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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2437511 No.2437511 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ic/, i've been luriking for a while, and i was wondering.
How do i become Ruan Jia? I know there's no shortcuts, only hard work. My parents gave me 3 years to NEET and i want to become as close as i possibly can in 3 years to Ruan Jia.
In your guys's eyes im a beginner. Could you guys reccomend a training and study regiment? I want to try my hardest and since im a noob i dont know what to study and in what order. i would greatly appreciate it if you guys would help me out.
And lastly, sorry for being a faggot

>> No.2437528

>Parents gave me 3 years to NEET
You lucky bastard
>I'm a noob
If your a true noob your not going to get to that level in 3 years. I mean that doesn't mean you shouldn't try, but don't expect to get anywhere fast. Improvement in drawing is like watching the grass grow. It takes a while and you wont be able to tell by watching it.

Other than that we've got a nice sticky you should check out. Post in beginner threads and take criticism as a way to improve rather than offence. There'll be people who just call you hopeless and shit, but this is 4chan, what do you expect.

>> No.2437534

post your skype

>> No.2437556


you can get halfway there in 3 years. but it'll be really hard. i'd spend the entire first year doing absolutely nothing other than drawing from life. like a complete madman. 8 hours per day minimum.

>> No.2437560

>Autism: the post

Are you fucking stupid? I have several students that do less than 2 hours a day for less than 2 years and they're pretty much professional level.

Even just one hour a day every day gets you some pretty major results in just a couple of months, as long as you actually fucking do it.

>> No.2437561

I don't think that is a really good goal, a very good art teacher of mine is always telling us to never try imitating someone's style

No one is better at being Ruan Jia than Ruan Jia, you can certainly have him as your main reference but you need to develop over time a style that comes from you and your references.

If you are lucky to have 3 years of focused studies, you should go trought all the process of learning the fundamentals and use the rendering techniques of the chinese as your main reference.

>> No.2437563


so you are saying that you can get equivalent level of skill of Ruan Jia in three years and several students of yours achieved that in two years studying less than two hours a day?

>> No.2437566

Professional level means nothing. Wojtek is professional level. Genzoman is professional level. Dan Luvisi is professional level. OP was asking about getting to Ruanjia's level, who is in the top 0.1% of digital artists right now.

>> No.2437567

I never said they were at his level. I said they were at a level where they could comfortably live off their art, hence, professional level.

But I will say that yes, if you put a retarded amount of work in day in and day out you can become better than him in 3 years.

Problem is, OP isn't going to put that work in. Beginners never do. For beginners, especially absolute beginners, even just an hour every day is mostly unfeasible. They always skip days and hit slumps and so on and so forth.

There's very, VERY few people with the mental fortitude to push through that every single day for several hours. It's just not happening.

>> No.2437576

>top 0.1%
That's debatable. All art is.

>Professional level means nothing
That's just stupid. If OP was making good money off art, he probably wouldn't care about being as good as he wants to be.

>> No.2437584
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Not any of the other anons who replied but I'd like to know what kind of daily schedule you would recommend to a beginner?

I'm not a total beginner, I've browsed art on a daily basis for long and have drawn a bit these past years, but still consider myself a beginner. So far I finished Keys to Drawing by Bert Dodson and now I'm feeling a bit lost on how I should tackle drawing. You said it very well :
>Beginners never do. For beginners, especially absolute beginners, even just an hour every day is mostly unfeasible. They always skip days and hit slumps and so on and so forth.
I always end up blocking and never get myself to draw more than 30min-1h a day (I'm part of LAS). It's been hard to forge and expand the habit.

I don't know where I'm getting at, I just wanted to vent.

>> No.2437594

>But I will say that yes, if you put a retarded amount of work in day in and day out you can become better than him in 3 years.

And what exactly is this assumption based on? Clearly you aren't anywhere near Ruanjia's level and neither is any of your students. I don't think you have an example of a single artist who managed to get to that level, let alone surpass it in just 3 years. Meaning you have absolutely zero empirical or even anecdotal evidence for your claim, yet you made it anyways.

What you are doing is so typical of what you often see on this board. You have someone claim they are speaking from a platform of authority and experience, without having any proof to back it up and then they make an anecdotal statement that everyone just has to take at face value because, in your mind, you already proved you know what you are talking about, simply by fucking claiming that you do.

>> No.2437603

That's because empirical evidence doesn't really exist in art, anon. It's subjective, so whilst you say I'm not at that level neither are my students, that is also almost entirely subjective.

I can't show you a masterful painting and have you easily say "yes, this is at that same exact level" because the entire concept of tiers and levels is subjective. Obviously, on the lower scale of skill, it's easy to see the differences in effort and time put into pieces, but when talking about the higher levels, it's practically impossible to compare skill levels because there's simply no guideline. It's all personal taste. I can show you a mediocre artist that has painted something as detailed as the OP piece. Doesn't mean he's at that level. I could paint you something that could place me up there, butI have several other areas I'm not so good at, which is probably not going to be reflected in my best paintings, is it?

Any artist worth his salt will tell you to stop comparing yourself to others, and that's the reason why. You learn from others, you don't try and become 'better' than them, because logically and factually speaking, that's impossible and kind of... pointless.

It's not limited to art, either. A composition played by a master pianist and a hobbyist would sound VERY similar, sometimes even completely identical. And yet their skill levels are completely different. Making comparisons in art is frowned upon because ultimately, it leads nowhere.

Every beginner feels like that. I always tell my students that I generally don't care what they draw, how they draw it, or even how good the finished piece looks, I just want them to bring me evidence that they worked everyday. I believe the hardest and most significant thing in art is willpower. Talent, inspiration, motivation, all that's mostly irrelevant. If you find a way to just draw every day a decent amount, you'll improve. That's the 'secret'. And if I knew how to do that, I'd tell you.

>> No.2437611

You need the spark, if you don't have it you're not gonna make it

>> No.2437635

OP here, i've been drawing for a little bit over a year, and i draw anywhere from 4 to 9 hours a day. I know i wont even get close to Ruan in 3 years, but i want to get as close as possible. I have no idea of what to study or in what order. Up until this point i've just been doodling and painting random shit to get mileage.
Im open for a schedule if there is such a thing

>> No.2437640
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>> No.2437650


you don't know wtf you are talking about. 'professional level' means nothing, like others have pointed out.

>> No.2437879
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>> No.2437905
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yes I'm sure you are a reliable source of advice Olly.

>> No.2438182

hey scrub, post your shit too if you want to compare

inb4 "nice try olly"

>> No.2438191

>are you fucking stupid

post your Ruan Jia-tier student's work.

>> No.2438212
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Also, are you implying that your students (that, let's face it, probably don't exist) stop drawing the second they leave your supervision?


>> No.2438502

This. All it means is that you're making a living with it. That can mean anything from furry commissions to making concepts for AAA titles.

>> No.2438504
File: 8 KB, 200x266, CcJ-o13WIAA16Yx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was some short technical guide on how to emulate the core elements of his style, anyone got that?

>> No.2438587
File: 1.97 MB, 3000x4000, digehddb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here was a guy who successfully got it, but he didn't posted his art.
He's almost got on his level.

>> No.2438588
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>tfw I literally don't understand how to get on Ruan Jia, Dave Rapoza, etc. level

I completely understand how I can become good at anatomy, lineart.

But shit like great shading and texture work I am at a loss for words. I don't even know where to begin. There's so many different fabrics to study. Their brushes are on another level.

There's no lessons and tutorials to bring you up to Ruan Jia's level, because no instructor is ever that good. Once you get to a certain level, it seems like breaking into the top 1% is absurdly hard, because you have to figure it out yourself.

>> No.2438612
File: 302 KB, 600x800, god_tier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know that feel m8

>> No.2438631


>> No.2438655
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>> No.2438659
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>> No.2438664

Yea, I've noticed this too, it's like there's always at least 1 thread on this board about him at any 1 time

>> No.2438684


>> No.2438718
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>> No.2438807
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>> No.2438809

You have gone too far.

>> No.2438818

don't stop here, I want to see tier 15

>> No.2439084
File: 134 KB, 340x340, 1448157921866.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you only ever draw from life and never from imagination, you won't ever learn to apply what you've been copying all that time. Most humans simply don't learn effectively that way. Don't fall into that (on /ic/ way too common) trap, seriously.

>> No.2439960
File: 247 KB, 878x448, 3PKv8JgwpKE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should suffer

>> No.2439979

How many kr0npr1nz clones are we onto already? Let's catch them all.

>> No.2440034

from thumbnail the ref looks like some porn scene

>> No.2440039

If you constantly draw from ref (and you learn new things every time) you will literally become Kim Jung Gi

Seriously you plebs like to work with dualities when in reality all drawing is mostly good for you

>> No.2440054

just draw every day for 1 - 3 hours
1 hour minimum read the sticky do gestures everyday study and practice fundamentals and basics and you get somewhere OP no one can guarantee you'll be as good as him or even better than him depending on how careful you are on what to study

at least you have someone to look up to OP so keep trying and don't give up

>> No.2440994

Just practice 15 mintues every week you can get to pro level in about 3 months if you are really slow and about 6 months to get to ruan jia level good luck!

>> No.2441061



>> No.2441527
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>> No.2441533

fantasies... the deep dark fantasies

>> No.2441536
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>> No.2442600


>>I have several students that do less than 2 hours a day for less than 2 years and they're pretty much professional level.

give me some examples of "pretty much professional level"

I find it hard to be believe you can get to pro level with little over 2 years casual practice.

>> No.2442946

I mean, maybe 1 in a million people can git gud only doing 2 hours a day, but I agree with you

>> No.2443050

ok, how the fuck does that work?