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2302308 No.2302308 [Reply] [Original]

Is this worth it?

>> No.2302313

It's dirt cheap, so yeah. The biggest problem is it's not structured very well though. It's hard to tell really what you should watch in what order.

>> No.2302326


>> No.2302339

Not OP but I'm planning on subscribing to one of these online schools over winter break.

Is it worth it over the $144/year deal from Schoolism? and

What (in your opinion) are the top online schools to learn the fundamentals of drawing and painting?

This is the list of the ones I've found so far:

Stan Winston (This one is more for sculpture and movie fx)
Foundations Group on Patreon
Gnomon (Zbrush)
Gumroad (probably expensive buying from many different people)
Watts Online
New Masters Academy

Thanks in advance.

>> No.2302346

I made a list once

New Masters Academy 29$/month
Schoolism 144$/ year
Gnomon 59$/month
SVS learn 15$/month
Brainstorm school 150-200$ 3 months
Scott Eaton Courses 500$
Watts Atelier Online
various Gumroad tutorials
Concept cookie
FDZ School

>> No.2302352
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Just read all the free shit in the sticky. They're probably just going to regurgitate it all anyways.

>> No.2302354


Not all people like reading, anon. Some people prefer visuals.

>> No.2302355

Yeah, I think there's a glut of teaching materials, way too many desu, we ought to be harsher on ones that are mediocre like the Burne Hogarth books.

>> No.2302356

I prefer visuals as well, but also I don't wanna pay for SHIIIIIIIIIIT. (not that anon you were replying to)

>> No.2302359


> New Masters Academy 29$/month

It's actually only $19 if you pay for a year of the lower tier option

> SVS learn 15$/month

I hadn't seen this before - looks really good thanks.

>> No.2302361
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Agreed. They need an option to view videos by skill level. Also the video player is a bit shitty.

>> No.2302362


It's more about getting access to a professional artist's eyes and time than it is about the material itself.

>> No.2302543
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That will all change very soon.

Yeah OP, it is VERY worth it. I'm in it and learning a lot. Your lord and master Vilppu-Sama is waiting for you to feel his flow.

>> No.2302545

Have fun waiting for someone to upload shit for you. If you want it badly you'll pay for it.

>> No.2302563

fucking retards, there's diagrams in all those books.

>> No.2302595

Oh I mean I'll pay for it if I have to. NEETs are disgusting people.

>> No.2302603


NEET is the dream. I want to go back to being one as soon as I can but art can't pay for itself.

>> No.2302637


Sorry, but I can't see myself being a NEET.

>> No.2302641
File: 244 KB, 700x390, 1323845870Eat-Junk-and-Watch-Rubbish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not? You could study full-time.

>> No.2302643


Not him but usually every opportunity I get to NEET my motivation goes through the floor after a few days.
I actually practice more working full time than I do when I have several weeks off. When I'm at work I think about what I could be doing and actually want to do it because I can't at the time, I get excited about it.
When I've got nothing else to do I run out of shit that excites me very quickly then I just feel anxious.

>> No.2302660

You're one of the guys that need a schedule. Personally I can't ever get tired of drawing so it's never been a problem for me.

>> No.2302671


I'm not a free loader. I work for mines.

>> No.2302672

Bad day at work wagekek? Don't worry you'll get that 2% raise one day bud. <:^)

>> No.2302677


>Everyone who works is a wageslave

>> No.2302680

>not getting commission on the job

>> No.2302681

I'm off today so I drew stuff instead of typing up shitposts.

>> No.2302693

w/e just keep paying taxes so i can get my NEETbux m8s. thanks! :D

>> No.2302702


No problem.

>> No.2302721

Mom and dad won't be around forever.

>> No.2302784
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trust fund will though ;) Isn't it about bed time for you if you have to be in at 9?

>> No.2302803

It's not like I'm 40 years old I only need 5 hours of sleep.


>> No.2302982

has any found the new masters academy fundamentals torrent?

>> No.2303000

>paying taxes
Literally why?

>> No.2303032

Yep. Those many hundreds of hours of lectures by prominent artists who are professors of art are all just regurgitating the free shit in the sticky.

>> No.2303057

Listen here you little faggot. It doesn't matter if they're professors or god damn da vinci. If you're trying to learn the fundamentals of drawing and painting there's nothing in those hundreds of hours that loomis and the like won't tell you, besides how to use the god damn user interface.

You only need those hundreds of hours because you're slow and too stupid to realize you're being gypped.

>> No.2303066

>being gypped
But anon, I didn't pay for it.

>> No.2303245

Seems like they've locked away all the gesture videos from the public on the youtube channel. There wouldn't be a place as to where you can download all this, is there?

>> No.2303296


Why do you care how other people spend their own money?

>> No.2303304


>> No.2303380
File: 49 KB, 550x413, nl998i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lets not inform potential consumers about the products they're considering to purchase.

Good job you knuckle dragger. We'd have pretty nice things if it weren't for you.

>> No.2304437


Cry about it baby.

>> No.2305113

Does anyone have a mega link or something for the models they offer? I tried the archives, but can't find anything. They have some pretty good poses.

>> No.2305145

Vilppu Academy is cheaper and has 100% pure Vilppu on all content, scattered about his daily life. Some are even full lectures from across the world.

Masters Academy has sort of rehashed lessons from his DVD series.

>> No.2305164

This place is literally a 15 minute drive away from where I live, but I'd rather go to Watts Atelier, which is 1 hour away.
Fuck man

>> No.2305258


How DO NEETs afford it? INTJ here, I cannot afford the solitude.

>> No.2305266

A lot of NEETs are either mentally ill or pretend to be so instead of euthanizing them like any sane society would they're given a stipend from the government.

>> No.2305268


$29 dollars a month is expensive.

>> No.2305273


That's what New Masters Academy Charges as well

>> No.2305276
File: 89 KB, 386x661, 1449062333434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounding a lot like you right now t b h kinfolk.

>> No.2305282

>keking your own parents

pathetic faggot.

>> No.2305285
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>> No.2305459


Is this what NEETs actually believe? kek

>> No.2305482

NEETs are man-children, they believe whatever makes their fee-fee's not hurt.

>> No.2305494

Lmao nearly 1/2 the world's population lives in poverty, and have no choice but to work shitty jobs for shitty pay. only idealistic young faggots like you think differently, mostly because of peer pressure, admit it dawg.

>> No.2305507
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>> No.2305526


I am happy with my job.

>> No.2305708

i'm not much of a realist. But regardless of how the world actually supposedly works. You only have one life for all you know, so you shouldn't just accept that you don't have a choice, iven if apparently that's just how it works. If you accept that mind set, you'are at least as pathetic since you have already put the blame for your shitty life somewhere else. You can't change the world, but you can change how you think about the world. I don't know of any person that changed the world by accepting that they were allready fucked to begin with.

>> No.2305748

A shameful amount are trustfund kids or people with parents who encourage them "finding themselves." They're not NEET to get anything done, no matter what most say, they're just NEET because someone out there is enabling them to be sacks of shit who will never do anything with their lives.

>> No.2306190

Because working a dead end job doing something you don't care for, like a lot of people, is doing something with your life. Give me a break. There is no way you're not just a jelly ass butt hurt baby. Fact most people will not do anything of importance in their lifetime. I'm sorry that there are autonomous people out there who've realized they don't need to work as hard as you, and can achieve their personal goals much faster. Honestly kinfolk it sounds like you're the one being played.

>> No.2306198
File: 780 KB, 752x788, smug-dwarf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're not NEET to get anything done, no matter what most say, they're just NEET because someone out there is enabling them to be sacks of shit who will never do anything with their lives.
Being this jealous

>> No.2306630
