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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 324 KB, 744x900, drawthreadmuedition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2248423 No.2248423 [Reply] [Original]

Last Thread >>2245456

Post your current drawing here and give constructive critique to others!

Please make sure your posted image is clear, downsized to around 1000 pixels wide, rotated to the correct orientation, and that any unused space is cropped.
If you want critique on a drawing from the previous thread, you can delete it there and repost in this one.

>dA /ic/ group :

>/ic/ Resources/Reference/Downloads/Links:

>General resources :

>fellowBro's books :

>Figure Drawing Tool:

>Photoshop Brushes

>> No.2248440

Firez, why does she only have four digits??

>> No.2248458

firez a shit

>> No.2248460

>Still here after all these years, still an attention whore.

>> No.2248462
File: 25 KB, 336x300, pls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-be nice to firez-sama

>> No.2248463

>still being triggered


>> No.2248465
File: 1.93 MB, 3264x1836, 20151012_004558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2248467

This, like do you really HAVE to say something about it every time? If you honestly think he's being an attention whore then shouldn't you just you know, NOT pay attention? Just a thought.

>> No.2248471 [DELETED] 
File: 138 KB, 667x1000, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2248473
File: 159 KB, 667x1000, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2248477
File: 362 KB, 1000x563, museumcolorrender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mirror's edge concept
feedback'd be cool

>> No.2248478

I think their is too much color

>> No.2248479

do you look at this and think its good?

>> No.2248482

Not OP but this is the way the game looks. Super black and white with pop of color style.

Looks good anon, I don't know what you're doing exactly though. Are you taking a screenshot and doing a study of it?

>> No.2248483

No its just an original environment inspired by the game

>> No.2248489
File: 188 KB, 768x760, 1705a5ef1d390bb694fa77119303a7b3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got about 2 hours to make this look presentable. Any advice or asshole ripping is greatly appreciated.

>> No.2248490

Are you suppost to add colors?

>> No.2248492

It's looking good, keep it up.

>> No.2248493
File: 199 KB, 1920x1080, mirrors-edge-010-12-25-13-16-23-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me rephrase that then.
From what I know about mirrors edge is that the environments are often white with one maybe two vibrant colors added over it.
All of the colors in it seem overwhelming to me.

>> No.2248494

Idk what this is but it's cute.

>> No.2248497

Looks good. I love the colors.

>> No.2248498

I was thinking about adding them quickly on a multiply layer but honestly I haven't given the colors a great deal of thought yet. I don't need to have the colors done however, it can stay grayscale for now.
Thank you!

>> No.2248499
File: 285 KB, 1000x563, museumcolor1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was originally only mostly monochromatic (see attached) but it lacked a clear direction for the player to navigate the space with - thats typically what the red set dressing is used for. if the space does not have a clear a to b map (like the hallway you posted), the red kinda tells you where to go

>> No.2248511

Doin pretty well, anon. The bent arm looks awkwardly positioned though, like it's pulled too much toward her back, it would look more natural if it was more to the side in profile view. Is the face under a mask?

>> No.2248513
File: 1.37 MB, 3000x2000, IMG_20151011_232326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2248517
File: 21 KB, 900x600, 1444627675572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2248520

kill yourself FiRez

>> No.2248529

That red really ties the room together.
I wouldnt separate the orange and the white areas that much because it makes the whole thing a little jumbled, also the lighting on the museum sign looke a bit vague. fix the sculpture in the middle as well that dip in the right side of the curve is triggering my OCD

>> No.2248547


You said you didn't use a ref for this, that really shows in your choice of colors.

>> No.2248556

Thank you! Yeah I believe you're right about that arm, I had a lot of trouble with it. Unfortunately I won't have enough time to fix it right now though.
Honestly I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the face yet, I just drew that in real quick for kind of a placeholder. Its supposed to be a regular face but I admit it looks weird. What exactly makes it look like a mask though? (because this might actually be my choice for what to do with the face later)

>> No.2248568


I feel you're not being very consistent with your light source and your materials. Right now, everything has the same specularity and I can't tell the fabric apart from the skin and the supposed metallic bits. There is no variation in edges. Simplify your values more, use a clearer concept of notan. To be fair, I think it's very unappealing right now, so I would scrap this entirely and start anew, with a clearer idea of what's what instead of just going nuts rendering every part in the same way.

>> No.2248569
File: 281 KB, 600x764, sunburn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2248570
File: 9 KB, 192x288, full-face-blank-female-mask-white-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, the eyes are hidden in shadow, and there seem to be some hard surfaces and hard highlights, the forehead in particular reminds me of something like pic related. The expression too, as it looks much calmer than the pose would suggest.

>> No.2248580

please dont muh style the feet like that

>> No.2248631
File: 232 KB, 538x750, wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so i redrew the clouds on this, and tried to lighten it up a bit. is it still too dark or is my monitor just fucked?

>> No.2248636

I think you should change the clouds back to the sort of shapes they were before, it looks like fire to me now. Also did you change the scale of the guy? He should be much smaller, right now the perspective isn't reading correctly, he looks the size of a child rather than actually looking far away. He needed to stay the size he was in your first iteration, it was just the cactus that needed to be bigger.

>> No.2248639
File: 90 KB, 404x800, No.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sketch, I´m going to fully render this

>> No.2248648

His legs and torso are too short.

>> No.2248651

yeah, the torso looked very short to me too. I need to change that

>> No.2248652

Make sure you get the legs too though. Especially if you lengthen the torso, they're going to look even more extremely out of proportion.

>> No.2248653

thanks man, i wasn't sure about the clouds either, they ended up looking too uniform before so i guess i just gotta try again? i don't remember changing the dude's size though, but i'll keep that in mind

>> No.2248655

Oh okay, well if you haven't changed the guy I would recommend making him smaller, because like I said the perspective still isn't conveying what I mentioned about playing with scale, it still looks like there isn't much depth. And you're welcome, keep plugging away.

>> No.2248677 [DELETED] 

I don't understand rendering. Mind, I've only really focused on the face itself so far, the hair and moustache and the base barely got any attention. What I often feel, is that my attempts at rendering things always get out of hand? I'm envious of people who can get all these soft transitions between values, something I never really seem to be able to do unless I spend 300 hours colourpicking and going stroke over stroke with a brush with low flow or something, but then I often lose the shapes of shadows and such and likeness as a result. I feel as if I'm fighting the program, you dig? I'd appreciate any and all comments.

>> No.2248680
File: 507 KB, 1416x1000, study2009151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand rendering. Mind, I've only really focused on the face itself so far, the hair and moustache and the base barely got any attention. What I often feel, is that my attempts at rendering things always get out of hand? I'm envious of people who can get all these soft transitions between values, something I never really seem to be able to do unless I spend 300 hours colourpicking and going stroke over stroke with a brush with low flow or something, but then I often lose the shapes of shadows and such and likeness as a result. I feel as if I'm fighting the program, you dig? I'd appreciate any and all comments.

>> No.2248683
File: 96 KB, 1041x1241, untitled (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a m8 bought me one of those cute little bottles

>> No.2248698

There are 5 fingers, count the top highlights, you can even see a bit of the contour of the middle one.

>> No.2248707

Buzzkill man here to save the day!

>> No.2248732
File: 292 KB, 600x764, dg123ax1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I improved the figure by altering the local value to a darker one, atleast it looks better as a hole when the background and the face aren't as close in value.

>> No.2248734

typical ic fags that cant paint or draw

>> No.2248741

typical ic shitposter (that cant paint or draw)

>> No.2248744

great fucking post, loser.
Dad say he love you recently?

>> No.2248745


We can see your shitpost spree across the front page in several threads, anon, you're trying too hard. You need subtlety. Spend a few weeks here and you'll figure it out.

>> No.2248746

Funny, your pic actually looks better than the original: >>2248493

All that yellow and white burns my eyes

>> No.2248748

If we knew how to paint and draw we wouldn't be looking for critiques on how to get better, idiot.

>> No.2248757

Thumbnail looks great

>> No.2248778

>separate orange and white areas
how do you mean?

>> No.2248808

This guy is an actual piece of shit. Since he just can't seem to get a life I wish the mods would fucking make him get one.

>> No.2248823

what's happening with the feet there bud?

>> No.2248837

>studying from flat images

>> No.2248850
File: 51 KB, 900x600, paintover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was bored and felt like doing a quick paintover so here you go. I'm not too sure it's the mood you wanted but whatever.

I think your main problem is that you're thinking in terms of flat surfaces, and just applying them on a canvas. You need to start thinking in 3d, which means building perspective lines, creating volumes from them, and finally applying shading. If you're confident with greyscale shading and colours, you can apply them directly too.

I know it's a pain in the ass to draw perspective lines and all, but it's necessary until you're good enough. Hell pros still use it, or some substitute like 3d models.

>> No.2248852
File: 465 KB, 1000x1777, portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is close to being finished. I'm not really sure that the color on the left and bottom right (that brown tone) is really working, any thoughts on it?

>> No.2248860

I don't know about the color but the construction leaves much to be desired. Man lately I keep seeing so many people trying to get into painting without having solid drawing ability. It just makes it so much harder.

>> No.2248864

Could you be more specific with what construction isn't working?

>> No.2248867



>> No.2248868

I mean pretty much everything, nothing looks drawn correctly to me. It's almost close to looking stylized in an interesting way, but it just doesn't look purposeful enough it looks uninformed. The planes of the head and face are what I'm mostly referring to, but the body looks off in some ways too, like it looks slightly too small or maybe too short in proportion to the head, and the gesture isn't very defined; I feel like I could maybe guess at a couple ways he's standing but I'm not sure and for my standards that's a problem. The proportions aren't horribly off altogether, just very slightly, but the lack of definition everywhere just bothers me.

>> No.2248875


>> No.2248876
File: 133 KB, 282x589, cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loli passing by

>> No.2248887

God damnit, at least try to hide your down syndrome.

>> No.2248896

nothing personal, but you cant paint or draw.

>> No.2248897

I'd agree with the body, but I feel the head is correctly defined. I'm not particularly interested in a perfect rendering of the head, it reads well both from a thumbnail and on the canvas.

>> No.2248901

Not trying to be like "prove it" but a redline would help.

>> No.2248902

nothing personal but ur opinion is shit

>> No.2248904
File: 80 KB, 472x353, Experiment_25_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't read well to me. It's not about it being perfectly rendered or any kind of perfect, but it looks someone squished his cranium and facial features flat rather than looking like a brow, eye sockets, bridge of a nose and the subtle indentations and hills of a mouth and jawline. It can be simple but still correct and this just doesn't look correct enough to me.

>> No.2248908

I don't know if a redline would be best, I kind of feel I would want to reconstruct everything. Maybe I could try a paintover, although it's weird going over a photo of the picture rather than the picture itself. But if that would help demonstrate what I'm trying to say, moreso than that runescape example, I'm willing to try it.

>> No.2248911

Yeah, I think it's hard to interpret what you're saying without specifics. Like, what in the construction is off, saying it looks flat is one thing, but I'm not seeing that

>> No.2248913
File: 147 KB, 1000x1777, portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like I feel like even this starts to make it work more

>> No.2248915
File: 29 KB, 500x275, b8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2248918

Okay, give me a bit and I'll see what I can do.
Yeah that does start helping the body look better, but I would want to clear up the gesture even more than that.

>> No.2248921
File: 54 KB, 775x492, z833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2248947

I made them look cute.

>> No.2248952
File: 58 KB, 310x617, Screenshot_278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to learn how to draw, and i was looking for that site called drawing academy, people say i can just buy these books and start to practicing instead paying those 250 dollars, someone have one advice what should i do?

>> No.2248957
File: 245 KB, 765x490, bored-cat_Fotor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>40 years old worker

>> No.2248970
File: 187 KB, 568x1000, nah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna quit on this, It just felt stupid to me.

>> No.2248986

good because you cant paint anyways.

>> No.2248987

your still here? lol

>> No.2248988

What is it supposed to be?

>> No.2248990

You made the torso looks very good. Your hands were a bit off though.

>> No.2248992
File: 432 KB, 750x1000, october-12-2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres this. measurements took a while, and im not particularly happy with how the values came out. about two hours of drawing

>> No.2248995
File: 151 KB, 773x960, trap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning ladies

>> No.2249013
File: 263 KB, 1050x1400, sketch meet the melbournes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best response, tbh

Meanwhile, where people actually draw (badly I guess) I'm looking for some critique on a sketch.

>> No.2249014 [DELETED] 
File: 395 KB, 600x775, nicemem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought it was mine for a second

>> No.2249016

nah, yours is way shittier

>> No.2249019

poor girl is a burn victim =(

>> No.2249023
File: 285 KB, 672x1350, IC-AnonPaintover_prev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright here's my attempt at a paintover. I may have gotten carried away, but it took me a long time to kind of refine the shapes and try to match that solid shape rendering style you have going on. I hope this shows what I meant about the structure of the head and defining the gesture more.

>> No.2249024

actually kinda nice and the tones are well balanced

>> No.2249030
File: 285 KB, 672x1350, IC-AnonPaintover_prev2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just another touch up around the face, I thought some stuff still looked off. But the important thing I'm trying to show is alignment of features and using the values to show the hills and valleys of the face. I didn't really shrink the head or face, but I did take off some of the skull, it seemed like that was what was mostly making it look too big for the body to me. So anyway, like I said I hope this helps.

>> No.2249039
File: 341 KB, 974x985, smaller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I drew this picture and was hoping I could get some advice?

>> No.2249045

Stop using this style, it sucks

>> No.2249047

Don't listen to this guy

>> No.2249048
File: 687 KB, 692x1000, october-12-2015-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a work in progress painting

>> No.2249051

youre at a very high level for someone who has no individuality as an artist, its actually interesting

>> No.2249055

i advise you the read the sticky and go to beginner thread to post your drawings, and ask your questions in the question thread. Also, dont pay.

>> No.2249056

Don't listen to this guy

>> No.2249057
File: 163 KB, 473x357, 1440341127026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let the man draw his weebshit without getting pestered, god damn it

>> No.2249067

stop with the black contour lines

>> No.2249085
File: 163 KB, 927x1000, 20151012_140756_20151012141340802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This morning's effort so far.

>> No.2249088

I like your lines and line weight.

Good job

>> No.2249096

are you the guy with the Anthony jones brushes? damn, it SCREAMS jones.

>> No.2249098

First time inking again in a few months, so thanks.

>> No.2249099

whoa, i actually cant decide whether it looks good or bad

>ambiguous quality

>> No.2249117

Good rendering, but the anatomy looks retarded.

>> No.2249118

>tumblr nose

>> No.2249119


>> No.2249129

That's not a tumblr nose... Are you saying it's too big? Go look at anime if you want tiny noses.

>> No.2249134
File: 139 KB, 692x787, umad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2249135

It's a bit better than your previous stuff, proportions look somewhat alright. Her left leg looks weird against the perspective of the chair, though.

>> No.2249141

Hey I appreciate it man! I'll upload the finished painting tonight

>> No.2249148

You're welcome dude, good luck with it.

>> No.2249149

head is still big. your pieces are really obnoxious.

>> No.2249150

Cute, what image did you copy this off of, or heavily reference?

>> No.2249153

The head is too big and torso is too short.

>> No.2249168

her left eye is shifted way too far to the right. lol

>> No.2249192

giant mongoloid head guy is back lol

>> No.2249203

Good, her right eye (left in the image) should be slightly more to the right

Not him but her nose is darker than it should be, that is why it looks tumblerish

>> No.2249204

ignore the trolls, the head is actually too small, try making it wee bit bigger next time and itll be spot on

>> No.2249208
File: 48 KB, 666x606, afternoonsketchin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like you're on the right track the pose is just a lil weird

>> No.2249213
File: 743 KB, 4000x3000, 10-12 study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first full photo study... I've tried before but I usually get frustrated and stop.. It's frustrating for me because I'm fairly good at line drawing, but painting is a whole different thing and I don't really know how to go about it... I just keep squinting and trying to match values...

I'm aware the construction is off, I didn't do a line drawing first, I just wanted to try to copy the image by matching the values... That's a valid way to study right?

>> No.2249215

hi there overburned-yellow-highlights guy!

>> No.2249219

I don't like all that blur to be honest, it brings his face far too forward (like hes stretching his turtley neck). Also I feel like you're lacking a lot of lighter tones.
You take a lot of your techniques from Anthony Jones?

>> No.2249222

Geez, why is there so much hate on people who are somewhat good in these threads?

>> No.2249226

>good in any way
My least favorite meme.

>> No.2249229

Because wasted potential make people mad.

>> No.2249241

I was just thinking this. I don't how many times I've witnessed this pattern and brought it up in other threads only for people to say I was making it up. Seriously, anything above decent is what gets the majority of comments, the majority of those being negative. This place is a vulture farm.

>> No.2249246
File: 248 KB, 1000x808, 20151012_163946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Referenced off this Cardcaptor Sakura pic I had in my stack of reference shit. Didn't like the simple style though so I modified to be more like the lower right image.

>> No.2249247

Well there's that one guy with the rage boner who's been going around posting a lot yesterday/today.
I think it's salty ruan copier, since he's the only person who really posted "draw and paint" or "paint and draw" in posts before his tirade. He's probably amplifying all the hate-posts.

>> No.2249249

I worded that wrong. What I meant to say:
>having good taste
That's better.

>> No.2249252


>> No.2249254
File: 362 KB, 1016x610, Preggy werewolf luigi in labor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things that are extremely bad don't deserve critique because it means the artist didn't even try, but if you make something with a lot of care and effort, and fucks it up with something, then you will get a reaction, its obvious, and the point is talking about the flaws and what bothers you, because that's how you get better, it doesn't mean you are "mad" at it

>> No.2249255

Accurate as fuck. I demand this be added to the sticky

>> No.2249256
File: 89 KB, 775x492, z835f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2249258


You can leave anytime, find a hugbox, but don't complain if you never improve because nobody ever point out any flaws in your work

>> No.2249259

Shitposters gonna shitpost, it's what they do. Fostering negativity and nurturing it's growth into fully matured asspain is their greatest joy and the tears of anons their ambrosia.

>> No.2249262

Someone saying "Nah, you just suck, go back to kindergarten" isn't critique and that's what I get most of the time. There's something between a hugbox and a hatepool. It's obviously not here.

>> No.2249268

I'd agree with you except that the majority of negative comments people try to pass off as critique around here simply aren't. Even if they're pointing out a flaw, it's usually incredibly minor, the sort of thing that any art director or everyday consumer will give absolutely no shits about. This place should be about helping people improve by explaining their mistakes but most here just take it as an opportunity to be aggressive and down-putting or sometimes just plain trolling, and if anyone takes exception their unnecessarily spiteful tone they throw up the "this ain't no hugbox" bs. Just because something isn't sugar-coated doesn't mean it's good for you.

>> No.2249274

I don't know what you are talking about because yesterday I had tons of help and constructive criticism here

>> No.2249278

You might wanna check this out:


They have an extensive library of video tutorials on all important subjects.

It's a good go-to for anyone starting out! Best of luck to you!

>> No.2249288

Good for you.

>> No.2249289

this is equivalent to photobashing, lol

>> No.2249312
File: 25 KB, 500x534, ssd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea the blur is too much im having fun today because i've been doing too much portfolio shit. im using some post fx jones techniques on these, and sometimes I use his blur brush

>> No.2249333

0/10 not kawaii

>> No.2249336

>The head is too big
>the head is actually too small

you fucking people

>> No.2249381

this looks way worse tho

>> No.2249391
File: 1.24 MB, 7197x3075, xof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what do you guys think?

>> No.2249398
File: 32 KB, 210x240, char_13116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your faces all have noses too long. Watch that eye to mouth ratio. This is a common mistake, so don't take it hard.

>> No.2249399
File: 697 KB, 1100x1700, sketch1444520921402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawn on a note 3.

>> No.2249400

This so much. People love nitpicking the shit out of pieces on this board. It's a circle of anonymous people trying to prove that they're better than other anonymous people. The best example is when someone asks for a redline, and the resulting redline has even more flaws than the initial picture.

>> No.2249401

I don't think the lighting in this one makes a bunch of sense, he kind of has this halo glow around him.

>> No.2249402

reads well as a thumbnail, needs some harder edges in it though.

>> No.2249405

I actually had to look that term up, haha. I suppose it may be loosely related, but I'll protest that I drew and inked it myself, and that drawing the image as I did required more creativity and effort than simply following the original image would have.

>> No.2249412
File: 301 KB, 1540x800, Albertosaurus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just messing around a bit...

>> No.2249415

really nice!

>> No.2249416

hey megustaskus. that dinosaurs giving me the sexy eye

>> No.2249417

nice work. any sites with more of your work?

>> No.2249419

heads too big

>> No.2249423
File: 384 KB, 618x878, dress stud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright i think i got what i needed from this study, so forgive my laziness

>> No.2249424


My website is full of super old stuff/password protected images under NDA so isn't worth checking out really. I do sometimes post sketches here though:

Ah thanks, I was wondering that myself but couldn't decide. I haven't painted/drawn a dinosaur in probably a few years or so now, so I am not very comfortable with their proportions (not that I ever was). I probably also am more familiar with t-rex heads which are super heavy duty so maybe that bled into this image a bit.

>> No.2249434
File: 263 KB, 1205x1000, 541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I into likeness???

It's so fucking hard

>> No.2249437
File: 778 KB, 299x360, 1437629350641.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, it's too small.

I have an idea. On your next drawing, pick one point on the model's body: a bellybutton, a nipple, the knee, an eye, the tip of the nose, etc etc

Then make sure everything lines up measurement-wise with that spot that you picked. Boom, perfect proportions every time.

Now, if you can manage to get 3 perfectly measured points, then that is the best case scenario, as you can triangulate any point on the body to those 3 points.

>> No.2249443


Maybe not, T-rex had very big heads.

>> No.2249450

>Now, if you can manage to get 3 perfectly measured points, then that is the best case scenario, as you can triangulate any point on the body to those 3 points.

firstly, the head's not too small or too big. it's proportional. secondly and most importantly, that advice is ridiculous, and tells me you don't know what you are talking about.

I don't need 3 perfectly measured points, I need EVERY point to be a perfectly measured point. Every line I do I base on the lines around it, not these three particular lines that I made perfectly sure of. I need to make perfectly sure of every line.

this is life drawing 101 so I don't know who gave you that advice but they are wrong. You can't apply your drawing from photos technique to life drawing. You just can't.

>> No.2249453

I'm not that anon but you're actually the one who's wrong. Any good life drawing class will teach you to focus on the accuracy of a central area first then build outward from there. If you try to compare and contrast every point as you go along, it's more akin to walking up a sand dune than climbing steps, as everything is continually shifting while you're trying to afix one thing or another. I do think your drawing is proportional and that most of the "critique" given to it thus far has been meaningless, but you are not correct in calling that other anon's advice wrong.

>> No.2249458

Hey, is that a Zorn palette? Neat!

>> No.2249461

he's not saying build outward from a central point. That's what I do. I draw the head, the hands, and the feet and then I draw outwards from there because those are the parts of the body that move the most between poses.

What that guy was suggesting is exactly what you're saying is wrong. Take three measurements and then pretend that things aren't moving and you won't have to readjust things on the fly later on. It's not drawing from a photograph. It's not that easy. Stop being contrarian

>> No.2249466

I read what he said and see no problem with it. Drawing is merely creating an illusion, it doesn't matter if the model shifts later on, the 3 or 4 or however many initial guide points you give yourself are to stabilize your drawing, which doesn't have to be a perfect match of the model, the model is only there to supply information to sell the illusion. So he's not wrong. I'm not saying you're wrong to go your way, though I can forsee problems arising from it. However given your continually aggressive response to all comments you get here, it seems as though you don't actually find anyone's comments on your work helpful, and that you are in fact the contrarian here, and I would suggest you find another art community where you can have a more useful discourse.

>> No.2249507

get the shape of the nose and eyes right

>> No.2249520

Do you use the same opacity and flow throughout your process or do you switch it up?

So you smudge or blend?

Thanks. Good job.

>> No.2249546

>what is subsurface scattering

>> No.2249558

what trap is that

>> No.2249603
File: 200 KB, 1000x1000, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2249611

I really enjoy your style tbh

>> No.2249626

I might suggest changing the rabbit ear color slightly, to make it stand out, but that is personal preference.

For anime, manga art it is pretty good.

>> No.2249714
File: 243 KB, 667x1000, frustratingstudy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2249719
File: 64 KB, 640x480, TheDude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that red really ties the room together
Don't you mean that rug really ties the room together?

>> No.2249760

The right foot is too low, and bending at the wrong place

>> No.2249761

That makes your skin glow, not darker you dummy

>> No.2249798
File: 131 KB, 1137x438, z842d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2249806

youre a fucking moron if you think you actually modify those parameters. your opacity and flow should be 100% then activate Transfer on the brush settings. the amount of pressure you apply on your stylus determines the opacity. you can even do it for flow aswell.

>> No.2249817


rookie detected

>> No.2249822

look at ruan jias videos. his opacity and flow stay at 100%.

noob detected.

>> No.2249825
File: 45 KB, 626x517, sigh_at_plebs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2249830

enjoy your blocky, washed and horribly blended strokes.

>> No.2249833

The real rookie is the one who thinks there's only one method/workflow. You can find countless pros who don't touch the opacity and flow and countless pros who do. There's pros who don't even really use the brush at all. There's more than one way to skin a cat.

>> No.2249835

tell me why do you even have to touch the opacity and flow when transfer is efficient in every way possible?

>> No.2249837

Quite true. Alot of comments here aren't even meant to help others, just to try and put them down. That's the problem with being anonymous, you'll end up with retards who think it's badass to act like assholes.

>> No.2249839

I don't touch flow or opacity ever, I just leave them at 100%. Some people are just used to changing the opacity though. Also if you set the opacity on a brush at say, 40%, you can be sure it always leaves a mark at exactly that opacity no matter what. So you can lift the pen and do a new mark with the exact same strength, or you can cover large areas completely evenly. Whereas if you rely on pressure it can be difficult to have the exact same pressure everywhere. Also you can use the pressure to modify other aspects of the brush instead. So if you want to have the pressure affect size, you can feather your strokes for a thinner end to them but not have it affect the opacity since you set the opacity manually separate from the pressure. I'm sure there are other reasons too why people would want to set the opacity on the brush to something else. Those are just a couple reasons off the top of my head. As I said before, I don't use it like that, but I can see why some people would prefer it. Or maybe they just started using it that way and got used to it. I don't really use any shortcut keys other than the buttons on my tablet and the touch ring, but other people basically sound like they are typing while they paint. One method isn't necessarily better, they are just different and different people work in different ways.

Now stop trying to claim that there is a universally agreed upon "best way".

>> No.2249840

Forgot to mention that flow can be a good way to maintain texture while making a more transparent stroke. With certain texture brushes it's a nice way to glaze/scumble texture in and leave a different look than if you lowered the opacity (either through pressure or settings).

>> No.2249844

using transfer is the best way, moron. look into it

>> No.2249846


Yeah, other day someone called on me saying that I should listen more to critique because I responded "if you say so" for someone who commented something like "the anatomy is shit". lol
Fortunately the person who said I should listen more actually gave a good critique.

You need a good filter to post here, that's the truth. Because sometimes you will get good, insightful critiques, but I agree majority of time is useless nitpicking, specially if the piece is good.

>> No.2249849

The best way? You are a fucking idiot. I bet you also believe smudge tool is a satanic abomination and never to be touched. And clipping masks are cheating.

This is why /Ic/ is fucking shit. Every idiot thinks he's got it all figured out.

>> No.2249870

no... i actually use all the tools i possibly can. Im saying moving the opacity and flow parameters is fucking retarded. its only useful if youre using a mouse, if not use fucking transfer.

>> No.2249877

>anon outlines an articulate, logical explanation of several examples of how someone would use opacity/flow, under several different thoughtful scenarios, in clear, concise, calm language.
>NO! only my way is the right way and anyone who doesn't do it my way is a fucking moron.
This is either a child, or a trolling attempt. All replies to this anon should end here.

>> No.2249882
File: 332 KB, 1050x1329, hrailey-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. you can't take a critique
2. your drawings have the same problems over and over, and because you FAIL to see what's wrong, then they will continue to be bad drawings.
3. >firstly, the head's not too small or too big. it's proportional.
Sure, the head is proportional to the features on the face, but then if you consider that perfect, you would have to adjust the torso, the shoulders would be slightly larger, the arms and hands would be slightly larger, the pelvis and the chair would have to move downwards. The legs are pretty good, but the foot in the foreground is way too big.
4. >I don't need 3 perfectly measured points, I need EVERY point to be a perfectly measured point.
Yeah, and you do that by using the 3 perfect points? I don't get how that's hard to understand, it's literally middle school geometry

Shifting to this reply >>2249461
> pretend that things aren't moving and you won't have to readjust things on the fly later on.
This just proves you're still an amateur, and will continue to be.
> I draw the head, the hands, and the feet and then I draw outwards from there because those are the parts of the body that move the most between poses.
Again, you're doing it wrong. Your first step should be getting a feel for the entire figure. A gesture, a silhouette, a shroud, whatever works for you. I had an older-aged model who was lying on the floor, he kept falling asleep so his feet would be pulled by gravity, he struggled to keep his arm on his chest. But I still made a kickass drawing because I was able to capture the entire figure within the first 5 minutes, not just the head, hands and feet.

> It's not drawing from a photograph. It's not that easy.
Actually it is that easy. It took me a little over a semester of life drawing to understand.

Yes this is a long reply, but since you keep coming back with drawings and you keep rejecting peoples critiques and your shit doesn't get any better, I feel like this block of text should set you straight.

>> No.2249886

Getting this mad because you got BTFO, lmao.

>> No.2249888

The people who know the least are the surest of themselves. Anyone who would ever say "there is only one way" about anything in art or damn near in general is ignorant and should be ignored, the two words go hand-in-hand.
This guy is a total baby, he's not going to listen to you or anyone. He comes in here and dumps his sketches, which are already signed, without any question attached - all that says to me is he wants asspats. The fact he has a hernia over anything that's not a compliment reinforces that belief. He just wants his glass ego stroked, he's not the kind of person who's ever going to listen to anyone because he has no humility. Honestly I think we should all just ignore him because at this point he still posts knowing it'll cause a fight every time so I think he's attention whoring.

>> No.2249903

If it works for him why are you getting upset?

>> No.2249905
File: 191 KB, 1600x1584, 1440299000571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took the bait, it's true
But still, it's ridiculous at this point

>> No.2249928

Yeah, it's gotten way out of hand. The last time I saw something like this happen, the only way people were able to put a stop to it was by seriously dedicating to ignore the guy who was causing it. Took a little while but it worked.

>> No.2249965

ho. the only thing you gotta know. my dick touch the ground when im sittin on the floor. you think im gone fall off? i got advice for you homes. fall asleep. in your car. in the garage. with the engine on.

>> No.2249985
File: 1.54 MB, 1200x893, z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any advice for how to transit from drawing to painting?

>> No.2249987
File: 1.61 MB, 1200x993, z3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2249994
File: 645 B, 269x166, CQq633CUwAAnzj9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/r/ing a good "chocolate" color palette. I'm in the mood to paint up some willy wonka shit.

>> No.2250000

Painting is the same as drawing except you have colour at your disposal and there is a greater emphasis on shapes/tones. The only way to get good at painting is to just do it. Your drawing skills will support your painting, but you still need to learn how to paint.

>> No.2250008
File: 125 KB, 1030x791, christ_at_the_column-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way I'm being taught is to simplify the light of the figure.
Essentially, we get around 20 mins (or less, if you're faster) to get an accurate drawing going. Then we hit the entire figure with a flat black or a near black, essentially creating a silhouette. (You can go back in with white charcoal or a white pencil to establish landmarks if need be)
Once we've solved that, we go back in with flat colors, and fill in simple shapes, keeping edges sharp.
Next, we fill in the shadow shapes with the black we used for the silhouette.
From there we're free to render, soften edges, whatever that is necessary on the light plane, but leave the shadow areas flat black...no reflected/bounce light.

Once you are comfortable working like this, then you can hit the shadow areas...but this is a good, easy way to transition from being a draftsman to a painter. Just think very simple shapes at first, almost graphic design-like, then hit the soft edges to pull the entire piece together.

Squint at this image, and you'll see that All of the shadow areas, dark clothing, even features of the face quickly group together into one giant black form. There is a clear definition between the light plane and the dark plane. Understand that, and you'll be on your way to becoming a painter!

Obviously this isn't the only way, but I found it easy to grasp.

>> No.2250014

alright, thank you

>> No.2250020
File: 33 KB, 534x688, dood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its just wahtever works for you. try them both
but mine its set to pen pressure.
and i smudge/blend depending on the kind of edge i want

>> No.2250026
File: 752 KB, 1746x2334, IMG_20151013_212050_edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey faggots

Life drawing, 1.5 hours, I know the left eye is a little too far left.

>> No.2250028
File: 121 KB, 1198x2048, 12162948_953694308017084_547994779_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I came up with. Not super happy, but there's some interesting moments in it. Oh well, on to the next one

>> No.2250030
File: 604 KB, 1000x667, jungle brute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I redesigned my angry ape from yesterday, should I change anything before I start to render this motherfucker?

>> No.2250034

More like you CUNT paint anyways

>> No.2250035

If you only know how to draw and start to paint, its like playing the piano and then starting the violin, you will know the bare basics but its a whole different set of skills, it will help you very little.

>> No.2250039

Id say check the values before rendering

>> No.2250042
File: 49 KB, 777x445, kron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i added a lot of fx why doesn't it look like kr0npr1nz

>> No.2250047
File: 86 KB, 461x318, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2250054
File: 76 KB, 917x1100, 10_13)15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick value psas

>> No.2250059

because the eyes are fucked

>> No.2250070
File: 79 KB, 875x1050, 10_13_15-colour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

colour pass. Trying out color layers; always just painted colors on top of the drawing.

>> No.2250083

I recently learned that in photoshop you can set a layer to "color" mode and it will overlay color onto your grayscale without changing the values. You may find that useful and easier to use.

>> No.2250085

That's what I was talking about. I set some color layers at 20-40% opacity, and colored on top of the grayscale. for some parts, I did just straight up color, but this was an experiment. Thank you for the heads up, though.

>> No.2250116

Actually, you only perceive it as shit because you're ignorant enough to lump everyone here together. You may find this shocking, but believe it or not 4chan isn't a hivemind.

>> No.2250119

>That's what I was talking about. I set some color layers at 20-40% opacity
No no, color mode is totally different from that. Even lowering the opacity of a color layer set on normal or multiply or overlay or anything like that can and probably will change the values underneath it. If you set the layer mode to Color mode you can paint on it with any color at 100% opacity, flow, or whatever else and it will make it match the gray underneath. I just wanna make sure you understand. I'm drawing a picture myself to experiment with it as well but I tested it briefly on another grayscale drawing and it looked much more cohesive than what you've got going on there, so yeah if you get a chance try it out.

>> No.2250121

i usually set the brush modes to either, multiply, overlay, or color. so you can do the colors all on the same layer without making a ton of new layers with the desired modes. but you're drawing on the layer with the image so be confident lol.

>> No.2250140
File: 2.13 MB, 2362x3425, pg 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A comic i'm illustrating... slowly.

I figured doing a comic would help me improve and do better backgrounds (hardly ever do backgrounds and I really need to).

>> No.2250161

>I figured doing a comic would help me improve and do better backgrounds
They're definitely good at getting you out of your comfort zones, so long as you're not actively working around those weak spots that is.

>> No.2250167

Shoot, it seems like my own words were confusing. I meant those layers are actually set to color mode, I just referred to them as regular layers, sorry. But no, the layers are on color mode; I'm just incredibly shit at it right now. May I see your wip?

Hmm, never actually messed with the brush modes themselves; didn't know you can set brush modes like layer modes.

>> No.2250183

Good luck and have fun

>> No.2250187
File: 36 KB, 1137x438, z843b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2250195

Woah. Frankly, I feel mixed about where you're style's headed. I like iit, it's still your gritty, surreal works, but idk, I feel like the actually-drawn face makes me think of it as just another piece of shitty art ( the "cool anime stare" art fodder overused today).

>> No.2250198
File: 60 KB, 225x653, messythumbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should this go here on the beginner thread? ...anyways, too late!

From my many thumbnails I sticked to this thing, hoping it's good enough. Now, in its very early stages, I have these three almost identical things. Stupidly subtle change, yes, the position of the placeholder pic in the background. But which is the better option? I would also like to know if I can improve the composition in any other way, in fact please tear it apart with criticism if needed.

>> No.2250206

Oh okay yeah I misunderstood you before, sorry. I just left home for the dentist though, I don't have the wip on my phone so I'll have to post it later or something. It's only still in grayscale right now anyway, I'm not done drawing it. I'm glad though, thanks to you I also learned brushes can use color mode, I didn't know that either.

>> No.2250208

Aight man, have fun. Yeah, I've gotta try it out later.

>> No.2250219
File: 295 KB, 900x900, meh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2250234

fucking stop posting.

>> No.2250236

Havin a bad day champ? :)

>> No.2250237

Eyes are not on the same level and not even the same actually, same for the nostril, mouth is fucked up, jaw is ugly and the neck area is a complete mess.

>move over and start another.

>> No.2250240

no, you have been posting this for awhile and have yet to improve. how can you not see your retarded mistakes.

>> No.2250242

>why aren't you just gud already?
I'm with you bro, can't believe it takes these schmucks more than week to reach Sargent tier.

>> No.2250244
File: 82 KB, 657x720, 1438284089500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have been posting this for awhile and have yet to improve
>has actually posted it a grand total of 3 times over like two days

>> No.2250255

Lol wut how salty are you

>> No.2250258

the other 2 are posted today. fucking retard.

>> No.2250269

that's incredibly pedantic, and actually strengthens my argument, dumbass.

>> No.2250270

This post >>2250237 is right, no reason to start another, though, just fix the anatomy problems, the colors are nice

>> No.2250272

Nose's fucked m8, I don't know if your using a reference or what but you're going to have to revisit it.

>> No.2250277

>you have been posting this for awhile
3 posts in one day
fuck off, retard.

>> No.2250285
File: 156 KB, 799x362, explanationofhow4chanworks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you actually this stupid?

>> No.2250294

making no point. its time to stop posting, kid.

>> No.2250295

Anyone? whose dick do I need to suck for a few replies here?

>> No.2250296

look, i'm not wasting any more of my time explaining this to a guy who has the reading comprehension skills of a five year old. you'll figure it out eventually.

>> No.2250304


first one faggot

>> No.2250311

First one completes the composition, last one's good if it were in a storyboard or something, middle one's out as that position would create boring lighting angles.

>> No.2250313

I like the one with the sun at his back myself. As far as composition goes, there's not really much to say about that, the guy dominates the whole thing. If your goal was to drive home his immensity then I'd say you've done it.

>> No.2250315
File: 546 KB, 1000x778, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hardest part is like 90% done

>> No.2250319

Great, thanks a lot anons! Yeah I was going for a hulking physique, I'm really happy that's showing because thumbnailing compositions has always been a struggle for me. Again, thank you m8s. You'll have to imagine the dick suckin though, as I am limited by the technology of my time.

>> No.2250326

I know what you're going for, but the way the shoulder/arm disappear into her hair makes the arm look freakishly short.

Maybe try having just a little bit of shoulder show to make the anatomy more clear? the head might be a bit on the large side too.

Love the ambiance you've got with the colors though. keep it up!

>> No.2250328

best post in the thread tbh

>> No.2250329

>as I am limited by the technology of my time
>still lack the technology to be fellated virtually

What are science nerds even doing? You still owe me though.

>> No.2250332

Thanks anon! I think the head looks too big because the left shoulder/arm isn't colored in or it could just be my middle school anime phase creeping in. You're right about the hair thought ill try to make the anatomy show more

>> No.2250336
File: 283 KB, 1000x625, cloudwoman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2250338

manly jaw/ lips try to pick one if its too late and her look is already canon than use shadows to your advantage

>> No.2250345
File: 287 KB, 1466x1030, 2015-10-14_05-32-45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update from the last thread.

>> No.2250350

Now dem's sum dik suken lips.

>> No.2250357

u photobashin boi?

>> No.2250370

Nop not a single photo used. all hand drawn.

>> No.2250376


really lovely except for the right leg, the proportions are a bit off and the bend is in the wrong place. you got it perfect on the left leg so i don't know what went wrong

>> No.2250379
File: 136 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 14-10-2015 at 03.53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rough uniball and pencil sketch i did of some lame creature

(also my scanner's fucked so this is terrible quality)

>> No.2250381


rly gross monster anon

>> No.2250383



>> No.2250384


fucking BRUTAL lmao

>> No.2250425
File: 253 KB, 732x910, sketch11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get some critique

>> No.2250426

good so far.
The shoulder girlde looks uncomfortably positioned away from the rest of the ribcage, as if the ribcage is in two sections instead of one piece. You could leave it for style though, doesn't matter.

>> No.2250430

Her upper ribcage looks flat as a pancake, and I realize it's supposed to be stylized but it seriously looks like she'd have no room for organs, so I'd rework that I little. The pose also looks a tad off balance to me, like she's about to fall to the left. Again I know, exaggeration, but still, it's not quite hitting the mark for me. I am enjoying the style of it though.

>> No.2250453
File: 239 KB, 1022x903, 1fb5ec4622d63fca6354ab441774a140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crit on astronaut?

>> No.2250456

what is brutal about that?

>> No.2250460

i like the suit design, anatomy is shot tho.

>> No.2250471

He's merely congratulating himself on his "sick burn".

>> No.2250478

I see what you mean, I'll improve the ribcage and I notice that the perspective is totally off. Thank you for the input

>> No.2250480

I will fix the shoulder, thank you for the critique

>> No.2250483
File: 229 KB, 667x1000, frustratingstudy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last update for tonight

>> No.2250536

>Memeing this much

Thats called using reference, twat

>> No.2250543

Thanks for reminding me why I don't go on /ic/ often. I'm out.

>> No.2250546


Are you one of the people he quoted? Cuz he just cruisin' for a ruise, bro. Don't let shitposters get to you, I didn't either.

>> No.2250559
File: 90 KB, 338x600, tumblr_nw5z76DuYY1t2mvmho1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's shit dude, stop, you're just copying values 1:1, it's not worth it go back to fundamentals for a while

>> No.2250579
File: 685 KB, 439x900, therideneverends900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey gang.

>> No.2250628

looks like you are relying a bit too much on textures and clipping masks.
do you have any refrence for the mood, scenery, anatomy etc. because it looks like a muddy mess right now. Put more thought into each aspect you paint instead of trying to be fast. You will get a much better result and you might learn more if you studie the subjects you paint.

>> No.2250630
File: 554 KB, 900x624, studie3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perspective studie 40min

>> No.2250632

Oh, it's you again. Stop crosshatching your damn colors. This isn't graphite, and no you're not Vincent van Gogh. Learn to blend colors.

>> No.2250634

remove the special effects so we can critique you.

>> No.2250642


>> No.2250655

stop crosshatching

>> No.2250663
File: 372 KB, 720x1000, 151014 - sketch 25 min grating trim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2250688
File: 299 KB, 1076x750, eeh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made the dude smaller, not sure if that fixed the perspective issue? i'm not sure how to deal with the clouds though, i personally prefer the right one but the left seems more accurate

>> No.2250742

The clouds are better in the right hand one, imo. The composition just doesn't look like it did at first though. I would say crop it into a much more thin area, let the cactus be cut off, then make the guy even smaller still.

>> No.2250750
File: 194 KB, 1258x885, 2015-10-14_16-04-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont really use clipping mask but I do have some reference images next to me when I paint. Its just that the subject matter changes so much that at some points it gets hazy.

Also update.

>> No.2250772
File: 624 KB, 3000x5000, schvag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2250833
File: 212 KB, 800x450, underwater5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picked this up again

>> No.2250860

ayy the mermaid guy. nice.

>> No.2250872
File: 110 KB, 1137x438, z846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i see what you mean, maybe i made a mistake in drawing that face, or in not drawing it more.

>> No.2250941

fucking love this

>> No.2250942
File: 114 KB, 960x960, 12096119_1219791741370610_7256676736033321227_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never oil painted before
any pointers?

>> No.2250995

It looks like you are at a top of a hill with trees surrounding it instead of water, took me a while to realize its water

>> No.2251027

My advice is to either stick with your abstract-ness of apply your own style to faces/ facial expressions- you kinda had it going there for a bit, but the eye kinda weirded me out, that's all.

But I really want to redraw your stuff, they're awesome

>> No.2251090

"You're just copying values 1:1"

The fuck does that mean

Your drawing looks like poo btw, tumblrina

Nitpicking, there are literally 2 areas one on the chest and on the left hand where it hasn't smoothed out yet.

Why do i bother posting here if all you guys do is nitpick lol

>> No.2251526

bigger strokes.
draw/paint something other than Armour/helmet covered figures, so when you go back to drawing them you will have more understanding of whats under them.

>> No.2252508
File: 368 KB, 869x640, ryt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything really wrong with this? Its supposed to be a snake-horse-zombie thing that is really fast... Color critique especially would be nice

>> No.2253310

I think I recognize your painting.