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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2295555 No.2295555 [Reply] [Original]

Hey there anon, how's that art slump going? tell me about it.

>> No.2295558
File: 49 KB, 540x672, 133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took this art course thinking I would be pushed to get better at drawing. However it was assessment week and Ive been so busy I havent drawn a thing. Now it's over and I can't be bothered to draw, however I'm going to force myself to.

>> No.2295559


arts hard and progress is slow. i'm glad I'm out of that intense honeymoon phase though of the first few months where I felt like I needed to practice every waking hour I wasn't at work and am falling into a routine and starting the slow but not obsessive burn. (I don't want to be a pro.)

>> No.2295560

I can't wrap my head around color. I've been pushing my drawing and that's going great but every time I throw color into it, it's like babby's first scribble. It seriously makes me want to give up. The other thing is I can't fucking finish anything. I have all these half cocked sketches and things, mostly because I can't color so they go nowhere. I kind of don't know how I thought I could get work, even in months.

>> No.2295564

may you describe the honeymoon phase and where you are now?

>> No.2295565

the trick is to copy/study art you like with good colors and study value/color until you make it yourself

>> No.2295567


Pretty much just what I described but that jump from not understanding drawing at all to going through the exercises in Keys to Drawing and Drawing on the Left side of the Brain was so enlightening and amazing at how much improvement you can make in those first few just weeks just made me want to practice all the time to the point where I kind of burnt out for like a week.

I had been just doing line drawings with pen but I'm keeping it fresh by using color and charcoal and really like where I am now doing a few focused hours each evening. I'm no good yet but being able to flip through your sketchbooks is great for seeing where you have been and where you are headed.

>> No.2295574

I've been doing that, it doesn't seem to be helping. As soon as I'm not copying something I go right back to having no idea what I'm doing.

>> No.2295581

I literally gave up on colors years ago. I just don't get it, simply put.

>> No.2295584

Just been a few days for me because I've got a fuckton of papers and exams due, so I just lose patience trying to draw.

I'm at nearly a year now and hit a point where gains aren't as drastic so I'm going to need to start getting used to slower progress. That said I'm still shit and probably well below where somebody who was working a little harder could be. I need to start reading more books because I've been getting lazy with the studious part of art.

>> No.2295589

I'm thinking I might have to. The difference in my apparent skill level of something I've drawn in line or rendered in grayscale vs anything I've put color on is ridiculous, to the point where if I posted one of each both in the same draw thread, nobody would realize it's the same person and I'd be told to go to the beginner thread on the color piece while the black and white one has people asking me for my blog. I've seen concept work done in black and white, I think I'm gonna have to just resign to that. In a pinch I can always use a colorized layer, shit.

>> No.2295594

it's getting better

>> No.2295598

It's more like my life is in a slump and my art is being affected. I'm painting less and struggling with motivation, but strangely the little art I am doing seems to be some of my best work.

>> No.2295601

It's been a 2 week slump so far. Still drawing but not as much as I need to be. Not just art, I've been super lethargic in general. I think I'll be out of it in the next week or two though, this time of year always gets a bit fucky.

>> No.2295604


Just keep plucking away it it. Experiment with it and try new things, watch videos of people coloring and examine their choices.
I don't know how thoroughly you've researched it but there are plenty of resources, and it's not cheating to take a palette from somewhere else, especially when you're learning.

What I'd suggest is watch some movies with good palettes and mosaic them, pick from those and work with it.

>> No.2295642

Mmph, I'll think about it. Right now I'm at 5% keep trying, 95% give the fug up.

>> No.2295682

Colour isn't as hard as people think. It's mostly just about getting values right, then you can fiddle a bit with temperatures. I'd say 90% of colour issues are value issues, and then of the remaining 10% most of the issues are temperature.

Do you ever do colour studies? They can be done quickly and will help build your sense of it. Do a few each day and in a month or two you should be having a much easier time.

>> No.2295686

Yeah I've been doing like one every other day. I'll try to do some more often, try to get in at least one each day like you suggested. It's just hard because it takes me a while and I'm really behind on other work I'm supposed to do. I really hope it works anon, cause in another month I can't be in the same place I am now, struggling with this.

>> No.2295690

It's not. I've been really productive lately.

>> No.2295726

One think that might help you is instead of thinking in colours, you'll start thinking of one colours for darks , one for light and one for middle tones. Then slowy bring more colours in once you're comfortable. And stick to more monochromatiques palettes at first. Like yellow light Brown orange and dark red or brown. For example.

>> No.2295736

I haven't draw anything in over two months. I want to get better because there's a comic series I want to write. One of the biggest problems is that I'm trying to draw concept art and it all just looks bad. Not only that, but I'm hesitant to keep drawing right now because I feel like I'll practice wrong and end up having really bad habits that will be hard to correct. Plus Loomis doesn't really resonate with me so I don't know where to start honestly.

>> No.2295737

>I'll practice wrong and end up having really bad habits that will be hard to correct.

this isnt something you actually need to be afraid of. there is no practicing wrong. as long as your dont believe everything you're told and you think for yourself you will know when to do something else

>> No.2295738

dont give up. I have the same problem and today I probably did the most directly to color stuff than I've done ever since drawing with crayons as a kid. try using greyscale to color though if your values are good it will be alright but id recommend doing straight to color as well because I'm learning tons more than the greyscale to color stuff.

>> No.2295740

I've got no motivation to do anything in life, including art. Loomis is confusing, I'm devoid of imagination to draw things and the only thing I'm decent at is perspective.

I'm going to try and start life drawing more but I have to force myself to draw and I feel like if I need to force myself then it's not enjoyable as it used to be for whatever reason and I should just give up

>> No.2295763

sort life first mate. keep up.

>> No.2295814


Start swimming.

>> No.2295891


I think getting into art will be a good step in doing that. I just feel completely aimless where I'm not learning from books and can't draw from imagination.


I play sports already and am a pretty bad swimmer.

>> No.2296010

>mfw my dad saw my shitty sketches and thought they were awesome

>mfw i dont know how to take the compliment

>> No.2296014

Be happy you have supportive parents.

>> No.2296036

I cant into form

>> No.2296040

Perspective + construction/drawing through. Simplify to major planes and basic forms.

>> No.2296070

For two months I had a 10+ hours job and I couldn't think of anything else than not being dead tired and able to draw. at some point I just give up drawing because my schedule was 07am wake up> 07.30am work> 09pm eat> 10pm sleep. now I'm unemployed since three weeks and I have yet to draw anything apart doodles. I just can't and I don't know why
what the fuck.

>> No.2296422


My whole life is structured around art so when I hit block its like taking the floor out from everything. I finished this 8 by 10 foot piece, my professors were in love with this thing and started giving me all these interpretations. Which confused the fuck out of me and everything started to not make any sense anymore. So I stop everything and am mentally fucked for 5 days, feel like I want to burn all my work. Now I've come out the other side but I went from waking up at 5am every morning and hitting the studio for 12 hours a day to afterwards going to sleep at 4 or 5 in the morning and then waking up at noon or so and doing basically nothing in the studio. Also my music taste flipped completely, before I was in a hip hop phase, now I'm listening to exclusively jazz. My mind feels like scrambled eggs at this point, zero ideas, zero direction. On top of that the self resentment sets in because I'm horrible at social interaction and am basically an art robot. I can't pin down what the hell happened.

>> No.2296425

Maybe you like the idea of drawing more than actually doing it. Have you been doing other creative stuff while unemployed like music or something?

>> No.2296447

>Maybe you like the idea of drawing more than actually doing it
I even tried to quit drawing and enjoy life as a normal person. the result were: drawing became an obsession to the point I started to dream about drawing stuff, and still do; conditioning myself to not draw and avoiding it for years forced me to learn from complete scratch some year ago when everything was completely natural when I was younger; and this kind of aberrant demeanor where I want to do something but I avoid actually doing it in some kind of self-blueballing fashion, that is something pretty recent in my life.
I don't like drawing and I don't like the idea of drawing, but for some reason I feel the need to do it. its like constipation or sexual inhibition
well, sorry for the blog.

>> No.2297508
File: 390 KB, 1152x864, 1437580223828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked for people at my job to give me (free) requests to draw for them. It's been over two weeks, and I haven't finished a single one. I feel so unmotivated do them.

Instead, I've been writing and have come to realise that it's something that I could git gud at in the future.

I'm glad that I have creative hobbies and interests, but neither are very valuable in today's economy unless you're extremely talented. That thought in itself is off putting to me.

We'll make it when we're 80, anons.

>> No.2297511

>We'll make it when we're 80, anons.
Implying most of us won't have become an hero or drunk our selves to death by then

>> No.2297520

I didn't draw for 6 months and now my process has gone to shit and I've literally forgotten how to construct a figure.

I've tried a ton of new techniques but it's just not happening anymore.

>> No.2297524
File: 27 KB, 407x361, 1445638233968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing much more than usual
Improving not one bit

>> No.2297544

Other people will see your improvement before you do. Also 4 months is literally nothing. Start worrying if after 4 years there is no difference. And even if that is the case then it's not as big a deal as you may think, you still have decades to improve.

>> No.2297738
File: 20 KB, 368x202, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a sketchbook, I got it about 2 weeks back
Im halfway through it and i havnt drawn a single thing that I'm even remotely proud of.

Its pissing me off to the point where im debating on trying another style of art.
Like sculpting. I dont even know, All I do know is that its annoying as fuck.
Pic not related.

>> No.2297740

You're trying and drawing, that's ok. Maybe you are too hard on yourself.

>> No.2297743

Maybe, Thanks desu. Dont know why that made me feel a bit better.

>> No.2297745

I didnt mean to type "Desu" And now I'm really embarassed. I have 0 idea why I typed Desu.

>> No.2297748


Chillax mate. maybe you have this time of drawing when you are more capable of seeing your flaws (Sycra said about this - eye is above hand, meaning that you can see better than draw). You shouldn't be embarassed as much. Maybe show your pictures to some person what they think. Take care there mate.

>> No.2297752

Plus we are always are own worst critics D:

>> No.2297756

Plus we are always are own worst critic. So you know :D Maybe you are having a bad time or sth. Don't force yourself. I know that it's easier said than done, and I struggle it a lot and sometimes I need to force myself to draw or finish something and remind that I just sometimes need to finish it on deadline (I'm not a pro but I am saying about course) and let it go and not to get stuck with drawing better. It's something Fiona Staples said and Jock in one of the interviews and I am trying to remind myself that.

>> No.2297794
File: 27 KB, 398x361, 1447263831767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>completely uninspired
>hate everything I draw
>waste too much time browsing the web and playing vidya
>procrastinate a lot because I'm afraid of failure
>wasting time hoarding tons of references I'll never use
>too much of a perfectionist and can't stop polishing turds
>look at old work I used to think was at least okay and am absolutely horrified
>can't stop envying other artists
>constant fear I'm doing everything wrong
>the more I learn and improve the more hopeless it all feels
>not sure I even like drawing anymore

Thanks for asking, anon. <3

>> No.2297835

same desu senpai

>> No.2297839

i'm a little disappointed with my progress right now. i usually use charcoal as a main medium, and digital as well - but i can't figure out how shading works on digital. i've used crosshatching, outlines, and flat colors as crutches, but everytime i come up with some decent linework and try to move onto some realistic shading i'm always disappointed. colors, smooth shading, etc all escapes me. help?

>> No.2297845


So has desu senpai just become an annoying meme all of its own or are people still just typing the stupid shit that filters into it?

>> No.2297867

I haven't drawn anything since August, and even then it was just a few sketches

>> No.2297887

what? its always been a meme. replace it with Loomis and it would still make sense for /ic

>> No.2297888


I know "desu" was used frequently in 4chan's primordial past but I hadn't heard it for some four or five years until the word filter came in. Now every retard says it and I'm wondering if they're doing it on purpose or if the word filter is still actually just catching the old retards.

>> No.2297893

ahh so it can filter anyone. I thought people were shitposting it. seems to be a mixture of both

>> No.2297896
File: 621 KB, 840x511, LDabpWq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw been in an art slump for a decade

>> No.2297912

Terrible, i want to die. All progress has stopped, i have no new ideas, and i wonder why i've wasted so much time and money doing this.
Also my SO disapproves of EVERY fucking stylistic choice i make. I'm going for a rough look? "Oh, is... um... is it finished?"
I choose a certain background color for sketches because it's easier on my eyes? "wow, that looks bad, you should use white or grey"
I start to like ANYTHING about the way my art looks, and he sees said thing as a problem.
Maybe i should start pointing out all the flaws in his work.

>> No.2297919


At least he doesn't blow smoke up your ass and says everything you do is great. And go ahead and point out the flaws in his work, just don't make up flaws because you're butthurt that he critiqued you.

Also post your work.

>> No.2297921

Oh fuck, restarting after month longs pauses is the worst. I feel you, please try to endure it until it starts flowing again

>> No.2297923

Its like solidified despair.

>> No.2297934

Depends if his right or he's an idiot, but basing on "Terrible, I want to die" I think you are overreacting a lot.

>> No.2297969

What is your end goal anon, I'm curious if your answer will be a general idea, a specific idea or you have literally no idea. Your end goal can be a certain skill level, certain job, impress a certain someone, whatever...

>> No.2298007
File: 1.08 MB, 977x965, baldmusewip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My work IS shit, though. But every time i start to like something about it, he quashes it.
the 'terrible, i want to die, came about before him.
I don't know anymore. i don't think i need to make a career out of my art i just want to be able to be satisfied with what i make. I usually have lots of ideas, and i want to bring them to life. but right now i have nothing new, and it feels awful, and my art looks awful, and i hate.
I've got sculptures that people seem to really like, but i haven't made any in months, and i have no drive to make more. Right now all i want is to drink and smash my hands, so i can't do shit.
pic is from earlier this year i think. it's awful, but it was something completely my own, and i love it even though the background is shit.

>> No.2298016

It filters
T.b.h. to desu
S.m.h to baka
F.a.m to senpai

>> No.2298069

how the fuck, this is spot on me.

Except for...
>wasting time hoarding tons of references I'll never use
I usually do it whenever I just stumble over something interesting, rather than actively hoarding them

>not sure I even like drawing anymore
I usually have a lot of fun drawing until after a while I start to get annoyed with it and draw less and less. Then I pretty much quit it for a while, anywhere between a week and 2-3 months. Then some spark reignites and I´m going all in again. I don´t know why it´s happening, I should totally force myself to draw during this weeks though.

>> No.2298085

>not sure I even like drawing anymore
To me, drawing is like cooking. I hate cooking, but love the outcome of it. It's worth the amount of time I put into it, but only if I actually finish it.

Finish your drawings more often, anon. Hopefully you will feel more inspired to draw then, looking through your completed drawings to see what you are capable of.

>> No.2298162

I realize I suck at one part of the body (lower legs right now) and focus a lot of time an energy on it. In the meantime I get rusty on the other parts of the body I could draw decentish. In the end I still don't think I got better at drawing that one body part. Shit hurts and I think my art improvement is approaching non-existent. Help

>> No.2298311

I realized I'm autistic and I don't really like to draw. What I actually like to do is just analyzing a thing like a car or the human body and breaking it apart and getting to know every detail of it and learning about all the names and mechanics. Though what's the point doing this without a practical method to use that information? I'm stuck with drawing.

>> No.2298315

Go into engineering silly. And you can keep drawing to help understand things too.

>> No.2298333

i dont wanna study from life anymore, i just want to draw cute anime girls

>> No.2298492

Just do it. don't think that all people drawing anime girls professionaly have strong classic art fundamentals. fuck the police and fuck Loomis too

>> No.2298518

It's been two months since I've done any art for myself. Last month, it was all commissions (a good problem to have), this month, I took time off commissions to get life shit done and do self-promotion.

I have so many projects and ideas, but no time :(

>> No.2298529

>I have so many projects and ideas, but no time
that's the exact reverse of a slump. please go being bright and happy in another thread

>> No.2298532

Haha, you didn't like my humblebrag?

Seriously, who gets art blocks anyways?

>> No.2298535

I can't draw anything for fun because I get so caught up in how awful everything looks. I have a bunch of requests I've put off because I don't feel confident enough in my abilities.

>> No.2298595

I've been trying to start a webcomic but can't get it started due to the demands of my warehouse day job. Its holiday season so longer hours and less time to myself. I stand for at least 10 hours a day so despite having 3 days off, its more like 2 because I sleep for practically all of one of them. My girlfriend is also unhappy in our relationship and will probably be leaving me soon. Suicide has been thought of, but I'm in therapy. So I haven't yet.

>> No.2298597

Hey at least you get a full two days then to work on your comic. And if your girl leaves then you'll have even more free time.

>> No.2298674
File: 48 KB, 646x624, 7DIbM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intense feelings of giving up because life and health is falling apart after years of studying

>> No.2298678
File: 1022 KB, 281x243, 1446613497318.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go through phases of doing 10 pages a day and doing almost nothing.

we almost nothing right now

>> No.2298700
File: 242 KB, 1280x1674, 543654543535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I play Bloodborne dlc for 45 hours. Not drawing for a week. I don't believe in myself anymore. November folder has 25 pics, while others have 160+. Looks like I should find shitjob and suffer until suicide

>> No.2298719
File: 286 KB, 400x225, 1446914822706.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm stuck in beginner hell and reading drawing on the right side of the brain is more of a lecture on brain function than a actual drawing lesson so far.

I'm powering though it tho, very slowly.

>> No.2298723

You'll find it a lot more enjoyable when you move onto other books and understand what's being presented to you. Betty Edwards provides a nice place to start but she pads her book with so much that it does get kinda silly

>> No.2298730

I draw sometimes, but I'm a beginner (worse, really) and progress is very slow. I know I'll get there someday though.

I would draw a lot more than I do, but between being so bad and not knowing what to draw with my non-existent skills, I just don't get the urge to do art that often. If I at least had some basic grasp of the fundamentals, I imagine I would draw all the time. I feel like getting started with all of this is the hardest part, or at least I hope that's the case.

>> No.2298754

Let's be honest here. Probably everyone on here is beyond advice. If you're on /ic/ for a while you have read pretty much every opinion there is and also have read tons of very useful advice.

At this point information is poison and is the reason why you stagnate in the first place. It's the first thing you run to when you're afraid to actually work because there is the illusion that more information will be the key to all of this.

Just learn how to unstuck yourself, how to experiment to never get stuck for long in the first place. What if you get good advice now? You will be still stuck and feel lost the second you encounter another minor problem. And if you ask "how" you didn't understand anything I wrote. You have the information, you know the how, you being afraid and feeling like shit the moment you are stuck is not a problem of information. You will feel uncertain with even the best advice there is.

There is the idea that shortcuts don't exist in this hobby but that is only technically true. No one now and in history ever walked the fastest way to his goal, so practically speaking there are a shit ton of shortcuts that you can go if you're innovative and creative and ain't afraid to experiment.

At least have the dignity to not bother your mind with the usual "Oh, I need to draw today" or some other shit. Just straight out say you're not gonna do it. At least that way you can focus on other things better.

>> No.2298757

I have similar problems anon, can't finish anything. Plus I do a great sketch once in a while but then can't take it any further without killing any movement/story/coolness it had.

You're filling the sketchbook at least. That's the way forward and you gotta keep that momentum going. I drew a lot less while working for the past year and now my sketchbook sits on my desk and worries away at my mind like a cut on the roof of your mouth. It's still mostly empty but page by page I'm attacking it.

You give me hope. <3

>> No.2298759

Nice to see it's not just me

>> No.2298765 [DELETED] 

>At this point information is poison and is the reason why you stagnate in the first place.

The truth of the matter is that nothing posted here is going to get a 10/10 because people will always try to find a flaw in something and lower it down to a level that makes them feel better about there skills. They try to say they are helping you but in reality its false for someone will always find some reason to crap on it.I will one hundred percent say that each artist here has a different art and they will most likely force there understanding of art on you and because of this massive influx of information that is equivalent of email spam you will stagnate as you try to learn to many things that fuck the art style you are close to making yourself because someone posted that the nose does not look moe and he like moe.

i am not saying do not take people's advice and say your great when you really may not be in reality, but to not let some much people for you to learn something you do not need.

what i am saying is experiment .
your art style is anime from what i see and it looks fine, but if you expect to become famous overnight you will fail like the all wanna be white Eminem lookalike that think saying i lived here and there in there song every time is going to get them anywhere.
here is my advice.
1.get a job to support yourself and not die of hunger
>you may hate me for this
2.get a tumblr and deviant art because really where else will your fanbase come from 4chan? hahaha no
gain more skill in drawing and then open to commission
once this is done you will start making a profit and stop thinking of killing yourself


go on twitch
post twitch here
Light room on fire
get underbed with anime pillow and drawings An hero

>> No.2298770

>At this point information is poison and is the reason why you stagnate in the first place.

The truth of the matter is that nothing posted here is going to get a 10/10 because people will always try to find a flaw in what you draw and lower it down to a level that will make them feel better about there skills. They try to say they are helping you but in reality its false, but someone will always find some reason to crap on it.I will one hundred percent say that each artist here has a different artstyle and they will most likely force there understanding of art on you and because of this massive influx of information that is equivalent of email spam you will stagnate as you try to learn to many things that fuck the art style you are close to making yourself because someone posted that the nose does not look moe and he like moe.

i am not saying do not take people's advice and say your great when you really may not be in reality, but to not let some much people for you to learn something you do not need.

what i am saying is experiment .
your art style is anime from what i see and it looks fine, but if you expect to become famous overnight you will fail like the all wanna be white Eminem lookalike that think saying i lived here and there in there song every time is going to get them anywhere.
here is my advice.
1.get a job to support yourself and not die of hunger
>you may hate me for this
2.get a tumblr and deviant art because really where else will your fanbase come from 4chan? hahaha no
gain more skill in drawing and then open to commission
once this is done you will start making a profit and stop thinking of killing yourself


go on twitch
post twitch here
Light room on fire
get underbed with anime pillow and drawings An hero

>> No.2298771

that's hot af senpai

>> No.2298804
File: 131 KB, 640x869, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm trying to into watercolor and it's difficult as hell as i've always only really been ink or lead. i keep getting frustrated at stuff when it isn't looking the way i want it to, and comparing it to my favourite work/s such as pic related "inspiration is the best friend of my sorrow" is bullshit whenever i'm depressed i can't get around to paying heavy attention on getting the details of something right and it ends up being straight ass

new as fuck so constructive criticism welcomed. i already know i overdid the shadow

post piece please

>> No.2298810
File: 33 KB, 300x300, 1446259520506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The crippling fear of destroying a sketch you actually love
I relate too much anon. That's why I use the light board at my university, I can make as many copies as I want without compromising my original. But even then it's depressing that I'm too scared to alter the original

>> No.2298828

>Alright time to start over, learn the basics I can do this
>Draw for some time
>Holy shit I am improving
>Suddenly all drawings look like shit and have no form or anything
>Even trying makes me go suicidal
>Maybe I should not aim to try to make a living off drawing
>If I'm bad at drawing, I'm worse at everything else so "just don't pursue art" doesn't really sound like an option
>Don't know what to do
thanks for reading my blog don't forget to subscribe

>> No.2298830

also any tips on drawing portraits or faces would really help, i've been studying how to draw heads but that doesn't really help me at all and what i draw never looks the same at all
i can get the pose and limbs to be similar (not precise but it doesn't make me want to fucking shoot myself) but then i get to draw the face and it never looks the same and i hate life and everything about it and there's no light at the end of this

>> No.2298846
File: 90 KB, 1201x768, WiTAiSz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you have a breakthrough piece and you realize it's gonna take months of hardcore studying to do it consistently and by then you do another one and the cycle repeats

chasing the dragon

>> No.2298866

This doesn't make any sense.

>> No.2298881


It made sense to me. Pretty sure he's referring to drawing something exceptionally good, and knowing it's going to take a lot of practice to be able to do it consistently.

Have you never done something you felt was leaps and bounds above average for you?

>> No.2298929

All that's written there is extremely true and I agree wholly. the problem is that people start coming to /ic/ because they for some reason feel the need to post their drawings anonymously, and this means a basic insecurity about what they can do.
I'm one of them so don't take this as a critique, just an acknowledgement of the situation.

>> No.2298960

I don't think so. As of now I was never in the zone.

>> No.2299515

Hey guys I'm drunk as shit.
I wanted to say that I hope all of you manage to reach your max potential and go beyond it filling internet with a multitude of beautiful brawings that you and only you can realize.
don't give up. I believe in you man

>> No.2299619
File: 143 KB, 876x692, tfw ic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling better today. Did some paintovers and such to help friends and get so much more out of seeing them learn or understand something better than I do out of just painting for myself all the time. Gonna do some helping in the draw/beginner threads every day now to get that nice feeling.