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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 257 KB, 1280x621, 9U3SjCg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2261429 No.2261429 [Reply] [Original]

Show me your best

>> No.2261434
File: 90 KB, 690x470, fanart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2261441
File: 64 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that delusion
It's insane the straws that people are willing to grasp at in order to NOT improve.

>> No.2261489
File: 241 KB, 2477x3500, 1444359676808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2261493
File: 467 KB, 720x960, 3sQnuiC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2261500

how the fuck is that even possible, how do you go from 2008 to 2014?!

>> No.2261511

Why ask her to stop making fanart?
She was overreacting, yes but all of yous would feel hurt if someone told you to stop enjoying the hobbies you are passionate about, because of some made up standard of maturity.

>> No.2261517

To be fair, she doesn't even draw fanart. I just checked out her tumblr, it's literally only photocopies. Fanart implies an original drawing / composition / illustration, based on an existing intellectual property. Not a 1:1 copy of some tv show or movie promo shot. Fanart is many steps above what she does.

>> No.2261519

People have called her out on that. She says she is just using a reference and everyone does it.

>> No.2261533

I knew there had to be some larger context to this. Now I know which side to fall on.

>> No.2261557

Yes everyone uses references, but not everyone makes all their art a photocopy of a photo. What exactly is the point of doing that? There is already a photo! Yeah if you are doing some kind of study, but pages upon pages of these photocopies with no original work at all?! Whatever floats their boat I guess.

>> No.2261562
File: 660 KB, 1071x746, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2261565

It's probably her crutch. She can't draw anything without directly copying photo references. So she does that to make herself feel good.

She'd probably call you a gatekeeper or some bullshit like that.

>> No.2261570

Was she trying to force an insult that is actually a sound cultural basis? Shouldn't you shame people for obsession, like geeks and passion.

>> No.2261572

Apart from the horrible pseudo animu style and the obvious, what else is cringy about it? Are those from a series or that?

>> No.2261576

Maybe it's me it just looks like the guy's anatomy is just totally out of proportion everywhere. His spine/ribcage looks like it's in the wrong place, his eyes are way too high up on his face. Stuff like that. Guess it's not cringey? Fff

>> No.2261578

aside from the premise whats cringey about this?

>> No.2261581

disregard my post here >>2261578
just read>>2261576

>> No.2261591
File: 94 KB, 1056x816, gtreh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find the whole "ironically drawing characters to be ugly" tumblr art trend cringey. This is a less cringey example of it, but it still fits into that category.

>> No.2261604

She should have stayed in 2008...

>> No.2261615

the concept is cringey, but the art doesnt usually even look that bad. If they could keep a secret I honestly wouldnt have cared about that trend tbh

>> No.2261618


Eh, it's not ironic. It's "muh diversity" tumblr feminists that hates the portrayal of thin and attractive women.

>> No.2261635
File: 109 KB, 500x334, tumblr_nqy4m3CUyZ1rgwa79o1_r1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2261646


Are you serious? What exactly is wrong with drawing realistic characters? Not everyone is attractive as I'm sure most of you know from first hand experience, so what's wrong with creating characters that are a little doughy or aren't white...

>> No.2261649

the problem is that is very forced

>> No.2261653


> thinks fat and ugly equals "realistic"

tumblr feminist spotted

>> No.2261656

Have you been to America? For the most part it is realistic.

>> No.2261658


>> No.2261661

He's talking about artists redrawing established characters, like this >>2261635 MHA art.

>> No.2261675

but thats just shitty art, there is no appeal to looking at this. Even if they ugly bitches she can still look kickin as hell

>> No.2261677


I feel like this was drawn by someone who's never seen anime before, but had it described to them

>> No.2261695
File: 17 KB, 931x555, paco_by_upto15-d9edrcx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2261810
File: 240 KB, 428x429, mr_scruff__ninja_tuna_____by_soullol-d4ryhul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

immediately thought of pic related, like holy shit

>> No.2261815

Some great stuff on that album.

>> No.2261818

I only ever heard the sample song

>> No.2261820

>that fucking sample song on every Windows 7 computer

Fucking groovy tbh

>> No.2261825


>> No.2261834


Through passage of time?

>> No.2261838

I'm pretty sure you're not a female and you don't have to deal with fucked up standards. This girl isn't fat at all. But anyway, you're unable to go beyond >hurr durr tumblr spotted.

>> No.2261858
File: 41 KB, 311x366, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2261862

>Mom, I posted it again!

>> No.2261867

Brb im going to go puke.

>> No.2261871

I'm impressed you were able to hold it down long enough to type up that post.

>> No.2261894
File: 47 KB, 582x960, FB_IMG_1445831644573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend is getting frustrated with life-drawing and painting. We sit down for lunch one day and he starts talking about aforementioned frustration. Most of the conversation I can agree with, but then he says,
>I'm having trouble deciding between my style and drawing what I see. I mean, I want to improve my drawing skill, but I also want to improve my style.
Ok, anon, may I see your 'style'?
>Sure! Here's my sketchbook.
"Y-you too"

Pic related
"Self portrait and environment study"

>> No.2262017
File: 72 KB, 707x1129, mitsukov6_by_dealeracid-d9c728i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2262085

Fuck you James, don't you know I'm on fucking /ic/ too. My style is based off the Steven Universe art style but I plan to become more unique you faggot.
>meme style
fuck off man I'll have a job way before you do

>> No.2262088

hey man im not james im just lurking but holy shit your "style" is honestly the worst shit ive ever seen
its not even "uniqueness" being the problem its just that its shit

>> No.2262092


>> No.2262094


>> No.2262101
File: 1.97 MB, 423x231, CArKlyZ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck off. Not him but anyone with eyes can see that that's a young kids work. I'm sure you drew (or still draw) at that level at one point or another. If not, worse.

The posts are probably bait anyway.

>> No.2262108

i personally know people in their 20's who draw like that, but i guess you're right

>> No.2262115
File: 25 KB, 470x350, 12009708_1651935628420308_2893296507751843640_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, we're actually talking about someone who's in their mid 20s going to art school.


>> No.2262146
File: 147 KB, 708x1127, self_portrait_chibi_version_2015_by_muffiasmith-d8qlulf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be worse, he could be 28 with an art degree and still draw like this

>> No.2262212
File: 53 KB, 480x480, asui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the one on the right is literally a Froppy rip off

>> No.2262221


>> No.2262224

They're all boku no hero characters dude. The artist made them more "inclusive"

>> No.2262234
File: 5 KB, 227x222, worried quico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck? So the others are supposed to be Uraraka, Momo and Mina?

>> No.2262285


American in 1st world syndrome.

I wonder what will happen to these fat girls who try to justify their fatness 20 years from now body wise.

It's not natural to be fat. If you are over 200 pounds you better be 8 feet tall or a body builder.

>> No.2262344

I'll give you credit for being able to successfully identify at least one of the characters.

>> No.2262442

I think you're looking for something that isn't really there. Good character design (which the pic is not a great example of) is more complicated than just going "imma make her ironically ugly lol"

The most important thing is to have a compelling and interesting character and often that's better achieved with a design that strives away from "symmetric and beautiful" look, which is pretty dull. I'm not even a tumblr goer but my reference folders are jam fuckin packed with photos of people with quirky faces, because they make the best inspiration for character design.

>> No.2262780

Beautiful doesn't necessarily equate to perfect.
Freckles or glasses are 2 good examples, they're flaws but many people find them adorable.

I do understand what you're saying, but for the most part as a focal point of the inage, unless you're trying to get a certain point across, you want a good looking and attractive person.

>> No.2262785
File: 13 KB, 632x293, better.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is insane.

>> No.2262790
File: 288 KB, 1280x1024, kill le-kill redesign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks fat and ugly equals "realistic"
As a person from europe (inb4 brown people invading your country) it blows my mind how amerifats conside "fat" is NATURAL BODY.
Personally i havent even seen that many fat people in my life. And some fat americans i see on photos or "Comicbook conventions" are on fatness level i never seen in reality.

Its ok if you want to shit in your country but dont force the rest of this world accept your delusions.
>mfw europe is faraway from USA
>mfw feels comfy

>> No.2262802

her art didn't get worse, she just got fatter, all the art is clearly self portraits of sorts

>> No.2262807

On average I'd say Americans weigh more, but you really don't see that many grossly obese folk rolling around.
I'm in the tech field and there's far more malnourished guys than obese guys.

>> No.2262814


I suppose this is proof that if you're not studying, practice for the sake of practice (not thinking about the concepts and principles behind what you're doing) won't get you anywhere.

After 10 years of conscientious studying she'd be making good shit I'm sure.

>> No.2262826
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1444027072255s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isnt steven universe at all lmao

it's closer to adventure time with the whacky cartoony limbs and everything but in at's defense it makes for smoother animation

>> No.2262827


that dude should stick to backgrounds it seems to be his strongest point

>> No.2262839

>fart lover fucker
Is there context to this? Who is artist being mocked? (I know Dobson isn't black)

>> No.2262841

Animatedjames the first nigger sperg I've ever heard of.

>> No.2262842

James is right nigga, you suck and are a bandwaggoner.

>> No.2262846

Mexico is the second fattest country in the world and even here you don't see hamplanets or landwhales unless they're actually sick.

>> No.2262921

We talking about Tumblr Artist eh? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ux7nPXHp9aE

>> No.2262932

I don't.
Thats like being able to identify Spongebob or Mario. You have to try really, REALLY fucking hard to mess that up

>> No.2262964

She may have asked herself that and made it anonymous so it would look like someone asked instead of her. Doing it for attention

>> No.2262990

I live in Europe and people have definitely gotten fatter over years. Not just more landwhales but average girls are pudgier now than they used to be 15 years ago. Also brown people are invading.

>> No.2262996

Jesus Christ this is so ugly

>> No.2263011

I guess this question belongs here:

Why do nogs leave their pen/pencil/etc in frame when taking a picture of their work

>> No.2263018

I always assumed it was to show the scale of their drawing.

Probably also to make it look artsy somehow.

>> No.2263034


>> No.2263062
File: 202 KB, 858x429, tumblr is magic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes tumblr

>> No.2263070

really good

>> No.2263093

>not a single white

Das racist mane.

>> No.2263096

They look like Doug characters

>> No.2263102

don't cringe near me man

>> No.2263106
File: 110 KB, 324x750, tumblr_lz3ijbwapF1qdim6h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my first impression was Dobson's characters. they always have that... weird european cartoon-look. and with dots for eyes.

>> No.2263112
File: 242 KB, 858x429, whitewashing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>not a single white
>Das racist mane.
Like i said previously - even if tumblr dont draw white people...I mean look at them.
These are just average WHITE GIRLS. but bucket filled with brown color.
Here i "whitewashed" them. Literally no difference.
its like that tumblrina didnt even know which races she was drawing exactly and stupidly mindlessly splatted brown colors everywhere.
I think this is actual racism.
They dont even care about subject, about actually drawing people of color and doing research about their ethnic details.

>> No.2263121


Reminds me of the black tumblr artists who only draw black characters and most of them all have the same face cause 'muh diversity'. They draw white people like they're albino.

>> No.2263130

What's weird about "European Cartoons"? I'd prefer Bande Desinée over American comics.

>> No.2263523

is this katy coope's work?

>> No.2263533

dank namedrop /b/ro

>> No.2263591

Isn't this made by Ken Penders or something?

>> No.2263630
File: 64 KB, 1388x1753, 147852369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Word Up! Fat women are great, so is MOTHER RUSSIA and dags!

>> No.2263884

Wanna piss off tumblrinas? Just draw Rose Quartz from Steven Universe with a thin figure. You know what I'm talking about.

>> No.2263917

that was the dumbest fucking thing

>> No.2263933

>Wanna piss off tumblrinas? Just draw Rose Quartz from Steven Universe with a thin figure
yet every time people talk about how fat she is, tumblrtards throw argument "B-BUT SHE WAS PREGNANT. SHE ACTUALLY SLIM. SHE WAS PREGNANT WHEN THEY WERE SHOWING HER IN THAT EPISODE"

>> No.2263955

is that from animated james?

>> No.2264131

Europoors are triggered.

>> No.2264133

In 2008 she copied a picture, the rest is just different shades of muh style

>> No.2264135

Why would tumblr want her to be thin?

>> No.2264255

because fat people are gross

>> No.2264480

Are you being serious?

>> No.2264539
File: 235 KB, 712x1123, old_wounds_healed_by_muffiasmith-d98ws8p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was joking

She blames art snobs for her work getting rejected from galleries

>> No.2264634

>I'm pretty sure you're not a female and you don't have to deal with fucked up standards
I hope you are not actually implying there are no fucked up standards for men as well, because it sure seems like you are.

Men just don't make their entire gender into a victim and have to simply deal with it.

>> No.2264667

What part of America? Texas? A local Walmart?

>> No.2264707

as a Texan I resent this.
I've spent most my life in Texas, come up north for a job and these niggers are way fatter than everyone (with a few exceptions) in Texas.

>> No.2264717
File: 320 KB, 827x457, v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Keep all the weird colored hair
>Change the blonde

>> No.2265052

She definitely is delusional.

>> No.2265063

I get that they're all black, but shit, making the southern farm girl black, unless you're making an statement about stereotypes like white boy trying to act gangsta or actually being a hood boy (which here they aren't, they're just slapping a single race to a cast who don't have a defined one) is just a desperate attempt to be held as an herald of inclusivity (and ironically, being uninclusive to any other race that's not black, playing by their OWN rules)

>> No.2265070

I thought the same, but man that's harsh, european comics have consistency and have a good understanding of form perspective, color, composition, anatomy... I could go on and on, but my point is, european comics tend to be good, Dobson is a shit thing to compare them to (Plus there's a shittons of styles just like in the rest of the world)

>> No.2265072
File: 12 KB, 201x262, 1421333287485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always get a fucking laugh when you can tell they can't draw hands by hiding them behind their back or in their pockets.

>> No.2265253


She's fucked if someone takes away her references.

>> No.2265255
File: 46 KB, 620x400, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is beyond cringe

>> No.2265271

I'm laughing so hard she decided to delete that post ....and disabled the ask function on her blog.

I guess life is so rough and tough when people don't take kindly to your huge ego.

>> No.2265278


To be fair she's got some damn good rendering skills, it's just a shame she's being a human photocopier instead of actually drawing cool stuff.

>> No.2265283


>> No.2265288
File: 6 KB, 194x259, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I thought the same, but man that's harsh, european comics have consistency and have a good understanding of form perspective, color, composition, anatomy
are you are like...literally retarded?
i said NOTHING bad about european cartoons. only the fact that some of them has that "nose" and "dot-eyes" that made me think of european cartoons.
Yes you are retarded because i mostly prefer european comics over american ones.

Holy shit you made me mad. i want to kill you and piss into your empty eyeholes.

>> No.2265289

Jesus anon, come on.

>> No.2265301
File: 75 KB, 457x355, Him_screaming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woops, sorry

>> No.2265311

>are you are like...literally retarded?
Not him, but you put Dobson and something else in the same sentence, saying they even look similar in some aspects. People are bound to take that as an insult.

>> No.2265347

I thought it was a Gravity Falls type thing.

>> No.2265397
File: 143 KB, 243x633, tumblr_m9l4chPWtV1r9remuo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2265398
File: 56 KB, 500x731, tumblr_ml1uvu2wWs1rp9rkho4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2265399
File: 117 KB, 320x480, tumblr_ml1uvu2wWs1rp9rkho3_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2265443

My favorite, I mean, even if you know jackshit about proportions, how can you draw something like this and not realize something's wrong?

>> No.2265445

Now that's bait if I ever saw one

>> No.2265447

It has to be a joke. There's no way an artist could look at that head size and say "Ok, ready for print"

>> No.2265450

>everyone talks about the hands
>not the ayy fucking fish faces

>> No.2265466

are you saying there's another aspect of that picture that you think is stronger than his background?

>> No.2265527

Maybe we would notice if it weren't for their big meaty claws.

>> No.2265531

What did you say, punk?

>> No.2265581
File: 507 KB, 600x987, c23674d64201c94eeca708b60ba96f7c-d4c9flh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He should try more art-styles and ways to draw.
If he just stick with what he knows he wont learn better techniques and ways to draw that he can later apply in his own art-style.

>> No.2265586

get your monitor checked

>> No.2265587

Is this an edit? i don't get it, the comics is right, but it feels like the author tried to make teacher to be an asshole

>> No.2265595

I'm not sure if this is an edit, I've never seen this particular comic, but that certainly sounds like how Dobson would frame things.

>> No.2265596

In the comic he admits that teacher was right and eventually he used what he learned, but the whole point was to show how hard teacher was on him, he depicts him screaming 80% of time in the end showing his soft side and saying something like "I just want you to learn".

>> No.2265715

Big. Meaty. CLAWS.

>> No.2265734
File: 335 KB, 800x1200, tumblr_lp6spltLlO1qmg4zfo1_1280 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this guy art.
Everything he draws is decent enough but those damn tiny heads.

>> No.2266060

Meant to qoute the original

>> No.2266071

Who else imagines them speaking in squeaky as fuck meatwad voices?

>> No.2266099

I'll be the guy who says "Taste". I like it in some spots. She's not good at drawing men, however.

>> No.2266121

I'll be the guy who says "Shittaste". Being 28 with an art degree and drawing like that means only that she refused to even learn anything new and sticked with that crap.
How can you even think about liking it? It's utter bullshit come on.

>> No.2266127
File: 36 KB, 225x350, qDtLzmT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, at least when Prison School guy does it it's for comedic effect.

>> No.2266130

If someone asked me what I thought of it, I'd say it was cute. Not museum worthy, not by a mile, but, it's something. I also heavily doubt she's not capable of better.

>> No.2266134
File: 33 KB, 224x248, phb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reads filename
what the fuck did tumblr do to us

>> No.2266136
File: 176 KB, 1063x752, ralph_meets_reboot_by_muffiasmith-d72we1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh, her attempts at non-chibi stuff are even worse

>> No.2266157


Man, what happened in 2013.

>> No.2266158


That looks more like Gravity Falls with kinda sorta John K/1950s color palette. Nothing offensively bad, but some stuff looks a little wonky, especially that (stage) right arm.

>> No.2266455 [DELETED] 

God damn.
There's something to be said about being so incredibly efficient with your brush strokes that you can paint a landscape in under 20 minutes flat.

>> No.2267300
File: 429 KB, 647x903, wortheverypenny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might be more along the line of YLYL.

>> No.2267320

thats that girl who went to art school right?

>> No.2267322

nevermind he already said it

>> No.2267328
File: 496 KB, 1920x1080, nuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is going into spooky territory, but take a quick look at Kody-the-Fox on that there furry site run by the digimon guy for some high quality crazy.

>> No.2267336 [DELETED] 

Well, Halloween is on a couple of days, pretty sure we can handle a bit of spoopy
... By the way, what am I exactly looking at there?

>> No.2267357

You konw what pisses me off the most of this picture
Ralph is meant to be 9 FEET TALL

>> No.2267981
File: 38 KB, 640x640, the_2_sides_of_me_by_megajamesstudios-d3konx3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2268009

Christ, you figure they'd show some competence after 4000 fucking ms paint drawings.

>> No.2268014

I don't think you would, just considering that drawing the same thing that many times only really teaches you what goes into drawing that thing.

>> No.2268019

I guess but Jesus it's like the diary of a mad man repeating the same thing and not dying of boredom.

>> No.2268021

Have you read the descriptions? The guy is legit autisitc.

>> No.2268044

Holy fuck what am I looking at here

>> No.2268073

it's essentially like iconic religious artwork, like the monks who would learn to just copy the same image over and over without thought to make it look even slightly realistic

>> No.2268076
File: 1.94 MB, 235x180, 1445724251595.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spray painting

>> No.2268077
File: 200 KB, 500x435, tumblr_inline_nt4jirIRMV1r8ytmm_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that was my progress I'd kill myself

>> No.2268082

Kek what is a light source

>> No.2268084
File: 33 KB, 210x215, fuku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2268085

each limb and pony tail in 2 and 3 are copy/pasted

>> No.2268089
File: 63 KB, 642x328, 15_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2268110

You can see the soul of the artist slowly getting killed.

>> No.2268133


And we all know why, for her last piece she's trying so desperately hard to please her tumblr audience

-make the robot fat
- make it darker toned
- make it ugly

>> No.2268136
File: 10 KB, 429x410, ...awkward.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's sickening that this comic...speaks to a certain part of me.

>> No.2268139
File: 160 KB, 599x500, 1428971781039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.2268147


>> No.2268211
File: 107 KB, 467x345, 1445993673936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy posted his own Tumblr in a Skullgirls thread on /v/, and I believe it's relevant to this thread.


>> No.2268234

I've seen some horrible things, but even the darkest of the dungeons could not prepare me for the abyss that befor me.

>> No.2268244


Oh lord I remember watching that after school when I was like 6 and lived on an acreage with 7 cable TV channels

>> No.2268247

the 2014 one looks so cute too, what a shame

>> No.2268280


>> No.2268284
File: 95 KB, 249x225, 1175685893302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2268299
File: 37 KB, 246x356, bald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ, this everything

>> No.2268307
File: 4 KB, 164x202, 1432512935548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you really need to expose my eyes to that

>> No.2268829

She caught the Tumblr in 2015.

>> No.2268853

Gee, I wonder why the ratings are turned off.

>> No.2268882
File: 118 KB, 695x1149, sometimes_dead_is_better___contest_entry_by_shipfreak-d97jfv9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking know this person

>> No.2268940

are you the prick that copies her work and then lies about it? fuck off

>> No.2268943

It is shit, refer to the beginner thread.

>> No.2268950



>> No.2269041
File: 270 KB, 1024x768, 27ec670ddae1511f346ffe83e146f6de-d78nd98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2269066


What exactly is wrong here?

>> No.2269070


Nevermind, didn't notice that for some reason the artist decided to make jenny fat, probably tumblr pandering.

>> No.2269151
File: 94 KB, 720x540, 12188904_760954897366988_4463782773753517450_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kody's pumpkin, love this guy

>> No.2269160

oh my god

>> No.2269166
File: 204 KB, 600x468, hurtz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll admit I'm jealous of his popularity. Nothing else, of course, just that.

>> No.2269175
File: 417 KB, 1503x947, adobestream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new art twitch streams are AMAZING

>> No.2269194


Why don't you make one? Show how it's done amarite?

>> No.2269270

That's not even the main issue, you dumb fuck

>> No.2269271
File: 467 KB, 919x1045, tumblr_nwznb84U5z1rewwn7o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people might not think its so bad, but its just so unsettling to me.

>> No.2269294

Unatractive =/= unappealing. also, if i wanted to look at realistic people, then I would look at a fucking photograph.

>> No.2269297
File: 78 KB, 861x564, 1446156763272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2269300

haha what?

>> No.2269470

She needs to put more effort with the anatomy, most of the focus are towards the faces because of the heavy detail and rendering but if you analyse the rest of the image it seems to work against it. The guy's eyelids are just as thick as his eyebrows! Both of their faces look dead and expressionless, I think the artist would do a lot better if she didn't have " it's muh style" syndrome, all there is to it is nothing more than a polished turd.

>> No.2269482

The pic in this post is from an FYP animation, are you trying to pull up art from a screenshot of an animation as being bad compared to a standalone piece or what?

>> No.2269489

yeeee kody boy keep doing what youre doing

(hey notice how when an artist like sakimichan post the same lame shit over and over in her gallery we all gang up on her and call her shit but when kody does it its endearing? It's because unlike sakimi, kody doesnt present a threat. What a bunch of pussies /ic/ is. just a passing thought)

>> No.2269541

animatedjames draws fart porn (shit tier fart porn, at that)

>> No.2269507

There is no amount of works that can justify my anger towards you. If this was your plan, good job.

>> No.2269515

zero improvement. LOL

I dont even know what to say, oh wait I do.
Another 10 years perhaps.

>> No.2269747
File: 107 KB, 625x626, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2269932
File: 87 KB, 1005x795, untitled_by_dark4488-d9f5chl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh man

>> No.2269949

>Little face compared to the size of the head
>Anime stereotyped.

>> No.2269978
File: 54 KB, 737x699, misty_in_icu_w__crystals_by_crystals1986-d6drir3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2269983


That's some shit

>> No.2269988

That's some saladfingers shit.

>> No.2270010
File: 19 KB, 358x272, Kinda serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fart lover fucker.
ah the bronie guy..why is he proud of this? i remember her drew his own fanfiction where sonic characters farted on him...

>> No.2270016

sakimichan is good enough to know better, kody is literally autistic.

>> No.2270019

The weirdest part is that the guy who made this shit made a shitload of variations of that pic with different characters.

>> No.2270036

Hair - copies the first one and pasted it on the other side

Arms - copy and pasted the first one

legs - copy and pasted the first one

Eyes - copy and pasted the first one, downsized it a bit

>> No.2270062
File: 616 KB, 545x591, chris 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2270063
File: 365 KB, 400x328, 1441452166020.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2270097

I think like 90% of the people who've seen that picture have only heard that one song.

>> No.2270108
File: 60 KB, 400x300, 753f70e886389d30d4984b895d49fe34_400x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2270334

The person who drew that died. He had marfan's syndrome

>> No.2270338

i fucking hate anime drawing fags
even when i was fuckign 10 i knew it was dumb to do that

>> No.2270342

not that i care for any of this but youre being a dumb faggot. these drawings are too simplified and shitty to be of any "race" they got fucking dots for eyes

>> No.2270383

>they got fucking dots for eyes
>you cant tell race from skin color
>im autistic
either way youre missing the point

>> No.2270527

so keyori gave up on vydia, huh?

>> No.2270538

OK you fuckers, what is it there that got you so freaked out??

>> No.2270550

>muh patriarchy

>> No.2270551
File: 33 KB, 387x353, THE FUCKING HORROR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2270579

to be fair 1 is literally retarded and is just enjoying himself. this makes it endearing because its not someone out to make a profit or to become something big, its just a guy who enjoys drawing scuba divers.

saki is being a market whore though and while personally I think it is fine, its not the same thing that goes on with kody so its a bad comparison.

>> No.2270593

>like the monks who would learn to just copy the same image over and over without thought to make it look even slightly realistic
ever take an art history class senpai?

>> No.2270595
File: 113 KB, 900x1222, 1446426043766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2270608

>mfw half of this thread

>> No.2270785

the only point is that youre a retarded fedora trying to fit in but nobody wants you here so please leave

>> No.2270908

I know people are going to bitch at me and yell SHUTUP TUMBLR but are you kidding me with the fat thing?
Look at the 2013 pic. Her proportions are constrained to a degree that I don't even understand how her neck holds up her head. She's skinnier than her head and an edge away from being an Adventure Time Noodle-character. The same applies to 14, although they widened the hips. In 2015 the character has a stocky build but it's slightly more realistic, since her waist, shoulders and hips are where they should be; at or slightly past the width of her head.

But I'm sure people are going to run with the fact that she's a robot or it's stylized, but if that's true why is the 2015 stylization suddenly worse than the 2013 one? There are legitimate criticisms of course, like how she put too much detail and it looks busy, but people shouting 'EW FAT' without justification seem moronic to me. In what delusional world of yours do people have snake-like proportions of the first example?

>> No.2270921 [DELETED] 

Its a robot u dumb hick

>> No.2270941

this straight up looks like modern art

>> No.2270945

overwhelmed with autism

>> No.2270971
File: 305 KB, 502x377, c7e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2271527


169 pages on dA


>> No.2271542


It just looks unappealing with the extra thickness. When you stylize you tend to exaggregate what's attractive. Waists get slimmer and legs longer. The picture is not anything near being realistic so that's obviously not its goal.

>> No.2271563

Oh, is that Michael from Rooster Teeth voicing that chad character?

>> No.2271985

>mfw windows 8 doesn't have it
might as well kill my self

>> No.2271990

brb gonna kms

>> No.2271998
File: 19 KB, 457x406, 1445888508694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2272073

I like that they're so obsessed with making "REALISTIC UGLY WOMENS" that they've wound up drawing some disgusting mutants that don't look like anyone I've seen, ever.

>> No.2272077

Careful, your big other is showing

>> No.2272098


>> No.2272106
File: 24 KB, 626x495, pleasekillme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2272110

I don't get this either.
It's a problem I see more in multiple facets; I don't browse Tumblr, and the only time I ever did was for Fuckyeahterribleocs of different fandoms, but I assume it happens there as well.

When someone points out there's a minority being overlooked, what do they do? Whine and complain about how there should be fair representation before immediately unleashing a DELUGE of overrepresentation. Happens with gay/transgendered groups all the time. 2/0.3% of the population is statistically something nobody cares about unless it's some godawful disease - which, jokes aside, homosexually or sex dismorphia don't count as - so why so much attention to it? To not feel bad? To gain a sense of accomplishment for not really doing anything?

Ugly people aren't common. Average people are. Most characters look AVERAGE. An ugly character should be uncommon in a DIVERSE AND FAIR medium because realistically the numbers just play out that way. They shouldn't be unicorns, but they aren't chickens either.
So you have this wave of hypocrisy that comes in whenever these groups focus on any minority where they take works that don't typically feature them and shoehorn them in to be cool and tolerant and progressive, but demonize other works for not having them, even if there's no narrative or logical reason to have them in that work.

It's like when people bitch and moan about whitewashing characters but get praise for their fat/black/trans "reimaginings" of characters.

If you honestly think there needs to be more of a thing, make your own damn thing! Nobody's stopping you. No need to whine at people making what /they/ want to make because /you/ want something else made. It's why I don't get reimaginings of characters to be diverse. Just make new ones if you care that damn much; trying to apply traits on characters to fit the hip new tolerance flavor of the month makes for shitty characters anyway, because you've changed a (cont'd)

>> No.2272115

(cont'd) major aspect of the character without the character's personality/experiences/everything else changing accordingly. Or they give you these watered-down "I don't want to go too far into this thing" versions that are just insulting. Fat people are objectively less pleasant than an average person with otherwise identical qualities. Black people don't look like brown white people! An ugly black person and an ugly white/asian/hispanic person are all different types of ugly because they all have different phenotypes that have different unpleasant variations.

No, fat people aren't "realistic" or "normal", they might become increasingly prevalent, but they are a in a biologically abnormal state. Does that mean a fat person/chubby person is bad? No, but don't lie and create this false dichotomy that they have to have some sort of quality that compensates for their lack of thinness.

And that's a really backhanded and self-incriminating thing I've noticed about fat women talking about attractive women. "Oh, but I have a great personality." Personalities come easy: good bodies don't. The statement alone means the fat woman is threatened by the mere existence of a more attractive female. IF being fat was truly beautiful - or at least didn't matter - you wouldn't have to find a means of qualifying yourself as superior, and you definitely wouldn't use as shitty a crutch as personality when everyone has one and most people don't particularly have unbearable ones.

And don't get me started on how these groups "Social Justice Whatevers" or something as I've seen posted all over /co/ are so fucking backhandedly racist. It's not the burden of predominately white, predominately overfed women to represent all of the minorities they can think of for the best interest of parties they have no involvement in. I'm a black guy. If I cared enough to see more black characters in art, I -and by extrapolation, any black people that wanted to - (cont)

>> No.2272117

{cont) would say so myself! There's no need for anybody else to try to determine our needs and wants for us.

That's what I can't stand about this sort of movement. It's people that want to pretend to bear the burden for the poor helpless minorities, all the while watering down negative traits that realistically come with those minorities because they care but not enough to get too realistic because realistically those dark skinned people can be scary or those fat people can be gross or those sexually confused people can be creepy.

And a lot of them fall into one of those categories themselves. Is every person in a minority the embodiment of its worst? Of course not, but to do such a shallow representation of a group and claim to have succeeded in being the person that stuck out your neck for fairness and diversity is a shit-eating move and I hate every single person that tries to justify it.

Damn /ic/ this is my first time coming to this board and I took bait harder than years of /pol/ and /g/ combined but that's been on my chest for a while in relation to artwork and webcomics.

>> No.2272133


>> No.2272135

But Anon I just got here and I was even interested in the beginner threads.

>> No.2272136


>> No.2272158

that's how we all feel senpai. welcome to the club

>> No.2272182

This is pretty bad

>> No.2272188

I'm mad

>> No.2272191

that's autism for ya

to be honest his art skill isn't bad considering how mentally impaired he is

>> No.2272218


>> No.2272284
File: 99 KB, 736x742, 7665419accc07a63889164fae85a28a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We need to be focusing on the REAL over represented demographic--- Gingers.

There are only 2% of redheads in the entire world but they are constantly getting worshiped and forced into our media. I mean just look how many cartoon characters are red headed but how many do you know in real life hmmmm? Goddamn SJWS.

>> No.2272288

To be fair he DID save up all his money to buy something he likes to do something he enjoys. I aint even mad.

>> No.2272318

if being made fun of regularly counts as worship then i guess its great. where the hell do you live

>> No.2272327

elevated kek

>> No.2272357

I thought the beast, John Smith's friend, Herculese, Peter pan, Jenny, that guy from the black cauldron and the guy from ratatoulie were supposed to be brounettes with red undertones? It's far more common than straight up redheads.

Also, that lady from the Rescuers is most likely a box redhead. I doubt that shit is her natural color.

>> No.2272373
File: 138 KB, 520x432, Ginger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is more than one kind of red

>> No.2272483

>Complaining about redheads in animation
nice autism

>> No.2272501

Well time to turn to alcohol and bob ross, this day's been ruined.

>> No.2272508

The world percentage of redheads is 2%
Autism has been used in this threads replies 2.3%
Redheads are in 7% of the images posted in this thread.

>> No.2272972

Ah, I'll stick around for a few beginner threads, then.

>> No.2273229
File: 149 KB, 1011x790, sai turtle autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found his dA, he has some mad Sai skills

>> No.2273275

bump. beat me to it
why dont you grab a workout slugging around a mattress or something?

>> No.2273288

hahaha i thought it couldnt get any "better" till black suit walked it. amazing

>> No.2273291

Oh lord I think I'm gonna be sick

>> No.2273292

this one hit me in the feels for some reason. this child should be allowed to continue regardless of our opinions

>> No.2273301
File: 1.81 MB, 390x261, 1444961270455.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the internet still amazes me

>> No.2273306

Fan art is awesome. Hell pretty much everyone starts drawing because they wanted to draw like their favourite cartoon or comic or whatever.
Hell I'm drawing the PPGs right now because of fucking /co/

>> No.2275485

you know what's funny about this?
The artist who drew that tried to kill herself after years and years of bullying and hate blogs because she didn't drew a Steven Universe character fat enough.

>> No.2275496

Christ if I was 26 and making this I would at least consider a new hobby.

>> No.2275500

got news for you buddy, you're probably not any better.

>> No.2275527
File: 165 KB, 859x626, confirmed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw his work was better before
>confirmed troll

>> No.2275548
File: 287 KB, 900x808, fantastic_four_ver3_xlg900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a DELUGE of overrepresentation
Adding to that I often feel like the representation is cringeworthy on its own, for not being a genuine representation. Like >>2263093 and >>2263112 shows, a lot of times they just throw on some really superficial bs to make it seem more "inclusive" but it just comes across as inauthentic, no better than when some corporate suit wants to throw in a token, because they themselves aren't part of that group, know nobody from that group, and are totally uninformed about what that group of people want to see. I for one don't like seeing tokenism no matter what the intent behind it.

>> No.2275560
File: 49 KB, 300x421, 1446055881231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2275562

this. it's not so bad when you have a nerdy circle of livejournal gays that write slash fiction for their favorite show for them to get off to, but when you get whites drawing nonwhites or cis people drawing trans or fucking whatever for the sake of being ~progressive~ and ~unproblematic~ it becomes solely about the note-getting, and it's ridiculous, superficial, and, worst of all, enforced.

i don't even think "diversity for diversity's sake" is a bad idea, but to do it well you have to do your fucking research (and they refuse)

>> No.2275563
File: 139 KB, 269x203, sam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2275576
File: 163 KB, 1024x1024, Nick_Fury_MCU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. Even when people from that group contact them to say they're doing just as bad a job with their misrepresentation, or that they don't like someone else speaking out on their behalf, they just get deflected. And if you're not going to do your research about how to represent someone from a group you don't belong to, the least you can do is not make that minority group THE thing about that character, the whole reason for them even existing. Make it not the focus, just have it be something about them that's just part of them but wouldn't make them or break them without it, such as pic related. His eye patch is a more necessary feature than his skin color, it hints at so much more about his past and who he is than his race does, that's how to make it so his story is his character, not his race.

>> No.2275669

Ya know, if the author was 8 I'd get excited and buy the kid some art supplies. If they were 16 I'd nod and look forward to them developing their talent.

But 28? Fuck, its time to accept you're not good at do something that any nigger can do like writing.

Speaking of, back to the text document.

>> No.2275671

> thinks fat and ugly equals "realistic"
There literally isn't a term to what he's describing. I get that you have a narrow view of what counts as bangable but that doesn't mean we need to jack off to barbie dolls all day.

I'll take some fat on my wimminz since none of yall are giving them decent muscles.

>> No.2275678
File: 77 KB, 671x587, gayporn is misogynistic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>homosexually or sex dismorphia don't count as - so why so much attention to it? To not feel bad? To gain a sense of accomplishment for not really doing anything?
Are you are literally retarded?

Okay let's think.
May be to make them have the same rights as heterofags? So they can marry too?
Or may be to give them same rights so they wont be killed?
Or may be to give them same rights so they wont be "illegal"?

Is this that hard to understand with your /pol/luted brain?

And why you even bring gays here? Are you a filthy homophibe? Gays dont have anything to do with tumblr. In fact Tumblr is as homophobic piece of shit as you if you will look at picrelated.

At least make fun of fatasses or black trans otherkins. but not gays. Because gays is one of few people who actually suffer from problems here.
shut up

>> No.2275688

>poof detected

>> No.2275692

I just love how these tumblerites jump at every chance to spit into the faces of those who bother to read their opinions.

No seriously, I do. I think its great that they're shitty to people because that's a good way to burn your good will away. She's going to be shitty to every non squirrel-kin trans-dimensional person and then be left with a shitty echo chamber that ensures her opinion is lost forever.

>> No.2275702

im tempted to post some stuff i managed to save from flipnote hatena on the DSi but im honestly feeling too ashamed to make this shit public.

>> No.2276160

Oh, anon...

>> No.2276162

Lose some weight

>> No.2276405

the 2015 stylization is worse because the artist did not improve the drawing skills or shapes in any way (the eyes look worse, IMO, the pose is stiffer, the perspective/body orientation is flatter, ...), he/she just threw more sparkly effects on it. All the gradients, fake 3D, fake glossyness etc just make it look really cheap.

The 2013 stylization is more coherent, dynamic, cartoony and the rougher/sketchier outline give it more of an "authentic artistic feel" compared to the 2015 version which looks like it was shat out by some barbie designer to be put on the packaging of their latest product.

No need to even invoke anything about proportions to explain why the 2015 version is bad. But yes, the oversized hands and massive shin pieces do look tumorous/clunky.

That being said, the discussion is probably pretty pointless anyway, I bet the 2013 version just looks good because the artist traced/copied it off of someone elses work...

>> No.2276422
File: 166 KB, 502x377, Ayy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2276427

wasn't this literally just a very sick kid who tried to use art as an escape mechanism to get out of their shitty life.
and for that matter didn't they die from this disease anyways?
personally I find it kind of depressing.

>> No.2276457

That answer seems tailor made for another question.

>> No.2276466

Stfu I draw circles around this guy and he would think they were squares.

>> No.2276474

lol You're right. Even when it's an artist 'from /ic/, and they actively start to get really skilled (especially if they can make dime off their work), /ic/ will start slamming them. The jealously is really palatable.

>> No.2276478

Damn. :( It was probably a copying mechanism.

>> No.2276495

Ah, he's having fun, can't fault the guy for that.

>> No.2276501
File: 270 KB, 640x780, ykjy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my disgusting old art

>> No.2276545
File: 577 KB, 2857x2016, IbUnqFo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2276559

Is this that Attack on Titan show I keep hearing about?

>> No.2276561

wanna fuck? gay nerds are my type

>> No.2276570

It really upsets me that women think they have the monopoly on being sad because they're fat.

I'm a fat male and I had kids pinching my tits and rubbing my tummy for luck in HS.
I've had people in public shout "hey fat boy" or yell "faaatttyyyy" as they drove past in cars.
The worst thing women have to deal with is looking at thin women in magazines, and they will not stop bitching about how it's feminist issue and different body types should be accepted.
Now, what people have done to me isn't right, but the only logical way to deal with that is lose weight or put up with people being dicks. I've lost 15 pounds since I reached my fat-peak, and I'm going to keep going.

>> No.2276577


Keep up the weight loss, bro. It's not that women have a monopoly on being sad because they're fat. It's that women have a monopoly on having their feelings considered, period. Nobody gives a flying fuck about how unattractive men feel about their bodies.

>> No.2276581

It really annoys me that people this year decided that "whitewash" means to literally make someone white. It either means a cheap kind of white paint, or to metaphorically cover up something.

They used to call it racebending after the controversy about the last airbender film, but I guess that didn't demonize white folks enough.

>> No.2276588

>disabled people having a hobby is sad
Sad because you can't afford one maybe?

>> No.2276622

Thanks anon, I will :3

Although I should say I've found people (the events I mentioned before aside) in real life to be quite considerate and kind, so I think this thuggish version of feminism is an online or american thing.

>> No.2276627

I get what you're saying, there's nothing wrong with drawing someone who's not society's idea of sexy. People are jumping on this comment for no reason.

>> No.2276778

What's wrong about this?

>> No.2276781

Prease exprain.

>> No.2276896


>> No.2276927

you can put the head in their pockets

>> No.2277118
File: 14 KB, 251x242, 1431796605865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its really shitty autism art, but its not that fucking bad. I was expecting some really fucked up shit considering the comments on it.

>> No.2277123
File: 251 KB, 2000x2000, supertt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my old anime shit

>> No.2277488

I love the fact that they both suck at drawing

>> No.2277987

thought it was his friend roger

>> No.2277993


>> No.2278210

>This entire post
>America doesn't count

Do you think in countries that don't have legalized gay marriage/homosexuality that you get to show it in film/artwork?

I'm not even homophobic; I've been in a same-sex relationship. You're just trying to find a reason to be upset at me for pointing out the very valid fact that most of these artists aren't activists in any sense but providing filler work once something has already been deemed safe/people actually shooting for a cause have trailblazed for them. It's hip and progressive; they don't have their own logic behind it, and this primarily takes place not in some society where homosexuality/whatever minorities are illegal/a capital offense, but in first world nations with, at best, vocal opposition.

But you can't have a thought that disagrees with my thought because then you're trampling on my rights and freedoms that have been legally protected and stated by the highest court in the land.

Protip; showed my post to both my ex and my polyamorous friends; they didn't get offended because once again, it seems someone wants to take the duty of being offended off our hands. Don't.

>> No.2278222

why she gotta change her style?
The first one was actually more charming than the rest. I like it

>> No.2278223

oops didn't mean to quote that

>> No.2278225

did you post the wrong image?

>> No.2278227

Look with your eyes, not your dick. Anatomy is garbage

>> No.2278671
File: 1.63 MB, 360x270, 1426306484505.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally had me crying from laughter

>> No.2279009

Are you a woman? That pic is fine.

>> No.2279013
File: 358 KB, 600x450, IMG_9042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
