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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 285 KB, 340x250, tumblr_mg0rdjBSiV1rb1rgoo5_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2287018 No.2287018 [Reply] [Original]

Thread #11

Previously On: >>2258792

Bring us your roughs, your storyboards, your pencil tests etc. Talk about industry, schools, the hopelessness of it all, how we all gonna make it etc.

If you're gonna post animation that isn't yours give source or state that it isn't yours.

Don't feed the trolls unless you find that sort of thing entertaining.

>Stuff you may find useful, books basic program tutorials etc

>Reference stuff you can find with a simple google search

Japanese style animation tutorial: http://listeningside.net/a_side00.html
Stoyboard & composition: http://www.floobynooby.com/comp1.html

>Play YT videos frame-by-frame

Lastly, if you've got some good animation resources, contribute!

>> No.2287105
File: 819 KB, 1000x563, tumblr_nuikrzIv6U1sog8nyo1_1280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dutch animation student here, gonna do an exchange with SVA in new york.

here's something i did.

>> No.2287124
File: 314 KB, 587x636, 1446254431069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when you'll never be a Yoshinari

>> No.2287129

I like it.

>> No.2287170
File: 28 KB, 326x425, 9780415705370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any student or grown up that could cop us a pdf of this?

>> No.2287174


>> No.2287242
File: 75 KB, 630x473, straight-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2287244

Might be useful to some of you.

>> No.2287477


Nice, are the water reflections 2 or 3 frames?

>> No.2287481


Look for Richard Williams Animators Survival Kit.

>> No.2287504
File: 3.15 MB, 640x360, KDq5ZA7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2287521
File: 206 KB, 960x480, Untitled 18.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ye ol 2 frame hanepen test

>> No.2287607

Does anyone have a working torrent for Cacani?

>> No.2287673

eyebrows over hair always pisses me off

>> No.2287682

I want to try it but it's Mac-only.
No crack yet.

>> No.2287873

ASK is widely available via torrent and has nothing to do with Toon Boom.

>> No.2288070

Kill yourself, retard.

>> No.2288207
File: 192 KB, 600x385, katia-float.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


3 different frames 2 frames long

>> No.2288232

I saw it yesterday! Want tro see the second part!

>> No.2288387

I own it, but you could stop being a cheapskate and just buy it, neet. If you're looking for it, do some cheap sketch commissions from desperate fanbases to get the money. That's what I did when I didn't have a job.

>> No.2288438

don8 2 mai ppayl n I wil maek a drawig 4 u, super kawaiiai :^) $50 per doodle ;^p

>> No.2288477
File: 558 KB, 1109x507, sa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi everyone I've always loved animation since I was a kid and while I've done really simple loops when I was about 10 years old, I've never actually animated until tonight. So this is my first actual animation, any thoughts?

>> No.2288480
File: 219 KB, 500x281, 90485903804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get that you're trying to use the speedlines to make your animation look dynamic, but they just end up looking kind of lazy. I think if you toned them down and paired them with some smears like pic related that they would read a lot better.

>> No.2288494
File: 34 KB, 548x435, jerkoff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this? I did this about a year and a half ago, but I fell in love with speedlines a couple of days ago. Do you have any advice on the speedlines/smears? I'd still really like to incorporate them into my art/animations but I guess I went a little too overboard in this one.

>> No.2288497

omfg your animation is trash it looks like something that Soproxi/dietstab chick made get a real program instead of Ms Paint please

>> No.2288498

yeah at the time I didn't have any good places to get animation programs, so I used MS Paint to make the frames. But I downloaded Pencil2D tonight for the previous one. I tried to use Toonboom or TV Paint but there's too many things in there and I keep getting lost and losing interest because I have no idea what I'm doing with those programs, so I'm just using Pencil2D because its really simple and I'm not too clever a person for those advanced programs yet

>> No.2288501

Sorry, what I said was kinda mean, I just joke around about you with my friend irl so sorry. I'm actually an animator too, my alias is Nabibble Jr.

>> No.2288504

You shouldn't say "go overbaord" cause aniamtion is very time consuming and you shouldn't jsut rush it out like you always, do, learn acting, rotations, arc, and all the other necesary components, get VAs, edit it all. I bet you can make some really good content if you did that no offense.

>> No.2288508
File: 1.59 MB, 500x281, 1427643810402.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I own it, but you could stop being a cheapskate and just buy it, neet.
Not that guy but im a newfag in PDF-BUYING XD so...where i can buy it? I'd buy it if i knew the site name where they selling this PDF...
Im really interested. Give me the link please.

>> No.2288693

line width

>> No.2289165
File: 185 KB, 592x333, nevergonnafinishthisbitchlol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you guys stay focused on animation, or do you doze off in the middle of a project like i do? animating puts me to sleep sometimes

>> No.2289183
File: 267 KB, 1278x882, 14476962340380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No answer after so many fucking hours
>gets butthurt because people stealing stuff
>can't even give the link to place where i can buy it
Ok. stealing it is then.

>> No.2289240

Please finish brah, you can do it.

>> No.2289252

im just really slow and take forever but im going to try. i will post it here when im done, just give it some time. and thank you

>> No.2289468


People have lives outside of 4chan.

Also book > PDF

>> No.2289470

>Also book > PDF
does killing trees and getting papercuts instead of reading with your 4chan machine give you a boner?

>> No.2289473

It's just easier to use for me, personallty. Easier to grab a book, flip through the pages, and have bookmarks I get get to easily.

You had a really bad time in elementary school, didn't you?

>> No.2289476


post it here if you get it thanks

>> No.2289490 [DELETED] 
File: 395 KB, 1920x1080, fucking10thtryatcompression.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2289500


Information is free faggoats

>> No.2289524

>not wanting to support already wealthy people with more money

In all seriousness, though, if I like something, I throw money at it. Though before I actually had a job, I torrented and stole everything. I'm partially happy I did. Life has been a lot of trial and error, and that would have been a lot of money wasted.

>> No.2289571
File: 1.95 MB, 400x306, laughing eggmen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Adam Philips dream project was destroyed because of that book.

>I spent all of 2013 writing the A2H book. Writing is one of the hardest things because unless you have a substantial advance from a publisher, you don’t see any money until the royalties start coming in. It was a very difficult year for me because writing A2H was a full time, non-paying, thankless job. I was working on games animation, effects animation, illustration and comics for a handful of separate companies all while trying to stay on schedule with the book. I was pretty miserable most of the time, working 15+ hours a day, 6+ days a week.


>A2H was finally published in November and I was very pleased with the result. I was looking forward to the reaction (not to mention some royalties).

>There was almost no Dashkin progress (I might have tweaked some story and animation) and even less communication between Sean and I. Just the occasional conversation about the state of Flash game portals and the money they no longer have. I realised Dashkin was on its deathbed when Sean started to talk about quitting game development in order to survive.

>My first A2H royalty cheque came in the mail recently. I actually earn more money in 3 days of storyboarding. Let’s just say I probably won’t be writing ever again.

>> No.2289578

And this is why you buy products you support instead of stealing them.

>> No.2289584

Anyone here doing something traditional?

Full 5 second stop motion animation to be done for my college class next Friday lol

>> No.2289673

nice, if you work with the colors more it would look a lot better, that blue for the water doesn't look good, neither does the sky. Study some ghibli backgrounds or something of the like

>> No.2289735
File: 395 KB, 1920x1080, 10thtryatcompression.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a test

>> No.2289802
File: 1.49 MB, 430x313, goodeffort.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first animation.

>> No.2289806


>> No.2289822

hahahaaha. it's fun

>> No.2289855

Hey guys, I am looking for some suggestions on my current work. I animate in my spare time but most people I show go, "Yah its cool. I like it." And I need some brutally honest opinions.

Critique on timing, posing and lipsync is appreciated.

Here is my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrrpI6Qj6pnJeNKgbs1TYSQ

>> No.2289865


>> No.2289887

This is pretty good. A lot better than any shit you're going to find from the people in this thread.

work a on subtle movements and exaggerate your poses and expressions more, but don't go vaudeville with it.

I think you should consider submitting to 11secondclub and definitely favorite their website. Sometimes the tutors are a little pretentious and will come up with shit just to make it look like people need their advice, but most of the advice they give is actually good.

>> No.2290263

What do you guys make of this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKM2MPJ1PFg
Their style looks like a total copy of Akira.

>> No.2290266

crude but i like it
make me laff

>> No.2290293

>calling that animation
well nonetheless, nice drawing.

>> No.2290296

you mean generic manga?

I like the backgrounds they make at least.

> We made a business that's not really sustainable, give us money please.

>> No.2290770

I'm curious, what do peole think about puppet (cutout) based animation? Is it all garbage or do most people not care anymore?

>> No.2290784
File: 1.91 MB, 720x405, tumblr_nwfqukrVBf1sog8nyo1_1280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about this one?

>> No.2290796

No veteran key artists. They're capable at drawing multiple stills and then in betweening them, but there's almost no regard for subtle or dramatic angle changes, with in betweens that look almost like interpolation.

>> No.2290810

You're still posting this same one? Dude it had its run so stop reposting old shit to stay relevant. And it was barely passable the first time, hardly good enough that you should post it in every fucking there after looking for attention.

>> No.2290819

this is seriously the 3rd time i posted it, the first one asking for critique and the second for showing the change.

idk how many times you've seen it but that person wasn't me.

>> No.2290824

Should we comprise a list of decent to great animators on the internet?

>> No.2290829

Has anyone ever worked as a "producer"?

I've got limited artistic talent, but am interested in all aspects of animation (so I can't really pick one to focus on).

However, I thought that or teaching might be a good way to do "everything".

>> No.2290849
File: 1.94 MB, 430x234, goodtry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My second attempt.

>> No.2290860

people like you are the reason no one posts anything and the animation thread is as shit as it is.

>> No.2290903

I like that you actually keep animating, that is the best trait for an animator to have.

unlike this guy. I'm pretty sure he ment you should keep working on it or make something new. It was a long ass time since it was posted before, what have you done since then.

>> No.2290945

thats a good attempt anon
keep going

>> No.2290995
File: 1.86 MB, 600x338, 3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the 11 seconds club november competition

>> No.2291001

Everything up to the colored portion is pretty damn good, but I'd cut some frames and give it some snap. It's very lethargic. Everything after the color is bad. His head just. Gets bigger. and his bone structure seems to change as well.

>> No.2291016

thank you. yeah I feel I crammed in too many frames at the beginning. you're right, his face is morphing during the sequence, but I want him to lean forward a bit, that's why his head gets bigger. but I didn't marked the rest of his body properly.
I didn't put in any inbetweens after the coloured section, but I really like the last hand key. do you mean that's bad too?

>> No.2291026

The lack of inbetweens makes the hand look choppy, as it does of course, but the design of it is fine. The face is really bad, though.

>> No.2291111


It looks like you're afraid of moving things around. I used to do the same, keep things as still as possible. It makes the animation incredibly lifeless and static. Whenever a person uses his arms as body-language, the torso sway back and forth a bit. Specially when they're as into it as the character you've animated. Move the entire character, not just the head and the arm.

>> No.2291116

I was considering buying TVPAINT but the included mandatory USB dongle inflames my autism.

>> No.2291143
File: 1.41 MB, 500x281, 5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess you're right. it's first time lip syncing for me, so I was focusing too much on the facial expression and not enough on the whole gesture. but I have only 10 days left (actually 6 because I have a full time job) I want to finish the clip, but I don't think I'll make it, if I have to start all over again.
I just added the staff as a quick test

>> No.2291215

Keep the arm, but the body needs so much work that what you have now is actively doing a disservice to improving it. Film yourself, or someone else, from roughly the angle of the animation doing what you want him to do, and study how your chest, head, shoulders, et al. move when you lift and push your arm.

>> No.2291221

The body is fine as it's drawn but there's a huge delay between the way the head comes forwad and how the body does. The body and the staff-bearing hand don't seem to increase in size enough relative to the head either.

>> No.2291332

i feel like the hands hands have too many frames. they feel pneumatic rather than fluid. watch your own hand movements, they generally articulate quickly without much inbetween motion.
the head & forearm need like two more frames, the movement forward at the end is especially jarring.

>I don't think I'll make it, if I have to start all over again.

there isn't any dosh at stake right? if not, it's much more valuable to take a little more time to learn how to do it right than to meet the deadline imo

>> No.2291342

What programs do people use for animating?

Are there any good ones I can get for a low cost and no subscription?

>> No.2291354

Pencil2D is simple and free. You can pirate anything pretty easily though, no one gives a fuck honestly.

>> No.2291360

Pretty much >>2290796
Glaring lack of drawing and animation skills and practice. The character designs have a lot of pencil mileage, but don't use solid drawing and most have laughable proportions. Facial features shift and swim, and they're trying to just pack a lot of inbetweens in there to indicate quality, which just makes it worse. Feels like none of them really love drawing or animation. "Hubris" would be a better title.

Wild Kratts has some nice visual design, but the truth is It's All Garbage.

>> No.2291473


Cacao crack when?

>> No.2291626
File: 14 KB, 693x684, Untitled-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't achieve a sense of weight with a single drawing so how am I supposed to animate? I'm certain if I tried a walk cycle the character would float right off the stage. Know any good exercises to practice the weight "phenomenon" specifically

>> No.2291634

Toon Boom? Try adding line weight towards the end, once you have your keys, extremes, and breakdowns finished

>> No.2291637

Look into making a followthrough with the motion. Objects have inertia. Quick physics: a body at rest stays at rest, a body in motion stays in motion, unless something makes it start or stop.

To give weight to a body, remember that not everything will stop at the same time. When falling from a great height, the feet stop first, but the torso has mass that continues and has to be "caught" by the muscles. The body will continue to move, slowing down until it's fully caught, and then returning to where it wanted to be.

Try watching this video, too. It illustrates it pretty effectively.

>> No.2291638

you need to understand how weight is distributed by the body & how to convey that in perspective

>> No.2291641

Whoa mama...

>> No.2291643

I also recommend doing figure drawing, gesture drawing, and practicing action lines. The figure you showed needs some more anatomy practice to really look convincing, and the pose of the body is jumbled. There isn't a smooth line to it that illustrates the center of balance.

>> No.2291654


tl;dr, he should stop trying to animate and learn to draw first.

>> No.2291677

Yeah my perspective is really weak and I'm struggling to think of a way to make it more intuitive.

I do tons of gestures but I admit it hasn't really translated into a great understanding of the figure just yet. I probably need to do more long studies of individual anatomical components for one and stop using Posemaniacs.

>the pose of the body is jumbled. There isn't a smooth line to it that illustrates the center of balance.

This is the most pressing problem for me at the moment.

I literally have no idea how to make a drawn character appear as if it's standing on solid ground and make it look natural. It's like my gesture drawing has given me a hazy understanding of human proportions, anatomical landmarks and so on but as far as maneuvering these components in a way that looks genuine, convincing or whatever I'm at a loss.

>> No.2291678

Think about the center of gravity as being heavier than everything else. For men/ broad characters, this is the chest, for women/ slender characters, this is often the hips. Make sure the center of gravity is balanced by the legs, first and foremost, and the torso and arms after. Does that make sense?

>> No.2291680
File: 62 KB, 592x525, 1446880021032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On some level I know it makes perfect sense but I just can't wrap my head around what that actually means in practice. I could definitely use any topical visual aides you might have lying around.

>> No.2291686

Well, for a character in motion, think of a taut string attached above and below the frame with a weight attached. If you move the string to the side and stop it suddenly, the weight is going to pull the string behind it. The string is the body, and the weight is the center of gravity. i unfortunately do not have any visual aides.

>> No.2291693

Start with a line of action. It's a single gestural line that illustrates the general movement of the piece. For most figures, this follows the curve of the spine and end somewhere abetween where the legs stand.

Also keep in mind that the ears are the center of balance, literally. It's where balance in processed. If a figure is standing straight, side-on, the ears will line up with the ankles. When putting a character off-center, put the center of weight at a vertical line down form the ears. The feet do not always need to be directly underneath, are often aren't, but their proximity to the center of balance is proportional to how much weight is applyied to them. If it is even, the lesg will be evenly spaced. If it is off-center, the leg with most weight will be closer. if only one leg, the leg has to be directly under.

This are broken when the figure is in motion, of course, but this guideline is invaluable for standing figures.

>> No.2291695

Holy shit ignore everything I said here. The center of gravity should be an anchoring point, not a pulling point. When a character is bending over, moving, jumping, what have you, the center of gravity will move the least, and everything else will pivot around it.

>> No.2291854
File: 665 KB, 1500x600, angel-gif-lel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i haven't animated in over a year lmao

>> No.2291904


>> No.2291932
File: 35 KB, 500x337, spacing-A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think of the timing more, it's very equally spaced right now and it makes it boring to look at. Just as the wings flap out to their maximum span they should give a little 'umph', moving out quickly and then slowing down again as they're all the way out and in a relaxed stated again.

>> No.2292205
File: 244 KB, 720x480, What.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just messing around in Flash desu; just having some fun, trying some frame by framing. I don't do drawn animation so this is new xd

>> No.2293334
File: 1.37 MB, 751x422, fluid-effects.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm working on an animation. have a sneak peek.

you can do it anon, finish it!

lol, i like these little flash animations.

>> No.2293368

i. wow. pretty. im comfy. im all comfy inside.
Thank you.

>> No.2293703

Love them colorful bubbles man.
Is there a particular way/technique you keep consistent outline thickness or is it just through practice?

>> No.2294054

practice, watch a lot of animation with water in it.
i recommend Ponyo.

no thank you.

>> No.2294056
File: 1.56 MB, 500x281, mirror.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alrighty then

I worked on his right arm. any thoughts?

>> No.2294067

There's still a pretty big disconnect where his head moves pretty far and his body stays in place, it looks unnatural bud. You're getting closer though.

>> No.2294070

The way he points his right arm off camera, the left side of his body should start moving back a little to convey more motion in him reaching. Think one shoulder shifts forward while the other shifts back, pivoting with the center of the spinal column/body.

>> No.2294078

alright, notes taken, thanks

I'll work on his body now.

>> No.2294307
File: 181 KB, 1280x800, Headturn.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More frames or clean up time?
drawing gives me a headache

>> No.2294319

Ugly art. The the eyes get massive in the last frame all of a sudden.

Also this isn't a head turn, you are basically moving the camera around your character. No one moves like this.

Scrap this and go do something from the animators survival kit.

>> No.2294325
File: 6 KB, 150x103, 0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that tiny smirk the fox does at 0:52 is godly

>> No.2294328


But seriously this movie looks adorable.

I wish Disney would stop using a unified art-style for all their movies, though.

>> No.2294333
File: 213 KB, 240x150, 33445.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2294338
File: 564 KB, 500x281, c1e89bd28d96479dbe45eed27bf99746.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless the joke is that the head stays static while the other parts fly and move, you should fix it.

>> No.2294344


>> No.2294350

The whole head should move not just the features.

>> No.2294358

Not in this animation in wont.

>> No.2294679
File: 400 KB, 240x150, 33445.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2294680

y tho

>> No.2294681

Hair looks good. Making the eyes and mouth move a bit would make it great.

>> No.2294690
File: 367 KB, 240x150, 33445.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lazy leaves are lazy.
Just cuz
I plan on doing so, but I'm taking it one thing at a time for now.

>> No.2296055
File: 1.32 MB, 500x281, mi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2296086

Great improvement! It's still a little jerky towards the end but it looks a lot better.

>> No.2296108
File: 192 KB, 1000x850, nyokianimwip10.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having trouble.

>> No.2296151

Seems to be going well, what's wrong with it?

>> No.2296153

the eyes don't seem inconsistent to you?

>> No.2296164

I'd add the pupils, which would give a more static point of reference to where she's looking, but they seem to be morphing in a cartoony way, as I'd expect from this style.

>> No.2296411

thank you. yes, his left arm are basically key frames.

>> No.2296839

How do you create good speedlines without it looking jarring?

>> No.2296863
File: 125 KB, 246x400, Grace_Animation_Kendama.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2296864

I really like this, even if it's a bit smear/streak heavy for my taste. Is this a consequence of your software choice/usage?

>> No.2296868
File: 360 KB, 1280x720, firesparkiguess.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time doing this kind of thing.

>> No.2296878
File: 927 KB, 320x180, oie_oie_animation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made this as a first colored animation thing awhile ago. Excuse potato quality

>> No.2296879

Nah, just suck at smears and motion blur in general.

It's amazing how some people can work on fours or even sixes and still get good transition from their motion blur and smear animation.

>> No.2296880

Woah, that's pretty cool. How long did that take you?

>> No.2296885

Hey, does anyone have any of those lists of animation exercises that float around from time to time? Also, how do you train yourself to keep things at a consistent volume from frame to frame? Would perspective gridding help?

>> No.2296887

I didn't keep track of the time while i did this, but i think it took me pretty long to get it right.

>> No.2296914

>lists of animation exercises

>how do you train yourself to keep things at a consistent
Git gud at drawing and use the Pose to Pose method when animating

>> No.2296917


>> No.2296924


>> No.2296930

oh I know you from the 11 second club competition

>> No.2296931

You're thinking of someone else, I'm just a fan of the Animators Survival Kit.

>> No.2296932


>> No.2296961


What does /ic/ make of this, in terms of style and quality?

(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZCG9l2dW2U 'making of')

>> No.2296963

Why does this get posted so often?

>> No.2296975
File: 2.95 MB, 280x158, 1369752429334.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bahi has a lack of weight and ease in his animation. That's what I think.

>> No.2296997
File: 207 KB, 256x192, WA2C4C_0EEFAF632ED38_001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2297045

I used to love this short! I mean, I still like it, but I haven't watched it in a long while. Because it's made by so many different people, some of it works and some of it doesn't. I'd say the beginning is fairly weak animation-wise, but it really picks up in the middle (and drops off again closer to the end).

I think a lot of it has to do with the acting of the girl, like some of the animators understand acting and some of them don't. It's especially obvious even in the very first shot of the whole thing, during the pitch. It has all the mechanics of a pitch, sure, but it gets so janky when they try to show emotion-- if you look, her expression goes from :o to :D to :l in the span of maybe 6 frames. The next few shots have some timing issues (the milk trucks out unevenly, the fridge happens too suddenly and doesn't read well, the soup cuts too early, etc.) the janky clothesline is intentional, obviously, but I don't think it works very well anyway.

The bit where she hits the watermelon is where it starts getting good, in my opinion. It's got some decent weight and timing going for it, like the drag of the bat as she lifts it, the spacing of the bat when she swings, the recoil which leads into her removing the blindfold. It cuts before she takes it off, so it's a nice bit of implied acting. The timing and spacing on the weather report bit is nice as well, even if it's pretty simple. I think she might react to the rain a little quickly, but when you only have a certain timeframe to work in it can be tricky to get the acting down.

The rest is pretty average aside from the scene with the blowing cloth draping over her head. I feel like the swinging scene is one of the weaker parts of the second half, the animator doesn't seem to have a good grasp of arcs and spacing. The character will move a large distance, then a short distance, then a long distance, with her head changing position every other other frame. It's a problem with inbetweening!

>> No.2297050

I ran out of characters, but those are just my opinions on the animation side of it. Stylistically I think it's really appealing, and the shots fit the sound of the song well. I think I read online that they were all supposed to read like a gifset that you might find on tumblr, which is why they're all so disconnected and appeal more to an aesthetic than any sort of emotion or story.

>> No.2297131

can you please smooth out that blink. jfc

>> No.2297327

First time I've seen it.

>> No.2297363


>> No.2297693




>> No.2297717

Hell yeah another Flipnote survivor :)

>> No.2297733

Animation babby who's used to linetesting and finishing shit up with after effects and digicel traditionally, how do you export digital animations in Toon Boom in gif. form so I can contribute to the thread?

>> No.2297812

Man, why are all of you guys so salty about Bahi?

Yeah his earlier work lacks some weight and feels a little floaty, but it's a little autistic how often I see people only bitch about him when they get the chance.

>> No.2297813

I usually: upload it to gifycat, save it, then upload it here

>> No.2297833

>The next few shots have timing issues
The timing "issues" are there to show how hectic the things on le tumblr can be. It's not meant to be predictable because it shows how unpredictable it can be. The clothesline works well in my opinion because it embodies the franticness that the video is trying to capture.

>I feel like the swinging scene is one of the weaker parts
That part by Bahi isn't weak at all.
He does have a good grasp of arcs and spacing, and he pushes it. Isn't it more boring for the character to swing just back and forth?
Doesn't it occur to you that maybe it's not supposed to be a real swing? It could very well be a swing attached to a floating car or a spinning tree. My point is that shot, in my opinion, is supposed to display the sense of adrenaline, excitement, or adventure, much like preparing for a drop at a rollercoaster. This is why Bahi used such "weird" spacing.

>> No.2297840 [DELETED] 

How does not sucking Bahis dick make me Salty Autistic and Bitchy? I was just giving my stupid shitty opinion.

You people jump at any opportunity to defend him.

Here's another .gif of Japanese animation I like even if the anime it's from is stupid. Strong silhouetting, good composition, clear points of focus, and it isn't rushed to hell. There's enough time to actually show weight, and allow the character to ease in and out of movement, animation isn't about filling 24 new crazy different frames in a second, it's about putting the right amount of timed and spaced frames to display convincing moment.

Bahis needs to slow the fuck down and use arcs.

>> No.2297841
File: 2.77 MB, 240x136, 9bc89550ea10ee5eb7b7b24be7fbae92.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does not sucking Bahis dick make me Salty Autistic and Bitchy? I was just giving my stupid shitty opinion.

You people jump at any opportunity to defend him.

Here's another .gif of Japanese animation I like even if the anime it's from is stupid. Strong silhouetting, good composition, clear points of focus, and it isn't rushed to hell. There's enough time to actually show weight, and allow the character to ease in and out of movement, animation isn't about filling 24 new crazy different frames in a second, it's about putting the right amount of timed and spaced frames to display convincing moment.

Bahis needs to slow the fuck down and use arcs.

>> No.2297855

he sucks, but the japs are throwing shekels at him. I understand your point, but money speaks. Make something thatll make the japs ride your dick anon

>> No.2297868

Not him, but I like his "lack of weight and ease".
It's on the lighter side of real weight, and it makes things feel more surreal and fantasy-like.
I agree that weight is what makes movement feel solid, but I like how the weightlessness makes it feel "liquid" (or fluid).

I don't usually criticize the technicalities that these artists use because they are professionals, and I blame it on their stylization.
However, I also enjoy objectively criticizing them because I get to learn from it too.

>> No.2297895

>he sucks
He's probably in the upper 98th percentile for current keyframers skill wise. For all the shit he gets you'd think people would shit on a more stylized animator like Numata Seiya more.

>> No.2297908

This shit just makes me angry. Why the fuck can't the japs and the jap inspired animators play around something different than school girls defying gravity when they actually try to put effort into something? I'm so fucking sick of this theme and this style of animation. It's just so empty.

>> No.2297909

>it doesnt sell

>> No.2297960
File: 156 KB, 1855x907, 23ff34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they probably throw shekels and beg for any good+ key animators, there's not enough of them and lots of shows

btw Krita just got an animation feature with timelines, onion skins, etc...Program is free and has really good brushes, everyone should try it


>> No.2298064


>> No.2298362
File: 610 KB, 849x1503, swing frames.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey! I can see where you're coming from. The first few bits really have that unpredictable sort of feel to it like a typical Tumblr dashboard. I still don't think they read as clearly as they could, though! Like, the subject matter alone makes it fairly chaotic, so I don't see what the uneven spacing on the truck out during the milk part adds to the animation. The clothesline is a difference in taste, I think. I like the colours and the way it changes, I just don't think the swinging motion was done particularly well (though handling all the clothes, clothespins, and hanger would be pretty tricky to do).

As far as the swinging scene goes, I didn't think it was a real swing, although I didn't consider it might be one of the things you mentioned, either! I don't feel that's the problem, though, it's really just the spacing of the character between frames that I think is off. I compiled all the frames to have a better look. Like, for sure it would be boring to just see a character swinging back and forth, and that's why the animator decided to have the cool angle and the really strong push at the end of the shot, but I don't feel like having more "correct" spacing would make it look any worse! You can say that some of the "mistakes" give it a feeling of excitement, but I disagree. The pop of the head between frame 2 and 3, where she's looking at the camera and then suddenly away from the camera. The spacing between frames 6 and 7 is small, then from 7 to 8 is large, then from 8 to 9 is small again. It just makes it jittery in the final product, she stops, then moves quickly, then stops, then moves quickly again.

Maybe it's supposed to be progressive animation, like the feeling of the animation is more important than the technical side of it, but I feel if that's what he was going for he should have pushed it even more. As is, it just looks like he wasn't sure what he was doing (either that, or he was on a deadline and couldn't be bothered to fix it)

>> No.2298375

is this a virus? why does it run like shit?

>> No.2298385

Krita ain't bad, maybe consider not having a shitty computer?

>> No.2298404
File: 203 KB, 1280x720, floursack_v01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got toon boom, did a ball practice plus this and some other things

How do you slow down individual frames? I tried inserting cells to make certain frames hold for 2's but it didn't seem to work very well

Also while I'm asking questions, how do you make a background level?

>> No.2298411

i have a $3000 gaming computer from ibuypower. lets not defend poorly programmed freeware.

>> No.2298504

>How do you slow down individual frames
longer exposure?

>> No.2298511

I have a normal computer and it works fine...

>> No.2298519
File: 1.20 MB, 1365x631, Screen Shot 2015-11-28 at 09.18.26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree that with improved spacing the shot would look better, but I really believe that these "mistakes" are what the video is going for.
There's an animation director for a reason, and the shots were all good enough to him to be used in the final video.
Although the head pop is more obvious now that I've taken a second look at it.

Pic related is one of my favorite shots, where the subject has good, natural timing.
The hose, however, has really weird and inconsistent spacing, and it doesn't even move at the same frame rate the subject does.
This supports my belief that the theme for the video is "strange but familiar".

>Maybe it's supposed to be a progressive animation
I imagine this IS progressive animation.
What we see in this video is already vastly different from what most people have seen (referring to muh magick battel harum amine).
So I think this video is a combination of a display of both skill and experimentation.

>He should have pushed it even more
I'd say pushing it even more would be too much.
I like to imagine the video's theme is subtle but showy (it's kind of hard to explain, haha).
I think that pushing it too much wouldn't really mesh well with the other shots.
However, I believe that the same feeling is still captured if you imagine a camera following her along her swing.

Now I know I'm leaving much to imagination, and I think that's the reason we are disagreeing.
But they're the professionals, and because of this I blame anything on their style.
Criticizing their work is also great, but I can't really say anything about how to improve if I'm not as skilled as them myself. Haha

This (>>2297868) is also me.
Like I said, they must know what they're doing, so whatever doesn't resonate with us should be most probably because of their style.

>> No.2298522

copy the frame to the next frame are you sure you didnt just insert empty frames

>> No.2298578
File: 598 KB, 1920x1080, 11-28-2015test1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres a test im working on. I plan on tweaking it a little more before I add inbwtweens.

Im trying to make the character rock before he falls

>> No.2298583

If he gets knocked that far back with his upper body, he should stumble as well. The fall from the gutshot isnt terrible.

>> No.2298605
File: 265 KB, 1080x1080, GrippingAnotherKomododragon.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something really rough I had an idea for after playing Fallout 4.

>> No.2298671
File: 603 KB, 1280x720, what the hey, man!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made this, second animation in TVpaint I've ever done. Tried to lip sync "What the hey, man," I think I did alright. Messed up the framerate though, it's too fast.

>> No.2298776
File: 209 KB, 1920x1080, 11-28-2015test1YOUCANRETRY.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You Can(not) Retry

I'll definitely try that stumble next time, thank you!!

>> No.2298779

Hey guys I wanna start animating. I only have an ipad 2 right now. Saving up for a newer model or a surface pro. What's the best app for animation?

>> No.2298783


>> No.2298791

Start with paper then move up to digital. Read Richard William's Animator's Survival Kit. You might want to work on getting better at drawing while you practice 2d animation.

>> No.2298876

i don't mean to sound like a bummer but you didn't. the culture of this board is so incredibly backwards and hypocritical it astounds me. people either give each other undeserved praise or they tear eachother down without being critical. compare what you did to any tv show or movie. even the really low tier cutout shows still have better animation than what you've got going on. just look at the character shrink by the end of it. among other problems. learn to bounce a ball before you try to tackle a lip sync.

>> No.2298902

>Messed up the framerate though, it's too fast.

why are you people posting this shit if you know that you fucked up exporting it.

>> No.2298982


Not that anon but. how could I achieve better consistency between frames on paper? Don't have me no fancy paper, and digital has the useful onion skinning . .

>> No.2299003 [DELETED] 

le funny open sores is shit maymay xD

>> No.2299024
File: 260 KB, 720x480, animated-girl-turn2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever desu.

>> No.2299031

what the hell is she doing. Her movements don't have any context to them, they're random. It's like she's doing 6 things at once.

>> No.2299041

I have absolutely no idea desu. I think I started out trying to make her look lost and confused but in the progress, I was the one who became lost and confused.

>> No.2299044

just animate her getting derped :^)

>> No.2299063

Go to Setting -> Configure Kirta -> Display
Change scaling mode to Trilinear.

It will look a bit worse but it works for me.

>> No.2299075

thats some deep shit.

>> No.2299098
File: 491 KB, 480x270, keanu2[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2299125

How do i open the timeline?

>> No.2299180

The TVPaint PRO v10 file keeps opening "Friendsinwar.com" on my browser instead. Does anybody know how to get past this?

>> No.2299209
File: 25 KB, 291x232, eugenizer-pato-duck-walk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did this today

>> No.2299241

That looks fun but it seems like his walking speed isn't constant. i think it's one of the feet when it moves to the back.

>> No.2299244

its when his left leg bends at the knee when moving forward.

>> No.2299268

I screwed up, not going to fix it tho.
But gonna be alert for the next one. Thanks guys

>> No.2299296

Not a bummer, I came here looking for criticism. But why would I compare my animation to a tv show or film when I know my skill level is nowhere near there yet? That's just pointless.

>just look at the character shrink by the end of it.
I see what you mean, the head gets smaller as it goes on, thanks for that.

I want someone to tear my asshole apart, duh.

>> No.2299408

then do the pose to pose method for animating

>> No.2299470

>But why would I compare my animation to a tv show or film when I know my skill level is nowhere near there yet? That's just pointless.

because you should be striving for that level of quality. it's actually the opposite of pointless.

>> No.2299489

The problem with doing that comparison is that what I'm looking at is made by a team of people, not a singular person. Wouldn't it be more sensible to look at that as inspiration, not my goal, and work to improve so I CAN be on a team that creates animated media?

>> No.2299615
File: 32 KB, 256x192, 42-treansforma-en-golondrina-12,5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2299661
File: 1.18 MB, 3300x2550, b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on my animatic?

>> No.2299682


while animation is a collaborative medium, the actual animating is one by one person per scene. so yes, a team of people do create the film, but there were specific people animating specific scenes. your explanation makes no sense. what do you mean by you should be striving to be on a team of people. you'll still have to animate your own scenes

>> No.2299708

animatics are necessarily hard, and there's no real requirements to them. I'd be more interested in seeing you time out your poses / keyframes, and maybe even complete a section fully smoothed out at least at 24fps either one ones or twos as the situation requires.

>don't be lazy

>> No.2299749

>at least at 24fps
Lol nope. I think the important scenes will max out at 18fps at best. I don't have that much free time on my hands.

>> No.2299756

I don't understand why people say shit like this even if it runs at 24 fps doesn't mean you can't work on 2s and space things out why have a stupid frame rate like 18fps?

24 fps does not mean drawing 24 separate frames.

I don't even.

>> No.2299758

I think anon meant 18 unique frames per second. He's saying what you're saying differently.

>> No.2299760

I was going to say something, but you've made me see the error of my ways. Thanks, I'll get better.

>> No.2299767

Lol dude when you said 24fps you sounded like you were implying that I literally draw 24fps. Technically this animatic is clocked and exported at 30 fps but they are all still boards obviously.

>> No.2299806

hahaha what

>> No.2300109
File: 91 KB, 647x500, ffhj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm going to start animating chunks from this animatic today. if anyone has any fixes please let me know before i get to far.

>> No.2300234

I don't know why the fuck it's doing this. Just opens the website everytime I open the install file.

>> No.2300308

Same thing happens to me, and I also can't insert any sound files or the program crashes.

>> No.2300603

not that other guy but from what i can tell people on /ic/ draw casually/intensely for years and years and make minimal progress. don't hold your breath

>> No.2300700

I wouldn't bother, the writing, sound quality and everything in general is pretty shit.

Back to the drawing board.

>> No.2300704

voice acting is obviously not the final.

The joke isn't good, but that's probably not the point of it.

>> No.2300713

nah, I don't think so. But thanks for the advise though.

>> No.2300880
File: 200 KB, 1280x720, frog_v01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a practice thing, I know the back leg's fucked up but I'll fix it later, also gonna add a bit more squash to it when it lands.

>> No.2300977
File: 310 KB, 1920x1080, 11-28-2015test1YouCanStillRetry.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You Still Cannot Retry

Im spending some on and off time with this. I've added inbetweens while fixing some Extreme, and Breakdown, frames

Also BahiJD did a scene in episode 9 of OPM. Anyone else here determined?

>> No.2301030

>Also BahiJD did a scene in episode 9 of OPM. Anyone else here determined?

determined to work as an animator in japan? not particularly no

>> No.2301043

>Also BahiJD did a scene in episode 9 of OPM. Anyone else here determined?

Yes and no.
It would be fun and satisfy myself creatively, but the pay is horrendous, so I'd rather play it safe and work at a studio over here with an actual livable wage.

>> No.2301048

Where would you prefer to work as an animator? Korea?

>> No.2301076

>Just a practice thing

No; fuck you, post something that you spent at least an hour on. I swear to god you stupid autists spend ten minutes drawing three fucking frames and expect us to give a shit.

>> No.2301122

My house...

>> No.2301138

>Satisfy myself creatively

Yeah you're gonna be drawing the same awful shit for shows you despise, because that's what sells, maybe work in some fanservice. Then, after years of building up your profile and Japanese, maybe get onto a better project and get to start earning minimum wage.

Well, atleast you hate yourself enough to become a great artist.

>> No.2301540


>> No.2301541
File: 241 KB, 720x408, Rabies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, here's something older that I never got around to finish, but posting it anyway.

>> No.2301601

If your exporting in a different fps rate than your animation is drawn in it's going to look like shit. It's bad formatting for no reason.

get your shit together bro

>> No.2301606

Any websites that take extremes from animations so you could practice inbetweening?

Also any resources on developing a style / drawing specifically for animation, most of /ic/ is very focused on realism so it's not much help.

>> No.2301607

I agree with

>> No.2301617
File: 1.53 MB, 750x750, Castler.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I animated my logo.
C&C more than welcome.

>> No.2301653

Any tips on a better workflow? I'm teaching myself and currently I'm animating in both photoshop and to on boom pro at 12 to 18 fps and composting in premier at 30fps. I agree that it's hard to keep track of everything that's going on but I don't know anyone that can advise me on a proper workflow

>> No.2301655

>most of /ic/ is very focused on realism so it's not much help.

What do you mean? animation emphasizes line work but the fundamentals of "realism" still apply to animation.

>> No.2301692


A short animation for a contest. The animation get's very linear looking especially with the shot of the pumpkin leaking blood. Honestly it was my first 2D animation project. so any critique would be welcome.

>> No.2301862

Weeb shit

>> No.2301900

this is why graphic designers aren't also animators

there's a lot of stillness and well.. lack of character animation. you animated the graphic features but you haven't really thought of the figure 3 dimensionally. you're also missing practically all the principles of animation

>> No.2301902

that anime face hold is the faggiest thing in this thread and this is coming from an actual gay person

you really shouldn't look at shitty tv animation as reference or be too influenced by it

>> No.2301907
File: 82 KB, 680x680, f5753870a40ccef114a6cb88e7f48531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too many effects

>> No.2302003


>> No.2302013

Holds aren't intrinsically bad. There's a lot more constructive things that you could say about the inconsistency in the construction of the keys.

>> No.2302027

I like it but don't expect much love from /ic/

I'm sorry, anon but you have little clue of what logo animation is.
Logo animations are supposed to be subtle otherwise they distract from the brand and end up looking tacky.
And how is it being 2 dimensional a problem? Again, it's a logo.

>> No.2302032


>> No.2302067

Wow, finaly. I hope a good Toon Boom Battle

>> No.2302133

I'm excited. I use CC for work and do all traditional animation with photoshop and the rest of our work is After Effects, so I'd love to get more of my coworkers into traditional stuff.

>> No.2302141 [DELETED] 


>Pre drawn vector strokes


>Stock images


>Export in 4k

You can already do that

How about different color onion skinning?

What about line fidelity? You have that shit in Illustrator.

How about direct functionality with after effects?

Come fucking on adobe.

>> No.2302161

> how does my animation look guys

> well it could be better in x and y

> I'm sorry anon you're wrong

OK there buddy. You keep thinking your animation is free from mistakes or whatever it is you think about it.

Let me try to address what you're deflecting

I might have little clue on what logo animation is, sure. I am willing to admit that my knowledge is lacking for sure. You however seem to be having that problem. Frankly this is the first time I've ever even heard of logo animation. I'm familiar with motion graphics but generally that seems to be more text based. I'd love to see some examples since you're such an expert

> logo animations are supposed to be subtle

Now this is just untrue. You can't make a general statement like that. I might not be familiar with logo animation, which as a concept I'm skeptical of, but there is always a time for subtlety and a time for boldness.

> how is being 2 dimensional a problem?

You drew a face. Faces aren't supposed to be flat usually. You seem to have glazed over my comment about your piece lacking the principles of animation, so I'll just bring that up again

> again, it's a logo

What might be your biggest problem to be honest. Its not a well designed logo. The concept is ambiguous, the drawing is poor, the elements in the logo aren't working well together, the animation off putting.

You know what I take that back. Your biggest problem is your closed minded attitude

>> No.2302315

I watched TV for a while yesterday. Noticed quite a few 2D animated commercials. I guess it's not as dead as I thought.

Still, there has to be an easier way to animate solo projects. It takes forever for one guy to finish a project.

>> No.2302316

according to a teacher of mine who works as a director for animated commercials the turnaround time is about 3 months. not exactly forever.

>> No.2302397
File: 218 KB, 1320x1316, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2302404

>You drew a face. Faces aren't supposed to be flat usually.
if youre drawing a face sure that could be said but when you design a logo that must be able to retain its qualities in all scenarios from print to engraving logos are absolutely encouraged to be flat

>> No.2302406
File: 230 KB, 815x1000, 1372091151_versace-logo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops forgot to attach

>> No.2302502 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 1280x720, animation_test--2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I'm glad you mentioned graphic design because that just says my intentions got through.
The stillness / exaggerated subtlety was intentional because I plan to use it as my logo on my personal site but don't want it to look too in-your-face, because it wouldn't a "look what I can do!" thing (that's the portfolio's role), just something that you only took notice of if you looked hard enough.

But I get what you mean, that in the context of "an animated face", that's a functional component of it. I guess I should have clarified that.

>attached, you can see a character animation I made roughly 3-4 years ago


A little harsh, but okay.

>> No.2302508
File: 66 KB, 1280x720, animation_test--2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I'm glad you mentioned graphic design because that just says my intentions got through.
The stillness was partly intentional because I didn't want to deviate from the original logo, and because I plan to use it on my personal site but don't want it to look too in-your-face, because it wouldn't a "look what I can do!" thing (that's the portfolio's role), just something that you only took notice of if you looked hard enough.

But I get what you mean, and I would agree that in the context of "an animated face" it's bleak, and even though it could still be better, that bleakness (but I prefer "subtlety") is a functional component of it. I guess I should have clarified that.

>attached, you can see a character animation I made roughly 3-4 years ago


A little harsh, but okay.

Yeah, you got it.

>> No.2302593
File: 344 KB, 1280x720, castlerlogo_explained.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its not a well designed logo. The concept is ambiguous, the drawing is poor, the elements in the logo aren't working well together, the animation off putting.
The last thing I wanted to add was that I made it based on one of my (own) 3D renders / designs that I became really fond of over time so I wanted to turn it into something permanent, like a logo.

pic related

>> No.2302596

shit, I meant to sage. Sorry.
) :

>> No.2302601

Sorry for a dumb question but what's the name of that really light animation program which pretty much feels like MSpaint with onion layers?

New computer, no software, can't find anything about it in the OP.

>> No.2302608

is this it?

>> No.2302629

>the Japs are throwing shekels at him

Last I heard he was making a minimal wage just like every other japanese animator.

>> No.2302666

Sorry that's not the one, but thank you
The one I'm thinking of is very old and simple

>> No.2302673

Your mom?

>> No.2302749

TVPaint? ToonBoom?

>> No.2302756

I was thinking of easytoon, I searched the archives and found it

>> No.2302779
File: 5 KB, 160x120, notanessay.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so satisfyingly simple even if you're drawing aimless dots with a trackpad

>> No.2302869

The tears should run down and off her face, not disappear into her nose.

>> No.2302977
File: 611 KB, 1080x812, pkteleport3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WIP. Never tried animating smoke/explosions before.

>> No.2303060

he is. His parents help him a lot.

>> No.2303061

>Having parents who support your choice to be an artist for the rest of your life
must be nice

>> No.2303064

I think it would look better if the smoke cloud was bigger.

>> No.2303065

Yea, but he's talented. Yours is questionable.

>> No.2303074

I meant more so on the point of actually animating things rather than doing storyboarding or something which is the closest thing to actually animating, but alright.

What do you consider to be a "good" animation job? Because honestly if you think about it, everyone's producing the same buddy shows over here because it sells. The only major shocking difference is that there's actual fucking standards for pay over in the west because people constantly pushed for a union.

I mean it's better than working on some shitty fox ADHD short or terrible nickelodeon kids shows to an extent, but whatever.

>> No.2303084

Western 2D animation is getting better, at least a lot of the stuff from Disney studios is pretty decent (The Mickey shorts, Gravity Falls, and Star Versus the Forces of Racemixing). At this rate we might see tv animation in the west reach parity with pre-1950s Looney Tunes shorts by the end of the decade. I know it's a tall order but a man can dream.


>> No.2303165

Everything you mentioned isn't old FBF animation but complex puppet rigs. Software rigging is getting to a point where a lack of FBF drawing isn't that much of an issue.

>> No.2303251

Gravity Falls isn't puppet rigged, though. The creator even said there was a conversation whether to puppet rig it or do it traditionally. It's done on a computer but the process is basically the same as olden times cartoons.
Can't say for the other shows cause I haven't seen them.

>> No.2303841

>get a load of this barnacle head

>> No.2303843

anyone else notice her arm phasing through her boob on every single shot. could they not fix that before they piled a mountain of color, effects, clean up, literally everything on top of it? Did someone start coloring and just go. Aw fuck it I'm to lazy to fix that

>> No.2303904

Animators aren't compositors. Color artists aren't animators. Don't herp so hard. If it were to fixed it would have to be at key or in between check.

>> No.2304004 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 280x273, run.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Might consider flaring out the smoke/dust further + longer, but what do I know.

Tbh I don't see animating in Japan as a bad way to live your life, but the first few years will undoubtedly be horridly shitty. If you can survive that, more than likely you'll be fine, but with most starry-eyed weebs you might find in the end it's really not what you were expecting. Fluency in moonspeak would be a huge benefit, and with some luck might and a versatile portfolio, you might land in one of the better gaijin-friendly studios. A degree (in literally anything) means you can teach English & live subsidized for somewhere between six months & two years to prop yourself up while you look for a studio to take you in, (giving you time to adjust to the culture-shock).
One of the more interesting points I saw made was, if you honestly believe the Wests animation quality and storylines are too shitty to merit working for the company, why not strive to better them? Look for the few companies making an effort, or, if there's nothing viable, try putting an idea together yourself (with a couple of friends) and start pitching it around the place?

Maybe something like Rick & Morty isn't the most majestic high-brow quality shit, and was even worse as a pitch, but even in the begginings had an appeal which drew people to it.

Watching the cesspool of cheap 3D 'kids' animation spreading is pretty worrying, especially having grown up with a lot of Disney.

>> No.2304012
File: 3.11 MB, 3049x2976, run.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ryt2V8Shglc [Embed]

Might consider flaring out the smoke/dust further + longer, but what do I know.

Tbh I don't see animating in Japan as a bad way to live your life, but the first few years will undoubtedly be horridly shitty. If you can survive that, more than likely you'll be fine, but with most starry-eyed weebs you might find in the end it's really not what you were expecting. Fluency in moonspeak would be a huge benefit, and with some luck might and a versatile portfolio, you might land in one of the better gaijin-friendly studios. A degree (in literally anything) means you can teach English & live subsidized for somewhere between six months & two years to prop yourself up while you look for a studio to take you in, (giving you time to adjust to the culture-shock).
One of the more interesting points I saw made was, if you honestly believe the Wests animation quality and storylines are too shitty to merit working for the company, why not strive to better them? Look for the few companies making an effort, or, if there's nothing viable, try putting an idea together yourself (with a couple of friends) and start pitching it around the place?

Maybe something like Rick & Morty isn't the most majestic high-brow quality shit, and was even worse as a pitch, but even in the begginings had an appeal which drew people to it.

Watching the cesspool of cheap 3D 'kids' animation spreading is pretty worrying, especially having grown up with a lot of Disney.

>> No.2304016

>One of the more interesting points I saw made was, if you honestly believe the Wests animation quality and storylines are too shitty to merit working for the company, why not strive to better them?

weaboos love to make this point

first of all, working as an animator in japan is shitty regardless of your experience. do you really think you can climb that ladder you're envisioning when you work 20 hour days on some shitty slice of life anime.

>the quality of animation is a lot better in japan!

well, this is questionable. let's just narrow it down to tv animation in the west vs japan

anime is flashier, for sure.

>shitty storylines

yes because anime isn't filled with uncomfortable tropes and cliches ever. there's definitely more variety in stories and less cliches being used in the west

>why not strive to be better than them?

well there's a few things wrong with that attitude. first of all, tv anime isn't necessarily better. a lot of them abuse holds and minimal animation and have moments of really edgy animation. basically sacrificing the quality of the entire animation for certain points that are really nicely animated. there's a phrase for this but it escapes me.

so yeah. it's not always better. even if it is, you shouldn't be approaching it with the mindset of wanting to be better than them, you should be doing it because you want to improve your craft. not to mention the hours and wages they get paid are cruel and inhumane. you might enjoy the flashiness of anime but that doesn't mean you'd want to do it.

i've come across so many wannabe animators on 4chan who are so disillusioned. try to bounce a ball and not have the timing, spacing and volume be fucked up. most people in this thread struggle with the most basic exercise and they run their mouths as if they know enough about animation or animating to warrant it.

>> No.2304023

> weaboos live to make this point
> Implying I'm saying anything good about Japanese animation there
Yes, I agreed on this point, I think you're confusing the West vs East.
(Basically, to re-phrase, if you think 'toons in 'Murica / Europe are shit, why not work to better them while living in that country?)

Tbh I think you've misread almost everything I said, then just ignored the rest.

>> No.2304035

>puppet rigs

I think it's done very well alongside digital-traditional animation, such as in the new Mickey short films for example.


You can see that there are recycled symbols being used here and there, but it's very subtle the plurality of the time (except in long walk cycles such as the beginning). Personally I think it looks great, certainly a lot better than a lot of the 90's and early 2000's cartoons which, though I was in love with many of them for a variety of reasons, definitely represented a low point in TV animation I feel.

>a lot of them abuse holds and minimal animation

Definitely. The Japanese make liberal use of dialogue scenes where the characters' chins don't even move when they talk or where they're grappling with an inner monologue and nothing moves at all. Can't fault them for it though, the characters are often fairly complex and when it comes to the thought of moving them in any significant way...


>> No.2304519

Who are you quoting?

>> No.2304654
File: 984 KB, 500x284, 2245555444.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think even though the puppet animation is well executed in the new mickey mouse shorts they still look cheap and bad when compared to frame by frame stuff like Runaway Brain (1996)
Mid 90's disney was some of the best quality animation they've ever made imo.

>> No.2304675

Does anyone know where to get TVpaint for mac?

>> No.2304693
File: 6 KB, 227x225, 1448751940862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i liked it. Your gags are pretty good too. Defenetly look for more smother timings on your turns and moves. Look at old disneys pluto and mickey cartoons and watch them in slomo.

All you need is just practice and u will gut gut in no time.

>> No.2304716
File: 1.61 MB, 615x375, tumblr_nyc0srK56r1sd6la1o1_1280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think about sykosan?

I´m not much of a fan of his shading because it tends to look a little bit like plastic but the animations look pretty neat.

>> No.2304720

Looks neat but I hate that motion blur.

>> No.2304721

>all dem social networks

the shill is real

>> No.2304722
File: 1.34 MB, 600x388, tumblr_nt8f98bj0X1sd6la1o1_1280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heh, it´s not my fault he has it plastered all over his stuff. Complain to him.

>> No.2304725

you are shilling for him

>> No.2304728


What is a good software for doing something like in OP? I mostly use photoshop for regular illustrations but I don't know if it's animation features are highly regarded.

>> No.2304731

I´m almost sorry, but only almost. What exactly am I shilling? If you don´t like his stuff you´re not gonna visit his sites either way, if you like his stuff, he made damn sure you know where the fuck to find him.

>> No.2304744

Photoshop is pretty good, just look up video layers. But that looks like Flash or toonboom.

>> No.2304749

spoken like a true shill

>> No.2304753

who gives a shit about the name? no need to mention it in the first place... if people like it theyll notice it themselves

>> No.2304877

OP was actually done in online software - http://flipbook.in/id/1449028353


>> No.2304914

Because they're not interested in making status quo/better toons, they're interested in making status quo/better animu. It's not beyond fathomable to me at least, especially if they're ig'nant about the working conditions in Japan.

>> No.2304931
File: 252 KB, 1000x480, Untitled-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First attempts, way more fun than I thought

>> No.2304936

im fuckin spooked

>> No.2304996

think about leg positioning when you do a turn around. As it is his right leg either slides around, or he takes two really quick steps, which seems awkward for how normal the upper body motion is.

>> No.2305613
File: 181 KB, 335x220, THENOGMAN.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something I made for the season.

>> No.2305669
File: 237 KB, 1280x720, Bad Time.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here are some roughs. I'm sick of working on this for now.

>> No.2305673

needs some more spacing as they begin to fall from the apex

>> No.2305674


The head bob implies that she's moving her entire head to ~sensually~ lick the mushroom, like from the neck. Aside from the tongue movement not synchronizing with it, the mouth itself gives the impression that her head is stationary and her tongue is doing all the work. At least, I think that's it.

>> No.2305753
File: 18 KB, 576x324, Krita-Test.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Testing Krita, pretty good desu,... excuse my shiddy timing.

>> No.2305785

cool, thanks for the tip, i see what you mean.

>> No.2305787
File: 84 KB, 160x120, Bouncing Ball.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time.

>> No.2305795
File: 239 KB, 1280x720, Bad Time2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

props to you man, this looks a lot better i think

>> No.2305906
File: 270 KB, 1280x720, Bad Time 3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to finish the rough but somethings definitely wrong with the falling portion, gotta figure out what. also testing out a glare effect im gunna do on the eye

>> No.2305996
File: 1.42 MB, 1080x812, pkteleportfinal.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda got burnt out working on this one.

>> No.2306001

Quite like it, could you make it extend to the borders though.
Terrible, but just look up a good one and copy it.
Shouldn't the smoke be moving to the right?
I looked up some videos of plane crashes for ref and the smoke continued in the direction the object was moving after it hit the ground.

>> No.2306077

yeah, better
should remove a couple drawings from near the apex and just before they get offscreen. repost with a frame counter and i'll point out exactly which ones

>> No.2306223

2D is dead FOOLS!!!

>> No.2306252

pls dont start this conversation we have it every single thread

>> No.2306410

What are the best animation tutorials for after effects? I'd like to be able to achieve a motion comic style. How would I be able to do this. I think I'm quite comfortable with my art skills so doing the art isn't the problem, just learning the software for motion comic is, any help in the right direction will be appreciated.

>> No.2306583

Everyone at my current workplace picked up AE on the job because it was a new thing we offered on the side that accidentally became a major service the more we did it/learned. Here are the ones we passed around when I started learning it:

Super duper basic shit and not at all exciting, but check it out anyway.

This guy makes fantastic AE tutorials. He explains the graph editor, which is important in making animations appear smooth and not robotic. This is the kinda shit you'll be applying to pretty much any and every movement.

Another one from the previous guy. Covers text animation, which would be important for what you're looking to do.

This is about character rigging using an AE plugin calld Duik. Whether or not you use Duik or a different rigging plugin is up to you, though Duik tends to be the most commonly used.

Similar to above, but showing how animation principles can be applied to making characters in AE. He's new to making tutorials, but I already dig him.

a generally good place to check out miscellaneous AE stuff. Does a good job highlighting useful plugins and tutorials and shit.

Other than that, if any of us ever get stuck at work, we generally just google the specific thing we're trying to do, and learn as we go. Once you get a handle on how things work, you can start doing some really clever shit.

>> No.2306629


Wow dude, I really didn't think someone would give me this much insight. Going to start learning right away. Currently animating in photoshop.

I notice photoshop has some basic animation tools but I'm guessing AE is way more advanced. Gonna spend a day or two just learning and practicing have an Assignment in for the end of the week so its crunch time.

Thanks for all the help bud!

>> No.2306814

>Photoshop animation
It's good if you want to do traditional cel animation. It's got some really basic motion/opacity tweens and such, but the main reason you'd ever use Photoshop is handdrawn animation.

This guy covers animating in Photoshop and does some fantastic work:

AE is generally used for "motion graphics" (read: logos, flat graphics, transitions for videos, etc.) although you can totally produce full character animations, too (see: Archer, Bojack Horseman, or >>2304716).

AE has some pseudo 3D stuff where you can turn a 2D image into a 3D printout of a 2D image (like a paper cutout). It also has more sophisticated motion tools, compositions, effects, audio tools, camera controls, plugins, etc.

Of course, you can totally combine Photoshop and After Effects, too. After Effects plays very nicely with either PSD or AI files, like animating layers without you needing to create separate graphic files for each layer. So you could animate a character by hand in Photoshop, but place them in a scene in After Effects so that you can do audio editing, video effects, camera controls, and so on.

It really comes down to using the right tool for the right job.

>> No.2306844
File: 354 KB, 1000x882, anim4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Of course, you can totally combine Photoshop and After Effects, too. After Effects plays very nicely with either PSD or AI files, like animating layers without you needing to create separate graphic files for each layer. So you could animate a character by hand in Photoshop, but place them in a scene in After Effects so that you can do audio editing, video effects, camera controls, and so on.

That's practically what I'm getting at.

>This guy covers animating in Photoshop and does some fantastic work:

Gonna check him out.

pic related:first animation.

>> No.2306848

looks good!

>> No.2306931

cheers dude any c+c welcome.

>> No.2306964

body's gotta move up and down when running, also speed it up

>> No.2306980

looks cool, any network to follow thy work?

>> No.2307413
File: 58 KB, 1376x977, flash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys. Got a problem with Flash and my Wacom tablet

Whenever I touch my pen on the tablet with the brush tool, it just draws a line across the stage. (pic is related)
This only happens on Flash, btw.

Has this happened to anyone else? Please tell me you know how to fix it.

>> No.2307573


thats really good man! All thats left is little things, like gradually polishing your drawing skills and thinking of dynamic shot compositions

>inb4 gay director

>> No.2307784

>using flash

You do know that Adobe has completely dropped support for Flash right?

>> No.2307788

Isn't that just the Flash player?

>> No.2307797

The fuck are you talking about?

They literally repurposed Flash (now called "animate" or something like that) to be more fit for animating like last week.

>> No.2307835
File: 418 KB, 800x708, anim5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2307905


a bit choppy, might be cool to add a few more frames.

you're really good at drawing proportions and the way a character behaves while running.

try adding more details in the face area, expressions during running can really make the animation come alive, give her DETERMINATION!

other than that it's good enough to be cleaned.
great work!

>> No.2308043
File: 179 KB, 768x432, Walk-Test-ROugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying a walk cycle