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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2423540 No.2423540[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who else #hasn'tgottenlaidsinceartschool here?

Why is being in art school so enticing to women but having an art degree and not having a job not?

>> No.2423580

How about never
Any virgin art girls available here? My dick looks great on pictures.

>> No.2423643
File: 50 KB, 675x547, 1453606733669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


damn senpai, it'll happen one day, just be yourself and don't send dick picks. Also I couldn't imagine anyone creating good art if they've never had at least 2 magnificent women in their lifetime. I'm going on two years since being with a magnificent woman, and more on an average one. Living with my parents doesn't help. I need to take an art class just to meet people. Generally I'm against paying to learn things you can learn free online but being an adult it's hard to meet new people

>> No.2423655

>it'll happen one day
I actually hope not, as the thought of having sex with a woman or man doesn't sound appealing to me at all.
I have enough (virgin) art girls around me

>> No.2423688


you should. I can't say I really had a good time doing LSD but it's one of those things where in a moment of lucidity I was like, "wow I could have lived my entire life without ever having experienced this." Do it with a friend. It's not the most important thing in the world or a necessary part of daily (weekly, yearly) life but it's something every human should do at least once.

Don't just try and get stoic about if senpai, it's okay to admit you haven't been able to do it.

>> No.2423700

I guess it would be something to try out at least once, but the only thing that seems to arouse me is young children.
I've heard of others like me that tried it, but it just seems like something that would end in disappointment.

>> No.2423739

ITT- thirst > gittin' gud

>> No.2423743

How old are you? When you turn 30 youll think differently. Theres more to life than drawing pretty pictures.

>> No.2423756

>when you turn 30 youll think differently
stop projecting

>more to life than drawing
and gettin dick
also wheredoyouthinkweare.jpeg

>> No.2423795


There's also more to life than chasing tail. Anyone who's sexually active (I'm pretty sure you aren't) will tell you that sex suffers from even greater diminishing returns than oxycodone. Drawing doesn't.

>> No.2423800
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and at the end you have something of value, not just shame and disgust with the person you just defiled (I don't go so far as to say that all penetrative sex is rape, but the vast majority is, and anyone who thinks otherwise is a psycopath rapist)


Young kids is beyond my pay grade, and frankly disgusting. But yea stay celibate if that's the only thing that gets you hard, son.

>> No.2423803

So are are less than 30, grill, prob got laid at least once, no libido now, prob on anxiety meds, think you are an expert at life
Youre right, i shoudnt project, because youre below me
There are no positives to drawing if you dont have talent

>> No.2423804


I can think of very few things in my life that I've ever done and people I've met that have not been disappointing (as I am painfully aware I am to them as well), but it doesn't mean it didn't add something to me or my understanding of the world.

>> No.2423807


>le talent maymay

So what? I'll never be a professional ball player but I enjoy playing in a rec softball league. It passes the time enjoyably and there is such a thing as getting better. You have to do something in your waking hours and drawing is a better use of your time than a lot of things, especially things that would have you sitting in front of the TV or computer screen shitposting on wizchan about how shitty your life is not recognizing the irony of what you are doing.

>> No.2423808

>gotten laid
what are you doing here, anon? The world is wide, and for you, not foreign.

>> No.2423809

>drawing doesnt
Artvirgin detected, it certainly does have diminishing returns.

>> No.2423815

Sports/exercise/working out/socialising/etc are way better time spent than useless drawing
Only attention whores and talented people get something out of it. Even watching videos is more useful than drawing, because you might learn something.

>> No.2423817


You are a retarded nigger. With art you aren't chasing a feeling you can never get back (i.e., your first time) resulting in your destruction.

>> No.2423821

Nice, now could you fuck off to /v/ or something.

>> No.2423829

You are chasing that perfection/satisfaction with your work.
Artvirgin you are indeed.

>> No.2423830
File: 10 KB, 118x127, whydoievenhavetoexplainthistoyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why don't women want to fuck me for _____??!??
Because you're ugly and boring. Stop trying to blame everything else besides you.

>> No.2423833

Ive been drawing for over 10 years and /ic/ has been my home for almost 8 now.
Why dont you fuck off, artvirgin?

>> No.2423835
File: 8 KB, 304x225, 1423267295472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, this thread took a huge 180.

Please don't screw kids anon.

Move to Japan if you have to, I heard the legal age is 14, and if that isn't true at least there's loli.

>> No.2424020
File: 306 KB, 593x540, smug kirino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going this far off on a tangent
are you even still trying to defend the idea of spending one's time on /ic/ whining about how dry your dick is?

>> No.2424099

>posts smug
>chooses kirino
fampai pls don't drop to his level

>> No.2424113

my bad senpai
i just chose a random smug

>> No.2424114
File: 28 KB, 364x450, 1447292541432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's going on in this thread?

>> No.2424285

I don't want to screw children, anon
I just want to be allowed to love them
Others are allowed to be with the ones they love, I'm not and that makes me sad

>> No.2424292
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>Also I couldn't imagine anyone creating good art if they've never had at least 2 magnificent women in their lifetime

if you seriously believe that i feel sorry for you

>> No.2424297
File: 1.99 MB, 3968x2645, DSC02042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do plien air works
>Work figurative from nude men/women
>Routinely stick my dick in my models
>Good weekend consists of fucking a model, painting them postfuckin, drinking, painting, fuckin.

The hell. You are artfags, bitches dig this shit. Unless you're an illustrator, have no goddamn fine arts experience or confidence.

Jesus christ, Freud had like 8 kids, Picasso was slaying pussy left and right and fucking hell Pollock was able to get it in ffs, and he was weird as fuck.

Come on boys, if you can't get laid and be a painter. You can't get laid.

>> No.2424332

He's actually right, both genders really dig being the muse.

>have good work, or good enough to impress normies
>normie says 'oh you're good'
>let them know that actually you actually want to draw a person from life, they can even read a book

And now you're spending time alone with that person. Be their friend, be their lover, just don't pressure them or be creepy.

>> No.2424348

God this board turned to shit

>> No.2424448
File: 19 KB, 236x347, imfine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't believe that and I feel sorry for myself...

>> No.2424685

You're fucking weird.

>> No.2424687

From the thumbnail it looks like a bunch of Simpsons caricatures

>> No.2424708

How am I weird.

>> No.2424709

His definition of love is different from yours, he's the sick one not you.

>> No.2424711

>or be creepy
Thats the hard part.

>> No.2424725
File: 103 KB, 1223x1240, 1444834665002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not having model gf made me depressed as fugg.

>> No.2424729

The sooner you come to the realization that a Woman does not and will not make you happy the better.

>> No.2424740

sure, buddy. having someone in your life who is not indifferent to you, doesn't hate you, but actually loves you, will not make you happy.
only if you're a hateful person. someone who doesn't care about other people or desires to be accepted for who they are will not be happy.
great advice from an expert satan. would take lessons again.

>> No.2424746


I used to convince girls to get topless in my room alone so I could use their back as a canvas.


a girl does not respect your art, until she lets you do anal.

>> No.2424756
File: 58 KB, 454x588, 1368056578034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was naive and innocent again, I sincerely wish I was. Stay oblivious, in this case ignorance really is bliss.

>> No.2424759

what a well thought-out intelligent retort, your arguments were backed up by strong evidence and research. there was not a hint of bias.

oh, wait.

>> No.2424766

If you are looking for a hole to fuck, I get it but what you're looking for is not there that hole is empty it's just a hole to fuck with, silly hell you can buy a ona hole same principles it would be a hell of a lot cheaper and save you headaches.

>> No.2424772

i was saying how nice it would be for someone to care about me a bit more than what you'd get in a charity program and to return the favor.
you are just projecting if you think all i want is sex.

>> No.2424781
File: 249 KB, 280x300, 1422080982754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not fooling anyone faggot you'd fuck like a bunny rabbit the second she opens her legs for you do not tell me you're not doing it for sex you lying pumpkin eater.

>> No.2424797

sure, i'm not impotent, but why does it have to be just for one thing?

>> No.2424799
File: 46 KB, 400x400, Romebox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We get it, anon, you've been burned before. You're a tortured soul who's built up walls so nobody can hurt you again.

>> No.2424804

Because my naive Anon that's all Women are good for. The rest is all fluff, you don't want the fluff you want to go straight for the meat and potatoes so go fuck something already and you'll lose all interest for Women I guarantee it.

>> No.2424807
File: 22 KB, 400x400, 1445021699444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls no bully

>> No.2424810

>you don't want the fluff
speak for yourself
gf means status
gf means im not a loser
gf means i can hug and cry on her shoulder
gf means we can do stuff together, like travel or shop or watch tv together

of course you don't want any of that, cause you're a different person. a much more hateful, maybe damaged person.

>> No.2424817

if you can't make yourself happy, don't expect anyone else to want to be around you. how can you put out positivity to other people when you can't give it to yourself?

>> No.2424822
File: 67 KB, 343x400, 1373159473486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gf means status
>gf means im not a loser
>gf means i can hug and cry on her shoulder
>gf means we can do stuff together, like travel or shop or watch tv together

Heheheh.....goooooooood goy, spend more monies on that she person of yours you wouldn't want anyone to think that you're a loser do you of course she'll be there to hug and provide a shoulder for you she wouldn't go off with Tyrone and Jammal when you're at work heheheh

>> No.2424827

i've heard enough stories about losers with gf's, they do exist so it's possible.
they take it for granted, like the kids who grew up with rich parents. i don't plan to be ungrateful, because im older and wiser.

>> No.2424828

>implying i want a golddigger
it's not even an option. i'm just a poor immigrant.

>> No.2424829

I don't know whether to tell you to go back to /pol/ or /r9k/.

>> No.2424830

Shill GTFO

>> No.2424831
File: 499 KB, 300x248, ....gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vast majority of penetrative sex is rape
>psychopath rapist
please be joking

>> No.2424859

>gf means im not a loser


>> No.2424866

>please be joking

He isn't joking, he's shitposting.

>> No.2424868
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>> No.2424876

Its because its suddenly filled with parasites/chatfags

>> No.2424905
File: 154 KB, 557x595, 1437832023273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Start art school with gf
>Dump her a year later because I got bored
>Start smoking weed with classmates during the breaks
>Ever since I put a joint in my mouth for the first time I have never NEVER been with another girl


>> No.2425200


you can't really consent to penetrative sex if you are a woman, look it up: https://witchwind.wordpress.com/2013/12/15/piv-is-always-rape-ok/

Why do you think the Romans were so into diddling boys?

>> No.2425228
File: 722 KB, 400x224, 1444992329132.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If we look at the act in more detail (skip this parag if you can’t take it), PIV is a man mounting on a woman to thrust a large member of himself into her most intimate parts, often forcing her to be entirely naked, banging himself against her with the whole weight of his body and hips, shaking her like he would stuff a corpse, then using her insides as a receptacle for his penile dejection


>> No.2425229

h-how did you know?

>> No.2425238

>being able to love anything

Man am I on fucking /r9k/ or hwat is going on

>> No.2425241

i don't even go on /r9k/, why does everyone bring it up whenever i post?