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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 147 KB, 1024x1024, CT8gNGlU8AUineF.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2303311 No.2303311[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Illiya Kushinov, russian illustrator and story artist living in japan.
when I look at his drawings, I feel like going in the tools cabin, get the hatchet, cut my fucking right hand and throw it in the trash. and I'm not exaggerating. normally I'm not a jealous person, but I can't stand him. I don't know why

>> No.2303318

The fact that he draws the same generic cutesy girl with the same face the same bust shots even the same hair style and cliche filters and with that alone managed to make him successful eats you up inside since meanwhile you're probably busting your balls with fundamentals and nobody gives a shit.

>> No.2303319

practice one face for 5 years and youll get good at it too.

>> No.2303322

He's good, and gooder than most peeple.

I meen, are you seriously getting agitated over not pudding in the same amount of effort, when its entirely your falt?

>> No.2303324

this newbies

>> No.2303325

He just redraws everything with his animu style. Become good at copying, become good in stylization girls, get photoshop, learn cell shading and you are set.

>> No.2303327

>He's good
Open the op picture and look at those fucking lines. he's good?

>> No.2303328

>meanwhile you're probably busting your balls with fundamentals and nobody gives a shit.

Kron is also better at the fundamentals than you are.

>> No.2303329

>Translation: Just get good and you can be shitty like him.

This board will forever be populated by a majority that will never do anything good enough to make a living. Idiots always thinking that good lines and design are easy to come by while they collectively suck villpus dick

>> No.2303330

Yeah better than 99,5% of the general population

Be happy that he has success. If he can make it why cant you :^)

>> No.2303331
File: 143 KB, 1257x863, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't give a fuck anymore

>> No.2303332


>> No.2303333


You sure showed him. ;^)

>> No.2303334

All of these posts are mine.

>> No.2303337
File: 498 KB, 405x228, giphy (3).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turn your jealousy into motivation and become better than him. That'll be way more rewarding than leaving shitty little comments on his page.

>> No.2303338

the gif is a kek, and what you are saying is true.

>> No.2303343

You're just frustrated because you don't know how he got there and it seems possible. He got there by being where you are now. I used to get the same way, feeling like I'd never be any good but I kept at it through the years and though I'm not as refined as him or someone similar, I'm close enough now to see it's not impossible, it just takes time and work. Try to let it spur you on instead of hold you back.

>> No.2303349
File: 1.08 MB, 176x244, 1407236663745.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check this out, I used not be a fan of Kr0n. But when push came to shove and he got outed for what he was doing, this motherfucker made a huge turn around and decided it was time to be an honest artist.

/ic/ changing lives for the better.


>> No.2303350

Making a living with art is selling out. /ic/

>> No.2303358
File: 907 KB, 2048x1476, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




a fellow scrub.

(desu I think they're just ok, fayum. The energy expended refusing to work on projects because of fear of failure rather than actually doing them is astonishing. Keep drawing!)

>> No.2303362

damn she is hot

>> No.2303363

I don't really care if he's honest or not. I'm just jealous. probably I'm older than him, I studied more than him, I wanted to be good more than him.
and this is the result, I'm less than nothing and he makes a living out of art.
>inb4 autism
and you're right. I said, I don't give a fuck anymore

>> No.2303365

He's a communist, son. It's okay to hate him.

>> No.2303366

Schiele did hands like that on purpose

>> No.2303368

Didn't he always have decent traditional skills? Iirc he was trained in Russia where they actually teach students classical drawing and painting properly. He just has weeaboo tastes.

>> No.2303371

I meant it seems *impossible, stupid swipe function.

>> No.2303373

That's not Kr0n

>> No.2303374

**He's Hot"

Lets see your work? Not being a dick, but maybe you are better. It's easy to get an art job if you know people. Stay in the dark and fiddle your thumbs is hard to get a job.

Yeah he's had decent traditional knowledge, though becoming an honest artist is what really draws more people towards him.

>> No.2303377

That video? Oh. The anon presented it as though it was. In any case, Kron did have some academic training in traditional media: http://kuvshinov-ilya.deviantart.com/gallery/25484096/Old-Academic

It's pretty stiff and lifeless, but it's also stuff that was done years ago.

>> No.2303378


Shiiet, more?

>> No.2303390
File: 214 KB, 900x838, old_academic_works_05_09_by_maadartist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anonymous comment
maximum salty

>> No.2303396

shut the fuck up pablo

>> No.2303397

The only thing that disappoints me about him is that after a while the art gets pretty boring because it's the same portraits over and over. He always calls himself an illustrator/story artist but there's only one comic on his pixiv and it's very bland. I guess it feels appropriate to call him an illustrator but whenever I see his work I just think of it as that guy who spends all of his time making unoriginal portraits and fanart for internet money.

>> No.2303398
File: 11 KB, 188x220, 1376473155562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2303401

chr0mprinz a bore

>> No.2303402

Isn't that the dream making money for something you enjoy doing?

>> No.2303403

>**He's Hot"
lol wut?

>> No.2303405
File: 283 KB, 925x1032, 1445918802338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a shemale, friend. I forget the name.

>> No.2303408

>That's a shemale
You're shitting me

>> No.2303410
File: 16 KB, 320x240, 1445860811310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Search shemales on pornhub, she's one of the more popular ones.

Welcome to the internet, my man.

>> No.2303411

Google was enough. holy shit man

>> No.2303412

I mean, he's one of the more popular ones.

>> No.2303414
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>> No.2303420

Too late, I fapped already

>> No.2303429
File: 181 KB, 660x375, cw-4179-medium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your point? They're cool as fuck.

>> No.2303433

>when I look at his drawings, I feel like going in the tools cabin, get the hatchet, cut my fucking right hand and throw it in the trash. and I'm not exaggerating.
kid, you need to chiiiiiilllllllllllllllll
it's a fuckin drawin
stop placing selfworth in technical abilities or lack thereof

>> No.2303445

Oh wow. He's been going at it since 2005. I never would have guessed.

>> No.2303454

I sure am glad I'm a hobbyst. You guys sound bitter as fuck.

>> No.2303469

>probably I'm older than him, I studied more than him, I wanted to be good more than him.

And how do you know that? He's better than you, that means he probably put in more hours than you did. He makes more money than you, that means he is smarter than you are and knows how to market himself. you are just assuming shit to fit your own narrative. In your mind, Kron is a hack that draws animu fanart and you are this hard working artist who cares about the fundamentals and tradition and it's just not fair right?

Guess what, you are not better than he is. >>2303390
He already studied the fundamentals and did all the boring academic shit years ago. Now he draws what he enjoys and makes a shitload of money.

>> No.2303483

this. anyone who looks at those studies and still shits on kron for being successful is just a jealous fucking idiot. it's clear to anyone who isn't an ego ridden shithead that kron has a lot of fundie knowledge beneath those dumb anime faces

tehmeh and catbib have studies at that level and big shocker... they're also working professionals


>> No.2303498
File: 49 KB, 710x528, 11219705_1659852080922614_1891069272166927971_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kron is shit to be honest.
I want to be talented like Sakimichan

>> No.2303501



>> No.2303505


He is incredible with color and his stylization and caricature skills are very good. He's probably the best digital painter who is popular with regular people.

>> No.2303515

it doesn't even look that good, does he work really quickly or something?

>> No.2303518

that's just sad

>> No.2303520

Why do you ask such stupid questions? Do you think if he worked slowly, it would magically turn into a Sargent painting or something?

>> No.2303521

you know this isnt kronprinz right ? just a traditional artist who copies already existing digital art

>> No.2303549

No I'm just wondering why OP is so impressed.

>> No.2303632

I guess, but I wouldn't want to be remembered for drawing the same thing repeatedly for money. It's like Ramy and Amuria all over again.

>> No.2303643

Neither you, me, nor 99% of other artists, including Kronprinz will ever be remembered by anyone for anything.

>> No.2303650

why get angry when you can get inspired :O

>> No.2303653

In the grand scheme of things you're right. But people can remember within a contemporary context. I'm sure you remember some artists that were famous or had an impact years ago when you got into art. Pretty much any "big name" on the old CA, Sijun, or even DA. Only a handful moved past what they did then and are still relevant. The rest are like "oh yeah...that guy! He was pretty good at X thing. I forgot about him."

>> No.2303657

This Illiya guy is shit.

He copies the eye "look" from Shigenori Soejima (he admitted that shit in ImagineFX by saying Shigenori is one of his fave artists)

What´s worse is that he keeps drawing the same shit overa and over again, and what makes the drawings pretty to look at are stupid Photoshop effects here and there.

I could draw the shit he does, but I wouldn´t, because I would feel like shit.

>> No.2303667

He's copying the simplistic style that Soejima uses, and he's not even close to being good at it.

>> No.2303697

>He copies the eye "look" from Shigenori Soejima (he admitted that shit in ImagineFX by saying Shigenori is one of his fave artists)
Isn't that the point of artistic inspiration though? To be inspired by a favorite artist?

People also complained about Mucha drawing the same stuff over and over again, the man drew what he liked.

>I could draw the shit he does, but I wouldn´t, because I would feel like shit.
Holy shit you actually went there.

>> No.2303700

You utter fucking retards realise it's a girl, right? At least get your facts straight before you fly into your autistic jealous rages

>> No.2303704


Are you literally fucking 12? Fucking kill yourself dude

>> No.2303711

Poe's Law indicates that it's impossible to tell whether or not you're joking.

>> No.2303717
File: 170 KB, 700x1024, 0_8b71c_2bf5c58b_XXL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh lets see. What is this.

Holy shit why weebs are so fucking pathetic?
Every time i see a thread like this it's another weeb whining about Sakimifag/Koprophile/whateveryourshitis.

>> No.2303718

What are you even trying to say with this post. Do you have a mental impediment?

>> No.2303723

People bitching in this thread are pathetic as fuck. What a bunch of jealous cunts

>> No.2303725


It's rarely the weebs doing the whining, anon. It's the 'serious' artists who make unmarketable shit nobody cares about then feel butthurt when nobody is willing to pay them for their study of michelangelo's david.

>> No.2303730

you guys will never make it like this, jesus christ

>> No.2303757
File: 980 KB, 900x1366, 14486577681423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's rarely the weebs doing the whining, anon
Ecept they do it like all the time.
If you dont see facts: /ic/ are /weebs/ who draw nothing but /waifus/ and jerk off to asian/asianstyle/anime shit.
Then you are probably mental.
>you guys will never make it like this, jesus christ
I dont need to be a weeb.
I dont even like Japan. I like Europe and their architecture.
I hate anime.
Im fine with my current money because i can buy stuff i want and im growing artist in a game industry and i dont like being an illustrator and not interested in drawing boring stuff like "here is another portrait of CUTE girl xDDDD" because its not fun.

If you really obsessed with money then there is a thing - Disney made more money than Sakimislut. Which means she sucks.
End of story.

>> No.2303765

Dude, what the fuck are you talking about? Do you think the people bashing on Illiya in this thread are weebs? Do you think an artist who draws anime inspired cute girls is something that weebs are going to whine about? Nothing you're saying makes any fucking sense. You seem to struggle with basic comprehension skills, is english your first language?

>> No.2303768

>a production company that employs hundreds if not thousands of people earns more than a single person that draws cartoon people for a living

>it's not fun for me, therefore it's not fun for anyone

trying too hard

Also, I'm an actual euro and I hate anime, and Japanese and Chinese architecture is not all that less impressive. Go end yourself.

>> No.2303777

>and I hate anime, and Japanese and Chinese architecture is not all that less impressive.
thats like exactly what i said eurofag
Not even arguing with you weeb.

>> No.2303779

>Not even arguing with you weeb

You don't even have an argument m8. And I'm not defending weebs, I'm just pointing out what's going on in the thread which you seem to be incapable of gleaning because you're a literal retard.

>thats like exactly what i said eurofag

Again, you just completely failed to comprehend the meaning of some written text. Can you just go fucking kill yourself already?

>> No.2303782

so you are euro dweeb, other end of the spectrum is just as bad. why are you so angry anyway, chill out, child. insecurity showing.

>> No.2303785

Fuckoff normie.
>And I'm not defending weebs
yeah lmao.

>> No.2303884

>Fuckoff normie.
ohhh boy, you don't know a thing about me. i'm probably the most fucked up person in this thread, but im too old to throw a tantrum.

>> No.2304007

>you don't know a thing about me
>i'm probably the most fucked up person in this thread
>too old

The utter irony

>> No.2304030

it's actually astounding that kushinov is driven enough to have a full time job in the anime industry as well as producing over 10 illustrations per week and recording them as well.. i mean supply and demand op. he's delivering what people want to see. what are you doing?

i can only dream to do what he's doing desu. comfy life with two jobs making bank

>> No.2304033

I didn't know he was in the industry, do you know what he's worked on?

>> No.2304037

>practice 1 face and 3 angles
>change hair style, eyes and clothes
>draw fanart of popular stuff, it doesn't even look like the characters, just a cute girl cosplay as them
>get popular as heck

not hating, I mean, not bad. not bad at all.
strategy > skills

>> No.2304053

Anyone salty over Kron needs to just end themselves. You faggots are already on suicide watch. Just get it over with already.

He knows how to draw and market his work. Get over it, shut up, and draw.

>> No.2304056
File: 16 KB, 600x300, phil-fish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he is literally Phil Fish of art
Phil Fish got alot of fame and money, but he acted like a prick and his products were mediocre as fuck and you just know that he didn't deserve it. If this world would be fair, of course.

But this world is not fair, so who cares. If anything, blame capitalism, because he just makes and sells shit people buy

>> No.2304057

you know what i might have been mistaken. on his tumblr he describes himself as a story artist which in the west would generally mean a storyboard artist but maybe he's mislabelling himself or it means something else in japan. he has no story art that i could find

>> No.2304058

Well, why you're poor?
But you never speak with Kr0n. /ic/ doesn't even exist for him.

>> No.2304059
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>> No.2304061

>baited so easily
Kek.This was my post, ayтиcт.

>> No.2304063


>> No.2304064

я вымaнил тeбя кaк cyчкy
>rigged and triggered

>> No.2304101

It wasn't kronz who painted that

>> No.2304124

He is not very good, but he found shit that appeals to the masses and makes good money off it. Don't be salty that you didn't.

>> No.2304146

>he didn't deserve it. If this world would be fair, of course.

Kron gets his money directly from the people who want to give him money. There is no 3rd party involved that markets his products and falsely hypes it as something it isn't. People who give him money get exactly what they expect to get, more of the same and they can stop giving him money at any time. There is no fairer way of making your living than this.

>> No.2304147
File: 48 KB, 900x900, meme meme 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, you're upset because artists that aren't up to your standard are popular and make money.

And in your non-capitalist dream, the government will pay you in grants for practicing correct techniques and drawing hands with light source.

Yeah, nah. Money is not that straightforward, unfortunately. Welcome to the wheel world little anon.

>> No.2304177

>look mom i posted it again

>> No.2304190

It's not jealousy. You're seeing what everyone should see, a hack. They use the same gimmick over and over and collect the revenue. Wanna know how to feel better? Make something original, differ your drawings/paintings everytime. Pick a new subject on a regular basis, don't stick to your comfort zone. Stop following what people like kron or sakimi are doing, that'll just bring you to the realization that so called "success" is achieved by appealing to the DA crowd.

>> No.2304194
File: 1.85 MB, 900x3395, chromatic_aberration_tutorial_by_kr0npr1nz-d88bjr1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2304196

nice one.

>> No.2304200


You aren't doing anything that somehow holds more merit than what Kron does, you aren't a scientist working on a cure for cancer or a surgeon saving lives, you're both just drawing fucking pictures.

At least Kron's images are being viewed by thousands of people and if it makes just 1% of them smile and think "that looks pretty cool", then his art has more value than yours will ever have.

>> No.2304553

Great way to say "lol you're just jelly :)) keep being salty :)))" in a different way.

>> No.2304604
File: 1.33 MB, 1200x1200, 14489909648370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meanwhile unskilled russian kids so butthurt about Kr0n that they criticize his appearance, dress choice, glasses, beard, pose etc
Purest form of salty. Salty Gold

>> No.2304608


A worthy response to somebody saying "I'm just butthurt people want to pay him and not me" in a different way.

>> No.2304624

Wait, Kr0npr1nz and that guy are not the same person? My mind is blown, i could not tell there work apart if my life depended on it.

>> No.2304629

oh nvm, im dumb

>> No.2304635

Kr0nprince is watching me on dA lol

>> No.2304648

does he have the same haicut s op?

>> No.2304733
File: 507 KB, 2048x1232, 20151203_200011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont care if you believe its me or not. Just wanted to know:

Why so much hatred?

I just do what I like and give people what voluntarily pay me to keep drawing for them as simple as that..

I wish you focus your hatred into constructive things instead of this rampage.


the pic is a doddle to practice fast drawing and some books of murakami.

>> No.2304735

I've never seen a dynamic fullbody drawing from him. Does he go beyond the bust?

>> No.2304737

stop tracing cosplayers

>> No.2304740

>why so much hatred
welcome to /ic/ - gossip and jealousy

Besides not everyone's as autistic as OP, just read the thread.

>> No.2304756

Try harder anon. You draw like shit

>> No.2304757

Real question here. I love his style personally, I think the use of color and simplified rendering are a selling point on their own. But do you think the fact that they are girls contributes to the popularity more than the look? If someone did this with male characters would it still work? I'm asking because I prefer drawing guys but I'm curious how much that aspect matters to this strategy.

>> No.2304760

Doesn't matter. You just need to draw stylish. Like this

>> No.2304763

Style is where I've been most lacking for a long time. Still, there were an awful lot of cute girls on that page. It seems like that's all I ever see rise to popularity, like Reiquinterro, though Nainsoo seems like a rare exception.

>> No.2304768


Female beauty has always been the number one subject in art in all of history. Of all things beautiful, beautiful women is what is regarded highest. It really is that simply.

>> No.2304771

...wait, the guy in the pic is kron?
suddenly I feel at peace

>> No.2304792
File: 531 KB, 2048x1232, 20151203_211632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As I said they are loose drawings made ASAP to loose the hand...


Hell no! I have actually a self portrait on my da...


Again with same drama...?

>> No.2304804

> get caught doing something dishonest
> get chewed out and dragged for it
> anon mentions your past sins
> whine that people are rehashing hte dramu

real pro, buddy

>> No.2304806

So does kr0n though.

>> No.2304811

Clownery is boring

>> No.2304813


hey I set things straight when that happened. I even received a mesage from Sakimichan.

I thought all of this was in the past.

I really think that most of the shit I get in these days is unjustified. It is really that hard to realize that I don´t "trace" as you say. And by the way "tracing" is a serious accusation.

Again, I love drawing I give people want they want and they pay me from their own free will... but I guess some of you think that is somehow wrong...

>> No.2304814

Post your work space.

>> No.2304816

>implying you are the real Ilya kusasdasda.

1- This place it's full of art school students who are being scammed with abstract shit and can't stand any other person who can actually draw.

2- envy idiots who talk shit because it's an anonymous image board

3- trolls.

>> No.2304817
File: 26 KB, 318x353, 1448377073028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2304820


Ok I wont reply anymore... there are many proyects and things that wanna do here in Japan instead of explaining myself to some hateful american who still think we are in the cool war.

Don´t bother to reply as I wont come back.


>> No.2304823
File: 36 KB, 321x383, 1448376925023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2304824

Right now is middle of night in Japan, autist.

>> No.2304828

It's actually 9:50 am jo!

>> No.2304830

He's cute. I wish his nose was a tiny bit thinner, but I'd definitely do him.

>> No.2304831
File: 1.50 MB, 1280x1280, 1423187523260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2304834

So does that inherently mean someone who does mostly renditions of women will usually have a popularity advantage over someone who usually draws men? It seems like a simple looking picture of a cute girl stands a better chance of getting noticed than a guy in fancy armor and fancy rendering, just speaking anecdotally of course.

>> No.2304838

A lot of those don't look traced. Just looks like studies or an exercise to render out flat colours.

>> No.2304840

For immediate da fame or patreon money, yeah. Drawing pretty girls will get you those a lot faster - on average men prefer to see pretty girls than guys, and on average women prefer pictures with prettier faces. It won't get you a real career or make a good portfolio, but if all you want is temporary internet fame and money from people who like to look at tits, go for generically rendered cute ladies and don't even bother with anything else.

>> No.2304841


Fuck, why I even try to get good at anatomy and stuff like that. I could just focus on learning how to render crap and trace over images.

>> No.2304842

>Phil Fish
Who the fuck is Phil Fish? Seriously? I want to hold on to my incredulity for a little longer.

>> No.2304843

Studies don't earn you almost 200k usd a year. Studies shouldn't be done for profit, especially not of amateur or underpaid artists who are vastly better but don't abuse channel-splitting on photoshop or have a horde of weeb followers .

>> No.2304844
File: 47 KB, 748x668, 6545435353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's not tracing. But flashy half-true meme pictures have more influence on internet generation than true.

>> No.2304847

>It won't get you a real career or make a good portfolio, but if all you want is temporary internet fame and money
I'd rather have the former, but I'm told getting noticed online can help lead to some career paths. At the end of the day I'll keep drawing what I most enjoy, but I'm going to keep conscious of this. I think a balance of the two would work well enough.

>> No.2304851

I agree fully, but that's irrelevant to whether the images are traced or not. Which they don't really seem to be.

>> No.2304854

>Studies shouldn't be done for profit
Why medicine is not free?

>> No.2304855

Think about it this way - you don't have to just spam patreon with it. That's how Charlie Bowater got her start, drawing pretty, stylized girls on deviantart. But now she does concept art for Atomhawk. It isn't one or the other unless you let it take over your life like kr0nprinz or zeronis.

>> No.2304858

come up from air every so often, ilya's dick ain't that bomb.

You first claimed he was just "studying" other better artists and that's why it was okay to copy them for fun and profit. Now you're saying that this is somehow a service he's providing to people?

What is this service that his shit studies provide? This isn't like Noah's art camp or even that learn squared shit. He isn't trying to teach people with that copied shit you called studies. He's just scamming them for all they're worth. The only lesson and art involved are in how to be a con artist.

>> No.2304860
File: 30 KB, 450x600, michelangelo_david2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

may I have a word with you...

Also, this thread is shit.

>> No.2304869

Makes perfect sense. I don't think I ever could let it take over my life anyway, I'd go crazy drawing nothing but that all the time. I was over on /v/ today and yesterday and I draw a lot of girls for them in the drawthreads but I actually felt ill noticing just how many requests were nothing but girls and porn of girls. I was just so damn tired of it. So as I plot a course for myself, I'll make sure not to fall into one trap or another.

>> No.2304875
File: 37 KB, 505x442, 14280-last-judgment-michelangelo-buonarroti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Michelangelo was gay. Look at pic related, that is just a man with breast. Most of his sculptures of women are men with breast.

If Illiya Kushinov was gay he wouldn't be drawing cute girls he would be drawing cute guys or maybe futa porn.

>> No.2304879

Oh, so gay artists art doesn't count to the art in all of history, my bad.

>> No.2304882

Nicely done ic first tehmeh, then teal now kron... I wanted to ask him some advice about how to make it on patreon and other stuff too but now I won´t :(

you surely know how to fuck up this place even more

>> No.2304885
File: 780 KB, 752x788, smug-dwarf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wanted to ask him some advice about how to make it on patreon and other stuff too but now I won´t :(
jusssst draw fan art and girls all the time

>> No.2304894

He doesn't post here, autist. If you wanna ask something - use twitter. But he answer questions from artists only.

>> No.2304899


True, he's not gay. He's a rampant hebephile though.

>> No.2304901
File: 49 KB, 900x503, CRUvuW8UcAEICtt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gay as fuck pic related

>> No.2304925

Nice tutorial. Any more saved?

>> No.2304928
File: 738 KB, 1000x563, its me scott.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont care if you believe its me or not. Just wanted to say:

Why do you hate my mechs and copic markers?
Focus on daily doodles instead of this rampage.


the pic is a couple mechs.

>> No.2304930


Well if it is you.
Notice me senpai, once I get good. And good luck in japan.

>> No.2304934
File: 30 KB, 300x396, fheng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does it matter if you do the same thing over and over as long as you're making money? This is a business. Get over yourselves you pathetic man children.

>> No.2304938

I love you fang tsu

>> No.2304941

It's not even just a business thing. What artist doesn't chase that perfect vision? What well known artist doesn't have either a signature look or signature subject matter? People draw what they care enough about to put that kind of time into, and the most famous ones are the ones who get good at at it. One of the few things I've drawn over and over most consistently on my blog is one of the few things that's gradually increased in how many notes it gets regularly, but I don't keep drawing it because it keeps getting more recognition, I draw it because I love drawing it and trying to do better each time, but people also respond to consistency. Complaining about this is the same as when people in request threads complain drawfags only take certain requests but the ones who bother starting to learn to draw quickly realize it's hard & they only want to put that effort into shit they care about.

>> No.2304943
File: 44 KB, 743x488, 321312312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does he have the same haicut

>> No.2304945

Kron's not bad he's just boring. Being a weeb must suck because you have to cater to all the other weebs.

>> No.2304946


>> No.2304954

If you post something you drew that's on his level I will legit give you one whole Bitcoin. No lie.

>> No.2304956

>what is brain?
>what is word?
>what logic is?
Please get help anon.

>> No.2304961


the day finally kron came here and ic went full retard on him.

Well done haters....

>> No.2304966

>samefagging hard
Kr0n is not very good for pretending. Too many factors can expose your clownery. Better to pretend being pro artist. You just need to find sketches from japanese artists on pixiv.

>> No.2304967


The guy is a fucking hack. Get on my level peasant.

>> No.2304984
File: 103 KB, 800x800, 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lunch break
>go to internet
>see thread
this is why I only go /pol/

>> No.2304985


Damage control mode on.

>> No.2304993

Wut? Damage control?

>> No.2305014

Ross has to be the gayest motherfucker I've ever seen and I live just outside of LA.

>> No.2305023

>getting a cancer tutorial

>> No.2305176

When did I ever say it was about the money? All I said was that he rehashes the same concept and people point that out, calling a gimmick in a movie like for example: lens flare is not jealousy or le butthurt xD.

>> No.2305197

Instead of going to /pol/ you should go and learn some proper english first.

>> No.2305219

Kr0npr1nz has notoriously bad english

>> No.2305221
File: 207 KB, 1139x932, kr0npepe2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon pls.

>> No.2305264


>> No.2305275

With male subjects it's more important to tell a story and give them character. Cute girls can get away with just looking pretty.

>> No.2305297

just like in real life.

>> No.2305306

ITT loomis shit-tier anons get salty

>> No.2305390

This desu

>> No.2305401
File: 65 KB, 285x276, 1346528690553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kr0n is friends with ShindoL

Feels bad man, I wish I was him.

>> No.2305462


I've never heard of Kron being a egotisical shitfuck on twitter, so no he's not like Phil Fish

>> No.2305637

I dont know why you're all so mad, his usual stuff is boring same old same old shit, he does those in 1-2 hours tops and makes mad dosh, he made it, he is good at drawing too, he doesn't just do those shitty animu faces.

Everyone who thinks he does not deserve it probably hasn't even 200 hours under his belt.

>> No.2305640

>Studies don't earn you almost 200k usd a year. Studies shouldn't be done for profit, especially not of amateur or underpaid artists who are vastly better but don't abuse channel-splitting on photoshop or have a horde of weeb followers .
These were all pre-patreon..

>> No.2305649

This so much.

>> No.2305655

What is redbubble and all those other sites he used?

>> No.2305660

What are you arguing, that once you make money of drawing you can't make studies by the side?

>> No.2305676

You faggots probably suck at drawing, judging by these posts.

I will fucking draw the same shit as this Ilya guy and fucking put you guys in your place, fuckers.

>> No.2305756

oh god please do, i guarantee it won't be up to par
it's gonna be even more hilarious if you'll be too embarrassed to post it once you realize how wrong you are

>> No.2305769

>once you realize how wrong you are
do you people even draw? i know most of you aren't pro but come on.

>> No.2305771

Can we turn this into a Kron study thread? I always wanted to try my hand at it. Not necessarily mimicking him exactly, with the aberration and all, but at least to see if I could learn some of his color theory.

>> No.2305797

>color theory
Jesus fuck the quality of this board has gone down astronomically with the advent of you anime dweebs.

>> No.2305819

I can't wait for you to show us just what the quality of this board should be.

>> No.2305893

Was Kron really in this thread or was it all an elaborate ruse...?