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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 222 KB, 469x331, simonthompson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2446813 No.2446813 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /ic/, i wanted to make this thread for a long time. I wrote a wall of text, choosing carefully my words, posted it, but 4chan "thinks it's spam", so i have to rewrite all this shit. fuck whoever designed this retarded system.

So I a an european Art student, and i can't help but noticing how /ic/ and my school have different approaches to Illustration.

/ic/ seems to think technical skill and realism is the only thing one should focus on. In my school (which has a pretty solid reputation), one could say there's a kind of "signature style" that emerged, where nobody really cares about mimicking reality. pic related is a good example (that's a screenprint, btw).

So, i wanted to know what /ic/ thinks of our styles, and why do we never see anything close to it on this board.
Is it because we are hipsters? is it because Americans think about selling their art before anything else and thus tries to copy rather than invent? is it because this place is a circlejerk that doesn't want to discover anything different? I'm really curious to hear your opinion on this.

I will post links to former/current illustration students from this school, with some pics so you may see what i'm talking about.

website of the guy in this pic: http://www.simon-john-thompson.com

>> No.2446815
File: 102 KB, 482x680, tumblr_nuoya8ZuOA1rqq3tfo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2446821

The reason you generally won't see stuff like that on /ic/ is because it's deviantart-tier shit and most people here want to be better than that.

>> No.2446822
File: 436 KB, 760x569, IMG_1361corrigéeweb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't post a fucking link without 4chan telling me it's spam. I SHITPOSTED FOR FOUR HOURS WITHOUT GETTING THIS MESSAGE ONCE and now that i try to get a constructive discussion going, i can't post even after filing the fucking captcha…

look up "adele verlinden" on google for this one.

>> No.2446825

>that pic
Low brow meets vaporwave? Meh.
>Is it because we are hipsters?
>is it because Americans think about selling their art before anything else and thus tries to copy rather than invent?
Yes, no one wants to be a starving artist. Get your Masters and get paid.
>is it because this place is a circlejerk that doesn't want to discover anything different?
To some extent, yes, but main the reason you don't see art like what you posted is largely due to the fact that it looks god awful.

>> No.2446826
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>> No.2446827
File: 297 KB, 500x710, tumblr_nydi0qplJt1r835m0o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2446828
File: 73 KB, 736x1030, 0acc505f9655bbe80cb13b9d095a1fa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


interesting answers so far. i don't think this qualifies as deviantart-tier, or only to the untrained eye.
i don't say i like every of the examples i post, but i don't like how close-minded /ic/ seems to be sometimes.

>> No.2446830
File: 532 KB, 1280x906, e3cbd1ad2d1f9950c7051ab74b035cca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2446834
File: 195 KB, 1227x639, tumblr_nvv6jrBh9Z1qg6nr1o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i feel like there's a real cultural gap here

>> No.2446837

>train your eye to appreciate visual turds
No thanks.

>> No.2446840

Considering how you can't see how bad these are I'd say the bigger circlejerk is your school.

>> No.2446843
File: 172 KB, 936x600, 52_03v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2446847
File: 94 KB, 800x368, vallotton_clair_lune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ok, so if you hate these, can you tell me about artists you like, who aren't purely interested in drawing as realistically as possible? would you call this Vallotton painting a turd? could you find, like, one expressionist or abstract painter that you like?

>> No.2446848
File: 339 KB, 806x588, tumblr_nmk82j3slD1sp36lzo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tom lebaron-khérif (didn't found a website for this one)

i think i start to understand the "picasso was a fraud" meme that's going around here… could you actually imagine drawing something that wouldn't impress a normie? (furries don't count)

>> No.2446851
File: 2.29 MB, 2496x3245, saywhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm American and I personally think it's cool that everyone in France wants to be Moebius. I suck at the surreal shit that you're talking about, but I think a lot of it is really inspiring. I think it's cool to mix the realism and whatever that style is.

>> No.2446854

This is why I want to study art in Europe. I feel like everyone on /ic/ wants to be Craig Mullins, and a lot of the work ends up looking the same.

>> No.2446858

That's the first work you posted here that I like. I frequent contemporary art exhibition, my favourite pieces are abstract art. These painting feel cheap and amateurish. I like art with a good idea, something thought out. I feel like none of these have that quality.

>> No.2446860

i feel this isn't really "surreal", more like a different approach to what pictures are and how they can convey ideas... different esthetic choices, pretty much. Moebius had a huge influence and while there's definitely people that try to copy him (i did that too myself), his realistic approach (to proportions, perspective, etc) isn't always seen as the ultimate goal by many.

glad to see i'm not the only one here

oh, and not all the examples i've shown are from people in the illustration section.

>> No.2446861
File: 622 KB, 1024x618, fl21ch-lyonel-feininger_bird-cloud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>would you call this Vallotton painting a turd?
No, but I would say I don't like it.
Either Lyonel Feininger or Tivadar Csontváry Kosztka.
Piet Mondrian.

>> No.2446862

Juan Gimenez

Now i'm probably the worst "artist" on this board, but i believe that "style" comes after you master the fundamentals, otherwise it's just a mistake.

I don't mind half of the pics you've posted though.

>> No.2446863

Posting on here about non-concept art or non-anime is like posting on /pol/ in support of Bernie Sanders or posting dadcore in /fa/

>> No.2446865

You can make interesting art if you know composition.

>> No.2446883


Most artists don't pursue realism as you claim, they study it vigorously to get a beter understanding of visual elements.
From which they can create their individual style.

The reason why many artists don't step away from the norm(Craig Mullins, ect.) is because it works, it's what most people respond positively to.
But I wouldn't say they all look the same as many people can easily distinguish paintings/drawings made by different artists of the sort.

When I see drawings like the OP, it makes me think the artist has will to persue a proper art related career and is try to hit it big by chance.

There is a reason why you don't see these kind of drawings on billboards and main stream media.(inb4 cherry picking exceptions)

>> No.2446885
File: 3.90 MB, 6000x3185, does this suck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm tumblr core and have no real technical skill

>> No.2446912

you're right. maybe the realism as a goal on /ic/ is due to people trying to focus on their technical skills because they're still in that learning phase (like myself)
or maybe it's a matter of audience. I wouldn't call any of these people "mainstream", it's true that they don't try to appeal to the biggest number of people possible. I guess one could see this as a form of elitism.

>> No.2446915

My opinion: Your style is fucking worthless, because anyone can imitate it and take your jobs.

If you are replaceable, how the fuck are you going to make a career out of illustrating?

>> No.2446928

well, we have a lot of children book illustrators… i know it will probably make some chuckle here, and it's not my cup of tea either, but it's worth taking the time to think about what we want to show to kids. Most children books are shit tho. but an ugly painting never dismissed painting as a form of expression.

maybe that's a key point: we're not trying to make careers, most of us aren't thinking in terms of employers, and enjoy their time in school to experiment. Oh, and a key factor here: that's a public school. No crushing debt like it seems to be the norm elsewhere.

like take this guy: he makes video games, music and films in weird 3D while being in illustration. his style is exactly what /ic/ would laugh about. but the guy actually can draw "classical" stuff, that would be accepted by most people here. he just doesn't seems to feel like it.


>> No.2446969

I don't make art for anyone specifically. I make what I want to make.

An artist has no moral obligations when it comes to making their art. They do not have to answer to anyone but themselves. They do not need to heed to any sort of rules unless they so choose. I do not wish to follow anyones rules unless I want to in that moment. I don't even have a clear goal in mind when making art. It is more about the journey while making it and what I learn along the way, and what unexpected paths I find while in the middle of making and thinking.

When you are after getting that illustration job however, there is very little room to do as you wish. you are obligated to the client's rules and goals.

OP, people here generally have a very limited view on art. The truth is though that that limit on what art "should" be is completely up to you, the artist. Never forget that.

>> No.2446970


>maybe that's a key point: we're not trying to make careers, most of us aren't thinking in terms of employers, and enjoy their time in school to experiment.

What do you think school is for? Hint: it's not to ''enjoy their time''

Thats a very toxic attitude my friend.

And what exactly are you trying to show with that guy?

>> No.2446974

>enjoying yourself
>very toxic attitude
i guess we don't share the same view of school because we don't share the same view of life…

and i'm trying to show a guy that can actually draw, should be perfectly content with just drawing, but seems to be able to see something more beyond it in art.

>> No.2446976
File: 218 KB, 600x568, 1458084341109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of these look like doodles of bored highschoolers. Why would you go to school to learn how to draw like unskilled teenagers? It all looks fucking unappealing.

>> No.2446979

>Most of these look like doodles of bored highschoolers
I could say that same thing about the reaction image you used.

Art has no petty obligations such as the ones you are imposing.

>> No.2446985


You go to school to learn a skill that you can use to get further in life twat.
It may be a public school but people still pay for it.

I never said you can't enjoy yourself, but if all you do in school is circle jerking and convincing eachother that you can make it by finding your ''style'' you wont be contributing much to the world or yourself.

I don't see any examples of his drawing, post a gallery or image instead of videos please.

>seems to be able to see something more beyond it in art.

Or just has bad taste

>> No.2446999
File: 142 KB, 858x429, sfar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>convincing eachother that you can make it by finding your ''style''
so you contribute more to the world if you try to stay in the most travelled paths?
>I don't see any examples of his drawing
that's kind of the point, i told you he doesn't give a fuck about his drawings. it seems a pretty hard concept for you…

i find boring most of the shit i see here as reference. Sure, it's always a display of technical mastery that i am pretty far of, but none of this stuff wants to say anything more than "look at me, i'm very good at drawing"
Does schools in america have lessons about narration? or are you just expected to be good at using drawing as a tool, and leave that to someone else? take anouk ricard for example (look her up on google), she draws like shit according to your standards, but her drawings work perfectly with the stories she tells. she makes comics, make people laugh. would you say she's a bad artist just for not trying hard to add unnecessary details?

pic not related at all but maybe it can be a compromise- joann sfar work. always going from the realistic to the minimalistic, depending on which feeling he needs to convey

>> No.2447001
File: 525 KB, 1164x1600, rabcat55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is maybe a better example for joann's work

>> No.2447004
File: 22 KB, 480x360, 1452706799525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2447005
File: 163 KB, 464x601, Gibson_Girl_by_Charles_Dana_Gibson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just hide the thread. You can't make these people see reason. Maybe when they get out of school without any skill to make a living with, they will understand.

My single post before I hide this shit thread:
Art exists to make people happy, not to stroke your own ego about how unique and special you are. You continue with this and you will end up flipping burgers because you are not creating any value for anyone with your art. Nobody will pay you to masturbate yourself.

>> No.2447010

That style is just the person being too lazy to learn how to do realism. If you truly think realism isn't creative and that it's just copying photos then you're a yard. The masters didn't just copy, they invented, they had their own styles, they worked tirelessly to create their art. This seems to be forgotten in this day and age where people are too lazy to learn about any art and what it takes to create something worth looking at for hours and not just something to glance at. That style in the op pic is fine for animation but it'll never compare to quality fine art.

>> No.2447011
File: 180 KB, 500x483, Sattoufint2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you even read my posts? pic related is one of the best selling authors in europe at the moment. he draws like shit and makes masterpieces. is he creating enough "value" for you?
>not to stroke your own ego about how unique and special you are
or not to stroke you own ego about showing how skilled and talented you are? this works both ways.

by the way i'm don't even have a style that's close to the pictures i show you. i'm way more classical. but i can appreciate, or even envy, someone who does stuff in a different way than mine.

>> No.2447014

That pic is more about the story than the art style, as long as the drawings go with the story then it'll be fine no matter how bad the drawings look.

>> No.2447080

ITT: People who know the definition of art

please share while youre at it, thanks.

>> No.2447099

Personally I've deeply disliked almost every art movement that disregarded the need for an artist to study conventional aspects of construction, anatomy, composition, values, etc. such as abstract expressionism or dada. In my eyes it devalues art and takes away a lot of the craft that I love in it. I like things that take a lot of technical skill to achieve. I think there is plenty to explore and discover in this aspect of art and there is plenty of innovation to be had, it is narrow minded to think otherwise.

I don't care that people want to approach art the way your school does, I just don't like it and have no interest in doing it. I know that I think that the technical side of art is better because that's my preference, which should not invalidate yours. You can accuse /ic/ of being a circlejerk, and it is true, but all art communities tend to favor one approach to art over another, for instance your school. So I can't view it as a criticism as it is the norm, even for the approach you're defending.

>> No.2447100


>so you contribute more to the world if you try to stay in the most travelled paths?

More than by not traveling the road at all, yes.

Also thats why there is a path, because it leads somewhere.

I asked for his drawings because I wanted to see if he actually had the skill you mentioned.

Also i'm from europe, since you seem quite focused on america in this discussion.

>> No.2447104

I had a kid in one of my printmaking classes who was exactly like you. He claimed his art was"outsider art" and that it was "groundbreaking, innovative" because he refused to acquire any technical skills and believed any scrap of criticism was an attack on the development of his unique personal style. He would actually berate the realism kids in the class, calling them unoriginal and uninspired because of their technical skills.

But who the fuck cares? Just draw what you want, realism or whatever. In the end, art boils down to what the artist wants to do and there's no godforsaken reason to try to derail another artist just because you don't agree with them.

>> No.2447105

You're wasting your time - /ic/ dismisses anything that isn't concept/fantasy/sci-fi digital painting.

I thought this was obvious to every pne already.

>> No.2447107

Every community is exclusionary in one way or another. If a community doesn't suit your interests, find one that does.

>> No.2447219
File: 154 KB, 500x359, 140311100030815545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is very true. I don't actually feel like someone is right and the other is wrong, i mostly want to get criticism.

i only saw the guy draw like this once, he did it naturally without really thinking about it, and was quite surprised because all i ever see him do is far from anything classical. he's not god-tier, but he's pretty decent. also you know the path leads there because someone gently marked it up for you to follow. sorry about the america/europe thing, since 4ch is dominated by muricans, i felt like the gap i see could be explained by cultural differences.

once again, i don't do "outsider art" myself, though i enjoy it a lot (i'm thinking about daniel johnston). i often feel things that i I'm just a guy struggling to develop something unique while trying to apply perspective and correct anatomy most of the time (wouldn't say i'm good at it though) i agree with your last sentence

pic: antoine marchalot (you guys should check the names and links to get a better idea sometimes, i just take whatever come up on google images)

>> No.2447275

I think it's a lost cause man. /ic/ is for angry millenial Americans who have no real creativity. They're concerned about drawing and painting as a craft, or drawing porn.

While I agree that some of the Tumblrs posted here have some really shitty drawings with no technical skill or interesting content whatsoever, I still think that this board is only for a couple of kinds of art, and they will shit on anything that they don't find personally appealing. This thread is the perfect example... the only one of its kind, and all the loomis faggots come in and complain.

>> No.2447300

All art is a trend of the times.
Europe is more liberal and focused on values of inclusion and egalitarianism. America is more conservative and focused on tradition.

The art reflects the country... and I hate your country.

>> No.2447332

>Art exists to make people happy
Are people really this narrow minded?

>> No.2447341

to express

>> No.2447382

Okay, that's actually pretty funny to me.

>> No.2447395

the spam thing is because you're using some forbidden words. Hello rato is an example on /v/

>> No.2447440

It's true tho.

>> No.2447444

So if I smile, I'm making art?

>> No.2447448

I don't see much of a difference between Europe and the USA here, both have the same kind of schools and the same two different approaches. Same for the rest of the world.

/ic/ caring more about the looks is probably normal.

Although I bet even if most here would never ever want to create something similar to the images, we will probably still accept resources about these topics to get better at whatever we care about.

>> No.2447457
File: 86 KB, 611x960, 10868081_10154876149100307_4057149572040384077_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"It's bad on purpose which means it's actually a deconstruction of art and therefore good".

The thing with these try-hard millennial hipsters is that they all think they're all inventing the wheel with their self imposed naive style but it all looks exactly the same. The idea that you're rebelling against the notion that art is supposed to be a beautiful picture isn't shocking or revolutionary. At least not during the last 50 years.

>> No.2447474

you can't escape your the most basic human level my "open" minded friend

>> No.2447476

at someone, and in order to share something, yes

>> No.2447485

>hurr duurr "i'm european"
fuck off you cunt, i'm european too, and so are a shit ton of other artists. it's not an american thing to value skill.
i slaved for hours to achieve a trained eye just so i can say that the art you posted is tumblr/dA/toddler shit.
schools with people like this are like those that go to gender studies in college. you may work at mcdonald's after you're finished, you will not grow as a person and you'll become a frustrated little shit when the time comes to face real life, i know tons of people like this, art schools just pump them out. people who are 40 years old, still have no skill, believe they're artists coz they finished art school, had some exhibitions, don't do shit in life and it still hasn't dawned on them to try and get some skill in their life. art schools are littered with this mentality and i can't fucking wait till it gets so old it dies out, cause that's exactly what will happen as people like us, with a combination of skill and creativity normalize digital art.
i was recently at an exhibition of an art school friend of mine, he fucking presented blank canvases with a few lines on them. it was painful to watch, it's horrible when you have
colleagues that believe that the shit they pump out is real art that will get them some place eventually. of course, he works at a construction site for a real job, even tho he's the most "successful" one out of his art college. lmao

>> No.2447487

way to devalue a craft.

>> No.2447490

It's not though, art just hase to be compelling, most people turn to art to feel things that they don't necessarily want to feel in real life,
like dagner, drama, societal taboos. Happiness is in there, but it's in no way the king of the hill.

>> No.2447650

soz, but its the beauty of the expression that makes the art more appealing!

>> No.2447668

yes, I disagree as well. art expresses anything, be it happiness, sadness, confusion, anger, whatever. its the process of outwardly expressing with another human that categorizes it as "art"

>> No.2447697

>kentaro Muira
Nigga you don't know anything.

>> No.2447735

I never called it shit. Don't jump to conclusions.

Just pointing out that there is more in common then different with >>2446976 and something like >>2446999 >>2446826 >>2446813 >>2446827

They all are stylized. What is different about them is the intent of the artist and their visual goals.

The rest is subjective.

>> No.2447739

Chill, faggot. Most people can tell when they're just faking it. May I suggest you shift your attitude towards that of pity, as it is more appropriate.

>> No.2447742

Because style isn't objective, but principals are.

>> No.2448256
File: 139 KB, 1024x942, 1457043483477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh okay. thanks for the insight.

i don't think most of these people think they are making something shocking or revolutionary, even if that's what it seems to you.

what about all these "i'm pro but i never made money out of it" posts that you find on /ic/ so often? being technically skilled doesn't seems to be a guarantee to be able to make money out of it. so why not enjoy it and do your own shit instead of getting in this mentality of "my drawing has to smell of sweat and blood in order to be good"

like, take pic related. This image cracks me up every time. i saved it once, then deleted my reaction pics, and was super happy to see it again so i could save it again. This image has something inside it, something that is very effective when it comes to communicate human emotions, that i never find in the pics on /ic/. How many of you have read "understanding comics"? scott mcccloud explains this better than i could do it myself.

>> No.2448264

hm yeah, i read my post again and see that i'm more talking about the effectiveness of image/text combo here, where /ic/ is more focused on the image alone. still recommend that book.

i still think that if an image should have a purpose, this purpose should not systematically be to impress the viewer by the display of technical skills. not saying it's not worth to get these tho.

>> No.2448290
File: 958 KB, 1676x2560, 06-07 Yragael (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a difference between all the /ic/ crowd drawing Loomis shit, dreaming Mullins and the art school crowd drawing minimal shit pretending to be Sfar, Larcenet, Trondheim, (or another boring association guy) etc ? I know somemone who have gone to Poitiers and Angoulême and these ones are pretty much most of the people there (taking perfomance apart). Line drawings and minimal are to comics what realistic is to illustrations in France. It sells relatively well. (that or the retarded shit-tier tumblr fantasy that is soleil now). So, If "my drawing has to smell of sweat and blood in order to be good" is what someone like, why not do it ? why not try and do spectacular things that you enjoy ? pic very related ( desu I mostly posted for the image. Druillet told Moebius to fuck off when he was adviced not to do weird planche composition, fucked up perspectives or faces. He did his style, his narratives, etc. no classical bulshit. but he still sweated on 5meters wide drawings.)

>> No.2448303

Europe is not one country.

>> No.2448341

Putain si c'est ça le genre de daube que tu apprends en école d'art en France j'suis bien content de jamais y être allé

>> No.2448348

Realism is what you study so that you learn the necessary skills to be able to do what OP's artist tried to but failed.

If your school doesn't acknowledge this it's a school that doesn't teach anything useful to artists and its no wonder the people who study and graduate there can't draw.

>> No.2448350

>op pic is fine for animation
No it's not.

It's a drawing by someone trying to hide their lack of skill under a cartoony style but it's painfully obvious he doesn't even have the necessary skill to draw cartoons well.

If you tried to animate that shit it would be a disaster.

>> No.2448361
File: 67 KB, 316x316, Main_characters_of_The_Problem_Solverz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP's pic literally reminds me of this show, and surprise, surprise, it looked like dog shit and was promptly cancelled and swept under the rug.

I get that stylized art is more appealing to some people over technical art. Personally, I adore the work of Takashi Murakami, and though his work maybe be heavily stylized, there is still some semblance of skill present in his work; there is a rhyme and reason, and dare I even say, skill, to his work, as it heavily leans more towards graphic. All of the artists that OP posted lack skill, and as many people have pointed out, are simply hiding this fact by claiming that it's "their style".

>> No.2448393

Stylized art can be extremely technical. There's a difference between art that is stylized and art that is just plain crappily done without care in the world for the fundamentals.

>> No.2448443

Here is my explanation for the obsession with fundamentals:
Take away all the bullshit, art is about beauty.

This goes for all forms of art from imagery to literary to culinary. Even things which are frightening or disgusting can be beautiful in the hands of an artist.

But where does beauty originate? Where does it come from? Considering we humans live in reality and are the products of the natural world, our sense of beauty comes from these things. Therefore, studying what we find beautiful about the world around us and each other is the source of one's power as an artist.


>> No.2448444

If your art has little aesthetic value, why does it even exist?
To tell the world how cool and smart and free-thinking you are? Nobody cares.
To make a political statement? Welcome to the club, everyone has an opinion.
To express your feelings? We're all too preoccupied with our own.

Now, you can do those things if you want, but you must make them into something worth looking at. A lot of noobs think /ic/ doesn't like stylized or abstract artwork. That's not true, what /ic/ doesn't like is when artists use style and abstraction as a shortcut to doing the above using only the minimal amount of knowledge to make something barely or not at all palatable. When you've reached the point where you think you have nothing else to learn, that's when you know you've become a cancerous artist. After all, how can someone even begin to think that within their lifetime they could hold their art up to the world and say "got it".


>> No.2448489

>But where does beauty originate? Where does it come from?
Believe it or not, it comes from the fundamentals.

>Considering we humans live in reality and are the products of the natural world, our sense of beauty comes from these things.
That's why you learn the fundamentals by studying the natural world.

>> No.2448490

Thank you for repeating me.

>> No.2448498

That's actually really great. What you were posting is shit. Leave wherever you are, you aren't learning. The only that's happening is that you're being trained to do badly and pretend otherwise.

>> No.2448503

This has nothing of note to say. If you are so lacking in originality that you must taking a tired message and wrap it in more and more layers of irony until it's meaningless you aren't an artist, You manufacturer pretension not art. You're failing to create so you hope that appearing as a creator is enough.

>> No.2448561
File: 407 KB, 1280x906, sneaky-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm actually a big druillet fan, and i feel he's more in the side of the "stylized" guys than moebius. it's not a division between hard-working and lazy people, it's more between realism and stylization.

il y a des écoles d'art qui sont tournées vers les fondamentaux. si tu veux finir en pleurs pendant qu'un prof déchire ton dessin en hurlant, c'est le bon plan! moi je suis aux arts déco. aux beaux arts il y a à la fois des réalistes et des trucs beaucoup plus expérimentaux.

wow, this is repulsive indeed. maybe the rest of the show was shit, not just the art?

i agree with that
aesthetic value has nothing to do with realism. and stylization isn't more about politics, making a point or sharing your feelings than realism. (by the way, i think aesthetic, politics or expressing yourself are all great reasons to do art)

i agree with the "shortcut" part. i feel like i can only tell a piece of art is "bad" when i see what the artist tried to do, and he failed to do it. that also happens with heavily stylized works.

look up the artists, not just what i post. and read my comments before telling me i'm not learning or whatever. how many times do i have to repeat that my personal drawings are way more /ic/ looking than what i'm posting?

pic is simon hanselmann (not european, not lazy)

>> No.2448598

I was saying you generally. I really don't give a shit about you, it's just sad seeing people be exploited.

More so seeing people have what creativity or originality they may have had be sapped out to follow idiot fashion.

>> No.2448601

I was saying you generally. I don't care about you or your work.

I just think it's sad seeing so many people have what creativity or originality they may have had stripped out of them in order to follow idiot fashion.

That aplies just as much to Craig Mullins wannabes and samey french illustrators mind you.

>> No.2448605
File: 101 KB, 800x566, 85089686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i read your comment again and see that you actually agree with me on Druillet/ Moebius.
I personally spend hours and hours working on my drawings, and that's exactly why i am so envious of people who can express a lot with little.

Larcenet (pic related), Sfar >>2446999
>>2447001 aren't minimalistic at all… even trondheim is able to draw pretty much anything, it's just that it's often useless for his stories.

i actually agree with you guys: fundamentals should come before stylization. But sticking to them is boring as fuck...

>> No.2448614
File: 1.07 MB, 2144x2816, IMG_20160315_210011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do u guys think ? Is it good lineart ?

>> No.2448627

simon hanselmann is great. i heard that he is killing of werewolf jones though? pretty heavy.

>> No.2448657


>> No.2448678

yeah, he did an episode that's set in the future (2017 maybe?) where werewolf jones dies. you can find it on his tumblr. i actually gifted him a drawing of werewolf jones dying, and he posted it on his tumblr. that was over one year ago, but my erection is still there. won't post the link, i find it way too rushed and ugly now.

>> No.2451968
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and I don't agree with most people ITT.
Is OP still around?

>> No.2452065
File: 410 KB, 879x1242, tumblr_nsmfsxpaOT1rnmm9no1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP but someone lurking might like this guy.


>> No.2452393

>wanted to make this thread for a long time
>choosing carefully my words
Hasn't explained what the significant denominators for the school's "signature style" are

>different approaches to Illustration
Unclear what you're actually studying

>/ic/ seems to think technical skill and realism is the only thing one should focus on
Implying /ic/ knows how to achieve "realism"

>In my school nobody really cares about mimicking reality
>mimicking reality
Is this the terminology your school uses? Does you school have any well-known staff or alumni in the art world?

>Is it because we are hipsters?
No, "it" is because you're not doing a BFA in a school with a proper painting department. If you are, I'd advice your entire college to rid your vocabulary of this idiotic term. If you're paying attention, "hipster art" is a much more narrow slice of contemporary art than you'd think.

>is it because Americans
No. American artists are as diverse as European. Do some fucking research. Does you college even encourage you to keep a research book/folder?

>is it because this place is a circlejerk that doesn't want to discover anything different?
That, with a mix of any good argument about the merits of your so-called style.

>I will post links to former/current illustration students from this school
Respond to this, OP, and I will do the same. You'll find that my school will have plenty of alumni who've created art that none of /ic/ would consider worth its cost of materials and time spent, but doesn't look anything like what you've posted ITT.

Let's have a proper conversation. I just started lurking this board. You're asking the wrong questions, senpai.

>> No.2452403
File: 1.65 MB, 1020x1311, tumblr_myqwn6S6FD1rhjbado1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i couldn't find it, hes got too much stuff to browse through. post it dude
these are nice, kind of like a philip guston and david shrigley crossover. and theres so many they probably are easy to make and sell too.
looking at these kind of make me feel stupid for spending so much time on one piece

i think mark beyer has a similar aesthetic to some of the work in this thread

>> No.2454879

Look at this shit. Someone is going to college and this is the best they can do? it looks like somebody spent a couple high school math classes drawing this in ballpoint pen. What are you supposed to get out of this? Immigration police are bad? Is that seriously all they could come up with?

>> No.2454884

This show was made by paperrad, an art collective in Rhode Island. If it was less ugly and put on adult swim instead of mid day cartoon network it might have been a success with the LSD addled brains it collects

>> No.2454887

maybe you could get a shitty one season adult swim show and fade into obscurity

>> No.2454890

every goddamn time one of these threads comes up i wonder if i really need to study as hard as i am to make art if a shitty highschool doodle is more "visually interesting" to some of you than a well thought out painting

>> No.2455288


I'm >>2452393 and let me tell you something worth contemplation, and not so much your immediate affectionate reaction.

First of all, be more open to the possibility that people doing BFAs are less alike than you might think. Not everyone attends university for the same reasons, nor with the same results. In fact, formally educated artists are as different from one another, as any other group of people. Some are brilliant, some are awful, some are average - and the education has nothing to do with the fact. Some schools got less focus on formalistic disciplines, some got elements of the old school, some focus everything on conceptual discourse and political art. They have usually a selection of very diverse staff, and which staff members students form their closest bonds to, depends entirely on what the students express an interest in doing. Booking tutorials with the right tutors is elementary. Most schools, I would think, got the facilities needed to work in most conventional mediums, and they all got libraries and computer rooms for doing research. BFA courses offer compulsory art history and art theory lectures, and each student must produce a written dissertation on a discursive topic of their own choosing, during their three or four years. These are the foundations for art schools.

Now, what's important to understand is that how each student spend their time is their own responsibility. If you do the work, you will pass. There's no guarantee that your work won't be crap at the time you graduate, and there's thousands of graduates being spewed out of the art schools of the world each year - so judging formal education as an institution based on a few works of dubious quality you saw on fourchan doesn't exactly rank as an educated guess.

As an artist, I don't expect to be swept away any more often than 5% of the time I spend in galleries, but that's certainly no reason for getting upset at art education as a whole. Get smarter, senpai.

>> No.2456579
File: 62 KB, 317x300, Capture d’écran 2016-03-25 à 07.59.21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. just wanted to make sure that the thread 404'd. it didn't.

wow, you sure woke up wanting to be angry at something that day. let me answer a few questions: "mimicking" isn't the term we use, mostly because, as you would know if you had been paying attention to the thread, we don't speak english in my french school. yes, my school is well known, and there's a shitload of its alumnis in the art world. our school isn't trying to teach us we're special snowflakes that should disregard proportions. we have perspective, nude drawing, etc. lessons. the esthetic tendencies i'm talking about are the result of influence amongst the students, not from the teachers. however, we have access to fluo screenprinting inks, which are not that common except in our school.

i'm interested in seeing the art you're talking about. by the way, don't imagine my school as a place where everybody is drawing and defending "muh style". we have medical illustrators, glass, metal, wood workers, jewelry, painting, design, etc.

this guy isn't planning on making a living out of it as far as i know. some people are in art school, draw, make music, but don't want to make it their job. and it could be worse, i mean, there are people doing only performance art!
i have no idea what a BFA is, but it looks like what we have: DNSEP, it's the equivalent of a master. beside this, i agree with everything you've written.

wonderful minimalistic animation (pic related): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tIpRFqO72k