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File: 1.08 MB, 500x768, 26c76c8a18a5d350d08a7a07d9d77d2b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2272105 No.2272105 [Reply] [Original]

Post some of the types who frequent your local figure drawing establishment.

>The Social Butterfly
Girl who stops drawing every 30 seconds to text.

>Autisimus Maximus
400 lb autistic guy who gets visibly upset when he has to move to make room for some one

>The Networker
Skinny nerdy guy who shakes everyone's hand and chats with them for a few minutes

>Kill Me Already
Bitter old man who always frowns and grunts audibly while drawing.

>The Creepy Professor
Middle aged math teacher who awkwardly tries to chat up the models despite them being less than half his age every single time, may also be autistic.

>> No.2272116

>the faggot
Goes on art discussion boards and makes threads to discuss all kinds of people.

>> No.2272121
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OP this is slightly fun to read, but why are you not focusing on drawing?
there's this one girl with giant tits and a very low neckline. she was sitting opposite of me and started to get on the floor and draw on her knees. she was 'working' very energetic, so her breasts started swinging around and one escaped her bra. needless to say that this was very distracting and I got angry at myself.
so from this day on I've added another wank to my day just before a figure drawing session. which is not a perfect solution, because I have less time for drawing, but at figure drawing classes

>> No.2272124
File: 89 KB, 488x516, XJKSGfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are people who have been regulars at my figure drawing place for years. Impossible not to notice them desu.

>> No.2272153
File: 261 KB, 654x473, 1445733579730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Before the model starts to pose
>All girls lean forward to the bin to sharpen their pencils
>I've anticipated this and already sharpenwd them
>Use my 6'2 height to see their titties every time


>That guy who spends more time looking at his drawing from like 15cm away and drawing rather than observing the model and taking mental notes, and thus creating a shit drawing every time
>Makes me want to whisper "you'll never make it" in his ear and smash his face against his drawing

>> No.2272155
File: 150 KB, 500x378, Even yoda can see it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Makes me want to whisper "you'll never make it" in his ear and smash his face against his drawing

>> No.2272180

doesn't want to look at the model's tits for fear of being seen as a perv so draws the model like she has smoke obscuring her titties

>> No.2272193


Lol bra if anything this is making you look like a perv more than actually drawing her melons since you're obviously concentrating on them.

>> No.2272202

>guy who collects money
Uses water colors and is insanely good, never speaks

>guy who makes announcements
Uses charcoal also insanely good

>girl with way too many art supplies
Changes media every 30s, always flustered

>Asian art guy
Wears hipster outfit and scarf, does way too much talking to his Asian gf and not enough drawing.

>Asian art girls
Always have dirty hands, wearing an unusually large number of bracelets, and gross hair. Constantly discussing what they will be doing after class.

>old white people
All crazy good, clearly been going to the same class for years, constant discussion of liberal politics in between poses

>the one black guy
Looks like every token art black guy on TV. Comes alone, has no friends, says nothing.

>late to class and early to leave
They miss the 30s warm ups and leave before the last 25 min pose. I can't even look them in the face, they disgust me

Dressed like engineer with poorly fit free shirt, clearly not a part of art community, always trying to sneak a peak at everyone's drawings

>> No.2272213

I've never been at a figure drawing class. Those are rares here in Brazil. The only thing close to that was drawing some girlfriends I had, but it was rare.


This is kinda stupid anon... Just don't make a creepy face I guess. lol

>> No.2272227
File: 25 KB, 500x376, FB_IMG_1444813616138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guy who can't draw for shit at the beginning of the year
>Does his first 16 hour pose with constant help from the teacher
>Ends up with a nice looking render but the proportions are off because he cannot into measuring and patience and his short warm up poses are always shit
>Year ends
>"I think I've already mastered human anatomy so from now on I'll just buy a cintiq and practice painting at home".

>That girl who checks her phone all the time and has no fucking idea of what she's doing and doesn't learn

>Friends who always come 20 min late because they were smoking weed outside (I smoke with them but AFTER the class at least)

>That cute teacher who is classically trained and only 27 years old and always rubs her breasts against your back when she's checking your drawing and making corrections

>That guy who brings his breakfast to class because he lives 10 min away from the school and drinks cereals with milk in a year old aquaris bottle and eats muffins from a plastic bag and the fucking plastic rattles every time he grabs a muffin

>That autistic guy who NEVER talks and once my cute teacher was resting against his shoulder while looking at his drawing and the guy started to get because human contact scares him probably all red and shaked her off and she almost fell to the floor
>Even one time a lady friend came to class and sat next to him and he just stood up and left
>The class had only started 5 fucking minutes ago

>> No.2272250


>> No.2272267
File: 19 KB, 300x354, bricks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this, the teachers alway lay out sheets of paper for the students on the stage in front of the models. everytime a model changes a pose, a battalion of students walk to the stage to grab a single sheet of paper, obscuring my view.

>> No.2272289

>People put their coffee cups on the floor

>> No.2272324


One friend from class did this in a class with 20 cintiqs 24HD, then one girl kicked the cup accidentally and spilled the coffee all over the electric box, the light in the whole building went down and like 30+ people lost their progress

>> No.2272326

Source on OP's gif?

>> No.2272328

Nvm - search "Hudson Christie" and you'll find plenty more.

>> No.2272517

is a hobbyist with skills you find in the beginner threads, has no training and doesn't know about construction drawing.
Cannot help me because he doesn't see my mistakes.

There are only middle aged hobbyists. I feel bad for them sometimes because they are clueless about how to approach drawing.

>> No.2272540

>The model that doesn't even try to hold their position (i.e on their phone, shaking their hair, stretching)
>The model that does shitty poses that look like optical illusions
>The model that looks at you with an erection

>> No.2272571

I think usually the models are weirder than the people drawing but from what ive seen theres

guy with mechanical pencil sharpener that makes a ton of noise and nobody says anything

old artist who never seems to improve but has been drawing since the 60s

artist who draws in charcoal, brings his own easel, wears a dumb wide brimmed artist hat, stands back after every line and holds the charcoal towards the paper like he's fencing and makes a big deal that he's drawing something. this guy is the worst artist of the bunch, both artistically and as a person cause he looks like a retard.

then there's the occasional high school girl who brought her friend and they rarely draw but want to get into art school. I always feel bad for the first timers cause where I go if you aren't a member it's 18 bucks and if you are it's 9, and when they find that out they look so sad when they open their wallets.

i kinda want to dump some drawings and post what the models are like cause there's a few interesting ones.

>> No.2272578
File: 484 KB, 968x1296, april 27 2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im gonna do it anyways. this is yoga pose girl. she never sits still, her eyes are always wandering and she's almost impossible to draw. she listens to music while she poses so her heads always bobbing to her eurobeat nonsense.

she did one pose one time where she was holding her leg up in the air, and she was facing me, so i was basically looking up her pussy. Also I might be paranoid but I feel like she's always looking at me and kind of likes me and it makes me uncomfortable. I don't like drawing her.

shes nice though

>> No.2272581
File: 475 KB, 772x1000, august-24-2015-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is diane. she dances between poses, wears feather boas unironically, and constantly talks about how she saw some art show last week that changed her life. She always talks about old movies, and how she grew up in the country. She never stops moving her eyes, so they are incredibly difficult to draw, and in general her face is always twitching and shes smiling.

she is pretty much the stereotype of an artist model. She enjoys it too much, and I'm so jaded I hate when I see people enjoying themselves, so I don't like her.

>> No.2272584
File: 518 KB, 968x1296, june 22 2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is ****** she has big breasts and a fat ass. it's hard to draw her sometimes because she is very attractive. This is like the model you pray for everytime but dread drawing. Nothing particularly odd about her she's just good looking.

>> No.2272589
File: 147 KB, 640x580, may 4 2015 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is another good looking model, but she's a bit different because she's also an artist. She hands out business cards at the end of sessions. I'm under the impression she does model posing because it is a way for her to improve her artwork. She doesn't really care about what people are drawing, and is pretty disinterested in anyone who isn't successful. Definitely not there to have fun. Consummate professional

>> No.2272595
File: 454 KB, 1036x1280, october 30 2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy is notable because he talks to himself between poses, and is impenetrable conversationally. You'd think he'd be a quiet guy but man when he gets talking he just doesn't stop. Also notable because he's the only model I've ever seen fart in the middle of a pose. So he's pretty much in his own world.

>> No.2272599

Can I post a story?

High school years, last year actually. Sketch class, the model is doing nude. The room is REALLY cold because fuck that school, so the teacher put 2, maybe 3 little electric heater facing the model. It was cold for us, so imagine for a naked person.

And then, this fucking bitch stand up, you know the typical high school bitch, always on her phone, somewhat attractive so people forget that she's so dumb and a bad person. She stands up and GO TAKE ONE OF THE HEATER FROM THE MODEL.

Everybody is like "What?" and the bitch says (very serious!) "So what, she has 3 of them, I'm so cold I can get one riiight?" Everyone was out of breath. The model gets mad (the bitch isn't at least talking to her, she's part of the scenery), the bitch screams at the model that she's selfish, the model run of to put her clothes on and go.

Fortunaly the teacher got her back, but wow. Never met such a selfish, dumb girl. The rest of the session was tense (no kidding).

>> No.2272603
File: 56 KB, 600x803, august 25 2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this girl. she was 18 i think. Her dad drove her to the model drawing session. She was really young and attractive and was very nervous at having people look at her. I smoked a cigarette with her outside. Sometimes I don't even think this happened because she never came again.

Overall I think everyone should do figure drawing. It's so worth it to see who shows up every week, and what kind of people model near where you live. Odds are there are a few attractive people and a ton of old models. retired people love getting naked, and the occasional young attractive girl or guy does too.

>> No.2272622

I fear the day I actually go to a figure drawing class and sweat like crazy because of seeing a naked women.

>> No.2272641


>go into life drawing class
>talk with a few regulars before class begins
>start poses and concentrate on my own shit
>at breaks drink and socialize
>at end say goodbye and leave

Goddamn you niggers are fucking autistic as hell, just focus on yourself you insecure shits damn

>> No.2272645
File: 346 KB, 749x545, 1417759112564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The guy with forreal autism
Freaks out when professor tells him to put his phone away (presuably to take pictures of very attractive model). Storms out of the room and slams the door. Professor and I discuss the event and he tells me that he wished that the administration would warn him about special needs students.

>The average student
There for the credits. Does not care about improving or the levels of drawing wizardry they could be attaining.

>The Yogi
Talks about drawing for two minutes and then talks about the benefits of systematic body contortion. #organic.

>The art student.
Had had the class already and just audits it.

>The familiar model.
Best buds with the art student and talks with them during poses to troll the average students.

>The townie model
Literally a naked robot.

>The attractive model
whats more to be said.

>> No.2272648

Honestly this. My life drawing classes consist of about 9 people. 7 of whom are 40-50 year old moms who just enjoy drawing, myself and one of the workers at the store who's a guy in his mid 20's.

We draw and we exchange a few words on breaks. Like shit how hard is it to focus on yourself instead of trying to criticize those around you in an attempt to make yourself feel better.

>> No.2272660

> and as a person

lol, holy shit, you must be the most judgemental asshole I've seen on 4chan yet. And I've been on this board since 2009.

>> No.2272662
File: 1.31 MB, 1056x684, eh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitching about people is pretty normal. You just need to find something you don't like about them. Or they just need to simply open their mouth.

In fact, I think you're the weird one.

>> No.2272710

believe me, it won't happen. I was still a virgin when I first attended figure drawing class and I never had erection there.
you'll be absorbed in your work

>> No.2272715

Might be a bit uncomfortable at first, but, honestly, you'll quickly be absorbed in the drawing, not in the naked person in front of you. It really isn't a sexual thing, unless you're genuinely just there to creep.

>> No.2272725
File: 58 KB, 180x165, andrewlatimer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one guy who air drums and gets really into his music while drawing
thats me

>> No.2272729

i used to do that too :P. your probably just nervous.

>> No.2272731

Nervous about what?

>> No.2272737

drawing in front of other people. thats why i did it. thats a guarenteed way to make people not approach you is making yourself look distracted and in your own world.

>> No.2272738

no..i'm not really nervous, usually i'm just enjoying my song. but i never thought of it that way

>> No.2272743

>drawing model
>listening to rush
>sick ass drums are going
>start to drum to it subtle and enjoy it
>naked model looks at me confused

>> No.2272747
File: 46 KB, 1500x1383, mgIieGO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2272770

fuck not this guy, but nobody ever talked to me in life drawing class. noone ever approaches me and I never know how to start a conversation.

>> No.2272783

if you find it hard to converse with artists thats fine. artists around other artists can get petty especially if the artists are all your age ( older artists aren't like that in my experience). Something to work towards is being comfortable around the models. I've found that models who I've barely talked to but drawn for several years become friendly with me just because they see my improvement and they feel they are contributing to it.

The other artists don't have that connection with you. They aren't instrumental in your success like models are.

>> No.2272793

I'm too much of a fucking perv for life drawing.
I go there to draw, with all good intentions.
I really really would love to draw a pensioner or something, but I've never had a class that didn't have a sex early 20s model.

That fucking reveal when they stand up to take their gown off and you know every guy in the room is either trying not to look at their pussy, or looking at it as fast as they can and then looking away.
And then I end up doing a drawing that stinks, and running home as fast as I can to beat off three times with a full angry boner the whole way home.
I hate it so much.

>> No.2272811

Oooh boy I'm a teacher's assistant for one of the life drawing classes at my school and there are some real characters in my class

>the weeaboo girls who draw shitty anime grills and write really broken japanese on the sides of their paper

>the one weeb girl who actually has a lot of potential but all she wants to draw is bishounen

>the "cool" kids who dont draw and just loudly talk about how drunk they're gonna get after class ends
>they also play rap music really loudly throughout class which pisses off the models

>the one girl who calls me over every 5 minutes to get me to help her but never makes any of the corrections I suggest

>the one girl who always argues with me about the crits I give her and then gets mad when her drawings turn out shitty

>like half the class always wants to completely start their drawing over when they only have 5 minutes left in a 3-hour long pose

>also that one teacher that comes in whenever there's a qt young model and tries to pose with her on the model stand

I'm honestly not getting paid enough for this job

>> No.2272839

That last point, wow.

We have this one teacher, and I dont know what's up with her. She thinks all we need to do is croquis, max 5 minute poses. It's really annoying, I want to have like half an hour, hour on one pose, but she and the model keeps on just going on about "speedy poses!" Also, the "life-drawing" classes started last year, and there were supposed to be two models, one female and one male. The female chickened out, so we spent a whole year drawing this one guy. We just started with the classes again (it's free, since school pays for it). And I'm super excited the first day, we get a new class, a new mode- And it's the same fucking guy. Now, this guy is an actor, and works as an instructor for other actors, so he's quite expensive, and the teacher has somehow decided that this guy is the only person we need. I envy you fuckers who can draw females, I'm so fucking tired of seeing his scrotum when he bends over, and bares his ass at me. He has the weirdest knees, the fat on top of the kneecaps form this weird bulge, which just seems really fucking weird. And since he's an actor, he can't really do too many creative poses, he keeps repeating the same ones, and if he runs out of ideas, he starts acting. "A cowboy in a bar getting shot!" "A hunter in the woods drawing an arrow!". Things like that. It makes for some interesting poses, but there's just no end, and he always ends up in the same poses.


>That freshman who chicken-scratches, and doesnt know the first thing about actually drawing (the one that "likes to draw")
>He awkwardly presents himself, puffing out his tiny chest, and says "I'm going to work at Blizzard as a concept artist"

>That chick who walks out of class when she doesnt get to draw her politcally correct fat woman

>That guy who tries his best, but storms out, crying (looked at his canvas, he made the model look like a bed-cover)

>The girls who cant draw, and sticks to "muh style" and they come up with rediculous excuses

>> No.2272848


Oh, and there werethese two girls who said "We have drawn so much life-drawing in high-school that we don't need to do any more life-drawing" and they stopped showing up.

>> No.2272859

>He has the weirdest knees, the fat on top of the kneecaps form this weird bulge, which just seems really fucking weird
this is what tells me you desperately need a new model. when the sight of a man's knees sends you into a rage.

have you thought of asking maybe some of your friends in these classes if they'd pose for you? someone who you are actually interested in drawing

>> No.2272884

if you are ok with non-nude models, just go to any homeless person you see on a bench throw few sheckels at it and ask them not to move much while you draw them

youd be surprised what interesting characters you can meet

>> No.2272890

>the one weeb girl who actually has a lot of potential but all she wants to draw is bishounen
I have this same exact person! But she dropped the class, sadly.

>> No.2272893

Sounds like a good way to get stabbed by a hobo

>> No.2272918


fucking buzzfeed for artists.. op should go fuck himself

>> No.2272952

How do you guys even find courses that are not full of middle aged housewives and pensioners?

>> No.2272953

Just make yourself look like you don't have money. Hoodie, jeans, and old shoes or something.

>> No.2272957

So you're suggesting that we dress up like hobos, and then go pay hobos to stand still while we draw them?

How have you made it this far?

>> No.2272958

participate in a course close to, related to or even held by a university or other art school

>> No.2272964

If you live near an art school, most of them offer a free workshop type thing in the evenings as a way to advertise their classes.
Really it depends on the area you live in. LA is crawling with models and life-drawing events desu

>> No.2272968

>figure drawing class
>second time I've taken this guy's class because he's the best draftsmen I've ever seen
>incredibly fast, accurate, effortless, can talk and draw perfect figures at the same time
>never misses a beat or makes significant mistakes, actually mastered his craft
>this is surprising because every other drawing teacher I had, or had seen the class of was a total hack that made you "feel the page" and do smeary new age bullshit
>says this maybe ~100-200 times a class
>it's fucking awesome
>no one seems to like that he's repeating himself
>I see some people groan
>no one is listening to him, half have headphones in
>he NEVER stops moving around the class room
>fixes lights every 5 minutes
>always knocking things over "accidentally"
>Helps everyone with their drawings
>NO ONE takes his advice seriously
>they ask the same questions every class , "UHH WHY DO MY DRALING LOOK BAD HURR"
>he literally demonstrates on your paper
>you're literally getting a MASTER demonstration <10 times a class
>I make an effort to draw as he does, change my posture, eye contact, movement, etc
>drawings predictably improve
>he is very forgiving and never says a bad word about anyone despite how obvious it is that they aren't trying to use his advice
>disheartening seeing his brilliance lost on those spoiled brats
>memory of him is still vivid
>never going to forget him

>> No.2272987

please post your work and the name of your teacher? this is a safe place anon

>> No.2272994

this please, as well as state and city, and the establishment where the classes are held.

>> No.2273020

also where he lives and his social security number

>> No.2273023

Also the address, name and phone number of his girlfriend, if any

>> No.2273027

That's a terrible figure drawing

>> No.2273034

You don't like her hairy legs and troll feet?

>> No.2273037

Very rare for things like that to be free. Usually figure drawing is around 10 bucks per session.

>> No.2273042

I don't think that was the point of his posts anon

>> No.2273202

>creepy old guy
asks the model to pose in provocative poses. only wants to do long pose. wears a beret. is good but unoriginal and fucking annoying. sits next to only minor in class every time.

>only teenager in class.
quiet and doesn't talk.

>old ladies who only work in pastels

>old lady who has obviously never attended a figure drawing class in her entire life and only does plein air painting outside of class

>middle aged guy who has to have a conversation with everyone in the class, and gets up between poses to stare at everyone's drawing.

>college kid who's there to support their modelling friend

>college kid model who doesn't know what they're doing, but is modelling so they can tell the story at parties.

>college kid who misses every other pose to go smoke.

>> No.2273293

>I'm so jaded I hate when I see people enjoying themselves, so I don't like her.
this is a very bad quality to have. i hope you don't think it's edgy or cool. try to get rid of it as soon as possible

>> No.2273310

you again goddamnit

>> No.2275204

Doesn't matter if that was the point or not, it's still a terrible figure drawing.

>> No.2275211

hey, i know the person who made that animation

>> No.2275222

>tfw i dress like that every day

>> No.2275245


Whatever man, 'scomfy AF

>> No.2275256

Kill him

>> No.2275268

i will not! she is very nice.

>> No.2275288

I've done both, more interesting stories as a model though:

first time I posed was at a session I'd drawn at previously. This guy who probably took a lot of acid in the 60's comes up to the podium and draws from only 5ft away, and he's looking at my groin for each pose. I'm like 99% sure from prior interactions he's not gay. All I can figure is he's just drawing my dick to make me uncomfortable and teach me some sort of hippie-brain lesson like "if you're gonna model you gotta be ready for some whacko to draw your dick, mane. I'm just gettin ya prepared". I checked at a break and it turned out they were all drawings of my hands that happened to be in the area. The drawings were crude though, so to this day I'm not sure if he wasn't just staring at my dick to make me uncomfortable while doodling some random hand drawing.

>> No.2275293

Did you fluff beforehand?
Not a full boner obviously, but you must have given it a couple of strokes to get the blood in there to have good presentation, surely.

>> No.2275312
File: 25 KB, 400x386, 1441994960693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>artist who draws in charcoal, brings his own easel, wears a dumb wide brimmed artist hat, stands back after every line and holds the charcoal towards the paper like he's fencing and makes a big deal that he's drawing something. this guy is the worst artist of the bunch, both artistically and as a person cause he looks like a retard.

>> No.2275314

Better than some anti-social NEET who sits in his mom's basement drawing children he's deemed his "waifu"

>> No.2275315

forgot to say that the guy is actually pretty cool, if my theory is true he was totally just havin' a laugh.

First time modeling at a different session where I'd also been to for drawing first, there's this autistic(?) lady who does the whole "switch between pastels and charcoal and watercolor" every 30 seconds because she thinks it'll fix her abortion of a drawing.

Anyway, if any of you have been to a session, it's common for any pose over 10 minutes to have an announcement of how much time is left at half and 3/4 way. This is as helpful for the model as it is for people drawing. I like it because it helps me figure out how to carefully shift weight/contract muscles so i don't get too tired and break pose. I was out of shape, so sometimes it was a real challenge not to start shaking and I'm super relieved at the end of a pose.

Anyway, each time the guy keeping time says something, this lady is audibly perturbed. At the end of each pose she says 'no, no, ugh, more time!'. She gets louder and more upset each time, pushing harder and harder for pose extensions. Eventually she snaps and complains at the timekeeper, it's messing up HER concentration and SHE can't draw in these conditions. HE'S RUINING HER DRAWINGS.

So the guy keeping time is this wonderful old fairy who's apparently the group's de-facto leader and he doesn't take any shit when it comes to the arts. This guy lays down the fucking law about EXACTLY why announcing time is important and helpful for both the other people drawing in the group and the model. He reminds her that I'm a human and no she cannot "just have two more minutes". She tries to complain and he cuts her off with the sassiest goddamn way of saying "this group doesn't revolve around you, so you're just going to have to adjust to our VERY REASONABLE standards of conduct."

>> No.2275316

>brings his own easel
>wears a dumb wide brimmed artist hat
> stands back after every line and holds the charcoal towards the paper like he's fencing and makes a big deal that he's drawing something

Fuck are you talking about? That's awesome!

>> No.2275330

no, that time was actually really spur-of the moment. I thought I would be drawing when I walked in and it was cold as fuck anyway. Fluffing doesn't do much if there's so much as a slight chill. I'm a grower and my dick doesn't get any bloodflow unless i'm turned on. I only get turned on if shit is actually going down and I'm making out with some gal. Unfortunately a couple strokes does nothing for me. Sometimes if I feel real shrivel-dicked, i'll think of something sexual to try and get it to grow a little, but I'm careful about that because I don't want anyone to notice, lest I be like Bob.

So one of the groups I went to did announcements and shared work on facebook. We'd usually know who the model was beforehand. Some models were enthusiastic in person, but no one was like Bob. Bob would make a post each day leading up to his session about how happy he was to be posing for us. the posts read as genuine, but they were creepy because no other models EVER bothered to post in the group. So when one is commenting in every discussion or on peoples work they posted like 'hey this looks great, can't wait to see what it looks like when you draw me' it's just a little, well, off.

Anyway, he's nice enough in person and seems kinda nervous if anything. The whole session was fine, but it was clear bob was proud of his somewhat-above-average manhood. It seemed like he was fighting to NOT become completely erect the whooole time. Seriously half my drawings have 3-5 dicks in them because he was at various lengths and hardness levels.

Fortunately, that was the only sign of his obvious exhibition kink. He obviously was in it mostly for the right reasons (whatever those are) and was genuine about being a good model for everyone, but just couldn't contain that part of himself completely, despite wanting to.

>> No.2275344

did he perfectly describe you?

>> No.2275361

Sneak a peek? In my class people just get up, go around and look at other people's work, it's actually encouraged by the teacher.

>> No.2275372

I've got a couple more stories if anyone cares to read them or has questions, I see this thread has a lot more experience from off the podium

>> No.2275377

More stories please, I'm loving these.

I bet as soon as you look at their drawings the first thing you go to is how big/small they drew your pecker

>> No.2275379

except his drawings are terrible. he doesn't do value with the charcoal, he just goes straight black every time and he basically makes stick figures. he doesn't try, he just wants to look like how he thinks artists look.

>> No.2275394

> That one girl that doesnt draw at all and just stares at the female model.

>> No.2275415

>tfw the only figure drawing studio within an attainable distance closed and now have complete lack of models

been like this for months so ive just been stagnating on improving...

>> No.2275423


And? That makes it even more hilarious.

I wish we had more characters like that around.

>> No.2275557
File: 106 KB, 403x498, 1424308575925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>artist who draws in charcoal, brings his own easel, wears a dumb wide brimmed artist hat, stands back after every line and holds the charcoal towards the paper like he's fencing and makes a big deal that he's drawing something. this guy is the worst artist of the bunch, both artistically and as a person cause he looks like a retard.

Dude we had a guy just like that on my course's life drawing class. He'd insist on using one of the donkeys instead of a normal easel, which was a pain for the teacher to get and then he'd take up so much space in the prime position for the model. Nigga would take out a special art hat, like a beret but more shapeless, and he'd take out all these beautiful art supplies even if we weren't using them. It's like,

>aight guys we're gonna be focusing on values today, so just use charcoal and chalk please
>takes out and arranges all his pastels and pens and everything

Would have long back and forth with the teacher when she came round giving quiet crit, and then ignore her advice. Dude would shift around so damn much, use his pencil to measure absolutely everything, keep shifting around his head side to side and "hrmm"ing, and yep, just like your example this guy was the worst in the class. Even the tumblr chicks drew better than him, it was like stick man tier.

>> No.2275561

That nigger that pretends to do something for 40 minutes then you notice he hasn't done anything.

>> No.2275620

>been kinda goofing off on drawing all my life despite the fact that i loved doing this
>took figure drawing at uni last semester
>regular normie filled class, only like one guy who can draw really well but is on a STEM major
>teacher recommends loomis, hampton and other shit i've seen repeated ad infinitum here
>instantly hooked
>had four different nude models despite the fact that it's a private catholic university
>find another life drawing class as soon as the semester ends
>this classic trained artist is offering a small class in her own house
>get there
>is an oil painter but can actually draw
>she learned with loomis
>has an original translated loomis print
>can into analytical figure drawing
>other classmates are an old man who's a succesful real estate agent and wanted to draw comics since he was a kid
>other is an older woman who studied architecture and works in construction
>a single model for the entire summer who also modeled at my uni's class
>this cute petite blonde who apparently did modelling for the few life drawing groups all over the city
It was really comfy but the class fell apart after a while when my classmates stopped coming and teacher no longer had the time for the class since she did her own thing. She even offered to mentor me if I showed her my most recent work but i'm retarded and forgot to show her most of it. Thanks for reminding me /ic/, I hope she still wants to see this stuff.

>> No.2275668

Fucking lol

>> No.2275815

sounds like a great teacher

>> No.2276226


>I bet as soon as you look at their drawings the first thing you go to is how big/small they drew your pecker
Oh for sure. Sometimes for some of the better artists I was more interested in the face, but I was always very concerned with how they drew/saw my dick, even though I didn't really want to. At first you consciously care a lot, then after you do it for awhile you really don't because you know how big your dick is, and you've seen how people react (or don't) to it on their faces. Nonetheless, a deep guttural part of you will never stop caring because it just has to know.

This is more for people who haven't been to many life drawing groups to help characterize a later story.

Organized figure drawing generally comes in two varieties: 'Class' are where there is one or two instructors leading the group, checking and critiquing work, etc. 'Sessions' are where a 'leader' may or may not be guiding poses, dealing with lighting, helping the model with props and heaters, etc. There may be no leader in a session and those things are just handled by the group. Both of these will be either for the community or specifically for uni art students enrolled in a program.

A community class/session may have people of any age, but is usually a bunch of middle-age to older people who can barely draw well enough to qualify for a /ic/ beginner thread. If class, the instructor may be decent or barely able to copy a loomis illustration (very rarely they'll be super-good). These older people will converse quietly during breaks, but are dead quiet during a pose. Even if the won't say so, they treat drawing like it's holy and it's always so quiet that if you want to talk to another artist, you have to whisper. Even then it feels wrong. Likely someone will give you a dirty look for being distracting. No one is good enough to really know why they have this reverence. On breaks they'll be comfotable talking to the model as a fellow adult as long as they're clothed.

>> No.2276249


I think the reverence comes from some idea that 'true artists' have some secret of great focus or jedi-like understanding of who knows what. Community sessions get a variety of models, usually old/fat/etc. There's usually 1-3 attractive young models that show up sparingly.

Uni classes/sessions always have a faculty member present. If they're instructing, they'll probably be at least decent at drawing, but often aren't great at teaching. They'll say vague shit like "oh your sensitivity is good". Sometimes they know how to work with a model, sometimes they don't understand that a model can't realistically do a handstand for ten minutes. As for the students, they'll talk in-between breaks, but definitely not to the model. During a pose they're usually pretty quiet and might have a quiet conversation. The quiet isn't reverence here so much as not knowing how to deal with the fact that there's fucking genitals in front of them and maybe they like that or maybe they don't.

Most of the students are 'muh concept' kids, don't care for figure drawing and are just there because it's a required class. I've both modeled and been in one of these classes, students would talk about how they couldn't imagine how they'd handle it if someone they knew was on the podium. Mostly these classes get even fewer of the young attractive models. I imagine that's because those models have less experience and don't want to deal with inexperienced, potentially rude or worse students.

In either situation, it's usually on the models to broach any kind of interaction other than the necessary ones with a group leader. Older people know how to handle it, students really fucking don't. If a model does address them at any time, they're usually uncomfortable because "naked people give me weird feelings I don't understand". Part of the faculty member's job is usually to dissipate some of the awkwardness in the air.

>> No.2276255

I've only had experience with classes full of the younger dumbass kids who don't want to draw, and there's absolutely an awkward silence.
Personally it makes me uncomfortable, I'd prefer a bit of noise, I've never modeled but I would assume I would prefer to listen to dumb conversations than have uncomfortable silence.

>> No.2276257

Was his name marc by any chance? if so I think i've had him before. real cool teacher

>> No.2276259


I've been lucky enough to be in a couple of more private sessions that cater to local working artists that are 'serious': students who are honestly working really hard to git gud, a variety of professionals and some of their acquaintances who would like to git gud. The pros vary from fine artists to graphic designers to marketers to the instructors for the uni classes. These people are on a whole different tier- where the other groups could barely hang in a /ic/ beginner thread, these guys land at least in the upper 10% of quality you see in /ic/ draw threads. These sessions are not quiet, there will at least be music or a movie on in the background. It's abundantly clear that they're professionals because they work hard and study hard, not because they understand the force. Many of them will joke loudly and hold really 'colorful' conversations while simultaneously pumping out amazing work like their arm is a fucking machine.

The hardest part of modelling for one of these sessions is not laughing. Obviously these people are more comfortable with models and understand the nuance of how they should interact with a model. The model might be good friends with someone and bitch about a mutual acquaintance or something as long as no one requests a still face. After modeling/drawing at one of these sessions, the other ones are almost a total fucking bore.

anyway back to stories in the next post.

>> No.2276277

>almost a total fucking bore.
well, other than the fact you get to practice figure drawing.

I'd been an artist at the community session with the autistic lady and knew they different people there on that level, including the de-facto leader I mentioned before, for a year or two before I signed up as a model. It was 90% the same people and as they were all old, they got comfortable pretty quickly once they knew I was.

It's common to thank a model after a few poses or something, and if they hold still or do something unusually interesting to say something like "good pose" or whatever about it. I try to be engaging when I'm on the podium because I know I hate it when a model does the same 3 fucking standing poses they always do. Between this and their being familiar with me, the group is being pretty complimentary of my poses by halfway through. The leader, John, however is also complimenting me. About how I look Persian, statuesque, etc. It's kinda subtle in with the other stuff, so I think nothing of it. I'll also not that I didn't have a robe, so I just used some sweatpants to cover up between poses.

The group knows a week in advance who's going to pose, so the next time I'm there, I find that John has brought me a robe and one of his own blankets so I don't have to use the old one from the community center that never get washed. He seemed disappointed that I had my own robe by then. It was a nice gesture, but definitely unusual and at this point I'm like "oh ok I see what's goin on here".

This session goes the same as the last, but we all end up talking just a little more about me than about my poses. At the end, when I'm getting dressed in a closet (with the door kinda open because idgaf, everyone just saw my dick anyway) John stands in the doorway, gently/subtly blocking my way out unless I speak with him. If I were a girl this would probably have been on the border of super-fucking-creepy depending on what came next.

>> No.2276287

He says some stuff about he's very involved in the local art community and how he knows some guy with a studio at [renowned place] and how he pays *this* much more than the community center to impress me and legitimize the coming request. He didn't know I'd modeled at a different studio there for more money, but I figured I'd see where this was going. He wanted to set up some private "one-on-one" model sessions. Said some stuff about how "one-on-one" you can get some nuance or something you just can't get in a group setting.

Yeah buddy I know what "one-on-one" is like, I draw the girls I fuck. The word you're looking for is "intimate". Did you forget I was off the podium here for a year? I exchanged numbers with him because while I'd probably never do "one-on-one" with him, he was a good-intentioned old fella and might end up throwing other work my way.

After I thought about it, I realized for all he knew, I might be into old dudes. The whole thing was with good intentions, but the doorway+buildup was creepy. Otherwise I could tell he was just really nervous but kind. Every time I saw him from then on he would talk about setting something up, but he never called about it.

more stories?

>> No.2276364

Yeah, he was hittin on ya. Doesn't sound like it was too creepy. Most of us straight guys in the art world have been hit on by old gay dudes at some point. There are just more gay dudes in art than in the general population, I guess.

Fire away! I enjoy all these stories that aren't about why people who wear hats and draw for shit are bad people.

>> No.2276384

I'm a gay dude and I'd probably hit on a hot model, I don't like guys who are flaming, and gaydar isn't an exact science so just the fact that a guy would be okay with be naked in front of a lot people would kind of suggest that he's maybe a bit more open sexually. Certainly would be worth trying to flirt with him a little bit.
I wouldn't fucking close someone in like that as they were getting changed though, thats a bit much.

And yes please more stories, it's fascinating.

>> No.2276400

The reason I don't think it seems creepy is that old guy in the story was just awkward. Not like rapey... just awkward.

Hm. Not sure if art model = open sexually. Let's ask Persian-looking statue anon.

>> No.2276414

the person who made that is a guy.

>> No.2276519

Nice lines, man.

>> No.2276557

That's true.

>> No.2277077

You're both pretty on-target for what I was getting at. The old guy was 90% awkward, caused mostly because I think he was definitely coming onto me and nervous about it. The doorway thing and slow build-up and legitimization of what he wanted were off-putting, even if he was hitting on me.

If it had been just a matter of "hey I need a model who looks/is built specifically like you so I can finish this composition", there'd be little reason to be nervous. Hell, he could have made the request through the community center and they'd contact me. If there's no ulterior motive, why spend time building up and justifying your request? There's also a clue in how he always talked about it like it was a real, happening thing
he wanted to do, and I'd say "just gimme a call about it sometime" but he never did.
If he's hitting on me, well he went about it alright except the doorway thing. Something about the way it all went down and how he didn't budge until I had answered his question, even though I was dressed and ready to leave the closet made it pretty clear that his positioning was deliberate and strategic. I imagine if he were in the realm of my considerations, that would be a turn-off.

In general though, John was a nice dude who just didn't know how to handle getting what he wanted. The story is interesting to me because I'd never had someone be so "forceful" in an awkward, nervous kind of way. There's a lot of anons on 4chan that talk about being called creepy and probably don't realize they're doing stuff like strategically positioning themselves or damning their intentions by trying to make them sound innocent.

>> No.2277093

>Hm. Not sure if art model = open sexually. Let's ask Persian-looking statue anon.
That's an interesting question. As for me, that depends on your definition of 'open'. Males don't do anything for me whatsoever (unfortunate- I'd probably get laid more if they did), but if a gay guy is hitting on me I'll take it as a compliment.

Most models happen to be pretty comfortable with sexuality, some are very 'open' in their personal lives. We ARE talking about people who thought it was a good idea to have strangers see their genitals. That said, there are some models I've met who are very reserved sexually and really just in general. Their reason might genuinely be something like "I love renaissance art and I suck at drawing and am poor, but I want to support the arts so this is how I can do it"

Regardless of how open they are, unless you have a relationship with a model, it is absolutely NOT a good idea to broach anything sexual. This will probably get you blacklisted for all the local groups. If the model hasn't invited you to interact with them, don't interact with them. John and I had known each other for a year+ within the group and usually said "Hi" "Oh yeah, neat drawing" and the like during the session. It wasn't like he was always trying to talk to me and I was shutting him down.

If a model is attracted to you and would actually go through with the deed, they will find a way to give you a clear opening. Again, this is a person who went out of their way to figure out how to get naked in front of strangers. Surely, they can figure out how to make it happen.

>> No.2277104

I got into modeling for two reasons, 1. Someone suggested that modeling can help with figure drawing, learning what your subject is going through etc., and 2. To try and kill dead social anxiety. You know how the usual public speaking advice is "if you feel like you're in your underwear, picture them in their underwear"? I figured it might work better if I felt used to being stared at naked. I mean, if I can handle people actively judging the size of my cock then I can handle giving a class presentation or whatever. I only get nervous now if I'm unsure of what I have to present.

Other people's reasons I'm familiar with:

>pixie college girl who is in theatre
"Getting naked is SO MUCH FUN"

>super heavy morbidly obese lady
"If I accept my body enough to show it to strangers it'll be good for my self-esteem"

>Middle age lady, plain but pretty:
"I find it really relaxing, I don't know why"

>Old guy who looks like a zombie/he might actually die any second:
I have no idea, maybe he was super-hot back when California became a state. I've seen a few of these and they never talk, and their bodies+faces are so weird and specific that you don't learn to draw a nose, you learn to draw *that* weird nose.

>Unbelievably gorgeous middle-age latin lady:
Again I didn't get to talk to her, but it's probably something along the lines of how it'd be goddamn sinful not to. I don't even like older women but damn.

"I get naked for money anyway, this is a lot more relaxing though"

>most middle-age/younger guys
I have a thing for exhibitionism, or I see this as money-for-nothing

>> No.2277116

Our college requires you to take figure drawing at some point, like a lot of people, I took it as a freshman. I started modeling the next year, but only at community sessions/private sessions. Once I was a super-senior, I decided to model for my uni. I figured “fuck it, it’s probably all freshman who won’t know me and maybe there will be a cute one or two.”

Wrong on both counts. My class had mostly been freshman. As far as I could tell, this was a smattering of all ages. One or two cute ones? I was attracted to half the fucking class oh-my-god. Even better, I knew some people.

>guy I’m in a club with (doug)
Probably didn’t want to see my dick, but ended up being super mature about it. Kid’s one of the ones who’s trying to git gud, so I wouldn’t expect less.

>super hot girl I’d seen around (beth)
I had no idea she was the girlfriend of a coworker.

>girl who I’d met four years earlier in the dorms (mae)
I was into her then for a minute but stopped pursuit when she thought it was wise to tell me (I shit you not) that she ran away from home multiple times with older men, immediately followed by descriptions of their drug use, immediately followed by how shoplifting could be lots of fun, immediately followed by how we should move in together. She continued pursuit until we moved out of the dorms.

there were one or two other familiar faces, but they don’t really factor in much. Other important characters are

I actually don’t know her name. Very very cute and innocent looking, also pretty tiny, definitely had to be a freshman.

>> No.2277130

I've been doing life drawing fir about 5 years and i worry its turning me asexual. I'm seeing all these hot girls naked every week, when i started it turned me on a little and i kept thinking about how pretty they were but now i see them as meaty objects that sit there. I have zero attraction to their bodies any more and i think its affecting my sex drive..

>> No.2277150

so nothing real interesting to do with Beth happens. I wonder in retrospect if she had any idea who i was and if she told her bf. He always treated me real well so either she didn’t or they’re both cool as fuck.

Doug is super uncomfortable until I speak with him casually at break wearing a robe, at which point he’s pretty much like “yeah this actually isn’t that weird, we’ve all got one” and then we just talk about gittin’ gud. Doug’s join’ places.

But let’s rewind to the beginning of class. Like I said, Uni classes usually get older models. When I took the class, we ONLY had old models, and I’m pretty sure this class did too based on what the person who booked me said. So I walk into the class and notice that awkwardness I mentioned earlier take off and crash through the ceiling.

The next thing I notice is the look on Mae’s face. Her eyes are wide and her mouth is open and I can see the gears have completely ground to a halt because her brain just can’t handle this. I’m not *that* attractive, but I’m basically Mae’s celebrity crush. You know the girl/guy that you let get away? The one who you were just fucking all-about but then they rejected you? Imagine the joy/upset that you feel when you realize you get to spend the next 4.5 hours staring at them naked from 7 feet away but you don’t get to touch them. Maybe this is your one final chance to win them over. This is what was on Mae’s face.

>> No.2277152

>I'd prefer a bit of noise, I've never modeled but I would assume I would prefer to listen to dumb conversations than have uncomfortable silence.
This a thousand times. Like I said, the awkwardness is heavier than Schindler’s list. I have to do something about it. I start making some jokes with the Prof, who is visibly relieved that I know what I’m doing and I’m super comfortable talking about whatever, including the fact that I’m naked.

*whenever I start talking while modeling I ask if anyone is drawing my face/head, and make it clear that if they need me to stop talking, I will absolutely do so, they just say the word. When I do it I move as little as possible, even though my words sound dumb.*

Eventually the students other than the ones I know figure out it’s cool to talk during the pose a little. The awkwardness has lightened up from that, the professor’s help, and an occasional joke from me. Turns out Jill is pretty sharp, loves to talk and she and a friend are crassly joking/tentatively flirting with me, while Mae and I also banter a bit- albeit with some tension. I’m mostly staying silent because I’m trying not to move.

We come around to a 45 minute reclining pose. I’m on my side facing the half of the class with Jill and Mae. Mae sits on the floor right in front of the podium and rests her drawing board on it. Jill and the class on that side of the of the podium can see it but I can’t. Usually getting this close to a model is uncouth, but she knows me and we’re having fun so whatever.

Jill and her friend get to drawing and make some sly comments that I tiptoe around (I’m not sure what uni policy is and I’d like to do this again). I really want to flirt back, but that would be unethical, right? Right?

>> No.2277153

>I have a thing for exhibitionism

How do they model without having a boner the whole time?

>> No.2277154

So halfway through the pose prof leaves and without him as their “anchor”, suddenly everyone is super awkward again (because I can’t carry it, I’m mostly staying silent). This goes on for five minutes and I can’t take the awkwardness so I finally ask “anyone have a good joke?”

Jill: “I DO!”

Me: thank god, we’ll have a nice joke from this innocent freshman, everyone will relate, the air will clear up

Jill: in her cute girlish voice “What’s black and blue and HAAAAAAATES sex?”



Now that’s a joke I think is very funny and I’m trying not to lose my shit, but other than a few kids who appreciate the nuance of a fine dead baby joke, the room has suddenly become even more silent. In fact, it’s sucking sound in. At this point I am hopelessly crushing on Jill, but that’s beside the story.

Finally the professor comes back to class and things do lighten up. The pose finishes up for break and Mae sets down her board and darts out of the classroom. I realize then what half the class was witnessing over the last 45 minutes: Mae rendering my cock as a 18”x24” red, gold, and purple monstrosity. My dick and balls, the entire page.

Despite the red flags, she was very kind. She's probably a firecracker in bed and I’m sure she’s making someone VERY happy right now.

>> No.2277155

When I say 'thing' i mean more of a cerebral thing. Some can't totally control it see the story about Bob above. It's probably like when you're with bae and ur tryin' not to nut so you're focusing on baseball or grandma.

>> No.2277157

wait till you've got a girl in your hands. Your visual sense might be a little deadened, but the tactile portion is like 80% of sex. You're fine mate

>> No.2277158

>Mae rendering my cock as a 18”x24” red, gold, and purple monstrosity. My dick and balls, the entire page.

my sides

>> No.2277160

whoops, meant:
*jill and her friend get around to drawing my dick and make some sly comments*

>> No.2277170

these stories are god-tier pls continue

>> No.2277177


>> No.2277181

how does one sign up to become a model for a figure drawing class. I have some extra freetime and I wouldn't mind making a little money on the side and providing artists a subject for their art.

>> No.2277185

Try contacting the person who organizes it. Usually it's just like one random dude at a community center, or if it's an art school they probably have someone whose entire job is dealing with models and scheduling them. Sometimes in art schools they have fliers up asking for models, otherwise I would try to look on the websites and see if there is an email listed for this type of thing.

>> No.2277772

supposed to be reading articles for a lab I start in on Monday, instead I spend 40 minutes lurking here, now I've spent an extra minute posting this.


>> No.2277823
File: 140 KB, 432x269, Screen Shot 2015-11-07 at 9.35.04 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one figure drawing class I went to had this pale ass chick that always had something on her vagina. Every day too and in the same spot. She was fun to draw and all but I got so grossed out by whatever the hell that white thing was on her vag. I tried not to make a grossed out face but it was just....there every day she came over.