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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 288 KB, 997x579, basedcrabpatrion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2263363 No.2263363 [Reply] [Original]

Your God Mullins is now on Patreon, anon. Will you give him your shekels?

>Mfw he'll never top sakimichan :(

>> No.2263371

Post a link then. Googling "Craig Mullins Patreon" didn't bring any hits.

>> No.2263373

>I like to paint stuff :)
>I like apple pie

Could he be more bland.

>> No.2263375

Yes he could, he's so insecure about his work and skill somehow

>> No.2263376

>yfw it's real

>> No.2263381

Is it really him? Does patreon need identity confirmation?

Also i really like that $ per image insted of monthly revenue

>> No.2263383

there are pros in the patron list on the left

>> No.2263384

who's greg mellons

>> No.2263385

Oh fuck. What has the world come to when the best digital painter in the world (and a famously private and reclusive person who dislikes attention) needs crowd-funding support from fans in order to be able to paint stuff. I know that rates are pretty shit are getting worse, but still. Damn. He's the last person I'd expect to do this, especially given his history on Sijun.

>> No.2263389
File: 1.52 MB, 160x120, 1445719426289.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here we go again

>> No.2263396

Stop projecting, it's literally getting free money for personal work he'd do anyway.

>> No.2263397

Eh, I'm just saying it's surprising for him to do it. He seems to live a very simple lifestyle and isn't particularly materialistic or anything, and he works on some of the biggest projects in the industry. Why he would feel the need to create a patreon is beyond me. He should in no way need the money, and given his personality from Sijun posts and interviews and demos it is a bit unusual for him to be interested in this sort of thing. I wouldn't be surprised if he were doing this with lessons, but for personal paintings I'm slightly shocked.

If it weren't for recognizable pros supporting this and commenting on it I would doubt the authenticity.

>> No.2263401
File: 36 KB, 720x380, 14277912399120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone already said that he can start patreon if he can't compete with cheap freelancers.

>> No.2263406
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>> No.2263407
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>ywf when Scott Robertson, Feng Zhu and other professionals make patreon.

>> No.2263411

So sick of Patreon. Why do good artists feel the need to lock away their knowledge behind a paywall?

>> No.2263412

Why do shit artists expect good artists to teach them for free?

>> No.2263416

Oy vey! That's going to count as a negative towards your good goy points!

>> No.2263417


Are you guys retarded? He's clearly setting up a patreon so he can do less client work and more personal work. This is GOOD news.

>> No.2263420

Because that was the norm online from like 2002 to 2012. The exception being DVDs with high production costs and editing and whatnot. But for general knowledge and for just posting images online, it was always free. I mean, Mullins himself spent countless hours making thousands of posts where he helped people out, gave advice, and posted images of his online all for free. The fact that now he is charging just to see his paintings is definitely reflecting the shifts in how professionals interact with the general population.

That being said, a few blogs like Muddy Colors and Gurney Journey still provide free knowledge. But Patreon and Gumroad are becoming more and more ubiquitous.

>> No.2263425
File: 209 KB, 1126x693, good artist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2263429

zeronis gets a lot of shit but i like his work, his use of colors is especially great
shame about his anatomy fuckups

>> No.2263430

Because it's been like that for a while? It seems like people aren't helping eachother for the sake of helping, just want to fill up their pockets. Good artists like that can easily get money from commissions and such. And you also run the risk of paying for this stupid Patreon thing and then getting progressively worse quality, just like every other subscription thing

>> No.2263431

Mullins started his Patreon today, Zeronis started his a while back. Also Mullins is an artist's artist, Zeronis will get horny nerds with no interest in art but an interest in whatever existing IP he does fanart of. Not exactly a fair comparison.

>> No.2263432
File: 165 KB, 562x490, 1421809592820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't we get that NEET money yet, the autism bucks are just waiting there for me. Would I have to draw generic pin up animus to get there?

>> No.2263433

i hope mullins do some fan art stuff

mullins if youre lurkin i want
-jack the ripper
-genghis khan

whatever i just want nice stuff

>> No.2263436

Lol, not sure why you want him to paint those things. I'd rather just see him paint what he likes.

Oh, and he has done Tarzan. He did that whole cross-over thing between John Carter and Tarzan.

>> No.2263440

>one job vs thousand projects
Patreon for concept artist is just a good bonus for main job

>> No.2263442

mullins bro
i want historic paintings
please draw
-suicide of hitler
-scientists working on manhattan project
-collapse of soviet union
-crusaders invading jerusalem
-saladin retaking jerusalem
-india fighting alexander, elephants a must
-battle of singapore
-nuking of hiroshima
-teddy giving a speech while shot
-advent of hollywood
-creation of disney


>> No.2263443

There's been a couple people who have had patreons successful enough that they quit their studio jobs and were making significantly more.

>> No.2263445

nah fuck it i want him to draw epic history stuff

i know hes lurking /ic/ and probably reading this right now

also please draw murder of rasputin and conquest of joan of arc

what other things... conquest of Muhammad is nice too just dont draw his face.

>> No.2263446

Actually I can see him doing historical scenes like that before doing fanart of something like Last of Us like that other anon wanted.

>> No.2263447
File: 92 KB, 879x608, greedy-jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>character concept art
>99% of content is lewd fanart

>> No.2263449


It's fucking over. digital illustration is now absolutely utterly worthless. Those of you diving into porn and fanart are doing it right. Those of you still delusional enough to aim for conceptart or tgc illustration will find themselves working 18 hour days 365 for 15-20k a year.

'it's worth it because i'm doing what i live'

'oh no wait the projects i get hired for are commercial trash... should have become an engineer i guess, then i could atleast paint what i want on the weekends'

fuck this gay earth. it's over. the dream is fucking over.

>> No.2263450

I like the concept of Patreon for artists to be honest. It offers artists who otherwise can't compete or not enough with people who underprice themselves, a basis to actually make some decent money.

The idea that you pay a monthly fee of your choice to see more works from your favorite artists, and simultaneously you're able to support their work, is pretty neat in my eyes.

>> No.2263451

Why wont you just draw porn and exploit people out of their Shekels like everyone else is doing?

>> No.2263455

Mullins pls draw construction of Kaaba pls

>> No.2263456

what main job? fucking kek.

>> No.2263458

This, also he's finally going to be dumping his decades worth of knowledge to pass on to the next generation

>> No.2263465

While I am excited about him shifting towards a teaching role, it is worth noting that he already has dumped decades worth of knowledge. Download the Mullins Sijun pdf and watch his Gnomon vids.

>> No.2263469
File: 43 KB, 650x366, 253952-13577730-50a9-11e3-9447-447e09e048d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much money do you guys think he's going to make? I mean he didn't even show any of his pictures or link his facebook.

>> No.2263474

>I mean he didn't even show any of his pictures or link his facebook.
I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not.

>> No.2263477

Not really impressed. Doesn't really deserve money considering he doesn't make art for any particular fanbase. If it were fap material then we could talk.

>> No.2263479

Four new patreons in 10 minutes. My guess is he will do more than fine.

>> No.2263480

>fap material
he already has done fap material stuff

>> No.2263481

He does have a website he could link to, that's all I mean. The average person wouldn't know anything about him if they see this.

>> No.2263483
File: 66 KB, 625x626, thisisbait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2263484

>The average person
they wouldnt be interested on this anyway

>> No.2263488
File: 28 KB, 246x236, 1444229360676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2263500

You'll have to wait and see if he puts it behind his Patreon :^)

>> No.2263501

The people who would support him are the people who have been fans of his for years now. He's not targeting the average joe on the street, he's targeting people in the digital art community. And literally every single person who does digital has heard of him already.

>> No.2263503


Two more now.

>> No.2263504
File: 3.04 MB, 5000x5376, 1400750517890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this is not fap worthy to you then get out of this thread faggot!

>> No.2263515


Because then I could have done anything. Become anything. Drawing porn is no more fun than fucking going back to uni to get a stem degree and getting a 'grownup job'.

If I fucking draw porn I have nothing. That shit is not fun to me.

Guess I'm just a whiny manchild who thought he could make a living doing the kind of art he wants to make. I mean I know it's still possible, but it's going to take a much longer time and it's going to require building very profound lasting personal relationships with clients. Like in editorial illustration where you get hired entirely based on connections/style.

>> No.2263518
File: 496 KB, 1030x668, 029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually he made nude paintings.

>> No.2263520

Life drawing/painting isn't really fapping material though, there is nothing sexual about it.

Also I forget how good he is with watercolours! Yum! Shame he lacks the patience to do oils properly.

>> No.2263526


Honestly it sounds like you don't like drawing enough.

>> No.2263536

He's doing patreon as part of getting involved with education, not because he needs the money desperately

>> No.2263540

googled this and one of the top results was this thread, no sign of patreon. OP = FAG

>> No.2263541

Is the crowd a photo of gravel?

>> No.2263545

>using le google instead of searching patreon
>link in 5th post

>> No.2263585

I think Mullins is making a big mistake with the "$ per image" setup. I see a lot of artists set up their Patreons like this: so that they get paid every time they post an image, rather than monthly or bi-weekly (like Sakimi).

I suspect most people are more hesitant to pledge when they don't know how often they're going to be billed. What if the artist releases 2-4 sketches a week to rake in the money? It's much better, I think, for artists to set up their Patreons so that they get paid a flat amount on a regular basis, so that their patrons don't have to worry about any surprises and can pledge what they're comfortable paying.

I don't have a Patreon and don't really know how it works, but I see this shit and I'm assuming it must be optional on the owner's part, so forgive me if I'm wrong. But setting up your Patreon to charge by the image seems like bad business sense.

>> No.2263588

Sakimullins can't wait

>> No.2263600



>> No.2263604

>The fact that now he is charging just to see his paintings is definitely reflecting the shifts in how professionals interact with the general population.

Wtf? Mullins is a concept artist; most of the stuff he paints will NEVER be seen by the public because of NDAs. With Patreon, he could earn enough money to be able to not be homeless AND to paint stuff he enjoys that won't be under NDA.

You're retarded, in other words.

>> No.2263605
File: 808 KB, 500x279, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2263651
File: 35 KB, 500x333, 3ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mfw when mullins instead of his usual painterly sci fi fantasy stuff starts doing highly rendered lewd fanart and on his patreon

>> No.2263655

I'll donate $100 if he shows us his dick.

>> No.2263669

>Would I have to draw generic pin up animus to get there?

Isn't that what they are doing already?

Your not gonna get paid as well as the senior level guys if your just starting out you idiot, and TCG's are just another gig you could do for extra money. Same for porn. Its just easier for you to say ever things shit rather than making an effort at all. Enjoy doing art on the weekends or whatever, you'll probably just end up playing video games.

>> No.2263743
File: 603 KB, 529x809, AYOOO HOL UP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>$180 per image and counting

This motherfucker is going to make six figures a year soon if he is active. Lucky!

>> No.2263749

Now if only actual good artists (i.e. those who don't photobash) like Ruanjia did the same...

>> No.2263763

I'm surprised it took him this long to capitalize through pateron

>> No.2263782


Is Ruanjia actually incredible or is he just an incredible meme on /ic/?

>> No.2263790

What happens if it's both?

>> No.2263793

i doubt mullins will abuse the system like that

>> No.2263795


>> No.2264076

ok anon, i'll try

>> No.2264123

i honestly believe ruan jia is better than craig mullins in some areas.

>> No.2264162

>500 overnight

>> No.2264172

Fucking pateron stole muh idea.
I always thought as a kid "I could just ask everyone in the world for a penny and be a millionaire".

>> No.2264174

What are you on about? This is literally the least original idea on the world.
Heck, if you missed the last billion years of related sayings, in the 90s it was a standard plot device in all 'hacker' movie storylines.

>> No.2264204

>600 now

Going by the average of what hes currently getting if he had the same number of patrons as sakimi he'd be raking in 19k+ per image.

>> No.2264217


well, you are wrong.

>> No.2264227

No videos? :\

>> No.2264231

That's because he is.

>> No.2264239
File: 64 KB, 478x535, 1443599277645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As much as I love Mullins' work I don't think anything would make me happier than to see him do this.

Then there'd be camps of people defending him, camps of people claiming that this is a natural progression of career, purists who would have to swallow their pride and open the psd because after all, that IS a nice composition...

so much fighting and anguish and betrayal all because crab mullins drew a dick.

>> No.2264241

Maybe. Has he mady any plans?

>> No.2264247
File: 173 KB, 809x542, karl_kopinski_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? Any technical aspect that can be quantified so we can prove it?

It ends up being a matter of opinion.

I think Karl Kopinski is better than both.

>> No.2264283


Kopinski is better at figures, no doubt. Mullins himself (although known for his modesty) has stated that he's not that good with anatomy and drawing figures from imagination. Mullins is IMO by far a superior painter though.

>> No.2264287
File: 1.28 MB, 1600x1200, 1439360486461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, but Kopinski uses traditional medium.

>> No.2264290


>My favo artists is better! NO mine is! No Mine is!
Who gives a shit, white knighting someone doesn't actually help turn you into that person.

News flash your art sucks, go spend your time studying.

>> No.2264291

>purists who would have to swallow their pride and open the psd because after all, that IS a nice composition...

fucking LMAO

>> No.2264292


In your fucking dreams he is faggot. You underestimate Mullins because you look at some of his stuff where makes questionable-looking decisions because of how obsessed with rulebreaking and experimentation he is. Look at his body of work as a whole and tell me anyone comes even close (in the realm of commercial digital art).

>> No.2264300

Pretty much this. No one has the breadth of skill and and experience he does. Obviously some other people will be better at some specific things (figures were already mentioned) but as a whole body of work? Mullins is number one by a decent length. Even Jaime isn't at his level, though there is like a 25 year age gap or so, so I imagine Jaime and some other might eventually catch up over time.

>> No.2264301


I don't underestimate, I respect Mullins a lot and already saw a lot of his works. I just said it's a matter of opinion, there is no technical aspect you can use to say a master is better than other. The same goes, for example, for Gurney or Giancola.

They're the top and that's it.

And Kopinski does digital too btw.

>> No.2264310

Sure you can compare masters. Like Giancola and Gurney might be around the top today, but compare their skills to Sargent and they fall pretty darn short. I think Mullins is doing some things on levels that neither Giancola or Gurney are. They're obviously better at oils than him, because that's what they do and he doesn't, but in terms of things like composition, mood, atmosphere, subtleties, variety, and simplification/organization of details and just general picturemaking I think Mullins wins out by a long shot.

>> No.2264312
File: 355 KB, 1085x629, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2264316

Never heard of Kopinski. Looked up his work. It's boring, dull, and dated-looking.

>> No.2264328
File: 29 KB, 400x324, 1445713509287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$825 per image

Okay, so what are the ethics now? How often can he paint an image?

Once a week? 2 times a week? Or is that too much?

How the fuck do you figure that out?

>> No.2264330

I think some of his stuff is pretty good, but overall I agree with your assessment. I've met a few (not many) people who absolutely admire him though, and I think it's largely because they grew up with his artwork for Warhammer or whatever and have nostalgia glasses on or got interested in art because of him. He's good but I certainly wouldn't put him in the same tier as Mullins. As you say, his colours especially are dull looking and his work is dated.

>> No.2264332

>getting this upset over standard discourse

lmao take your own advice and stop posting entirely

>> No.2264333

He'll probably do a max of an image a week. Likely it will be every two weeks or maybe even once a month. Given the fact that he's selling it as "layered psd with masks and process images" I suspect they will be more than just the 20 minute sketches he posted online in the Sijun days. Sounds more like finished sketches or fully rendered illustrations, which he probably can't produce all that often given how much commercial work he has along with time for his family and time spent developing Schoolism stuff.

>> No.2264335
File: 558 KB, 900x575, 974760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah that makes sense. As I was looking at his work, it was totally reminding me of box art from 80s fantasy board games.

>> No.2264351

>Sure you can compare masters. Like Giancola and Gurney might be around the top today, but compare their skills to Sargent and they fall pretty darn short.

Can you prove it? Or it's just your opinion?

>but in terms of things like composition, mood, atmosphere, subtleties, variety, and simplification/organization of details and just general picturemaking I think Mullins wins out by a long shot

>I think

See, your opinion.

>No one has the breadth of skill and and experience he does.

Yeah, right.


Your opinion.

>As you say, his colours especially are dull looking and his work is dated.

That's because his works have a more "classical" look. It doesn't make it worse than Craig Mullins. It's just your taste and I think his colors are nice, it's his style.

Well, I can't argue with fanboys. He is amazing anyways and I can't wait too see what he'll come up with.

>> No.2264354

>Yeah, right.

Not either of them but Mullins is like the OG of digital painting. If you watch any of his interviews he mentions how he was getting experience in it from working at Ford before photoshop was even invented.

>> No.2264357

I mean, technically yeah nothing in art can be proved objectively. But that doesn't mean it's a serious argument to say Firez is a contender for the best artist of all time.

If you talk with a large selection of working pros, the vast majority of them would put Mullins far above Kopinski, and put Sargent far above Giancola and Gurney. It's not a mob mentality or anything either, it's just pretty darn obvious to anyone who has experience making and looking at art.

>> No.2264362

Pretty much this. He's put in more hours of digital painting than any other artist. Period. He's also way more experimental than most. Look at his body of work compared to say Sparth or Ruppel or some other very early adopted of digital painting. Not to say those guys aren't experimental or pushing things forward, but Mullins has experimented way more and created a larger breadth of imagery.

>> No.2264390


It's weird to compare Gurney with Sargent. Yeah, you can compare their life studies and obviously Gurney falls short. But to the best of my knowledge Sargent didn't make anything even remotely similar to Gurney's main body of work which are his illustrations that are largely from his imagination. You cannot give an accurate assesment of how good someone is in producing illustrations from imagination by how good their life studies look.

>> No.2264391


It can be proved objectively. You can objectively prove I'm worse than Sargent.

But there is a point that not either me or you can say one is better than the other. Maybe those masters themselves can, but most of the time those artists are really humble and won't compare themselves.

>If you talk with a large selection of working pros, the vast majority of them would put Mullins far above Kopinski

I don't think so. A lot of artists are fans of Mullins but I don't think they would say he is better than Kopinski. Never saw any pro artist comparing technical ability between living masters... Even dead ones, it's end up being your opinion.

>It's not a mob mentality or anything either, it's just pretty darn obvious to anyone who has experience making and looking at art.

Not really. Where did you read that? You can find a lot of pros that don't have Mullins as an inspiration, but others, like Paul Bonner for example. If they're better than us this makes their opinion more valid? But if it conflicts with others pro's then it's just end being a matter of taste.

And I have some experience making and looking at art, why your opinion would be more legit than mine? And what if I have more experience than you, you should be listening to me? What if the opposite?

You see, we can't measure it, stop saying what you think is true like it is actually the only truth.


With that I agree, hes is a beast when it comes to digital art and experimenting new things.

>> No.2264392


Finally. Thank you.

>> No.2264400

Gurney doesn't really paint from imagination. Even the scenes that are imaginative/fantastical are heavily heavily based on photos and models he built.

But okay fine compare Gurney to Repin or Alma-Tadema or Waterhouse or Meissonier or any Golden Age illustrators like Wyeth or Cornwell. The point is the same--there are guys who are obviously much stronger than he is.

>It can be proved objectively. You can objectively prove I'm worse than Sargent.
How? You can't really prove thing truly objectively in art unless you start putting down strict criteria that will also eliminate a lot of good art.

>> No.2264402

My last name is Mullins, does that mean I can get gud as well?

>> No.2264403

No, except if your first name is Ruan.

>> No.2264408

I agree it is all just opinion in the end.

Kopinski, Giancola, Paul Bonner, and even Gurney are kinda stiff and dated to the 80s to me. Maybe not as bad as someone like Boris Vallejo, but none of these artists please my eyes.

Craig Mullins and Jaime Jones are more what I'm looking for and appreciate. And dead dudes like Sargent, Waterhouse, Fechin.

But modern abstract art fans will tell you all my favorites are passé. They probably look at my favorites in the way I look at Vallejo and co.

>> No.2264414

Eh, I mean even Bouguereau's worst haters can still admit he was insanely skilled. You can still recognize when someone is more skilled than another even if their style or subject matter is not to your taste.

>> No.2264415

It means you're probably gonna be stuck in his shadow for your entire life, sorry mate.

>> No.2264656

>up to $926 per image

Man do I want to see him add a video tier. Doesn't even need to have audio or be edited, just watching him work would be more than worth the extra few bucks. The $10 tier is already really tempting.

>> No.2264662

What's the appeal of the 10$ tier over the 5$ tier for you? Wouldn't having the layers already show you the process, why do you need him to save out separate jpgs for you?

>> No.2264664

I assumed you would see thumbnails and sketches of the piece, groundwork. The layers wont show you the thought process for composing the image like the early stuff and the bits that get deleted during the process will.

>> No.2264675

I dunno, the only psd he ever released showed his thought process/progress in the image. It showed where he changed his mind and stuff. And if you are familiar with his art then you would already have a decent idea of how he works early stages in his paintings. Plus lately he's been using the Schmid approach of starting in one place and moving out from it piece by piece at already finished stages, which is probably the most useless approach to see progress shots on.

But maybe you are right. I dunno. Just not sure if I can justify spending 10$ per image of his, depends how often he releases them and how much I will actually get out of it over the 5$ tier.

>> No.2264680

I did't say he is better overall. i clearly said in some areas.

>> No.2264682

Still waiting for Wes. Now that is a patreon i would support.
Craig just doesnt cut it for me

>> No.2264718

Wes Anderson?

>> No.2264729

He's obviously referring to Wes Madiko.

>> No.2264738

>Implies only hacks deserve money
People like you are the reason we can't have nice things.

>> No.2264760

>wes burt

>> No.2264762

>not posting this as an example
>mullins better step it up

3 3 3 4 1

>> No.2264763
File: 256 KB, 1057x662, sakimichan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot image

>> No.2264784


Holly fuck. Last time I saw she was at 10k every 2 weeks. I'm really impressed how someone can make that much money with just fanart. I'm also impressed how any company didn't tried to stop her yet.

I can see how fanart is powerful when I do it. Just yesterday I made a bad portrait of David Bowie for inktober and got more likes than a lot of other pieces of mine that are waaay better and original.

>> No.2264796

I have terrible math skills.... Is she making almost a million a year?

>> No.2264798

Not after taxes, fees, any expenses and patrons who's charges don't process.

They maybe make %50 of what you see. probably less since taxes alone could be %50

>> No.2264805

>50% income tax

where the fuck do you live?

>> No.2264810

800k before taxes. Shit is absurd.

>> No.2264816

>thinking income tax is the only tax.
Where the fuck do you live?

>> No.2264835

>They maybe make %50 of what you see. probably less since taxes alone could be %50

can anyone confirm? I'd love to know what the falloff is from number we see and number they pocket. without considering taxes, that's something that applies after patreon pays you after all and very country-dependant.

>> No.2264873


Any money from Patreon that can't be deducted as a work expense gets the shit taxed out of it. Plague of Gripes was talking about it, saying he feels bad about the Patreon because the government takes so much of the patron's money. I don't know the specific amount they tax but it's a huge chunk.

>> No.2264876
File: 85 KB, 960x640, FB_IMG_1442249471730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sad pasta :(

>> No.2264910


but that's any money anyway for self employed people. regardless of wether it's patreon money or not. half the battle of self employment is finding loopholes to deduct fucking everything including your gf's 200$ vibrating buttplug.

>> No.2265047

>Any money from Patreon that can't be deducted as a work expense gets the shit taxed out of it

Anyone who's worked in accounting knows that business taxes are separate from income taxes. You have to charge a price that takes EVERYTHING into account. Most people never own or start their own business so they're oblivious to business taxes, and end up crying foul when they learn of them. "Self Employment" is just a one man business.

Welcome to the real world.

>> No.2265111


Kudos to her then.

If I were Marvel, DC, or Disney/Miyazaki, I'd probably want my cut of that 800k if it's being generated from fanart of my established IP.

>> No.2265137

>I'd probably want my cut of that 800k if it's being generated from fanart of my established IP.
And you will become enemy of artists. Enjoy non stop courts. Even Disney can't create something original.

>> No.2265144
File: 539 KB, 640x900, dcc044a5c3d6de9663c23ea8d976149e-d9eq13e[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm crying.

>> No.2265179
File: 45 KB, 680x667, 8e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This makes me depressive...

1) i dont like anime. even if i liked it back in early 90s. anime makes me vomit. i hate the artstyle of it exept some unique ones like Vampire Hunter D (both).
2) i dont like drawing pretty people/cute girls
3) however i do work in videogame industry. yet i mostly work with unique titles and indie games where i need to draw something "original"
4) all my characters considered "ugly" by an average Sakimi-fan. (even if they dont have flaws in anatomy. but they do tend to look "weird" like those people from concepts for games like Dishonored - i really love drawing stuff like that.)
i think i should kill myself. this world is just not for me. I should reborn as a weeb who draws nothing but pretty people and animu girls....
this whole life was nothing but a mistake.

>> No.2265202
File: 58 KB, 1280x720, 253347568t9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on Anon you would feel alot better bei-I mean drawing a cute animu girl.

>> No.2265214
File: 110 KB, 1200x627, 1440434579628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guess anime style is like Nazi of art style world.
everything thinks that weeb stuff i superiour and all artists should draw weaboo girls or die.
i fucking hate this with all my heart.

I guess i understand the popularity - everybody is heterosexual who likes to see cute lolis. even gays.
But fuck that shit. id rather die than be a animuartist.

>> No.2265232

>i dont like drawing pretty people/cute girls
>expect most normal people to give a shit

you're like a landwhale asking why all the boys doesn't go crazy all over her.

>> No.2265234

Just look at how she paints dicks.
My personal favorite:


>> No.2265240

christ, the anatomy on link is janky as fuck

>> No.2265243

Salty General

>> No.2265248

Show us your drawing.

>> No.2265249


The anatomy in almost all of her pieces recently are janky as fuck. Bitch has a boyfriend but can't paint a peen

>> No.2265251


So what's your point

>> No.2265264
File: 324 KB, 666x617, 1445979966657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most of normal peeps like anime and should draw animugirls!!! xDDDD
dont know if troll of plain retarded

>> No.2265270

>thinks I said people like animu when my post has no animu in it and it's about pretty people AKA social ideal beauty

must be stupid day today