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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 137 KB, 629x629, 1447826830899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2294033 No.2294033 [Reply] [Original]

Post your nsfw, critique work and so on.
Furry is allowed, however do not over indulge on the subject of furries or their culture. Unnecessarily reporting these anons are strongly discouraged. This thread is dedicated to helping anons improve their erotic drawings and paintings.
Do not start flame wars.
Do not reply to funposters.
Stay on topic.
Please stay on topic.
Reminder that if you do not want to view this thread, please hide it by pressing the minus button or by right-clicking the thumbnail on the catalog and selecting "hide this thread."
Questions about references for drawing porn will be answered

Last thread: >>2287349

>> No.2294038

>obligatory post complaining about how OPs picture is, according to my superior and individual taste, not the best drawing from the last thread.
>sentence where I proceeed to call OP a homosexual

There. Now that's out of the way, let's get going

>> No.2294043

What got you into drawing porn?

I like butts so I draw butts.

>> No.2294050

I dont do porn but I had a good idea if you want a certain fanbase.
Speed-o-sonic x Link

>> No.2294055

kudos to the artist. The typography is one of the best i've seen in /ic/. Cant say anything about the poorly selected background though.

>> No.2294057

Normal art overwhelms me.

>> No.2294089
File: 1.29 MB, 3641x1934, Linkle Fix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2294090
File: 27 KB, 728x359, rinse and repeat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2294094


>> No.2294106

Manga Studio 5/Clip Studio Paint (same program).

>> No.2294122

It literally feels like there's no other place to get feedback on this subject matter. Lots of places there to help if your work is "clean" but at the moment, this is the only porn advice thread that gives legitimate and dare I say it, helpful advice on your work. Even if it's just sparingly.

>> No.2294128

Who's the artist? The asshole looks great desu.

>> No.2294135

Our lord and saviour, Kyle

>> No.2294137

eyes don't just get smaller due to perceptive stop it with the anime logic why are you people adding so many lines to muscles? you're making it look more rough\less sexual and attractive, look at some comic books to learn to draw more female like stomachs if you're so dedicated to "muh style" and her skull is still broken you...butt pirate.

>> No.2294138
File: 883 KB, 900x1107, kyle sweg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clearly its kyle desu sempaichi, hurry! if you ask him for his tumbrl now people wont bother you later.

>> No.2294145

Style? What style, I don't have a style. If you call that style, then you give me too much credit. The -after- pic is a result of editing to match another person's redlines. So if you know something I clearly don't, then Redlines please and thank you.

>> No.2294148

Actually I'll think I'll scrap it and move on, I've gotten what I've needed out of it, and done more work on it than it deserved as is.

>> No.2294150
File: 526 KB, 1313x2063, IMG_20151123_183553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do draw better ?
Any simple tips for drawing women ?

>> No.2294161
File: 62 KB, 500x475, god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 go to the beginner thread you can post tits in there don't worry.

2 everyday do one hour of figure drawing. http://artists.pixelovely.com/practice-tools/figure-drawing/

3 download these videos of glen vilpu teaching shit. start with the head then go to the body then follow with motion https://mega.nz/#F!2RARFaLA!VTiQb6eRXfV4V6mYQ6FJTA

4 and this is the bitch, every day do at least 3 hours of drawing come back in a year and then look for james gourney. DON'T LOOK UP LOOMIS you need to have basic to intermediate knowledge of art to use loomis he is not beginner friendly. ask around the threads people will more than likely have links to pdfs of the books.

>> No.2294177

Keep it simple, use basic shapes for construction. mostly spheres, ovals, and cylinders

Substance Over Style

Keep straight lines to a minimum when drawing women

Draw lightly

Use references for what suits your needs, and use your head to fill in the blanks when refs can't help you. When in doubt, seek a second opinion.

Don't get too attached to your work, you can always do better even when you think it's your best work at that moment. Often just by re-drawing the exact same thing right after the other again and again.

Set a standard of quality for yourself, find an artist that has the qualities that you want to see in your own work. It's why people say study the masters or long-time professionals.

Lastly, don't hate yourself. You're gonna start out with terrible work. People will mock you, people will be indifferent to you, you'll get suck-ups, you'll be lied to, You're gonna question yourself every time you pick up your tools. You'll think you're a fool for trying to get better.

But you're not.

If you're serious about your work, even if it's to draw fetishy smut, Keep drawing no matter what you or anyone else tells you. Think of where you are now, and where you want to be, and keep reminding yourself of where you want to be.

>> No.2294304

>move on to other layer in retardshop
>ctl-z on new layer
>it takes you back to previous layer

There is a fix for that http://www.shaddyconceptart.com/download at the bottom of the page "StepBackwardSmart"

>> No.2294321
File: 1.15 MB, 723x1157, ehdukk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2294336

Can someone upload those comics where mikufag got raped? There is this panel where she was drawn choking on 3 dicks, need that for ref.

>> No.2294360


>referencing badly drawn shit

Need to get your priorities str8 m8 :^)

>> No.2294363

what mikufag comics and where can i find them?

>> No.2294375
File: 95 KB, 568x592, 1444970084792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comics where mikufag got raped
sauce desu senpai

>> No.2294378
File: 577 KB, 1153x823, 144365430145312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2294392

What is your opinion on this guy ?

>> No.2294393
File: 369 KB, 1591x2830, 510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick sketch i did in 6 hours, critique is welcome.
I have just got into drawing and i'm not good at drawing hands

>> No.2294395

> 6 hours


>> No.2294396

Is that a lot, or...

>> No.2294397

How come i never heard of this?
What's with mikufag worship lately

>> No.2294412

Pretty much shit tier.

>mfw successful
all my sides

>> No.2294415
File: 287 KB, 1095x1195, 1435123766219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$4,070.01 per month

>> No.2294418

gotta find your gross porn niche I guess

>> No.2294428

> dominative guy with a big dick and girl with big breasts and ass that keeps repeating how huge it is
> gross porn niche

Eh. This fetish is common as fuck though.

>> No.2294444
File: 549 KB, 1500x2143, 1441394124199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure why not, was pretty easy to refind in archives

>> No.2294448
File: 1.45 MB, 2455x3507, 1441394224378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2294449
File: 1.29 MB, 2455x3483, 1441394307216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2294452
File: 975 KB, 2455x3507, 1441394527638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2294456

just clicked this thread for the first time. Curiosity got the best of me.

Yes, thats five hours too much. I really think a person couldn't draw that little in 6 hours if that tried.

Are you trolling us?

>> No.2294466

yes that one. thanks

>> No.2294472

Kyle who? I never post/lurk on the porn threads. I just saw that ass and got in here. I don't know who he is.

>> No.2294477

nice try kyle. stop creating drama around you youre fucking irrelevant to /ic/ just like keppok

>> No.2294479 [DELETED] 

and you need to stop being jelly :^)

>> No.2294487

why is mikufag a squid?

>> No.2294493

>le colon, caret, left facing round bracket meme
your lack of creativity is showing kyle

>> No.2294494 [DELETED] 

so is your jelly :^)

>> No.2294497

Just tell me who the fuck Kyle is.

>> No.2294524

You're not fooling anyone, Kyle

>> No.2294538
File: 1.82 MB, 875x1400, final001_low-res.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did I fuck up this time?

>> No.2294545

I'd argue against that vein, I think it looks weird as fuck, hope is not just me.

>> No.2294552


>> No.2294561

That one I already knew.

>> No.2294569

The jizz could be a lot better. I just don't know how to help you fix it.

>> No.2294575

I'm not going to fix anything. I could just use some feedback for future reference.

>> No.2294592
File: 107 KB, 819x1500, i dont finish things.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every day do at least 3 hours of drawing

Impossible. Im an adult.
I'll gladly be bad at drawing forever...

pic related took me almost 2h
and still look like shit

>> No.2294604

does the artist in ops picture have any websites i can visit

>> No.2294613


This motherfucker gets 4k for drawing the same shitty work I mean jesus he draws 'fanart' without even capturing any of the character likeness he's the scummiest of the low

And he earns 4 bloody k just kill me now guys

>> No.2294617

Good on him. I'm not even mad.

>> No.2294619
File: 111 KB, 455x821, ness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to get lazy/tired quickly again
not good
I guess it's because I've been focusing on something else more than drawing

>> No.2294622

Face reminds of a Takatsu character.

I would put the penis and butthole more to the back of his pelvis, they seem too far forward (he lacks a perineum)

>> No.2294625

Oops, the penis shouldn't be behind the perineum but you get what I mean.

>> No.2294628

also what's a takatsu

>> No.2294631
File: 214 KB, 489x491, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A doujinshi artist

Example pic

>> No.2294632
File: 1.34 MB, 1920x1377, Nightstand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2294637

I get the feeling that her pelvis is slightly thin, not sure though.

I would move the shadow on her butt a bit higher, it looks like the light source is very close to her skin and it clashes with the light on her head.

>> No.2294639

see >>2294326

>> No.2294643
File: 212 KB, 426x295, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's basically what I mean. I would also try to flesh out her vagina a bit better somehow. My lines are just how it struck me, I'm not a good artist though.

Also I would try too look up some way to make her boots look a bit more leathery.

>> No.2294696
File: 156 KB, 1024x768, gayshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2294701

Left arm should have foreshortening. Image as a whole is very flat.

>> No.2294702

She has goatee?

>> No.2294712

Well i had refined it many times by re drawing parts multiple times to get the best result.
No i am not trolling anyone.
And i didn't do the 6 hours in one session but rather during 3 days.

>> No.2294829

Whose left arm?

>> No.2294830

I suggest you find yourself a less time consuming hobby.

>> No.2294833

Left girl, her left arm. The one resting on the bed. She doesn't HAVE to rest on it, but the whole thing is very flat not just because of pillow-shading but also lack of any foreshortening.

>> No.2294861

I see what you are saying. Thanks.

>> No.2294864

>dont polish shit
>if you think its bad, drop it
>take notes on why its bad
>try different methods on improving your next attempt
>look at some refs
>take notes on what makes the refs appealing
>apply it
>apply all of the above
>rinse and repeat

isnt this what /ic/ wants?

>> No.2294866

What makes you say this? Every time I've asked as a beginner on this board, everyone tells me to start with Loomis.

>> No.2294867

Stop doing that. Just, stop. Instead of spending six hours drawing, erasing, drawing, erasing... spend 6 hours drawing the entire thing over and over. One of them is bound to come out good. Additionally, you will become keenly aware of what you need to improve on. Go improve that.

>> No.2294872

I have a lot of free time.
[Emphasis on "a lot"]

I will do this, thank you sincerely.

>> No.2294889

And I still suggest you spend it in a better way. It's obvious that either drawing isn't for you or you are doing something terribly wrong.

>> No.2294891
File: 65 KB, 343x480, prove me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loomis is objectively boring and useless. Vilppu, Hampton, Bridgman, Hogarth, and Scott Eaton are all better. In before parrots try to defend it.

>> No.2294899
File: 189 KB, 620x320, vilppu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, been looking for these because campus throttles torrents.

I think Loomis is very hit or miss for people and may be too advanced for beginners.

It has some good stuff if you can get into it, but a lot of people don't realize it's from the 1940s and a rehash of even earlier techniques.

Some people nowadays might explain Loomis even better but they may not be so easily available.

>> No.2294915

i want to rape mikufag

>> No.2294923

Is this a different comic because i remember some guy made a hentai about mikufag and he got raped in a car.

>> No.2294934

Okay great! Thanks for the feedback!

>> No.2294949

the pattern of the cloth looks so shitty and for fucks sake, a persons shadow doesnt totally block out whats under it, the perspective doesnt work well

>> No.2294956
File: 106 KB, 520x565, Oh Glory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crit plx

>> No.2294960

learn how breasts work
those are the most unnatural looking breasts i have ever seen

>> No.2294970

I kinda like the legs, I think that they give erotism to the piece, but the rest of the anatomy is relatively poor : you can improve in this area.
Another possible improvement is the values : there is a lack of contrast, this give a boring feeling.

>> No.2295033

It looks like you are mad about something. I think you should calm down.

>> No.2295062

>being this reactionary
>knee-jerk automatic "calm down" response


>> No.2295072

You have forgotten some shading. The redheads overlapping body parts creates no cast shadows on the purple and red dildos, you should ad that. Also, I can't figure out what the pink haired girls right arm is doing... is she resting her hand against the blanket? In that case there should be some cast shadow (and possibly foreshortening to imply that) If she's holding it up you should probably ad a lil' visible shade peaking up from the blanket by her shoulder, I dunno...

And as others have said, I can't detect the light source and it has a flattening effect. Just from looking at the red and brown dildo at the top I'm getting confused about it!

Other then that, the girls are hot, the color palette nice and the cum looks really good. I like how it's soaking in to the blanket. But the cum on the figures could benefit from a tiny bit of shading too, just to give it some volume and mass.

>> No.2295073

You need to define the light source! Also, her butt looks flat, make it a bit higher/taller, that should help.

>> No.2295078

ok, thanks

>> No.2295105

Noted. Not sure why this makes you so mad though.
Damn, Now I do want to fix it.
Thanks for the pointers. I agree about everything. I worked on this for so long in the end I got lazy and forgetful. Great comment. Thanks.

>> No.2295114

The thing i'm doing wrong is propably that i draw on a phone.

>> No.2295124

Another pointer that you should either stop trying to get better at drawing, or stop trying to get valid critique from people that have better things to do than losing their time with you.

>> No.2295137
File: 276 KB, 300x300, 78.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am definently not sorry for wasting your or anyone elses time.
Thank you and goodbye sir, have a great life.

>> No.2295138
File: 607 KB, 1090x1500, Cat Milf 4 .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planning on redoing this.

Anyone have opinions to make it better, colors, anatomy, lighting, linework? I was told that she seemed a bit muscular, which I didn't want.

It helps me vent out my sexual frustration in a productive way. Sadly, my artwork is at its best when I'm drawing something sexual.

>> No.2295139

Also, yeah, I fucked up on the shadows in the upper right. Any advice on that, too, would be helpful.

>> No.2295141

Stop wasting your time on this and start learning your damn fundamentals. This is atrocious to look at.

>> No.2295142

You must be some kind of master troll. I can tell by the pixels.

>> No.2295172

>Grey shadows

>> No.2295183

Dude, chill, lol. It was already finished for months, I know I messed up on it. No need to get so angry.

>Using greentext instead of leaving an actual crit

>> No.2295185

Likes miku, avatarfags as squid.

>> No.2295190

Im completely new to drawing and I don't know how that drawing could possibly take more than 20 minutes.

>> No.2295205

I don't actually think it's that bad! I think what it's really lacking is appeal, which is pretty important. The disconnect between the knowledge of anatomy/posing and the line quality makes me believe they were drawn from reference, but even so they're not too atrocious. I feel the choice to use markers is also greatly hindering the drawings, which again just boils down to appeal.

For now, I'd probably ditch the markers entirely, or otherwise work with a very limited palette.

Your linework also could use some work, it just feels a little heavy handed in most places. Too literal, if that makes sense. You should experiment a bit with how many lines you really need to put down to get your point across. Generally, less lines will make something look more sleek and slender, and is, in my opinion, more appealing. The reason why some people may have found your drawing too muscular is because of the lines you used to define the clavicle, the deltoid, the lats, the abs, etc. This also applies to the face here, which is fairly anatomically accurate but just not very pleasant to look at due to all the lines (eyelids, centreline, etc.). Also consider where it's really necessary to define the fur. I've seen most people stick to bonier parts of the body to show fluff, like the elbows, the knees, the chest, and maybe the shoulders. Which is what you've got going on here! Some inappropriate places might be on the breasts and the underside of the arm. The way you have small tufts going all the way down the leg on the right drawing is also not very appealing to look at. Most people would prefer to see a more blemish-free, "perfect" pair of legs than some with squiggles randomly drawn on.

There's other stuff to work on too, like choosing appeal over realism (ie. for the breasts and butt), but it's not a bad start. If there's one thing, I would say for sure is to ditch the markers for now, they just come off as very amateurish, lol.

>> No.2295246
File: 40 KB, 385x526, bd3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in this comic squid seems to be the kind of guy who keeps screaming "loomis and study anatomy" to people, this is not only sad but ironic considering he barely improves.

>> No.2295249

because there wasnt porn of what i wanted to see porn of
so i made it myself

>> No.2295253

if there is no man in sight why is there so much cum? they would be dead from dehydration. like...yeah its smut but chill with the cum or at least make it piss, thats hot.

>> No.2295262

i just told you..its a little to advance for a true beginner..plus he is kinda boring so why go for reading a book when you can see videos where the application is being made?

>> No.2295267

If you faggots could stop bullying mikufag thatll be nice.

he just deleted his pixiv just so you know

>> No.2295272
File: 28 KB, 258x215, 27637-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2295281
File: 36 KB, 360x400, 1427298986814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a throw away account no big deal I wanted to see the number of views based on using absurd tags and I also wanted to be a complete dick like Dobson to test his philosophy on "no publicity is bad publicity" even if it is from negative attention but I couldn't be a jerk in front of someone I look up to that managed to find me.

>> No.2295289

squid why cant i wake up and be you? why squid? is it because i'm not a /pol/ac?

>> No.2295290


You start today by monitoring potential happenings

>> No.2295292

what do you intent to do when the happening arrives? you like all of /pol/ is powerless against it, give up and enjoy the decline.

>> No.2295322

Last thread, someone gave them the exact same critique before they put colors and they ignored it. People told them about the shading and positioning and it looks like those same things are there except now rendered with color. Honestly it looks like they came to show off instead of getting critique.

>> No.2295410

never give up you know you have the time.

>> No.2295509
File: 351 KB, 634x884, sketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2295525

How do I do breasts swelling up?
I just can't get the fucking weight/volume fluctuation to transition nicely.

Speaking of weight; how do you prefer to draw chubby gals (and guys)?
>I personal start by just doodling spirals.

>> No.2295578

I actually changed a lot of stuff that people mentioned me last time. Please, don't spread lies about me just like that.

>> No.2295579
File: 83 KB, 793x998, nekobj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a neko girl giving head

>> No.2295580

I like your work as always sir.

>> No.2295582

Poor girl needs some BBC to replace that tiny asian boy peepee.

>> No.2295586
File: 3.63 MB, 2560x1948, rasp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

torso is pretty fucked up upon second look

>> No.2295599

It's not a lie though. Literally you ignored most of what people told you last time and people are repeating the same points. And spread lies? nigga it's an anonymous message board. I don't know who you are. It's not like I'm going out of my way to gossip about you when this is only the second time im seeing your work.

>> No.2295614

Then sorry for overreacting, I guess.

>> No.2295635

um... Seriously wtf?

>> No.2295675
File: 983 KB, 1500x1500, 11-25-2015 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did my best, but Im not trying to polish shit. Hows the line weight?

>> No.2295741

Why u do this?....

>> No.2295775

cant we start banning furries again or just allow a furry thread?

>> No.2295781
File: 133 KB, 479x577, @Helliwell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2295785

If we have to ban furries, we also have to ban futa, anime, foot fetish, farting, pissing, shit play, etc. I don't like any of those things, but I never complain about them.

>> No.2295786
File: 244 KB, 579x800, 52521952_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, can anyone redline me structure/construction for this pose?

I've been trying to redline it for 10 minutes now and I can't make sense of the hips, and placing those is a major weakpoint for me

>> No.2295791

her clothing is literally her skin

>> No.2295792

the only thing I think looks weird is the left arm and hand

>> No.2295793
File: 3.19 MB, 1425x2231, skull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might sound retarded but does anyone out there wish they could stop drawing porn for awhile but just can't. I feel sad sometimes because my only motivation seems to be getting better at drawing stuff that I can't even show anybody I know. I enjoy it but I wish I enjoyed other things just as much. /blogpost

>> No.2295807

its cute

>> No.2295856

For the torso, it's not that ducked up in my mind, just push her right shoulder behind her head and it will correct the angle I think.

>> No.2295864

Why does the sucked one have no legs?


Also DB(specially Z) is shit. But I really like your rendering of muscles.

>> No.2296024

Does anyone have any experience with the whentai website? I'm kind of interested but the fact that none of the usual suspects seem to be there makes me think this is some sort of Chinese sweat factory.

>> No.2296051

The line weight is too homogeneous from front to back. Try to have heavier line on the front. And try as well to tapper it a little at the beginning and end of each curve. Most drawing software can do that automatically for you (if well configured).
Two points for which you did not asked :
1) it is usual to resize the picture to around 1000pix before submitting it.
2) change your line texture, in fact you may want to remove texture while working on your line control

>> No.2296064

comparing furries, which is a lesser form of zoophilia to anime, foot fetish and futa ( which im not a fan of), but ya,ban farting, pissing,shit play as well.

>> No.2296365
File: 239 KB, 791x707, Kitty Tentacles B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still working on this nonsense.

>> No.2296427
File: 589 KB, 633x876, z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had better idea and it turned into something like this
Nice to hear that

>> No.2296430
File: 286 KB, 652x800, g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2296432

And I like it. But your line weight are messed up at the moment I think, aren't they ? I mean, I don't see the logic of your heavy lines ?

>> No.2296446
File: 249 KB, 1600x1067, PORNO3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2296605


>> No.2296627
File: 93 KB, 500x375, 141461616257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2296857

That's legit horrifying

>> No.2296873

who will the characters be

>> No.2296877
File: 132 KB, 645x553, gaygay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2296939

Is getting 3200 followers on tumblr in 6 months a good achievement or is it normal?

>> No.2296940


Blog pls

>> No.2296970


>> No.2296982

>this argument
>this board

Get out.

>> No.2297004

where to make money with porndrawings?

>> No.2297014

Show your art around -> get noticed -> take commissions/sell your art.

Yep, it's really that simple.

>> No.2297081
File: 718 KB, 1659x2253, xxx01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still struggling with anatomy and perspective, but at least the shading is getting there... to my eyes at least.

>> No.2297122
File: 114 KB, 500x780, dickhand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this even look right

>> No.2297130

He asked WHERE to make money, not HOW.

Hentai Foundry and FurAffinity are a good places to post your work and look for customers.

>> No.2297141
File: 184 KB, 500x780, dickhand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well ok whatever

>> No.2297147

That's... a pretty good achievement! I've been on Tumblr for twice as long and I only have 1500 followers! What do you mainly draw? (I'll understand if you don't want to share blog here)

>> No.2297178

Nah, It's no problem, I think most of the porn thread users know it by now.

I'm asking, because I'd like to know if I'm doing it right, or should I try to advertise my stuff better. I am planning on starting a patreon in the near future, but for now I just want to get a following of some sort.

>> No.2297198
File: 530 KB, 869x609, 237357dba1f119e80183c66869e1a18f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coloring the fudge china

now if I could just color everything else decently.

>> No.2297213

I'm following a bunch of fairly talented artists that get excited when they reach 2000 followers. And they've been there a lot longer. So yeah, 3200 in 6 months, that's pretty fucking good.

>> No.2297215

keep at it nigger

>> No.2297218

Splooge looks too blurry, like you've painted it with a blurry brush rather than with a hard-edge brush.

Paint it with a hard edge brush, then erase parts afterwards and smooth edges where needed.

It looks more like coconut jelleton than sperm.
Also be more creative with your splat shapes, the current ones look like something from a Splatoon poster.

I linked you Doxxy's tutorial a while back, so perhaps follow that some more.

>> No.2297247

can you give me some tips on your rendering? do you put hard edges first then use soft brush ? plz tell as much as u can.

>> No.2297324
File: 237 KB, 791x707, Kitty Tentacles B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True enough. Its been sitting for long enough that I'm not certain why either.

>> No.2297344

Kep dear please work on vaginas a bit more

>> No.2297348


>> No.2297351

For a pornfag. That's nothing tbqh.

>> No.2297360

How much would it be good then?

>> No.2297364

The real question is who cares and why? Those numbers are a trap more than anything.

>> No.2297370

Why are clothes so fucking hard to draw holy shit

>> No.2297372

I don't think tumblr numbers matter unless they're more than several thousands. Many of these numbers will be reblog-only blogs rather than potential costumers.

>> No.2297786
File: 383 KB, 536x1206, Screen Shot 2015-11-27 at 1.22.02 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


looking good is that you keppok

>> No.2297800

how do I finish comics
I can finish wips but I can't do comics for some reason

>> No.2297831
File: 1.19 MB, 1280x989, greyshores.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm typically rendering in 3-5 hours so I try to have a pretty speedy method. From flat colors it goes
>occlusion shadows
>typical cast shadows
>an overrender layer, usually set on normal for all highlights and bouncelights and stuff. If the character has really complicated colors I'll just use overlay instead. A lot of times I'll use both.

then there will be layers scattered around for specific things, occasionally luminosity layers for specific effects and stuff, layers for sweat and goop. Top it off with a couple big broad overlay layers with slightly tinted whites and then one big final overlay layer of a bunch of different colors for variety and you've got a method that looks okay for the time it takes.

In terms of brushes and brushstrokes its all default shit, brush at 50% and water tool for 90%, airbrush to add colors non destructively.

my way of rendering is honestly stupidly formulaic though. Its great for pumping out commissions and making mad money but I've really been stagnating this year. Once my student loans are paid off I'm going to chill and try to get good haha.

>> No.2297846

>Quick sketch
>6 hours
A "quick" sketch is 30 min tops m8.

>> No.2297849

>two anuses
For what purpose?

>> No.2297850

To be able to shit on people with dumb questions while getting fucked up their ass.

>> No.2297852

>simple question triggers furfag
Good show.

>> No.2297853

I dig your chubs anon

>> No.2297859

>simple quesition
it's not a simple question. it's a pretty dumb one actually. it's like asking how can superman fly, or why can disney's animal characters talk. basically retarded in it's essence.
don't start assuming just to look less stupid. your question simply triggered someone with a low tolerance for dumb people.

>> No.2297863

>still triggered
Give it a rest furfag. Work on your art.

>> No.2297864

>this asspained over someone questioning a donut steel
Kill yourself.

>> No.2297913 [DELETED] 

>still this dumb
if that's how you call someone who doesn't like idiots, I'm totally cool with that.

>> No.2297915

why didn't you also ask why those pumpkins look like they are alive.

>> No.2297917

>still this dumb
if that's what you call someone who doesn't like dumb questions, I'm totally cool with that.

>> No.2297955
File: 497 KB, 636x863, r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2297984

stop polishing this turd and go draw less complicated stuff.

>> No.2298096
File: 144 KB, 479x1026, Nyoki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2298117
File: 495 KB, 1250x884, 2015-11-26-piper-x-nat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who thinks that Shadman is the best bad artist in the world?

Everything he does is absolute garbage-level drawing, but beautifully made garbage.

It's like if someone took poo as their raw material and sculpted the poo into a big cartoon poo, but to do it they used the finest poo-sculpting tools and took the utmost care and years of hard-earned skill in poo-craftsmanship in order to make that poo into the best poo you've ever seen and you look at it and you're like "this is literally just shit, but what attention to detail, I mean it's horrible and it stinks, but... huh".

>> No.2298120

He's not even good at that. A true poo sculptor could make David out of poo, and his art doesn't even come close.

>> No.2298157

I really don't understand how he could ever get so big. Personally, I find his tastes shit, and it really baffles me how his style could attract so many people.

>> No.2298187

>still triggered over a simple question
This is why people hate furfags

>> No.2298263

Sensei, would you recommend starting with lots of realistic humans studies to get the anatomy down, or just throwing oneself into stylization and adding logical anatomy as you go along?

>> No.2298267

Why are you on your edges today man you need sleep.

>> No.2298273

This series of exchanges gave me a chuckle. I mean, in furanon's defense, why give a character four arms? So they can do things a character with two arms can't. It's pretty simple.

>> No.2298438

How do I become part of a paysite like Slipshine or whatever?

>> No.2298440

This may be the only case in which "git gud" is an appropriate response, but you also need to be popular.

>> No.2298448

So basically you just wait for them to reach out to you, there's no applying to join?

>> No.2298456

As of right now, no

>> No.2298457

Gay. Alright, thanks.

>> No.2298470 [DELETED] 
File: 606 KB, 637x898, bb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boxer bunny

>> No.2298484

>check this Slipshine thing where you supposedly need to be good to post
>"contains adult material" screen drawing is awful
>comics inside are a collection of pseudomanga stuff, tumblr nintendo fanartists and other amenities
you fucking what mate. this shit is barely better than hentai foundry, if it still exists
>This may be the case in which you need to be popular

>> No.2298496

I never said anything about needing to be good, that was the other dude. I just wanted to know how you contact them about it.

>> No.2298500
File: 14 KB, 156x213, ohboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No biggie dude. look, I've found a treasure!

>> No.2298501

On the site, there's a contact section that links their email address, but they say they're not accepting unsolicited comics atm. You might check Sinnersgate, which is a similar site, but I don't know about them.

>> No.2298503

Uh, ok?
Okay thanks, I guess I'll look at them, but I kind of have a feeling no matter which one I go to it's gonna be the same closed door deal.

>> No.2298508

>Uh, ok?
Dude what. you don't know this comic? seriously?
its regarded probably as the most foul webcomic ever appeared on the internet

>> No.2298513

Okay but I don't know what you're trying to say. Quality was never a concern, just solicitation. That's it.

>> No.2298516

You're an extremely boring person mate.

>> No.2298524


>> No.2298557
File: 277 KB, 900x1045, g2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody relevant.

>> No.2298614
File: 192 KB, 521x600, 72903a1addcb86dfbd8560cbda6d3413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to get critiques related to the line weights in this pic.Other critiques are also welcome as well.

>> No.2298735
File: 141 KB, 523x597, d887ad0db0db20da1472bbec51ff0631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated after getting some critiques on overall anatomy.

>> No.2298758

Overall anatomy is still shit. It hurts me just looking at that back or, better said, absence of it. Your foreshortening is atrocious.

>> No.2298764
File: 539 KB, 2048x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a doodle

>> No.2298772

>shit art
You guys think he's a troll, or just that big of a newfag?

>> No.2298777
File: 823 KB, 1500x1500, 6-27-2015 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He just might be a newfag. Unless you really want someone to troll this thread...

>> No.2298780

I find trolls pretty useless, so no.

>> No.2298782

Newfag here. Sorry guys

>> No.2298785

because i like boobs.

>> No.2298787


>> No.2298788

fix the head and ears, it made me think you're drawing batman having a tail instead of just furry

>> No.2298792

it's literally defying gravity

>> No.2298798

CrossHatchFag is that you nigger?

>> No.2298808

Who in their right mind would want to see more of this guy's art?

>> No.2298814
File: 766 KB, 2238x1452, 28112015671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any crits before i upload this on my facebook?

>> No.2298817

did not not just ask to see his art?

>> No.2298827

her tits are too big

>> No.2298829

why does it say "boy"

>> No.2298840

I mean, I can try to understand you urge to troll random people and all. But, aren't you even a little bit concerned that what you are doing is just a stupid way of wasting your own time?

>> No.2298843

her thighs and body are too small making the girl look like shes underage.
The dick is too big, its impossible for that to fit inside her without causing bodily harm
she doesnt seem to enjoy the intercourse making the scene look like a rape

please fix these

>> No.2298845

Are you saying you want more?
Because i can do lots more.

point taken m8

>> No.2298847

Nah. I don't want more, since it's shit tier stuff. I am simply saying that either stop trolling and start taking art seriously if you are really interested in becoming "someone", or stop trolling and start pursuing other interests in your life. What you are doing right now is a meaningless waste of your own time.
It's just an advice. In the end you are the one who decides what is more important in life. Trolling or being serious.

>> No.2298850

>i can do lots more.
it's quite a shame you will never be able to do better instead of just more. isn't it?

>> No.2298851

fucking stupid boner reacting to cp
stop this fucking shit you sick fuck

>> No.2298854

>being this butthurt about drawings
Deviantart is over there next to reddit

>> No.2298855
File: 54 KB, 500x667, 144113424759812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more pls

>> No.2298859

I don't think this word means what you think it means.

>> No.2298861

yes, let's bring this thread's quality even lower.

>> No.2298862

Is shitpost art not of higher quality than simple shitpost?

>> No.2298864

>implying its not already rock bottom

>> No.2298865

people told me when someone wrote a paragraph worth of bitching that person is maximally asspained

>> No.2298867

I enjoy the female form and hoped to make money from my hobby.

I have a lot of trouble drawing humans though and would prefer to just draw monsters and magical items for ever.

>> No.2298870

yeah, that word definitely means something else.
also, stop believing whatever people tell you.

>> No.2298871

pls teach how to draw loli

>> No.2298873

you're asspained

>> No.2298874

I wanted to make it look like it has been partially absorbed by the rug. I made it less blurry on the bare skin for example. But there I failed because I didn't add enough shadows to it, so the shape of it looks too undefined in a lot of places. I also tend not to use tutorials of any kind because I rather experiment all this stuff by myself. I think I learn better like this.

>> No.2298877

Loli's banned here, isn't it?
Now, if someone would happen to get the urge to mess with drawing loli anyway- where could it be posted?

>> No.2298878

cripplejew thunderwheels' has /loli/ and it has a drawthread.

>> No.2298885

Thanks for the info.

>> No.2298892

Technically outlines should get thicker the further away they are from the camera. Try inking it again with a more stable lineweight

>> No.2298899

Damn, I've only ever heard of it being the other way around, with lines thickening the closer they are to the camera. Are you sure?
I'll look into the truth of this though with w/e I draw next, thanks for the heads-up.

>> No.2298900

>Damn, I've only ever heard of it being the other way around, with lines thickening the closer they are to the camera.
same here

>> No.2298908

don't listen to that crap. you are right. the closer the object, the thicker the linework.
also, your linework is the least of your problems. it's pretty solid and confident. you should work more on perspective and anatomy. the bearded guy's head and face are put in perspective really badly. same goes for the foreshortening of the same guy's whole body.

>> No.2298918

Yeah, I'll be working on it. I've struggled with drawing faces & bodies from that perspective for a while. At least this is the least atrocious attempt this far.
Thank you for the feedback.

>> No.2298932
File: 222 KB, 1000x1480, Eyeroll Jizz 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was fiddling around with this to practice coloring and editing. Sorry about the first time attempt at jizz x.x

>> No.2298934
File: 898 KB, 1000x1480, 1440944436169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's the original, just wondering if there's anything else I can do to fix up the shadings

>> No.2298938

High test breh/10

>> No.2298940

lul, I think I edited this from larger breast!

>> No.2298945
File: 917 KB, 1000x1480, 1441092021098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol I think I have that version too, dem inny nips

>> No.2298947

You fucking uninspired motherfucking asshole.

"Ohh, I can't think of anything original... I KNOW! I will just be unoriginal and boring and make an ahegao! Next time I'll attach heartpupils too, hehehehehe"

Literally fucking kill yourself.

Other than that it's breddy gud, might want to do something about her pos tho, since she seems to no have anything to hold her body up, and she's leaning backwards. Makes no sense.

>> No.2298948

Aaah, that's true, this one is me.

>> No.2298951

oh I didn't create the original on this one, I was just editing it for practice lol. I'm not even an H-artist

>> No.2298954

>Ahegao bashing
You fucking uninspired motherfucking asshole.

"Ohh, I can't think of anything original... I KNOW! I will just be unoriginal and boring and bash the guy who mad an ahegao! Next time I'll attach a reaction pic too, hehehehehe"

Literally fucking kill yourself.

>> No.2298957

But thats not true. Lineart works like ambient occlusion, you hack

>> No.2298963

sure it does, just in the exact opposite way of how you want to portray it.
either stop drinking or trolling.

>> No.2298972

Well your experiment failed in translation.
>>non-realistic picture
>>trying to pull off some super realistic little detail like liquids being absorbed into a rug

Keep It Simple Silly.

People use that tutorial because it achieves the effect very well on top of almost any background surface, not because they no longer want to experiment.

A bit of everything in moderation will go a long way senpai.

>> No.2299017

Lines facing the light source get thinner, lines in the shadow are thicker.
You got it in reverse dude

>> No.2299052

That's not what we were discussing.

>> No.2299053

Well ok, then have fun doing half-assed lineart and giving bad advice on /ic/, not going to stop you

>> No.2299056
File: 99 KB, 829x720, 1417924848232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baka needs more Loomis desu senpai

>> No.2299123

Hey man, heart pupil is great.

>> No.2299189
File: 653 KB, 704x1400, Weekly-NSFW-033-Chun-Li_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you were talking about is how light sources affect the line-weight. What the other guys were talking about it is affected by the distance from the viewer. The farther away an object is from the viewer, the fainter the line weight becomes.

Also, practicing coloring. 1/2

>> No.2299191
File: 423 KB, 676x676, hireschun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2/2 Normal face.

>> No.2299195

>What the other guys were talking about it is affected by the distance from the viewer.
not sure how the heck did I manage to make such a sentence.

*What the other guys were talking about is how the line-weight is affected by the distance from the viewer.

>> No.2299196

The foreshortening of leg is completely botched, and the action lines make it worse, because it skews the perspective even more. Make the lines appear from the horizon.

>> No.2299197

What the fuck is going on with her foot?

>> No.2299199

Thanks for the leg, even though I wouldn't go so far to call it botched. I'm sure I'll see it too tomorrow haha.
The action lines are supposed to emphasize the kick (normal image) and her ripped suit (nsfw version).

>> No.2299203

You mean the ankle part? It's just laziness since it was a rough sketch just to have something to color.

>> No.2299212

I know why the action lines are there, but it messes with the angle, because it's essentially the same effect you use in single point perspective. If nothing else, just move the lines and see what happens. I'm sure you have them on a separate layer and can simply slide them down.
As for the foreshortening, the area where the leg connects to the foot looks broken.

>> No.2299217
File: 207 KB, 654x1000, sadasdasd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, now I see what you mean. I haven't even noticed it lol. Yeah the foot part is supposed to be bent so that she kicks with the outer side of her foot. I see now that it's really fucked up.

>> No.2299230

At the same time it's sad that this person is getting the amount of money for such low quality, but this is also the dream of every person on this thread. To be mediocre and get justification via patreon handouts.

>> No.2299298
File: 36 KB, 403x403, 1447823643692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop oppressing me
Does that mean draw more vaginas or that this is a bad vagina
Thank you!
I don't really draw realistic humans. I mean, you can draw realistically human bodies, but for the heads/faces I've never had an interest in drawing them on-model. I've done it before in studies but it's not nearly as fun for me.
As long as you understand 3d shapes, perspective, rotation, how human muscles work, and can stylize/proportion well, then you can just draw anime people, I guess.
I'll probably get shit for saying it though.

My advice is to learn additively. it doesn't make sense to me to learn to draw a proper human and then "water it down" for porn/anime.
I think a few western artists suffer from this. As in, they draw people TOO human-like and it becomes uncanny. it's harder to unlearn than lean.

>> No.2299313

Venture bros ftw

>> No.2299338

>it doesn't make sense to me to learn to draw a proper human and then "water it down" for porn/anime.
>water it down

You mean stylize and simplify? Understanding how to draw the proper human figure and face gives you flexibility in stylization. It doesn't hinder you. Understanding the forms gives you the freedom to alter proportions however you want so you don't run into the same face/same body syndrome amateur artists always do. Good anime artists and animators can draw in good variation and even in more western flavored styles if need be. They aren't limited by their preferred style. Going the other route, you run the risk of becoming a stagnant 1 dimensional "mah style" fag.

>> No.2299353
File: 56 KB, 500x719, animals-dont-suck-25.jpg?w=500&h=719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently started doing TF sequence commissions. They were supposed to be a simple stage by stage progression of a TF happening to a single character, no panel layouts, no backgrounds. My latest commissioner though is asking for a lot of edits that would essentially make this into a comic, with page layouts and camera angle changes and backgrounds, the works. I don't want to go beyond that original scope, cuz I didn't price for the abor, and I swore I'd never do comics by commission cuz editing turns into what it's become with this guy, and if I go through this process with every single one, they'll all take forever. I need help deciding a COA: I can ask for more money, don't want to seem greedy but it's way more work than I anticipated. I can refuse his edits and abide the constraints I originally set without charging more but risk an angry client, or let him know this is beyond what I expected but do it anyway for no extra, and maybe he'll tip or offer more or something. Thoughts?

>> No.2299356
File: 149 KB, 649x999, 8a4e6a04ce5b8cd2c40d54fca3e0c9ef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks sick but some light occlusion within the folds of the vagoober might make it stand out a bit more

unrelated heres some degeneracy sketchos

>> No.2299363

did you draw this?

>> No.2299378
File: 366 KB, 1223x861, 9f48b0d6e2728bf9fa1ffa9754d47417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its just me, justmegabenewell

>> No.2299379

Guys please halp >>2299353, I gotta email this guy back and let him know what's up.

>> No.2299383

i see you around a bit. are you part of the /ic/ skype group?

>> No.2299387
File: 2.06 MB, 3000x3000, 111915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No i just like posting my shit here. I'll join a skype group if people don't mind that all I draw is furshit

>> No.2299394

Just explain him what's going. If there's more work than expected, because during the production he started adding stuff to the commission, there's really no problem in asking for more money. Time = money.
In the best case scenario if he's reasonable, he'll be okay with your demands. In the worst case scenario you'll lose a cheapskate client. You really can't lose here.

>> No.2299397

Okay I'll just explain it to him and see what he says. I can lose though, there's no way in hell I can afford to have him drop out entirely on this commission, I'd be fucked so hard. So it's a mixture of options A and C then. Thanks.

>> No.2299411

>Hey, I'm sorry, but what you're asking for would increase the amount of work and time needed by far too much, and I simply can't afford to get caught up in something like that right now because I have RL things like my job to think about.
>I can do X if you'd like, and maybe we can talk about your idea later if you're happy with the result
How hard is it to make shit up, ffs

Just be polite and most people will go out of their way to smooth things out

>> No.2299436

Alright I just sent him an email, we'll see what he says.

>> No.2299530
File: 66 KB, 403x637, chalange.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

personal challenge, that couldve gone better...
which one are you talkin about?

>> No.2299751
File: 2.29 MB, 800x3621, 10ballsA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally finished the cock tutorials

Part Six: how to draw human balls now.

If you want to find the rest, you can find them here http://arkomeda.tumblr.com/post/134175420805/call-for-qa-mailbag-as-of-december-2015-my (furry shit warning)

I'm also doing a Q&A as an addredrum to the tutorials, if you want to ask me to draw Hyper or super veins or some shit idk.

>> No.2299755
File: 3.85 MB, 800x4166, 10ballsB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Next series of tutorials will be vaginas I swear

until then, enjoy

>> No.2299870

Can you fap to your own drawings?

Like, if you are good enough and you make porn, can you wank your stiffy to it without noticing all the flaws and stuff?

>> No.2299875

nope. It would be like fapping to my own children or something.

>> No.2299887


>> No.2299899
File: 396 KB, 727x1024, Perspective experiment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might finish this, but I feel like I need some crits If I do decide to finish it.

>> No.2299934

Word of advice. Leave this as it is, or maybe try to correct the pretty bad foreshortening (especially the woman's arms are hilarious to look at) and the really unappealing lineart (even though this might be your style in porn you want to have clean unbroken lines that show elegance and passion in the strokes). This is almost creepy.

>> No.2300135

Yeah, I gotcha. It wasn't really meant to be erotic when I started, but I thought I'd post it here because of the semi erotic themes goin' on. Thanks for the advice though, I can totally see those arms are fucked up now lol.

>> No.2300711

new bread

>> No.2300729

That you so much for elaborating on your way of drawing!

>> No.2301889
File: 553 KB, 1500x1500, Toriel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's Toriel "porn"

>> No.2302274
File: 221 KB, 630x421, 1433221444446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2302277

Your rendering looks like that guy thats draws that pink alien with the big anus