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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.69 MB, 1296x864, Landscape5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2334074 No.2334074 [Reply] [Original]

Beginner Thread

Because we should not have to make new threads or post in draw threads with our fundamental exercises. Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up.

Do not forget to PLEASE RESIZE and crop your images before uploading them. 1kpx is fine.

→ → → → Before asking "what should I read/view/study/learn," consult the sticky: >>1579290 → → → → → →

Questions go in the QUESTION THREAD
This is for posting studies & getting critique.

>Thread study: Try to draw/paint the opening or any other following images.
Feel free to post your originals as well.

TRY TO BE MORE ACTIVE AND GIVE PEOPLE SOME FEEDBACK - there are many studies left unreplied, which is a bit sad and can be quite demotivating for the people that try their best to improve, but are left directionless.

Before refuting a critique consider that you have little knowledge of the subject and others will intervene if it is truly incorrect.

Old thread: >>2331234 →→

>> No.2334075
File: 797 KB, 2533x1707, Unknown_Archi25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2334076
File: 199 KB, 736x1515, emotions2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2334077
File: 485 KB, 1280x1280, emotions1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2334078
File: 507 KB, 1680x1050, JRgzV5H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2334087
File: 1.60 MB, 2848x4288, Frog 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since yall love frogs so much

>> No.2334107

Lizards and birds are where it's at 2 b honest family man

>> No.2334114

I can't draw cute girls, I want to die

>> No.2334116


>> No.2334117

Yes. I need to work on my bird porn somehow.

>> No.2334120

thank you
I'm gonna draw cute girls now
brb i'll post when it's finished

>> No.2334125
File: 77 KB, 843x749, 1404508843604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay you'll learn how to someday.

>> No.2334187
File: 92 KB, 511x355, tree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2334207

You got busy with color and messed up the values. especially on the right side of the image.

Value is more important than color 100% of times, because it's what gives an idea of form.

>> No.2334223
File: 56 KB, 511x355, treeBW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and messed up the values. especially on the right side of the image.

I don't really see how the right side should have particular bad values.

>> No.2334228


The values look fine. They don't look identical to the ref but they don't have to.

>> No.2334324

>buy brush pen
>get completely wrecked
Peter Han plz save me

>> No.2334391
File: 275 KB, 1000x500, emotion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2334409
File: 57 KB, 1203x514, figures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you know if your figure is good base or not without drawing the actual character? Is villipu the authority on figure drawing? Is it just practice, practice, practice?

>> No.2334412

You're not trying to copy the pose, you're trying to study. Look for the motion, not the actual figure. You're looking for the flow. Ignore the outside skins, look for lines within the body that's doing the motion.

>> No.2334423

Did your brush get wrecked or did you get wrecked and why can Peter Han save you?

>> No.2334426

I did and I'm going to practice his exercises until I git gud with it.

>> No.2334429
File: 1.27 MB, 1647x2271, still lonely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please someone just say something

happy new year from iceland!

>> No.2334430

That just looks odd.
Can you show it looks without color? Like the construction of how you made the figure?

>> No.2334433


Likeness is off and she looks like a camel and pretty lacking in emotion. The mouth and eyes are all fucked up and the head is too long.

>> No.2334435
File: 127 KB, 305x704, grayish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[test 3 bc of internet lag]
I just painted a light green silhouette and painted on it from imagination, all on one layer, there wasn't much construction, since it was more a need to express myself quickly

>> No.2334436

anime face

happy new years

>> No.2334440


Smooth out your edges

>> No.2334441

Show some construction. A drawing with great construction but with shitty color always comes out looking good anyways. Color is simply icing on the cake. Your construction is what makes the differences.

>> No.2334461
File: 28 KB, 640x480, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

critique me plz

>> No.2334465
File: 30 KB, 640x480, snapshot (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not sure how to point out mistakes, anyone? tips?

>> No.2334466
File: 33 KB, 640x480, snapshot (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2334467

no one actually makes those faces when they feel like that.

>> No.2334469

Are you using a reference? If you are, then I find looking back and forth between the reference and the drawing really fast helps you see the differences. If you're not using reference, use reference.

>> No.2334470


Your photography skills are so incredibly shoddy i am shrieking in disgust, reply to this comment with something you actually put effort in and i will give you a critique.

>> No.2334471

am completely aware but the muscles can be used for reference. i assumed since you were a human you would be able to realize that.

>> No.2334472

no im a dog, and that is a shitty reference shit.

>> No.2334482

I mean I still disagree, The way the poster applied the value completely ignores the construction, it needn't be identical to the ref but it needs to be consistent which, if I'm honest it isn't in the slightest.

>> No.2334506
File: 1.32 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20151231_222730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for poor photo quality, I only have a phone.

Asking for critique on an older one I did ( just starting to get back into drawing) and also wondering this:

You guys always mention the term "studying" but I'm not sure what you mean by it. Is it trying to copy something? Or is it something like copying the general form? What does it really mean?

>> No.2334511



>> No.2334512

generally just means drawing something from reference to learn something from it, whether it be practicing observation skills, color/value, anatomy, gesture, etc...

>> No.2334513
File: 223 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_o09gfe9Deu1todygmo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just have no idea :(

>> No.2334514

please dont insult people in the beginners thread.

>> No.2334516


>> No.2334543
File: 2.96 MB, 3036x2154, nowater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turns out the pencils I was using were watercolor. So I watered it in and it came out shit (not pictured)

>> No.2334568
File: 56 KB, 892x599, z1035i.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2334569
File: 76 KB, 396x523, inkling small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i did some basic line and circle exercises and then drew a cute inkling from splatoon based on some fanart i saw the other day.

this is only like 4x4 in size and it took me a solid 30 minutes or so because i'm awful and kind of autistic but its better than what my stuff used to look like so i guess im content. i do find that i have a really hard time with drawing anything that takes up a whole sheet but i'm not really sure what to do to get better in that respect.

if only i could draw completely original cute girls...

>> No.2334593
File: 2.21 MB, 2448x3264, 2016-01-01 02.31.00 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I downloaded the beginner books off the sticky post and did my first sketch exercise

>> No.2334595

Pretty cute. Expression and all. Try some anatomy frame books I guess

>> No.2334617
File: 89 KB, 393x500, big eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried working on eyes a bit more. i feel like doing really detailed ones that are pretty big will make doing smaller ones easier. i feel like i did okay, although the hair looks awful because i didn't really care too much about that part.

i have a pretty hard time with eye shapes when the face isn't directly looking straight though, not really sure just what to do other than make the eye on the far side thinner and a bit smaller. i also need to work on faces and heads in general from perspectives other than straight on but not really sure where to find something to help with that.

also used a drawing to reference for this. if i try to start something from imagination, i feel stuck and don't know where to begin.

>> No.2334619

Please read the sticky

Neat. Keep going!

>> No.2334620

If one had completely ignored construction it would had been able to resemble anything. The only non-flat parts is the root and the crown as a whole. You could sit down and try to construct each branch and leaf but if you do that then I think you are missing the point of painting as we aren't copy machines and many probably don't aim to become one. The image resembles a wind shaped tree out in a field pretty well, it was obviously not something that were spend a lot of time on, the finer details weren't defined and I like the feel of it despite of that. That is what matters to me. I think it shows pretty well how even a rushed job can show a lot with just defining the edges of areas even when you don't texture anything.

As for the construction. There have obviously been given thought to shape, light direction and the leafs density in the shadow values. I'm not sure I understand your critique as I don't agree with that the right side should have particular bad values or that it lacks construction. I'm sure it could had been better given more effort/time but I would not call it bad.

>> No.2334646
File: 691 KB, 996x941, Capture33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't get a handle on colour

>> No.2334659

Just read the books anon, stop being lazy

>> No.2334661

Look I don't know if you're defending your own work or what is it and your passive tone does a shit job of hiding you're defending yourself, but whatever.

I'm not saying I'm demanding this person to copy all values identically, what I'm saying is that the blocking in of color and value is is more haphazard and inconsistent with the ref.

That study is just not showing good, careful, observation, the kind that even rushed works should have.

>> No.2334687
File: 632 KB, 2000x2000, Gesture_2016-01-01 (30s).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like some critique on my gestures. Just started studying Vilppu.

>> No.2334691


like fucking stop

read the sticky and fuck off with the anime shit. The fact that the head is cut off at the bottom makes it obvious you aren't constructing the head and you're merely just copying whatever youre referencing from

>> No.2334693
File: 724 KB, 1920x1080, j63uh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any feedback? I'm just drawing out poses from one of those sites that show you a pose and you draw it. I think I'm on the right track.

not him but then is it wrong to construct figures like if it were a doll? (like in pic related)

theres two ways of gesture/figure drawing i see. First is what I'm doing where you construct the figure with shapes and the one where you draw out the "key" lines like this guy: >>2334687

but I don't really get the difference or which one is "right".

>> No.2334702
File: 344 KB, 734x979, 20160101_172053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys do when you are really not felling it. Im getting so frustrated today i just spent like an hour on this and i now flipped it in photoshop and realized how fucking shit it is, everything ive drawn today was such a fucking struggle and a lot worse than what i usually put out

>> No.2334704

did you skip perspective class or something

>> No.2334706

i tend to make the face too wide but i dont realize it while im doing it

>> No.2334707
File: 155 KB, 750x1000, fugg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you prevent fucking up proportions and scale when doing these upside-down drawings?
Should I be making a rough sketch while keeping the image rotated?
Sorry for the shitty image quality.

>> No.2334710
File: 692 KB, 865x655, mermaid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


tell me what you think.


your favorite animal

>> No.2334714


I'm not expert on this, but neither technique is wrong. Constructing the body out of simple shapes is good for getting stuff like proportions and perspective right. What I'm doing is for capturing movement and expression. What to do depends on the purpose of your exercise.

I think you should be less concerned with connecting the shapes to eachother with an outline. Try to just build a body out of circles and cylinders floating in the air, having them overlap eachother to give a sense of perspective.

>> No.2334716
File: 169 KB, 716x543, ny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just don't sweat so much over one drawing
make more, do sketches. stop putting a lot of effort into drawings just to be frustrated in the end, because it did not become beau. you have to do lots and lots of sketches and quickies until you get fundamentals, then start hammering in those gorgeous details. it comes with time.
when i'm not feeling it, i go through /hr/ and /wg/ and look for some inspiring/ref pics. don't search /ic/ for ref, because you will only end up with a bunch of slutty women in your pc

>> No.2334717
File: 84 KB, 1100x521, z1040g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2334723

>Look I don't know if you're defending your own work or what is it and your passive tone does a shit job of hiding you're defending yourself, but whatever.

I know it might feel odd for you to be held accountable for shit you type on 4chan but if some kind of quality needs to exist in the beginner thread we can't have advice that is technically wrong. People are suppose to be able to learn from them.

>> No.2334728

The purpose of constructing a figure like that is to make sure it is correctly proportioned and symmetrical. For that purpose it is important that your simplified objects follow those same rules or you can't really use them as a guideline. For instance, you need to work on your understanding of a ball.

>> No.2334738

after months of being here i'm starting to enjoy these

>> No.2334747

thanks! but take care not to lower your standarts, once a anon said that i repeat the same kind of images to force people to like them, or something like that, so don't stop being critical, but thanks!

>> No.2334748

Basically this.
The reason why you're taught to draw with spaghetti lines is because, as a beginner, that's all that can get done within' 30 seconds. However, your goal is to capture the motion as best as possible, so that way they're will be less stiffness on your actual models.

>> No.2334751
File: 343 KB, 734x979, 20160101_185300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went back in and tried to fix it, i think the eyes are still off butt i think thats as good as ill get them tonight. I will start rendering now. (sorry about the patch of dark value over the eye i already fixed it)

Its just so frustrating when somedays you feel really good about your stuff and the next nothing works and you feel like you took 10 steps back over night

can i ask you what you goal is with these? Are you trying to develop your technical skill or are you just all about expression? anyways i like your stuff man, i wish i was as creative!

>> No.2334752
File: 45 KB, 434x648, 1451655476398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ref, btw

>> No.2334758

Scroll scroll...

>> No.2334759

thanks, i dont think i have a very clear goal, but i technicaly i basicaly don't get better, also, i think we have to be careful about what creative means, i think its not about the oddness of an idea, but in coming up with solutions to finish an image, to make even the most ordinary things appealing, so in a way you are more creative than me.

>> No.2334792
File: 201 KB, 1747x741, test-hampton-run.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope I'm doing the Hampton exercise correctly.

>> No.2334811
File: 343 KB, 782x1000, hands-gesture-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Practicing hands with all the fingers.

Also, I'm trying to do gesture drawing but I'm really unsure what to think about or aim towards when I'm doing these. When I see people on youtube do them, or vilppu, they seem to capture motion a lot better.


I really like the bottom leftmost one. Something about the lines makes it flow a lot more strongly. In other cases it looks like your lines end up fighting each other and don't convey direction as strongly. I also like the second to last one on the second row.

>> No.2334859

on the left figure, there should more of a "stretch" between her right hand and torso, legs feels good

right figure i feel the torso is facing too much towards the viewer

overall try to observe how the figure FEELS and how it is expressed through the relations between the parts

just keep going anon!

some figures feels good, other im not quite understand the movement.
but im a newbie so who am i to judge

keep on the good work anon

>> No.2334877

your shadows are alright, it's your highlights that're fucking you up. rely on less white and mess around with some warmer colors so you don't lose things like the hand on her leg. i like the portrait so far though, the hair and the face are working nicely

>> No.2334879

Thanks for the info. Yea, my cubes do look off, but never understood why. What you said about the right figure gave me more insight.

>> No.2334891

youre copying another artist please.

>> No.2334906

you didn't do any measuring whatsoever, did you?
Look up Gottfried Bammes - his diagrams and anatomy examples are brilliant and have helped me a lot.

>> No.2334913

>Gottfried Bammes

Where should I start?
Currently reading up on Bridgman's Drawing from Life.

>> No.2334946

This is something that I just learned from Keys to Drawing. You drew the iris as perfect spheres but if you examine the ref closely, the iris are not perfect spheres in a 3/4 view.

>> No.2334955
File: 207 KB, 800x600, mel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi 4chanelz pls tech me how 2 draw

been drawing all my life desu but I think I'm still considered beginner level. I got a tablet about 4-5 years ago but I go long periods without drawing because I get really irritated I can't draw and ragequit. I really think I'm still beginner-level.

give it to me hard.

>> No.2334958

Read sticky

>> No.2334960

>give it to me hard

On your knees, now.

>> No.2334963

Yeah, thats because the circle is an ellipse in perspective. I can defenetly see what you mean especially in her left eye. I often start out with an ellipse but i keep coming back and making the iris bigger so it becomes more and more circular this is a common problem for me, thanks for the advice.

>> No.2334966

>give it to me hard


>> No.2334970

Yup, you're still a beginner. You don't seem to fully accept that, which is understandable, but you need to get over your pride in order to make progress. Do the silly exercises and read the memebooks. Only when you accept the level you're on, will art become fun rather than painful. The only solid advice I can give you is to use less strokes, even if they look like shit.

>> No.2334971
File: 566 KB, 732x1069, 2016-01-01 13.00.18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucked up the hands. I always have a hard time with hands.

>> No.2334979
File: 115 KB, 960x539, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just did this using my mouse and fresh paint program

>> No.2334985
File: 289 KB, 1500x843, learning1234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm very new to drawing. I've been working on people as that's what I want to draw in the future. I've been working on the building blocks technique. Draw out their shapes and add details with lining later. Am I on the right path? if not could you point me in to the right direction or give me some exercises to practice?

>> No.2334991


>less strokes
funny. I got that habit from my art teachers my whole life telling me to actually do more little strokes to create a full stroke or something, idfk.

It's why my actual clear inking/lineart is absolute fucking shit. I prefer my sketches so much to my "finished" pieces.

>> No.2334998

Are you working with any books yet? I think that since you're an absolute beginner you should look at Fun With a Pencil by Loomis, there's a link to all Loomis books in the sticky.

>> No.2335000

Keys to Drawing -> Fun With a Pencil

>> No.2335001

I am not working with any books yet I have Drawing on the right side of the brain on pdf that I've read a chapter on. I haven't done the exercises yet because I dont have the materials I do have a tablet though, would that be okay to use with Fun with a pencil by Loomis?

>> No.2335003
File: 355 KB, 250x183, 12314151251.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I got that habit from my art teachers my whole life telling me to actually do more little strokes to create a full stroke or something, idfk.

What, your teachers told you to pet and chickenscratch?

>> No.2335004

by dodson?

>> No.2335005
File: 122 KB, 448x675, R8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was told to post here. Really just looking to improve.

>> No.2335008
File: 263 KB, 604x797, mannekin2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, if you haven't heard it already start with the sticky. You could do with some Loomis and stuff, I'd say before diving into Loomis look up Proko on youtube and watch some of his videos, it'll help you dip your toes before dealing with books.

Start learning basic shapes and construction. It looks like you're doing contour drawings right now, which some artists can get good at but usually it's after doing so much construction they've internalized the rules. Start learning to draw mannequins, Loomis and Proko (as well as many others) go over how to do construction from basic shapes so you'll have plenty of choices of who you want to learn it from.

>> No.2335010
File: 277 KB, 2000x3000, Bez nazwy-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read up on Lumis and now my drawings look worse

>> No.2335013

Cause you're trying to mimic the details and not the construction. Break apart whatever it is youre drawing into shapes. Forget the details, ignore them. Only simple shapes.

>> No.2335018

>Was told to post here
They were trolling you

>> No.2335019

Yes, he is referring to Keys to Drawing by Dodson. I am working through it right now and it is loads more helpful than Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Edwards

>> No.2335022

Thank you, can I do the exercises on a tablet instead of drawing (if there are any)

>> No.2335023

I have no familiarity whatsoever with tablet drawing so someone else will have to answer this one.

>> No.2335036
File: 409 KB, 1530x924, buffer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glue is _____
i will read the ________

>> No.2335038
File: 325 KB, 718x1041, beginner eye part 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2335039
File: 1.37 MB, 1271x7339, Beginner Eyes vs Brains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2335042
File: 474 KB, 1000x2700, lines2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reason why lines have darker corners illustrated here.

>> No.2335043
File: 1.46 MB, 1277x3048, nsio lines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i forgot to tell you to stop chicken scratching too.

>> No.2335059

You should probably start with Keys to Drawing.

>> No.2335072
File: 963 KB, 2973x2201, bell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2335078

I'm a newbie

Did you start this with straight lines?

>> No.2335080
File: 111 KB, 682x1024, specific-bone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So with anatomy, I'm wondering about the Pelvis area here in Red. I know that area is the Anterior Superior, but is it really that long? And what parts are visible when a person stretches that far out?

>> No.2335096

oh fuck off what kind of beginner needs to know this shit just do some figures studies god damn you

>> No.2335104

Doesn't hurt to know. If anything it'll help. Anatomy is important, anon.

>> No.2335110
File: 1.55 MB, 3264x1840, WP_20151229_00_31_03_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, the pelvic bone will always protrude just underneath the skin. even if you're hunched over, or fat (not obese). you should be able to see these in most cases. you can use these as markers, to tell at what angle is the pelvis. also from them, you can draw lines to the crotch. and to these bones the quadriceps muscles attach. good guideline on where the leg starts.

>> No.2335117
File: 650 KB, 2000x2000, Gesture_2016-01-02 (30s-ish).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's it for today, I think. I feel like I'm really getting the hang of this.

>In other cases it looks like your lines end up fighting each other
I think that might be the single most helpful critique I've ever gotten. Really defined the problem, somehow. Thanks.

If something looks off, it's off. No matter whether you're a newbie or not.

>> No.2335118

Where are you getting your gestures from? Some of those poses look neat.

>> No.2335119

its really not. not the way you think it is.

>> No.2335125

All these are from a pose book that some kind anon uploaded. Here you go.


>> No.2335129

You're not gonna make it if you don't think anatomy is important, anon. Now fuck off and go draw your animu pictures. There's people here who actually want to learn how to draw.

>> No.2335139

you're legitimately so cute thinking you got the edge over me.

>> No.2335174
File: 306 KB, 1331x1000, hampton-work-more.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still at it. The one thing that keeps throwing me off is how much smaller my boxes are compared to Hampton's examples.

>> No.2335182
File: 81 KB, 600x450, CXrQH7IUoAAiFYL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First post here.

I used to draw a lot of Pokemon/Pokemon-ish animals as a kid, but I was never able to draw people. I stopped drawing because I figured what the fuck is the point of this.

10 years later, I can draw a decent Grievous (I realize it's not perfect but I'm happy enough with it) without bothering with proportions or anything, meanwhile I still can't draw (animu) humans for shit.

Left girl: traced
Middle girl: spent about half an hour trying to reproduce it using shapes/rough sketch/proportions
Right girl: tried to do the same thing as I did with grievous and just eyeball it in a few minutes and it's a fucking catastrophe.

All I'd like to be able to do is draw for myself without looking like I'm making autistic scribbles that look like I need to get sent to an asylum. Would more practice with 'eyeballing' help me or should I just start right off with the proper practice method of proportions, learning to draw people, and then slowly progressing from there?

>> No.2335187

before we go any further with what im guessing is a poor choice of a new years resolution, have you read the sticky?

>> No.2335207

It's not really a resolution. It's just something to kill time with.

I did look through it quickly, I'm somewhere between Step One and Step Two, I guess?

>> No.2335208

I drew the shape of the bell
Then shaded the bell
Then tried to shade around the bell

I'm new tho so I don't think you should be doing what I do

>> No.2335210

where is part 1 and where is this from

>> No.2335214

You shouldn't have stopped; those years were essential to build up the muscle memory. I liked drawing pokemon as a kid (and made vending machine money with it too) then got bored like you did and moved on to drawing the girl pokemon trainers. I just wish I didn't stop drawing pokemon because pokemon have unique forms to them and you can build up a great sense of form drawing them.

It's always good to pick something you like and continue to draw it. I would suggest looking into Vilppu's materials...forget about the sticky everything is in Vilppu including measuring, proportion and drawing in general.

>> No.2335215

part 1 is the other thing i linked they are not related
part 2 is from an unknown source.

>> No.2335233

awesome thanks, I'll give it a chop. Really struggling with slipping into white and losing all the colour.

Awesome, I've seen the knee pics in other peoples sketchbooks and wondered where they were from

>> No.2335235

>It's always good to pick something you like and continue to draw it.
I got bored of drawing Pokemon, I guess. I was gonna make the same jump as you and try to draw pokemon trainers same as you but teachers/others really discouraged it Remember comic reader mail in the mid 00s? basically pages of marvel editors shit talking anime and manga and telling kids not to bother.

Anyhow, I'll guess I'll try Vilppu until I get bored of it. Thanks for the response.

>> No.2335246
File: 783 KB, 625x894, nto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learning anatomy, any critique will be welcome.

>> No.2335249
File: 1.97 MB, 2649x2438, neadthingy38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2335288
File: 926 KB, 1250x1000, grlSketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Felt inspired by that image.

BTW. Your boxes are also turning wrong, which is a bigger problem since you are trying to copy the dimensions from that image. That's probably a part of why it doesn't come that natural to you. The hips in your box are turned 30 degrees too much so if you want to fit it into the silhouette then it will naturally have to be smaller in that specific case.

>> No.2335295

I started doing art recently using a graphic tablet, but was told to try starting on paper. When I did, I found my art to be of a much higher quality.

I had an easier time making proper lines and the image quality was just overall better. Though, part of this was the resolution I had been using while drawing.

Is this normal? Or was there something wrong with my tablet. I was told MangaStudio was good as a program to draw, that is what I use. My tablet was an 8x6 inch Turcom.

>> No.2335311

Turning wrong. I see.
What would be considered turning right? I'll keep attempting this, but I just want to make sure I'm doing this right.

>> No.2335318

look at your negative space, your adding shapes were the are none (HER right side of torso)

>> No.2335329
File: 1.23 MB, 1250x1000, lines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's normal. It requires practice similar to learning typing with a keyboard. I think the biggest problem is that many look at their pen tool as an actual pen. When you use an actual pen you can feel the paper and your lines naturally fall into previous lines as they are physically carved into the paper. A table require an entirely different approach as you don't have the paper to help guide you. Personally I only use a tablet now for practice. I have started designing my own brushes and can produce some nice stuff from time to time with it. Just used a default brush for >>2335288

I tried adding a box to show what I meant. I used the hip bones as a marker for its angle.

You mean the area at the edge needing to be more straight? I mostly just used the ref for the gesture. at the time I was adding the line shading had had stopped using it. But yeah, I see what you mean. I guess it just didn't feel wrong.

>> No.2335332

to be honest theres like 20 different problems in grlsketch hips but i didnt feed like going over all that.

>> No.2335334

Thank you, this was a lot of help.
I see now, alright. I tried so hard to give it some kind of specific dimension that didn't exists. Seeing this though, I'll get fixing on that.

>> No.2335340

>but i didnt feed like going over all that.
I'm thankful

No problem. The thing about anatomy is that if you are not familiar with the muscles and bone structure then you waste a lot of time trying to make sense of what you are looking at.

You should watch this series if you got the time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-Sy8m04uF8&list=PLmvvULkxsc81Az2i_0wOIVVMkRJnPoA7i&index=1

>> No.2335341


>>2335295 Here
When you say you only use a tablet now for practice, do you mean you only use the tablet when practicing, or do you mean you've gotten good enough to only need the tablet?

>> No.2335344

I'm currently under going Hampton's lectures with the video you linked. Working on Week 2, and hence the images. Week 2, he goes over anatomy quiet a bit. I had to re-watch the lecture several times and take really good notes.

>> No.2335360

Well. I used to draw a lot but then took some years break (Studies, traveling, life getting in the way). I'm not bad on paper but what i want to do with art is digital. So when I picked it up again I as a consequence only use my tablet. It's not only about just learning to use the tablet but also as much about learning to use the option digital programs offer. Like trying to paint with the selection tool for crispy transitions and such. I don't know if getting good a drawing on paper first is preferable. On one side you will earn more confidence but on the other you will hit a bump when you finally switch to the tablet.

Ah, cool. I think he goes a lot more into anatomy later on if I recall correct. It might seem tedious but I believe it is essential if you want to draw humans beyond a beginner level. But don't burn yourself out on it. If you are just starting out then you can probably learn more from it by watching it again later when you have gained more experience.

>> No.2335366

>I think he goes a lot more into anatomy later on if I recall correct. It might seem tedious but I believe it is essential if you want to draw humans beyond a beginner level

The hampton exercises are fun, it doesn't feel overwhelming or stressful. It's kind of entertaining trying to remember all the body parts he points out. Though, I've only been drawing for 8 months, so still a beginner. So far my studies has been

>Right side of brain
>Construction; breaking objects apart
>Peter Han's lectures
>Drawing birds, construction and anatomy
>Random stuff

Otherwise, I've went ahead jumped into Hampton. My boxes usually seem off, but I try to connect it to the parts Hampton mention. Though, I can never tell how off I am. Otherwise, my only other figure drawing teachings were from watching Proko's prem videos on how to draw Gestures.

>> No.2335377

Then you have already done a lot more "book" study than I ever did. Not that that is bad and we are all different and all that. I just want to point out that drawing is like any other craft. If you want to be good at it then just doing only the lectures and their exercises will not push you that far. You got to have your own project and fun with drawing beyond that. You need to experiment and have fun with it and have a vision when you work.

>> No.2335380

I have personal projects I normally tackle, and suck at them. So when I fail, I'm normally told to tackle a certain thing to understand. I draw a shitty character, and was told the only thing wrong was the lack of anatomy. So now I'm tackling Hampton. After Hampton, I'll try again and see what I can do.

Basically, when I screw up, I look up how I fucked up and work on my weakness.

>> No.2335382

Keys to Drawing -> Fun With a Pencil -> Figure Drawing - For All It's Worth/Dynamic Figure Drawing/The Vilppu Drawing Manual

Here you go, all that's left is to follow these steps.

>> No.2335398
File: 311 KB, 645x633, 1430540879994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can't understand perspective

>> No.2335403

i learnt perspective overnight when i learnt form.

>> No.2335423

What resource are you trying to use to learn it?


>> No.2335432
File: 268 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_o0b66qyH7l1todygmo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its me again just how much of a misserable pile of secrets i am?

>> No.2335433

fuck off

>> No.2335439

Different anon, but what would you consider "fun"? I know it's an odd question, but what do you mean?

>> No.2335461

just learn form obviously. his is a very helpful comment for the amount of info given.

>> No.2335492

What I mean with "fun" as a concept and what is fun for me are two different things.

Fun is what makes you do something without it feeling like a chore. It can be what inspires people to spend hundreds of hours getting good at playing a game or the vision and goal that drives them to become good at a craft. As an example there's a big difference between just learning how to program in a school and then combining it with setting up your own site or servers and trying out things that go far beyond what your class is currently being taught (It's the last type who will end up getting the good jobs and be at the top of their field). Seeing the fun in something is a part of what enables you to have discipline to become exceptional.

What makes learning how to draw fun for me is personal. I like visual storytelling and creating environments with all that involves from architecture and design to moods. It's just a hobby for me, at least for now. I strive to become a lot better and then who knows. You will need to find your own source of inspiration that spark your passion.

>> No.2335499

That's an interesting answer. Sorry for the confusion, this >>2335380 anon. My goal is that I have a lot of stories and characters to present. Sadly, I suck at drawing. I've shown my buddies my failed attempt at my character, and they basically said learn anatomy. So, I'm tackling the Hampton exercise like I've been posting here. I'm hoping, once I'm done with the Hampton course, I can attempt my character again and hope to understand it more. Seeing other characters, I'm starting to get an understanding of how the anatomy works, so now it translates well when I see other people's work.

I dunno, I'm having fun with Hampton. I think it comes from what's to see in the future. Like my excitement of hoping this brings my character to light one step closer, even if it still looks like shit.

>> No.2335522

I dono what the fuck i'm doing...

Where should I start? I been doing some studies and shiz but I dont get it at all desu. I tried right side of the brain in highschool and that shiz was bullshiz or maybe my teach was just bad?

>> No.2335524
File: 1.08 MB, 1500x2100, xara try.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I dono what the fuck i'm doing...

Where should I start? I been doing some studies and shiz but I dont get it at all desu. I tried right side of the brain in highschool and that shiz was bullshiz or maybe my teach was just bad?"

fuuu forgot to link what I just worked on.

>> No.2335526
File: 1.26 MB, 2848x1482, 010116 first try of year.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

err this is how i went about this bs I was gonna try color but quit and did gray instead.

>> No.2335527

You probably heard this shiz before, but just draw a lot. Fill up a bunch of sketchbooks. That's what I've been doing. (I've only been drawing faces tho, I really should start figures tbhfam.)

>> No.2335539
File: 217 KB, 427x663, ts_by_paulovicto-d9mamgp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i improve this

>> No.2335544


Look at reference, flip your canvas, utilize more hard edges in your image. (learn about edges if you don't know what they are.)

>> No.2335545


it's washed out and flat. deepen your shadows and values. if you turned this picture into greyscale, you probably wouldn't' be able to make out anything. use reference if you aren't already and discern that skin colors aren't all just one color. in your case, it's not all shades of beige/peach.

the smile looks very symbolic. symbolic as in it's a literal smiley :) pasted onto a relaxed face. Again, use reference or look in a mirror. when you smile, the crease extends all the way to your nose folds. your cheeks get pushed out too

also it looks like you're just using a soft brush/airbrush at different sizes. alternate between hard and soft edged brushes. you dont need to use super fancy brushes or a lot of them, two is fine. your program's default ought to have a decent variety

>> No.2335547

Its kind hard work with color values, do you have any material to study or practice? I painted from imagination but i knew i was lame

>> No.2335557

>subtle swastika in the bottom left picture

>> No.2335558

use harder brush, way too many soft edges. All the features are very symbolic and amateurish, if this is from reference you need to observe a lot closer at the actual shapes and outlines

>> No.2335591
File: 433 KB, 475x487, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried the second exercise of drawing a hand with longer strokes and no erasing. I didn't know what to do with the shadows so I haphazardly colored it in.

>> No.2335638
File: 278 KB, 616x684, done.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would like some help on nose/ hard lighting
can anyone help me out?

>> No.2335672
File: 105 KB, 1100x521, z1041c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2335680
File: 216 KB, 616x684, lighting bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok boiii your light is warm so your shadows should be cool, get that color dodge tool son and paint in the highlights. The diffused light on the iris is on the opposite side of where the light comes through , place a specular where it enters and some soft highlights where it hits the actual coloured bit. this will give it depth

also, planes motherfucker

>> No.2335691

hey anons,do any of you know how to show translucency when painting digitally,I want to show the translucency of the skin when a light is shone onto it...sorta like when you place your finger over a torch and it glows red...
I hope you understand what I'm trying to ask

>> No.2335715
File: 83 KB, 470x547, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone care to apply guidance?

>> No.2335720

When does styling your characters start becoming a thing? Still working on fundamentals, and I'm still too weak to tackle the subject. But I've always been curious as to what that transition looks like from going to realistic -> stylize characters.

>> No.2335722

I'd say dont worry about it..Just learn the basic anatomy and your brain will subcontinously stylize certain aspects that you are attracted to,but in order to do that you need to have a foundation

>> No.2335723

Alright. Will do.

>> No.2335725


you don't look very comfortable drawing boxes in perspective, maybe this goes for your cylinders as well

>> No.2335726

Sooo form has alot to do with constructing, Right?
But Constructing isn't something you simply learn by some exersises or grinding, wich sucks cause I ain't getin it.
Atleast i know now that I shouldn't worry about perspective yet, its not the first time I hear someone say that form is the way to go.
Why Is the good stuff always so damm hard to understand?

>> No.2335727

I don't think there's a rule for something like that. I would say that in order to have control over an effect a style can bring you first need to be able to make something look good without that style.

>> No.2335732

>in order to have control over an effect a style can bring you first need to be able to make something look good without that style

I like this quote.
Thanks, I'll keep this in mind for future references.

>> No.2335777

saturate the transitions between colours

>> No.2335835
File: 694 KB, 1685x1080, jmui65k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know this is absolute shit but does anyone have any comments?

Well I was trying to draw gestures with a minimal amount of lines and a 90 second time limit for each one.

I always end up with some sort of stick figure. Is it just me or are the less animated poses harder?

>> No.2335869
File: 978 KB, 2752x1752, k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

halp me plz

>> No.2335880
File: 573 KB, 2000x2000, Witch Sketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting this here since anon suggested it.

I'm currently trying to work on faces and full body. I am reading Loomis, I've done the exercises up to where it moves from faces into full body drawings. Any crit would be appreciated.

>> No.2335888

First off, don't invert the drawing and make it harder to cross compare. Second off:

For some reason, you've identified a shape for the reference photo, yet it looks like you slapped it onto your actual drawing.
>at an angle for some reason?
>Clearly goes out of the face and covers the neck as well for some reason

Also, you're still symbol drawing.

Do more loomis, whether you're already doing it or not.

>> No.2335893


>I've done the exercises up to where it moves from faces into full body drawings.

So... Did you just decide to ignore the part about faces or what?

Even if you want to draw weeb when you git gud, if you're going through Loomis do it right and can the anime for a bit until you break the symbol drawing habit.

>> No.2335903

can you identify the symbol drawing for me?

>> No.2335912
File: 548 KB, 2000x2000, Help2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what it looks like, roughly.
Your nose doesn't "widen" around where the nostrils are, instead it seems more like a flat brick superimposed on his face

The photo would place the nose's shape as a triangle or maybe a pylon, but you've placed it as a rectangle with a circle at the side.

>> No.2335918
File: 1.65 MB, 1212x1600, selfportrait22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this self portrait, if anyone could point out flaws, ways to improve and shit I'd appreciate it.

>> No.2335919

I've gotten through the section but drawing realistic faces still hasn't stuck yet. I guess I'll pull back from doing full body and more "cartoonish" stuff and work over the Face section of Loomis again.

>> No.2335920
File: 548 KB, 1280x1754, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see wow thank you, here is a more planned out reference. thoughts?

any idea on how to break this into halves?

>> No.2335921

Just b urself.

>> No.2335922
File: 64 KB, 300x393, 65468451812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get your guidelines right first. The brow and nose markers should wrap around the form. I don't understand how your proportions go so messed up when drawing. Does it even look that thin in the reference?

>> No.2335934

newbie here, does the line going down from the round part (red line) of the top of the head represent the symmetry line?

Also what's with the circle on the right side of the head?

Black line is just a whole head reference / direction ?

>> No.2335935

But thats what the deviant-tarts do.
Drawin the same shit over n over, stayin in their comford zone.
I want to git gud.

>> No.2335938
File: 68 KB, 425x405, fig01_loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. The line down the middle should split the face to two even halves. The circle on the side is the side of the head that is basically chopped off from the sphere. The black lines are incorrect. I was using the red to show what should have been drawn. Look at this photo for direction. Even though Loomis is basically a meme he's still the most understandable and correct.

>> No.2335941
File: 1.67 MB, 1000x1203, gesture 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I doing this right

>> No.2335951

Ahhh fuckin tits dude, thanks. I'm reading keys to drawing atm and im starting to get a good understanding of all of this. Drawing shapes was night and day. Still, very often, I catch myself drawing from symbolism.

>> No.2335955

I've been doing them for months and I still don't know man. Prepare for conflicting advice.

>> No.2335959
File: 234 KB, 1210x1037, Selfie goose (1-2-2016).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my first time drawing digtally, I think i understand layers?

>> No.2335961
File: 524 KB, 700x688, animal-1-1306297623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know I fucked the beak up pretty hard.

>> No.2335962

er, i mean more or less the entire neck-up.

i should've looked harder.

>> No.2335965
File: 29 KB, 640x480, snapshot (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

took what you said into consideration, thoughts??

>> No.2335975
File: 27 KB, 640x480, snapshot (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose i'll do more loomis and watch vilppu construct heads

>> No.2335977

Have you noticed a significant improvement in your work from doing them?

>> No.2335990


You need to measure and compare proportions more carefully, the head is almost the size of the torso in your drawing.

>> No.2336013
File: 97 KB, 761x657, LOOMIS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been practicing using some of the Loomis guides.

>> No.2336015

thank you.

>> No.2336022

I haven't looked at my old ones in a while but yeah, I have.

>> No.2336036
File: 174 KB, 1200x900, more-hampton-test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't help but feel like I'm still placing the boxes in the wrong areas. I know that rib cage, you from the 10th rib up to the clavicle. And for the pelvis you connect both Anterior Superior sides and down the pubic bone. But creating the width, not sure how far back to go. It always looks off to me, and not sure how to fix it even if going with perspective.

>> No.2336048

Look at the model, now at your boxes. Now back to the model. Now back to your boxes. Sadly, they don't match the model.

If you cannot see this, you need to go back to something introducing you to drawing what you see. Keys to Drawing/Drawing on the right side of the brain.

>> No.2336060

What, exactly, what he trying to accomplish with those boxes? Where were they placed wrong. If it's too much of a broad question that's fine I am reading Keys to Drawing atm.

>> No.2336066

Care to elaborate? That anon said they were off, but why do you think they are off?

>> No.2336072
File: 92 KB, 675x500, asfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A billion hours in paint later..

If you while in the sketch stadium create a simple grid pattern (green) that follows the shape of the object you are drawing, it's easy to use that when shadowing to give the object a three dimensional feel by following the shape and flow of the grid while shadowing. Especially when using a rougher shadowing technique, like hatching (which sort of is what you have done on your drawing)

>> No.2336076
File: 1019 KB, 2765x2551, pissing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what even are feet

>> No.2336095
File: 167 KB, 920x704, hand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't drawn in a few months, took me a whole day of totally failed photo reference drawings and random doodling to get to this thing.

>> No.2336101
File: 654 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_20160102_212409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any critique? im on chapter 2 of keys to drawing

>> No.2336102
File: 117 KB, 600x849, sketch-here-05-0111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't listen to this anon >>2336048 , he's clearly retarded. Anyone who says "read this" with little to no explanation shouldn't be allowed to provide feedback. The image shows a nice gesture with proportions that are really spot on. Line quality is great, but the shapes aren't describing the motion.

If you're the anon from earlier watching Hampton's videos, you should watch how he tries to create his figures. He makes the gestures around the boxes, then starts placing everything together. Try making the gestures with the boxes in mind. He even distorted the boxes to his liking because he's trying to Study the model not Copy it. Do No Match The Model, that isn't the goal. It just looks like you're trying too hard to draw like him. When a person is standing straight, he tends to mark his boxes at a 45 degree arc. Measure it if you have to. You're doing fine, keep at it. Good luck!

>> No.2336107

youre good enough to leave the beginner thread
i dont view consrtruction in my drawing
anymore. Ive kinda lost track of what it is.
Kinda like i dont do guide lines anymore because i outlined the things with form already

I think the ladder of understanding goes like so: guidelines > construction > form

>> No.2336111

Why do you keep posting that useless fucking picture then proceed to talk nonsense? The anon got the boxes wrong. Not even the anon you're blasting.

>> No.2336128

hes not talking non sense, the guy who says the boxes are wrong has been irritating me as well but i just let it go temporarily because it was such neutrally beneficial advice that i didnt bother. Plus the image protect him from show me your work type comments.

>> No.2336133

Regardless the boxes are wrong. It's pathetic you kids can get $700 classes for "free" and still can't grasp what is being taught to you. Guess you can't cure stupid.

>> No.2336146

there not wrong in the way youre explaining, the thing is youve completely failed at explaining why theyre wrong.

>> No.2336147

I feel like you have the same issues that I'm currently trying to overcome with my drawings.
At a glance, this is clearly dogshit. Anyone with functioning eyes is able to see that. The length of the hilt is nowhere near the actual sword and the perspective is all over the place (who would carry that bent piece of shit into battle?), yet clearly, a great amount of effort has gone into this drawing. That can't possibly be an effective way of learning.
I think that for us beginners, focusing on the immediate basics is more conductive to improvement. There's a bunch of shit in keys to drawing about drawing "blind" and restating lines, which I'm trying to incorporate into my drawing process. Drawing lines like this feels uncomfortable and overwhelming in a sense, since it basically means having to make decisions at every step. However, I find it immensely useful for learning, since it allows me to treat the act of drawing as the goal in itself rather than trying to create a finished product. It also makes it easier to analyse my drawings, since I can attribute any error to a conscious decision instead of having to compare the drawing to the reference with only a vague idea of what is amiss.

>> No.2336155
File: 345 KB, 650x2000, hampconstudiespt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>completely failed at explaining why they're wrong

Look dumbass, it's just boxes. I don't have to go in there and redline boxes or explain in-depth--he needs to sit down, pop some adrenal and pay close attention to what is being taught to him. The problem is he doesn't care about absorbing the information because he got a college level class for free. People like him don't deserve detailed explanations. The pic I posted is what my beginner hampton stuff looked like a year ago as I was going through his class; he should take it just as seriously so he can fully understand.

>> No.2336166

How do you know he got a class and how do you know it was free?

My art "friend" is an unintentional and socially-inept asshole. He thought because he was in classes for it he was hot shit. I remember when he was still in highschool working on his portfolio and even that was stressful but he was less pretentious about it.

That being said, drawing is incredibly fun to me. It's been a long time since I've picked up something that draws me in like drawing does. I can spend 30 minutes on a shitty sketch/line exercise and it feels so quickly. It feels quick but these are the best drawings i've ever produced. Drawing shouldn't be stressful.

>> No.2336168

How do I make drawing fun again?

For most of my teenage years I loved drawing and I got decent, but then real life got in the way and I mostly stopped for a better part of a decade, starting maybe a single sketch every couple weeks and finishing none.

Now when I'm trying to draw something I'm overwhelmed by how shitty my skill level is and it's all a chore. I can't seem to cut loose like I used to.

I'd give up on on it altogether but drawing has been literally the single only fulfilling pursuit I've ever had in my life, and without it there will be nothing left.

>> No.2336169
File: 528 KB, 1276x477, real steel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>drawing is incredibly fun to me
>fun to me

no fun allowed

>> No.2336178

It's fucking awful to attempt to learn any skill without being able to revel in your terribleness.

Stop worrying about it so much. You say drawing is the only fulfilling pursuit you've had in your life. Try picking up something else, like an instrument or a sport. If you make drawing out to be the sole purpose of your life without having the experience or the talent to back up that mindset then you'll burn out instantly.

Of course you should be critical of your drawings if you want to improve, but if you're critical to the point of self-disdain then you're impeding progress.

>> No.2336179

then why do you do it?

>> No.2336187


To complain on /ic/ of course.

>> No.2336193

It's like you can't see depth. Your boxes are just symbols of boxes. They don't actually match the model in any way beyond a single relative position.

It's like her bones had been molded like wet clay, fiercely spinned around randomly and then been forced into the silhouette of the poor girl.

>> No.2336198

I'm a masochist.

>> No.2336205

youre so uncomfortable with your level you resort to using work a year old. Not only that, but the beauty of it is your boxes are wrong as well ( some due to proportion, some of them because you are disconnecting them from one another, others due to positioning, all of them because they are chicken scratched) All you had to say to him was to make his boxes more representative of the shape and to have the horizon line and angle in mind but you gave a thousand wrong explanations.

>> No.2336213
File: 261 KB, 450x749, jml.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why... what is wrong with it

>> No.2336218

>youre so uncomfortable with your level you resort to using work a year old
You're so full of shit just hush. I posted that so he can get an idea what to do or what other students did.
>All you had to say to him was to make his boxes more representative of the shape and to have the horizon line and angle in mind
that's not how hampton teaches it now bend down and lick up the excess cum that escaped your filthy mouth

>> No.2336219

look at prokos tutorial on mouths, attack the tits to the triceps, look at sycras tutorial on eyes ( old one or new one) draw the skull so you have an idea of where the hairline ends, look at neck placement in reference, make your values clearer so we can distinguish the legs

>> No.2336224

its the underlying thought of any of those exercises obviously. I dont need to know about hampton for there to be a fucking horizon line. There always is unless you decide your doing a 0 perspective from really far zoom up.

>> No.2336226


God damn just shut up. Why don't YOU post something "bro" instead of directing people to resources like an utter beginner know-it-all.

>> No.2336232
File: 41 KB, 924x942, new oc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

k be impressed

>> No.2336233

Thank you!

on a side note, please keep on the feedback. don't let anyone tell you not to.

>> No.2336235


lmaooo despite you trying so hard to draw badly it clearly shows you're a baddie internally.

>> No.2336236


Quick fixes from 10 minute tutorials isn't going to help you.

>> No.2336239

It sure helps more than silence.

>> No.2336241


Anon, sometimes 10 minute tutorials are exactly what it takes for something to click, as long as you practice it rather than just watch the video, go 'k i get it' then do something else. Something concise, specialized and well explained is incredibly valuable.

Whoever thinks there aren't shortcuts in art just heard it somewhere and parrot it. The only way it's true is that art will be a long game and you won't find a "become a pro in 5 months" tutorial anywhere. But you will find that there are definitely efficient ways to learn and be taught and there are plenty of artistic shorthands. The most difficult/inconvenient road isn't always the best one, either, that seems to be a fallacy people have picked up trying to be contrarian to the people who want to git gud in 5 months.

>> No.2336243

>Quick fixes from 10 minute tutorials isn't going to help you.

He yells from his crust encrusted couch, which he hasn't left in 15 years, as he helps no one.

Some guidance is better than none, nigger.

>> No.2336245
File: 55 KB, 807x812, try 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it better now?

>> No.2336247

needs pretty earrings

>> No.2336250
File: 140 KB, 756x1008, IMG_7625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi there

i've been drawing on and off for a while, but i just came to the realization how bad i really am because i was trapped very early to depend on reference pics. i'm making an effort to draw from imagination. any tips? any resources recommended?

i used a random noun generator, and it gave me 'soup'. i sat for a minute or two and thought of a scene. what are you guys' creative thought processes?

>> No.2336253
File: 78 KB, 600x593, 01f9ed4bed1a3f261b1288ff297adc630b8c60c1500d2ecbc0b2962db12efc86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as long as you practice it rather than just watch the video, go 'k i get it' then do something else
that's exactly what most people here would do, don't underestimate /ic/.

>Whoever thinks there aren't shortcuts in art just heard it somewhere and parrot it
There are shorthands but not shortcuts. You can only master the shorthands by mastering the long, grueling methods. The real parrot here is the one using the 'heard it somewhere and parrot it' meme ironically.

Oh, you wanted an assrub while I suggest you a resource you won't finish. Very well then.

Looks great anon! Love the attention to her eyes! Might I suggest you watch some proko? He has lots of videos on youtube that'll help you out! Cheers!
it's hilarious because it's difficult to draw badly when you're professional and you're clearly struggling to be funny

>> No.2336254

I apriciate that you dedicade your time to keep the beginner thread running and givin advice to folks but you might want to stop arguing with these skilled smart helpfull artists that are clearly superior to us filthy beginner scum.

>> No.2336255
File: 30 KB, 807x812, try 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything else? im really trying this is a gift for my moms birthday

>> No.2336258

needs some facial hair

>> No.2336264

You haven't replied to me once. Is this filth common on this board?

It's not about you being a dick, it's about you being a cock while offering no help. Literally 9gag tier.

Braided hair

>> No.2336270


Those sycra videos gonna transform his art so much bro, so freaking much bro. He gonna come back in 2 hours with so much improvement to >>2336213 piece it'll be like 2 different people drew it. And it's all thanks to Nose Bro Unlimited™ for his helpful, thought out critique on 4chans /ic/ Artwork & Critique board. Where would we be without this 2nd arrival of christ? Mother who art thou in heaven please give this man a tripcode so we can track his helpful posts for generations to generations!

I'm hardly a dick if what I said from the very beginning is true.

>> No.2336271
File: 191 KB, 1557x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been doing heads for a while. I'm better than when I started but I still feel like I'm missing something.

Crit / advice please.

>> No.2336274
File: 337 KB, 616x673, edit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you so much for your help! I appreciate it anon.
i'm not sure i like this drawing anymore, i felt like whenever i tried to fix it it just kept getting more problems. i'll try to work on hard lighting in the future.

>> No.2336278
File: 67 KB, 807x812, try 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we did it reddit!

>> No.2336279
File: 162 KB, 583x575, jasdf;la.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I get more energy/endurance to draw at longer periods
do I have to get /fit/?

>> No.2336281

the mouth shouldn't be so jutted forward..

>> No.2336284

this nigger trying so hard to draw badly he doesn't realize all his internal mistakes

let me repeat myself...you suck

>> No.2336286

Drink some monster. Take cold showers. Exercise. Eat better food.

>> No.2336293

meant for >>2336279 but while I'm at it
ears sit middle 1/3 and you just symbol drew it in + goes behind w/ thickness top skull is too round and you need to cut away from it and proportion too short. You keep fucking up the jaw each drawing.

>> No.2336303

only constructive advice please

>> No.2336314
File: 104 KB, 400x354, fuck you blinglegirl1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


needs more loomis

you suck

>> No.2336317

why do i suck?

>> No.2336318

God damn it, I need new perfect ellipses exercises. Can't draw wheels in perspective for shit.

>> No.2336325
File: 808 KB, 1380x1200, heddles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2336328 [DELETED] 


you wren't born with talent

>> No.2336329


you weren't born with talent

>> No.2336333


Thanks for the advice.

I don't really understand what you said. Are you saying that the ears must fit perfectly within the 1/3 section that is brow to nose? As for symbol drawing I'm not sure what you meant. Do you want a more detailed ear, or the simplistic lines are not representative of a realistic ear?

As for the top of the skull being too round, do you mean it should be more elongated vertically? How do i stop fucking up the jaw? What is the error?

>> No.2336338

Not this person but Nose bro, do you have an good tutorials for the hip/pelvis area?

>> No.2336349
File: 287 KB, 1459x896, nice comeback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I dont have a tutorial that is image based at the moment.

You got me!

>> No.2336353
File: 326 KB, 970x1200, face study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>youre good enough to leave the beginner thread

That's nice of you, thanks, but that drawing came out unexpectedly nicely. I still trip up on basics a lot.

Done for today.

>> No.2336361
File: 68 KB, 480x369, 1383100335168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks so much! I actually prefer videos most the time so this works out grand.

>> No.2336368


Proko is in the sticky...like if you READ it you would be aware of it. But noooo I'm the big bad wolf who is mean by telling you to read the sticky with the same resource.

How is this guy being helpful again?

Damn right I got you. God lord you suck.

>Are you saying that the ears must fit perfectly within the 1/3 section that is brow to nose?

No but it can vary.
>Do you want a more detailed ear, or the simplistic lines are not representative of a realistic ear
A symbol representation is fine but a guess is not.
>As for the top of the skull being too round, do you mean it should be more elongated vertically?
You need to carve the sides so it doesn't look like a balloon.
>How do i stop fucking up the jaw?

>> No.2336370

you hurt my feelings so i request you post your work

>> No.2336374

if I post work while taking a shit that would hurt my public image silly

>> No.2336376

nice defense :) its better than posting a study.

>> No.2336377

but seriously though
>public image
>on an anonymous forum.
when youve posted "1 year old" studies
lol. Then everything i posted i drew 10 months ago and im pro now.

>> No.2336380


not him but you sound like a bigger dipshit with every post you make, slapping your name on all your shitposts isn't a good thing.

>> No.2336381

It's not so anonymous when people know your style. Something you don't understand because ur still unlimitedly shit.

Anyway take off the faggot nametag so I can properly bake you.

>> No.2336384

Less dynamic poses today. They're getting more readable at least.

>> No.2336385
File: 338 KB, 2000x2000, Gesture_2016-01-02 (butts where applicable).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2336389


How long is each gesture, anyway?

>> No.2336390

im polarizing
cant draw out of style/doesnt have a substyle/cant do realism/cant come up with a style ?

>> No.2336392

I'd say about 15-30s, but I'm not timing myself right now.

>> No.2336395
File: 176 KB, 736x994, IMG_762522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi there

i've been drawing on and off for a while, but i just came to the realization how bad i really am because i was trapped very early to depend on reference pics. i'm making an effort to draw from imagination. any tips? any resources recommended?

i used a random noun generator, and it gave me 'soup'. i sat for a minute or two and thought of a scene. what are you guys' creative thought processes?

>> No.2336396

Is it bad to focus on perspective and form/constructing for a year or so before actually considering anything else?

>> No.2336398

If you watch those proko videos you're recommending everyone else then you, too, will also get a style.

>> No.2336402

completely avoiding the question

>> No.2336403
File: 131 KB, 612x670, AMELIASTYLETESTmore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working with Loomis examples. Looking for any sort of feedback,

>> No.2336406

shut up already you moron
I'll record a video for you later tonight.

>> No.2336407

calling me a moron, escaping the question again

>> No.2336408

can you repeat that question?

>> No.2336409

cant draw out of style/dont have a substyle/cant do straight realism/cant come up with a style ?

>> No.2336411
File: 152 KB, 756x1008, IMG_7626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same guy as >>2336395

could use feedback

>> No.2336412

I know you can't do those things but what's the question?

>> No.2336414


They're pretty good for that timespan, most are readable.

>> No.2336415


cant stop shitting up the thread with your egotistical pissing contest?

>> No.2336416

lack of an answer is an answer in itself but its nice to see you dodged for the 3rd time in a row
i AM the thread ill start a new one as soon as it bumps out. Just dont read whatever my name is attached to.

>> No.2336421

>i AM the thread

I think we did just fine without you, actually.

>> No.2336423
File: 682 KB, 2000x2000, Gesture_2015-12-29 (30s).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a bunch, looking forward to it.

I'm used to to drawing fast I guess. I was spitting out these 30s contour drawings daily before I realized what I was doing had little to do with gesture.

>> No.2336425

While I distracted you I made a new thread without your queer nametag attached.

Feel free to hop on over everybody.

>> No.2336426

it was joke

>> No.2336428

the irony being that what you posted is my version of the opening post and you saved me some time <3

>> No.2336429


Get your eyes checked, I edited some of it. So it's not 'yours'.

>> No.2336430

its ours <3 were like parents

>> No.2336433


On second thought you can have it. And no I'm not paying child support.

>> No.2336435

It looks like you're trying to draw the form using just the outline of the figure and what you think the figure looks like. What I'm trying to say is that you're still symbol drawing.

I don't know how much drawing experience you have, but if you're starting from zero, I think >http://drawabox.com/
is a great resource. But I'm going to be honest, the farthest I ever got was lesson three before I got bored and started doing my own think again. Nonetheless, the first two lessons are good to break yourself into understanding perspective and form.

New guy jumping in here. Following the comment chain, I have a vague idea of what the question is, but the way you phrased it is difficult to understand.

>> No.2336437

its not a choice, its legally enforced, and next time you make a thread at least post an image people can study as opposed to some nice work.
he knows just as well hes deciding not to reply for obvious reasons

>> No.2336441

>and next time you make a thread at least post an image people can study as opposed to some nice work

Are you implying people can't study that image? Hello color comp study? Oh you don't know because you're a faggotbeginner. You also must be legally blind because nobody studied your tree picture.

>> No.2336443

one guy did. besides i give multiple options, and my previous frog picture was very loved. Happens. I can pretty much guarantee no one other than you will do the study.

>> No.2336452
File: 200 KB, 527x849, Random Gril Drawing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ech, here's a gril I did a few moments ago.

>> No.2336453

And yes, I know I shouldn't hide the hands, I'm trying to stop doing that.

>> No.2336454

why is she naked
well if they don't do it's not me who doesn't want to get good

>> No.2336461

Because it's hot. And she was sweating so much in her clothing.

>> No.2336463


>> No.2336476

know what? ill give you the next thread. Go ahead and do the redlines for me

>> No.2336481
File: 442 KB, 1000x856, symboldrawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aside from the horrid legs on the left and the face I gave up on, is everything else alright? Are there any glaring issues?

>> No.2336500
File: 1.27 MB, 3375x2551, rena higurashi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can I get some feedback?

>> No.2336505

Her eyes are a bit funny looking.

>> No.2336515

I don't want to steal your flame, you do it. Besides I'm in charge of the anime thread.

>> No.2336525
File: 339 KB, 744x775, rena upgraded eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is this?

>> No.2336531

thats the face i make when i think someone backhandedly insults me but i cant decide if they did senpai

>> No.2336533

Still weird. I guess I should have explained why it's weird. It's not the color, it's the shape of the pupil. It looks like a cat's eye or something, but I don't know if that's what you were going for. They also look a bit dull. Maybe make them more vibrant, and add a highlight.

>> No.2336538
File: 887 KB, 442x294, rena ref.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah she has those kind of pupils in the show, thanks for the reply, I'll get back on it

>> No.2336545

I think the problem is that her eye is very stylized, so the pupil isn't as odd looking. But with your drawing, the eye is not super exaggerated like in the show, so it doesn't mesh will with it. I think it would be better if you just made the pupil a circle.

>> No.2336556

Where can I find a download of Hogarth's Dynamic figure drawing? I do have a pdf, but half of the pages are gone for some reason.

>> No.2336737

>ernest norling - perspective made easy
this book right here take your hand step by step

>> No.2336740

those are some nice gestures anon

>> No.2336952
File: 331 KB, 1404x1244, ref1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 pls, slowly seeing improvement (even if it's dog shit tier). Just started drawing like a week ago, looking for exercises to work on figured this could be one.

Just practicing faces, currently on keys to drawing but this is in between practices and reading.

>> No.2337047
File: 306 KB, 468x391, Itried.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel terrible.
Someone give it to me straight. What went wrong?

>> No.2337050


>> No.2337177
File: 93 KB, 396x678, retarded dress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well mosty it's because your ref looks retarded and is hard. Your lines are bad, but that's maybe not what you were specifically going for.

it seems like you made the smile bigger, and the head also bigger proportionally.

This pic is literally a copy of your ref, and the only thing that is really different is the angle of her torso and the total width of her dress. besides that you really followed the form of everything, and even the difference between an angle and width shouldn't ruin a picture like that one is.

Just get another ref.

Also what resolution are you working with and what pen width?

>> No.2337181

>Your lines are bad, but that's maybe not what you were specifically going for.
No, I've been trying to improve my lines.
>Also what resolution are you working with and what pen width?
I'm on photoshop with a size 3 brush using an actual pixels zoom depth. I don't think I should be doing that, but thick lines triggers my autism.

>> No.2337184
File: 92 KB, 183x184, 1367724546583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so I'm kinda under crunch time

In a nut shell: got sick over break (flu), didn't have time to work on my project for eng 101 class for uni

Basically I am supposed to draw 28 pictures on print paper, using color (paint, colored pencils, pastels, ect) based on what I've read in a piece of literature.

The book I choose is only 430 something pages, so that's not a problem.

The problem is I can't draw. It doesn't have to be super fancy, I just need something passable. Basically my drawing skills are on the level of Chris Chan's.


>> No.2337201
File: 201 KB, 1109x497, line process.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not familiar with Photoshop since I am poor, it just looks like the quality of your lines are really low. There is a lot of background 'noise' in your lines, you should use layers, making a rough sketch, then another one on top and then a final one where you really put your mind to the shape of the lines.

Pic related is what I do.

Also if you want to avoid thick lines you're kinda steered towards realism, or at least the thin lines give you a lot less room for error, since shit that flies with thick lines might not when they are all thin, it requires you to know the subtle form of muscles in the hips, fingers, shoulders and eyelids and so forth.

If you want to avoid shaky lines, you can try to increase the resolution, go real close and draw the lines, then decrease the resolution, it'll smooth over it a bit.

>> No.2337781

find photos of interior spaces and reverse engineer them

>> No.2337854
File: 206 KB, 998x998, IMG_7639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pick this apart please

its another draft of this >>2336411
since it was a fun concept

>> No.2339081
File: 155 KB, 459x475, 46541561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it's my first time shading, then i wan't to know if the shadding according to the light source is right.

>> No.2339313
File: 35 KB, 308x401, 1450402940519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck

go read the sticky, everything is wrong. Don't use references from your funny 4chan images folder, draw proper lines, not that blurry shit

>> No.2339507
File: 464 KB, 739x743, hair now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this thread dead? Can't find a new one.