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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2328261 No.2328261 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread


Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/4YDuzW77 (needs updated)

working on update, have about 1 week before some new computer parts arrive, and got sone new shit to play with from christmas, so yea... pastebin may be updated/corrected/whatever by the time of next thread, if people know what the "needs update" specifically means, be my guest to post something that needs to be added, minor grammar corrections are already happening.

with that said, going to be going through the previous thread now.

>> No.2328273

How do do I build a visual library? How should I approach the studies?

>> No.2328277

to be fair, most signatures only look like the name once you already know the name, i may have been able to figure out steve, but that last name... not a fucking chance.

repetition and iteration, dont skip days always draw something.

whenever you want really, if you are parinoid get a protective surface

commit to one abstraction method and learn that good first, only read and learn in that method till its something you know without looking, then look at other methods and see what you can take from them... all abstraction tries to get you to the same place in the end, so learning a fuck ton really just puts you at a disadvantage.

anatomy books, along with an abstraction of the hand.

for one, learn an abstraction, and fit the abstraction to the pose, the more you know about anatomy the easier it is to create something real from your mind.

for 2, i would say stick with sketches till you no longer see flaws, no reason to polish shit when you can still learn fast through repetition.

because you aren't trying to make it good, so you aren't actively looking for every single flaw... hard to explain but lets say you are drawing circles, if you purposefully try to draw a circle you will likely see all the flaws but if you are dicking around and draw the same circle it wont look half bad.

there is a bob ross channel on youtube,

you likely wont find something free that's worth looking at in its entirety, just buts and pieces here and there.

know how things are built helps.

>> No.2328280


OH one more thing, when i do the massive dumps/answers and you reply, can you specify which part you are replying to, makes it a lot easier to go forward/know what i helped you with.

>> No.2328284

You build a visual library by drawing and studying a lot of different things. Real life, along with the works of other artists. Not just drawings either, this includes movies, shows, books, sculptures, etcetc. The more you study, the more you have to look back on.

Approach the studies as if you're trying to understand the object. Don't just draw a ball. Try to understand the ball. The weight, the texture, the way the light moves over the form. The color, the way it rests on the ground, all of that. Don't just draw a dog, really observe it. how it moves, why it moves like that, etc. Don't overwhelm yourself by trying to ~comprehend all~, but study curiously, study mindfully.

>> No.2328290

puffy cheeks come from wanting to be cute, that and many asain faces, at least their main stream idles/models tend to have rounder faces.

the eyes... that comes from fucking up anatomy but trying to make it work. >>2318087 said there eyes are far apart, no, white and asian eyes are about 1 eyeball apart, because many asians have squint eyes they look farther apart than they really are. there ARE deformities that put eyes farther apart, not sure if that is normal with the japanese or not.

another reason for the puffy cheeks likely comes from western animation which japan mimicked for a bit.

possibly board fucking up, possibly 4chan, possibly your browser

i keep IE, Firefox variant cyberfox, chrome, and opera installed so if one fucks up constantly i switch, 9 times of 10 it solves the problem, the 10th is usually windows shitting up and i need to restart.

ok, digital line work is fucking bad, because the ways yo have full control over the lines would be the pen tool and that gives you a uniform line. what you want is line variants.

if you go traditional to digital, learn to clean up an image in photoshop with levels, and than learn the palet knife tool, it literally does the line work for you and looks pretty good compared to beginners digital lines.

as for how other artists deal with color... the more you know the less you have to dick around to get what you want, the people you are watching i'm guessing already put in their time and paid their dues so they do it fast, and people who are bad have shame and dont want to stream themselvs sucking.

look at the pastebin unless you need perfect lines dont bother.

modo/zbrush both should give you an anatomical figure i believe

wiki > random till you get something drawable

if twitch allows it go for it.

>> No.2328322

1 hour, seriously, those sonic fanarts are worse than you are thinking.

to get to the point you like your shit... depends, could be 20 hours could be 200.

yes, but likely in russian and chinese, the best you can hope for is that someone learned a lot from these styles and incorporated it into something they teach.

no, people either go there because they are weeaboo or because hentai foundry purged loli.

use reference?

use a program with smoothing/lazy brush and set it to the least that gets rid of the pen jitter.

do i want to stare at a guy nude for the better part of hours, or would i rather draw a female? thats the question and most people tend tward the opposite sex.

that said, draw female body builders, you get the benefit of muscular bodies, to the peak of what the human can achieve without the roided up bodies males have, yet cut to the point you can see every little detail.

why finish? draw something new, plan 20 minutes, and than scrap it when the 20 is over and go again, no point in polishing shit.

for cars you need perspective, it also helps to know how to work with colors

as for 2 months... i have seen people draw cars professionally, you need very little more than basic perspective to draw cars well, but the time it takes reduces with skill and time spent doing it.

e hentai has galleries of Joel Jurion, and as for poju, just download everything and skim... you are talking about less than 10 gb for both...

you want pujos, you want complete androgyny mixed in with a partial furry facial structure, you want the other guy, you are looking at pixar or disney concept art style. if i remember what they do right.


>> No.2328328


>till you no longer see flaws
Won't that take an entire lifetime? I mean I can't even draw a stupid doodle without hating how it turned out. Maybe I'm being pessimistic I don't know. I can't sketch anything without seeing a ton of flaws.

On another note, I gotta commend you for answering all those questions. Can't be easy for ya. I appreciate it at least.

>> No.2328332

no, it actually takes less time than you think.

you see your ability to see flaws is not perfect, and at some point your skill to draw surpasses your ability to see flaws, at that point, blind repetition no longer helps you and you can move on to rendering and at this time, you wont have a giant hurdle to jump over again, you will see flaws in time, but now they aren't the major fuck ups they use to be and you can work on them while finishing drawings. no need to grind them out.

>> No.2328341

>at some point your skill to draw surpasses your ability to see flaws,
How will I know when that happens?

>> No.2328344

if you are talking about a walk cycle, look up bennett the sage, and look for the memories video he did recently, somewhere in there is a walk cycle for animators that is gridded out, this may be what you are looking for.

proko for technical description, vilppu for execution.

proko fucking sucks at drawing gesture, vilppu sucks at explaining but together they make a hell of a gesture teacher.

when this crap happened to me, it was a go to a different version of the program to fix it, that version for me was now fucked and no way to fix it.

or because its a bitch to do and an absolute nightmare to try to do perfectly.

get good at perspective without needing to do the bitch work is the best way to do it unless you need 100% accuracy.

i like the riley abstraction

take the anime face and hair out of it and what do you have? mother fucker knows how to draw realism and he abstracted it only in the face/hair

you can see other weak points like the right hand in the top left panel but because of the degree its off i put that on time constraint more so than skill.

on that note, you may want to learn to let it go too, every artist needs to just say fuck it its done enough otherwise they will spend their whole lives on one drawing.

i have a huion, it lets me change functions in the driver software, yours should let you do that too.

"it makes me feel less special" - some faggot friend, 2015

seriously this friend needs to get over themselves or fuck off.

the VL is overrated, get the raw skill to draw, even if its all using reference, than expand something as abstract as the visual library. seriously, the most pretentious and douche sounding thing i have so far read/heard in art outside of vilppus explanation on gesture, he may be right, but it still sounds so pretentious.

>> No.2328346

when you stop seeing them, trust me you will know... the one time i remember this happening most vividly was i think 2nd or 3rd grade, i drew something beyond my ability to see it was shit (at the time) i was proud of myself, and showed the teacher, got detention because i wasn't making a clay pizza like everyone else.

point being, the moment you think you are good and see no way to improve you hit the limit of what you can see.

>> No.2328350

I hope I can get there, but so far I don't see it.

>> No.2328363

How can I keep myself from getting depressed over my current skill level?

>> No.2328366

how i get bad

>> No.2328375

draw with your feet

>> No.2328395

kind of looks like hitchcock, try searching from there.

dont learn color traditionally, whatever you do dont do that. color costs a fuck load to learn, it would be better to learn color digitally than transfer that knowledge to whatever traditional medium you want.

but like the other guy said, learn fucking values, and get that shit down before you move to color.


rendering always hinders progress till you have no progress to make in terms of sketching.

get good at realism first, than learn the abstraction for anime/manga

you may be able to gain something from making a confinement box/cylinder and working from there.

because men get off on visuals more so than women.

men tend to strive to be the best of the best, where as women tend to be more content with what they have, in terms of art, this would mean if you scribble some shit down, a man wont be satisfied with it and try to get better where as the woman is more likely to say good enough and stay with it, possibly creating a style based off it.

fuck political correctness but the answer isn't "men are more creative"

free leach means they aren't tracking the down, only the upload. various times they offer free leach and they also take it away.

i argue chicken scratching looks better than clean lines for anyone who is a beginner or even intermediate. you should get rid of them unless you animate, i forget the reason why, but chicken scratching is ideal for animation sketching.

just remember, any book you get, disregard the pseudo science.


force yourself to work regardless of how you feel, this is necessary if you want an art job or if you want to become the best, work through burnout. however, if you dont, try to just do something every day to maintain skill

>> No.2328397

everyone gets there at some point.

work through the depression, seriously, you get over it once you stop sucking, dont make personal work just practice till you dont hate it.

>> No.2328401

>don't make personal work
What do you mean?

>> No.2328408

first, you do not get a copy of windows 10, they let you install it only on that motherboard, personally i think this is shit and the upgrade isnt worth the hassle for this alone.

dx12 will likely only be used for games, and there is a good chance vulcan will take over as what api is primarily used, due to it being useable on wiiu, ps4, mobile, and windows, only xbone wont let you use it, for the sake of cutting cost alone, this could easily take over.

as for upgrading from 7... dont.

also windows 8 once they updated it a bit was good, also vista service pack 2 was great, no real reason to upgrade, but you may consider it.

personally i'm going to be buying a key for pro from a third party key seller for windows 7 pro/ultimate and windows 10 pro and dual booting, general purpose os will be win7 and gaming will be win 10 if dx12 is the only thing thats used and only if win 7 sucks shit in that particular game.

practice till you aren't fucking up in major ways anymore, i find the hardest time to draw is when i suck and im doing personal work, i dont want to fuck up so its hard to sit down and grind skill.

well, look at manga, 16-18 pages in 7 days, all usually highly detailed.

depending on quality, you could pull off 30 in 7 days.

art classes at best will teach you what you are fucking up at, so you dont go down wrong paths, other than that, much of your learning is self taught and working on your own time.

whenever you hear foreshortening, its almost always one object, lets say an arm, and its coming tward you, lets say a punch,

realistically the fist isn't as big as the head, but foreshortened it could be bigger than the body depending on the perspective.


>> No.2328409

what i mean is personal vs practice

you draw some random persons head on the internet, thats practice, you dont give one fuck about it in the long run.

persoanl would be you have a passion for blank, so you want to draw blank, but because you suck at drawing, when you draw blank it hurts just that much more because you cant make blank look good.

fill in the blanks with something you like/want to draw.

>> No.2328413

Okay that makes sense. I just keep hearing "draw what you want" in order to apply what you learned or just in general. Does that still apply?

>> No.2328414

I haven't been able to draw for a week, but now I finally can again. What kind of character should I draw?

>> No.2328419

Most big-name manga artists on a weekly schedule usually have a team of assistants, though, around 3-4 working on backgrounds and screentones.
Horikoshi (My Hero Academia) has 9 assistants, but the amount of work allocated varies.

>> No.2328430


1) buy clipboard, put paper in it
2) buy cardboard, cut it to paper size, get a drill, drill about 2mm from the edge of the paper and thread some twine in and tie it, do this 3-5 times. now get some glue, and glue the back of it, make sure to get some glue in the holes too, also make the holes slightly wider than they need to be not fucking quater inch, now if you want put some tape or piece of cloth over the back of it, and you have a home made sketch pad
3) get a 3 hole punch, get a 3 ring binder, 2+2=4 and you have another sketch book.
4) look into how to bind hard cover books online.

many ways to make a sketch pad. i personally like the clipboard way myself.

yes, patreon is a better solution, the issue is they have no direct payment method, so you are signing up for a month... tell them, the cost, and that patreon will act as a down payment and you will start it once the billing cycle is over, and you will deliver it when the next billing cycle after completion happens.

fucking paypal is a nightmare to use and work with, add to it the constant fear that you will get hit with a "oh we dont like you so we are stealing all your money" shit.

look into etsy and see if you can make a store through there for commissions.


well look at that, they can deal with visa and shit directly. it may be harder but i would look into how you could use them to get a commission.

depends on how much you drew... personally i would try and draw through that.

look at musicians, there are a good number who are attractive and talented too, good chance that there were many masters who were sexy as fuck but we will never know because all images of them are drawing usually done after they hit master level, meaning got to old age.

>> No.2328435 [DELETED] 

draw what you want largely comes from people who got sick of practiveing and grinding... telling them draw what they want is more to stop the burnout on the grind.

personally, i find it easier to pick up a pen and paper and draw if im not trying to make something personal, but i also suck dick because of rotted away skills.

really draw whatever you want to, if you chose to not draw personal pieces for a while, go for it, if you get sick of doing that, draw what you have a passion for.

i recommend grinding the skill till you dont see flaws though.

oh i know, i'm well aware they delegate their work to multiple people.

however, whats most common is the lead artist (mangaka in this instance) draws the characters, and does all the line work, and roughs out the background so when they pass it off the background guy gets an idea of what to do, and the people doing the screentones know what to put where and what to fill in.

>> No.2328439

woops, pressed enter and it submitted instead of new lined

draw what you want largely comes from people who got sick of practiveing and grinding... telling them draw what they want is more to stop the burnout on the grind.

personally, i find it easier to pick up a pen and paper and draw if im not trying to make something personal, but i also suck dick because of rotted away skills.

really draw whatever you want to, if you chose to not draw personal pieces for a while, go for it, if you get sick of doing that, draw what you have a passion for.

i recommend grinding the skill till you dont see flaws though.

oh i know, i'm well aware they delegate their work to multiple people.

however, whats most common is the lead artist (mangaka in this instance) draws the characters, and does all the line work, and roughs out the background so when they pass it off the background guy gets an idea of what to do, and the people doing the screentones know what to put where and what to fill in.

largely the mangaka does almost all the work, the assistants just do the bitch work that anyone can do with a little skill but is time consuming.

if you work in color or in gradients instead of screen tone, you can get shit dont a lot quicker than you can if you have to screen tone.

color also implies you are using less lines and more brush work, so making the small hatching that you normally would associate with a comick needs to be done less. personally, when i tried to do color work on manga, i could do an entire page in about an hour, and it was about on par with what you could see in an average western comic, though my color choices were shittier.

really it all depends on what they want the end result to be and personal skill.

>> No.2328450

depends on the detail you want. do you want asian level of detail or do you want the western ill focus on the face and make it immaculate, while letting the non focal points blend in a bit and not be as detailed?

yes, and because you draw ellipses more often than you do perfect circles.

cant really say, do you thing you have the bare minimum skill to get a job if they were looking for someone? if not then no... but if you do, i dont think it will hurt you overall, if anything they will consider you at current skill than next round when you make clear improvements it will show a drive to get better. your main concern is getting passed the inept HR department.

to make that you mostly draw a human head and enlarge the eyes, add in some idealised proportions, and there you go. everything else besides that would come down to fundies.

the issue is if you only learn from anime/manga/cartoons or if you also draw realism too.

it can hinder progress, but it wont fuck you over hard unless you only draw them.

i personally use real name, and a fucked up spelling of another name that i made a character in everquest... if i need to make a new pen name i would probably call myself something like TDoC or something, and never tell anyone what it means.

you want something simple that is easy to google, and preferably not a misspelling of another word unless its so mispelled it creates its own new word.

yes, and you shouldn't follow it at all due to how archaic what they do is, unless you absolutely need to do it that way for a physical limitation, its best not done.

i think manga studio is the best program for mimicking the style with out the traditional bitch work.

>> No.2328453
File: 490 KB, 1797x2173, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i recommend grinding the skill till you don't see flaws though
See here's kinda my issue, I'm very very very critical of my art. So I'm not sure when I'll know I've reached that point. But hey maybe I'm just being an autist and over thinking things? I don't know, thing is most of the time my sketchbook pages look like pic related. Aside from how awful it looks, it's just random shit from references and some imagination stuff. I look at other people's art and go "I want to draw like that, but all I can do is random shit in a sketchbook." I want to branch out but a mix of fear and lack of knowledge prevents me. I need more direction is all. Does that make sense? Thanks for reading this, I tend to ramble a lot.

>> No.2328470

video game will likely pay you less, remember, your best bet in video games are major studios, and every major studio pays like shit for even the most important work... i remember a number of years ago ea was in shit for forcing 80+ hour work weeks and not paying overtime.

depends on the mood.

my dad at home gives no fucks about what he wears, so its sweat pants and a tshirt of his favorite bands usually, but its winter so he move to thicker shirts.

if he is going to work, its jeans and a black/grey shirt.

if its going out, its usually jeans and a burgundy long sleeve, depending on the occasion or where we go, possibly dress pants too, dress shoes only come out for weddings of funerals.

photoshop is photo manipulation tools, it wasn't made for painting but because of the years and amount of shit they put into it, you can paint in it. if you are just drawing/painting and dont require psds, there are better.
i can never get to to work without insane lag on win 7... its good if you can get to to run right.
because the way you make art digitally could fundamentally change entirely in 5 years while traditional wont, and we already know every tool front and back... you can never do something special that someone else doesn't know about.
also, you are less prone to fucking around polishing shit 100 times till the shit looks less shit.

70's bush
that's all i can think of off the top of my head. nothing really outstanding to say, but the unkempt arm hair and crotch really screams feminist more than nerd to me. also those glasses, that's less nerd, more trendy that you tend to see hipster/sjw people more so than nerds.

>> No.2328474

if that's your shit, i would say you still have a long way to go before you should stop seeing flaws.

>> No.2328477
File: 22 KB, 620x340, untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After years, I'm finally getting a goddamn motherfucking tablet before the year ends. Nothing too fancy, a regular Intuos Medium. Is there anything I should be prepared for? just whatever that might be unexpected to someone using a tablet and getting into the digital world of art for the first time. And maybe some useful tips and tricks to make all this deal even better for a fun and more prosper time right from the get go? ... besides "drawing furry porn gets you quick bucks", good tip but I already know that.

>> No.2328479
File: 401 KB, 1024x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I figured that much though to be fair that is from quite a while ago. Not that it changes anything. I just feel stuck, like I'll never leave my current skill level while everyone else moves forward. Sketching only really doesn't help with that and I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do.

>> No.2328482

no, and if you are drawing you hand... just looked at mine, if i had to say what it was, i towuld say everything (1 being black 10 being white) is between 5-7 with highlights being 10, possibly some 4's for shadows...

its no wonder its hard to pick out tone in bad lighting

for me what separates the beginner from the intermediate is the first time they stop seeing their flaws and the first time they start seeing them again as an adult.

get a picture, draw it, and put it away, come back a week or month later after you practice allot and draw it again and compare results. you should see something.

>> No.2328488

I'll give that a shot. Thanks for listening by the way. I'm just kinda confused on how to move in the direction I want my art to go. Thanks for the tips.

>> No.2328500
File: 158 KB, 736x1005, 9c24ec3f5ab76866860d63650dddb889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you draw / simplify drapery from imagination?

>> No.2328538
File: 2.47 MB, 4128x2322, 20150918_105730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where can I get old unused vinyl posters? I am currently painting(spraypainting) some old vinyl posters that my local mall threw out from one of their shoe stores. I got about 4 in total. I kept checking again and they haven't thrown out anymore.

I want to make this a thing, spraypainting vinyl posters that is.

>> No.2328539

I need a non-loomis book for drawing the head and heads that is DEFINITELY NOT Drawing the Head and Hands.

>> No.2328541

ive stolen few from large summer festivals. still have them, never used them for anything.
i did it only because it was fun to steal when i was drunk.

>> No.2328597

it started to hurt slightly towards the end but it's hurt a lot more the day after than it did while drawing. I've been giving it a break, even picking up my stylus hurts. I just hope it heals up quickly.

>> No.2328702

know how it works in real life.

>> No.2328705
File: 141 KB, 750x738, 1450675018819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the general consensus here on Shadman's work? What other artists draw big butt women on a regular basis?

>> No.2328931


Reposting the question ITT, I'd really appreciate more opinions.

I saw this thread on /s/ and am doing some sketches of the pictures.


Please look at the girl in the OP, there are many pictures of her in the thread. How would you describe her? If you were to draw her, what characteristics would stick out to you? I mean it mostly in terms of anatomical proportions, disregard the big bush, and the glasses.

I'm trying to learn how to see these things, but she just looks normal to me. When drawing her I feel like the only thing I personalize are the nose and the breasts.

>> No.2328949


how can i achieve that dotwork effect in photoshop?

>> No.2328953

>What is the general consensus here on Shadman's work?

Every time I see him get brought up people shit all over him, usually because they're butthurt he's as popular as he is for his skill level.
Personally I think he's fappable occasionally but nothing special.

>> No.2329229

Bump. Maybe I should be asking actual pros instead of anons on /ic/, then again >implying the pros will give me attention

>> No.2329271

>men tend to strive to be the best of the best
Funny, I've had the complete opposite experience. Most men artists I've met can barely take critique

>> No.2329386

some cheats to make it look like i know how it works in real life?

>> No.2329391

Sometimes when I look back few days after i finished something, it somehow looks less awful than it id then i was drawing it.

what does it mean?

>> No.2329641

how mucn can you make as an average generic freelancer?

>> No.2329649
File: 11 KB, 293x41, snapshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far I own these programs. I think I don't want to keep them all because muh storage.

>Paint dot net

Which ones should I keep? I'm not a graphic designer nor any type of designer.

>> No.2329655

I forgot to mention that I like to pixel art, but it's a pain in the ass with PS and only paint dot net handles it well.

also sorry for bad ingrish.

>> No.2329699

What are /ic/ recommended pens for inking?

I've almost always used Uni pin Fine Line 0.2 or 0.7, but I'm curious to hear what /ic/ says is better

>> No.2329725

How do I stop symbol drawing?

>> No.2329750

sai's binary tool works nice for pixel art too just fyi.

I'd keep sai and ps, that way you can handle just about everything.

>> No.2329768

>my palette is hydrophobic

i just tried mixing watercolors in it, but everything just got lifted by the brush right away, since the surface of the palette didnt wet

is there any easy fix?

>> No.2329773

is it plastic? rub some extra fine sandpaper on it and give it a rinse

>> No.2329780

yea its plastic, ill try that thx

>> No.2330010

When you let a drawing sit for a day or two you'll see it in a different way afterwards, it's normal

>> No.2330058

I'm at the Loomis "solid forms" part in Fun With A Pencil, and I have no idea how to go about constructing it. I start off with the circle and I'm not sure how to continue with the blockiness. On another note, ahen trying to "construct" my own character (old man), it turns out wonky and looks very odd, unlike Loomis'. How should I proceed?

>> No.2330062

Will i make it?

>> No.2330090


roll a dice and find out for yourself

>> No.2330236

but shouldnt you see more mistakes?

>> No.2330282

Will my extra wacom "Grip pen" work with an Intuos "Pen & Touch Small"?

I want to give it to a friend that has the pen & touch but I don't know if the pressure sensitivity comes from the pen or tablet.

>> No.2330300
File: 231 KB, 3509x2550, ikaros.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I stop drawing like an autistic 5 year old and start drawing like an autistic 20-something year old?

>> No.2330301

Look at another picture and try to draw it. Not trace, just draw it. You also have to draw often.

>> No.2330352

can you post work you did for forum challenges in your portfolio?

>> No.2330412

If I just draw various poses on quickpose and make a picture a day will I improve in drawing or is there more I need to do?

>> No.2330438

QUESTION: I draw digitally and I feel claustrophobic. It wasn't like this when i first started. At equal size, I dont feel like that irl. why?

>> No.2330546

Which is better, The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain or Keys to Drawing?

>> No.2330614

Is there any tool in Clip/Manga studio which looks good enough for lineart quality, but feels as if you were drawing with a rough pencil? Pen's like the G-Pen are too defining, and I can't find any tool in between I'd be able to use with joy and still be able to draw borderline quality linearts.

So long story short : something for final pass that's in between a vector-like G-pen that's as neat to use as a rough pencil.

>> No.2330616

Have you tried drawing a curved line with less than 30 separate strokes? Christ anon.


I always recommend Keys to Drawing. Right Side talks about a bunch of garbage tools you're expected to use and if you don't have access to them you constantly ask yourself whether you're doing the exercise correctly. Get a pdf of it anyway and just do the Right Side exercises you have the tools for. Keys to Drawing is pretty solid all the way through. Ignore all pseudo science/philosophical exercises.

Move on to Fun With a Pencil afterwards, then once you're finished with that do like the first third or something of Figure Drawing For All it's Worth. Start focusing on drawing with your whole arm and doing C S I lines (google). At some point it'll click and you'll unlock the gesture drawing skill tree. Once you've leveled up start looking at other drawing manuals. Hogarth and Vilppu are good.

Seriously though are you new to drawing or what? It's cool that you went straight for the questions thread instead of making a new thread but you seem like a turbo beginner. I guess the above applies to you as well if you want to get into drawing.

Read drawing manuals and draw the example drawings in the books while thinking about the lesson you just learned. Then do the same while drawing from external references like quickpose.

Did you skip some of the previous examples where he goes "draw these but draw many of your own"? Draw a circle, add axes, then add a cube or whatever.
Just keep drawing old men for money, eventually they'll look right.

>> No.2330624

I downloaded Watt's Atelier Online Workbooks (Master class program and painting program) from you-know-where. Is there an order in which I should read them?

>> No.2330630
File: 118 KB, 283x263, 1403034810563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's a good and quick way to get to coloring when you're done with lineart?

I've seen posts go around that have you fuck around with a lot of multiply layers but that's all I know.

>> No.2330726

The answer was yes, I believe

>> No.2330875

Is it possible to use sighting on a picture? Or is it only useful for real life drawings?

>> No.2330883

When i make a sketch and then try to go over it to make it neat, and then i delete the sketch layer it's rlly shit. How do i stop this?

>> No.2330889

If symbol drawing means you're drawing based in your own conceptions instead of drawing what things really are, would that mean all stylized art is symbol drawing?

>> No.2330922

does anyone know of any good art community sites? DA is shit as always, tumblr is okay but the people can be kinda toxic and it's not a great place to get critiques or just talk art, conceptart can be kinda intimidating and disorderly on the forums.
so is there no good art community sites left? any forums or anything?

>> No.2330927

make a few layers with random dots, eat away at the layers with erace... im a bit tired but thats the best i can think of.

i like his work, its not the best, and you can find broken shit in most of his images but when you are jerkin it, nothing stops you mid stroke to wonder what the fuck is going on.

they ain't artists, they are faggots who think they are artists. granted unless they have their heads in their ass, they will likely strive to get better to prove you wrong.

it mostly comes down to knowing how thing stretch and fold, you need a minimum understanding of that to fake it.

the fuck do you want to hear?
you install the drivers, plug the shit in and it works, with the exception of huion who may or may not work correctly from the get go, if something doesn't work, check the driver, the program, and finally the tablet.

you were being overly critical while creating it, ot you accepted its the best you could do at the time and moved on.
depends on how you think. it sounds like you were looking at a piece, hating it day 1, but day 3 you look at it and realise its working better than you first thought.

dick to hundreds of thousands, but there is a bell curve that tends to hover around barely liveable.

all those programs should come in at less than 2gb, so i would recommend a larger ssd to store programs on.

i recommend actual nibs, and pentel pocket brush.
micron if you need uniform lines, and if you have money to spend, a rapidograph (looked at ebay, some sets are 20-30$ not a bad price if they work)

there was a video on youtube a while back i watched about cleaning a surface for paint... cant find it but it went into detail on how things should work... you may want to look into some cleaning videos for painting.

>> No.2330945

if he did draw the curve with less strokes it would look like shit.
drop the anime style, dont color in hair... those are the easiest thing si can tell you now.
if you want to keep doing the anime style and dont want to improve overall, google how to draw hair or zbrush how to sculpt hair, this will get you to draw the anime style with better hair

are they your work?
if they were on 4chan and can be reversed searched and connect to here, i would advise against it though.

not as fast but you will get better.

depends on your end goal, i would suggest picking your colors instead of relying on the values you lay in to do the work for you.

needs further explanation.

palette knife tool, it will be your best friend for a long time.

yes and no. you could see this in manga or visual novels best.

you can easily tell when someone has no underlying knowledge of art and is relying on symbols exclusively pretty easily

look at the Kanon visual novel, that things a fuckin train wreak, than look at... lets go boku no hero academia.

there is a reason why its called their method of abstracting when its applied to a style, they know how to draw realism and not with symbols.

you are looking for circles made by individuals as everything turns into a hugbox or circle jerk once you attach an avatar to yourself.


on a side note, my ram came in early... honestly wasn't expecting it for a few more weeks, i may be back this thread, or i may be good for a few weeks/months depending on if my computer kaputs when i put the ram in or not.

>> No.2330950

Why wouldn't it work?

>> No.2331044

I got an android tablet for Christmas.
Are the bluetooth stylus pens worth it for drawing?
Is there a way to stop the screen from reading my hand when its resting on the screen while drawing?

>> No.2331274

ok, they can be good, but you need to be realistic, unless it was made for pens, you won't get precise input the way you want, not saying you cant, but its harder

you wear a wacom like glove, they make one for their cintiqs, probably cheaper ones are available.

on the pen front, make sure wherever you get it from has a great return policy.

>> No.2331280

Any suggestions on what to do with piles of studies? I was a dumb and decided to do 50% of my work 1 year on wood panels, and they're heavy and space consuming. I don't really want to store them away, and also can't imagine just throwing them in the trash (most of them are decent oil paintings of models/still lives)

>> No.2331282

How do I get the motivation to continue drawing? I know I'll get better if I actually practice daily but I can never sit myself down and do it. It's like a chore to me since I constantly get frustrated at how shit my stuff works.

>> No.2331305

go through them and decide which ones you want to keep and which ones you are ok with selling,

than sell them, either ebay or etsy, and dont sell them for retard high prices, make a realistic bill of materials and then decides how much yout time was worth, and sell em as is.

there is a market for practice pieces, and beginner works, however you have to sell it at a reasonable yet low price.

we are in the same fucking boat... i suggest getting something you think you would have fun using, i went airbrush... only really used one once, so i cant compare my new shit to old shit and be depressed over how bad it is now.

>> No.2331511

So, I just started reading Keys to Drawing, why are the drawings in it so shit?

>> No.2331529

Wasn't there a site where it gave you different poses with a skeleton or the muscles in a person's body?

>> No.2331575

Is there any sort of specialized sharpener for charcoal pencils? I want to start using them but the method of sharpening slowly with a razor and swearing every time you snap the charcoal isn't doing it for me. I know it gets easier with practice but if there are ways to streamline the process I'd be much happier.

>> No.2331668

Just use a fucking xacto knife you pansy.

>> No.2331684

an exacto knife or a box cutter, and make sure its a new one. cut very little off each stroke and you will get use to it in no time... also, don't cut the charcoal, only scrape off what you don't need, sharpen it by using it to a taper through practice/warm up exercises, unless you are pressed for time

you can also use coarse sand paper than a bit finer when you get close to the charcoal.

>> No.2331712

Sorry, I'm in the UK I can't buy knives.

>> No.2331774

Is there a way to have two pictures open right next to eachother at the same time, like tiled?

>> No.2331844

might depend on the program, but I think most can do this. For photoshop, click and drag the picture's tab and it'll make it float. In sai, there are two sets of min/max/close buttons. Top is for the program, underneath it is for the pictures. Click the restore/maximize-window button and it'll float.

>> No.2331862 [DELETED] 

>tfw got skipped

>> No.2331868

>tfw got skipped

>> No.2331873

One that's craving for anal pleasure
Or aren't you into self portraits?

>> No.2331880

This place is so fucking lame. I need to just stop coming here.

>> No.2331886

Is there a way to map a tablet to always be on the canvas in whatever program you're using no matter where you move it or what the size is?

Just mapping it to a static portion of my monitor is a bit annoying, especially if I want to enlarge/shrink or move the canvas.

>> No.2331896

seriously guys my question is actually important and not something you can google. There has to have been someone who overcame something like this

>> No.2331899

zoom in

>> No.2331969

it's not the kind of question that should be in this thread to begin with, anon. Just draw something faggot

>> No.2331975

I have no idea how that might happen, but hopefully this might help. It's the kind of problem you're going to have to work it out yourself and go from there. Think about what's around you and what's causing those feelings. Is your work station cramped? Are you sitting too close to the monitor? Is the screen too big or bright? Too small? Get set up like you would work usually, and really pay attention to your surroundings and how you're feeling. It could be any number of things, and only you can figure out what it is.

>> No.2331978

>but there is a bell curve that tends to hover around barely liveable


>> No.2332203

are the finger touch capabilities of intuos pro used a lot for digital painting or should I disable them? i just got one and its really fucking irritating

>> No.2332250

I am >>2329649

The actual problem is that I feel autistic as fuck having too many programs. I have already deleted Paint dot net and librecad since I never use them.

>> No.2332252

meant to quote

>> No.2332264

i have a couple of questions, i just got a drawing tablet and it feels extremely weird, very different from pencil and paper it feels like someone hit the restart button on my skils, what are some exercises i can do to help adjust ? the tablet i own also lags every 10 seconds when i move, is there a way to fix this ? i know it's not my computer because i have the specs to run the application and the device.

>> No.2332303

my questions are more just for curiosity

how much (time) do you spend practicing?

why are you doing art?

>> No.2332329

try making your canvas smaller and lower the ppi/dpi to fix the lag. if not try the drivers. to 'relearn' how to draw check out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgDNDOKnArk just ignore all the pen stuff, it doesnt apply to a stylus. also, i dont really know much about this but supposedly some programs have better drawing tools than others. and supposedly photoshops is on the lower end. ive only used photoshop so im used to it but i also paint so im horribly worried about perfect clean lines though you might for what youre using it for.

>> No.2332376

How do I intomotivation? Every time I do my work, it just feels like a chore because I can't stand how shit I am so I just end up procrastinating.

>> No.2332378


How long have you been drawing?
For me it took a few months until I started liking it. You just need to find an approach that jives with you.

>> No.2332415

How do you do perspective shadows when the object is floating in midair or on top of another object?

>> No.2332477
File: 64 KB, 1000x1000, spooky floating perspective shadows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for the shitty draw quality. first time playing with krita and new tablet. anyways, pay attention to the light source, direction of the light, position of the objects in relation to each other, size of the objects in relation to each, the shapes/sizes of the objects the shadow falls on, etc the pic shows a few examples of a sphere and cube in relatively the same postion/size but with the light coming from different angles. in some the floating object the shadows are separately defined, others the shadows are overlapping appearing to be the same. etc

also on the bottom one it should probably be medium not high

>> No.2332678
File: 38 KB, 102x147, jcleyendeckerforants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got this picture in higher resolution?

>> No.2332690

i call bullshit in you not being able to buy a boxcutter.

what did you want me to say?
more or less what the other anon said, unless you want to ask "in my skill level, posted an image, what "popular" thing could i draw well... there's not really an answer and you will get either sarcasm from me or someone else 9 time out of 10.

no, at least not that i know of , you can map an entire tablet to a screen region, but if you move the canvas out of it it wont follow it.

to me it sounds like you are having a hard time overcoming a barrier to entry with tablets that is get use to small drawing area = big on screen area.

im personally able to paint digitally, but i never got to the point where i could do base drawings.

quality of life is a big factor her, plenty of people went from making 2-3 times the amount of money in a different job, to one that pays less but is inside their passion.

find a way to use them if you have them, but as a factor to getting a tablet they are a wash.

i only really give a fuck about space when i start getting to the point that new shit wont install, i use to care about fragmentation but i have a ssd now

there is a better exercise set for tablets, but its buried somewhere in 7000~ favorites so i'm not looking for it, someone else may know it though.

if you want try getting shit photos and retouching them or shopping out subtitles, this gives you a real world use and not pointless exercise to focus on.

as for the driver, it sounds like something is conflicting. i have used tablets on pII systems, never had the lag be a thing outside of conflicts or programs demanding more than a system could give.

far less than i should, and my own benefit, if i can sell shit i make that i don't want so be it.

line from light source to object edge to wall maps it out.

google colliers search tools > large

>> No.2332703
File: 26 KB, 236x355, 2e52f441ff7668a5e21b6d55ba25601f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this one. Looks like a crop anyone got the full picture?

>google colliers search tools > large
I googled what you said, couldn't find it.

>> No.2332708
File: 1.65 MB, 951x1416, learn to use reverse image search faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2332713

this might be weird, but how do I do gesture drawing for obese people?

I've always drawn people that are fairly thin or fit.
never anyone that was fat

>> No.2332731

i couldn't either, but its your best bet aside from getting a copy and scanning it yourself.

but it looks like >>2332708 put more time into the search than me just making sure it returns the correct results.

vilppu, he does fat people all the time, not morbidly obese but obese non the less.

>> No.2332751

I've been drawing on and off for about two years now. I'm finally in the uncanny valley area and my bodies look like bodies. If I just practiced more I would be really good by now but like I said... frustration. I've tried drawing on the bus to drawing while I listen to my daily podcasts. I just can't find a way to force myself through the shittiness.

>> No.2332775

got anything you are willing to post? maybe an outside eye can tell you a specific area to pay attention to more so than your own.

>> No.2332816
File: 28 KB, 695x617, waiting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't use reference. I can only draw from imagination; introducing reference into anything I do makes me bored; and anxious. I guess its a matter of reference intimidating me or something. I want to start using it but struggle so much. This shit would help me level up. Anyone else never use reference/ or struggle with it present? I need some tips or new approaches

>> No.2332818

>you are looking for circles made by individuals as everything turns into a hugbox or circle jerk once you attach an avatar to yourself.
or maybe a place where i could get both critiques and also make friends.
because, you know, it is possible to do both.

>> No.2332876
File: 102 KB, 1236x514, dumbsketches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, here's some sketches that don't make me want to die.

I know my anatomy sucks and my shading is shit and I realized that when I put skin on anything, it immediately goes downhill into some uncanny valley shitfest.

>> No.2332888


Do you only draw from imagination or do you use references? If you don't use reference, I recommend you start, it'll help you begin to build up a visual library and start observing. A lot of it looks very symbol-y, particularly the skull and the dog head.

>> No.2332905

How important is it to study the muscles of the human body and drawing them out in order to get a better understanding of anatomy?

>> No.2332950

I basically practice from references and then when I'm sketching and doodling, I just try to use what I remember from such things. That's what you're seeing currently.

My drawings from references tend to look the same. They look very similar to the picture but it looks lifeless and dead. Probably due to shit shading.

>> No.2332957
File: 31 KB, 599x900, 8943673478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Draw a figure in this guy's position, anon.

>> No.2332962

Anatomy is particularly necessary for drawing figures without reference and for "pushing the form" in general. And well, you'll have a hard time learning to draw muscles without actually drawing them.

Generally though it's not something you work on right away. If you're studying a book on figure drawing right now it wouldn't be strange to keep anatomy for last.

>> No.2332982


Some are more important than others. There are plenty of "anatomy for artists" style books that cover the visible muscles that are relevant to somebody trying to draw people. Knowing how everything fits together is naturally going to help you put stuff together and see when something's off.

>> No.2333009

by doing a lot of gestures for fat people.

it's a serious answer, but probably not one you're looking for. Gesture isn't different with more weight, people just have a harder time seeing it due to the extra bulk. Look less at the lines in the figure (which is easier to do in skinny people but hard for fatter people), and more at how the forms relate to one another and make a bigger story.

Basically see a fat torso as two spheres/boxes/wutev and try to see/capture the movement between them. It's good to do this with skinny people too, but people tend to see 'only' the obvious lines instead. Which ends up making it harder to see the gesture in objects with more mass.

>> No.2333010
File: 75 KB, 960x720, GQd9M1S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what tools is the artist in this picture using?
are the hefty bags used as some sort of canvas?

>> No.2333014

lol, its just a cat anon.

>> No.2333028

this won't really help with motivation, but it looks like you need to practice your observation skills most. Drawing is more about how you see then it is about putting a pencil on the paper. Paying attention to negative space, proportions, angles, all that jazz. You're going in the right direction by using refs alongside drawing from imagination.

This may or may not motivate you, but try to think of it like this. Everyone is terrible when they start, and anyone can become a pro. The only difference is time-spent. Pretend you have to draw 1,000 things before you get to a 'good' level. (the number is pulled out of my ass and most of /ic/ would say it's too low, but that's not the point). The more you draw, the sooner you get there, so focus less on how 'bad' you think your art is, and focus more on the accomplishment of having drawn something at all. Acknowledge when you do something well, and be patient when you mess up. The faster you mess up, the faster you can improve on it. So fail faster. Keep going, keep learning.

>> No.2333034

personally, it depends on your skill level. Learning too much about anatomy without being able to draw forms will just overwhelm you if you're a beginner/intermediate. It's good to have a basic understanding of anatomy, no matter what your skill, but keep it simple at the beginning. Focus mostly on the basic forms of the body first.

>> No.2333039

is that guillotine guy?

>> No.2333052

Not OP; but that was a good post m8

>> No.2333074

please help me :(

>> No.2333285

Do I have to get good?

>> No.2333292

No. Unless you want to be good, then yes.

>> No.2333294

Right now I am preparing a poster I found behind a store and want to use spraypaint. I already gave it a black wash and layered masking tape over it. Now I am drawing out the composition on the masking tape layer. This seems like a tedious method but the only way I know how to get fine lines with spraypaint.

I want to use spraypaint because it is very easy to work with and dries fast.

Anyone know of a better or faster method of getting paint to a canvas without the stencil method?

I did see a guy make a spraypaint painting of Goku on Youtube, but the guy used a pallette to spray the paint onto to mix colors and used a brush to apply the mixed paint. I will use this method as well with my masking tape method in this project. But is the masking tape layer too much/not necessairy?

>> No.2333415

I suck at drawing the same character... in like, different poses and shit. They never remotely look the same across drawings. How do I fix this?

>> No.2333426

I have had around 5-6 commissions requests all relatively recently but I honestly feel my stuff isn't at that point yet.

I also have other obstacles like paypal which is a mess to setup due to my current location, I have a full time job and lack time even for my personal stuff

Despite all these do you think I should make an effort to start taking commissions?

>> No.2333435
File: 4 KB, 275x183, Bosto 14wx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know if this is any good? I wanna upgrade from my tiny wacom, but I'm also a cheap-ass

>> No.2333438

I heard bosto shit is good, but also heard their customer service is horrible.

Right now I am saving up for a Yiynova 22u v3 and their seller(Panda City)is very trusted.

>> No.2333439


I'd say hold out for reviews of the Huion WH1409. It's like $120 or so for 2048 pressure sensitivity, I'm pretty sure it has wireless, 12 macro buttons, generally looks like a nice piece of kit. Almost seems too good to be true, but if it's as good as it sounds I'd say it's your best shot at a good tablet for cheap.

>> No.2333440


Unless you're looking for one with a display, in which case disregard my post.

>> No.2333441

if you don't need the money, no.

>> No.2333466

how the FUCK do I deal with reflected light?
Is it usually more saturated than the shadow color? How do I make it cooler/warmer without losing the shadow color?

It's the one thing that's killing my work because it turns it all to mud once I start introducing cooler/warmer tones with lighter values.

>> No.2333476

I have a notion of composition, figure drawing, cell shading and lighting (informing in case it matter). But I don't know the first thing about animation. How I learn animation?

>> No.2333484

what are good art programs ? i have no knowledge and all i own right now is some version of SAI

>> No.2333485

Manga Studio and Krita are pretty good if you haven't checked em out

>> No.2333560

Is there a good archiver for /ic/?

>> No.2333567

i have a really big smudge on my glasses and its a bit hard to see when im drawing. the cloth i use to clean my glasses is downstairs in the dark and im too scared to go down there since the light doesnt work. i cant draw without my glasses. what do i do /ic/

>> No.2333571


give up and masturbate

>> No.2333649

Is there a point in buying Cintiq? Got some extra money, want ot buy me some shit.

>> No.2333651
File: 40 KB, 1600x900, warmup6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How in gods name do I practice seeing things in 3d?

As in, thinking in space, thinking in the 3dimensional nature of shapes and the drawing.

To create convincing forms, overlap and distance in the drawing.

>> No.2333698

How did you practice thinking matematically anon?

When we were young we were given word problems in school, to approach them mathematically. The more of those we did, the better we were at approaching circumstances from a mathematical standpoint.

Photo and life studies should help you there. If you force yourself to think of the 3D forms and planes that make up an object several times, you will become better at the thinking process involved.

>> No.2333704

Quit my job, got on welfare and have been pulling 8 hour days, how long until I git gud?

>> No.2333772

i'll look into them , thanks.

>> No.2333783

ten thousand hours.

>> No.2333787

It takes 40 hours to do all exercises from Keys To Drawing = 5 days. That's enough to amaze your friends.

If you're serious, then do this git-gud course (it takes 1 year): https://onedrive.live.com/view.aspx?resid=E06DB73ECC23E4EF!679&ithint=file%2codt&app=Word&authkey=!AD8ifQUs5NTi40Y

>> No.2333788

Do you really want to get good, or do you want to "fake it till you make it" like tehmeh, kyle and firez?

>> No.2333838

>It takes 40 hours to do all exercises from Keys To Drawing = 5 days.

Funny, I've been drilling the first exercise for more than a week now. I knew to learn to draw what I see, actually focus on the contour of the object.

>> No.2333979


>> No.2333981

Why can't /ic/ always be like this?

>> No.2333986

You mean some autist parroting something he's read without even understanding it, and then typing out walls of text to feed his own ego? I thought this kind of post was a staple on here.

>> No.2334007

what is the difference between chroma and saturation?

>> No.2334009

I can taste the salt from this post

>> No.2334016

>you so salty XD

Is this the latest tumblr meme? It is surprisingly quite popular nowadays. Oh and btw you didn't actually refute anything from my post, if anything the fact that you were so mad about it and replied to it with such a banal response just goes to show how much shocking is the truth when presented to people.

>> No.2334018

I would refute your points if you had any. Keep telling yourself that shit.

>> No.2334060
File: 69 KB, 800x517, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the natural angle of the female pelvis have any affect on the pose? Specifically a dynamic pose like squatting or running?

>> No.2334072

>Oh and btw you didn't actually refute anything from my post

You're acting like you said anything worth refuting, it was just shit flinging and character judgements.

>> No.2334079

>spend three hours on a hand
>there are two hands


>> No.2334084

Are you me?

I had to take physical pictures of my hand in the pose and it actually helped out alot. I just had to actually pose as well to get the best reference.... and it was a female lewd.

Glad no one saw that!

>> No.2334089

anything for the pursuit of art.

I've done stuff like that as well. I don't paint lewds though.

>> No.2334090

The bottom right corner of my intuos 5, where my hand most often makes contact with the tablet, has become really shiny and my hand no longer glides over it. The difference in resistance/friction to the other parts of the tablet is so big that it keepts throwing me off. I washed and tried silicone spray as well as talkum powder. No effect. I've only used it for a few hundred hours. Anything I can do that doesn't involve taping paper over the tablet?

>> No.2334094
File: 1.71 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-12-29-12-55-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spray some modge podge over it. Lightly sand it and put a coat or two over it.... or any clear coat spraypaint enamel.

I made this with spraypaint and the Modge Podge really seals in good. Also invest a in glove for maximum performance.

>> No.2334110


>> No.2334135

best way to find references for good action poses?

>> No.2334153

So I got a huion tablet and it is just not working at all with Mangastudio 5. I read up and it said to change the tablet in preferences but the setting is greyed out and I can't even select it. I tried fiddling with the pressure sensitivity within MS5 too and no dice. Anyone with a huion know what to do?

>> No.2334159
File: 460 KB, 2596x1407, understanding feathers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here have the luxury to study birds up close and would like to share their notes? Specifically regarding wings and their feathers.

See pic related.

What's the shape of the cross sections of a feather? How do feathers overlap?

Any tips on how an illustrator should understand feathers?

Disclaimer: I know it's retarded to be asking about feathers without being specific about the type, since feathers vary enormously. I just want to know what the general case is.

>> No.2334199

Anyone has a link to the Sam Nielson Schoolism classes?

>> No.2334202
File: 108 KB, 1024x711, white_swan___stock_wings_by_nexu4-d66jelp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are different kinds of feathers anon. You should study swan wings since they are what artists use for angels wings and stuff. Just keep in mind that flying feathers are meant to wrap around the animal and they are a little bit translucent (like human skin). Like in this pic you can pretty much see an X-ray of the bird's arm bone since light goes through the feathers. The downy feathers are just meant to keep the animal warm and are pretty much like fur. You can research subsurface scattering to learn more.

>> No.2334219

thanks for the tips anon. I know about SSS but i'm too noob atm to apply it on feathers.

and yeah I understand it is foolish to be asking about what a feather looks like when there are so many different kinds. I've yet to research which kinds exactly are important to me, but thanks for suggesting I narrow my study down to swans.

>> No.2334232

that isn't uncanny valley yet.

i would say be mindful of perspective, and start learning the major forms for anatomy. also, proportions aren't bad to go over every now and then too.
i agree with this more or less, but i like hours spent more because idiots will spend several hours polishing one shitty drawing thinking its helping them, when they would be better served focusing on quantity and time rather than just the quantity.

very, but the depth of the knowledge necessary varies. what you should know is the major forms, and know these fucking well.
minor forms can be played with, its important to know them, but if you fuck them up in small or even big ways, not many people notice like they do with major forms.

well dude, shit is going to be boring for a while till you are able to use the reference.

using reference is this, you look at an image to get a better understanding of what it is, than you construct your own, its kind of like double checking your imagination, making sure you are imagining it correctly.

ok, lets break this shit down for you
it looks like he is in a room where shit matters, so he is using the bags to mask off the walls, in case shit happens. likely something is on the floor too, note he has bottles and i think some of them may be spray paint/aerosol of some kind, so the masking makes sense,
cup for water, news paper for an easy to throw away surface, something to sit on, plastic bag for brushes/ziplock/aluminum foil it looks like
likely acrilic paint, possibly tempera. that's all i can really tell, some of it may be wrong.

no, you can get good as this board sees good (master) or get good so you just like what you make... i see liking what you make as the best goal to strive for apposed to the more abstract master.

>> No.2334233


>> No.2334240

Staying on welfare until I go pro.
Did they fake it? Tehmeh's stuff is awesome

>> No.2334273

look into french curves, use something like that to mask the piece off, and than paint on it, be aware of the paints cone and you will get large areas without needing to mask. you could also get a printer that cuts pieces of paper, cut some normal printing paper or card stock and take them together, it would be less tedious on your end.

you could also look into an airbrush. i just got one for christmas, 80$ for the airbrush kit and i'm fairly happy with how fine a line the thing can make, pulling back farther makes a bigger coverage area, a bit slower than spray paint but more controllable so you don't overspray. but i'm mixing my own paint with some cheap as fuck acrilic and when that runs out, house paint... if i got purpose made paint and thinner, it would be perfect from the get go.

in the long run, its probably cheaper than spray paint too.

understand a shape from every angle, start with primitives, and go from there.

i would say let the people know what they are getting into, if its worth the hassle, go for it, if not, then fuck it.

i wouldnt go with wireless unless its a proven product just due to the lag it could introduce,
look up monoprice screen, they make one for i think 500$ and if memory serves its best in class as far as picture quality is concerned.

3d programs will probably help you more with this.

frame by frame some animation.


can you draw with a tablet? if yes than no, its a luxury that some people who get use to tablet drawing think is a step down.

are you unable to draw? if yes than there is value but fuck me 2500$ is the cheapest tablet of theirs i would consider and at that price fuck no.

if money is no object and you cant draw on a tablet go for it.

get a ps1 n64 game with wireframe cheats and play it, that should give you an idea.

>> No.2334282
File: 36 KB, 1191x670, mmd___billy_herrington_by_bpmt-d5exy0y.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What pens would you guys recommend?

>> No.2334284

I don't think Firez ever claimed to have made it. He certainly isn't making any (or much) money off his art. He just complained in a thread recently about this, how he works some other job he hates and his art isn't yet good enough to bring in money. No idea about Kyle. Tehmeh supports himself entirely on art and has done so for years. He's worked at a couple studio positions and been published in some big things and worked a lot of well known companies freelance. People here who say he fakes it are either misinformed or bitter.

>> No.2334285

10k is mastery, good in this case would be employable, and depending on how they study, 3 months to a year is the best bet for employable, usually you are looking at 2 unless you go full neet like you did. you may be able to look at commissions at around 300-500 hours though.

not sure where where it originated, but here is the third definition for salty : tough; aggressive
in this context, its used when someone in an online game is getting really fucking pissed, so its salt/salty, and it leaked into normal use from there.


google images and video and compare, this level of anatomy knoledge is likely out of /ic/ grasp... or at least out of the grasp of people who post in this thread.

and does it affect the pose... yea, but the degree is what you want to know and no i don't know that.

rubbing alcohol, 70$ or 99% in a 2 part rub, 1 part water ratio and try cleaning it off, at best its oil that is there and the rubbing alcohol will break it up, at worst, you used the fucker so much you naturally sanded down the surface with your hand, i do this with page up,down and arrow keys on my keyboards all the time, my old one even has indents in the plastic where you can see my hand rested and rubbed the paint off.

pics of yourself, pics of a fit friend, pay someone, z brush with a fit model and put it into position than draw it, find reference before you even start drawing.
in order from best to worst.

driver conflicts are fun. did you have a computer with windows 95 or 98? if so, this may be easy for you to fix... if not... god is getting it to work going to be a bitch...

contact huion and see if they can help you, when i had issues they were very prompt with getting back to me.

>> No.2334289

what purpose?

fine liners i have experience with micron, and i like them
if you use them allot, you may want a rapidograph
you also cant go wrong with an actual brush that has a fine tip
pentel pocket brush is also good.

>> No.2334305

What are good exercises and stuff for learning and practicing anatomy?

>> No.2334312

drawing anatomy

>> No.2334320

Study anatomy, learn about the basic structures, bones and muscles, then try a few sketches from imagination and check the results.

Focus studying more what you did wrong or the parts you have doubts/wasn't confident enough of what your were doing.

Repeat it until you can confidently know what you're doing.

>> No.2334333

What other books are recommended to help get rid of symbol drawing besides Keys to Drawing and Right Side of the Brain?

>> No.2334359

So I just started drawing with a tablet and not being able to rotate it is really fucking with me. I know you can rotate the canvas, but it's really not the same as rotating a physical piece of paper. Is this something you just get over with time?

>> No.2334360

I don't know but drawing things that are upside down helps a lot.

You get used to it. Once you are comfortable with the hotkeys it will just be muscle memory to tap R, rotate, tap B. If your in photoshop you can hit Esc to reset the rotation.

>> No.2334368

Fill a page with triangles. Then fill another page with triangles at different rotations. Do the same with squares. Repeat daily.

I'm fucking awful and just starting, but that helped me a lot.

>> No.2334500

really dumb question but ive been doing gesture drawings and studying construction of the face and while I can get the basic head down I struggle with the features a lot. is there a book or resource that helps with this or do I just have to grind out life drawing faces?

>> No.2334673

Loomis' Head and Hands helped me a ton.

>> No.2334692

>be employable, and depending on how they study, 3 months to a year is the best bet for employable, usually you are looking at 2 unless you go full neet like you did.

Employable for what sort of art jobs?

>> No.2334697


What do you lads think of Moleskine? I've been using a A4 Smiltainis drawing pad for years and I feel like it's time to get a "proper" sketchbook. I have heard that Moleskine is overpriced and whatnot, do you know any better alternatives? I mostly sketch with pencils, ink and sometimes watercolours and markers. Does moleskine let them bleed through the page?

>> No.2334699
File: 6 KB, 250x250, 1402386730103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know of a program or site that'll let me pose a human model however I want?

>> No.2334721


>> No.2334726

Thank you! Now the question is how much am I cheating by using it...

>> No.2334731

Not much, unless you're tracing it mindlessly. It's like a reference program in which you can create whatever kind of reference you need.

>> No.2334734

Exactly! I fucking love it, thank you so much! It just feels like cheating to me now because no longer do I have to scour google images for say, the classic relaxed pose.

>> No.2334753

Is it ok to work on multiple books at once?

Right now I'm working through Fun With a Pencil, Perspective Made Easy, and Vilppu's Drawing Manual. Basically I'll work on one for a few hours a day and when tired I'll move to exercises from another.

Is this an ok way to work through these books, or should I do some kind of sequence? If so which one?

>> No.2334768

It's good to work on multiple books at once. Personally I would recommend reading the books on different days, maybe prioritize FwaP, since it's the most basic "beginner" book afaik.

>> No.2334773

trying to play less games and draw more. step one is draw on my breaks at work. what can i do as excersizes or basic studies to learn 3D form while on my breaks? 2 of them are 15minutes and lunch is an hour.

>> No.2334821

Is it important to always hold a pencil straight up at 90 degrees? At least when drawing lines? It feels fine when doing it on paper, but trying to do that on tablet just doesn't work for me at all.

>> No.2334861
File: 153 KB, 800x322, macaw_wing_feather_by_reptanglian-d4pkc7d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found what I was looking for if anyone else was wondering.

>> No.2334862

Where do you get the triangle color wheel on Photoshop instead of the sliders?

>> No.2334865

>Draw from your shoulder
I'm just starting out and I've been tracing some drawings to get used to my tablet. Assuming I want the whole figure on my screen while I'm sketching, I don't see how I can make marks this miniscule from my shoulder. Am I supposed to constantly zoom in and out?
Is "draw with your shoulder" literal or does it just mean to avoid "scratchy" lines? If I can draw an entire curve from beginning to end with my wrist, am I still supposed to do it from the shoulder?

>> No.2335041

What do you guys think of The Natural Way To Draw by Kimon Nicolaides?

>> No.2335044

Drawing with your shoulder is so that you don't chickenscratch. for smaller details, of course you're going to use your wrist. But drawing with the shoulder is so that you can make long, consistent strokes.

>> No.2335057

I did the first exercise in Keys to Drawing (drawing my feet) and the book recommended to do it in around half an hour and I did it in a few minutes. I tried the second exerxise which was recommended to do in 15 minutes but I did it in a few minutes again. Is that bad?

>> No.2335071

is she hot?

>> No.2335074

How about instead of begging us for praise you take a look at your drawings and compare them to the examples given. You really should be able to tell wether you've gone too fast on your own.

>> No.2335085

largely this comes down to drills.

draw lets say an arm, small cylinder, then attach muscle to it, for the most part you will never need to draw bones as they are, but visible muscles... you will, so abstracting the bone is easier do wrap your head around when you start. once you are done, double check you work with a reference guide, be it a 3d model or a drawing someone far more knowledgeable than you did.

dude, the moment you know what drawing what you see, not what you think you see means you are no longer symbol drawing, you just suck so god damn much it still looks like symbols.

some get use to it, some never do, i'm 11 years into using a tablet and all i can do on it is paint, i can't do base drawings, i cant get over the looking at something else while making smaller movements somewhere else to make a drawing.

id say if this is the case, don't get a cintiq/alternative till you damn well need it, or have the money to burn.

what do you mean when you say features and basic head? because the basic head to me already has all gue guidelines for the features on it to the point if you do one, the other isn't difficult.

low end you aren't starving employment. though if you went full commission based its possible to get a bit further than if you went to a place that needs low end artists to do bitch work, but you are looking at the difference between stability and instability but higher highs at that point.

>> No.2335115
File: 410 KB, 2592x1944, Picture 68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are looking at 15-20$ for 100 pieces of 5x8.5 or 50 10x8.5 piece of paper. over priced largely because it became the "gold" standard that everyone recommends and uses, some art schools that require a sketchbook won't let you use anything other than that. you want my opinion
i have a 3.5x5.5 or 7x5.5 100/50 pocket sketchbook that can take ink, not sure on watercolor, that is fake leather bound that i can get for about 3$

a sketchbook IS NOT FOR FUCKING FINISHED DRAWINGS, its for getting ideas out there, doodling on the go, not the basis for your pro work.

i personally recommend getting a drawing board and getting paper in individual sheets and working with that, and getting a cheap ass on the go pad, if you need it to take ink or watercolor, get the cheapest that will do that.

hell you want to fell some more reward for doing this, look into binding your own books, hell, you may be able to make some side money by binding and selling custom sketchbooks.

personally, i would use a newsprint book for pencil, something a bit thicker for ink, possibly cardstock, that may also be able to handle watercolor but i wouldn't count on it.

blender, poser, daz, 3dcoat, zbrush, 3ds max...

zbrush may be the easiest to do it and have total control, poser and daz are probably the easiest to learn.

stay within one abstraction style, no need to learn more till you fully understand one. other than that why not?

well aware how shit this drawing is, if i remember right i needed to use my left hand and never felt like re doing it basically you take a sphere, rung a line vertically twice and horizontally once and expand the lines, than draw it as though you cut the rest of it out, its an easy thing to remember, and because its simple geometry you can see if you are drawing it right easily too.

again, well aware how shit the drawing is.

>> No.2335128
File: 7 KB, 604x281, 13c3779d728881f630b93afa2ccb40a0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know how to get sai or your tablet to stop doing this shit?

>> No.2335138

What's a good website for hosting work with a community focused on blunt and honest critique?

I've tried ConceptArt, which seemed alright, but the website is paralyzingly badly designed, with logins randomly disconnecting, pages taking up to minutes to load and a generally cluttered layout. I'm pretty sure it's not my computer/browser; every other website works just fine.

Secondly, as a near absolute beginner, when is the right time to transition from traditional to a digital/tablet medium? Or would it be appropriate to learn both in parallel as you're studying the fundamentals?

>> No.2335146

no, that's how you use a ropidograph, not a pencil. though you can do it, i can't see the benefit to doing it because at best you are making uniform lines with little to no life in them.


that what you mean?

you fuck your wrist up easier than you fuck up elbow and shoulder movements, you are also able to get fine detail out of them once you are use to it. it also has more utility than just wrist movements though you wont notice it till you use it more often because likely you already found ways to compensate for the limited distance with wrist movements.

post the work, and we can than judge if you fucked up by going to fast or not.

what am i looking at? it appears its either reading the tablet wrong, or has a minimum "if there is an input no matter how small make it X big until it surpasses X" if sai doesn't have that, it may be a driver conflict or a fuck up in the program itself.

here, you will get shit posting but you will also get honest help.

concept art is a cluster fuck of a design and its either so shit it takes long for a browser to resolve a page, or its hosted on hamster power. you are not going to get blunt and honest critique outside of an invite only art circle, or creating your own... like it or not, art is considered liberal, most people who do art either lean left or say nothing and pretend to be left, and the left made social justice warriors, not saying they scare people away from honest crit, but you see the cause that made them very easily in art communities, they all lick each others ass so they don't get on anyone's bad side and get shunned for their opinions, this is why so many art communities go to hug boxes or circle jerks.

at the very least here you are anonymous and can say whatever you want, assume a new anon identity and go on like nothing ever happened, at least till you pick up a style.

>> No.2335155


> here, you will get shit posting but you will also get honest help

Wow, that is an uncharacteristically fast response for this board, thanks. If you don't mind, I have two follow ups:

I hang around the beginners thread sporadically for critique but it's pretty slow as I imagine people are actually working on their own stuff. Sometimes my posts get ignored altogether, which I assume is an indication that the errors I've made can be resolved simply through consistent practice. How will I know when I'm ready to advance beyond the Beginner's Thread?

Secondly, what website do you recommend for hosting a collection or gallery of sorts? It's both for improving overall visibility for when I get good enough to pursue actual projects with technical merit and for personal reasons as it's really, really nice to have a folder full of scraps that I can scan across and see progressive improvement over an extended period of time. I've tried tumblr, but I'm not a fan of the structure (the notes are a complete fucking mess) and the nauseating community.

>> No.2335160

I just got a drawing tablets and I only really want to draw waifus and anime.
Should I continue learning the fundamentals mentioned in the sticky or just trial and error anime until I git gud?

>> No.2335161

no idea, i dont mess around with the settings on my tablet, but i know it's not supposed to do that

>> No.2335178

for just personal work and personal reasons, i recommend deviantart, community may be shit, but as a hosting site, its not bad, i have seen 25+mb big images posted there, for professional, i would recomend you own website and treat it like a portfolio, you don't keep your shit in there you keep your best.

as for the beginners thread, i just looked at it, it seems like the thread people go to who suck, just hoping that people tell them "what the fuck are you doing here, get out your to good" mixed in with the typical 4chan bullshit... seriously, guy asks for crit and the only response is you suck at tacking photos and it's a blog...

iv told people in the past, if you want to post shit here for crit ill do it when i think i can, you will likely get a better response here than in most other threads, and at best, can be used to help other people who may be in the same skill level with the same questions.

as to why its fast, when im paying attention to /ic/ i usually post if i see i got a response or if its been a few hours, some times i have to many tabs open to see it, sometimes real life gets me away, but largely i sit in the question thread and answer when i can, if this ever gets to full of crit questions ill branch question off into "question crit" that i will also pay attention to.

the fuck do you think, you want to draw more fuckable waifus the fastest way to do that is the fundies based in realism.

did it do this before, or did you just get the program and this is what its doing without fucking with settings?

>> No.2335237


as for the beginners thread, i just looked at it, it seems like the thread people go to who suck, just hoping that people tell them "what the fuck are you doing here, get out your to good" mixed in with the typical 4chan bullshit... seriously, guy asks for crit and the only response is you suck at tacking photos and it's a blog...
> iv told people in the past, if you want to post shit here for crit ill do it when i think i can, you will likely get a better response here than in most other threads, and at best, can be used to help other people who may be in the same skill level with the same questions.

So the Beginner's Thread is basically just Compliment Fishing General and Questions Thread > Beginner's Thread for minor crit. Gotcha. Thanks!

>> No.2335252
File: 980 KB, 471x363, 1440350750650.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after keys to drawing where can i go to learn form? i am doing perspective made easy as well but like most if not all of us i want to draw people. so what book should i purchase next? i dont mind loomis but fun with a pencil is not what im looking for as it is too cartoony for what i want at the moment which is the basics of form and purportions along side perspective which i have that book already.

>> No.2335388

Figure Drawing For All It's Worth. Might be tough at first if you don't go through Fun With a Pencil first though. Make sure to try to do all the example figures and then some.

>> No.2335427

I am simplifying the 3 major masses of an animal but i cant even get the placement right. How do you even practice this?

>> No.2335430
File: 268 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_o0b66qyH7l1todygmo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in what part does making the "skeleton" for the drawing comes into play while drawing from reference?
what i normally do is to make a gesture drawing, fix the proportions(or try to at least). and continue making the drawing doing the bigger shapes and then the smaller and so on until i feel its finished. halp
pic related; my drawing .

>> No.2335549

Is there any equivalent to copic markers? Unfortunately, it's not sold in my country and would be very expensive to buy it on internet.

>> No.2335551

Life Drawing is core for any absolute beginner.

However, I am completely lost as to the appropriate approach to the process. The usual go-to method for these things is that I tend to draw out the outline of the object I'm observing, as I see it. This is what I learned from Keys to Drawing, but errors accumulate quickly and are frustrating to correct (several restatements), plus, it doesn't really confront understanding the object's physical qualities as it sits in space.

What's the proper way to approach it then?
I have similar questions about gesture drawing as well.

>> No.2335854

Pixelovely has animal figure drawing. Maybe do it five days a week for 30 minutes.

>> No.2335864
File: 978 KB, 2752x1752, k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can i do to improve my drawings

>> No.2335981

How do I learn how to stylize stuff

>> No.2335984


This is the third thread you've posted that in. Relax and actually take the advice given to you in the other two.

>> No.2335989

I can't tell if you really drew it like that or if it's cause you took the picture at an angle.

>> No.2336025

What was the name of the manga about the girl who wanted to be an artist again?
There's the very strict teacher saying"you'll never make it" too

>> No.2336033

Kakukaku Shikajika?

>> No.2336035

I get mentally and a bit physically exhausted lately
but I feel restless if I take a break

>> No.2336037
File: 50 KB, 800x801, 1430541420612.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm currently studying specific features of the face in order to better understand how the face works and to be able to draw faces accurately
Is drawing with pen a good idea? I mean, not carelessly drawing with pen, but studying and analyzing, measuring, observing the subject first and then drawing it. Should I just draw with pencil in order to correct my mistakes or will drawing with pen improve my line confidence and eye-hand coordination?

>> No.2336068

>Kakukaku Shikajika
Just that, thanks

>> No.2336140

any of you use other boards for resources on drawing, suck as /fit/ and /out/ for body and landscape? having problems lookiing for drawing materials

>> No.2336144

Yes, drawing in pen will teach you to not make mistakes. You'll still make them but you'll do better than if you're constantly rubbing shit out.

Even when drawing in pencil I generally never erase stuff.

>> No.2336148

I use /fa/ for fashion/clothing

>> No.2336171

anyone have anything on drawing jaws

>> No.2336191

Anything like MARA3D for pc?

>> No.2336195

/soc/ for genital reference, /cgl/ for fashion.

>> No.2336202

I started an art site posting SFW stuff a few months back and over the course of having it I've managed to get a couple hundred followers out of it.
Over time some of my drawings have become a bit more lewd but never full on NSFW.

I've recently been wanting to move into NSFW territory, however I'm a bit hesitant since a kid or perhaps someone who is only interested in SFW stuff might be following. I'd love to post it to my main blog to keep things simple but I think I may have backed myself into a corner and need to create a separate NSFW site.

Advice on how I should go about this? Should I just not give a fuck and post stuff to my original site?

>> No.2336204

Is there a faster way to do this?(warning furry)


I feel that the masking tape layer is unecessary and I am painting huge ass posters at the moment that I found. Right now I have a layer on a poster and I can tell this will take me more than a month to complete.

>> No.2336227

How do I practice fundamentals? An exercise from a book, a study of something from real life then complete a picture or is it something else?

>> No.2336238

Is CGPeers still unusable for anybody else? I can log in but every search returns 0 torrents.

>> No.2336244

It isn't working for me either. Shit, there was a book I wanted to re-download there that I can't remember the name of. I knew I shouldn't have been so lazy about it.

>> No.2336249
File: 21 KB, 1024x322, alternate_new_deviantart_logo_by_anightlypony-d88v69a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I FUCKING GIVE UP, /ic/... on thinking of names. I have until this day ends to pick the pen name I'll use on the internet, possibly forever. So today I'll leave my insignificant fate in your hands.

You see, remember deviantart having those "core" memberships (previously known as premium memberships)? well I got one as a gift last year. I don't really use deviantart that much, so I don't give a damn about core memberships, but I thought the core membership was the perfect chance to finally get rid of my old "kid trying to be cool" username, since you can only change it while having a core membership. Today my core membership ends and I haven't thought of that new name, so I just won't and I'll give you the chance to give it to me. Whatever good name you give me, if it sounds nice enough, I'll pick it and maybe /ic/ will forever be able to tell "This guy is one of us, we literally gave him his name! he browses this shithole a lot!" when I make it into the art industry and start drawing stuff for Blizzard, the President and the Pope. >implying

But really, think of a random nonexistent word and hopefully I'll get to pick one. In exchange, I'll try my best at drawing whatever you want, or fuck it I'll give you some tens of dollars I have on paypal since I'm still not using those. Yeah, this anon is paying for a new username, show me what you got.

>> No.2336266

Reincarnate as Higashiyama Show. Plagiarism is cool on DA anyway and you could finally finish implicity. We'd even give you his twitter account.

>> No.2336268


nonexistent random word generator, go through this until you find something cool.


>> No.2336269

Drawing the body, go to /s/ or /hm/ not fit.

>> No.2336273


sure post it on your main if thats you want your main to be, if any kids are offended they'll unfollow,

or you could make a nsfw blog, and link it to your sfw blog.

your choice

>> No.2336388



>> No.2336497

if you mean bones, than largely they aren't visible outside of ribs, possibly pelvis and joints.

if you mean construction, the ideal is using reference just to make what you are constructing better. as in you put a base down, look at the model/thing, get an idea, go back to drawing and construct it from imagination now.

yea, watercolors, could probably airbrush too... remember copics more or less replaced watercolors in working enviorments due to how quickly you could use them and the skill to use them is lower.

other than that there is a line by prismacolor that may be what you want, i think sharpie tried to do something too, here this is a list i got

Touch Twin Brush, Tria, Mepxy, Prismacolor, Finecolour, and Spectrum Noir

cant speak to their quality as im a very VERY cheap motherfucker and markers are expensive for what they give you, as a kid i always hated the way markers looked and prefered colored pencils or crayons and never saw the appeal... its only been in recent years i changed my opinion on markers, but i think you would be better off with watercolor unless you literally cannot do water color in the environment you wish to use markers.

>> No.2336511

it sounds like you are having trouble with proportions, and construction methods.

break shit down the the most basic shapes you can, and build on them from there, and always try to check proportions as eirly as you can.

ill assume serious, first and foremost, look at the fucking construction on the right image and tell me if you think its anywhere close to the circles/ovals on the left.

if you need to make a 4x4 grid using a ruler on the image, and on the drawing you are doing, now place construction on the image to the left, and draw just the construction on the right, get an idea of proportions, and move on form there.

draw realism, understand it, and abstract it.

there is also one with a little girl who wants to be a mangaka, not sure what it was called and i think its not being translated anymore, but interesting nonetheless.

sketchbook and doodle.

i would only use pen if you have a habit of erasing shit into oblivion because you are trying to polish shit. but on the other hand pen makes people afraid to put anything down because they cant erace... its a hard balance to strike.

poser, daz, zbrush, blender
many more options, some easier some harder than others.

generally, i would say make a censored version for the safe for work, than uncensor on the nsfw, do this for a while, than just stop linking to the nsfw as everyone on the sfw either is following that, or doesn't want to... keep them separate with small overlaps here and there maybe a reminder once a month or so depending on your activity.

we don't need fucking trigger warnings, on the masking bit... yes, make a stencil and cut it our or get a thing that cuts paper for you would be the easiest one

another one would be learn to use a french curve, i assume this is some form of airbrush/spray paint,

alternatively, you can get really good at using the tool

>> No.2336532

Everything works for me, remember the site was down recently, it and persia for what i assume was an extensive update.

CD Inc. (cunt destroyer incorporated)
TGWTSN (that guy with the shitty name)
Isopropyl Alcohol
Diet ke
The Literal Color Blue
The Artist Formerly Known as (current name)
Im Not Like Them

honestly i was going to make some joke names and some real ones too, but i cant for the life of me think of a real one.

>> No.2336555

It's ok, I fully appreciate your effort anon. I didn't get a name but I got a few keks, that's already nice.

>> No.2336560
File: 1.03 MB, 963x674, 1430612788651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>remember the site was down recently

I actually remembered to actually try and register for the first time after months of forgetting and then that happened.

>> No.2336586


>> No.2336603

It's already taken :^( how unfortunate!

>> No.2336607
File: 478 KB, 675x1200, future_nazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have good advice or tutorials on pastels? For some reason I want to experiment with pastels and I'm feeling like I have no idea how to work with them.

Image related, one of my few experiments.

>> No.2336610

Anyone know how to do a Bargue study?

Is it best if I just eyeball it, or do I really need to measure it with a string somehow.

>> No.2336631

why are german kids the stupidest weeaboo artists?

>> No.2336657



don't know if it will help but 2 people doing it/talking about it.

are the pastels kind of chalky, like you could run a brush over it and pick up pigment? i remember a while back i got come compressed charcoal from dickblick, and i found instead of using the charcoal directly, i like taking shitty paintbrushes and using them to lay down the charcoal itself more.

but seriously, what is it with every shit artist gravitating toward markers... i never understand this. looking for pastel videos i came across one where there are copics front and center, the person could not angle the camera down to show what they were doing, they just had to make damn sure you knew they had copics...

anyway, here,

its just an eye, but the guy probably goes into detail on shit you aren't doing, it kind of looks like you either don't know how to do color or you don't know hoe to use the medium, and ill give the benefit of the doubt there... should help you alot.


>> No.2336670

Is there anyway to make photoshop lines better? I'm using sai exclusively for the lines, but I want to fully move to photoshop.

>> No.2336682
File: 125 KB, 1365x2048, 11879114_992721994122842_7531612553174157771_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been wuite some time since I hadn't drawing at all on my laptop, so Idk if this has been answered before, so anyways.

I have a brush lag in cs7, my laptop its just fine so I'm pretty sure the hardware is not the origin of the problem, so may be it photoshop? I remember installing some filters for photography, so maybe is that?
I use to draw in SAI in the past because of this problem but I'm gettin bored of it.

Do any of you know how a solution?

>> No.2336686

and it's been a while since a write anything in English as well, so I beg your pardon

>> No.2336687

this is kind of a stupid question, but pls be gentle

is my hand supposed to be touching the surface i'm drawing on, or is it supposed to be floating midair?

>> No.2336689

whats a good camera buy to take photos of sketches?

>> No.2336724

just got a wacom draw, and was wondering if there were any good tutorials i could get for free/ pirate to start me off. i was planning to drawfag for a general on /co/ if its of relevance. i have corel painters essentials 5 and gimp 2 installed, not sure if those are good, or if i should get different programs

>> No.2336725

Keep a feeling with the surface with your pinky or so.


>> No.2336745

from what i know, no, you just get use to it or find workarounds...

depends on how good you are at drawing really, when you get good to the point rendering makes sense, you may not want to touch the paper ever due to oils in your hand fucking up how you lay down tones or how various media interacts with the paper... ifs its just some bullshit sketches, go for it, its not like its going to hurt it much.

i have access to a dslr, nikon d3200, was around 300$ id say its worth it, the main thing is getting something that gives you 100% control if you want it, and something that is able to deal with low light.

its hard to recommend less than a dslr, and i'm not the person to go to for knowing how good a camera is, my understanding is you want the lowest iso possible, as that will give you the best pictures color wise... and i think that the nikon d3200 is best in the price range for getting accurate colors to boot. go to /p/ and ask, but they will likely be snobs about it and refuse to help you outside of saying something ungodly expensive.

what are you specifically looking for with the tutorial?

now, looking at the draw thread there... either they are really good and i'm not noticing a difference between source concept art and comics, or 90% of what was posted there was from concept art or comics, 8% was crap you use as inspiration to not be like them, and 2% was pretty ok, i'm sure you will do fine if you know even the least amount of perspective.

>> No.2336747

oh, also, do yourself a favor and get manga studio 5/clip studio, find it on sale for 15$ or pirate it, you dont need the deluxe version... it will probably do everything you ever need in an art program

im not sure painter is really good for what you want to do, and there is a reason gimp is no longer talked about as a real image editor. im sure you could get it to do great things, but your time is better spent dicking around elsewhere.

>> No.2336768

i forgot my cgpeers login, am i fucked?

>> No.2336791

I don't suppose anyone has a guide/tutorial on digital shading? Including how to organize the layers and all that. I'm so confused.

>> No.2336792

Where the hell do I find a good muscle/anatomy reference for apes. I can find a muscle reference for many other animals but NOT apes.

I can find their skeletons but not a good detailed muscle anatomy.

>> No.2336986

Are there any figure drawing books for beginners that teach a process where the (simplified) skeleton is sketched over the gesture to build the masses around?

>> No.2337096

persia and peers are linked, not the same login but the same people run both i believe, go to persia and figure out how to get onto irc and ask there.

there are so many different ways to shade that we don't have enough tutorials for all them, get a bit more specific on what you are asking for, how do you want to shade?

tldr ape muscel anatom is VERY fucking similar to man, i believe the link goes into the differences.

let me get this straight, you want a gesture, that than puts construction over it, than than shows you how muscles are laid in?

>> No.2337159

go on youtube and search for michael hampton figure drawing.He starts of with a gesture then adds more complexity onto it

>> No.2337166

Not him, but literally any decent instructor "starts of with a gesture then adds more complexity onto it"

>> No.2337243

vilppu, starts with a gesture then takes it to full drawings. he is the best one that i have found. granted his teaching is more something you only understand or can use when you already know what he talking about... makeing him not so much a good primary teacher as a good supplement teacher.

>> No.2337254

Only really need sai and Ps.

>> No.2337255

Speaking of Vilppu, how are his new beginner videos on NMA compared to his old DVDs? I never finished the DVDs I bought because the sound quality was so horrid. Not gonna shill out more money unless I'm sure they're worth it.

>> No.2337272

>how do you want to shade?

You're right, I wasn't specific enough. My main issue while trying to learn to shade is the technical stuff more than the actual shading- like which layer, what layer type, which tool, etc. As for what type of shading, I'm still trying to figure out what type would best suit my drawing style. Problem is, I'm so inept at all the technical stuff to do with shading that it's hard just to find that out. Sorry if I'm being vague, and thanks for your help!

>> No.2337298

ok from the sound of it you have no fucking clue how to tackle shading at all. is this just a problem with digital or is this also a problem traditionally too? lets take layres out of this for now, do you know how to shade, and when i say this so we are on the same page, i mean this

picture a back ally lit by the moon, a guy holds a lighter up for a cigarette, he gets a flame, and stop, that moment right there where the warm light of the fire is causing his face to glow red, but what light comes from the moon is very cool, and you are having trouble figuring out how to blend that red/yellow light in with the blue.

ore are you having a more fundamental difficulty that you have no idea how to lay down values?

the glut of new masters academy is well worth the price, at least from what i have pirated so far, i many not like the instruction style of everyone but what they are teaching is solid. if you are willing to pay, go for the 30$ for one month and decided from there if you like it or not, you will find something there, if you aren't so much the paying type, a VERY large amount of the nma stuff floats around online, if not all of it.

>> No.2337356

It's more fundamental. For instance, I try to study a lot of black and white pictures of 3D shapes having light cast on them. I see the light and shadow, and I can picture how to do it in my head. Of course, when I try, it looks wrong. But, I feel that's it's not just that I'm not good at shading, but my process is wrong as well. What I am really asking is for a general step-by-step process that I, and anyone for that matter, can follow when shading, no matter the style. (eg. make a new layer, put in the base tone, now put in the dark tones, now put in the highlights, etc.)
I downloaded the ctrlpaint videos, and although they are helpful, they're not addressing my exact problem.

>> No.2337383
File: 402 KB, 1033x1312, New canvas 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess the question thread is appropriate here ?

I just picked this up from this summer, updated a few things here and there but now I really want to paint it. My question is, where do I start, all these lines and details bother me too much, should I reduce opacity to the max, work above the lines or hide them completely after a while ? should I start in black and white or just work with colors ? this feels very different from a study where lines were mostly there to indicate proportions.

also, I remember a Gif showing the process of a painting starting from lines on ic but I can't find it, any one have it ?

>> No.2337397

the issue is there are VERY many ways to do this.

you can go the more traditional route and do all the blending and shit largely on one layer, with any extra layers serving as just where you want screens arranged.

you could lay down base colors than do all the shading on a higher layer and highlights on a higher still.

you could do a complete black and white piece thats just value and through some photoshop magic get it to act as values for what you put on top of it.

i honestly think its not the process that you are getting stuck on its just doing it in and of itself... you may want to stick with value studies before going further.

whats the end look you want to go for? does it keep the line art as a feature, or does it just use the line art as a guideline?

>> No.2337400

You're probably right. Thanks!

>> No.2337406

Do some colour thumbnails exploring different palettes and moods and lighting until you find what you like. Then it's a matter of laying in general tones and colours, starting big them moving to smaller shapes. Probably you will start with flat local colours or something. There's a lot of different approaches though. If you haven't got much experience with painting yet it will probably look pretty shitty no matter what you do because painting is a separate skill from drawing that you need to develop.

Just jump in and try it out. It's digital so there is literally no worry about ruining it since you can keep separate files and layers.

>> No.2337421

I'm using sai, and I have trouble seeing my brushes cursor most of the time.
Is there some way to make it easily noticeable?

>> No.2337424

preserve opacity, recolor some of the lines to slightly darker than your skintone while keeping the outer lines all quite a bit darker

color underneath

Should help you for what you want

>> No.2337443

Drawing for only a few months and practicing pencil drawings with Loomis, Hamm and Bargue. I am still bad obviously, especially at shading, but starting to get proportions and likeness right when copying. Thing is, I don't care for shit for pencil drawings, I am putting in the practice to get into painting.
My goal is to make realistic paintings from reference. Should I keep practicing with the pencil until I get better at rendering or am I wasting my time and should start having some fun with painting immediatly?

>> No.2337464

>My goal is to make realistic paintings from reference.
Don't do anything you don't have to. You should skip as many crutches as you can afford to so that you can start becoming good at what you actually want to do as soon as possible. You should probably even skip the manual, cameras can't be that difficult to figure out.

>> No.2337498

can someone kinda summarize the creative process of a digital painting in list form?

base color


something like that?
I kinda want to make a check list for myself

>> No.2337531
File: 318 KB, 1242x1615, katsuhirootomoAkiraillustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What painting techniques does katsuhiro otomo use?

>> No.2337606

copic markers it looks like

>> No.2337712

Do you guys think that painting is easier than drawing or vice versa?

>> No.2337738
File: 90 KB, 405x637, otomo memories illustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about this one?

>> No.2337779

Uninstall all of them and install Krita instead.

>> No.2337810

concerning cgpeers, i dont remember my login at all except what email i used to sign up. and apparently, after checking a day later, recovery doesn't work and the site is all sorts of fucked at the moment. so i guess im either gonna have to wait for it to be fixed and hope im correct, or get my downloads somewhere else because im a dumbass that decided to use a throwaway email for a private tracker.

>> No.2338015

Looking at a better scan, probably tempera for that one? Could be copics too though.

>> No.2338080

is it normal getting a headache while doing still life? am i just trying to hard or just not used to use that part of my brain??

>> No.2338217


damn i'm late but thank you for the big help! lot of tips here.

>> No.2338509

I eventually want to redraw really terrible looking comic chapters from shit like Sonichu but try to make it look great with the same dialog.
I feel like this would be a parody of it, could I still get in trouble for it?

>> No.2338542

Can anyone suggest me a good tagging method on tumblr? I've read that the more tags the better, but I've also read that only the first five show up in searches or something. If that's the case, are the others effectively useless?
Is there a 'best' order to tag your stuff?

>> No.2338666

Five tags are all that show, so make them count.
Artists on tumblr is a big one, then there's the series (or meta series) then individual characters.

>> No.2338705

If you work on painting, painting will be easier. If you work on drawing, drawing will be easier.

>> No.2338780



>> No.2339427

So basically what Yusuke Murata did with One Punch Man?