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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 14 KB, 460x259, 1442930516146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2305568 No.2305568 [Reply] [Original]

what age did you start drawing to get better at it?

what age is too late?

>> No.2305570

if you are legally posting at this site its already too late

>> No.2305571

Age is an illusion, age is abstract. The only thing that matters is how much time you put into it.
If you lived forever would you think that because you're 200 years old it's too late?

>> No.2305592

what is mental elasticity

>> No.2305593

your brain starts losing its plasticity at around 7-8. any skill you pick up after that age is going to be subotptimal and you are a fucking lepton faget saget bro stop it its too late for you its over

>> No.2305609

It's too late when you're dead.

>> No.2305623

I started at 50
I think 70 is too late.

>> No.2305629

age got nothing to do with it unless you got something you need to do before a certain age.

>> No.2305634

If you didn't start at age 5, then I'm sorry. Give up now and don't ever come back.

>> No.2305635

Git god or git die

>> No.2305644


>> No.2305671

Didn't really "dedicate" myself until I was 19.

It's never too late. Why would it ever be? Because you'll die before you git gud? You don't even know if you'll live to see next year.

>> No.2305675

I was 22. As long as you got your hands and access to paper you should be fine until you die. When you are dead yes it may be too late.

>> No.2305679

That feel when starting to draw at 26.

I'm too old. If it takes me 5 years to get good I would be 31. That is ancient.

That feel when its too late.

>> No.2305682

Min Yum started drawing around that age. It's doable, just tougher because you probably have bills/debt/raising a family/another career/no free time/other adult responsibilities. So you will have more trouble putting in the hours necessary than a NEET 19yo, but it is by no means impossible.

>> No.2305683
File: 501 KB, 1056x1080, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50 and didnt kill yourself yet? Get off my board gramps.

>> No.2305701

Fuck you, kid.

>> No.2306058

>If you lived forever

we assume, since your body is able to remain healthy forever, so does your brain

for that to be true, we would need a way for our dna not to consume itself as we live, and for the brain cells to be able to regenerate while the ones holding unuseful information, die to leave place for the new ones

a new sum of neurons would mean mental elasticity

>> No.2306081

What do you mean drawing to get better at it? Like for it's own sake, grinding technical skill?

I fucking paint because it gets shit out of me, if I get better for the next one even better. Right on.

>> No.2306152

End of your twenties. It's the point where your brain won't develop any further and therefore you will never unlock your full potential if you start after it. Youth is an amazing thing. You will never have as much learning potentia as in your youth.

>> No.2306155


>> No.2306159

It takes 7 years to really get the hang of a skill, so too late is past 7 years before you want to be good.

>> No.2306162

>it take this fixed amount of time to get good at a skill
Are the people on here for real? For starters, everyone has a different amount of talent so there will be a different time for everyone.

>> No.2306174

No such thing as talent....only results from hard work. Drawing is problem solving...sometimes you have to sit in a room and figure shit out and not stop until you do...that is what makes a good artist! I never seen talent in a tattoo shop or sell prints at a art show...I seen people that fucked up 100000 times before they got what they were looking for..that put in emotion and effort where people think they just "drew" that picture one time....not 500 times over and over and over so it was just right.....hard work=Success....even in art

>> No.2306179

>No such thing as talent
Are you 12 years old? Hard work just means putting much time into it. Where you go from there completely depends on your talent. If someone grinds 10 hours a day slowly figuring out something and the same person making incredible progress in the same 10 hours, that is talent.

There is no such retarded thing as work a fixed amount of time to figure a skill out. Not only do different skills have different learning curves but individual talent also depends on how fast you will learn something.

Time is one factor of many.

>> No.2306192

>arbitrary definition of talent
If you are effective in those 10h is mostly defined by your approach in studying, which would be defined by your previous experience in studying or your resources of study (book, school...).

I would say that talent would be when some of the fundamentals feel intuitive to the person possibly because of his previous knowledge.

>> No.2306193

The point is not the definition of talent. The point is that it exists. The previous post completely denied its existence.

>> No.2306221

Unless you stay a virgin until you are 30. Then you become a wizard and can learn the remaining skills you need in 3 days.

>> No.2306247

At around 16, gave up on anime and went full loomis.

>> No.2306248

If you 20+ you're just not learning as efficiently as kids and teen. Unless this suddenly becomes something you're ready to spend numerous hours every single day you won't achieve anything except, maybe entry-level tumblr style.

>> No.2306288

It is a meme created by lazy adults.
Man up already, success has no age.

>> No.2306291

It's literally the opposite. One is founded on science.

The other one is a meme created by underachieving losers and deluded dreamers.

>> No.2306293
File: 196 KB, 640x960, damn mortals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is never too late, even after death
checkmate lazy faggots

>> No.2306296

It’s a bogus self-fulfilling prophecy. If youthinkyou are too old, you won’t try at all because it’s “hopeless” and you won’t learn. You didn’t learn “therefore” you are too old(!) Ad nauseam.

Most times I have seen references to these studies they do them in closed or overly academic environments, which prove nothing more than “children learn better inthisenvironment under these exact criteria”. Exposing both adults and children tothe sameenvironment is wasteful becauseadults and children learn and think differently.

Even when an efficient immersion environment is applied, it’s still not a good gauge because children and adults immerse too differently, and even as individuals will have too vastly different outcomes.

Adults have advantages these studies ignore.

>> No.2306304

Young people learn way faster period. There is no room for argumentation there. There is a limit for aruging just for the sake of having an argument only to not look stupid as fuck.

>> No.2306332

>Just turn 23
>figure out that i actaully love drawing/writing
>Motivation is to draw porn, and emulate other artists
>Also provide art for my writings
It ain't over until you're dead

>> No.2306336

Are you implying 23 is anywhere old?

You're still a fucking baby.

>> No.2306337

ron ranson didn't start painting till his 50's

he became one a well known watercolorist, started the hake brush technique and mentored prince charles.

and he has a fucking badass eyepatch

>> No.2306361

But surely being a digital artist, assuming i git gud, at 28-30 is a bit behind no?

>> No.2306371

Behind for what? Do you want to draw just to be a YOUNG artist? This is your sole reason you want to draw? If you want to make a career out of drawing you gotta love what you do and how are you going to love drawing if your age is enough to stop you? It doesn't make any sense, if you want to draw, do it. Stop brainwashing yourself with thoughts of being famous and rich because if this is what you're after then this is pretty weak reason to pick such a hobby and maybe you better off going to community college or going for being a doctor.

>> No.2306390

Nah m8 i wanna draw for 2 reasons:
>No good porn of the chicks i want
>I want to be able to draw Jojos whenever i want

Even if it takes me until i die that's what i want to do
That and i have all these "ideas" that i want to show other people

>> No.2306400


I learn everything way faster than I did when I was younger

>> No.2306407

So what behind are you at 30? Maybe you won't be a super popular artist in your 20ies so what, you've got your own problems and your own road. If you compare yourself to other artist no matter age then you missed the point of why you are here.

>> No.2306408
File: 892 KB, 800x1000, Fuck Time, Fuck Protags too.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ite, i get what you're saying
I was wondering if there was some super seekret /ic/ info about an age limit

I'm drawing regardless anon until i die anyway

>> No.2306413

You're probably in your early twenties and should just shut the fuck up.

>> No.2306460

>"I don't want to argue because I know I am wrong, so shut up"

Okay then

>> No.2306464

You're incredibly stupid. Come back when you're 40 and still have the same opinion you fucking toddler.

>> No.2306666

No age is too late....biatch! .

>> No.2306692

I'm 86, is it too late?

>> No.2306695

Satan has spoken

>> No.2306697

It's never too late for a grand wizard.

>> No.2306737


That would be too late if you were an athlete. You're drawing people fucking, or robots, or skeleton ladies riding dinosaurs. What the fuck is "too late" for drawing? Have you seen the geezers hanging around galleries? Who do you want to impress by being the "right" age to draw? Artists? Artists are douchebags. Don't let them beat you. Shove their fucking Microns up their latte-sipping assholes. Fuck their faces.

>> No.2306743


There's the reality of starting late, and then there's the, for lack of a better word, philosophy of starting late.

The reality is: would it have been better to start earlier in life? Yeah. Most things in life get better the more experience you have doing them. But I can tell you first hand that the two most talented artists in my school when I was kid went on to become absolute dullards when it comes to crafting anything worth looking at, so just because you start young and have heaps of talent is no guarantee you won't veer off course and smash into a ravine.

The philosophy of starting late: you are not at all "doomed" to be shit. Are you gonna suck when you start? Yeah. You're going to suck at EVERYTHING when you start, it's only now that you've got some years' experience that you're reticent to try new things. You're probably thinking "Well even if I work my ass off, so what. I'll be in my mid-thirties and mediocre." Well guess what. If you live a standard lifetime you've still got fifty more years on the ol' odometer before you kick the bucket, so stop fuckin' worrying about making up for lost time. If you like looking at art and you want to start making your own, then just fuck off and do it.


>> No.2307414

>Come back when you're 40
I hope to have left this hideous place by then

>> No.2307427

I know 70 year olds who are just starting. They are doing a pretty great job.

>> No.2307431

If you are starting later, chances are you can become better than someone who started earlier due to the fact that you will put more of a concentrated effort into your studying.

Plus, anyone who feels that starting at 30 is ancient is just feeding into the whole 'youth is everything.' Youth didn't really become a thing until post-WW2 when companies wanted to target younger people in order to instill brand loyalty in them.

People such as Leonardo Da Vinci didn't even create some of his more famous works until he was way older anyway.

>> No.2307474


Two kinds of science in this modern world. Facebook science, in which 'fact' is decided by how quickly bullshit is perpetuated by an ignorant mob, and actual science, in which fact is decided by careful examination of all potential variables until a common pattern occurs across all situations and which died out long ago with the invention of the internet.

And young people don't learn faster because they are more capable of doing so, you stupid fuck. Young people know less and so have a NEED to learn quickly in order to adapt to the multitude of entirely new experiences and situations they are subjected to on a daily basis. Adults think they know everything so they waste time arguing with each other in the internet instead of honing their skills.

And you are a tremendous faglord, by the way. Way to go spreading fallacies. Next I bet you'll tell me homosexuality is genetic.

>> No.2307478


The problem with Leonardo Da Vinci is that he was trained from childhood and took a big gap because he was drafted into the army.

Leonardo Da Vinci was coming up with a lot of really good military ideas. For example most concept artist can't come up with anything new, but at the time he came up with a tank.

>> No.2307488

I started at 25 and I've been at it for 2 years now. I'm kicking myself for not starting earlier like in high school or what not but I'm glad that I started period.

If a schmuck like me can get better at it then anyone who knuckles down and works at it can too.

>> No.2307621

>a failure too old for anything
>should just hurry up and end myself because mullins was a year ahead

>> No.2307622

didin't van Gogh start pretty late?

>> No.2307626

You lost your composure. I appreciate the facebook science you're explaining to me though.

>> No.2307635

Why are you even thinking of it like that? There's no theoretical point at which you "get good" at art. Forget where you'll be in 5 years, just get a little better at it than you were yesterday and over time you'll improve

>> No.2307639

Yeah, how can you not get depressed if you always think I will be good in 5 years? I always think I will make tremendous progress every day.

>> No.2307660

He never got better though.

>> No.2310651

Van Gogh started drawing at 27

>> No.2310753

>what age did you start drawing to get better at it?
i always wanted to get better but things got serious after my 17th birthday.

>what age is too late
the age you can't hold up a pen anymore.

>> No.2310871
File: 30 KB, 498x494, 1418036741123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw seeing people younger than you draw twice as good
>your style will never have the warmth and spontaneity they have, no matter how much you grind
>even if you grind, they have at least a thousand drawings sized head-start
I would probably quit art but I have nothing to fall back on now .

>> No.2310921
File: 64 KB, 500x297, 1449566709802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2311473

Started at 16, wish I had started earlier tho

>> No.2311506

I swear half of this thread is just whiny bitches. So you've hit a rough patch with your drawing, now you come here looking for excuses to prove your doubts that you're not good enough right.

Instead of just powering through it. This isn't a job, nobody's going to fire you if you stop. Likely, many of you aren't getting paid. So you know who wins the race? The patient. The tenacious. The people who kept it up and continue to.

Maybe you started at 25, 30, 40, so the fuck what? You are still all the days you drew ahead on somebody who didn't. And if you stop now, you're throwing that away because someone else is more ahead than you. So the fuck what.

>> No.2311507

Are you the art center kid

>> No.2311512

No idea who this art center kid is, wish I was attending though

>> No.2311516

Nvm, though I'm curious what your work looks like given how early you started

>> No.2311517 [DELETED] 

I'm only 1.5 years in, nothing special imo

>> No.2311538

>what age is too late?
Depends on what your current skill level is since there are two kinds of beginners. The "beginners" and the genuine absolute beginners who lack even the most basic of skills and training, and regardless of what they want to create, they will suck at it horribly. The "beginners" can do some really basic stuff that will prompt people who don't know any better to call them good, but they would be blasted to kingdom come by /ic/ because they lack the basics and can't draw worth shit from imagination for example, while they could copy a drawing to some extent. If you are a "beginner", then it's not too late until you hit your 60-70's. If you are a bone-fide beginner then >>2305570 sums it all up. You didn't develop your skills since you don't have the necessary aptitude to coordinate your brain and hand to produce what you want to a satisfactory level. You CAN improve even from there but you'll be running the marathon with your left lung missing.

>> No.2311733

I want this "age doesn't matter" meme to end. Your mental elasticity deteriorates as you grow older and so does your ability to improve in skills like drawing.

>> No.2311763

I started drawing to get better at 12 when I posted on DA,that's when I got more serious, studying anatomy and all that shit because I want to be an Illustrator!. I'm 17 now
It's never too late!!!!

>> No.2311765

What's ur DA

>> No.2311766

post your work kid

>> No.2311769

most of myold bad stuff is in storage because I don't really post there anymore http://karenviciousflo.deviantart.com/

>> No.2311794
File: 45 KB, 720x525, 2sQPdiS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That is inspiring man.

>> No.2311797

I started drawing at 22, didn't take it seriously until 23. I'm 24 now.

>what age is too late?

It's never too late to start.

>> No.2311809
File: 1.21 MB, 1200x1159, somestufffffff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to do a lot of fan art when I was a kid, it's fucking cringy but here's some stuff. I only started getting decent this year

>> No.2311810

>Your mental elasticity deteriorates as you grow older and so does your ability to improve in skills like drawing.
That was disproved like 5 years ago, by actual neurologists.

>> No.2311824


Havent even read the argument but this is pleasant. Got a blog or something?

>> No.2311826

Is some of that stuff done in Sai? Or is it photoshop? Some of the silkiness you get isn't something I've really gotten in photoshop.

>> No.2311829

slowly posting my stuff on tumblr again http://viciousfloart.tumblr.com/ All my stuff is on fb tho.
everything done in Sai, my shitty pc can't run ps haha

>> No.2311845
File: 60 KB, 720x480, bss_tengen_toppa_gurren_lagann_the_movie_-_guren-hen_74c3e9d3mkv_006001662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2311859

Are these really the sort of people who spam "post your work"? underage nonames who are competitive and really bad at drawing?

>> No.2311861

no, that would be me

post your work

>> No.2312453

Started seriously at 14 with Loomis, observational life drawing and digital painting techniques, I turned 18 two months ago. I have improved a lot but I'm currently lost and in a plateau.

>> No.2312470
File: 20 KB, 300x300, 1380454517909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 20 and i'm an absolute beginner. Is it too late?

>> No.2312487

It is not too late. Van Gogh didn't commit himself to art until his late 20's.

>> No.2312492

Van Gogh was also a shitty artist.

>> No.2312493

pls share work

>> No.2312515

What's the point of getting good fast? I'm assuming a lot of people posting in this thread/on this board don't want to pursue a career in art and have other jobs, and if so, just look at it as a life pursuit that you can enjoy and get better at

>> No.2312528
File: 603 KB, 1439x1201, o6CJky9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

23, 24 now
never too late

>> No.2312544

If pic is yours, good job

>> No.2312548

yeah it's mine. thanks friend

>> No.2312568

Got any b4 and after m8?

>> No.2312577
File: 550 KB, 1000x1131, fbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya here's about a year between landscape progress. keep in mind second one is from imagination and old one is a photo study, i couldn't even attempt landscapes from imagination at the time of first pic

if you're curious though;
old work: http://www.conceptart.org/forums/showthread.php/274013-Kalis-de-Vals-Sketchbook/page1

new work:

>> No.2312585

Thanks m8, gives me hope that i improve noticably in a year of hard work

>> No.2312588

of course man. i still have a long way to go but i think i've made some improvement, just try to do something every day, even if it's something little, and force yourself to tackle your weak points even if the results are shit

>> No.2312590

Yeah i'm forcing myself to "master" the fundamentals before even attempting the sketches i used to do

>> No.2312594

good choice, keep on truckin
oh and i almost forgot. make sure to have a good balance in studies and imagination work.
i used to only do studies and made no progress whatsoever for years because (aside from drawing/painting infrequently) I didn't apply what I was learning. Doing only studies is just as bad as doing only imagination stuff, imo

>> No.2312597

Will do anon.
Thanks, and cya around /ic/

>> No.2312600

no problem anon thanks too

>> No.2312665

I started drawing at 6, started to actually try at 20, now I'm 22

I feel like 26 is too late to start, I mean what's the point of drawing if you will only be good when you are over 30? Everyone know life ends at 30

>> No.2313218

I just got divorced I see my kids every other weekend and 2 hours on Thursdays.
Time to do this shit.

>> No.2313231
File: 126 KB, 413x343, k4G3BAm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2313234

Encouraging AF

>> No.2313241
File: 384 KB, 640x480, 1427525500665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what age is too late?

Who are you racing? Let's say it is too late. Lets say you're 30 years old.

You'll live to be around 75 at the least. So, for 45 years you're just gonna sit on your ass and not draw, even though you want to? Cut that shit out.

>> No.2313341

22 now

>> No.2313419
File: 52 KB, 300x300, Mango2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Checked, also, I really like your style, looks gr8 m8.

As for being too old to star drawing. Eh. I started getting into art a few days ago, still pecking around working on my physical dexterity and color appreciation skills. I'm having alot of fun with it, and while looking at alot of the works I admire seem far off, they definitely seem reachable if I actually hunker down and work at it. For now I draw mango's.

>> No.2313424

Started at 28 now I'm 31.

Never gonna make it but I have the desire to draw anyway.

>> No.2313432

Post your work you old coot!

>> No.2313620
File: 38 KB, 592x448, 1414279201798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you idiots think 20-early 30's is too old???
No if you are 20 something it is not too late to start drawing. If you are in your late 40s from on, then thats when it starts getting iffy. God damn it pisses me off whenever this discussion comes up and fucking 20 year olds chime in with "NU UH I STARTED DRAWING WITH I WAS 23 AND THAT WAS A YEAR AGO"

>> No.2313651
File: 733 KB, 1944x2592, IMG_20151203_161030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>started drawing more after my first break up
>19 now
pic related is a drawing tgat took me close to an hour, its not great, but its purely for practice.

>> No.2313663

I started at 24

I tried learning when I was 12 but all I had was Scholastic How to Draw Manga and I ended up quitting to play guitar instead of drawing retarded anime faces.

Unless you're a fucking senior citizen or you don't have enough free time to practice consistently you can learn anything. People think you can't get good as an adult because of neuroplasticity or whatever but really it's because by that time you're probably too busy with other shit and you're not giving it the amount of practice everyday you need to keep getting better. It's just an excuse.

Talent isn't real. It's just a measurement of your ability to learn a skill and the amount of time you put into it. If you're intelligent and you work your ass off, you will have 'talent'. If you're dumb as a fucking rock and work your ass off, you won't have 'talent', because you have no critical thinking skills. You'll do the same shit over and over complaining you're not getting any better because you're not 'talented' when the truth is that you're just too fucking thick to understand what you need to do, or even to look for the information. Of course all the brains in the world won't help you if you're a lazy fuck, so that's the other side of the 'talent' bullshit. "Oh I doodled for a half hour once every other week and I never got better guess I just don't have a talent for it". "Yeah, I tried one exercise, only did it once, and obviously failed, guess I'm just not talented!".

>> No.2313725

thanks fellas

>> No.2313774
File: 50 KB, 486x696, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being terrible at drawing is so fucking depressing. I just want to draw things I like.

>> No.2313792

Then keep working, fucko
It isn't enough to want something, you have to know what steps to take to achieve it. You have to look at yourself, your art, CRITICALLY analyze what you're bad at, and then work on fixing it.
Self-loathing like "oh I'm terrible" doesn't help anyone.

>> No.2313847

>CRITICALLY analyze what you're bad at
i'm bad at everything.
i understand what you're saying, but 'just stop being unmotivated' doesn't really help me.

>> No.2313873

Then start with your foundation
Don't just rush in and try to draw whatever, learn some fundamentals then experiment
Then go back to fundamentals
Etc etc
You aren't going to get good overnight, sucking at something is the first step to being sort good at something. Failure WILL happen, how you deal with it will shape your future and your skills

>> No.2314034

Reminds me of the old black lady on the syrup bottle.

You should draw the old black lady on the syrup bottle.

>> No.2314262

Break things the fuck down and work from a bunch of boxes to something smooth. Simplify like a son of a bitch and work your way up. You don't lift 300 lbs when you first hit the bench, so don't expect to draw with any sort of quality when you start.

>> No.2314361

This. If anything adults are just more self defeatist and lazy when compared to kids. Kids learn shit fast sometimes because they're empty canvases soaking in everything they see other people do, they're soaking in every other word they see on TV, soaking on what they hear on the radio and soaking in what other people talk about and so on, and that's not because their brains are different, they've just been subjected to less 'noise' in the world and don't know how to do a lot of things so they problem-solve automatically by example, any automatically talented kid is just an exposed kid.

>> No.2314428

I'm 22 years old.

I've been drawing almost all my life, but I had no idea what I was doing and my stuff looked like shit.

I only started drawing seriously this year for the past 6 months or so, and while I still wouldn't call myself a good artist, I've improved leaps and bounds.

>> No.2314434

I am 24 year old... I started to take it seriously this year, I learned a lot, but as time goes on it becomes harder to get better

>> No.2314435


I think the word here is "intelligence"

I think a smart person with no experience whatsoever can evolve pretty quickly

>> No.2314437

lel no
I got a science major buddy who has the largest academic scholarship the university offers. Very smart. He tried to take up drawing, he was horrible at that shit.

There are different types of talents and intelligences. You can be extremely gifted in math but have no creativity. Or both, or none.

>> No.2314438



>> No.2314440
File: 29 KB, 215x217, data_laugh.old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you are right

I wish I could tell my 13 year old self to grind and learn

>> No.2314444

Of course he was horrible, because he never fucking drew

But if he's indeed intelligent (and not just some nerd who studies 16 hour a day) he would absorb knowledge quickly and learn really fast, becoming a great artist

>> No.2314450


If u say so man. So u think that Einstein and Bill Gates had they went into painting instead would be some of the greatest painters of all time? Okay

>> No.2314453

If they had the same amount of passion and ambition for painting instead of physics, yes, I am 100% sure of it.

>> No.2314456
File: 930 KB, 320x240, mjl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thats bait or your autistic

>> No.2314458

Do you think a dumbass can become a great artist because of "talent"?

The only thing stupid people can be great at are team sports.

>> No.2314465

Not all intelligence is the same. Not all talent is the same. Did you ever take a basic introductory psychology class in college?

Specifically divergent vs convergent thinkers. Convergent thinkers do great at solving problems with one answer but don't have much capacity for creativity. They do much better on tests. Divergent thinkers think of several solutions to a problem and have a much higher capacity for creativity.

Art also deals a lot with emotions and subjective human things, something a science oriented brain might not be so great at. The physical elements of art, the ability to draw that isn't something that a Gates type person would have innate talent in.

>> No.2314470

Art is a skill, and therefore can be learned, it doesn't matter if you can think of a thousands of "solutions" if they don't give you a better result in the end.

A great scientist may not have developed artistic skills but he can separate good art from bad art.

>> No.2314474
File: 337 KB, 1000x1348, Myfuckingcringeworthyday0andthenalsoprogress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, here is all you need to know
>It's never too late to get art as a hobby
>It's never too late to git gud

Art is not some magical thing where you have to do it from a young age to ever be good at it.
I was at an art summer course at TAW. Naturally, there is a lot, and I do mean A LOT of people who have drawn since they were a kid.
I think it has more to do with the "I've always been drawing so I just kept doing it" mentality.
But, some really talented people there began very late. One guy began when he was 30, he was incredibly skilled in my opinion. Cool guy too.

There are pros and cons to starting late, if I made a list I would be here all day.

Art is a skill, not magic. If you have learning disabilities then you're probably fucked to an extent, but even then I've seen decent artists with learning disabilities.

Pic related, day 0 and then after a month. I know I'm still a beginner but hey.

>> No.2314488

I'm 30, actually 31 today and I started drawing maybe 1-2 months ago. I stopped smoking weed and drinking alcohol ~2 years ago. And that helped a lot in reducing my intense fear of failure and subsequent hesitation to take up drawing.

>> No.2314497

There are really difficult things like mastering music at a genius level which need serious brain rewiring, but art is not one of them. Fortunately, for you old folks, everything is made up of simple shapes and perspective follows a list of rules short enough to fit on a single page.

The shapes get smaller and there's a few more of them as your art looks better--that's all. Theres no magical asymptotic jump in difficulty between you and your favorite artists. The slope of improvements is actually so gentle that you barely notice until you step back.

Just practice. The only thing you're underestimating is how much drawing is actually required to get good.

>> No.2314503

I can understand that learning to draw a human body reducing it to shapes, will let anyone get pretty good after a lot of practice, but what happens when you ask them to draw a forest?

People that are naturally good at drawing will be able to draw anything at a reasonable level, but will people that have to learn using shapes also be able to do that?

>> No.2314520

Drawing nature is where gesture and contour studies take over as opposed to rigid construction.
That goes for any and all nature.

>> No.2314542

Once they can use shapes, the only thing keeping a person from drawing that forest for the first time is a bit of experience.

If you have any experience with programming, for example, you've already gone through this. Once you learn Java or C#, the only thing stopping you from using another is a couple days with the documentation. It's not a repeat of your first time, where you Googled things like "how do I use this thing on everything in this list"--this time you Google "what is [thing] called in [language]". You're not learning to program anymore, you're just learning the syntax now.

Likewise, shapes are the base concepts of art because that's where all the volume, perspective, etc will come from. Things like the proper way to arrange tree branches, or how to create the illusion of a full canopy is just new syntax using the same shape concepts you learned drawing humans.

That naturally good person might figure out the trick of making a nice branch arrangement after looking at a tree once, but he's not doing anything that the regular artist can't do. They are using the same process, but the talented guy's brain search engine finds the syntax faster because of experience.

A regular artist will figure out a tree for the first time like: Shapes -> check reference -> smaller shapes -> check reference ->perspective -> check ref -> tree.

The "talented" guy just goes: shape -> (found 2 similar shapes I've drawn before: roots, bushes) -> (combine roots and bushes) -> edit -> tree.

He bangs out that tree in a few less steps just because some of the work has already been done in the past.

>> No.2314564

10/10 explanation level.

but there is this thing with drawing that let's you "see" where you should put down the lines to make an object. Some people are better than others at this and coul draw something with no knowledge about shapes. They're just better at making lines look like a thing.

The reason I am wondering about this is because I noticed in my own drawing experience as a noob, I can draw something without thinking about shapes, just by "seeing" the object on the paper as it is being drawn, OR I can try to construct an object using shapes. The first method usually comes out miles better than the other, but I think both abilities should be acknowledged in drawing.

I am currently trying to train my ability to "see" and draw, (like a feedback loop). I think is where the x-factor lies. Construction is something I am aware of and conscious of while drawing, but as a secondary element until I have trained my "seeing-drawing feedback loop" more to see how that turns out.

>> No.2314579

That does not explain the people who are better at seeing.

Like when someone points out a flaw in your drawing you simply couldn't notice yourself even after staring at it for hours

>> No.2315812

>someone took the time of their day to say this.

>> No.2315817

Around 19ish. Still kinda half assing it but that was around the time I could see my exact flaws.

>> No.2315848


It does when you think about it.

Anon described the process as such:

>A regular artist will figure out a tree for the first time like: Shapes -> check reference -> smaller shapes -> check reference ->perspective -> check ref -> tree.

So there are 3 steps when the reference is checked and the artist has the possibility to misinterpret data.

I would say that not being able to see a mistake is because there is an error/misunderstanding of shapes in the inexperienced artist that is no longer present in the experienced artist's mind.

>> No.2315864

Post work

>> No.2315865

I'm guessing you watched that video too, huh?

>> No.2315889

its always too late dude give up

>> No.2316233
File: 643 KB, 1920x1080, k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same here senpai. started at 16 and now I'm 19.

will I ever make it ic?

>> No.2316236


no give up

>> No.2316370
File: 274 KB, 1459x657, studieslookinassdude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did some studies without reference

>> No.2316373

Lol wrong thread sorry about that

>> No.2316377

I'm 20 years old and I still don't know what to do with my life.

I'm starting fo real now and I'm not an utter beginner, but I have never touched oils

OP, there is no late age. art is not about getting extremely good.

art is about giving the world what you need to give.

>> No.2316412

If you give up you won't make it guaranteed
Also give me your dev/tumblr

>> No.2316427

Yeah, except that he didn't come up with a tank because that idea existed before him. He rethought existing designs he most likely had access to.

>> No.2316429
File: 325 KB, 530x945, 2015-12-14 11.58.24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I turned 18 last week, so it still has a lot of flaws and hands are hard in general imo.

>> No.2316438

>OP, there is no late age. art is not about getting extremely good. art is about giving the world what you need to give.

i was about to call you a faggot but then i realized you are displaying the emotionality and humanity we have all long lost...

>> No.2316758

top keks


>> No.2317604

>quick sketches with no construction
>no real effort


>it was just a quick sketch
>i didn't really try!

until you're prepared to put 110% effort into something and fail miserably, you're not going to achieve shit

and you're only a month in, i think it'd be wise to refrain from opining for a while

>> No.2319039

>without reference

??? ???

>> No.2319074

I started at 26, but life took a rough turn and I didn't have time or motivation to put in the hours. So I only doodled every once in a while for 3 years. I'm now 29 and taking it up seriously again and gonna stick with it. I realised I don't wanna be 60 years old thinking back on how I should have stuck with it. I just wanna draw cool stuff and cool stuff has no age limit. I'll be 60 rocking whatever medium I've picked up by that time, drawing/painting whatever I find cool at that point.

Too late for what exactly? Be famous? Get a job? Impress girls? Impress family? Impress friends? Draw anime tiddys while you still have that fetish? Too old to get admired by the younger generation?

Maybe, maybe not. Glad I'm only in it as a hobbyist. I have no dreams of internet fame or paychecks.

>> No.2319100

I won t even start studying until Im 25 or something. I mean i could work my ass off right now but I feel like I have no ideas or any creativity. i like drawing and doing rea life studies but there is nothing I really want to do for myself. Ill wait until the urge to do something I really believe in is greater. Drawing like its work aint the point. There are enough great artists out there already but never enough good ideas and until i dont get those I dont need to waste my time trying to copy reality. Until then you bitter faggots

>> No.2319136

>Ill wait until the urge to do something I really believe in is greater.
It will never happen. You should start now.

>> No.2319152

Started drawing 27 or 28. It's never too late. I'm a fairly successful local artist now.

>> No.2319155

Out of curiosity, how old are you now?

>> No.2319160

Things are going well considering that was only 9 months ago.

>> No.2319182

post your progress

>> No.2319185
File: 39 KB, 323x267, 1447474177707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i ain't scanning all that shit family

>> No.2319198

Well then just throw down your latest

>> No.2319264
File: 1.15 MB, 3507x2550, smh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

copied from a photo ref.
Am I a good human printer yet?

>> No.2319272

>Am I a good human printer yet?
no your shit, now draw a dragon with two heads

>> No.2319281

quads fucking confirm. It's never too late but if your old and have dementia then that's a whole 'nother story. The hardest thing is saying "no" to distractions and just putting in the work.

>> No.2319285
File: 38 KB, 200x200, 1453567.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well aren't you one demanding faggot.

will think about it.

>> No.2319293

Stop thinking and start drawing

>> No.2319333

Best time to plant a tree was 10 years ago. Second best time is today.

Art is a skill you cultivate. It's only too late once you lose the ability to cultivate it (aka dementia, becoming quadriplegic, etc).

>> No.2319708

I'm 18 and I just started expanding my skills quite a bit

>> No.2319717

kill or be slaughtered >: D

>> No.2319785

then your metaphor is shit, retard

>> No.2319823

My parents have met a man who painted by holding a brush in his mouth.

>> No.2319930

27 is when he dedicated himself full time to becoming an artist.
He was drawing since he was a child anon.