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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 56 KB, 564x564, 73351ed1ebb70251952bdbcac7f9895b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2436103 No.2436103 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2436104
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>> No.2436105
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>> No.2436128

Not with any marker


>> No.2436134

wait what the fuck? post any marker based art work. its fine. jeez

>> No.2436135

Copics are one of the best brands though.

Faber Castelle markers are shit.

>> No.2436157

fucking weabs

>> No.2436159

how does any of the art work shown here even lend it self to "weabs" style? just post some good art work for goodnes sake, you know very well weabs just tend to stick with digital since they arnt dedicated to shilling at $7 dollars for a marker and $5 for a pad only to buy it again. fuck this shit board.

>> No.2436191

ProMarker or no marker

>> No.2436222
File: 478 KB, 506x4691, 56de854d2e7a9f14918de2a84d6e526f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh come the fuck on, you know what he meant.

>> No.2436223
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>> No.2436224
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>> No.2436227
File: 93 KB, 573x900, 1447532731595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sort of wishing my art folders were better organized now.

>> No.2436228
File: 258 KB, 1000x1303, wn-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't actually remember if this specific piece was done with marker, but fashion illustration in general is. It's quick, colorful, and the brush strokes are perfect for creating clothing effects without actually having to take the time to render everything out. I'd recommend searching marker fashion illustration to see what I'm talking about. Prepare to sift through some legitimate shit, though.

>> No.2436230
File: 184 KB, 1456x1040, 1425803429127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2436233

Those are W&N Pigment Markers I believe, I like the more painterly look.

>> No.2436437

What's that brush pen being used in the first few screenshots?

>> No.2436465

that is a pentel water brush pen, it has water reservoir that you can use to dap at paint pans or alternatively fill it with ink/paint and water, i would only recommend water soluble ink.

>> No.2436470

>all that tasteful tool placement
At first I was on the wall about how good it was, but those tools just sold me on them.

>> No.2436480

Thank you

>> No.2436489
File: 783 KB, 546x809, 1453864340522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing shit like these pics get me even more motivated for traditional marker coloring.

>> No.2436518

Since when does nose have the same value as lips?

Oh right, since tumblr.

>> No.2436546
File: 112 KB, 900x605, allan_and_mina_by_adamhughes-d30m677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adam Hughes

>> No.2436556

Don't listen to them OP, they're just trying to get you razzed up. I am enjoying your thread thus far.

>> No.2436569

That is a really cool style

>> No.2436634

Any tips for getting into markers? I really like the illustrative effect, seems like watercolor but with more control. I don't want to blow £30-£50 and just waste them though, so is there an cheaper alternative to use while you get the technique down?

>> No.2436667

Saved. A friend of mine from architecture school would adore this

>> No.2436730
File: 71 KB, 600x400, 86724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Autism triggered. That's not a Pentel waterbrush; Pentels have a bulge a third of the way down the tube that makes them a little easier to squeeze. That one in particular appears to be a Kuretake.

>> No.2436753

I think most people recommend getting a greyscale set to start off, regardless of the brand. That goes nicely with some way of painting white like a white gel pen (Uni-Ball Signo are pretty great) and common inking tools. The Copic greyscale set is a decent value, and the 0.5mm fiber-tipped technical pen that it comes with is probably one of the best you can buy. I'm very happy with mine and I'd recommend it, although it's not very complete without a pure black marker and a blender marker.

>> No.2436759

Since when did artists not understand limiting your palate?

Oh right, since /ic/ pretended that they're actually artists.

>> No.2436811
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>> No.2436856
File: 2.31 MB, 3264x2448, 20160104_031802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not like, HOHMYGOSHGODDESSBOWDOWN, but I think I can handle my copics awright?

>> No.2436906

Better than me at least.

>> No.2436965

I really like the drawings, but putting your pens in the photo is pure douche.

>> No.2437030
File: 1.78 MB, 3264x2448, 20151214_012223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh? Why's that? It lets people know what you used to make the piece. It's an istragram thing. Artists do it *all* the time. And show palettes, etc.

>> No.2437118
File: 96 KB, 531x471, 1448152429796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tumblr nose
nigga please

>> No.2437121

>that last picture

The fact that it was probably meant to be something serious makes it fucking hilarious.

>> No.2437124
File: 1.42 MB, 2592x1936, 1418391189670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tableguy is my /ic/fu

>> No.2437142
File: 8 KB, 199x250, 1438458463035s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sketching with rules
>in sketch 3 he is disobeying said rules
then whats the point of said rules baka here senpai

>> No.2437143

that's watercolor senpai

>> No.2437146
File: 35 KB, 270x276, qmP1U2r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this remind me so much of Hirame?

>> No.2437153

there was a time he did a lot of studies from turtlefishpaint lewd faces which is in the image i posted so its probably the same artist

>> No.2437211

who is this?

what rule?

>> No.2437214

It's tableguy. Pretty good stuff familia

>> No.2437216

is that a tumblr handle? like?

>> No.2437218

tableguyic is his tumblr.

>> No.2437237

man, what a shit taste you have

>> No.2437267

Looks like they have a cold.

>> No.2437281

Aww someone's jelly they can't afford the GOOD markers.

>> No.2437358

I've actually met people with faces like that, granted it was almost 40C and 80% humidity but still

>> No.2437386

This looks weirdly like out of the "how to draw manga" books for kids that gets regularily posted for jokes. Way too much saturation and wrong construction method.

Was this intentional?

>> No.2437473
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>> No.2437474
File: 32 KB, 564x436, 7c0e015e6c79f5593abf4f4b78821d00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one is khang lee, awesome marker skills

>> No.2437476
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>> No.2437477
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>> No.2437478
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>> No.2437481

thanks anon

you can find find plenty of these on pintrest, just be prepared to to sift through crap, maybe you can point your friend there

that flat brush is looking the part tbqhf

>> No.2437530

but those weren't done with markers

>> No.2437557


>> No.2437665

B-but senpai!

>> No.2438031

What paper can I use this pen? IT looks incredible! Regular paper for drawn? Or does it need a special one like Oppaline?

>> No.2438433

i do with printing paper, if am doing something special than copic pad but thats over kill, some people say using printing paper dries up your ink but never did test it, could care less when i can buy a refill for £5 and refill one marker 14 times

>> No.2438453

Artist name?

>> No.2438462

neither inspiring nor done with markers

>> No.2438466

streaky af

>> No.2438505
File: 307 KB, 590x816, it_came_from_the_sea_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


based Ricardo Chamizo

>> No.2438506

i didn't know traditional work could have artifacting

>> No.2438514


Thank god we have digital now

>> No.2438524

holy shit these are solid

>> No.2438577

Trolling or not, this is some people's actual opinion. Could you explain why digital is more appealing to you? I've always been on the other side of things. I really enjoy traditional media.

>> No.2438602
File: 54 KB, 540x960, brian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2438728

Not that anon but I'd personally use a marker till it's dead and dry if they weren't so expensive ($5 per copic here), digital on the other hand is a one-time payment that I can expand into painting with (again, without any additional cost)

>> No.2438923

>how dare you say kleenex instead of tissue paper!

>> No.2438928

The main draw for me is that I can erase/undo any specific part of a painting I want.

>> No.2439173

Ideally you'd use special marker paper, which doesn't suck as much ink out of your markers, looks less streaky and has a waxy side to prevent bleedthrough, but it does cost more. So it kinda depends on how much money you have, how expensive things are in your area and if you think it's worth the expense.
If you work at larger sizes, say, A3, then you'd notice the difference soon enough really.

>> No.2439295

I think you are really wasting quality art material on these. Sry m8.

>> No.2439306

It's cheaper. That's the main reason i got into it.

>> No.2440180
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>> No.2440182
File: 1.44 MB, 944x1301, chiang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doug chiang

>> No.2440195

because I'm not wasting 500+ usd on fucking markers

>> No.2440197

Employers don't give a flying fuck what method you use to make results and digital is faster and less error-prone.

>> No.2440226

both trad and digital are valid and useful in their own right, no need to shit on either.

in defense of markers:

markers can be very useful when presenting and developing an idea in front of your client, and it helps them visualize what is being described.

youd save yourself time from not having to pull out your tablet and your laptop. (unless youre using an ipad or some of the fancier tablets, but even them markers would be cheaper if the price is your argument.)

>> No.2440608

Thank you my man. I'll look it up.

>> No.2440697

i dont think anyone was arguin against that. but you'd be stupid to dismiss markers. they are great resource for visual artist learning and sketching traditionally. embraccing only digital would will only hold you back.

>> No.2440771

it's probably because markers are both expensive and often thrown into your face for no good reason. Often, I get the feeling the people who show art in markers are trying to advertise them or themselves. And obviously they always say Copics instead of Markers.

>> No.2440802

yh i get that. the only people that i have come across in real life with copics are absolute plebs or housewifes. ive never met anyone doing worth while things with them. but all the artists that i admire (scot, feng, j paik, ottomo, shinkawa ) do really amazing stuff with them and i want to push myself towards that direction.

>> No.2440823

But isn't it enough for that to become an artist first or when you got e.g. accepted to art school with your portfolio?

I met 1-2 people in rl which used copics, but they were all already at least art school level and probably got a teacher for training or something similar. So basically, way beyond the beginner thread on /ic/.

>> No.2440830

i really dont want to brag about being good. i am ok but not anywhere near where i want to be

but i can understand where your coming from, unfortunately i can only afford medium tier school and they are obsolete rubbish. i figured i will relentlessly study . we in this age have things like scotts gnomon DVD. what there holding us back? i am seriously shocked at how those dvd's are under appreciated.

but dont misunderstand me. i am not just limit my self to markers. that would be foolish.

i am impressed with some people on this thread and would like to gift you with something for sharing with me. as a thank you

>> No.2440835
File: 118 KB, 496x471, large_12656_copicdvdv1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a while ago two really good educational DVD's were produced by a top industrial desginer under COPIC. dvd 2 is easily available but DVD was never shared.

I have recently bought DVD 1 and have ripped it and have all the project files. i will share it with you guys. will be uploading to mega tonight. as a token of my thanks.

A PREVIEW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7viqjODPHQ4

>> No.2440876


ty !

>> No.2441055

Thank you friend!

>> No.2441506

I cant stand it when people store their markers like this.

I made the mistake of storing my Copic collection upright and the ink pooled towards the bottom, making the other nibs all streaky and patchy.

Word of advice - try to store your markers horizontally.

>> No.2441511

I love Copics, but I have to say they get awfully overexposed on Youtube. Just run a search of 'copic collection' and you'll have dozens of videos of teen girl flaunting their idiot parents income and scribbling shitty how to draw manga-style doodles, and bored housewives using them to color in stationary stamps.

I own about 3/4ths of the collection and it's never occurred to me to show off my supplies. I'd rather, you know, use them.

>> No.2441513

what in the fuck is a tumblr nose?! you fucks make crazy shit up at lightspeed

>> No.2441672
File: 40 KB, 590x379, Ultra Compact Kits.sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>find old set of watercolors at a fleamarket for 10$
>buy watercolorfriendly sketchpaper, a waterbrush and a couple regular brushes for another 40$
>give it a try
>realize I have more control over brushstrokes than I ever did with markers
>It's possible to control edges and gradients with far more accuracy than markers allow for
>don't have to worry about suddenly running out of a pigment in the middle of a painting
>I can actually take the kit with me anywhere I want and paint on the go
The only reason most people don't use watercolors is because they've learned to hate them in school.

>> No.2441694

Probably because watercolors are one of the hardest painting mediums and can be frustrating if you use extremely cheap supplies.
A lot of people do use watercolors though, certainly more than gouache for example, which is just as portable and a lot more forgiving.

>> No.2441831

so true. and so many disregard gouache without having ever tried it.

ok OP. here sorry guys. my upload speed sucks but alas, i come with glad tidings. below links are for DVD 1 and its project files, DVD 2 is available on CGP. also if you guys can put this on CGP would be cool too. happy learning friends



>> No.2441937 [DELETED] 

Thanks my friend. Once I get hoje I will download it. Have a Nice Day!

>> No.2441938

Ah anon. Does the rip you posted have subtitles? I would like to translate to some friends who like that kind of art, but they dont speak english very well.

>> No.2441939

Thanks my friend. Once I get home I will download it.

>> No.2442228

sorry, it doesnt. but the dvd is available in japanese and dutch, i can make a separate rip if you should like some dutch or nipon

>> No.2442244

Like, the audio? or the subs? If its the second option then its okay both options I guess, but if it is only the audio then I'll pass. Thank you anon!

>> No.2442263

Ill try to writte the english audio and see how it goes too, just in case.

>> No.2442266

hey. i meant audio. no worries m8

>> No.2442268
File: 59 KB, 500x666, 98859f3c7427101156a99f97bd7a7bb4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more red nose

>> No.2442269
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>> No.2442273
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>> No.2442275
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>> No.2442278

Okay! So I'll take it anon!

>> No.2442281

Ops, never mind!

>> No.2442551

Get back to instagram, faggot!

>> No.2442638

Markers provide strong colors and pigments. Most watercolors are very subtle in color options.

>> No.2442966

Sure, I'll grant you that you can't get quite as saturated with watercolors, and there's an even harsher limit to how vibrant you can get with waterbrushes, since they dilute the pigments to a certain extent no matter what you do.
If you have the appropriate technique and the right pallette you can get pretty damn saturated though. I'd say that, with very few exceptions, it's already much farther than you'd ever need to go. There's a reason most people chose their pallettes to limit themselves even further in that regard.

The big differences that you see at beginner level are more the result of a lack of knowledge than anything else. While markers give you vibrant colors by default, with watercolors that just isn't going to happen unless you plan ahead and actively push for a saturated result. It's like the medium pulls you in a certain direction, and you have to work against that.

>> No.2443440

To those of you who have bought Copics, where have you gotten them from? Who's reputable/inexpensive? I've only ever bought them individually from Blick but I'm thinking of investing in one of the larger sets some time in the near future. I have my eye on a few eBay listings...are counterfeit Copics something I need to be worried about?

>> No.2443471

Well, I bought them here in Brazil. Didnt nedd to import. I think I saw some in amazon...

>> No.2443476

Shouldn't be an issue if you buy from a reputable japanese seller. If you're buying a whole bunch of individual markers instead of a set you might want to try Rakuten, if you can get past the horrible search. $3ish per marker instead of the usual $5 or so in the US. Just have to buy enough to make the shipping worth it.

>> No.2444235

Got mine on eBay - be patient. If you check the winner history, people can get them for about 2-3 USD per marker. Sellers are usually so paranoid about getting a bad review that they won't sell knock offs.

Also, most sellers are housewives that barely used them before moving into their next hobby

>> No.2446095

funny enough this was the original application for and rise of markers. Industrial design.

>> No.2446129
File: 294 KB, 1000x680, Roanna-Wells-Studio-colour-lr_57_1000[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2446369

Guys, is there a starters guide for markers? How to use it, when and etc?

>> No.2446412

Man I would love to get a watercolor set but it's all so fucking expensive. I have to just stick to drawing for now.

>> No.2446429
File: 1.41 MB, 1179x678, fdhjskhtnueksd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liquid watercolors are really popular among the plebs who don't know what a limited palette is.

>> No.2446803

Tumblrites fucking love to draw noses bright red for no fucking reason. It doesn't make any sense and it looks retarded. Just look at OP for fuck's sake, she looks like a goddamn clown.

>> No.2446916

$110 for 14x0.5 oz dye that is not lightproof. It's the new Copics for brandwhores.

Seriously, wtf. I hope that faggot marketing whore chokes on her shit and somebody actually calls her out on it.

>color some shitty drawing
>discreetly place your uberexpensive painting materials in the middle
>take photo
>manipulate the shit out of it in photoshop
>oh hai guis look what I made!

>> No.2447179

He was in the star wars Ep 1 concept art book, right?

>> No.2448278

oh come on get off my fucking back man. just post some awesome art anon

>> No.2448281

I always thought it was nice to post the tools with the drawing, if I really like a drawing or painting I often want to know what the artist used to make it. But I guess I can see how it can be bad if they do it just to brag.

>> No.2448351

Sure, but only the expensive stuff is shown and try and look behind the photo manipulation. The real image is average and you don't need to pay literally hundreds of dollars for tools to achieve that.

>> No.2448376

Expensive how? You can get a decent plein-air set for under 20 dollars.

>> No.2448377

So... it's basically overpriced Ecoline? That shit has been around for decades.

>> No.2448398

Pretty much, yeah.

>> No.2448442

You can usually tell what medium a work was in at a glance. If you can't you need to expose yourself to more art. If you just wanna know what brand of pencil or whatever they're using you need to really that it doesn't matter or affect their work in the slightest.

>> No.2448462

Isn't ecoline as expensive? $7 per bottle.

>> No.2448580

Ecoline bottles are 30ml though, and definitely not as expensive in countries where it's more readily available.

>> No.2448751

I just got the orgasmic juices of pure joy shot into my eyes from these beautiful pieces...

>> No.2449651
File: 68 KB, 600x600, a06dee24919877.5633c4391f1b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keeping this thread alive with no shitposters

>> No.2449652
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>> No.2449653
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>> No.2449657
File: 60 KB, 600x600, ae01f524919877.5633c439245b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its really fun to reconstruct and attempt these designs through sheer observation and trial/error

>> No.2449658
File: 87 KB, 600x600, b49d5e24919877.5633c43928767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2449671


This shit's so fucking gorgeous.

>> No.2449677

Bump. These are great and is helpful for my motivation issues, thanks

>> No.2450023

Everytime I go to DA I see at least three of these on the front page. Brandwhoring has skyrocketed nowadays to the point where you can get a mediocre drawing on the front page as long as you show off a few Copics or a Dr. PH Martin's ink.

>> No.2450025

Shut up and go back to tumblr faglord.

>> No.2450032
File: 1.62 MB, 838x1200, aaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some works by this Japanese artist I found on DA. Most of this was drawn when she was 15-17.

>> No.2450035
File: 1.10 MB, 825x1200, bbbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2450037
File: 969 KB, 825x1200, cccc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her composition's a bit on the busy side but I really like her use of vibrant colors.

>> No.2450040
File: 658 KB, 886x1261, dddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2450041
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>> No.2450042
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>> No.2450046
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>> No.2450047
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>> No.2450053
File: 2.17 MB, 2550x2026, Adam Adamowicz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




Real shame he passed away RIP.

>> No.2453032


>> No.2453307

the light that shines twice as bright shines half as long.

>> No.2453453
File: 42 KB, 400x267, sad-old-man-14144032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn Anon

>> No.2454901

Finally going to take the plunge on a set of cool greys. Should I go straight to blender card or just bleed proof paper?

>> No.2454924

>on a set of cool greys.
I did that, then the next week I wanted a set of warm greys. Then after I bought those, the next week I wanted a whole set of colors. Then I eventually bought those too...

It's a slippery slope...

>blending card
A team of heavy / quality laser paper should be good enough for sketching. But if it's in your budget, Bristol board or Copic marker sketchbooks really feel good to draw on and they control the bleed better than copy paper

>> No.2454975


Thanks mate. I'll make room in the budget for better paper. I don't want to go big on markers, use shitty paper and get frustrated.

>> No.2455817

I've only ever used watercolors for years: what's the deal with markers? They're expensive and non-archival, why do people use those instead of watercolor?

>> No.2456178

gorgeous gorgeous. Not something I can afford right now. But absolutely want to do.

>> No.2456198

He's not bad but most of his good pieces are copies

>> No.2456207

please stop saying jelly, it makes me want to hurt people.

>> No.2456209

If you're going to limit your pallet, then you don't have to color the fucking nose to begin with, because it's closer to the rest of the skin then the fucking lips.

>> No.2457039
