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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2340912 No.2340912 [Reply] [Original]

Checked the catalog for a thread I could ask my personal question in, but might as well make a general for discussion then.

>Where do you do most of your artwork
>What are your dream materials/setup
>How do you deal with fatigue while drawing
>Post / Describe your Setup
>Anything to do with the physical approach to making art (inb4 fapping

>> No.2340916

So I recently got the Yiynova MSP19U from amazon (500/10 btw) but since the monster is bigger than my laptop itself I either have to rest the thing on my shitty unstable folding desk and lean really forward, or set it on my lap and lean back.

Im still faster than with my old Pen and Touch, but now Im thinking of investing in a real desk and a better chair so I can have a more stable and consistent setup. Preferably faced away from my sexy sexy refrigerator that keeps distracting me from my work. Wondering if anyone can share what they use or have used in the past that has either really been amazing or fucked them over.

Got lower back problem like most of America, but pretty sure buzzwords like ergonomic are marketing ploys. Also not a fan of a standing desk, since cashier is my day job.

>> No.2340925
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>Checked the catalog for a thread I could ask my personal question in, but might as well make a general for discussion then.

There's a thread literally called "question thread" with a big giant question mark as the OP.

Still I guess a battlestation thread is due.

>Where do you do most of your artwork
Do most of my stuff at my desk using my tablet though sometimes I do doodles in bed/on the bus in a sketchbook.

>What are your dream materials/setup
I'd love a big set of copics to play with, but I wouldn't use them enough to be worth the investment. If I won them as a prize or something though I'd be pretty stoked. Same idea for a cintiq, I'm not gud enough to justify the investment yet. I'm waiting for a decent competitor to come along that can push prices down a little before I jump into display tablets.

>How do you deal with fatigue while drawing
I take a break. Usually a short one is sufficient, if I'm really burned out I just put it down for the night. Normally though once I get going I'm pretty motivated to complete things and I keep coming back to it even when I tell myself I'm done for the night.

>Post / Describe your Setup
pic related, sorry for the blinding light, my phone camera is garbage. Nothing too special but I find it pretty comfy.

>Anything to do with the physical approach to making art

>> No.2340965

Everyone knows question thread is pretty much another beginner general. Sides, at least its good enough for a main thread.

The Yiynova I got from Amazon was $500 and is huge. For some reason the 12 inch is more expensive. Its really easy to set up and I was able to justify it since I made about that much from commissions in 2015. Took me 6 months of savings from my day job to get it.

Ive used a cintiq before at an art meetup and I honestly cant justify the additional $1500 needed for that piece of equipment. Its mostly brand name thats packing the price.

>> No.2340970


My main concern about other brands is less the hardware and more I hear lots of horror stories about the software fucking up.
As someone who gets really, really fucking impatient and annoyed whenever I have to troubleshoot things I'm usually willing to spend a little extra for some peace of mind, though wacom hasn't exactly been on the ball software wise either.

Still, the Yiyinova is tempting. I know that Huion is another good competitor for wacom but again I hear lots about software troubles. The cintiq is definitely overpriced, though.

>> No.2341020

>How do you deal with fatigue while drawing
i draw with a wacom intous 3 4x6 holding it with left hand while resting it in my right leg

its pretty comfy

>> No.2344209
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>L desk

Mah man

>> No.2344237
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>Bernie 2016

>> No.2344260

Small sketchbook and a fine pen,
I like to go to places with this and draw stuff from imagination
Large sketchbook and pencils for studies, but only at home.
I guess a handful of copics would be cool.
I have an intuos pro med but i dont use it.
I dont really like having a dedicated, 'set up.'
Its not like its my job to draw shit so I dont need much.

>> No.2344273

My laptop is on a couple of storage containers and my tablet sits in my lap. I guess my dream setup would be to have a cintiq companion. I try to combat fatigue by not eating much during the day, doing breathing exercises and taking breaks in a loose pomodoro style.

>> No.2345033
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My workspace. I don't really use digital all that often so my tiny tablet is in the office.

>> No.2345077

It would be better to eat mate.

>> No.2345104

What >>2345077 said

Just eat some good 'ole common energy macronutrient, carbohydrates. They give you energy, they keep you full, they keep your heart on stack - the good kind that is: complex carbs. They stay in your body for hours to give you the extra FULLNESS you need. Watching your weight? Eat some complex carbs so you feel full longer and are less likely to eat. Some rice, some veggies, some of your trusty consumable Oatmeal. You don't want none of those bad carbs called Simple Carbohydrates. These Carbs are in EVERYTHING, so watch out! Forget chips! Forget sweets! Forget white bread! They're simple for a reason: your body breaks them down too quickly, thus making you hungry quicker, unlike your boy Complex Carbs.

Don't forget to eat, breh. You'll lose energy eventually and lose all of your motivation to git gud. If you want some' quick, just buy an automatic rice cooker, or microwave some cheap-ass oatmeal. Pop that schtick in the microwave, pour a packets of sugar substitue up on it, and you are GOLDEN. Thanks for being a trooper, friend. You are our anon, and we all care for each other, albeit dysfunctionally.

>> No.2345125
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This is great, I'm not really part of this conversation but its definitely helped repair my idea of carbohydrates, thank you for that.

>> No.2345148

ITT: Conspicuous consumption.

Why is it, the more expensive stuff you anons have the more mediocre your art gets?

>> No.2345160

Not healty i kno

>> No.2345161
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