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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 568 KB, 1000x865, PrnThrd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2258934 No.2258934 [Reply] [Original]

Post your nsfw, critique work and so on.
Furry is allowed, however do not over indulge on the subject of furries or their culture. Unnecessarily reporting these anons are strongly discouraged. This thread is dedicated to helping anons improve their erotic drawings and paintings.

Do not start flame wars.
Do not reply to funposters.
Please stay on topic.

Reminder that if you do not want to view this thread, please hide it by pressing the minus button or by right-clicking the thumbnail on the catalog and selecting "hide this thread."
Also, thank you mods and janitors for keeping this thread running well.

Questions about references for drawing porn will be answered.

Last thread >>2252547

>> No.2258938

op pic is worst than the last.

>> No.2258941

post your work.

>> No.2258945

Shitposting won't fill the hole in your soul, anon.

>> No.2258949

Sorry op, did i offend you?

>> No.2258955

Bromines, don't feed his trolling. If he honestly hated it because he could do better he's being petty. If he hated it because he can't then he's jelous. If he hated it because it's not his thing then he shouldn't even be giving his opinion. And if he hated it because he absolutely think it's terrible quality then he objectively has poor taste, it's perfectly fine.

... or he's just shitposting to get a rise.

>> No.2258957

fuck off underaged faggot

>> No.2258960

i like it.

>> No.2258963
File: 191 KB, 700x700, 4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's something some anon drew in the last thread that i'm planning to steal for my DA.

>> No.2258964

why would you do that......?

>> No.2258979

>feeding the troll..

>> No.2259018

>op pic is worse that the last

Sounds like someone's pretty salty. I pity your shit taste anon. Maybe one day you're grow out of it.

>> No.2259020
File: 375 KB, 1000x807, VelmaNSFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to draw porn agin.
If I'm going to do it, might as well be of characters I like, right?
Any issues?

>> No.2259027


Why is she elbowing him in the solar plexus? Looks uncomfortable

>> No.2259044

listen, we all know eri is obviously better but that doesn't actually make the image's technical qualities without worth

that slouch looks hella unnatural

>> No.2259076
File: 85 KB, 1920x1080, z_Gwedgie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my fetish, but what do you think

>> No.2259099
File: 406 KB, 544x911, bubblepie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished a request for /aco/
had a question there that I should pose here aswel.

>I was thinking, if anyone knows of or happens to be a drawfag who's got videos or streams their smut making process, I'd love to take a look to better ground myself.

>> No.2259103

Ryo Agawa is streaming on picarto right now. His process and work flow is pretty damn fast. Watching it and paying attention to what he does actually helps.

>> No.2259104

thanks, boo!

>> No.2259105

>magic eraser

>> No.2259107

I guess one is pb but who is the other?

>> No.2259109

There is/was a Chinese ripoff of adventure time called Legend of Lucky Pie. I figure she's the PB equivalent from that show.

>> No.2259116
File: 1.30 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the posing for the character's working? I'd like people's thoughts and critiques on this.

>> No.2259119

Is she supposed to be flat-chested?

I think the character's left arm looks like its growing from the middle of her chest. The overlapping shapes kinda help with this, but I think it's causing the image to flatten a bit.

>> No.2259128

>anime shit as the op pic
theres the alt thread goddammit

>> No.2259131

>imply all anime is porn
Kill yourself.

>> No.2259132

Every fucking thread someone always complains about the OP picture when it has shit to do with the purpose of the thread and board.
Jesus Christ you fuckers are cancerous, pathetic and petty.

>> No.2259137

no, you kill yourself, you anime tracing cancer
the sticky doesnt teach symbol drawing no wonder you anime kawaii fucks never git gud

>> No.2259139

> Tells someone to use kill themselves
> Still uses that obnoxious Dark Souls meme

>> No.2259140

>implying you can do better than the OP art


>> No.2259145

the foot's off a bit, also PB's left thigh/leg is either too short or the perspective/angle is messed up

i'm not quite sure how anyone is supported in this image unless offbrand PB is piggy backing off official PB who is putting all of her weight on her knee caps (i'm a glutton for pain as well but damn, that's a bit much)

>> No.2259154

>uses english like someone that survived a brain aneurysm
>thinks he can have an opinion

>> No.2259173

>Agawa's lineart brush
>impossible to recreate in Sai garbage, because of retarded pressure curve
Can someone show their lineart brushes for Sai?

>> No.2259175

>all that projection
Bruh, kill yourself.

>> No.2259182



>> No.2259183

>all that argument
Bleach's 20% off at costco

>> No.2259215

buy yourself some taste

c'mon, show us your art
wait, let me guess. you aren't going to do it, are you? rofl

>> No.2259225
File: 471 KB, 900x900, GGyxD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related cunt

>> No.2259232

note the imgur image name and the obvious anime influence in the piece posted, this is obviously not their work

>> No.2259244

someones a bit on the jelly side
salty as well

>> No.2259246


Post high rez construction layer as proof

>> No.2259247

Not sure if this is really your work or if you are the same anon.
If it is, let me tell you that compared to OP you are pretty much shit in terms of perspective, anatomy, lineweight and stylization + this is exactly the same anime symbols driven shit you are trying to bash lol.
How the fuck can you get to be so pathetic rofl.

>> No.2259252
File: 485 KB, 900x540, sharedpicture 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So 2 days age on drawplanet I drew some porn
(top left corner) which made me thinking.
How do I get into porn commision wise? What sites would you reccommend what ftsihes do I have to draw in order to people know me?

>> No.2259255
File: 82 KB, 1500x850, Pokehidden_fanaart_arkomeda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm working on it. Foreskins are hard to draw.

Also, I got fanart from somebody. Smooth

>> No.2259260

If your art is good people will start noticing you. Based on this pic, you are nothing special, but with enough dedication you might get some people to like your work or something.

>> No.2259272

what a fucking autist
dont forget to take your meds lil buddy

>> No.2259275

Sry buddy not going to play your little troll game. I just don't believe you are so stupid to be pulling the butthurt card. I actually didn't believe that image was yours in the first place. Soooo have more luck with another anon, dumb trolling fuck.

>> No.2259281

whatever you say autist

>> No.2259288


>Post high rez construction layer as proof
bring it on. cmon boi.

>> No.2259315


That's a tiny ass foot. And why is her vagina acting like a suction cup?

>> No.2259316

calm down kid
you dont have to make mom proud by showing what a big man you are on the internet

>> No.2259322
File: 95 KB, 1571x807, pearl_Rose_sheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never really finish anything...

You wanna steal my work anon?

>> No.2259323

he or you still haven't proven anything

i would love for that to be his real artwork, since it's really mediocre material and it only makes his claims even more funny.

>> No.2259326

Your heads are way too small for the torso.

>> No.2259327

>You wanna steal my work anon?
you shouldn't be surprised. there's a lot of people without taste around.

>> No.2259332

Yeah, it's a bad habit of mine. I see it in all of my work.

>> No.2259341
File: 102 KB, 300x269, 1394140943996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sry buddy not going to play your little troll game
>ITT right now
Hey, what do you think about loli art?

>> No.2259343

You could lower down the trollin' a bit there, T-dawg.

>> No.2259345

While browsing this thread, I limit myself to keeping a critic eye about technical aspects of the posted illustrations. I really don't care about the content of the illustrations.
It's something everyone posting in these threads should do imo.

>> No.2259353

May I know the decision making that went behind the values of that left boob? Is there supposed to be back light? Hope the artist can answer. Thanks in advance.

>> No.2259354

its there to make it look cool

>> No.2259355
File: 1.04 MB, 290x189, 14329384573482.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related

If you're going to steal someone's work and try to pretend it's your own, you could at least have stolen from someone who's actually better than OP.

>> No.2259358

>cant draw for shit
>shitposts on better artists because his feelings are hurt
textbook jealousy

>> No.2259380
File: 1.70 MB, 2480x3508, fullnelsonanalwip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2259383

I think Bayonetta's a lolicon fantasy.

>> No.2259389
File: 15 KB, 255x287, 144209852985712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he forgot to check for censorship before stealing someone else's work
this is how you filter the retards

>> No.2259397

keep trying, trolling retard

>> No.2259398

How long will you idiots keep stealing from each other until you realize not one you ever had an original idea?

>> No.2259408

I've taken quite a few works from this board, touched them up to look like my own style, then posted them on DA and Facebook. I usually get tons of likes and favorites, especially for Steven's Universe stuff.

>> No.2259455

The faces all look like you copied them from photographs. The one with Rose is the worst one, because the hair just looks so horrible compared to the face.

>> No.2259470

Every porn thread ever
>someone calls out porn artists
>10 replies of how previous poster is "just jelly"
>20 replies with "post your work"
>every "critique" is walking on eggshells
>minor advice on shit drawings
>suggesting polishing a turd rather than scrapping it and giving advice on the overall approach
>dick riding on the regulars
>how to make money discussion (you people are fucking desperate for cash)
>furry and loli are trigger words that will derail the whole thread
>general circle jerking and hivemind mentality

I'm willing to bet none of you are over 17


>inb4 salty
>inb4 jelly
>inb4 post your work

>> No.2259475

You forgot that one faggot that greentexts filled with bitching and moaning about how shitty a thread is.

>> No.2259477

What a reply.

>> No.2259478



The amount of tumblr tier circlejerking is unreal. Porn threads should be forcibly migrated to /aco/. I'm sure they would be right at home.

>> No.2259480

Don't forget 'autistic' as the go to insult.

>> No.2259484

>>furry and loli are trigger words that will derail the whole thread
I go to these threads on the reg and people here are fine with furry, even straight shota is fine here. If someone posts loli though everyone shits their pants.

>> No.2259488

Yeah the legs are all over the place. Been struggling with getting gestures to feel sexy but I've been sacrificing construction far too much, I'll make sure I pull them both off in whatever I do next.

>(i'm a glutton for pain as well but damn, that's a bit much)
I aint really a fan of guro or body modification but as long as we're dealing with strictly fictitious material I would consider this one light for my tastes. I guess I better go tip my fedora real quick.

>> No.2259514

you forgot
>obligatory smartass points out what happens in every porn thread

>> No.2259529

Porn Thread is more cancerous than Stylization General.

>> No.2259535

How about we make a thread in /aco/ to test it out?

>> No.2259537

aww were your feelings hurt?

>> No.2259538

/aco/ is strictly for a western genre.

>> No.2259539

i'm simply mocking him (you?)
not sure why would I be butthurt since I've never done any of the stuff he's talking about lel

>> No.2259543

Honestly, I think the thread should stay here. The objective is mostly critique. /aco/ users seem like they only consume porn.
Maybe if we had post ids it wouldn't be so shitty here.

>> No.2259544

Man what a coincidence, I've been playing and drawing a lot of metal slug.

>> No.2259548

>Maybe if we had post ids it wouldn't be so shitty here.

We might as well start using tripcodes and names and start one giant circlejerk.

>> No.2259549

most of the stuff in these threads is western style anyway, anytime anyone posts animu shit everyone just screams "fundamentals" until it looks like generic tumblr western art.

>> No.2259551

Okay so what about muh animus? Where will the porno weebs go? Surely not the alt thread.

>> No.2259552
File: 471 KB, 900x647, muhorks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eyy wtf thats not yours its mine.

anything before i lineart that ?

>> No.2259555

>anytime anyone posts animu shit everyone just screams "fundamentals"

Wtf are you talking about? The majority of the people in this thread are weebs who take inspiration from weeb shit. Hardly anyone here actually take inspiration from western artists.

Weeb inspired or not, it's still western art. So everything in this thread wouldn't be out of place in /aco/

>> No.2259557


>> No.2259559

The heads on the left and right figures seem too small and the middle figure's proportions are kinda fucked.

>> No.2259573

>If he hated it because it's not his thing then he shouldn't even be giving his opinion. And if he hated it because he absolutely think it's terrible quality then he objectively has poor taste

4chan is an 18+ website

>> No.2259598
File: 1.40 MB, 1280x1221, arthro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these posts and like less than 10 pics. Post your porn suckers

>> No.2259604


Saturated as hell.

>> No.2259610

not to the point it hurst. I can watch the colors in comfort but yes its a bit too saturated but also lots of porn artist use hight saturation.

>> No.2259615
File: 788 KB, 1779x3163, 1127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just starting to get into drawing in general, drawing porn is a great way to get myself to practice I'm finding.
Drew this last night. I'm working on faces today, because looking at this that seems like my weak area. Would like to get some other eyes on it though.

>> No.2259622


is this gab or someone new

>> No.2259623

No, it hurts to look at.

>> No.2259629

Well before you continue posting, make sure you re-size your images before posting. Also try to not draw on lined paper. Even plain printer paper can be a an improvement.

>> No.2259638

Sorry, took the picture and posted with my phone so I can't tell the size. Is it too big or too small?
I was trying to use the lines to check for symmetry and scale. Is this a bad idea or is there some other benefit to blank paper?

>> No.2259641

You know damn well that's JMGNfunbox

>> No.2259646

>all those symbols

Read the sticky fam. Everything is your weak area. If you're just getting started on drawing, you need to train your eye and grind on fundamentals. You can incorporate porn into your studies obviously, but becoming familiar with basic shapes and construction is a must. Your drawing lacks the very basic understanding of fundamentals - construction via basic shapes. That drawing you posted is pretty terrible. But you're a beginners so it's to be expected.

>> No.2259664

> bitches about grammar
> using acronyms and expects to be taken seriously

>> No.2259673 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 406x519, dogz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I draw a hundred objects from my room will I finaly stop sucking at foreshortening?

>> No.2259708 [DELETED] 
File: 352 KB, 1000x1500, stool sample.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2259712

Very qt but head seems a tad small

>> No.2259714

Okay. I was just wondering why there's light on the underside of the left boob, even extending medially.

>> No.2259724

He he you think you are some kind of a master mind dexter of porn, but in reality, you are a silly autist.
To be detached from reality like this...

>> No.2259746


If you're going to ape sindoll you gotta have those perfect lines bro

>> No.2259824

What happened to anon's qt drawing?

>> No.2259832
File: 1.87 MB, 540x250, 1287318727312783.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Probably really did trace a Sindoll drawing, I wasn't even going to look and check myself

Guilty conscience much?

>> No.2259838

>Probably really did trace a Sindoll drawing

I follow Sindoll's work. It didn't looks like a trace. Inspired by, maybe but not a trace. The pose was pretty standard anyway. Hell, if I were to start drawing furshit, I'd study Sindoll's work. He's the only furshit artist I like enough to want to emulate in terms of stylization.

>> No.2259839

I think maybe it was one of those people who direly abhor the porn threads, especially furry, and decided to report it out of petty instinct.

Or a corrupt janitor/mod.

>> No.2259843

If that's true, that faggots needs to get their eyes checked, because >>2259598 and >>2259673 are still here.

>> No.2259852

All your posts will be deleted if someone report you.

>> No.2260027
File: 122 KB, 1024x1024, spats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not totally sold on the neck/head area, or the arms in general. Any suggestions, tips?

>> No.2260031
File: 434 KB, 636x1666, 1435453161225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're going to have to start at the basics and do normal anatomy

perspective and poses like this are too advanced for you right now

don't color a picture before getting the basics right it makes you less likely to go back and fix the problems

despite the butt being even you have it shifted for no reason, that object should't go straight down into the anus

the balls look like it's not even separate from the perineum

>> No.2260033

Thanks, I appreciate the advice.

>> No.2260034

>Any suggestions, tips?

Build a reference folder and reference/study it. There are a lot of errors in your drawing that you can observe how they are wrong simply by just looking at reference. You need to become more familiar with basic anatomy and proportions.

>> No.2260053

>because other people do it its justified
People also rape children does that mean you can do it?

>> No.2260054

Jesus what's up with the melodrama

>> No.2260078
File: 332 KB, 1000x807, VelmaNSFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the input. Tried to rework it a bit

Sometimes I think I go a bit too thick with the lines

>> No.2260079

Where are her glasses?

>> No.2260081

The sketch is there, but I haven't lined them yet.

>> No.2260109
File: 122 KB, 796x966, for just 20 cents a day you can help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got no feedback in altgen so here i guess

>> No.2260110

Oh God, it's like a reverse Pop-eye.

>> No.2260114

eat ya spinach, kid

>> No.2260119

nice mouse

>> No.2260124

actually i used a trackpad this time which you'd think would be an upgrade but let me tell you, it's not, drawing with a mouse was way better, i want it back ;-;

>> No.2260128

Say I'm trying to draw shortstacks. How exactly do I figure out proper anatomy for someone like that?

>> No.2260134

Midgets and experimentation, probably.

>> No.2260185
File: 157 KB, 977x1500, taith1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2260187
File: 154 KB, 1000x1390, taith2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2260188
File: 128 KB, 1000x1343, taith3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2260205

Are you going to color these. Right now this is way too flat to work just with lines.

>> No.2260260



>> No.2260273


Flat or not, these are still pretty hot. There are some anatomy issues that need fixing though. I dig the line work.

>> No.2260327

please gibe blog

>> No.2260328

non-combo breaker post

>> No.2260333

are you using a ballpoint pen?

>> No.2260337


>> No.2260420
File: 1.56 MB, 871x1200, Final_Colors-Low_Res02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's very mildly NSFW, but I don't post outside of this thread and would appreciate some critique especially about coloring and values on this pic.

>> No.2260426

you are so good i hate you for ruining these threads everytime you post
you deserve your own thread because your level is wayy above these anime tracing sperglords

>> No.2260430

Stop projecting.

>> No.2260432

Completely off topic lads but does anyone know the name of the program that creates like a little window that you can drag reference into

>> No.2260434

Are you a professional?
How much money do you make a month?
How long will it take for someone to get on your level?

>> No.2260435


>> No.2260439

You desaturated the buildings in the background but not the trees. The shadows behind and beneath them are barely even there despite the strong light source. The shadows are barely even there on the bodies. Not much difference in values there at all. Natural light has mild blues in it but you don't see that here. Just looks like you went crazy with an overlay or screen layer and chose a white or bright yellow for the girl on the ground. The light source is strong, yet there's no gleam or value difference on the metals in this piece. The bricks on the brick wall are flat as fuck and you can tell how flat they are where the graffiti is.

You only asked for light and value critique but I'm sure we told you before that the straight arm looked odd. Not to mention the girl standing has weird nipples. Even though she's slightly turned, both nipples are facing the front and reaching for the skies, one higher than the other.

Get references, use Gurney's book to understand how light/shadows work, work on your anatomy and do studies.

>> No.2260443

Thanks for the praise, but you are exaggerating way too much. It's not like my illustrations are flawless. I see some perspective anomalies (after I wrap everything up like always, fml), but I am really insecure when it comes to coloring. I could really use some good old /ic/ bashing.

I'm not comfortable posting numbers, but I can say at least that I manage to make a living of it.
But take in account I have an ongoing job drawing comics, which is my main source of income. I don't know if I could live off these commissions alone. At the moment there's a huge demand, but you never know when there's going to be drought.

I'm not that desperate.

>> No.2260448

thanks for the critique about the coloring. very appreciated.
I thought the arm was fine and people were reaching with that comment. I tried the same pose after I got those responses and it seemed totally natural to me, so I kept it. as for the rest of the perspective (not that much a problem of anatomy) errors, I am aware of them.

>> No.2260455


>> No.2260460

>but I don't post outside of this thread

I don't understand why not. If it's not porn what's the harm? The people in this thread are pretty shit with critique anyway. You'd get better input from the drawthread or even stylization general.

>> No.2260464

right thanks m8

>> No.2260512
File: 473 KB, 920x884, Scan_Pic0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this thing that I am not using at my tutorials that I made.

That's not a bag btw.

>> No.2260521

why is she showing bullets into dicks?
also why is it not yellow from your grease, like the rest of your works?

>> No.2260528

Because I was going to make a stupid joke about sounding but I decided against doing that.

As for the lack of yellow, I accidentally scanned all of my pages in grey scale. But I like it that way, so the rest of the tutorials are probably going to be that way. I should also resize that damn pic, its way too big.

>> No.2260542

can you draw anything else besides this character and cocks?

>> No.2260545
File: 766 KB, 1836x3264, 1445718592348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kept inverting and flipping this to find errors and it's still off from something I'm not catching.

I already moved on to something else.

>> No.2260553
File: 619 KB, 1763x1773, tanlinewip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing something.

>> No.2260556

She's missing her clavicle, and she has no defined armpit. I'm not talking about hairs, I'm talking about skeletal and musculature.

It looks like she only has one boob. I know she's on her side, but without that clavicle/armpit and musculature, it looks like she has one boob that's connected to her other shoulder. Somehow.

Legs seem a little short. Holy shit. SHE HAS FOUR TOES.

Headdress has some tangent lines on it leading to the linework on the sofa.

>> No.2260563
File: 236 KB, 850x760, wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I make this look good or is this already a lost cause?

>> No.2260571

Nipple shouldn't be pointing towards the viewer.
Woman's hand looks a bit hamfisted, and the knuckle area on the man's right hand is too wave-like.

>> No.2260576


Literally everything. You didn't even bother rendering anything.

>> No.2260578

don't use solid black. It looks fugly and only works for things like writing text documents or if you're just going full black and white like Frank Miller would.

>> No.2260581

Hahaha this guy.

>> No.2260588

I figured that because I stopped working on it. I did this on a tablet, Samsung note to be precise. I could of went longer but I didn't see myself going anywhere with it since I couldn't find some obvious problems before the full render.


I tried starting out with a gray wash to avoid that, but I guess I still fucked it. I was trying to follow up on a previous halloween pic.

thanks guys.

>> No.2260592

When people say "drawing tablet", they don't mean a phone. AFAIK the only "tablet" tablets suitable for drawing that have come out in the last few years have been the Surface pro 2 and 3.

>> No.2260603
File: 468 KB, 1320x876, adsfasfsf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you see any perspective/anatomy fails?

>> No.2260609

Is the same Reiq as the one that did JigglyGirls?

How the fuck is he getting that much money?

>> No.2260613

It's a struggle, but it can work.

>> No.2260614

>How the fuck is he getting that much money?

What's there to be surprised about? He's a good artist. Period.

>> No.2260616

He's very active on social media, and often posts progress shots, fun little sketches and studies.

He never posts bullshit either, so updates from him is always a treat.

>> No.2260617

I only know him from JigglyGirls from years ago, and he only did shiny latex skin 1:1 referenced shit back then, I guess I'll check him out

>> No.2260627

>Is the same Reiq as the one that did JigglyGirls?

>How the fuck is he getting that much money?
Because he's a legit artist and delivers on his promises. He deserves the successful patreon he has. I'm not even a big fan of his stylization but I respect it because he's a solid artist. He's also a lot more professional than a lot of smut artists using patreon. Stay salty.

>> No.2260630

Are you actually butthurt over that post?

>> No.2260633

It's hard to tell what anything on her body is with all the random lines.

>> No.2260634

Most smut artists on patreon are lazy cunts. Only a handful actually deliver quality content.

>> No.2260659

>on patreon

>> No.2260676

Anyone have any good vids/tutorials on lineweight?

>> No.2260684

yess ha ha YES

vaginas soon anon, RIGHT ARK?

>> No.2260695
File: 1.54 MB, 2550x3300, leela.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A work in progress. I have a hard time finishing work.

>> No.2260708
File: 1.29 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd recommend a ground plane with some perspective lines... the way her hand is placed on the ground kinda feels weird. Like if I try to imagine the guy's feet they wouldn't be planted like the girl's hand would. Like it's at an angle or something.

you mind looking at mine and giving me some crits?

>> No.2260714

if you haven't seen it yet, I already see issues with the shoulders not wide enough and the body is to skinny to booty ratio. Try drawing around a skeleton first.

>> No.2260719

And I recommend to you not to get trannies as references.

>> No.2260735

Massive aereola, and nipples generally aren't that big.

Left foot looks much bugger than the right one. I have the same problem, not finishing works, if you ever figure out the solution, post it here.

>> No.2260776
File: 555 KB, 721x1400, angel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the input. I already inked it, but I will review it after I sleep over it (I think you are absolutely right regarding the ground plane). Pic related (it's not going to be an animation, only 3 variations).

About your illustration, I don't know really what to say, since there are too many guidelines and it's all pretty much a mess right in the place where all the linework is happening. All in all I'd say you chose a pretty boring central composition emphasizing perspective that doesn't do anything to make the pic interesting or sexually appealing. I'd rather pick a higher or lower pov.

>> No.2260779


Why is the pov so far AWAY from the characters? What purpose does that serve? With the way it's composed, it makes it look like the sex isn't even the main focus.

>> No.2260780

>post something better
>gets featured as the next thread's OP pic
>stop being lil bitch

>> No.2260784

good point. I'll try and come up with a better composition for the piece.

>> No.2260804

>...and then she farts!

>> No.2260817
File: 626 KB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just some quick rough revisions and some alternate sketches I drummed up.

>> No.2260831


There's definitely something funky going on with the ground plane. And the left arm in the second panel makes no sense. It looks like her arm is straight out like her other one especially since her right one doesn't even look like it's on the ground. Unless the guy is barely levitating from the knees.

It's the center area that's off the most.

>> No.2260834

That asshole is broken.

>> No.2260835

Not sure what's wrong with her left hand in the 2nd version. She's just pressing the hand against his body (thumb against the scrotum and other fingers against his thigh).

>> No.2260845


I literally just told you. Because the right arm isn't on the ground they look as if they're next to each other. If they aren't then you need to fix the perspective and show that.

>> No.2260850

She's at the exact same distance from him as in the other versions. I still believe there's nothing wrong with her hand. It's either the guy's body position, or the girl's back and legs wrong perspective that messes everything up. Gonna fix that.

>> No.2260859

you know BBC-chan

you just might make it one day

>> No.2260872

>come into porn thread to compare my work with everyone else's and see if I've improved
>shitposting, trolls, people stealing work, only 2 people actually posting their work
Thank you for reminding me why I come to /ic/ sparingly.

>> No.2260875
File: 125 KB, 800x600, wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first image ive ever made

>> No.2260878


>> No.2260880

undertale fags pls go

your image has no anatomy whatsoever

>> No.2260883


Some women do look like that, you'd be surprised.

>> No.2260890

this is my boy bbc
he good
yall who said otherwise be jelly

>> No.2260935
File: 137 KB, 1200x967, Parappa the Rapper 63.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here I go...

>> No.2260940

fuck, kick it's all in the mind

>> No.2260944
File: 631 KB, 1100x1271, dcorcelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2260945
File: 190 KB, 942x933, 04064a85045a25a693568b7e60827a41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw straight vagin

really good though, saved.

>> No.2260949
File: 725 KB, 2054x2560, cheimpyevansinks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


goddamn good shit

>> No.2260952
File: 733 KB, 2560x1394, novaduskpawinks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the straights are starting to notice me god bless

>> No.2260955

the warped perspective is off in that background, the columns should extend to the center of the point which the perspective is bent around

>> No.2260956 [DELETED] 
File: 1.01 MB, 1280x817, chiger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one more for the road, goodnight /ic/

>> No.2260967

eyes aren't lopsided to anyone else? in the first two I mean.

>> No.2260970


>> No.2260987


Thank you guys so much for taking the time to give me some feed back on my work, it is highly appreciated! For now I don't think I'll color them. Do you think the volume issues are an anatomy/perspective thing? I'm using a black bic crystal ball point pen. I have some fancier ones laying about, but right now I like the laid back feel of to bic, as well as it's easy to manipulate.

My blog is
drawersden.tumblr.com, if anyone's interested.

>> No.2260988


>goddamn good shit

y-you too..!

>> No.2260990

damn, i really love how you handle lineart

cute as always
not sure if you are looking for crits, but the only thing that bothers me in this one is her right shoulder-body connection. either you should move her shoulder closer to the body, or give her more back muscles and clavicle.

your rendering skill is simply amazing.

>> No.2260993

I am noticing some weird shit going on in the first pic, now that you mention it. I'll fix that. Thanks for the input.

>> No.2260999

cute goat, penis tut guy
here comes a new challenger
humble Kep
BBC-chan git'n gud


/ic/ just rolled out the big guns

keep going you're the inspiration /ic/ needs

>> No.2261002

haha, this typo made my day

>> No.2261003

please make a gallery so i can follow your work

>> No.2261016

Loving the expression of the girl dragon.

>> No.2261017

I just noticed the shoulder too.

nice shawntay. Make her arms a little shorter and her legs a little longer, I think it'll make a big difference. Really cute face.

btw I am asking advice from anyone
when i draw shoes from the back- it doesn't always convince me that it's a 3d shape (this for example). I just can't quite get the shape/angle right.
I haven't found good references for this so I just drew what I thought looked correct.
Whenever I look up heels it's not the proper angle I need. I don't know how I keep doing it but they look weird like old lady shoes.

and I can't find my heels anywhere either, haven't worn them in about a year.

Could I get a redline or reference, maybe 3d model?

>> No.2261019
File: 1.14 MB, 2000x3300, commission3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woops, forgot picture.

>> No.2261020

That butt jewel is classy.

>> No.2261032

notice how kyle didnt post
notice how buttmad he is because nobody likes him

>> No.2261034
File: 143 KB, 617x914, sexybeegirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first drawing in a while and it's a naked manga bee girl

>> No.2261039

Oh, very smooth line work! Her shoulders look a lil' broad to me, but I do like her. Very cute.

>> No.2261040

Oh yeah I notice the shoulder now! Thanks for noticing!!

>> No.2261047
File: 374 KB, 916x1400, kepfsafasdfas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the problem is in either the length of the fingers part of the sole or the fact that you are slightly bending that part, which is not supposed to. Also, did a small fix to her left palm. Check the pic.

>> No.2261048

Nice gesture. Shoulder already mentioned.

>> No.2261051
File: 22 KB, 120x110, 1438667443806.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok thank you
this helped a lot!

>> No.2261055

gotta love this pose

>> No.2261144

Nice, but the standing girls belly button is really fucking low, dude.

>> No.2261145

What site would you guys recommend for hosting porn?

>> No.2261148

Real nice inking! I agree with the other anons that something is a bit off about the perspective, tho.

>> No.2261165


But you faggots inspire me to improve.

Most of you anyway.

>> No.2261209
File: 263 KB, 1200x973, 07p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're the inspiration /ic/ needs

They aren't my inspiration though. That belongs to pic related.

>> No.2261212

Tbh perspective and anatomy wise this illustration is nothing special. Also, cannot unsee the fucked up face of the right girl.

>> No.2261216
File: 685 KB, 706x960, 1443745909510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tbh perspective and anatomy wise this illustration is nothing special.

That's why you take inspiration from multiple artists for different elements of their work. You don't have to like or agree with 100% of the drawing. I've got by bases covered, no one from /ic/ has art that inspirational or impressive to me. Homare's work is more inspiring, even with the flaws. Take inspirations from the pros, not the amateurs.

>> No.2261315
File: 286 KB, 956x1065, spooky wolf tiddy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should the hands have been squishing the breasts more? My first lactation pic

>> No.2261322

your posts about who you take inspiration from are useless and pathetic.
you try to lower the value of good artists on /ic/ by comparing them to masters, because you yourself are shit at drawing. I nailed it, didn't I?

>> No.2261329

the only thing that should be squished here is your neck.
stop trolling, retard.

>> No.2261339

>the only thing that should be squished here is your neck
I'll give you that one. I'm just trying to participate, since I actually enjoy drawing.

>> No.2261350
File: 185 KB, 1200x900, gold_b_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you try to lower
Try to? Kek, their value is lower. Why take inspiration from people who aren't even there yet?

>> No.2261373

your posts about who you take inspiration from are useless and pathetic. you try to lower the value of good artists in the world by comparing them to /ic/ artists, because you yourself are shit at drawing. I nailed it, didn't I?

Also opinions anon, some have them, others dont. No reason to express your frustrations negatively

>> No.2261384

Not that guy, but the way I imagine it is like if there were two fat asses. One of them finally decides that enough is enough, so he begins to eat healthier and go on jogs. Meanwhile his fat ass friend does nothing but put him down and tell him that he'll probably never lose weight because of how lazy he is. But that fat ass doesn't realize just how hard the healthy fat ass is trying, and after a month or so, the fat ass that started working out begins to noticeably lose weight. When the lazy fat ass sees him he gets envious of his dedication, so he tries to belittle that guy and make him feel like his progress wasn't as great as he thought. As time progresses, the once "fat ass" is now a pretty healthy average sized man, all while the other guy is still a couch potato. The now healthy guy, who has inspired others with his weight lose now realizes that his friend is toxic, he sees that all he does is bring people down, because that fat ass is afraid of being lower than someone. I feel like that's how a lot of people on /ic/ are. I think the inspiration doesn't necessarily come from their artwork, but how hard they're trying. Just try not to be the guy that tears down the dreams of an up and coming somebody.

>> No.2261388

Lower THEIR value, not trying to put them lower than the masters. Of course they are not as good as some masters. There's always a bigger fish.
My point was that your posts about who inspires you are useless bullshit. No one cares about you and your sources of inspiration lol.

>> No.2261390
File: 359 KB, 800x735, first try.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm probably not going to finish this, but I'd still like to know what I should work on, so I can pay attention to that next time

>> No.2261396

words of wisdom.

>> No.2261398
File: 1.89 MB, 320x240, 144203947574.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one cares about you and your sources of inspiration lol.
>No one cares
And yet here you are getting pissed over my post. You could have just as easily ignored it.

>> No.2261401

I try to roll with the punches, but I've stopped posting my art for the most part, because I never get critique, just shit like >>2261329. It's not hurtful, but rather annoying.

>> No.2261411

>how hard they're trying
>smut artists

see >>2260634 >>2260659

>> No.2261415

Here's your response:

Arms don't work that way. Ever. You need to study anatomy a lot more. You shouldn't have even moved onto color/rendering until you got your linework done.

Your proportions are wrong.

The forearm reaching across her tits is ridiculously longer than her upper arm. You need to get into the pose yourself and take a picture of yourself, if you don't have tits, just put a pillow or two across your chest.

Her hands are tiny, and her thumbs are in the wrong position. Study hands more, and break them down into simple block shapes.

Her head is drawn awkwardly, like her face is crooked in all the wrong ways. Learn to draw cubes and spheres in perspective.

>> No.2261421

Are you implying that regardless of skill level, if you make smut, you're actually not trying at all? I don't see what your point is. Secondly, this thread is for people who wish to improve in drawing smut. You can't just assume that everyone who draws smut is lazy, because that's incorrect.

>> No.2261425

Thank's a bunch. I can see everything you're saying, especially the arms and hands. I've always had the hardest time with hands, more so than anything else. As for the face, it was my first time trying to draw that angle. Again, thanks for the help

>> No.2261428


In terms of effort and ability, drawing people fucking requires as much effort as drawing a tasteful nude. They're both the same subjects (people) just in different poses. You get people who are fucking awful at both, the only difference is with badly drawn smut some people will still like it.

So unless you're suggesting that drawing people requires no effort you can fuck off. And if you are suggesting drawing people requires no effort, you can also fuck off.

>> No.2261431

>Are you implying that regardless of skill level, if you make smut, you're actually not trying at all?

No, I'm implying a lot of smurt artists on the internet get complacent and end up stagnating because they circle jerk each other and have a small but dedicated fanbase that actually consider their work amazing even when they are only amateurs. A few don't fall into that trap, but enough of them do.

>> No.2261437
File: 2.13 MB, 800x3248, Full6a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Today I concern myself with foreskin. I am begining to run out of things to say about the penis, its starting to become self evident.

You can find the rest of the tutorials on the tumblr, search for them:


>> No.2261438
File: 3.28 MB, 800x4548, Full6b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Enjoy the dicks fgts.

>> No.2261461

that's not it.

regardless of how you interpret it, in the end the guy only said that they are not his inspiration.
i think the notion here is that not everybody is willing to take part in the circlejerk. and i certainly don't like the thread to go into that direction. that's why i think posts like that are fine.
you may find these guys super impressive, but people that are further ahead than you that may not be as impressed you know? (though some of the artists in question are breddy gud)

also >>2261315 is just utter shit and it doesn't deserve any serious responses. if you post something like that you shouldn't be expecting anything positive from us.

>> No.2261466

could you put all of them to a imgur album? so they are all together as a whole

>> No.2261469

Where is sandy vagina tutorial?

>> No.2261480
File: 248 KB, 500x375, whatre ya sayin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as I like to joke that 4chan is a hivemind, do some people genuinely think that?

>> No.2261512

it's just a generalization. i mean, if you really want to help >>2261315, and do something other than telling him to do visit the beginner thread then go ahead and do it.

>> No.2261521

They only way I can think of to help myself is to keep drawing.

>> No.2261522
File: 62 KB, 434x574, azulwip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2261523

the fabric is very flat, the hand looks a bit weird

>> No.2261558
File: 66 KB, 617x791, Timantha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this porn? How would a person turn this into porn?

>> No.2261566

This guy get is. Why is this thread full of faggots. Are you people drawing to actually get good or to make friends on the internet to circle jerk with? Why idolize amateurs? You can think their work is neat but your eyes should always be focused on the people who are better. Focusing on small fry is a waste of time. If your goal is to be them and not surpass them, you're selling yourself short.

>> No.2261569

Thanks Ark really appreciate these you're the best

not imgur but this is the tumblr

the ones posted on here on 4chan are better because the file size can be larger I can repost the earlier ones if you want

>> No.2261588

Even masters admire people trying to learn. I don't understand why that concept is foreign to you. Be proud when some one shows growth, but continue to push them. Some people on here genuinely wish to help others, so it only makes sense that they would be happy to see a fellow anon grow from the advice they gave them. I don't see it as idolizing at all.

>> No.2261600

It's sort of arrogant to assume you can't learn from some one who isn't as good as x pro artist, especially if they are still better than you. It comes off as more of a defense mechanism for your ego, that everyone before this arbitrary level of skill is shit and therefore equal to you.

>> No.2261614

of course there's always respect and those kind of feelings, but to me this is more about the fanboys. if you don't keep them in check, it will lead to stuff like the TDF and other kinds of gossipy faggots.
they are probably all anons that initially came here to get better at art, but then forgot that this board isn't the goddamn /a/ drawthread.

but it's nice that the average skill level in the thread is rising. it's not like that's a bad thing.

>> No.2261616

It's more about being focused, and not being distracted by artists that aren't near the level you want for yourself.

>> No.2261704

I'd still say there's thing you can learn from artists closer to your skill level. I'd argue it's in fact better because it's easier to conceptualize their techniques and ideas as opposed to 20 year veteran illustrators, and as you get more skillful your relative "competition" rises automatically. It seems too easy to deify masters and blinds you to their actual strengths and how to reverse engineer them.
but whatever.

>> No.2261705

haha, nailed it.

>> No.2261721

>I'd argue it's in fact better because it's easier to conceptualize their techniques and ideas as opposed to 20 year veteran illustrators,

That's what the book resource threads on /ic/ are for nimrod. Read the books, grind the fundamental concepts, and then start studying work from the pros who are at the level you want to be. Circle jerking with amateur artists while your fanbases suck you off have never been an important part of the process. It's actually what leads to complacency and stagnation. There are no shortcuts.

>> No.2261724

When in doubt add genitalia and penetration with the intent to excite and titillate the viewer.

>> No.2261746

Why is some artists are shit but their porn looks hot compared to good artists that draw well but their porn isn't fappable at all? I can't be the only one whose experienced this

>> No.2261748

"Well-drawn" usually equates to more accurate/realistic, and as we all know, 2D > 3D.

>> No.2261760

Examples? Who's a good artist that draws lewd that you can't fap to?

>> No.2261776

Here's one http://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/Calm/profile

He's good but it just doesn't do it for me. Looking at his pieces now, I'm just starting to think it's personal taste.

>> No.2261794


you are a homosexual

>> No.2261799
File: 517 KB, 1280x603, Calm-323661-Rituals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of their stuff is definitely fappable. I don't see the problem. You might just be a massive weeb anon.

>> No.2261801


The anatomy gets funky lookin' sometimes maybe that's why

>> No.2261804

>The anatomy gets funky lookin' sometimes maybe that's why

If he can fap to weebshit, that's not the reason.

>> No.2261808

That person is really really good at drawing semen.

>> No.2261809


Whenever I look at that shit I just think 'wow thats good' instead of 'muh dick'

Maybe thats why? I view it as quality illustration more than porn and it engages me on an artistic level instead of a sexual one.

>> No.2261812

Honestly, I'm turned off by how much semen there is. His stuff looks good,yeah,but, i think it just cums down to taste.

>> No.2261813

I agree with this.

>> No.2261817

No. I like western porn. He's got about 2 pictures I'd fap 2 actually.

I never liked his way of doing it. I prefer the hentai style.

>> No.2261835

please. dont do this to him.

>> No.2261839

It's just your taste. Your theory that he's a good artist, but not a good smut creator is plain and simple bullshit.

>> No.2261869 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 745x1088, dragonnippletug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any advice on spotting your own mistakes? I know to flip the canvas, but I still can't pinpoint what exactly is off

>> No.2261870

He was asking for it.

>> No.2261875

>I'd still say there's thing you can learn from artists closer to your skill level.

You sound like one of those idiots who beg for tutorials instead of just reading the multitude of books that explain the universal concepts of drawing pretty clearly.

>> No.2261899

But anon, I need my information to be condensed into the informational equivalent to baby food so I can consume it and pretend I've gained something without actually practising it!

>> No.2261905

I never said anything about shortcuts, why is observing what your contemporaries are doing "cheating"? Or is it that you feel you'll betray whatever pet artist you like by actually appreciating good work regardless of who it's from. Here's an idea, why don't you learn from books AND people?

> Circle jerking with amateur artists

I wish that phrase never existed, and I never said that either. That you're so afraid that not keeping your taste "pure" will ruin you is insecurity on your part.

You sound like you need a straw man to make a point. By your logic you shouldn't look up to masters either, it's all in books already. Why have teachers at all? :^)

Again, if some one is better than you, it's possible to learn from them. Hell, you can learn something from someone worse than you if they happened to do something particularly well. This weird obsession with being a special snowflake who has more taste than actual skill is why you'll never make it.

>> No.2261908

uncanny valley

>> No.2261912

kek that fucking candle

>> No.2261915

The books explain the theory and concepts while showing examples and providing exercises, the master works and the pros you like are your reference points for study and practice. Looking up to amateur works and circle jerking with amateur artists never comes into play. You're just a moron getting caught up in shit that doesn't matter.

>> No.2261920

>Circle jerk
>circle jerk
>circle jerk

It seems like you're the one who has the problem with objectively evaluating work. If something is good, it's good, regardless of who it came from. That you conflate that with somehow sucking off the artist in question is more a failing of this board than you personally.

And frankly theory takes time to digest, and you probably don't have the ability to appreciate master work outside of "that look good". For the last time

>Work by peers closer to you skill level, while still being ahead of you can help you solidify concepts because it's easier for YOUR amateur eyes to see how the picture works

>This DOESN'T preclude you from looking at work that's better than your peers (your ill-defined masters), or going to books.

>This does not mean you jerk in a circle you huge fucking idiot.

>> No.2261926

>Work by peers closer to you skill level, while still being ahead of you can help you solidify concepts

If you're illiterate and don't know how to read and study from books while practicing, yeah.

>> No.2261929

>If you're illiterate

>This DOESN'T preclude you from looking at work that's better than your peers (your ill-defined masters), or going to books.

>or going to books.

Whatever fam, gonna go study kyle's foot tutorial.

>> No.2261933

You do that fam. You might as well beg him for more tutorials while you're at it.

>> No.2261939

I wonder if you can even catch sarcasm?

>> No.2261942

I wonder why you're still posting? :^)

>> No.2262013
File: 585 KB, 1920x2560, user68181_pic10091_1435821961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is something I drew a while back, But I feel like every time I ink something it doesn't look as the original..

>> No.2262016

Sry `as good as`

>> No.2262082 [DELETED] 
File: 1.02 MB, 1200x1657, kunoichiprincess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WIP. Coloring is eluding me right now. Think I gotta stop looking at it for a little while.

>> No.2262901

Any anatomy masters here that can clarify just what the fuck is going on in this image? >>>/v/314442975

>> No.2262915

Some MC Escher shit, obviously.

>> No.2263215

i have big problems drawing interacting poses. How do I train interacting poses ? sex poses. I use some tumblr porn gifs and jpgs as reference but the other person is often obscured so i have no idea what they look like in certian pose. Also how do i fit them on one perspective. its all hard.

>> No.2263268

What i do is place the sketch on my second monitor while inking and compare them during the process,
if at some point it strays away from the sketch too much i see it and i try to bring it closer to the feel of the sketch.

>> No.2265537
File: 100 KB, 481x500, 21311869215_34923ce324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Komori the girl that'll do anything
She can't refuse