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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 961 KB, 2200x1467, 5daICCYAA4563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2272656 No.2272656 [Reply] [Original]

Beginner Thread

Because we should not have to make new threads or post in draw threads with our fundamental exercises. Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up.

Do not forget to resize and crop your images before uploading them. 1kpx is fine.

Before asking "what should I read/view/study/learn," consult the sticky: >>1579290 → →

Questions go in the QUESTION THREAD
This is for posting studys & getting critique.

Threadly reminder to avoid carpal tunnel:

>Thread study: Happy little trees - aka step out of your comfort zones and lets try something different this time! (no need to do the whole thing, you can focus on just part of the image and capture the "foresty" look as best as you can")
>If you need some help with trees, go check the artbook thread ( >>2254014 )
>And look up "(J.D. Harding) On Drawing Trees and Nature. A Classic Victorian Manual with Lessons and Examples"

Old thread: >>2266313

>> No.2272666
File: 51 KB, 612x816, rsz_1446580740594926274209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The idea of gesture drawing just doesn't make sense to me. I have a gesture in my mind. What am I supposed to be practicing?

>> No.2272668

definetely check this satan - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOtVUHgJqQk
and optionally torrent the other vilppu videos

>> No.2272670

Right now I'm:
>doing gestures
>doing the Vilppus manual
>trying to understand perspective a bit
When should I jump into shading, realistic life drawings and so on?
Any pointers as to how long should I spend drawing gestures before going to try and draw a bit realistically?

>> No.2272676
File: 122 KB, 626x648, 23720776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im trying to conduct a study but I can't for the life of me stop stylizing them.
I regret chasing a style before grasping fundies so much.
Here's the reference

>> No.2272678
File: 1.42 MB, 1329x2068, ar1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the head with the error I drew around the form instead of drawing through the form

>> No.2272681
File: 504 KB, 1424x1800, headright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the corrected version need a critique what did I improve on?

>> No.2272682
File: 154 KB, 1536x2048, IMG-20151103-WA0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And heres the shit,I gave up on it cause I started styling,guys I need help.
Improving will be hard if this persists

>> No.2272686

symbol drawing; read a few beginner books, learn how the head is constructed

>> No.2272688

I got some likeness down as a styled thing I'd say its alright but thats not what I want in the least

>> No.2272689

>When should I jump into shading
you can be doing that already with your gestures, there are many ways to approach it - like here http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1427610231 (sadly there are no scans, so you just have to check the video in the reviews) you can try throwing down some shadows on your gestures to get some more volume down

>> No.2272699

I've grinded fwap a few times,I was looking into drawing the head and hands for a bit,cause it was more geared to my problem.gonna revisit it today,any recommendations for books?
Also can I get some help pinpointing what exactly I need to do,as this anon had said I'm symbol drawing.
I think its most evident in the hair and eyes

>> No.2272703

go to the art /ic/ Book thread got everything you need

>> No.2272712

I've watched a couple minutes of it, nut it's still kinda confusing to me. What's really the point of doing gesture drawing? To get a grip on fluidity?

>> No.2272717
File: 144 KB, 1487x1925, sketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made this last night
First digital painting ever
Its a pencil sharpner that I keep by my monitors base.

I know its really bad but I dinno what to correct or what to study to get better.

>> No.2272727

Don't give me that shit anon, you know exactly what to do.

Do you think those lines pass as straight? Those edges as hard? Does the perspective seem right to you? No it fucking doesn't. Don't start saying "I know what's wrong, but not how to fix it", that's bullshit. Read the sticky, follow the links and find books to learn how the shit works that you can't do. There's no easy way like asking for critique on a pile of shit and suddenly being decent just by "applying" it.

Stop looking for a shortcut, there is none. Either start for real or stop bothering.

>> No.2272757
File: 1.01 MB, 1280x720, 1444966464710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon, but this is why I don't post my art.

Also, those digits.

>> No.2272772

Not that Anon, but: If you come here for gentle critique, you're in the wrong place. The #1 thing people pursuing creative stuff need is to practice more. That guy is being told to practice more, and to use the resources available to him right in front of his fucking nose.

If expecting people to do that drives you away, then fine. Good. Get the fuck out.

>> No.2272849

post your shit, anon. don't be afraid.
> Try your best. Not your first shit exercise

>> No.2272853

what an asshole.
trying to fit in kiddo?

>us d/ic/ks rite?!?! xDD le loomis

>> No.2272854
File: 239 KB, 2039x1378, project 5-D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the last project I did on Keys to Drawing before moving onto Loomis. I can already see that I'm having a little difficulty with perspective still, but I think part of the issue that keep bothering me with all my drawings are that I have trouble with making lines how I want them. If I want it straight, it usually ends up curved, while curved ones end up crappy. I'm moving onto Heads and Hands with Loomis now. Should I worry about my line-making abilities before getting too far into the books?

>> No.2272868

do you draw with pencil and paper or just tablet? i've been using my tablet for years but i don't think it's the best medium to begin with as you haven't developed the same control over your hand

developing basic control is much easier with traditional tools, and when you build that up it translates much better when using a tablet; with a tablet you're engaging with a screen instead of the tangible. that's my advice anyway.

>> No.2272872
File: 196 KB, 800x668, violet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lineart practice based on a predrawn shape

>> No.2272879

Fill notebooks with straight lines whenever your hands are free.

>> No.2272881

The tablet. I was told the same advice by someone else actually. I suppose I'll make an investment in some pencils and paper.

>> No.2272920
File: 426 KB, 1274x657, hKIJunL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I be, like, drawing construction lines or sth? I like to draw just right away, starting from big shapes.

>> No.2272923


Your lines shouldn't come out looking like that unless you're drawing in MS Paint. What kind of tablet, what program, what resolution are you drawing at, and which tool are you drawing with? Sure, they'll be wobbly until you get good, but they shouldn't be all aliased and janky.

>> No.2272934

Using an 8x6 turcom tablet. I was told to transition to Mango Studio from Photoshop so I've been using that from my drawings. I've been using 350 resolution since that's what it seems to default to.

>> No.2272935


Get Keys to Drawing, take a look at the book thread. Learn how to draw before you start painting.

>> No.2272940


What's your canvas size? If you draw too small everything will look like ass, I usually draw at 4k and scale everything down when I'm done. Manga studio should have nice crisp lines. Are you using one of the pencil tools, or one of the pens? Take a look at the tool settings either way and increase the anti-aliasing, it'll be near the slider for brush size, the little black circles with progressively grayed out outsides. I don't think it's on the pencil tool, but you shouldn't be getting aliased lines with that anyways unless you're drawing at 1 or 2 pixel size.

>> No.2272967

>Trying to trace my handing holding an object under an acetate sheet for an early exercise in the Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain Workbook
>Glare from sheet means I can't make out the edges
>Sheet tips as I apply pressure with the pen
>Sheet fogs up from moisture from my fingers
Holy fuck, just fuck my shit up. This is total ass.

>> No.2272969


Right side of the brain is ass, do Keys to Drawing instead

>> No.2272976
File: 204 KB, 898x941, img124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here goes!

>> No.2272977

*hand holding an object

Should I really skip it? I was planning on doing Keys to Drawing after DotRSotB but this is really aggravating. There are dozens more exercises that use this same shitty piece of plastic.

>> No.2272979

I used the default postcard setting. I increased the resolution to 1200 dpi since that seems to be the highest I can make it. I tried increasing the size of the canvas as well. (It was in imperial units by default. Should I go by pixels?)

Also, I use the mechanical pencil with full anti-aliasing. The jagged edges seem to still be persisting.

>> No.2272982
File: 42 KB, 963x473, z935h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2272993

You don't need to do both. They teach the same basic concept except right side of the brain pushes this weird pseudoscientific bullcrap that I for one cannot stand. The excercises are weird as well. Keys to drawing is pretty chill tho.

>> No.2273012
File: 257 KB, 1112x668, 2015-11-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm too tired to fix the edge between top plane and side of this cylinder - I'll try again tomorrow.

>> No.2273024
File: 878 KB, 2360x2734, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need help with my hips

>> No.2273026
File: 378 KB, 2560x1920, 7K1QC9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been working on this on and off, i have no training whatsoever, nobody likes it. What do you think?

>> No.2273029

thats some dank ass in the top right corner anon, it even has some nasty flies n shit

>> No.2273036

>eraser shavings
Just kill me now

>> No.2273038

make your construction lines lighter and you wont have to erase!

>> No.2273040

aw they all look so happy. 3rd one top row is confusing as hell to look at though.

>> No.2273047

I love you anon
I'm not him but you made me realize I'm being dumb and I just need to be bad over and over again until I can be not bad
thank you

>> No.2273051

Looks like it's floating.

>> No.2273075

btw, i did not use any reference whatsoever. Since someone asked, it is supposed to be a "merman" hooking a freediver

>> No.2273076

I'm horrible at drawing sketches. When I draw the lines of the scene, and then start working, after finished it looks horrible. I'm way better at drawing without sketches. I know I should change this, but how?

>> No.2273082

The book is called Keys to drawing. You need to draw stuff as if you've never seen it before. You think "This here is a nose so I draw a nose." But the problem is that the nose you know isn't the nose that is on the picture. You draw a symbol of a nose, not what is on the picture. To go around that, forget nose and just draw basic shapes that you see in the pictures, patches of color that are darker or lighter. The book really nicely explains it an has a few excercises to help you get it. It probably isn't going to be som fucking revelation, no "click" and now you know, you just draw and draw and you just gradually learn.

>> No.2273093

I imagined that's what it was. That merman (who is quite pretty) stares daggers into my soul. Plus the way he's holding the spear gives me homoerotic vibes.

First I'd like to compliment the clean and elaborate linework. It's not really bad enough to be called polishing a turd, but you've got the art of embellishing down very well. I'd look forward to seeing his fins inked in as well.

Fundamentally speaking, there are some issues. The merman's right forearm is just a mess, a wad of muscles clumped together to make up for the angle he's holding the spear. You also appear to have gotten a bit lazy with the merman's left hand, it looks like a stub.

Also proportionally I'm having a hard time imagining the divers foot at that angle. It just seems like his entire body and his legs would have to be severely elongated to have his flipper showing up there, considering how much of him is covered by the giant merman. Also if you look at where his arms are and the position of his head, the diver has shoulders a mile wide. His left hand is also much larger than his right.

The flipper also just throws the whole composition off. The curve of the merman's back guides the viewers eye along the drawing but the flipper sticking out so severely unbalanced it.

I'd give it a 6 out of 10. Above average.

>> No.2273098

it's not bad, but use references next time okay? you're supposed to use them, drawing from your mind isn't a badge of honor.
Speaking of badges etc, your merman's head could be a sticker of a face stuck onto someone else's drawing, it looks so unnatural and out of place.

>> No.2273099

To add on to >>2273082's post I'd recommend Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain (check the book share thread). It does a good job of explaining what symbol drawing is and why you do it.

>> No.2273106

Okay, I will work on that. That's a bad habit of mine. Anything else wrong with the hips? I'm uh trying to grind for a request that involves wide hips.

>> No.2273115

well you could always look up the actual under-anatomy and do a study of it. You are doing decently enough as is.

The real trouble I see for people having with hips seems to moreso lie in the fact that they draw a good pair of hips and sometimes good thighs but then don't orient the rest of the legs properly. Try to keep in mind how the rest of the anatomy would fall into place and if it would make sense even if you're not including it.

But so far, I think you're doing decenlty.

>> No.2273125

Which is just a bunch of pseudoscientific bullcrap. The whole symbol drawing thing is not literal. We don't know how the brain stores all these images. It's that the people noticed that people without training when asked to draw some basic things like eyes or noses produce very similar simple drawings. Since they were so similar and simple they called them symbols. We have no fucking clue how brain actually stores images and the writer of that book pretends like she does. You don't need to read these explanations because it's just made up mumbo jumbo. Keys to drawing on the other hand is pretty honest about this and I think the writing style is much better as well, the dude who wrote it seems pretty chill.

>> No.2273138

i keep going on quickposes timed gestures and drawing things upside down since every resource suggests that for some reason, like drawing on the left side of the brain and a few other books

yet when i do this my drawings look just as shitty and disproportionate as they would be if i copied right side up


>> No.2273152

>providing no explanation is preferred to providing an educated guess
>not reading something is preferred to reading it

>> No.2273156

thank you so much for this, i knew i had gotten the proportions all wrong but my impaired brain couldn't exactly see where, now that you have pinpointed it its so obvious. Since it's not that good i'll use it to experiment a little with it care free, maybe color it too

>the way he's holding the spear gives me homoerotic vibes

Well, he is a SEAMAN HAHAHAHAhahaha.....

>> No.2273157

>But so far, I think you're doing decenlty.
Anon, please I'm blushing thank you. I-I-I'm gonna make you proud!

>> No.2273165

yeah i started with the head and it came out alright (wich is an event for someone not that good at drawing like me) so i figured i'd give him a body.I said i didn't use references just to justify the fucked up proportions, not to brag.
Thanks for the heads up tho, i'll start using references more

>> No.2273166

>We don't know how life came to be so we might as well say aliens made it and we can start preparing for the comeback of our alien overlords.

Accepting that you don't know something is better than pretending like you do.

Secondly there are thousands of books in existence. Way more than you can read in your lifetime. Being a bit picky about what you spend your time reading might not be a bad idea.

>> No.2273187

how do i stop thinking ? when ever i try to draw it turns into a mesh of thinking, i hear the key is feeling it and letting it flow instead of forcing something, how do i turn of my thoughts in order to get a better flow ?

>> No.2273192

how would i do this, would i need to know anything else in order to jump right in ?

>> No.2273206

>those lines pass as straight? Those edges as hard? Does the perspective seem right to you?
This is all I need to know, thank you.

>> No.2273216
File: 1.20 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give me the business

>> No.2273219


>> No.2273225

It's not about explaining the cause, it's about explaining the concept. You described it poorly, DotRSotB explains it very clearly and gives good supporting reasons. It's also the first book to point out the lack of concrete knowledge as to the specifics of how the brain works, but it does provide intuitive and skilful models that yield good results.

>Secondly there are thousands of books in existence. Way more than you can read in your lifetime
No shit

>Being a bit picky about what you spend your time reading might not be a bad idea.
That's just self satisfying retroactive reasoning to justify ignorance. Hardly the kind of thing someone who wants to talk about things like science, reason, and knowledge would say.

>> No.2273228
File: 104 KB, 633x467, GEDC0483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Timed still life drawing with flat edge pencil

>> No.2273230

There's such a contrast between the shades of the front and back of her head that it looks like the hair in the back is part of the background. Other than that, though I really like it.

>> No.2273232

Does it really matter how I hold my pencil?

>> No.2273236

not really, i've seen alot of people that uses the autism grip and do wonders.

now for thing like painting brushes, definitely.

>> No.2273239

>autism grip
Is this a well know term? Because I think I've got it.

>> No.2273242

no, no and no.

>> No.2273246

yes, a.k.a clenched fist writing.

>> No.2273249

I don't actually hold my pencil in a fist, but it's not the way most people hold their pencil either.

>> No.2273251

then you're probably fine unless you hold it like your dick.

>> No.2273254

No, I certainly don't hold my pencil tenderly and lovingly.

>> No.2273257

>tenderly and lovingly
I wish I showed my clit half as much affection as you give yours

>> No.2273259
File: 165 KB, 396x594, 483610810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigga.

>> No.2273260

crit plz

>> No.2273325
File: 8 KB, 274x211, lumpy eye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I have no talent in anything artistic whatsoever
>I figured I'd take the time to learn to draw and maybe I won't feel bad about myself
>got a drawing tablet hand-me-down from a friend
>tried to draw
>started with the basics
>cant even draw a proper circle without taking 10+ minutes
>pinky hurts when I draw
>all my drawings look like shit
pic related
>I've been at it for months
>at first I saw lots of improvement for the most part but now I'm stuck in a limbo of suck
>want to give up but that tiny spark makes me keep going
am I gonna make it? Will I ever become good at drawing? I wanna make fancy art like magic cards with fuckhuge monsters being defeated by powerful warrior womyn

>> No.2273327

it's spooky

>> No.2273333

what if I told there was one living inside you?

>> No.2273334

I'd say nice quads

>> No.2273337


>> No.2273338

That depends. Did you read the sticky?

>> No.2273342

How is a skull spooky?

>> No.2273347

I'm doing what it says

at first I assumed I was just a slower learner but now I'm thinking I'm doomed

>> No.2273349

>tfw I have no talent in anything artistic whatsoever
Talent doesn't exist, it's just a mixture of your ability to learn and lots of hard work
>I figured I'd take the time to learn to draw and maybe I won't feel bad about myself
This is something people practice for years just to be half decent at.
>got a drawing tablet hand-me-down from a friend
>tried to draw
>started with the basics
>cant even draw a proper circle without taking 10+ minutes
Welcome to being a beginner. Circles are a lot harder to draw than you'd think.
>pinky hurts when I draw
Stop being tense when you draw, loosen up
>all my drawings look like shit
>pic related
Welcome to being a beginner
>I've been at it for months
And it will be many, many more months before everything you draw stops looking like ass, depending on how much you practice. Probably years.
>at first I saw lots of improvement for the most part but now I'm stuck in a limbo of suck
This is completely normal, it's called plateauing. You get through it by practicing more.
>want to give up but that tiny spark makes me keep going
>am I gonna make it? Will I ever become good at drawing? I wanna make fancy art like magic cards with fuckhuge monsters being defeated by powerful warrior womyn

Shut up and draw

>> No.2273365

This post was honestly reassuring, thanks.
>Shut up and draw
I will

>> No.2273399
File: 516 KB, 1105x1090, whateverface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick face I did last night. Probably could've done more with the values, but it wasn't looking good so I lightened it up a lot.

>> No.2273425

>pinky hurts
change your form
but overall your main problem is the adjustment, you didn't even practice on paper, check the sticky then check the artbook thread. don't think about the time you spend trying to get better. try not to focus on how it's done

>> No.2273526

Are you gradually moving into porn, MSpaint guy?

>> No.2273527

Hands are symbol drawing. Construct hands, and just those. Make like 100 of them.

>> No.2273528

Your measurements are shit. Learn measuring and the relation between lines and angles.

You can partially make up for measuring mistakes when you know what a figure is. This is because you don't rely on measuring but on what you know.

You need to rely on measuring as a beginner. Too many pre-conception of ours are wrong/subpar to rely on them.

>> No.2273529


>> No.2273531

>I wanna make fancy art like magic cards
You may not realize this, but those cards are illustrated by people who drew for 10 to 20 years and trained in an extreme serious regimen for, at the very least, 5. On top of that, they spend most of their daily life drawing. Every day.

They didn't just randomly have a hobby and then made magic cards for fun.

>> No.2273534

Draw bigger, stop chicken scratching. Secondly, perspective. Keep looking at the reference while drawing.

>> No.2273538

Damn, she looks like my ex, m8.

Good feels.

>> No.2273553
File: 687 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20151104_203158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am I doing so far? Should I readjust the size of the eye? This is my first attempt at doing something that wasn't using symbol drawing.

>> No.2273564

i think so, for now, but thats because i want to draw human bodies interacting, i dont think i will do this forever.

>> No.2273565
File: 32 KB, 496x351, trio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

critique plz

>> No.2273567

Angles and length of the eye is wrong, notice how it reaches the mid line of the face.
Do construction, you'll never get it right like this unless you get lucky.

>> No.2273571

Thank you! Noted. I'll try having another go after I look up some construction tips.

>> No.2273575

The problem I have with the book is that it makes claims about how the brain actually works, which the author pulled out of her ass. The concept is explained in Keys to drawing as well and without this bullshit. That was my point from the beginning. Learn to read.

>> No.2273577
File: 94 KB, 1600x1200, Reflections Chapter 1 finished.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2273578
File: 7 KB, 250x187, 1443846975049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The edge of the pencil isn't the only thing that is flat...

>> No.2273580

Eye cavities look like they are a hole on paper. There is some depth underneath, as the forms curve.
Also, please dont do random strokes in place of shading. It's not only messy, but it's detrimental to giving a thing volume.
Concentrate on the shapes and do strokes following those shapes, with varying intensity depending on lighting (values).
For now, practice shading basic 3d objects.
And before doing that, also construct 3d shapes.

>> No.2273583

Anyone know how to download entire flickr albums? Like as reference pictures.

>> No.2273587

The shading is weird. Looks random and doesnt add much depth. I think very simple shadow areas or some basic croshatch that shows the form would look much better in simple lineart like this.

Also, why the retarded texture on hair? The hair looks like cloth or something.

>> No.2273588

Dont detail stuff until you get proportions right. Just some basic shapes for head, eyes, nose, eyebrows, hair and mouth. Take a literal step back and look at it from a bit of a distance. It helps you see bad proportions. Fix the proportions and again take a step back repeat until proportions look kinda like on picture. Then you can start doing more detail.

>> No.2273589

yes, everything is wrong. the reflection does not match

>> No.2273591

yes. why work on reflections when you can't even draw a person?

>> No.2273595
File: 733 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20151104_214821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, thanks for the advice.

This is the finished thing
I fucked up the length of the head so I'll keep proportions in mind next time. Thank you everyone for the feedback and hope you guys have a good night.

>> No.2273598

Don't worry about it. Everyone starts somewhere and your first drawiings will inevitably be crap.

You are still symbol drawing. Try and forget that you are drawing a nose/mouth/etc. Look at the picture and draw the shapes that you see in there. Once you start seeing the right way, it's going to be much better. If you go to the art book thread, you can download Keys to drawing and follow that book, it deals with helping you to overcome symbol drawing. Best of luck!

>> No.2273602

Thank you so much for the feedback, I'll have a look tomorrow. :)

>> No.2273612


it's flat. go draw 100 3d simplifications of the eyes, nose and mouth. you obviously don't understand that the features are a physical form. Learn to do some light shading to suggest the depth of the eye sockets. Also draw at least 100 skulls. buy a skull cast if you want to do portraits seriously. they're pretty cheap because of all the grim dark losers who want one for their interiors. But yeah 400 drawings of those different things and you should be a lot better by the end.

>> No.2273618

First he should understand symbol drawing and how to get rid of it. If he does 100 drawings of a skull with the way he does it now, he's gonna have 100 flat skulls. Don't get me wrong, the excercises you suggest are good but imho his main issue is in symbol drawing, you can obviously see he drawn the eyes as symbols not the eyes of the girl.

>> No.2273619
File: 94 KB, 904x601, gestures4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are these gestures finally on the way to become a bit better

>> No.2273620

Damn, forgot the question mark

>> No.2273621

I see. Thanks for the feedback!

>> No.2273624
File: 416 KB, 691x1000, SCN_0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time drawing with pencil since I was a kid in art class.
Got pretty sick of it, so I'ma try do something with it digitally.

>> No.2273625
File: 495 KB, 708x1000, 1446420068258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also critique me pls

>> No.2273627


I don't think you should be in beginner thread as you show knowledge of the planes, how to hatch, construct, measure, etc. I think you're sloppy, if you put more time and effort in doing that study It would be good, as it was clearly rushed.

>> No.2273628

The face is a bit squashed horizontally. Both eyes are low(which might be a result of the face squash). Left eye is all kinds of fucked up, it is also lower than it should be in proportion to the right one. No lower lip. Moustache is not as manly as in original.

>> No.2273630


>> No.2273637

>Learn to read.
yOU TOO ;^)

>> No.2273643

the drawing has no likeness, if anything he belongs here.

>> No.2273644

lol, last time I posted something in the drawing thread I got sent here. Thanks though, I think you're completely right about the sloppiness.

>> No.2273667


>> No.2273676
File: 304 KB, 1000x1000, 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crit this

>> No.2273732


>> No.2273750

dude theres so much wrong with this and all you focus is on the shading? the entire anatomy of this thing is fucked.

>> No.2273765
File: 29 KB, 640x480, snapshot-013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My seahorse.

>> No.2273770

Watch some of Peter Hans video tutorials to avoid chicken-scratching and to become confident with your lines.

>> No.2273783
File: 367 KB, 1024x768, face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it that my brain alternates between seeing things as flat and seeing things in 3 dimensions?

>> No.2273786

maybe if i used a different tool id be able to add more depth in the face , somethings with more variable line weight.

>> No.2273815


I think the texture is just part of the charcoal brush.

Anyways, I fucked up the file so I can't fix it. I think I got a good idea of what I should and shouldn't do for next time anyways. I'll try some hatching or tone or something with the next one. Maybe see if I can figure out how to draw hair half decently.

>> No.2273822

cmon fuckers! draw em forrests!

>> No.2273824

Yea. Tools are the most important part. Spend atleast 90% of your time searching for new tools.

>> No.2273825


I'll take a stab at it tonight

>> No.2273833


>> No.2273834

How do I get good at coloring?Using watercolors.Is it just coloring shit a lot?

>> No.2273845

i think what i meant to saw was that i approached the drawing in the wrong way with the wrong tools,

>> No.2273880

Is there a book to teach me how to sculpt? A beginner book, a loomis equivalent to tradicional sculpting, not interested in 3D programs and stuff like this.

>> No.2273881

More like sea-waffle

>> No.2273904


Check out this dude. Puts in really simple shading and it looks amazing.

>> No.2273976

Saw a post earlier in the thread saying to learn how to draw before painting.

Is it really important to learn how to draw with line before painting?

I really like just blocking things in with a base color first.

>> No.2274056

ded thread

>> No.2274063


It's a slow board, and it's only 4 in the afternoon

>> No.2274066


Cool stuff, thanks

>> No.2274087
File: 15 KB, 963x473, z936b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2274089
File: 402 KB, 1200x800, 4325353453534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't draw in PS because of GPU overheat
1 min gestures unfun as fuck. It's pretty hard to draw without stabilizer

>> No.2274091

The perspective is shit.

>> No.2274096

Imagineit as jizz

>> No.2274101

I'm struggling /ic. I practice at least an hour a day on fundamentals (Line Confidence, Basic Shapes, Perspective), but I'm not getting better. When I attempt to copy linework, the spacing is off and looks beginner. What can I do?

>> No.2274102

Accept that whatever you draw is gonna look like complete shit for a good while and draw more

>> No.2274122

Thanks anon. I wish there was an easy A-B-C guide to drawing. I've filled an entire sketchbook of shit and it's disappointing. Not enough to quit, but enough to question if I'm doing something wrong.

>> No.2274133

>an entire sketchbook
>one sketchbook
That's like nothing. Don't lose your way anon you can do it

>> No.2274160


Drawing from sight is just a skill you gotta build up. Check your angles, try to find shapes in negative space and see if those shapes are the same in your drawing, use plumb lines to check if things like up where they're supposed to, check the size of things and see if they take up as much space as they're supposed, etc.

90% if the actual skill in drawing is in measurement and patience. Take it slow, don't leave any errors in your drawing. Start with the big overall shape, and work your way inward so your proportions don't go all over the place. Keep it simple and light, just mark where things are supposed to be, the space they take up, make yourself a simple frame to build detail in later, so you don't have to focus as much on placing objects properly when you're drawing something difficult.

>> No.2274172
File: 446 KB, 1200x800, 43232143242321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing is painful and no fun. You will suffer 24/7 unless you're talented hack or rich kid from famous art school. If you have mathematical mind it's will be even worse. Enjoy your torture or quit before it's too late.

>> No.2274202
File: 294 KB, 1000x1000, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultrabeginner here.
I've been practicing some Loomis the past 2 weeks. Excuse the lack of proper shading, please let me know if this gives an idea of my understanding of planes or if it's just better I do full shading regardless.

Anyway, I figured I should try to do one out of the blue without any ref. I'd appreciate critique. Am I ready to experiment without examples yet, or should I go back to understanding loomis more in depth?

If I get the chance tomorrow I'll make a properly shaded face, like they appear on loomis books. Do stop me if you think it's a waste of time cause I need better construction.

>> No.2274204

Aha now I notice the ear is too small.

>> No.2274205
File: 260 KB, 1027x533, 2015-11-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks like it's floating
Thanks for pointing it out, but I don't see it. Could you elaborate? What did I do wrong and how to fix it?

Do you see the same issue in a study that I did today?

Filthy shitposters like you should just die.

>> No.2274218

>Filthy shitposters like you should just die.
Wut? Why are you hostile, retard?

>> No.2274236

Say you practice every day. What's a good time span to give yourself to be able to draw accurately from life to know if you're doing something terribly wrong or not?

Or if there's another way to gauge if you're on the right track.

>> No.2274241

hi all. anyone mind shedding some light on this?

>> No.2274247

the fuck

what IS this
Drawing on the left side of the brain is the book everyone keeps suggesting to me if i want to cure my symbol drawing and start drawing for real
yet i can't even do that right because there's MORE prerequisites in the form of measuring shit? i thought i was just supposed to draw what i see? how do i measure?

this is hell, how do people do it

>> No.2274253

In order to draw what you see you need to MEASURE what you're seeing. Yes, it's hard, yes it's shitty. Keep at it.

>> No.2274261

Not them, but that book makes you jump through lengths to measure shit with hand made tools that you probably shouldn't rely on in the long term.

>> No.2274263

It depends how much time you spend every day on practice.
It takes around 40 hours to finish exercises from Keys To Drawing which teaches you how to draw accurately from life.

If you don't know how to construct things with lines first, you won't know where to put your base colors.
That's why, if your drawing is shitty, then your painting will be shitty as well.

If you can't draw, you can't paint.

side of the brain is a shitty book, read Keys To Drawing instead to know how to measure and how to draw what you see.

>> No.2274264

Nah, it's a seahorse. I like it.

>> No.2274265

why is it that every time i try to draw a realistic head, it looks like an old person

>> No.2274269

I've started practicing "seriously" (~1 hour a day) about a week ago and now everything even remotely close to my drawing arm hurts. I have trouble controlling my lines or even keeping my arm up, but it's just strained muscles rather than anything harmful. Do I keep going or take a few days off?
Also I've noticed that I tend to a) constantly keep my scapular tense to elevate my arm and shoulder and b) bring my elbow outward and up (almost at shoulder height). Imagine somebody imitating a chicken flapping it wings while shrugging. Surely this isn't right. If I let my arm hang down, where should my elbow be in relation to my drawing tablet? Seeing how I seem to be contorting myself to elevate my arm, maybe I'm sitting too low? Any resources on the basic ergonomics of drawing? Everything I found so far just says "everybody is different, just do whatever lol". Seems my body never just naturally learned to draw in childhood, so I'd appreciate any pointers.

>> No.2274270


That looks really good and I'd say the construction is working out for you. If I had to nitpick I'd say that the features seem a little flat and the shading is giving it more depth than the shapes actually have. But it's still very recognizable / looks like a face.

>> No.2274273

Is it really not that much? I spent a lot of time in that "one sketchbook". A lot of repetition and study. Am I going too slowly? I'm aiming to make mindful marks everytime I place my pen to the paper.

Thanks for the tip. I'm going to save it for future use when I'm feeling the same way (It's inevitable). For learning, would it be helpful to take a drawing and break it down into simple shapes and reconstructing?

>> No.2274280

I don't know about fixing your arm but do not stop drawing while you figure it out.
Don't let it become an excuse to stop unless there's a real medical issue or it'll become easier for you to fall out of your routine.

>> No.2274286

Watching vilppu's videos makes me so sleepy, how do i stay awake?

>> No.2274293

How many times do you recommend repeating the Stravinsky thing? Should I be doing it over and over again until it looks perfect when flipped?

>> No.2274298

>Stravinsky thing
what is that?

>> No.2274299

Read sticky.

>> No.2274300
File: 79 KB, 520x751, 9505680_f520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2274313
File: 134 KB, 621x648, anubis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stop the animeing
they are eating me away

>> No.2274317
File: 109 KB, 538x604, bitway1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but seriously fuck anime
it's crack and you can't get off of it

>> No.2274328


That's because he rushed it, not because he can't do it. He clearly can.


So you should probably be putting more hours into your drawings, or at least try harder to make it right because I see a clear understanding of some fundamentals in your drawing.

>> No.2274333
File: 77 KB, 329x530, oo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god what have i done

>> No.2274344

at least you have clean lines and a imagination, i have none of those.

>> No.2274350


>> No.2274352
File: 298 KB, 756x1166, ajfas;lf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for being a newfag (haven't been here for some time)
what the fuck is nofap?
why is it beneficial not to masturbate?

>> No.2274354

100 eyes, 100 noses, 100 mouths, and 100 skulls. Every single day!

>> No.2274360
File: 161 KB, 1500x1000, Anatomy Book - 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm forcing myself to think about direction of surface changes and all that jazz while learning muscle anatomy. Anything I should look out for in particular? Using Hampton's class to learn.

>> No.2274361

I didn't know people still did that shit. He's talking about no fap November. You try not to fap for the entire month.

>> No.2274363

work on your overall accuracy. Some aspects of these studies such as the head size on the top left are ridiculously inaccurate.

>> No.2274365

those proportions are horrifying.

>> No.2274388
File: 177 KB, 807x1050, tsurugi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but really, how do I stop making these shitty doodles and draw real shit like photo realistic studies?
I need my gains and my gains need me

>> No.2274392

How much Loomis do you use to make those drawings?

>> No.2274393
File: 167 KB, 650x1126, mika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try to think about construction but I only think of basic/little perspective- I just draw what I think 'seems right'.

I don't know, I'm not a smart lad, my brain starts hurting when I think about the complex or advanced stuff

>> No.2274396

I'm trying to draw anime women, but I just don't know how much Loomis is really helping me. Could you take me through the steps you take to make real art?

>> No.2274404

> I just draw what I think 'seems right'.

My autism is too powerful for that,i cant help but want perfection and everything i draw looks like shit

>> No.2274406
File: 331 KB, 1024x768, gross.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my image

>> No.2274410


This tells me I work zoomed in way too much. I'll keep that in mind, thanks guys.

>> No.2274418


An hour of drawing shouldn't be doing anything to your arm. Don't tense up when you draw, keep it loose and relaxed, don't try to 'force' your lines to be correct. Nice fluid movements, ghost over the line you want until you think you have the motion, then lightly press down and do one clean stroke. You mess up, erase it and try again. No tense, rigid arm, no death grip. If you try this and you find you draw like shit, don't fall back on tensing up your arm. Get used to drawing loosely and relaxed. This is the only way to improve.

If you're drawing like this for a while and still getting pains after an hour, go see a doctor because you fucked your shit up.

>> No.2274419
File: 18 KB, 500x500, wacom-ctl-470k-en_extra1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drawing tablet

Stop! That's your problem, senpai; switch to pencil and paper and learn how to draw correctly.

I'm willing to bet that your tablet is small. I started out with a small 3x5in active area one, pic related. It fucked my shit up big time, worsened a nerve condition I had. Now, even if I draw on paper or with much bigger tablets, I have to stop after a few days of serious studying and wait a week or two for my arm to stop screaming.

Invest in a stack of sketchbooks (you'll feel obligated to fill them) and some decent pencils and spend most of your doodle/sketching/studying time there. Digital is great because you have a lot of tools, but as a beginner they won't make a difference.

>> No.2274420

Don't use thick lines. They give you illusion of control, but you will suck cocks on lineart stage. Don't repeat my mistakes

>> No.2274422

not that guy but your lines are chicken scratchy as fuck

>> No.2274423

its a curse im trying to lift.

>> No.2274426


You should do the opposite and keep the elbow as close to the body as possible. Straight lines are made by drawing from the midline of your body out to the side by rotating your shoulder with your elbow down. Sounds like you're trying to do the other way, drawing from the outside in?

>> No.2274465


Are you recommending using sketchbooks purely because of your condition? I'm still very much a beginner and use my tablet for everything; my hand is okay as long as my grip is loose.

>> No.2274468

>the only person who did the OPs study is left unreplied while the thread is filled with tumblr-tier weeb futashit

way to go thread! you will make it :^)

>> No.2274470

No, but it is admittedly a very large part. I'm also advocating for it because you should (and need) to be able to draw on both. Also, it's much easier to take >>2274418 's very good advice on paper, trust me.

What's the dimensions of your tablet? You may be using your wrist instead of your elbow/shoulder because the active space is small. It limits what kind of broad strokes you can make.

>> No.2274489
File: 105 KB, 1300x1025, angry-nerd-26130745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the correct term is trap!

>> No.2274492

im sorry, i wouldnt know because im not a huge faggot like you

>> No.2274518

>im not a huge faggot like you
Takes one to know one anon

>> No.2274526

>admitting to be gay
well done

>> No.2274623


I wasn't the guy you initially replied to here >>2274419, but mine is 3x5. I definitely feel the struggle of the small surface. I just like digital because of how well I can keep my studies and what not organized. Maybe I should pick my sketchbook back up though

>> No.2274632

>tfw futa guy is gone
Well, guess I'll go back to drawing more Loomis heads.

>> No.2274643
File: 140 KB, 846x661, miyaraoe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still here, but this is my last image until I draw more
also I'm going to bed because I'm getting sleepy

>> No.2274647

stop shitting up the beginner thread and go to porn thread and/or stylization thread

>> No.2274653
File: 85 KB, 720x960, tyler1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree. People's minds work differently, and I think with planes much more than with lines. Meaning I can block in a painting with more accuracy and efficiency than I can draw the same subject focusing on it's edges, the lines.

There's a few painters I know who think better with blocking in the planes and shapes rather than spending time on lines first, pic related. If it helps you get things done better or with more accuracy to the picture in your head of what you wanted, then do it. Nothing else really matters.

>> No.2274659

>trying to fit in by spouting /ic/ memes and shutting down honest critique

>Trying to fit in kiddo?

Go fucking draw.

>> No.2274660

Dude, shut up and post your work.

>> No.2274662

Not him but if you look close at the bottom of your source, you can see a small reflective area around the bottom, it's subtle but enough to ground the cylinder.

Looking at the thumbnail you can clearly see it.

>> No.2274666

It's not much compared to what you'll have to draw over the years. I have boxes filled with them at home which is why I stopped using them and just take a clipboard with cheap printing paper with me when i leave the house. depending on how thick your sketchbook was and what you did with it (finished shit, figures...) it may be more or less significant but overall filling one book will stop being significant soon

>> No.2274682
File: 1.41 MB, 3264x2448, 242432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck am I doing

>> No.2274707
File: 1.77 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repostan because I didn't know the other thread died, Is this the right way to go about learning proportion? Also where the fuck do the thighs connect to the crotch?
>model was tiptoeing
>still don't know how to draw feet
Sorry if the picture comes out rotated, I took it on my phone.

>> No.2274729

What do I do about shaking hands? I didn't have this problem when I was using pencil and paper. Now that I've got a tablet the slightest tremor fucks up my lines.

>> No.2274748

If a person is 7-8 heads tall when standing fully upright, how tall should they bee when their knees are bent? You said you did it with a model but did you actually measure what you saw?

>> No.2274750

I just measured out 8 heads and just shifted the crotch and thigh part higher up, I guess I fucked up there didn't i?

>> No.2274755

Since you are using a reference measure your actual subject.

>> No.2274756

You could try mapping a smaller portion of your screen to your tablet.

>> No.2274763


Use a stabilizer

>> No.2274795

Thank you for commenting.
Looking at it after a night's sleep, it feels like the cranium is too small, and/or the hairline too high.
Is this a possibility?

Speaking of flat shapes, is the right contour of the forehead/cheek the flattest part?

>> No.2274955
File: 1.18 MB, 912x780, tatts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pro

>> No.2275003
File: 534 KB, 540x960, hahaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi /ic/! I am a new fag forcing my self to learn how to draw by tracing and coloring what I trace to learn how to color. I get what the guides are saying and try to apply them but I think I can't execute them well. My main tool is Autodesk Sketchbook on Android platform using my Xperia C 2305

>> No.2275028

Stop. You're learning nothing like this. Stickies are your friends.

>> No.2275038

Use less saturated colours, often less saturated colours are easier to work with and are much easier on the eyes. Also, you pillow shade quite a bit from what it seems, not all the time, though.

>> No.2275055

Just wondering: Would there be any interest in the watts atelier fundamentals, head and figure drawing workbooks?

If there is, I'll upload them. If not, fuck it.

>> No.2275058

Don't trace, start with shapes and perspectives and work your way up otherwise you'll be stuck with trying to make some frankenstein abomination of references to trace when you try to draw your own shit.

>> No.2275070

O yes please.

>> No.2275085

Thanks anon. I am still reading through them again but I have difficulty understanding the concept and understanding how to do them in my own platform.

Got it. Learn what is saturated colors and do not pillow shade.

I decided to trace first because I noticed when I do simple lines on my chosen platform they are always wobbly and I had a lot of difficulty doing a solid single line from point a to point b. So I thought if I use tracing as an exercise to cure that I could move on to drawing from perspective. Not sure if its working though. But I will heed your advice.

>> No.2275087

A pencil and paper are all you need, bud.

>> No.2275088


>> No.2275101

If that's the case start from level 0, i.e. don't even think about drawing shapes, just draw lines straight as possible without a ruler. From there move on to gentle curves, steeper and steeper and then circles. Only after you've mastered that do you begin with basic shapes like cubes or cylinders. Don't learn to try to learn to fly before you figure out how to crawl.

>> No.2275117

there we go.

>> No.2275124

and the pass


>> No.2275182
File: 249 KB, 794x733, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably gonna touch this up later

crit please

>> No.2275218

why is everybody so affraid of the forest??

>> No.2275219
File: 2.55 MB, 1853x2587, IMG_20151105_191400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i improve myself?
how to stop myself from making hard lines?
how do i put more emotions in it?

>> No.2275231

Because this place is full of d/ic/ks.

>> No.2275235
File: 167 KB, 540x920, figure66.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can I get some critique please?

>> No.2275253


Falling for the cltr paint meme.

>> No.2275255

by drawing for more than just couple of weeeks

>> No.2275270
File: 184 KB, 853x560, Screen Shot 2015-11-05 at 03.31.15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im currently working on the torso and legs, any comments?

>> No.2275276

no point in spending so much time at your skill just do few minute gestures, instead of 1h long study, itll teach you much more

>> No.2275292

Not that anon, but what'll it teach you?

>> No.2275300

having nice fluid lines (ie non-stiff like in that anons pic) capturing the feeling better, having better grasp of the volume and overall proportions, itll teach you everything

>> No.2275304
File: 1.54 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont know if im doing this right

>> No.2275320


To be honest, I'm not even sure how to approach drawing it

>> No.2275322


Your points are too close together, you're getting distortion

>> No.2275327

you need to really work on that hand precision mate

>> No.2275328

well, here is one way >>2272976
just try your best and explore some new subjects/techniques

>> No.2275332


Breasts are off, the trapezius/chin/neck/shoulder area is off, the head is floating up to the left and has construction issues.

Keep at it.

>> No.2275342

yeah. biggest sketchbook i have, so i don't know how i should do it bigger

yeah. having a hard time working that small. i can do broad strokes pretty ok, but that small i start losing precision

also my neuropathy is fighting me, anyone have tips?

>> No.2275350

you dont need to have the vanishing points on the paper

>> No.2275441

veronica a shit model

>> No.2275501

How high should you have your stabilizer if your lines are clean on paper and shit on digital?

>> No.2275504

The shadow doesnt meet up to the diameter like the left pic

>> No.2275532

A for effort.

>> No.2275552

its actually pretty solid, they usualy are even more fucked

>> No.2275553


Play around with it. You don't want it too high though.

>> No.2275555

still no forests?

>> No.2275556

how would you know when its too high? im on 15 on manga studio, anything less feels like im drawing on glass.

>> No.2275571
File: 46 KB, 963x473, z939g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2275575

Anyone tried doing traditional drafting stuff? Things like orthographic and isometric drawings? Do you find it improved your ability to draw at all?

>> No.2275582

Thanks anon

>> No.2275584

omg so much nightmare fuel

>> No.2275595

some trees

gonna go on a walk to smoke and try to get some 3D ones

>> No.2275597
File: 1.90 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck forgot image

>> No.2275600
File: 1.04 MB, 940x1166, thisis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully it's not as bad as I think it is.

How do I into ear?

How do I into nose?

How do I into anything.

>> No.2275601


Use references

>> No.2275603


I keep my pencil on 15, pens about 25

You know it's too high when it feels like it's dragging

>> No.2275609
File: 1.35 MB, 1134x1221, Old man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I'm just copying when I use references. What's the proper way to use references?

>tfw I'm too scared to draw the ear

>> No.2275611
File: 233 KB, 687x900, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2275623

the top of the ear is in line with the eyebrow, the bottom is in line with the bottom of the nose

>> No.2275626

It seems like he's tilted down more than in the reference.

>> No.2275630

Need some help here

Desperate poor fag who loves to paint. I just feel the need to paint. I'm not going to pretend I'm some genius or would be Picasso, just a kid whose poor, and likes to paint.

Reason I mention being poor is I'm trying to get my hands on canvas/make something of myself but don't know where to start. Trying to avoid stuff like Deviant Art, Saatchi Art, etc. just want to sell in person or something. Not somewhere where I have to upload photo ID, tax ID, etc.

I tried asking my community Uni art professors for some spare canvas, I waited an hour and a half to not interrupt the scheduled model and students, after class I tried talking to the professor and she pretty much just blew me off. Barely let me finish. The first time I came, different professor, gave me a used old 12 x 12 square, painted by one of her students, said I could paint over it and use it so I did. The search for canvas is not going well.

There is an art fair/festival/concert thing on the 13th near where I live. Should I try to set up a table with some of my work? Should I just go to observe? I only have a few pieces but can definitely crank out more easy if I had more canvas.

What should I do?

>> No.2275658
File: 481 KB, 1000x1000, 10.3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to get better lines digitally? When I draw on paper I can draw stuff with little to no chicken scratch, but whenever I draw digitally I have to chicken scratch or it'll look awful. Does it come down to practice or are there settings that I should tweak? Quick doodle to show my point.

>> No.2275659

It's winter right now so you should probably stick to indoor events but in the summer you could try the beach.

>> No.2275664

So im doing these Dynamic skatching practices
When drawing my lines I can feel the paper being pushed in and making a sort of groove
Should I keep doing this

>> No.2275677

Are you using a felt tip pen?

Are you keeping it perpendicular to the paper?

Work on keeping a light touch. You can get ink out a felt tip without making a groove in the paper.

>> No.2275684

Ball point, its all I got right now, I'll go buy some Felt tip tomorrow or something
I own a tablet but I think for this practice, paper would be better
Trying to keep it perfectly 90 degrees and making sure not to move my wrist
Just realised that there was another sheet under the one I was using and now the groove is less noticeable, very messy, lines arnt really straight even

>> No.2275685

>Ball point, its all I got right now, I'll go buy some Felt tip tomorrow or something
Ball point will create a groove.

>I own a tablet but I think for this practice, paper would be better

>> No.2275690

you want to start with the fundamentals. make a circle for the skull, look at the photo and determine the center line. draw the center line, then determine the the proportions of the eyes, nose, mouth, jaw etc. are the eyes half way between the top of the skull and the jaw? are they a bit lower or higher? you get the idea. get the basics shapes down for the entire picture and then you can start working on the detail and shading.

>> No.2275700
File: 285 KB, 1173x720, 20min - edited to be clustered together.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can do figure gestures okay and figure drawing (good), but today I decided to kick the symbol faces out and try face gestures, and they came out looking like complete dogshit fuck. I'll reread loomis and keep at it but are there any protips to this or am I just this... specialized?

>> No.2275721

Disclaimer: I'm a noob

but it seems to me that all the faces are hesitant to look any other direction than straight forward. Maybe if you put some intention in making the faces "face" away from the camera, it would help?

know what I mean? seems like the eyes don't want to leave the same plane, unless they have to and one eye is out of view.

same with the mouths.

>> No.2275731

Practice drawing face gestures. The reason why they look like shit is you aren't used to it and haven't built up a good vocal vocabulary. You seem to be doing mouths alright but your noses are pretty hit and miss, and you really need to practice drawing eyes. That's all I really have to say about this.

>> No.2275758
File: 1.30 MB, 1147x680, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2275761

It's weird but I see better how to improve by posting my pics here

>> No.2275764

lmao have you ever seen a human head before? You need loomis.

>> No.2275767

haha, yeah, I can't argue with that. It's pretty much what I was thinking myself.

>> No.2275816

definetely go check the Harding bookm it will help you a ton

not bad! finaly somebody had the balls to try it! you should try to define the threes little but more, by having more contrast (adding highlights) so the individual layers show up, giving the image more depth

>> No.2275823

New thread:




>> No.2276128

thank you, will go check book thread

>> No.2276153

You realize that's because people in real life have a tendency to look at the camera when modeling, right? Those were taken from quickposes.com


>> No.2276717

don't use lined paper discard graphite pencils