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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 428 KB, 1013x800, pt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2308496 No.2308496 [Reply] [Original]

Post your nsfw, critique work and so on.
Furry is allowed, however do not over indulge on the subject of furries or their culture. Unnecessarily reporting these anons are strongly discouraged. This thread is dedicated to helping anons improve their erotic drawings and paintings.
Do not start flame wars.
Do not reply to funposters.
Stay on topic.
Please stay on topic.
Reminder that if you do not want to view this thread, please hide it by pressing the minus button or by right-clicking the thumbnail on the catalog and selecting "hide this thread."
Questions about references for drawing porn will be answered

Last thread: >>2299926

>> No.2308542
File: 181 KB, 500x300, twilek_trainingWIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just playing with some colors.

>> No.2308546
File: 367 KB, 1200x564, asdasd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2308549

you suck

>> No.2308554

how do you get your lines so neat? My hand wobbles like crazy trying to draw lines

>> No.2308568

Could you guys help me out with some pricing? I'm thinking 35 for a digital like my recent post, and 25 for a ballpoint drawing, with add-ons for extreme fetishes and such, does that seem reasonable?


>> No.2308576

How long does it take you? Don't work for less than $25 an hour imho tbhfam; I don't know why you'd charge less for a traditional pen drawing either.

>> No.2308577

fast strokes and confident strokes + undo. that's all you need imo.

>> No.2308578

>fast strokes
thanks senpai

>> No.2308582

how long does it take you?

if you know how to paint put an extra $15 on that digital for colored

$10 per character digital $15 colored

looks pretty decent

good luck out there

>> No.2308584

Just stop caring about being precise and and focus on stylished lines. You can even paint in illustrator that will vectorize your lines.

>> No.2308586
File: 90 KB, 1372x1480, 131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taking requests for poses you might need porn artists

have some high quality dicks in the meantime

>> No.2308588
File: 540 KB, 4439x2855, LEWD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2308591

Thank you both so much for the feed back!

The ballpoints are 30-90 minutes, digital 90-120 minutes roughly. Sometimes more, sometimes less

Color would probably be too time consuming atm, but maybe in the future. Thanks for the other tips.

I find traditional easier and faster, and it's what I'd rather do.

>> No.2308593
File: 1.12 MB, 5000x5000, New Canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lool penis i made for /b/
because you guys know why

>> No.2308602


>> No.2308603

boxman...are you actually wearing a bra? you truly are a god.

>> No.2308613

because you're a fucking faggot

>> No.2308624
File: 129 KB, 716x960, faf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2308638

To the people making money off porn commissions aren't you guys worried your paypal might get banned? I'm sure paypal still knows even if you do the invoice thing. Also BBC is there a reason you put 18+ on your tumblr? It's just drawings so its all legal right? Or is it easy to get your tumblr banned? It seems risky to put your livelihood on something that could be shut down so easily.

>> No.2308697

if they knew why would paypall care about if you draw porn for money? You are not breaking any laws. And there's no reason for you to tell them about it anyway. They just handle the money transaction.

>> No.2308705

I've heard people get banned for pron on paypal though, and obviously there's problems if people are plastering "18+ only" all over their site that's for drawings.

>> No.2308712

It only matters if there's explicit mention of pornography or sexual activity in the exchange of money, invoice etc.

>> No.2308718

If you want to use paypall as a transaction option on your official site then the smart thing is to contact them if there are any questions left unanswered. They usually got a local office you can call if you don't want to wait for an email response.

The only issue I could see would be if you selling material to a country where that type of porn is illegal. But that is pretty far out. It's more likely that the story is just made up.

>> No.2308764

paypal has a no porn police and since they provide the service they can make up any rules they want. If they notice that you're selling porn they WILL ban you. It has nothing to do with it being illegal or whatever the fuck, it's simply their policy.

>> No.2308790

fuck the deep web i don't want to pay for my porn in bitcoins

>> No.2308792

It would indeed be illegal for them to ban you without a rule broken. It's not just some random forum site. Just use alternatives then.

>paypal has a no porn police

I just looked it up. TOS of paypal doesn't allow porn, drug selling, hate speech, gambling, etc because among the wide range of banks they deal with some apparently have rules against it.

>> No.2308794

>Just use alternatives
Majority of alternatives have similar policy

>> No.2308798

start looking up what the countless of porn sites use. It's not complicated.

>> No.2308801

>Just use alternatives
see >>2308790

>> No.2308809

no, you don't need to use bitcoins. I know some love those but that would seriously limit your clientele. Here's how you could check it out: Open google. Type in "paypal alternative porn". Click search.

>> No.2308872

>lso BBC is there a reason you put 18+ on your tumblr? It's just drawings so its all legal right? Or is it easy to get your tumblr banned? It seems risky to put your livelihood on something that could be shut down so easily.

Tumblr doesn't allow drawn underage porn, and are quite notorious for deleting blogs if they ever suspect a character might be underage

>> No.2308874

God, clean, stylized linework makes me hard like nobody's business.

>> No.2308875

>BBC is there a reason you put 18+ on your tumblr? It's just drawings so its all legal right? Or is it easy to get your tumblr banned? It seems risky to put your livelihood on something that could be shut down so easily.
Because it's a NSFW blog. Even if it's drawn, it is still porn.
I am pretty new to tumblr, so I don't know how their ban policies work.

not sure if you are talking in general or about my blog. I've never drawn underage characters.

>> No.2308878

>not sure if you are talking in general or about my blog. I've never drawn underage characters.
In general, sorry. I was just answering the question about tumblr's policy towards loli/shota.

>> No.2308898
File: 508 KB, 1237x841, goosestudy01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do porn studies count?

>> No.2308899

Frick yeah naked womans!

>> No.2308901

are you gay or twelve?

>> No.2308905
File: 302 KB, 1400x1050, orionface doot jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those paws are pretty adorable

>> No.2308910
File: 261 KB, 1237x841, 20517_Lando_bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those are from the original pic

>> No.2308913

>bara Zangoose
Nice try.

>> No.2308914
File: 35 KB, 469x537, pircing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how'd you get those small strokes on the belly? did you use a default brush or some texture?

is there anyway i can make the skin not look so bland?

>> No.2308916
File: 455 KB, 785x1200, dasdgdghehj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2308918

you get that if you use small brush (used 2 for this one) with pressure control, having the 'min size' set tomewhere around 20% and then drawing VERY lightly.
(and my guess is that the original was also just scaled down)

>> No.2308922
File: 66 KB, 779x649, tfw furry milf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2308930

Greydeath is that you?

>> No.2308936

So does commissioned furry porn pay better than normal porn drawings or are you guys just drawing your own fap material?

>> No.2308967
File: 106 KB, 835x507, butts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more aliens

>> No.2309224
File: 467 KB, 701x1000, dasdgdghehj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2309356

Heads seem way too big to me, esp dudes on the left and right.
Also asshole looks like a bug.

>> No.2309360
File: 858 KB, 1716x2000, porniguess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm trying
not really expirienced with drawing porn yet

>> No.2309375

That woman has a very unattractive fave

>> No.2309386
File: 218 KB, 729x1093, 1447259634499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I pick sexy colors for skin, pls help.

>> No.2309409

the yellower and more jaundiced-looking you can make it, the better

literally all of the people I draw look like sick pieces of shit. but it gets people so hard

(wtf just open up your favorite porn image and use the eyedropper tool to get an idea of good skin tones)

>> No.2309430
File: 678 KB, 1000x1416, mln.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, coloring this right now, I want to make someting simple but fappable looking like my Japanese hentais.

>> No.2309431

whats your tumblr?
Do you draw from reference or imagination? Nice stuff even if I think porn art is shit, you nail it

>> No.2309585

I agree about the heads. I have the same problem with hands.
The issue with these comics is that I try to draw them as spontaneously as possible, as fast as possible, with as less corrections as possible, so I make lots of mistakes.
Hopefully I'll stop drawing balloon heads and boxing glove hands.
She's supposed to be a random woman, not the main (beautiful) protagonist + she's like over 50.

This is all drawn from imagination.

>> No.2309588

Fapping on your bed. Laying down, sitting, under the blanket, whatever you want.

>> No.2309589

It's good, keep going and finish it. I wish people here drew the gay more often.

>> No.2309590

Does anyone have a tutorial on how to depict movement in your porn? Most western porn looks static and boring but japanese artists can make even the simplest pic look intense without effort.

>> No.2309638

your anatomy is slipping bbc senpai
youre worst than the furries,

>> No.2309641

I absolutely disagree. I think I'm improving by the day.
If anything I'm just trying to draw more complex poses/povs and I make mistakes I wouldn't if I took a safer approach.

>> No.2309664

Bbc senpai please share your brush settings

>> No.2309666

here are all the manga studio brushes I use. I hope they can be of any use to you.


>> No.2309667

For lineart I mean

>> No.2309670

Thanks a lot

>> No.2309689

BBC do you ever stream? picarto?

>> No.2309697
File: 1.95 MB, 1716x2000, porniguess3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished the gay

>> No.2309703

Streaming atm - BBCchan @ picarto.

>> No.2309711

Xeno booty >>>>>>> Emperor booty

>> No.2309712


Did he contract rabies?

>> No.2309715
File: 290 KB, 1000x992, porn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, probably. still bad with sperm. didn't draw alot of porn. still need to get used to everything. this is actually my first full colored porn pic (and also the biggest). only did some doodles before.

>> No.2309725

that one looks like a doodle too, desu.

>> No.2309729

the black and white thing is a doodle though.
if the big one looks like a doodle then i'm sorry for my messy linework.

>> No.2309759

that's what I was referring to. the iinework looks like a rough sketch. i guess that's the style you want to pull, but it really looks like it is unfinished more than anything.

>> No.2309772

well, i guess i should work on my linework in general then. often have the problem that i grow very impatient, but i'll try to better.

>> No.2309786

i was wondering if we become useless in the future as 3d porn is getting better and better.

why would ppl commission for a 2d shitdrawing when they can have animated sex.

>> No.2309795

Because 3D takes longer to model properly and some poses will still look retarded. Also some people are more into animu and you can't have 3D porn of some less popular characters. We're safe in our lifetime at least.

>> No.2309796

I think it'd really only be a concern if you're an animator, and even then there's a market for what you do that will be around for a while.

>> No.2309809

you can do stuff in 2D which doesn't work in 3D at all. So no, drawing will never become "useless".

>> No.2310057
File: 631 KB, 737x1000, dasdasds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sketches >>>>>>> Inks.

>> No.2310120


I see. So basically if someone wanted to get into this you'd make a separate email for your pron accounts and commissioning talks, only do 18+ art and plaster it everywhere, and only send invoices with vague descriptions. Can you make it so it hides your separate paypal email from the commissioner? I could see how that could be abused. Every time you do a commission do you upload it or do commissioners want it private for themselves?

>> No.2310138

you suck

>> No.2310149


>> No.2310161

>Jellyfags can no longer control their assburgers

>> No.2310175


nice something in the thread made my dick move for once

>> No.2310177

is bbcchan a girl or just some homo?

>> No.2310183
File: 179 KB, 640x424, posturart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2310206
File: 129 KB, 850x738, post ur work fagboi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2310223

triggered by content or (lack of) skill?

>> No.2310226

Your style remind me of FabAlex

>> No.2310227

Contact me privately and I'll try to answer at least some of your questions.

I'm a hetero guy. Sorry for ruining your boner, kid.

>> No.2310259

Why would a hetero guy put so much focus on rendering dicks though? Are you sure you're not a homo?

>> No.2310270


Anyone who draws too many tits is a wannabe tranny obviously.

>> No.2310296


I can confirm this

>> No.2310320

Are YOU sure you're not the one who is afraid of being homo to the extent of demonizing penises?
Drawing penises is part of my job. It's as mechanical to me as drawing anything else.

>> No.2310343

I'd assume you're comfortable with drawing dicks, but it's the fact that you've chosen to compose your pieces around them so much that makes me question if you're a homo. it would be less gay if you were a girl, obviously.

>> No.2310369

Well, I think I would know if I was gay, don't you think?
This is a job under commission with strict guidelines. I don't choose what kinds or how many dicks I have to draw. I have scripts I must stick to and that's basically all there is to it.

The person that does the coloring afterwards is a she. You can try to fantasize about her or something.

>> No.2310414

It's not bara. Bara is mostly muscular males.

>> No.2310422
File: 173 KB, 500x380, tumblr_nkv5qhFOSu1qzlgkno2_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying girls draw hentai

girls can only draw like this silly billy

>> No.2310429

there's that bigboobed female hentai artist who use herself as reference.

>> No.2310436

Kepp has big boobs?

>> No.2310443


The people who are so worried about anything that could make them gay are usually the biggest closet faggots around.
Some people are secure enough in their sexuality and masculinity that they don't worry about whether every little thing makes them gay.

>> No.2310459

I know right? I don't know why bbcchan is getting so offended when he's called a homo.

>> No.2310554

are the tits meant to be fake?

>> No.2310572
File: 211 KB, 529x800, dasdasds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. Areolas too high?

>> No.2310573
File: 107 KB, 718x719, creepachu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even once.

>> No.2310581

BBC are you still in here?

Are you capable of drawing shit that isn't outright porn?
I want to comission some artwork for a tattoo and it obviously needs clean line work.

>> No.2310586

Sorry, I'm closed for commissions until late January.

>> No.2310587

the areolas are slightly too big so the tits look bolted on like silicone.And they're big, but theres no sag at all. The right boob looks alright, the contour on the left needs to be fixed the most

>> No.2310588

Np tbqh senpai.

I'll hit you up with those greasy porn bucks in january.

>> No.2310632

Yep, and filled with helium ;-)

>> No.2310636

She's supposed to be leaning forward. The position of the breasts away from the body isn't wrong imo. The fact that the areolas are are positioned so high makes it look like they are floating though.


>> No.2310734

I have this commissioner.

He dosent complain about anything. He keeps commissioning me non stop (its 4th now and he wants even more) The drawings are dogshit and he dosent even care if i post them or not.

is this some scam? is he having some bad intentions ? im confused.

>> No.2310736

probably scam, send that commissioner to me instead so I could check it for you :^)

>> No.2310738

Is there any chance you'll do lesbian porn in the future bbc kek?

>> No.2310745

Nah. He has probably bad taste and you are cheap enough, so it's all good.

>> No.2310747

they are like 70 $ commissions man its not cheap.

>> No.2310756


70$ is cheap considering what the best artists charge. The large majority of normies can't tell the difference between really good art and mediocre art (or even fairly bad art), which is probably why he thinks he's getting a bargain with you.

>> No.2310757

I get it now. thanks for clarifying.

>> No.2310760

if he keeps commissioning you to do kinda the same thing he might just be too anxious to ask for revisions (on top of having money to burn)

>> No.2310768

Mfw im dating a bbc tier nigger

>> No.2310771


>> No.2310777

all my keks

>> No.2310784

>scene turns to rape senpai

>> No.2310789

>not dropping the attitude and low standards to be able to date a bwc alpha

Might be too late. When you hang around niggers then you eventually become one.

>> No.2310799

>sucking dick
>not a whore

Nice trips.

>> No.2310804

> 2015
> being afraid of black people
keks intensify

Let me guess. You also believe in creationism.
I exhausted all my keks.

>> No.2310823

Yeah it's the current year and people still value statistics over dindu nuffin propaganda.

>> No.2310834
File: 369 KB, 770x960, SEX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for crits (on the picture, don't be a dick) on pretty much everything except line quality (I'm using a mouse)

>> No.2310836


>> No.2310844

you still suck

>> No.2310845

you are basically asking us to rate how well you have polished a turd. you shouldn't expect a lot of feedback.

I see pointing out we should be in advanced, open minded times does the trick pretty well.

>> No.2310848 [DELETED] 

what's the point in your posts. are you trying to trigger some kind of reaction from him with this little effort? I don't think he's that stupid lel.

>> No.2310857

what's the point of your posts. are you trying to trigger some kind of reaction from him with this little effort? I don't think he's that stupid lel.

>> No.2310859

>treating your life as if it was a Jackass dare contest

No thx. I'll leave it to you to do stupid stuff out of fear of being called a chicken

>> No.2310863

wait, are you the racist or the creationst?

>> No.2310868

>if you don't like what I like then you are a racist.

Some real feminist logic you got going on there

>> No.2310879

>if you /pol/ shame me you are a feminist
Some real /pol/tard logic you got going on there

>> No.2310880
File: 39 KB, 304x200, s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not feminist logic that's one of the many Libtard speak; a feminist would cry out rape when she does not have her way or muh-soginy when you disagree.

>> No.2310882

why are you so desperate to try and force other people to share your degenerate fetish? It is as if you are trying to justify something to yourself.

>> No.2310884


I'm going to just assume you're so floored by the art that you have been speechless.

You have not made any constructive judgements whatsoever, so I'm led to believe you lack the necessary mental abilities.

My apologies for the unpleasant encounter of your eyes and my art.

>> No.2310892

I can't tell if that's shadow or blush on her face, whatever it is I would tone it down a bit

her hands are atrocious, her right arm doesn't even seem to be connected to her shoulder but more so her breast

random hip/ass buldge

penis that just disappears into hammer space and not properly inserted into the vagina

bell that's not connected to anything but is floating in front of choker instead on from it

>> No.2310907

Somehow this is the first time I have heard of a cooter referred to as hammer space.

>> No.2310910
File: 156 KB, 587x889, kat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2310944


The Thumbnail reads nice, but that's about it.
If you cant afford a tablet, stick to pencil and paper or try pixel art.
It's doable with a mouse.

>> No.2310980
File: 282 KB, 772x1016, dickskslkjfja.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2310987

>check op pic tumblr
>average gummy anatomy porn with 101 half-animu faces
>every pic have 200+ notes
I will never get how popularity works.

>> No.2310991

of all the options you had, for example stopping wasting your own time by starting to take drawing seriously or devoting to another hobby more suited to your skills, you chose to be offended by a sincere and completely truthful comment.

i guess you don't deserve good advice, so yeah, just keep polishing those turds. it suits you perfectly.

>> No.2311003


it's the same guy who did these

i agree with you about the anime part, but I think anatomy and style wise, he's pretty damn good.
bbc, stop drawing aniumu. you are wasting your talent.

>> No.2311011

I'd love to see some of your work. I am following bbc, so if you are better than him I'll instafollow you.

>> No.2311015
File: 324 KB, 800x1200, tumblr_nyp8ayDwDB1spcpdgo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow bbc is so gud! lmao.

>> No.2311022

nobody said he's perfect.
i think you should stop reaching, anon.

>> No.2311025

looks more french influenced than anime to be perfectly honest with you fampai

>> No.2311063
File: 979 KB, 1130x1600, malonrs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinner lines and different colors.

>> No.2311064
File: 441 KB, 1070x800, dagfsagga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are all just over analyzing stuff. I make mistakes, and I want to improve. That's why I'm posting here to get some useful feedback about my drawing.

Fixed the boobs (I guess) plus a bonus boobies pic.

>> No.2311072

brush setting please?

>> No.2311074

>Contact me privately and I'll try to answer at least some of your questions.

Is the porn community really uptight like this? It seems like it would be a good thing to have everyone understand how to avoid getting doxxed and banned from transaction sites. It just seems silly to me because I could just ask for a commission from you, get your paypal email via invoice and file complaints against you. Do you really think they'll believe some guy with a commission page with prices that directly correlate to all of their "cookie selling" invoices? Some troll could pull the underage angle as well and you'd be frozen without any questions asked. And from what I hear it's incredibly hard to get a new paypal.

>> No.2311079


I think one of your strenghts is that you have consistency.
Most of your drawings are on the same level. They are good in the same way and they are a bit off in the same way...If you catch my drift.

>> No.2311082

You got me wrong, I don't mean that the anatomy is bad, just that it doesn't have anything more than any other porn artist that use that same style, and yet manages to be more popular than others

>> No.2311084

Do you guys think making a comic is a great way to practice anatomy and stuff ?

>> No.2311086

Even if I recognize you're good I can't help but find your art horrifying. those pseudo-Campbell faces and those random shading lines make my eyes bleed

>> No.2311087

To practice anatomy you study anatomy.
comics make you practice telling stories.

>> No.2311092
File: 195 KB, 1333x1000, J86EQIH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The breasts look a lot better than before imo.

Her right arm looks very short tho, you can probably fix it by moving her elbow down and make the lower arm overlap the upper arm more.

In the right picture the bend leg looks kinda flat due to the perspective, you could slighty turn it to get some more depth in.


Try to vary more with your edges and don't be afraid to block in more with shadows.
Right now it's mostly pillow shaded.

And maybe you'd like to move link's eyes closer together, it looks like hes staring into the distance.

>> No.2311093

no, u dumb.

>> No.2311095

whats core shadow?

>> No.2311099


I didn't make the image so I can't know for sure what the artist meant by it.

But my guess would be that they are the most prominent shadows as the will define most of your piece.

>> No.2311102

Story writing helps you make better stories. Comics put both art and storytelling into one medium.t

>> No.2311109
File: 99 KB, 1456x1780, 1890_34_311-anatomy-figure-drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


On the beveled cube with the firm edge, do you see the dark band in the shadow? That's the core shadow. It is the darkest part because it receives the less reflected light. In some sketching styles the core shadow is exagreggated because it describes the form very well.

>> No.2311122

Jesus Christ dudes, the core shadow is fucking fundamental, how can you not know what it is? It's almost literally in every how to draw book ever.

>> No.2311124

because i dont know my fundamentals? so stop acting smug and try to be helpful instead for once

>> No.2311131

Then fuck off to beginners thread or sticky. Stop acting like a retard and try to learn something on your own for once.

>> No.2311132

stop acting entitled, if you want to learn there's a cavalcade of free content on the internet for you to investigate by yourself, be fucking proactive if you want to get somewhere.

>> No.2311136

you should stop wasting your time replying to dumb beginners and work on your masterpieces instead

>> No.2311140

you suck

>> No.2311147

are you ok dude?

>> No.2311153

You gotta love this troll. At least he's determined.

Or just really jealous about something or just stupid. One or the other.

>> No.2311175

I just realized Sakimichan accepts paypal via her patreon along with a lot of other porn artists. So if someone found Saki's paypal email she'd be totally fucked?

>> No.2311177

God speed, man. You're sure to get very far as an artist with the attitude of screwing your peers.

>> No.2311178
File: 943 KB, 3000x2000, futa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is fucking hard to pull off
can someone might help me with this stupid perspective and some body parts?

>> No.2311208
File: 131 KB, 564x1000, dagfsagga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know man, maybe it's the pink color.

>> No.2311231

Don't get your undies in a bundle or misinterpret my inquiry. This is a serious discussion on preventing getting doxxed and harassed by trolls. Saki has built a little empire that could easily be chopped in half by a single misstep unless she found a way around paypal's TOS.

>> No.2311266


Paypal takes like a 4% cut of every transaction. Do you realize how much money they might be making off her? Why the fuck would they shoot themselves in the foot by banning her?

In case you hadn't noticed, ToS are always selectively applied in the best interest of the company.

>> No.2311273

Its not the color, that's literally the same style every porn artist use. even I can probably pull it out.
you see how the foreshortening in the arms is wrong and the left leg is too short, and the neck too thin? 99% of people that don't draw doesn't even notice these things. that was my point.
I just don't understand how they prefer one over the other if their styles are so similar

>> No.2311292

He's probably less popular than others as well, popularity isn't going to fall into perfectly spaced percentage ratios based on how many artistic milestones you've reached.

Also bbc is erotic as fuck.

>> No.2311338
File: 451 KB, 1128x1128, 1445768954718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I draw sexy donald trump girl with a mexican and a muslim woman would I get banned from tumblr?

>> No.2311341
File: 37 KB, 812x561, 1379536982876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not sexualize the glorious Trump.

>> No.2311352

no, youll just get ton of tones and followers form that

>> No.2311357

you still suck

>> No.2311391

Do you have a gallery? can I see your works?

>> No.2311393

>Implying he even has one to begin with.

>> No.2311400

Chub is a sub genre of bara you tard

>> No.2311403
File: 931 KB, 1342x1200, Lily002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you might not understand what sells porn. Super realism doesn't sell porn, perfection doesn't sell porn, studies don't sell porn.
Spontaneity, personal style, the energy that emanates from the artwork is what sell porn.
Also, please realize the thing you just criticized is a 20 minutes sketch. I am aware of the stuff you mentioned, but I prefer not to dwell too long on these errors (which as you mentioned will get noticed by 1% of the people this is meant for) because I don't want to lose the initial spontaneity of the gesture.

Also, I think it might also be the pink color.

>> No.2311406

>being jew sells porn

how does selling out your artistic soul feel?

>> No.2311409

I haven't really drawn anything yet that I might have moral problems with.
Also, I prefer drawing smut than mainstream. Not sure why. I think it's more challenging or something.

Now that I think about it, I might not even have an artistic soul. I do what I do, because it's what I'm best at and it's my job, not because I think I'm an artist. I'm just a craftsman.

>> No.2311412


Do you, man, /ic/ is full of smug pretentious pricks who want to make themselves feel better by shitting on more successful people.

>> No.2311417

>tfw you have such a niche fetishes that drawing for the group could never be worth it

why cant i just like veiny dicks and large boobs? things would have been so much easier

>> No.2311418

Nah I just try to get a rise out of people If I see an opportunity. BBC isn't better than me.

>> No.2311419
File: 1.11 MB, 948x1280, itreyu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its me with the furshit motherfuckers

>> No.2311423

not sunibee / 10

>> No.2311424


As I said, smug pretentious pricks.

>> No.2311426

Woah. Great depth on the top character. I think you should try to desaturate the bg just a little bit to make it pop out even more.
I think that's one of the best pieces I've seen you posting here. Great job.

>> No.2311430

>spontaneity, energy that emanates
Its more like that being a social media monkey and drawing popular stuff is half the work. Also
>20 minutes to draw a undetailed naked woman

>> No.2311432

How long have you been drawing?

>> No.2311433


post your 20 minute undetailed naked woman

>> No.2311437

Listen, you draw good tits but please shut the fuck up about what you are or not or lolartistic souls, because thats make you sound like a complete fucking faggot

>> No.2311439

how is a completely random girl popilar stuff?
have you even checked his tumblr. all he draws is random no name characters. It's not like he's drawing fanart, which is the true popular stuff.

alos, what anon said. post your 20 minute undetailed naked woman. let's see.

>> No.2311443

I just tried to explain my point of view about smut art.
I am actually pretty lazy when it comes to updating my tumblr blog. I'm telling you, it's the pink color.

I always forget a lot of you get triggered really quickly. Sorry for making you read an excerpt from my hidden gay journal. I'll stop doing that.

After this post. I promise.

>> No.2311446


Name a few other smut artists that have the same style of BBC please, I get the impression you are simplifying things

>> No.2311465

BBC chan's a badass you motherfuckers will complain about anything.

>> No.2311480

The more nieche your fetish is the easier is to make moneh.

>> No.2311481

The color totally would make sense, pinks inherently erotic.

>> No.2311597
File: 209 KB, 667x1000, linkle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick post before I go to work.

>> No.2311608

different anon, but according to this UK website: theregister.co.uk/2006/07/07/the_odd_body_colours/

Black: Sophistication, elegance, seduction, mystery, sex, banishment, binding, protection, evil
Blue: Trust, reliability, belonging, coolness, tranquility, peace, calm, wisdom, justice, depression, understanding, patience, loyalty, sincerity, honour
Brown: Earthy, conservative, protective, constructive, hard-working, solid
Copper/Bronze: Love, passion, friendship, sex
Gold: Prestige, expensive, elite, authority
Green: Nature, fresh, cool, growth, abundance, rejuvenation, recovery, healing, harmony, balance, peace, hope, jealousy, envy
Grey: Neutrality, staleness, depression
Magenta: power, magnetism, spiritual power
Orange: Playfulness, warmth, vibrant, encouragement, luck, kindness, stimulation, optimism, abundance, success, independence, sensual
Pink: Soft, sweet, nurturance, security, tenderness, peace
Purple: Royal, spirituality, dignity, divination, inspiration, meditation, compassion
Red: Passion, energy, excitement, danger, speed, impulsive action, stimulation, assertiveness, aggression, strength, sex, revolt, war
Silver: Prestige, cold, scientific, stability
Turquoise: Intuitive, insightful, inventive, original, renewal, change
White: Pure, virginal, clean, youthful, mild, peace, truthfulness, enlightenment
Yellow: Warmth, cheer, happiness, vitality, change, progress, clarity, communicativeness, affirmation.

>> No.2311713

well colors have different meaning all around the world.

>> No.2311827

bwahaha oh jesus

>> No.2311841

killl yourself furry scum going to start ruining our futa only board.

>> No.2311868

where you find commissions?

>> No.2311877

Your mom gives them to me.

>> No.2311882
File: 856 KB, 2136x2000, futa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2311906

Christ this and the anime stylization threads are fucking awful. /b/ level of shitposting

>> No.2311910

>ask a furry to kill himself because he thinks fur will ruin board
>already into something even more ruining and degenerate than furry


>> No.2311925


being this new

>> No.2312002
File: 654 KB, 990x717, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2312018

Will there be a sequel picture?

>> No.2312044
File: 108 KB, 654x746, vIHCjEj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna have her covered in ribbons for christmas

>> No.2312045

>...and then she farts!

>> No.2312054


you mean like finished/coloured?

If so than yeah, i'll probably finish it over the weekend.

>> No.2312078

Please help me find clients for commissions!:c

>> No.2312087
File: 291 KB, 1207x1071, New Canvas;lfeajlfdla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2312089
File: 41 KB, 643x396, sketch1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did some tracings in Inkscape (over real photos). It's my first art in some years so I'm sure I did something horrible. 1/4

>> No.2312091
File: 131 KB, 840x1120, sketch2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a blonde... 2/4

>> No.2312095
File: 72 KB, 1047x997, sketch3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2312096
File: 24 KB, 377x500, sketch4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2312098

Tracing won't do you much good, especially if you don't understand what it is you're tracing famthony. Read/do Keys to Drawing/Betty Edwards if need be and then a book on perspective followed by Loomis or Vilppu.

>> No.2312100


>> No.2312103


>> No.2312120
File: 180 KB, 1192x1484, CRossDress3wip1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'm not doing anything else, might as well see if I can learn something.

>> No.2312142
File: 65 KB, 600x722, CRossDress3quikwip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made some tweaks while waiting.

>> No.2312155
File: 932 KB, 1344x1200, Lily002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tweeked this a bit. Is it off putting that the glasses are showing on the left in the new version?
Also, would you fap to a story with a girl that turns invisible if too excited?

>> No.2312177

you suck

>> No.2312241

its the fountain of youth

>> No.2312251
File: 156 KB, 1100x809, purpletentacles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2312264

Back to >>>/lgbt/ >>>/d/ and >>>/u/

>> No.2312270

That's... actually very useful to know.

>> No.2312326
File: 79 KB, 624x1136, korra line.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow everybody is really good here. Any advice please?

>> No.2312330

Hmm, I like it. Ssiiinnce you're working on lineart, 'could' I ask a request from you? >>>/d/6566066 Heck, all you really gotta do is trace it.

>> No.2312339

This dude still around? I'd like to see more of repressed Nerd Mom.

>> No.2312346


>> No.2312367

Dont even waste your time anon. You can surpass bbc, with an intensive anatomy studies, in a couple months; 4-6hrs a day

>> No.2312393

Yeah I don't see erotic on list, reproductive organs being pink has a lot to do with the eroticism in my eyes though.

>mfw the uk thinks orange is sensual

>> No.2312442

dat clitdick

>> No.2312454

>being this jelly

>> No.2312466

haha, all my sides, all my fucking sides. you are basically saying that anyone can be better than bbc, no matter their background?
how in the world can you be so delusional?

>> No.2312472

you wont make it.

>> No.2312480


>> No.2312497

Anyone can be better. he said it himself no? you just need to be personal, spontaneous and make your drawings emanate energy.
(nb: BBC drawings aren't spontaneous, personal or energetic. you like him because of good anatomy)

>> No.2312508

If you put enough practice and time into it, I'm sure you can get better (for your own standards), but saying to a random butthurt anon, that they can get better in a FEW months by practicing hard, is clearly bullshit (probably it's just another bbc hater trying to make a fellow hater feel better about themselves).
We don't know anything about the butthurt anon. Based on their posts I'd say they aren't very intelligent. Just that alone tells me that they'd struggle a lot more to get good than an averagely intelligent person, since intelligence is key to learning anything, not only art.

>BBC drawings aren't spontaneous, personal or energetic. you like him because of good anatomy
I look at this >>2312155 and see the exact opposite thing of what you just said. Btw, I don't really like bbc's art. I just acknowledge his skill, especially because of the confidence of his lines.

>> No.2312512





>That close together.

That's either someone hanging out here too much or bbc shitposting about himself.

>> No.2312526

>If you put enough practice and time into it, I'm sure you can get better

>practicing hard is clearly bullshit

Which one is it

>> No.2312536

If you take two PARTS of my sentences and try to compare them outside the context of the whole message, I can only say you are dumb as fuck.

>> No.2312547

Youre being prejudice man, chill

>> No.2312563
File: 698 KB, 1513x1958, savas and hellhound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How'd I do :^)

>> No.2312564

Maybe I overreacted. Now that I read what I wrote, I see how it can be misinterpreted. What I meant to say is that with enough practice you can obviously improve your skills. With enough time and dedication you could of course also match and maybe surpass bbc's skill level. But saying that ANYONE could achieve that in JUST A FEW months is completely absurd. That's what I'm calling bullshit.

Some people have more talent, or propensity, or intelligence, or whatever you'd rather call it, for art, others have less. Someone who is a complete beginner without an innate talent, will never be able to achieve that.

>> No.2312565

The shapes on the horse part of the body are completely undecipherable. There is very little to no depth. You should pick less complicated subjects and learn the basics, before you try your hand as such complicated scenes.

>> No.2312575
File: 1.09 MB, 1100x1500, 12-12-2015 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything before I line it?

>> No.2312586
File: 459 KB, 1441x1000, redgdfgdfghdfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really nice lines. Remind me of keppok's sketches.
The only off putting thing is the arm she's leaning on which is too short.
I did a quick redline to show you some options how to position it better.

>> No.2312587

i like it! be sure to report back when its done

>> No.2312592

make sure to draw the toes, don't cut them off.

besides, there's like loads of feetfags online, you can get more views aswell.

>> No.2312595

how do i make my lines have this texture in MS ?

>> No.2312657

there should be more people like you anon

>> No.2312703

Why is her left hand bigger than her head?
learn proper proportion, even the right one is more proportionate for some reason

that's not enough space for that kid to be sitting inside either push her legs down more or have his legs/feet hanging off to the sides or over her thigh

that's a nice breast though

>> No.2312748
File: 659 KB, 1251x1800, can't stump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this a lot

also I'm not finishing this

>> No.2312793
File: 469 KB, 1800x2650, SB10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting too happy with this, which probly means there's something terribly wrong that I'm not seeing atm. Thoughts?

>> No.2312808
File: 423 KB, 1605x1000, diffdasdasd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, quick question.
Which version is more appealing to you, or which one is less non-appealing?

>> No.2312811

The hands are a mess. For the rest I think it looks pretty nice.

>> No.2312814


sorry, didn't look at the lower part of his body before posting. everything below the hands is a mess, just as the hands are. it looks like you used references for the body and didn't have any for the hands and lower limbs.

>> No.2312834

Imo, the one on the left looks better in the face department, barring that double chin, but the hair of the right one is better being softer to me.

Take the face and body of the left with the hair of the right. I'd like less double chin but that's just me.

>> No.2312842

Left, the one on the rights lips are little too big

>> No.2312853
File: 457 KB, 1605x1000, 1449869577433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely the right one - that drawing is much clearer for me.
I didn't know what lines on the left drawing (under nose) were representing until I read that's a double chin here: >>2312834
Pic related, what it looked like to me.

>> No.2312855

you suck

>> No.2312856

I guess I should have been more precise about what I wanted you to pay attention to.
I'd like to know which style you prefer. Is the more stylized left version more or less appealing than the more realistic right one?
Nonetheless, thanks for the responses, that's all useful stuff to know too.

>> No.2312857

I don't have a tablet at work.

>> No.2312858

I didn't use reference for anything but you're right, I didn't dedicate as much time for the legs as I did for the upper body. Thanks for the critique, anon.

>> No.2312859

holy fuck bith are terrible, the line on the right looks like a double chin instead of a lower lip

>> No.2312861

Well, if style is what you were going for, I guess the left is more interesting. But I'm not entirely sure.

>> No.2312862

>browsing porn thread at work

legit / 10

>> No.2312866

Hm. It's nice to receive such a refreshing comment. I would never have thought there was any kind of problem reading the left girl's features. No matter how much I try to see what you saw, I just can't. Probably because I am used to shade the interior of the mouth, to avoid this kind of misinterpretation and take for granted that a small line like the one that determines the opening of the mouth here could be interpreted as a full line for the teeth.
Heh. Great feedback. I'll totally keep in mind this in the future.

>> No.2312869

I really can't see a double chin on her, no matter how hard I try. I guess some people are more used to stylization than others. I would never thought this could go to such extremes.

>> No.2312881
File: 248 KB, 1605x1000, 1449869577433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take for granted that a small line like the one that determines the opening of the mouth
>opening of the mouth
>meanwhile everyone else is talking about double chin
OK, now I'm REALLY confused.

Which one is it - A or B?

fine, you got me, I was too lazy to plug my tablet in.

>> No.2312885

Ok, that makes it MUCH more clearer if that's what it was suppose to be. The added lines help makes it more like big lips then double chin/open mouth.

>> No.2312888

Are telling me this isn't a double chin?

>> No.2312891
File: 484 KB, 1605x1000, diffdasdasd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To make things more clear, this is what the shaded versions would look like. I still can't see the double chin.

>> No.2312895
File: 51 KB, 949x538, dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean like what the fuck?

>> No.2312897

fuck i love that brush! please tell me its sai!

>> No.2312900

Sorry anon, it's manga studio.

>> No.2312901

Now I'm really convinced that most of /ic/ has mental problems. How could anyone think that's a double chin?

>> No.2312904

what anon said. the last few posts made me realize how fucked up your brains are from all that weeb shit you are used to fap to.

>> No.2312906

see >>2312895 and think of the left one as both lips, then look at the original for the double chin eefect

>> No.2312909

eh got that too, just dont use it as much, could you please post it anyway?

>> No.2312916
File: 14 KB, 257x285, chica_o_vieja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is a young girl!
>No, this is an old lady and you're retarded if you disagree!
Have you really never seen an illusion before? Like the ones with duck/rabbit, or vase/faces?

Kids those days are really quick to call people with different opinions mentally ill...

>> No.2312923

i dont see the old lady

>> No.2312925

I might just have to scrap it and redo the gesture. I'll save the redline and add it to my bbchan collection. Thanks man

I'll start studying feet

Im in krita

I'll get back to studying and try again

Thanks mom

>> No.2312927

the purple necklace is the mouth, and the "chin" is also a gnarled nose.

>> No.2312933

this is just the worst possible example you could have used lol.
the designs of anon's girls is nowhere near being as ambiguous as the one in this image (which is the most know optical illusion in the world after the rabbit-duck one). can you be any more stupid?

>> No.2312938

Here you go. It's the Inking.sut one.

>> No.2312945
File: 222 KB, 1638x1512, Vivian1quikwip2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2312980

Strangely, it doesn't work as well with colour

>> No.2313019

>also I'm not finishing this

Dammit Kep shit I thought you said you'd stop doing this, That Brekkist is a bad influence on you after all! now back to your room and Loomis until you learn to finish your work stop procrastinating

>> No.2313106
File: 289 KB, 639x800, giftrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a christmas card of sorts so I already finished her ahead of time. Here it is without text and stuff

>> No.2313113

Study hands.

>> No.2313141
File: 134 KB, 1212x1344, Vivian1quikwip3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another, with some kind of weird rendering test I felt like doing.

>> No.2313157

but if I finish this then I'll get arrested senpai

>> No.2313336

If you don't finish it the terrorist win

>> No.2313337


>> No.2313412

New thread


>> No.2313420

Thanks anon.

>> No.2313524

oh god im sorry but this is horrible, he looks as if he is shitting into her? not to mention the anatomy is all wrong, the shading is a mess and he has no asshole...or balls?

>> No.2313624

not appealing color for its skin.

>> No.2315075

You are icky