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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 628 KB, 600x607, 1454868627385[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2403910 No.2403910 [Reply] [Original]

Thread #16

Previous Thread: >>2376625

Bring us your roughs, your storyboards, your pencil tests etc. Talk about industry, schools, the hopelessness of it all, how we all gonna make it etc.

If you're gonna post animation that isn't yours give source or state that it isn't yours.

Keep shitposting to a minimum. Don't feed the trolls.

>Stuff you may find useful, books basic program tutorials etc

>Reference stuff you can find with a simple google search

Japanese style animation tutorial: http://listeningside.net/a_side00.html
Stoyboard & composition: http://www.floobynooby.com/comp1.html

>Play YT videos frame-by-frame

Lastly, if you've got some good animation resources, contribute!

>> No.2403913

forgot to include the OP pic's blog. http://elenamanetta.tumblr.com/

>> No.2403930

quick question about toon boom. I keep hearing people rave about how good the brushes are in it but even flash gives me better lines than toon boom. Do you guys use custom brushes or something? What are your settings?

>> No.2403972

Try tv paint

>> No.2403979
File: 396 KB, 700x509, 21816.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a dumb little thing I made in flash to kill some time.

>> No.2404050
File: 725 KB, 960x1055, turnaround.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting from old thread, would really like critique on this in case there's mistakes I can't see!

I really like the side-tilting motion on the... ball-monster just before he sprints towards the muscle-man. Reminds me of a few anime fight scenes, this sort of slow stalk before attacking. After that it got a tiny bit confusing for me, took me a bit too long to figure out the crouching bit.

>> No.2404051

When'll flash finally die and what'll replace it everywhere?

>> No.2404066

Your mom

>> No.2404079

I mean, flash has never really been the #1 industry standard.

>> No.2404221
File: 1.49 MB, 500x281, rat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn that's goddamn nice my animation was used for thread pic, but geeze now I really wish I actually went back and fixed the hair rather than shrugging it off as a warm-up and moving on to other stuff instead.

Are you very new to ToonBoom or know all the basics? Just asking because if you're new, you might not know about things like how the lines in TB show up as pixelated even though that isn't how they look when rendered, or about bitmap brushes and so forth. Or is it entirely that the lines are squiggly and unappealing/no pen pressure?

>> No.2404223
File: 712 KB, 866x592, Linda_Miller_Ireland_1987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here knows about animation desks?
I just got the one in the picture (yeah, that very same one)
Used to belong to Don Bluth's studio in Ireland

The problem is, it didn't have the mechanism which holds the table and allows it to tilt

Is there an alternative to this mechanism? Or should I try to track down the original parts?


>> No.2404229

Hard to imagine a time when female animators were passionate about their work, and weren't just incompetent, blue haired dykes with a victim complex.

>> No.2404248
File: 927 KB, 650x900, animation1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First animation in CS5. I learned stuff.

>> No.2404259

You fucked it, dude. I'm legit kinda sad because the post in the last thread was kinda appealing.

>> No.2404287

a drafting table?

>> No.2404291

It's the pen pressure that's putting me off, is that just how they are? I'm not an expert but I went through most of the tutorials a while back so I have a decent grasp of how the program works.

>> No.2404300
File: 48 KB, 756x653, OCS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone tell me how not to suck? Give it to me straight I know I'm awful but I have a great vision for an original series.

>> No.2404315

Does Toon Boom Studio 8.1 not have bitmap brushes?
If I finally upgrade to Harmony Essentials, does that have bitmap?

>> No.2404325
File: 29 KB, 859x1066, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It should have pen pressure, but the way it works is with width of the brush, not opacity/lightness. The opacity is always 100%, like in Flash.

I haven't worked in Harmony for a couple of months so I don't 100% remember, but I know in Storyboard Pro, I love sketching because of its line quality (It smooths things out without doing auto smooth like Flash), and the two programs are owned by the same company, so the pen quality should be the same between the two. Pic on the left was done in Storyboard Pro, and I'm PRETTY sure you can get the same line quality with the vector brushes in Harmony.

You might want to check some YouTube videos of people sketching and see if the lines are coming out the same, otherwise it might be a driver issue. Maybe screencap the lines you're getting so we can see.


>> No.2404328

Are you drawing with a mouse? Your lines are scratchy, the shapes have no flow, and the line thickness is uniform. The characters have basic expressions, are out of proportion with each other and lack fundamental construction.

>> No.2404330

Thank you this is what I was looking for! And yeah I am using a mouse, also MS paint...

>> No.2404353

for some reason, I really like drawing in Toon Boom
it's quick, but I still feel in control of my lines

>> No.2404387

Yeah I didn't really think too far ahead so it ended up being a cluster fuck towards the end.

>> No.2404390

What settings do you guys use?(texture,min.,max., smoothing, contour optimization, etc)

>> No.2404415

Can I get critique about what I did wrong instead of shit, you know, so I can learn from my mistakes.

>> No.2404417

If Studio has textured brushes then I've never found them, but I pretty much just use the default because it never seems to save my brush settings in general, only in different projects

>> No.2404457

it looks a little too fast whats the exposure for each frame?

>> No.2404481

Clits aren't usually that long.

>> No.2404525


>> No.2404559
File: 1.41 MB, 1920x1080, 20160218_152827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good for you for taking criticism without complaining.
I drew your characters to demonstrate construction and line control. You should just draw on paper if you dont have a tablet. Drawing with a mouse is worthless and wont teach you anything.

>> No.2404622

Is there any benefit to drawing your frames traditionally and then scanning them into photoshop? People have been saying that it produces better animation but I don't really understand why that would be the case.

>> No.2404643

I guess the perspective of the waist it very unclear. The dick appears really high up and we can consistently see the underside of his ass when the angle should probably be changing. I think you need to spend some time studying and figuring out exactly how penetration works.
Mostly just cause people like to draw in pencil so it's more comfortable.

>> No.2404679
File: 104 KB, 960x540, preview-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a quick thing I just did. My drawing skills aren't too good either but I'm not digging the lines. Sometimes the lines just connect even though they're far apart or they'll end up going too far. Do I just need to practice more or do you think it's a driver thing?

>> No.2404783

I heard catfat draws traditionally and then cleans up in Photoshop. Not sure how that helps though.

>> No.2405202

Opinions for a animated vlog. Puppet animation or refined animatic. Which would you like to see for a vlog?


>> No.2405217

Good qiality art

>> No.2405269

light table, actually
but the whole tilting screws are missing

>> No.2405272

I'll try to use good qiality next time.

P.S. the video is a place holder.
P.S.S. Sorry for making fun of the quality typo

>> No.2405287

Puppet animation or Animatic/ slideshow?

>> No.2405367
File: 1.86 MB, 1920x1080, rough.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pretty much said "Fuck it" after the idle animation since up til then was planned. Thats why the arcs are janked
Critique I guess

>> No.2405446
File: 122 KB, 337x247, hey kid, want to hear a personal appeal from wikipedia founder jimmy wales.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't fuck with me nigga I'll kill u

>> No.2405448
File: 1.32 MB, 384x240, ezgif.com-video-to-gif (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old animation I did for my bf on the Flipnote app for the DS

cant escape the chad

>> No.2405467

if I was ur bf I'd fuck you

>> No.2405527
File: 502 KB, 504x360, Shun Enokido 1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not mine, source : https://twitter.com/mayuge1017/status/686347285777657856

>> No.2405939
File: 303 KB, 550x400, Swing (ball).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a quick Flash animation i made. What do ya think?

>> No.2406000

I don't get what that one anon is saying. Aside from the dick bouncing oddly and the legs being a bit shaky, it looks really nice.

>> No.2406066

She's dressed like a man in this photo, she looks more like a dyke than any chick with blue hair I know. What's wrong, someone not getting any from the hot punk chick?

>> No.2406067

Honestly I hate these fucking tables. Had one similar to it and it took up a huge amount of space. I'd rather put a table easle on a regular desk instead.
How much you spend to get Don Bluth's non-working table, anon?

>> No.2406075

My school uses Toon Boom and supplies it but I haven't gotten mine yet. :c I'm worried because I hear it has a big learning curve and I have trouble learning new programs.

>> No.2406080

I don't know what you mean by puppet animation.

You can get away with just a static image for your video but you'll hold more attention with something to watch too. I don't think an animatic would work so much as editing things together like Game Theory does it (best example I have of what I mean).

Get a less shitty mic too

>> No.2406082

He means rigging a character and tweening.

>> No.2406083

Why the fuck is it just a head tho? Did you plan to have a body? Don't concentrate on details like the fact until you get the full form, body included, involved.

If it's mean tto be just a head, that's dumb.

For an old flipnote animation that's cute as hell.

>> No.2406124

It looks extremely weird when it hangs in the air completely motionless, at least make it sway up and down like it's trying to fight gravity a little.

>> No.2406127

Not him but it could just be a floating head. You're not critiquing on anything but the idea. That's dumb.

>> No.2406128

>hot punk chicks
these days flashy hair color means she's gonna pull the rape card after the first fight

>> No.2406188

>hot punk chick?
bruh what sort of fuckhead actively goes after women who are blatantly signalling that they're dysfunctional and unstable? girls who pursue the aesthetic equivalent to "FUCK YOU MOM AND DAD" and probably inundate themselves in vapid bullshit and drugs only to find themselves in the same hole their parents were in, just with the false appearance of something better, more "educated", the sort of bitch who resents her father for watching television to pass the time instead of actively analysing it without realising that analysis doesn't make her life any less shit. Thousands in debt just so you she can watch TV more intelligently.

>> No.2406194

Puppet Animation seems like it would be a lot more efficient for something like that.

>> No.2406342

Thanks! Actually just looking at it made me want to improve so I'm trying again haha
he's got it covered thanks

>> No.2406419

Sorry for the repost, but I posted this right at the end of the last threads life span, and didn't get any feed back.

>> No.2406491

how do you guys go about promoting your animations? Especially on YouTube.

>> No.2406521

Channel frederator, newgrounds, tumblr

>> No.2406550

How do you use frederator? And how do you make it so your shit doesn't get lost on tumblr?

>> No.2406562

Tag the living dicks out of it and choose descriptive specific tags that aren't faste as fug. Less #art #my art, more #shitxpairing #series #fandom #inktober, etc.

>> No.2406656

Only the first 5 tags of a post show up in searches just fyi

>> No.2406680

How does Frederator work?

>> No.2406760

There's nothing really wrong with this for what it is. I Mean you could smooth it out by adding inbetweens but you already know that. I don't think there are any glaring errors.

>> No.2406773


>> No.2406833

Not sure what exactly it's supposed to be. Seems a bit too animated to be an animator but not animated enough to be a final short. If it's an animator than it isn't bad at all, but if it's supposed to be a complete piece then I think you should go back and refine everything. I think you're perspective is also off in the first scene, those characters look really flat.

Aside from that looks pretty cool. Keep it up anon.

>> No.2406836

Its gonna be a simple no outline test and very much planned just for a floating head clearly from how it entered.
Don't worry I wanted to add it in the cleanup since I wanted to focus on the rough gesture. My question was if the exiting arcs are even remotely passable since it looks like trash to me.

>> No.2406880

The volume of the ball changes slightly, it gets smaller around the end, otherwise good job dude.

>> No.2406881

there's a difference between an animation and an animatic man.
Nevertheless I like it, good timing on the lips.

>> No.2406894

not the person you replied to, but what's the difference between the two? isn't an animatic just an unpolished animation? it's certainly more animated than a storyboard.

>> No.2406996

It was donated to me by a dear friend.
And since it was a gift, I couldn't just go and tell him that stuff was missing.

Though I will mention it to him eventually.

>> No.2407015
File: 2.34 MB, 2656x1494, 20160217_154126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, here's a pic of the actual desk.
The light table is just standing against the lower part.

>> No.2407278

Maybe animationsupplies/lightfootltd has something? They sell a lot of the old stuff.

Other professional desks could use the same mechanism (architecture? designer?) It's all probably outdated and second hand by now, because these desks are overengineered and get in the way.

Simpler would be to just use 4 brackets and turn it into a normal desk, except you want to open a museum instead of using it. Drawing like in the photo is uncomfortable.

>> No.2407301

Any animation books out there for anime aside "How To Draw Manga Vol 26: Making Anime" or the website linked by OP?

>> No.2407303


An animatic is a animated storyboard. So yes, that looks like an animatic

>> No.2407716
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, test.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first crack at animation.
I like the movement, but should it look this rough? The brushes in Flash are a pain to work with, so I was kinda limited with forms
Any crit, tips, etc. is very much appreciated

>> No.2407775

Use the pencil tool, make lines
the movement is weird and unappealing, the arm went straight back so we expected it to go straight forward, the arm goes up so we expect it to go down first. Try animating a ball first. It's easier to do and if you make mistakes you can see them better,

image the arm is like three balls you messed up three times as much with each bad move, worst you can't even tell

be impressed that it moves it's not the worst thing, but call this done, move one, do more and more

>> No.2407908

Not him, but can you explain how the whole ball helps arm movement. I've read that in some books but I've never really understood how exactly it helps your animations. Or how to use it.

>> No.2407938

Also, to add to the beginner ballposting, should I be doing my own ball from scratch or copying someone else's at firs?

>> No.2407977

Not the guy you asked but I'll try to answer. The reason the ball is always recommended is because it helps with ALL animation, not just arm movement. It makes you think about all the fundamentals like timing, spacing, squash and stretch, etc. without making you deal with complex drawings. It basically simplifies the animation process and allows you to think about animating instead of drawing. (I think)

>> No.2407980

Hey ive never made any animations before and just finished a computer build. So my question is what do you guess use for digital design pads? And what programs do you run? (Maybe beginner friendly programs)

>> No.2408059

Has anyone tried this?

>> No.2408104

I've always wondered how exactly the 2D with 3D technology worked, that seems interesting

>> No.2408523
File: 432 KB, 495x227, d37876894f944392d402965432b18d2b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I have to give it a shot, didn't even think about something like that even tho I make 2D games in openGL pretty much the same way.

The last couple of days I've been looking at animation tools in linux and so far everything had one giant drawback: the brushes. Animation software like tupi and synfig studio might have nice and fancy animation tools but their drawing tools suck absolute donkey dick. I'm now using an Alpha version of Krita. It's full of bugs, so it's not optimal but once the full version of 3.0 is out It's going to be amazing. It only has tools for working with frames(copying,moving,inserting) + onion skinning but I feel like it's more than enough for the traditional-like approach without rigs and other fancy computer animation stuff.

>> No.2408524


Can anyone explain to me why he's going over the lines so many times? I mean it looks amazing but pretty much every book I read on drawing said I should be thinking over my lines before drawing them, try making clean lines when possible and not go over a line 10 times.

>> No.2408532
File: 2.74 MB, 480x360, ezgif.com-video-to-gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2408535

This is animation, not "drawing." He's feeling out the energy in the poses to find the life in them for movement. Not looking for one drawing to stand alone for your viewing pleasure. Trying to capture life in 1/24th or 1/12th of a second at a time. Then after he has that worked out he goes back over and tightens it down with much nicer drawings. Glen is notorious for having bold loose exploratory animation drawings. It's just his method and it works wonderfully for him. Others are much tighter, like if you ever see James Baxter's or Eric Goldbergs animation drawings.

>> No.2408567

You shouldn't take advice out of context.

>> No.2408574

Books can just be wrong.

>> No.2408576

Source of gif?

>> No.2408583

Whatever works, bruh.
Vilppu said one of his video that it doesn't matter how a key animator draws his line because his drawing will be cleaned up later anyway.

>> No.2408586
File: 1.10 MB, 425x304, 6b8b5e4e07f66b4b44ec9dd037bf2f40[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nvm, found it

>> No.2408591

Holy crap.

>> No.2408616

if you pay attention to his keys in his final roughs you'll realize that even though he has a thick line, they are still quite thought out.

>> No.2408639
File: 2.33 MB, 800x536, test4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A thing I sketched during class a year ago.

>> No.2408659

This might help.


>> No.2408679


Why did Joel deactivate his DA? Was it because the pedo accusations? I read something about him getting into trouble for his loli stuff

>> No.2408742

What?! I never heard of that, he doesn't even do loli. Like maybe the Alice drawings could be called loli? Wtf there are other people who draw much more sexualized stuff.

>> No.2408751

I haven't really seen his whole body of work, I know that he has drawn a lot of young looking boys though...idk.

>> No.2408791

sorry, yes it is an animatic

>> No.2408793

sorry, it is an animatic
Forgot to post that
Characters look flat because they are, It's only 4 frames on loop moving across a 2d plane turned into a 3d plane. They move in 3d but they only have 2 dimensions and aren't being redrawn to counteract distortion.

>> No.2409152

Man so I've been playing with this shit for a few hours now and it's so complicated to get into. Blender has a really complicated GUI. It's hard to use but seems extremely powerful. Too bad the default brush is shite and I don't know how to change it or import some brushes, if it's even possible.

>> No.2409621


You spin me right round baby

>> No.2409623

>It basically simplifies the animation process and allows you to think about animating instead of drawing

Yep. You have to deal with these things one at a time.

>> No.2409828

there's nothing necessarily wrong with this, but there also isn't anything noteworthy about it. it's just a rotation. there's no life to it, no emotion. not even action.

maybe there are things that don't rotate properly but nothing sticks out just from looking at the gif i would have to look at it frame by frame and i can't be bothered

>> No.2409990

tumblr's search system is so bullshit lmao

>> No.2409991

The thing is that Tumblr is first and foremost a blogging platform. How it got so popular as an avenue for art when everything it does makes it harder for the audience, I dunno
But anyway, I'd rather have that than see hundreds of posts tagged "LOL, funny, art, artists on tumblr, comic, meme, fanart, undertale, sans, jerry seinfeld, bernie sanders, (etc etc)" tag spam is the worst

>> No.2409994

I'll take it 1,000 times over from Instagram's shitty model, where people tag anything what whatever's a popular word.

>> No.2410001

Having it unlimited would actually make searching for things worse for you guys
You'd have to wade through even more unrelated garbage to find the art you want

>> No.2410003

How do you make good lines in flash?

I don't know how to not do the signature blobby vectored lines that plagues many flash animations

>> No.2410045

there's the pencil tool. The straighten feature make lines uniform and closer to the basic shapes. The smooth feature makes lines that close to what you want but smoother.

You have to edit the lines using the select tool. And play around with the tool settings. But you can get great lines after doing that.

>> No.2410169

Doing a traditional inbetweening job rn, finding it almost too easy, worries me that I might be doing something wrong. Self-doubt is real.

Yeah I was thinking about slowing it down as it's also kinda a showcase of where I'm at in terms of keeping things consistent. I (think) I set it about 6fps.

Yeah might add more tweening, if I want to slow it down. Thanks!

Ah sorry probably should've mentioned it was a practice when I reposted, not anything I'd write home about. Just meant as something to show employers I can rotate shit etc.

>> No.2410406

> too easy
well it's lowest level of cleanup

you should only worry if you find this is too hard


>> No.2410413

Idunno dude, I used photoshop because I hate myself.

>> No.2410466

dick+balls are too up

>> No.2410564


>> No.2410614
File: 1.08 MB, 1224x788, simplified drawing for planning animation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here I thought there would be barely any good books about animation available on the internet.

>> No.2410768

Yeah true, the animator I'm assisting just made it sound like it was going to be a struggle. He's very clean tho so maximum easy.

>> No.2411067

If anybody knows intersting or cool cel shading methods, post them please. Something that lends well to animation would be good.

>> No.2411092

Where did you get a 2d animation job? How'd you get hired and how do you like it?

>> No.2411151

I wish it was a better story or helpful but, just contacts unfortunately. I met some lecturers during my exchange who I recently sent emails to asking for a reference (just in case I needed it while looking for an internship, they fucking love references in the UK). One of them offered me a job assisting for this project (traditional animation short) since I made a good impression on him back then. He's paying me out of his own wages. Not a whole lot (around £10/foot) but it's definitely good for the CV/reel etcetera. He's taking me on for his next project too. Networking fucking sucks to do but boy does it work. Just gotta keep in contact with people, they seem to appreciate it.

It's really great so far. Not super creative since I'm just assisting but even getting your toe in the door feels good. Feels like I'm actually getting somewhere. Plus the animator is super old school, makes a living almost exclusively on freelance traditional animation. You just don't see that anymore. It's a great education.

>> No.2411522

>Ah sorry probably should've mentioned it was a practice when I reposted, not anything I'd write home about. Just meant as something to show employers I can rotate shit etc.

are you applying to be an animator in japan? because that wouldn't be something employers would really care to see in the west to be honest

>> No.2411648

sounds awesome. Hope you do well.

>> No.2411670

do the ears turn around on purpose?

>> No.2411753

I think you'd be surprised. But if anything it at least shows an interest in getting good. After all, what's really important in this field is actually getting in there and getting the chance to impress them. Enthusiasm is real important for a student, they don't expect you to be a pro. I know nowadays it looks like all they want is AfterEffects wizardry and that's it, but traditional/2D skill is still really important. This is also why they really like to see good life drawing skills, and a lot of studios organize that for their employees even in studios where they focus on that sweet advertising dough.

Thanks! I think we're gonna make it, anon.

>> No.2411830

Can you explain what this is?
I've heard the term I never really understand it.

>> No.2411840
File: 164 KB, 705x903, ss+(2016-02-23+at+04.08.16).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2413691
File: 319 KB, 700x1167, catleaping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beginner here. I'm trying to do a little bit of animation, don't know if I'm good enough to get into it but it's the reason I'm learning to draw so I thought I might as well.

I did some of the ball bouncing animations and generic stuff like that but it got boring so I thought I'd do somehing more interesting and I produced these simple drawings of a cat leaping as a basis for animation, I kinda wanted to get a feel of the motion before animating it. Is this good enough? Should I continue with this or just go back to drawing bouncy balls?

>> No.2413725

It will definitely move. Keep going! Pay attention to the legs, really exaggerate it in my opinion, cats are perfect for when you want to play with squash-and-stretch.

However you can only fix it properly after you see it move, so I'd definitely move forward with it and test it out.

>> No.2414062

I want to learn how to animate for a video game. I think my biggest problem will be consistency, theres no way I could draw every thing to be the exact same proportion 30 times. Do you think pixel art would be much easier to animate?

>> No.2414107

High quality pixel art is much harder to animate than regular digital animation.
Either go low quality, or practice animating a lot.

>> No.2414113

Or use puppets, that's an option too. https://youtu.be/5RTkImAOJKM

>> No.2414121

Very cool, thanks for that.

>> No.2415378

hey guys im curious what your experience with animation schools are. Which places offer the best programs?
Dream school is... the obvious. CalArts, but money is part of an issue. So is the low as fuck acceptance.
SVA seems pretty cool. I really want to get into Sheridan though.

>> No.2415426

I need some help picking out a new computer /ic/

There was one I had in mind but I was looking through the toonboom hardware requirements and found out it wouldn't really be optimal for it. Any recommendations for something I'd almost exclusively be using for toonboom and other video editing programs?

>> No.2415462

I was wondering, is 3D animation easier than 2D animation or cheaper?

As most of the big disney films are now 3D. You only see certain kids tv show have 2D animation nowadays.

>> No.2415474

3D animation is more expensive, and easier.
But the 3D process takes much more time: Modelling, texturing, lighting, rendering, etc. So even if animating in 3D is easier, the entire process leading up to the animation is still tough.

>> No.2415601
File: 475 KB, 160x120, 257.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know a place with good easytoon tutorials. I want to be able to animate like this.

>> No.2415787

Which explains why when a lot of people turn to 3D animation for low-budgeted things like commercials or even some tv shows, they can end up looking uncanny valley because there's no texturing.

>> No.2416069
File: 246 KB, 1920x1080, 2016-2-22 test1 animation test.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2416091

Question. Which Toonboom torrent do you recommend the most? Lately, I'm getting started in animating stuff so yeah. Hope it's not too much to ask for. Thanks in advance! Keep drawing, bros

>> No.2416109

he draws some pretty joung traps man.. but it's cool. he's gotten more active on facebook again. he did some kicktstarter like thing a while ago and he seems to be in a good place.

I kinda wish he would do some kind of video thing where he animates or draws something, that be cool

>> No.2416115

Brainstorm for animation ideas and concepts. What are some practical methods?

The way I do it it flailing my arms and body around until I think about what the timing would be like in animation. I draw a little bit. The moment I stop moving the concepts and ideas escape me and I have to repeat everything over and over again until I've made some progress on the animation.

>> No.2416126

>animation thread
>every one of it is "l-lets draw waifus in motion g-guyz..."
This why you wont get anywhere. Most of people here dont even try to become better artists before learning how to animate. They dont even know proper anatomy yet...holy shit.
Stop drawing your le ebin stick figure epic fight or "waifu walk cycle".

Like this cuck for example >>2416069
Why you drew those figures with square-shaped forms? Draw more fluid/curved forms - it will make animation look smooth.
Even on sketch stage.

Never fucking draw square-arms. Stop playing minecraft and watch traditional disney animations.

>> No.2416146

you're free to post your own animations in the thread at any time, hoss
It'll give more weight to your words, right now, nobody has any reason to take you seriously at all

>> No.2416164
File: 672 KB, 960x540, 1430056504677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>m-muh butthurt...wh-what to do
>oh i knoe!
keep drawing your le ebin minecraft fight. You doing great so far!

>> No.2416174

>It'll give more weight to your words, right now, nobody has any reason to take you seriously at all
Not him but you don't have to post your work on anonimous board to add "weight" (lol) to your words.
Stop making lame excuses and take critisism instead. "Post work" meme is old as fuck, and you can literally post any work because nobody knows for sure if its yours.
Post your work is the 1st sigh on butthurt.

>> No.2416181
File: 68 KB, 1093x457, fsdfsdfsfdsdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Draw more fluid/curved forms

Why shouldnt I use square arms?

>> No.2416187

Unless what you're animating is mechanical in nature, curves help define the body as organic better.
Curves of every flavor are everything in animation
y'know, arcs and shit

>> No.2416188

No, PYW is the appropriate response to dunning kruger sounding faggotry.

>> No.2416216


No it isn't, spend some time away from /ic/

>> No.2416217

>if you can't animate a ball who cares what you think
Uh ok, but I have a better idea
>don't be an asshole
>soup or cereal about this you guys

>> No.2416220

fuck off tripcunt

>> No.2416224

You wouldn't take autistic angry art advice from a stranger on the street without knowing his art wasn't garbage.

>> No.2416255

But this is not random. This is a critiqe board anon.

>> No.2416440

lol, you are full of shit. Either you are trolling or you are fuckdumb.

>> No.2416626

Second'd this. My school will eventually provide it but I found out they won't until my actual animating classes begin. Since I'm in some fundamental and core classes this first semester that won't be for a little while and I want to try to familiarize myself with the program a little in the meantime.

>> No.2416628

Wait wait, what?

Nigga you stand around having a seizure and that's the only way you can come up with ideas? If you end up being retarded instead of a secret genius, you're going to have a miserable time doing this on a professional level bruh.

While my go-to "method" of brainstorming is trying not to force it and just doodle mindlessly until something sticks, that isn't really viable for professional level.

I think in your case, you should start with storyboards. You won't have to worry about doing all of the frames of the animation while you're still brainstorming while still getting some key poses and frames down. I personally don't even do that I just do a bunch of seperated drawings while I round things out, then basically copy and paste them where they actually need to go. Sometimes things need to be redrawn but it helps get the ideas out quicker for me.

>> No.2416632

I literally saw one or two in the last three animation threads that could be consider animating waifus, don't exaggerate just because you hate people who dare do something for fun between studies. You act as though famous artists only ever used references and studies until they got good enough to draw, then they drew what they wanted. People can draw bullshit or even animate it between studies if that's what they want to do. Fuck off outta here and stop sucking on Disney's cock so much like it's the only animation studio worth looking at.

>> No.2416633

So you can't draw either can you?

While what the one anon said about it looking more organic is true, sometimes a blocky drawing style works for certain types of scenes, so don't let it sound like you can absolutely never use them.

In general it won't look very pleasing to the eye because it'll look a little off to the viewer too. That's what I always thought about those styles when it was the main style, but they can be cool when used correctly

>> No.2416907
File: 2.17 MB, 640x360, inkwalk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walk cycle I had to do for one of my classes

>> No.2416931
File: 573 KB, 1600x1200, catleap1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayy this is really difficult but very fun at the same time.

>> No.2417590

Are you rotoscoping or drawing from a video by any chance?

If you are... stop.

Your animation has no form or weight.

I'm not going to baby you, go read the animators survival kit.

Also things like this is what makes these generals shit along with the constant arguments and shit posting.

Anyone who is serious about animation I recommend leaving this place.

>> No.2417622
File: 489 KB, 500x198, smh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people posting their animations in the animation thread is what makes animation threads shit

>> No.2417629

>Also things like this is what makes these generals shit

>> No.2417649

Stfu. We need more people like him posting their work, it doesn't matter if it's bad. I agree with you about the quality of his animation though.
You need to add some anticipation. Make the cat lean down and prepare for the jump before he actually does it. Also check out the animators survival guide.

>> No.2417739
File: 341 KB, 1920x1080, 2016-2-22 test1 try2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The upside down V in the background is to convey camera panning to the viewer. Did I fuck it up? Hows the skip-to-punch part? Is it bad? This is still a work in progress. Crits welcomed pls.

>> No.2418050

looks interesting
can be more exaggerated though

>> No.2418228

(the anon who asked question about torrent)
So far I only found Mac version working but Win isn't working (12.2 Premium Harmony) where the program's alright except the tools don't work, I haven't tried Harmony 10 ver yet.

>> No.2418428
File: 43 KB, 300x169, 14.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess I'll upload a wip I started last night. Trying to do those 51 animation exercises off that one site. It's hard to just jump into animating without knowing exactly how your character looks. So maybe it would be better to animate an already-made characters that way you don't start drawing your character different within a few frames.

>> No.2418538
File: 163 KB, 600x338, snackbar.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2418874


This is really nice! If I could make some suggestions to look out for in the future, or for you to try on this animation via new roughs:

-Think about ease in/ease out more thoughtfully in your work (i.e. making it more pronounced when it calls for it). For example, you could have slowed into the insertion much more, which would not only add more variety to the motion but it'd make it seem like the ass is a tighter fit, which fits with the face too. Right now the timing/spacing is a bit boring.
-Be careful with your volume consistency. There are some very wobbly forms in the arms and the shoulders, a bit in the thigh/knee area too
-Speaking of your form consistency, judging spacing and the quality of the inbetweens I have a feeling that you rely on the light table/onion skins a lot. Overusing it can be troublesome because (at least for me) you'll tend to draw very flatly, and you won't see as many opportunities for adding breakdown drawings. Instead, when you're roughing out your inbetweens try flipping between the drawings to check between the keys (which should ideally make you think harder about what you're drawing since you're relying on quick impressions). Use the light table for inbetweens that are more or less tracing between lines, and for checking for consistency
-On that note, if you like using the light table a lot you should check out TVPaint. Their light table is really customizable, and the off pegs feature is a godsend.

>> No.2418887

>Also things like this is what makes these generals shit along with the constant arguments and shit posting.
Yeah, you're really doing a good job at not being a part of that.

I'll try reinterpreting what you said without being a jackass:


Are you rotoscoping or drawing from a video by any chance? If you are, be cautious. Reference is a good thing to use, but it should be used more fill in what you don't know and to analyze rather than to simply copy from.

(By the way, your old post could be misinterpreted as telling someone to not look at live action footage when they're learning to animate, which is a terrible idea)

Your animation displays a poor recognition of form and conveying weight. You need to work on your drawing a lot more; There's a reason that there's a whole chapter on draftsmanship in the Animator's Survival Kit. Speaking of which, once your drawings are more confident read through that book again and practice/analyze the examples.

>> No.2418893

Timing seems alright but I don't get your camera pan triangle.

Your little fag is floating mid air once he got up from he chair. Draw perspective lines to make sure that doesn't happen.


>> No.2419127
File: 515 KB, 550x400, turtlewalk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2419170

Would anyone happen to have or know of some tutorials on developing a workflow an style similar to Hotdiggedydemons or Oneys in flash? Something that is inbetween puppet and traditional animation?

>> No.2419186

Those shaded legs in the back are all wonky, remember that the right-sided legs do the same thing as the left side just at a different time. Quadrupedal walk cycles can be pretty confusing, it's easy to make them look like they're limping.

Just remember to draw out your arcs of motion to plan out where everything is heading~

I know Jazza has some puppet tutorials but I can't say how good they are. Doesn't Oney have tutorials he made himself though?

>> No.2419208

He does, but sadly none really get into the stuff I'm looking for Jazza has some, but he relies pretty heavily on puppet animation, so his stuff often comes out looking cheap. I need to find a workflow and style that allows me to draw just enough to make my stuff look decent, but not so much that I burn myself out.

>> No.2419296

Really hot tbqh

>> No.2419350
File: 104 KB, 960x540, asdad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know my art isn't that good but is it at least at a good enough level to start animating? Should I keep trying to improve before I touch animation?

>> No.2419392
File: 522 KB, 550x400, turtlewalk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the tip! This is my first time animating anything with four legs, and it gets really confusing, haha. Does this look any better?

>> No.2419413

Heh, look at him go. Little turtle keeps on marching. Where is he going? Nobody knows.

>> No.2419423

it's good enough, go for it.

>> No.2419482

Just start learning bruh
Someone who is good at drawing won't necessarily be good at animating, so just get busy learning how to animate while also studying your fundamentals

>> No.2419521

I know this is /ic/, but "good" really is subjective. As long as your drawings and animation is appealing, people will say it's good. If animation is what you want to focus on, then do that. Would it make sense to learn French if you wanted to speak Chinese??

Similarly, artists choose what they want to be good at; Kim Jung Gi doesn't color much because he focuses on perspective, the actual drawing, design, etc; Don Hertzfeldt doesn't care about making good drawings cause he focuses on humor and writing. If drawing "good" is something you want to get good at, then you're the one to decide if it's something to focus on in addition to learning animation.

>> No.2419648
File: 396 KB, 550x400, turtlewalk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it's not the destination that matters, but the friends he makes along the way.

>> No.2419702

the loop is a little off, it's an issue of spacing

check out the survival kit, it's full of walk cycles

if you're going to animate a turtle, learn its anatomy. go to youtube and watch them walk around, learn how they move.

one of the first things that came to mind is that would a turtle walk that quickly? probably not. that's not to say you can't exaggerate it and make him walk however quickly or slowly you want.

again the mechanics of a turtle walk and its anatomy can be caricatured or outright ignored if that's your intent. just don't do it out of lack of knowledge.

also the head bob seems a little odd.

if you want to practice walks try doing them from a 3/4 view, it's a lot more challenging but also more rewarding

hope you've got some stuff to think about now

>> No.2419877

How can i get the animation docker in krita, or is it just for linux?

>> No.2420303

You need to download the beta and enable it in the windows drop down menu.

>> No.2420309

posting here too cause It's animation related

>> No.2420371

Work in other fields shouldn't really matter, I don't put down my retail etc experience in my animation-related CV at all. If you really do have a kickass showreel, I recommend trying out for an internship or for assisting so you can get some experience in your CV. Would also provide you with the contacts you'll need in the industry. Does your school provide any client work? Also I would consider maybe mentioning any personal short film (especially if it has been shown at any festival).

In any case work with what you've got, mostly the showreel should speak for itself.

>> No.2420378

Good to know. I have a short film in the works, hopefully that will help me out when I'm job hunting.

>> No.2420730

Oh and also, find any excuse to keep in contact with any lecturers who might be professionals, freelance or otherwise. Might get you some work.

>> No.2421045

Dang, thanks for all the tips! This is all super helpful!

As for referencing, I know that nothing beats studying real life, but how do you guys feel about referencing other animators? I'm working on a dog walk rn while referencing old Balto model sheets.
I know it's not as good as real life, but I have a hard time breaking down all the information I see, and I think the model sheets help with that a little. Thoughts?

>> No.2421227

Alright, thanks guys. I'll pick up the animators survival kit soon. I just wasn't sure because last time I posted on here I got shit on and everyone told me to learn how to draw and it said the same thing in the animator's survival kit. I wanna get good at drawing and animating so I guess I'll start working on both,

>> No.2421370
File: 76 KB, 550x400, Untitled-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of want to try my hand at effects, any tips?

>> No.2421394
File: 35 KB, 1000x638, halasflame.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think of fire as if it were dancing, or at least rising steadily. What you made looks more like a mix between a flame and a firework.

>> No.2421409
File: 434 KB, 1920x1080, 2016-2-22 test1 try3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea it didnt make sense. I replaced it with a rectangular object.

Does it look like the camera is panning back and forth now?

>> No.2421419

Look at these tutorials:
And then go to Chluaid's website to look at his effects drawing course. He specializes in it.

>> No.2421422

It's a great course. I never finished it because I wanted to work on my drawing, but you can tell he really knows what's up.

>> No.2421427
File: 17 KB, 314x223, Alan_Gordon_disc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna start building an animation disc
wish me luck

>> No.2421435



>> No.2421465
File: 301 KB, 1000x850, nyokilicktest3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

critique the ffffuck out of me please

>> No.2421467

I like it. The only thing that jumps out at me is the upper torso, it's too stationary. Even re-drawing it in the same position once or twice would liven it up. As of now it looks like the head and torso aren't connected properly.

>> No.2421486

its at its limit I think. Its good as a limited animation. limited head sway, static torso. I like it. if you animate the torso it will turn into totally other style.

head/hairline is rising a little too much at one point.

>> No.2421493
File: 27 KB, 355x283, this thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

upper torso? How do you mean? Do you mean like moving this thing?

You mean moving this thing, right? Or am I misunderstanding?

>head/hairline is rising a little too much at one point.
I see you what you mean. I'll fix it

>> No.2421495

I like it as well. Nothing really wrong with it per se considering I think it achieves its goal (kinda graphic style, purely aesthetical stuff), altho the sleeves kinda bug me. The creases on the arm on the right are kinda a mess for the cleanliness portrayed otherwise. The sleeves in general don't really follow a pattern of motion that well; is the fabric hard or flowy? Possibly just tone it down a bit, the primary motion is pretty rigid so too much wavyness on the arms makes it look slightly sloppy in comparison. Collar might move a tiny bit too but I don't think it's too important for such a static loop.

Just be me nitpicking tho. Nice job!

>> No.2421507

I'm >>2421467
and yeah, I meant the part with the collar that you circled.

>> No.2421511

seconding this. Is this a good game plan? I've also heard good things about John K's course.

>> No.2421847
File: 301 KB, 550x400, shit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lines are wobbly as fuck but I'm having fun practicing the movements.

>> No.2421850

Fun, but but the ass pan and transition of eating to shitting could be more smooth.

>> No.2421867

Cheers, maybe sketching the key poses first might help with the timing and smoothness in the future.

>> No.2421877

there are not stops, no frame to breath. instead fo a tempo it just "runs"
maybe you can ad a chomping frame for 2-3 frames when it eats its face.

>> No.2422076

Unless you are having the head smashed like play dough parts as a joke, I'd suggest animating the woman's body reacting to the blow a bit more.Since he struck with a forward punch, either have her body knocked back or her body continuing to move forward before collapsing.

>> No.2422145


see: >>2421409

the head pop is for giggles

>> No.2422352


>> No.2422377

Got a download link?

>> No.2422388
File: 2.05 MB, 800x450, R&MTest.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


An incomplete Rick & Morty lip sync test I started months back.
When I went back to it, I really hated most of the drawings and the timing for some of the acting felt off, so I felt I should scrap it and just redo it when I have some free time in the future.


>> No.2422393

w-would you suggest sva for traditional animation

>> No.2422413

If you have the means to blow cash on college and it's one of the closest 2D animation choices, you would have to pick the right teachers to really get the full benefit out of it. My picks are: Mario Menjivar (animation/model drawing), James Grimaldi(screenwriting), Don Poynter(perspective), Stephen Gaffney (model drawing). But these are all recommendations only matter after freshmen year. For freshman year, you have to pick one out of four pre-made schedules with set teachers. Unfortunately, the freshmen animation teachers aren't super great. They were usually laidback and popped in Richard Williams videos, but that was years ago and I think the chairman scolded a couple of them for that, so they may have improved.

My personal experience didn't get good until my third year. I think my animation improved drastically in the two years I studied with Mario compared to the first two years when I first entered the school. Like, during my freshman and sophomore year, I thought maybe animation isn't for me, maybe I just want to get into storyboarding. But then Mario taught me the proper way to flip your pages which helps a lot, even digitally, because I still flip using hotkeys. I was able to see the animation better and get more excited about doing it.

So would I suggest it, I mean, I think I came out better for it, but I have no idea what the alternative would be if I had never gone. I've been doing well for myself so far and even though I have a ton of debt, I'm not super worried about it. You would probably have to ask a few more people their opinions on SVA to get a good idea (I can recommend some people to ask if you want). If you don't have the money, are unable to scholarships, have no financial support, and probably need to work two jobs just to survive paying tuition, don't go because you'll be so busy, you won't learn anything. I know a couple of people who had to prioritize job over school just to pay for school, ironically.

>> No.2422431

Is it possible to become a great animator self taught?

>> No.2422442

Yes. That's how the golden age masters did it. Just practice a shit ton of foundation drawing and once you're good at that, practice animation while using references, which makes teaching yourself a lot easier and faster. They used references back then too, it's way more convenient now, in theory, we should all be master animators because of it + the founding fathers already did the principle discovery legwork for us.

Just remember the difference studying anatomy can make: Look at the animals in Snow White then compare it to Bambi. Look what a fucking drastic change it is. They actually have joints in Bambi instead of all being balls and flour sacks.

>> No.2422455

I see, just wondering. Thanks for putting things into perspective. Still a beginner, learning form, anatomy, and all that good stuff. I know when I see other people's work, I always hear stuff like "oh, you can tell so and so was professionally taught" and it had me thinking if it was possible to self taught this subject.

Granted, I'll be hitting up an animation course anyways, but I was wondering if I can actually get a lot of knowledge via self taught. And if that's the case, I'm willing to do the work. Thanks for that info!

>> No.2422464

Lol no eastoon tutorial will help you animate like that, that's just a really good animator

>> No.2422471

Yeh...Once you master drawing, it comes down to mastering and studying movement. You don't need anyone to spoonfood you stuff, figure it out on your own and develop a style

>> No.2422521
File: 390 KB, 800x450, Room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished this animation
Any tips on how to make future stuff better? Like, art wise or animation wise

>> No.2422550
File: 305 KB, 640x480, 119646054436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're going for the egoraptor thing then that's fine. I would study perspective and life drawing more if I really wanted to get good though. Your backgrounds and compositions are really youtubey(arbitrary color choices, diverging perspective, little to no consideration for cinematography), and your characters lack weight and gesture. Studying film composition and color theory would be good for you too.
Here is a nice example how fundamentals can be applied to cartoony styles.

Congrats on making 4 STONKING minutes of animation though. You're more productive than 95% of the posters in these threads. Keep it up.

>> No.2422680
File: 30 KB, 640x480, 209519432_7e5531432e_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suddenly remembered this song, and looking at the opening this fight scene is so fucking fast.

I opened the video in VLC and I had to slow it to 12% to be able to fully analyze the characters movements.


>> No.2422738

Many great Japanese animators are self-taught because animation schools in Japan are shit.

>> No.2422875

Goddamnit Mei, not now.

>> No.2423104
File: 2.74 MB, 320x240, le mischievous african american computer user face.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably the best indie animation I've seen in a while


>mfw the blacks will be the ones that rescue animation

>> No.2423111

>tfw only blacks know how to draw anime outside of japan and make it look better

why was I born with my current color ;_;

>> No.2423112
File: 426 KB, 827x827, e91cb041e4f1522570f9a94909df1948[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol at Turbocock and Ninjapepe

>> No.2423118

Internet weeb/furry negroes are my favourite flavour of subhuman, aside from grape ape. This is cool shit.

>> No.2423119

dammm. that makes modern anime look like some fanmade garbage.

>> No.2423145

Applied for an internship with these guys, I hope senpais notice me. They're even responsible for that Leonardo DiCaprio Oscar game, literally everything they make is 5/5

>> No.2423163
File: 22 KB, 599x421, artbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's little much for an art book (the shipping kills me) but it's well earned. I could have bought the digital one for like $3 but fuck that, that was awesome; hell I think I'll buy a poster too.

>inb4 shill

Nope, just a guy that appreciates fine art

>> No.2423166

Woah what is their company called? (I want to apply too now)

>> No.2423173

The Line Animation. They're London-based. Good luck (not as much as me tho)!

>> No.2423209

my bad

But thanks, that's actually pretty darn good advice. I'll look into that stuff for sure.
And good video, I see how that's way different from what I'm doing

>> No.2423673

What do you guys hope to achieve with animation? Do you wanna make a name for yourself on youtube, work at a studio, make short films, etc? What do you want to do once you git gud?

>> No.2423681

nice to see some more solid stuff in this thread.

love your stuff elena hope you continue posting your stuff on this board.

>> No.2424022
File: 687 KB, 640x360, pine.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any good timing tips? I feel like I'm spending a lot of extra time just trying to find the right timing for each frame.

>> No.2424028
File: 23 KB, 611x633, 1450582428171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw don't like animation that much
>but Sheridan College 10k from me
>gonna go to random bumfuck Humber College because I like illustration'

who can be assed with that 4 year+ program... rather do 2 years, shave off the work visa requirement, and just git gud on my own

>> No.2424121

the work visa requirement is for a bachelor's degree.

why do you need a work visa if you want to work as an illustrator? just do freelance.

also not sure the quality of humber's illustration program but seneca's illustration program isnt very good, had a friend go through it and i think he still works at metro.

>> No.2424133

>deep into Sheridan's animation program for that degree and work visa
>realize i kinda just want to work in toronto

>> No.2424137

h-hey. same. what do you wanna do and at what studio anon?

>> No.2424155
File: 427 KB, 1280x720, saf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's in the bottom right for future composition reasons. Like, bones are gonna fly in the background. Anywho, I need help with anticipation, and obviously my fundamentals are pretty out of wack. All I ask is that you point out specific problems, and suggest a specific solution.

>> No.2424229

>the work visa requirement is for a bachelor's degree
Does it have to be an art or animation degree if I want to work as an animator in the States?

>> No.2424234

it would help. i would inquire to specific studios

>> No.2424268

Chacking to see if the Estonian anon that was planning on studying animation at EKA is maybe here.

>> No.2424272
File: 394 KB, 425x350, meowth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get a job working on the Pokemon cartoon?

>> No.2424328

How about you tell us what he's supposed to be doing exactly because it's really hard to tell

>> No.2424652


Can anyone please recommend a good prebuilt computer I can order online that fits these requirements? I have a budget of $1200

>> No.2424962

Its not hard to look it up. They literally tell the system requirements, so try to match it with the computer you want

>> No.2425214

I'm not sure what brand to get or anything like that. I'm very bad with computers because I wasn't allowed to have one of my own until I was 15

>> No.2425275

looka lika sheet
>How about you trying even drawing in the actual pokemon anime style first

>> No.2425277

das really gud mang

>> No.2425281


>> No.2425284

>good animator
So what fucking steps do you take to get there?
>muh projecting

>> No.2425289

of course he doesnt, hes a shit

>> No.2425294

is it a good idea to just jump into Preston blairs book? I have a decent understanding of 3d form (I'm not good by any means) but I haven't studied other stuff in depth yet. (Like drawing the head, hands, figure, etc)

>> No.2425357
File: 108 KB, 211x241, 1434556910988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah I just want to correct you here - you don't need a Bachelor's degree for a work visa. They make it clear that it's that or -the equivalent-.

4 years of a Bachelor's Degree, or 12 years of work experience. 1 year of post-secondary school is worth 3 years of work.

Since I am getting 2 years of post-secondary school, I only need 6 years of additional work in a relevant field to qualify.

>> No.2425358

to be honest with you i'd rather get my degree and fly away to los angeles

>> No.2425365


Good luck to you my man. For me, I'll be here in Canada until my dogs die, can't bear to me separate with them before their time, so I'll find work here in Ontario and Quebec in the meantime, and online stuff.

Plans is to have a kickass resume and portfolio when I'm 34-35 and then make the preparations for furthering my career in the states.

>> No.2425375

Ask /g/

My experience with dell is bad. And gateway is eh. HP i havent tried yet. Google which computer companie makes the most reliable pc

>> No.2425413

to be honest you'll probably have a life and a family in canada that you won't want to leave once you're that old. you think leaving now is difficult but just wait until you have an even bigger family

>> No.2425430
File: 30 KB, 500x376, tumblr_nzuce8cenw1v1cdpeo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp. There goes my confidence. He's sad, opens his eyes in anger, then throws his hand out ( Which in the video game Undertale, shows he's about to attack )

Anywho, a big problem for me is my lack of consistency. I'm still pretty perplexed on how exactly you can keep the same lines, or even close to the same lines in animation. Nothing is consistent in my animation, and I have no way of figuring out how to do it.

>> No.2425445

>I'm still pretty perplexed on how exactly you can keep the same lines, or even close to the same lines in animation.
Start with clear consistent key drawings then use onion skin when doing your inbetweens. Do you have line smoothing active? disable that crap

>> No.2425451

Already asked /g/ a few days ago but they all said
and had smug anime faces
My old computer is a dell and it was reliable for me, I'm ok with any brand as long as it works good though. There are multiple graphics cards that work good with toonboom but I'm not sure what the differences are between them and which one to pick

>> No.2425464
File: 150 KB, 1366x768, Smooth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want the line quality of SAI so badly in Flash, or any line quality above potato in Flash; really... But, line quality is more for refined products so I guess I'll hold off on that until I get the basics down. Also, I feel like drawing two very nice consistent key frames will help, but I'd think it's a bit more complicated than that. Also, the embarrassing part is I did have onion skin on and it came out like spaghetti. Is that a term to define animation yet? It should be.

>> No.2425540

Japan is trying to save its dying industry.

>> No.2425544

Then stick with dell, my dell laptop feels cheap and I fucking hate it; but it works well, so Im just bitching i guess.

>I'm not sure what the differences are between them and which one to pick
lol I hope youre doing research on it. GDDR4 is new, so it should be better, im unsure. Usually the more it costs, the better. BUT, if youre on a tight budget, then find one that fits said budget. Usually high end graphics cards require a stronger power supply.

>> No.2425549

Just use the pencil tool? Fancy lines will never cover for a lack of skill.

>> No.2425551

I think the Japs are trying to save its fucked up economy

>> No.2425564

I just tried out a few configurators; Good luck finding something prebuilt for 1200 which fits your goals. You are gonna get sucked dry. It will probably work if you build it yourself, but you got no clue.

>> No.2425574

I just need something that works ok with toonboom without lagging or crashing. I don't care about stuff like how long it takes to render or how many programs I can download

>> No.2425818

>Very few animators have a firm grasp of how weight, momentum and acceleration affect the properties of objects, and are able to instinctively visualize in their heads how a movement might play out in space. Even fewer are able to not only do this, but go beyond logic, integrating physics with instinct to create animation that can't be explained but that simply works in the eyes of the viewers. The ability to create animation that works comes from first achieving mastery of how the laws of physics such as weight and momentum work, and then going beyond those rules - saying to yourself, "Drawing it this way would feel better", and drawing it based on that feeling. It's a mistake to think that his style can be mimicked simply by surface imitation of his crazy poses and rough drawings.

>You've just started out as an animator. Suddenly you have to draw your first genga. You don't know what to do. You're worried, you're afraid. But you tough it out and just draw. Eventually, you don't know why, but you stat to get a sense for how to do it. You start to get little ideas for how to make a movement interesting in this or that scene in the storyboard. Then you start changing the storyboard. At first it's subtle, but it gradually becomes more prominent. Sometimes the director agrees, other times you have to muscle your idea through. Sometimes what you tried doesn't work and you come out with egg on your face. But you just can't hold back this uncontrollable urge to draw things the way you want.

>> No.2425820


>Eventually, the scenes you animated start to stick out from the other sequences, standing apart for how much more lively and individualistic they look and feel. People start to be able to guess what part you did. Your courage starts to build. Usually with this kind of animator, the characters are way off model. Even if he drew the character designs, they're still way off model. You start to notice that, even when you think you drew a character close enough to model, for some reason other people seem to think it's way off. But you don't let it get you down.

>Then you're given the chance to handle a whole episode in a TV series. The episode winds up looking nothing like the rest of the episodes, but it's interesting, so you don't let it undermine your newfound confidence.

>You give sakkan'ing a shot, but you realize that you're not cut out for it. All it does is make you want to re-draw everything in your own style. You couldn't do that day in and day out, for one, but more importantly, you want to spend all your time drawing movement that you're satisfied with, not correcting other people's drawings. But sakkan's are at the top of the ladder in the animation industry, so you feel torn. You start to feel troubled by how in magazines and the like even the best animation work winds up being attributed to the director or to the animation director, or even to the original creator.

>You start to find that you can predict how a piece of animation will turn out if it's drawn this way or that way. And yet, the more this feeling grows, the more you begin to feel a growing emptiness inside.

>> No.2425823


>You take part in some big name projects. You decide to lay aside your issues with the structure or the storyboard or the subject of the film, and just make your part the best you can make it. Your work even receives recognition as a result. You feel like you've achieved something. Another part of you, though, begins to wonder if it's enough to simply chug along as a cog in the wheel. You begin to awaken to what it really is that you want to express as a creator.

>If I may be so bold, that is the kind of animator I imagine Yoshinori Kanada to be.

- Hayao Miyazaki

>> No.2425970
File: 12 KB, 285x288, 1454296131757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, how do I get started with this animation stuff? Any recommended cheaper programs? Anything I need to in general?

I'm being broad here, but any advice would be great.

>> No.2425972

to *know* in general

>> No.2425977

Best way to get started is to Loomis, then read the animation books, watch people, download Easytoon, and draw some walking floursacks.

>> No.2426042
File: 3.64 MB, 700x394, test4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried TV Paint for the first time and fell in love with the brush engine. I wish photoshop was more like it.. It would make it much less of a bother for me to practice painting/drawing in PS.

>> No.2426049

These colors are so pretty dude! nice!

>> No.2426160

Just pirate flash or something and start playing around with it. Of course this >>2425977 helps if you're an absolute beginner, but I'm guessing you're not since you want to get into animation.
Also, animation is time consuming work, so be prepared to do a lot of planning and simplifying.

>> No.2426243
File: 1.17 MB, 600x338, Carnivore_Fly_Trap_Zoetrope.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm about to make my first 3D animation as a zoetrope

still a shitload of failing ahead of me tho :(

>> No.2426272
File: 804 KB, 200x145, big man.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


also here is some random 2D test from me to judge for you, because the last pic was not my work

i kinda gave it up years ago because it just takes too much time if you want it to look sweet.

>> No.2426284


awesome first time i see the second part

>> No.2426302

>I'll hold off on that until I get the basics down.
>Fancy lines will never cover for a lack of skill.

Do you skim a lot Anon?

>> No.2426940
File: 338 KB, 598x444, gifloop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need help with this. it feels so akward and out of place. been practacing with this tween motion stuff. i suck at frame by frame and flash is also fucked with the weird exporting

>> No.2427036
File: 182 KB, 623x998, 1452517342794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>applied to sheridan recently
>think my portfolio was strong but am still worried

I just want to get in. Fuck OCAD.

>> No.2427065

Hi, as someone who's done both: they're different beasts. 3D removes most of the issue of staying on model (a huge thing), but also requires much, much more polish and detail than 2D. This is because almost all 3D animation is 24fps (on "ones"), while most 2D scenes are 12fps or 8fps ("twos" or "threes"). It requires more detail to still feel believable. Furthermore, errors that would pass as part of the charm of 2D just look bad in 3D. By default, 3D looks computerized and lifeless; people generally don't grasp how much detailed the animators need to go as a result, much more detailed than the traditional 2D guys ever went.

2D, on the other hand, requires an immense understanding of figures and perspective, something that can't be understated. It also is more difficult to do revisions and certain approaches to shots such as layering are harder. The fact that you have to rough out each frame before you can see the motion also requires more intuition and forward thinking. In 3D, you can "spline" the animation, which allows the computer to automatically give you an inbetween (it almost invariably looks like shit, but allows you to get a grasp of trajectories and timing, whereas in 2D you have to be able to see a limited number of frames and "know" how it will move).

I wouldn't say either is easier. It would depend on the person. I have a friend who was far better than me in 2D because of her drawing skills, but once we moved to 3D I caught up very quickly while she struggled to translate her skills to the different medium.

3D got popular in the west because pixar was successful and people follow trends. Not because it was way easier than 2D. Although the fact that revisions are far easier in 3D is definitely true.

>> No.2427075

Study live action ref of a cat more carefully. Once a cat leaps it goes very quickly. Your timing and spacing are too even. You should remove 1-2 drawings of the cat leap itself (to increase the spacing) and make the leap frames hold for less time (to tighten the timing). Also hold down before the jump for a bit longer and possibly add an antic frame as someone mentioned before. You don't necessarily have to do a really strong antic as cats often keep their legs bent in preparation for a jump if you observe closely.

If you move your head like that the body will invariably move a little bit as well... in the tilt of the shoulders especially, because of the way the forearms move. Remember all all parts of a human body are connected.

You're making a common mistake of trying to include too many acting choices at once. Simplify and think about what pose will communicate the emotion the strongest. I see several expressions which confuse me. The antic also confuses me because I'm not sure where he's pulling from (and it's also too short). If you tighten up the timing and rethink the posing it should be clearer.

>> No.2427086
File: 166 KB, 1920x1080, 2016-3-4 test1 try1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres my take on it. Take it with the grainiest of salt.

Your animation looks like one movement; with a lack of action and reaction. The Male's pelvis is driving the force. So the female should react to the male's pelvic movements. The female will move when the male finishes his forward thrust. The female's arms, and legs, should follow her body as it reacts to the male's pelvic thrust

>> No.2427098

thanks, ill give it another shot tomorrow.

>> No.2427228

I don't know dick about art schools, why does Sheridan seem like the school of choice for animation on /ic/?

>> No.2427316

If you're still here, why do you think that there's not as much 2D drawings rotoscoped onto 3D models? You could do the perspective and form and 3D and then do things like the face, hair and detailing in 2D.

Is it a problem with studio processes or does it just look bad?

>> No.2427322
File: 150 KB, 500x281, squid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are the extremes too extreme for an idle animation? I mean it's a squid

>> No.2427338

>floating knife

>> No.2427344

It's just not something people do. It would be pretty time consuming as well since besides rotoscoping, which does take a while (cleanup is actually one of the big reasons 2D in a clean disney style is so labor intensive), you'd still have to animate the actual 3D character as well. If all you're going to do is use the 3D character as a tracing tool I'd question why not just animate it fully 2D in the first place. On the other hand, if you blended the two mediums together in some way, that could be pretty interesting.

I think the extremes are fine, just the overall animation is too fast for a squid. Try getting more ease in/out too.

>> No.2427615
File: 1.37 MB, 1280x1440, 1452091614486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sheridan and Cal-Arts are the best animation schools in the continent.

>> No.2427624

don't forget gobelins.

>> No.2427637

Different continent.

Just gonna point at that for learning CG animation (aka, what you need to learn if you want to actually animate in the people should look into Animation Mentor, Animschool, or ianimate. Even though they're online they're the best animation education you'll get, especially with the added bonus that the mentors are all professionally active. I didn't go to any of them, by the way.

>> No.2427641

oh for some reason I read it as globe

>> No.2427643

aka what you need to learn if you actually want to animate in the west)* sorry

>> No.2427918
File: 11 KB, 320x240, ezgif.com-video-to-gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just having fun, getting a feel for it I suppose.

The video version has music: http://mediumheightgiraffe.tumblr.com/post/129053936243/twerk

>> No.2428184

first time animating,jesus christ my scanner is decrepit,anyone have any tips?

>> No.2428196

go digital, or do small flipbooks.

>> No.2428200
File: 707 KB, 857x1200, poppy gif wahn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot image lol,

>> No.2428271

You can also get a all-in-one with an automated document feeder and use animation software that automatically aligns the scanned pages. If you don't use A4, but animation paper (10" is already too big) make sure the AIO can handle it.

>> No.2428774

just noticed that her hip dislocates and right arm loses mass as the gif goes on

>> No.2428797

>what you need to learn if you actually want to animate in the west

Where I'm all for everyone learning different skills in animation, and cg makes you highly employable, I'm not sure if it's fair to say you absolutely NEED it in the west. There's plenty of 2D stuff around-- even in mainly 3D oriented studios use 2D to design/test out movement before implementing cg.

But yeah obviously you'd be right in thinking most of us probably would benefit from mastering CG. Tons of jobs in it.

>> No.2428804

well yeah for the vast majority of jobs - I should correct myself. and by "actually animate" to be clear, I'm referring to doing character animation specifically (it seems like you're aware though). lots of people who love 2d animation go into storyboarding.
I would say where they tend to use it to test out animation though it seems like they really favor the old school guys who are established and very good, like eric goldberg for example.
my suggestion to people in this thread if they love character animation is to give doing it in cg a serious shot and see if you like it

>> No.2428812


it's hard to critique this because your registration is really off so I can't see what movement is from the animation and what movement is from the pages shifting. you need to get a peg bar or something similar if you're going to animate traditionally (which is how I learned).

>> No.2429450

Post some drawings anon, there's a few Sheridan students that browse this board maybe they'll be able to give you some feedback.

>> No.2429460
File: 214 KB, 375x374, 1451335330218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I making a big mistake in not going to Sheridan for Animation?

I can get in, my portfolio is easily good enough, but I just don't think I'd have fun doing Animation over Illustration or Concept Art, or even 3D character design etc.

>> No.2429687

Does anyone have a suggestion about "ripping off" a style?

I want to do animations with simple features and a circle head being a mask where everything moves, but i feel like that kind of style is exactly what explosm does for theirs and i'd be ripping them off.

Not use a circle instead maybe? Not sure.

>> No.2429702

Is anyone working in TVpaint with a Huion tablet? I keep getting bizarre jagged edges in TVpaint, when my lines are fine in PS and CPS/MS5.

>> No.2429727


sign up for student pricing for toon boom harmony, you don't need premium but it's got what you want

>> No.2429764
File: 1.58 MB, 1081x804, toonboom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did this in 5 mins just to test, could make explosm style animations super fast.

>> No.2429783

why would you want to go there for animation then if you don't think you'd enjoy it? your question doesn't really make sense. you're gonna study art in the first place you might as well study what you enjoy

>> No.2430200
File: 3.06 MB, 640x360, 3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't think this needed it's own thread but I thought this was pretty cool. It's going to take them forever to finish this movie though.

>> No.2430311
File: 394 KB, 304x322, facemask.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is really interesting. I'm taking a continuing ed course, where we animate traditionally with stop motion cameras, and then I go home and make gifs in Photoshop.

>> No.2430322

Is that toon boom?
I know how to do that in after but i meed to start moving TB too.

>> No.2430355

this is cool but you'd benefit from making the timing snappier and having more ease in/out

>> No.2430637

They're gonna have to sell off the treasures from the lost city of Atlantis just to fund this

>> No.2430652
File: 972 KB, 1201x665, layers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's just layers bound within the color layer of the circle. You could also bind the layers inside the overlayer/lineart/underlayer or within a color/colors instead.

>> No.2430907

Wow. I thought that was just a short clip from a painted over GTA V gameplay. A whole movie. It makes me feel so small. Like a tiny weenie.