle (although it may help) but rather keep in mind that you should pay attention to key features that should seem more distinguished on the face and body by looking at this piece i can tell immediately you did not draw a base stick figure or skeleton before drawing the skin on top of it. almost every artist has had to practice with this method at some point even in anime and especially in westernized artwork. that may help with both proportions and symmetry
you are reaching a point right past the guy i just commented on you most likely had either a skeleton made or a gesture image set down that you composed into a piece. the problem now though is you dont have quite all the muscle knowledge you need in order to create realistic form on the figure. your arms cont.

>> No.2477952

calling me out on what bullshit exactly? on me saying that composition is shit?
cmon dude. you are so eager to prove me wrong, but up until now you really haven't managed to come up with any arguments that would disprove my theory about that composition or the fact that you are just a bunch of scrubs who don't have a clue about art and drawing.

don't be jelly anon
it's going to be okay

>> No.2477955

cont. your arms are almost symbol drawings of what an arm should be same as the connection points where each limb meets on the body thats the reason why it most likely seems like its too smooth to the eye to be a body. theres a lot of softness represented in the drawing but no hard points that solidify the figure.

the next problem is your proportions are slightly off this is just something you have to practice a bit more im sorry i cant give you more advice.

the face seems a bit scrunched horizontally. this is because the perspective of the skull is not the same perpective of facial features.

the lighting is confused in the piece you seem to have it coming from above right but the shadows dont fall realistically which is helping the confused look you get from the piece. you also dont really have a focal point in the drawing.

>> No.2477960

>calling me out on what bullshit exactly?
On behaving like a teenager.

>you are so eager to prove me wrong
What? Not at all, I've been dismissive of your baiting this whole time. I don't care what you think, you seem to be pretty obsessed with what I think.

>> No.2477986

>On behaving like a teenager.
wow, you really have to have a degree in science to figure out I'm being toxic and not giving a fuck about how you guys feel about it.
I know I'm right. that's all that matters here.

>What? Not at all,
if you agree or don't care about my opinion on that composition, then just stop fucking posting. are you retarded or something?

>> No.2477987

I'll answer this to you this once.
No. I don't need help to prove your an asshole. I've already saw all your sprewing bullshit for the pass weeks from the beginning of this thread and the last >>2467646
There's just so much condescending from your own words, it just kills any and every "critique" you try and pass off. I'm rather surprised you did comment me, you make it seem what I said is true and it struck a nerve, despite how your mannerism is anyways. My point is, I know you're an ass about giving advice, and when people call you out on it you call them hugboxers. No. They aren't bloody hugboxing. If they was, you'd get more of "So good, nice work!", "Can I get your blog?", "Let's be friends, your art is so kawaii desu~!" I've seen people do this, and it's sad. But no, you get >>2477949
among others doing the same, but you go "YOU FUCKING MORON" when your called out giving "advice" while sounding like a God:
>quit being a butthurt little bitch. i live off my art. you could literally just lick my fucking shoes, you fucking scrub. i know who you are. i've seen your art. you are a beginner tier dipshit without an ounce of talent.
Listen to yourself. If you really want to be taken seriously, don't do what you're doing. If you want people to follow your "advice", don't do what you're doing. If you don't want people to call you out for being a overhanded condescending asshole, DON'T. DO. WHAT. YOU. ARE. DOING.
If you can realize this, than I'm sure you'll never have to deal with "idiots." That's all I have to say.

>> No.2477993

Well, at least you admit you're being pathetic. Any reason behind it?

>> No.2478008

I know I'm an asshole. I don't even try to hide it lol.
but this doesn't change the fact that all I say is true. the only problem here is with you. you are too butthurt because an asshole is better at drawing than you and you can't take the fact that an asshole tells you what you are doing wrong lol.
that's the only problem here. and it's not my problem at all.

keep being a butthurt little bitch and replying to me as much as possible kek

>> No.2478009

I don't see this as being pathetic
i just don't give a fuck about you guys and I like to shit on idiots who think porn can be drawn by beginner tier scrubs. that's all there is to it.

>> No.2478013

>you are too butthurt because an asshole is better at drawing than you
Provide any way shape or form of proof.

>i just don't give a fuck about you guys
This edgelord. You're shitting up the thread with your teenage angst, redline the drawing, prove you can do anything besides bitch.

>> No.2478069

Im sure you got really fucked with critics/academic results and you come here to show your anger to rookies who just want to learn.
The main difference is you cant really improve too much and your style doesnt have success, you are too salty about it and this is your only way to try to grow your ego, bashing others art.

Better start doing something better off your life anon. Making art wont take you out of your parents basement. At least not for you.

>> No.2478136

if there is anything remotely good that we could say it resembles art in these threads I don't bash it. I give actual tips how to improve stuff that person needs to improve.
when I see scrubs that can't even hold a pencil correctly yet trying to draw porn, which is one of the hardest things to do if you want it to look god, then yeah, I just try to scare the shit out of them. not because I want to be an asshole at all costs. just because they don't deserve better. they're either too stupid to realize what they're doing or either to young (and thus stupid) to realize that art isn't a fucking joke.

>> No.2478138

i don't have to prove nothing to you, scrublord.
my critique of your shitty art is spot on, and this is all the proof you need to realize you are wasting both of our time.

>> No.2478141
File: 21 KB, 480x304, 1458367961281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you guys really arguing because someone's fee-fee's got hurt over a critique?

>> No.2478223

Say I need a redline but its for furshit, em I better of drawing generic undefined animu grill instead (ie change the head :^) to get a better chance of somebody who knows their shit redlining me?

>> No.2478287

Nobody's feelings were hurt and that wasn't a critique. This board is for honest critique and people who talk out of their ass always get called out. Saying shit like "I'm way better than you, u jelly, no I'm not gonna show my art just know I'm better" is never going to be taken seriously. Arguing with someone for complimenting a drawing you don't like isn't a critique it's just you being a jealous troll. Everyone should be ignoring and reporting this dumbass.

>> No.2478294

I didn't take the time to read what all the fuss was all about but it seemed to me someone got butthurt over a comment and this is usually what starts a shitstorm around here so it basically boils down to stop liking what I don't like or muh feels.

Point in case you making a big deal about it and going as far as saying everyone should report goes to show how fragile you faggots are so either develop a thick skin now or go suck your thumb at your nearest safe space.

>> No.2478299

saying that a composition isn't good after someone falsely said it is, is something totally cool imo. it doesn't matter if the one saying it is an asshole or not.

>> No.2478301

>Missing what the argument was about
>bad use of the safe space meme

>> No.2478333

He's the one who made a big deal out of someone saying they liked something out of the picture. There were like 4 other replies to it with criticism did he really need to start a huge argument with that one guy? If he really cared sooo much about letting the artist know what he should do better he'd reply to the drawing. Instead he jumped on a guy for saying he liked the idea while it could be executed better, and loaded it up with buzzwords like butthurt and scrub and pleb, not even aimed at the artwork but at some guy's fucking opinion of the artwork. If anyone was acting butthurt it's him. We're only pointing out how stop liking what I don't like isn't critique and insisting he's so good but refusing to prove it is bullshit. Fragility has nothing to do with it. He didn't say anything of substance he just took shots in the dark hoping to hit someone. He's trolling for replies and keeps shitting up threads disrupting the chance for real discussions.

>> No.2478749
File: 106 KB, 529x780, 1st-try.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, returning to the thread, its my first time using color on PS, I started 4 hours ago watching some tutorials and making my own tests with the brushes.
Am I in the right way? Yes, a pussy, it was the first thing I was thinking about.

>> No.2478787
File: 65 KB, 575x383, Women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good lord...

>> No.2478799
File: 34 KB, 278x547, 1458916320590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2478811
File: 9 KB, 377x428, 1431319623381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fucking horrifying.

>> No.2478824

I'd hit her.

>> No.2478828

I'd hit her too, with a bat.

>> No.2478880
File: 30 KB, 720x438, 1456860518944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2478894

You really need to work on your faces and stop making your women look like they have herpes

>> No.2478942
File: 259 KB, 832x900, img2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2478956

>an asshole is better at drawing than you

No him, prove it.

>> No.2479006
File: 175 KB, 1024x714, b10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boobies are looking a little low

>> No.2479258

why would I? even if I posted my best work, which would still be better than anything any of you ever dreamed of conceiving, you jellyfags would find something to bash or would straight lie that you could do better or that it's nothing impressive. and secondly, since my work is pretty recognizable, you'd probably start some kind of war against me, for acting like an asshole. there's no way I could win this one. why the fuck would I bother doing that? do you try to prove ants that you can squash them, even though you know you can? kek.

>> No.2479275
File: 2.66 MB, 1679x2560, rexxington3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I can post this without getting banned

>> No.2479282

I don't think the guy's enjoying it.

>> No.2479292


>> No.2479301

Thanks for letting us know we can disregard all the shit you spew.

>> No.2479375

yeah, bravo, tardo, let the butthurt keep you from listening to my advice and getting better. I guess you really are as smart as your art shows.

>> No.2479377

So full of shit it's coming out your ears.
Thankfully I don't and never will need any of that word-diarrhea you call advice.

>> No.2479396

I'm sure you'll do juuuuust fine. just keep repeating this to yourself enough times and you're magically gonna make it, scrubby.

>> No.2479447

Gabe, is that you? Really good volume, but the woman needs a fingernail on that thumb.

>> No.2479466

I don't mean to be like that, but if you're saying
>you jellyfags would find something to bash or would straight lie that you could do better or that it's nothing impressive
>since my work is pretty recognizable
The only people that have been known in these threads by their art have been BBC; Kyle, or Malaysia(Mikufag), the only ones to get "bashed on" was BBC and Mikufag, and only one of them had "good quality" which was BBC considering things. So unless your making this statement up or I'm just mistaken myself, if you are him, or any of who I mention, please stop, that's not how you go about solving your problems. No matter what, no matter if people think less of your or superior as an artist, taking anyone deep to heart like that will only make things worse for yourself. Being an asshole because of others opinion isn't the right way to do things. You just have to move on and do your own thing and learn from your past.

>> No.2479582
File: 135 KB, 563x577, YKtsP2A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi there, could somebody please help me out to make this more dynamic and imposing? Its pretty much just a thumbnail, but i want to get the overall thing to be stronger. Dont need to be super defined, just do rough layout.

Also what to do with the hands? Any pose ideas?

Any help will be mostly appreciated.

>> No.2479591


Is your ego really that huge that you need to dig up an old fight.
You're both pathetic tbqh.

>> No.2479602 [DELETED] 
File: 368 KB, 1400x1200, TOYS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2479605

guys, look, an idiot.

>> No.2479613 [DELETED] 
File: 363 KB, 1400x1200, TOYS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2479804
File: 1.12 MB, 1943x1858, 146023100772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think? What's your opinion? Any criticism to do?

>> No.2479823

>porn thread
Show trap dick or go to the drawthread.

Anyway, the figure on the left looks incredibly unbalanced and the toes of the shoes look unnecessarily bulbous. I like it otherwise.

>> No.2480152

glorious goblin master race

>> No.2480159

I'm neither bbc, not kyle, nor that scrub mukufag. I didn't say I got bashed, I said I would get bashed no matter how good the art I'd post would have been. I'm not well known here in the porn thread. I'm well known around the web in general.

>> No.2480161

check your proportions. legs on the right figure are waaay too long (the lower legs). you want to have the lenght of the legs (hips to heel) be the same as the lenght of the rest of the body (hips to top of head). figure on the left is falling over. flip your canvas to notice more easily these kind of things.
study hands and perspective too. your hands construction and sense of depth are both pretty shitty.

>> No.2480194

Well, ok than. Imo, at least you were being honest with us. That's at least something. How ever your way of communications can be to some here, I can at least appreciate honesty.

>> No.2480204

Kyle are you here? What is your email for commissions?

>> No.2480235

Anyone know Kyle's blog?

>> No.2480269

Kyle? Anybody seen Kyle?

>> No.2480292

the assburger is back

>> No.2480318

Kyle is kill

>> No.2480521
File: 965 KB, 1200x1011, 43893269_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is OP?

It's especially funny for me since I know OP, which makes this conversation more funny regardless of if he's posting or not.
It's even more funny because I'd just seen two other artists get into a fight prior to seeing this.

>> No.2480644

both the OP and the pic you quoted are shit. not sure what are you trying to prove exactly here.

>> No.2480653



post your work.

>> No.2480718
File: 2.09 MB, 1900x2602, SapphireHentai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried drawing a creampie scene.

>> No.2480725
File: 795 KB, 1296x1186, 1433787732657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2480756

Wow, you even decided to siggy it lol.

>> No.2480844
File: 480 KB, 630x900, nowe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2480867

left girls hands are suspect, maybe too small. left's skirt looks too stiff for how thin the fabric is. Lefts right foot is tilted outwards, should be inwards.Rights pose is stiff, add more bend to the back. The arm behind the butt is confusing.

>> No.2480907

This is where that guy in this thread should really come in for.

>The head is really out of proportion, you need to go back on head structure and even better eye balling in you're using references for guidance. If you're winging it from memory, you should just stop until you've improved by knowing proper head structure. Also, her ear is just too low and is just off.
>The shoulders are really off, whether or not you tried to make her raise one arm up (which still wouldn't make any sense regardless with this angle), there's no collarbone structure or proper anatomy with the upper body at all.
>Her breast are oblong and terribly misformed.
>I'd advise learning proper knowledge on female vaginal placement and structure.
TL;DR You really need to go back to the basics. Yes, it's been said around here a lot, but this time it REALLY is needed for you to handle drawing porn or even basics drawing skills in the first place.

>> No.2480958

How do you get more popular? I have a niche following but would like to expand

Pander to drama? I've seen a lot of tracer pics this week

>> No.2480997

Yeah thats just a bad habit I have lol

>> No.2481020

Thanks for the critique. I'll be sure to start from scratch again and draw everything out more proportionally fit

>> No.2481033

Anybody please?

>> No.2481096

Damn, dat perspective use. you got a blog?

>> No.2481097

I don't even know what I'm looking at as yet.
Come back with something that isn't construction lines and then maybe.

>> No.2481149

for setting up lighting in a baisic scene for reference will zbrush or blender be better to learn ?

can u even light stuff up in zbrush and make rooms ?

>> No.2481382

Die already.

>> No.2481728

>post your work.
kill yourself

>> No.2481734

you don't need to start from scratch and draw another porn pic.
you need to start from scratch by actually learning how to draw. as the other anon said, your basic skills are too bad for you to be able to draw anything appealing.
learn your damn fundamentals and leave complicated drawings (porn is complicated, yeah, waaaay too complicated for you) alone for now.

>> No.2481737

>Die already.
>bumps thread
a genious

>> No.2481808

>Not knowing what saging is

>> No.2481811

>not knowing that a new thread will be created eventually

>> No.2481816

>not understanding the point of putting a thread in autosage is to get to the new one faster
>misspelling genius twice

>> No.2481863

>have sketchbook full of erotic drawings
>sister comes to visit
>comes into my office, make smalltalk
>she fucking starts flipping through the one sketchbook in a pile that has pornographic shit in it

>> No.2481870

I bet among all the porn drawings there were 70% traps.

>> No.2481960
File: 287 KB, 2048x1556, 9eff1da1-91ff-4740-a192-47b05bf11285-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some drawing I did a while back

>> No.2482063

Slightly confused on what you mean

>> No.2482163

>wanting the old thread to die as quick as possible for no apparent reason

>> No.2482165

I guess you are a troll after all. no one can be this stupid.

>> No.2482178

How does me not knowing a picture have any connection to being a troll?

>> No.2482211

what do you think a picture of two girls laughing at you o your art could possibly mean?
the art you posted fucking sucks.
stop fucking trolling and get a life.

>> No.2483389

How in the fuck do I draw hymen blood using a mouse and Photoshop? Please help and understand.

>> No.2483982

why so many traps?

>> No.2483996

Faggot didn't link new thread.
