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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 128 KB, 631x964, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2437543 No.2437543[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Please take a moment of your time to help purge christchan.
All attempts to contradict this post will be treated as christchan samefagging on full damage control mode.

>link to picture related:
>christchans patreon link that you need to fill the report form out: https://www.patreon.com/christchan?ty=h

>> No.2437551


no, fuck off. let a guy have some success what the fuck is wrong with you? are you that fucking jealous you petty cunt? go back to kindergarden you stupid fuck. make something of value on your own instead of trying to tear down what other people have built.

>> No.2437580

Hey Kyle.

>> No.2437598

i love christchan's comics so what he shills a bit dont we all fuck you OP

>> No.2437615

What do you love about them?

>> No.2437617

Why is /ic/ defending someone as shitty as him?

What the hell happened to the standards here.

>> No.2437624
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>> No.2437632
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>> No.2437633

As I expected this >>2437616 and >>2437543 are samefags

>> No.2437634


I'm pretty sure it's Keppok spamming this shit.

>> No.2437636
File: 129 KB, 1877x295, The Truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try harder.

>> No.2437638

Nice try Keppok/BBC/Kyle

>> No.2437649


not defending his art, just defending what he has achieved. i only hate photobash polskis.

>> No.2437654

Ban everyone in this thread.

>> No.2437655

You fucking totalitarians get over your butt hurt.

I can't imagine how miserable you should be to put your time trying to censor someone who doesn't think like you and make edgy jokes.

>> No.2437666

When the fuck did /ic/ turn into a fucking bitter circle-jerk hate club?

Fuck this shit, I'm out

>> No.2437704

ITT: Malaysia damage control. Just fucking ban him for commercial spam, I bet he's the samefag that's shitting up every thread.

>> No.2437706

How dare you give all the credit to him. I'll have you know I play a big role in /ic/ funposting.

>> No.2437707

This is the best thing I've seen on /ic/ in a long time.
It asks for some evidence, here are some of the parts of the comic I submitted
If you want to look for more try going through more of the threads here

>> No.2437714
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>> No.2437715

I must say those comics are pretty nice. Good layout and good art, why are people trying to ban him from Patreon.

>> No.2437718

Someone's feelings got hurt and they are butthurt.

>> No.2437721

>why are people trying to ban him from Patreon.
/pol/tards. What do you expected? You probably missed last /pol/ invasion when everyday at same time was "anime is shit" threads on main page

>> No.2437731

I suggest reporting him on Tapastic too since it's also monetized.
You have to scroll to the end of the images to find the report flag.

>> No.2437732

>$40 per page
>decent art

Honestly this is a fucking steal.

>> No.2437735

Uh, wasn't /pol/ his target audience? I mean, his comic is literally a compilation of autistic /pol/ memes. Why would /pol/ want to censor him?

>> No.2437737

>what he has achieved.
>yfw defending nothing at all

>> No.2437738
File: 112 KB, 984x894, 1453336957866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't lump /pol/ with this just because a couple of us are from /pol/ doesn't mean /pol/ is raiding /pol/ does not care about /ic/ and the last time I mentioned /ic/ on /pol/ was when we where distributing Christmas Cards to other boards and Anons didn't even know this place existed.

It's easy blaming it on /pol/ when it is obviously you making a big deal about it when it is not.

>> No.2437742

There is no reason to report this guy. He hasn't done anything. This whole MALAYSIA MEME is based on a single person not liking or blaming this guy for it.

>> No.2437743
File: 1.85 MB, 846x4069, chink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He samefag shilled his stuff non-stop over there until they banned the link to his patreon and blog for advertising. Now he only makes trump OC threads where he occasionally dumps his comics in a more passive form of shilling.

>> No.2437746
File: 638 KB, 1972x892, chink2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As you can see by these images he was well respected and loved in his home board. That is the kind of respect we must show him as well.

>> No.2437747
File: 70 KB, 556x1412, le chink face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2437752

One of you is Keppok. You go to/pol/ and everyone knows it, you clearly have a vendetta against this guy. You see someone on /pol/ who draws from Malasyia and you somehow assume he's the one attacking you. Fuck off you cunt, how about being the fucking adult and ignoring it.