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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2417822 No.2417822 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have an art school stories/feels thread?

Mine, first citique:
>qt gurl, extremely quiet and awkward
>walks in an out of room three times because she can't find a chair
>can tell she's had a bad background, teacher confirms
>thinks she must be a genius or pure shit
>she goes up the board, puts up her work
>its fucking horses
>"i like horses :3"
>worry about her, but she will pull through

>half shaved short crazy haircut girl
>puts her shit up
>as expected, feminist art
>"its a criticism of pinup art >:o "
>me: "don't you think you should make them look less like dolls then?"
>goes off for five minutes about some feminist bullshit to justify
this would have been fine except
>next day teacher and her are talking about critique
>bitch about how wrong I was for 20 minutes
>while I am directly beside them, 1 foot away (they don't mention my name)

another crit:
>some kid is somewhat openly homophobic
>gay kid draws nothing but gay porn and close ups of dicks and blowjobs the entire semester

>> No.2417873

>hamplanet in senior studio
>uses makeup smudges as abstract painting
>some sort or commentary
>kid next to her is best figure painter in school
>hamplanet brings up the fact that they're all white women during critique
>her cronies blindly agree
>nobody can defend his work without hamplanets getting triggered

I actually like contemporary/abstract art but hers and all her cronies' were absolute shit.

>> No.2417896

>low down town local college art course
>no marketable skills taught
>nobody in the class sees anything wrong with this
>units are graded based on how far out of the box you thought rather than technical skills
>Do as little as possible in my work under the guise of "it expresses my life"
>refuse to tell anybody what I do in my life
>"yeah I just do nothing pretty much"
>I actually spend hours masturbating to furry porn and arguing about video games
>They all buy it and I pass with flying colours

>> No.2417915

You are all attending shit schools and will fail horribly at all of your goals unless you self study really fucking efficiently or can afford an atelier.

Stay strong and keep studying actual skills.

>> No.2417940

>actual skills
With the way the world is going, these pseudo-contemperary skills will be the true skills, anon. It saddens me to no end, but it's true. Make sure to buy your make up brushes tomorrow.

>> No.2417975

This is from my first semester
>be amazed by all of the senior/junior level work in the illustration department. Get super inspired for the years to come.
>go down to the Entertainment Arts wing to look at their stuff
> it's all characters and environments of shitty Personas and furries. Some hidden gems amongst the trash, though. 80% garbage
>be glad i switched from EA to Illustration

Happened a few days ago
>Anatomy midterm
>basically we get 3hrs to draw a figure with emphasis of what we covered in the first half (head, neck, torso, hands, drapery)
>do 3 ten minute warm ups
>super nervous
>warm ups end up looking decent
>start midterm
>go fucking crazy taking measurements and making sure I have an accurate drawing.
>30mins in I totally forgot to capture the gesture/rhythm of the figure
>do my best to get some sort of action line and kind of block in something for the rest of the body
>first break. Take a step back.
>shit the head is too small and the shoulders are fucked
>wait for the pose again then check my angles and readjust the head
>Think "i should spend this session nailing the head and likness so I'm not rushed at the end"
>next break, step back and look at the time. 1hr left
>shit I haven't defined shadows or even captured the specific areas
>quickly block shadows
>capture that core shadow
>Add some detail to the hand and knees
>look at the time. 20 mins left
>fuck ok
>refine lines...add ambient occlusion
>palms get sweaty
>time ends
> step back
>it actually looks better than i though
>turn in and patiently wait for a grade

>> No.2418013

thanks for bringing back cronie

>> No.2418016


>> No.2418296
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artschool cringe

>half of school is on a ski trip so we get paired with the first grade
>there's this guy who's like 19 (in a collective of 16-17 year olds)
>everyone sits down
>teacher makes a still life for them to draw
>about 40 minutes pass
>everyone is drawing it except him
>he's hunched over doodling something, not looking at the composition at all
>teacher asks him what's he's drawing
>"it's a steampunk nazi zombie"
>you can't hear the sound of pencils scraping the paper anymore

>> No.2418306
File: 53 KB, 363x500, official_frozen_book_cover___elsa_by_kioewen-d6da7hp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>critique for an illustration class
>class supposed to draw an accompanying illustration for an article about robots or AI or something
>get to one girl's illustration
>it's a watercolor drawing of fucking elsa from frozen
>"i just thought it was pretty"
>students afterward are looking up reference images of elsa to email to the illustration teacher
>find out that the elsa watercolor was traced from something similar to pic related
>search server and find out that EVERY assignment from this girl was traced from other people's art
>we report her
>she gets no punishment or suspension
>years later more instances of plagiarism at the school are found and reported
>absolutely fucking nothing happens to any of them

Art school is misery

>> No.2418313

I don't understand why they should be punished or expelled. School is getting money, and the life they are making for themselves will be enough of a punishment.

>> No.2418318

That's what we all figured. It's still irritating to know that that kind of behavior is looked over, and it's frustrating to know it's basically being rewarded while the rest of us actually tried to put in work and effort.

>> No.2418357

>figure drawing lesson
>me and bunch of friends in senior year
>always participate in figure drawing even if its for junior or second years
>walking around other people and openly critique others for being bad
>teacher supports us because we have best figures at school
>after class he openly jokingly rants about that people who cant draw are photographers or conceptual artist
>everybody respects him

good times

>> No.2418368

You'd think having people like that would show a schools lack of education/responsibility. I know I wouldn't want to be taught at a school where teachers don't care about the quality of work. How am I supposed to improve if I can't trust my teacher?

>> No.2418471

>mandatory beginner oil painting class
>pretty decent but not my favorite medium
>Three people in my class outshine the rest, 1 girl(August)2 guys(Vinny, Kevin)
>Kevin is known to be decent at all mediums but overall his art is basic. Gets butthurt if you try to help him or criticise his art.
>Vinny never makes a single shitty painting. No one says anything about during critiques to the point he has to bash his own painting.
>Kevin is no longer getting attention. Kevin sees vinny as a threat
>Fast foreword to middle of semester
>Vinny makes amazing painting and the focus is a light bulb. Which the teacher says, "It's so lifelike. It's like you can touch it"
>Kevin's turn. He was also near the light bulb section of the still life.
>Surprise! Surprise!
>Teacher says, "Your painting is great kevin, but the lightbulb isn't as develop and looks out of place"
>Kevin defends his lightbulb and says, "Actually. I think the lightbulb is great and the rest of the painting doesn't fit the lightbulb"
>Everyone facepalms
>Teacher's like, "Lol. No, Kevin. That lightbulb is bad. You can fix it and turn it back in later."
>Teacher moves on before Kevin starts ranting and raving.
>Kevin spends the rest of the semester trying to mimic Vinny but fails.
>Vinny is innocently unaware of the the one sided rivalry

>> No.2418663

How much did you get? post when you get results

>> No.2418728

Vinny sounds like a good guy. Any chance you snuck pics of any of Kevin's stuff?

>> No.2418786

Are there any August stories? I like this story time

>> No.2419263

>feel bretty gud because I'm definitley within the top three best in my adv. drawing class
>realize its only because everyone is shit and has no idea how to draw
>tfw my art school has 5 graphic design classes and only 3 drawing classes (including figure drawing)

>kid references a video similar to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNI07egoefc (criticizing modern art memes)
>laughing "oh yeah eh anon did you see that one? god those artists are so full of shit lol"
>coming from the person who makes art out of cardboard
>wtf are you doing man??? stop.
>this isn't the only one who makes weird modern art whilst criticizing museum shit

Here's an interesting one:
>black kid in my class is obnoxious as fuck, from the Navy, really cocky and annoying
>can't take criticism
>is extremely right winged republican
>couldn't believe he was an art major
>in an art history class he starts talking vaguely about and against Syrian refugees after the teacher asks an unrelated question
>realize all of a sudden he goes on 4chan, definitley visits pol
Hello Chris.

Probably 90% of my art school is extremely left wing democratic and anti-Christian. Definitley not anti-religion because I have seen more than a handful people get all excited about zen religion and horoschopes

>> No.2419281

>I want to do an art degree
>Go to an art school

>Full of intolerable vegans and feminists with died hair and piercings

>Teachers aren't that much different

>Teachers are not even successful artists

>One Teacher didn't even know who Frank Frazetta was

>Leave after one year

>Do Graphic design instead

>Now I am full of digital art fags and anime nerds but at least I'm not surrounded by Vegans.

>> No.2419306

in my school students automatically receive an F and repeated offenses get you dropped iirc
maybe she got those and had to repeat the courses
since she wont learn her lesson shell just stay there forever, in hell

>> No.2419315

Is it just me or are graphic designers a bunch of insecure little faggots? I hate all of them. Every one of them is just butthurt because they can't draw well enough to make it as an illustrator, or even worse; they're just afraid of risking it.

>> No.2419340

I'm a graphic design student and artist so can relate to those feels.

>> No.2419343

Also I have done more drawings studies in my graphic design studies than I ever did in visual art studies.

>> No.2419362

Than I can assume you're not one of them.
Literally, I've met 3 or 4 like this just from my drawing classes because they take them half of the time. Even my teacher is an insecure little bitch.

they're all rich yuppie self serving asspats
and they're all extremely cocky or extremely insecure, can't handle being shot down and are visibly uncomfortable when they're out of their element. I could probably diagnose half of them with narcissistic personality disorder

>> No.2419492

Man, I wish. I do, unfortunately, have at least one art class with him every semester. It never fails This time it's ceramics. All i can do is give you more stories of Kevin having a fit over a teacher who tried to help him get better.
Nah. She's super quiet and just tries to get her work done and leave. All i know is she used to be in pre-med and after taking a mandatory art class, she switched.

>> No.2419520

>Oh hey, intro to 3-D art, this should be fun
>This is a required course.

>Intro to art history
>The teacher spends the entire semester complaining about Rush Limbaugh
>Never learn about anything art related

Never take an art major at a state college. Or just never take an art major.

>> No.2419523
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>be in art school
>teacher insults the old masters and calls them worthless
>I leave the classroom immediately in a fit of autistic rage

>> No.2419530

yep. I was an art major at a state college. that sounds about right.

>> No.2419540

This is essentially the two sides of art school. The feminists and the weebs.

>> No.2419548

I'm an art major at a state college and this is nothing like my experience. I actually learned quite a bit.

>> No.2419575

what state?

>> No.2419577


If I ended up as an art major, I would feel nothing but bitter resentment towards people who made sensible life choices as well.

>> No.2419579

ayy are you me?

>> No.2419825

Not the same person but my school is in Louisiana and my experience has been pretty good so far, considering.

>> No.2419852

>Go back in time to Freshmen year
>I decided to go into Graphic Design because at that time I was a piece of trash and still thought it was better to do things for money and not because you like it.
>I hear one of the Graphics teachers is a raging bitch and picks favorites
>Yeah right
>Go into Graphics, already hate it.
>We have to design the logo and concept for a coffee shop.
>She randomly leaves during the project and we are left with a alumni who went here 7 years ago.
>She's really cool and loves my ideas
>It doesn't matter what alumni thinks, we have to send concepts to teacher via dropbox/email
>Everyone goes through the Adobe Illustrator process but I am still in the sketch process
>Teacher hates everything I do.
>She tells me my art work has no personality and I can't draw.
>Instantly crushed
>Make a shitty cup with some words around it
>She loves it
>Half-Ass everything the rest of the semester and makes what she tells me to make.
>Gets a C in the class
Idk why she said that to me because everyone else likes my work. Especially the other graphics teacher. But I will get to that next time. This isn't the last of this woman. She gets worse.

>> No.2419856

Nothing makes me more angrier than person who comes from another major and decides to do art because they were too shitty to get through, idk, pre-vet or something. Then they get here and their only artistic background is an art class they had to take in high school.
So they can't draw, can't paint, and complain the entire time. And when you ask them, "Why can't you draw, like, at all?!" They say, "Oh, I don't need to draw I'm doing photography/graphics."

Okay, sure you don't need to make breath taking sketches in order to do those two but could they at least take the focus they say they want seriously? It's insulting. Some people chose this major on purpose and love what they do.

>> No.2419858

You people always talk about weebs but there wasn't a single one at my art school.
I had to hide my power level for four years because nobody took me seriously if they found out. Also I am a feminist, as I like to imagine most academic people are, but there was only one person in my year that made feminist art.

Mostly everyone made abstract, conceptually ironic pieces or did performance art. Only a small amount of us did representational work. We were the painting department.
Everyone wore normcore.

>> No.2419860

>have abstract expressionist paintings due for a class
>paintings had to be on a specific sized board using acrylic paint
>tumblrina comes in
>puts up a kitchen cloth with 3 drips of yellow paint on it
>claims it is about feminism, and how women used to be expected to cook and clean
idk how well she did, but that is one of the most annoying things I've seen so far. also
>digital illustration course
>sticker design in illustrator
>someone drew their characters using nothing more than the ellipse tool
>looks like a poorly drawn flash animation from the early 2000s
>didn't organize his layers
idk how some of these people pass their courses and move onto the next years with the work they produce. i'm extremely lazy and I would say mediocre, but compared to a lot of the garbage i see my peers produce, I feel like a goddamned art god.

>> No.2419862

The weeb population is extremely low at my school. There is probably one in each class and they hide it very well. Er. Some do. That is, until you flip to the wrong part of their sketchbooks. Then the truth is revealed!

>> No.2419864

Graphic design is an even more oversaturated industry though. And because there is no real skill involved, you can't really get ahead by working your ass off and being better than others either.

>> No.2419883

I'm in graphic design and surrounded with feminists and vegans.

>> No.2419886

Solution: Study graphic design AND art, have both options open at all times.
Or just screw design related careers and become a lawyer, it'll be easier to find a job.

>> No.2419899

Fuck off with real skill, theres a fucking difference between hard work and smart work. Sure there are plenty of shittyass gralhic designers who will end up doing some dtp shit work at printshop but being a good graphic desier takes more brain work thatn being a illustrator because in gd you cant get away with "muh style"

>> No.2419902


He's probably trying to refer to the sort of manual dexterity element / hand-eye coordination but it's still a retarded argument.

>> No.2419916

There's also a bunch of retards about 2-3 years ago when Graphic Design was a trend, they liked to call themselves "graphic designers" and did awful photoshops and shit like that.
Right now concept art is the new trendy shit, all wannabe beginners like to call themselves concept artists.

>> No.2420043

> Live in Sweden. Really interested in the making of games and game art such as Daniel Dociu's work.
> Decide to go to a Digital art-course in high school, thinking I will be surrounded by amazing artists and people interested in the same areas.
> Ends up being 50% gamers and 25% furrys. The rest is either copying others work and demanding praise from teachers or gurlgamurz with colored hair and their special personality.
>Needless to say, I keep to myself and work pretty hard throughout the years and don't really mind the others progress, minding my own business.
>In my last year right now, been making studies to improve and gitgud, pretty happy with the progress.
> Decide to start looking how others are doing.
> Furries still drawing anime-crap.
> Gamers still drawing like 3 year-olds
> Decide to just keep to myself until school ends. Just a few months to go now.

Pic not related.

>> No.2420120


>> No.2420140

Just out of curiosity, Are there any good art schools to to go? Schools that have competent teachers and no raging feminazis?

>> No.2420282

I go to an arts focused college and while yknow, theres some cringy people around (once we had a guy focus one of his projects of 6-8 paintings of his Sonic OC.), in my classes I've never dealt with any of these types mentioned here and my teachers are all focused on getting you to understand fundimentals, old masters/art history, anatomy etc. I'm in a Fine Arts program but there's none of this contemporary trashcan art bullshit either.

>> No.2420375

It really depends what you want. Russia and China or an atelier if you want exact representational art. Cal Arts to do trendy but kind of ugly cartoons.

I'm >>2419858 and it really does set you up for working in the contemporary fine art art world, which has really moved on from representational work

>> No.2420388

Elaborate on this, what do you mean by pseudo-contemporary skills? Genuinely interested

>> No.2420392

Tampon as a teabag or result of an IKEA raid tier.

>> No.2420532

I can't think of anything specific but I have a dude in my environment concepts class that has painted over pics from art station the last two assignments. A few of us in the class finally went to the instructor about it and he said he "didn't care about it academically" and would just give a warning. Shrug it fucking sucks but what do you expect from an art school, they're laughing stocks

>> No.2420982

Two questions:
B) Pats Tuesday or Friday class?

Your story sounds exactly like my school, and we took the exact same midterm

>> No.2421092

You make /ic/ proud, my nigga

>> No.2421416

>A new Graphics Teacher replaces one that retired.
>He's like an old rocker who still wants to be a teenager.
>Old but still tries to dress hip. Like the lead singer of Train.
>He is the only teacher who apperciates illustrations, so we click automatically
Don't get me wrong. I understand that we need to learn realism before we can bend and destort it into a cartoon or whatever. If it wasn't for my teachers pushing me towards a more fine art approach, I wouldn't be as good as I am now. But completely shunning it from an Art School isn't cool either. But I digress.

>In both Rocker teacher and Bitch teachers classes. One tells me to do it this way, the other twlls me to do it another way
>Gets stressed out and motivation rapidly declines
>Cry for no reason at night
>Tries to finish work but my best apparently isn't good enough.
>Rocker teachers sees me struggling and gives me a pep talk. It actually helps.
>Bitch teacher is doing typography this semester and I still can't get the hang of her class
>Apparently I don't understand how words work?
>She volunteers us into making a free poster for some guy who is doing a show at our school in a few months.
>Best poster wins
>She wants us to take his work and make something that mimics the essence of him.
>Project before this one goes by smoothly but for whatever reason she hates every idea I come up with.
>She pulls me aside and tells me that if I can't get the hangout typography soon or later, I'll work at McDonald's the rest of my life.
So everyone who isn't a Graphics focus will work in fastfood? Neat.
>I drop her class.
>My grades are great in every other class but I waited too long to drop hers so I got an F.
>I'm doing printmaking now and I never looked back. >I couldn't be more happier.
Never get into something just for money and an easy time when looking for jobs later. You'll never be happy. I had to learn that the hard way.

>> No.2421417
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What kind of work did he do?

>as if I have to ask

>> No.2421424

this dude did sonic ocs in my one of my freshman classes. haven't seen him sense

>> No.2421434
File: 1.62 MB, 1300x6616, BFAMFAPhD, Bradley, Cearley, Silver - Artists Report Back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What school are you in, and should you be there at all? It might not be too late to leave entirely.

>> No.2421438
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>went to art school
>thought I'd get to leave my past life of social emptiness behind and hang out with some graphic design dudes like in muh shows
>arrive to class
>LITERALLY the only male in the entire class
>class forms its own cliques, leaving me out once more because I'm an autistic boy
>only chance I have is to try to blend in with the yaoi-drawing, sidebuzz, dyed hair, overweight, talk-about-anime-all-the-time weeaboos but decide to keep my self worth
>only a few more years to go

What I've gathered is that the 3D design people are gaymurrs who spout Reddit memes instead of actual words all the time, by far the most social of them all but skip class constantly,
decorators are silent autists who do photography and draw dresses in their sketchbooks,
and the illustrators are a mix of Tumblr trash and wannabe 'deep' pretentious shits.

I want to die.

>> No.2421442

>So there is this one guy, we will call him Jacob
>Jacob used to be a Biology major
>Biology wasn't for him, I guess.
>Jacob had no artistic background, accept he liked anime and could draw anime eyes.
>That's it.
>He struggled through everything class and then blamed the teacher for picking favorites when they tried to give him constructive criticism.
>Eventually he got into ceramics.
>You don't need to know how to draw to do ceramics really
>It's a whole new ballgame in that department.
>He picked it up and surprisingly was quite decent at it
>He took 2 more ceramics classes and now that hr finally got to wheel throwing class, he thinks he is ceramic god.
>He comes to our class which is a beinner class and pikes our stuff and laughs at it, and tells us we are bad at making pots.
>Now he goes to his class, after class, and during our class and tries to "help" people.
>If you are doing something he will try to take the clay from you and say, "You're doing it wrong. Let me do it." Or, "The teacher told you to do this technique but I developed my own so you should do it like this instead."
>Without your permission!
>And he doesn't take no for an answer. You must yell at him to make him leave you alone
>But once you do that, he tells everyone you are the annoying one and he was just trying to help.

I have class tomorrow. I'm 99.9% sure he will come during my class and try to glaze our pots for us or some shit. The majority of us agree he needs to go but since he does go in there and actually does his own work from time to time, we can't do anything about it.

>> No.2421444

if art majors like you weren't such pushover, weak-wristed little girls 'Jacob' would be a non-issue

>> No.2421452

He doesn't mess with me ever. I slready told him I don't need his help. I guess I'm on his shit list because he puts his nose up in their air when I see him in the hall way.
But there are a lot of little girls in our class who hate ceramics and are only taking it because its mandatory, and will let him do the entire project for them if wants to. That's why he keeps coming back.

>> No.2421458

>never been to college, dropped out of high school to support family
>finally have money to pursue higher education, interested in art
>look through dozens of schools, finally settle for watts since its close to me

ive never done anything like this before and im scared to death im making a mistake.

thanks for reading my blog

>> No.2421460

if you aren't good enough to attend with a scholarship based on your application portfolio do not go, keep practicing on your own until you have the necessary fundamentals and reapply once your portfolio is good enough

going to art school is a waste of money, going to art school to teach you how to shade a sphere is just decadent

>> No.2421506

Ugh. Don't post that in /co/.

They're all so convinced that you have to go to Calarts to do anything in animation.

>> No.2421580

Honestly, buddy, don't even bother going to art school-- and if you must, just go for a foundation year. It was a terrible financial decision for me, personally, and I dropped out. I kept developing my art over the years and now I'm working in my chosen industry while a good chunk of the people I went to school with are going to graduate to nothing (not me being cheeky, just facts).

>> No.2421586
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>go to illustration program at college
>first day of program roll call
>teacher gets the fat autistic kid's name wrong
>fat autist gets triggered and goes on an angry rant
>good first impression, bud
>computer lab is in the same room as drawing room, there's a cubicle wall in between
>fat autist always sits at the computer in the corner
>is always loudly eating chocolate or chips
>no one ever the computer he sits at because the keyboard is sticky
>audibly watches South Park episodes and "HELLLOOOO THIS IS THIS THE NOSTALGIA CRITIC"
>after two years in the program gets still gets everyone's name wrong
>only draws edgy DBZ style angry guys shooting eachother
>final project rolls around
>bunch of drawings of guys being executed at point blank range
Wonder what he's up to now.

>> No.2421597

>decides to go to art school as an adult
>used to be a weirdo as a kid, but has worked on my social skills for years
>now have a social circle of cool friends and smash hot pussy at will
>really looking forward meeting all the likeminded people at art school
>feel really confident first week of school
>welcome party
>something just snaps in my head and I revert to my old introverted self
>spends the next two years as the most awkward guy at school and cant into friends with anyone
>cant seem to finish any art assignments either despite staying late after regular school hours
>contemplates suicide

>> No.2421620

Let them be. Calarts/Ringling/Art Centre are way too overrated and expensive. All you'll get from it is debt. I know girl who spent at least 50k on her art school, she graduated and draw shitty furry that's on the same level of Chris Chan.

>> No.2421627

>Tfw my school was chill and barely had any extreme tumblrinas.

My only complaint are bs professors who meddle with people's relationship with others. One bitch literally pitted her fave students with other students like we're a fucking cocks in a cockfight.

Glad to say that the bitch is no longer employed in that school and is trying to get some crumbs with dumbass artists who want to learn how to draw "anime".

>> No.2421669

>pitted students against each other
Like she had draw off contests?
That sounds pretty fun actually. If I had a teacher make the class a competition I totally would have cared more.

>> No.2421702

>don't get in
gave up

>> No.2421821

That kind of competition really fucks with you later on, though. You always feel like shit unless you're constantly publishing, constantly drawing, constantly getting work. It's no good.

>> No.2421826

Maybe if you suck.
Competitions give you the drive to git gud, and being able to physically compare yourself to your peers allows you to see where you stand in relation to others of similar experience.

>> No.2421829
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>goes to art class
>see there's new students
>new student sitting across the table
>starts painting
>new student looking at me painting
>starts sweating
>new student says "omg you're so good"
>looking at my painting
>"this is shit"i think to myself
>says thank you but inside feeling like

>> No.2421833

>went to art school
>shittiest one in the city
>AI of Philadelphia
>graphic design
>dont remember anything, cause i had headphones on all the time
>4 years
>didnt make any friends
>didnt get a job after
Thats my shitty art school story

>> No.2421834

the feeling will go away
after a while it's the other guy that's uncomfortable

>> No.2421839

There was a graduate student at my old school who would draw in gunpowder or something then set it on fire. It wasn't anything amazing but was still pretty cool I guess.
Better than what the other people were doing anyways.

>> No.2421844

Sounds like some shit Otto Piene would do

>> No.2421889

They should be expelled because it tarnishes the name of the school. I wouldn't want that shit to get out and have people know that the school i went to doesn't care if their students cheat. Employers could be hesitant when hiring if they knew the background you came from.

I guess it only matters if it's a good school though.

>> No.2421943


Omg, first time ever I'm seeing another swedebro here. You got a website? You going to Gotland or Skövde? Another place?

>> No.2421954

>Be me 21-24 Community College.
>Working 3 jobs to pay for it.
>Decide to become art major.
>No drawing skils believe I can learn.
>Drawing 1-2-3-Figure Drawing 1-2.
>Do ok with life drawings.
>Want to do imagination drawings.
>Never do, try on my own draw like child.
>Not the best, not the worst.
>Finish College, still working same jobs.
>2015, haven't drawn since 2006.
>Decided I'll learn for myself.
>Know I'll fail a lot I grew up mentally.
>Keeps drawing 45 or so minutes per day.
>Anatomy, imagination, face improve.
>Got luck, can enjoy rest of life no more work.
>Spending 2+ hours a day day working on art.
>Went from shit, stick figures.
>Gingerbread to now good figures.
>Now using references to further improve.
>TFW I literally had to grow up.

Least no debt.

>> No.2421955

I am surrounded by feminazis and vegans.

>> No.2421966

Jesus, I used to be like that starting college, minus the zombie thing and was a little more open to ineteraction, but other than that, the ressemblance is uncanny. Artist knows his shit.

>> No.2421973
File: 71 KB, 600x578, are you actually serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also I am a feminist, as I like to imagine most academic people are

>> No.2421980

not them but I'd imagine most well educated people do go for equality. There's a difference between feminism and "feminism", women and men still aren't equal in large parts of the world, and even in the first world countries there's a notable difference between the sexes spanning in both directions.
Most well educated people realize that equality is beneficial and better for everyone.

>inb4 /pol/ shit

>> No.2421990

>Oh hey, intro to 3-D art, this should be fun
>This is a required course.
What were you expecting it to be? My school did the exact same shit.

>> No.2422004

Poo in your pot before he handles it.

>> No.2422013

Or Cai Guo-Qiang

>> No.2422019

Thank you.

>> No.2422024
File: 29 KB, 500x318, tricky mickey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men and women are physically, chemically and psychologically distinct from one another. Two things that are not identical are unequal by definition. Stop being a fucking mangina.

>> No.2422027
File: 480 KB, 1000x923, feminist ants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Equality is fine yeah. Feminism is not equality though, and so anyone who claims to be a feminist I avoid any contact with.

>> No.2422029

>muh physiological differences
there are hormonal differences, but their mental capabilities at a high level are not distinct enough to discriminate against.
keep your shit in /pol/ or /r9k/
>feminism is not equal
that would be the "feminism" I referred to. As I said, even in todays world that is large inequality of gender, usually aimed at women, just because you're used to being mostly equal in America doesn't mean the rest of the world is. If you can't comprehend that then you're a completely ignorant dumbass.

>> No.2422033
File: 59 KB, 409x535, 1327978574545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Major Accounting
>no SJW's EVER
>know I'll have a decent job market once I graduate
>do art on the side.
>mfw Art school fags.

>> No.2422051
File: 24 KB, 401x372, 1456439759028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not in America, nor am I American. And I never said there wasn't inequality based on gender in the world today, we've not even discussed that, but sure, by all means, call me an ignorant dumbass because you imagined me disagreeing with a point you just made in your head.

Perhaps if you could actually hold a conversation then you'd be getting equal pay.

>> No.2422056

Guys like you always make me wonder.The last man!

>> No.2422072
File: 91 KB, 693x586, 1370708961577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are women discriminated against femboy?


>> No.2422079

>graphic designers are insecure faggots
>I hate them! I HATE THEM ALL!!!

Just because people are making more money than you doesn't mean you should hold blind hatred, buddy.

>> No.2422080

>this /pol/,/r9k/ shit
pls go

>> No.2422087

alright, this is about the only thing worth mentioning that happened when i was in college.

>have class where we do portraits of other students every day
>am about the only person in the class serious about art, everyone else is rich kids who took it because it was hip and had no prior experience with art
>thus all the portraits come out looking really shitty except mine
>draw girls slightly prettier than they actually are
>every day, they flock to me to be my partner because they know they'll be able to use what i sketch as a facebook photo or someshit, and that i'll make them pretty
>got easy vageen all semester
>got some butthole too, but that's another story for another day

Basically that class was a study in getting laid via artistic ability.

>> No.2422091
File: 72 KB, 669x664, 933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being triggered by conflicting opinions

Wow, you really are a feminist!


>> No.2422096

>got some butthole too, but that's another story for another day
no it isnt.

>> No.2422103

Damn son, wish I had gotten this lucky.

Also no it fucking isn't.

>> No.2422111
File: 12 KB, 464x261, reaching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you do realise what you're responding to, right?

>> No.2422113

went to art school for almost two years then dropped out because they were trying to scam me for a ton of money on false charges (they did this to a lot of kids and went to court over it)

>second semester
>surprised at how many kids in an art college were so shit
>realized you didnt need a portfolio to actually get in so whatever
>observational drawing class
>have still life project
>put a lot of effort into it
>its no loomis but it was obviously better than everyone elses by far
>crit day comes
>everyone puttin up their works one at a time
>i go near end cause teacher just picked me then
>up until this point everyone only got like one kid saying something about their work along the lines of "its nice, maybe this needs some work..."
>put mine up
>suddenly everyones a critic
>tell me i need to work on values and stuff
it was legitimate advice and i took it all to git gud, no salt bro

but it still caught me off guard when everyone had something to say when it had been so quiet

>> No.2422125
File: 69 KB, 540x960, feg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally a few minutes ago
>some dude posts his photo on normiebook
>2.5 hours later some other guy comments with pic related
>''just a quick sketch, hope you like'' for apparently no good reason
>exact trace of the photo
>he signed it
>people wanting to suck his dick in the comments while he just says ''thx :)''


>> No.2422132

It's pretty common. You can't really give crit when the artist clearly doesn't care or if they are obviously too much of a beginner that the only crit you could give is "keep practicing". It's easyer to give feedback to stuff that can be fixed with a few pointers.

>> No.2422148

that makes a lot more sense now

>> No.2422165

Honestly, if you think everyone in class is an asshole and you can't find even a single classmate to feel classmate-y with, you're probably the asshole.
You are right that you don't have to make friends just because you're in that class. But if you are just going to sit and bitch about how everyone else is laughable, it shows that you have poor people skills.

>> No.2422169

Didn't happen in my class, but I heard from a friend that in her class this kid shows up with a foam mannequin head painted terribly like some sort of heatmap. The homework assignment had been to focus on "Process"
Eventually the kid admits that he painted the head by dipping his balls in paint and dragging it on the head. The heatmap represents where he most wants to place his balls on someones face.

Man. Art school.

Any MICA peeps in here?

>> No.2422191

I know someone this happened to! They moved to Estonia for an art school after being offered a scholarship on an art course, which turned out to be shit anyway but halfway through the first term the school said the scholarship fallen through and they had to pay some insane amount. Fled the country that same week.
It's been years but they still get worried about it.

Thank you, /ic/ is so /r9k/

>> No.2422196
File: 19 KB, 261x247, 1435503968366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>art school

T-That's where I go, anon...

>> No.2422208
File: 25 KB, 600x750, fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/ic/ is so /r9k/
>I should be able to make claims and not be confronted with conflicting ones

Maybe you should go to /r/ draw if you want be somewhere people give each other ass pats for unsolicited virtue signalling.

>I'm a feminist as I imagine all educated people are; women are oppressed and intellectuals like me are sympathetic with their struggle
>BACK TO /pol9k/ bigot!

>> No.2422218

can you talk about the false money charges? sounds interesting

>> No.2422226

Not them, but I explained to you why most educated people are actually feminists in the real definition of the term.
you did not say
you went full autist.

that said, they do sound like a complete faggot and I doubt they meant it in the way I'm defending.

>> No.2422371

...Eestlane /ic/-s? Let's meet :D :D

>> No.2422385
File: 73 KB, 600x600, originalpiece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>last project for the semester
>project involves blackout poetry and illustration
>illustrations center around what poem/story is about
>everybody picks edgy topics and writings
>guy who's shit at drawing picks a war poem
>just traces a silhouette of a soldier over his piece
>alright whatever, it's generic enough
>next piece of his
>dying inside because no one is calling him out
>no one recognizes it's literally banksy
>doesn't have the balls to tell anyone
>ok hopefully the professor will recognize and call his ass out
>critique day
>no one in the entire class calls him out
>praises him for unique idea
>teacher has no fucking clue
>has never heard of banksy
>i'm still dying inside

>> No.2422428

art institute, enough said really

it was a bad call on my part cause i got suckered into it by the people who would come by in high school and advertise the school

the dorms were shit and they ad vertised it as you being allowed to paint in the dorms since it was an old parking garage remolded into rooms. also there was tons of paint dried into the floors but when i got there there was a rule that you werent allowed to paint anymore for some st upid fuck reason. ontop of that they were mad expensive but at the time i was going off GI bill money so i could manage for a while but it was still like 800 a month. what tipped me was them suddenly changing just my price for living in the dorm to 2000 a month out of nowhere. so i said fuck that and left.

but before that there were still odd charges here and there that made no sense like an extra 50 a month or so that i had to go into the financial office and pay personally or they got on my ass hardcore about it. PLUS there were about 5 people working in the financial office who all knew how to do the same job but they put this lady who came from russia and barely understood basic english so paying was a hassle

the other 4 fucks would sit at t heir cubicles about 4 feet away and refuse to help. why the fuck did they have Olga working the financial payments? probably so they could blame it on her for fucking up if they ever got caught.

but yeah the art institute went to court recently for false charging students around the united states around 6 billion or so but i havent heard of what came of the trial at all.

>> No.2422430

Grow some balls, fag.

>> No.2422438

post picture here too. Link to thread.

>> No.2422484

>Decide in elementary school that i'll never be good at art
>major in graphic design at community college
>realize I have to take art classes
>literally the worst guy in beginner art
>waste time looking to change majors
>4th year have to finish this shit
>shit at graphic design
>taking art classes and having fun
>reference drawings are shit but better than i thought i could draw
>reignited my passion for illustration
>have to finish GD degree
>GD work doesn't look professional
>traditional art work isn't good enough even for furry porn

I think i'm fucked when I graduate.

>> No.2422509

What the fuck?!?
Is "Jacob"'s real name Cody??
I know someone exactly like this.

>> No.2422514

Nice, way to deliver

>> No.2422531

>a lawyer
>easier to find a job
wew lad

>> No.2422740

see teeb kolm :^)

srsly though, is there any art curricula in estonia that isn't complete shit?

>> No.2422753

if you want /ic/ education, go to tkk as they put more into practical learning than theory. but I saw a lot of people who obviously admired to be a digital painter in the beginning, then realized there is no point in that and concentrated on something else they liked instead.

>> No.2422764

>art curricula
>not shit
Pick one, sõber.

What is it with estonians and artfaggery?

>> No.2422784
File: 26 KB, 350x524, Deidara-naruto-34923085-350-524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you go to the same as pic related

>> No.2422785

forgot a question mark, and ignore the namefag, was just pretending in this other thread

>> No.2424115

Anyone go to suny fit? How was it?

>> No.2424124

If you're interested in anything other than Fashion design, don't expect much. At Art&Design high school the impression everyone got was that it was "just like SVA but cheaper." That's bullshit.

>> No.2424129

>there are hormonal differences, but their mental capabilities at a high level are not distinct enough to discriminate against.
On the contrary, its at the highest level where the differences are most obvious.

>> No.2424226

>she goes up the board, puts up her work
>its fucking horses
>"i like horses :3"
I'm dying over here.

>> No.2424469
File: 223 KB, 396x1988, 1436532615559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on exchange at a animation course in the UK
>all 7th grade (possibly lower) level at drawing
>no concept of movement
>"I'm going to be a mangaka and animator in Japan!"
>one girl plagiarises everything she sees, brags about how she's going to make big bucks in stop-motion
>has Disney on her job description on Facebook for doing bad custom paint jobs of Disney characters on vans shoes etc
>one kid only draws adventure time
>another kid specialises in ponies
>they basically only use flash and skip the traditional lessons
>shine in comparison
>now a year later get paid freelance work from their lecturers and school
>they don't get paid

I dunno there was no helping them. Hopefully they make it, tho.

>> No.2424551

It's always funny seeing people worship certain art schools, thinking the only way to git gud is via being taught a specific way.

>Notice art schools displaying work of what will become of you if you take their classes
>Enroll, notice all the student's work is shit. When class is done, everyone's work still looks like shit except for that "one student".
>One student's work looked good since week 1
>They take said student's work and display it, showing this will be you if you take the class
>Talk to said student, as what he did.
>Explains how he didn't care much for the class assignments, since everything was self taught anyways.

I don't think there's ever been a course out there that helped anyone. It really comes down in helping yourself, it seems.

>> No.2425256

Post grade pls.

>> No.2425265

Well, now I know who Frank Frazetta is.

>> No.2425347

Yeah I feel like this is a common thing....

>> No.2425448

At first I was blind but now I see, thank you

>> No.2425506

Anyone go to art School in the Boston -Cambridge area?
It's my first year for.me in my school, i transferred in from Comm College and I'm having a hard time making friends here, would any anons wanna gather and art sesh at a cafe or maybe at the MFA on Wednesdays since its free after 4pm?

I'm just lonely

>> No.2425558

One of my teachers at ringling college was new. He was about 35 years old, tall, ripped, and extremely handsome. Every time I saw him he was always with a female student.

I know of 6 students he fucked for sure in half a year. Probably got up to around 20 by the end of the year.

I don't know if hes still there or not. Hilarious.

>> No.2425576
File: 407 KB, 250x250, 1455996115907.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Animation class in High School
>Being taught by a guy that went to college for business
>"I've never worked on any animation professionally"
>"I'm more of a technical animator, I don't know how to draw or do the creative stuff"
>Implying drawing isn't technical
>Every morning he briefly tells students what we're doing today, rest of class is him on his computer probably looking for more Youtube Tutorials
>Learning animation through DrawWithJazza
>Tells me he doesn't like Richard Williams book because it is "too specific in style"
>Call him out on his dumb shit
>He now fucking hates me and is trying to knock down as many points on my assignments
>Doesn't reply to my "good morning" anymore, I stopped trying to be friendly towards him
This is what we're working on right now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C80AVrMkN2Y

>> No.2425577
File: 324 KB, 430x304, Fuckface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also he recently made some hilarious comment about some business, art, animation, gaming bullshit he went to
>"...there was this female game developer that was uh, hmmm she was actually VERY good-looking, surprisingly"
>Everyone in class silent
>SJWs look fucking creeped out
>This guy has a wife and child

>> No.2425591

Getting a strong sense of dea vu from this.

>> No.2425604

I had that haircut.
None of the other stuff though...

>> No.2426714
File: 14 KB, 275x181, cca_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your opinion on this school, /ic/? This is one of the two schools I might apply to.

>> No.2426734

>I stopped trying to be friendly towards him
Are you going to write about it in your xanga too?Oh grow up and play the game

>> No.2426748

so call it egalitarianism

>> No.2426904


>> No.2426928
File: 659 KB, 3000x2000, Calarts Student's Exhibition and Soon-to-Be- Home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of state tuition is almost $42,000. At that price you might as well go to Calarts, senpai. Just make sure you don't end up in the non-representational wing

>> No.2426961
File: 538 KB, 800x543, wildbeast3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of CalArts give me some good reasons why not to go there to study graphic design/illustration. I might have a good chance at RISD as well but its location and student body is generally wack as fuck from what I can tell

>> No.2426974

>Be older and think that I will finally be able to make friends and be myself
>Revert back to shy hermit who struggles to speak
>One guy who is closest to my age is smug as fuck
>Hands out stickers of his unique "Toon Reaper" character with his social media details
>His "about me" legit states: "A God and Creator of a world filled with Darkness!"
>His pages filled with pictures of Death Note and Pokemon drawn kind of evil, his pets are named after gods associated with death (Hades, Anubis, ect)
>His own artwork adorns the covers of all his books, ect
>Can't actually shade or blend properly, just crosshatches everything
>Listens to Linkin Park, Evanescence, ect
>He never got out of his emo teenage phase
>Another guy in my class is a gym junkie
>All he ever talks about is drugs and his aspergers
>Reckons he gets all the girls and fair enough, he has a fit bod, but he always smells vaguely of piss
>Can't actually draw, traces everything
>Puts "meaning" into all of his designs
>His designs involve guns, bullets and roses
>Older guy in his 50's has beaten alcoholism after losing several businesses and decided to do something artistic with the rest of his life
>I end up hanging with the old dude because everybody else is immature and edgy as fuck
>Everyone seems to think they don't need to learn how to draw but here they are
>I just want to learn and discuss learning

>> No.2427253

Alan Becker is a good animator though. Better than Jazza anyway.

>> No.2427269

I love that installation.

>> No.2427426

How do you find a community college with decent art classes in the US? I don't even know how to find a community college, really.

Also, ateliers don't provide housing right?

>> No.2427941

Sounds like you weren't happy because you had to deal with assholes, not because you did something for money.

>> No.2427967
File: 27 KB, 527x409, 48d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>power level

>> No.2427989
File: 124 KB, 701x675, autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Similar thing happened to me
>I like to draw women
>I like white women so I draw white women
>Girl says that I should have done more women of color
>Say I'm not interested in doing that
>Rips me a new one for 5 minutes about how I should give women of color opportunity in my art because they're disadvantaged


>> No.2427995
File: 131 KB, 545x560, Daisey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This not mine, but a story a professor told me:

>It's the end of his masters program
>He's talking to his professor about his art, and getting advice from him.
>He begins ask the professor what he should do to find a job because he has a family now, etc. and he needs to pay the bills.
>Looks away for a moment
>Looks back
>The professor is gone

>> No.2428005
File: 1.68 MB, 400x212, trailer3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Friend and I are joking about cheesy ideas of conceptual introspective artwork
>Somehow we came up with "Open Your Mind", up in the window in transparent letters
>But the teacher came by and heard our masterpiece of a pop art revelation
>"That's rather good anonfriend"
>Fuck it we decide to go for it
>In approximately 2mn 30s it's done
>mfw I passed twenty hours on some shit and he got the best note of them all (17/20)

>> No.2428010

kys desu. Syrian rapefugees are cancer.

>> No.2428153


yo dude, what school, what town?? (also a third year high school bild och form fucker)

>> No.2428166

you could add 'what pic?' too in there

>> No.2428173


i mean sure

>> No.2428182

You should have talked, faggot

>> No.2428201
File: 36 KB, 400x395, ye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kid from highschool art class
>draws edgy meme shit he thinks is cool
>constant praise for shitty proportions and shading
>still posts this shit on facebook 4 years later
>he's gotten worse technically

>> No.2430173

In case you need a reminder, this is an art board. Go to /pol/ for your political bullshit.

>> No.2430179

I almost fell into that trap. I dodged the bullet there, unfortunately my friend didn't.

>> No.2430235

How can you teach art and not have the highest of respect for the old masters?

>> No.2430423

Community Colleges in larger city centers with connections to industry/art schools are your best bet.

Most ateliers do not provide housing

>> No.2430426

not really a story but in my first year we had a model a few times who had a leaky dick. for the longer poses it would just be leaking like a dripping tap.
He was a good model otherwise tho

>> No.2430634
File: 34 KB, 599x800, FB_IMG_1455795530193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Weird anime girl in my class, solid 7/10 tho
>One day during anatomy life drawing class the model looks worried when posing
>Then at the end the teacher gets mad at one of my friends for not drawing anything during the whole class
>Wonder what the fuck is going on
>During the break, smoking a joint outside, friend comes up to me and tells me the 7/10 went to the bathroom for a minute during class and came back with no underwear and since she was sitting on one of these drawing chair/tables and wearing skirt he could see her cunt during the whole thing, and so did the model (probably trying to hold his boner)

She totally did it on purpose, anyone seen anything similar?

>> No.2430668

What the literal fuck

>> No.2430717
File: 81 KB, 419x480, 1450665787857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jacob is addicted to pot

>> No.2430785

>girl has the manly name

>> No.2430796

That doesn't mean that everyone is feminist you dumb fuck

>> No.2430815

Grow a fucking backbone you idiot.

>> No.2430821

I haven't met any myself yet but I expect one girl to turn into a quiet one. My school when you sign up for info and take a tour flat out tell you they have no focus in anime in any of their classes so I hope that deters a lot of them, at least the ones who don't want to do fundamental drawing and just want to coast through to their degree.

>> No.2430849
File: 65 KB, 540x644, 1447900467328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My final semester before starting my architectures masters:
>Sonic Art class, seems cool why not take it?
>The professor is new and from a lesser known university in the the same area known for it's questionable teaching methods.
>take it anyways.
>first few classes are about hearing before speaking, talk about the idea of aesthetics in sound art.
>everything is "ok" for the first month.
>Once we all get comfortable with the people around us professor begins to tells us that we're all going to scout the area around the university (filled with poverty) for material for sound.
>Professor begins, or tries to, manipulate his students into making "artistic speakers" for a performance but later informs us that we're going to sell them in some kind of weird ponzi scheme he's been running.
>tells us to that we''re going to become part of a movement where we are going to sell aesthetic places to stores and "places"
>drop out of class the week after.

>> No.2430850

oh he also instigated us to take from the poor community around the university and simply "sell shirts of our performances" as a way of "giving back". lol

>> No.2431746

Maybe she had sex in the bathroom and din't put it on in a hurry.

>> No.2432188

this is real af. I became a better artist through life, not from learning it in school.

>> No.2432208

>3rd year in Illustration (out of 5)
>get in my classroom
>see some papers laying on a table, look them up
>every page has a pic from a /b/ thread on it, with the corresponding url
>write a greentext on one of the pages
>nobody picked them up. still a mystery.
that was in HEAR Strasbourg, France.

>> No.2432229
File: 139 KB, 1024x942, 1457043483477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember this one model that was obviously aware of how sexy he was (not gay tho- but perfect jawline, pretty eyes, super muscular, etc)
the guy had a HUGE fucking dick
of course my class was mostly female
>MFW this guy was just an exhibitionist living the dream

>> No.2432242

>in the real definition of the term
ah yes the 'no true scotsman' fallacy

>> No.2432436

hey I had people in my school that literally stole their art from some shitty tumblr and posted it on facebook with there signature lol.

>> No.2432495

Imo representational is coming back. But the 'art world' has very much spread into a lot of niches, even the fine art world. Representational art is definitely more respected/loved than it was in the 60s and 70s.

>> No.2432501

Ah dude. Printmaking is the shit. So awesome.

I've been doing mostly architectural and figure intaglio prints for a while now and it's so fulfilling.

>> No.2432513

Oh god that drawing is really bad. It's the equivalent to a stale bisquik pancake.

>> No.2432559
File: 102 KB, 237x248, 1387294730946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go to a uni that has a pretty solid art program, particularly in graphic design. Weebs are everywhere in any art class involving GD and animation, but all traditional drawing and painting classes have a good mix of different kinds of people, and the art teachers in general are chill as fuck and give you great advice while letting you develop your own style.

>tfw a dude in my animation class last semester had the best technical skill out of the rest of us, but his projects revolved around a gay elf and satyr

>> No.2432596

>Feminism is not equality
No, feminism of all forms is equality taken to its logical conclusion. No good comes from subverting natural hierarchy.

>> No.2432692

>taken to its logical conclusion
only if you think some people are more equal than others and therefore require even more privilege heaped on them in order to combat phantom discrimination

>> No.2433426

One girl in my class wore a dress with a very lose top,she was an 8/10 Latina and was always friendly to me,that one day her nipples kept saying hi and she wouldn't stop talking to me even though it was obvious I was staring straight at her tits coming out of her dress.
The class ends and I realize I didn't work at all because I was too distracted by her tits

>> No.2433636

A class I was in had two guys get each other off during life drawing classes. Community college is frightening

>> No.2433969

you sound like a gigantic faggot

>> No.2434062
File: 53 KB, 719x478, 31356_1307419485636_33203_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a junior in illustration dept at midrange small but well thought of artschool
>some fucking 30 year old who has been working in industry/has published comic decides to go back to school, enters as a full time student and lives in dorms
>is massively over powered due to having 10 years more experience and having already almost graduated from calarts or something
>every crit they are in just revolves around the profs jerking off over their work
>everything they do is just JoJo emo bullshit and they end up getting into the fucking society of illustrators a year later

They seemed nice but it was so weird to me that nobody talked about how unfair and weird it was for a grown person to be living in our dorms and dating other students at like 27.

>> No.2434065



27 isn't too old to be dating a college student, and him being better than you because he's more experienced isn't unfair either.
If he went back to school at his age having already had industry jobs he presumably gives enough of a shit about his craft to make the time and money investment to learn more.

>> No.2434066

I did shit like this freshmen year of college all the time
I dont know why because I was afraid of men and didn't like the actual attention I was just in a "fuck it I'm going to act on impulse its art school" and I was adderall thin

>> No.2434071

No that part was cool, and they were kinda helpful It was more that all the critiques revolved around their work and how amazing it was and didn't really leave a lot of time per session for the rest of us newbies.
They were 27 and dating college freshmen and nobody said anything about it b/c they were trans

>> No.2434081

Who has stories about their weed dealers in school?
mine was 5'2 and had white people dreads and only drew eyes

>> No.2434102

>I'm a feminist

>> No.2434282
File: 24 KB, 243x422, 1411831997038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take drawing class at college
>class is filled with first-timers, as well as Drawing II students because of how small it is
>professor is pretty much standard art teacher, seems very aloof, likes to paint out in the middle of nowhere at midnight, has huge painting of himself as a wizard with a bunch of other shit representing god knows what
>he's pretty okay, even talks about how Jack Kirby was the real talent
>starts the class by saying he'll be grading on how much we try and whether or not we get the basics
>should've been a warning but whatever, syllabus says he's going to cover it in-depth

We come to mid-semester.
>prof just makes us watch videos of random art processes, gives us hand outs, never really does any explaining himself
>advice is so abstract and unrelated to the students weaknesses that it's practically no help at all
>critiques are just small adjustments with little to no actual helpfulness
>i'm getting by pretty well just because i've had some experience before
>new students are struggling
>soon a small group of girls in the class band together to talk about how terrible the prof is
>one of the girls really liked my drawings and told me a bunch of times how unfair the prof was with critiquing my art
>say i don't really care and i'll take what i can get, i was expecting this anyways

I got a B in the end. That class really was just a waste of time.

>> No.2434295

>be me
>go to art center
>graduate with honors from illustration
>working freelancer now
>income is pretty decent, always busy, career barely starting now, but at least I make art for money instead of customer service like before
>realize /ic/ is full of insecure shitposters that would progress a lot more if they stopped shitalking others to feel better about their own insecurities and mental blocks and just drew a lot more instead.

Why did I visit this place again? It's depressing. A lot of you would do a lot better to stop coming into this negative circle jerk and acted positive instead.

>> No.2434300

is that who I think it is in that picture?

>> No.2434351

i come to /ic/ after work, just before going to bed, so i can blow off some steam

>> No.2434655
File: 176 KB, 392x414, 1417542668465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2434681

> First year of high school
> Best friend skips class and smokes weed all day.
> He attends 1 in 6 classes every 2 weeks.
> He disappears for an entire month.
> Marks roll out, I get 65%.
> "Hey anon, I got a 75%!"
> Guy yells at teacher cuz best friend somehow got a higher mark than him.

He attended less than half the classes and somehow managed to maintain the same mark as me. About 1/3rd of the class was failing or borderline to fail.

>> No.2434772

that is actualy nice

>> No.2434802

Lol I did this
Art school was easy

>> No.2434862

I did animation for a year
First lesson have a feminist teacher shes talking about womens contributions
one of students who's like 50 asks "I'd be more bothered about what they made rather than who made it"
She proceeds to go on a hour long brutal rant, which the guy hardly says anything she goes so off the rails she brings up Queen Elisabeth not marrying to maintain power.
Everyone in class thinks this guy is a sexist when he asked a legit question.

>> No.2435053

Now this is how you use art to get laid. Good on you for making those girls feel good about themselves. I have no problem with this, man, you keep doing you.

>> No.2435080

Talk to your advisorsand tell them you feel ill-prepared to graduate and stay on an extra year.

>> No.2435354

yoo I'm from MICA and my friend told me about some illustration major who had an assignment about "maps".
She made this drawing of a silhouette of her body that was done up like a heat map as well, but the "hot" parts of the map were kiss marks which corresponded where she had been kissed in the past week by her boyfriend, and there were a ton around her vagina.
Add to the fact that this couple is an extremely unattractive one, and it gets all the more cringeworthy.
The guy in your story was probably this chicks boyfriend, come to think of it.

>> No.2435492
File: 172 KB, 468x330, thumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw midway through engineering major
>been drawing for nearly 7 years as pure hobby
>have time after finishing an assignment during a microcontroller class
>thumbnail sketch in nearly an hour
>everyday wonder if I should just jump off and move into art

I swear I saw a visually similar pic around somewhere, but can't find it.

>> No.2435501

Stick to engineering and do drawing on the side. That would be my dream but I'm too dumb to be an engineer

>> No.2436424


>> No.2439142

>>gay kid draws nothing but gay porn and close ups of dicks and blowjobs the entire semester
10/10 response to homophobes

>> No.2439154


Why the fuck should anyone know who Frank Frazetta is at art school?

>> No.2439168

What the fuck did you expect from gymnasie students who wants to work in games?
There are no good artists in that age.

>> No.2439762

Not to mention 100% HIV positive. Go be a sodomite somewhere else.

>> No.2439796

fuck equality, no one is equal

>> No.2439805
File: 41 KB, 680x793, 1451227629102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2439806

aren't they all though?

>> No.2439807


>> No.2439847

>one of the girls really liked my drawings and told me a bunch of times how unfair the prof was with critiquing my art

You realize she probably liked you right.

>> No.2440053

Wtf is that?

You've been doing this for 7 years?

>> No.2440084

holy fuck you're me...

>> No.2441282

>be five years from now
>no job because accounting software advances

>> No.2441289

Post a critique for the lulz

>> No.2442171

Feminism is a branch of the movement for equality that focuses on the issues specifically brought on by institutionalized sexism. It is equality, people who don't practice it as such are wrong.

>> No.2442176

Nice, dude!

>> No.2442182
File: 14 KB, 309x286, snackbar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, we need to start teaching women that make up, frivolous styles of clothes, and anything that reveals too much skin perpetuates this institutionalized sexism and is part of patriarchy.

>> No.2442187


>> No.2442190

And you wonder why women are driven to being man-hating maniacs... You dismiss even those who respect you and want nothing but respect in return. Take a chill pill.

>> No.2442192

>people who don't practice it as such are wrong

No true Scotsman.

>> No.2442195
File: 178 KB, 634x1024, stronk empowered inspiring revolutionary womyn who needs no man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, who wouldn't respect such bravery look at her how brave and empowering so progressive! Those who think otherwise are all sexist filled with misogyny and hate for women.

>> No.2442198

We don't have a word for not being a racist. It's just being a normal non-asshole. No need for a bullshit title for not being sexist. No need for the word feminist. No reason to apply unnecessary labels to ones self. Anyone who does is to be treated with suspicion.

>> No.2442204

You make a good point.

>> No.2442224
File: 27 KB, 600x333, CBWycSRUYAAY19x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First day
>Meet people
>Shitton of "I've drawn since I was a kid" peepz
>One guy talks really fast and weird
>Says he started drawing half a year ago
>Half a year ago
>He mentions he likes drawing animal heads mostly and human bodies
>Blatant furry detected
>So a class filled with weaboos, muh-styles, feminists and one blatant furry
>Expect the worst

>This shit goes on
>Trying to mind my own business and improve, talk it up with a few
>Almost everyone ignoring critique from teacher
>The class naturally devolves into groups than constantly jerk eachother off
>Furry dude seems to click with the weaboos
>I hang out with muh-styles mostly, least autistic people I could find

>Every single break this furry kid is drawing. Either alone or surrounded by weaboos

>One time at like 23:00 I went home late from a project, and the fag is scribbling in his sketchbook
>walk over
>It's mediocre shirtless furriers
>Say It's nice and I go home

>Like a month passes
>At critique it seems literally only me and furry kid is improving
>Decide to know this guy better
>Talk with him after class
Forgot to mention, he always had this giant dufflebag with him
>I say I noticed he improved, he says he noticed the same with me
>I ask him how he practices
>Says nothing, opens his bag
>Ask him if I can browse through it all
>He get's a bit nervous, but I say I know what a furry is
>Fucking countless pages of huge papers filled with gestures, form studies, animal studies, anatomy studies, and drawn furry porn
>This guy is probably drawing like 80+ hours a week
>We talk a bit about resources, turns out he likes villpu, hampton etc.

Fast forward 1 semester
>Everyone stagnated
>I improved slightly but it slowed down
>Furry guy has gotten insanely good at drawing sexy animal people

After some time he got into environment designs and comics too. He dropped out later though.

>> No.2442367

Furry guy sounds like a total bro. 8/10 would hang out with.

>> No.2442389

I'm literally the same as the furry guy except I draw like 5 hours a week and haven't improved much
I don't know whether I would listen to critiques or not, my art school didn't have them

>> No.2442559

>black kid in my class is obnoxious as fuck, from the Navy, really cocky and annoying
He actually seems pretty cool for a black guy. Do you visit reddit or plan to vote for an old communist who wears diapers in the near future?

>> No.2442593

>Go back in time to junior high
>Used to draw furries but didn't know what they were
>find a furry community one day
>"Finally people like me!"
>Post art
>"Anon, your furries aren't furry enough. KYS!"
>Stop drawing furries and make only people
>go from anime to realism

>fastforward to present
>in college for art
>We need sketches for a project
>Teacher hates anime and cartoons
>I draw a couple of portraits, a space scene, and a furry (for old times sake)
>Teacher turns through my sketch book and likes most of my sketches
>Pauses on furry page
>"Anon...what is this?"
>"oh, just a guy with a dog head, no big deal"
>"....I want you to do this for your next project.."
"Uhh. Okay?"
>I do the project and get an A.
>Everyone in class compliments me on my furry shit during critique.
>Next project
>I draw some sketches and hand them in to my teacher
>"Hey, Anon, these are great... but can you put a dog head on this one too? Oh, or maybe a giraffe!"
>He wants this to be my thing and maybe even do my senior show on furries.
>End up making furries the entire semester
>He loves them but can bring myself to do this for my senior show
>I don't want to be known as THAT guy

>> No.2442603

slowly decrease the skill on your furries and increase the skill on your realism to force them.

>> No.2442644

>I dont know why I acted irrationally
it's called being a woman

>> No.2442647

So these are what furries are actually like? No wonder the furry market is so fucking huge...

>> No.2442715

Power level usually means being a secret weeb, not being git gud

>> No.2443094

>I'm literally the same as the furry guy except I lack all of his positive traits
pick your shit up dude

>> No.2443120

hahaa I was in the same situation, but everyone were normies so none of our interests matched. You will get used to the loneliness if you change your mindset. Then you might even be happy, since you have more time to draw.

>> No.2443220

What if your prof is a furry but doesn't know it?

>> No.2444365

The definition is fine. But concept and reality differs alot. If i say i am a vegetarian but then eat meat, can i still be named vegetarian?. If i say i am a feminist but then i actively hate men, can i be called a feminist?. I know every feminist isnt like this but the ones who do are the ones that "speak the loudest", and, as in any group, the one who speaks th loudest is the one we listen to.
>Sorry if my inglish sucks.

>> No.2444377

>The definition is fine.
But it's not.

>> No.2444391

This is me.

>> No.2444400

These "educated" people are really just decadent degenerates miseducated by communist Jews.

>> No.2444401

Anon leave the larping to /pol/ if all you're gonna do is spew buzzwords. You have to attack it from the source, the frankfurt school, and understand the flaws of the egalitarian death cult.

>> No.2444461
File: 91 KB, 1000x862, 1454986744648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

art institute stories?

i was accused of harassing a girl, who told everyone i was sexy in class, gave me her number and sexually harassed me, then told the dean i was harassing her

teachers regularly bad talk you personally, while coddling your art.

massive hivemind, sheep thinking. loads of immature kids, feminists and faculty group adhesion.

>> No.2444465

you sound like an autist OP
what do you draw?

>> No.2444751

post pics

>> No.2444862

Why the fuck would you willingly go to art institute

>> No.2444884

I haven't got the grade of my actual midterm, but I have a A- in the class
So either a B+ or an A- i think.

Yes I'm at ccs
I won't say which class because "muh anonymity"

>> No.2444969

no other art school in sight. need degree to be taken seriously.

im meeting lots of fun people, but not compared to the insane bitches who try to fuck you up

>> No.2445035
File: 23 KB, 585x629, 1408202046589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


jesus, that picture was exactly me.

>had a giant ass military backpack I got from a gunshow that I carried everything in
>always wore old Vietnam-era combat boots or these GDR jackboots when it was cold
>had an old flip-phone, was literally the only person in every class to still use one
>always wore this camo flecktarn, or this Wehrmacht-esque tunic when it was cold
>never bought food anywhere, always brought food
>never really talked to anyone, usually just sat around drawing tanks or using one of the lab computers to model tanks
>90% of everything I drew was a tank, military vehicle of AFV of some kind
>sitting outside of class one day, qt from my 3D class comes up, but just sort of stops when she sees the unscalable mountain of tanks in my sketchbook
>"O-oh, you really do love tanks..."
>she awkwardly shambles off
>tfw the autist was me

>> No.2445128

nigga, what's his furaffinity account?

>> No.2445277

You would think art schools and their instructors would be informed about modern masters of anatomy and painting but they aren't they gush over dumb shit like Dada or abstract art from forever ago.

>> No.2445281

i graduated art school 5 years ago..................

the told you so faggots, were right

>> No.2445346

>I don't know whether I would listen to critiques or not, my art school didn't have them
how did your school not have critiques, i dont get it

>> No.2445943
File: 69 KB, 635x638, retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get INVITED to art school, free of charge
What do, h/ic/ks?

>> No.2445947

do it.

>> No.2445983

Does that guy have a blog that's either hilarious or erotic

>> No.2446531

>have Army GI Bill
>free 36 months if college plus lviing expenses and housing allowance

I'm thinking of going to that art school in San Francisco. Any better suggestions in the US? If I go to SF, I get $3,500 a month from the government as long as I have decent grades.

I don't give a shit about the degree, but I do need money, and I do want to improve my art. I already make a scarce living from it.

>> No.2446595
File: 17 KB, 362x292, 137753732042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Story of my life. Wish I could see where it ends, if the progress I say I have and the progress you say you had will take us to where we want to be.
>50% gamers and 25% furry
>also 15% just rich babies dilapidating their parents money

>> No.2446601

My fucking heroes are on this pic. Fucking saved.

>> No.2446646
File: 25 KB, 448x500, 1335563584992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's too easy to ask for portfolio before the student even step in the school, and then showcase his final project as this will be you if you take the 4y program.
Too fucking easy.

>> No.2446650

9/10 would hang
He prob dropped because he's objective was to live from comission of his blogs, and he prob just joined because he saw some furry pro blog saying him to do so.

>> No.2446784
File: 156 KB, 281x444, edgelord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hohohohoho. That's actually what happens since years at my school. We are reputed to be best of the country for illustration. So you try to get there, like 2000 other faggots every year, they take the 80 best of them, a few of which will go to illustration, realize then that 90% of the teachers could learn a lot from listening to their students.

so the virtuous circle is:

-the school has the best reputation
-the best artfags from the whole country try to get in there by all means
-these people then spend 5 years together, discussing, exchanging ideas, making projects, debating, working, etc. together
-they become recognized professionals
-the school has the best reputation.

the problem is that the teachers are perfectly useless to this process. They don't have anything to tell you that you won't learn in some shit-tier school, it's just the people at the

don't believe me? this guy is a teacher because his brother or something is at a city council or some shit. okay, he's an extreme example, and is ostracized by both students and teachers, but keep in mind we are supposed to be the best in the country (which is France, btw.)

>> No.2446791

*the people at the start of the process that make the difference

>> No.2446799

well i go to engineering school and art is more of a hobby so i dont have stories but if any classmate forgets his notes or papers on the desk or leaves them unattended i draw dicks in it with pen and put swastikas on balls

>> No.2446809


In theory, it's supposed to be about equality. In practice, it's not. Many dissenters are just disillusioned from them losing their focus.

They talk more about the rights of intangible fictional women than they do about the wage gap. They raise more awareness about the Game of Thrones rape scenes than they do about actual rape that occurs in developing countries. "Ideal media representation" is never a human right.


You'll grow out of that phase anon. I used to be an idealistic anti-theist who thought that he was better than all those right-wing bigots and had the solutions to fix every issue in the world.

>> No.2446925

Ayy, see teeb neli.

I'm in my last year of high school, will try to get into the animation department (or graphics) in EKA. I suppose none of you coincidentally go there and can't give me some advice?

>> No.2446961

I don't know if the gi bill changed (again) recently, but mine had a cap to the tuition they'll cover so... don't go somewhere with crazy tuition fees.

I had to pay a bit out of pocket each semester at the place I went, but I also managed to share a ridiculously cheap place in an expensive area so the housing allowance went an long way. I don't know if you'll be able to swing that in San Francisco, though.

>> No.2447002

wut school

>> No.2447079

that's just you, graphic design is different territory with different goals..

>> No.2447133
File: 2.62 MB, 2340x4160, IMG_20151027_141354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Take art fundies program to build portfolio before I apply for animation
>Spend my time doing best I can but semester is already almost over.
>It's remarkable how much better at art I've gotten compared to first day.
>Meet Chinese import named 'Jack' for this example.
>Jack is fucking good at art. Really good but only lacks some experience because he's still young. He's only doing the program due to some visa loophole and the programs dirt cheap.
>Slowly befriend Jack, but slowly realise. I'm never going into animation anytime soon. At my rate of progress it'll take me a year or two more.
>We're best friends now, and he tells me I can make it next year.
>I'm doubting myself.

I'm stuck in between Spending 9 grand to move away from home and in with him into a much more dedicated and directly related to animation or simply applying to a bachelor of informatics security and getting a cushy 90 grand a year. Feels bad man.

>> No.2447161

The happiest people are the ones who do what they love.

>> No.2447181

If you have 9k to spend on becoming a great animator, spend it. Not sure if you want to move in with him, but having 9k for learning to draw/animation is very useful.

Also, don't be a fucking tool and stand on your own feet. Don't expect Jack to drag you around.

Don't touch the 90k grand. Money has always expectations with it (which isn't that it is paid back, but that the goals of the one paying for it are furthered) and you will probably create bad relationships with that attitude because people give that money so students can learn informatics and go into that field. It's a contract.

>> No.2447194

I think you're misinterpreting things a little.

I don't have 9 grand. I wish I did but I will be taking students loans, as for the 90 grand. That will be how much a I make per year in that field once I graduate compared to the talent and contract based income I'd be making as an animator. Also you may be a little right about leaning on Jack. I know I shouldn't but as a friend and resource to learn from he is a valuable one.

Actually good advice. I like them both to be honest. Not sure how I feel about my motives for either though.

Sorry to hugbox.

>> No.2447208
File: 902 KB, 1200x1717, gigamerchant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leave my computer engineering studies for studying arts in another country
>be exited for finally having art classes.
>on the first day the teacher takes a look at my sketchbook and says 'i have nothing to teach you'
>get depressed

fookin modern art ruining the eternal cycle of master-pupil.
now generations who studied nothing but conceptual and abstract art get to be the teachers while knowing absolutly nothing and having nothing of value to offer to a student.

>> No.2447247

Tři Veteráni?

>> No.2447259
File: 1.79 MB, 315x177, 2b05c5e5a714ba57585db2d1476e0a41.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well shes not wrong lmao. nobody wants to see the same gender/race/body type a million times. getting better involves doing more than drawing the same shit over and over.

>> No.2447376

The artist decides what he creates, not what a disgusting cunt screams at him to do.

>> No.2447385

Well, to be honest, the wage gap is a fallacy, so...

>> No.2447489

>not pointing out that all her abstract smudges represented white people too as a comeback

>> No.2447947
File: 25 KB, 600x450, fd1b56d10bbba7b5be57209dd7545384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>thread on art school stories

tell me again how you paid a fuck ton of money just to graduate with a sketchbook full of white women LOL

>> No.2447973

If the wage gap is a fallacy then why haven't people's wages kept up with inflation?

>> No.2447994
File: 926 KB, 500x213, risky nge.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, thank you

>mfw i thought "at least the /ic/ wont be as 'anti-sjw' as the rest of 4chan
>mfw i was obviously wrong

>> No.2447999
File: 1.42 MB, 500x281, korra.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the issue is that it's not as "normal" as you think. just because youre not burning crosses on people's lawns doesnt mean you dont have a shit ton of racist ideas.

>tfw i have to deal with the "youre pretty ___ for a black guy not like those other black people" in 2016.
>tfw people bitch and moan whenever i ask them not to say shit like that

>> No.2448011
File: 397 KB, 1920x1080, 5cmpersec2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knew a girl like this back when I was taking 3D modeling courses.
We had some illustration courses and she had ok-ish art but her backgrounds were always immaculate.

One day as we were going through all the images for the latest assignment her drawing comes up on the projector.

Immediately recognize it as a 5 cm per second backdrop, literally had it in my wallpaper rotation at the time lol.

>> No.2448283

You can stop baiting now.

>> No.2448432

Art center for illustration
Cal arts for animation (if you find the right professor)

>> No.2450950

What the fuck is wrong with having a notion of patterns of behaviours for certain people and noting where there are exceptions? You must suck at dealing with white people if you don't understand our fixation upon exceptions to the rule.

>> No.2452557

How the fuck do you keep a sketchbook in your calf?

>> No.2452562
