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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2318995 No.2318995 [Reply] [Original]

I can't deny it, it feels really good to show my artwork to other people, but I feel so guilty about enjoying the praise.

Do you show your artwork to others and why?

>> No.2319000

Not your personal blog.

>> No.2319002

post your work

>> No.2319010

It's normal, /ic/ is full of false modesty because people swarm at the slightest sign of an ego, but rest assured /ic/ is home to many egos.

>> No.2319011


sometimes positive reinforcement is what we need to keep going forward

nothing wrong with it, just don't be cocky about that shit

>> No.2319014
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>> No.2319016

I have no ego.

>> No.2319021

>just don't be cocky about that shit
Yeah, this. Just genuinely ask them what they think, don't go "hey look what I can do"

>> No.2319026

I like sharing the work when it makes other people get into it. I like responses where people say the picture really captures the character and reminds them of something from their childhood or something like that, I feel uncomfortable with comments focused on me like "you're really good" or whatever. But when people just say something like "I love X subject" then I can fan jerk with them. If I feel like the work isn't as good as I'd like though, it does really bother me. I just posted an old sketch yesterday that I thought might get around 10 notes or so because at least it's fanart but it's up to 50 and that's not a ton but i still was almost kind of mad it got that much response. Just remember artists share similar mental makeup with schizophrenics and keep rolling.

>> No.2319043
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i'm too bad to show my shit, when people see it by accident they think i'm amazing. other artist tend to say to always take compliments but i usually go into autopilot and tell those people why the drawing is terrible. i feel this mindset is toxic since my self hatred makes me lose the desire to keep going.. here have a slice.

>> No.2319050
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>send emails regurlaly to a bunch a pros
>they all reply with praise telling me how much they like my work

Praise from people you look up to stops being great after the 5th time.

Good motivation is internal so just saying "I like this" should be enough. Be proud of what you can do! You did it!

Then shill your finished pieces Bradley style and get e-dick-sucked. Its not fun but the economic advantage of 50k followers on social media is undeniable

>> No.2319053

living the dream.

>> No.2319061
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The best part about becoming better is how good peeps will start socializing with you. It gets easier to improve with better and better people in your social circle. Feels amazing maine

Havent gotten to the "shill my art everywhere" but I will at some point. Want that patreon money

We're all going to make it!

>> No.2319063

I don't show my artwork to others. They see my work sometimes, but it's never of my will. It took someone six months of nagging me to set up a blog online. I did it so they'd stop nagging me. My blog is in the middle of ass end nowhere where no one will ever find it. There are no words on my blog and I name my pictures in a way that makes them nearly impossible to find with searches.

I'm starting to wonder if I'm crazy for being this way.

>> No.2319067
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sounds like the good life, lets hope you can push it to something more.


>> No.2319076
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Thanks man

Take responsibility for yourself! Are you ashamed of your work is that why you hide away? There is no need to explain it. If you do not feel like sharing simply, do not.

Working is it's own reward!

>> No.2319081
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yeah. I'm thinking about deleting my art page. I have a few followers but I still feel shame when I upload something. I just imagine people with hard jobs seeing it and thinking I'm a scrounger. this is mostly due to me not having a real job or treating my art as such.

>> No.2319088

better than me, i stopped years ago and now i'm picking it back up and i'm pretty trash at it. Just keep at it.

>> No.2319090
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we are truly pathetic aren't we?

>> No.2319140

its called being human.

Just don't dwell too long on it.

>> No.2319144

>Are you ashamed of your work is that why you hide away?
No. I just don't see the need to show others.

I used to show people, they used to compliment me, but I don't get off on compliments like other people do. I just feel like people are lying to me. The only way to improve is to always think I'm shit and horde all my pictures. Clearly.

>> No.2319150

Make your own judgements on your work.

If you see something as wrong why do you want someone else to point it out?

>> No.2319153

I don't understand. I already said I show no one anything. This includes for critique. My compliment sentence was just a half joke about how I was not partial to compliments.

>> No.2319156

Understanding why the drawing is bad is not toxic. Theres nothing wrong with thanking the person then saying that you don't personally think its very good. Because it isnt.

>> No.2319187
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>> No.2319364

I used to post my drawings on dA way back in 2010 and felt proud of them, but ever since I started painting and seriously practicing my painting (a little over 2 years ago), nobody who knows my name or former username has seen my work. I just don't think anyone I know is interested in the stuff that I do purely for practice, and I see no good reason why anyone should be allowed to take me seriously until I can produce content with some level of competence.

Not gonna lie though, it feels great when my art gets attention. I wait eagerly for the day I can confidently attach a name to my work so I can truly appreciate the attention I do get, and build a name for myself with it. However, until then, I simply get nervous if someone sees stuff that is attributed to me.

>> No.2319368
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Stop feeling guilty for your own achievement you cuckold faggot

Rub it in their fucking faces if you need to

>> No.2319408

I've only ever showed any art of mine to one person and it was because we made a deal to both draw every day.

>> No.2319434

I'm incapable of feeling praise in any subject because the first thing my mind jumps to is how there are tons of people better than I am.

>> No.2319443

i understand feeling guilty. its like breaking your diet cause you couldnt resist a piece of cake. you believe that you must suffer a crucible if you are to ever improve your artwork

>> No.2319455
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the only reason you feel guilty is because you know your art is actually bad.

but who the fuck cares?. draw what you wanted to draw. if it's bad to you then get gud son. then you can actually enjoy real praise

p.s. once you reach a point where your great but not godly people will hate you on principle out of sheer jelly. once you reach god status nobody can mock you because its too easy to see their bullshit.