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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 28 KB, 266x176, tumblr_n5ffwcm4T11sdyyyso1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2325933 No.2325933 [Reply] [Original]

>so i overhear my family discussing who is the laziest in the house
>everyone agrees it's me at the top because i'm NEET
>tfw I've been working 70 hrs a week grinding fundamentals for half the year

post the shit you deal with as as an artist

>> No.2325935

>do tons of commissions
>someone comes into my home office
>"you're not busy, are you?"
do people think I'm on facebook all day or something?

>> No.2325948

I feel yah. I told my friends that I couldn't hang out the other day because I had to study. One of them looked at me and was like "Don't even talk to me about studying ,I know all you do is draw all day" he acts like drawing is some kind of hobbyist pass time for me that I only do for fun. No one understands how serious I am about art. They're all going to college for engineering and shit, while I'm doing art, so I often get looked down on, like I'm pursuing a lesser goal than they are. It's fucking annoying too because I get this "Pshhh, art is easy. I could do art if I wasn't so busy with my college classes." vibe from all of them. Like they think it would be easier than what they're doing in college. They have 0 respect for what I do.

>> No.2325952

Post your art op? I'm interested what you've achieved. Like a progress pic?

>> No.2325953

why are you friends with people who don't respect you?

>> No.2325958

I dunno tho, man. Part of the point of being an artist is to work the hours you want and have control over your life. If you're not hanging out with your friends, you probably just don't want to... unless you've been hanging out with them all week or something, then I get it, they're just eating up too much time.

Don't worry though, most of your 'engineering' friends won't be doing much engineering at their shitty office job in an oil company

Just wait, once you're good and making money at what you do on your own terms, you can call them up at work on weekdays and see if they want to hang out :) Rub it in their face a bit. Yesterday I literally got up at 2pm and sat around reading and eating cookies, while all my friends are at work. Might work tomorrow, might not. It's up to me because I'm a fucking adult.

>> No.2325961

They're good people aside from that. They've been good friends. It's a bummer that they don't care about art, but I can't force them into it. They're the type of friends that rummage through your stuff, grab shit without asking, break things, and then get all defensive when you tell them to "fucking stop". On top of that, when I DO draw in front of them, they turn into back seat artists. They'll say shit like "Why don't you draw Hitler getting shit on by pepe". I sometimes wonder why I'm friends with them as well, but then I remember that I would be terribly lonely with out them.

>> No.2325963

haha, so mean. he won't.

>> No.2325965

Man, I really hope that day comes for me. I've been working hard at it for over a year now. All I want to do is make art for a living.

>> No.2325966

They sound like dicks. What exactly have they done to be considered 'good friends'.

>> No.2325968

Haha, well it took me 7 years. So good luck.

>> No.2325972

They can hold interesting and fun conversations. They support me, even if it doesn't seem like it. I've always been the youngest out of everyone, so that may be why I'm treated like the bottom. I think overall they can be understanding, but often times they're really dense. idk, I like them. They're someone to hang out with and talk/play video games with when I'm all burnt out on drawing for the day. Then I can show them my latest picture and they'll look at it for half a second, not comment, and then completely ignore the fact that I even showed them anything. It's just their over all disinterest in art that's kind of a bummer, other than that, they really are fun people to chill with.

>> No.2325977


Story of my life. My parents think that I'm lazy for studying art and animation since they think that I'm doing it for fun. It's a shame that people don't respect the effort that it takes into becoming good with that medium.

It's kind of discouraging and it's been difficult to improve.


I'm an EE and CS double major instead of having an art major. It's very balance art with them because art is incredibly time-consuming and hard to improve than those two subjects.

>> No.2325985

>tfw I've been working 70 hrs a week grinding fundamentals for half the year

Who do you think you're fooling?

>> No.2325987

Hmm friends can't into art either, so I just never show them art stuff, we never talk about it.

But, you know, I have 'art friends' also, who are not my best friends, but I can talk to them about art. one of the benefits of art school, I suppose.

>> No.2325989

>mfw when i have no other friends than art friends

>> No.2325993

lol people who lie to themselves are the worst

>> No.2325994


>I need to establish a culture of laziness to justify my own procrastination

This is the definition of projection

Believe it or not some people don't want to be lazy fucks

>> No.2325995

10 hours a day isn't hard once you build up to it. i do usually take 2-4 days off a month where i don't draw at all as a reset

>i have no social life

>> No.2325998


It's easy to do if you have nothing else on your plate.

>> No.2325999

Just a heads up for you younger artists. I'm in my 30's, been doing the art thing for a long time, and I do make money. Shows, high end galleries, all that jazz. My family and friends still have that impression that art isn't a job. They will think it's ok to disrupt my day when they feel like it. From what I've heard this is pretty common.

The solution is to stay firm with them (and yourself) by maintaining studio hours. This is when it's not ok to interrupt you unless it's an emergency. You don't have to be a dick about it, but when you're self-employed you aren't going to make money when you're not working. They'll come around eventually if you maintain your professionalism. I guess there's a popular fantasy that working artists fuck around all day then flit over to their studios and tickle the canvas once in a while when the muse descends upon them. If only.

>> No.2326007

Yeah I understand completely. I go to a really great school that I've worked tremendously hard to be in and for some reason people have a hard time understanding when you can't hang out because you have to work. Then again, a lot of the other students at this particular academy (who aren't exactly serious about it) act the same way.

What bothers me the most though is that even though the school is in another country and I and all the other students are in the studio for ~11 hours straight every day six days a week, most of my friends and family can't seem to understand that it's difficult to stay in touch as much they would like.

>> No.2326013

Any tips for building up to it? There's 3 days a week that I don't have much time to draw but the rest of the week I'm averaging 3-6 hours a day or less when I could be doing way more.

>> No.2326022

start small and keep it consistent, then move it up. i suggest moving the minimum time up by an hour every month. i started with a 2 hour minimum a day. once you've done that for a month it's pretty much a habit. then move up an hour for the next month.

make sure you stay religiously to your schedule. if you miss one day it's really easy to fall into not taking it seriously. i have flexible free days since i'm at a point that i'm consistent with the work i put in.

also buy a year planner for your wall and write in how many hours you put in each day. it's a bit harder to miss your target when you have to see the shame for the rest of the year

>> No.2326026

Bull fucking shit faggot.

>> No.2326033

My elderly mother who interrupts every fucking thing I do - she even just interrupted me typing this very fucking comment - with some asinine bullshit. Constantly makes stupid decisions that I have to cover for so even though I got paid enough off of a gig this year to pay off all my debts, I'm now even deeper in debt thanks to her. I've actually thrown out my back with all the errands she's having me do, yet she looks at me every day like I'm sitting around scratching my ass, not to mention the other health problems I've been having and appointments I've had to keep that keep me from working too. She's taking the one week I actually can't do anything because of my fucked up back to tell me how lazy & disgusting I am for leaving some receipts & other papers on the table. Nothing like empty food containers, literally just documents. I hate how she'll take up my entire day with shit, then at the end of the day ask why I didn't finish my commission. I fucking hate it.

>> No.2326035

And on the subject of her calling me lazy, I'm the only one of her kids who has two degrees that I got while working and living on my own. The only one to never have needed to be bailed out of jail, or had any problems with drugs and the law or irresponsible sex or anything, and I get the least amount of sympathy. When my back went out I fucking almost threw up when I tried to move it was so painful and she just stared at me like I was a piece of shit. Fffffffffuck herrrrrrrr.

>> No.2326049
File: 49 KB, 316x410, ThrowMommafromtheTrain-PosterArt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time to pic related.

>> No.2326056

I love that movie. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't tempted.

>> No.2326059

You're on a computer all day doing vague things they don't understand, of course they think you're doing nothing.

>> No.2326063

stop doing art and get a real job.

>> No.2326064

>do art
>be amazing
>family super proud of me
>still can't seem to sell anything
>be named brian

>> No.2326083

Post your work, and I'LL let you know if you're amazing or not.

>> No.2326090

ITT: fucking lazy ungrateful neets
Try holding a day job while studying art at the same time.

>> No.2326095

Sure. You try to be a good artist and I'll try to work at McDonald's. We'll switch places for a day

>> No.2326101
File: 3.99 MB, 238x177, 1441760364275.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask them to draw a human figure from memory. Tell them to take as long as they need.

Then draw one in literally 15 mins because you've been studying all this time. (idk if you really can)
Then go onto say, "This is why I study so often."
Fuckin' BTFO, do a 360 and then walk away. Dump the "friend" and get some new ones. Stop hanging out with poisonous people, and start hanging out with the ones that you can vibe well with.

Don't give me that, "we've been friends for 10+ years!"
If they can't respect what you do, then why respect them back? Fuck them. It's for the better.

Pic very much related.

>> No.2326107

Because drawing to them is useless, face it, it really is.

>> No.2326114

Holy shit. Way to bring my dick into this, both figuratively and literally. Idk if I'm ready to drop them, but I can already feel us drifting apart naturally. I think it's just a matter of time before we just stop hanging out due to conflict of interest. I kind of want to say that to them now though. Next time the opportunity presents itself, I'll go for it.

>> No.2326118

Reality check kid, if you are living in their house rent free, being a mooch, and they want to criticize you then get a fucking job. You aren't owed shit, kid. You should either be glad they are providing for your ass while you study, or move the fuck out and pay your own way through life.

Also, a pet peeve of mine is if you aren't making a living off of your art (which it sounds like you aren't) then you are NOT an artist, you WANT to be an artist.
Some kid that throws a football around his backyard all day long isn't a fucking quarterback, and you aren't an artist.... yet. Maybe you will be, but at this point you are a wanna-be.
So just suck up your families criticism, it's the price you pay for having them provide for you.

>> No.2326123

This to be honest family.

Get a part time job and work like 20 hours a week so you can at least provide for yourself instead of mooching. That arrangement gives you plenty of time for art.

>> No.2326128

Different anon here but I used to have some friends like that. They weren't bad people but they had next to no concern for my attempts to better myself as an artist unless it involved drawing something for them. It ended up with us having a small falling out instead of a civil separation, but I finally had room in my life for friends with similar interests and my life and art have been way the fuck better for it, for the most part. Don't let it get to the point where it's messy, if you really think it's for the best.

>> No.2326130
File: 106 KB, 495x700, noir-art-rene-gruau-via-mysargasso-tumblr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what I like to hear.
Don't let yourself become a hermit.
Just surround yourself with people that support what you do, and you can support what they do.

I would post another pic like that, but I'm not sure if I SHOULD (if you know what I mean)
Anyway, here's an equally good pic of a Gruau piece

>> No.2326136


beta detected

>> No.2326139

>check out thread
>all this whining about dedicating life to art
>nobody posts their art

ya'll are some shitters

>> No.2326143

>checks out thread
>whines nobody posted their art in a thread where it's totally irrelevant
>doesn't post their art

>> No.2326145


>green text

>> No.2326146

>being stupid
>current year

>> No.2326147

>P.S it's Chrismas eve you fuckers are looosers!

>> No.2326149

>Including yourself.

>> No.2326150

nothing because I dont care what people think, fuck me saying I dont care means I care. Well to be honest I care a little in fact I care enough to shower and be clean but thats as much as my caring goes. I dont understand no I cant fathom as to why people care what someone else thinks about them. I just cant grasp my head arond it.

>> No.2326152

>"WHAT DO YOU MEAN DRAWING IS HARD?" all you ever do there is sit and draw, thats not hard anon"
well thanks bitch.

>> No.2326153

Do you know what the T stands for? You aren't a NEET

>> No.2326156

holding "interesting and fun conversations" with you is the bare minimum of being a friend. Personally, i wouldn't even count that as being friend material. more like acquaintance or 'classmate you get along with' level. Normally, I'd suggest you talk to them about respecting your craft and feelings on the matter. But if they can't respect something as basic as not rummaging through your stuff/breaking things, they're not likely to respect anything you ask or even respect you.

you can definitely find better friends who have common interests like games but at the same time understand that art isn't 'easier' than the technical disciplines.

I've been in that situation before, holding onto friends because they were all I had. Years later, you fully realize that you were never considered a true friend (never being invited to things, only being included in on personal matters when they were mad at their other friends, being used for art projects etc.)

If your school has (art) clubs or year long courses (capstones), go join them. they're a great way to meet people because if you're a person who has trouble making friends immediately, working with people long term sort of forces you to interact and open up.

you can do better anon

>> No.2326157
File: 1.25 MB, 300x162, Cokehenry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents tell me to work less whenever I visit, they insist I take a break, so I did for the christmas/new year.
>tfw theres nothing do do and you go back to drawing out of boredom.

>> No.2326161

>I'm an EE and CS major
iktf senpai, i hardly have time to draw during the school year. Went 5 months without drawing from being too exhausted after school+work. Starting to get organized though and I don't have to work next semester so hopefully I can get some good hours in.

>> No.2326162

>still didn't post art
>clearly had nothing to say
>nothing of value was lost

>> No.2326172


Nah, just drunk, thought I'd pop in and let you fucking morons indulging in some kind of self pitying "whoa is me, I suffer so much for my art" whinge fest that you're probably all absolute shite anyway.

I'm sorry your parents don't understand how your tumblr blog of scribbles copied from a loomis book or never ending "studies" won't pay the rent, whenever you decide to actually try moving out that is.

Or how one day soon you'll scale the heady heights of the art world and actually, finally manage to have your very own patreon specialising in making weeb porn.

>> No.2326174



>> No.2326175

>drawing people exclusively
>not complete waste of time
ahahahahaha fucking dishwashers

>> No.2326209

Why are you guys so beta all the time? You're taking shit from a fucking woman? Why?

>> No.2326211

My mom isn't just some fucking woman, she's my mother, and she's fucking old and has cancer so I'm trying to be there for her half-delusional ass, even though she drives me insane. But don't you talk shit on my mom bro.

>> No.2326214

It's no excuse for being a little bitch about it. Seriously, if you let anyone treat you like that they'll walk all over you.

>> No.2326215


honestly friend, you playing chestbeating ugga ugga alpha male doesn't impress anyone.

>> No.2326216


>> No.2326244

I'd like some advice, d/ic/ks. My parents are planning on moving somewhere out of state, and I have no plans to move with them. I'm going fucking insane because I don't have a job and I've spent all my time doing nothing but drawing for the past year and 4 months. I'm not nearly as good as I want to be, but I am improving. It just really sucks right now because If I get a job, I know I'll have less time to draw, and if I draw less, I might get worse, and if I get worse I lose confidence, and then I start worrying about if I made the right choice. I just want to know, should I take up a job and do art on the side? Art is too important to me, but I feel like I've become addicted to trying to improve. I live in constant fear of not improving, and I'm scared that getting a job will cause my skills to stagnate or regress, but at the same time, holy shit I don't have money, and I don't know what to do! I keep telling my parents that I'm looking to do "commission work" or "build a portfolio" but I just haven't done either of those things. I draw every day, but I can never seem to finish anything. Fuck me.....

>> No.2326245

What? Sorry I can't understand you with that thick caveman accent.

>> No.2326254
File: 631 KB, 810x810, 1423085168014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why haven't you listened to your inner Chad and taken pointers from Feng yet, /ic/?

>> No.2326307

>Wants to get gud
>Never finishes anything
Nigga, how else do you expect to git gud if you never complete your pieces?

If you really want to make "easy" money, set up an alter ego and a Patreon/Tumblr/Paypal account, and start taking all kinds of porn commissions.

>> No.2326309

What if people recognize my art?

>> No.2326312

As for completing a piece, I don't know. How long, on average would you say it takes to finish a piece? I think the longest I've ever spent on a piece was 2 days. Is it normal to spend more than 2 days, or even weeks on a picture?

>> No.2326352

more importantly, who fucking cares?

>> No.2326357

Are we allowed to share our Patreon creator page on /ic/?

>> No.2326370

I fucking care. What if because of that, I don't get hired by potential companies/employers?

>> No.2326373

Everyone draws erotic shit, and everyone knows it. I really don't think it would affect you getting work unless you're not drawing "age appropriate" porn, if you catch my drift.

>> No.2326377

I understand. Maybe I'll give it a shot. Should I do fetishist/niche stuff or try to appeal to a wider audience with more vanilla stuff? What is easier do you think?

>> No.2326378

Do your best to cover yourself up, and deny it if it ever is brought up.
Of course, your deniability will only be as good as your cover up.
Work on different styles of art, and choose one that will be for porn and one that will be for yourself. Hell, go as far as to even writing/signing differently.
Just work towards having great or god-tier skill, and maybe then people won't care so long as you keep doing what you're doing (but that might be overly-optimistic).

Depends on the piece.
Gestures should not take 2 days to do.
Simple drawings from life should only take a few hours at most.
Speed should come naturally after certain points.
Sounds like you're just putting yourself down/over critical.
I really don't know.
I get that not every single piece is going to be completed, but if you have nothing to show for your skills then there really isn't a reason to continue.

I'm pretty sure that's a big fat no.
Tumblr or some other type of blog would be accepted in the self-promotion threads, or if some one asks for your blog.
But posting your Patreon seems like a shill move.

I'm pretty sure companies/employers will ignore that shit if you fit the job description and your art work is on-par or greater to what they are looking for.
If you aren't blatant connected to your extremely erotic works, and the works are considered legal and won't give the company bad rep, then you should be fine.
Who cares if some autist makes implications of you being connected to some porn.
Companies aren't going to kick you out for drawing some weird porn, especially if you're a good person and employee.
And if they do, it should be their lose, not yours.
So work towards that.

>> No.2326386

Hey, thanks for the encouragement. I'll try to keep this as hidden as I possibly can. I can't have my friends/family looking down on me because I needed money.

>> No.2326387


wrong + i'm not rent free. i do make money from my art (not much as of late because i'm not posting + refusing most commissions) and i'm still paying my parents £40 a week from the supplemental income i have.

i'm taking a year out of uni at the moment to learn to draw gud. come september i'll be back in the system on an animation course for 2 years in another country, hopefully doing drawings that will pay off my debts at the same time

>> No.2326521

They sound like assholes. You don't have to be friends with assholes. Find people who respect you.

>> No.2326577
File: 18 KB, 438x428, 1450836972629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and i'm still paying my parents £40 a week

>> No.2326593

>whoa is me

are you a horse?

>> No.2326608


Post your art, pls

>> No.2326616
File: 483 KB, 497x732, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"every artist moves at their pace anon"
>tfw your pace is slow as fuck

>> No.2326623
File: 1.02 MB, 791x1000, december-24-2015-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made a solemn swear i wouldnt post anymore on here but it's christmas and i'm taking the day off. ill make it my new years resolution to only lurk.

>> No.2326626
File: 752 KB, 1000x712, december-24-2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and heres another one from yesterday

>> No.2326629
File: 924 KB, 748x1000, december-25-2015-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and one more recent one

>> No.2326630
File: 497 KB, 750x1000, december-24-2015-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here's a gingerbread man I made into Colonel Sanders. okay im done now. im gonna try not to post anymore

>> No.2326661

>Don't let yourself become a hermit.
I didn't realize this by myself, thanks anon now i know what i've become.

>> No.2326677


>found a grammatical error I can nitpick
>I am now the superior intellect
>finally! self-validation!

>> No.2326680

Are you a girl?

Can you support this D?

>> No.2326704

Yeesh someone's projecting.

>> No.2326718

call the bitch out on it. Maybe she'll listen

>> No.2326730


I work full time and get about 30-35 hours a week in.
Doing 70 hours with no job aint that hard

>> No.2326754

fucked up proprtions and values.
needs more loomis

>> No.2326854
File: 1.45 MB, 200x162, 1441763005364.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but I got something else that could

>> No.2327054

Mother fucker, if you've spent 16 months not holding down a job and just working on fucking basics and can't even have a fucking portfolio yet I have some news for you.

You aren't meant to be a professional artist.

By all means keep on drawing but the reality of the situation is if you really have sent 16 months exclusively focusing on art and can't even finish enough art to put together a portfolio it isn't magically going to change in the next month or two.

So my advice get a job, and do art on the side.

You won't be making the "wrong decision" by doing that, because you ALREADY tried the alternative (just focusing on art).

This post isn't meant to tell you to give up on art, but rather to try to assure you that holding down a job isn't a bad thing it can actually be enjoyable, and then the "pressure" of "succeeding" at will diminish and you can create art from fresh eyes.

And worse case, if you get a job and it sucks it'll end up motivating you even more on your art.


>> No.2327064

How is that projecting? If you live in someone's house eat their food and use their utilities and are out of high school, they have a right to get bitchy about you being a mooch, because you ARE a mooch.

I have lived on my own since age 18. So....... no projection.

Or are you referring to where I point out that if you don't make a living at something you shouldn't refer to yourself as that profession? If I like going to karaoke and singing on Tuesday nights, that doesn't make me a "singer". It means I may want to be a singer, but I am not in fact, a "singer".

I think you need to look up what projection actually means.

>> No.2327129

still inspiring... 7 years to mastery~

>> No.2327130

teach me senpai

>> No.2327135

desu i'd rather draw all day than study nursing, they want us to know almost as much as the doctors. on the other hand, it's easier to just read the textbook and notes, memorize stuff, than produce quality art.

>> No.2328340

not my type of art, like jesus christ it still looks like a damn child did it.

>> No.2328537

>do a 360 and walk away

>> No.2328560

>play various games (Vidya and table top)
>like to draw pictures for friends in both hobbies
>"what would you like me to draw?"
>"draw my character boning/being boned by X"

To be fair, I think it's been helping me with anatomy

>> No.2328564

you should balance it by drawing on canvas, normie preception usually shifted if you have physical evidence as artist

i did some, and one of my uncle buy it either because pityness or proud

>> No.2328725

This tbz

>> No.2328736


Some people have comfortable lives at home with their families who are more than happy to live with them. Just because you wanted to leave at 18 due to shit parents or you got kicked out doesn't mean you can put others down for choosing something else. Sure there is a limit and I think at 25+ you are pushing it a bit, but studying art or studying at uni from home with your parents is completely fine if not a good thing, as long as you all get along well and help out with housework + cooking

>> No.2328740

>Sure there is a limit and I think at 25+ you are pushing it a bit, but studying art or studying at uni from home with your parents is completely fine if not a good thing
being a manchild isn't a good thing

>> No.2328802

Being in dept is worse.

>> No.2329014

And in case you missed the entire point of OP's post as well as mine, things AREN'T fine for OP, their family is pissed at them, that is what started this thread.

My point is if the people that are paying for your shelter and nourishment are tired of supporting your ass, don't come on a message board and whine, FIX the problem.

Also, for the record I left home at 18 because I came from a small town and wanted to experience more in life. I didn't want to just grind away and study art in a small community with only a handful of galleries and a VERY "traditional" set of values.

I moved to a more art friendly city, met my wife, got a good job, and still do art in both my day job (commercial design) and sell paintings and photos in galleries as well.
So the point is, fear not OP, moving out of your parent's and supporting yourself with a day job doesn't mean the end of the world, it actually can be the best thing for you.

>> No.2329040

You're justifying having them as friends even though you're not. I had friends like this that only came around when they had no one else too, they are literally worthless. But I get how lonely it is. Do what you want and life and friends will follow

>> No.2329065


Some friends really do just shit talk each other a lot. It's not rare and it doesn't always mean they're bad friends. If you're afraid to rib someone a bit you're probably not that close.

>> No.2329076

> try to draw during the day
> family: "it's a beautiful day why are you sitting inside let's go out!
> try to draw at night
>end up staying up late and sleeping through the morning and get criticized for sleeping the day away

Either I have no social life or I don't sleep.

I hate going to bed at 3-4 in the morning but late at night is the only time I get to draw because I have no disctractions.

>> No.2329084

I'm the exact opossite
Family thinks I'm studying hard but actually I'm lazy as shit

>> No.2329088

A mom it's not just "a woman". It's THE woman.
If anything, he shouldn't take shit from anyone to begin with.

>> No.2329463

I don't know, I think it looks really quite cool.

>> No.2329473

Everyone tells me how great I am and how I'll be famous one day and asks me to draw their dog or their stupid kids. I get daily praise and get featured on websites all over the place. So much attention is wears me out. It's a hard life.

>> No.2329698

>kid x3

Utterly disregard anything this angry "kid" says.

>> No.2329783
File: 11 KB, 150x217, seriously.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alcohol meme
>ad hominem
damage control

>> No.2329786


>> No.2330191
File: 36 KB, 500x500, wgz6c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2330201

ITT whiny children who think drawing semi-pretty pictures is art
collectively kys

>> No.2330218


>not understanding memes
>christmas day, drunk isn't surprising
>no addressing of self in the post
>i know some debate terms! i'm smart
Dumbass control

>> No.2330231

everytime i tell my friends or family i cant do something because i have to work on commissions i feel a bit silly like theyre not taking me seriously and think i can just drop it and do something else whenever i want

>> No.2330247

>7 years to mastery
No. I am mediocre. Just good enough to get steady work.

>> No.2330288
File: 641 KB, 1224x1632, IMG_0185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 32
>take up art because I love art despite rl disability
>discover abstract expressionism
>people like my work, get small commissions
>post here, get told i'm wasting paint, i suck..
>now worry my work is too simple and basic

Pic related is my latest...

>> No.2330291

>>people like my work, get small commissions
This is all that matters. Keep it at, family

>> No.2330349

Why? It's the truth.

>> No.2330353

If you're getting aid from the government (which you do in the UK even if you're living at home), you should give some of it to your parents since they're providing for you whether you credit it or not.

They may like you around the house, what loving family doesn't want their children around? But that doesn't mean it gets any easier for them, they're still PAYING for you, even if you're supposedly a responsible adult at this time.

I'm 20, home for christmas this year and in my second year of uni studying Graphic Design. I live with my mother, it's only her and me. I gave her about £35-£40 a week when I was working as a waitress over the summer holiday, really not that much but goes a long way for a single parent.

Unless you're helping out in some way, you've got no right to moan about shit. Move out if it's such a big deal for you. Oh wait, you cant because you're a 'struggling artist' that's 'failed to be recognised' and never finishes anything.

>> No.2330357
File: 16 KB, 300x100, 158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice try, degenerate!

>> No.2330361

Don't take this board as valuable critique. It only favours a certain style of 'illustration' as a means to success. There are artists out there and this place doesn't hold a candle to them. Imo, it is too simple, but go to an oldtime local abstract painter near you and ask him. Not a bunch of whiney cunts.

>> No.2330363

I...I'm lost.

What point are you trying to make here?

>> No.2330366


You've probably had your fare share of tips. Including THIS tip

*shoves cock in your mouth*

>> No.2330368
File: 200 KB, 1000x750, Got my BFA did, fam!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>old time local abstract painter

Yeah, go consult an aging, debt ridden hippy on welfare about your Pollock derivatives anon.

>> No.2330370

Nicely done, guy!

I wasn't expecting that one, atleast not such a big 'one' anyway.

>> No.2330373

It was a joke about you being a man because there's no women on the internet nigga, how new are you.

>> No.2330374

Do you have any other advice, other than shitting on someone elses? Or are you a little butthurt over the jibe about how half this board does nothing of value?

>> No.2330375

*teleports behind u*
*slaps ur butt*

>> No.2330377

An ancient one, sure. In hindsight it doesn't really apply these days- on that archer-hack thread two 'femanons' posted their faces, so I wouldn't doubt there to be a handful of working vaginas on this board.

Regardless, pay your parents something.

>> No.2330402


First reasonable response I've seen on this board for a while.

>inb4 samefag

>> No.2330414


>Not all art has to be representational portraiture.
>Paint what the fuck you like and enjoy.
>99% of posters here will never get a paid commision or turn pro and just make endless "studies" for their DA or Tumblr account

You're 32, don't spend time worrying what some Anonymous dumbass, (who's probably a high-school kid that knows a bit of jargon they read in an illustration handbook) told you on an internet forum.

>> No.2330419


You're 32, don't spend your time worrying what some Anonymous dumbass, (who's probably a college student that knows a bit of jargon he read in a $75 book he was forced to purchase to supplement his $40,000 a year stint at the Art Institute) told you on an internet forum.

>> No.2330422

Keep on pulling in those commissions. You're probably making an awesome hourly rate, by the looks of it.

You do suck, but oh well. Almost the entire population sucks at art and they make a living just fine.

>> No.2330515

Thanks anon.

>> No.2330541

I just feel shitty about not finishing paintings but I am decent at drawing so it's not all bad- just wish I could finish stuff. I need an easel but am very broke from being unemployed. Basically I have a shit load of potential but am too dumb and lazy to utilize my hand to finish anything. I'm one of those people that need to be told what to do cause if I'm left to my own devices I do fuck all. Been neet for 2 years and haven't gotten anything done.

Nobody calls me lazy cause I actually clean and cook. At least do that, OP.

>> No.2330573

You should build an easel. Lots of plans on the internets, $10-30 if you buy shit, less if you can scavenge. All you need is a handsaw, a drill and a tape measure.

>> No.2330983
File: 11 KB, 447x378, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not a bad idea, kinda obvious when I think about it now. Thanks, anon!

>> No.2331006

Are you making money? FYI: Art is a lesser goal than engineering in all honesty. Engineering has a real practical use while most art is really just self-serving. That's a fact. You just have to man up and own up to it. I have friends who are engineers too. Hell most of my best friends are not artists. but they don't give me shit because I make money from it. I have a day job too.

>> No.2331045
File: 339 KB, 1146x833, f94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant fap to drawn porn because I keep noticing the glaring anaomical inconcistencies.

Why cant Adam Hughes and Ed Benes just draw porn. Fuck.

>> No.2331535

I can always tell when an abstract work is put together thoughtfully and passionately, or whether it is just thrown together crap. Yours is great, please keep producing. Real artists ship.

>> No.2331555

>if you don't make $$ you are not an artist
>i don't know what art is

>> No.2331557


>> No.2331558

>Also, a pet peeve of mine is if you aren't making a living off of your art (which it sounds like you aren't) then you are NOT an artist, you WANT to be an artist.

Not being a professional artist doesn't make you not an artist. We don't pay out shitposters to do what they do but they're still shitposters.
Artist is a descriptor for "person who makes art." It is not "person who is paid by somebody to make art."
As for your shitty example:
>Some kid that throws a football around his backyard all day long isn't a fucking quarterback

If he plays quarterback he's a fucking quarterback. Literally. It's the name of a fucking position on a team with a role, his income has nothing to do with it.

>> No.2331572

What he meant, I feel, is that if anon is not getting paid for his work as an artist and supporting himself then his family doesn't need to respect his status as an artist and continue to allow themselves to be exploited into anon's late 20's.

For example, an anon in this thread claimed he pays his parents 40 euros a week which wouldn't even cover the food and drink he consumes, much less his university bills he purportedly has >>2326387

>> No.2332028

>what he meant

It's pretty clear what he meant. He tried to define an artist as someone who makes money off their work. That's false every way you look at it. An artists don't have to be making money off their work to be acknowledged as an artists. They just have to be good. That tangent literally made no sense. But yeah, if you're still living with family over the age of 18, they have every right to light a fire under your ass. You can't really complain unless you are actually pulling your own weight around the house aka being a roommate and not a leech.

>> No.2332035

I'll be honest, I'm not gonna say I like your work, but obviously some people do and that matters a lot, keep at it, for their sake and yours

>> No.2332041


Don't be too harsh on anon, 40 euros is a decent contribution to blood relatives who love you and raised you. If that's the most they can pay, so be it.


The anon is wrong, clearly. Perhaps he's getting mixed up with having 'a career as an artist' and with the title of artist singularly. You do not have to sell a painting to be an artist, because art is considered more a more personal, self serving title than that of illustrator, or graphic designer. I feel his point has more weight in those fields (illustration and design) since they tend to work on a more commission-based basis.

>> No.2332103


You won't regress. Taking your foot off the gas won't magically make a car go backwards. Your progress will just decelerate. So long as you don't stop altogether, you'll keep moving.
Get a job to pay the bills, spend your free time working on art. That's what loads of people do.

But finish shit, man. That's like the most important step. Set yourself a quota, produce a finished piece like once a month, absolute minimum.

>> No.2332151
File: 210 KB, 480x640, 1449667007763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

piss off

>> No.2332757
File: 46 KB, 981x624, yd2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> want to draw/paint seriously
> secretly just like my 30 sec sketches, construction lines and all
> feel like I'm being a muh style fag
> lose the expression/motion when I paint and detail it though

>> No.2332992

>painting traditionally feels a-ok
>painting digitally just feels off

>> No.2332998

>tell my moms friend im going into graphic design and want to do freelance art on the side

>in an extremely sarcastic undertone "Oh maybe you'll make the next great tv show or video game, you know, screw all those other people doing the same thing! you'll be better than them!"

Or maybe she wasnt being sarcastic at all and im just so used to being told that what im doing is retarded that i mistake every ounce of encouragement as sarcasm

>> No.2332999

you're the reason I am embarrassed to call myself an "artist".

How long does something like that take you? Like a total of 30 minutes not counting the drying times? It's unoriginal, basic, and about as superficial as "art" comes.

When someone asks what I do for a living I hate saying "art" because they instantly think of trash like what you make. They think of the tormented alcoholic artist that paints through emotion and bullshit.

>> No.2333001

Honestly if you choose to devote all your time to art you should get used to the fact that people will see you as goofing around.

In a way, you are. Others suck it up and do the things they need to. You obviously don't need to work as if you did you wouldn't have 10 hours a day to devote to art (and create childish pseudo abstract wastes of paint, at that)

I want artists to stop thinking that there is nobility in their horrible life choices. It just makes your journey harder and more confusing.

I hear a lot of people talking about 'making it' and so far I can only see that it's an umbrella phrase for 'when doodling will bring me fulfillment in life'

>> No.2333019

all of you are just licking each others wounds... hurry up with my big mac meal

>> No.2333021

just label yourself illustrator or something less broad that is in your field. simples

>> No.2333027

who pissed in your cornflakes?

>> No.2333241

Cry me a river you lazy sack of shit. Just say you're an illustrator then fuckboi.

>> No.2333269

ITT people calling other people "kids" and telling them about "the real world"

>> No.2333274

Yeah, what the other anon said. Shut up fuckboi.

>> No.2333286
File: 1.38 MB, 800x343, 1451516570252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hear a lot of people talking about 'making it' and so far I can only see that it's an umbrella phrase for 'when doodling will bring me fulfillment in life'

It's used in many contexts, like gamedev or on /fit/. In general, it just means an overall level of success.

Why is it bad for a person to hope to be a professional drawer or gamedev or fitness model or football player?

>> No.2333467

>Being treated like your career isn't work or a technical skill that requires practice
fucking humans man

>> No.2333468

"You're so lucky you have talent and can draw so well. Too bad I was born without talent, otherwise I would do it too."

>> No.2333765
File: 37 KB, 546x550, Purple_squirt_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2333866

>artist that paints through emotion and bullshit.
How is this a bad thing?
Fucking cuck yourself holy shit

>> No.2334200


Nobody's profession is imortant in on itself, your engineer friends aren't inspired visionaries, who'll push humanity forward. They just do their work for a paycheck and take up space someone else would gladly occupy.

>man up

eaaa mayne, man up

and marry that single mother or w/e

That's some serious tool mentality you've got there.

>> No.2334212

>Nobody's profession is imortant in on itself, your engineer friends aren't inspired visionaries

Those professions have practical uses regardless if they aren't inspired visionaries.

>who'll push humanity forward.

They keep humanity on it's feet while the revolutionaries of their fields are the ones who push it further. Art does impact culture obviously but for every 1 truly good revolutionary artist there are thousands upon thousands that are worthless and will always be forgotten in time because they just follow the mold and aren't true creatives (see internet fan-artists).

>> No.2334220

you should go see a doctor about that shit.

>> No.2334261

>lose the expression/motion when I paint and detail it though

>> No.2334279

>Art does impact culture obviously but for every 1 truly good revolutionary artist there are thousands upon thousands that are worthless and will always be forgotten in time because they just follow the mold and aren't true creatives (see internet fan-artists).
You can literally say that about any field in existence.

>> No.2334283

I dunno. Every field has its luminaries and visionaries that elevate humanity, just as every field has a larger number of people who function as tools of the powerful that do very little useful, or even reverse human progress. Hm.. like advertisers or army corps of engineers damn builders. Don't ever let the idea that a big or decent steady paycheck equals being beneficial to society. A lot of these people aren't holding together the structure of the world so much as being used to make rich people richer, or given make-work projects by governments.

>> No.2334309

If you do not make a living at your art you are not an artist, you WANT to be an artist.

If I sing in my shower, but am not good enough to get paid to sing out at bars/clubs I am not a singer, I WANT to be a singer.

>> No.2334318
File: 57 KB, 521x717, FB_IMG_1451608922737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else feels like drawing for a living is like joining the night's watch?

>Draw 6 hours a day
>Have a routine I cannot break
>All friends go out to parties until 7am and I'm at home sleeping
>No time to try and get a gf
>At family gatherings I see all my cousins talk about their jobs and economy and other boring shit
>Stare at their beautiful girlfriends I'll never have
>Soul = crushed
>Feel completely alienated when interacting with normal humans
>No socially anxious or anything I just have almost no things in common with them

The destruction of the ego is the only way to make it, otherwise we'll go insane or become drug addicts.

>> No.2334349

Inspiration comes from multiple venues. If sitting down and drawing is the only thing you're doing with your life as an artist you're already doing it wrong. Get more hobbies. Pay attention to the events of the world around you and pull inspiration from it too. You don't even have to be a social butterfly to do that. Be that man of few words. Those people tend to love talking about themselves anyway so just play the ear.

>> No.2334353

show them the shekels to prove it.
you can't? Then forget about any sympathy from them

>> No.2334634

I don't think OP's parents think drawing classes as training. Also, he's probably not enrolled in an official course anyway.

>> No.2334641

I really like this one anon.

>> No.2334730

What are you studying right now? Can I have some links and titles?


>> No.2334818


Yeah Van Gogh was no artist

>> No.2335651

>graphic design

My sides, my fucking sides! I literally wanna get into graphic design so i can btfo all the shit chicks at a company really make them think about how they are not good and fat, fucking bitches

>> No.2335815

Being able to draw is a huge yet underrated pussy magnet. If you're able to sketch out a portrait, withstanding the anxiety that comes from being observed, you could pull massive amounts of pussy with drawing them like one of your French girls kind of game.

>> No.2335833

Yada yada yada feels bad op yep whatever

Let's talk about the more important stuff : the sauce of that gif.

>> No.2335841

go back to /b/ horndog

>> No.2335851

Mother issues, much?

>> No.2335886


>> No.2335899


Is that really purple? It looks more blue to me. Not being pedantic, genuine question, I used to be colour blind.

>> No.2336149

>If I sing in my shower
i guess

>If you do not make a living at your art you are not an artist

if you create art, then you are an artist.
again, you don't seem to know what the meaning of the word 'art' is

>> No.2336154

sounds familiar...

>> No.2336190

is this considered a good or bad movie?
I really liked it.

>> No.2336192

you know you are onto something when you flip your canvas without wanting to kill yourself