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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 3.37 MB, 1550x3625, 1450953404591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2442730 No.2442730 [Reply] [Original]

Because we should not have to make new threads or post in draw threads with our fundamental exercises.
Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up, make your mom proud.

AVOID asking unrelated questions, There is a question thread for that.

Visit the usual "Art book Thread" to find your desired books.

Do not forget to PLEASE RESIZE and crop your images before uploading them. 1kpx is fine.
Before asking "what should I read/view/study/learn," Read the f*cking sticky, it's there for a reason: >>1579290
There's a new sticky in town! You can see it at https://www.reddit.com/comments/46sb9k/

>Thread study: Try to draw/paint the opening or any other following images.
Feel free to post your original works as well if you're trash.

TRY TO BE MORE ACTIVE AND GIVE PEOPLE SOME FEEDBACK - many studies are left unreplied, which is a bit sad and can be quite demotivating for the people that try their best to improve, but are left directionless.

Old Thread >>2436770

>> No.2442731
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>> No.2442732
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>> No.2442733
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>> No.2442734
File: 63 KB, 960x729, 577024_422879741082167_2081804360_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2442738

just bought all Loomis books, as a noob, what is the order to them?

>> No.2442742


>> No.2442753
File: 264 KB, 1632x916, WP_20160314_22_33_33_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2442804

theres nothing to say, its close but its not accurate. the values are barely off ( more contrast easier to read inbetween) and the bottom lip is a bit too thick but seriously your shoddy photography skills are what actually bother everyone. Complete a full face if you want actual help.

>> No.2442820

How do you guys simplify the facial features?
I usually sketch some gestures and head position, but when trying to simplify nose, eyes and lips, I get the fucking Nirvana album cover.

I can't get away, unless spending too much time on it.

>> No.2442825
File: 136 KB, 1141x347, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I git gud at drawing heads? Right now, I can't even get the foundation right similar to pic related, give or take some detail.

I really want some exercises to grind out, so I can organize my efforts and analyze my progress. I see a lot of resources like Loomis are very good at giving you all the measurements and proportions of a realistic head, but don't really give you any exercises to practice. They just give you information and let you do what you will with it. (or maybe im retarded and not realizing what to do)

I always learn best when I can have "drills", but I don't know if that applies to art. Like for example, when I learned to swim as a kid, they'd give me drills to do X amount of laps with a certain stroke and so on.

I usually find myself wondering what to try and do and what will be effective? I'm not great at learning without a teacher.

I've been drawing what I see without construction for a while when copying things, and I'm struggling really hard when I try to make basic shapes first. The shapes end up being the wrong size or in the wrong place and so on. I want to draw from imagination as well but I don't know what steps to take. My ultimate goal is drawing comics.

>> No.2442827


There is this video from NMA for free. It is 3 hours of some explanation, then some demonstrations and extra. I found this approach way more easier and 'relaxed' than the one from Loomis.

>> No.2442831


Hey thanks man. I obviously didn't watch it yet, but I skimmed it and it looks pretty good. I'm gonna give it a shot.

>> No.2442839
File: 104 KB, 712x950, IMG_2035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone wanna help me out?

This is so bad it's embarassing, no matter what I do lips always come out a little off. I understand that you need to see lips as full forms and 3D but for some reason something's not sticking with me.

>> No.2442850

Tried this?


It is a very short lesson (this video and its next), but I think it can help.

>> No.2442882


>> No.2442883
File: 66 KB, 375x384, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really felt this guy even though I fucked up almost everything. Haven't drawn in a while but hopefully I can stick to my routine this time.

>> No.2442955
File: 116 KB, 896x672, jdd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no ref and used a pen, I'm okay with it.

>> No.2442999
File: 743 KB, 1000x1000, mannekiinloomis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Studying loomis.

>> No.2443007

i see some improvement here in the beginner thread

>> No.2443039
File: 1.02 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20160315_225915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one on the left is my most recent attempt, and the one on the right is from two days ago.

I tried making my lines more defined and attempted to add depth, as well as using a grid to properly measure everything. Have I improved?

>> No.2443055
File: 78 KB, 440x660, specccc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok coloring isn't for me yet.
I stick with just drawing for now, hows this one?

>> No.2443057

Your retarded lines make everything look flat as fuck.

>> No.2443062


>> No.2443067

Yes, clothing and hair is the worst for me.
Thats why I tried a more elaborate hairstyle, I still don't understand how that stuff works tho.

>> No.2443072
File: 18 KB, 365x363, Problems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitposters Leave

>> No.2443117
File: 516 KB, 1422x907, Hips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been practicing hips, pretty generic poses, the asses are referenced though. Some of them were supposed to be KS fanart. pls bully.

Any good resources on shoulder/ribcage? I always end up attaching them awkwardly together and to the torso.

>> No.2443347

complete beginner here

my brother gave me an old tablet that's pretty good and medium sized

but should I start with pencil and paper anyway
doing studies seems easier in digital but still I don't know jack shit

>> No.2443359
File: 411 KB, 954x717, turd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much turd polishing should i do as a beginner.

e.g. pic related i've been working on, i've spent about 4-6 hours on it, and it's trash. Should I keep working on it or just move on? I wanna just move on.

>> No.2443364

you need to stop working on this and focus on fundamentals you would gotten better spending those 4 - 6 hours studying fundamentals than working on this

read the sticky and come back with some studies senpai

>> No.2443365

iknewit. Thanks man.

>> No.2443380


Not the guy you're replying to, but how do I know what to practice?

My autist brain needs a strict regime, I don't understand how to use the books etc that the sticky outlines.

>> No.2443395

i like to set a goal for myself like "draw a decent portrait from life" and then I just practice that shit for a while until I get bored and set another goal like "draw legs from imagination" and so on and so on.

>> No.2443400

> strict regime
one way that I do is that I dedicate parts of my sketch pad to drawing specific fundamentals.
example would be I'd spend one page drawing nothing but muscles and anatomy and the next page doing nothing but gestures then the next just being heads

this way you can be strict and flexible in your studies without stressing yourself in specific studies.

>> No.2443464
File: 161 KB, 614x900, 135b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I failed to capture her cuteness.

>> No.2443497


>> No.2443515

Does the "there is the space of an eye between the eyes" rule apply to the 3/4 view? A lot of times the eyes I make in this angle look too close

>> No.2443546
File: 356 KB, 979x1305, business guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did a caricature of a european businessman that contacted me about a .com address he wanted to buy from me. I wasn't interested in selling but I sent him this because he was a good sport about it and asked about what I do. Did I do alright or am I going to wake up with a severed horse head in my lap a couple weeks from now?

>> No.2443571

Is that Bruce Campbell?

>> No.2443583

How do you determine which drawing tool to stick with? I'm learning to draw with ink and I swear I keep switching between felt tip technical pens to brush pens to nibs to flat out brushes. Hard to tell if I'm making any progress with any of them so early on that I don't know what to stick with.

>> No.2443672

your improving ..
fix the skin and hair it looks muddy

>> No.2443676


Looks neat and kinda cartoony but your eyes look jarring compared to the rest of it.

Quality of the scan/photo is also shit.

>> No.2443697
File: 298 KB, 623x831, sloth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the composition is obviously fucked up with that right eye, but where does this masculine feel come from?
Also, any tutorials on hair, I don't even know where to begin

thanks for this

>> No.2443804

Pretty much everything contributes to it. The hairstyle, the jaw shape, the thick neck, the cheekbones, the eyebrow shape. This obviously won't apply to every person, but keep in mind what you can do to make someone more feminine.
Round out her facial structure to soften the features, don't accentuate edges as much when rendering shadows. Make the neck thinner and longer, make the eyebrows thinner and curvy rather than straight or sharp, emphasize the eyelashes more.
You don't want to draw individual hairs like that, especially at an early lay-in stage. Build the overall form and try to detail it in a more painterly style, with shapes and value rather than lines. It doesn't need to be detailed, it just has to look right.

You really shouldn't worry about any of that until you get your construction right, though. Ignore the rendering for now and focus on placing and building the features correctly. Go watch the rest of Proko's facial features tutorials.

>> No.2443816
File: 3 KB, 223x148, histogram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this mean my drawing is shit?

>> No.2443822

Lips too low maybe

Lips are at 1/3rd of a distance between nose and chin (starting from the nose)

I also would draw more lightly and do shading, just doing lines feels like it's inefficient

>> No.2443829

It means that most of the values on your canvas are in the lower middle range.

>> No.2443841
File: 126 KB, 993x1496, Render Practice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From last thread's ref.

Grinding out a lot of practices since I'm getting back into things.

Still a work-in-progress, just gotta polish it up. I'd say I got about 3 hours left on it. How's it look so far?

>> No.2444044
File: 318 KB, 611x723, Screen Shot 2016-03-15 at 9.32.30 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2nd day with this Loomis thing. These heads are pretty fun to draw, but I prefer doing my own to replicating his.

>> No.2444172

How would you draw three spheres side by side, tilted in perspective? Also, eyesockets can help guide you.

>> No.2444262
File: 211 KB, 1080x1350, 1780276_10101129976305888_375678802718812734_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still struggling with symbol drawing a bit... but much better than previous attempts. 1st week.

>> No.2444272

youre exagarating the feature you care about (nose, mouth ears too big)

Also what i like to call show less know more. If you show less of the crease in the upper lip, it shows us you know more.

>> No.2444329
File: 1.44 MB, 3264x2448, FullSizeRender (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing a leyendecker study. Is there any glaring anatomy errors that I can correct before I start rendering?

>> No.2444346

Some of those features look ridiculous. You need to look at some photos of actual humans to fix this. Immediately I notice the serratus, abs and those creases are fucked up.

Those eyebrows are very masculine. Make them lighter and maybe higher. That nose has a few problems: the bottom shouldn't be outlined like that; the nostrils should have a projection at the back instead of being aligned with the face; the planes of it make it too much like a cylinder instead of a nose. Go watch Proko's videos on drawing noses. Fix the philtrum too.

Also you have a pattern here of making features that are higher longer than features that are lower, e.g. that mouth region is very short compared to the nose region. When you make this error you should err on the side of making lower features longer (not just on face, but neck compared to head, legs to torso, etc.); it looks much better, even on women.

>> No.2444356 [DELETED] 

Some faults: the gracile guy's left arm is disproportioned. Also his jacket sides are asymmetrical.

For the robust fellow: either his shoulders are off or his center line is. I'd say make the center line curve left (his left); keep bottom at the same place, and maybe the top too. Might want to change the jacket sides after that.

>> No.2444361


This is a better example of what I'm talking about with the features being too long at the top and short at the bottom.

>> No.2444362


Just because you're a fatty mcfat doesn't mean everyone else is. You can look up the pic in the previous thread. The guy is extremely dry and the guy probably dehydrated hinself before this pic was taken,sure. But this is what body builders do, no fault of the anon drawing it.

>> No.2444392
File: 69 KB, 500x500, mulii figure practice 13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive been grinding anatomy a lot lately. pic related is all pretty solid when i overlay the ref and check. but i noticed i usually have minor mistakes like a leg being too short/long by a half a head length or an arm held over the head will be at a slightly different angle, etc. how fucking accurate do i need to be when copying a ref? drawing accurately to the point that its literally a 'trace' seems unrealistic

>> No.2444393

chicken scratching.

>> No.2444396


i know i am working on it but what about my question?

also i should mention it takes about 10-15 min to do each figure

>> No.2444397

You're not going to go anywhere drawing from reference if all you're doing is eye tracing, nothing you do like this can be applied to imagination because you're building from the outside in. You have to understand the form and gesture (building from the inside out), and it's clear that you don't.

>> No.2444398

Anon is right about the serratus muscles though

>> No.2444403
File: 1.22 MB, 1560x1745, figureimagination4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

siiiiigh. look, im using construction, i use the robo bean to construct the ribcage and hips and i have a good grasp on anatomy in terms of proportions, bone structure insertions and such. i delete all the construction lines because i like how the outline looks so thats why the finished outline looks like.... an outline.

if i must, ill post fully painted figures from ref AND imagination. figure is something i neglect so im going back to basic but it just seems like its a useless standard to obtain.

pic related is from imagination no reference. its not the best i know but it shows i have at least a decent understanding of figure

>> No.2444404
File: 387 KB, 690x870, morefigures1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and something from reference

>> No.2444406

>it shows i have at least a decent understanding of figure
It really doesn't, you polished a turd. If all that's left after your construction is something that flawed, that gives no impression of form, you fucked up.

>> No.2444409

>you polished a turd
>that gives no impression of form

do you even read what you write? form is defined by lines, values, hues, and saturation. 'polishing turds (in the context of painting)' is literally putting so many values and colors into a form thats POORLY CONSTRUCTED thats its still a bad piece despite having a lot of work put into details like rendering

you can't "polish a turd" and "give no impression of form" at the same time.

that pic is clearly a figure, with a clearly defined pose, sure the perspective and anatomy is off (like i said i didnt claim that it was perfect) but a lot of the important proportions are there (elbows line up with navel, hips one head size tall, ribcage 1.5 head sizes, etc)

>> No.2444411
File: 159 KB, 654x900, 138b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you mean the lack of clear & well-defined edges by "muddy" - does today's speedpaint look better? I tried being conscious about leaving enough edges.

>> No.2444413

>you can't "polish a turd" and "give no impression of form" at the same time.
ok kid

>> No.2444414

Sorry, let separate the two statements that you think are contradictory. The turd polish refers to that example of a figure from imagination, and the impression of form is an issue in your drawings. If the lines don't serve to display form, they're completely useless, there's no overlap, there's no sense of space, it's just contours and contours only go so far without weight and overlaps and anything else to provide depth.

>> No.2444416

youre kidding right? even if that rant was bullshit to say the pic "has no form" is completely fucking bullshit. theres far to many hues and values to show something thats clearly intended to be a figure. jesus fuck

anyone want to answer this?
>how fucking accurate do i need to be when copying a ref?

>> No.2444418
File: 280 KB, 1920x1200, Potrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2444419

there's no lines. its a painting that uses values, hues, saturation to define the objects. obviously all that you said applies to my outlines here >>2444392

but to say something like >>2444403
"gives no impression of form" is full retard. polished turd is appropriate sure but "has no form " no, just, no

the stereotypes of this place really are true. super fucking friendly until you hit a certain point then certain anons will use any fucking bullshit indirect moot arguments to try to tear you apart

>> No.2444420

>until you hit a certain point
Do you really think you're worth tearing apart? You aren't Kyle or tehmeh or teal. You're some shitty dunning kruger kid who wants a friendly environment from a place meant to offer harsh, accurate critique.

>> No.2444421

How long does it take drawing heads with Loomis before it starts feeling natural?

>> No.2444422

>>how fucking accurate do i need to be when copying a ref?
What do you want to learn from copying the reference?

>> No.2444425
File: 94 KB, 867x1193, 1457656071145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Resize your fucking images.
Also, work on your lines: these are scratchy, weak and all over the place. You want stronger, darker lines at some points and lighter ones at others, but most of all, you want to erase all the unnecessary clutter (or never draw them to begin with).

>> No.2444431

the wise vilppu once said "we arent copying, we're analyzing" so im looking for measuring proportions, examples of foreshortening, understanding perspective, and simply trying to get faster at drawing (it seems like its better to spend 10 min drawing a figure than it would to take 20 min with the same amount of accuracy right? which brings me to my original question, just how much accuracy is really practical)

i noticed i struggle with figure in the standing position so i need to practice that as well

>shitty dunning kruger
ill admit my faults but that other went straight to resorting to fucking with semantics to make his point (the point of my painting not "giving any impression of fucking form" or whatever he said) instead of actual criticism

>> No.2444436

Proportions, foreshortening and speed seem like things that you could gain from gesture drawing (aside from gesture itself, that's good too) more than anything else. Contour accuracy probably shouldn't be a priority, and you should instead invest accuracy into proportions and foreshortening like you said. It's less about how accurate, more about "Accurate how?" I guess.

>> No.2444441

that sounds reasonable i never thought of using gesture that way. thanks for the straight forward advice that use definitions properly (unlike the advice others here give).

>> No.2444443

I'm actually the same dick who's been yelling at you the whole thread, to bring things in perspective.

>> No.2444475
File: 35 KB, 724x425, 2016-03-16 19.59.27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

40 minutes study
Yes it's unfinished

>> No.2444481
File: 66 KB, 405x550, speccccc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying more hair stuff, also the eyes of the last one seemed kinda flat so I'm working on that too.
I use a rather hard Brush to force myself to avoid chickenscratching, I can't find a decent brush that I can use for all the lines.
My shading is terrible since I haven't learned much about that yet, for now I try to get the lineart right.

>> No.2444492


Guy who drew it here. It's just a value study, and you're right, the serrates are flat, but that's cause its unfinished.

At this point I've gone as far as I'm willing to, so I'll post the finished version when I get home.

>> No.2444493

Don't speedpaint. Take your time. Beginners should never be speedpainting.

>> No.2444499
File: 127 KB, 1004x1496, Render Practice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, just got a connection.

Here it is.

>> No.2444502
File: 200 KB, 896x672, sgs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so I just started this thing where I draw a random form and try to "shape" it. I saw something similar in a youtube vid once. Does this count as fundamentals? I'm gonna continue doing it anyway, cause it really helps me understand how to feel and define the shape in 3d.

>> No.2444510

Thing is, I want to fit in more things in my day than just one value study. I want to get faster at identifying values and forms, and as such, an one-hour limit for these kinds of works is something I think works for me: with enough of this kind of practice, I'm hoping to get better at retaining some forms and detail into the canvas.
Are you really of the opinion that these kinds of exercises won't be of any help?

>> No.2444513
File: 376 KB, 1920x1200, Potrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I colored him

>> No.2444514

Yet you didn't resize the image into a smaller one.
Fuck off.

>> No.2444518

download the vilppu drawing method pdf, this is basically what he teaches

>> No.2444525
File: 114 KB, 712x950, IMG_2038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone please tell me the errors in construction or anything else wrong with this shit.

>> No.2444527

They'll definitely help, but you'll also build bad habitz. Painting takes time, a loooong time. You need to grind out those hours doing full renders to fully assimilate and understand things. A solid render should take you between 10 and 20 hours. And you should take PRIDE in the number of hours you put into your work.

Speedpainting is only effective practice if you're already really good at rendering. It looks impressive to nonartists, but when an amateur tries it, it looks terrible.

The speed drills you should be doing right now should be with figures and gestures. Quick sketches of things around you, people, etc.... not paintings.

The thing people seems to misunderstand about art these days is that this shit takes time, and lots of it. Good paintings take hundreds and hundreds of hours. The only way you'll ever get good at speedpainting and the like is not by doing SP, but by grinding out dozens upon dozens of full paintings, and assimilating the knowledge acquired from that.

This is why people say you should be painting/drawing between 6-12 hours a day if you wanna get good. Because with that kind of schedule you can do a full painting in about 2 days, and still have time to do other stuff.

But yeah man, take your time. This ain't a race, it's a marathon. You're in this for life. Learn to appreciate the slow process.

>> No.2444529

thanks, man. turns out I had it on my laptop already AND i read it last summer, but I wasn't drawing myself, then. The quote from Hokusai at the beginning stuck with me tho and now I want a book on Hokusai, any recommendations on which one? there's alot of them. Might just get the "drawings of Hokusai", where the quote was taken from.

>> No.2444533

Block in the features.
Rather than drawing the eyes, draw the shapes of the eyes using only lines.

Rather than drawing the nose, use a box to help determined the nose.

Rather than drawing the lips, draw a W and and M underneath the line of the lip.

Shape it out, don't worry about features yet.
Features are really easy to do. But if the construction isn't there yet, then your features will always look like a mess.

>> No.2444541
File: 989 KB, 1296x879, fh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still trying to figure this stuff out myself and haven't made many redlines at all - sorry about my fuckups.
Anyway, I think the big problem here is how you're not giving the forehead the importance it needs. Your head shapes are sloped instead of anything defined, and you need to pay more attention into the the shapes & distances between features. Think of the head like a 3D model, and focus on the PLANES of the face for now. The proportions on your heads aren't looking right, and the faces push forward unnaturally.
Female chins should also generally be more round and petite - watch out when giving high definition to their jaws.
This is good advice.
Every feature can be sculpted into planes and shapes. Draw the mass, not the line. There's no line in the real world.

>> No.2444544

I'm aware. I'm currently drawing a minimum of 6 hours every day. I don't think I'm ready for full, finished renders due to lack of knowledge yet, which is why I'm trying to learn to be more precise and more efficient when mixing references and imaginative work.
I disagree with you on the idea that speedpaintings don't help, as I believe that they do teach you to be more critical in what features you need to convey and how, how fast, to get through the idea you want to.
It's a lifelong process to learn, but I feel that you can still strive for efficiency. Polishing something for over +9 hours currently feels wasteful, as I feel that my learning stops at that point and turns into mindless smoothing and reshaping.
Consciousness is key, and speedpainting feels crucial in learning to keep that up for the full duration of painting something.

>> No.2444545

Speedpainting helps, yes.

But it doesn't help beginners, it hinders them actually. And seeing your painting, I'd say you're more than ready to try a full render.

In the end, you're just copying, so it's easier than it looks. And you'll be surprised at how much you can actually do.

Trust me, try it.

Tackle a full render of the image in the OP or last OP, and see how you do. The knowledge you're missing in your current work, you'll only gain and assimilate by trying to do a full render.

Trust me on this man. Don't e en take my word on it, just give it your best shot and see where it goes. You're not as bad as you think you are.

>> No.2444551
File: 632 KB, 1200x1200, female oc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

resized this one

How's this one?

>> No.2444557

Not him.

Reminds me of Disney.

Fix the nose though, her bridge is too wide and flat.

>> No.2444562

A-alright- I'll give a full render a shot today or tomorrow.
Would it be more useful trying to do a full master copy, or one of a picture? I'm worried of wasting time trying to pursue a photorealistic finish. I want to learn, not to just copy.

>> No.2444564

Why is that a bad thing?
If anything a bigger image is better here, you can see all t he dirty lies

>> No.2444565

Photograph. Learn from life. Go as far as you can, just remember general to detail.

>> No.2444572

absolutely love this. thumbnail looks kinda shitty though

>> No.2444652

How do I get away from focusing strictly on the head and figure? I'm grinding my tools but not building anything interesting with them or around them.

>> No.2444685
File: 50 KB, 216x377, 1367964798173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't nail proportions

I know there's an abc for this shit but I can't learn it

>> No.2444687


Draw animals, landscapes, nature, buildings, cars, etc.

>> No.2444689
File: 1.26 MB, 1920x1040, 03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start planning your drawings as overall compositions. Make little thumbnails thinking about the environment, the lighting, and what your figures are doing in that environment.

Also consider doing environment studies, outdoor/indoor etc. without any figures so you can get the hang of composing and rendering spaces.

>> No.2444690
File: 1.02 MB, 1024x576, Hugo-Movie-Stills-Bookstore-7-Reception-1024x576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also when you're watching a movie or a show, try to pay attention to how the composition for the scene is set up. If you see something really eyecatching, pause and make a quick sketch or screenshot it. The characters are there with purpose, a good filmmaker will ensure that the shot (angle, location, lighting, etc) communicates that and that's something you can learn from.

>> No.2444691
File: 6 KB, 867x542, z1134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2444692
File: 1.05 MB, 2000x3044, big_guide_to_drawing_the_body_by_cedarseed-d8xt7u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all about how the size of things relative to other things. is it just a matter of you not understanding what the proportions of the human anatomy are, or are you just having trouble translating it to paper?

>> No.2444703
File: 1018 KB, 1920x1200, Design.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2444706


You will never make it.

>> No.2444707

Thank you.

>> No.2444708

Someone put a red beanie on that faggot asap, that's A+ pedo stache.

>> No.2444717

good lines, keep it up, loomis prefers the same thing

>> No.2444719

you should first focus on fundamentals before you grind anatomy, you need to have a good grasp on basic shapes before you can implement anatomy in your drawings. although I think you meant that you were grinding porportions..

>> No.2444726
File: 467 KB, 1200x816, 3314119-gesture_drawing_by_cwhite02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are these pose things called and how can i learn to do them? i want to be able to draw one of these for whatever pose i see a person in - should i just practice that over and over?

>> No.2444732

Check out Finch's Dynamic Figure Drawing video lecture if you want to mimic something along those lines specifically though, shit's cash, decent advice in there.

>> No.2444736

well that's embarrassing. ty man

>> No.2444738

that is the face of a man who is willing to rape anything. It unnerves me at the thought he gazes upon the horizons and has a chance to see my hometown

>> No.2444756
File: 153 KB, 1000x625, quick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


did a quick sketch

>> No.2444762
File: 1.13 MB, 1920x1200, unt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The eyes are misaligned and crooked. have you tried looking at your work flipped?

>> No.2444764

more crooked and misaligned eyes. They're not even the same shape, look how droopy he left eye is compared to the right.

>> No.2444783

I know that lol. I prefer it that way. It looks real. No face is symmetrical. Idk what it is but crooked drawing/ and real life lol gives character imo.

>> No.2444793
File: 45 KB, 500x651, b8918c6772be82787c00f15bc9e2be0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it's not a "flaw within the variations of the human face" it's a literal structural flaw. The eyeball you drew is physically lower than the other one, meaning that his skull is actually crooked, one orbital socket significantly lower than the other. That makes no goddamn sense unless he was born abnormally deformed.

Faces ARE symmetrical. Structurally. Unless they were born deformed or had some serious traumatic injury. If there is variation in structure, it's slight. Most visual variation comes from expression, muscles etc.

Do not hide behind "lol variety in humans" to try to cover up literal structural fuck ups in your work.

>> No.2444797

>Idk what it is but crooked drawing/ and real life lol gives character imo.

no, yours look like you don't know how to align eyes right.

there's variation, then there's "this looks fucked up." yours is the latter.

>> No.2444836


>> No.2444896

thanks, I appreciate the detailed response

>> No.2444997

Thanks so much!

>> No.2445056
File: 147 KB, 750x750, help please.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I please get some tips on the neck, I'm pretty sure there's something horribly wrong with it
(crit too if you can spare the time it'd be great)

>> No.2445074
File: 5 KB, 188x257, 6j2jYN9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fold on the neck is usualy pretty deep when its twisted like that.
Also, I know the head is tilted back but the ear is a bit low in my opinion.
Beautiful picture by the way, did you used reference?

>> No.2445076

meant for >>2445056

>> No.2445122
File: 84 KB, 600x450, New Canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Beautiful picture by the way, did you used reference?
Thank you if you really think so.
I used a random squirrel ref cause I have no idea how they look hehe.

Here I double-saved the project so I got an old version

I changed the squirrel because I felt like 100% profile was very boring, or at least it didn't work with the BG I made

You can see the old ear placement here (damn insecurity got the best of me, but thanks for the tip!)

>> No.2445137
File: 667 KB, 1422x907, 1458052345878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u really just have no fuckin idea what you're drawing, like look at some of these lines i went over with in paint.

if you'd like to invent, and not just fail at copying, study constructive anatomy

>> No.2445153

Is it better to focus on one thing only? For example if I want to draw landscapes, should I just ignore everything else (anatomy, still lifes, gestures) and just draw landscapes?

>> No.2445207
File: 133 KB, 896x672, hdj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2445229

no, you have to maintain or your skill will decay

>> No.2445253
File: 182 KB, 1080x1845, looomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I have the spark

>> No.2445276

Also is it weird that the only characters I can make are morbidly obese ones

>> No.2445280
File: 124 KB, 1080x1029, loomis likes fat fucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still enjoying myself immensely. Beats photostudying any day

>> No.2445311

>deflecting my mistakes: the post

you disgust me

here's your (You)

>> No.2445335


Try checking out Preston Blair's animation book. Look at stuff like bigger eyes and cranium for cuter and younger characters.

>> No.2445355

hey thanks, that was a pretty easy find.

>> No.2445367
File: 421 KB, 2981x2348, study1 - 16 march 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things I notice: Face needs overhauled, the model's is tilted down, didn't capture that well at all, and the features. Oh man the features.

Made the torso swing out too much, rib cage is too small? The rib cage looks weird to me. Chest region is... something else, model actually has hair, etc.

Shading / tone are difficult for me to grasp. I know what I see, but have a very difficult time bringing the subtleties into my work.

Anything else besides, you know, it's shit?

>> No.2445374

Recommendations for subjects? Everything I see around me is either just a rectangle or some variation on circular.

>> No.2445378
File: 120 KB, 1101x528, IMG_0219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mistakes I found off the bat
but I guess I can try again tomorrow...

>> No.2445379



You asked.

>> No.2445385

the point of the exercise is to get you to realize how it feels to draw what you see, not what you know

>> No.2445392
File: 17 KB, 480x270, sad gambling man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sstilll don't get iiiiiitttttt

I basically looked at the reference and copied by line angle/size

>> No.2445393

If an hour of practice causes moderate shoulder pain the next day, does that mean I'm doing something wrong or is that normal when starting out? If it's the latter, how many years can I expect my body to need in order to get used to it?

>> No.2445396

there's nothing to get. it's just an exercise to differentiate between symbol drawing and actual drawing

>> No.2445399

so is it more of a thing that you have to keep doing or something else

>> No.2445401

There are some misinterpretations from your part
I notice the right leg
You put the thigh in core shadow (it's barely darker), yet you don't put the foreleg's front in shadow, which has visibly a stronger shadow, same with the foot

The overall values of the forelegs are darker, you kept using your shadow mapping as if everything has the same value level

In reality, you need darker shadows for the legs and arms because of occlusion, and the "base color" becomes your old shadow color

Think of chunks before you go into detailing each individual part/zone

The light comes from top left, so obviously the forelegs will be darkest if they are angled against the light source, they cannot have the same luminosity as the thighs/torso

(the toes because not only do they arch forward, capturing more light in their surface, but they also are closer to a floor that reflects light, same goes for the wall, though it's not visible in this picture)

Break down the object in simpler segments that will have an overall consistency to light. In this case, you can divide the torso+thighs; forelegs+feet; and arms+head as 3 groups. Treat these 3 groups as 3 different shadow studies like the one you did, where you change your base color for each of those chunks.

As for the figure, Nice lines and construction, I see you exaggerated in some good parts, however the balance won't allow her to stand still, it's a different balance than the ref, I think a simple fix is to push her left foot to the right, keeping it behind the other leg

I also have a hard time figuring out your planes of the breast and upper abs, you have one abs line that's flipped - since you moved her torso you also need to move the planes, you cannot copy those from the pic as is

your abs shadows are also almost completely missing/wrong, it's like you skipped on that part when you saw you fucked it up

>> No.2445423


Roger that. Thank you for the crit / observations.

On the abs; I couldn't make them out too well in the photo, so I guesstimated. I had the pelvis down sorta and just winged it to connect to the rib cage. When I did plumb lines for the navel and such, i saw I fucked up.

For shading, I use paint tool Sai. In that picture I was lazy and used 2 layers and just multiplied with a darker tone. Should I be aiming at 'painting' in grey scale, or should I focus more on solid construction via line?

Thanks again for your time and critique.

>> No.2445458

You can do what you have done but do it correctly, keep it simple with a maximum of like 4 tones total of grey

If you use 1 tone for any core shadow in a 3d scene, you are not gonna learn shading at all

What my post told you is essentially the difference between newbie/low production animation shading and having an understanding of how light works in a 3d scene

If you have to use one tone of shadow only, don't bother, go crosshatching or do more construction, it's not gonna do anything for ya

Light travels in space, x,y,z - cartoonish shading implies that light has infinite depth or foregoes one coordinate in space.
Your exercise you're attempting to do will show you how a surface will be affected by light, depending on BOTH distance from the source, and angle the light hits the surface (plus reflected light of the close things.. plus every material reflects light in a different manner.. plus light being blocked by another object directly, aka cast shadow)

Since there are several elements at work here, you need to make it more complex to understand it, I'm afraid there's no way around it

>> No.2445464
File: 32 KB, 809x448, always start with the hands, my high school teacher said.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I decided to try drawing again to fill the empty void in my life

dusted off my tablet and by chance did this exercise again for the nostalgia factor before I went to /ic/

lo and behold, what do I see in this thread

have mine, it's much worse

>> No.2445473

If you're doing tone study, start with a middle canvas and work in lighter & darker areas with some kind of blurrable tool. Physical media I'd go charcoal and/or conte. Digitally, try a round brush with 100% opacity difference and 50% radius difference on pressure; to blend, constantly re-sample with the eyedrop tool. Try to avoid sketching lines first and instead look at areas of tone.

>> No.2445475

I know it's not relevant to this exercise specifically, but have some sensibility settings up for your tablet, get used to feeling the tip like the little dirty slut you are

>> No.2445477
File: 567 KB, 1632x916, WP_20160316_21_58_44_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what area of this drawing needs the most improvement?

>> No.2445485

Pose/gesture. Reminds me of Q Hayashida tho.

>> No.2445487

Line weight
Navigating your drawing is painful

>> No.2445492

How do you guys simplify the facial features?
I usually sketch some gestures and head position, but when trying to simplify nose, eyes and lips, I get the fucking Nirvana album cover.

I can't get away, unless spending too much time on it.

>> No.2445495

Think about it this way, the reason they made you draw an upside down drawing is to bar you from thinking in 'drawing hand now' and then 'drawing collar now' to 'drawing glasses'

You get more intimate with the line itself. It's like philosophy. There's the line, but then there is everything the line can represent. Yes I am pulling this out of my ass.

>> No.2445500

for eyes... draw an ovals . Fill it in.
for mouth draw a line. Draw a smaller line parallel to it closely below.
for nose. draw a 90 degree U.

>> No.2445502

ok I'll try thinking it that way
thanks for helping anon

>> No.2445503
File: 252 KB, 750x1000, IMG_3202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

train doodles trying to remember what a skull looks like. inb4 back of the cranium is 2 small, ulna/radius mixup and osamas teeth out of perspective

>> No.2445524

>Think about it this way, the reason they made you draw an upside down drawing is to bar you from thinking in 'drawing hand now' and then 'drawing collar now' to 'drawing glasses'
Not him but when I did the exercise I could clearly and instantly tell what every single thing I was drawing at any moment.

>> No.2445525
File: 80 KB, 368x330, b849cc4f3f3cbfd185a6d84c47da75c6_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol faces are not symmetrical, your body isn't symmetrical. Perfect symmetry doesn't exist in nature. lmao

you know I can easily just copy and pasted the eye after drawing one esp with the front view but I chose not too.

I study design and we learnt all this shit. Perfect symmetry is actually not attractive and might step into the uncanny valley.

Well for a 5 minutes sketch, It's decent no?

>> No.2445526

My sketches are better than my colored things every single time without fail.
Is this normal? What are some common beginner mistakes when it comes to color?

For one, I can say that one of my biggest problems is that I change tone by shifting the value, and never the hue (at least I think I said that correctly.

It's like. I think of color like a child I feel
>trees = brown
>sky = blue
>grass = green
But it's instead a combination of colors, and the colors individually look different when combined, compared to being looked at apart.

What are some exercises to get my brain into thinking of different hues producing visually-similar colors? My brain just stops at this obstacle.

>> No.2445528
File: 72 KB, 500x651, 1457972263517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also his nose is crooked.

Would you correct him? lol

>> No.2445530

Im gonna drawing and study 10hrs per every day at library i'm gonna draw only anatomy and human body until i memorize all body parts
so wish me good luck

>> No.2445535

It isn't you blind dumb piece of shit
His head is only slightly tilted, every feature is tilted like his nose, hence nothing is

You literally just have a shitty drawing eye and are justifying your lack of skill with "IT'S THE NEXT STEP OF REALISM DUH"

>> No.2445536

You're gonna quit and kill yourself within the first week

Nobody can do serious focused studies 10 hours a day

It's better you just settle for 2-3 hours of efficient and focused practice every day, you'll learn better and be overall faster

>> No.2445542
File: 103 KB, 1152x2048, 12381008_10101130273146018_592931659_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'm getting better at eyes at least

>> No.2445545

lol his left side (face) is slightly smaller.
The nose brigde is crooked.
The left nostril is also higher.

And men grew beard because it makes the face more symmetrical and also help those with weak jaw/chin.

The lighting also help it seems symmetrical but it's not. lighting in photographs esp professional one helps enhance features and hide imperfection.

And he's not tilting anything are you BLIND? and I'm no beginner Honey. I mean digital art yes (that's why I am here). I've been drawing traditionally since I was in the womb. lol I'm an art student lol

Can i see your art?

>> No.2445546

"age is just a number, baby"

>> No.2445549
File: 698 KB, 1200x1200, Symmetry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks pretty damn symmetrical to me. You just used a shitty, off-center picture.

>> No.2445557
File: 741 KB, 1936x2534, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figured I should post here since I'm not good at art. I've been reading Loomis Fun with Pencil and I'm struggling with his construction. It's alright when I'm copying him but without a faces all turn out real bad. I've been trying to get away from anime style (pic related, my drawing) I understand what he means by constructing shapes onto the face, but at the same time I just can't grasp everything and draw a decent looking face. Or is Vilppu a better starter?

Should I start from the beginning of the book again? Any advice would be appreciated, thank you!

>> No.2445560

For starters human proportions are wrong.
Your limbs are completely asymmetrical, can't you see one of them is half a hand bigger than the other?

You should first start by studying the GENERAL human proportions, and apply a careful symmetrical construction to a figure
It looks like you're just doing a million of random strokes until it kinda looks right
But that's something you only do when you're good, now you need to measure and take your time

Next I'd suggest you study 3d volumes, your feet and hands are like the egyptian art, so flat it needs to be in profile view or it'd be invisible

You then apply said voumes you learned to rotate, into human features to construct the body

>> No.2445567

First of all, stop using lol and lmao in every goddamn sentence. You sound like a teenage girl, which I actually suspect you are.

>faces are not symmetrical, your body isn't symmetrical. Perfect symmetry doesn't exist in nature.
>I study design and we learnt all this shit. Perfect symmetry is actually not attractive and might step into the uncanny valley.

Bullshit. A slight lack of symmetry in real life does not transfer to art and adds nothing. Breaking up symmetry is usually done through the use of shading and coloring, expression, poses, hair, clothing, composition or by simply not drawing something directly from the front. No one purposely draws lopsided faces, unless they're drawing a character sheet of someone with a physical defect, or they're painting a 1:1 portray of someone directly from the front, which is exceedingly rare.
What the other guy is criticizing is spot on. The guy's face is severely lopsided as a result of your lack of skill, and not because of some conscious decision to draw it like that. It's an extremely common mistake among beginners.
The lopsidedness doesn't even match the 3/4 view. In the right picture, his right eye is too high. In the 3/4 view, his left eye is too high.

Stop making excuses.

>> No.2445590

>the spark
why is this a icy meme now

>> No.2445594

Thanks for the advice! Yeah I can see that my proportions are very off (I'm actually really bad at the human figure because it's quite pieced together) I'll spend more time studying the human body! Do you have any books/videos as recommendations?

>> No.2445596

>Well for a 5 minutes sketch, It's decent no?
Not really man.

Why are you dodging criticism and fishing for compliments? The guy isn't saying everything must be perfectly symmetrical, he's saying your shit is crooked enough to look like a structural flaw in your drawing.

>> No.2445597
File: 236 KB, 750x1000, 5376479873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how'd i do ?

>> No.2445601

Not very good count famula. You studying any construction and head/figure structure boy? Lines are also pretty bad for a second pass.

>> No.2445602

>Can i see your art?
Holy shit that is literally what every critique-dodger runs to whenever they're confronted. Why are you here if you don't want feedback? If you came here for critique that means you want a fresh pair of eyes to let you know what's wrong because being as close to the work as you are, it's hard to see on your own. But when someone points it out, you hide behind excuses and try to deflect in order to... what, nurse your ego or something? Just listen to feedback and you might actually improve.
>Well for a 5 minutes sketch, It's decent no?
hahahahahaahahaa oh my god. you came to /ic/ hoping people will just pat you on the dick.

>> No.2445606

inb4 he dismisses what you say because you didnt post your work.

to get ahead of that: this is an anonymous image board, people don't have to prove shit. go to DA or something.

>> No.2445608

>hahahahahaahahaa oh my god. you came to /ic/ hoping people will just pat you on the dick.

Not only this, but he came to the beginner thread which is honestly a lot more salty and criticism focused than the drawthreads, etc.

>> No.2445627

I'm not going to respond the comments above.

But do you know what symmetry is? One side of her face is clearly bigger than the other that's why you get two different pics from just her face. A symmetrical face would look exactly identical.

Also follow my instagram account: I post daily sketches I do: instagram/paradiseheartbeat.

>> No.2445650
File: 125 KB, 1000x1414, loomisquestionmark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright /ic/, select from the following:
Based on performance of this study, the artist needs:
a. Loomis
b. Practice
c. Jesus
d. All of the Above

More seriously, I've been on a manga kick for a long time, so taking studies seriously or even practicing like I ought to has been taking the back seat.

I'm still learning what I can and can't do digitally as well, so any help with that, so far as improving workflow or general tips could be nice.

Otherwise, tear me to shreds /ic/. I need it.

>> No.2445651

It occurs to me I have the neck tilted up. BRB committing sudoku.

>> No.2445652
File: 787 KB, 1920x1200, uncanneyvalley.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it fixed now?

>> No.2445655
File: 779 KB, 1920x1200, 1458199827551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

work on making basic head shapes with accurate guidelines first, then add the features when you're comfortable with that, sticking religiously to those guidelines.

>> No.2445657

This sarcasm...in case yall don't know lol

his jaw is also slightly crooked but guess what I don't give a shit. I shouldn't be in this thread to begin with so bye.

>> No.2445658

also what the fuck is the 3/4 view far nostril doing ? that doesn't happen

>> No.2445659

this is some tasty dunning kruger.

>> No.2445663

okay you actually give a valid criticism.

But i'm not going to do anything about it because it's quick sketch I did in 10 minutes just coz I must draw every day. but good for you.

>> No.2445672

fundamentals before style

>> No.2445680

youve actually miss-assessed the left one, its about the tilt not the height.

>> No.2445684

Are you genuinely retarded?
You're an awful artist and every ass backwards theory you come up with is wrong.

>> No.2445686

That's not a guy. Only women use the term "honey" when they get pissy, and litter their shitty posts with lol and lmao.

>> No.2445689

Oh for fuck's sake, I know it's off hours, but how the fuck am I supposed to get any advice when 90% of the thread is shitposting?

>> No.2445696

Blame the dumbfuck tumblrcunt who made her way here and refuses to accept any criticism.
She's Dunning-Kruger incarnate.

>> No.2445705
File: 99 KB, 640x710, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I've been drawing traditionally since I was in the womb.

>> No.2445710
File: 25 KB, 400x283, 1410923715095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the guy in this thread baiting all these responses

it's like you all want to be triggered

>> No.2445749

How do I go about learning about the basics of value, shading and light?

Also where can I learn how to get good use out of charcoal? I really suck at using it

>> No.2445787
File: 119 KB, 675x900, IMG_2040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was told to focus on the planes of the face. I get that it's supposed to make me see the face in 3D and not flat, but something isn't sticking with me. Is this just a thing where I keep drawing the planes until each is perfect or is it just used as a reference?

>> No.2445793

I like how these look.
I will say, I understand where you're coming from cause I felt the exact same way, but how I resolved, I don't recall. I'd say do a few more, than continue forward with your studies. Then, when you re-appear the subject again from a different author, something may click.

>> No.2445796

I took a magazine and drew all the planes over peoples faces there, it was really helpful for me, maybe you should give that a try

>> No.2445803

You can't fake that kind of stupidity.

>> No.2445808

regardless of what you're doing, put my practice into your lines. Look at the top most one, the curved lines that are supposed to be symmetrical are just awful, but keep it up!

>> No.2445811

put more*

>> No.2445812
File: 439 KB, 796x1000, headplanes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

head planes are really usefull once you start to render. But they are a simplification of the skull.

If you want to get better at drawing the head, it would really be useful to get an understanding of the skull first.

If you haven't watched villpu's videos on skull anatomie. It helped me immensely and the panes made much more sense afterwards.

>> No.2445815

Oi, can anyone post an image/infographic about nose structure and some refs?

>> No.2445823

This or similar head models are used in the construction stage when drawing. Learning the planes/lines is also useful because it allows you to memorize peoples heads easier because the lines/planes lead you to the important differences. It's more complete than saying how the nose or eye or ear looks in isolation.

The planes/lines themselves are distorted depending on how the head of the individual person is shaped.

>> No.2445832
File: 112 KB, 896x672, dui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2445856
File: 48 KB, 540x959, 2016-03-17 22.46.27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's study sorry for shit quality and me
I'm gonna finish and fix wrong thing

>> No.2445859

>everyone is so active when fighting a faggot
>one person at best crits work that is not bait / troll fodder, if that
Let's focus on helping people who want to improve, please

>> No.2445860
File: 1.96 MB, 1856x2000, 15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morning warm up.

I've yet to finish keys to drawing, and I can't wait to, because then I get to get some loomis in my life.

>> No.2445864

shit, i forgot to resize.
Sorry, will remember to next time.

>> No.2445865
File: 40 KB, 349x642, 1355437690470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2445866
File: 573 KB, 1944x2592, IMG_20160317_073738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this any good? Would she love me if I gave it to her?

>> No.2445868
File: 99 KB, 900x1111, nose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's basically a wedge shape

>> No.2445892


Fun With Pencil

Heads and Hands

Figure Drawing

others depending what you need to learn

>> No.2445954
File: 137 KB, 880x960, IMG_20160317_165751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's painful to post this but I need to figure out what I'm doing wrong. Here's hoping the file is of decent quality since I'm posting from phone
So far I see that the ear is fucked and too high, the nose is too small and mayne the eyes are too close?

>> No.2445964


The mouth isn't aligned with the center line properly. It's giving her a duckfaced look.

>> No.2445971
File: 434 KB, 800x800, aaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, one reason is probably lineweight and hiding less prominent lines/planes, instead giving information with shading or lack thereof (planes)

I'm a beginner myself and struggle with symbol drawing

Drawing a minimalistic face is difficult because you end up doing guidelines that are too hard for what a face actually loooks like

Maybe this is not what you needed help with with that post, but here's my attempt, crit me too

>> No.2445973
File: 2.65 MB, 1963x2547, 1458130710140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this for a total, and I mean total, beginner?
>scanning this thread to find new people who are worse then I am to feel satisfied with myself

>> No.2445984

Normal for a beginner.

>> No.2445986

Nice! Glad to hear that

>> No.2446009
File: 50 KB, 500x512, scribbly-gesture-scribble-lines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



> doing sessions both irl and on pixelovely
> starts with 30 secs, getting longer till the poses are at like 20 minutes

i'm always confused at what point i should do gesture drawings vs more "proper" construction leading to a very accurate but less dynamic sketch.

are those just two different approaches with different uses? should every pose, no matter how long, start with a gesture drawing?

it's kinda awkward because i start with those short intervals where i do gesture, then longer ones where i start with a gesture, then realise it's a longer pose and i sorta start to construct stuff over the dynamic, but anatomically somewhat inaccurate gesture.

thanks in advance, artfriends

>> No.2446012

not bad at all but anyways the sooner you get your ego crushed a little the better. embrace the grind, it's about direction, not where you're at. talent is for faggots

>> No.2446016

lol at that classic proko eye.
very neat considering your skill level, but the one from above it fucked.

>> No.2446025
File: 2.36 MB, 2944x4384, Unbenannt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talent is for faggots
dont worry, Im not happy with what Im producing at all :^)
but its still good to know I dont have to pull a drake and start from the bottom to get here
Check out my gay ass loomies

>> No.2446031

The heck is a proko eye
Much so a classic one

>> No.2446100


thanks my senpaitachi

>> No.2446190

When you sign up for New Masters Academy, can you download the videos and keep them? The one thing keeping me from subscribing is that my schedule is always very irregular. Some months I can focus all my time on drawing, others I can't draw at all and I can never really tell what kind of month it will be.

I don't wanna subscribe and have the videos I need get taken away because the subscription ran out and I didn't get enough time to study them yet.

>> No.2446258



>> No.2446328
File: 127 KB, 615x800, toobufftofunction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of today's anatomy studies. i spent way too long on it but i'm pretty happy, even if the hands are clunky.

>> No.2446408
File: 900 KB, 1000x750, Jasmina color.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's this absolute masterpiece finished up, in all of its wonderful professionally-picked-colors beauty

Back to Loomis now

>> No.2446435

And is there something wrong with that?

>> No.2446492

anyone who could answer this for me?

>> No.2446494
File: 131 KB, 896x672, hdh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't do drugs.

>> No.2446499 [DELETED] 
File: 146 KB, 1080x1845, 12528791_10205528965892972_882336974_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REad the first chapter of drawing on teh right side of the brain by betty edwards

Yes, I have improved just by reading it. I think I can skip the rest of the book

>> No.2446500 [DELETED] 
File: 183 KB, 1080x1845, 12722226_10205528966772994_613278739_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jk, dont flame me. how are my hands

>> No.2446501
File: 38 KB, 199x472, adfa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a question

Is a decent line art necessary for a good looking piece? I tend to do a quick gesture wireframe and add some loose features, then go straight to painting which is where I solve all the problems that come up. It takes more time but I find it 100 times more enjoyable.

>> No.2446505 [DELETED] 

Reupload with correct rotation and put together, my bad nigs. What do you think? I use a super fat lead holder, a memento from architecture school.

Unless you are going to incorporate line art into the finished product, isn't painting mostly about edge control? I don't see why you'd need near-finish linework.

>> No.2446508
File: 682 KB, 1529x2154, hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reupload with correct rotation and put together, my bad nigs. What do you think? I use a super fat lead holder, a memento from architecture school.

Unless you are going to incorporate line art into the finished product, isn't painting mostly about edge control? I don't see why you'd need near-finish linework.

>> No.2446519

Depends on a combination of your skill level and complexity of whatever you're drawing / amount of details, I'd say

I mean I can paint a cube without lineart but not complex drapery

You should probably do whatever gives the best result - if you are doing worse by just painting, it means you cannot properly visualize all the planes in your head before-hand, and doing lineart will probably make you better at that issue with time

>> No.2446520

i think shading is pointless if you're not gonna apply any pressure control / hatch size differences

as a result they just look like dirty hands, not lighting

>> No.2446522

Anyone have a torso muscle reference guide?

>> No.2446545

Check out vilppu figure drawing vids. He does exactly what you have problem with/


>> No.2446547

why are you posting in the beg thread?

>> No.2446553

I'm a beginner to the figure and I was just dipping my toes when it came to fundamentals until recently. I'm here to learn.

I ask because I've heard many times and from different sources that you should solve your problems during the sketching and line art phase to have a foundation for the rest of the process, but whenever I try to get something done like that it lead me to a dead end where I feel I can't develop things further.

I tend to do better when I just paint over a some simple lines, I feel like I have more freedom that way.

thanks for the replies senpais

>> No.2446556

are you talking about your mom? Yeah, she'd probably hang it on the fridge

>> No.2446570

i just wanna draw cute furfag shit

>> No.2446661

took the b8

>> No.2446667
File: 372 KB, 2048x2048, 12516875_10205529986998499_1701554425_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one I tried to make as a 'seemingly controlled' drawing

Some parts are good and some parts are bad, so in my experience that means I'm lacking something in the fundamentals department.

In any case, it's nice to draw something for the intentional purpose of 'looking good' once in a while. I know it won't fool you guys, though.

>> No.2446671
File: 1.69 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sideways because iPhones are bad. Fabrics are hard. What else did I do wrong?

>> No.2446673

what loomis book are you reading? (just curious)
you should work on that face though.

>> No.2446684
File: 1.44 MB, 3264x1836, shittyfaces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cool to see someone else here is just starting to draw as well. Here's some of my loom faces.

I have a question is the Loomis bookd the first you should be reading or no? I've seen multiple guides telling me to read different books first. I just started with Loomis because it looked the funnest.

>> No.2446689
File: 76 KB, 956x1280, 6224a4c0-d58c-4276-9736-5886ebdd0c92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i finished this today, original is from Diego Velazquez

>> No.2446692 [DELETED] 

Is it a good or a bad idea for me to study perspective, lighting, etc. by importing rigs (models) into a 3D CAD tool and manipulating them or their setting?

>> No.2446693
File: 50 KB, 800x450, Control_Rig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it a good or a bad idea for me to study perspective, lighting, etc. by importing rigs (models) into a 3D CAD tool and manipulating them or their setting?

>> No.2446696

Every time I see 'The Water-Seller of Seville' I think fuck, that nigga was like 19 when he did that.

>> No.2446701

>The Water-Seller of Seville
i know right? it fucking blows my mind, wish i started painting when i was younger

>> No.2446704


Are draw-threads good practice ?

>> No.2446713

can you paste the ref? pls c:

>> No.2446723

nice contours

>> No.2446727


>> No.2446732
File: 359 KB, 1538x795, aldora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know how to start on people!!!

>> No.2446734
File: 1.14 MB, 1280x720, The Struggle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2446743

drawing the head and hands

>> No.2446759
File: 68 KB, 425x405, fig01_loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2446812
File: 67 KB, 1816x928, lionking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do into night colors without just slapping a multiply layer over it? I don't understand it nor can I find anywhere to read about it so all I have is animated movies to even get an idea. Pic related.
Sorry if this is the wrong thread for asking about this.

>> No.2446852

What do you guys think of using grids to map out details and accurately measure? Is it a worthwhile and applicable practice or will it hinder my progress in the long run?

>> No.2446870

The point of drawing from reference is not to literally copy the drawing otherwise you can just copy and paste the image. Maybe a 3x3 grid or a 4x4 if you're really looking to what defines a person. But anything more than that is not worth doing.

>> No.2446872

Okay, thanks!

>> No.2446891

I'm a beginner and jumping into a study, but I have a few questions.

I struggle with drawing my lines accurately at first, so often I will redraw a new line next to the original and rub it out. How can I do this without making my lines appear weak and untidy?

Also, how can I shade strongly without it being untidy?

I'm sorry if these questions seem obvious and I appreciate your responses. Thank you!

>> No.2446900

Thanks fa.m, this is nice.

>> No.2446943

>often I will redraw a new line next to the original and rub it out. How can I do this without making my lines appear weak and untidy?

Neat lines will come with practice as long as you have a clear focus on making a smooth, undisturbed line. Think about how you want the stroke to go and do it as perfectly as you can in one motion. Obviously better said than done but it'll come to you.

>> No.2446963

Okay, I'll keep on keeping on and try to practice as much as possible. Thank you for your advice

>> No.2446983
File: 33 KB, 484x361, IMG_0221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but do I have to draw everything on there?
if so, I'll break it up into sections

>> No.2447016
File: 110 KB, 675x900, IMG_2043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I constructed around the planes of the face and applied advice that I was given yet it still seems flat. Are there any tricks to "add depth?"

Also, can someone explain what it means to sculpt features into a shape? There's an issue there with me as well.

>> No.2447021

Learning perspective can add depth, learning the anatomy of the head and neck is also important. Learn how to make certain features pop out with shading.

>> No.2447027

It looks like you're symbol drawing pretty badly, anon.
To answer your question without getting into rendering, you can add depth through perspective, foreshortening, line weight, and when you're working with full figures, having the feet firmly placed on a ground plane.

>> No.2447068
File: 381 KB, 941x856, dE7b9sw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you draw a people from the back?
can someone tell whats wrong with this or point out how to fix it?

>> No.2447094
File: 61 KB, 670x719, 1445805779910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a good profile or not

>> No.2447097
File: 93 KB, 468x508, 1455958823653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I kind of can manage the profile (I guess?), the three-quarters (even if the bumps of the faces are a little random)

I could manage the front view but now that I'm trying to fix some correct proportions in my head, it looks fucking weird and fat

>> No.2447102
File: 468 KB, 636x724, 1434904806703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(don't pay much attention to the chicken-scratch and symbol drawing I'm just trying to get proportions to look okay here but it looks fucking strange)

I based my scale off her

>> No.2447112

It's flay because it's symbol drawing, you're drawing what's conventionally thought of for the features of the face as opposed to drawing how they actually look like.

>> No.2447132

I guess you're right, besides the proportions are not that respected either

In the end I want to draw manga but I guess it's more complicated than that to make it look good with semi-realistic proportions

>> No.2447142
File: 453 KB, 1000x500, faces2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right now I have major issues fitting the major shape of the cranium into the reference, and from there everything gets fucked up

Angles I also have trouble getting right

Is this useful to improve first, or is there something more important behind that?

>> No.2447149

I'm not sure at all but maybe getting a bit of knowledge about anatomy will help you

I can understand the "shapes" better since I know a bit about it, the simple shape is really the basis but I don't think you gotta stick to that too long

>> No.2447163

Your more basic problem is that you suck at looking at your references and constructing a copy in 2D. When drawing from life, you should not construct in 3D, you should construct in 2D and ignore the depth dimension, as depth is already taken care of, because you see everything with proper foreshortening.

Constructing in 3D is only for drawing from imagination.

Which is why your drawings are so much of bullshit workarounds.

>> No.2447167
File: 47 KB, 693x201, practice-mar-18-2016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this look right? I'm trying to learn how to draw squishy things that have a hoop around them

>> No.2447176
File: 137 KB, 500x800, xx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno, I feel like I still need to get a basic idea of the major shape's orientation as a 3d object despite copying details in 2d. I feel it'll help me get every angle right in the long run with more confidence as I have a guide

Am I supposed to copy the ref line by line as I see them, assuming they are 2d objects? I'll try that

Anyway. In the meantime I went back to it and made one from imagination using the same exact method I used for the referenced ones, I tried to remember the same pose as the first example

Does this make more sense? Is it easier to visualize mistakes now?

>> No.2447184
File: 900 KB, 1000x750, fix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is better.

>> No.2447200

This is wrong.
You should always think three dimensionally. Or at least you should if your current purpose is to get better at eventually drawing from imagination.
You can still use 2D shapes of course. First construct it in 3D, then look at 2D shapes, negative shapes and angles to make adjustments and correct mistakes.

You are supposed to think of everything as a 3d object, even the details.

No, you are not supposed to copy the ref line by line unless your goal is to become a photocopier.

I like the drawing.
Eyes are a bit too big. You should eventually try to understand the shape of the material around the eye, that helped me with the same problem.
Back of the head should have more material, sadly in reality the cranium isn't a perfect sphere. Maybe do a couple of profile view photos.
The cheek silhouette looks a bit weird. It could be right depending on the reference but the curve is probably exaggerated. It would probably be right if the person was smiling.
Ear seems out of place. Top of the ear should line up with the eye brows, bottom of the ear with the nose. You already have the construction line drawn.

Also I want to add that there really isn't a correct way to draw from reference, contrary to what I said earlier, as long as you are actively learning. Even occasional tracing is fine if you don't understand something and step away with a knowledge gain.

>> No.2447209
File: 541 KB, 990x1233, asdfqwer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting depressed by the lack of improvement in my drawings, especially faces. I can't into faces.

>> No.2447234
File: 1.01 MB, 1000x1500, 1457208278536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally I got a long critique, that's great thank you! I get one-liners and memes almost all the time

About the ear, I find that the ears are always misaligned with the eyebrows when I look at a reference, and that confuses me. I know its supposed placement thanks to lord Loomis. Maybe I get tricked by perspective and head tilt, that goes back to understanding the general 3d shape and perspective maybe. Pic related is one of many examples.

That drawing I posted last was from imagination by the way, as I wrote. I had no reference of any kind. But I agree with everything, I tried to draw a "standard model of beauty" after all, nothing particular was intended, but a mistake.

Be strong, I have the same issues despite focusing on faces the most they are always the worst shit of anything I draw, but if we keep at it we'll slowly see improvements. It just means we need to practice even more on those. It's ok.

>> No.2447235

I only draw on a tablet and find that my palms tend to stick when drawing.

Is my technique just shit ?

>> No.2447236


>> No.2447283

>Dunno, I feel like I still need to get a basic idea of the major shape's orientation as a 3d object despite copying details in 2d. I feel it'll help me get every angle right in the long run with more confidence as I have a guide

I replied to your question if you missed something more basic because your angles were all wrong.

Now I see I didn't actually give you a proper answer/solution: You need to learn to draw from life and do a lot of exercises. If you do these things you will also get better at seeing the details in the photos and how to construct everything and your angles and lengths will be right because you can measure them with your eyes.

>> No.2447290
File: 137 KB, 818x887, robobot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2447298

its color theory
use colder colors - looking at that example, the main colors are green/blue and purple

>> No.2447316

>>2447305 >>2447305
>>2447305 >>2447305
>>2447305 >>2447305

>> No.2447352

>This is wrong.
>You should always think three dimensionally. Or at least you should if your current purpose is to get better at eventually drawing from imagination.
>You can still use 2D shapes of course. First construct it in 3D, then look at 2D shapes, negative shapes and angles to make adjustments and correct mistakes.
Thanks, that is more complete than what I said.

>> No.2447423
File: 248 KB, 600x900, loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are indeed getting tricked by the perspective.

>> No.2447620

It's not a bad idea, but it won't be able to replicate real life and there are tons of great resources for real human models you could use instead.

>> No.2447984

don't focus so much on the contour. those lines you drew in the body defining the tits and those 2 sad little wrinkles on the two reclining bodies? much more of that. work into the form
probably even more importantly, again, not so much contour. focus on construction. look at a reference and draw it as just a series of cylinders, cones, and boxes. don't think 'the arm is a cylinder' and draw it like one, look at the arm and how the lighting works on it. you might find on that particular personin that lighitng the forarm is better represented by a box, the bicep by a cylinder. really really analyze. measure lengths if you have to, just focus on LEARNGIN from each drawing not just making a nice looking sketch

>> No.2447989

do you want critique or not? you poste a sketch, when people say 'here's whats wrong' all you say is, 'i mean, it didnt take long, so it's perfect and i'm amazing, right?

>> No.2447996

i say always do the gesture just to practice gesture, but you can disregard some parts on longer poses for accuracy

>> No.2448519

Hey anon I think I recall you in previous thread, you are most definitely improving. Try using Loomis and "carving" the head once youve gotten the basic idea down, and start working on your lines and values

>> No.2448523

Fantastic values. I would just sharpen it up a bit by using harder transitions between values that you want to have "hard sharp lines". I can't really explain it well, but you are on the right track anon.