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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 626 KB, 1000x939, zamii-su.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2265346 No.2265346[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

'Steven Universe' fandom is melting down after bullied fanartist attempts suicide.


>> No.2265351

No surprise that Steven Universe fans are autistic.

>> No.2265359

>open the bait
>first paragraph: problematic
That was a quick read.

>> No.2265363

What a fucking mess. This shit is why fandoms are cancer. Nothing but autistic morons obsessed with fictional fucking characters. Fucking pathetic.

>> No.2265367
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>Part of the "evidence" that she was transmisogynistic included her using the words "dude" and "man" as interjectory statements while talking to a woman
I'm having a hard time finishing to read this.

>> No.2265390
File: 325 KB, 731x636, 1440480722699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same chick that made pic related. I just remember seeing it in a cringe thread a while back. What are the odds?

>> No.2265392

Every time I hear the horror stories of Tumblr I sort of brush it aside and assume it's fake, and then I see some of the posts in this.

Is there really anything more autistic?

>> No.2265439

I don't give a shit about the drama, but holy shit, what a coincidence that she's the artist of that.

The amount of copy-pasted elements by the third pic still kills me.

>> No.2265472

they need to stop producing the tv show

>> No.2265487

mfw the first one is actually good

>> No.2265491

>Accused of perpetuating "racism/stereotyping, transmisogyny/transphobia, apologism, incest, pedophilia, fatphobia, and ableism in her art.

Well I think we know who actually needs to kill themselves lul

>> No.2265512

>That increasing lack of confidence
Just draw that shit nigga!

>> No.2265514

4chan is known for making storms in a glass of water but tumblr and reddit really are as bad as we make them out to be.

>> No.2265519

Anyone got the cliff notes version of this?

>> No.2265522
File: 119 KB, 883x955, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>racism/stereotyping, transmisogyny/transphobia, apologism, incest, pedophilia, fatphobia, and ableism

Oh my fuck.

>> No.2265524

No shit. SJWs are essentially nazis, except aryans have been replaced by fags, trannies, feminists and fatties, and Jews have been replaced by white men and whatever is deemed "normal".

>> No.2265528

This almost reads like a parody.

>> No.2265532 [DELETED] 

>Tumblr artist draws steven universe fanart
>it's not accurate
>Many tumblrettes call her out and tell her to kill herself
>she apologizes
>tumblr does not accept apologies
>for like 3 or so years tumblrinas make blogs dedicated to "calling her out" and never leave her alone
>fat characters are skinny
>later she goes onto doing more fanarts that people don't find acceptable
>black/purple characters are white
>everyone tells her to kill herself
>she gets told even more than ever to kill herself
>she tries to kill herself
>everyone hears about it
>steven universe and gravity falls crew members tell tumblr to calm down and let people draw what they want
>tumblrettes go insane with anger and distrust at the steven universe crew
the end

>> No.2265534

sjw's pushed a kid to suicide...
its finally happened. they became the monsters they fought.

>> No.2265535 [DELETED] 

I have literally no idea how these two lines got out of order but it should read

>later she goes onto doing more fanarts that people don't find acceptable
>fat characters are skinny


>> No.2265538

>Tumblr artist draws steven universe fanart
>it's not accurate
>Many tumblrettes call her out and tell her to kill herself
>she apologizes
>tumblr does not accept apologies
>for like 3 or so years tumblrinas make blogs dedicated to "calling her out" and never leave her alone

>later she goes onto doing more fanarts that people don't find acceptable
>fat characters are skinny
>black/purple characters are white
>she gets told even more than ever to kill herself
>she actually tries to kill herself
>everyone hears about it
>steven universe and gravity falls crew members tell tumblr to calm down and let people draw whatever they want however they want
>tumblrettes go insane with anger and distrust at the steven universe crew

the end

>> No.2265540


Those types of fanbase are really damaging. People who are so obsessed with those things must be depressed too.

>> No.2265547
File: 120 KB, 900x900, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only part of the story that even matters is the girl, Zami. The fact that tumblr, a website, put her on suicide watch should serve as a warning to parents.

A lot of kids are placing more importance on their virtual lives than their real ones. I don't blame them since reality really sucks, but dads and mom need to be right on top of this shit.

This can be your kids if you're not careful. The next generation doesn't a have non-virtual childhood window of social interaction like 90s kids did.

You need to watch this shit because the they've completely interalized these website accounts as part of themselves and take harm from the abuse.

These kids are not Anita Sarkeesian, who is a grown ass woman who should know better and deal with net abuse like an adult and just turn off the computer---kids in gen Z actually can't tell the difference between real bullying and cyber bullying.

It's not their fault. We're cultivating a generation-wide mental illness and we cannot relate to those children at all. That's why it's can come out of nowhere and you find your happy kid suddenly hanging from the ceilingfan in front of an open twitter account if you're not careful.

Zami should never go near a computer again--she is legitimately mentally ill and needs a 12 step program for social media abuse and addiction.

>> No.2265551

They were always the bad guys.

>> No.2265573

Yeah. It's kind of funny how 4chan is full of good people pretending to be assholes whereas tumblr is full of assholes pretending to be good people.

>> No.2265575
File: 1.52 MB, 160x120, 1445719426289.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.2265582

Kids think it's a big deal because parasites like the pic you posted are professional victims who made a career out of feeling hurt over an internet comment.

She's the avatar of the parasites, but countless "important" people (anyone with more than 1k followers or some shit) with a twitter now denounce online harassment as some crime against humanity.

Also, you give normies the internet, normies will make it a carbon copy of real life, because that's the only thing they can do.

I don't think there's anything you can do about it anymore but accept the fact that people are retarded and adapt to the lowered standards.

The hivemind is too powerful.

>> No.2265588

made my day

>> No.2265591

>Kids think it's a big deal because parasites like the pic you posted are professional victims who made a career out of feeling hurt over an internet comment.
It's not just that she made a career out of it. She actually gathered enough of a following that she's become scary. If you're a popular figure you just can't badmouth her, it would be a PR suicide. And this enabled a vicious circle that has made her more and more authoritative. Now popular people suck up to her and treat her like she's some sort of personality. Really one scary and devilish woman.

I still can't wrap my head around this SU thing, the level of insanity is unreal

>> No.2265593
File: 507 KB, 523x875, cartoon rocks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. Not really /ic/ related though.
What the hell is someone supposed to do with a degree in Women's Studies, anyways?
It really does, and yet there's pic related, still happening. Apparently attempted suicide isn't good enough, these people are out for blood.

>> No.2265601

She's a kid? What the fuck Tumblr.

So how does this work with the law? Is there a way for these people to get tracked and face legal consequences? Technically speaking is it even possible to source these people from their Tumblr accounts, IPs or something? I know nothing.

>> No.2265607
File: 134 KB, 525x733, cartoon rocks 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, someone's going around doxxing these shitheads and turning their details into the cops.

>> No.2265608

Bless that guy. Sweet justice.

>> No.2265609

dont forget to make any money off of owning a blogging website yahoo has to have information to sell on them, so the police could just get in contact and look at their marketable profile and find shit like IP addresses, facebook accounts, ect. its really easy for people in legal power to track down people online like that

>> No.2265622


>> No.2265625

>being this retarded

4Chan is not full of good people pretending to be assholes. 4Chan is full of people who know on some level that everyone's a fucking asshole, them included. And if they don't know, they leave pretty quick.

>> No.2265629

i think trying to define it like that is a little stupid, the only REAL difference between tumblr and 4chan is the anonymity and the 'following' thing
i feel like if we were all forced to make home pages and usernames on 4chan the community wouldnt be all that different from tumblr's

>> No.2265633

shes like fucking 20
thats like old enough to drink and 1 year away from voting

>> No.2265637

What country are you from?

>> No.2265646

i from bangladesh
hello man are u white?

>> No.2265649

>It's kind of funny how 4chan is full of good people pretending to be assholes whereas tumblr is full of assholes pretending to be good people.
this quote has potential to be big.

>> No.2265653

>being this wrong
/b/ is the only real problem, but it pays for the site with its unnecessary traffic "le cool hip le /b/ for cool kids onlyyyyy" its pretty much all high schoolers trying to out edge each other.
its the main sail that keeps the ship of 4chan sailing. shitposting is actually fueling this site.
dont judge the majority of actual users on the shitposters we burn for fuel

>> No.2265656


his opinion is solid.

>> No.2265657

have you ever [spoiler] banged someone named ladesh [\spoiler]

>> No.2265659

i think we should all do "get well soon" portraits of Zami and send them to her, with "luv from 4chan" tagged on them.

that will def piss a certain side of tumblr off.

can she be our new queen of /ic/

>> No.2265664

You can stop samefagging and shilling now, Zami.

>> No.2265665


>> No.2265666

So how exactly do your followers find out about you trying to commit suicide, if you dont state it yourself? How would they find out if you were successfulf?

>> No.2265668

i bang drums yes but sometimes i use ladles to bang the kitchen top or empty milo cans

>> No.2265669

Whatever. If someone's vulnerable to Tumblr hatemail to the point of attempting suicide it's painfully obvious that something's going on under the surface and that person should receive help.

>> No.2265670

well satan, she probably had close friends on tumblr also that she knows through fanart that alerted other tumbler fags.

>> No.2265671

A girl killing herself over cyberbullying would probably make the news.

>> No.2265674

some drawfag in /pol/ killed himself but didnt made the news

he complained about hatemail in tumblr before killing it

>> No.2265677


>> No.2265678

Some people queue or schedule a post for the day or two after the time they believe they will "succeed".

>> No.2265679

I am ok with this.

>> No.2265682

I doubt she'd receive any of it right now though. Are there any family members that one could reach, or something like that?

Honestly I really hope she's taking the smart decision of avoiding social media for as long as possible, it would only do her good.

>> No.2265692

>i think we should all do "get well soon" portraits of Zami and send them to her, with "luv from 4chan" tagged on them.
>that will def piss a certain side of tumblr off.
>can she be our new queen of /ic/
I'd totally do that.

Too bad im too sleepy...otherwise i would spam this idea on /b/ and /co/. And from different IPs if i will get banned by cuckold /co/mblrs.

>> No.2265699

Just to be clear: do these people really exist IRL in the US? How common are they?

>> No.2265703

The girl with the hate blog is 22. TWENTY FUCKING TWO.

I'm so on board with that, not only to help the girl feel better but to piss off dumb cunts like matriarchalmuffin into realizing what awfully sad excuses for adults they are, and this is coming from a 23 year old NEET. I got shit to do today though so I can draw something up and upload it tomorrow.

>> No.2265705

They're not terribly common at all, and I wager most of them are too spineless to say anything IRL. I've met people that kinda show shades of this stuff, but not nearly to such a degree. But then, those people I met have lives.

>> No.2265710

I have had conversations with the weirdest mentally ill people, and I swear If I ever heard someone use words like fatphobe or transmisogynistic or cis privilege in a conversation I would be blown away.

>> No.2265711

I think i will start tomorrow
Its time for 4chan to help little girl and destroy tumblr that made her cry.

Funny thought... Feminists made a genius man cry to camera because of t-shirt, and they almost killed a girl because of fanart.
When people will finally bomb feminism down already

>> No.2265712

>Feminists made a genius man cry to camera because of t-shirt
I don't know about this, who was it?

>> No.2265713


>> No.2265716

The sad part is it's a very small (but apparently very rabid) part of tumblr that is like that... I follow aesthetic blogs and a few artists and had no idea of this shit until I saw it brought up in /co/. These bitches aren't feminists (they have poisoned a word for everybody else, good job) or for justice they are just bored children who need to fight something to bring meaning into their sad lives even if that means making up problems. I thought 4chan was exaggerating SJWism but I guess if you aren't in the fandom side of tumblr it'd be harder to see but holy shit this is real and is actually pretty harmful to creative expression.

>> No.2265722

actually smh with sigh of disappointment to boot

>> No.2265724
File: 1.54 MB, 371x209, 1426737999903.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone ITT needs to fuck off back to your cancerous cesspool tumblr. Nobody cares about a tumblretta attention whoring about muh feels fuck off.

>> No.2265729



>> No.2265732


Fuckin hell, she's not even white. She's Latina.


She posted a suicide note. Some friends then went searching for social media accounts of family members of hers and irl friends. They told them what was up.

>> No.2265733

>you're the reason blacks are gunned down on the street
........what the actual fuck?

>> No.2265762
File: 8 KB, 210x227, 1 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for your opinion, /pol/.

>> No.2265772

>some fans have now turned even against the show's creative team, including show creator Rebecca Sugar.
Is this real life?

>> No.2265774
File: 37 KB, 565x850, 138581-138891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably the worst comment I saw trying to justify this is "Me not being a pushover for oppression makes ME toxic?!"
People exercising their own freedom to express themselves is oppression? Moreover, the kind of oppression that needs to be rallied against? When it literally has no impact on your life? What they're doing, driving people to feel like they can't exercise their freedoms, that's ACTUAL oppression. These people are fucking sick.

>> No.2265777
File: 94 KB, 1280x720, 654534543543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2265780

Trips have spoken. We must summon Judge Dredd.

>> No.2265787

They went so far up there own ass they came out of there mouth

>> No.2265788

Nah this is just internet autists.
They only leak into the real life once a year.

>> No.2265794

Good opinion

>> No.2265816

> know on some level that everyone's a fucking asshole
i'm sorry you don't know any good people and/or have such a cynical world view

>> No.2265824

Even if my art looks like a floppy brown fish next to you guys', I'm in!

>> No.2265827

>if we were all forced to make home pages and usernames on 4chan the community wouldnt be all that different from tumblr's
Probably, people are all more the same than they like to think. I've seen more than a little "this thread doesn't cater to me so I'm going to shit it up" moments here. Anon does a lot of the same things with a different skin on them, so he doesn't realize just how much he is like what he claims to hate. Pretty much the lesson of this whole event.

>> No.2265831

This isnt really about her feelings as it is about censorship. Little girl, tumblr or not, expressed herself and got harassed to the point of suicide. Here at /ic/ we support everyone's right to draw ANYTHING, be it a sailboat or a pony fucking a nazi baby. We also reserve the right to critique said drawing's execution until you don't feel like drawing anymore.

Something like "Get well soon and draw whatever you want. /ic/" sounds good.

what should the image be though? I'm in. Is there a patron saint of anti-censorship?

>> No.2265832

I say when you have one done post it here and when we have a good number collected we should send them all together or something. Not sure how organised we can make this.

>> No.2265839
File: 5 KB, 154x143, TheOne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there a patron saint of anti-censorship?

>> No.2265862

Who sends it? The one with the most tumblr followers?

>> No.2265882


This is almost right. We have shitholes like /pol/ and /r9k/ where people are genuinely sociopaths and also have rage issues and like seeing people die.

That's not being a good person.

>> No.2265897

>Here at /ic/ we support everyone's right to draw ANYTHING
unless when it's contemporary art, then /ic/ shits all over it.

>> No.2265899

Never said you couldn't draw it, just that it's shit.

>> No.2265932

So wait, what are we drawing exactly? The girl or one of the characters or what?

>> No.2265935

Sounds good but what to draw for the actual image... was gonna use Yotsuba but not really feeling that since it's been years since this site has used her for anything. Didn't really pay attention to this whole thing either >>2265839

>> No.2265936

We support your right to draw it, but it's also our right to tell you it's shit.

We also shit all over tumblr fanart, which is what she draws but that's beside the point.

>> No.2265938

I wasn't seriously suggesting to use her, but it would be pretty ironic in this situation, so I just had to at least make the joke.

>> No.2265947
File: 43 KB, 244x218, disappointment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let's send a get well card to somebody who just attempted suicide not because we actually care about her or the harassment she recieved but because we care about censorship and want to piss off tumblr

y'all's fucked up

>> No.2265951

no such thing as a selfless act anon

>> No.2265966

Feels batman, but only people like >>2265607 can bring justice. So this dea is >>2265831

>> No.2265980
File: 98 KB, 700x975, u r awesome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy deserves a medal.

>> No.2265984

yeahyeahyeah, okay richard dawkins, i do nice things because my sense of empathy releases endorphin and other shit that makes me feel good cause evolution blahblahblah, doesn't stop what y'all are doing from being seriously fucked up

you actually go through with this and some rorshach mother fucker is gonna go send her screenshots of this thread which she honestly may or may not care about but she is unstable and i really feel like you guys shouldn't take that risk

seriously, the only get well cards that'd come of as earnest and not just opportunistic would be from people who work(ed) on the show

>> No.2265988

Oh, my bad. Now that I think about it should have realized you were joking

Eh maybe you're right, but I do actually feel for the girl. The whole thing is retarded and wrong, she is on suicide watch because of drawings and it'd be nice to let her know that she did nothing wrong and to encourage her to keep drawing. Didn't think of it like that though.

>> No.2265992

i don't know how you can twist this into being strictly negative

between: 1) not sending a get well card, and 2) sending a get well card, how could you say that sending a get well card is WORSE than not?

>> No.2265993

Hey, you're being awfully presumptive. I actually think this is really shitty and DO hope she gets well. Just by being any kind of creator she has much more to offer this world than those assholes who've been bullying her and are out for nothing but destruction. I'll gladly pick up anyone who wants to make something in this world over destroying something, and encourage them. She should know that there are people on her side, and yes at the same time I want to let other people know they should stop being so afraid of these psychos trying to keep real expression down because it doesn't cater to them. I know this is 4chan but not everyone here is a heartless bastard.

>> No.2265998

Jesus, I know /ic/ is bitter but damn

>> No.2266015

As OK as it sounds to make a "get well soon card" can we just leave it at that? We really shouldn't be getting distracted by this drama. Yeah, I feel bad for the girl, but we should really focus on our art, guys.

>> No.2266020


>> No.2266031


you two go ahead and focus on your loomis copies or whatever

>> No.2266037

looking in this thead, we have a lot of moralfags. Does this really bother anyone? Either anons here are being satirical, or people here actually care about this little girl.

>> No.2266040


She's 20 something

>> No.2266044

if you want to send your own get well cards under your name/online alias that's fine, but don't send a collective (of) card(s) from /ic/

not bitter, just diagnosed paranoia along with having had to handle multiple suicidal people in the past including a couple family members. in a situation like this it is always best to err on the side of caution

>> No.2266046


oh dear, I think he really used that word unironically.

it's so embarrassing when one of these "we are anonymoose we are lejun" types shows up.

>> No.2266067

I'd say everyone just draws the shit he wants to and sends it to her with love from /ic/, the thread is probably dead before we have a handful of drawings

>> No.2266085

literally kill yourself tumblrite trash

>> No.2266100

>your art is fucking shit too.

Well, they're right about that at least.

>> No.2266109

men is tumblr, who cares what happened there

>> No.2266124


There was an thread yesterday on r9k where they figured out most of the hate was coming from (4+4)chan trolls trying to make tumblr look bad.

>> No.2266149

Welp, problem solved. Back to drawing everyone. Hope y'all had a nice break.

>> No.2266160

Lol what happened here?

>> No.2266161

This girl is an adult, she is 20, going on 21. Not trying to sound rude, but she obviously has some sort of struggle with depression because most people on tumblr that would even take this seriously and attempt suicide are like 12-18. However, I hope she gets the help she needs.

>> No.2266192
File: 119 KB, 500x375, ready.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

called it

>> No.2266269

I heard this girl works for Frederator, I call bs

>> No.2266279 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 348x258, 1389103959993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Fucking Christ Someone has to be sockpuppeting this. No one is actually that violently autistic.

>> No.2266290 [DELETED] 
File: 121 KB, 1508x706, obama-deal-with-it-phone-smug-mobile-1351855080z-1508x706_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even care about the chick. I just want to make tumblr look like the bad guy.

>> No.2266298

Tell me there's more.

>> No.2266304


>> No.2266322


Not completely right, the zamii drama has been going on for months even years, #8.1#chan merely "allegedly" jumped on the bandwagon

>> No.2266344
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Saved for future threads.

>> No.2266400
File: 76 KB, 720x921, 1440714688197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saved for future threads

That's not how that works. Anonymity doesn't make you "pretend" to be an asshole. It allows you to an asshole without repercussions. The people who are assholes on 4chan aren't pretending, they really are assholes. Tumblr and 4chan are littered with repressed nerds with miserable/boring lives. The only difference is tumblr pretends to be something they aren't while 4chan accepts that it's a piece of shit. One's dishonest (tumblr), the other is honest (4chan).

>> No.2266426

>the comments
This is why we invented violence.

>> No.2266434


>people support having people arrested for online bullying and telling people to kill themselves when tumblrinas are the target

Shit's retarded either way. This is the exact tactic those faggots use.
I'm not saying it's right what the steven universe nutjobs are doing but you shouldn't be fucking arrested because some bitch took some insults too seriously and tried to off herself, that goes both ways.

>> No.2266445

>What the hell is someone supposed to do with a degree in Women's Studies, anyways?

Get really fucking mad at the unjust world doesn't employ women with a useless degree about getting really fucking mad at the unjust world that doesn't employ women.

They basically get three to four years of self-victimizing training so they can call foul at anything. Even better, they get to feel completely self-righteous about being everything they're supposed to hate because it's all built on dozens of double standards and exemption clauses to treating people equally.

>> No.2266449

>you shouldn't be fucking arrested because some bitch took some insults too seriously and tried to off herself, that goes both ways.
>shouldn't be arrested for breaking the law
Great now I can go break all the laws.

>> No.2266462


If saying mean things to someone online is illegal we're all fucked.
Somebody trying to kill themselves because you hurt their feelings is their fucking problem. I don't agree with these SJW nutjobs in the slightest but that doesn't mean I need the fucking police to step in because I'm a bit offended.

>> No.2266468

being called shit in passing =/= being hounded be dozens of cunts telling you to kill yourself over cartoon drawings for years

what they're doing is illegal, online or otherwise

>> No.2266477

>If saying mean things to someone online is illegal we're all fucked.
This goes beyond that. If you'd even generally familiarized yourself with the goings on you'd realize it's not just "saying mean things" but a long running harassment campaign that spans years. A harassment campaign that would have led to arrests far, far quicker in real life.

>> No.2266486


So where do you draw the line on when it becomes illegal? If you saw some post on /ic/ making fun of some deviantart autist, and you posted on his profile going "your art is shit", but then 50 others did the same thing and he offed himself, is that now your responsibility?
Hell, you see that shit in threads on /ic/ all the time. Someone posts shitty art and you get a mob of people telling them how fucking awful they are, "kill yourself" is far from a rare comment. Should the police get involved?

The only reason anybody is in favor of it is because it's people they don't like getting shafted this time.

>> No.2266490
File: 77 KB, 500x272, 1420757148728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threats actually are illegal. Name calling and general asshole behavior isn't. People like to pretend both are the same thing though.

Kill yourself =/= I'm going to kill you

The girl got bullied to the point of a suicide attempt because she clearly doesn't have a life off the fucking internet. All of this wouldn't happen if nerds bothered to get out the house more often and learn to socialize.

>> No.2266494


If this has been going on for years and you can demonstrate that some people have been actively, repeatedly participating with intent to fuck with this person's life then perhaps you have a case.
I just find that public opinion on this sort of shit seems to shift radically depending on who's the one getting arrested. One minute it's "muh rights muh free speech" and the next it's "yeah fuck those SJWs!"
Either way, I hadn't been aware of how long-spanning this was, so I'll not push it in this case.

>> No.2266497

>Someone posts shitty art and you get a mob of people telling them how fucking awful they are, "kill yourself" is far from a rare comment
If we then went to post on your dA account telling you to kill yourself, it would most certainly be harassment

>where do we draw the line
It's not like the cops just improvise and make up ad hoc rules, the line is already drawn in the law, whether you're aware of it is irrelevant. They're arrested because they broke the law, not because the cops feel sorry for the girl.

>> No.2266502


You'll find people interpret the law all the damn time, it's why we have a fucking appeal process and why rulings change from judge to judge.

>> No.2266507

Are are you this fucking retarded? Without the suicide attempt this shit wouldn't even be getting press. It's because of the sympathy that action is being taken, nothing else.

>> No.2266519

You must be really new to toxic 'social justice' in fandom, because this shit has been doing for years, pre-Tumblr.

>> No.2266522

>implying judges arrest people
Judges decide if you're guilty of the crime you are explicitly being accused of, not whether you broke any law whatsoever.

Irrelevant, if she actually appealed to the law, the result would be the same.
There was a similar (irl) case here recently, a kid was being beaten and harassed, and nobody did anything. After he killed himself, shit started going down. Not because omg so sad, but because the law actually got informed of what was happening.

They broke the law, and cops are dealing with it, there is nothing to argue here

>> No.2266536

That would be...a really bad idea.

If they got wind she has supporters from 4chan of all places, that would be used as further mileage against her.

>> No.2266543

>similar case
>a kid was being beaten

That's not how that works.

>> No.2266549


>> No.2266551


Not to mention SJWs would inevitably dump the bad press on 4chan and say it was a raid from us, probably.

I'd rather this place not get involved at all. Let them get the fucking backlash. 4chan doesn't need to be involved in every damn bit of internet drama.

>> No.2266553

>illegal thing happens
>nobody does anything
>suicide happens, press gets involved, law gets carried out
It's the same, faggot. What part of "it is literally illegal and therefore a crime" do you not understand?

>> No.2266562

Why the fuck would they do that? SJTumblr does that all by itself, and why would Zamii need 4+4chan trolls on her back, while she's dealing from the very real vitriol of the very people in this fandom. Really, what was this mean to achieve?

>> No.2266581

>illegal things

See >>2266490 "cyber bullying" is not equivalent to real life bullying you moron. If that were the case most 4chan users would be behind bars already. It's not the same thing, you're literally just a fucking moron. Death threats and name calling aren't one in the same.

>> No.2266588

Nigger, even just annoying her is illegal
>In 2006, U.S.A. President George W. Bush signed a law which prohibited the transmission of annoying messages over the Internet (aka spamming) without disclosing the sender's true identity.[24]

Also, see

tl;dr: what you imagine your rights to ben=/= your actual rights

>> No.2266594

Why don't we all make fanarts of su (but against everything they believe the characters are supposed to be) whitewash the characters and make fat character skinny, to trigger tumblr. We can fight back and support the girl at the same time.