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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 73 KB, 640x645, 148112-Drunk-Princess-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2269887 No.2269887 [Reply] [Original]

How long would you say you've been seriously practicing drawing?

How many hours a week would you say you put into drawing? (Don't lie. We're all anonymous here)

>> No.2269890

I dunno. I've been trying to improve since I was 13, but I just draw when I feel like. Sometimes I draw hours every single day, some weeks I don't even touch the pencil.

>> No.2269892

Month and a half. 10-14 hours a week after study related shit.

>> No.2269894

I study and my life's pretty busy, but I always make time to draw at least two hours digitally per day.
I also bring my sketchbook everywhere to doodle and write down my ideas.
But basically, I've been drawing 3 hours a day for the last 12 years

>> No.2269895

I'd say like 8 months. And about 2 hours everyday (depends on the day).

>> No.2269897

Holy shit 12 years, show work?

>> No.2269898

Since February.

I've been slacking lately after inktober burned me out but I average maybe one or two hours a day. Mostly just a hobbyist, I don't have professional ambitions.

>> No.2269908
File: 157 KB, 614x612, meikosketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I draw for fun though so don't expect anything great, since this is a hobby I haven't study it nor I want to. And I've only been posting my works online for three years now.
All my previous work is on sketchbook that only I can see. I wouldn't be lying if I told you I have completed 50 different sketchbooks since I was little.
I also really look forward to my time drawing, is the best part of the day desu, because it's so fun. I wish it's the same for you.

>> No.2269940
File: 45 KB, 600x618, The_Captain_by_Darke_Imp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, 6 or 7. My mom was an art major, and already pretty damn good at that time, but she'd had to let it go by the time she had me. So when she saw I liked drawing, she took it seriously for some reason and started giving me instructional books and teaching me foreshortening and all this shit when I was only 6 or 7, I remember it clear as day. I was pretty obsessed with it since then. Once I spent an entire day in a bookstore from open to close trying to draw one thing, I didn't even eat anything just got up to pee once. I was starving when I left but I had my drawing, which was pic related. Got my first art related job when I was 18 and have been going from there. I feel like I've sort of slacked off lately somehow though, trying to get that back. I freelance now and draw all day, every day, so I guess I do +/- 60 hrs/week.

>> No.2269950

...You think I should take aderall to get that kinda drive?

>> No.2269955
File: 2.60 MB, 1479x4425, 6545346354353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

~12 months. 6 - 13+ hours per day since april. Drawing is pain and not fun if you don't have talent

>> No.2269957

I probably wouldn't recommend going that far, when I need to work obsessively like that, I just grab some coffee or tea, green and black tea have a really good steady burn to them. I just wouldn't go that route though because you would probably burn yourself out real fast, and it's better for you to have a lot of short bursts over longer than a bunch of rapid succession longer sessions then be down for the count for days or a week. I have a friend who tried it out and he said it takes a toll pretty quickly.

>> No.2269960

seriously since this year, well "more seriously than ever", since last month 5h average I would say and another 5 h procrastinating average :'(

after inktober i've started with vidya again, oh, and I fucking lost my workout habit ftl
feel so deployed right now, but still pushing out some turds this afternoon

>> No.2269970

See, this is my problem. I can't do anything over and over again everyday without someone holding my hand. I'm not sure if I lose focus or just lose my drive, but I have to take decent sized breaks in between sessions, like a couple of days or a couple of weeks. I really want to get good, though.

>> No.2269991

In that case I think it's a matter of finding a way to keep yourself there. I've been lucky because I always have things I want to draw. If you can find something that you really, just REALLY feel compelled to draw, that'll probably help you keep your focus. For instance, I've always hated drawing large groups of people, it just felt so tedious, but I'm working on a group picture of some youtube people I follow and I've been able to move through it at a good pace because of the interest I have in each person. You can also allow yourself breaks while you're drawing, just take 15 minutes to play solitaire or something, then dive back into drawing. I find it also helps to not exactly think about what you're doing, just let your hand start moving, otherwise I tend to psyche myself out thinking about how much work the drawing is gonna be.

>> No.2269992

It will be 4 years by the end of the year.

I stopped keeping track of how often I draw after I got a job at an animation company, though some days I would do none and others I wouldn't do anything else than draw.

Rather than just pure hours, I think it is much more important how much of that time is un-/interrupted time.

>> No.2269997
File: 27 KB, 500x500, damn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

less than 5 months but i spent a whole year being a pussy and drawing once a week...now i had a mental shut down from the burnouts and haven't touch paper in almost a month..god i fucking want this but with a full time job i barely have the strength to get up and draw..

>> No.2270017

damn family to be honest shame my head straight savage truth shake my head sempai.

>> No.2270024

not enough

>> No.2270031

i suppose I've been practicing in a constructive way since I was a very young kid. my mother's a professional artist with some of the strongest drafting skills I personally know, so she probably shaped my learning although she never made it overbearing.

i'm not sure if I drew more than other kids. no way to compare. my siblings are also really adept at drawing. not sure how much is genetic vs. learned. is it possible to inherit genes for better than average spacial perception - eye-hand coordination needed for good drawing? i dunno

anyway i'd have lulls of disinterest that spanned as long as a couple of years where I didn't really draw. only absent-minded doodles and such.

now i'm drawing the most i've probably ever drawn, as i decided to go into a heavily drawing-based art program.
go figure

>> No.2270032
File: 410 KB, 460x627, got me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoying the filters bro? there's a special place for you in hell.

>> No.2270043

>Jim Carey in a speedo
Shaking my head, to be honest.

>> No.2270049

it's a shop

>> No.2270050

I'm glad some anons here draw for a hobby. It feels like everyone just wants to make a living off it.

>> No.2270051

I'm sorry. That head looked like Jim Carey's head, and that figure is wearing a speedo, which made me come to the conclusion that the poster wanted to convey Jim Carey in a speedo.

>> No.2270053

I've been drawing for pleasure ever since I was a child. After being praised for my skill I started to put more effort into it. I had a copy of that pokemon handbook from the 90s(with Mew and Pikachu and Togepi on the cover) and forced myself to replicate every picture onto separate paper, which probably helped my skill in proportions a bit.
I took art classes in highschool but ultimately got lazy and lost a bit of passion. Tried to pick it up off and on through the years.
Recently I have been seriously putting forth an effort to practice ,in about the last 6months. I probably draw 10-15 hours a week.

>> No.2270055

I draw for an income, but that's because I care a lot about what I draw. If I don't receive money off of it, I won't be able to produce it as frequently. I'd still do it without the income, but life wouldn't be as good.

>> No.2270056

Nice, I started off by copying the art from Pokemon cards. I always wondered if anyone else had done that or something similar, I'm glad I'm not alone.

>> No.2270061

Fuck I used to copy pictures out of that handbook as a child too. What a coincidence.

>> No.2270090
File: 886 KB, 2000x2000, 181015(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 months. About 15-20 hours a week or so. I'm not looking to live off of this but drawing well for fun would be nice.