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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 4 KB, 197x250, 1455218721232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2417577 No.2417577 [Reply] [Original]

Ask any questions here, avoid making new threads for them!

Old thread - >>2392369

Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/kVkkdzaX

New WIP Sticky: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VfDTpLLVl5bWUGWguswKpPFml533luI8-NBd1EGYHnA/edit?pref=2&pli=1

>> No.2417660

How would I set up perspective in a still life? I find that when I'm drawing cups and bowls and whatnot the ellipses become difficult to draw because I have no clue how wide to make them.

>> No.2417699

I get easily discouraged when I compare myself to artist even slightly better than me. What should I do?

>> No.2417713

When I am drawing from life, it can take me up to two/three hours to fill a page with what's in front of me (mild detail). Is this too long? Does anyone else here like to fill pages with urban sketching? How long do you spend on a whole page sketch of your view?

>> No.2417727

Stop focusing on their art and put your ego to rest. Don't compare your work with others unless it's strictly for learning purposes. For example, think " What can I learn for this?" Instead of " This guy is so much better than me...". Everyone was bad once. We are all human and you can become very skilled too. Now go focus on your work and improve.

>> No.2417730

Question. Which Toonboom torrent do you recommend the most? Lately, I'm getting started in animating stuff so yeah. Hope it's not too much to ask for. I've already asked it in Animation thread but if this is not the place to ask the question like this, I apologize. Hope it's not too much to ask for. Thank you in advance!

>> No.2417733

>Everyone was bad once. We are all human and you can become very skilled too.
True, but the other artists improved. I don't see myself improving though.

>> No.2417734

Oh crap, I accidentally pressed twice Hope thing. My apologies again. -_-;

>> No.2417738

You need to learn how to see/draw through shapes.
Practice drawing cylinders in perspective from imagination and reference for a while. Do this in many angles. Make sure you are drawing through the cylinders. Draw both ellipses all the way.

>> No.2417741

Then you need to change your methods.
Start asking specific questions about what you are struggling with and I'll do my best to get you in the right direction.

>> No.2417752
File: 383 KB, 1280x1608, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll try, but I'm not good at putting stuff into words. I want to start coloring and adding values to my (awful) sketches but don't know where to start. I only have a very basic idea adding values but it feels wrong when I apply it. Pic is an example of what I'm doing. It feels wrong but I don't know where or why.

>> No.2417794

There are two things you should be thinking about right now, in my opinion, based off of your image.
To understand the basics of light and shadow I actually recommend Sycra's YouTube series on the subject. It's simple and easy to comprehend. Just because his art now is not commonly desirable doesn't mean that some of his tutorials are not good starting points for beginners. This is only a start though.

Let mange ask you this: Do you draw from life?
The ability to draw exactly what you see in front of you is critical. It teaches you relationships and form and most importantly to you right now, light and shadow.
As for form and draftsmanship, try drawabox.com. I like Peter Han's classes better but I'll leave that up to you.

Drawing and painting are like a language.
How are you going to speak full sentences if you can't even pronounce a couple words?
Stick with the alphabet, get some vocabulary down and go from there. Ask yourself after each learning session: " Did I understand this?" And don't move on until the answer is yes.

>> No.2417865

I always hate showing my art because I feel embarrassed about it. But onto your questions.

>Do you draw from life?
Not as often as I used to but I do. I do believe I was trying to a simple still life when I drew that. But after a while I lost my sense of direction and stopped. I guess I should get back to that. However I have trouble with finding the shadows and such.

>> No.2417908

im very interested in pursuing a career in biological illustration. is there a different path to this than traditional atelier-type instruction? or is it exactly the same?

>> No.2417948

You should learn about plum lines.
Both vertical and horizontal.
You need to learn about negative and positive space as well.
Also, reiq on YouTube has a video called how to do a photo study. Watch it and learn how he recognizes shapes and copies them.
Pretty much visual measuring in general.

You want to do this from photos but do it from life as well. Close one of your eyes and do your best to mentally flatten what you are looking at.
You want to know what your object looks like from all angles.
Try drawing anything simple in front of you from 15 different angles.
Notice how it looks totally different from each angle.

>> No.2417967

>look up plum lines
>all those really fucking advanced drawings
I'm fucked. Other than that I do know about negative and positive space. I just have a lot of trouble with visual measuring. But I'll try it.

In the mean time, I feel like I wasted a lot of time. Because everyone seems to think I'm an absolute beginner when I'm not. Though I'm not anything beyond a beginner technically. Makes me wonder if I'm cut out to be an artist.

>> No.2417981

Same anon from >>2417967
Do you have a link to that specific reiq video? Thank you.

>> No.2417991

There is a guy on deviantart that makes great tutorials called nsio.
He talks about how an artist learns and has examples of what their work would look like depending on their level of skill.
I recommend giving it a read. Not only is it interesting but it explains how you can be better at some things but your output will stay low until you break the current plateau you are on.

This is a lot to take in. Take it one day at a time and I'm sure you can find a way to eventually enjoy the process. Even If it doesn't seem like it now. I used to think like you too.

>> No.2417994

I made a mistake, sorry about that.
I meant Ahmed Aldoori, not reiq.

>> No.2418003

>I used to think like you too.
That makes me feel a little better anon. How did get over that kind of thought process? Maybe it can help me too?

My biggest fear is that I'm just treading water and not actually getting better. Maybe I'm impatient or something but after hearing people think you're a brand new beginner gets to you after a while you know. I feel like I'm moving at a snail's pace is all.

Thanks for listening to me ramble anon. I appreciate your help and advice.

>> No.2418015


How come when I copy a transparent image from FireAlpaca the entire thing turns out black whenever I paste it somewhere? Also turns out black if I try to Puush it.

>> No.2418028

It boils down to you having a lack of understanding.
You don't know how certain processes work and how to manipulate said processes.
Things like visual measuring and sensing form are essential.
You have to figure it out. A large portion of drawing is with intuition.
Look up Mark's art tutorials on YouTube. He has many videos on form and depth perception science.
For example, his video on " the barrier effect".

>> No.2418045

I understand that now, but like you said it is a lot to take in. It's making very nervous thinking about all this. It really makes me feel bad for not knowing this stuff before. What if that held me back and I was hurting my growth since day 1? Get what I'm saying?

>> No.2418049

It was, it did and now there is nothing you can do to change it.
All you can do now is move on and try to enjoy it.
Art is supposed to be fun.
I know the struggles of failure and lack of knowledge.
It's extremely depressing because you want to make good work when you just can't but that's the plateau. You have to learn to enjoy the lack of gratification and trade that for the knowledge you get each day you draw.
Use your head anon. You can do it.

>> No.2418057

Has every artist screwed themself or inadvertently held themself back when they start out?

>> No.2418059
File: 297 KB, 709x1000, 1234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an art student and the school is having a show and sale, this is going to be the first time selling any artwork so I have no idea how to price my work. I submitted two prints, one ~20x25 and one ~15x20.

I've seen that prints sell for usually less than 50$, but they have big print runs with limited runs costing more, but even those are 10+ prints, while I am only making 2. I have a ballpark idea of ~150 - 350$, with it costing ~50 to be printed and framed. Since the illustration/design department I'm in is only a small part of the school and the rest is pretty artsy fartsy, there is very little representational or character illustrations from what I have seen, so I don't have much to compare to.

pic related is what I am submitting, it isn't finished yet, but all I really have planned is just finishing the foreground flowers and integrating them better into the composition, some critique would be cool too.

>> No.2418082

Lack of knowledge is just that.
It doesn't matter if you are teaching yourself math or learning fencing.
If you don't have the ability to do basic algebra, how are you ever going to succeed in trigonometry?
You won't . You can't.

>> No.2418085

I'll take that as a yes then? Either way I think I understand it now. Just gotta relax and enjoy the grind.

Also you were right, I can do it. I just compared my recent stuff to my old beginner stuff and I actually have improved. I worried over nothing.

>> No.2418089

Well, to answer your question directly, yes and no.
To me, talent is when people understand how to learn more efficiently and at a faster rate than others.
I think the only way most beginners screw themselves other than not drawing enough is the lack of ability to learn quickly.
You either can our you can't.
And if you can't you have to work harder then the guy who can.

>> No.2418098

Oh I see now, thanks. I tend to miss that stuff very easily.

>> No.2418104
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>> No.2418111
File: 193 KB, 600x800, day one learning to use the tablet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

besides using the tablet/pen as my mouse entirely. is there any other means to practise using a drawing tablet outside just trying to draw as much as possible? which for me so far has been doodles and basic shapes

>> No.2418633

How good do you have to be at copying from life/ life drawing until you can move on to other things such as perspective and construction?

>> No.2418872

Yes, if you don't have an instructor who helps you identify any mistakes you do so you can kill them before they grow.

>> No.2418879

You don't "move on", you branch out. I guess as soon as you understand symbol drawing and start to reduce it you can start learning all the other things, but you have to always train your "artistic eye" as well. You pretty much study everything in parallel for the rest of your life.

>> No.2418882

I don't get your question. You want to practice the usage of tablet? You just fucking draw on the tablet and you get used to it at some point, it's not something you practice separately.

>> No.2418884


Just draw, you'll acclimate.

Just as important however is familiarizing yourself with the program you're using. Play with brushes and know the tools available to you, learn what things you do most and bind them to easily reachable shortcuts.

>> No.2419527

Someone pls tell me what is the title of the manga about a female artist student and being involved in like a secret art study group with a mentor who was self taught. I really need it for inpiration

>> No.2419571

I want to draw in GIMP and eventually get a tablet, but for now all I have is either pen and paper or 'drawing' via awkward touchpad

is learning to digitally paint with a touchpad a waste of invested skill?

>> No.2419789

No. Only diference is the reason for which you draw

>> No.2419831

dear /ic/

I find myself thinking a lot about the fact that most art is 'accidental'. What I mean by this is that most of what is 'admired' about art is the accidental occurrence of nice pigments aligning on paper that happens to look good because you used enough hurried motions of paint to make it obfuscated enough to confuse people into thinking it looks 'good'. Basically, that most people do not have any innate talent, and that art looking good is mere coincidence between muscle movement and color properties of chemicals.

it has been bothering me a lot lately

what % of art would you say looks good simply because you used expensive paints that simply look good because they are nice paints?

>> No.2419842
File: 1.66 MB, 2151x1490, winona_ryder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how. what methods. crosshatching? is this all charcoal or some pencil?

>> No.2419847

I can't think of a bigger way to wastw time.
Focus on using a pencil to learn construction, perspective, anatomy and even just line weight.
The touch pad WILL fuck up your hand.

>> No.2419850

repetition, knowledge, and confidence is more important imo. sure there's luck in a lot of what looks good, there's also the inspired element. someone that doesn't draw can sit down and draw some cool design or something but it would be more impressive if they had the skillset.

>> No.2420014
File: 99 KB, 490x331, one point.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would I know how the intervals between each brick on the sidewalk? I can't draw consecutive boxes in perspective that have the same dimensions

>> No.2420020
File: 771 KB, 1508x1728, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is line art so difficult? Everything looked alright on the sketch, even the lame-ass proportions, but whenever I start the line art it becomes an awful soul-less mess. Should I spend more time on consolidating the drawing's foundations?

>> No.2420035


that's not line art senpai, that's chicken scratch

>> No.2420037
File: 249 KB, 500x692, tumblr_nfian75Wvd1rxx0cco1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a commission for a birthday invite + card, the guy included pic related as the style of shading he wanted. I'm a total noob at PS, and can't figure out how to replicate those soft edges with an even tone. Any advice or tutorials/ videos you guys could recommend would be appreciated.

>> No.2420046

not funny faggot

>> No.2420060
File: 146 KB, 1018x1000, perspecto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are two methods you can use.

In the first you extend out the further end of the path and draw a line from the other end horizontally until they meet. Then divide this line equally into the number of intervals you want. Drawing lines from these points to the VP with show you where the intervals should be.

The other is to draw one interval and then draw a line from a corner through the midpoint. The spot where this line hits the edge is where the next interval will be. You can repeat this to infinity.

>> No.2420066
File: 23 KB, 1024x768, repeatmeasure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


excuse my mouse and eyeball measuring anon, think the info is usable though. draw 2 diagonals through a rectangle two bricks long (they meet halfway through brick 1). where the diagonals meet the edges of the object is the far corners of your 2nd brick.

>> No.2420076

Your line art sucks cause you suck at drawing. The drawing sucks fundamentally.

Your linework and rendering skills get better as you get better at drawing, don't fret over them as a beginner.

>> No.2420083

don't do line art on a new layer, clean up the sketch until it is the lineart

>> No.2420252

thank you so much!

>> No.2420307

I have the worst CV(resume) in the world, I'm 22 and never been employed. I graduate next year from animation college, If I have a kickass showreel will that be enough for me to find jobs in the animation industry? Or will they look at my blank CV and think I'm a work-shy retard that isn't fit for the job. Basically does work experience in irrelevant areas like retail and stuff matter to studios when trying to find work in the art industry? Am I fucked or not?

>> No.2420339

If your showreel is amazing they don't care if you're a rapist pedophile murderer.
They care about your work and you work ethic.

>> No.2420350

How is the quality of Derwent watercolour pencils?

>> No.2420356

Two/three hours for a view when urban sketching is a good amount of time
Some sketchers go back to the same spot a couple of times to draw it again or continue.

>> No.2420368
File: 59 KB, 1000x1000, perspective.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to learn perspective and when something like a box is over the horizon line and I'm trying to show a view above it how is it done? If I try connecting the lines to the point then it shows the underside which can't happen at all when looking above it and only connecting the top lines to them doesn't seem right with how the bottom lines in the 2nd section fly off in a different direction. How exactly do I do perspective correctly.

>> No.2420374

So you're trying to look at an object from above and you want this object to be above the horizon line?

>> No.2420414

No but now that you say that I now realize what I was doing wrong this whole time and how dumb I am. Thanks for the help I appreciate it.

>> No.2420421

My next question was if you are a multidimensional being that transcended our puny sight of only three dimensions.

>> No.2420972

Is deviantart just absolute trash or what?

Since I started I've generally uploaded to both DA and Tumblr and even wasted some time submitting to groups, but even so in the course of a year I've gained literally six times the following on tumblr to deviantart. Is this normal or what? Am I missing something when it comes to DA or is this just standard fare?

>> No.2421082

Hey, comrade drawfags!

Have you used the posemaniacs.com app for iOS? If yes, is there any alternative for android?

I have both systems but the iOS app is on my iPhone and iNeed the app on my tablet since shitty iPhones can't take a fall of less than one foot without breaking.

>> No.2421106

Is it okay to love your own work?

>> No.2421223
File: 249 KB, 1389x1321, 29022016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Beginner here obiously.

I copied this straight out of Loomis and I don't know what to do next. Adjusting the mannequins into different poses seems like a huge step up from drawing them straight. Should I go straight to gesture drawing and if so what's the point of drawing mannequins?

Also while I've been drawing for a while it's been with a pencil and eraser. This is one of my first attempts to draw with a pen. I've heard it's better to draw with a pen to improve linework. Do you guys agree?

>> No.2421253
File: 2.65 MB, 2997x1823, ContentTheif.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do we handle these kinds of people who benefit/cash in from our hard work before anybody realises its not theirs but the damage has been done?

>> No.2421261

It's difficult to take preventative measures for this sort of thing without ruining your art/looking like a tool by slapping big, disruptive watermarks across your works.

There's no real way to be informed if someone is using your work unless you come across it or someone tells you.

Once you do you can ask them, politely, to take it down. If they refuse there is some legal recourse if you can provide proof that you are the content creator ie original files, accounts online where youve posted the work sooner. Do you research then threaten to take them to small claims court, that deters most people. If they're still insistent, you can sue them.

>> No.2421264

what if they're an american living in america and i'm just a chinese(singaporean) living in singapore? what do i do?

>> No.2421265

and by american i mean caucasian american...

>> No.2421267
File: 273 KB, 486x874, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of a recent Stephen Silver post

>> No.2421271

Look up your local laws regarding protection of intellectual property. You can still follow the steps of

-Politely ask them to take it down
-If they refuse, familiarize yourself with local law on intellectual property and suing internationally and then send them a formal message threatening legal action (if you don't have any recourse, try bluffing. If you speak formally enough they may think it's real and back down)
-If they continue, pursue any legal recourse available to you
-If you cannot/will not, the least you can do is inform his fans on public forums/comment sections what he's doing and where they can find your original art.

Always remain polite and succinct, do not stoop to name calling, flaming, rage, stalking etc. as it will weaken your position.

>> No.2421429

are there any good resource for learning abstract?

>> No.2421449

Loomis' mannequins are supposed to make it easier for you to pose them while getting proportions right.
If it doesn't make it easier for you, then try using something simpler instead.

Pen is supposed to improve your linework because you can't erase your mistakes.
It helps, but some people would just put multiple pen lines on top of each other to hide their mistakes.

>> No.2421455

Your question is too vague. I guess with 'abstract' you mean abstract art, but that could also be romanticist art, which is still pretty damn realistic.
But abstract expressionism is also abstract art. In that case, the only thing I could think of is books on composition and learning how to use your materials.
Besides that it's just experimentation.

>> No.2421457


>Is deviantart just absolute trash or what?

>> No.2421479

How do I get started with figure drawing? draw nude models? follow loomis and start learning construction?

>> No.2421482

Watch some Proko and do some of the exercises, then start drawing figures daily.

>> No.2421483

I have an intuos small. Should I just give up on inking lineart to save myself some sanity? Or is there one weird trick to make cintiq owners and traditional artists hate me?

>> No.2421667

Pleb-tier but they do its job just fine

>> No.2421674
File: 57 KB, 922x960, 1441584528030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any of you know a legitimate website where I can sell my artwork? I've been thinking about it recently, as I need some funds.

>> No.2421690

Are we gonna make it?

>> No.2421728


try fur affinity

>> No.2421838

We're all gonna make it (bro)


>> No.2421907

Has anyone here have experience using their period blood in their art?

>> No.2421931

What do you want to sell? I've seen people selling traditional stuff on etsy

>> No.2421933

So original

>> No.2421951


I'll dispute that a bit. Talent is the ability to learn quickly, but that's just because the way a "talented" person learns lines up with the way art is usually taught. Everyone learns differently, and though you probably can't teach art the way you would, say, math, of you explore different methods you'll probably find one that works better for you.

I'm good at absorbing abstract information, for example, but most art is taught like language: grinding and memorization. I still need to do those things, of course, but I get a lot out of just straight up reading and have to work a bit harder on things like line confidence.

Figure out your learning style and play to it. It isn't a magic fix, but it will make the plateaus easier and the whole process more enjoyable.

>> No.2421953

Do you guys have some kind of schedule or do you just draw whenever you feel like it?
my problem is just sitting down and actually drawing, especially during the day.

>> No.2421969

How do you tackle styles? Currently learning from life like anatomy, perspective, and so on, but it only seems to be teaching me how to draw things to look real. How do people learn or understand to stylize?

>> No.2421983

It isn't something you tacke, it comes naturally. Just draw, don't think about stylising until much later.

>> No.2421987

I do very well in a structured environment, not so much in a more freeform study thing. Does anyone have their personal study schedule?

I'm not even sure how to "study" a book like loomis properly. I feel like it makes jumps into stuff thats way above me. How many times do I practice each excersise? I feel like I "get it" one day, and forget it the next.

>> No.2422008

I've been doing Keys to Drawing and I'm getting better but my faces are still symbol drawn. How do I get better?

>> No.2422011
File: 10 KB, 177x215, 1456508372620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I do lineart well in Sai?
Are the pen and brush tools supposed to feel like garbage?
Am I just shit?

>> No.2422017
File: 532 KB, 640x3342, sai_tutorial__vector_line_art_by_sakurachan776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2422020
File: 3.81 MB, 2191x5628, tutorial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2422021
File: 3.66 MB, 2191x6056, tutorial___lineart_on_paint_tool_sai_by_lily_fu-d60zpxl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2422032

>being this wrong

Don't provide other people misinformation if you dont know the answer yourself. Learning from life and learning how to style are two different subjects.

>> No.2422095
File: 196 KB, 380x374, 1455548498927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping question.

>> No.2422118

I was planning on selling my paintings on canvases.

>> No.2422129

>lol just use ctrl-z and stabilizer

>> No.2422274


Style is a complex topic, but it boils down to: you tend to develop a style of sorts on you're own as you create, based on the habits you form and the things you study, but you can train yourself to adjust your style. Study styles you like. See how they approached things in their art. Your personal style well be defined by your influences, but it isn't something you should worry about until your grasp of fundamentals is solid. A style is not a crutch for a lack of skill.

>> No.2422291
File: 142 KB, 577x720, 1454200736810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't really get into art books/videos that much
tutorial pictures are good because the information is condensed
not to say i havent' look at art books much, but whenever i read them i kinda get excited/annoyed and rather just learn through just drawing.
Is this good or bad? Anyone else experienced this too? Any tips on how to fight it (if i should)

>> No.2422295

Maybe you can just look at the pictures in the books and draw inspiration from that, use it in your experimenting.

>> No.2422440

How much fundamental knowledge is necessary in order to grasp styles?

>> No.2422451

If I was going to hunker down and do all the exercises until I learn them, would a week be enough to actually absorb an artbook?

>> No.2422454

I think I've burned myself out. I've drawn hundreds of boxes and constructed hundreds of heads. In short how do I get back into studying? I sit down with pencil and paper and I am blank. It hurts on the inside because my passion is there. My motivation is not.

>> No.2422591

Anyone have a picture or tutorial of drawing a face in profile I can't wrap my head around drawing things like the eyes and mouth correctly without it looking like a flounder

>> No.2422742


>> No.2422743

Find something youre interested in and draw it. You don't have to stick to the basic studies all the time if it burns you out. Have fun. Pick something out of the reference thread that inspires or interests you at least.
or try the roll thread

>> No.2422746

post a sample? I don't know about any tutorials but I could give tips.

>> No.2422748

Most abstract art is a self-developed style. My best advice is to study art history and current abstract artists to get an idea of what abstract art is about and the kind of styles/movements out there.

>> No.2422749

Persistence and practice. Post for critiques.

>> No.2422750

That's entirely dependent on the individual and how quickly that person is able to pick up on the concepts and apply them to their work.

>> No.2422751

There are too many variables for a standard study schedule to work, most schedules I've seen posted here were just
'Monday 9-10 figure drawing, 10 - 17 work, 17-18 dinner, 18-20 continue landscape piece, etc'.

Nobody here is going to help you into a well-structured environment. You have to learn how to plan yourself and stick to it.
If you can't, you can always pay a mentor irl.

You could also try Nicolaides' book on figure drawing 'The natural way to draw', it contains a whole schedule.

>> No.2422787

So as far as art schools, what's considered good/decent? I've seen a few people mention watts atelier but i have no idea if its good or not.

>> No.2422833

Depends on what you mean with stylize.

>> No.2422849

Everyone does well in a structured environment, but they pay teachers for the environment. It's a fulltime job which needs a professional. So go to school or pay an art teacher. Don't bother skipping the beginner course, when learning in your free time you go all over the place and miss the real fundamentals.

A simple schedule for drawing/learning on your own is to draw what you want and go through all the fundamentals on the side+your core books (which are closest to what you want to draw):

So here a random schedule:
- 4h draw what you want/your normal projects
- 4h learn/drawing exercises/research whatever topics matter for you
- read your core books over and over

>> No.2422870

It is possible if you are far above the horizon. The earth is round so the physical horizon sinks below the camera horizon. So you can see both the cube above the horizon and the upper face.

It would only not work if the ground was infinite and flat, but then you could probably - thanks to atmospheric effects - stop drawing the horizon at a given distance. xkcd had something about how that could look https://what-if.xkcd.com/139/

>> No.2422946

What's the difference between a Sketch and a Study?

>> No.2423049

How to eyes?

Thanks to loomis I can draw the head structure with absolute confidence, also I can place simplified nose and mouth shadows. But the fucking eyes are always my problem.

Is there any fair method of placing the eyes correctly in the head without a bitchload of guidelines?

Also, how do I draw symmetrical eyes?

And finally, which artists do you know that draw great looking eyes?

>> No.2423122

how do i know when im ready to move from pencil and paper to something else
i was thinking of buying some cheap set of soft pastels

>> No.2423189

Sketches may be a quick form to put an idea on the canvas.

Studies may be focused on a subject and are a form to explore and understand something.

I think...

>> No.2423230

good illustrators? i realize the only one i know is frazetta..

>> No.2423238

A study is a goal, a sketch is a stage

>> No.2423441

How can I be just as confident on paper as I am on the computer? I feel like my computer work looks 20 times better than anything i've produced on paper, and I find drawing on the computer much more fun as a result, even when just sketching. Paper makes all my art look shittier, it seems.

>> No.2423456

Experience with drawing on paper my nig, that's it

>> No.2423458

Whre do I report blatant art stealing if the source does not belong t me?

One asshole who's pestering me to no end right now posted a picture with blatant tracing from a copyrighted picture and slapped photobashed background onto it for which i can also provide source.

But i'm not a representative of a rightholder.

>> No.2423772

who here knows of a photoshop color wheel for cs3 extended? would this work for it since its the extended version? http://nerdchallenge.com/lenwhite/LenWhite.com/LenWhite.com/Entries/2012/9/16_PW_CS6.html

>> No.2423778

Contact the original creator.

See >>2421271

>> No.2423783

Pls respond D:

>> No.2423787

you have to practice. give it time and draw from reference, you're drawing inside of a circle the shapes go back. over time you will be able to make little breakthroughs but only if you keep going. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXfuovBSEIU

>> No.2423790


>> No.2423791

post work?

>> No.2424086
File: 302 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat-6451267208176339844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I replicate enough of these drawings will I eventually get a grasp on how to originally create them from 0?

Is there any type of eraser that actually leaves a clean sheet (with no trace of what was erased)? I had issues with this one because I had to erase a bunch of stuff and in the end the paper was very dirty

Why do the colors look so murky? I cant get a solid color, whats a good brand of coloring pencils? I'm using faber castell

Whats a good way to keep track of proportions? Should I draw lines with a ruler across the drawing to guide myself?

How do I keep the shading after coloring?
And whats a good way to color the white parts? Should I just leave them without color

>> No.2424096
File: 264 KB, 807x1024, jeff watts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I have a passion for art? Do you think it's right for me?

I appreciate how good looking a piece of art can be. I appreciate all the different textures, shading techniques, and line art etc. I find the improvement process interesting.

Sometimes when I look at certain pieces I just get really excited, especially fantasy or fantastical art that has breathtaking landscapes or worlds you are viewing. Art can really serve as a great reality escape for me. I can just suck myself into the worlds I viewing.

I'm nervous about the networking and self promotion involved to be successful but art is one of the few career options I've considered where I don't really think about money or prestigious positions relating to it.

>> No.2424098

>- 4h draw what you want/your normal projects

What if you're not good enough to draw your own projects? I try drawing my characters and they look like complete shit.

>> No.2424100

1. No mindlessly copying photos of anything won't get you anywhere really if you want to start from 0.

2. Draw lighter. The reason the graphite gets stuck in your paper is because you put too much pressure on your pencil and it gets embedded into the paper.

3. Can't help you there buddy

4. You could do that, but it's much faster to get good at eyeballing proportion. This just comes with practice.

5. Shading with graphite and then slapping color pencils on it doesn't work. You gotta do the shade work with color pencils.

6. Git gud with value and/or use a white color pencil.

>> No.2424126


I refute point 1.

Before I got into formal training, I used to replicate a fuckload of drawings, it helped me a lot with proportions, understanding how light interacted with objects, and also general shapes to draw simple stuffs like noses. I'd eventually start mixing styles from several artists to get a pleasant composition.

Everything else is on point.

>> No.2424178
File: 145 KB, 772x533, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I shade quickly?
If I take my time I feel like I can nail it pretty accurately, but I'm looking to do maybe 5-10 minute renders to get lots of mileage/practice in.

I've tried maybe a dozen or so brushes and nothing seems to work that well for very quick shading.

>> No.2424182

Anyone have any recommendations for books or videos or websites that will help me learn art history? It's something I really feel like I should know but I don't know where to look.

>> No.2424278
File: 89 KB, 800x800, tfive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /co/ think of Shinhan Touch markers? I'm looking to add some colored markers to my collection (I have a Copic greyscale set and a handful of colors). They seem reasonably priced. I was thinking of getting a set and supplementing it with individual Copics/Copic Ciaos.

>> No.2424279

I liked A history of European art, that's 24 hours of video you can enjoy.

>> No.2424284
File: 76 KB, 500x500, 1453723502611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help me out, /ic/: I'd like for you to list any and all aesthetic genres you can think of (eg the various -punks, Art Deco, Art Nouveau, etc.),
I want to try out drawing in as many new styles as I can.

>> No.2424286


>> No.2424287


>> No.2424379
File: 432 KB, 495x227, d37876894f944392d402965432b18d2b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone recommend some good brushes for Krita? It doesn't eat up photoshop brushes.

Also, how good should I be before starting to learn animation?

>> No.2424393

hobbyist here
uploaded all my drawings into an album
would anyone be able to give me a realistic assessment of whether or not I have
potential, and what style of art I should be working on
if my goal is to pursue art as a career?
I want to limit myself to one thing
right now I draw probably 2 hours a day so I know I could be improving
sadly I can't into digital right now but eventually I'd like to

>> No.2424394

that picture is the reason why he shot dead.

>> No.2424600

Choose projects you can be good enough at. Pick things that you realize you will be able to do in a few days time. As you learn more/go through more books you will become better at more things.

>> No.2424649

are thenewsmasters beginner friendly?

>> No.2424657


Tanks, lads.

>> No.2424724

Thankyou anon!

>> No.2424734

It's good that you've got a lot of work under your belt, and what you've done will help with the process, but you're absolutely still at the beginning stages. Try Bert Dodson's keys to Drawing (you should be able to find a PDF pretty easily somewhere, otherwise bother /ic/ until they link you).
The exercises in "Drawing on the right side of the brain" help, too, but the actual "science" of the book is bullshit.
I'd say with 2 hours a day consistently, you could improve significantly, but more is definitely better.
Definitely get a cheap tablet (bamboo) and get a feel for digital with Sai or Photoshop.

>> No.2424779

Not that I'm a professional or anything, but I think it's good to fool around with animation while you're learning construction/form. Being forced to rotate masses should give you a better understanding of the 3D masses of an object I suppose

>> No.2424841

How does one generally feel when they draw?

>> No.2424844
File: 43 KB, 400x250, kohle-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new here. Is there any difference between cole and graphit pens?

>> No.2424846


>> No.2424853

One is made with charcoal, the other made with graphite. It's like asking what the difference is between an apple and an orange.
With graphite you can draw more precise things and really get into detail, while charcoal is mostly used for longer, bigger strokes.

>> No.2424869

the secound line got me.
Do you normally mix up both or do you draw with just one for one work?

btw why are all drawfags so fucking cunts ?

>> No.2424881

Probably because you didn't take the time to form a question that actually makes sense.

But no, charcoal and graphite don't mix. If you want a darker pencil for your graphite drawings you can use something that's a mix of graphite and carbon, like a Staedtler 7/8B, or an oil based pencil like the Cretacolor Nero / Pitt Monochrome.

>> No.2424884


>> No.2424886

No, I dont't want to make it this complicated. I just want to draw some girls like I did it in france.
Thanks for your patience, some guys should take advantage of.

>> No.2425943

Is it OK to use the same brushes fol oil painting, watercolor and acrylics?

I use them for everything, after a good cleaning.

Should I buy others?

>> No.2426142
File: 16 KB, 600x600, 117300_10_PM1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do you sharpen these things?

I tried using a sharpener but it makes it look wonky, I tried using a knife and I felt like shit for wasting so much graphite and I tried using sandpaper and it was the worst idea I had.

What's the correct way?

>> No.2426149

There are some lead-specifically sharpeners, but I think they're expensive.

I start with the knife, and then I remove the blunt edges with a fine grain sandpaper. But which grain # are you using?

>> No.2426164

Gotcha. I was using a pretty thick sandpaper actually, it was the only sandpaper I had after I did some scale models for school.

Thanks buddy

>> No.2426180

Ayy I just bought some and they are fucking awesome.

>> No.2426441


You probably don't need to be a master, but you should be pretty proficient. You can study styles pretty early, but it takes a while to really develop one you can call a proper style as opposed to just imperfections. I don't fully have one myself, yet, admittedly. At last not one that stands out as anything but simplification.

>> No.2426444


If pencil is starting to bore you, go for it. Maybe start with sticks of charcoal since they''ll let you practice value before driving headfirst into color. Vine charcoal is fun a good transition to something like pastel, just don't sneeze on it. It's very soft.

>> No.2426450

Yea, trying to study styles not. I'm simply just trying to copy what I see among my favorite artists. Not sure how they do certain things, but these styles all have a very common feature among the medium, so I'm guessing it's something taught or maybe everyone is just copying each other.

Currently learning actual anatomy and what not, but I'm still not grasping the idea of style.

>> No.2426452


It doesn't work for everyone, unfortunately. A lot of folk get real good at copying but totally unable to produce things from scratch.

There is a lot to be learned from copying, though.don't get me wrong.

>> No.2426544

>A lot of folk get real good at copying but totally unable to produce things from scratch.

I still think the people who have copied a lot have a head start on those that don't, the problem is they don't try to get over the hurdle. They notice their imagination stuff sucks and they go back to their comfort zone rather than spending a few weeks working through it and getting used to it.

It's like people who spend all their time on digital and then try traditional and realize it's total shit (or vice versa). There are tons of people who try for a day or two then go 'fuck it' and continue with what they're used to.

It definitely takes a different skillset to draw from imagination, but copying reference will raise your baseline for sure.

>> No.2426587
File: 219 KB, 900x1157, dood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, how the hell do I get clean lineart done?
Is it all up to the brush settings I use?
Or maybe increasing the canvas size helps?

;__; I just don't seem to get behind how to create clean lineart

pic related btw

>> No.2426610

if that's yours it looks gr8

>> No.2426665

Nah, that's where I'm trying to get to.

>> No.2426678

You should post your work so we can see where your problem is and give advice. I don't know many resources on inking tho.

this one is a bit too software specific:

but here he does a drawing with commentary which might help:

>> No.2426692

Essentially it's all about setting down confidant lines over your sketch. Less is more. You can see in the picture you posted they really did a nice job with the heavier line weights establishing the outline of the figure, with a thinner brush for the details. Might be worth taking note of if you're aiming for a similar style. If it's digital art you might want to try vector tools for precise control over your lines if you want a really clean look. These are just general tips but without anything flawed to look at it's hard to say "you should be doing this".

>> No.2426698
File: 46 KB, 288x261, 1454298803039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also here is scott robertson: https://www.youtube.com/user/scottrobertsondesign

he does a lot of inking. I remember seeing a video with him explaining inking more in depth but idk if it's on the channel. If it's not there, then it's somewhere in the video series he made for his book How to Draw.

I'm pretty sure there is some discussion on inking technique in Framed Ink but I might remember wrong, the book is mostly about composition for comics(and it's fucking awesome).

Then there is this book that looks related and I found in my book dir but I haven't read it. https://mega.nz/#!a4QUQQhb!K6H4QQLBa4IZbzIySREcWFTQOb_iIpCKF9mAMVtd4Og

Anyways. If anyone knows more good books on inking (especially animey or cartoony stuff) I would like to hear about them as well.

>> No.2426965

so when you are starting to draw do you have a good idea of what its going to look like finished? I mean when I want to draw something its hard for me to imagine end result and its more about steps in construction and I just wait what it turns out to look like after applying those steps.

>> No.2426966

What is a good shading guide? I always end up blotching the shading.

>> No.2427055

I'm sure this is a common question but how far can one go without ever attending a figure drawing class? But still life drawing other things, like your own body or still lifes.

>> No.2427060

Nah, something like that takes time to build up, and some people can just visualize things mentally clearer than others. But don't let that discourage, like I've said it takes time.

Something that can help is to ghost your lines, basically just go over the motion of the line before pressing down. This is for helping with line control, but it also teaches foresight and thinking out your lines too.

>> No.2427066

You never have to attend one. You can also draw people you see in public, friends, whores or hire a model to come to your house.
Drawing yourself is also pretty good, but you can't get into as good of poses unless you have a good amount of mirrors.

>> No.2427068

It's not forbidden to make multiple sketches of one thing and trying different shit in them.

>> No.2427080

The problem with your question is that there are tons of ways to shade.

Here is proko's video

Here is vilppu:

Watts drawing and commenting here and I really like using this technique for shading. He draws edges of shadows first as a line and the fills in the shadow areas:

here is a simmilar thing:

>> No.2427168

anyone have the link to the onepunchman guys stream?

>> No.2427169


>> No.2427171

thanks bud

>> No.2427249

Never read onepuchman, is this the real illustrator or just some fan art guy?

>> No.2427258

it's the mangaka himself.


>> No.2427303

holy shit that's awesome, are there more mangakas who stream?

>> No.2427370

isnt mangaka a guy who writes and draws it?
murata just does the art

>> No.2428064

Thanks, I should have been clearer. I do appreciate it since it is my current weakness.

>> No.2428104
File: 44 KB, 736x736, 5.6mm graphite lead holder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any experience with these dank looking big fat fucking 5.6mm lead holders?

How does this big fat fucking dark graphite compare to charcoal for example?

>> No.2428162
File: 795 KB, 1600x1429, 1449034124322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it normal that I get mentally tired from drawing?

Is it because I'm just starting out?

How do I improve my stamina?

>> No.2428171

flow states brah

>> No.2428175

What's better for exposure, tumblr or deviantart?

>> No.2428183

Anyone have any links to decent PS brushes? looking for something good for line art mainly. Don't seem to be happy with anything I find online.

>> No.2428206

When does a beginner have the right to start a blog?

>> No.2428209

>have the right
harsh choice of words. you always have the right to start a blog, but the question is when it is WISE, and I would say that when you have a decent amount of material to start off with. say, one page's worth of drawings, depending on how often you finish a drawing.

don't think too hard about it. many established artists are prone to deleting/renaming blogs

>> No.2428212



If people don't like it then they simply wont follow you.

>> No.2428432

Should I avoid linework If I want to be a concept artist?

>> No.2428469

Ayy I have smaller ones from koh-i-noor and they are pretty fucking well made, don't know if this wouldn't be too thick to use tho. I find that I prefer using these big ass leads without a holder, I just hold them in hand and use them like charcoal. The graphite is the same as in pencils it's just a big chunk of it but it is comparble to charcoal in the sense that you can handle it and draw with the sides to get different lines. I like to use it for figure drawing because it's much less messy than charcoal but it's more expressive than pencils imho. The fat leads last a long ass fucking time as well. You need to have some sandpaper handy cause there is no other quick way to sharpen it tho.

>> No.2428473

You can make a blog any time, I have one and I'm shit. Don't expect anyone to follow you tho, I use mine as a sort of archive for myself to see how I improved. Just don't put up your real name if you think it might embarass you or something.

>> No.2428479

also koh-i-noor has even bigger leads, I've been in a koh-i-noor store and asked for leads once and this lady took out a thick ass fucking slab of graphite, it was like those white board markers but a bit shorter I couldn't believe they made shit like that, had to stop her in her tracks and ask for the more compact leads lol. Check it out it might be your thing.

>> No.2428498
File: 240 KB, 800x611, 1456875899627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it okay to skip right from pen/paper to photoshop with my wacom tablet if I only plan to do computer graphics work anyways?

>> No.2428504

You can have whatever style you want as long as your concepts and results are good. Also a lot of concept artists use line especially the ones that do mech design and perspective related stuff also you must be able to draw with lines before being able to paint ( im Not talking about clean lineart just neat not chickenscratched)

>> No.2428524
File: 210 KB, 774x646, kecaascac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already made this post on the beginner thread, ButI think this is a better place for this

Which ones of these colors shouold I mix to get the skin tones on the right?
I tried adding the lighter brown to the pink/peach one and it worked just fine for the lighter tones, but the darker ones ended up looking unatural, like the skin of someone who does spray tanning.

>> No.2428528
File: 271 KB, 1860x942, why this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it only me or are her legs fucking weird, even for anime?
The poor excuse for a redline is mine, my friend says it's a legitimate sitting position.
Please validate my hour long argument.

>> No.2428787
File: 58 KB, 960x640, cintiq13hdcintiqcompanionadjustablestand1g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any stands that can fit a intuos 5 medium?

>> No.2428918

Okay so I read that Im supposed to be drawing with my arm but Im confused
Am I ideally never supposed to use my wrist, should I be doing everything like shading and lining with my shoulder/arm? Or is "drawing with your arm" just supposed to be for making big shapes?

And am I supposed to do all this digitally as well? Anytime I try to google I just get arm-drawing tutorials and nothing in depth about this technique.

>> No.2428944
File: 119 KB, 960x640, tumblr_ncvjxipNVT1sg0w0do6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I were to add "fat" to a character with rock-like anotomy like pic related, would said character have smoother features?

>> No.2428950

also wut game is dat.

>> No.2428952
File: 27 KB, 500x367, 1445125090674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm learning to draw from the shoulder, but whenever I try I feel like I'm drawing from the elbow more. Is it just that the lines I'm drawing aren't long enough to warrant using my shoulder?

>> No.2428967

Galaxy Fight.

>> No.2428974

perhaps imagine the rockiness as a "plating" around it's body. So you can draw big fat round shapes but the texture of rock would still overlap. That way you don't sacrifice it's prime characteristics.

>> No.2428984

How do I make duct tape sketchbooks?

I've seen anons around here talking about it, and I want to try it. I bought a big ream of manila paper which I carry around with a clipboard, but I've lost the clipboard, so a sketchbook would be cool.

>> No.2429112
File: 20 KB, 720x720, Cretacolor-charcoal-soft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you sharpen your charcoal pencils, /ic/?

I can deal with my Contés and Wolff's Carbon just fine, but I bought one of these and broke half the fucking pencil trying to sharpen with a knife.

>> No.2429151

Bad sharpening technique. When you sharpen you shouldn't apply much force perpendicular to the pencil, most force should be going parallel to the pencil. It should be more like peeling away the wood. Grab pencil with your non dominant hand so that your thumb is on top of it, put your knife to it at a shallow angle and push the knife FORWARD with your thumb. Don't apply force with your right hand unless necessary and even then use a minimum amount of force from the right hand. Don't try to take off too much wood in one go so that you can apply even less pressure. It takes practice.

>> No.2429166

Also use a really fucking sharp knife, not some shitty pocket knife. A box cutter at least but a scalpel or a razor blade is even better. This further minimizes the pressure on the pencil.

>> No.2429194

hire this guy

>> No.2429196
File: 348 KB, 2048x1119, OPINEL_N06_02_HD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty much what I'm doing. I'm using pic related and it's about as sharp as a knife gets. I'll try a razor blade and see if I can do better, thanks anon.

>> No.2429203

Is Draw a box any good? Is there a reason it isn't in the sticky? It seems like a good structured approached rather than throwing a bunch of books at you.

>> No.2429245

can i get good just by drawing 1000 hands, 1000 feet, 1000 torsos, and 1000 faces even if i'm suuper shitty? like to the point you can't even tell they're limbs?

>> No.2429246


>> No.2429249

why not? fuck you man. what am i gonna do then...

>> No.2429257


You are going to draw 10 hands, 10 feet and 10 faces and you are going to make them as accurate as possible, and you are going to make every repetition better than the one before it.

You are going to write notes throughout the entire process and consult relevant figure drawing books and reference.

You are going to learn.

>> No.2429314

>i have to think

damn...what should i start with? i have Classic Human Anatomy from Valerie Winslow, Vilpu drawing manual, bridgmans constructive anatomy, and Perspective Made Easy.

>> No.2429471

Question: How do I know how big to draw things when i'm trying to make them closer to the camera? For example i'm trying to draw a leg that is raised off the ground and the knee is extending towards the camera, but how big do I draw it?

>> No.2429547
File: 112 KB, 1305x772, 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a problem with lines when working digitally.
When zoomed into a canvas I have an easier time drawing and controlling my lines, but more often than not I end up making a picture for ants.
Zooming out gives me a harder time with lines. They become thinner and messier.
Increasing the brush size makes them fat and unattractive.
I'm trying to find a middle ground, playing with pressure sensitivity, brush settings, etc but have yet to get a satisfying solution.
I realize Im still a beginner and not being great with lines is part of the problem but this has been driving me to my wits end.
Program I'm using is Sai if that helps.
Pic related.

>> No.2429667


>> No.2429672
File: 87 KB, 774x518, tilted-pencil-grip01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any software that uses the pen tilt to emulate a soft lead pen? like one edge is sharp and the other one blurry? I only have PS CS2, do I need a newer version for that?

>> No.2429811

I can make some badass figure drawings but only when it's one person. But drawing drawing people holding each other is nearly impossible for me. Anybody can help me on my way?

>> No.2429817

No one?

>> No.2429933

so whats the next step after pencil and stack of papers? pastels? watercolors? colored graphite?

>> No.2429981

Perspective made easy is great for beginners so start there but perspective isn't that hard to understand so you can pretty much crunch through that in a day or two, Another one thats quick to go through is Keys to Drawing which covers observational drawing and explaining symbol drawing. After that go with Successful Drawing by Loomis because it's pretty broad and teaches you basics of pretty much everything: construction, proportion, anatomy etc. After that use your books, Vilppu for figure and gesture, Classic anatomy and Bridgman for more in depth understanding of anatomy. Other Loomis books are great as well going in deph on anatomy and construction of figure (Figure drawing for all it's worth), head and hands (obvious which one is that) and Creative Illustration is more about composition.

The world is your oyster m8. Do what you find the most appealing. I love oil pastels for figure drawing, I only use one color and use it like you would charcoal.

>> No.2429986
File: 1.12 MB, 3320x4992, couple_requested_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You try working with reference?

>> No.2430094

>tfw no gf
t-thanks for making me sad asshole

>> No.2430104

i dont use photshop for drawing because i dont have a tablet but im pretty sure CC has it

>> No.2430132
File: 75 KB, 533x800, 155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

using references like these is the closest thing to human interaction I'm going to get this week.

>> No.2430133
File: 77 KB, 533x800, 234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2430168

guess ill go with soft pastels then
they seem to be the cheapest

>> No.2430210

Better site for honest critique without all the shitposting, raging, ass nuggets?

>> No.2430217

idk what youre talking about /ic/ is one of the most civil boards

>> No.2430218

Trying to tackle Keys to Drawing but I'm stumped at the part that requires you get a model to stand in front of you for 30-40 minutes.
As a neet who has nobody willing to volunteer, what do I do?
People on the street won't stand still for that long and I cant afford life drawing classes.
I was doing fine and actually enjoying the learning process but now its like I've hit a brick wall.
I'd try photos but people say those won't help at all.

>> No.2430223

draw your legs and penis or something

>> No.2430225

But anon the exercise is only doable with a full figure in front of you.
Flipping through the rest of the book I see a handful of others like it.
How do ordinary fucks like me get through this. I'd feel like shit if I had to skip exercises.

>> No.2430228

well unless your mom is willing to pose nude for you youre fucked

>> No.2430237

You can use a good size mirror and your own naked body.
People on the street won't stand still for long, but they do sit for long times in cafes, restaurants and public transport.

>> No.2430249

Is there a way to take a comics page that has been penciled, inked AND shaded, then scan that into your computer and add color in photoshop while retaining the original shading from the pencil?

I don't know of any way to do this, and usually just pencil, ink, scan and then flat color and shade in Photoshop.

I would rather pencil, ink, shade and simply add my flats in photoshop, but I have never found a way to do that.

Is it even possible? If so, how?

>> No.2430267

maybe ask on /co/ or /a/

>> No.2430268

Yeah. Investing in a mirror might be the right thing for me, thanks.

>> No.2430278

I would recommend getting 2, so you can use more angles.
Drawing myself in the mirror did always a bit restrictive compared to drawings others

>> No.2430301
File: 424 KB, 1252x2472, Sin título.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guise I've been getting better but I still have a lot to learn and I downloaded many books and watched tutorials and shit but it doesn't feel like it's helping me a lot. So my question basically is, what books or videos you think I should read/watch now?

<Pic for skill level reference

>> No.2430305

I think that would be very difficult to achieve even with an excellent scanner. It would take a lot of calibrating. Perhaps you can scan it in when you're finished with the pencil stage, then scan it again when you've added the ink and compile the two images together?

>> No.2430307

Is there any art forum to get my question answered other than /ic/? What places do you post on other than here?

>> No.2430308

go and read some loomis you fucking faggot

>> No.2430310

conceptart, though I havent visited that place in years, no idea how it is now. Reddit also has a few art subreddits, though I only come for the images, I don't hang around the comment sections so I don't really know what goes on there.

>> No.2430312
File: 41 KB, 800x611, wat55325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive read loomis

>> No.2430351

How do you know if you're commission ready?

>> No.2430357

if people start asking if you can draw them something who aren't close friends or relatives.

>> No.2430371

How would you go about making a price guide?

>> No.2430378

Are there are any decent tutorials on how to get into landscape painting? I've got a passable grasp on urban environments and perspective, but I just don't get doing wide open spaces or dense woods and shit.

>> No.2430437

How do I practice patience? My teachers keep telling me to copy masterworks or artists I like, but I can barely go 10 minutes into it before I get frustrated or lost...

>> No.2430478

Copy a masterwork in 10 minutes

>> No.2430571
File: 51 KB, 800x800, wacom_intuos_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>Using Manga Studio 5
>Also own pic related

How do I make a clean lineart?

Wacom is smaller than Stalin's love for humanity and I need to do either large strokes at a really small zoom level, or chicken scratches at a large zoom level.

Is there any website, book, or tutorel that may help me? Any tip? Any good method not involving vector tools?

Again, how do I make clean lineart using MS5 and pic related?

>> No.2430627

switch to sai and put maximum stabilization

>> No.2430641

get a huion, and i'm not even joking.

Wacon is feeding everyone shit, the only good thing they make is intuos PRO and cintiq lines.
All their cheaper products is basicly them farting right into your face.

>> No.2430650
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>> No.2430669

Many MS5 pens have stabilization, and their official tutorials recommend the mapping pen for final lines.
Many brushes in MS5 also have some kind of autocorrection, so you should be able to make slow jittery lines and it'll smooth em out for you.

>> No.2430681

Not him, but what tablet you recommend? I'm thinking of buying a new one and I've never think about Huion.

>> No.2430685

Beginner here, i'm sorry if this has already been asked.

Is copying other artists work effective? I practiced a lot of stuff, heads, faces, hands, poses, but doing these over and over again can get really boring. So i was planning to look up cool drawings i think look good/have the style i want to achieve and just try to deconstruct them and draw them from scratch, always stuff from different perspectives, poses and lighting.

Is that a good idea or should i just start drawing stuff from imagination?

>> No.2430824

Ye, I know, but is it a good idea to put maximum stabilization on it? (see >>2430650)

Well, I guess yes because of the size of my tablet. I also tried lazy Nezumi, but wasn't convinced.


Which ones should I check? I guess they're affordable.

>> No.2430826

Huion Giano. Best traditional tablet on the market today.

>> No.2430828

How am I supposed to draw with my arm/shoulder if I'm sketching in the bus or subway?

>> No.2430836

Just like anything else, it's always good to copy the masters of an art to learn more about it.

>> No.2430842


>> No.2430875
File: 168 KB, 712x1920, 1453430144607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Which Illustration program looks superior?

>inb4 hurr art school is useless

I need a work visa.

>> No.2430891
File: 67 KB, 437x684, Sammylines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would I go about making this linework less... flat?

It looks dull and lifeless.

>> No.2430894
File: 456 KB, 1210x600, watamievenlookingat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just downloaded krita and have a question. There's a spot that randomly sets its maximum to ~83% and I'm just using the default sketch shade brush and no layers. Is it just a glitch or I am I doing something to make it do this? Tried finding an answer on the krita tutorials and google but couldn't.

>> No.2430896

How long does it take for an amateur to pick up on quick figure drawing?

I'm attending a class, and I hear they do 1-2 minute poses, except it takes me at least 5 minutes or so to figure draw with any degree of detail and I'm nervous.

>> No.2430899
File: 30 KB, 500x248, 213131313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't draw for shit as you can plainly see, but I feel like I draw like 20 times better with a graphics tablet than I do on paper. On the left is something I did on paper, then scanned in and traced over, and on the right is something i pulled out my ass on my graphics tablet. I seem like i fuck up anatomy waaaay less on a computer, but at the same time I feel like I shouldn't have to rely on my computer and tablet as a constant crutch for my ability. How do I go about feeling comfortable with both mediums? It doesn't help that it feels much more fun to draw in SAI than in a sketchbook where everything is eraser marks.

>> No.2430902

Ironically, the paper one has better/matching proportions.
And the key to working with a tablet is getting used to it and messing around with brush settings a LOT until you can get something that feels like a pencil.

Oh, and don't ignore your traditional skills. 99% of what you do with a pencil is useful for digital work.

>> No.2430906

The quick poses are meant as warm-ups and gesture drawings, you shouldn't be focusing on detail at that point. There's no need to be self-conscious about your work there, no one else is going to care. Just try to learn and have fun with it.
You can always do your homework before going if you're really nervous. Go watch some of Proko's gesture drawing videos and/or some of Vilppu's stuff on figure drawing and anatomy, practice online to get comfortable.

>> No.2430912

Use line weight at your benefit. Place thicker lines on the outside, make thinner lines for internal details. You can suggest shading with the lines too, just add dark zones where there's supposed to be a shadow (i.e: Below the chin).

>> No.2430913
File: 198 KB, 1017x786, 1439063844705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The main thing it's missing imo is construction. It looks like an outline, if you were to construct the face using basic shapes ( Look up tutorials, Loomis is the best apparently ) It'd be less flat.

>> No.2430915

Something I've always wondered, and kind of wanted to learn how to draw: you know the stylized foliage on the sides of dollar bills? They are also on older documents usually. Does this style have a name?

>> No.2430943
File: 1.08 MB, 1012x793, 56bdd1dc4b422021dd696ffc43eccc8b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would help, yes. There's very little variance. Do people usually erase/refine the lines or try and make them varied in thickness as they first draw them?

Yeah, it was drawn from this ref, freehand. And when drawing with ref, I usually just draw the outline of the skull for construction lines. I'll try and use construction when working with refs next time.

>> No.2430949

Are you sketching for fun or is serious shit?

For serious shit, find anywhere else.

For fun, just reduce the size of your sketches to a thumbnail size. Anyways, there's little to worry about drawing from the wrist if your goal is not clean, fluid lines.

>> No.2430972

okay, ive got all loomis books, hamptons figure drawing, and brigmans drawing from life..but I dont know where to start or how. I started reading loomis figure drawing book but I have no idea what to do. Do I just sketch the same diagrams or are there any exercises?

>> No.2430984

take a stack of printer papers a pencil and google your favourite pornstar

>> No.2431044

A guy at work told me digital drawing/painting is cheating. Why can't I stop cheating?

>> No.2431069


Whoever told you that is retarded and or a fossil. Digital is about as cheating as using a finer brush.

>> No.2431107

yes it is cheating

>> No.2431253

I feel like a dumbass
Even after doing 5 portraits like this instead of rushing it I feel like I've learned more in the last hour than I have in a week.

>> No.2431270

In this order:

>Your own web
>Anything else

>> No.2431295

Ugah bugah, pencil thing and paper is cheat! Only stone on cavewall is true art art!

>> No.2431373


>> No.2431376

What are the average artists comission rates for illustration work?

>> No.2431871

How come the more I draw something the worse each drawing gets?

>> No.2431884

Ubongo pls be of leavings.

>> No.2431924

Holy shit. That thing is extremely amazing. BASED HUION.

I'm gonna order it once I get the 150 dollars. Thanks anon.

Thanks, anon. But I have messed around with mapping pen and lines still seem jittery and wonky. I have found that my lines seem better (smoother, cleaner) with the G-pen. Both tools w/default settings and max stabilizing.

Where can I get the user manual? Using too much post-stabilization turns fucking circles into straight lines.

>> No.2432077

Are there any good blogs for tips and tricks with TVpaint?

Also, are there any books that teach you more practical ways to animate? Richard Williams made a decent manual, but expecting one person to animate a whole feature on 1's using the techniques in that book isn't very realistic.

>> No.2432158

I really don't want to make this sound like a shitpost, but is it good practice to stave off fapping until you put in your hours for the day.

>> No.2432443



if your shit wasn't answered ill be going through if i can in the new thread tonight.

>> No.2432455

Still waiting on an answer to >>2424178
Though I think by now I've realize that doing fast shading isn't really the best idea for studying perhaps

>> No.2432459

its called rendering for a reason, if you are doing this digitally, all you can really do is get better at pen control and go big to small.

its why you won't render when you are learning, this shit takes for goddamn ever to do, and a simple 1 tone shade, or a contour of the shade will get you more useful practice.

>> No.2432490
File: 255 KB, 448x568, CNdJkF3[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 tone shading sounds reasonable
I've been hatching but that takes ages as well

>> No.2432499

i would honestly say fuck shading digitally, especially hatching unless you are using a brush specifically for hatching. it takes time and while you are learning its not worth it, however drawing the contour of the shadow will give you more practice, try doing that a bit.

>> No.2433171
File: 580 KB, 800x600, 626832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been trying to get into landscape art but I need someone to hold my hand while I'm learning it.
Usually classes help a lot, but I don't have access to those. Still, videos work rather for me.

Can someone recommend me any good videos explaining the process for landscape/environment (digital) painting?

>> No.2433924


Start timing yourself while you draw every so often. Average it. Multiply that by ten.

Do this for whatever archetype of art you will have commissioned.

You are now making California minimum wage through drawing.

Adjust according to taste and/or ego.