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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 248 KB, 1500x1500, question-with-man-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2316830 No.2316830 [Reply] [Original]

Dead thread >>2308158

Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/4YDuzW77 (needs updated)

>> No.2316833

starting the thread with my question
send help

>> No.2316835

How do I cross hatch? Any tutorial?

>> No.2316836

Anyone have tips/tutorials for digital lineart?

>> No.2316945

Are the General's charcoal pencils similar to the Staedtler 8B lumographs? I'm using the 8B now and really like how it feels and how I'm able to sharpen it to a nice taper, but I want to move to charcoal pencils.

>> No.2316949

What are some /ic/ approved books or tutorials or youtubers or any material whatsoever on caricature?

>> No.2317000


>> No.2317117

i have a legal question.

So, im in the middle of drawing an adult NSFW picture of an E-Celebrity (though I'm hesitant to call her that, more of a professional victim)
And, as such, they are quick on the "trigger" to think everything is an attack on their person. (they wanted mean tweets to be banned)
So, I wanted to know, what actions I can take (other than not publish the picture) that could not get me sued for slander.

What changes should be made or how much of a "caricature" does it have to be?

DESU, I'm not going for realism with this picture, its more stylized.

>> No.2317358

Hi, I'm a beginner artist and I've been practicing drawing seriously for at least 2 years, on and off.

Usually what happens is I have a period where I work really hard, and then sort of burn out and stop drawing for a while, then take it up again.

Art is only a hobby for me, and I'm not aspiring to become the next Kim Jung Gi or anything, but should I have a set practice schedule and work everyday, even if I don't feel like it? I worry that if I force myself to draw even if I don't find it enjoyable, I'll eventually decide to give it up forever.

>> No.2317381

Any good grips for either pencil or pen that work well with an injured thumb? I am seriously starting to consider going with the retard fist.

I'm no expert on this but I think you could give that standard "not related to any real living persons" kind of disclaimer.

>> No.2317393

How do you guys combine school with art?

I can only seem to focus at one thing fully, if i split my workload itll end up in a 20-20 split with a lot of gaming and other bullcrap to fill the rest.

I wish this year was just over so i could draw fulltime :/

>> No.2317520

ill make an update in a few days computer problems have kind of plagued me recently.

photoshop, filters, palette knife tool... granted this is for inking, it gets you a line that's good enough that you dont need to ink digitally.

looking at the color, you are looking at compressed charcoal sticks, possibly hard vine charcoal too but im not sure, go to blick and get their brand of compressed charcoal.

as for charcoal pencils, i have a few but haven't used them in a long fucking time, i may get back to you but i have to gear up for christmas bullshit.

i approve the watts video that floats around.
just looked it up on peers, apparently a fuckload of watts written material is now floating around, grabbing that and checking it out.

honestly you wont get consensus on anything here, you will only get people to avoid, and people who wont hurt your progress.

nothing will matter to them, they will post a bitch fit no matter what if i know who you are talking about, if they fail, they get to call the laws sexist, and if they win you get your ass in trouble... its a situation where the only winning move is not to play the game.

modify overhand grip for drawing, modify tripod for writing,

index and middle over ring under pinkie over, no thumb involvement at all.

thumb stabilizing (not grip just to make sure the pencil doesn't fall down) index under middle over ring over pinkie under

non thumb grips also demand a longer pencil to do right so you may want a pencil extender.

try to draw every day no matter what, you dont want skill to rot, working through burnout is something pros have to do, but as a hobby you dont have to but should still try to do something.
i may go through the older thread and answer some shit, i may not, holidays kind of suck for me.

on that note, anyone know of a pen bundle that only has ultra fine tips? i like micron .05's but want a pack of just that

>> No.2317524

In CSP alt+space is zoom with pen drag, where can I find this setting to change it to a mouse button? Currently my pan/scroll button on the pen is just a hand dragging the whole image.

Can't find it in shortcuts.

>> No.2317532

I believe so.

>> No.2317593
File: 151 KB, 490x600, fullGuy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know this artist? I really like the style. Google gave me only pinterest links

>> No.2317597

Google gave me Steve Purcell

>> No.2317674

What is a good way to memorize what I learn

>> No.2317678

Download the Accelerated Learning Techniques audiobook.

>> No.2317710

It feels a little bit like my pen nubs are scratching my tablet? It started making this terrible noise when I draw. How do you know when to change the nub? I still have a lot of nub left.

>> No.2317734

just change the nib and see if there's a difference

>> No.2317745

>I still have a lot of nub left.
You're not going to where it down to the point that it's nonexistent. Look at it carefully - is it rounded, smooth and symmetrical, or is it chisel shaped? If it's the latter, then you probably want to change it.

Also >>2317734

>> No.2317775

what art book should i start with?

i read the sticky but i dont know which one to start on.

>> No.2317777
File: 5 KB, 222x227, 98-214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check em

>> No.2317798

i suggest downloading maybe 5-10 titles that catch your attention then just "leaf" through them all. it's better to get an overview to see what suits your taste before committing to just one book at the start.

>> No.2317852

What books do you guys recommend for learning to draw hands?

>> No.2317927

how do i get bad
im so good everybody hates me

>> No.2317938

his signature is right there, are you even trying?

>> No.2317939

I really want to draw more than just straight up copying a pic. How do I use a reference without directly coping the entire picture 1:1? Also I'm afraid I'll only ever sketch things and never finish something. I want to move on from sketches, what should I do?

>> No.2317942

I was making an ironically bad anime drawing, because I thought it would be funny, but it kept on looking kind of decent. Why do my drawings looks better when I purposefully try to make them shit? They just feel less stiff than drawings where I actually try to do good on somehow.

>> No.2317944


be my friend and I'll love you for some lewd draws since you're good

and also you'll teach me some draw related things

>> No.2318065

Anyone mind sharing some videos on how to render or color a picture?

>> No.2318083

quads checked

>> No.2318085

In regards to animu style, I've always wondered why most female characters have puffy cheeks (on their face), and some animu (various from style) usually have the eyes rather spread apart from the nose.

>> No.2318087

Because asian people's eyes are far apart. Or it's just a stylistic choice. And female characters are given puffy cheeks because it's cute.

>> No.2318096

>Or it's just a stylistic choice

Where did that originate from?

>> No.2318100
File: 211 KB, 500x364, 1428647349448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fucking shit

>> No.2318125


>> No.2318126

I don't really know to be honest family, but I'm sure it is from asian's eyes being far apart.

>> No.2318127

Thanks for the info, that in itself explains a lot.

>> No.2318150

Can anyone name a few artists other than loomis thats good for beginner basics

>> No.2318185

is it my internet or what

i try to reply a pic on a post but captcha keeps expiring while uploading a small reso pic.

>> No.2318188

I don't understand how people like me who are bad at art do line work to draw everything and it all looks like high school doodles. Yet everyone I've seen who I would consider good at art just lays down color and value and slowly adds detail from there. It just doesn't make sense to me how to do it. It seems like good artists take such a different approach to creating something. How do you draw like that?

>> No.2318189

Still got a question about rotating objects in perspective.

>> No.2318200

im good at line art but terrible at color and values. when i was little i only use pen. i never used crayons or color pencils. it might be just getting use to it; hardwork or repitition. my teacher told me to just keep practicing and im kind of improving. baby steps. youll be surprised how it adds up in the end

>> No.2318212

wheres kr0npr1nz

>> No.2318216

Fuck a book, I need some 3d interactive shit.
> What is the best muscle/skeletal software that will let me see the shit from all angles?
> How will drawing from the right side of the brain help my figure drawing
> What book will help me learn to paint like Kr0npr1nz, inb4 le chromatic aberration

>> No.2318232

What does /ic/ do when you don't know what to draw anymore?

>tfw getting gud but out of ideas to draw

>> No.2318284

So is Twitch a thing? would it be worth it at all to stream my drawings?

>> No.2318379

How long do I have to practice until my art doesn't look like autistic sonic fanart from deviantart anymore?

>> No.2318412


drawthreads on most boards, even tho majority is waifu lewd requests, you still got boards that arent oriented that way, or just dig through ideas

>> No.2318419

Are there any books out there about the Russian/Chinese oil painting method?

>> No.2318421

Ruan jia, Craig Mullins, Sparth , hgj

>> No.2318466

my heads come out looking like eggs or potatoes when i draw a circle for the upper half. how do i get a rounder look? maybe it's the jaw proportions idk

>> No.2318468

Anon, obviously I don't know who you are but I would still love to check out your stream if you ever do.

>> No.2318479

Is Pixiv worth keeping and updating with clusterfucked japanese tags or should i stick to DA and Tumblr?

I am ignorant of social networking and shit.

>> No.2318486

How do I into perspective

Why is it so hard?

Scott Robertson's How to Draw is frustrating me

>> No.2318499

>Draw square
>Draw diagonal lines extending from each corner
>Now connect the lines to form another square
>Drawn cubes and rectangles with parallel lines inside larger square
>Congratulations, Shinji!

Now look up two-point perspective

>> No.2318533

Is there an uptapped market on reddit for shilling?

>> No.2318556

Is it sarkeesian

>> No.2318558

Try multiple different sources to see if there's anyone who can explain it to you in a way you understand. Perspective didn't click with me at all until I watched Perspective Series 12. I tried reading about it a bunch of times from multiple sources but I was always confused until then for some reason. There's a torrent of it around somewhere, if you want to give it a shot.

>> No.2318560

Guys, give me please a gif/youtube/text description how to build TRAPEZIUM in 2-point perspective.

I can build cylinder (by utilizing diagonals of cube), cube, triangle (by splitting cube) so far.

>> No.2318607


It's 100x easier to understand.

>> No.2318617

>only $12
Now I feel bad for torrenting that years ago.

>> No.2318758

When it comes to drawing lips, how can I colour and render in PS without them turning out like nigger lips or prolapsed rectums?

>> No.2318773

You put the tablet down, pick up a pencil and paper and spend the next couple years learning how to draw.

>> No.2319035

thanks y'all

>> No.2319337

are there any good resources online to learn about drawing like cloth, and how it folds and creases?

>> No.2319356

do you own a shirt

>> No.2319365

Can anyone answer this?

>> No.2319379
File: 107 KB, 1788x968, military_aircraft_vectors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just about shaping silhouettes of surfaces and then add direction of light to figure out values. Then you sharpen up the contrast and fine tune the details. Not sure what is difficult about it desu. Never had to had it explained.

It's easy to get a silhouette right and once you are there filling the details in comes easy.

>> No.2319381

I'm looking for a specific terrible photobash by some European guy - I remember it was a picture of a mossy canyon with large-rooted trees and a couple of birds, along with some lazy brushwork, low-res photos, and obvious seams. It was notable because I believe Magic the Gathering had used it officially, and he apparently runs an online school of some sort. Ringing any bells?

>> No.2319458

How do I rotate objects in perspective?

>> No.2319475

As i understand it a study of art can be divided in two major parts: brain and motor.

There are great number of tools to compensate poor motor skills, starting with the usage of 'hairy' line and not to mention filters, CG, etc.

At the same time nothing can compensate the absence of understanding form, colour, perspective, motion.

I am a beginner. Will it work for me if i train my brain mostly (studying perspective with some basic perspective drawing) and only after i have made a big progress in perspective will turn to classic excersizes like drawing nature morte etc.

>> No.2319483

Learn to observe things to the point where you understand the dimensions of it. Drawing that object while observing it is a good way to realize what you were not paying attention to. Then it's just a matter of visualization.

Try to zoom out or rotate and flip your image if you are stuck.

>> No.2319947
File: 31 KB, 545x827, shite2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cross posting because the other isn't getting help.

I'm working through keys to art, I've got one huge fucking problem, that being, I'm using a tablet for the first time in my life, cheap little thing I got from a friend.

On paper with pen, I can make a mostly straight line, but that's drawing from the wrist (bad???) I've been working on the reflection of a bottle practice and I can't make a straight line for fuck all. The pen catches all my micro jitters, all the little catches and it causes and ugly thing to appear on the screen.

As is, I've got the tablet leaning around a 45 degree angle, pitched between my solid keyboard tray and the top of the desk. IT's not the desk, but my arm, I know it. Is my positioning wrong, or is this a skill thing? I see so many artist with desks that are angular as all fuck, and just practicing the movements in air makes me feel like I'm doing it completely wrong.

Any help for the beginner?

Here's what I have so far, as you can see it's top tier shit.

>> No.2319951


Well try and lay your tablet exactly as you do your paper and draw a line. If it's still off, it's not your positioning - though the difference in hand-eye coordination does make a difference regardless. Your coordination will improve with practice, and you can always use the tools in whatever program to create a straight line if you need a clean one, just like if you used a ruler.

As for the jitters, could be your tablet, could be the program. Photoshop is kind of bad for this I find, some programs have stabilizers that fix it, photoshop lacks one built in. There's a program called lazy nezumi that does the same function in photoshop though.

>> No.2319956
File: 11 KB, 400x490, ss+(2015-12-18+at+02.14.26).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like using shift ( photoshop CC) is super cheating though. I'm supposed to be learning how to do this as though it's a pen and paper, right?

This is just now, I did a straight line with the tablet flat on table.

I might look into other programs, sai and the like, but I'm most familiar with photoshop (3 years exp)

>> No.2319965



>> No.2319968

Step 1: Hatch in one direction

Step 2: Hatch in another direction.

there you go buddy.

>> No.2320013

Why do so many artists refuse to draw males? I see tons of artists i like draw tornado (or whatever the green glowing girls name is) from one punch man and say they refuse to draw saitama or genos or mumen or any male basically. And lots of people will only do studies of women, not men. Including like arms and hands? It doesn't make sense to me

>> No.2320014

Tip #1: Never ever cross the lines at 90° angles. They´re autistic.

Tip #2: You use too much hatching, you ruin the whole shit. Better put solid blacks.

>> No.2320015

Sexual attraction is a strong motivator, anon.

It's why I'm learning to draw, for the porn.

>> No.2320021
File: 45 KB, 680x510, f45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I finish my drawings? I start, continue and shit and I really stick to it a good two hours. Next day, I find super hard to go back and finish my drawing.

I simply force myself to draw by just telling me
>just finish this little bit, It's too small you can´t say no.

But I just finish that little bit and go fap, start another drawing or do something totally random.

Any help? Have you ever in this kind of ADD experience?

>> No.2320023

...really? That's a little disapointing.

>> No.2320025

Get alphonso dunns new book "pen and ink drawing: a simple guide." if you can't afford it, watch his youtube videos (alphonso dunn)

>> No.2320028

I've always drawn, since I started school I've always taken art classes ( and learned shit all from them.) If I'm not doing something for fun, there's no reason to doing it, and sexual things are fun for me.

I don't want to make a career of it, I just want to use it for my personal gain, and perhaps to please others with the things I make.

I guess It's a little more than just sexual attraction, but it's too complicated for little me to verse for you.

(Really though, The female form is pleasing to the eye, and I see no reason why not to draw from it exclusively, sure you're stunting yourself, but if you're only drawing women, you're getting real gud.)

>> No.2320040

post your work

>> No.2320042

I can't. I don't have any yet. I burned it all in a small mental breakdown a year back.

It was shit, so I guess take everything I say with no backing.

>> No.2320073
File: 429 KB, 800x380, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I learn to draw cars? Is it difficult? Like, I could do it within two months of studying?

I am just beginning to understand perspective.

>> No.2320080

Read "How To Render" by Robertson. Your pic was probably made by him.

>withing two months?
if you're hard working - yes.

>> No.2320084

I have both of his books. Should I focus on that one for my question specifically?

>> No.2320090
File: 57 KB, 676x686, 07106145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have a "best of" folder of Joel Jurion and PoJu

I want to study their styles but even typing their names I feel like I'm going to get vanned

>> No.2320112

If you're good enough then yes. If not, lurk /hr/. They have a really wide collection of car pictures you can use as reference.

>> No.2320124

I want to try to reference some real porn and do a short animation but I have no idea where to go with this.

>> No.2320142

How do I walk to the drawing table? Other people makes it look so easy but I just can't get it? Is there an extensive manual on how to put one leg in front of the other that you guys would recommend?

>> No.2320365

1. Stop looking at your references, and start understanding them. Think of them as 3D objects, and draw them as such. Draw some perspective lines. Draw as if every part of the body were transparent; if an arm is hidden in your reference, don't hide it. Use your understanding of the figure to draw that arm. Don't just shade in a nose, but draw shapes where you see them underneath the skin. Draw a circle where the neck connects to the head, even if you can't see that point. Draw the eyeballs. Draw the soles of the feet from a top-down view.

Use your references actively, not passively.

2. Depending on whether you're psychologically stuck on sketches, or if you just don't know how to render, I'll give you two different solutions.

If your problem is psychological, then remember that your sketches and studies exist to prop up your finished works. If you really want to kick yourself in the ass and make yourself finish your pieces, then burn your sketches the moment they've served their purpose. You don't have to do this forever--just until you've driven the importance of finalizing pieces into your head.

If your problem is more knowledge-based, just check Youtube for rendering, coloring, soft-shading, linework, painting, etc. tutorials. Read up on the elements and principles of art if you haven't already, because they can make the difference between amateur and professional artists given the same anatomical or technical skill.

>> No.2320530

For a beginner, what's regarded as the best material for studying gesture?

>> No.2320546

Try Proko on youtube, his videos are idiot-proof, I ate his shit up when I was a beginner. And for further reading, there's Vilppu's drawing manual and Michael Hampton's figure drawing book.

>> No.2320547

i have a pirated copy of PS 5.0 that ive been using for well over 6 months now without issue until recently. that past few days out of nowhere it's been crashing randomly (usually after being open for a while) for no apparent reason. im guessing i should just uninstall and find another torrent?

>> No.2320549

You could try reinstalling it first.

>> No.2320558

Thanks a lot anon, I highly appreciate it.

>> No.2320652

Vilppu. Others focus too much on this Ss, Cs,and straights bullshit that just needlessly complicates things. After you study Vilppu, begin to study from as many different sources as possible, but always keep in mind Vilppu's teachings.

>> No.2320724

Blease Resbond D:

>> No.2320763
File: 586 KB, 1024x681, DSC_0038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a question about practical application of 1 point perspective.

For example im drawing legs. One foot is slightly forward towards vanishing point. Hence i need to draw it with perspective convergence.

I can think of two methods.
Method 1. I project the front leg on lines connecting front leg and VP.
Th resulted rectangular i measure with pen and then through parallel lines 'move' to the side.

Method 2.
I start by creating big rectangular. I split it in two parts by intersecting diagonals. In second part i draw my front leg.
First part i project towards VP and inside projected rectangular build second leg.

Are there any better short cuts?

>> No.2320764
File: 569 KB, 1024x681, DSC_0042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(and a second method)

>> No.2320770
File: 83 KB, 1269x706, art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I read/watch to learn about construction? All I've been practicing is drawing portraits and now I can't draw anything else.

>> No.2320790
File: 63 KB, 378x317, 2915e3236e8fe799194e69e43b6f94ce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about starting with the sticky

>> No.2320802

Any good books/pdfs on Color Theory?

>> No.2320805
File: 42 KB, 512x512, 1344030283774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loomis is shit tho

>> No.2320807

color and light james gurney

>> No.2320827
File: 161 KB, 1066x533, 892952345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2320876

Can i find 0033's (http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=59317)) stuff translated into enrish anywhere?

>> No.2320891
File: 158 KB, 800x1179, akira-2265973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry for posting again but thread is dead
What should I focus my studies on to eventually draw similar to katsuhiro otomo

>> No.2320908


>tons of questions about perspective like these

Listen. Hopefully you can draw a cube that you keep tilting 10 degrees randomly between each picture. You shouldn't even need a cube for reference to do this. The reason you can't do this with a body is simple because you don't understand the shapes of a body well enough. You need to start observing by drawing from reference and life studies. It's not some knowledge that is genetically coded into you that you can unlock like some power-up shortcut. Drawing and painting is a craft and you need to improve at it as such, lot's of practice.

The only help I can give you is to start drawing things that doesn't make the process feel like a chore. And no, I can't tell you what that is for you.

>> No.2320912

P-dumb question imo. You just focus on fundamentals.

>> No.2320914

Your basics. Once you get good enough you will realize what you need on your own. Since you had to ask it is probably some distance away.

>> No.2320934

How to assign tools NOT TEMPORARILY to the pen buttons in CSP?

>> No.2320971
File: 60 KB, 151x151, 1450058085284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a friend who is bummed out when i told him that "anyone can get better at art if they try hard enough!". Said it made it feel less special and not so good. Is he doomed? He isn't that great but has aspirations to be a concept aratist
>inb4 this is me
NOt really, but if it gets me my answer yes i am a insecure faggot with this issue what do.

>> No.2320975

your friend sounds like a fag

>> No.2320977

Everyone with the necessary dedication can get good

Not everyone has the necessary dedication

Does that make you feel better?

>> No.2320998

The only really valuable skill in life is the ability to study. Sharp wits and talent may give you a head start but a diligent student will not only catch up to you if you are lazy but also rush past you. The winners of the game of life is usually those who work hard, not the talented. Universities aren't filled with people of sharp wits (There are some) but instead mostly those with an ability to study. And not having an easy time understanding something is exactly what motivates some to get good at it.

>> No.2321022

>shit imagination
>keep drawing from imagination with no refs

How dumb am I?

>> No.2321026

you're me
I'm you

Seriously tho, I suck at life drawing, I suck at traditional art and yet I can see form when I'm doing digital art
Fuck this man I'll never be able to expand my visual library

>> No.2321030
File: 265 KB, 1027x773, IMG-20151219-WA00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what painting this is?

>> No.2321032

I don't understand how people like me who are bad at art do line work to draw everything and it all looks like high school doodles. Yet everyone I've seen who I would consider good at art just lays down color and value and slowly adds detail from there. It just doesn't make sense to me how to do it. It seems like good artists take such a different approach to creating something. How do you draw like that?

>> No.2321033

Holy shit, so much this. Sometimes I waste 1 hour on a drawing and it ends up looking like a doodle that someone would do in 15 seconds...

>> No.2321034

Is this a new meme?

>> No.2321042
File: 75 KB, 1280x718, listenup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I suck at coloring, should I focus more on black-and-white stuff instead of trying to do something I'm bad at?

I mostly work with traditional if it's any help, but here's something digital for the trouble...

>> No.2321044
File: 534 KB, 1151x1377, IMG-20151219-WA0012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did all the reversed images searches...

>> No.2321052

So I save frequent drafts of my work as a PNG as I go, and I'm curious if there's any way to make this process less annoying in photoshop.
Whenever I hit save as it defaults to saving as a photoshop document, which is a pain. Is there a way to make it default to PNG? Or better yet, a way to automate it saving consecutive images (IE "001.png "002.png") without me needing to change the name each time?

>> No.2321070

You should focus on learning how to draw first.

>If I suck at coloring, should I focus more on black-and-white stuff instead of trying to do something I'm bad at?

What a retarded question. How are you going to learn color if you never try?

>> No.2321076

You can use the "save for web" option (If CC then it's hidden in the file menu). You can have presets in there. It gt a shortcut key but you can modify that too. I know there's an auto save function too but I have never used it.

>> No.2321216

How can i rotate object in 2 point perspective? For example i build default box. How do i rotate it? Step by step explanation would be nice.

>> No.2321228


It's actually a great question and your answer is wrong. Values are WAY more important than color, so for anyone who wants to learn to paint, working in greyscale until you have an eye for value is the best way to learn. Then you move into color.

But I agree learning to draw is step 0.

>> No.2321278

I thought drawing was synonymous with working in greyscale.

>> No.2321282

Working with no hue is working in grey scale. The medium doesn't matter.

>> No.2321327
File: 34 KB, 620x616, FB_IMG_1449536688911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just started reading perspective made easy. i noticed it doesnt directly state projects to do like keys to drawing. So what am i to do while reading? sticky said it had a lot to do to go with reading it. im probably just retarded.

>> No.2321437

Can rendering hinder my progress if I just want to create good line art first, or do I need to do both?

>> No.2321463

how long should bargue plates take?

>> No.2321468

Whenever you learn something new you try to figure it out and aplly those skills to make sure you understand it.

If it's some shit about 1 point perspective, compose a picture using that method. Same for 2 point and so on.

Use some creativity and sweat it out.

>> No.2321472

What are good resourced for rendering? Specifically in pencil and ink. I can handle perspective and and construction, but besides blocking out BASIC shadows with pencil, I'm a noob.

>> No.2321481


He tends to occasionally say "try and imagine x" or "try and do x", and he also summarizes his key points at the end of each chapter. Just try and put those things into practice.

>> No.2321494
File: 85 KB, 736x981, swsc4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would pic related be a good image to start a new study thread with?
I don't want a bunch of anons getting pissed at me.

>> No.2321512

It's an okay image, but the focal length they've used makes her face look really odd (at the expense of exaggerating her chest).

>> No.2321640

Do you guys have a daily/weekly schedule for drawing? Like, do you have warm ups and lessons planned for the day and what are they? I'd love to hear. Also, how disciplined are you?

>> No.2321707

Pweese wespond.

>> No.2321727

There was this infographic for painters, which suggested using CMYK model instead of the regular RGB model for color mixing.

Can anyone post it?

>> No.2321731

Maybe you suffer from this http://www.disabled-world.com/disability/aphantasia.php ?

>> No.2321738

I'm an Arts and Technology major, but mostly focusing on user experience related design, so I haven't really had to take more than a basic drawing class for my branch of my degree. Recently I have been watching to learn to actually draw, but only really want to draw manga, as I spend all of my time at home and school reading it.

My question is, are there any good resources out there for getting started with drawing manga? I looked through the sticky/wiki and I understand all of the information, but in order for me to be able to practice/work on anything, I have to enjoy it, and I don't really enjoy drawing anything that isn't manga.

I'm assuming all of the basic principles apply, but I was just wondering if there is anything out there I should check out specifically for this.

>> No.2321740


Rotating box in 2point perspective demands geometry tools, it's not imagination stuff.

>> No.2321742

>demands geometry tools
Or you could just visualize the box rotated and draw it?

>> No.2321743

Jesus, i ask for geometry tools, you, for the second time, insist on just using imagination.

Why are you so difficult?

>> No.2321745

Well, good luck trying to find your tool if it exist. I was mostly just puzzled by your odd request.

>> No.2321750

i've only started really practicing in the past month, and there is one thing i am struggling with more than anything else. when i am trying to draw something i am looking at, i am having a very, very hard time giving different parts of the drawing the correct proportions and placement relative to all the other parts.

for example, i was drawing an old army officer's hat, and i just can't get the general shape right because i have an extremely hard time making sure that the bill is sized proportionately to the top, placed in the right spot relative to the top, etc.

if i ever manage to luck into getting these things right, i can do things i am proud of and i feel confident in myself but when i sit around and fiddle with pretty much the most basic step for an hour for something incredibly simple like a hat, i get really extremely frustrated.

what do i do?

>> No.2321752

You have to keep observing and practicing visualizing different parts of the figure with corrrect proportion in your mind. Also keep stepping back from the work or look at the work from a distance to correct wrong proportion caused by your eyes being too close to the surface of painting or drawing

>> No.2321757

Try to look more at what you are drawing before placing anything on paper. Think of it's proportions. Then you put it down on paper. But don't draw any details or form yet. Just the biggest shapes. Try to get the proportions right before drawing the forms of what you see. Could you post your work?
You could also try measuring things before drawing them.

>> No.2321764

>i sit around and fiddle with pretty much the most basic step for an hour for something incredibly simple like a hat, i get really extremely frustrated
Don't get frustrated. That's normal. The basic steps are the most important. That's the hardest part of any drawing.

>> No.2321770

Why is the majority of porn artists male?

>> No.2321780

men are usually more creative.

>> No.2321814

>lol as if this is why
>as if it has nothing to do with men being predominantly aroused by visual cues

You might as well switch it and say 'Why is the majority of erotica writers female?' and answer with 'women are usually more creative'.

>> No.2321822

Except it would be wrong.

>> No.2321830

Is it me or does CGPeers not check how much your downloading?

I've downloaded at least several dozen GBs worth, yet it says I've downloaded 0.0GB (it tracks my upload perfectly however).

Is it because of the "freeleech" label? Cause everything seems to have that label.

>> No.2321847

m8 there are lots of gender differences, but you are pullin a full retard right now if you really think 'men are more creative' is one of them. Porn artists are predominantly male because men are predominantly aroused by what they see when compared to women. Women are aroused more by inner working shit (a particular character, imagination, personalizing a scene in their head, etc). That's kinda why women have self-inserts and men don't care if they relate, they just want to see pussy pounded. Tons of evidence for this, and just plain common sense. Unless you think all those shitty erotica novels are aimed at men and all that hentai is aimed at women.

It has nothing to do with creativity. There are no definitive studies showing any difference in creativity levels between the sexes. But creativity is a damn difficult thing to measure and the neurosciences are complicated, so maybe that'll change someday. As far as we can tell, that's just not the case.

Unless you don't care about the sciences like some kind of sjw, go right ahead believin that m8. whatever works for you. But don't go spreading your retard in the question thread. It doesn't help anyone.

>> No.2321848

fuck me, was meant for >>2321822

>> No.2321851

Is it a bad thing to be doing chicken scratch on a sketch?

>> No.2321864

Oh, forgot we were suppose to be political correct. Just talking from experience. When it comes to the drive to conquer new fields and single minded pursuits then men tend to dominate. That tends to foster creativity. Generalizing of course.

>> No.2321866

Basically yes, but it's not as bad as ic would make you believe. Chicken scratching usually comes from a lack of confidence, and it makes for a weak looking drawing. Try to learn how to lay down confident lines instead of feathering out everything. It'll take time, but you'll be better for it.

>> No.2321870

no. Just do whatever works best for you. Eventually you will get more knowledge about where to place the lines. Chicken scratching is likely just you making estimates and judging which of the lines you want to extend on.

>> No.2321878

Loomis has a book, How to Draw the Head and Hands
I haven't read it but judging by the title this is probably what you're looking for.

>> No.2321879

>Is it because of the "freeleech" label?
It should be.

>> No.2321890

Which book should I start with? There's a bunch of books recommended but which is the best for beginners?

>> No.2321896

Keys To Drawing or Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain

Check the sticky

>> No.2321900
File: 324 KB, 724x1024, 20942082322_4d237e8c03_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have a problem thinking about art as construction instead of just mindless whimsical repetition? mostly when I'm shading I do it just from memory and it doesn't feel like I'm really actively thinking about it most of the time. is this potentially harmful?

>> No.2321903

thx senpai

>> No.2321910

also what's with kim jung gi and his wild wacky faces

>> No.2321920
File: 2.01 MB, 2806x1969, 1388034471237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other than lines, circles, shapes, and figure/gesture drawings, what other fundamental stuff should I be doing and how should I do it?

>> No.2321999

Question: I Have had a broken leg for a few days and can't get the motivation to make some art. how do you force yourself to make some art?

>> No.2322004

Should i update to windows 10?
not internet savvy so not sure if i would lose any of my files or the way they are organized as well as driver problems, specially with Photoshop

>> No.2322005


Jokes aside though, NO.

>> No.2322009

Backup all your important files on a USB drive or onto some cloud. Update if you're on 8 or Vista or some other shitpile. If you're running 7, I would recommend not updating. It's too much of a hassle. Valuable time spent messing with computer dickery could have been spent drawing.

>> No.2322011

Stick to 7 or 8.

>> No.2322025

I know failure is an important part of art. (And I really wish I didn't need to remind myself of that fact). But how can I not let it get me down? As in reduce the pain of fucking up a drawing?

>> No.2322089


There's no magic answer to this besides tough it out, honestly. It's all your mentality. Best I can suggest is just review your fuckup and think 'what did I learn?' - what not to do/where you went wrong/what you need to study more.
Count it as a step on the path to gitting gud and learning to notice your mistakes, and hang on to your let-down art and compare it to the let-down art (or even the art you were proud of) of earlier months/years.

>> No.2322100
File: 1.56 MB, 1992x1208, WeirdMuscles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is going on.
I was looking in the mirror one day and saw these extra muscle lines that I'm not familiar with. If someone could point out what the Orange muscle could be, that'd be awesome.

10,000 hours in paint, btw.

>> No.2322116

What's the best website to buy art supplies in Australia?

>> No.2322117


Just keep drawing. Even if you hate what you produce, just keep at it. Actually schedule part of your day to dedicate to creating art. Don't miss it. Don't make excuses. Just keep doing it.

>> No.2322122

red: biceps brachii
blue: deltoid
everything else: triceps brachii

>> No.2322129

Is it possible to deliver a 30 page colored comic in 7 days?

>> No.2322131

Sure why not? Pretty sure you could do even 100 pages of cyanide and whatever else it's called.

>> No.2322152

Can I get really good without having to take art classes? I'm aware that in any cas, it would take a long time but can I achieve the same level of skill without taking classes?

>> No.2322203
File: 117 KB, 463x900, anatomy is more than just the muscles and skeleton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably the brachial artery, if not then it's the coracobrachialis.

>> No.2322217

you know what, ignore this, I have no idea what I'm talking about.

>> No.2322239

Am I looking at Tricep brachii longus and medius?
There's like 3 different forms there that I'm having trouble distinguishing

>> No.2322246

What does foreshortening mean? I'm totally new to all this (and it doesn't help that English isn't my first language) so sorry if it's a dumb question.

>> No.2322247


>> No.2322260

Is there any folder i can find somewhere full of still life reference?

>> No.2322266

How do I make a homemade sketchbook?

>> No.2322269

Whats the best most thorough anatomy video series?

>> No.2322280

i'm a big fan of Scott Eaton's anatomy lectures.

>> No.2322292


Hampton did a constructive anatomy course, the videos might be floating around somewhere. I tried a few times to get through it but he always went a bit more in depth than I was ready for.

>> No.2322294

there's a book about how to draw cars in the art book thread, first link

>> No.2322313

I bet you would be able to hear stuff like "if just your line work is good enough then the inking comes natural" but I think you should pay more attention. Maybe stop thinking of a drawing as inking vs line work since those are bothl black areas that are a part of the same end result. Inking not only convey shape with the light direction but also texture. Information not necessarily shown in the line work.

>> No.2322320

Yes. If you will want to use dx12 in the future then you'll need version 10. Not updating within the remaining half year while it's free would be stupid of you and if you then don't like it for some reason you can always reinstall an older version or change OS.

>> No.2322377

Green is brachialis. Yellow + Purple are tricep. Remember that the tricep is made up of 3 sub-muscles while the bicep is made up of 2 and that affects their shape. The visible connection point at the green edge is the tricep. There are muscles coming from the lower arm that wraps over the brachialis and it connects to your Ulna on your lower arm. Unlike the Bicep the Brachialis is attached to your Humorus.

Hope that helped.

>> No.2322396

Here they are: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmvvULkxsc81Az2i_0wOIVVMkRJnPoA7i

The guy who uploaded is Vietnamese. Not sure how long this vids are gonna be up so please save them.

>> No.2322439
File: 22 KB, 480x480, 11947659_10207621617128094_8741073282607788541_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anybody respond pls?

>> No.2322444


I can only tell you that I've got the exact same thing going on, sketch/fap/decide to do later/never usually do.

So far I've only worked out two plans that might work but I want to adapt : either not think about the whole thing when wanting to finish something, but rather focus on small parts, like drawing 1/3 of the hair, and slowly move in such small parts forward.

And the second, make only really rough drawings, like 5 min rough max, simple pose/construction, and after that move on to doing final lineart. That way I wouldn't get burned out doing it all over again. The current 1h+ "roughs" already look good, but I never end up finishing them lineart tier. I tried already twice and the 2nd method actually worked, just gotta get used to it I guess.

>> No.2322447

It's just applying perspective. Objects become smaller and shorter the further they are frim the viewer.

>> No.2322452

Those videos are everywhere. Just torrent them.

>> No.2322458
File: 11 KB, 259x259, pp258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here know how to accept commission payments via Paypal anonymously?

>> No.2322471

when you start to lose motivation to draw after you have already drawn a bit for that day, is it better to just give in and just take a break for the rest of the day or to just keep trying to power through it.

>> No.2322507

I need help. I'm a poorfag with a fuck ton of loose paper.

>> No.2322568

How does drawing from life actually help me draw from animation?
How do I do it correctly?
Should I just break the figure down into simple forms?
Apologizing in advance for the silly (?) questions.

>> No.2322572


>> No.2322579


you need a business account and to sign up with a fake email. because you cannot hide the email, but pretty much everything else with a business account.

making a business account (i believe) requires only that you verify your bank account information (which nobody other than paypal has access too).

>> No.2322584

When you draw it is to communicate something. If it's boring then of course you would not want to look at it for long. Writers don't practice by writing stories they themselves think are boring either.

>> No.2322920

it will help make your animations more believable

>> No.2322922

Drawing from life makes you understand the concept of weight, hich happens to be essential in animation.

Ignore retards.

>> No.2322927

Which* happens, for fucks sake.

>> No.2322929
File: 9 KB, 302x225, 1336547141818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2322931
File: 43 KB, 1306x448, Ids-Habbening.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might want to search other source

>> No.2322952
File: 16 KB, 215x245, 12299314_10204703489058174_3773680450268616696_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


An ABN is required to make a business account for me. Problem is is that to get one I'll have to get an ABN under a business name which will cost me quite a bit, the alternative is to use my real name (which has no cost) but that kinda defeats the whole purpose.

I heard it's also a bad idea to add a fake legal business name and ABN because Paypal will find out about that shit and shut down the account.

So fucking annoying that they made it so difficult. You think Patreon would be a better solution?

>> No.2323088

Thank you

>> No.2323104
File: 622 KB, 1000x770, tumblr_nd343ztnmW1qdhfhho6_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can a guy be so attractive and so good at the same time?

His stuff (up close) looks very Zorn-esque tho.

>> No.2323115

I know it sounds very vaguely but how do you make your art more detailed? I was sad moody piece of shit for last two years so Ive just drawn things that are in my comfort zone, but now Ive tried hard to do something new, and, at example, Im sketching some background and i just dont fucking know what to put here. Or I am doing concept arting of outfits and they are all so minimalistic it is boring. Without references i just dont know what to put anywhere. Is it because i dont have enough experience with drawing it? Is my imagination shitty because of depression? Idk this question sound stupid I know but

>> No.2323117
File: 991 KB, 1280x1765, https%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2F9b841ee4cb3b312b4e17b848a94ee7a9%2Ftumblr_ny4207mtuE1sm2calo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life isn't fair.

Miles Johnston very related.

>> No.2323137

Is learning ellipses important and if so, why?

>> No.2323139

Perspective indication.

>> No.2323151

I do something like first method to force myself doing things. I think I must study construction drawing, try 2nd method you mention and git gud, tbqh I'm not very good at that.

That's a valid point. I draw using references and when I get bored I quit.

>> No.2323156

>Grab stack of printer paper
>Staple thrice along edge of choice
>Tape over staples for a smooth binding

>> No.2323238

Should I start sending my portfolio to companies even when I don't see me having many chances, and then contact them again later once I've made some clear progress or would that hurt my future chances? Is there a thing as applying too early?

>> No.2323239 [DELETED] 


>> No.2323382

I think I've already asked this but I have an intuos pro 5 large, everytime I put my pc to sleep the wacom driver is completely fucked for some reason. Wifi works just fine after I wake the pc, but then it buggs with the cursor flying everywhere/random clicks as soon as I put in the usb cable in. HOW THE FUCK do you restart the wacom driver without restarting rhe computer.

Also, I already tried, it restarts, but it's literally not responsive, any help ?

>> No.2323386

and when I say it's not responsive, I mean no pressure sensitivity, doesn't work.

>> No.2323456 [DELETED] 

Well math and drawing are closely related. Math is all about natural flow and and any number can be visually represented with line and mass. Not only that but nature deals heavily in fractals in its designs. If you want a good flow, proper line relations and a good perspective then math is the key.

Exponential change is common when observing rotation or relation changes like change or a warping of perspective.

When it comes to structure, construction and change then math is key. Having a natural understanding (Not necessarily academic) is fundamental for drawing.

>> No.2323458

Well math and drawing are closely related. Math is all about natural flow and and any number can be visually represented with line and mass. Not only that but nature deals heavily in fractals in its designs. If you want a good flow, proper line relations and a good perspective then you need to have a feeling for mathematical relations.

Exponential change is common when observing rotation or relation changes like change or a warping of perspective.

When it comes to structure, construction and change then math is key. Having a natural understanding (Not necessarily academic) is fundamental for drawing.

>> No.2323766

is there a proper way to hold a tablet stylus, specifically a wacom brand stylus? i don't mean your preferred grip but literally how the stylus is 'rotated' in your hand. i prefer to hold it so that the buttons are always close to my thumb so i change my brush size quickly. i noticed this results in the nib forming a 'chisel' shape after a couple months of use. is this a normal amount of wear?

>> No.2323937
File: 48 KB, 700x355, paper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the best type of hot press(smooth) paper to use acrylics on?

>> No.2324077
File: 178 KB, 1024x1230, a1326c0c19ad275e74498813c93041b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For creating something like this I would draw human and cat faces using the fundamentals, right? I'm not too concerned about the rendering atm.

>> No.2324096

Do you think drawing anime and cartoons will negatively impact your ability? I just want to draw pokemon for fun.

>> No.2324099

STUPID, ODD BUT IMPORTANT QUESTION: Is there any fun way to get yourself a non-shitty pen name/nickname/username/artist name? my creativity for creating (or choosing) words is apparently absolute crap compared to my drawning skills, which is saying something.

I, of course, have the one I've been using for years since I joined the internet as a teenager, which for that same reason doesn't cut it anymore.

Also, what are your favorite artists names? (not necessarily your favorite artist, just cool pen names)

>> No.2324115

are there any books or docs or whatever that show or explain the technical processes of a manga artist? like what materials and paper they use and whatever

>> No.2324273


I want to really dig into practicing some foundation areas on a hardxcore level.
First up: anatomy + figure drawing.

Tutorials: Don't need em. Already bogged down in far too many.
(My library dwarfs any collection you'll find online.)

What I need now is concerted *practice* — preferably focused on a single subject-matter area of large scope.

"large scope":
◣ can easily spend a bare minimum of 3 months plowing through content night and day as a start
◣ ideally more like {min: 6 months per foundation area block} w/o exhausting references etc.

▶▶▶ Is drawing porn a good avenue for me? ◀◀◀
▶▶▶ Any other/better subject-matter ideas? ◀◀◀


◣ be: sci-fag; freelance webdev; freelance graphic designer
◣ [+]: analytical; strong eye; formal visual arts knowledge
◣ [--]: shit-tier manual skill; weakest with the human form


▶▶▶ I am bipolar as fuck. ◀◀◀

So when I say "hardxcore", I mean full-blown mania.

◣ non-stop // obsessive // repetitive behavior
◣ tweaker-focus; tunnel vision; continuous waking activity
◣ regular episode ⇒ 1-3 days // major episode ⇒ 4-5 days


Redirecting my crazy-person energy into serious efforts to bring up my drawing skill.

Plan: take it in blocks per foundation area. {min: 3 months} per block to start.
First block == worst area == anatomy + figure drawing.

Input appreciated on not picking turrble subject matter.

>> No.2324275



[1] references: nearly every conceivable size // shape // pose // state of (un)dress available
[2] ~masters~: tons of much better porn artists for study + comparison


Not entirely sure?
Hoping you could help out there.

Biggest concern so far:

[1] bad habits: developing muscle memory for shitty / symbolized women

>> No.2324279


>> No.2324291


so this is the power of autism

>> No.2324293

Told you, I'm bipolar af. Often results in didntreadlol-length walls of text.

Ignore the unnecessary exposition, focus on the question.
Still perfectly valid, IMO.

Caveman-speak tl;dr of my post:

Me wanna spend metric fuck-ton of time practicing one thing.
Me make "one thing" be anatomy + figure drawing right now.

Me need subject matter for reference 'n shit.
Then me work mostly / exclusively with this.

Me think porn is good pick.
Anon think porn is good pick?

>> No.2324297

dude relax

>> No.2324307

Bruh, no social disorder here. I'm the life of the party.

Bipolar's a top-tier cheat code for attracting women, right up there with the dark triad etc.

'cause humans are stupid, stupid apes.

>> No.2324313

you come off as extremely delusional and obnoxious

>> No.2324314

Porn can be good for the reasons you listed, but be aware that if all you study is porn then your work will look like porn. This can be especially true if you study porn artist's styles. I remember reading a post on /co/ from a (relatively) well known porn artist who wanted to start making personal work and do fan art that wasn't smut, but was having a rough time because even when their work was innocent and had no nudity it still looked like smut.

Please make an effort to not shitpost

>> No.2324321


Overuse of caps, arrows and lists to try and draw attention does not make a post better, the contrary is often the case.

There's no good substitute for practice. Drawing is a craft so most of your 3 months should be spend drawing, not watching videos and reading about drawing.

Nobody cares about if you are bipolar. If it shows in your art in a good way then good for you but otherwise leave it for your blog.

>> No.2324328


>up for 80 hours straight
>buried my dog yesterday, 20F (-6C) + snow

Can't into relaxation, anon.

I'm not getting mad at anybody or anything, just wired.


>extremely delusional
Haven't made any exceptional claims about my ability, so dunno where that's coming from.
Stated outright that my manual skill is absolutely terrible.

Always willing to agree on that, cause I frequently am.

Psychoanalysis is wholly irrelevant to the thread, though, so /fin.


That's what I'm worried about.

My big problem is that I currently can't reproduce free-flowing / expressive / dynamic figure imagery well enough freehand to make working from imagination too feasible -- even nudes drawn from clothed references come out super wonky.

Can visualize it fine, just can't get it on paper.

(Whereas I have minimal problems doing fairly decent geometric / drafting-style illustration from imagination, b/c there I'm working with tools + math + guided lines)

So it's primarily my lack of manual skill getting in the way.

I'd like to avoid exactly the problem you describe, but I can't think of anywhere else I can go to start building a *large* library of nude references for myself.

My thought on that was to limit my sources to softcore photosets for maximally natural (read: least "everything-he-draws-looks-like-porn") poses, but that basically reduces the scope of work to pinups only.

>> No.2324329

>up for 80 hours straight
>buried my dog yesterday, 20F (-6C) + snow
>Haven't made any exceptional claims about my ability, so dunno where that's coming from.

dude youre a lying aspie

>> No.2324333

Hey, you seem to write a fuckton of words, I'm the guy looking for a good nickname: could you give me one? In exchange, here's my opinion on your topic:

If you look at porn for your training, beware the fact that -like you're saying- you'll have to avoid those way too sexy looking pictures (or poses from videos if that's what you're working with), which will probably end up being a waste of time at the end of the day since you would have to make a finite selection from that huge initial porn selection. Perhaps you should try looking at non-porn, non-artistic nude references? (example: a nudist beach, I don't know...keep in mind the kind of poses you'll end up drawing a thousand times according to what you pick).

>> No.2324336


>Overuse of caps, arrows and lists to try and draw attention does not make a post better

If I can't force myself to cut a post down to a more reasonable size, the least I can do for those who have to suffer through the wall of text is to format it a bit.

Besides, I have all this shit hotkeyed via text expansion tools, so it's nbd to throw in.

>There's no good substitute for practice.

Right. I said that myself.

>Nobody cares about if you are bipolar.

I'm no special snowflake. I almost never mention it. I did so here b/c I'm anonymous and it's highly relevant to the prompt.

Datahoarding is something else I put a lot of manic time and energy into. It's the reason I have such a large library of tutorial resources — I've been obsessively collecting learning materials, artbooks, etc. instead of getting any real practice in for several weeks straight now.

These aren't things I'm proud of doing or even want to do.
They're things I *have* to do. I find a branch to travel down and can't stop.

So if I have a moment, like now, to tear myself away from unproductive compulsions (like collecting more instructional materials than I could ever use) and point myself in the direction of a more productive one, I'm gonna do exactly that.

And that's what my post's wall of text was getting at. The advice I get here is gonna be applied to a fanatical degree. Anons sincerely looking to help should know that.

>> No.2324339

There are nude figure drawing resources that aren't porn, luckily. Check out the croquis cafe series on Youtube (~20 minute long videos of different timed poses, currently well over 150 unique videos) or go to http://artists.pixelovely.com/practice-tools/figure-drawing/ which is another figure drawing tool. The poses are timed to mimic a real figure drawing session, but you can pause them and draw them for however long you'd like. It is good practice to do the shorter poses and focus more on the gesture of the pose, though.

>> No.2324349



What do you want, pics of the fucking coffin?

And "ability" clearly meant creative ability. Bipolar is a mental health disorder, not an ability.
If you can't even imagine being awake that long, try being less of an illiterate before posting.
Google bipolar, "eugeroic", or even just goddamn "meth."

Enough shitposting. Shoo.

I saw that post and normally I'd consider replying to it, but my own request derailed this thread enough already that I thought I'd avoid any unnecessary stuff.

What's your style? Any names you like or themes you wanna work with?

(Not necessarily much of a qualification here, but one of my majors was linguistics. Contemporary langs I can draw on for brainstorming: german + english (fluent), basic school-french. Dead: sanskrit, latin, greek.)

>> No.2324352

the fact that you dissected my post like that and talk like a fedora isnt helping your case you autist.

>> No.2324355

>Right. I said that myself.

Not sure what you meant by
when you then add in the next sentence that you are will to spend the next 3 months plowing through content after previously informing us how many tutorials you have collected.

Anyway, sure you can draw porn but people who tends to just be motivated by that usually don't get very far.

>> No.2324378
File: 751 KB, 1448x1016, 4chan_ic_siterip-PIXELovely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>croquis cafe series

Hadn't heard of it, thanks.


I already have a siterip of this for myself (can upload if anyone's interested).

Definitely a good resource, but it only totals 654 images, and only 329 of those are nude.

Since I'm aiming to do a shitton from reference until I cease sucking enough to work productively from imagination, I'll need a whole lot more to go on.

That's why porn came to mind in the first place. I can't see any single figure drawing collection being large enough to meet my admittedly unreasonable volume demands.

>> No.2324388

>can upload if anyone's interested


>> No.2324390


Sorry, I guess that was unclear.

I meant plowing through a large amount of reference imagery, not tutorial content. Since my manual skill is so far behind everything else.

>people who tends to just be motivated by that usually don't get very far.

I'm not particularly motivated to draw porn at all, really, it's just the shortest path to lots and lots of naked people refs.

>> No.2324398

Aight, gimme 5 minutes to tag/sort them (caveman-style, prefixed in the filename) and maybe 20-30 to get them uploaded.

>> No.2324402

much appreciated! and no need to rush it

>> No.2324483
File: 1.13 MB, 331x1003, 1449629850985.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a difference between Video Game concept art and Film/Movie concept art?
Obviously not talking about quality of art, rather Hours, Wage, Ease of access...etc

>> No.2324499

Nickname guy here back again, well something that sounds cool but not intimidating maybe. Maybe that's all I want in general, I really like drawing "cool" things and I wouldn't want people to think I'm awkward/intimidating/disturbing/whatever. Bonus points if I can say something slightly funny when they ask me about the origins and the why of the nickname.

>> No.2324557

I decided to grab the other practice imagesets and turn it into a proper siterip, so I'll have it up as soon as I'm done fixing their terrible misnaming of a bunch of animals + adding tags.

erm, can you add some more to that or post a piece or something? "cool" can mean so many different things.

>> No.2324719
File: 126 KB, 300x400, Big-Hero-6-Professor-Callaghan-Concept-Art-big-hero-6-37709717-300-400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is probably a silly question but i can't think where else to ask

i'm doing a character design of a guy who seems to be the typical 'dad'. what are some good examples of 'dad' clothing? i've got shirt/sweater vest and polo shirt down, but i can't think of what else to put him in

>> No.2324730

Fisherman sweater, chunky cardigans/sweaters in general, windbreaker jacket, khaki shorts and pants, striped button-down shirt with a pocket protector, boat shoes, sandals with socks, fanny-pack. Not sure how much schlubby dad-ness you want to evoke.

>> No.2324737

ok ok, ill wait for it here

>> No.2324739

where does he live, what's his wage/occupation, what's his IQ, etc... gotta ask questions because there are different versions to typical dads.

>> No.2324809

Here you go:

https://mega dot nz/#!mQ0zUSwb!N-5_lkysaPcCipPMuI8aAR6jdlMGBqIabY6HfBkfj_k

Unzips to 1085 MB.
Includes all the practice tool content for people + animals.

I gave up on IDing the animals and putting them in a taxonomy.
Fuck that, the source is too messy and incomplete to bother.
Nobody but me cares anyway, and I gotta go to a thing.

Still got most of the way, in case anybody... benefits... from... phylogenetic stock photo organization...

>> No.2324811


Put two other siterips up within the past couple days as well:

Pose Maniacs (figure drawing tool) and the Web Gallery of Art (masters collection).

Lemme know if you want the mega links to those. Don't wanna spam links otherwise.

>> No.2324824

Whoever was looking for photo ref:

http://www.posespace.com/posetool/models.aspx(images are watermarked if you don't buy them, but it's nothing)


>> No.2324848

How to draw box from any angle?

>> No.2324852

Learn perspective.

>> No.2324858
File: 72 KB, 528x768, 1442097950484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How into head?

>Can't draw other than front/side view
>Loomis ain't helping

Other method?

>> No.2324872

I have read Norling Perspective made easy and Perspective without pain Phil Metzger.

Still cant into box from any engle.

Can you give me just an essence of what is required to draw box from any angle? Without heavy geometry stuff from Robertson.

>> No.2324895
File: 2.39 MB, 1321x1770, thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"cool" as in "badass" as in "hopefully a teen will want my dinosaur/videogame creature/animu girl/robot/superhero/dragon/spaceship/whatever as a poster in their wall".
Eh, I don't have much stuff on this computer but I can grab this scanned drawing I had around my files. Not that it's the best representation of my work, however, I think this one is a bit more grim in general when compared to what I'd usually do.

>> No.2324909

start simple. go through the book slowly and actually do the exercises a lot of times until you're confident with it, then move on. so start off with a few hundred loomis heads with no features at different angels, then work out how to put features onto of that when you're comfortable

>> No.2324993

More of a /g/ question but I have two monitors, one shows line quality well but my second doesn't and it's an IPS monitor so I'd like to use it as my main for drawing.
My question is what type of settings in particular do I need to fix for it to show my lines better?
I messed with sharpness but that didn't help, also It's an LG IPS LED 27MM33 if that helps.

>> No.2325024

I can't find an example, but sometimes I see high-res scans of printed stuff and you can actually see each point of the image. Each droplet of color from the printer, or each triplet I guess.
Is there any software that could apply this to a low-res image to upscale it?
Alternatively, making an image look like it was displayed on a CRT monitor and then photographed would be cool too.

>> No.2325069

Like this?


>> No.2325123


thank you very mcuh for those!

you might want to post the other here, since its more relevant thread >>2324521

>> No.2325148

any small guides for the basics of monochrome coloring?

I don't really want to perfect this technique, just want the know the core idea, to throw in on small lineart-ish/rough drawing to give them some depth.

>> No.2325158

You can't into details because you don't know the details. Observe the world more closely, and you'll be able to fill in the gaps.

When you're in a building, do you just think "grocery store", or do you notice the construction and the multitude of parts used to make the building itself, both inside and outside? When you open up a magazine, go to the coffee shop or watch a movie, do you pay attention to what people are wearing? Do you pay attention to the different types of fabrics out there, and how they behave under light? Do you pay attention to the stitching, figuring out the separate pieces of cloth that were joined to make a garment? Do you notice how the clothing fits, and what personality impression you get from what somebody's wearing?

There are documentary shows about how things are made. They might open your eyes to a world of detail that you've ignored. You can approach everything - not just manufacturing - with that level of detail. Anything you don't know you can probably look up. The level of detail research you need depends on your goals for a given project. If you're designing a character in armor, you should at the very least know what real-world armor is most similar to what you have in mind, what the parts of the armor are, and the many visual variants that have existed for the same type of armor.

The only caveat is you have to truly care about the subject matter you're drawing/painting to motivate you to do the research needed to pull it off well. Don't leave things to happenstance of whatever's incidentally already in your visual library - if you haven't been paying attention then it's likely formed by the same popculture that informs everyone else's visual library.

This is all assuming you have a strong grasp of your fundamentals, especially your sense of design. Learning how armor is constructed won't help you if you can't render a sphere.

>> No.2325165

Don't force anything. What you want is a consistent drawing habit. Start with very small daily goals, then slowly ramp that up over the course of weeks/months. Drawing a lot when you suddenly have the time to isn't a switch you can simply flip - not without quick burnout. When drawing is a habit, then motivation should seldom come into the picture. If anything, starting to draw might motivate you to continue drawing.

If you do usually draw a lot daily, but now you're not drawing with the broken leg, perhaps you just need a break. It's okay to take a little bit of time off if it means you come back to art refreshed and recharged.

>> No.2325168

It's just like working in grayscale, except you now also have saturation to adjust as a tool and through that color temperature as well.

The super basics would be: use contrast to guide the eye and create interest. Contrast doesn't just refer to value. You can have contrast in shapes, mark size, edges, saturation, etc. Basically, don't use uniform saturation. Control it with purpose.

>> No.2325172
File: 171 KB, 991x1024, 5584238578_c4e533318c_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any experience with ateliers in EU? I really like Watt's atelier but moving to the US is way outside of my price range at the moment

>> No.2325225
File: 184 KB, 640x640, 1450416269157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey ic, i have an issue
Essentailly, whenever i draw a drawing, i often will drop it halfway though or not even a 1/4 of the way in and try again. Or start doing studies because i think i can't make what i want due to lack of knowledge. Im 4 years in (but for all intensive purposes i realy only made progress in the last year or so) and i generally don't do finished pieces like i see in other artists sketchbooks, usually largely unfinished sketches of nude figures from observations or imagination.
Anyone else have this issue? i worry very much about my skill and i feel like that pressure hinders me from doing an actual finished piece? Any advice on how to deal with this issue?
>inb4 just finish something
i meant any other ideas/solutions anyone else has come up with.

>> No.2325229

Just try to copy what you see and do it as accurately as possible. The Picasso upside down man is something good to copy.

>> No.2325582

Please respond!

>> No.2325586

You might want to take a look at SARA (Swedish Academy of Realist Art). I believe Miles Johnston teaches there.

>> No.2325587

Which program is the most indicated for digital drawing/painting? I know about photoshop, paint tool sai, art rage, sketch bool, Corel Painter and there are even others.

I know some pros and cons about photoshop, but not much about the others.

>> No.2325615

Pweese fwiends. Respondere.

>> No.2325620


>> No.2325621

you're afraid of your drawings being shit, so you don't push yourself because you don't want to produce shit and feel inadequate. completely understandable

but sucking at something is the first step to being kinda good at something, so you gotta just say 'ok i'll do this, and it will be a learning step for me even if its hideous'

>> No.2325625 [DELETED] 
File: 140 KB, 500x350, 08-Perspective-Grid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some authors that wrote stuff about perspective
Don't know them.

You probably shouldn't had skipped geometry. 3D stands for 3 dimensions so you need 3 vanishing points to get all the lines right. Usually two of the vanishing points will be outside your field of view.

Irrelevant detail: Two parallel lines seen from perspective on a cube that extends towards the same vanishing point will never touch but instead just get closer to each other as they extends towards infinity.

>> No.2325626

this might not be the board to ask but how do i get wacom drivers on a linux mint distro?

i used this guide


but its not compatible with ati drivers

>> No.2325710
File: 99 KB, 232x260, please 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please respond.

>> No.2325723


Try Manga Studio ( / Clip Studio Paint, same thing afaik). It's geared for comic making specifically but the tools are good for drawing.

That said I recently went from Manga Studio to photoshop and I don't really understand the "photoshop is not a good art program" meme. The brush was a bit stiff but lazynezumi gives you a stabilizer as good as MS and Sai's. Maybe it's because I tend to paint instead of do detailed drawings/lineart anyway and PS is supposedly fine for painting, I don't know.

>> No.2325737

Photoshop is good, definitely has some of the greatest tools if you know what you're doing, problem is the program is very heavy and shitty GPUs don't handle that well.

Besides that you need to know how to deal with the brushes which don't come in a ready to use mode like on other programs.

Lastly there are many tools that are completely useless for an artist that only aims at darwing/painting so if you're going to pay for a program, photoshop is VERY expensive and you'd have better options.

All that being said I wonder why people don't try to learn how to draw on a computer, it's immensely easier since you can fix your mistakes 100 times until it looks good.

>> No.2325741

is krita any good?

>> No.2325745

No idea, I'm curious as well since from the pics on the site it looks like photoshop lite

I'm going to end up testing all those programs, maybe I'll even write about it.

>> No.2325752

I'm using it extensively. It's like superior Photoshop image editing powers combined with superior Sai\Manga Studio sketching capabilities and on the top of that it's completely free and open source. A dream, 10\10 as long as you don't use assistants in snap single mode because this will crash all shit eventually, I've lost quite a bit of work with this crap until I figured it out. Will be eventually fixed in december.
Also some more complex texture brushes may lag a bit on windows, no lag on Linux though. All in all definitely give it a shot, it has one of the most complex brush engines I've ever seen.

>> No.2325785

this is good to hear as im trying linux mint out. how did you get wacom drivers? its the last thing holding me back

>> No.2325808

Since it's mint just plug in wacom and it will work.
Just a bit of warning though, don't use wireless. It thinks it's a new tablet and fucks up everything.

>> No.2325875

I have read Norling Perspective made easy and Perspective without pain Phil Metzger.

Still cant into box from any engle.

Can you give me just an essence of what is required to draw box from any angle? Without heavy geometry stuff from Robertson.

>> No.2325950

Best way is to just take a box in real life and observe it. Bring it above your eye level and see what happens, bring it below your eye level and see what happens; etv

>> No.2325951

It says he's an alumni but I doubt he's teaching. Also wow, I've seen his work before but I had no idea he was only 22.

Anyway, SARA looks amazing but it's still to expensive. I guess I underestimated how expensive ateliers are. I'm looking at Fine Art BAs in Europe now

>> No.2325978

Maybe this is a weird question but
how exactly am I supposed to be sitting when drawing?
I have been keeping my tablet in my lap (due to having a shitty desk) and have been drawing digitally for a while and now that I'm trying to actually get good and draw traditionally again I have no idea how I'm supposed to be sitting.

I feel like my coordination is really off an I don't know if it matters or not if I sit and hold my paper a certain way.

>> No.2326039

Says on their facebook that Miles is a teacher there.

>> No.2326187
File: 24 KB, 635x475, 1401062688008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needing help with Krita (win7) and a Huion h610 pro. I can't figure out how to get large pen button to make use of left click. I also can't figure out how to setup the tablet buttons for what I want, and when I try to do so in Control Panel, I get a error saying "tablet buttons are not installed on this computer".

>> No.2326284

Whatever makes you feel comfortable, but I suggest you should get a new desk.

>> No.2326560

Where can i buy such a box? Are there any ebay sellers with stuff like that for draw beginners?

>> No.2326561

If this is a legit question and not bait (which probably isn't), then let me answer your stupid question: search in your house any goddamn box. You bought shoes? a toy? a vidya console? a microwave? got mail? then maybe you still have the box. There's no way you don't have a single box in your house, and even if you don't, you can still use a book or your desktop or any other three-dimensional flat object. I doubt you actually lack "such a box".

>> No.2326700

But this occasional box will not have proportions of a head and will be a very poor judge of head distortion.

>> No.2326861

I saw this thread on /s/ and am doing some sketches of the pictures.


Please look at the girl in the OP, there are many pictures of her in the thread.

How would you describe her? If you were to draw her, what characteristics would stick out to you?

I'm trying to learn how to see these things, but she just looks normal to me. When drawing her I feel like the only thing I personalize are the nose and the breasts.

>> No.2326865

Is it cheating if I use 3d to pile some boxes on boxes just for the sake of establishing the cool view?

>> No.2326901

Drawing my hand right now and I'm having some difficulty determining the correct tones/values.

I'm thinking of taking a photo of my hand and just using the color picker tool in Photoshop, Is that considered a bad practice though?

>> No.2326909

No. I don't see how that would be "cheating", unless you traced and painted over the boxes without adding anything new to what the software generated, and then you sold the painting with the name "Boxes of life" on eBay for a million dollars.

>> No.2326913

What defines a beginner? Will I ever stop being a beginner? I've been drawing for a little over a year (yes I have Vilppu, Hampton, Loomis, and more) but my art still looks like a beginner's. I don't want to be a beginner anymore but I still feel stuck in that stage and I'm worried I'll never leave that stage. What do I do?

>> No.2326927

Well, what defines a beginner for you? and why does it matter anyways? it's just a word. Your final result today is what matters, and if your final result is good enough to make money, then you're literally a pro, you're making profit with it. Worry not about what word defines you, but rather what your actual quality is, keep working until you can put yourself in the eyes of someone browsing the net (an art director, a potential buyer, etc) and want to buy YOUR art instead of the rest's.
>I'm worried I'll never leave that stage
So you're not good enough? chill, unless you have some kind of autism you'll always keep improving as long as you keep drawing and learning new things. Like a muscle, the fact that you're skinny while working out doesn't mean you'll never get /fit/, you just need to keep working on it. Or eat more proteins too or whatever those guys do.

>> No.2326964

>why does it matter anyways?
It matters to me because, looking at my art, it looks ametuerish. It gets me wondering if I'm not doing something right or I missed some important step. Maybe I'm being too anxious or paranoid?

>> No.2327003

Mind showing us some of it? maybe an external opinion can help you get out of some common errors and habits that can make someone look "amateurish".

>> No.2327015
File: 517 KB, 2432x1767, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, this the recent thing I've drawn. I know I still got some symbol drawing issues. Also i haven't drawn heads in a while so I'm trying to relearn them. What do you see? I know they're not great.

>> No.2327026

Well, I'm no pro myself, but it just looks like you need to keep drawing a lot. Maybe it's not the answer you're looking for, but I don't see a better solution: your stuff just looks like the stuff of someone whose muscle memory and line confidence isn't as solid yet, the good news is that you know your fundamental shit, even if there's a bit of symbols there. Slowly but eventually you'll get somewhere if you keep at it (not mindlessly of course, but really being smart with your practice, and also drawing what you really like because then you'll make an effort to make it look actually good).
Another tip that may or may not work: look at your idols, the artists you like, and see what they do that you don't. Then just do it, until you integrate it into your being.

I can't really give you a full review judging by some excercise sketches though, so I hope you get more replies that can be more helpful than my crappy advice.

>> No.2327042

Also, forgot one thing: do you study from life? or at least photos? that might help, since your faces don't look like actual anatomy but rather some weird cartoonish and innacurate figures. If you tried to imagine those exact faces in 3D, all real-life-y and stuff, then... you get the idea.

>> No.2327051

Well to be completely honest I was just trying figure out if I missed some major important step or doing something wrong. I will admit I don't do a lot (fine hardly anything) from imagination if that changes anything. I think my main issue is I feel like I'm progressing really slowly is all. Plus I lack confidence in my drawing ability. Anyone thank you for looking over it anon. I appreciate it.

>> No.2327058

Y-y-yeah, those were from references. I do draw from life. Like I said I've avoided faces for a long time. But I'm not sure what I'm reall doing wrong or missing. I'm sorry I disappoint.

>> No.2327255

There's How to draw sketching manga style. It's a good how-to-manga book collection.

You can always go to a weeb store and ask for drawing supplies and ramune.

>> No.2327261

No. I have plenty of pokefag friends that draw pokemon and portraits with ease. If you want to draw pokemon that's fine.

>> No.2327263

I repeat: take my advice with a grain of salt because no two artists are alike, specially when it comes to how they learn, but hopefully something from here will work for you. If you feel like you're stuck, have you compared your stuff from months ago? do you draw every day? drawing every day worked wonders for me, even if it's just a small sketch or something. Once you look a few months back it's like a "these pants from last year feel a lot looser now" kind of relief. Also, yes, draw more from imagination, if possible, and have fun at it. When you do that you might realize what your weak points are, and then you can turn to studies to strengthen them, all while your skills in general are improving from just the act of drawing.
Do you watch streams or any other videos from artists on youtube? do that, I watch group or solo artist streams for long ass drawing for fun sessions and I watch instructional videos (such as Proko's) when I feel like I need to git gud.
Again, remember to compare your new drawings to your old ones here and there if you question your improvements.

>> No.2327291

im not a beginner and this question hits at the core of who i am as an artist. Whenever I see pictures and the such they manage to convey information within very small space, and i see this again in others drawings. However, whenever i draw I feel like I lack space on my screen. This is extremely hard to explain and may sound ludicrous but i know that if i can feel a sense of space on my screen my art will immediately drastically improve.

I have in the past had this feeling on my screen when i just started a year ago. Basically I always feel extremely restricted, claustrophobic perhaps within my drawing even within an infinite canvas. Should I just buy a screen that is as tall as wide or is there something Im missing? Will this fade away? Might this be related to how small my tablet is?

This is very hard to explain but this is the only question i have ever submitted and would really appreciate a response.

>> No.2327319

>do you draw everyday
Yes, but not as much as I'd like too

>do you watch streams of any YouTube artists
I do watch some YouTube artists I used to watch streamers but my computer broke and I can't

I haven't actually looked at my old drawings in a while probably should get back on it. I guess I should start drawing more from imagination but i get anxious doing that because I feel like I'll screw up a lot. Either way thanks for the advice, Merry Christmas anon.

>> No.2327417


>> No.2327480

Start buying things that come in boxes, lots and lots of things, that are somewhat the size of your head. Eventually you'll get a box not too big but not too small, just the right size for someone to stick their head in there, and then you'll be able to use that box to become the best artist of our generation.

>> No.2327492

Have a sketchbook for not showing anyone, and if you already don't show yours then actively remind yourself it's only for you. Failure is then irrelevant, and you can draw a disproportionate flying penis and screw up as much as you want to, just to have fun or maybe discover you want to learn how feather patterns on wings actually work and what a cylinder looks like in perspective. I happen to get obsessed over Spider-man every now and then, he's always been a cool character to draw for me, and I've learned or been forced to learn a few things from drawing him for fun. But still I don't know you and what works for you, maybe you prefer a more rigid method with scheduled excercises, I know I would learn quite quickly if I decided to sit down and go over many of the fundamentals again with a specific time and excercise structure. Experiment and see what'll work for you, maybe looking at your old drawings you might even notice a pattern on where the quality leaps are and you could know what worked the best for you in the past.

Merry Christmas!

>> No.2327505

No, I treat those boxes like bounding boxes for different inside and outside and use them to get my VP grids. I still think it's borderline cheating, I was supposed to establish view in my head. eh.

>> No.2327506

I think I fucked up.
I've never had hand issues for the entire time I've been drawing, across years, but it finally happened

After pulling two 7+ hour drawing sessions a day apart my hand is seriously killing me. the thumb joint looks swollen and sorta red, and it hurts to move my hand in general. It's not in my wrist as far as I can tell, just mostly in my finger joints.

I don't particularly think I was holding my stylus weirdly, but I guess the duration of the draw sessions did me in.

So my question is, am I fucked, how do I prevent this from happening again, and what the hell should I do about it?

>> No.2327520

Well if my previous advice doesn't work for you, you could always try using the position of the stars to make galactic grid, to figure out head perspective. If it's cloudy or the sun is too shiny for you to see the stars, you could always full your fridge with water and make a huge ice cube that will serve you like a box for a limited time depending on the temperature of your cave. Finally, I myself like to use real severed heads for perspective, you have to take care of it to sort out inconveniences of obtaining and owning a human head, but they're easy to manipulate and put in different poses. And let's be honest: what's better than drawing from real reference?

>> No.2327539

I like to draw stuff roughly, and everything is starting to look good, but when I get to lineart I absolutely hate it and it feels like it actually is looking worse from what the sketch was.

How do I ease in to drawing decently looking stuff that isn't just rough doodles? I feel so free when rough drawing, but the moment I go lineart, I feel the weight of each line having to be perfect and its not fun anymore. However clean defined stuff is the endgoal...

>> No.2327945
File: 225 KB, 1620x599, 1449382467284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a real beginner, should be hard to draw a 100% perfect circle? Should I even be aiming at that?

Is it normal that after you start practicing every time you look at someone else's work you see more or less the same mistakes you make and then suddenly the "magic" of the piece disappears?

Am I being autistic?

>> No.2327974

Is it bad to dream that if I do my studies well enough, I could possibly get a scholarship to an art school?

I want to dream, but I'm tired of being poor; but if I don't do anything art, I feel very empty.

>> No.2328049

>As a real beginner, should be hard to draw a 100% perfect circle? Should I even be aiming at that?
No, not really. With any art related skill like this one you could stick with it for years and always improve slightly. But if you just draw circles all day you'd lose motivation pretty quickly and it would all go to waste. So in reality you have to move on to more advanced stuff before having mastered the basics in order to keep your sanity. However you should also regularly go back and revisit the basics.

>Is it normal that after you start practicing every time you look at someone else's work you see more or less the same mistakes you make and then suddenly the "magic" of the piece disappears?
Yes, but it depends on how good the art you are looking at is.

I don't think there's anything other than gitting gut that will help you with that. In lose drawings your mind can imagine fit in correct forms. If you have clean lines the lines have to be more precise because your mind can't interpret it differently now.

You didn't have any pain during the long drawing sessions?
As a rule of thumb you should stop drawing once it starts to hurt, even if it's just a slight pain.

Can't you just look up what kind of quality is needed for the scholarships and then compare it to your work? Seems pointless to dream about something you can confirm or deny with some amount of certainty.

>> No.2328264



going through the current thread and answering shit there so if you dont see something here it may be there.