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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 121 KB, 800x663, prostate_exam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2294542 No.2294542 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>2289973

This thread is meant for artists who might want to try to make stylized work in-between their studies. It is strongly recommended that you use this thread in conjunction with learning the elements and fundamentals of art. You can also discuss the visual elements of various professional artists as well if you keep it relatively articulate and civil.

Submit your drawings, receive feedback or critique others! Share your knowledge and remember to thank those who've critiqued or red-lined your drawings. Most importantly, have fun.

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Remember the words of our good friend Glen Vilppu: “No rules, just tools.”

/ic/: "Daily reminder that Artists can now make up to 20k biweekly"

>> No.2294546
File: 380 KB, 729x950, 251cc6155ce6553a837e0ceb8d3b14b3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting fuck-all in the beginner thread so I'll post here.

Don't go easy I want to improve at any cost.

>> No.2294553

woah kim gung ji what are you doing here?

>> No.2294556

Really hope this isn't a serious post, but I can imagine someone being this dumb.

>> No.2294559

>kim gung ji

I fucking wish. Critique please?

>> No.2294563

overall shapes aren't that bad, but it's a little flat i guess, it lacks volume.
that'll go away the more you practice, just keep thinking in 3d shapes. try to make things pop out of the page a little more.

also that gun looks like a joke, both in detail and proportion. look up some references when it comes to these things. make it look believable.

>> No.2294567

Yeah I was just having a bit of fun with the gun. Most of my time spent with it was polishing a turd. How's the pistol? I'm still mostly traditional. I want to understand digital, but all my graphite habits are getting in the way.

>> No.2294723
File: 60 KB, 493x799, 031-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished that one from the last thread, i guess..
anything needs fixing?

i'm not sure if i'm in any capacity to critique stuffs, but yeah the guns (especially the pistol, that grip eugh) looks a bit weird. it triggers my /k/ a little

>> No.2294767

I think anon you're responding to was talking about the pistol. No normal human being would look at the misshapen stuff in the bottom right and think "Hey, this is a gun, I recognize this!"

>> No.2294826
File: 257 KB, 749x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to color this, but digi makes me lazy.

Studying some FLCL - is it Canti? Kanti? Ugh I don't remember

>> No.2294827

yay my op tittles are a meme now

>> No.2294925

you piss me off. Do your own artwork for once u only study how boring is that i would kill myslef.

>> No.2294943

Not a professional or anything, but I really like it, her head seems a little large though. Maybe that's just me. Looks really nice though.

>> No.2294946

>i would kill myslef.

could you?

>> No.2294951


>> No.2294958

I really like it but long neck is lonnnng

>> No.2294965


>> No.2295036

Yeah its Canti. It looks good as it it, no need to color it

>> No.2295101
File: 478 KB, 920x1336, ALICE2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do I feel so unsatisfied

>> No.2295108

because its generic

>> No.2295109

because generic anime girls are soulless and boring and youre probably stuck in your comfort zone

Congrats, maybe you're finally getting somewhere

>> No.2295147

because the beer is 100% flat

>> No.2295164

Wow it's a beer? I thought it was like a towel or something desu senpai

>> No.2295165

leg anatomy, ab and sides anatomy, discrepency between body and head, feet anatomy and also the beer is flat

>> No.2295173

Don't you ever insult boa senpai again...

Mb some color would you do some good.

>> No.2295187

>criticisms are insults

this is why you autists are never going to make it

>> No.2295202

If it's boring, generic, or uninspired then I don't think the problem lies with the subject. I am probably stuck in a comfort zone, but I'm not sure how to get out of it if that's the case.

w-well yeah, I completely forgot about that

I know I'm asking for a lot with this, but could you provide a redline? I know I still have to keep going over anatomy but I'd just like to see how you would go about it.

I appreciate it anon, but could we avoid bringing identity to this? I wouldn't mind shitposting about this on /a/, but I just want to focus on the critique here.

I'd prefer to keep developing my monochrome for now, though

>> No.2295218 [DELETED] 

> >2291975
That highlight/contrast is gorgeous. is that achieved with multiply or something like that?

>> No.2295234

>Implying anyone who uses "senpai" in his text is serious...

Damn i want to be 17 again

>> No.2295236

nah, it's some fag from /a/ who idolizes that guy for some reason

>> No.2295241


sauce on artist or original image

>> No.2295248

I really like the way you drew her hair! Could you post your brush settings?

>> No.2295250
File: 1.04 MB, 850x1202, 20151124_doodle_sketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one stay focused on a piece? I tend to stray away from the original idea and draw haphazardly.

>> No.2295259

>the same person
I am not meant to be taken seriously.
Nor should be anything on an anonymous imageboard.

I didn't know who the guy is, took me 2 minutes to google. Just came here to shitpost because i can't draw during my night shift at work. And it's killing me.


>> No.2295266

Meant to quote him

>> No.2295297


Settings are at http://pastebin.com/rF3k9VQx

I vary the brush size from 4 to 12, usually

I'm not familiar with your process, but I'd recommend plotting out your idea as intended across the canvas so that you can only focus on refining that one concept and none other. So lay out a composition for one piece and not half a dozen.

Still, drawing haphazardly and filling the whole canvas like that looks very nice do you have a blog

>> No.2295302

This reminds me of those star wars posters.

>> No.2295356

>I didn't know who the guy is, took me 2 minutes to google

Who is this guy? google doesn't give me any info

>> No.2295425

Stiff body and hidden neck. I would even say that they both don't match up well. Also flat beer and hidden hand. I would suggest to illustrate the mug having weight as liquid at that volume isn't light. Legs.

Trying to fill in every nook and cranny with vain detail helps me with my stuff.

>> No.2295518

>comfort zone
This meme needs to fucking die. It's jealous faggots that need to think of some sort of excuse for someone being good at what they do.

>> No.2295522

Are you literally retarded?
Not everything is a meme.

project much

>> No.2295542

Image search led me to /a/ . found the post with image and trip. Dassit...

>> No.2295551
File: 1.17 MB, 1100x1050, str-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which looks betteR?

>> No.2295562

The left one has a nice color contrast. I like that one.

>> No.2295570
File: 464 KB, 1219x498, r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2295588

left, character pops and i focus more on it compared to left where the colors are identical

>> No.2295592
File: 32 KB, 706x597, thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crit so far?

>> No.2295596


>> No.2295645

I feel like you art got worse since last year.

>> No.2295646
File: 394 KB, 920x1336, 1448387806310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope it helps you.

>> No.2295648

All this does is make the figure boring though. The only thing that was wrong with the original was the weird hatching on the hair, everything else was fine.

>> No.2295683

>literally thinking someone actually meant "meme"

You're fucking retarded.

>> No.2295694

I would like to disagree publically and very thoughtfully to the fact that this redline makes the figure boring.
You are so wrong on so many levels, if he just anti upped his line quality you would understand, if not, feel free to to fail at redlining because if you understood what was fixed youd stfu

Fucking hate it when someones good work gets bashed by some other idiot.

>> No.2295696
File: 38 KB, 296x356, 1446519360281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2295708

It didn't "fix" anything, all it did was remove the stylization. Instead of looking like a petite girl, it looks like a cherub. Both are right in their own regard, but both appeal to different preferences. This is the biggest problem around here, too many people think there's only one "right" way. You'd think that in the Alternative Style thread people would see past trying to make everything match Renaissance works in favor of pushing the visual appeal and interest of things, which is what style is supposed to be about.

>> No.2295723

Wow, ok. Gotta stop posting redlines, sorry.

>> No.2295749
File: 514 KB, 2576x1288, IC-animegirlredline_mine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be Peter Criss of Kiss wearing a Kriss Kross wife-beater. If you do a redline, just keep the intent of the original picture in tact. If you redraw it and correct the anatomy, but change it to a fish-eye angle for no apparent reason, even if it's well drawn, personally I would consider that a bad redline, unless it helps demonstrate how to execute something the original picture was trying to do. That's what a redline should be for. Here's how I would've redlined this picture, because there were some areas I thought could use touching up. The hair would need more time than I want to spend trying to clean it up but I feel like the hatching should be somehow simplified. All in all though, I tried to correct the problems I saw while fitting them into the original look of the image. Don't stop trying to help people by any means, but don't disregard what they're trying to accomplish with their picture and project your own ideas onto it.

>> No.2295752

There is literally nothing wrong with his drawing but the beer glass. Maybe you two should stop redlining.

>> No.2295754

Hey, he posted it saying he wasn't satisfied. I already said I thought it was fine, but I thought the hair should be simpler. I didn't do that redline for him so much as to demonstrate how to do a redline without completely changing the original picture, you'll notice I didn't even link it back to the original picture because again, it wasn't really for him because I agree it looks fine, except the hair. I do think the foreshortening on the back leg was wonky though.

>> No.2295761
File: 165 KB, 750x1000, Photo-Nov-24,-2-17-08-PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how boring is that
I find studying pretty entertaining. I also have new tools, so in order to remove the extra variable of imagination drawing, I study until i feel confident with the tools. To each his own I suppose...

yea moving on... I still need to do some hard surface studies, but i keep getting distracted with the linework

>> No.2295766

not that anon but your redline sucks. you may have kept the 'original feel' of the drawing but now she looks even more anatomically retarded.

Christ. Ok for starters, the butt that you gave her doesnt make sense, its so much thinner than her hip bones, i mean hell you outlined how wide her torso is yourself. zoom out an look at it as a whole. your foot work is complete guessing and you've given her a swollen front half of a foot, and the big toe that you made prominant is now half the width of her foot, look at your foot. does it do that? no
im mostly mad that you didnt even address the glaring issue of the drawing, being the girls right arm, and you left the flat beer alone despite everyone with half a brain pointing it out.

solid effort, its nice that you noticed the uncomfortable length of her torso and tried to point it out, unfortunately the artist doesnt seem interested. keep redlining honestly, this thread has more issues with proportion over anything else

and for you. this is uncomfortable to look at because of proportion issues. i know you're concerned with the feel but its a dull pose to begin with.
right arm- notice that the upper arm only reaches the rib cage, and not the waist, thats incorrect, the elbow would be lower since her shoulders arent raised any. you tried to compensate by making her lower arm longer to reach her face, which in turn makes it more glaring and uncomfortable.

her torso is too long. despite your style choices, the size of her upper body and the size of her legs are two different figures, make one match the other. right now, her head is very small compared to her body.
her head: i also just want to point out that her mouth needs to be darkened at least, it doesnt read as a mouth at first glance at all. and her skull is off to the right too much, its like her face was placed and you put the skull around it, its really evident when you look at the top of her head and how it flows into her hair

>> No.2295768

he fixed the fucking porportions and made it generally moe appealing holy shit whats wrong with you.
The girl is made long by accident and he fixed that too, thats the only stylization element he didnt keep. Fuck off man.

>> No.2295783

>The girl is made long by accident and he fixed that too
>by accident

You're projecting. The long torso is hardly the problem. The legs and feet are what were the most jank but the shoulder edit adds though since there is a curve there now instead of a dead straight ling.

>> No.2295805
File: 1.07 MB, 700x931, aaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

send help
how do i improve this shit

>> No.2295812
File: 24 KB, 320x639, 031-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the input anons

there is not much to see on it though. i just made the blog like several days ago

>> No.2295813

You missed the point entirely. It's not about what I changed, it's how I changed it. I wasn't trying to correct the picture for the original artist, I was showing how you can make changes without completely destroying the original drawing and replacing it with an entirely different one. If I was doing that image to actually serve as a correction, then yes I would have done the arm and maybe a few other things, but I wasn't after that, merely showing in a few places how you can make edits that fit the original intention of a picture, but of course, of course, you'd ignore the point entirely. This place is full of "redlines" that are just someone else's version of a drawing and those aren't good, imo. If a redline doesn't help the original artist complete their vision, it's not serving it's purpose. But whatever, nothing ever changes around here.

>> No.2295815
File: 83 KB, 665x893, skitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know. What aren't you satisfied of?
My only gripe is the flat beer, and the shading on the head. It looks stiff, though I'm not sure if that's what you intended.
Your hatching is GREAT though. It's fantastic
I quickly redrew your girl for fun btw, not for corrections, before anyone thinks so.

>> No.2295822

Anyone who can't redline without keeping the artist's original intent in tack is a shit redliner and aren't adaptable enough to attempt them. Most redlines on /ic/ are shit because of that very reason.

>> No.2295825

>hardly fixes the beer
>feet are still flat and shapeless
fucking kek

>> No.2295827 [DELETED] 

Where do I study on how to learn how to draw line art?

>> No.2295833

I said I drew it for fun, faggotto.
Where's your redline?

>flat beer
>flat feet
m8, I don't really care to put in that much effort into an anime drawing.

>> No.2295837

kill yourself

>> No.2295838

fucking christ, meant to quote the people trying to "fix" it.

Just stop it /ic. Stop trying to be so edgy by critiquing the smallest of shit that just doesn't matter.

>> No.2295911

Nice stuff anon, I like your style and rendering a lot. Keep it up.

>> No.2295913

>thinks he can redline
>chicken scratch
>makes the proportions more boring

please stop anon

>> No.2295914

You got a gallery?

>> No.2295925

Commenting because everyone is commenting to this post. Make sure to use this as OP image next thread.

>> No.2295987

>makes the proportions more boring
you mean more accurate?

>> No.2295995

separate edges with lasso tool and layers.

>> No.2295997
File: 484 KB, 920x1336, 1448387806310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know I'm asking for a lot with this, but could you provide a redline?
not him but this is my redline

the left side's shoulder and leg appeared to be the same size and same length
the left leg shouldn't exceed the right leg
always remember the laws of perspective-the farer the object from you the smaller,
the greater the angle the narrower

>> No.2296000

right arm anatomy is fucked, brah. shoulder isn't supposed to blend into bicep and those proportions are also off.

>> No.2296002

>It didn't "fix" anything, all it did was remove the stylization.
what No.2295646 did is to show that when anatomy is done correctly, it will naturally look more curbed in
if the poster wants to reveal more limbs of the girl he should've choose a better pose
if you believe you can do this in a erotic way while being correct, I suggest you post your redline

>> No.2296003

guys, pls just stop redlining. work on your own art, you clearly need to improve before you try to critique technical aspects of a drawing.

>> No.2296004

pls stop this autism.

>> No.2296006

post your fucking redline

>> No.2296031

nothing is fixed, but its a good example, this is how redlines should be done, actually understanding the original objectives

calm down guys, learning should be an enjoyable expirience, its up to you the quality of ic

>> No.2296037
File: 17 KB, 200x200, 1437153144530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about 30 posts about who makes better redline

>> No.2296039

welcome to /ic, enjoy your stay!

>> No.2296044

And yet still better than some previous threads full of shitposting and hatefagging.

>> No.2296048
File: 132 KB, 422x392, 144590537802412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my thread with the title "what you drew in the past hour" have MORE ART and BETTER DISCUSSIONS than this piece of shit thread.

apply yourself, rinfag

>> No.2296090

For the one who's critizing the redline I did, calm the fuck down, please. Stop overreacting.

>> No.2296093
File: 13 KB, 399x505, 1447255071006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the one who should be applying himself right now where are those figure drawings I keep telling you to do?

>> No.2296094

which one is yours faggot

>> No.2296102

The face and hair look really bad

>> No.2296110


>> No.2296136

If you haven't, try to draw realistic faces once in a while. No need to post on your blog, just exercises for yourself.

>> No.2296170
File: 54 KB, 377x330, Untitled-1 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wat i do

>> No.2296178

so constructive. Learn to crit faggot.
PS. You are wrong.

Just stop red lining. You're awful at it.

>> No.2296182

IC doesn't care about giving critiques. They just want to put others down to make themselves feel better about their own shit art.

You could post the perfect painting and the fags here will still try to redline it.

>> No.2296197

This to the millionth power. There was some macro image showing /ic/ redlining a traced photo. Fucking vulture farm.

>> No.2296198
File: 608 KB, 550x1050, strf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tried to rectify it a little, does this look better?
i'll take those into consideration while rendering her.
continuing from here, what do you mean by 'apply' lol

>> No.2296199

No, I'll stop because it's not worth my time. At all.

>> No.2296201

>what do you mean by 'apply' lol

Nothing its just his way of saying "notice me sempai"

>> No.2296231

>redliners are out to get me!
pure, unadulterated cancer

honestly, leave these things for the artists themselves to judge. nobody needs people like you butting in and annoying the shit out of everyone involved.

>> No.2296286

if the person traced wasnt perfect or was in an uncomfortable position, thats totally legit.

>> No.2296319

why is her head so small

>> No.2296395
File: 401 KB, 1459x1025, kinda stiff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey! this is kind of a late redline since you're already so far into rendering the whole thing, but it might be something to look in to for next time! sorry that i did it with a mouse, but i hope it still gets the point across alright. i feel there's mostly just uncertainty when it comes to the perspective on the figure. the top half seems to communicate that the camera is above the figure, but then the lower half has her at eye level, it seems. if she put her arms down beside her, her elbow would reach her hips! look how high up her belly button is! it might make sense if it was an extreme angle, but the legs show otherwise. i would make sure that everything is working coherently in the drawing stage before committing to the painting in the future. try using a grid, maybe? there's also some directional issues with the flexed arm and the legs, but it's a little hard to explain with words. i hope my drawings come across OK.

the figure is also a lil stiff, and it seems like you're aware of this since you're compensating with some dynamic effects, haha. it still shines through, though, even beneath all the rendering and junk. i would play around more with what you really want to draw! i can feel that you want it to be cool and action-y and exaggerated, but you're just a little nervous about really pushing the figure. don't be afraid to make the upward fist large while the legs and feet are tiny! if you haven't already, watch the film "Mind Game" from Masaaki Yuasa, he's really good at drawing some crazy exaggerated stuff. do some studies of some still frames of the movie and get loose! you gotta loosen up, ya dig? after seeing the way he draws and the freedom he has, it's hard to want to draw anything normal.

but, uh, yeah!! i hope this is helpful. the rendering's looking nice, and i'm not too great at that kind of stuff so i don't have much to say in that regard. keep it up and all that!

>> No.2296404

Now you see this, guys? THIS is a good redline. Not just a derpy traceover, actual intelligent commentary.

>> No.2296405
File: 3.89 MB, 860x618, Metal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This entire thread
Never stop shitposting, /ic/.

>> No.2296409

and it would still be a good one without the text, but i guarantee you that cancer like you would get on his nuts if he only posted one drawing with only a condensed version of that text.
please just kill yourself already.

again, just shut the fuck up and let the actual artists talk.

>> No.2296416

>actual artists
>on /ic/

>> No.2296419
File: 163 KB, 522x900, girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2296421

HER right arm (our left), you still haven't fixed it! i am angry!

>> No.2296448

I just wanted to drop there to say that I like your style

>> No.2296451
File: 39 KB, 651x932, penisedit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2296452
File: 454 KB, 1512x1348, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2296455

Thread is already shitty enough, don't begin this. Asses don't even look remotely similar.

>> No.2296456

I was wondering why the upper part doesn't looks attached to the rest of the body. Now I know, thank you.
Also why the thighs are fucked up.

>> No.2296460
File: 41 KB, 651x932, stillnotfullyerect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2296466

Hey /m/, try cleaning up your lines it will look real nice.

>> No.2296471
File: 67 KB, 850x579, b69c9a789859579877be836d862118e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks more like it got the "legoman ass perspective syndrome" to me, both those positions are pretty generic.

>> No.2296477

This is extremely helpful guy, redrawing it at this phase will be quite painful but I will give it a try if it would help me improve... thanks.

I'd rather try to fix the perspective of the lower half, for starters...

>> No.2296482

Ahahahaha, jesus christ

>> No.2296484

>ignoring the almost identical upper torsos/expressions

>> No.2296488

Must be boring, not being able to draw without having to copy. That said, I forgot how shitty the personality of this guy was.
False flagging as always, eh.

>> No.2296491

I'm not ignoring anything. There are indeed similarities that leads to confirm it was used as a ref, but it's also different enough to not have been much more than that. And the ass is way to different.
As usual, the hate is quite hilarious.

>> No.2296492

> way too

>> No.2296495

you are definitely him

>> No.2296496

Yes it is.

>> No.2296497

Regurgitating someone else's stuff almost 1:1 without giving credit isn't how you reference.

>> No.2296501

Whatever makes you feel better, You've been pushing this on so many threads that everyone that goes a bit on those threads should already know enough about all this hatestorm. Did he kill your family or something? Go focus on your own art instead of shitposting and samefagging, these threads are already bad enough lately.

>> No.2296502

>And the ass is way to different.
He tried once again to add his own details and failed, as usual.
It's quite hilarious.

>> No.2296503

I don't think we have the same definition of 1:1. Some of Kron's are 1:1 copies, this is clearly not.

>> No.2296505

i literally just made a 'this art is ugly' post on the /a/ thread

thats it

sorry youre paranoid

>> No.2296510

He lets established artists make the difficult anatomical decisions for him and adds details. It's 1:1 where it matters.

>> No.2296517

Everything about his work is stiff af. There is no flow or fluidity in any of it. but that's what happens when you copy too much without actually knowing proper construction techniques.

>> No.2296521

>See related: Firez

>> No.2296522
File: 44 KB, 669x963, cockcantleavethislittleslutalone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2296524
File: 55 KB, 346x346, nydu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude. Stop. He doesn't have a patreon or something, I think it's fine to reference artists to get a better grasp of this kind of poses, I did that too, Houtengeki's works are still pretty limited to pinup poses so not like he can reference him forever, especially when from what I saw that only happened for a few pics that are all pretty recent, months old at best. if he can already put out renders of this level then that means he's already on the good way, got to improve others stuffs now.

> Everything about his work is stiff af

That's something which should be focused on for example now. Though I do think he has got some construction techniques, but not enough. Just like everyone else here, there is lots of room for improvement.

>> No.2296525

>talking to yourself in the third person

>> No.2296529

Since you're him (very obvious by now), keep learning, but stop posting work until it's actually your own. Problem solved.

>> No.2296532

give up. the guy is another cancerous noobie that will keep shitting up the thread.

you probably think you are doing good work here, but you're just fucking annoying. most likely you don't even draw. i've said this over and over again, but there is absolutely no reason why anyone should care this much about smurf.
>oh look, this guy references other artists to create work that is better than he is able to draw, but still ultimately faulty in the end.
most people want to be way better than that anyway. why do i have to keep reading discussion around smurf. at least get a trip so i can filter your cancerous ass(es).
fuck off back to /a/ already

>> No.2296535

>hurr hurr i'll write in a different way to pretend to be someone else

>> No.2296540

source of top left

>> No.2296541


>> No.2296545

Houtengeki, the artist Smurf copies off of the most.

>> No.2296546

Real subtle there. Autistic or just very, very mad? Not sure why you're blaming your own blatant stupidity on others.

>> No.2296549


Accusations of samefagging are the stupidest wastes of posts I can even imagine, stupider even than shitposting. Please stop pushing a thread closer and closer to autosage to satiate some pointless vendetta against a boogeyman you seem to think is all around you.

>> No.2296550

u havin a giggle m8?

what, does it boggle your mind that much?
>look at me complaining about this random below average artist!
yes, you're the smart one here.

>> No.2296551

There's not way her left hand could turn that way without making her elbow stick out more to the side so that it's in line with the body, also bring the shoulder forward a little.

>> No.2296553

can we prematurely make another thread because theres just so much shit on this one.

>> No.2296554

that's what happens when you guys let /a/ shitters into this board

>> No.2296555

That's not how it works. Neither that would make the shitposting leave.

>> No.2296557

>Though I do think he has got some construction techniques

He doesn't. Look at the tail in >>2296452. The discrepancy in quality is massive because he has no construction technique nor does he have an understanding of objects in space. He only knows how to make half ass copies off references. He's not trying to understand the reference. He's just mindlessly copying it. You can't learn that way. You have to be conscious of what you're doing, why you're doing it and why it works for the artist who did it originally.

>> No.2296558

Can't handle crit? Back to deviantart you go.

>> No.2296560

you wouldn't know what crit is if i wrote it on your face and gave you a mirror.
get the fuck out already.

>> No.2296562

What works so bad about the sack? Looks more of a problem of render than anything, there is even the transparency to try showing the volume of it. And why are you ignoring all the head details part?

>> No.2296564

Sorry this place isn't the copyfag circlejerk you hoped it would be. Try a different board.

>> No.2296567

>155 replies
>30 image replies

>> No.2296568

Every so often, something like this happens on /ic/ and I'm glad it does.

>> No.2296571

u out of buzzwords m80?

>> No.2296575
File: 96 KB, 797x1000, ahhhhhhhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crit pls.

>So fucking much to learn, I really need to git gud

>> No.2296576

>What so bad about the sack?

The sack is flat. The pattern on the sack should help to demonstrate the volume without rendering but the patter is drawn too flat and the rendering doesn't help. It doesn't demonstrate believable volume in the form. The torso also isn't connected to the hips because there is no sense of perspective on the torso in relation to the hips. You need to stop mindlessly copying and think about the forms you're actually trying to drawing.

>And why are you ignoring all the head details part?

Because its just copied it from OPM, cut and paste like everything else in that piece. He only knows how to copy, he doesn't actually understand form in space, which is why the torso, hips, and sack don't even look connected to each other.

Someone brought up Kron, but Kron actually understands form in space, which is why his copies and more original works are good. But Smurf's always end up looking like cheap Chinese knock offs.

>> No.2296579
File: 564 KB, 765x1053, figure drawing `1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Use this tool to do a shit ton of figure drawing. It will loosen up your poses and give you a hell of a lot better understanding of how fat and muscle shift with posture. Set the timer to 2 minutes and copy the form as fast as you can with as few lines as you can. I did it for the first time today, and this was the result.

>> No.2296581

>if I call it a buzzword that'll somehow make it untrue
get a grip

>> No.2296583

>Use this tool to do a shit ton of figure drawing

Heh, yeah I really need to do more of that. Thanks for the reminder and link.

>> No.2296586

>implying i would circlejerk about someone i call below average
get a grip indeed.

come on, next buzzword please.

>> No.2296587

Stop chicken scratching try to draw more fluid single lines.
Pay more attention to the proportions there's a few things arms too skinny, thighs too long, the body seems to be attached to the legs too far forward etc.
The poses are stiff, i suggest practising gesture drawing to work on all of these facets.
Just keep practising bruh.

>> No.2296589

thanks bro, will do. I hate it but I´m gonna do it anyway.

>> No.2296591

The part of your brain that tells you people won't notice your theft must be the same part that tells you people won't notice your samefagging.

>> No.2296595



>> No.2296597
File: 113 KB, 878x968, willcocksanbeabletofitthistightwittleslut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/ tradition must be kept alive

>> No.2296606
File: 137 KB, 640x480, luffy think4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too many replies to go over
>got a pretty good idea of where to go from here
>thread mostly switched attention to other things anyway

T-Thanks for the input, anons. It's been really enlightening.

>> No.2296617

never leave, please

>> No.2296653
File: 605 KB, 1545x1114, glorious waste of time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry OP, you never asked for this

>> No.2296659
File: 9 KB, 259x194, greatwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2296680

Lots of props.

>> No.2296684
File: 2.33 MB, 275x248, 14406875738235.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You actually got a chuckle out of me /ic/

>> No.2296728

OP here. I've never had a morning this good. This is amazing. Thank you.

>> No.2296735
File: 1.12 MB, 760x1011, study 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(i don't know what i am doing anymore)

>> No.2296744

Google search didn't really return anything. So I thought I'd ask here. I was wondering if there are any slime tutorials floating around on the web

>> No.2296791

I love you.

>> No.2296832
File: 233 KB, 1000x749, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't find a good app to resize photos - the one I have makes it all blurry.

Playing with the pencil tool a bit more

>> No.2296847

Bahaha good stuff.

>> No.2296853
File: 182 KB, 800x999, finework.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and now i'm reminded why i haven't left this shitty place yet

thank you /ic/

>> No.2296882
File: 72 KB, 277x379, 26 - duckchicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tweet tweet

>> No.2296985

change it to a miniskirt so we could see her panties, otherwise there is no fucking point to this picture.

>> No.2297054

>black dick


>> No.2297057

Its only degenerate if youre white
I think youll find that youre the minority here, cracker

>> No.2297077

Despair but also a boner.jpg.

>> No.2297078
File: 401 KB, 561x724, p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2297129
File: 231 KB, 550x1050, str_work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the feedback again, I really appreciate it. I tried to modify the gesture a little and I'm intending to paint some more of the upper parts of the belts/pants to give the illusion that it's being viewed from above too, hopefully this is better.

>> No.2297133

the fuck its like 2 am
dont you have work tomorrow

>> No.2297134

I rarely get any time to myself, anon. Thats why I almost only draw things I like at home, pretty much...

>> No.2297139
File: 23 KB, 462x299, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how very intersting
pls tell me more about your blogpost

>> No.2297143
File: 91 KB, 753x752, nude girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished this one. Still having problems painting with PS...

>> No.2297190
File: 56 KB, 401x372, 1446654145069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're the one who asked, fuck nugget

>> No.2297199

your whole existence is degenerate. Purge.

>> No.2297203

>your whole existence is degenerate
>says the one with recessive genes that are easily breed away by any other race of people

Maximum kek

>> No.2297207

yeah the shit easily spoils perfection. your point is ?

>> No.2297217

>Perfection is generically weak

That's not how that works anon. Nature speaks for itself. You're the degenerate. Keep fighting the fight though.

>> No.2297221

thats not what my comment meant.

>> No.2297226


/pol/ really is leaking nowadays.

>> No.2297227

It is. You're just in denial about it. Now shut up and draw faggot.

>> No.2297228

no, I played fallout whole day and now im masturbate.

>> No.2297229

>Nature speaks for itself
Truly. Can't even go out in the sun for an hour without a protective chemical coat, kek.

>> No.2297250
File: 99 KB, 753x752, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a suggestion

>> No.2297251

>tiger beer
damn nigga thats some sinkie shit you got there

>> No.2297292


I'm surprised nobody knows this is a CP traceover.

>> No.2297295

It's atrocious, so I'm guessing nobody cares.

>> No.2297299

You looks pretty well informed.

>> No.2297300

wow really?
hit me up dude ill need that reference someday

>> No.2297302


What do you mean...? Did I use a reference? YES

Tracing over? FUCK NO!!

I am not kronprinz...

>> No.2297304


Thanks bro, looks cool

>> No.2297307

You didn't deny that you referenced CP, haha.

>> No.2297310

I felt it, but that's why I didn't comment on it. I want nothing to do with that shit.

>> No.2297311

What do you mean with CP? I am not from the anglosphere... Child Porn? sorry not into that

You mean the colors... no

Should I guess the color? hey I am just starting learning this shit.

So the idea is, when using a ref, trying to guess the color in when practicing ?

>> No.2297316

>I am not kronprinz...

It's clear you aren't because your copies look like shit. It's hilarious when people bring Kr0nz up as if he doesn't know how to draw or something.

>> No.2297317


Kron plz leave

>> No.2297320

He makes bank off copying and no one cares. Let it go.

>> No.2297331
File: 377 KB, 900x800, polishnever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2297333

It's fine bro. There is nothing wrong with being a paedophile.

>> No.2297335

a shame, maybe only define the hand a little bit more?

>> No.2297337

Damn the thumbnail looks God tier.

>> No.2297339

*insert dick sucking comment*

>> No.2297353

hands too small

>> No.2297356

Really nice colors, too bad you're not finishing it

>> No.2297358

I will finish it. But I'm struggling with polishing without it looking plastic.

>> No.2297366

from what reference you color picked that palette?

>> No.2297371
File: 48 KB, 760x530, 1444980671428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2297390


>> No.2297392


>> No.2297394

You're telling me you dont have a website or blog with this quality? Get on that shit man, people will pay out the ass for shit this good. There are multiple porn art site that have shit way worse than this for subscriptions or patreon.

>> No.2297412


any examples??

>> No.2297416

Hardblush.com, wetblush.com,slipshine.com

>> No.2297430 [DELETED] 

In a few days.
I'm going to try to open up a a blog patreon when I have ten pages or so.

>> No.2297433

In a few days.
I'm going to try to open a blog or a patreon when I have ten pages or so.

>> No.2297437


The general quality on those sites are better than >>2297078

Maybe Slipshine but even that place has some decent quality shit.

>> No.2297441

Yeah I may have oversold him a bit, but there's something about his style that speaks to me(y dick). I can't put my finger on it, but it has something a lot of other porn artists lack.

>> No.2297446


Cool, but I mean patreons and guys making $$$$ with less quality than the guy above..

>> No.2297449


I didn't have any on-hand when I made the post, but putting the word "erotic" into the patreon search bar and going a few pages in got me this guy.

>> No.2297450


Fuck just found his patreon

580 per week... holy shit...

didn´t know furry shit paid....

>> No.2297462

>didnt know furry shit paid

>> No.2297465


Maybe it is time to open a thread on ic about how to make it on patreon, advice, how to promote hentai and stuff like that...

I would prefer making more money with hentai than working a shitty ass job... really.

>> No.2297477


slipshine has some shit art dude

>> No.2297481
File: 1.00 MB, 1273x1000, gallade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still working on this

>> No.2297488

I'm not going to refute that, but there's still some decent art on there. They are just more lenient on the quality allowed than wetblush/hardblush.

>> No.2297490

How does one get into those sites? I feel like my stuff is good enough, and I really want to do comics even if it's porn. Okay that's not true. I want to do them especially if it's porn.

>> No.2297492

post some art.

>> No.2297495

If I do, will you tell me how to get in?

>> No.2297498

I don't have a clue, I just want to see more home brewed porn, I have a friend that's damn near breaking 8K a month on patreon, but he makes games, he did it by having a fan base on new grounds and on his website for years.

>> No.2297500
File: 278 KB, 1244x1958, Ibuki-personaltime_prev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw man, dude. Well, at least you were honest I guess. I might as well post something, if anyone does know how to get in, they're still probably going to ask anyway. I didn't know what to pick really but this is one of my favorites, even though it's like a year old.

>> No.2297505


holy fuck...8000 per month. I some countries he would live like a king.. I know I would.

Fuck me, I wish I had a following to sell hentai and shit.. fuck my life

>> No.2297507

Ah, I've seen your shit on danbooru, have the colored version of that saved already actually.

>> No.2297512

In addition to that he works full time as a hardware engineer, the fools loaded.

>> No.2297514

...What?????????? Wait......what???

>> No.2297517


>> No.2297522

Whoa, what he hell, I've never seen this before. They did a pretty good job. What the shit though, I didn't realize my stuff was being spread around. I saw a couple color edits on /d/ but wow. Man, it's not that I mind but I wish people would've told me they were gonna color something of mine so I could at least see it too. That's pretty cool though. So that has to count for something, right, if I wanted to get into one of those sites? People liking my stuff enough for this kind of thing, I mean.

>> No.2297542


so do you what that mean???



>> No.2297551

I have been, sorta. I have a handful of commissions I'm workin on right now, and a small waiting list. I'm talking like less than 5 people when I say small. I've just been wondering if there's a more stable and steady way to distribute things. I've been looking into streaming but I'm not sure how to get money involved with that in such a way that won't turn people off from it. If I could get on one of these paysites, people already know what they're getting into with the money and I can just make money off of producing regularly instead of commission by commission. Not that it's all about money but I have bills coming due and there's literally $3 in my bank account right now. I can't keep spending this much time drawing if I can't make it more profitable, it's just a reality I have to face. Right now it looks like I could make this lucrative about 10X faster than any sfw art.

>> No.2297561


I see what about posting "soft" content on da and even pixiv?

I know it is long term and shit. However I could help you to get a following. like this shiin guy that makes 4k on patreon.

>> No.2297567

>how to get money involved with streaming

Stream sketch commissions, usually at discounted prices. Streaming in general isn't about making money as much as it is making you more approachable with your followers/audience which leads to them being more likely to buy from you provided you present yourself decently.

>> No.2297575

Oh yeah I keep forgetting to update my dA. It's tough because like you said it can't be hardcore. Pixiv is all in moon runes though, right?
Makes sense. I had been considering just leaving it open for donations too. It definitely did seem like not the sort of thing to rely on income-wise but having some pocket money for lunch or something would even be helpful at this point. And like you said, I think it's good to try and be present with followers.

>> No.2297593


I opened a pixiv account two months ago. I mostly uplodaded sketches the curious is that even my worst sketch featuring blow jobs got more views than my non erotic and better quality stuff.

I the next months I am gonna upload more soft stuff on da and more xxx on pixiv and test the results.

Maybe I should get and account at hentia foundry...

if you guys have ideas please share them!

>> No.2297594


it has some english so wont be impossible to upload stuff and yes it is mostly anime and manga.

>> No.2297597

I'm not sure it was Pixiv but I heard it has censoring rules? Is that at least translated?

>> No.2297601
File: 83 KB, 793x998, nekobj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mmm as long as tag upload correctly stating that is NSFW with sexual content you shouldnt have any echoe...

About the rules gonna check em... but there´s a massive amount of NSFW content on pixiv.

pic related lol

>> No.2297602

get a account on hen foundry. what you are seeing is correct and it will build up a fan base.

also post pixiv

>> No.2297647

Okay, cool. I keep looking at pixiv and turning away from it for some reason. I think it's usually all the Japanese, but I should give it a chance.

>> No.2297668


That supposed to be a pingas? Because it looks like a large finger.

>> No.2297739

Pencil dick.

>> No.2297746

looks awful and tumblr-typical

>> No.2297762

buzzword is a buzzword rofl

>> No.2297941


it´s the idea moonspeakers have tiny dics so they can relate to the drawing.

>> No.2297943

I notice that a lot of Japanese illustrators//mangaka tend to go by a pen name or username to preserve a certain degree of anonymity.

Is it possible to do this an artist living in the West?

>> No.2298001
File: 353 KB, 1351x830, maid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2298109



Where do you people keep coming from?

>> No.2298182

sonic forums

>> No.2298190

The quality of your lineart really needs work.

>> No.2298259
File: 33 KB, 599x327, CTmad-cUcAA2hrk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hair is banana

>> No.2298271
File: 593 KB, 1592x1224, great pumpkin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my perspectives all fucked up isnt it?

>> No.2298281

take and egg, paint with markers on it, use as reference for that monster head, fix dat perspective

and then you eat the egg

>> No.2298297
File: 230 KB, 1200x950, March Rev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been doing some back-and-forth with a client about this one, and they're still not satisfied with my revisions on her breasts. If anyone can give me an idea how to fix them, I'd be grateful.

>> No.2298302

the biggest thing is that they start too high on the chest, you put them up at the collar bone

>> No.2298324

Pls make only single boob visible for christ sake, няшa.

>> No.2298427

I know there's no rules and everything comes from learning yourself and tweaking, but I'm having troubles with stylisations in general. Let's say I'm aiming for something kinda cute and big eyes, how do you place/size the eyes compared to traditional proportions? Can you keep the body the same size than tradional human one with stylized face/head? (doesn't seem to work) If not is there some of rule of thumb for sizing the body adequately?

From what I understand, for defining a "style", I'd probably have to :
- chose between rounded, pointy or straight against curves shapes
- chose how the lines weight work if it's not changing (thick outside, thin inside, or rather classical with thicker lines for either parts hidden from light and parts that are more in front)
- Chose the color mood (pastel, desaturated, highly saturated etc) and the number of values I'll use in general (either more painterly/closer to reality or more solid/fewer values, 2 seem to work for certain good artists)

Any mistake, anything else to add?
I know, walltext, sorry.

>> No.2298428
File: 165 KB, 900x800, oppa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, the big pumpkin(?) head is on different perspective compared to Linus. Draw the horizon line as a guide.

Good lines, but hatching could be better.

>> No.2298434

the best way to learn is to literally study and steal what you like from a style you like and also compare it to some other style (the comparing is important to give you a better idea of what is really different) for example if you examined simpsons ear on neck, close eye no chin style to steven universes cal arts soft styleor moe anime style you'd be able to see big eyes need big space in between to read cuter or else they read as dopey, small necks help make something cute but it still has to make some sense and your right in that motifs in simplification unite a style (simple ears means nose is simple, shines on eyes like in anime means shines will proly be on hair)

>> No.2298435

This is very nicely painted, but what's she holding?

>> No.2298449


>> No.2298450
File: 234 KB, 738x714, ahhhhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any glaring mistakes on this? Besides her lack of hands.
Also, does anyone have any good coloring tuts on hand?

>> No.2298474
File: 606 KB, 637x898, bb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2298483

Thanks, good avice.

>> No.2298530

I think it's a mirror

>> No.2298618


>> No.2298647
File: 403 KB, 1105x893, akarinstudy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just want to draw kawaii girls, why is it so hard?

>> No.2298661


i rike it

>> No.2298683
File: 532 KB, 1182x1433, Girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even worse than anime.

>> No.2298703
File: 440 KB, 1310x731, give her character.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her is a visual of what I would do; add a stuffed animal in her arm. Gothic loli usually has lots of tacked on items on their clothes as well so go crazy on the detail.

>> No.2299279

you did a good job tho, keep with that palette

your values now are really nice, the head and hands are so solid, folds and bottom of the picture are relatively weak in comparision

>> No.2299612
File: 436 KB, 743x1081, sunb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2299717
File: 106 KB, 540x755, stabby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished this a while ago. Any tips? Things I could improve on?

>> No.2299803
File: 123 KB, 619x578, shoutout to all the pear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm so tired i can't read

>> No.2299815
File: 365 KB, 1586x448, FF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2299820

oh my god

>> No.2299826
File: 1.45 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_7131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my first attempt at drawing sakura from cardcaptor sakura. excuse the horrible lighting. any input?

>> No.2299874 [DELETED] 
File: 301 KB, 550x1050, str_fin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'm done polishing this turd. I just hope I can polish up my fundamentals more before trying again, maybe I should study granblue fantasy's character arts for a while.

>> No.2299891
File: 295 KB, 550x1050, str_fin2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'm done polishing this turd, I just hope there's way for me to polish up my fundamentals more before I attempt the next pic. Maybe I should study some of granblue fantasy's character art

>> No.2299935
File: 291 KB, 757x1102, pisss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

morning drawing

I'm wondering how you ended up with this fetish. The colors are really nice.

>> No.2299961

Reminds me of those ms paint anime OP redraws desu

>> No.2300111

I really dig this. The colors combined with the cartoony style are super interesting! Keep it up!

>> No.2300157
File: 271 KB, 1564x448, drawfromref.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you're capturing enough of what's important. I'll need to learn how to simplify better, too.

>> No.2300212
File: 453 KB, 1594x446, o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can dig it.
but my goal is to convert this whole video into anime (great study fodder imo)

>> No.2300215

new thread >>2300208