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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 72 KB, 315x315, 01_white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2324570 No.2324570 [Reply] [Original]

In the market for a drawing tablet. Yes, I've read reviews and done research, but I want to know what you guys think.

What drawing tablet do you use and why?

>> No.2324574

Intuos Pro is what I've had for 3+ years and not once have I encountered an issue that wasn't resolved by updating the drivers.
Imo it's the perfect balance between a professional tablet and an affordable price.

>> No.2324616

thank you for your input =)

>> No.2328364

How do you fuck up face perspective that bad without realizing it

>> No.2328394
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>> No.2328417
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heard you was talking shit about muh style

>> No.2328426
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Intuos Pro Large is well worth it if you can build your battlestation around it famalamading-dong

>> No.2328480

I've been using a medium intuos 5 tablet for three years now and it's served me well. Had to replace it after a year but thankfully the warranty for it was pretty generous.

>> No.2328490
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I got too eager and bought a Intuos Art med pen & touch and really wanted a intuos pro med. Anyways I like it because it's definitely a huge jump from my Graphire 4. Right now I am eyeing out the
Yiynova 22u v3 because I like drawing on screen. I kept going back and forth on which to get between the cintiq 13 and the yiynova and finally decided to go for one of the 22u v3 after hearing how good uc-logic devices are... and the larger size.

>> No.2328588

I've also been looking into getting a drawing tablet. I'd like to only spend 100 dollars or less, since I've never done digital art before. Wacom is expensive as fuck, but I was looking at the Intuos Art small that's about 100. Or I could go with the Huion H610 pro, which looks to be Chinese tier quality but a lot more drawing space for a lower price.

Are there any other tablets worth checking out for under 100?

>> No.2328598
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>>2328426 here,

I bought the Huion610 pro for a friend. I wish I had more time to mess around with it. It seemed like a fairly well made tablet for its low asking price.

>> No.2328604
File: 205 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot (100).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the huion youre trying to get is good for drawing up close but when you pan out of the canvas the brush will look still and blocky, if you are using a two monitor, it wont work properly. The mouse would either switch back and forth on the screens. this dont bother me as much but since i had mine for a month didnt get any pen lag from using it since then. if there is no stabilizer two you end up with the picture related

>> No.2328609


It's a little encouraging that it's the #1 best selling tablet on Amazon, but some of the driver issues and shitty customer support makes me wary.

>> No.2328613


Well, that doesn't sound too good. Stabilizer? So no matter what, if you zoom out your lines are going to look blocky? I just want a tablet to do concept art and more small scale things--not big paintings or anything like that. Would a Wacom Art be good enough for that? I just don't know, since I've never used a tablet, how important the active drawing space is, if it's too small are you stuck scrolling the canvas all the time?

>> No.2328616

That's a looong head

>> No.2328622

Intuos Pro Medium. Due to RL circumstances I use a laptop exclusively. A 17" screen fits, I think, perfectly with the medium. Plus, there just aren't any issues with it or drivers, because Wacom.

Yeah, Wacom = $$$, but now I have a tablet I can use for years.

>> No.2328623
File: 761 KB, 1500x914, alien___h_r__giger_pitch___by_adonihs-d2xjobm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how important the active drawing space is, if it's too small are you stuck scrolling the canvas all the time?
no, just fuck up your wrist

>> No.2328624

image meant for>>2328622

>> No.2328625


>> No.2328627

at least put your bottom bar on small icons if you have such a small screen.

>> No.2328630

if your close up it wont do that, just gotta be a little more quicker.
The active are is a decent amount of size, it the bigget you can get. its larger then the medium side wacom intuos pro but the intuos had better quality.

>> No.2328639

using a laptop, thats why it aint 1080 size

>> No.2328650

I have no blockyness working with krita, zoomed out on a pic with 10k2 pixels and using no stabilizer or smoothing at all.
Maybe it's your software.

>> No.2328709

I have the same question. I'm either getting the Intuos Art Small or One Medium. Which should I get? I'm a last year graphic design student but I do a fair amount of digital drawing as well. (well, digital coloring since no tablet for the drawing part which I do by pencil). My main issue is that I don't have much to spend and I'm not sure how important the size is (between small and medium). I've had a shitty genius tablet for 10 years and I'm sure whatever I get will be loads better but still I want to make the right choice. Any advice is appreciated

>> No.2328710

How weird is it to draw on the tablet while looking at the monitor? Thats seems like it would be hard to do or know where you were drawing.

Are there tablets that show the project on a screen and you just draw on the screen? Basically a WiiU pad that you draw on?

>> No.2328714
File: 147 KB, 2500x2500, intuos_pen_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What drawing tablet do you use?
Pic related. I've had it for 2 years now.
Because it was a gift and I've been enjoying it so far. It took a while to get used to it because it's small and before then I'd been drawing traditionally, but when I did I've been pretty happy with it.

>> No.2328718

I got the same small too. Cheap as fuck and I didn't really want to commit to digital. It works great. Yeah it's small and I work on a 24" screen so it can get a bit ridiculous. I just limited the area from fullscreen to a portion of the screen. Enough to cover the canvas in photoshop. It became a lot more wieldy after that.

>> No.2328720

How big is it? 4 X 5? 6X9? I have a 4x5.5 tablet and it's impossible to draw on.

>> No.2328721

Based on overall positive reviews, I purchased a used Yiynova MSP19U from eBay.

Anyone have any legit hands on experience with it?

>> No.2328727

I have one. Works pretty alright, though I'm getting a 13HD soon and will just use this as a backup

>> No.2328729
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It's 4x5. It's a really small workspace. It took some time getting use to, but in the end I'm really content with it. But I'm still learning too.

>> No.2328734

6 in x 3.7 in active area to be exact actually. My bad.

>> No.2328948

Oh, I hated working on mine so I didn't use it too much. Still haven't gotten used to it.

>> No.2328976

Idk what you anons are talking about.
You just draw almost completely with your wrist and little with your Arm.

Gives you an insane carpel tunnel but its better than nothing. Very little learning curve desu.

>Sauce Bamboo Pen & Touch

>> No.2328979

I've got an H610 and mine is fine aside from minor cut-off issues right at the edge of the active drawing space. Sounds like something's up with your drivers or software since I draw as well as I did on my Intuos Pro, aside from the physical texture and fewer features.

>> No.2328982

13hd is pretty good for a first tablet monitor, but beware, the connector cable is hella sensitive. Find a spot to set it up and don't move it excessively.

I've been using mine a year now almost and besides that it's wonderful.

>> No.2329289
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though when you consider 99% of art produced online is shit ...

>> No.2329489

it's worth getting a bosto kingtee 14 wx, knowing that i will never afford a cintiq (at least in the foreeseable future)?

>> No.2329519

get an intous from 3 onward

>> No.2329526

get an intous 3 refurbished or used
dont buy garbage you will regret it later

>> No.2329547

no, better save for it or whore yourself drawing furryporn

>> No.2329602

You can still draw with your elbow and shoulder even on small tablets.

>> No.2331034

wacom intuos art (or just an intuos). its cheap but works well.

>> No.2331041
File: 769 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-12-28-22-09-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use one of these. Im really enjoying it so far

>> No.2331054
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bamboo fun cuz im a poorfag and is fine for me.

inb4: "shitty hands, small head"

>> No.2331075

I have a tiny wacom tablet that I got about 3 years ago but I barely every tried to learn how to draw digitally so I tend to stick to traditional on paper. It's like I can't adapt.

>> No.2331086
File: 54 KB, 600x800, 1446779119455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wacom Intuos Draw, $70

6.0 x 3.7" Active Area
Resolution: 2,540 lpi
133 pps

>Huion H610PRO $77

Active Area: 10 x 6.25 ''
Resolution: 5080 LPI
Report Rate: 233RPS

Should I get the Huion?

>> No.2331087
File: 43 KB, 960x640, i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can bigger tablets help make better line art? I have an intuos similar to pic related and I cant seem to get better at it.
or do i just need to git gud

>> No.2331088

got huion myself, no complaints.
the small are will fuck you up

>> No.2331130
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Thanks, family.

>> No.2331192
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If I have a 4:3 monitor and a 16:10 drawing tablet, will it be bad?

>> No.2331320

>the connector cable is hella sensitive
Damn, still? I was hoping they'd have fixed that by now because I like to rotate alot

>> No.2331536

This! It probably isn't the tablet it self that's the problem.

>> No.2331541

I've had both a small and a medium sized tablet and I would never recommend a small one for someone who's in to digital drawing/painting. Get a medium, you won't regret it (but you might regret a small, I did)

>> No.2331546

Personally, I find it easier to do lines with a bigger active area, but I naturally draw from my elbow and shoulder, not my wrist.

>> No.2331549

Nope, I have exactly the same and as long as everything is set up right, it'll be fine.

>> No.2331883

>advertised linux support
muh dick
expensive though

>> No.2331906

I use the cintiq 13hd.
why? has a screen on it so its much easier for me to draw and it's the right size for me (that ws b4 I got it). Now I also love the way it preforms and I love the stylus I got with it. I think I really got my money's worth (unpopular opinion here tho).

>> No.2331908


Just get the most recent one and you should be fine

>> No.2331918

asus vivotab note 8 y/n?

only going to run SAI on it so spec aren't that important

the 1200x800 res is a concern too though

>> No.2331929
File: 229 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_o04x2rSLal1r44ogao1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy dickle

>> No.2331946

holy shit

>> No.2331949

>25% discount if preorder
why must you do this to me satan

>> No.2331965

Preordered mine. Can't wait to barely use.

>> No.2331974

Really cool design.

>> No.2331979

What model is this? I didn't even see it on their site.

>> No.2331986


>> No.2331987

Oh man, I hope this thing is shitty. Please fuck it up Huion, I don't want my brand loyalty to be misplaced; Wacom users are going to be the new Macfags if this thing's as good as it looks.

>> No.2331993

>We also know that some of professionals have to take their projects away from the office. Mobility feature is followed by a built-in 8GB of storage in Giano, which allows you to save projects and take your work anytime, anywhere.

>> No.2332005
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>> No.2332008

/Ic/ really needs some kind of pinnrd tablet thread

>> No.2332024


>> No.2332027

>Huion stepping up to match the new Wacoms redesign like >>2324570

>12 fucking macros over just 4
>still $100 less



>> No.2332031
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>it's got nearly a square inch larger active area, is about that much smaller overall than my large and 4 more hotkey buttons


>> No.2332038


stepping up more like going for the jugular

Also it's not out yet it's on preorder until the 14th

>> No.2332040

nobody wants nobody likes chink products

>> No.2332048
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Holy shit, how is this even feasible? I hpoe Frenden or other's reviews come out as soon as possible because holy shit.

>> No.2332049

is this site legit? are they going to fuck me over with import taxes?

>> No.2332064

if you have to ask this, you dont deserve a tablet

>> No.2332073

Damn, kinda regretting getting an intuos pro

>> No.2332088


>I upgraded to an intuos pro a few months ago

If it's good at least I'll be able to replace it pretty cheaply if I fuck it up somehow.

>> No.2332093


>> No.2332102

Lmao im the guy with the Yiynova and that Huion is fucking bananas. Way to go slant eyes

>> No.2332112
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>> No.2332116

I saw it too but "muh hurr voloom" came to mind

>> No.2332117


>> No.2332429


>feeling that threatened over a healthy competition

You are already a macfag

>> No.2332433

>what is hair volume

>> No.2332459

when is the next intuos iteration going to be announced?

I want to hold off because I upgrade

>> No.2332469

can't say I'm a fan of the 12 unmarked hotkeys, shit's impossible to remember because you are only gonna use a couple regularly.

>> No.2332484

can an intuos allow you to achieve pleasing paintings in the same way a cintiq would? I don't really do much line work

>> No.2332486


if your skills allow it

>> No.2332491

Poorfag here, got the h610 and love it.

>> No.2332505

Put stickers on them if it's that big of a problem. The value is obscene for $119.

>> No.2332507

I don't really need a tablet that big though, my H610pro is big enough desu senpai

>> No.2332513

Anon pls. Don't have active area envy, your H610 is bigger than average, more than enough to satisfy the typical george foreman grill.

>> No.2332535

as a lefty, what tablet is best suitable when looking for something affordable? won't the macros on the left side fuck me over?
any fellow leftfags here that would like to share some advice?

>> No.2332538

flip the tablet upside down :^)

>> No.2332540

The intuos pro has a lefty setting. the small ones work both ways.

>> No.2333493

Huion H610 pro is having a huge sale on Amazon. If anyone buys the low tier intuos they're crazy.

The low tier intuos has the hotkeys in the worst possible position (two on left, two on right). And i feel like they purposely made it worse than the previous versions to drive up sales for the higher tier intuos.

The Huion H610 pro pretty much has the same key positions as the higher tier intuos. That alone made me switch. Not to mention a lot cheaper and bigger active area.

The drivers need work, but theyve improved a good bit. Still have a ways to go though.

If you're not getting an intuos 3 or above. Just get a Huion H610 pro

>> No.2333523
File: 41 KB, 368x246, method=get&s=wacom-intuos-tablet-in-use.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic because it works

Not a single complain. In fact, it exceeded my expectations. Shit must be made by nokia or something. you can tell I have fucked it up daily for years now and still works like the first day.

>> No.2333718

a lenovo x220/x201 tablet off ebay is a cheap alternative if you want a tablet with a screen.

>> No.2333733
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I'm thinking about upgrading my wacom pen and touch(1) for the intuous (2) would it be worth it? my tablet still works and is in good condition but I have some extra christmas money i wouldn't mind spending.

>> No.2333763

can you flip this lefty?

>> No.2333786


why are lefties so thick?

>> No.2333791

Do those Huion pens come with the nibs with the spring attached?

That's my mainstay pen tip with the Intuos Pro. I'd make the leap if they had something comparable.

>> No.2333818

The rechargable pen killed it for me.

>> No.2333830
File: 2.45 MB, 4128x2322, 1451584741204447457547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the art intuos medium. I am coming from a graphire 4 so it is like night and day to me, but don't know how it will be to you.

>> No.2333884

At least it's not battery powered.

If it's anything like the H610 Pro's pen power life though, it can last two weeks (or more? I've never actually kept track since charging is a non-issue for me) of constant usage without needing a charge. And even after that, it only takes a super short time to recharge.

>> No.2333909

I use an Intuos 4 M, same one i've had since 2010, and it hasn't let me down since. Before that I used a graphire tablet that I bought used, sometime in 2006-2007, and before that I used a wacom volito, a pretty terrible tablet in retrospect, that most people don't even remember.

For those few years I thought the volito was awesome, knowing nothing about digital art or tablets, I was just excited about being able to paint on a computer for a change. I used it for quite sometime until I foolishly lost the pen, and so instead of buying another I saved up and got myself that graphire, which was a huge step up.

Most tablets today are pretty much all the same, though with their own quirks and nuances. You can't go wrong with wacom though, their tablets stand the test of time, and from my own experience, I can say that they are built to last, more importantly they are supported for many years after their release. I can't really comment on the chinese made tablets, but i'm sure they work well, but i'd be slightly reluctant of trying those out if better alternatives are available.

What I will say though is the chinese tablets like Huion, have driver and support problems, from what I know, and that's seriously something that no artist should have to deal with.

All in all the bottom line is get whatever you can afford, and make great use of it. There isn't a tablet that will magically make you a better artist, except maybe the cintiq.

Just a few tips:
Don't get anything wireless.
Don't get anything "battery powered".
The larger the tablet size, the better.
Aim for at least a medium sized tablet, but preferably something larger, if you have the space for it.

>> No.2333911

>What drawing tablet do you use and why?
wacom intous 3 4X6
it was cheap at the time
im not going to get a new one in a long time
i havent made a single cent out of it

>> No.2334407

Honest question, but doesn't the full active field of that thing feel way too large with a small laptop screen like that? Why not use it on the bigger monitor next to it?

>> No.2334411
File: 31 KB, 798x687, wubwubwub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a 17in screen, the tablet's active area is quite a bit smaller; maybe it's just the angle making it look gigantic in comparison. It actually feels very good to draw on because you can really put your shoulder into each line. The feeling is similar to turning down the sensitivity on your computer mouse so that the mouse cursor doesn't travel as far across the screen relative to how far you move the mouse itself.

>> No.2334418

I typically draw in A5 sketchbooks, but a Wacom S is too small for me to work with. I can colour with them alright, but when I tried to draw with one I often had to go through several iterations, cutting parts and transforming/resizing them to fix proportions and the like. I simply couldn't comfortably draw shit AND keep the whole thing visible on my screen (keep in mind UI also takes up space). Not to mention the horrors of tightlining or inking.

tl;dr you do not want to be stuck scrolling the canvas while staring at the navigator for some vague sense of overview, or you'll find yourself becoming besties with a scanner in under a month.

Besides that the size limits your drawing movements largely to your wrist, so if you depend on your arm for steady strokes you'll be shit out of luck. Not to mention the extra prospect of RSI if you're too giddy.

How weird is it to shove a mouse across your desk while looking at your screen? How do you know what you're doing or where your cursor is going?

>> No.2334757

Most useful post in thread for anyone new in the tablet-market.

>> No.2334778
File: 1.50 MB, 3264x1840, WP_20160101_20_46_48_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just recently bought my huion H610 pro after 2years of working with wacom manga. I absolutely love the amount of hotkeys, i'd take more if possible, but my budget wasn't very high. The area is very nice. very paperlike feel to drawing on this tablet. also, an issue that others said about the jiggly lines when zooming out.. if you're a bit tech savvy, you can fix this by going through device manager and cleaning everything related to tablets, reinstalling driver properly, inputting the right settings, etc. i mean come on, it's 5k lpi. there should be no problem with shaky lines, if i hadn't the issue with my 2k lpi on the manga.
great bang for the buck, for sure. It came to me for a mere 90 euros (including my country's 21% mail taxes, etc etc)

>> No.2334794

You must have a really smooth skin.

>> No.2334798

want to see my hands?

>> No.2334800

Sure, they must be sexy and silky smooth.

>> No.2334814
File: 1.49 MB, 3264x1840, WP_20160101_21_24_06_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually quite the contrary. I have a disease, which exposes itself on the skin. i don't need ref to think of zombie skin patterns and minor lacerations though!

>> No.2334825
File: 31 KB, 526x508, 1451171355818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha the face of that anon hitting on you

thirsty fuck

>> No.2334832

Not hitting on him, just thought unusual (and kinda funny actually) to see a Nivea Cream next to your workstation.

Sorry to hear, best wishes.

>> No.2334842

>have multiple monitors
>configure tablet to stay on one screen
>it actually goes off the screen by 1 pixel, so if you touch the edge it switches to the window on the other monitor
th-thanks xorg devs

>> No.2334846

thanks, I'm actually en route to getting rid of it after 18 years of having it :- )

>> No.2334959

Huion H85L is what i was looking at, but I havent tried it yet...

>> No.2334968

oops, meant H58L

>> No.2335009

I just bought an Intous 480, the generation after bamboo and before draw, for 70 bucks. I bought that one because it has touch and an eraser.

>> No.2335012

How does that work with zoom and touch? Does it mess it up at all?

I guess i'm asking how you get it to just stay on the photoshop area. Is that stationary? regardless of zoom and position?

>> No.2335015

There are follow along activities in some of the books i'm reading. Would it be terrible to do these activities on a tablet instead of paper?

>> No.2335028

>What are dreads

This is by an artist named Loish. She has really great artwork. Don't be such a troll.

>> No.2335031
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Well done.

>> No.2335037
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>> No.2336323
File: 18 KB, 640x640, David-Bowie-Blackstar-640x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are plenty of affordable tablet monitors available. Not sure why anyone is getting regular tablets anymore.

A lot of people bitch about the Monoprice, but I adore mine.

>> No.2336330

atopic dermatitis?

>> No.2336921


>> No.2340553

ipad pro, fucking amazing for drawing