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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 24 KB, 540x334, toshiba-encore2-write-tablet-540x334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2432165 No.2432165 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for a good, portable, tablet to draw on.

I heard plenty about the Surface, but I'm kinda reluctant to use Windows OS again.

>> No.2432825

Try /g/ buddy, also check youtube, there's a good review by this black guy artist

>> No.2432828

I don't know about the surface pros, but I have the surface book and it's pretty nice pen wise.
There is some weird issues when trying to use the hot keys with clipstudio however, meaning around half the time I have to manually click buttons.
Overall it's pretty good though, and from I hear the surface pros are much more polished out.

>> No.2432842

Do you also have that little yellow box pop up every time you use your pen and key like ctrl, alt, shift.
For some reason it really annoys me but i can't find a way to disable it

>> No.2432862

Is it just me or do art and tablet-related posts on /g/ get ignored most of the time?

>> No.2432865

/g/ just doesn't know much about digital art. So tablet threads should be allowed on ic as long as it's contained in one thread. Just like draw thread etc..

>> No.2432882

ipad pro. Artists are raving about it. I had my doubts but it seems as good as everyone says.

>> No.2432891

Do most people who use ipads draw with the apple pencil, too? A mangaka I follow on twitter uses one but I've never tried them before.

>> No.2432900

yeah. the apple pencil is amazing just look up some video reviews.

>> No.2432917
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Comparable to a Cintique? Got a sister who's about to graduate and it seems like a gift.
Also that charging plug, nice design Apple. Would've been leagues better if they didn't do that

>> No.2432924

Been drawing on my iPad Air 1 and procreate app for 2 years now. Works great.

>> No.2432927

I have a Cintiq but have never used an iPad pro, however I'm very interested in getting one for on-the-go art/sketching. Im really interested in getting one after watching video reviews. They say it has virtually no lag. I do know that the pro doesn't support 'cursor hover' like the cintiq tho. As in you can't see your brush size, the iPad doesn't register the pencil until it touches the screen unlike the cintiq.

>> No.2432930

I tried to draw on my iPad 2, i hated how big the nubs had to be for the stylus. Also jagged angled lines and ton of other problems. Would not recommend.

>> No.2432966

This, it's retarded to have them on /g/

>> No.2432967

No idea what you're talking about so I think you may of fucked up somewhere.

>> No.2432982

Samsung galaxy note + medibang.

Not even kidding. My art teacher uses that. But again, is an art teacher.

>> No.2433013

Oddly enough a lot of the people on /g/ have an artistic flair.

>> No.2433028

Different anon, but I had that issue on my machine. Seems to be caused from programs using windows ink instead of wintab.

If windows ink features (tabletpc input panel, etc) isn't something you use, search around for how to turn off that crap altogether.

You can also try this fix here, but I don't know how it will affect windows ink features elsewhere:

What worked for me was the fix in post#17 here:
The issue here is that it's a photoshop specific fix. Don't know if it can be used in other programs.

>> No.2433071
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when ever i click ctrl while using the stylus i get this little box under neath. But i have no idea how to disable it.

>> No.2433078

Yeah that's what i did with my wacom drivers.
But here the problem is that it's ntrig with the surface pro 4 so disabling tablet pc, makes me unable to use the keyboard.

But thanks for the links i'll look into it. I might find something

>> No.2433281

Cintiq/Intuos for the house - plug it into whatever the fuck you want.

iPad Pro for on the go - most portable solution with simple interface and and touch optimised software.

I am however getting good use out of my Surface Pro 4, which suits me for my current situation in life

>> No.2433322

What is the problem with windows?

As far as Android goes gets a tablet with a Wacom digitizer (Samsung with S pen) and buy Sketchbook Pro

I use a lot my Note 4 as mobile platform but the Surface Pro 2 is my main drawing/painting device

>> No.2433346

I want to buy a surface.

But then I've heard that the drivers are buggy. For now I've decided to stick to traditional until a surface pro without all the cons and poor quality assurance appears.

>> No.2433496

The good thing about the issues with the surface book are that they're mainly software issues so they can be fixed with a future download (or at least it should be)
The drivers aren't as bad as people make it out to be, and for drawing, once you get started you're pretty much good to go. The issues arise when detaching the top from the bottom (and there's quite a few of them) that cause it to freeze or otherwise glitch out. But you don't usually detach it while drawing.

that said, its really expensive for a buggy piece of equipment and the pro is the more intelligent choice if all you're looking for is a simple drawing tablet.

>> No.2433510
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>> No.2433521


>> No.2435357

Hey FiRez

How does the SP2 compare to a standard wacom drawing tablet like the wacom intuos or bamboo?

>> No.2435436

came here to ask about this very topic. I'm trying to learn how to draw from scratch, and figured it'd be smarter to start digitally, as that's where I get the best chances of making something look good (by abusing tools and software) and being able to salvage most works regardless of prior errors. I figure everything is going digital anyways, and it makes uploading OC much easier.

I don't wanna spend 800+ though, only to realize I don't have enough time to dedicate to it however. I work a 12 hours a day, 6 days a week usually. Figure a good mid grade tablet would be good, as even if I end up burning out, I'd still have something to browse 4chin on.

>> No.2435452


Start with a pen and paper. Take it from an anon who started digitally, you'll be doing yourself a favor not bothering with fucking around with a tablet for at the very least a couple of months. Your stuff won't look better for a while either way, I guarantee you, and it'll save you from trying to polish turds / force you to actually think before you place a line.

If you insist, though, the intuos pro medium is pretty much the baseline for quality and lots of professionals use it (some even prefer it over - or at least use it alongside - the cintiq).
I can't vouch for it since I've never used it, but the Huion H610 Pro is dirt cheap, has a lot of express keys, and 2048 pressure sensitivity. It looked pretty damn good for how much it cost, but any anons with experience might have found it was too good to be true, I dunno. Wacom is generally a safe bet, they're more or less the apple of the tablet world. A little overpriced but reliable.

Don't get a small. Just don't. Spring the extra to get a medium or don't bother, you're just going to have to upgrade anyway.

>> No.2435459


>>2435452 here, I just noticed this part.
>I'd still have something to browse 4chin on.

Don't expect to get a tablet worth drawing on with a display for cheap. I don't know if the old surface pros are going for under 800 but besides that I can only think of Huion's pen monitor, which goes for around $530 Canadian right now. It's not like a computer tablet, though, you can't browse facebook on the shitter with it. It's a monitor.

>> No.2435465

I can only compare the SP2 with the Bamboo and the entry level Intuos. First, The SP2 is way more stable, I remember having to restore my tablet settings or even restarting my PC frequently because pen pressure stopped working at random with my Bamboo.

Even my new Intuos "vanilla" has this issue where some strokes won't have pen pressure which is really infuriating but nothing like that has happened so far with my SP2.

The SP2 obviously has a bigger drawing area, but the edges of the screen makes the strokes very shaky. However this is a non issue for me since I rarely use those areas.

Some people may find the texture of the Bamboo/intuos more satisfying but this can be solved on the SP2 using a matte screen protector.

If you plan to use a SP2 as a main drawing device, I strongly suggest buying two additional items:

-A Wacom Feel stylus (the stylus that comes with the SP2 has a considerable amount of offset, making the change to the wacom one is a night and day difference)

-A small bluetooth keyboard for the shortcuts

>> No.2435468

yea, thanks for pointing that out. I hope to get a portable tablet mostly because I think it'd transfer easier with dimensions and the like. Not sure how easy it is to transfer hand eye coordination to a pad going to a monitor, but scribbling on the same thing as the image seems way more organic and would be quicker to pick up skill-wise.

>> No.2435658


>> No.2435676

IPads seem like a great choice, but the price is a little steep for me.

I had numerous non-tablet windows devices that crapped out. But yeah, I think the Surface 3 might best option for me at the moment.

>> No.2435679

can someone tldr this when you guys are done because theres just so much to read.

>> No.2435866

>pressure curve
>activation force
>hover distance
>prostate accuracy

>> No.2435907
File: 1.65 MB, 1920x1280, thinkpad-p40-yoga-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinkpad P40 Yoga, SP4, Ipadpro+pen seem like the best current models, P40 being a straightup workstation class laptop is also a big plus (build quality, connectivity, etc..) though you'd be wise to wait for the NotebookCheck review.

Alternatively, visit /tpg/ and ask about tablet thinkpads (x230t and others) which I hear are decent and can come pretty cheap (~$230 on the older models)

>> No.2436158

What if I already have a windows tablet and am looking to get a Bluetooth stylus? Would it be worthless on something with just under 2ghz on the dual core processors? What software would you need? Is photoshop the go to program, or is there an industry standard?

>> No.2436254

Surprised nobody has mention the old Motion Computing LE series. A little on the old side, but they're great for sketching and observational drawing, especially with Sketchbook Pro.

>> No.2436334
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I think I'm ready t to upgrade from my phone & stylus combo

>> No.2436335

Samsung 700t

>> No.2440079

What is /tpg/?

>> No.2440088

Got a surface pro 3, the digitizer is great, just gotta disable some of the pen input "features" so it doesn't mistake a stroke for a gesture.
I don't think it happens if you're using something like photoshop, but it does in paint tool sai.

It has a tendency to get pretty hot and loud though, probably because I'm running other stuff in the background while drawing, but it bothers me enough to go back to drawing on my intuos.
It's my work PC so I can't really use it for drawing most of the time, I'd only ever really use it to draw away from home on holiday.

>> No.2440146

I've been using a wacom bamboo for many years and I'm very satisfied with it except for one thing : I've been using the paint tool sai stabilizer for most of my brushes. I tried to disable it again lately and it always results in very irregular lines. However I've never used any other tablets so I don't know if it would be improved with a higher quality tablet or if the problem lies within something else. Any opinion on that ?

>> No.2440184

Thinkpad general on /g/

>> No.2443451

How's the sensitivity on it? I read the surface 3 only had 256 levels, and the prior iteration had over 1k. I've been told the difference between the 256 and the 1k is very noticeable.

>> No.2443501

ive been told 256-1024 is not noticeable lol

>> No.2443529

and they certainly don't, they also think they are good graphic designers

>> No.2443537

Not them but do have a SP3. The lack of levels isn't as noticeable, but the progression through those levels isn't great, and the pen has disconnect issues.

Bought a SP4 pen to use on my 3, you can't use all the levels but the pen works a lot better, and the variety of tips have a better feel. Using CSP/Manga studio where you can adjust levels to fix the pressure progression to my liking. SP3 doesn't work well with sai though if that's a factor.

>> No.2443591

I've just ordered a Galaxy Tab A 9.7 the other day. Will report in later.

>> No.2444003

I didn't want to make a new thread for this question. What is a good stylus for Ipad mini 2? So far it seems that Wacom Intuos creative Stylus 2 is good, but I'm not sure. Any suggestions?

>> No.2444029

Been trying to find a resource that lists all the tablets with digitizers, but never had any real luck until just now.


Not sure why I found it when I was doing almost exactly the same search as I have time and time before, but here it is.

>> No.2444085

Anyone here using a Surface Pro 2?

I am thiiiis close to purchasing one.

>> No.2444563

Cintiq Companion 1 or bust

>> No.2444571

And for desktop what are my options besides cintiq?

>> No.2444649

>but the progression through those levels isn't great

Isn't that because there are fewer pressure levels to detect? That'd make each range of pressure that more obvious.

As I was reading from a few sources, 1k to the 2k sensitivity is pretty hard to notice, but 256 to 1k is rather obvious.

>> No.2444660

using le1600 that i got for free to sketch around in SB pro, you just have to disable the fading features so it doesn't lag, extremely nice tablet for the price

but ofc battery sucks, color accuracy sucks, very large pictures will lag, it gets hot
so keep it to couchsketching

>> No.2444827

how do you guys feel about felt pen nibs like for wacom products? i really want more traction but i'm worried about the risk of scratching my screen

>> No.2444921

>Isn't that because there are fewer pressure levels to detect? That'd make each range of pressure that more obvious.

Nah, I'd say anything more that 70% full pressure on the SP3 has you making swirly colors on your screen, and that's pressing harder than necessary already, as you wear away the nib really quick and push the tablet around if you're not holding it. The supplied pen pressure settings aren't fit to adjust to lop off the harder 30% of the levels to compensate (one of the many reasons SAI is not good with the SP3)

Any art program that pressure setting in-program will work decently as I've done with Clip Studio Paint (Which works great having a tablet mode and not terribly resource heavy). This does mean I lose out on about 75 pressure levels which I although I find the remaining ~170 to be adequate for my needs. Do note the Surface Pro 4 and Surface book has full 1k levels.

I liked being able to get an in-store replacement immediately if I had a bad tablet, walk-in and get whatever accessories I needed. Or yank out a fresh nub at best buy from their display models and swap it with my used.

>> No.2445334

don't worry your screen won't get any skratches. I used felt tips since years never a skratch. But the felt tip wears off very very fast compared to plastic. so you will need to replace them more often.

>> No.2445357
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Not even trolling.

>> No.2445460
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i've been looking at the HP spectre x2 off that list as it has a great combination of things for the price (even wacom digitizer @2048 levels of pressure and a lot of stylus options). This is the first I've heard of the m3/m5/m7 though, but the m7 can apparently boost to 3.1ghz and ranks close to the i5 in the surface's lineup to some benchmarks from http://www.laptopmag.com/reviews/laptops/hp-spectre-x2

I'm going to look at the floor models of the surface and the spectre this weekend to see how they feel and handle. The other real nice thing about the spectre that has me excited is the the included keyboard, and a kickstand that lays down to what looks like a real comfy drawing angle
>pic related

>> No.2445470

I just got a 3ds and know nothing about it. What app/game/whatever is that?

>> No.2445505




>> No.2445538

Get the Surface 3 instead.

>> No.2445541
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Samsung Galaxy Note Pro, and I use either Autodesk's Sketchbook or Corel's Painter for my illustrations.

>> No.2445570

How can you guys draw on something so small like the surface pro and 13hd?
I have an intous 4L and i'm having serious doubts about upgrading because of the size of those tablets.

>> No.2445573

>tfw i will never ever get flipnote 3d

>> No.2446080

I got a tax return coming in. And I am upgrading my 5 year old phone. So I may be looking into the galaxy phones. As tempting as it is to buy a surface or a similar portable tablet. I can't see myself taking that out on the fly.

So I'm leaning on the surface phone I suppose.

>> No.2446525

Photoshop CS6 on a Samsung 700t.

>> No.2446532

I really recommend not drawing on the phone. It can manage if you have absolutely nothing else, but it will really hold you back.
If you're on the fly just use a tablet if you need to draw for real, otherwise just buy a sketchbook, but a phone is horrible for drawing.

>> No.2446939


I was in a similar position with a old timey trashcan phone and got a note 5. I enjoy using it, but yeah youre gonna have to manage expectations. Its not going to replace the full functionality of a laptop or surface-esque device.

Putting too many hours of drawing/painting time into something will run into "why didnt i just pull out the laptop + tablet" terrority. The efficiency loss of keyboard hotkeys gets me. You're at the mercy of android based painting programs (lol) and its not like you can tinker with pressure curves and the like. You /can/ do serious polished stuff on it, but it feels like it takes up 2x the effort and doesnt seem worth it.

For me though, its place falls between a laptop + graphics tablet and a half-sized sketchbook. I have an old cumbersome laptop and 2/3rds of my week im not in an environment where i can just set up the ol laptop + tablet combo. I can paint some small thing (in color!) during lunch at work without having to bust out a bunch of pens and markers for my sketchbook. Its good for portability and taking a drawing to like, 25% polish, but thats all I do in my free time anyway so it works for me.

I guess what it came down to for me was the fact I /had/ to get a new phone, my laptop sucks, and I couldnt justify a surface/companion purchase.

(On the topic of android drawing apps, autodesk sketchbook is cool and all, but i hated having to dig through a menu to switch between brush/eraser or use the colorpicker. medibang paint solved that problem for me and has a whole bunch of other ridiculous features like free transform on a marquee selection)

>> No.2447155
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My Wacom Intuos after 2 weeks use.

Am I fucking this shit up or is it alright if it's getting scratched?

>> No.2447192

Holy shit, i just put medibang on my Linux Mint 17.3 using wine and it freaking works.

>> No.2447205

You're fine. I've got an Intuos 4 that looked similar after a couple weeks of heavy use. It's 8 years old now and still works fine--only just had to replace the pen a few days ago due to the unrelated issue of the default grip pen being far too delicate.

>> No.2447206


that looks like just skin cheese, get windex and a microfiber cloth and clean it

>> No.2447207

Mine looks a heck of a lot worse (had it for a couple of years) but it works just fine.

>> No.2447214

Speaking of felt nibs... I really enjoy those, but they do wear down a bit quicker then the standard black ones. The black ones I can get on Aliexpress with International shipping for next to nothing, but does anyone know where I can get felt nibs at a nice price (that ships to Internationally?)

>> No.2447260

This guy again. Got off early and went to BB to check out the HP x2 and the surface 4. I ended up going with the surface 4 i5 with 8gigs of ram. They had a sale going for that specific configuration for 1099, which made it pretty enticing vs the x2 m7 configuration.

I figure MS will probably have more support for longer than HP would with their product as well.

>> No.2447277

Congrats! Give us a little review when you've tested it out.

>> No.2447405

Dunno about the SP4, but with the SP3 you had to disable press and hold, as well as gestures.

>> No.2447861

Damn, well I already purchased the Surface 2, I'll give my impressions when I get it.

>> No.2447979

Any advice on a beginner drawing program? I downloaded sai, krita, and sketchbook. So far, sketchbook feels the most polished, but I'm already annoyed with the keyboard on the SP4, as you can't use it unless it's in the basic laptop position. if you flip it any other way, the keyboard gets disabled meaning no commands. Kinda hard to reach over the keyboard to use the tablet. Sketchbook is the only program that innately acknowledges the eraser on the stylus, but I'm sure I could get something working on the other programs. Palm rejection isn't perfected, as I found a lot of small blemishes on the sketches (you pretty much have to slap your hand down in order for complete palm rejection). Drawing feels oddly detached from what I'm doing and I'm not sure how one would ever be able to draw a good circle with a tablet. The right click button is really low on the stylus, and feels like I'm choking up on the stylus way to much to use it, but maybe that's how one's supposed to hold a pen for drawing. I'm hoping to find an option in here to save the colors you selected earlier in the works, because the color wheel all these programs use is very hard to be consistent with.

>> No.2448235

I use photoshop so i don't know about the other programs. But just to give some things that helped me get adjusted to sp4.

I bought a bluetooth key pad that i configured with autohotkey and use it on the side. There are a few programms that lets you use an on screen touchkeys. But it didn't fit my workflow for me.

Now to draw you need to disable pen flicks and the right click hold option. Otherwise there is a delay.
Don't use the buttons of the pen, they are useless.

I changed the nip to be more slippery. I'm so used to draw on glass that it just feels like i'm using an eraser when using the nip that comes with it. But if the activation force still feels way to much off. Take the nip out and reput it in. It changed the feel a bit for me.

Some programs need you to install wintabs for pen pressure etc. But not photoshop who works with microsoft native ink or whatever that's called.

There is a program for windows ink to adjust the level curve. But the activation force will allways be a bit off compared to wacom. So just draw till you get used to the activation point. This is really the hardest part but once you're used to it, then you're good to go.

>> No.2448416

>if you flip it any other way, the keyboard gets disabled

Really? Ach, that's a bit disappointing.

>> No.2448418

I forgot to ad, in terms of drawing programs I only really have experience with SAI, as my old PC is too slow for both PS and CSP (which is one of the reasons I'm saving up and considering something like a SP4) But SAI is a pretty neat lil' program. A bit lacking in special features, but very fast and intuitive.

>> No.2452342

Since there is already a tablet thread

Has anyone found a better drawing App other than Procreate? I'd be willing to shell out $10 for a good app.

>> No.2452516

Can't you just use photoshop or clipstudio?
I have absolutely no problem using clipstudio on my tablet.

>> No.2452703

I think he is talking about the iPad Pro
Have you tried Medibang?

>> No.2453372

I have an old galaxy tab 7" 4, what stylus and app do you recommend /ic/? I can't afford the based iPad pro, but besides, there's "no tools, only skills," right?

>> No.2453411

Not sure if you know, they price dropped the 13" Monday to 799, and the new 9.7" is 599.

If you are really strapped for cash, just keep using a sketchbook and pen?

>> No.2453427

is there a pen that works with any android tablet?

>> No.2453583
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i have a surface
>cant adjust pressure settings
>Cant map on the pen
just get a cintiq, bout as expensive but much better

>> No.2453603
File: 192 KB, 1600x1200, Lenovo-ThinkPad-Tablet-2-Review-016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you need something cheap a Thinkpad pro works decently, but it gets hot fast and has a short battery life.

I got a touchpad tablet 2, has 5-9 hours battery life (Mine was used so it's on the lower side)

Pressure and stuff works great, and it's a nice portable sketchbook, runs windows 10 too. That being said it isn't that powerful and can't seem to run most drawing programs at full speed or at all. Sai works with a 1000 x 1000 document full speed, and Sketchbook pro works flawlessly at documents around that size and a bit higher too.

But I'm poor and couldn't afford anything newer, so yeah.

>> No.2453608

>uses SAI
>wants a tablet

Bad news, bro. SAI is not very tablet friendly. I downloaded it on my SP4, and there's no gesture support at all. Sketchbook acknowledges zoom pinch, rotation, and panning. Krita does a few gestures, but not as many (sorry, can't remember off the top of my head) and has almost no touchscreen commands (no undo, rotate, etc.).

There might be something in the settings I didn't see, but so far I'm sticking with sketchbook. I wanted to grab that comic maker program that was on half off sale a couple days back, but I felt that I was too inexperienced with the programs, and didn't want to dive into something wallet first only to find out that another program does what I need, without a ton of extra work.

Just got done chatting to some HP rep about the Spectre x2. As it stands, the connector is a USB C charger @15w and 3amp which appears to only work with proprietary power sources. The keyboard also doesn't work in any other position than standard laptop mode, and from the forums that I've been reading from owners, they have no consistent build quality, and tons of driver issues. Guess I chose right with the surface.

Odd issues I've noticed with the surface:
Touchpad two finger scrolling goes in reverse. Reverse scroll puts it back to every other scrolling setup.
Changing the settings for screen turn off on battery = sleep
Disabling screen turn off while plugged in = ignore this command, and make up your own value.
turning off bluetooth keeps your stylus working
airplane mode will randomly show as on in your notifications, but isn't actually on.
The keyboard feels pretty flimsy and flexes enough that you can actually get your keys stuck if using it on your lap
and there's no way to turn off your capacitive touch and keep the stylus working (from what I've seen)
Turning off the long hold = right click feature only temporarily disables it. after X amount of sleep modes, it'll default back to on

That's all for now.

>> No.2453619
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Anyone know if the Intuos 5 is any good:?

>> No.2453636
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It has wacom support.

>> No.2453645


The review says it works, but the comments are saying it doesn't, which is it? (for the drawing aspect of it at least)

>> No.2453668



It does work

>> No.2453672


Do you own this tablet? Care to share your opinions? Seriously thinking about buying this, as I have a wacom pen, and I have exactly 300$ to spend, so this seems perfect unless I'm missing something.

>> No.2453679


The more I read on this and the fact its only available on chinese sellers gives me the feeling this is a piece of crap and thats why its so cheap for what it is. I'd love to be wrong though.

>> No.2453684
File: 142 KB, 700x697, cube_i9_18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't own this tablet, but I was going to buy it. They brought out a new one that has a skylake drive, so I'm waiting to see if they'll add the wacom stylus plugin. I've researched the shit out of the cube i7 and I think it's a pretty good tablet but I feel you should do your own research to see if its really for you.

Alot of other people are also waiting to see if they make a stylus version, man I hope they do because then it would be truly awesome.

>> No.2453695

It's not a piece of crap though, its a pretty good tablet theres tons of videos on youtube showing it off. Also it's going down in price because they just brought out a new model.

>> No.2453703


It can do drawing, pdfs, word processing, music, and internet browsing, thats all I need it for. I just am trying to be convinced it won't show up broken and I'll be out of luck.

>> No.2453704


*and that it does everything it says it can.

>> No.2453716


Well nevermind, laptop I was going to return to get the dosh for is 3 days outside of its return policy. Fml.

>> No.2454008

That's not bad, but I only spent $150 for my samsung and I don't really feel the need to part with it yet. I'll buy an iPad pro when I can start making money and need something like that keep up with demand.

>> No.2454012

Whatever you do anons, just don't buy the Cintiq Companion 1. The charger port will break on you within 1-2 months. The CC2 is fine though.

>> No.2454014

surface pro 4. I'm using it atm.

>> No.2454018

>Bad news, bro. SAI is not very tablet friendly

Darn! Oh well, Sketchbook sounds like a relatively simple light program too, I'll be checking it out when I've decided on a tablet. Still haven't quite made up my mind, but I greatly appreciate the experiences you're sharing, so thanks a bunch!

>> No.2454021

Intuos 5 is great! Very responsive and sensitive. I have the Medium, good size that allows you to work with some gusto and still not so big that it's hard to place. Don't get the small one, I had a small Genius and it was simply too little and annoying to work on, ended up upgrading rather quickly (also it was shit in general, but fortunately not expensive, so no great loss)

>> No.2454025

Hmm, this looks kinda promising, might be just what I'm looking for too. Not too pricy, but strong enough for the basics.

>> No.2454034

Speaking of Cintiq... I got the chance to try the 22" touch, but I wasn't too impressed. I think what bothered me the most was that the distance from the screen surface down to the visible canvas was like a good 1-1,5 mm and it felt like there was a slight delay in my strokes too. The manager said that it might not be ideally calibrated. Could this be the case about the minimal feeling of delay? I guess the distance from screen to canvas is just something one would have to get used to... Currently I have an Intuos and one of the things I love about it is how fast and precise it feels. Didn't quite get that feel with the Cintiq and I got insecure if I wanted to to shell out the cash when I felt that way.

>> No.2454066

I have a CC1 and a CC2, so I can't vouch for the larger Cintiqs, but in my experience:

There is indeed a bit of parallax. I noticed it right away, but after a week of drawing, you become fully accustomed to it. It's not an annoyance or hindrance at all for me anymore.

As for delay, there are a lot of factors for that. Since the 22" Cintiq is dependent on a CPU, should the CPU be weak, it would lag when using intensive (and/or large) brushes. How good is your rig?

When my I7 CC2 is calibrated, I don't get any lag at all; the 'pen and paper feel.'

But, since you're good with the Intuos, you might as well stick with it. These Cintiqs are stupidly expensive. I jumped right into the Cintiq pen displays when I should've tried the pen tablets first. Now that I'm assimilated with the Cintiq, I can't stand the tablets.

I wonder if I would've liked the pen tablets had I tried them first. Would've saved me so much money.

>> No.2454217

>How good is your rig

Not very good, I'll admit. I was how ever thinking about a Companion, but after trying the standard 22" and reading this thread I'm contemplating getting a cheaper option. I'm very accustomed to the Intuos and my hand-eye coordination is bretty good, I have no trouble inking or anything like that. So a new gadget wouldn't be to replace my beloved Intous, just would be fun having something portable to doodle on.

>> No.2454340

Thoughts on the new iPad Pro?
Less RAM and power than the full size Pro, but has this new True Tone screen which is apparently impressive, presumably for colour accuracy

>> No.2454375

i was looking at it as well.

Even though its smaller than the other ipad i figured it would be a good starting tablet for drawing with the pencil and if i ever needed more screen size by that time i would have enough money for a bigger one. So im probably buying one whenever it comes out.

That and the fact that i could probably draw and watch online tutorials at the same time with that split screen is pretty sick.

>> No.2454447

I'm guessing most tutorials out there for digital painting were made with Photoshop in mind, but i wonder how easy it is to apply the lessons to Procreate?

>> No.2454580

Check the >>2444029 link and see what tablets options are out there. It has a decent spec guide to get an idea of what tablets have what going for them.

After that, get your picks in a list, and search forums for those specific tablets. I've found reading up on the HP spectre x2 that I was very fortunate to not trust HP, as the user base had tons of complaints about the tablet. It's good to get an idea from actual owners, and not just reviewers or spread sheet comparisons.

Update on Surface:
screen turn off does actually work correctly, it just kills the audio when it does (which in return makes it worthless as a boombox/mp3 player for driving)
>Disabling screen turn off while plugged in = ignore this command, and make up your own value.
Not true, I screwed up and accidentally set a blank screen saver to activate after 5 minutes (trying to save battery since it's my music while driving) so that's causing the screen turn off to occur. It also doesn't always go to a blank screen which is odd.

The long hold right click feature IS disabled on the capacitive side, but the stylus still registers it. I think that's new, because I coulda swore when I first disabled it, it didn't work on the stylus.

speakers are actually pretty nice for something as small as it is.
screen contrast and brightness/viewing angles are really impressive. The colors really pop and I don't need to adjust my position from the screen in various lighting positions.
closing the keyboard to the screen causes it to sleep, which is pretty great and keeps menu hopping down if you're moving around.
cameras are very sharp, and windows 10 has some really clever menus for adjusting things like aperture, shutter speed and whatnot.
I plan on taking a few pictures of scenery I like for the purposes of drawing it later (tracing at first, because I'm new to drawing and it's about as hard as I figured it'd be).
Stylus has good hover detection, and seems pretty darn accurate.


>> No.2454612

If you have the money, iPad Pro or that new smaller iPad is your best bet. Then you have a pencil that goes with it that costs a Benjamin, but is worth it if you like the feel. I've yet to try it, but that sideways tilt for the shading on the Apple Pencil seems appealing.

>> No.2454793

Eh, it really depends on what you're wanting to get out of a tablet.

Are you wanting something to do heavy-duty art (ie lots of layers and at large resolutions) with or just something to do light sketching or studies on when out and about?
The Surface Pro line is definitely geared toward the former--I should know, I'm using a Surface Pro 1 as I type. Think of the Surface Pro line as variously cheaper and less specialized versions of a Cintiq Companion; it can use any art program successfully that a laptop or desktop can, but isn't really mobile friendly, as the mobile art apps on offer are pretty laughable.
I think Asus also has some tablets that can run standard art apps like Photoshop or Painter, but I've never been able to get my hands on them so I can't say much about them.

If lighter sketching is more your interest then I'd recommend either the Ipad series after Ipad 2, with it's acclaimed Procreate art app, or the Galaxy Note Tablets and their equally impressive art app, Infinite Painter. I have experience with both tablets, and both apps, and you can't really go wrong with either. Both the tablets and the apps have different strengths and weaknesses, and which one you'd pick is largely dependent on your personal sensibilities rather than because of massive deficiencies on the part of the hardware or software

>> No.2457290

Got one, works flawlessly.

Just dont get the accessories, thats where they jew on you. The stylus I got bent and some of the keyboard keys fail. The stylus still works fine though.

Here the list of the stylus that works with the tablet : http://techtablets.com/forum/topic/stylus-list-that-works-and-tested/

Why no tablet support on SAI though.. I ended up switching to clip studio.

>> No.2459227

But there are literally no professional apps in there
It just works as a sketchbook

>> No.2459251


My impression of the iPad pro (which is limited - I tried it at the apple store and that's it) is that it's pretty sorely limited by its software. If you could plug it into your PC and use it like a cintiq it'd be great, but as it is it's basically a glorified sketchbook.

The only time I'd recommend it is if you were already in the market for a tablet for other reasons and the pen was just an added benefit. $100 for the pen is probably well worth it, but buying the tablet plus the pen just for drawing is a bit of a waste.

>> No.2459306

Is the Surface Pen 4 worth it if I have a Surface Pro 3?

>> No.2459373

>no professional apps
Procreate is decent, but no where near PS in terms of being full featured. To be honest, as a hobbyist, I only know how to use 10% of PS features anyways, so procreate is more than enough for me.

>plug it into your PC and use it like a cintiq
Astropad? I've never used it, but I see it floating around a lot. It could be a piece of shit... http://astropad.com/ipad-pro/#

>in the market for a tablet for other reasons
Couldn't agree more. If you already like the Apple ecosystem, the pencil is a nice addition. I will add that the multitouch is amazing when coupled with the pencil.

>> No.2459418

What about photoshop? Also if the i9 gets a wacom version, will you get it?

>> No.2460564

No. Definitely not worth the gigantic price for a marginal upgrade.

>> No.2460687

Na, its not that much better.

>> No.2460692

Haven't tried photoshop.

>> No.2460707

I've got the chance to buy a worn out but still working Cintiq 13HD for $350 should I shoot for it?

>> No.2460752

can you return it?

>> No.2460760

Unlikely its just some guy who wants to sell it off. All I've used before is a Wacom Bamboo tablet and I could never find the time to get the hang of it, but I've heard its alot easier to learn how to use a tablet if it has a build in touch screen.

>> No.2460771

I guess study the pictures closely or even ask for more photos because the last thing you want is a nonworking tablet. I say go for it, but it's questionable on why he's selling it that low.

>> No.2460783

Well it does work as far as I can tell, see now originally he wanted like $350 for it. Then he did some "research" and started asking $600 for it. So I told him to fuck off and come back when his serious. After awhile he must have not gotten any other takers so his back to offering $350 for it.

>> No.2460814

turn off flicks (control panel/ pen and touch, it's there somewhere)

Turn off windows ink (on you tablet driver options)

>> No.2460841

Go for it!

>> No.2460867

Will do champ thanks

>> No.2460874

different anon here, but I'd try to knock 50 off it since he originally detracted from his offer of 350. Tell him since he jerked you around you're taxing him for being greedy or something.

>> No.2460878

lol love your style anon but I think I'll stick with it I've been burned before trying to pull that stuff.

>> No.2461018

I'd rather get a chink wacom penabled windows tablet with that amount of money

>> No.2462191

Having the same issue

>> No.2463144

Took the plunge and got a cintiq companion. I'm hoping it's worth the money...

>> No.2463863

You fell for the cintiq meme. Congratulations!

>> No.2464123

I have a Surface Pro 4, and it's completely capable as a professional device. The only thing I would say is you have to apply the slightest amount of pressure in order for the Surface to recognize a pen stroke. And the stroke also lags behind the pen tip, just barely.

It's pretty nice. However, I had a chance to try an iPad Pro with the pencil yesterday, and I do think it's a bit better. If iPad's ran Mac OS, I'd be all over it. Until then, I'm sticking with the Surface.

>> No.2464336


This guy here with an important discovery. There's a program called skipmetrosuite that allows you to block the edge swipe gestures. When drawing I kept having my current apps screen pop up whenever I got too close to the edge of the left side (mostly while adjusting tip thickness in sketchbook), or the the action center if on the right side...anyways, download that program and while it claims to be for windows 8, it definitely works on 10. This program works for not only the SP4, but the SP3 as well. Just gotta log off after selecting the boxes and log back on. I had to run it twice, but now I no longer have edge swipe issues.

>> No.2464359

Holy shit dude, I hope you read thru this thread and got the CC2 and NOT the CC1.

>> No.2464492

I got it second hand so I'm not sure, actually. I did hear that it had a charger problem but this guy has used it less than a few months and says it's fine.

>> No.2465031
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The surface is great. the pen kicks ass. It responds to the amount of pressure you apply. This means that you can add weight to your lines. when you want to erase, you can use the eraser at the top of the pen. The pen comes with multiple tips and is surprisingly responsive.
I'm learning to draw on it currently. Just finished this drawing. posted it to /v/'s draw thread

>> No.2465190

I own both a CC1 and CC2. The CC1 is popular to sell secondhand because we all know its gonna break after a couple months' use.

In my case, I went through 3 CC1s and all of them died within 1-3 months. Wacom was swift with the replacements, but it was a nightmare nonetheless. Keep in mind, I spent my left nut on this shit so I treated it with the utmost care. The charger just gets finnicky over time and then outright fails on you.

When yours inevitably goofs up, take it to some electronics shop and have them fix that shit port. Best of luck, I hope you didnt pay too much.

(Besides the rocker ring, CC1's only have 4 express keys, 2 above the ring, 2 below. CC2's have 6)

>> No.2465474


>> No.2466238


>> No.2466320

honestly i feel this. literally the only reason i got a 3ds.
and every once in a while i frantically check their facebook page in fear they did some more code giveaway bullshit and i missed it.

>> No.2466326


So what this means is that active stylus software will be baked into the OS itself and that they will have some sort of hardware mandate for OEMs to adhere by?

Mite b cool

>> No.2466329
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I am using a Lenovo ThinkPad Yoga i5 4200U. It had win8 pre-installed, took me sometime to get win 7 on there. I been using after effects, photoshop, manga studio and toonboom with ease. I never liked the idea of using a Surface or any tablet device for drawing.

I know it's not what you are really looking for, but I'll stand by these bastards.

>> No.2466330

I'm mostly excited by the possibility that I might not need to tolerate N-Trig on my Surface Pro 4 anymore

>> No.2466331

imagine the day styluses will become as common as mouses and drawing monitors as normal monitors, with a wider range for programs with realistic brushes which behave like the real counterparts

>> No.2466467
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>> No.2466751

God that's disappointing to hear. I paid about 900 quid for it so that sucks. I guess I should have done more research. I own a cintiq that is fine, obviously and have had wacom products that have lasted for years.

Sucks to hear it's shit.

>> No.2467066

>bought one of these tablets
>skill doesn't suddenly improve tenfold

>> No.2467818

I'm glad I resisted the urge to splurge, going to wait for the Surface Book 2 now.

>> No.2467831
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Real pros use a thinkpad x200t that cost £100. BE /ic/ AND /g/

>> No.2467832
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>> No.2467861
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x201 here

>> No.2467887

Aren't the CPUs way too weak for anything except the most simple brushes? Also what about RAM? 2GB sounds way too limiting for painting on something like 3000x5000 with a dozen layers.

>> No.2467907

1.2 ghz
3GB Ram (you can add more)
Shit tier integrated graphics
Windows 7

I frequently use Clip Studio Paint Pro and Photoshop CC, my go to canvas size is 2560 x 1600, so I use fairly large brushes and have no lag issues... Unless I go crazy with a size 100 or something.
I'd say the battery lasts for about 3 hours of drawing, its the extended version

>> No.2467957

>100px max brush size
This is far from ideal. Better would be something that can deal with textured brushes and brush sizes with up to at least 500px without lagging. And I can't find anything about if the pen has any feature for rotating the brush.

>> No.2467961

is the wacom intuos draw a waste of money for a beginner? it's like 70 dollars...

>> No.2467964

>500 px brush
You are going to need to spend more than £100
No this does not support pen rotation, its a small wacom pen, no battery, good pressure sensitivity, a rubber(eraser if american) and a single button(right click)

>> No.2468133

Shit I was just about to buy a Surface Pro 4, should I wait then?

>> No.2468165
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What size tablet do you all prefer using?

I've had an intuos3 with only 6x8 for years, but I wondered if people shelling out for the larger tablets actually found them easier to use.

>> No.2468674

I was hoping whatever pen comes out of this will work on a Surface Pro 4. I hope I'm not wrong

>> No.2468744

6" x 8"? I use a bit less and am happy.

I tried big ones (A4+), but found it a waste of space. You can't put it away between drawing sessions and it blocks your whole desk. You also have to travel with your arms more to draw the same line, which makes you just slower and exhausts you easier. And it's not like you become more accurate. You end up all the time switching grips when drawing blindly instead of just zooming in. It's just more complicated.

Also, you could just jump to displays which support pressure sensitive pens directly if you want bigger.

>> No.2468768

iPad Pro 12.9"vs 9.7"
Bigger screen vs True Tone display
Which one is better for art? Looks like you don't save that much money by buying the smaller one

>> No.2468797

the 12.9 is noticeably heavier, especially when you add the Smart Cover keyboard, it's comparable to an ultra book. You can't really whip it around and toss it on the couch since it's so big. Also, when I load the 12.9 in my backpack with my laptop, I notice the weight, I don't notice the 9.7.

When I lay in bed, I can't hold the 12.9 above my head, scroll through 4chan, and type shit posts. Using it while taking a shit, feels like I'm using a laptop on the toilet.

That being said, it's an amazing immersive experience because it's so big. The 9.7 feels like an iPad mini, I'll never go back.

multitasking can feel cramped on the 9.7 after using the 12.9. I almost always split screen with procreate and a ref (safari, photos, PDFs in iBooks).

if I am drawing something like a study, I hold the iPad landscape, and I 3/4 split screen for procreate. The 12.9 just gives you much more space to draw if you hold it like this. If I'm just making quick sketches only then fuck multitasking, the 9.7 in portrait mode would be fine.

For whatever reason, everyone seems to insist on buying a cover for their iPad. If you do, the 12.9 cover is probably going to feel twice as heavy because the weight is proportional to the area, not the length. Also, basic physics means it's going to feel heavier because of the "lever principle" if you hold it with one hand.

The keyboard cover feels mandatory with 12.9 since typing is so clumsy due to the size. The keyboard cover on 9.7 feels more like a novelty since I'm already use to typing with the soft keyboard.

12.9 is an over night charge, the brick is too small. I usually get 10+ hrs of drawing out of it. I imagine the new 9.7 charges at regular iPad speed.

>> No.2469296

But it is just a glorified sketcbook right?
Have you tried Medibang?

>> No.2469498

I just got a surface book 4 and it's delicious. The stylus feels so good and heavy, the tip is soft so it feels much better against the screen and the pressure sensitivity is great.

It's even hearty enough to run guild wars 2 for off time.

a pretty scrub review and I still do more traditional than digital art but it feels good.

>> No.2469817

Mate, I spent a ton more than that on oils a month, it is the cheapest option by far for decent colour work. Starting out with pencil and paper is far better though.

>> No.2470133

I downloaded it. It felt a little cramped, the UI was bloated. Someone suggested an app called Concepts. It looks promising for illustration since everything drawn as a vector. I haven't played with it long enough to know if it's good or shit.

All I do is sketch, and I just stop polishing when I get bored. I've never sold any work either, so I'm not the right person to ask.

>> No.2470195
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Just to add to my previous post >>2470133, I just found the VLC app, so now I can pause clips and study animu and movies off my network shares... fuck I can't believe I just discovered this...

Anybody else have any other good iOS drawing hacks? Stupid Pinterest and Dropbox don't support multitasking yet, so I have been saving images into photos if I need refs...

Sorry about the giant screen cap, I am just very excited

>> No.2470232

Ipads are awful, at least get something with a proper operating system.

>> No.2470479

How are the digitizers on these? Do they have touch sensetivity and hovering? I really want a thinkpad and I really want a screen with a digitizer.

>> No.2470799


What is the conclusion here? Really want to buy a tablet for working on my digital stuff. Can they usually run Paint.sai. Do they run well? I was looking at buying a laptop or a tablet.

>> No.2471000

Does anyone pirate photoshop CC?I have a copy of CS6 but the UI is too small on my Surface Meme 4. I heard CC has adjustable UI

>> No.2472037

i have cc pirate and the ui is resized for my pro 3.

>> No.2472087

they are shit. If the tablet is using a wacom digitizer the pressure sensitivity is only 256 levels. It's noticeable. Fine for doodling but harder for anything serious.

I had a samsung series 7 slate with a wacom digitizer and I found if I used lazy nezumi I could adjust the pressure curve to feel more accurate. Still took a lot of playing around and getting use to.