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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 154 KB, 520x896, she just copies photos from shows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2343784 No.2343784 [Reply] [Original]

Cringe thread

>> No.2343788

tl;dr OP is a faggot fuck off back to tumblr etc.

>> No.2343802
File: 215 KB, 500x474, 2 years apart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2343807

Sounds like you got triggered anon.

>> No.2343812

Who is euclase?

>> No.2343827
File: 898 KB, 887x1201, work.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artist that just copies from screencaps from shows and movies.

Then when she is called out on it she says she is just using references and you must hate her because she is a girl.

>> No.2343845

I mean it's painfully obvious that she's copying from screencaps. Do people think she just makes it up or something?

I'd be curious to actually see side-by-side comparisons. These at least seem to be well observed and well executed. It's not creative, but it's actually done at a high level and shows a lot of skill.

It's a shame she feels the need to limit herself to copying popular franchises to get attention, but that's her choice.

>> No.2343850


i have that same problem. i can do what she does but when i am left to myself, i can't draw shit.

>> No.2343853

One thing that bothers me is that there are better ways to respond to that anon. For instance, "I like copying. Copying makes me happy, and I do what makes me happy." Instead, she doesn't even address the content of what the anon said. In her first response, she focuses on the "cmd c" part of it, (as if that would somehow make her seem more justified in copying) and in her second one she turns it into a gender issue. The anon doesn't even talk about gender, but euclase automatically sees any criticism towards her as an attack on her gender. Then she turns the conversation towards the theme of "hard work is good", which really can't be refuted. It makes her look much more reasonable than she actually is.
It's also really depressing to read the other two responses. They don't seem to grasp that [using reference] != [nearly exact copying]. For any anons that read this that genuinely don't know the difference, you use reference(s) to try to fix a specific part of your piece. If you're painting a picture of a girl holding a cat and you don't know how to draw a cat, you'll paint the girl as best you can from imagination and grab a few good references of cats. Using your sense of design and your knowledge of shapes in 3-d space, you'll make up a whole new cat (with aspects of those in the references) and plop it in. Thinking about reference this way, it's very obvious that euclase does not simply "use reference". There is little to no creativity, design, or extra knowledge in her pieces. She has a good sense of color, and she can render a piece well, but I really don't see the value of looking at her stuff over looking at the actual picture.

>> No.2343854

Read the guide.

>> No.2343858


the guide is below my skill level.

>> No.2343860

If you can't do anything but copy, it is not.

>> No.2343861

She has a serious case of delusion.

>> No.2343862

>If you suck at drawing from imagination, you are a beginner.

Better get reading anon

>> No.2343869

The thing is she does not believe what she is doing is copying, that's where the problem starts.

>> No.2343873

Learn how to construct and learn how light interacts with different materials. That's all you need to be able to paint from imagination.

>> No.2343876


>> No.2343882

It's true though. It isn't easy to learn and will take a long time to master, but it is all that is required. It's like saying to lose weight you need to eat at a caloric deficit. It's difficult and will take a while, but that's all there is to it, and once you understand that it becomes much easier to achieve.

>> No.2343883

>That's all you need to be able to paint from imagination.
that's the biggest "that's all" I've ever seen

>> No.2343884

yeah, maybe if paintings were colorless and could project the image directly from your brain on the paper

>> No.2343892

>posts a few mediocre pieces
>gets some attention
And now the fucker is giving everybody advice. I cringe the most with fuckwit like that.

"Give a nigga a rope and he thinks he's a cowboy"~Eddie Murphy

>> No.2343917
File: 470 KB, 516x2100, tumblr_nvq8zvrIuO1s33ur2o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2343923

This artist is so cringy. Do you have that screencap of the rant he went off on during a live stream talking about the reason people get upset when he draws smut of his fursona with other peoples'characters without permission is because they're jealous of his skills?

>> No.2343931
File: 590 KB, 496x1868, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, but i have something even cringier

bonus audio clip: http://barasans.tumblr.com/post/133820299037/nsfw-audio-headphones-are-advised-original

>> No.2343935


He is right though, that character archetype is awful like generally whole game filled with maymay dialogues and characters.

>> No.2343937

don't you mean "Bone-us" audio clip

>> No.2343938

I already said it will take a long time to master. But in a few months you can learn enough of the basics to still create believable images without reference.

What? What are you talking about? If you understand how form and light interact and how different materials appear in different conditions, and you understand construction and form well, then it is just a matter of applying the lighting to those forms. You can literally just use logic and figure out how things will appear based on the light source(s) position and how planes relate to that. That's how people like Mullins or Verhasselt or Lang or other people can paint incredibly realistic images from their heads.

>> No.2343951


I should my race to deflect criticism.

>"Huh? You find my technique questionable? Glad that you aren't a cop, cracker."

>> No.2343967

Oh geez...

>> No.2343970
File: 50 KB, 500x500, 1445229688405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2343973

Undertale is fucking cancer.

>> No.2343978
File: 39 KB, 450x450, Skeleton_b3e642_5533050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i believe they're fucking undetale

>> No.2343979

>I really don't see the value of looking at her stuff over looking at the actual picture
This is the crux of it, imo. What's the point in creating a gallery of someone else's pictures? I guess that's all a regular art gallery is but at least the gallery is collecting the pieces from the creators, not just printing a bunch of pics from google out onto canvases and claiming they're priceless masterpieces.

>> No.2343980

Go back to Tumblr and never come back, please.

>> No.2344006


I've been wondering what this retarded fucking skeleton is. I unfollow everyone who posts that dumb shit immediatly.

>> No.2344008

>a tripfag calling anything cancer
wewww lad

>> No.2344010


oh nice we have an epic new tripfag to deliver scathing, witty remarks such as this. You really kicked this board up a notch thanks.

>> No.2344050
File: 14 KB, 365x400, 1451951135192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that oversized hand.......

>> No.2344053

Hey man copying from screenshots is hard work.

>> No.2344565


>> No.2344588

That's actually really good if she only used the screencap as reference and didn't trace/paint over or pull a kronz. However, she approached that dudes comment like a dumb bitch. Instead of saying "so what"or " copying takes work too" she decides to victimize herself and call attention on her gender even though know one mentioned it.

>> No.2344618

color's just another aspect of light

>> No.2344722

OP, I read your case, and though, I agree that a mere copy-cat should not be encouraged or praised for blatant plagiarism,

I would like to see YOUR work. Do you have any?

>> No.2344730


Haven't you realized that mediocrity supports mediocrity? What do you expect from the dumb, except that they love the worthlessness of another idiot?

As for you and everyone here, I have a major hunch that NONE of you have any original artwork. I bet you all do some variation of a cartoon or comic or some other bullshit cartoon genre, or, you draw nudes, or you draw people, or you draw some dumb escapist fantasy art or manga.

You are all like this Euclase mediocre. She "draws" in Photoshop, gtfo. How many of you "draw" and "paint" in Photoshop?

you salty hacks. You may have technical skill and ability to represent form and light, and you may be able to render the human form anatomically in tact, you may be able to draw buildings and cars, monsters, zombies and manga, you dirty weeaboos.

But NONE of you are original. FTW

>> No.2344733


I hate all of you. You hacks are not artists. You are a bunch of craftsmen. This whole site is a circle jerk of craftsmen.

Can someone direct me to an actual artist with some original work? Please.

You art school faggots.

>> No.2344734

You ok, buddy?

>> No.2344736

Not yet

>> No.2344737

There are tons of artists with original works, traditional and digital, and in all kinds of other mediums. Why are you even here if you hate people trying to hone their craft and just want some original artwork to look at, when you could be out finding the artists you supposedly want to see?

>> No.2344739

Tons? Where? Give me a name or a link and I will tell you if they are original or not and why.

I came here in hopes of finding what cannot be seen for miles. What original art work is there to look at here? None.

>> No.2344741

>What original art work is there to look at here? None.
Again, why are you here then? All you have to do is go on google and search for things, or you could go on tumblr or patreon or dA as well. You could go on freaking etsy or something. Earlier today I just googled wood carved art and found a bunch of cool carvings made by people, most of whom were just self promoting from their little homemade webpages. If you're this passionate about it and hate this place so much there's no reason you should sit around waiting for someone to take your hand and lead you to what you want, and certainly shouldn't expect that kind of guidance from people you seem to believe have no grasp of the concept of originality anyway.

>> No.2344746

are you by any chance a fine ''artist''?

>> No.2344753

You would like to think that I need your hand to cover up for the fact that you fall into that pit of hacks.

You are just typing to read your own words. You have failed to provide anything. If you don't want to, all you have to say is "no", or if you can't, just admit to it. Don't give me this long winded speech about nobodies and nothings.

You assume I haven't already been there, done that. And have failed to find what I am looking for.

You know deep down inside that what I am saying is true, as much as you try to conceal it.

And still, no original art, nothing substantial, nothing worth truly noting presented to dismiss my case.

From the elite art world to the gutters of /ic/ nothing new, nothing worth a shit. The last time there was a well-remembered art movement was the Renaissance, and even then, only Da Vinci and anyone else who was an actual inventor was worth a damn, everyone else was a hack that offered nothing.

>> No.2344754

Rephrase your question.

>> No.2344755

My rant is not about the skill of any artist in whatever medium.

The main point is content. The content of the work.

>> No.2344760

Okay, you're just dodging my questions and trolling for responses then, got it.

>> No.2344761


You can't be "original" without a skill. Children are super original in their work, but every 5-year-old drawing looks like another. Why? Because there are no means to express your thoughts or communicate them to the audience.

People here are learning how to generally do that - and mostly in medium so familiar like drawing.

If you want to seek "originality", gtfo to art gallery and look at the rock or whole wall covered with high-res close-ups of anuses.

>> No.2344763
File: 100 KB, 900x1200, 3b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2344764


This is the best way to avoid the point, hmmm,

>dodging my questions

>trolling for responses

You didn't get anything. I already stated why I posted that. Why I am here is irrelevant. Am I not allowed to have an opinion?

I think you have half a brain, and in order not to use your limited brain power, it is just easier to assume I am "trolling"

Your response to me is like Euclase to OP, which in turn proves my original point.


>> No.2344766

You stupid pleb

I wasn't debating a persons ability to render, or what you consider to be skill.

WTF are you yapping about? Learning how to draw doesn't make you an artist, it makes you a craftsman. In order to be an artist your craft has to be utilized into creating original pieces.

Manga and comics, and portraits and nudes are not original. Sci-Fi fantasy garbage is not original. Digital art work is not original nor is it a legitimate art form, it's a white collar industry profession.

>> No.2344774


>no u x---D
>everything is shite x----D

Ok, now please take your meds.

>> No.2344777

How does it feel knowing that you will always be mediocre?

>stupid greentext
>you are not funny, much less original

Ok, now please pull the dick out of your ass.

>> No.2344781

I was with you until you said that a medium is not original. The white industry is a sizeable part of digital art, but not its entirety.

>> No.2344782


Oh no, a birth of another epin namefag.

>> No.2344792

What I said was:

>digital art is NOT a legit art form.

It is a bastardization of traditional art.

You can't hold a digital drawing touch it or anything. There isn;t any real work that goes into it other than time and a lot of clicking of buttons. The mistakes are not the same as the mistakes made with paint or any other medium. It is a mere bastardization of real mediums.

I am not arguing whether it is or isn't a medium. And it is not an ORIGINAL medium if all it does is mimick traditional ones. So, all it is is a white collar profession. That is it. You don't have to agree but, let's be serious.

>> No.2344793

Hur Hur

You are retarded

- John Q Public

>> No.2344798

If someone came to me, saying

>I'm an artist

and I ask what they do

>I do digital art

You don't do anything.

Digital art is only good for commercial products and advertisements.

Everyone that does digital art is being primed for corporate jobs, not to be artists in the traditional sense. Their creativity is being harnessed in order to sell products. they are tricked by art school and tech firms that they are supporting the arts when in fact they are destroying it and trying to rid the world of actual artists, replacing them with these clones, keyboard jockeys.

How many of them actually slaved away with a pencil, brush or pen? If they actually did, they know what I am saying is true, if they do not care, they were never artists, they are tradesmen.

>> No.2344800


Thank you for contributing to the cringe thread.

>> No.2344804

No problem

Digital art is definitely cringe worthy as well as Euclase...ironically, a digital artist amiright?

>> No.2344808

I am glad you see it my way.

>> No.2344909

perfect for a cringe thread

seriously though, i get the vibe (from beginner threads) that there are people who did not have the fortune of going to college for arts. Regardless if they are they're not really flaunting it (often) and do help. Again that's in a beginner thread, pretty new to this board.

>> No.2344915

Go to artstation then. Is it so hard.

>> No.2344950

John Q for president! Let's go all in! I mean the americans are seriously considering Trump as a worthy candidate. /ic/ should jump on that same bandwagon. Oh and since you're so obsessed with originality and shit I'd be real curious to see your Oh so original work...

>> No.2345019

don't reply, just filter

>> No.2345087
File: 18 KB, 659x343, holy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2345091
File: 18 KB, 673x383, fucking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any more like these?

understating/undervalue make me cringe the hardest
also kind of insightful

>> No.2345096



>> No.2345113

That looks a lot like an overpaint/photobash... Does anyone have the original screencap?

>> No.2345116
File: 124 KB, 459x336, 1449518718133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did not expect the actual thread to be the cringe

>> No.2345135
File: 2.95 MB, 267x199, 1341423821441.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck can a motherfucker be this cheep, that's more insulting than free

>> No.2345140


you have been warned

>> No.2345154
File: 11 KB, 501x585, 1376892019927.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oy vey go-I mean guy don't you know that you would also be getting all that publicity for doing those? As an artist you NEED to gain as much exposure as possible! $10 dollars per one minute of animation is a steal considering the amount of people that could watch your work heheheh.

>> No.2345155


Lots of retards don't understand the value of artistic skills.
They're like "If I was buying a 1 minute animation online I'd definitely not spend more than 10 dollars on it." and seem to extend that leap in logic to the assumption that its production isn't worth much more.

He'll get what he paid for, though. Unless some retard with actual skill is desperate enough for 'exposure' that he'll devalue his entire profession, which happens often enough.

>> No.2345194
File: 136 KB, 300x300, PoshImmaterialBull.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should have listened to your warning